HomeMy WebLinkAbout1210 Munson - Abstract of TitleBeing Lot Number SEVENTY TWO (72) of College Hills Woodlands Subdivision in the Richard Carter League in the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and appearing in the name of W. X. Hall. AB ST CT OF TITLE TG FOR X. Hall PREPARED January 28, 1950 BY BRAZOS COUNT ABSTRACT CO Iti PANY, INC., BRYAN, TEXAS NO. 6818 Gr 0 Title Page........0........................................................... 1 Index.......................................................................... 2 Plat ic Field Notes of Richard Carter Survey............9 e e a 0 e is e e013.00 e e 0 Stir V. 0 3 Statti of Coahuila & Texas...Richard Carter.......Grant.......99...245....Deed.. 4 Estate of Richard Carter, Dect d.•,® ..............Appl........E.000380....Prob.. 7 u u u ' ..................v111........E....313....Prob.. 7 " u u u ..................Pf. Will....C....177....Prob.. 11 is H " TI .....".......... .Decree......C.....176....Prob... 11 Willie Aeed.................P. A. E. McOulloch...Marr. Lic...B....123....Marr., 12 Mary Reed et al, vs Burton et al.Decree......F....374....Cmdc.. 13 Mary Reed et al...vs........Evaline Burton et al.Report......F....380....Cmdc.. 14 Abstracterls hote.............................................................. 17 Wilson Aeed, Jr.............Mrs. P. A, E. Reed...Deed........T....312....Deed., 18 Gdn. of Mary & 6tephen Reed, Minors..............Appl........G....2b9 0 ...Prob.. 20 u u if is u eeeeeseeecoeeeeNOtiCeeeeeeeGooeo260e0e0PrObes 20 H of it 11 u ..............Decree......E....31.....Prob.. 21 " H PI 0 U ..............Bond........G....2(50....Prob.. 21 " " u u IT .....0000.000.Decree......E....40.....Prob.. 22 .eeeeeeeeeeee 24 TI Geraldine Kelly......vs.... T. B. C011inS..9,9999sesers. Geraldine Kelly......vs.... Claud Mitehell.msooeseo toe Stephen Reed et al...vs.... ',Stephen T. -b. Collins, Uommr....... Claude Mitchell et ux...... Claude Mitchell............ Frank Vavra et Frank Vavra................ Chas. Gorzycki............. Mrs. Fe C. GOOd09999,49,9999. Mrs. W. T. Goode.........., Frank Vavra................ Gra tee -I-N-D-E-X- 0 000 0 0 0000 00 4 teeeeeeeeeeee .Inv. Apr..G....331.0..Preb.. 23 0eeeeeeeeeeeeeReCeiPteeee.Heee.093eee.Prob.. 24 11 H IT MOGeseeeeee0ooDeereeeeeee*E606848eeeeePrObee 20 ,Mrs. P. A. E. Aeed.. •Miss Mary Reed...... .Mary Mitchell et al. .Mary Mitchell et al. • Claud Mitchell...... .Frank Vavra......... • Frank Vavra......... .H. P. Dansby........ . Chas. Gorzycki...... .Mrs. W. T. Goode.... . Robt. Armstrong..... . E. P. Dansby........ •H. P. Dansby........ .James .Wineentz.:Kapczynski. ,James Cooper........ James Cooper.. 0,99.9999,99 Wincentz Kapczysnki. T. B. Collins et ux........ James COOper.eoesoeow..e. Wincentz Kap czynski........ James Cooper.,.. ....,.,....H. P. Dansby.. • • • James Cooper. 00000a 00 e e • *H. P. DellSbY, H. P. Dansby................Humble Pipe Line Co. H. P. Dansby................J. N. Goodwin, Tr... J. N. Goodwinet al, Tr....•Two Rivers Oil Co... Two Rivers Oil P. Dansby....... H. P. Dansby................Roy Nunn............ R oy Nunn.• 0 60000 00000 000001 Po Dansby• . 6 00000 Death Record of H. P. bansbyi. Dectd............. J. Sidney Smith et als.... ..The Public.......... Kind of Abst. Instrument--Book--Pa e--Record--Page • Comm. Apprit0E. ..............Account.....T....36.....Prob.. 25 • p. A. E. Reed et al..Decree...30,F....480....Cmdc.. 26 •Mrs. P. A. E. Reed...Marr. Lic...E....271....Marr...27 .Report.,,,. ,F, .Marr. 30 .Decree......H.0..16.....Cmdc.. 31 .Decree......H....37.....Cmdc.0.33 *Deed...to...3...0.610.a **Deed, 34 seed...00,..8....612....Deed.. 36 .Aelease.....1.0..362....Rel... 38 .Deed.,,, .53 .Trans.......53 ..Trans...,..53 . P/A.......0 .54 .Release.....9. .Aelease.....9. opeed161116000 a .X.00.69.....Deed.. 50 .Deed.........11.639...,Deed., 52 ...40.....Prob.. 22 ...46.....Prob.. 22 ...480....Cmdc.. 28 0..518....Deed.. 39 •3.561....Deed.. 42 ...560....Deed.. 43 ...167....Deed.. 45 ...208....Rel... 47 •..210....Rel... 49 00.67.....Deed.. 54 .Rel.........3....525....Rel... 56 .Deed..,.....33...610....Deed.. 57 59 0R/Weeev00 .Assn..... .0.4 60 61 00.56...315....Deed.. 64 e a&GL..09ome.85.,0180....Deed.. 68 .Release.....15...240....Rel... 72 O 004.696600000610.86. e ...Death. 73 .Affidavit...100..83.....Deed.. 74 . Affid.......100..82.....Deed.. 7Y ..0.100.0367....Rel... 66 Mrs. Minnie Dansby et a/....J. C. Culpepper.., Victoria Dominik et al......The Public...•...... J. C. Culpepper...........,.Bryan Amusement Co,, J. Sidney Smith et al.......The Public...0.0.....Affid.......100..83.....Deed.. 80 Rudolph Public....0000...Affid.......100..34.....Deed.. 83 Victoria Dominik............The 84 10.Deedse000 ....94...231.09.Deed.. 75 78 r tor Plat00000 Mrs. Minnie Dansby et al.. College Hills College Hills Co.......... College Hills College Hills College Hills Co Mit Dansby...... T. B. Thompson e T. R. Jones, Jr. W. X. Hall.ssoss T. R. Jones, Jr. Tax Certificate, Tax Certificate, tee •••••••00•0 •O• • 911• .College Hills Co. .Aline Brogdon, Tr ,The Publics's. 0.. .The Public.... .The Pub1ic.... oeteeeoeee* Kind of Instrument- 0.0,04'000e ....Deed.. ....D/T... ....Resol. ....Plat & ....Rest., 40 *Dee d• • 87 88 90 94 Dedic.104..3.....Deed.. 95 97 0 .00..107...585...Deed" 101 102 104 106 107 109 111 0040o0,1040•0400000Deed0. Book--Page--Repord--Page B 0000•900•000090000,41•00 O 0000.1010.511000epeed.0 90000010000.5 O 09 loo*Wett.eoe■To B. ThOMPSOnesoosooRel000s00000l8o0o9 t UMpoe0.**To R. Jones, Jr......Deed........136...347...Deed.. et ux.....W. X. Hall...........Deed........137...188...peed.. R. Jones, Jr......M/t.........U.....Z36...M/L... 00. 0 380 Hali. Bros. Lbr. Consolidated School...0. eso3 oemeo33 e903 3lo0 38 3 83es08900003003 City of College Station....... Tax Certificate, County of Brazos00414100oeeoge. Abstracter's Certificate....•,...,•••..•00e0000000000000•000e Asst. ............ ................... 112 8288899888998309.9. 113 114 PLAT AND FIELD NOTES OF RICHARD CARTER SURVEY Brazos County.Texaa County (11 '7 • iy,r) \ E S C • AS If ■ tft e ,z3 ; N, \ ' f 4006 i,, - r rh (1.,, Recorded in Volume 1, page 33, Survey Records, Brazos Texas. I concede in possession to Richard Carter one league of land which land has been surveyed by the Surveyor, Horatio Chriesman previously appointed for the purpose under the fol- lowing situation and lines: Situated upon what is call)d Saline Creek to the East of the River Brazos and above the Lababia Road and is known as the league No. 5 and BEGINNING at the Northern corner of the league No. 4 which is a landmark dis 10 vs from a Red. Oak bearing N 49 W and another bears S 50 W 12 vs from other THENCE on a line N 45 W and at 2020 vs crossed a Creek at 2460 crossed the aforesaid Saline Creek 240 vs crossed the same Creek again 280 vs more set another stake for the Northern corner of this league from which a Hickory bears S 13 W 4 vs and a Red Oak bears S 27 E 5 vs from THENCE S 45 W crossing the aforesaid creek at 40 vs at 1160 more vs crossed another creek at 3300 vs more crossed another creek 500 vs more sot a stake for the Western corner, from THENCE S 45 E 5000 vs to where intersected the Western corner of sad league No. 4 from which a Black Jack bears N 47 .18 vs and a Red Oak bears S 72 E 12 vs, from THENCE N 45 E and following the N W line of the aforesaid league No. 4 5000 vs to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. THIS league has 5000 vs on each side and an area of 25,000,000 of square varas. The aforesaid land belongs to the arable class in 4/25 parts, and to the pasture class in 21/25 parts. -7- - f I I I' i I I I I r. ]\ I ~ I \ r I i ~ 'i I f\, ',........, " "J t., o b\"i State .of C.oahuila and Texas I T.o I Richard Carter I GRANT Dated April 30th, 1831 Filed March 3rd, 1939, Rec.orded in V.olume 99, page 245, Deed Records, Brazes County, Texas. THIRD SEAL: TWO REALS Authorized by the State of Coahuila and Texas fer the Beinnium of 1828 and 29, 30 and 31. WILLIAMS (RUBRIC) Lord fommissioner: I, Rich~~d Carter, a native of the United b~~tes of the North and one of the colonists intr.oduced by Empresario Austin, before you with the greatest of respect declare: That my status is that a married man, that I have entered this country with my family for. 'the purpose of acquiring land t.os~ttle 'fer ever . fer Which end, having the approval of said Empresario, I haye ch.osen a league of land, which is situated on a stream called Saline Creek east of the Brazos River and above the Bahia Road, kh.own .as League No.5, wher'efore t present myself before y.ou in order that y.ou may be pleased t.o admi t me and give me P'08 session of said league of land, wi th the understanding that I premise to settle and cultivate it as the law requires, and to fulfill all the .other obligations .of same. Therefore, I bog you t.o be pleased to de as I ~ave set forth, for therein I shall receive 'grace. ., Town .of Sam Felipe'do Austin, March 30~ l8~1, To the Agent of uitizen Empresario ,Estevan F.. Austihfor him to please report on this petition, adding whether the tract is vacant and.outside the ten ~ leagues; ARCINIEGA (Rubric) T.own of Austin, March 30,' 1831, RICHARD C,ARTER (Signed) L.ord Commissi.oner: 'in view of your f.oreg.oing decree, I must say that what has been declared by the applicant is true, he is one .of the c.olonists introduced by bmpresario Austin, he is married \ and a man of much honor, good habits, and well-kriown industry and 1. consider him bylaw deserving of the grant that he.re- quests~ The tract is entirely vacant and.outside the ten coast leagues' " TOlin of J~ustin, March 31, l83l~ S~\MUEL M. WILLI1JVlS (rubric) In view of the declaration of Citizen Agent Samuel M. Williams in the foregoing report, I admit this Petiti.on according to law, and order that the tract indicated be surveyed; by Sur- vey.or (loft blank), in order t.o issue the corresp.oriding title. Town .of Austin, April 1, 1831, MIGL.. ARCINIEGA (Rubric) I, Citizen J,~~.guel Arciniega", Commissioner appointed by the Supreme G'oveJ:'nJ,nent of this ;:;;tate for the distribution and granting of lands and issuing .o~ titles t.o the new Colonists in the COlo~'lization enterprise of Empresario Citizen Estevan F. Austin, outside the ten littoral leagues of the C.oast: -4- ~ \ t :1 " " -.......... " \ \ \ Whereas, Richard Carter has been received as a colonist in the colonisation enterprise contracted with the Government of the State R Coahuila and Texas, by Emprosario Estevan F. Austin on June 4, 1825, as appeares on page 1389 of this record book, and whereas said Richard Carter Iles established that he is married and the requisites prescribed by the colonization law of the State of March 24, 1825, are found in his person; in accordance with said law and the instructions governing me dated September 4, 1827, and ehe additional article date April 25, 41f the past year of 1830, and in the name of the State, I grant, concede, and pet sale 1- ichard Carter in real and personal possession of a league of land which tract has been surveyed by the surveyor Horacio Chroisma-1 previously appointed for the purpose, with the following situation and boundaries; Situated on the creek called Saline Creek east of the Brazos River and above the Labahia Road, and known as number 5; and from the north corner of number 4, which is a landmark 10 varas distant from a Spanish Oak bearing north 49 west, and another bearing south 50 west 12 varas distant, a line was run north 45 west, and at 2020 varas crossed a little creek, at 2460 at 2460 varas farther crossed said Saline Creek, 240 varas farther crossed the same creek again, 280 varas farther drove another landmark for the north corner of this league, from which a hickory bears south 13° west 4 varas distant, and a Spanish Oak bears south 27° east 5 varas distant; and THENCE SOUTH 45° west ran another line, at 40 varas crossed said creek, 1160 varas farther crossed a little creek, at 3300 varas farther crossed another little creek, 300 varas farther drove another landmark for the west corner; and THENCE South 45° east ran another line 5,000 varas until intersecting the west corner of said league No, 4, from which a black jack beans north 47 west 18 varas distance, an a Spanish Oak bears south 72° east 12 varas distant; and THENCE north 45 east, following the northwest lino of said number 4 5,000 varas to the point of beginning. This league has 5,000 on each side and 25,000,000 varas in plane area. Said tract has four-twenty fifth parts farming land and twenty-one/twerty-fifth parts grazing land, which serves as a qualification for the price that he must pay the State therefor according to Article 22 of said law under the penalties therein established; it being understood to him that within one year he must construct permanent landmarks at each corner of the tract and that he must settle and cultivate according to the require- ments of the law. Therefore, exercising the powers vested in me by same law and instructions to this end, I issue the present instrument and order that testimonio be made thereof and be delivered to the interested party in order that he may possess and enjoy the land-he, his children, heirs, and successors, or whoever may have his or their cause or right. Given in the Town of San Felipe de Austin on the thirtieth day of the month of April, 1831, whereto I sign with witnesses of attendance according to law. Attending Witness: ROBERT TAYLOR JR (rubric) testimonio delivered May 24, 1831 MIGL, ARCINIEGA (rubric) Attending Witness: CC. GIVENS (rubric) .' i: o ! 'L a .' .~...- '" I I' I i I , GENERAL LLND OPFICE Austin, Texas, Fob:C'u;:.,.r....Y fJ, 1939, I certify that the foregoing thr~e pages contains a correct translated copy cf a oEc.-league grant to Richard Carter, existing in the Sp;:mieh Archi"J;es of this office, Vel. 5, pages 1386...1389. '--- Thomas Sutherland, Spa~ish Translator I; Bascom Giles, Commiss~oner of the General Land Office of the State of r:C'exns, do hereby certify tha t Tihomas Surtherla.nd, whose signature is subscribed to the foregoing cert.ificate, is the Spanish.Translator of this office., duly qualified according to law, and that his official acts, as such, are entitled t.o full faith and credit. IN TESTIMONY Y;,IHEREOF, i have hereunto ~et my hand and caused the seal of 'said .office to be affixed, the day and date first ab.ove written. Bascom Giles, C.ommissioner. (SEl\.L) I \ \ i I I i , -6- \ \ I I' I r l I t",_ o '~, <I. o fit I I I I I ! I "I ! I i I I .{ \ "- '\ ;g:.?:..1J;'l~TE_..Pl R l.C'J1AftD Qf.R_TE~J_ DECE~\8EP" Application, Recorded in Volume E, page 380~ Probate Records, Brazos County, Texas. i/ STATE OF TEXAS ~ BRKZOS COUNTY ~ In County Cqurt for Pr.obute Business etc., To May rr:erm, 1863 To the Chief Justice of said County: Y.our petitioner~ William McInt.osh, n resident of said C.ounty, represents that Richard Carter deceased on the 25th day of N.ovember A.D. 1860 at his residence in the af.oresnid County previous to his death made, published and declared his last will and testament, in. which said last Will and Testament" y.our peti- ti.oner ,William McIntosh, is app.ointed sole executor and t:.:'ustee 'of the same; your petitioner therefore prays that the said last Will and Testament, .of Richard Carter be admitted to probate in y.our Court, and that y.our peti ti.oner be app.ointed Execut.or and Trustee .of the said last Will and Te:stament .of the said Richard Carter, deceased, and that the legal notice be given for a hearing of the case at the next May Term of y.our Court.. ' ~~ May 14th, 1863 Wm. McIntosh - - . - - ~ - - - - - Will, Recorded in Volume E, page 313, Pr.obate Records, Brazos County, Texas. " \ "\ ..---.. THE STATE Or TE~\S I COUNTY OF BRAZOS I ~row ALL MEN that I, Richard Carter, of the State and C.ounty af.oresaid, being of s.ound disposing mind and men.ory and beingdesir.ous of so arranging my effects as to prevent misunderstanding and dispute after my death" de hereby make, publish and ordain this my last will and testament. 1st: I desire that all my just debts, if I should be .owing any t.o be paid immediately out of any money I maybe p.ossed of at the time of my death. 2nd: After the payment .of my debts, I give, devise and bequeath t.o my beloved wife, Elizabeth Carte~, during her na- tural life, all of my estate, real, personal and mixed, consist- ing of lands, tenaments and appurtenances thereunt.o belonging, and negroes, steck of all kinds, money, n.otes, acc.ounts and all property of any kind whatever that may belong to my estate at the time of my death, to be held, controlled, used, enj.oyed and possessed by her, the said Elizabeth Carter, during her life; and immediately after her death I desire all my pr.operty above mentioned to be divided among my children and grand-children as f.oll.ows, to-wit: \ \ -7- 3rd: After the death of my a fe, the said Elizabeth Carter I desire that the following negroes be given to my daughter, Evaline Burton and imnecliate7.y placed in her possession, to -wit: my negro man, Nel, and his wife, Maria, and their children, viz; Lyla, Allen, Nelson, Jerre, Kelsey, Edmound, Mary and Lotty, and all other of their posterity that may hereafter be born before this bequest shall take effect, and also my orphan negroes, Malinda, John, Eliza, and Betsey, and all children that may be born to them before this bequest shall take effect. The above mentioned negroes to be valued by appraisers appointed for that purpose. 4th: .After the above mentioned negroes shall have been taken from my estate, and placed in the possession of my said daughter, Evaline Burton, I wish and desire my executor herein- after to be named, to proceed at the earliest practicable time to sell on a credit of twelve months all my lands, all my re- maining negroes all stock of every kind and all property what - ver belonging to ray estate, to the highest bidder, taking notes with ample security either personal or by mortgage or by both, for the purchase money after giving proper notice of the sale as the law requires in such cases; and in making this sale'I desire that the family of negroes, to -wit: Eliza, Phillip, Sallie, Harriet, Sicily, Coz, Amanda and Richmond, and all children that may be born to them before making this sale, shall be sold together to one purchaser so that they man not be separated. 5th: So soon as my executor shall get the proceeds of the sales of my property into money and good responsible cash notes secured as aforesaid, I wish and hereby direct him to divide the same into three equal moities, the one of which moities he shall distribute in equal portions to my grand - children, �• "►illiam J. Carter, Sam H. Carter, Jossee . Carter and Wiley Carter, children of my son, Wiley Carter, Dec'd or to such of them as may be of age when this bequest shall take effect; and in like manner another of said me t,es he shall distribute in equal portions to my grandchildren, Geraldine Kelly, Richard C. Reed, Wiley Reed, William Reed, Betty Reed and Wilson Reed, children of my daughter, Mary in Reed, Dec'd., or to such of them as may be of age at the time this bequest shall take effect, all to receive share and share alike; and the other of said moities he shall deliver to my daughter, Elizabeth Whitmore, now a resident of Salt Lake City, upon the condition that she shall within ten years from the probate of this will become a citizen of Texas or some other state or territory not subject to Mormon government; and in my daughter, the said Elizabeth Whitmore shall not become a permanett citizen of some state or territory not under the Mormon govern- ment within ten years from the probate of this will the mo. ity or portion of my estate herein allotted and bequeathed to her shall laps_ as to her and be divided equally between my daughter, Evaline Burton and the children of my son, Wiley Carter, Deceased, and the children of my daughter, Mary j Reed, deceased, in the same manner as is directed in regard to the direct legacy. 