HomeMy WebLinkAboutMINUTES - July 18, 2006 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BRYAN + COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD JULY 18, 2006 On the 18th day of July 2006, the Bryan + College Station Public Library Advisory Board of the cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas, met in a regular scheduled meeting at the Larry J. Ringer Library, 1818 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, College Station, Texas and the following members were present: 1. ATTENDANCE____________________________________________________________________ MEMBER Present/ # of Meetings # of Meetings % attended Absent held since attended since in last 6 _________________________________________ appointment appointment months__ Mr. Larry Ringer, President P 51 48 100 Jeanne Mitchell, Vice President P 28 26 100 Jennifer Bohac A 10 5 33 James Bradford A 22 11 66 Carroll Johnson A 9 6 66 Katherine Edwards P 7 7 100 Don Scherr A 7 6 66 Mary Fran Troy P 4 43 100 2. Also present were Mrs. Clara Mounce, Community Librarian; Mrs. Laura Mills, Secretary; Joey Dunn, Deputy City Manager, City of Bryan; Olivia Burnside and David Gerling of the City of College Station, Kathleen Dill, Branch Manager; Autumn Mortenson and Kendra Perkins, Youth Librarians at Larry J. Ringer Library. 3. The meeting was called to order at 5:15 p.m. by President Larry Ringer. There was not a quorum present. 4. The minutes of the meeting for May 16, 2006 will be discussed at the September meeting. 5. The monthly stats for May and June were discussed. Significant increase in circulation was noted. 6. In old business, Autumn Mortenson gave a progress report on the Summer Reading Club. A final report from both libraries will be presented at the September meeting. The discussion of the Library policies will resume at the September meeting. 7. In new business, Olivia Burnside showed the Board some possibilities for expanding the Larry J. Ringer Library for additional square footage. Ms. Burnside stated that budget planning has started for Capital Improvement Projects targeted for a 2008 bond election. The expansions plans were discussed. Mr. Ringer stated that the Board will need to make a major decision in the next several months for recommendations: a. support expansion of the current building b. support building another library and give back the current building to the City of College Station for other purposes c. support building another library and operate two libraries 8. In the Librarian’s report, Mrs. Mounce stated that Larry Ringer mailed a letter to the Bryan City Council about the need for additional book funds that had been reduced over the past several years. Mrs. Mounce commented that the Gates money had been received to purchase 26 computers. The Larry Ringer Library will receive 5 new ones, Carnegie will receive 5 and the Bryan Library will use the 16 to replace old public access computers. Some software and games will be installed for use by children. It is possible that the time limit for computer use at the Larry Ringer Library will increase to 2 hours; currently it is only 1 hour. There are suggestion boxes at all three libraries for the public to complete surveys on “How are we doing?” Mrs. Mounce th reported that three librarians will attend a CTLS workshop in Waco on August 4 about “Marketing Your Library.” Mrs. Mounce informed the board that the two servers for the Library’s Dynix system will be replaced due to age and the discontinuance of the service contract. A new self-check unit is being installed at the Bryan Library today. Two new diaper changing stations have been installed in the restrooms at the Bryan Library. th Mrs. Mounce extended an invitation to the Board to attend the Library’s picnic scheduled for August 4 at Tanglewood Park Pavilion. th 9. Agenda items for the next meeting on September 19 at the Bryan Public Library include the further discussion of the Library Handbook, wrap-up of the Summer Reading Club, and discussion of expansion plans for the Larry J. Ringer Library 10. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m. _____________________________________ __________________________________ Larry Ringer, President Clara Mounce, Community Librarian