HomeMy WebLinkAboutProgress Report, 1942-1943 (2) A. & M. C PUPIL',S NAME _ ~ Grade____________ - \ \ i FIRST SIX WEEKS 1\ SECOND SIX , WEEKS I '\ \ ';;;:;;:'7';:; k u-? Teacher's Comment , j /n~~'~ i ;to ~ ~ /.$ d PROGRESS RECORD r.~ ~~. .tt-d ~ .3~. ~ ~L\.-t;:,-: Parent's Comment and Signature pared3"m~e ONSOLIDATED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ~d'( ~ ?}tt-,. " c. . . _J 4<.0.. 'Q' r..~ -foJ1t~,<~ I ~e~~~~ 1942-1943 ~ -fl'u- ~ ~ 7''''1'- - Jl." . . I II THIRD SIX WEEKS FOURTH SIX WEEKS 7n~ /~ : Teacher's Comment Teacher's Comment J -------~ - - ---~--------~---------- --- I tOnn-1---- , , l Promoted Retaintd in_____________ l Parent's Comment and Signature Parent's Comment and Signature ~!- d~ , . ~. ?)tw C co. c1h~ 1 ------------------------------------- -------- - f ./ ' Principal C . ri- J=~ .n II I . FIFTH SIX WEEKS SIXTH SIX WEEKS I ----------------~---~------ ---;r;;che;----- Teacherfg Comment Teacher's Comment m.tv-vU..~ tA/~!*~C- I ecord is being introduced in the hope that the child ~"~~)~' e ttach'er may gain a better understanding of the 1 : evelopment. On this card you will find listed skills, I s necessary for satisfactory living, Grades in sub- f Parent's Comment and Signature Parent's Comment and Signature itted becaus'e these marks represent comparison of , lhv. .J . ~ th another and do not show progress in the. child's r ks on this card re.present the teacher's estimate of :, in school. Any check other than "s'atisfactory pro- . , , - e your immediate. consideration. You are urged to progress with his teacher. ... ATTENDANCE RECORD ..~ '." '.st Six 'Vks. ~nd ~i'C Wks 3rd Six }Vks 4th Six Wks 5th ~jx Wks 6th Six 'Vks ( 17 2 1 J-.<t 2~- 2<6 30 . f'flVR PrC3ent , , , i 1.$ (!J 2 ..t?- 0 ., Davs Absent 0 - ., f) 1- I Times Tardy ,. . , 't " c2 /'- ___n~,._~ This progress R the parent, and th child's educational d attitudes, and habit jects have betn om one child's work wi Bchool life. The chec YOll.t;. child's progrss gr~s" should receiv tlr' you, ,hi1'" '~f 1 <l - , "h S'X W'. ~I 1st Six \YkE ~1l,1 Six Wks 3..d Six 'VkF !t1. "I" Wk~1 'ith Six Wks 1st Six Wk~ ~nd Six Wksl h.d Six Wks 4th Six 'Vk~ ith Six Wks 5th Six 'Vks ., ., ., ~ ., -., , ~ :; > > > ., > > > > ~ If > ,0 0 0 c 0 0 c 0 c 0 0 .. .. .. .. ., .. .. .. .. .. .. III P- bl: c:. ~ c:. bll E' ~o c. ~ bJ) P- bll '? bll .::. III c:. be P- b. e.. >> <= S >. " .5 >> 0:: S ;., c E:- s ~, ~ 11,~ >> 0:: .5 ;.., 0:: " ;., 0:: E ;.. 0:: ~ ;., .5 E >, '0:: .5 .. :; .... .. :; .. :; ~, .. :; .:< '> .... .. :; .. '> .. :; ..., .. > .... .. 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II: '\'.~-'-' ./ HE.\I.TH RABI' I~j ore; V ./ ./ ~,/ ,/ y' II ,/ .; \1' 1. Gets thought f II' 1. Keeps neat a l prlntcd page clean I, I r 2, Child's indivld aV 11 ,/ ,/ ./ 2. Is nhysically ,/ ,/ I V ./ V- I re:tding speed normal , 3, Recognizes wor ~ I I ,; ,/ V v' I'll with meaning I 3. Has g-oc>d ~elf.. I ,/ V t/ V- I !,; control ,/ Ill:, Use of dictjona V ,/ ." v ---- I II' ;Il! 5. I ,/ 11 V . 4. Is usually hap yl/' ." (/ .I Reads good bo( r' V ~-- , SOCIAL HABITf I V ~Ii V ,; / ,/ ,/ ,.,.. 1. Is ilependable ",- y' V ,/ ,~eads well ~Io . ,,~'7. Conversational v' .; I v' ,; ,.,.. I 2. Is desirably . ./ .; I " English independent ,/ ,/ I l/ V : ~> ,/ ~ V IW 8. Written Englls y 3. is considerate f/ / ,/ / I, 9. Functional gra "V i "I ,/ V v' others , V T mar I - ,- / , ! ,/ I i ." 10. \Vrlting in all I ./ .; V V 4. Practices good ,/ ,/ t/ ./ V Ill, paper& citizenship I ,,- 11, ,/ - - , -- SpeIllng- in all ( tI V- I 0/ WORK HABIT~ ,/ I .; II' ./ H~- papers 1. \Vorks well w th / v' jl~I2. FlIndalIlE'ntal p DC- I "r ,/ 1/ ./ , oth el'S t/ '- cesses in al'l th "", I/" / V- ',I - --- 2. Works well aI / II / 1/13. Sol\'ing aritherr tie / ,,/ v' / ne ,I] . probleJYls ~ " ,/ --- :/1'---' .- .- 3. Makes good. u. b ,/ I V ,/ 11114. Actl\p interest In / .,; ,/ V- II ,/ time ",- V .\1_- hht(~I'y and cjv ~s ,j ,/ , Takes good ea J!' ~' 15. Active Interest V y II ,/ 1. /' .", I ./ ./ 1 U geograph~' of property 't:I-. .-- 16. Active interest n 5. Follows diree- .".. ,/ .; V ./ I III science tions II IJIIl7. Participates in ~ V. V V ,/ ./ j activities 6. D0es work ear ,/ I/" / II W'18. fully y y' I Participates in V' V ,/ .; ,/ ", music activltie / II, 7. Finishes work ". .", j ,/ v' ,Ijl - "h9. Participates in II" II' / II -7 \11 unit activities I g, ~hows abillty l y' I _.- J V attack and sol" y. ,/ I 'Jl Is this ;;,...~g pas;;! g? 1l1t.A. --: lLL ""V1 1AJ "& I f...d.1I IIVlv 'A '.A"1 problems (\V~Ha ' ;:"r I" -"r U 0 ( U V t i