6th: In case the negroes herein bequeathed to my daughter, Evaline Burton, be valued at more than one fourth of my whole es- tate, then I direct my executor to collect from her in money a sufficient sum to equalize the value of her portion with the other three Moities of my estate; then said sum of money shall be added to the three moities; but should said negroes not equal in value one fourth of my whole estate or should Maria and her children be recovered by James McFarland and others in a suit which they have instituted against me for that purpose, then in either case my executor shall make the remaining negroes bequeathed to my said daughter, Evaline Burton, equal in value to one fourth of my estate by adding money to them taken from the ballance of my estate. -8- o ), o \, \ I I 7th: I desire my Executor to pay over to my above named grand children their respective interasts :i.n my estate ,as ttey shall arrive at lawful age, and not befo:c'o; and until they shall so arrive at lawful age he shall koep their ~espective portions together with the portion not delivered to my daughter Elizabeth V~itmore out at interest so that it shall be fully and safely secured by mortgage or ample personal security or both, until it shall all be desposed of in 'accordance with the provisions of this Will; and-r wish said funds to be ariually reinvested as above'directed. "8th: ll.nd finally, I hereby nominate, constitute and appoint my true and trusty friend, William McIntosh, of said State and ~County, my Executor and Trustee, reposing full conficence and 'trust in his 'ability and integrity in the execution .of. this my last will and testament. In Testimony whereof I hereunto set my hand in the presence of these subscribing witnesses, this Nov. 25th, A.C. 1860. Richard Carter ~ !v Signed, published and declared by the said Hichard Carter as his last will and testament in the presence of us, who at the request .of said Richard Carter and in his presence and in the presence of each other, have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses.. J ,'L. Kendall Ge.orge Carter \ I, E.obert Johnson, do solemnly swear that I am well acquainted with th~ hand' wri ting of Ri chard Carter, Dec'd, the maker .of the annexed'instrument of writing or last will and testament, bearing dnte on the 25th Nov. 1860 that the signature of the said Richard Carter to the said instrument of writing is the genuine signa- ture and hand writing of the said testator. Robt. Johnson Sworn to and subscribed before' nle in open Court' on this the 25th day ,of May, 1863, to which I certify under my hand and seal of the Vourt ontheday above written.. " ( SEAL) , G.B."Reed, C.J.B.Co. I~ Harvey Mitchell, do solemnly swear th?-t I am, well nc- 'quainted with the hand writing of Richard, Carter, ,the maker and signer of the hereto annexed instrument of writing or last will and testament, bearing date on the 25th day of Nov. A.D. 1860, that the signature of the said Richard Carter to the said last Will and Testament is the genuine signature and hand writing of the said testator. , H. Mi tchell - \ \ , Sworn t'o and subscribed "befor'e me in .open, Court on thi's the '25th daC of May, 1863, t.o which I certify tinder my hand and ,seal of the ourt on the day abqye written. (SEAL) G. B. Reed, 'C..J.B.Co. -9- I , 'j , o .), o j' ~ We, r:ehomns J. 1r>lootten and James N. Guest,d6 solemnly swertr tha t we are well ncqu'linted ~Ni th the handwri ting of James L.. fCendall, one of tn8 st:bs'3rlbing witnesses to the hereto annexed instrument of wr~ting.or last will and testament of Richard Carter, dec'd., bearing date on the 25th day of Nov.. 1860, that~ the signnture of the said James L, Kendall t.o the said instrument .of writing 1s tho genuine signature and hEmdwri ting of the said witness.. I l I T.J. Wootten oJ o,N. Gu est 1 j I, Sworn to ,and'subseri1.Jed before, me in open Court on ,the 25 day of May, 1853, to 1;vhi ch I certify undel' myhahd and the seal .of the Court on the day a'oove '\Ii11'1 tten 0 (SEAL) GQB~ Reed, C.J.B.Coo 110, Nancy Ann Cnrtor and 11iilinm McInteJsh, do solemnly swear that vre are well acquainted with the handwriting of George C!:l.rter ,one of the subscribing wi tnesses to tho :6.ereto annexed inst,rument of writing or last will a!}d testnmept of R;ichard CartElI;" decld., bearing date on th~ 25 day .of Nbv.1860, that the ~:1;gnatuhe of the said George Carter to the said instrument of , writ.itig is the genuine signature and hnndwriting of the said witness. u, I' N.il.. Carter Vini. McIntosh Swornt.o and subscrib~d befer e me in open C.otir1i .on the 30th day of May 1863, to wh*ch I certify undd~ my hahd and seal of the Court.on the day above written. (SEAL) G.B. Reed, C.J.B.Co, I, I STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 KNOW ALL M~, that I, Ri~hard Carter, of the state and County above written, being fe~ble in body but of s.ound mind and desposing memory' do hereby make, consti tuee ordain and publish this as a codicil or su:2lement to the la,st will and test- ament made by me on the 25 day Of November, A.D. 1860 and witnes- sed by J ..L. Kendall and George Carter andsigne,d bY,:'snid witnes- ses 'in my presence, that is to say: . I wish and desire that'my executor in my aforesaid last will and testament named shall,withhold the negro boy Phillip fr.om the sale vJ'ished and desired in the, fourth article of,my, aforesaid last will and.testament and shall deliver the said ~egro bey, Phillip, to my daughter, EvalineBurton, and have the said negr.o Phillip appraised as required in the third article bf my said ',last will and testament and shall despose .of the valuation .of . the said negro as directed in the sixth article of my daid lnst will and testament. In witness whereof I hereto set my hand in the presence .of the subscribing witnesses on this the 21st day of September, A.D. l862. Richard Carter W~tnesses: Wm. C. Boyles ,William H. Ragsdale I, Vlilliam H. Ragsdale, 'do solemnly swear that I was pre- sent 'and-saw Richard Carter sign the hereto annexed instrument of writing or codicil bearing-bearing date on the 21st dny of September, A.D. 1862, and that ~m. C. Boyles and myself in the ;.. dO< I l . -10- .~ : - \ \ '/ .~ \ ~, ... "\ c' o ( I I _ presence of the said Richard Carter and of each other signed the said In'strument of writing at the request .of the said granter. W..R. Rag~dale. Sworn to and subscribed before -- in open Court on this the 25th day .of May, 1863, to which I certify under my hand and seal .of the Court on the day above written. I, I I I (SEAL) G.B. Re~d, C.J.B..C.o. - - - - - - - - - - , I r 1, I v ------- This day came into .open Court Nancy Ann Carter and Wm. Mclntbsh, and made affidavit in writing proving the signature anq, handwriting of George Cp.rter, dec1d., .one of the subscribing witnesses 'to the said last will and testament of Richard Carter, deceased, which affidavit was annexed t.o the said Will. It is thereupon considered by the Court that the said last will and testament of Richard Carter, dec'd., and the codicil to the arome are fully proved, acc.ordingto law, and it is hereby ordered that the said will and codicil together with the affidavits annexed to the same be r Bearded in the records .of the C.ourt B.';1d that the corresponding le"::;t8rs testamontar'y issue t.o lihl. McIntosh testa- mentary executor upon his giving the bond and taking the .oath prescribed by law. Decree, Recorded in Volume C, page 176, Proba te Records, Brazes County, Texas. This day came on to be examined the petiti.on .of Wm. Me- Int.osh praying that tho last will and testament .of Richard Carter deceased, mite be admitted t.o Probate at this term .of the Court and it appearIng to the satisfaction of the Court that the legal notice of the said application had ben given and no person c.on- testing the same, it is ordered tha~he last Will and Testa- ment of Richard Carter, dec I d.., be adm.i tte d to Pr'.oba to acc.ordiq; to law, and it appearing that the witnesses to the said will are both deceased, whereupon came into .open Court Harvey Mitchell, and made affidavit in writing pr.oving the signature and handwrit- ing 9f the said Richard Carter, dec'd., and als.o came into .open Court T.J. W.ootton and James N. Guest and made affidavit in writing pr.oving the signature and hand writing of Jas. L. Kendall, one of tho subsc~ibing witnesses to the said willand also camo int.o open Court Wm.H. Ragsdale one of the subscribing witnesses to a codicil to the said Will and made affidavit in writing pro~ng the execution of the said c.odicil according to law, which affidavits were annexed to the said will and c.odicil, and no other wi tnessoa. ~eing p~es~nt, the case is continued until Saturday, the 3Qth, lust., It J..~ordored that, the Clerk of the C.ourt issue a subp.onea for Nelson W. Rector, requiring him to appear before this C.ourt on the 30th inst. to give his testimony in this case. - \ \ \ -11- "- 1) \ \ \ ~ " ~ '\ '\ r I ! o o " " , . ~ I. j, I I \ ;' Wilie Reed I 'and I Phebe A. E. McCulloch 0 MARRIAGE LICENSE Dated November 19, 1866, Filed ~ - - - - - - Recorded in Volume B, page 123> Marriage Records, Brazes. 0.0 .', Texas. ' ~ I ) \.--' I : BE ITREIVIEMBERED, That on this 19 da71 of November, 1863, the fol- lowing marriage license was issued, to-wit: TEXAS, TO-WIT: Brazos COUlflY, SS To all ~fu.o Shall See These Presents, Greeting: . Know ye, that cany person legally authorized to celebrate the-rites of matrimony is hereby licensed t.o je>in in marriage as husband and wife, ~ilie Reed and Phebe A. E. McCulloch and for so d.oing, this shall be his sufficient authority. In Testimony whereof, I David'McIntosh, Clerk..of the Brazes County C.ourt, hereunt.o subscribe my name and affix tne seal of said Court, this 19th day of November, 1866. "' (SEAL) David McIntosh, Cl~~ I 1 I I BE IT FURTHER REMEMBEJ1ED, That on this 21st day .of N.ovember, , 1866, the f.ollowing certificate was filed in my .office, to-wit; TillL\S, TO-WIT: Brazos County, This Certifies that I joined in marriage as husband and wife, Wilie Reed and Phebe A.. E. McCulloch .on the 20th day of Novern,~er, 1866. ' ~ \ \ G..W. Castles~ L.D. To which I certify, David McIntosh, Clk. C.C.B~C.o& -12- f o o r , I , I II 1 I I ~ I 1 '"' ..",' Mary Re'ed etals I Vs I Evaline Burton etals t No.. 1\~30 Decree, and app.o~ntment of commissioners, Dated September 8th, 1877, Recorded in Yolume F,\ page 374, Civil Minutes, , , . Di ~t:rict Court, Brazos C.ounty, . Texas" . .. ... - ~...-"--..... I I ! I This day came' on to be heard "the f:ui t of J[ary Reed, etal$ vS,. E,valine.I?urton, etalE:!, for a partition and dist,ribution .of the here::riaftcr, d~scr~~ped property. I.t appearing to the Court that Mary Reqd and Steph3n ReE'd, minor plainstiffs in this suit, appear by and 2,.::0 represented by "\:,heir guardian, ).'/Irs.. P.A.E", Reeq.. It fuX'th:J:': 8p}:H'Jar.ll'ig to the 'CO"lX":: t:l.at' the' c1 taticn t.o th e defendent's J"'" t,'r"'.S ",_,,4.1- 'L-o<"! 'h--'en "'''''"t''>~T''>d a""'(~ r.:'11.-1io:ned a'"' roO... ,.; . . ...LJ. .'1 ..I.~: .P ~;.,\...... j,.'.c~ 0 .'. \,;1 .1... I: -.....J. ' C).. I J..'.u. C I.... ~ .-.. " ...... .,J l!' q~J.red by law, .:..t fu:}t;he!'~ppeaI":,ng t" 'cheJourt that Eval1.ne Burton ,:resides in McL'Olman County, own:} a one-third undlvided interest,; .in the herein:l:fter d~scribed la.nds, money and debts due the Estate of Elizabet:~. Carter, (lecea:~ed; and t:':1at Sam Houston Carter, J.' Frank Cartel' a1:}dWileyCarte:r' , reside in Bell ' C.ounty own a 'o:':1e..thiro. undi vfuded i.nterest in the hereinafter descri bed and th8.t (Let-nlCJ.:'18 KeJ.ly and that VHlson Reeq, Jr., and th8.t Ma?:'y Ree.g. and Stephen Reed, plainstiffs in said suit, reside in B:!:"azos our..ty, o'wn the one-third unc~i v:tded interest of the lands, money ~nd deb~s due said Estate as hGreinafter described, ar..d thatthoy are entitled to a partition and dis- tribution thereof j t::::,erefore it is ordered and decreed by the Court that said application be granted and that, tl. M5,Gcl1ell, Hiram Hanover and W~p. Boyles, EeL", Ward and J.W.. Beyles be and they' are hereby appointed commissioners to make a partition and EiistribuM.on of :3aid Estate, among said parties of about 2300 acres of 1andc.. on tl"i'3 headright of' Richard Carter in Brazos County and 6'76 acres, pnrt of the Headright of Sam Burton in McLonnan County des~:i?ibed in deed from Sam Burton to Richard Carter, recorded in Bo'ok K, page 197, records for Deeds, in , McLennan Co'.m~y, ane, all D1;oney and debts due said Estate, set~ ting apart to each party hereinbefore mentioned his or her interest in said ostate as her$inbefore mentioned having regard to quantity and 7aJ.ueQ ~ I:' . I Ab~tracterrs Note: On the l4t~"l line above,. between 'the words "described" and "and" the followi:ng l~nguage: "lands, money and debts due said estate as hereinaf.ter described" is,in the .original papers in this case but not in the record book. Also on the 16th line above between the words lIownll and "the" the word "respectively", is omitted in the record. BRAZOS 'COUNTY ABSTHACT COMPANY,INC., Bryan, Texas -13- " "'--- '~ \ \ o o ..--. Mary Reed and others l-To. 163..Q. G I I vs. Report of C.ommissioners & Decree' approving sa~e, , Recorded:in Volume F, pa5e 380, Civil Minutes, District ourt. Brazos County, Texas. . # Eva.line Burt.on and others ---....-- Th,is C~use came on to be hea,rd on t~e rep.ort of Commissione:t's of partition El.n~ distribu tion heretofore fi led, and ther e being' . n.o execpt1.ons to said report and it appearing to be fair and, just) it is in all respects confirmed. Said report with the field notes and plat theret.o attached is as foll.ows, viz; 1630 - Mary Reed and .others vs. Evaline Burton and others. v , We: the undersigned commissioners, app.ointed to make partition and distribution of the real and personal estate of Richard . Carter ,and of his wife, Elizabeth ,Carter, make the foll.owing rep.ort. " Including a note on the Estate of Wm. McIntosh and interest t.o date of .our action March 25th, 1877, and which note was at the time converted into cash, we had before us fer dis- tributi.op Four Thousand .one hundred and seven and 68/100 D.ollars, whlch'we'divided, int.o three equal parts, giving to Evaline Burton one third, or $1369 22-2/3/100, ~.o the heirs of Wiley Carter, dec'd., wh.o are Sam Houston Carter, J.. Frank Carter and Wiley S. Carter, the same amount $1369 22-~/3/100 and to the heirs' " .of Mary Ann Reed t.o-wit: Geraldine Kelly and Wils.on Reed, J~, . children of s,aid Mary Ann,' and Mary Reed and Ste:phen E.. Reed, grandchildren of said Mary Ann,' the same amount ljp1369-2/3/l00. ' .And we set apart to Evaline 'Burton the 676 acres.of land in the Sam Bunten R~adright in McLonnan County, the same describ~d in Deed from Sam burton to Richard Carter, recorded in' Bqo~'K" page 197, record of deeds for McLonnan County also 330 acres in Richard Carter Headrigllt as shown in f feld Not es hereto attached.', . We set apart t.othe said heir,s ,of Wiley. Carter ,dec 'd.,' 1131-3/4 acres as shovm by said field n.otes. ", ,Arid' we s~t apart, tq the he~rs of Mary l'l.lln Heed a8ct acres as, ,shown by said Fie;Ld notes. ~~nd for more perfect description the plat 'mad~by the surveyor' is made a ,part of this rep.ort and hereto attached. We regard this partition as giving to the' three sets of heirs each one third of the entire estate in value. '~ f I I ' ~, Respectfully submitted, Rio Mitchell J. W. Boyle E. L. Ward I I i f Field notes of three tracts of land, a part of the League granted to Richard Carter, dec'd. Mrs. Evaline Burton's ,tract 330 acres BEGINNING at the intersection of' the S. E. league lire wi th Carter's Creek which is the East corner of a tract of land now .owned by James Cooper originally conveyed by Richard Carter to Wilson Reed; THENCE running N 45, E 1494 varas with said League line t.o the East corner of the league; THENCE ,N45 W 1177 varas with the N.. E. league line to a , ~ I l, -14- ~ ~ \ " o o I I I 1 Ij stake from which a post oak 20 inches in diameter boars N 45 P.:. :3 varas nnd n Black Ja,ck 10 inches in diameter brs S 25E 3 varns; THENCE'S 45 VI 1806 varas to a pecan marked B 12 in.. in dia. from which another pecan 12 in~ in dia brs N 45 VI 12 vrs; THENCE down said Creek wi tt. tho meande:.."s of the same to the BEGINNING. He,irs ,of ,Wiley Carter, No.. 1 on the Plat, 113J.,~3/4 acres. BEGINNING at the South corner of a tract of land contain- ing 300 acres originally doeded by Richard Carter Decld., to Wm. G,. Rector; , a THm{CE running N 45 E 3463 varas to the west corner of a tract of land containing 18-6/10 acres deeded by the said Carter to'S~ A. Smith; , THENCE N 85-3/4 E 317 varas with her South line to her East corner .on Carter's Creok; \J THENCE up said Creek with the meanders of the same to the intersection of the S..E., line of a tract of land containing 500 acres with said Creek which tract was originally deeded by the said Richard Carter 'to Willie Carter which is also ,the North corner of the said Rect.or's tract; THENCE N 45 E 830'varas with said line to the said Willie' Carter's East corner on the original N..E.. league line; THENCE S 45E 1628 varas with said line to a stake.from which a Post Oak 12 in. in dia brs. S. 25,E 7 varns;,...and a Fest Oak '12 'in. in din brs. S 65 W 10 vrs; ,-",."",. THENCE'S 45 W. 5050 varas too. stake and rock in prairie for corner in theoriginnl S. ~. league line; THENCE N45 W 1208 with said line to the BEGINNING. Heirs of Mary Ann Reed, 880* acres on the plat No. 2 BEGIN ,at the East corner of the foregoing survey (n.o.l)at a stake in the original N.E. League line from which a post Oak 12 in. in dia brs. S. 25,E. 7 vrs. and a post .oak 12 in. ~n dia .',brs.. S" 65 W. 10 vrs; THENCE running S 45 W 5050 varas with the S. E. line of the said Lot NOj 1 to the South corner of the, sar.1e in the S.W.. League line at a stake and rock in prairie; THENCE S 45'E 1200, varas with said line to the west corner ~f a tract of land containing 300 acres,. originally deeded to 'Mary 410nn Reod' by Richard Carter and new owned by James Cooper; THENCE N 45 E 3432 varas with said Cooper's N. W. line t.o his North .or upper corner on Carter's Creek; THENCE up said Creek. with" the meanders of the same t.o Mrs. Burton's 'west corner on said Creek on a pecan marked B 12 in. in dia. fr.om which another pecan 12 in.. in dia. brs. N 45 W 12 vrs; THENCE N 45 E l806'varas with Mrs. Burton's N.W. line to her North 'Jorner on the original N .E. league 'line at a stake -15- "" ~ " "\ -- \ \ \ from which a post oak 20 in. in dia. brs. N 45 E 3 vrs and a black jack 10 in. in dia brs. S. 25 E. 3 vrs THENCE N 45 W 656 varas with said line to the PEGTIffrING. March 22nd, 18 Hiram Hanover, tirveyor xplan-tions The dotted lines show the land divided. In running N 45 E. the league overruns 50 varas that is it moanures 5050 varas the other way 128 there are to be divided 2347 minus 5 acres equa) 2342. To Mrs. Burton 330 acres. To the the hears of 113i-3/4 acres. To the heirs -- 880t. Total 2342 It is therefore ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that all the rights and interest of the parties to this suit be and the same are hereby divested and vested so as to give the parties respectively the absolute title to the property, real and personal set apart to them in said report according to the terms thereof. It is further ordered that the Clerk (La applica- tion therefor shall issue to the parties copies of this decree for record as muniment of title for which they shall pay the clerk, and the parties are adjudged to pay costs of this cause in proportion to their several interests under this decree for which execution may issue. 4- N 5o5 ram/ oe R'05 Wm 6 AZ eCra 4 - .7) C Au fic'm (nia ) '2• 1 - 3/4 f4 Q „50 ( e1; ?V0 tg r- 3 932 Ii Coope -16- V,9 •Y:.4..J tvws euereivi 9,4 S Abstracter's Note: A copy of the foregoing report and decree is also of record in the office of County Clerk of Drazos County, Texas; in Volume S page 79, Deed Records. It is nat repeated here, for the reason that it is an exact copy, pnd is certified to as such by J. C. Gillespie, Clerk of the District Courtin and for Brazos County, Texas. BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INO„, BRYAN, TEXAS Wilson Reed, Jr., 1 to 1 Mrs. P.A.E. Reed 1 DEED Dated December llth, 1879, Filed December 15th 1879, Recorded in Volume T, page 312, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas, THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, Wilson Reed, Jr., of the County of Brazos and State aforesaid, in consideration of the sum of seven hundzed and thirty four dollars to me cash in hand paid by Mrs. Reed, of the County of Brazos and State of Texas, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, have GRANTED, BARGAINED, SOLD, CONVEYED and RELEASED, and by these presents do Grant, Bargain, Sell, Convey and Release unto the said Mrs, P.A.E. Reed, her heirs and assigns, the following described property, to-wit: My entire interest in and to the following described land, to-wit: Lying and being situated in Brazos County, Texas and a part of the headright League of Richard Carter and being part of lot or share No. 2 of the Subdision of said League set apart to heirs of Mary Ann Reed, Dectd. BEGINNING at the E cor. of Survey No. 1 at a stake in the original N.B. line of said league from which a post oak 12 in. in dia. brs. S. 25E. 7 vrs. and a P•O. 12 in. in dia. brs. S. 65 W. 10 vrs; THENCE running S 45 W 5050 varas Idth the S.L. line of the said lot No. 1 to the S car. of the same in the S.W. League line at a stake and rock in prairie; THENCE S 45 E. 1200 varas with said line to the West cor. of a tract of land containing 300 acres originally deeded to Mary Ann Reed by Richard Carter and now owned by James Cooper; THENCE N 45 E 3432 vrs. with said Cooper's N. W. line to his North or upper car. on Carter's Creek; THENCE up said creek with the meanders of the same to Mrs, Burton's west corner on said creek on a pecan marked B 12 in. dia from which another pecan 12 in in dia brs. N. 45 W. 12 vrs. THENCE N 45 E 1806 vrs. with Mrs. Burton's N.W. line to her N. cor, on the original N.E. league line at a stake from which a P.O. 20 in. in dia brs. N 45 E 3 vrs. and a black jack 10 in. in dia. bra. S. 25 E. 3 vrs; THENCE N 45 W 656 varas with said line to the BEGINNING containing 880* my interest in the above described land being an undivided one-third interest which I hereby conveyto the said Mrs. P,A,E. Reed, for further description reference is here made to the minutes of the Dist. Court of Brazos County, book F. pages 380, and 381, together with all and singular the rights, members, improvements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise incident or appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD,all and singular, the premises above mentioned, unto the said Mrs. P.A.E. Reed, her heirs and -18- MIS assigns, forever; and I do heret,v bind myself, heirs, executor and administrators to - larrent arlfl Forever Defend, all and sin- gular, the said premises unto the sa Mrs. P..A.h. F:eed, her heirs and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. Witness my hand, at Bryan, this the 11th day of December, 1879. Wilson Reed, Jr. (Seal) THE MITE OF TLX:,S COUNTY OF DRYLY DEFCRE MT:, Hammett Hardy, County 31. Ln and for the County of Brazos, personally appeared Vfilscn Reed, Jr. known to mo to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above Instmalent of writing, being date the 11th day of Deer A.D. 1879, and acknowledged that he had signed, sealed and delivered the same for the purposes and consideration tharein stated. In Testimony whereof, I hereunto sign my name and affix the impress of my official seal, at my office in Bryan, This 11th day of Deer. A.D. 1879. (SEAL) Hammett Hardy, C.C.C.B.C. -19- . ""-'.' ,..-"-.". ~ .1 L. o o No. 123 GU~DIANSHIP OF Ml\RY hND STEPHEN REED! MIgO~~ ....-.-- , Applica.ti.on, Record in V.olume G, page 259, Pr.obate Records, Brazos County; Texas. THE STATE OF TEJL\S I COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ Guardianship of Mary and Stephen Reed, minors, ,Co'.)n-cy Court, March Term l877. To the Honl. County Court of Said County: . P.A.E. Roed, widow of iT/iley Reed, deceased; sh.ovr.s, that Mary Reed, aged 6 years and Stephen Reed, aged 18 months, are miners residing in the' said County 0 f Brazos, and without any la.wful guardian of their estates and are enti tIed to ,an estate of the estimated value of Fifteen Hundred Dollm's as heirs at law .of their great grandmother, and grel?t grand i father, Elizabe'th and Richard Carter, deceased; that the said P.A~E. Reed, the mother of said minors, reside in said County of Brazes and has the custody of the persons of said minors. Wherefore, she prays that she be appointed guardlan.of the Eatates .of saidminors~ P.l~.E. Reed ..Ja-....-..... Notice, 'Recorded in V.olume G, page 260, Probate Rec.ords, Brazos C.ounty, Texas. The State .of Texas To all persons interested in the welfare 9f Mary and Stephen Reed, miners, P..4.E. Reed has filed 1n C.ounty C.ourt of Brazos County, an application for the Guardianship of the estates ot said miners, which will be heard by said Court c.ommencing .on the 3rd Monday in March; 1877, at the Court House thereof, in the City .of Bryan, at which time nll persons interested in the welfare .of said minors, may appear and contost the sumo if they see pr.oper. Witness Hrummett Hardy, Clerk .of the County Court .of Brazos County. Given under my hand and seal .of said of said Court, at office, in tho C1 ty of Bryan, .on 26th day .of J:.'eby. t 1877. Hammett Hardy, C.C.C.B.C. Texas. -20- ~ - \ \ '~ ~ ~ I '\ ~ '\ " ~ "- \ ~ "\ o o I I , I : Decree granting guardianship, Recorded in Volume E: page 31,' Pr.obate Records, Braz,os CountY3 Texas. In the matter~~f Guardianship of Mary and Stephen Reed, minors ~ U U March 19th, 77 i 1 I The application of P.A~E~ Reed for letters .or guardian- ship of the estates of Mary and Stephen Reed, minors under the age of 14 years, coming on to be heard; and it appearing to the Court tho. tdue notice had been given of the filing of said application and no objections filed thereto; It is thereupon ordered by the Court that letters of Gu~rdianship of the Estates of said minors be granted t.o said P.A.E. Reed upon her taking the oath prescribed by law and executing a Bond in the sum of Three Thousand Dol~ rs vdthin twenty (20) days' from this date.. '1 - ~ - - ~ ~ - ~ - II Bond, Rec.orded in Volume G, page 2 60 Probate Records, Brazos Oounty, Texas. - - ... - - ... The State of Texas I Brazos C.ounty I Know all men'by these presents: r,. I". That we, P.A.E~ Reed, as principal, and - - - - - - as Sureties, are held and-firmly bound unto tho County Judge of Brazos County, and his successors in .office in the sum or Three Thousand Dol)a rs for the payment .of which. well and truly t.o be made unto the said County Judge, we binq ourselves, onr heirs, executors and administrators, j.ointly and severally, firmly by these presents signed with .our hands this the 14th day of Marc4, A.D. 1877, Tho condition of this obligation is such that Vfuereas, the above b.ound P.A.E.. Reed has this day been appointed Guardian by'the County Judge of Brazos County of Mary Reed and Stephen Reed, minors, now if the said P.A.E.. Reed shall well and truly perform all the duties required bf her under sald app.ointment then this obligation shall be nul~ and veil, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Given under our hands on this the 19th day .of March, A..D. 1877. P.A.E. Reed Wilson Reed Geraldine Kelley Examined and approved March 19th, 1877, D.C.. ~armore, Judge C.C.B.C. -21- L" "" "", " \ \ \ I I , \ I 11 , Decree, Recorded in Volume E, page 40, Probate Records, Brazos County, Texas. Est. of Mary and Stephen Reed, minors 0 by 0 March 23rd, 1877 p. A. E. Reed, Guardian 0 The bond of P. A. E. Reed, as guardian of the Estate of Mary and Stephen Reed, minors, having been filed and approved, and she having taken the oath prescribed by law, It is ordered by the Court that letters of Guardianship issue on said Estates to the said P. A. E. Reed. Commissioners appointed, Recorded in Volume E, page 40, Probate Records, Brazos County, Texas. P. A. E. Reed, Guardian Attest by PO 106 Ordered by the Court that D. McIntosh, Harvey Mitchell, James Cooper, John Baird and W. P. Boyle be and they are hereby appointed commissioners to appraise the property belonging to said estate, and to return inventory within 60 days from date. Additional Commissioners appointed, Recorded in Volume E, page 46, Probate Records, Brazos County, Texas. Estates of Mary and Stephen Reed, minors D -22- 4 In vacation, April 19th, 1877 David McIntosh, P. S. Ford and P. E. Dickinson appointed by Court tc Inventory and appraise the property belonging to said mite e: . Hammett Hardy, C. C. C. B. C. r o o , -I I Inven tC)ry {and ApI{rai s em~nt, , Reco,rded inVolUl11;e G, page. 351, ?r.obate f{ec.ords.,Brazos Coun-t;y., Texas. '. . - "- - - - - - Ests of Mary and ~tephen Reed,!,~in9rs 0 'by 0 F. A. E. Reed, Guardian I Real Property Ail imdi vided one-third' interest in about 850 acres, of land sltUa.~~'d in Brazos COU!lty, Texas, and apart .of the League of land originally granted t.o Richard Carter, valued at $560.00 $260.50 Cash $260.50 THE STATE OF TEXAS t BRAZOS COUNTY 0 This day personally appeared David McInt.osh, P.S. Ford ahd P ..E. Dickinson, appraisers appointed to invent.ory · and appraise the properBy belonging to the Estates of Mary and Stephen Reed, minors"who ,being duly sworp, deposes and says that the forego:i,ng inventory and appraisement iSll true and1correct in- vent.ory and appraisement of all the property belonging to said Estate to the best of their knowledge and belief that has come to their knowledge and that the appraised value of each article of property is set opposite thereof which amounts in the aggregate to the sum of $994.65 and that 'said' property is the real and personal property of said Estate. ' "" David McIntosh Pinckney S. Ford P. E. Dickinson Sworntqand subscribed to before me this the 19th day of April, A. D. 1877. Hammett Hardy, C. C. C.B.. C. f , i I Claims due said estates to-wit: Interest in note of, McIntosh Estate $163,65 .of the value of $163.65 \ \ 1/9 interest 'in note on Alex Turner $100.00 of the value 11.00 I do solemnly swear that the above and foregoing is a true lind correct li,st of all the claims due the estates of Mary and Stephen Reed, minors, that has como to my knowliedge and a tr1le inventory of,alJ. the real and personal propert.y belonging to sald 'minors so far as has come to my knowledge. P. A. E. Reed, Guardian Sworn to and subscribed to before me this 19th day of April, A. D. 1877~ ri Hammett Hardy, C. C. c. B~ C,t -25- ! Receipt of Settlement Recorded in Volume H, page 593, Probate Records, Brazos County, Texas, Mary and Stephen Reed, minors 0 by 0 THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 P. A. E. Collins, Gdn. 0 This writing witnesseth, that I, Mary Mitchell, formerly Mary Reed, joined by my husband, Claude Mitchell, have fully settled with my Guardian, Mrs. P. A. E. Collins, and have re- ceived from her all property and effects belonging to me and held by her as guardian of my Estate, and I hereby waive issuance and service of citation and notice of final account filed by my said Guardian and consent that he may be discharged as Guardian of my Estate. Witness our hands this day of April, 1889. Mary Mitchell Claude Mitchell Decree, Recorded in Volume H, page 593, Probate iiecords, Brazos County, Texas. Mary and Stephen Reed, minors 0 by f SS P. A. E. Collins, Guardian 0 19 day of April, 1889 This day came on to be heard the final and annual account of P. A. E. Collins, Guardian of Mary and Stephen Reed, minors, and it appearing that Mary Reed has intermarried with Claude Mitchell and that they have settled with her said Guardian in full and have filed their receipt to that effect with the Clerk of this Court, and have also waived issurance and service of citation, said Guardian is hereby discharged from her trust as to said Mary Reed and said estate is hereby declared to be olosed as to her and the same is continued for citation and further action of this Court as to the minor, Stephen Reed, said Guardian's acs„ount not to be recorded until acted upon as to the said Stephen fleed. o o " , I Decree approving :.nV6!ltory :.ftecorded in Volv.me E, page 48, Prob,ate Re cords, Brazos Oounty.. 'Texas'. I I l!is:tates of Mary and S. Reed, minors 0 by 0 ? A. E.Reed, Guardian 0 ,This day was examined by the Court the inventory and appraisement of the pr)perty belonging to the Estates of sC.id minors and it appearing to the Court that said Inventory wa.s made as required by law and no objections being filed thereto, May the 24th, 1877 ~ It is considered and ordered by the Oourt that the sn~e be and is hereby approved and ordered recorded. - - - - - - - - - - - Final and Annual Ac~oUnt, ftecorded in VolumeI, page 36, Probate Records, Brazos County, Texas.. ~ THE S,TATE, OF TEXAS 0 COUNTYOF'B&\ZOS Q cmm TY CO URT' To April Term, 1889 ) i' To the County Court of said County: P. A. E. Collins, guardian of the Estate of Mary and Stephen Reed, joined by her husband, T. B. Collins, represents that her ward Mary R~ed has intermarried with Claude Mitchell, she therefore submits herewith her final account as guardian and the 'receipt of sai d Mary and Claude Mitchell in full settle- ment of their interest in the Bstate of said Mary Mitchell and Stephen Reed, in hands as guardian of their estate, said estate being equally owned by said ~ary Mitchell and Stephen Reed, said account is also an exhibit of the Estate of said Stephen Reed to this date, said Estate so owned by them consists of 183 acres of land in Brazos County, Texas, 320 acres of land in Falls County, Texas,' (which has been given by said P. A. E. Collins to said Mary Mitqhell and Stephen Reed since her appointment as guardian) and $459..43 in money and good security one half 'of which :is owned by each of said parties . Guardian makes no charge as such for the sUDDort and maintenance .of her wa.rd. The lands as befltlre nen'cioned'" are rented as pastures, said account as hereto attached ,.and r.1ade a part hereof. . P. A. E. Collins T. B. Collins Sworn 'to and subscribed before me this the 15th day of April, 1889.. '\ \ \ \ ( He re ments, not Wrn. G. Taliaferro, N. P. B C.o., Texas. follows an i temi zed account of re'ceipts and disburse- needed in this abstract) -25.. Geraldine Kelly RE3-12a2 DECREE, Dated March 8th, 1881, vs. f Recorded in Volume F, page 48o Civil Minutes District Court, P. A.E. Reed, et al 1 Brazos County, Texas. ' -'--- This cause came on for hearing and the parties ap- peared by their attys. and the Court appointed Wilson Reed, Jr., Guardian ad litem for the minors, Mary and Stephen Reed, their regular guardian, P. A. E. Reed, being inter- ested in the Cause and said Guardian ad litem having answer- ed and it appearing from the answer of all the defts as well as from the petition that the parties are entitled to the partition prayed for, it is ordered and decreed that the land be partitioned so as to give Pltffs, Geraldine Kelly one third, P.A.E. Reed one third, and the minor chil- dren of Wiley Reed, deceased, to-wit: Mary and Stephen Reed one third, taking into account quantity and quality; and Hiram Hanover, James Cooper, William Moore and John Beard, four free holders appointed commissioners to make the parti- tion accordingly, and they shall report their actions to present Term of this Court for further orders. The land to be partitioned is thus described; 880* acres in the Richard Carter League in Brazos County, Texas, BEGINNING at E. corner of Lot No.l in partition of es- tate of Richard Carter and wife, shown by decree in Book F, page 380, of Minutes of this Court, which lot was assigned to the heirs of Wiley Carter, a stake in the original NE line from which a post oak 12 in in dia brs S 25 E 7 vrs and another 12 in. in dia brs S 65 W 10 vrs; THENCE S 45 W 5050 vrs with SE line of said Lot No. 1 to S corner of same in SW League line a stake and rock in prairie; THENCE S 45 E 1200 vrs with said line to W corner of James Cooper's 300 acres; THENCE N 45 E 3432 varas with said Cooper's NW line to his N or for corner on Carter's Creek; THENCE up said Creek with its meanders to Mrs. Burton's W corner a pecan marked B 12 in in dia from which another pecan 12 in in dia brs N 45 W 12 vrs; THENCE N 45 E 1806 vrs with Mrs. Burton's NW line to her N corner on NE League line, a stake from ttio,h a post oak 20 in in dia brs N 45 E 3 vrs, and a black jack 10 in in dia brs S 25 E 3 vrs; THENCE N 45 W 656 vrs with said line to the Beginning. This decre.:7) was made March 5, 1880, and is entered now for then. 'r o o ! I r '" '\ i , I l I and Mrs.. ?.. A. J,!; . He e de o t 6 t o MA:RRIAGE LICENSE, ,Dated December 18, 1880, Filed December -- 1880. Re qorded in Volume E~ pag'3 27:: Marriage Records, Brazos Coun,~y, Texas. ~ ,T. B. Collins -. - ,., ... ... .. l, STATE. OF, TEXAS ,0 BRAZOS COlJNTYO To any Judge of the County or District Court, ordained Minister of the Gospel, or Justice of. the Peace, in and for said County of Brazos...- . GREETING: You are ,hereby authori~ed to solemnize the Rit~s of Matrimon'J between Mr. T. B. Collins and Mrs. 1:._ A9c E. Reed, and make due return to the Clerk of the County Court of said County, within sixty days thereafter, certifying your action under this License. " \ " . I I ~, ~ I WITNESS my hand this 20th day of December, A. D. 18~O. J. C. Mickle, Ordained Minister of 'the Gospel. \ -27- Iv. x7 ?2 Geraldine Kelly Report of Commissioners and De- cree accepting report, Dated vs. 1 March 8th, 1831, Recorded in Vol. F, page 480, Civil Minutes Mrs. P.A.E. Reed, et al Q District Court, Brazos County,Tex, In this cause the marriage of Mrs. P.A.E. Reed is suggested and her husband, T.B. Collins, makes himsel.' a party, and too commissioners of partition heretofore appointed by the Court having filed their report partitioning 880-k acres of land in the Richard Carter League, which appears to be in compliance with the law, and there being no exceptions thereto the same is in all respects confirmed, And it appearing from said re- port that said commissioners divided said land into three equal parts of equal value as nearly as practicable designated as Lots No. 1, No. 2 and No, 3 as shown by platt accompanying said report as follows, to- wit: h : %r..;a . .mss St rid Ci -28- P. L; Cc is r, c 7 f7 And said report showing that Lot No. 1 is bounded as follows: BEGINNING at the S. corner of the tract to be divided which is the west corner of the tract now owned by James Cooper at a stake in the South East league line; THENCE run North 45 E 2632 vrs. with the S.E. line of the tract to be divided to a stake from which a post oak 6 in in dia brs S 5 vrs and another of same dia brs S 67 W 7 vrs; THENCE N 45 W 650 vrs a stake from which a post oak 14 inin dia brs S 86i W 6 vrs and another 12 inin dia brs N 24 W 4 vrs; THENCE S 45 W 2432 vrs a stake in South W league line; THENCE S 45 E 650 vrs with said line to the BEGINNING, and is set apart to Mary and Stephen Reed, children of Wiley Reed, deceased. And it further appearing that Lot No.2, is bounded as follows: BEGINNING at the west corner of Lot No. 1, a stake in S.W. league line; THENCE N 45 E with the NW line of Lot No. 1, 2432 vrs to N corner of same; r o o -- .- -'- -...."--" -, A '" j I ' ".",TllErreki,'Ntt.!SW"556 vrs to stake in N.. W. line of the tract ,toDed1y~dedf'l:'~tn:which a P.O';: 10" in in dia vrsS 37t E 5' vrs and another 3 ,~:J1.,"in.,di~ -V"r.$,"S',20 ~, 5' vrs; THENCES. 45'FW.2432vrswwi th said line to West corner of th.e tract to "be divided in S.E.. league line; THENCE S 45 E 550 ".rrs'to the EEGINNING, and is set part to Mrs. P.A..E. Collins. And ~ 1:;,furtherapp~arin~ that Lot No. 3i8 bounded as follows: BEGINNING at the North or upper c.orn0~ of Cooper's tract o~' Carter's Creek; THENCE S 45 W 1000 vrs with S.E. line of tract to be divided ,",0 E. corner of Lot No.1; THENCE N., 45 W 1200 vrs with N.E. line of Lots Nos. 1 and 2 to N. corner of Lot No.2; TH:€NCE N. 4; E with., the N.W. line of the tract to 'be divided crossing Carter's Creek 'at about 900 vrs in ,all 2618 VrS to N corner of tract to be divided, a stake from which a black jaCk 7 in in dla bItS S 7 E ?t vrs and a P.O. 10 in in dia brs N 4; E 10 vrs; THENCE S 4,'E 650 vrs to Mrs. Burton's N. corne!'; THENCE S 45 W 1806, vrs with Mrs. Burton's line to her W eorner on Carter's Creek a pecan marked B; ; THENCE down Carter I s Creek with its meanders to the BEGIN- NING, and is set apart to Mrs.. Geraldine Kelly. It is therefore prdered and decreed by the Court that the title be divested' and vested in accordance with said report so as to give perfect title to Lot No. 1 to Mary and Stephen Reed, of Lot No.2 to Mrs. P.A.Eo Collins and of Lot No.3 to Mrs. Geraldine Kelly, and that the Clerk of this Court issue on ap- plication certified copy of this decree to the parties as their muniment of title and that the costs be paid by the parties in proportion to their respective interest for which execution may issue. ~ " ...-.-- - \ \ Abstracter's Note: The foregoing report and decree appears of record also in the office of the County Clerk of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume V, pEl.ge 16t;-, Deed Rec.ords, but it 1s not repeated for the reason that; :t.t is an exact copy, certified t.o as such by John W. Robj.n~:)n, Clerkef the District Court, Brazes County, Texas. BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY,INC. Bryan, Texas. ..29- o o Claud Mitchell l MA.RRIAGE LICENSE, D~ted J\1ne 6th ~ 1888, I' ;,F,~[C::Led .June '6th, 1888, Recorded in Bo.ok G, page 8" t HaxTiageRecords, Brazos Co. ~Tex. and Mis s Mary ReGd --,;~ - 'I I I 'I .l l I ! I 1 I 1 I THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNrY OF BRAZOsl To any Ordained Ministe:r of the G.o~pel, Judge of the Dj.strict Court ,Judge of., the County Court, or any Justice of the Peace: You" or either O! you, are hereby authorized to solemnize or join in The Holy Union of Matrimony Claud Mitchell and Miss Mary Reed in accordance with the laws of this State, and that y.ou make due return of this your authority to my office, within sixty days from date hereof, ce~tifYing hew you have executed the same. ' Given under my hand and seal of 'office, this 6 day of June, 1888. J.A. Myers, Clerk of the County Court, Brazos County. RETURN This is to certify that the above License was exe~uted by me, by joining the above named parties in the Holy Union of Matrimony this 6'day of June, 1888. c. H.. Buchanan, H..G. ~ \ ~,39~ \ 11II '.......... "' No, P190 Stephen Reed et al 1 vs. Mary Mitchell, et A 1 1 This day this cause came on to be heard, the plaintiff appeared by his Guardian, Mrs. P. A. E. Collins, joined with her husband, T. B. Collins, and the defendants, Mary Mitchell, joined with her husband, Claude Mitchell, appeared in their own persons, and the matter and things contained in plfs pe- tition being read to the Court and fully understood and defand- antts answer thereto, it was and is accordingly adjudged and decreed by the Court that the allegations contained in pl s petition are true: Firat, that upon a hearing of this cause, the Court de- termined that the real estate sought to be divided is the property of the minor Stephen Reed and the defendant, Mary Mitchell, and that they are joint owners and are equally in- terested in the same. Second. The court determined all questions of law and equity affecting the title to such real estate and adjudges and decrees the same to plff and deft. It is accordingly ordered, adjudged and decreed by the Court that the following described tract and parcel of land be partitioned and divided between plaintiff and defendant and that one-half be set apart to plaintiff Stephen Reed and the other half to be set apart to tiary Mitchell, to-wit: Situated in the County of Brazos, State of Texas, and being a part of the R. Carter League in said County and more particularly described as the tract of land set apart to said plaintiff and defendant, gary Mitchell (nee Reed) in a suit in the District Court of Brazos County, Texas, styled G. Kelly vs. P. A. E. Reed, et al, No. 1729, the same being a suit forpsr- titim, in said suit the herein described tract of land was set aside to said mentioned plff and deft, to-wit: Lot No. 1 in the partition of said suit, BEGINNING at the South corner of the tract to be divided, which is the west corner of a tract owned by Jas. Cooper, at a stake in the S. E. League line; - 31.. DECREE of Partition, Dated March 9, 1391, Recorded in Volume H, page 16, Civil Minutes, District Coul-t, . Brazos County, Texas. THENCE N. 45 E 2632 varas with S. E. line a tract (thus divi, ed) and corner, from which a P. 0. 6 inch in dia bears South 5 Yrs, and another brs S 67 W 7 vrs; THENCE N 45 W 650 varas and corner from which a F. 0. 14 inch in dia brs S 86 W 6 yrs, and another 12 in in dia brs N 2 24 W 4 Yrs; THENCE S 45 W 2432 Yrs and cor in league line; THENCE S 45 E 650 yrs and the BEGINNING, containing 280 acres of land. It is further ordered by the Court that James Cooper, W. J. Moore, and C. L. McCoy, three disinterested and competent persons are appointed as commissioners to make parti- tion of said real estate in accordance with, this decree and the ss, ~~ i o o I [ i~~W, . n:,fuaJ o~ltyof '~W,!'i>jri1im:~y'aC~. ,:.. .. .-,' ....._. '/'____." :. .._:'_'" ,::: ........._;,__ /,:,,":\_:,;_":'-".:~:'__-', :"" _'::,.... ,._ '._ ':"'.!S:'-;' -, '/.;/."3' ";'V(t;~}~~ii;:~i"" "/~'~~~~;.,::8,~:ae~~~?:'!,tn:at'''tne ,',' Clerk" of this Court issue a Wr'i.t1\ Q/,rfi:tf9l:1. dir~c'ted:tp the Sheriff or any Constahle ot this C9ilp.t'YiJco~a.rt<iingsu:ch., Sheriff or Constable to notify e~oilo~th~i', COfumis~lon~ps ofthe:1:rap}ointment as such and sha).: accompanysucp"\Vpitwith a ceptifiedcopy of the decree of thi:':l Court directing the lJaJ:?ttt:i~!t. It is,fur~lier qj~,d(3red that the Commissi~mers made their rei:> ort ' to "thene9Ct 'term, of this C:)urt. --- ..... -- '_: - Order of Sale, Re corded in Volume H, page 17, District Court Minutes, Brazos County, Texas. The report of the Commissi')ners ap~)Qinted to parti t':"on the land in this Cause as prayed for by plff in original P8- tition coning on to be heard, and it aJpearing from said :"e- port (Rei)Ort made by Jame s Cooper and VJ. J. Iibore, two of the Comrnissi )nOr8 appointed to make parti tlan and the same beir.g a majori ty of said commissioners) that, th9 land sought to"1:Je ..pflr-- ti ttcmed cannot be divided in a fair and equitable manner; and ( \~mEREAS, saidCornr.'..issLmers have for the reasons set, re- ported that same cnnnot be fairly and equitable di vided, It is thoref,)re the order, judgment and decr~e of this Court, that said property described as follows: Situated in the County of Brazos, State of Texas, and being a part of the R. Carter League in said County and more particu- larly des cr1 bed as the traot of land set apart to said plain- tiff and defendant, tt~ary Mi tcllell, (nee Reed) In'a suit in the District Court, of Braz6s Caunty, Texas, styled G,. Kelley vs. ~P.. A. E. Reed et 0.1, No. 1729, the same being a suit for partition - (in said suit the herein"described tract of land was set aside to said mentioned plaintiff and defendant) to- wit: Lot No. 1 in the partition of said suit BEGlllNING at the South corner of the tract to "be divided, which is the West corner of a tract bVIDed by James Cooper, at a stake in the S.. E. league line; THENCE N 45 E 2632 vrs wi th the 'S. E.. line of tract (thus divided) and corner, from which a, P.. O. 6 inch in diD. brs" South 5 varas, and another brs S. 67 \iT 7 varas; Tflli1JCE N 45 VI 650 varas, and corner, from which a P.O, 14 inch in dia brs S s6l W 6 vrs. and another 12 inch in dia brs N 24 W 4 VI'S; THENCE S 45 W 2432 vrs and corner in League line; ~Ia~CE S 45 E 650 vrs to the BEGINNING, containing 280 acres:)! land, be and the same is ()rdered sold as under'Execu- tion for sale of real estate, for cash, and that the proceeds arising from said sale be retained in the hands ot the officer making sane to await the further order of this Court. It is the further order of this Court that T. B. Collins be annointed comnissi'mer to make said s ale and that'sald sale be r.1ade as herein nrovided. ... - \ \ .. 32- " '\ \ ~" " " ~,'.. 1 i I I j o o I I i ! J I I Stephen Reed No. ~49l.t ~ DECREE confirming sale Dated September 9th, 1891, ~ Recorded in Volume H,page 37, Civil Hinutes District Court, ~ Brazos Ciunty, Texas. vs. Mary Mitchell, et a1 I 1 The applicatiom.of T. B. Collins, the commissi.oner appoint- ed in the above no. and styled cas~, to make sale .of the herein- after described tract of land coming on to be heard and it ap- pearing to the Court that said sa1e.was had in accordance with the order making the appointment and in the terms of the law, and at the place authorized by law and during the hours pre- scribed by law f0~ such sales, and on the 1st Tuesday in the month of July, 1891, the same being the 7th day of said month; and it further appearing to the Court that the sale was regular- ly made and that at said sale Claud Mitchell became the purchaser he being the highest and best 12ider: for cash his bid 'being for the sum of Eight Dollars per acre, making in the aggregate the sum of Two Thousand and Forty two hundred and forty dollars. . It is ordered by the Court that, the said commissioner T .B. Collins, be and is hereby ordered to pay over to the said Stephen Reed, to his guardian Mrs. F..A.E. Collins, eleven hundred and twenty dollars, and to flIrs. Mary IvIitchell the sum of eleven hun- dred and twenty dollars. It is further ordered by the court that the title to the following described tract of land be di ves- ted out of the said Stephen Reed, pIff and the said Mary Mitchell deft.. and vested in Claud Mitchell, said land described as follows to-wit: } U I I Situated in the County of Brazos, State of Texas, the same being lot one in the partition of a certain tract of land in suit of G. Kelley VSo P.A.Eo Reed, No. 1229, in the District Court of Brazos County, said land being a part of the Ro Carter League and BEGINNING at the South corner of the said tract, which is the west corner of a tract owned by Jas. Cooper at a stake in, the S~E. Lea_ line; THENCE N 45 E2432 vrs with S.E. line of said tract and corner from which a P.O. 6 inches in diameter bars S 5 vrs and another brs S 6? W 7 VS; , - THENCE N 45 w 650 vs and corner from which a P.O.. 14 inches in diameter brs S.87 and one half W 6 vs, another 12 inches in diameter brs N 24 W 4 vrs; THENCE S 45 W 2432 vs and c.orner in Lea_ line; THENCE S 45 E 650 vs to PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing 2Bo acres of land. It is further ordered by the Court that this decree and the papers in this Cause be and are a part of the muniments of the said Claud Mitchellls title to said described tract of land. It is further ordered by the Court that T. B. Collins Comls execute to the said Claud Mitchell a deed con- veying to htm the title to said land divesting title out of 'plff and deft and ve sting it in the said Nitchell. It is further ordered by the Co.urt that each plff and deft pay one half of the costs in this behalf expended. It is further ordered that the said Comls be and he is hereby discharged. -33- ~ \ \ II " '--, " I ,.' '.~ ' o o "'''''''.,. T. B. "'coffins, comrni. to Claud Mitchell ,~ COMl'1ISSIONER I S DEED, Dated 8ert~mber 9th~ 1891, 'J Filed October 5th, lC59l, Recorded in Volume 8~page 610, I peed Records, Brazos HCountY)T~xaso -- .'--" STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS " ',I 1 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, T. B. Collins, of the Statf:) of Texas, County of Bra- zos, having been appointed Conimissioner in the sale of certain hereinafter described land in a certain partition suit pending in the District Court of Brazos County, Texas, and N 2494, and styled Stephen Reed by his guardian P.A.E.. Collins, vs. Mary Mitcnell, joined with her husband, dlaud Mitchell, said appoint- ment dating on the 9th,day of Nov. 1891, and recorded in Minute Book H, page 17 of the Minutes of the District Court of' Brazos County, Texas; and viHEREAS, .on the 7th day .of July, 1891, the same being the 1st Tuesday in said month, after adverti sing said hereinafter described land for 20 days before said day of sale, I did on said day sell to Claude Mitchell, he being the highest and best bidder for same, at public vendue before the Court House door of Brazos County'"for the sum of Two Thousand and two hundred and forty dol- lars cash in hand the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and paid me by Claude Hitche11, 1).e following described tract of land, to-wit: ' Situated in the County of' Brazos, State of Texas, the same being lot one in the partition of a certain tract of landt in, suit of G. Kelly vs. P.A.E. Redd, No. 1229, in the District Court of Brazo s County, Texas, said land being a part of the R1chardCarter Lccgue, and BEGINNING at the S.. corner .of the said tract which is the West corner of a tract owned by Jas. Cooper at a stake in the SouthEast league line; THENCE N 45' E 2432 vs with S.E. line of said tract and cor- ner from which a P.O. 6 inches in diameter brs South 5' vs and another brs S 67 w 7 vrs; THENCE N 45' W 650 vs and corner, from which a P..O. 14 inches in diameter brs S 87t W 6 vs, another 12 inches in diameter bra N 29 W 4 vrs; 1 THENCE S 45 W 2432 vsand corner in league line; THENCE S 45 E 650 vs to PlACE OF BEGINNING, c.ontaining 280 acres of land. Now, therefore, I, T. B. Collins, Commissioner as herein \ set forth, do hereby C.onvey, Bargain and SaIl to the said Claude Mitchell, for and in,c.onsiderati.on .of, the sum .of Twenty Two Hundred and Forty dOllars, all the right, title and interest which the said Stephen Reed and Mary Mitchell had in and to'the fore- going ~escribed tract of land. i t -34- \ ~~ " , -- \ \ 11:I o o , iii I, I I i I I I i "\ Given un.dermyhahd this tl:."', ~S-da:y of SeptembGr~ ,A.~D'I' 1891. . i " ,r,rl.B. Collins, Gommr. STATE OFTE:;L\.S I COUNTY OF BR~ZOS I BEFORE'the undersigned, a Notary , Public in and far Brazos County, Texas, an thi s day came and appeared T. B. Co11j.ns, known to me to be the person who s5.gned the foregoing instrument, and aC:~llow- ledged to me that he had executed the same for the purposes and , .' consideration therein stated and in the" authority and capacity of COD:l.missioner. ~ Witness my hand and seal of office, this the 9th day of September, 1891. Sam R. Henderson, Notary Public Brazos County ,Texas. (SEAL) , I i I "\ I II i I I - \ \ , -35- , I' o o .' I I I I o I o , Claude Mltchell et.tix DEEp Dated October 5th, 1891, Filea October, 5th, 1891, Recorded in Volume 8, page 612, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas. ii I i I I " to Frank Vavra I I' THE STATE OF TEXl\.S 0 COUNTY OF B&\ZOS, 0 KNOW .i~IJL MEN BY THESE PRESEnTS: t That I, Claude Mitchell, joined by my wife, Mary Mitchell, of the County of Brazos, in the State aforesaid, for a.nd ill consideration of the sum of twenty two 'hundreri and f:)l'ty 1)0},lars to me paid' and secured to be paid by Frank Vavra! as r'cll jW[; ~ Fi ve hundred dollars in cash and Seventeen hundr'od [md Forty Dollars,' to be paid in. '8 equal payments of two hund.red and seventeen dollars and 50/100 as is evidenced by 8 notes this day executed to 'sai d C, aude Mitchell by said Frank" Vavra, said notes due annually on the 5th day of December of each succeeding year, beginning on the 5th day of December, 1892 and ending on the 5~h day of 'December, 1899, said n:)tes bearing interest ~t the rate' of 8 per cent L)er annum 'from this d,ate, said interest payable annually on said 5th day of December of each year, beginning on the 5th day of December, 1892; have G&\NTED, SOLD and CONVh~D, and by these presents do Grant, 'Sell, and Convey unto the said Frank Vavra, ()f the County of Brazos and State of Texas, all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in Brazos County, Texas, and being a part of the R. Carter League' and being the interest of Mary Mitchell (nee Reet and ~tephen Reed, the same being set apart to said parties in suit No. 1~29, styled G. Kelly vs. P. A. E. Reed, the same being Lot'No. 1 set ,apart in said suit to said Mary and Stephen Reed in 'sB:id suit, and BEGINNING at the South corner of said tract, the same being the.West corner ofa tract owned by Jas. Cooper, at a stake in S. E. league line; . TH:EN CE N 45 E 2432 varas with S. E. line of sai d tract and co~er, from which a p. 0.. 6 inches in dia brs South 5 vrs and another brs S 67 W,7 vrs; THENCE N 45 W 650 vrs and corner, from which a P.O. 14 inches in diameter brs S 87~ VI 6 vrs, another 12 inches in dia brs N 24 W 4 vrsj THENCE S 45 W2432 vrs and cJrnerin league l~ne; THENCE S45 E 650 vrsand the PLACE OF BEGINNING, con- taining tWJ hundred and eigJ:).ty acres r)f land. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all a~d singular the rights and appurtenancestherety in anywise belonging unt,o the said Frank Vavra, his heirs ana. assigns forever. And weda hereby bind ourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators tD,Warrant and Forever Defend, all and singular, the said premises 'untD the said Frank Vavra, hishei rs and ass igns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to cla.im yhe' same or any )art thereof. -36-' i ,. !I:I " " "\ ~ " \ \ o o "', ", ,~1.tt;..};> ;t.'~ ~xpress:Ly,agreed a.nd stipulated tha.t the vendor' E lien is\,r~~@-~n~~t,iga~nst the ab')ve de:=:cri.bed property,' premises and imnr8veraents until the ab:)ve descr.ibed notes and all inter- est thereon are fully pa~daccorcting tv their face and ten?r, effect, and r~ading, wnenthisdee.ci shallbeconle abso'tute. , ' ::, i89:L. Witness our hands, at Br"yap., this 5th day of October, A.. D. C,audeMitchell Mary 'Mitchell THE STATE OF TEXAS I COmny OF Bfu\ZOS I BEFORE ME, Sam R. Henderszm, a Notary, Public in and f'Gr Brazo~ County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Clmldo Mitchell knov.'l1 to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the for~going instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the sa.me for the purposes and consideration therein expressed& Given under my hand and seal of office this 5th day of October, A. D. 1891..' I, Sam R. Henderson, Notary Public, BraID s County, Texas. (SEAL) THE STATE OF.TEX1~S ~ COUNTY OF BRAZOS I BEFORE ME, SamR. Henderson, a Notary Public in and for Brazos County, Texas, on this day personally a)pearedMrs. Mary Mi tchell w~fe of Claude Mi tchell, lfnown to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregOing 'instrument, and having been examined byne pri v:tly and apart from her husband, and having the same fully explained to her she the said Mrs. Ma.ry Mitchell acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed and declared that she had Willingly signed the same for the purposes and con.. siderationtherein expressed and that she did not wish to retract it. Given,~nder my hand and seal of office this 5th day of October, A. D. 1891.. (SEAL) Sam R. Henderson Notary ?ubli c, Brazes CO.J Texas -37- \. "--. \ \ o o ~ ' Glaude Mitchell ~ o '~ o o HELEASE, Dated. Al,gust 29th, 1899, :B'"~led September 8th,' 1899, Eecordedin Volume 1, page 362, Release Records, Brazos County, Texas. to Frank Vavra i I ! THE STATE OF TEXAS '0 COUNTY OF BRAZO S t I I I I I I WHEREAS, by Deed' dated October 5th, 1891, recorG.ed ir. C.ounty Cle;l,'-k's .office of Brazos County, Texas, in Bo.ok 8, puges 612, 613, and 614, Claude Mitchell and, Mary Mitchell convoyed to Frank Vavra 280 acres of' land fully described in said deed, to which ,reference is hei'eby made, retaining therein a vend.or' s lien securing payment .of Seventeen Hundred and f.orty d.ol1ars, for which a:!d Frank Vavra ex,ecuted his promissory' notes as foll.ows: ' Eight n.otes for the Burn.of $217.50 each, due and payable, Dec. 5th, "1892, Dec. 5th, 1893, Dec. 5th, 1894, Dec. 5th, 1895, Dec. 5th, l896,'Dec.. 5th, 1897; Dec. 5th, 1898 and Dec. 5th, 1899, respective- ly, ,said notes of date Oct. 5th, 1891, and with interest at 8 per cent per annum, said note payable at Bryan, Texas; and WHEREAS, said Frank Vavra has paid the said notes 1n ,full satisfaction of said incumbrance; new THEREFORE, I Claud Mitchell de hereby release the ab.ove described p'roperty fr.om the vender's lien af.oresaid. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my name at H.ouston Texas, this 29th day of August, 1899. Claude Mitchell I, I r · t ~ r THE STATE OF TEXAS Q COUNTY OF HARRIS ~ BEFORE ME, J~ M. McC.ord, a Notary Public in and tor Harris C.ounty, Texas, on this day pe~sona11y appearedClaud~ Mitchell, known to nte t.o be the person wh.ose name is subsoribed t.o the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same fOI' the purp.oses and considerati.on the~ein expressed. Gi ven under my ha.nd and seal of' .office this 29th day of Augt.. 1899. (SEAL) lQ~ IRS attached and cancelled J~ M. McC.ord, N.otary Publio, Harris Co., Texas ,,"38- " \ ~ ... \ "\ -- \ \ ! Ii ! J , l i' l. I, L- ,.>,...'...--..-.. o o Frank Vavra et ux I . to 0 H. P. Dal').sby l' DEE D Dated September 27th, J920. Filed September28J 1920 Recorded in Volume 53, page 518, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas.. - - ....... THE STATE 0 F TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE ilRESENTS: , That I, Frank Vavra, joined by my wife, Mary Vavra, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, tor and in consideration of the sum of Nine Thousand and Eight Hundred and no/lOO Dollars, to us paid and secured t.o ',be paid by H. ,P. Dansby as follows, t.o-vd, t: the sum of Four Thousand and TWo Hundred Dollars ($4200.00) cash in hancl paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the balance te) be paid as evidenced by Four (4) certain vendor l:ten notes, of even date herewith, an~ executed by said H. P. Dansby payable to Frank Vavra or Ol?der, at Bryan, ,Brazos County, :rex2_, on or befOl?e September 27th, 1921, 1922, 1923, and 1924 respecti'vel: said f,)ur notes being for the sum of Fourteen Hundred Dollars ($1400000) e'ach and -bearing interest from date until paid at rate of seven per cent (?%)?er annun, the interest payable annually as it accrues, and all past due interest bearing interest, from the maturity thereof until paid at rate of seven per cent (7%)' per annum, and each of said notes providing that failure to pay same, or any installment ,)f interest thereon, when due shall,at the election of the holder of them or any of them, mature all .of said notes, and each of said notes further ,roviding that if it be not paid at maturity and be placed in the hands .of an attorney for collection, or be bollected,by suit or through the pr.obate Court, the maker thereof agrees to pay ten l1er cent additional on the principal and interest then owing thereon, as attorney's fees, have ' GRANTED', SOLD nnd CONVEYED, and ,by these presents de Grant, Sell and Convey, unto the said H. P.. Dansby .of the County of Brazos, State' of Texas, all tha~ certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the R. Carter League in Brazos County, Texas, and being the interest' of Mar.y Mi tchell (nee Reed) and ' Stephen Heed set a~')art to them. in suit No., 1729 on the Civil Docket of the District Court of Brazos County, Texas, styled G. Kelly vs. P. A.. E.' Reed,et als,'~ the ~aIne being Lot No.1 set apart in said suit to said Mary and Stephen Re~d, and further described as foll.ows~ to-wit: ' BEGINNING'at the South corner of said tract, the same being th~ West corner of a tract ovmed by James Cooper at a stake in S. E.. Ie ague line;, ,':;:;THEUCErun ~. '45 E'2432 varas, with S. E. line of said tract and corner from which a p. O. 6- ins. in dia.brs South 5 varas, and another, bears, S.. 6,7 W. 7 varas ; )THEN CE N 45 Vi 650 varas and a corner from whi ch a ? o. 14 in's. 'in cia. brs S. 8?! VI 6 varas, another 12 ins. ::tn d ia. brs N. 24 W 4 varas; TH~1iCE S. 45 W. 2432 varas and corner in league line; -39- . '~_'C" f ~ I " \. ~ " "\ \ \ ~. o ,0 THENCE S 45 E 650 varas to the PLACE OF BEGUlNING, con- taining Twq.Hundred an~Eighty (280) acres of land,' mare or le..ss, an9-,'being tbesrune land conveyed to me, Frank Vavra, by C, aude ' Mitchell and wife, ary Mitchel;!..} by Deed dated October 5th, 1891; and rec;)rded in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume !2, pages 612, ,t:> 614 to which Deed .and its said re- cord, and the d~eds and records therein mentioned, reference is here made for ,furtller description of said land hereby conveyed. It is further understood and agreed that the gra~tors hereinsha11 pay all T~xe$ for the year 1920, on said land hereby c.onveyed" and shall haye the I' onts and profits af a.nclfrotl same for and during said year 1920, and that they shall give possess- ion .of said land to ~he grantee herein by or before December 1st, 1920. TO HAVE ~UID TO HOLD the above described premises, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto To have and To Hold the above described premises, tar.;ethe:- ,J~"b,th all and singular the ri ts and a')' urtenances the~ in nn:;'wi3e elonging unto the said ..i:. ansby, his heirs and assigrls fO:i....- ever, and we do hereby bind ourselves,our heirs, executors and administrators; to Warrant and Forever Defend, all and sineular the sald premises unto the said H. F.. Dansby, his heirs and aSfli gns, agains t every person whJmsoever lawfully c1. aiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. ,'., , $ut it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Ven- dor's Lien is retained against the above described property, , premises and improvements, until the above described notes, and all interest thereon arefu11y paid !lcc:)rding to thei':r''':f'~,partd tenor, effect and reading, when this deed shall beoome absolute. . Wi tness our hands at Bryan, Texas, ,this 27th day of Sep- tember, A. D. 1920. $10.00 Revenue Stamp Affixed and duly cancelled THE STATE OF TE~~S 0 COm~TY OF BRAZOS Q Frank Vavra Mary Vavra BEFORE ME, Robert Armstrong, a Notary Public in' and for Brazos County, Texas, on th+s day personally appeared Frank Vavra, known tome to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged tome that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal or office, this 28th day of September, A. D. 1920. (SEAL) THE STATE OF TEXAS , COUNTY OF BRAZOS t Rebert Armstrong, No~ary Public in and For Brazos County, Texas. BEFORE ME, Robert Arms~rong, a Notary Public in and fori Brazos County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Mrs. Mary Vavra, wife of Frank 'Vavra, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and haVing been examined by me, privily and apart from her husband, and having the same fully eX,Jlained to her, she, the said Mrs. Mary Vavra, acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed, and declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and con- -40- " '\. ) I , , 1 '-- " \ -...., o o .) '\ _i.1~?;. sidera,tioris ttlereln expr ess~d, and t hat she did not wish to re- tract i~. ~ Given under my hand and seal of office, this 28th day of Septemper, A. D. 1920~ "CSEAL) Robert ArmstrQng, Notary Publie in and for Brazos County, Texas. '--....., Ij I " ;j I. I \ \ \ I \ -41- o o Frank Vavra I o o o o , to THANSFER, Dated $egtember 30th, 1920, Filed October 15th, 1920 Recorded in Volume 53, page 661, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas. Chas. 9'orzycki - - - - ~ -- THE srrATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF BHAZOS ~ KNOW i.LLMb'N BY TH}]SE ?HESENTS: , I , That I, .Prank Vavra, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for and in consiJeration of Fourteen Hundred and nO/lOa to me in hand ~)aid by Chas. Gorzycki of Brazos County, Texas, the recei:)t of which is hereby acknowledged, has this day Sold, . Conveyed and Assigned, and by these presents do Sell, Convey, and Assign, unto the said Chas. Gorzycki without recourse on me, one certain vendor's lien note executed by H. P. Dansby, in favor of myself, Franl{ Vavra, in the sum of Fourteen Hundred and nO/lOa Dollars dated September 27th, 1920, and reari~g in~ terest from date at the rate of Seven per centum,per annum, to- gether with an attnrney's fee of ten per cent, and ~ue on or before Sl"ptember 27th, 1921, being Note No. 1 in a series of four notes of $1400.00 each, executed by said Dansby to me of said date, said note having been executed in part payment for the following described lot or parcel of land situated in the County of Brazos, State of Texas, to-wit: Situated in the R~ Carter league in Brazos County, Texas, and containing 280 acres; more or less~ And I also hereby bargain, sell and convey unto the said Chas. Gorzycki all of the right, title and interest o~ned or held by me in said land by v~rtue of said note herein conveyed and assigned. S."id land and ~ote being fU+ly set out and des- cribed in a deed duly executed by mys~lf arid wife to the said' H.. P. Dansby 011. said elate and rec.orded in'Volume 53, page 518, Records of Deeds for Brazos County, Texas, which is referred to and made a part hereof for further description.. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD'unto the said Chas. Gorz~cki, heir and as- signs, the above described note, together with all and singu- lar the con tI'act lien, vendor 1 s lien, rights, equi ties, ti tIes and interest in said land, which I have by virtue of being the vendor in said Deed and payee in' said note and the legal holder and owner of said note. . And I hereby authorize the said Chas. Gorzycki, his heirs and assiEns, to release the said vendor's lien on payment of~a- id note by a duly executed release. Witness my hand this 30th day of September,A.D. 1920.. Frank Vnvrm I o BEFORE ~m, the undersigned, ~ ,Notary ~ublic in and for Brazos County, Texas, on this day personally appeared Frank Vavra; known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrmnent, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this30th day of September, A.D. 1920. , THE ST .l\T E OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS (SEAL) W. G.. Taliaferro, Notary Public, Brazes County, Texas. -42- '\ \ ~ '\ "\ ~\ \ \ " 01 o Chas. Gorzycki to I TRANSFER, I Dated October 15th, 1920, I Filed October 15th, 1920, I Recorded in Volume 53, page 560" I Deed Records,Brazos C.ounty,Texas. Mrs. W. T. Goode THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: I I I , That I, Chas. Gorzycki (sometimes spelled Chas. Gorecky) of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for value received,this day to me in hand paid by Mrs. V". T. Goode, a Widow, of Bexar County, Texas, the receipt ,of which is hereby acknowledged, has .this day sold, conveyed and assigned2 and by these presents do Sell, Convey and Assign unto the said Mrs. W.. T. Goode, without recourse on me, One (1) certain verd.or1s lien note executed by H. P. Dansby in favor of Frank Vavra, and by 'him duly endorsed ' transferred and assigned tome, sai~ note being in the sum of Fourtean Hundred and nO/IOO Dollars, dated September 27th, 1920, and bearing interest from date at the rate of Seven per centum per annum, together with an attorney's fee of ten per cent and due on or bef.ore September 27th, 1921, being Note NO.1, of a series of four (4) notes for the sum of $1400.00 each executed by said Dansby to said Vavra, said note having been executed in part payment fer the following described lot or parcel of land situated in the County of Brazos, State of"Texas, to-wit: Situated in the R.. Carter League in Brazos County, Texas, and containing TWQ Hundred and Eighty (280) acres, more or less.. And I also hereby Bargain, Sell and Convey unt.o the said Mrs. W.. T. Goode all of the right, ti tIe and interest owned or held by me in said land by virtue of said note herein conveyed and assignedo Said land and n.ote being fully set.out and des- cribedin a deed dulY executed by Frank Vavra and Wife, Mary Vavra, to the said Ho P. Dansby, said Deed dated September, 27th, 1920, and recorded in Volume 53, page 518, Records of Deeds for Brazes County, Texas, which is referred to and made a part here- of for further description. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD unto the said Mrs.. W. T. GOOde, her heirs and assigns, the above described note, t.ogether with all and singular the contract lien, vendor's lien, rights, equities, titles., and interest in said land, which I have by virtue of being the- ," transferee of said note and the legal holder and owner of said note'. And I do hereby bind myself that said note is the first and .only . lien .on said land, so far as is known to me, and that all pay- ments, offsets and credits to which said note is entitled, do appear on the back of said note. And I hereby authorize the said Mrs. vi. T. Goode, her heirs and assigns, to release the said vendor lien on payment of said note by a duly exeeutedrelease., \: I ~ I' I I I \; Witness my hand this 15th day of October A.D. 1920. Chas. Gorzycki -43- I ,I I I \ '---.. "\ - \ \ ...... l' 1 f I ! j '0 ~ o THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY" OF BRAZOS I' BEFORE ME J.. N. Dulaney, a " ,Notary Public in and for ' Brazos County, Texas, on'this day pers.onally appeared Chas.. Gorzycki, };n.own to, me' to '1;>,(3 the person whose name, is subscribed t.o the foregoing instrument', an:1 ackn.owledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration there:in expressed. ' .-y )J Given under'my hand and seal of office, this 15th day of vctober,'A. D.1920.. , I ( SEAL) " , t : ~~'.. J.. N. Dulaney, Notary, Public in and for Brazos County, T exa s . -44- 'P, - \ i "- '\ ~ " \ \ , o o I I 1 1 I Mrs';. Florence Ca.Vi~t'Go<:>de To, Robert ~rmstrong 'I' POWER,OF ATTORNEY, ~ Dated' July, 14th, 19201 I FiIed Jan1..1.ary 4th,., 19~1, IR~corde4in Volume '54, page' 167, I,' Deed Recprds,Brazos County,Texas. ;.~ ~ --e -I THESTAT'E,'OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BEXAR I I "KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: i I That I", Mrs. Florence" C1;lvitt Goode, a widow (being the surviving wife of W.. T. (}oode, deceased, and who ~ften sign my name "Mrs. W. T. Googe" as ~ell as uMrs.. Florence Cavitt Goode") oftpe CoUnty of Bexar State.of Texas, have named, constituted and appointed, and PI these presents do hereby name, constitute and appoint , Rober~ Armstrong, of Brazos County, Texas, my true ~!J.d,la.wful attorney in fact for me, and in my name, place and stead to tp.ke possession of all, lands and interests in lands now PI' that may hpreafter be o"med by me, or to which I may now or &!1ereqfter become entitled, and situated in the State of Texas, and espec'iallj7" nlJ lands arp, interest, in lands now owneci .or that ~ay hereaf~er be owned' by me and situated in Bexar County, Texas, and Iheteby fully;au~horize my said attorney in fact to sell a11;p-convey, orbt,herwise di spo~e of same or any, part there- of t.o such person' or persons as he may see" fi t and upon such 'termsimg at such p.riqes and&1t" such,timesas he may, deem best or pt'oper:;, apd l,lntil same De sold, '1 hereby auth.orize him1 my S~id attorp.eY.iIi fact', to lease same 'or any part thereof to su~h pers.on or persons and 'tpop. such .terms as he may see +i t; and I furtp.er"fullY auth.orize and empower my said attorney in fact to demaJ;ld, and, ,col,lept , ,by sui ti or otherwise, aJ:l sums .of money now .ow~ng', 'or 'thatl1!a~ !hereafter, be,,o'iAng "to me by any person or person~" . co:rpora~:tonor corpora~ions, whatsoever; and I further authorize my said attorney 1n, fact to, in my name, execute, ack- nowledge and 'deliVer,D.ll such deeds, releases, receipts, and .other instruments in "lri ting as he may deem necessary or proper in and apout the matters above stated, and in and about all other matters 'of any and every kind pertaining to the management o!' my blfsiness'and property; and if at any t+me my said attOrney in fact' shOUld deem it best so to do I hereby authorize ,him to compromise and settle on such basis and terms as hamay think best any debts that may be owing to me and 8,lso any disputes or c.ontroversies of any kind whatever thai may arise in connection with the management o~ my pusiness and property; and I further authorize him to employ 'such assistance as he may see fit: in con- nectionwith.the exercise of,his powers given him by this instru- ment. I further authorize and""empower bY said attorney in fact to invest and re-invest all sum$'of money belonging to me, that may come into his hands~ in such manner and upon such terms as he may see fit and generally to' exercise and use his own judgment in all . matters pertaining to my business and property and the handling and disposItion of same or any part thereof. I have placed in the' hahd~ of the said, Robert Armstrong, as my agent and att.orney in fact"all of my property and business to, be handled, managed, 'controlled and di sposed ibf by him in any way he may think best for my interest and the object and purpose of this Power of Attorney is to vest in, and I hereby do vest in, said Robert Armstrong, as my said attorney fen fact, full powe and authority to do and perform not onlY,all the acts and things hereinbefore mentioned, but also all sudh other acts and things as he may deem necessary~or proper in the premises, as fully to all intents and purposes, as I might or could do if personally 11 r. II' I -45- '\ ~ " -- \ \ \: o o I j I 1, i I l present and acting, and I hereby ratify and confirm all things whatsoever that my s$id attorney in fact shall .or may do in the premises by ilirtue hereof.. And in the execution of any instru- ment pursuant to the powers given hitl in this instrument, I hereby authorize my said attorney in fact to sign my name either "Mrs. Florence Cavitt Goode" or Mrs. W. T. Goodtl, whichever my seem to him most expedient or proper in each particular case. "", vJitness my hand at San Antonio, Texas, this the 14th day of JulyA. D. 1920.. Mrs. Florence Cavitt Good Twenty Five Cent Reyenue Stamp affixed x ~ BEFORE ME, W.. E. Shaw, a Notary PU~lic, in and fQr Bexar County Texas, on this day personally appeared Mrs. Florence Ccvitt Goode, a widow, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribeg to -the foregoing instrument, an~ she acknowledged to ne ,that she executed the same for' the purposes and (0 nsids,ra- tions therein expre~sed. THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNrY OF BEYJ\S " Given underny hand and seal of office, at San Antonio, Texas., this the 14th day of July, A. D.. 1920.. W... .E. Shaw, Notary Public in and For Bexar County, Texas "- ( SEAt) \ \ -46.. '" o o I1r~.,w. t.Go{)de,bY Robert Armstr.ong, Attorney in F~.ct to IRELEAS:E1 I Dated Ailgust 2,th, 1922, ~ Filed August 25,1922, ~ Recorded in Volume 9, pate 208 ~ Release Records, ~ Brazo~ County, Texas H.P. Dansby -- -- I L i THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF ~ BRAZOS J.WHEREAS 1 by Deed dated September , ,27th, 1~20, and recorded in the Deed Recprds of Brazos County, Texas Ifn Volume;3, plge 518, ,Frank Vavra and \vife, of Brazos c.ouniy, Texas, conveyed to H.P. DansbY of Brazos County, Texas, Two Hundred and Eighty (280) acres of' land, IJOre or less, in the R. Carter League of' land in Brazos C.ounty, Texas, retaining therein a Vend.orls Lien securing the paynent of four (4) certain promissory notes ag- gregating the sum of Fi'fty Six Hundred D.ollars ($5600.00) execu~ed by the said H. p.'Dansby, said notes being for the sum of !ourteen Hundred Dollars ($1400.00) each, payable to said ' Frank Vavra or order at Bryan Erazos County, Texas, on or be- fore September 27th, 1921, 1922, 1923, 192~, respectively and bearing interest from date until paid at the rate of seven per cent (7%) per annum,reiference being here made to said deed and its said record for a further descripti.on of said land notes; a~ ' WHEREAS, afterwards, by an instrument in wt~ting dated September 30th, 1920, the fi~st oneo! said notes namely, sid note due an or before September 27th, 1921, was duly. transferred and assigned by the said Frank Vavra to Chas Gorzycki; and WHEREAS, by an instrument in writing dated Oc~ober 15th, 1920, Chas. Gorzycki for valuable consideration transferred, and assigned said first one of sqid notes, namely, satd note due on or before September 27, 1921, to Mrs. W. T. Goode, a widow, and WHEREAS, said first note, namely said note due on or be- fore September 27th, 1921, has been duly paid by said H.P. Dans~ to said Mrs. W. T. Goede; now THEREFORE, I, the said Mrs. W.. T. GoOde, a widow, acting by and through my attorney in fact, Robert Armstrong, being the legal owner and holder of the first one cfsaid ab.ove described n.otes, namelY said note due on or before September 27th, 19211 at the time of its said payment do hereby acknowledge the fUll payment of sctid first note for the su:m of said Fourteen Hundred D.ollars C$l400.o0) Qnd due on .or before September 27th, 1921, and do hereby release said land from said Vendor's Lien so far as it applies to said above described first note, so paid to said Mrs. W.. T. Goode, as aforesaid, and n.o further. Witness my hand at Bryan, Texas" this 25th day of August, A.D.l922. Mrs. W. T. Goede, By Robert Armstrong', Attorney in Fact. -47- (,- " '\ '--...... ... " - \ \ - --.... 'iC o o THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF: Br~ZOS I 'BEFORE ME, J. N. Dulaney, a Notary Public in and for Brazos County,. Texas, on this day personally appeared Robert Armstr.ong, attorney in fact fer Mrs. W. T.. Goede, a widow, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument , and acknowledged to me that he execut'ed the sane for the purposes and considerations therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. G:Lven under my hand and seal of office ,this 26th day of August, J.922. ~ ( SEA'L) , J. N. Dulaney, Notary Public in and fer Brazos County,Texas. "\ \ \ )i -48- .. ~ J ~ ~:i o ,. o .,Frank,' Va V;,ra. "to ti. p . Dansby I RELEASE, I Dated August 28th, 1922, I Piled August 28th, 1922, I :R~cordf1d in Volume 9, page 210 ~ Releaso Record s, Brazos County, Tex. I '1 THE"'STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY, ,OF BRAZOS I WHEREAS, by Deed dated September 27th, 1920, and recorded in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume 53, page 518,Frank Vavra, joined by his wife, Mary Vavra, of Brazos County, Texas, conveyed to H~ P. Dansby, of Brazos County, Texas, Two Hundred and Eighty (280) acres 'of land, more or less, situ~ted in theRe Carter League in Brazos County, Texas ,retaining in ,said deed a vendor's lien ,securing the payment of four (If) certain vendor lien notes, of .even date with said deed, and executed by said H. P. Dansby : :It.!pllrt payment for said land said notes being for the sum of Fq:UJ:'~'e,en Hundred Dollars;",($1460.o0) .each, and payable to said .:Fidhk ilavra or o:J:'de:r on or'before September 27th, 1921, 1922, 'l9,?3" anq 19~~,respective1Y; reference being here made to said ctf;)ledi . and i:t;.s'rsaid necord for further descripti.on of said land , and" 'note's-and. · , '...,";, ,',:", '" " WHEREAS 'I afterward 9Y ,I:lene tran~~ers .:the.first orie 01' said .notes, to-wit:' the' sald not'e "'payable on" 0:1'.' befo!,e s.aid September 27try, 1921, wa,s d~lY'€ransferred to M~s. W. T. Goode, a,;,!,idow, and has since been paid; and i::! . 'OJ' . v, .:.:' ".J4JHEREAS tqe 'remaining t~ree(3) .of said notes, ,to-wit: .~ said',tqree (3$ ~6~esfot the, sUm of $1,;400 .00&ach".paya ble .on pI' befqre Qept~I'.1be~.27tli,;l:92~,;I923 and 1924 respectively have "been fully ,'paid ,to ne,the' sard Frank Vavra in full, satisfaction of said lien; now THE~FORE, I, the ,sa~q.':Frank Vavra, being the legal owner and,holq,er ofsaiq. last tp.!'e,f?, ~nt;"ion@d" no~es, to-wit: said notes payable on or bef9re Septemb~fr gAth, lQ22 ",1923, and 1924- respec- tively, a,t., ,the"t!I:l~ Of their. sa!q. p~yme:ttt de her,ebYQ.cknowledge t1t~ fulL and final I'aYBen~~pf' s~me:'9Y' sa:id~. P. Dansby, and do hereby release saiq lahd apd.,everyp~rt thereof' f~qp1 the said" vendor fS lien heretofor~ ex~:sting~'onisat1e by virtue' of s,aid dead and n.ot'e s, and, do declare saiq, no't'es fully p~id off!!andsaiq, land released from 'said "lien so fa~, as it, applies 'to said three notes so paid to me as aforesaid, but no further.. ' ,Witness my halfd at Bryan, Texas, this 28th day of' August, A.D. 1922. Frank: Vavra THE STATE OF TEXAS I " COUNTY OF BRii.ZOS , I,;'B~FORE ME,R.obert,4\rmstrol'ig, a Nota~YPublic in .9.nd for Brazos Cqup.ty, T~,ttas, ,on, this day per,.. s.onaIly appeared Frank Vavra, known t.o me to De the pers.on whose name i$ subscribed to the foreg.oing instrument, and he acknow- ledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and con- siderations therein ~xpressed. ' , Given und:er' ny hand and seal of office a.tBryan, Texas, this the 28th day of August, A. D. 1922. ( SEAL) Robert Armstrong" Notary' Public in and for "Brazos County,Texas. -49- _._" ....'''O.,..."..;.'.,.A.''_'"''-'''_....._-~.~'- c_" "A.'__<_' .~ '\ " "- " ~ '\ -\ \ I " o o -,.......... ': f. B. Collins at ux to 1 DEE D, . ~ Dated December 26th, 1882, ~ Filed January 4th, 1583, M Recorded in Volume X, page" 69 ~ Deed Records, Brazos County,Texas James Cooper -- THE STATE OF TEXt\S COUNTY OF BRAZoS I I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That \\re, T. :B. Collins and his wife, P .A.E.. Collins, of the State ~d County aforesaid, for and in consideration of the sun of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ,to us in hand paid by James Cooper of said C011::lty and state, the receipt .of which is here- by aqknowledgod, have GRANTED, BARGf1.INED ,SOLD, RELEASED and CONVEYED, and do by the__ presents Grant, Bargain, Sell, Release and Convey unto the said James Cooper, his heirs and assigns forever, the following described property, to-wit: , A certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Brazos, a part of the Richard Carter Headright League, and m.oraparticularly described as follows: , BEGINNING at West corner of Let NO.1, a stake in South West league line; :t THENCE N 45 E with the northwest ,line of Lot NO.1, 2432 vs to North earner of same; THENCE North it5 W 1550 Varas to stake in North West line erorn which a post oak lO-inches in diameter brsSouth 37t East ; varas, and another 3 inches in diameter brs South 20 West $ valis; THENCE South 45 W 2432 varas with said line to wast eorner of tract in S.outh East league line; THENCE South 45 East 550 varas to the Beginning, and con- taining two ,hundred and thirty seven acres, more or less, to- ' gether with all and singular the rights, members, 1oprovements, hereditaments and appurtenances to the same belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same to him, the said mames Cooper, his heirs and assigns forever. And we, the said T. B. Collins, and his wife, P.A.E. Collins, do hereby bind ourselves, our executors and administrators to Warrant and Defend the title to all and s:.ngular the same 1;\9. 'him, the said James Cooper, his heirs and assigns forever against the lawful claims of all persons Who;::lsoever claiming or to claim the same or any part' thereof. Witness our hands this Deer. 26, A. D. 1882. T. B. Collins P..A.E.Collins - \ \ -50- '-. a '" ~ " o o " THESTATEOF TEXAS COUNT~ OF BP~ZOS ~ Q BEFORE ME, D. C.' Barmore, County Judge, in and for Brazos County, Texas, on this day personally appeared T. B. Collins and his wife, P.A.EoCoIlins,known to me to bothe, pers'Ons who_names are subscribed to the foregoing iristruT:1ent, and ackno\.vledgod to me that they had executed the same for the purposes an1 considerations therein expressed. And the said P.A.E.. Collin.s, wife of the said T. B. Collins, being exanin~d by me privily and apart from her husband, and have the same fully explained to her, she the said P.A.Eo Collins, ackn.owledged such instru- ment to be her act and deed and declared that she had signed the same without any fear or compulsion on the part of he:i." husband, and did not wish to retract it. Given under my hand m1.d seal of the County Court of Brazos County,De~eober, 1882. I, I (SEA L) D. C. Barmore, Co'. Judge B. C. I · i , t, -51.. 1 - \ \ " \ ~, " '" ~ o o James Cooper to " WincentzKapczynski 1 DEE D, I Dated Augtist lOth, 1893, I; Filed August 30th, 1893 ' U' Recorded in Volume 11, page 639, ,I Deed Reco~d,BrazosCountYtTexas. .'. - ~~ THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS 1 I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: i 1;,. d I, That I, Janes Cooper, of the County of Brazos, Sta:te of' Texas, for and" in consideration of the' sum of Twenty Three . Hundred and Seven ($2370.00) b9llars to be paid by Wincentz , Kapczynski, as follows: . " Three Hundred and Seventy ($370.00) Dollars on,December 1st, 1893; $200.00 on Oecer1ber Ist,189~;$200..00 on December. '. 1st, 1895'; $200.00 on December 1st, 1896;$200.00 on Decembet' " 1st, 1897; $200.00 on December 1st, le98; $200.00' oriDecenber 1st, ]899; $ZOO.OO on December 1st, 1900; $200.00 on December 1st, 1901; $200.00 on December 1st, 1902; $200.00 on.,December 1st 1903, all .of said notes to bear interest at 10'per cent frod date; have .' GRf1.NTED, SQLD and CONVEYED, and by these prese'hts dO"Grant, Sell' and, Convey unto the said \^lincentz KapczynSki, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, all that certain tract or parc~l of 'land sitauted in1he County .of Brazos and a part of the Richard Carter League and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at ,the.East cor .o:f.Lot No.. lout of the 880t acres partitioned ~1ong the ~eirsof Mary Ann Reed, astk in said Ie ague line; , THENCE Northt45' E with the N.orth West line of Let No.1, 2432 vrs to North corlof same; 'THENCE North 45 West 550 vrs to stk in N.orth West line of the said 880t acretx:act ir.om whivh 'a post oak 10 in. 1n dia brs S 37t East 5 vrs and another 3 iri.. ir').' dia brsS 20 W 5 vrs; j, ' THENCE 45 vrx 2~32'vs with said line to the West cor of sa~d tract-rn-South'East league line; THENCE S45 E 55'0 vrs to the BEGINNiNG, containing 237 acres of land, ,more or less, and being ~ot No.. 2 set apart to Mrs. P ..A..E. Collins in ti'eparti tiqnof the 880t acre tract of record in 'the Minutes of the District'Court"Book F, page 480. TO HAVE AND TO HOtDthe above described ~remmees, together with all and singular the rights and appurtenan~~s thereto in anywise belonging unt.o the saidWincentz Kapczynski,"h+s heirs and assigns, forever; aI,:ld I do hereby bind myself, heirs, exe- cutors and administrators to v~rrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said premises unto the said W1ncentz Ke.pczynsk1, claiming or to claim the same .or any part thereof. But it is expres"slY agr1'3ed 'andst1pul'ateq that the Vendorf','S Lien 1s retained against the above described property, p~emises and :i,mpr.ovements until the abovedescriped,p-Qtesond all inter... est thereon are fully paid acco~ding to their face and tenor ,read ing and effect, when this deed shall become absolutf), .. -52- 1 'c--- ~ ........" " '\ - \ \ '" I I I I , ~ . L,,__. ~;' '-) c~ " Witness'my hand at Bryan th~s, loth day of August, A.D. 1~93. JamesCooper THE STATE OF TE~\S I COUNrY Of BRAZOS I BEFORffi ME, A. G.Beard, District , Clerk in dnd for Brazo s C.ounty, Texas, on this. day personJilly,.appenrec'l James Cooper, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foreg.oing instrument and ackn.owledged to me 'that' he executed' the same ' for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Gi ven under my. hand and seal of office this loth day of August, A. D.1893. , (SEAt.) A. G. Beard, C.D.C.B..C. ~ \ \ -53.. ,~",;..,:...-, "'\ ~ ... '" ..... () " o Wincentz Knpczynski to IDE E 0, I Dated December 15th, 1894, I Filed Degember 27th, 1894, ," ..:1' Recorded' in,Volune 14, page 67, I Deed Records, BrnzosCounty,Texas. James Cooper THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That I, !incentz Kapczynski of the County of Brazos, 8tate '~of Texas, for and, in consideration of the sun of Two Thousand Dollars to me in hand paid by Jarres Cooper as follows: My certain ten promissory notes for sum of Two Hundred dollars each, dated 10th day of August, 1893, and due and payable respectively on Dec,. 1st, 1894, 1895, 1896, 18972 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, -and 1903, and which were executed by ne 1n part payment ,of the hereinafter described trnct of land, and are now surrendered to ne, cancelled by the said C.ooper, and in conSideration thereof I reconvey back to said Janes Cooper the said land heretofore convoyed to me by hin, have ) G:RilNTED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, 8e11 ~nd Convey unt.o the said James Cooper of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, all that certain tract or parcel of land situated in the County of Brazos and a part' of the Richard Carter Headright League, and more particularly describe~ as , follows, to-wit:" , ' BEGINNING at the W corner of Lot No- lout of a tract of 88ct acres po. titioned'anong the heirs of Mary Ann Reed a stake in the 8. W. league line; THENCE N 4; E with the N.W. line of Lot NO.1, 2432 vrw to North of smile; THENCE N 45 \-1 550 vs to staLe in N. W. linE? of the said 88ct acres tract from which a P.O. 10 inch in.dia brs 8 37t E ; vrsand another 3 inch in dia brs 8 20 W 5 ~rs; . . THENCE S 45 W 2432 vs with said line t.o the W corner of said tract in, S.E. league line; , " , THE'NCE S 45 E 550 vrs to the,PL'\.CE OF BEGINNING, contain- ing 237 acres of land, nore or less,. 'and being ,Lot. No.2 set apart t.o Mrs. P.A.E.Col1ins,in the partition of the' 8Bct acre ,.tr'act of rec.oI'd. in the Minutes of the District Court, Book F, page 480. .' .' TO Hl\.1tE AND TO HOID the abo.vedescribed premises, together with all 2.nd singular the rights'pnd' appurtenances thereto in nnyw~sebelonging? unto the said J:ames Cooper, his heirs, exe- cutors and administrators to warrant, and f.orever defend, all and singular, the said premises 'unto'the said 'James Cqoper, his heirs and assigns, against every pe,rson whomsoever 1a,wfully c1nini~gor to claim,the same or any part the~eof. :'" . . ,- t' \ . . . Witness my hnnd at Brya~this 15th day of December A.D~ 18940 ,W~ncentz Kapczynski ! L< ..54... - \ J ... '\ ~ " \ \ "-'.. o o F , I THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ BEFOP~ ME, .T.W.. Be,rrcn~ , Clerk COUNTY OF BMZOS I of the County Co::rt in and for "', ",' , , Brazos County, Tox:'.s, en this day persorinI,lyappenred Vincen~z Ko.pczYl1ski, kno'l,vn to me to be the person whQse rimno"'is subscribed to the foregoing instru- ment, and o.cknowloc1ged~o ne that he executed the same for 'the purposes and consideratfontherein expressed. Given under r.1y hand arid seal of office this 15th day of December, Ao D. 1894. (SEAL) J. w. Barron1 CoG.C.BoC. -55- "~"..,,. ,~."-,,,..,.., "- \. ~ '\ \ \ \ ~ ;",:' ,0 :0 1 r~ I . HELEASE o Dated May 5th, 1911, Q' Filed Mey 57;h, lSll, I Hecorded :in V:Jlume 3, pO.g8 o 525, Relea8e Re~ords, Brazos County, Texas I I I I James Cooper to Wincentz Kapczynsk1 THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COm~TY OF BnAZOS I I I j I VffiEREAS, by Deed dated August 10th, 1893, and recorded in the Deed Records of. Brazos Countv" Texas, in the Deed necords of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume 'II!' page 639, James Cooper of Brazos County, Texas, conveyed toWincentz Kapczynski two hundred and thirty seven (237) acres m.ore or less of land situated in the Richard Carter League in Brazos County, Texas, retaining in said Deed a vendor's li,ensecuring the payment of eleven (11) certain vendor lien notes executed by said Wincentz Kapczynski to said James Cooper in payment for said land, one (1) of said notes being for the sunt.of Three Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($370.00), and the ream.ining ten~ (lO) of said notes being for the sum of Tw.o Hundred Dollars l$200.00) each, reference being l1ere made to said, deed and' its said record for further descriptionof said land ,and notes; and vVHEREAS,said Vlincentz Kapczynski, paid to me the said note for Three Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($370.00) together with all interest accrued; and t~EHEAS, said Wincentz Kapczynski, being unable to pay said remaining ten (10) of said notes for the sum of Tw,O Hundred Dollars ,($200.00) each, afterwards reconveyed said land tQ me, the said James Cooper, in full settlement and payment of said last menti0n- ed ten (10) n:)tes, and I thereupon cancelled and returned said' ' notes to said Wincentz Kapczynskij now THEREFOl'ffi, I, the said James Cooper, being the legal owner and holder of each and' all of said above mentioned eleven (II) notes at the time ,of their said payment and settlement as aforesaid, do hereby declare each' and all of said notes 'fully paid off and settled a$ aforesaid, and do hereby release said land from said vendor's liEm above mentioned, and declared said lien and notes fully paid off, settled and forever discharged and released, ~ , Witness my hand at Bryan, Texas, this' the 5th day of May A. D. 1911, James Cooper I THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF ~BRAZOS 0 'BEFOHE'ME, Ed Hall, a Notary Public in and for B~azos County, Texas~ on this day personally a~peared James Cooper, known to me to b~ the l)erson whose name is subscribed to the fore- going instrument, and he acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the pU!1')oses and considerati:Jn therein expressed,. Given under my hand and seal of office, at Bryan, Texas, this the 5th day of May, 1911. I: (SEAL) Ed Hall, Notary Public in and for Brazos County, Texas -56- i a \ \ o Q ( .~ ~ ',!t. James Cooper to o I t o DEE D, Dated May 5th:, 1911, Filed May 5th, 1911, Recorded in Volurr,e 33, page 610, Deed Records, Brazos Coun~y, Texas. H. P. Dansby .. - ... l '] I 1 ,j '1' THE STATE OF TE~~S I COUNTY OF BuAZOS ~ Q KNOW :~Lt MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, James Cooper, ot the County of' Brazos~ State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of Seven Thousand and No/IOO Dollars to me paid and secured to be paid by H.. P. Dansby as fol1C?ws, to""wit: As evidenced by two (2) certain vendor's lien notes of even date herewith executed, by said Ht P. Dansby, said tW? , (2)' 1'l,jtes being for the sum of Thirty-five hundred dol1al:'S ($3500.00) cl:l:ch and payable' to me, James C6.opcr, or .order, at Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, on or before Janry 1st, 1912 and 1913, res,i:1ecti vely, each ')f' said notes bearing interest from date at rate of eight (8'&) percent per annum, interest pay- able January 1st, 19l2, and annually thereafter as it accrues, and all past due interest bearing interest from the'maturity thereof until paid at rate of eight (a) % per annum, and each of said notes prOViding tha.t failure to pay same ,or any in- stallment of interest thereon when due shall at the election of the holder of either of said notes mature both of same, and,~ach of said notes further providing that if it be not paid at maturity and be placed in the hands of atty for collection or be collected by suit or through the Probate COUirt an additional amount of ten per cent on the principal and in- terest then owing thereon shall be added to the same as attorney's fees; have g j 'I ,I I I I \ I' , j ! I GRANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents do Grant, Sell and Convey unto the said a.? Dansby .of the County of Brazos State of Texas all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being'situated in the rtichard Carter League in Brazos County, Texas, and further describe~ as follows, to-wit: BEGINNINGyat the west corner of Lot No.. lout of a tract of '88Ct acres' parti ticmed among the heirs qf Mary Ann Reed in District CQurt of Brazos County, Texas, a stake set in S.. W. league line j, THENCE N. 45 E. withthe N. W. line of Let N.o. 1 2432 varas to North corne'r of ,same; THENCE N. 45 W. 550 varas'to stake in N. W.. line .of said 88~ 'acre tract from which a p. O. 10 ins.. in d1a. brs. ' S~ 37i E. 5 VI'S and another 3 ins. in dia brs S. 20 W. 5 vrs; THENCE S 45 W 2432 vrs with said line t.o the west , corner of sa.i d tract in S. W. league line; , , I THENCE S 45 E 550 varas to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing Two Hundred and Thirty Seven (237) acres of land, more or less, and being Lot No.2 set apart to Mrs. P.. A. E.. Collins in the partition of said 880t acre tract as shown by decree of the District Court o~ Brazos County, 'Texas, recorded in the Civil Minutes of said Court in Volume P, page 480, and being the same land described in Deed from Mrs. P. A.. E. collins and husband,. T. B. Collins, to me, James Co.oper, dated December 26th, 1882, and recorded in Deed aecords of Brazos O.ounty, Texas -57- lMO.._.. '\. ~ " -- \ \ - '" 01 fi, ~ " in Volume X, ab page 69, which sat d 1 arid was afterwards con ve~rec: by me Ja.mes Cooper, to Vfincentz Kapchinski and later reconveyod to me by sa.id Wmzt. Kapczynski, refel'enco b~lng here made to said decree of said District Court and to said deeds and their said records for further description of said land hereby conveyed." TO,HAVEJIN D TO HOLD the above and described premises, to~..ether with all. and si;rlcular.the rights and ap)urtenances thereto in anywise belonging unto the said H. P. Dansby, his heirs and assigns forever. And I do hereby bind myself~ my heirs, executors and administrators to Warrant and F.orever Defend, all and sinGul~.r the said premises unto the said H.. p. Dansby, his heirs and assicns aGainst every person whomsoever lawfully cl~iming or to claim the same or, any part thereof. But it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the vendor's Lien is retained against the, above described property, premises and impr,)Verl1ents until' the above described notes, and all interest thereon are fully paid, according to their face and tenor, effect and reading~ when this deed shall become absolute. ) Witness my hand at Bryan, Texas , this 5th day of May A. D. 1911. James Cooper THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 BEFORE ME, Ed Hall, a Notary Public in and for Brazos, County, Texas, on this day personally appeared James Cooper, known to me to be the ;>erson whose name is subscribed t::> the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the S&ue for the purposes and consideratiJn therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this 5th day of May, A. D. 1911. (SEAL) Ed Hall, a Notary Public in and for Brazos County, Texas. I ..58- L . "\ " "" " \ \ .J '" o o ~ James Cooper ~ ~ ~ RELEASE Dated November 17th, 1911; Filed November 18th, 1911, , Recorded in Volume 5, page 277, Release Records, Brazos County Texas to H. P. Dansby THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ I I i I I I j I Vn{EREAS, by Deed dated May 5th, 1911, recorded in the CountyClerkts office of B~azos County, Texas, in Book 33, page 610 of deed records of BrazoB County, Texas, Ja.mes Cooper conveyed to H., P. Dansby of Brazos County, Texas; Two Hundred and Thirty seven (237) acres, more or less, of land situated in the Richard Carter League in Brazos County, Texas, and fully described in said deed, to wh:i.ch reference is hereby made, r'otaining therein a Vender's Lien, securing payment of Seven Thousand and NO/IOO Dollarsfor which said H.P. Dansby executed tw.o promissory notes of even date with said deedlt said notes being for. the sum of Thirty Five Hundred Dolbrs (~3500.00) each, payable to .James Cooper or order on 9r before January 1st, 1912, and 1913, respectively, reference being here made to said deed and its said record for further description .of said land and notes; and "( WHEREAS, said H. p. Dan sby hos paid the said n.ote in full satisfaction qf sa~d incumbrance; n~ THEREFORE, I, the said James Cooper, bcing~hc legal .owner and holder of the above described notes at the time of their paJrment, do hereby release the above described property from the vendor's liBn aforesaid, and declare the same extinguished. IN WITNESSWtffiREOF IhavG hereunt.o set my name at Bryan, Texas, this 17th day of Nowember, 1911. James Cooper THE STATE OF TExAS ~ COillJ'I'Y OF BBAZOS ~ BEFORE ME, W.. P. Bryan, a Notary Pub1iq in and for said County and State, on this day personally appeared James Cooper, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foreg.oing instrument, and acknowle9.ged to me that he executed the same fer the purposes and consideration therein expressed. \ Given under my hand and seal .of .office, this 17th day pf November" A.D. 1911.. iN.J? ~ryap, L }Iotary Public in and fer Braz~ " CO,unty, te~a~r.< r' c (SEAL) .} IY ...59- L, " "- "'- , ~ " - \ \ j '" 'ii" o o - ......... ... .,..-........,. H. P. Dansby !' to If Humble Pipe Lj.ne Company i ~ I f RIGFJ" OF WAY DatFJd Ju~:.y- 19th, 1919; :B'tled ;ru~'_:y 25th... 1919, Recordttd in Volume 49,t page' 19, Deed Records, Brazos ~ounty, Texas For and in c.onsideration of th~ sum of eiF-pty one & 07/100 dollars tb the under;;:dgne owner's, pa:l.d., the reeoipt of wh:tch. io hereby acknowledged3 the undersig"ned hereby g:::'h to Humble Pipe Line Oompany, o!'gan:tzed and existing under the laws of the State of.' Texas; its sllcBesso::."s or assigns, the right oi.' way to la.y, maintain, operate and rl)move a pipe line for the transp.ortation of oil or gas, together with the ~ight .or ingress and egress on, .over and through the following described lands si tuate in Bra.z.os C.ounty and State of Texas, to-wit: ! I In Righard Carter Survey. The said undersigned owners,' their heirs or assigns to fully use and enjoy the said premises, except as the same may be nec- essary for the purposes herein granted to the said Rumble Pipe Line ,Company, its successors or assign._. The said Humble Pipe Line Cimpany, its suceessors or assigns, hereby agrees to pay any danages which may-arise from the laying, maintaining, operating or removing said pipe line said damage, tf not mutually agreed upon to be ascertained and determined by three disinteres- ted persons, one there.of to be app.ointed by tho .owners of said lands, their heirs or assigns, one by Humble Pipe Line Company, its successors or assigns, and the third by the two 8.0 appointed as af.oresaid, and the award of such three persons shall be final and conclusive. It is further understood and agreed tha.t the said Humble Pipe Line C.ompany" its success.ors oJ:' assigns, may at any time lay an additi.onal lines of pipe alongside of the first line, as here,in provided upon the payment .of alike c.onsideration fer each additional line wIlen laid and subject to the same rights and conditions. Said c.ompany, its successors and assigns t.o have the right to change the size of its pipes, the damage, if any, in making such change to be paid by the said Humble Pipe Line company, its successors .or assigns. Humble Pipe Line Com- pany further agrees to bury and maintain all pipe lines s.o as net to interfere with the cultivation and drainage .of said land. Humble Pipe Line Co. shall furnish a man to watch steck during c.onstructi.on if undersigned deems it necessary, or shall pay for man furnished by undersigned if he so desires. In witness whereof I h!4:ve hereunto sot my hand ,and seal this 19th day of July, 1919. H.P. Dansby THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared H. P.. Dansby, knownt.o me to be the person whose name is subscribed t.o the f.oregoing instrument, and ackn.owledged to Me that he exe~ the same fer the pnrp.oses arid c.onsiderati.on thero~ in expressed. Given under my hand ,and seal of .office, this 19th day of July, A. D. 1919. (SEAL) J. N. Dulaney, N.otary Public in and for Brazos C.ounty, Texas. L -60- " ~~~';,f J I I I / i J a , " "" '- ... \ \ \ '- "" o o ~ H. P. Dansby ~ to ~ J. N. Goodwin, etal, Trustees ~ OIL AND GAS LEASE, Dated January 18th, 1921, Filed March 24th, 1921, Recorded in Volume 56, page 61, Deed Records, Brazos County, T8x8,s (l AGREEMENT, made and entered into on tho Iffith day .of January, 1921, by and between H. P.. Dansby of the County of Brazos, here- . inafter called, Lessor, and J. ll. Goodwin and J. Gelber, Trustees, hereinafter called Lessee: WITNESSETH: That the said Lessor tJor and in consideration of One DellaI' cash and other considerations, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and of the c.ovenants and agreements hereinafter contained on the part .of the Less~e to be pa~d, kept fI.nd perf.ormed, have GRANTED, DEMISED, LEAsED AND LET and . by these presents do GRANT, LEASE AND LET unto said Lessee for the sole and only purpose of mining and operating for .oil, ,. gas arid other minerals, and of laying~pe lines, building tanks, power stations and such structures as may be needed thereon t.o produce, save and take care of said product, all that certain tract .of land situated in the Co~nti .of Brazos, State .of~exas, and described as follows; to-wit: 1st. Two hundred and eighty (280) acres of land, more or less, situated in the Richard Carter league of land in Brazes County, Texas, and being the same tract of land conveyed to me, the said H~ P. Dansby by Frank Vavra, wife, b~ deed dated Sept~mber 9th, 1920 andreeorded in Volumn 53, page 518, .of the Deed Records of said Brazes County, Texas. - 2nd: Two hundred and thirty seven (237) acres of land more .or less situated in said Carter League and being the same tract '.01 land mare or less conveyed t.o me, the said H. P. Dansby, by James Co.oper by deed dated dated May 5th, 1911, and recorded in V.olumn lIe. 33, page 610 of said Deed Records,. , - 3rd: One hundred and ninety acres of land, more or less, situated in said Carter league .of land and being the same tract .of land conveyed to me, the said H. p. Dansby by E. V'J. G.. "Burt.on eta1s by deed dated October 31st, 1903; and rec.orded in V.olumn No. 28, pages 83, and 84, of said Deed Records. - 4th: One hundred and twenty four (124) ncres of land, more .or less, situated in the J.W. Scott league of land in said Brazes Coun ty ,T exas, and being the same trae t .of land c.onveyed to me the said H. P. Dansby by Rosa Stasta etals by deed dat~d November 10th, 1904, and recqrded in Volumu. 49, page 43 et seq,." .of said Deed Records. 5th: Ninety six (96) acres of land, mere or less situated in said J.. W. Scott league and being the same tract of land con- veyed to my father, Noah Dansby, by John McCorquodale and wife by deed dated June 23rd, 1884, and recorded in V.olumn n.o. Z, 157 et seq. of said Deed Records. - 6th: One Hundred (100) acres .of land, more or less, situated in said J. W. Scott league and being the same land conveyed to my father, Noah Dansby, bycAm9s Peters and wife by deed dated August 12th, 1886, and recorded in Voluma 2, page 480 of said Deed Records. ..61- I"~ a "- "'\ ~ "\ \ \ " .hi' o o >. I' 7ttr: ',Til\O ilnndI'ed I"nd rcrty (240) acres of land, mor's or less, situated 1,n the B.B.B. '& 'C. R$:t. Burvey, Abstract No. 8EI, in said Brazo~ C9~n ty, arid being the, ~,a1Tl.e tract of landconveyeJ to me, the, sa~d .d.P.Dansby by D.G. GJ.bson by deed dated Dec. 13, 1915, 'and recorded in ,Vol. 44'" page 335, .of said Deed Records. Reference is made for ab.ove menti.oned deeds fer particular des- criptfon of said tracts.' It is agreed that th~,S leas;e shall' remain, in force fer a term .or five years. from this date and as l.ong thereafter as oil, gas .or other minc'rals is pr.oduced '[rem said "land by the Lessee. In c.ondis'eration of the premi's~~ the said Lessee covenants and agrees (1) t.o deliver t.o the, credftof the Lessor, free .of c.ost',' in the pipe line to which they may c.onnect their wells, the equal .one-eighth (l/8) part of all .oil pr.oduced and saved fr.om the leased premises; (2) to pay the Lessor one hundred dollars each year .in advancefo!' gas from 'each well where ,gas only is found, wnile sa.m~ is being used .off the premises, ane!'''.''-.. Lasser to have gas free of cost from any such well for all stoves and all inside lights fer the principal house .on all said land during the tim~ ,by making their .own connecti.ons with the well at thei~ own risk and expense. (3) T.o pay Lesser for gas produced tr.om any ofl well used off the premises at the rate .of Twenty- 'Five D.ol~ars per year fer the time during which said gas shall be used. (4) If 'any.other mineral be f.ound in paying quantities the ~essee shall pay to the Lesser at the rate of fifty cents IE r ton for all .of such mInerals mined and marke'ted from said land except'. in the case ofligni te ten cents per ten, shall be paid. I I [I ,I ,! j I j I , , It is underst.ood and agreed that the Lessee shall have free use .of weed and water ~rom said ~and 'fer all purp.oses of devel- opment and .operati.ons and shall have the right t.o build and repair tanks in the earth for storing water and shall have 'the right t.o build and erect storage tanks .of earth and tither mater- I' ial fer the purp.ose.of catching and storing .oil .on said premises. ,oJ' The 'Lesser herein and many .of the land .owners: in 'this vici- nity desiring to have an oil well drilled .on land in'this terri- t.ory, and as it is an unpr.oven and undevel.oped field' it is agreed Cthat the drilling .of a well by the Lossees .or their assigns .on any .one of the tracts of land ','Which may be leased; by 'them wi th- in Brazes ,C.ounty, Texas, shall be a sufficient consideration for this contract for the pori.od .of five years fr.om this date. If, h.owever, the Lessees herein or ,their assigns shall fail to begin, drilling a well for .oil, gas ,or t.o commence mining for other minerals .on or within, tho County .of Brazes .on or before .one year after the date here.of then this contract and lease shall be void, and shall net be considered 'any cl.oud or encumbrance .on the land, but if tho Lessees or their assigns, shall begin dril- ling a well for oil, gas or mining for ~ther:minerals .on .or bef.ore one year .on or within Brazes County, Then this lease shall be in full f.orce and effect, pr.ovided that the work .of devel.opment shall be prosecuted with diligence, taking int.o account the surr.oundings and condi ti.ons, but if a dry h.ole is dr~illed then another well shall be started within a reasonable time under like conditions and six m.onths shall be considered a reasonalbe time. t-', When requested by the Lessor, Lessee shall bury all pipe lines below plow depth. . No well shall be drilled nearer then',200 feet of the h.ouse or barn now on.,snid"premises without the written consent of the Lessor '" -62- ~ , L ( I I I 1 III '\ "'--....... "\ - \ \ o ,:,. a III " ~<... I I (, Lessee shall pay for damages caused by all .operations to growing crops on said land. Lessee'shall have 'the right at any time to remove all machin~ry and fixtures placed on said pre- mises including tho right to wi thdraw and ~emove casing. If the Lessor owns a less interest in the ab.ove described land than the entire and undivided fee simple estate therein then the r.oyalties and rentals herein provided shall be paid to said Lesser .only in proportion ,to which their interest bears t.o the :whole and undi vided fce~' If the estate 'of either party heret.o is assigned and thepri'vilege of assigning in whole or in part is expressly allowed, the covenants hereof~hall extend to their heirs, executcr s I administrators; successors or assigns but n.o change in the owner- ' ship .of the land or assignment .of the rentals or royalties shall be binding on the Lessee until after the Lessee has been,furnished with a written transfer or as~ignme nt or a, copy thereof. .,...... ~ :1 ',I i - The Lessor hereby waraants and agrees to defend the title t.o the land hereinde,scribed ~nd'agrees that the Lessee shall have the right ,at any time to redeem for the Les~.or by payment any mort€1;ages taxes.or other Ii ens .on the a.bbvedescribed lands "and'i'nthe event' of default tjf payment by t1;le, Lessor and"besubrogated to: the 'rights of the. holder there.of. '. ' , '; In testimony whereof we wign this the 18th day .of January, A,D~ ' 1921. . ", ,'" " '.', H. P. Dansby " . ,';: THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAZOS t , BEFORE\ME, 'IN.F. Trant, a Notary Public in and 1'61" ;the C.ounty of Brazos and Stat~ 91' Texas, on this. (:1'o.y p3 rsonally appeared H. p. Dansby, known to me t.o be the pers.on whose nal]1e is sub-scribed to the foreg.oing instrument ~nd aCknowledged t.o me ' that he executed'the same for the pnrposes and considerati.on there. in expressed. ' " . Given under my hand and seal of office .on this the 18th day of January, A. D. 192r. , W.'P. Trant, Notary Public in and for Brazos C.ountY"Texas.. (SEAt) \ \ -63- - "- o o " J..N.Goodwin atal, Trustees ~ to '~ The Two Riverr. Oil Compan:,- ~ ASSIGNMENT, Dated April 30th, 1921, Filed Juno 16th, 1921, Recorded in Volume56, page :315, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas. THE STATE O~ TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ ID10W ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That we, J.N. Goodwin, Josef Gelber, C.S. Gainer, and G.G.; Griffin, of Brazos County,' Texas,for ourselves,and as Trustees, as stated in said lease~, for and in consideration of TEN & NO/IOO ($10000) to us paid by The Two Rivers Oil C.ompany do hereby transfer, assign and convey the leases held by us or any of us, jointly and severally, as hereinafter described, and all our rights, title and interest in ;:laid land hereinafter des- cribed by virtue .of'leases made to us unto the said THE TWO RIVERS OIL COMPANY;...its successor,s and assigns. Said leases are here referred, to and made a part, her,eof, we herein transferring all rights and interest we have in said land by virtuB of said leases to us. Said leases described as fellows: I, (Here f.oll.ows leases on land not' needed in this abstract)." FIFTY - SEVENTH A certain oil' and gas mining lease made and entered int.o by and between H.P.. Dansby, Lessor, and,J.N'.. Goodwip and J. Gelber, Trustees, Lessees,. on January 18th, 1921, covering the following described land, to-wit: . 280 acres of land situated ,in R. Carter league in said County, conveyed to said Dansby by Frank Vavra and wifepy deed dated September 9th,: 1920, and: recorded in Volumn 53, page , 51~,' Deed Records of said County;' also 237 acres of land situated in said Carter league conveyed to said H. P.. Dansby by James , C.o.oper by Doed dated May 5th, 1911, recorded in Volumn 33,' page 610, of said Deed Records; 190 acres .of land situated~in said Carter league conveyed to said H. P. Dansby by E. W. G. Burton etals by deed dated October 31st,1903, rec.ordedin Volumu' 28, pages 83,84 of said Deed Records; also 124 ncres of land situa- ted in the J. W. Scott league in said County conveyed to said Dansby by Rosa Stasta' etals by deed dated November 10th, 1904 and recorde,d in Volumu 29,' page 43,; et seq., .of said Deed Records; als.o 93 acres of land situated in' sa~d Scott League c.onveyed t.o my father, Noah Dansby by John McCorquedale and wife by deed qated June 23rd, 1884, recorded in Volumu D, page 157 of said Deed Records; also 100 acres of land situated in said Sc.otts loague conveyed t.o my father, Noah Dansby, by Ames Peters bnd wife by deed dated August 12th, 1886, and rec.orded in Volumn 2,' page 480 of said Deed records; also 240 acres' of land situated in the B. B. B.. & 0.' R.R. Survey Abstract No. 85, in said C.ounty conveyed t.o said H. p. Dansby by D. G. Gibson by deed dated December 13th, 1915,' and recorded in Volume 44, page 355, of deed reco!'d~ -or seid County, To tal number' of acres being 1267_, (Her follows ather land not needed in this abstract) -64.. . " ''\. "", '" " \ \ \ ~ 'f o o II " ~ ~ '0 ..,_ A...... ~ TO HAVE flJD TO HOLD unto the said THE TWO RIVERS OIL COMPL~, its succe~sors and assigns said lease and all rights and ti tle acquired by ys in said land b'y virtur of said leasos,_ WITnESS our hands this the 30th day of April 1\.. D. 1921~ J. N. Goo dwin Josef Gelber C. S. Gainer G. G.' Griffin ~ j, THE ST1.TE OF TEXAS ~, COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~: BEFORE ME, Mrs. Mary K. Beckwith, a Notary Public in and 'for Brazos County, Texas, on this day per- sonally appeared J. N. Goodwin,_. Josef Gelber, C. S. Gainer and G. G. Griffin, each known t.o me to be the pers<;ms whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that they each executed the same for' the purposes and consire::r;>ations therein expressed, and in the capacity therein stated. Given under my hand and seal of office this the 30th day of April A. D. 1921, ... '" Mrs. Mary K., 'Bockwi th,Notary Public in and for -Brazos County, Texas. (SEAL) -- \ \ -65- I ~ o <.:--. \0 \ ~ '\ to ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ~ RELEASE Dated~May 23rd, 1925, Filed June 12th, 1925, Recorded in Volume 10, Page 367, Release Records, Brazos County, Texas The Two Rivers Oil Company By J.N. 'Goodwin, President W.F. Gelber, Secrotary H. P. Dansby THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 KNO','1 l\LL MEn BY THESE PRESENTS: I j 'I .J: That the Two Rivers Oil Company, a corporation, duly incorporated undor and by virtur of the laws of the State of Texas, acting herein by and through its President, J.N.Goodwin, and by its Secretary, 'N. F., Gelber, and under and by authority of a resolution duly passed by the Board of Directors and said Company on the 22nd day of April, 1925, and shown o~ record in Volume 1, page 76, of ' the Minutes of said Board of DF e~tors, for and in consideration of the sum of One and, NO/IOO (~1.00) Dollars to us cash in hand paid by H. p. Dansby, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consider- ations do hereby release unto the s~id H. p. Dansby all of the ' right, title and interest of ~he Two Rivers Oil Compony, of Br~n, Brazos County, Texas, in.apd to tho following described tracts of land, to-wit: ' ~ '1st: Two Hundre~and eighty (280) acres of land, more .or loss, situated in the Richard Carter league of land in Brazos County, ,Texas, and being tho same tract of land convoyed to me, the'samo H.. p. Dansqy by Frank Vavra, wife, by deed dated Septembor 9th, 1920 and recorded in Volume 53, page 518, of the Deed Records of sal~ Brazos County, Texas, 2nd: Two Hundred and thirty seven (237) acres .of land, more or less, mituated in said Carter league and being the same tract of land conveyed. to me, the said H. P. Dansby-by James Cooper by deed dated May 5th, 1911-, and recorded in Volume No. 33, page 610, of said Deed Records. 3rd: One Hundred and Ninety acres of land, more or less, situated in said Carter league of land and'being the same tract of land conveyed to me, the said H.P. Dansby by E.W. G.. Burton etals by deed dated October 31st, 1903, and recorded in Volune No. 28, pages 83 and 84, of said Deed Records. 4th: One hundred and twenty four (124) acres of land, more or less situated in the J. W. Scott league of land in said Brazos County, Texas, and being the same tract of land c.onveyed to mo,the said H.. P. Dansby by R.osa Stasta otals by deed dated November, 10th, 1904, and recorded in Volume 49, page ~3, of said Deed Redords. 5th: Ninety six (96) acres of land, more or less, situated in said J.. W. Scott league and being the same tract of land conr veyed to my father, Noah Dansby by John McCorquodale and wife, by deed dated June 23rd, 1884, and recorded in Volume No. Z, page 157, et seq.., of said Deed Rccords~ 6th: One Hundred (100) acres of land, More or less, situated in said J. W. Scott league ,and being the same land conveyed to my father, Noah Dansby, by ~~os Poters and wife by deed dated August '. 12th, 1886, and recorded in Volume 2, page 480 of said Deed Reconfis~ " \ \ ,~66- '" I ' ... i I ' , 11 , , I . I i i I j I I 1 l ! i o o :". ."" 7th: Tw.o Hundred and forty (240) acres of land, more .or less, situated ih the B. B.B. &: C. R.R. Survey Abstract N.o. 85, in said Brazos County, and b~ing the same tract of land conveyed to me the said H..P~ Dansby b~ D. G. ' Gibson by Deed dated Dec. 13, 1915, and recordcid in .01. 44, page 335, of said Deed Records, reference is ,made for ab.ove mentioned deeds'for ,particular. desdription of ,said tractso Said tracts of land being fully described in an oil and gas contract dated January 18, 1921, and recorded in V.olume 56, page 61, Brazos County Deed Records, to which' reflerenc e is made in aid of mere particular description, said lease being given by Horace Dansby to J. N. Go.odwin and J.. Gelber, Trustees, and later assigned by the said J. N. Goodwin, J. Gelber t.o the said The Two Rivers Oil Company, And it is hereby distinctlyunderst.ood.and agreed that all of "the right, title and L terest 0"P the said The Two Ri vers Oil Company is hereby cancelled in and t.o said land by virtuB .of said .original lease contract. In witness whereof, the Tw.o Rivers Oil Company has caused these presents to be signed by iw president, J. N.. Goodwin attested by its secretary, W. F. Gelber, and its corp.orate s~al t.o be affixed heret.o on this the 23rd day of May, A.. D. 1925. 'l'he Tw.o Rivers 'Oil 0.0. By J.N. Goodwin; Pres, , W..F. Gelber, Sect. ATTEST: THE STATE OF TEXAS I 'COUNTY OF BRAZOS ,~ BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, .on this day personally appeared,J. N. G.o.odwin and W. F. Gelber, president and sec~etary, respectively, ,of the Two Rivers Oil Company of Bryan, Brazos C.ounty, Texas a 'c.orporation, known to me to be the persons whose names are sub- scribed to the foregoi~ Instrument, and severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed, in the capacities therein stated, and as the act and deed of the said corporation. Given under my hand and seal of ~ffice this the 4th day of June, A.. D. 1925. . W. S. Barron, N.otary Public in and fer Brazos County,Texas. (SEAL) -67... '" o o l 1 I ~.. '" H.P. Dansby ~ to Roy Nunn 0 OIL AND GAS LEASE Dated September 17th, 1924, Filed September 20th, 1924, Recorded in Volume 65 page'180, Deed Records,Brazos County, Texas. THE STLTE OF TEXAS 0 BOUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ KNCW /\LL MEN BY THESE FRESENTS: That thi s l:.greement, mnde and entered int.o the 17th day of September, 1924, by and between H.., p. Dansby of Brazos Count!{, Texas, hereinafter called lessor (whether one or more), and oy ~unn, hereinafter called lessee, Withesseth: That the said lessor, for and in consideration of One Hundfed and No/100 ($100..00) Dollars, cash in hand paid, the rec'€;Ip.t of whi ch is hereby ,acknowledged, and the covenants and agreements hereinafter contained .on the part of lessee to be ~ paid. kept and perfomred, have granted, demised, leased and let, and by these presents do grant, lease and let unto the said lessee for the sole and only,prupose of mining and operating for oil and gas and of laying pipe lines and of building tnnks, power stations and struct1l1res thereto to produce save and tfk e pa.re of said products, and undivided one-half (1/2) interest in and to all these certain tracts of land situated in the County of Brazos, State of Texas, described as follwws, to-wit: First Tract: All that certain tract or parcel of land'in Brazos County, Texas, being 190 acres of land, more or ~ss, in the Richard Carter loague in said Brazos County, Texas, and in that part of said le ague set apart to Mrs. Geraldine Kelly in the partition of the league, BEGINNING at the North or upper corner .of the James Co.oper tract on Carter's Creek; THENCE run S 45 W 1000 vrs with the S. E. line 'of the tract partitioned' among tho heirs of W.. Roed, !-. A. E. Collins and Mrs. G. Kelly to E.. Corner of Lot 1 in that partition; THENCE N 45 W 1200 vrs. with N. E.. line .of Lots 1 and,2 t.o corner of Lot 2 in that partition; THENCE N 45 E with N. W. line .of said tract partiti.oned 880 vs. to ~id channel .of Carter's Croek; THENCE down said creek as it meanders to the BEGINNING, being the same tract of land conveyed to H. P.. Dansby by E. B. W. Burton etals by Deed dated November 5, 1903, recorded in Volume 28, page 83, Brazos County Deed Records. Second Tract:, All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the Richard Carter League in Brazos County, Toxas, and further described as foll.ows, to-wit: ' BEGINNING at the West corner Of Lot No" lout of n. tr~'ct of 880t acres partitioned among the heirs of Mary Ann Reed in Diwtrict Court; of Brazos County, Texas, a stake set in S. E. League line. THENGE N 4:5 E with the N. VI. line of Let He. 1 2432 var as to ,. e8$". "" ~ "\ \ \ " i I Q q " I j I I I 1 r I I North c.orner .o~ same; THENCE N 45 W 550 vrs. to stake in N. W. line .of said 880t P 0 10. . d. brs. S ~7-21 E 5 vrs. acre tract from which a. .,~n. ~n. ~a. v and an.other 3 ins. in dia.. brs. S 20 W 5 vrs; THENCE S 45 W 2432 v~ras with said line t.o the West corner .of said tract in S. W. league line; THENCE S 45 E 550 varas to the PLACE OF BEGINNING, containing Two Hundred and Thirty Seven (23'7) acres of land, m.ore.or less, and being Lot N.o. 2 set apart to Mrs. P. A.o E.. C.ollins in the partition of said 880t acre tract, being the ,same tract of l~nd c.onveyed to H. P. Dansby by James Co.oper by Deed dated MaY,50 19l1,Recorded in Volume 33, page 610, Deed Records, Brazos .ounty, Taxa s . Third Tract: All that c'ertain tract or parcel of land' lyir.g and being situated in the R. Carter league in Brazos County, Texas, and being the interest of Mary Mitchell (nee Reed) and Stephen Reed set apart t.o them in suit No., 1729 .on the Civil Docket of the District Court .of Brazos County, Texas, styled G. Kelly vs. P. A. E. Reed etals, the, same being Lot N.o. I set apart in said suit to said Mary and Stephen Reed, and further described as follows, t.o-wit: BEGINNING at the South corner .of said tract, the same being the west corner of a tract owned <by James Cooper at a stake in S. E. l~ague line; I 1 I' I THENCE run N 45 E 2432 varas, with S.. E... line of said tract and corner from which a P. O. 6 ins. in dia. brs. South 5 var~s, and, another bear s S 67 W 7 varas; THENCE N 45 W 650 varas and c.orner, from which a p. O. 14 ins.. in dia. brs. S87~ W 6 varas, an.other 12 ins. in dia. brs. N 24 W 4 varas; THENCE S 45 W 2452 varas and corner in league line; THENCE S 45 E 650 varas to the pt\CE OF BEGINNING, contain- ing Tw.o Hundred and Eighty (280) acres of land, more or less, and being the same lannd c.onvey~d to H. P. Dansby by Frank ' Vavra bY' deed'dated September 28, 1920, Recorded in Volume 53," page 518, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas,and conta ning 707 acres, more or less. I ! It is agreed that this lease shall remain in force for a term of 5 years from this date, and as long thereafter as .oil or gas, or either of them is produced from said land by the lessee. In consideration of the premises the said lessee c.ovenants qnd agreed: 1st: T.o,deliver to the credit of Lessor, free of cost in the pipe line to which he may connect his wells, the equal one- eighth part of all oil produced and saved from the leased premises. 2nd: To pay the lessor Fifty D.olh,rs each year in advance for tho gas from each well where gas only is found, while the same is being used off the promises, and lessort.o have gas free of c.ost froim ainYlsudchlwl~ll hfor all stoves and all inside, lights in ,the .1,"", pr nc po. we ~ng Quse on said land during the time bymalfing his own connections with the well at his .own risk 'and expense. " I -69- 1 \ \ " III , " ~ " I 'I Ii I 'l I j I I, v Q 't.' j ~ ~ I 3rd: To pay le ssor for gas produc ed from any oil well used off the premises at the rate of One Hundred ($100.00) DolJa rs per year, for the time during which such gas sha.ll be used, said payments t.o be made each three mo~ths in advance.. , If no well be commence on said land on or before the 17th day of September 1925, this-lease shall terminate as to both parties, unless the lessee on or before that date shall payor tender to the lessor, or to the lessor's credit in the First State Bank & Trust Company of Bryan, Texas, or its successors, which shall continue as the depository, regardless of qhang?s in the ownership of said land, the sum of One Doll~r ($l~OO) - per acre which shall operate as rental a.nd cover the pri:iHlogo of deferring the commencement of a well for 12 months from said date'. In like manner and upon liko payment or tenders the commencement of a well may be further' deferred for like periods of the same number of months successively.. And it is under- stood and agreed that the consideration first recited herein, the down payment, covers not .only the pr~vi1ege granted to the date when said first rental is payable as af.oresaid, but als.o the lessee's option 0 f extending that r:e ri.od as af.oresaid, and any and all other rights conferred. Sohould the fi.rst well drilled 'on the above described land be a dry hole, then and in that event, if a second well is not commenced on said ~.nd within twelve months thereafter, this lease shall 'terminate as to both parties, unless the lessee .on or before the expiration of said twelve months shall resume the payments of rentals in the same amount and in the same manner as pereinbefore provided. And it is agreed that upon the re- sumption of the payment d3f rentals, as ab.ove provided, that the last preceeding paragraph hereof, governing the payment of ren- ta1s, and the e'" 'ect .hereof, shall c.ontinue in f.orce just as though there had been no interruption in t he rental payments. ~If said 1esso!' owns a less interest in the above described land than entire undivided fee simple estate therein, then ~he royalties and rentals herein provided for shall be paid the said lessor only in proportion which has interest bears t.o the wh.ole and undivided fee. - Lessee shall have the right to use, free of cost, gas, .oil and water produced on said land for all operations thereon, except water wells of lessor. When requested by lessor lessee shall bury his pipe line below plow depth. No well shall be drilled nearer than 200 feet to the house or barn now on sa;tg. premises without the written consent".of the lessor. '!.;.., Lessee shall pay for damages cau~ed by all .operations t.o growing corps on said land.. Lessee shall have the right at any time to remove all machinery and fixtures placed on said premises, including the right to draw and remove,casing. If the estate of, either party hereto is assigned, and pr~vilege of assigning in wh.ole o!' in part is expressly allowed the covenants hereof shall extend to their heirs, executors, administrators, sucgess.ors, .or assigns, but no change in the ownership of the l~nd' or assignment of rentals .or royalties shall be binding:m the :1 essse until after the lessee has been fur- nished with a 'i'Jrj_tte~:l transf_r Qr assignment, .or a c.opy thereof; 1 -701- '"~..',. '-. ""...--.,....,." .~~:..- \ \ ~ a , " "" " j I ,I I ' I I ", :~ Q o r> and it is hereby agreed that in tho event that this It'?D.se shaiJ.l be assigned as dio a part or as to parts of the above described lands and tho assignee or assignees or' such part or parts shall fail or make default in the payment of the p:;:>opor'tionate part .of the rents due from him or them, such dofuul t ShD.ll not .operate to defeat or affect this lease so far as it covers a part or parts of said lands, upon which the said lessee, or any assignee ,ther.of shall make due payment of said rental.. ,Lessor hereby warrants and agrees to defend the title to the lands herein described and agrees that the lessee shall have the right at any time to redeem fer lessor, by payment any m.ortgages, ~axes, or .other liens .on the above described lands, in the event of default of payment by lessor, and be subrogated :be the rights of the holder thet'eof. .. . In testimony where.of, we sign this the 17th day of Septembe,t, 1924. H. P. Da.nsby THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF BRAZOS I BEFORE ME, W. S. Barron, a. Notary Public in and fer County of Brazos, and state .of Texas, on this day pers.onally appeared H. p. Dansby, knqwn tome to be the persons whose name is subscribed t.o tho foreg.oing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he. executed the same for the pruposes and consideration therein expressed.. Given under my hand and seal of' otrice this the 17th day or September, A. D. 1924. Vf. S. Barron, N.otary Public in and for Brazos County; Texas. (SEAL) -71- \ \ \ '" ......... III , , " '- " [P , , ' 1 I j I l__ 0,', " o Roy Nunn I to I H. P. Dansby I RELEASE Dated March 4th, 1939, F'lle'd March 17'"h 1939 .J.. lJ, :: , Recorded in Volume 15, Page 240, Rslease Records - B~asos County, Texas. THE STLTE OF T~X~S ~ COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ KNOW ALL MEN 3Y THESE PRESEWl'S: That I, Roy ~qu:::.n~for and in consid.eration of One and No/IOO ($1.00) Dollars, cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is heroby acknowled~od~ does hereby release, r'olinquish and surrender to H. P. ~ansby, his hoirs or assigns, all right; tit~ and interest in and to a certain oil and gas mining lease made and entered into by and betwoen H. p. Dansby, .of Brazos County, Texas, as lessor, and Roy NUl;n, as lossoe dated the 17th doy of Sept ember 1,924, covering the following described land in tho County of Brazos and State of Texas, to..wi t: And being throe tracts of la nd in Brazos County, Texas, and described as fol1ows:- First Tract: 190 acres of land out of the Richard Carter League, ,Brazos County, Texas, and described in a deed from E. B. W. Bur- ton, etals, to H. P. Dansby, dated November 5, 1903, a nO. r ecor- ded in Volume 28, page 83 of the Brazos County Deed Records, to which reference is hereby made in aid of description. Second Tract: 237 ncres of land out" of the Richard Carter League, Brazos County, Texas, and described in a deed from .James Cooper to H. p. Dansby, dated May 5, 1911, and recorded in Vol- ume 33, page 610, of the Deed Records of BrazoS County, to which reference is, hereby made in aid of description. Third Tract: 280 acres of land out of the Richard Carter League, Brazos County, Texas, and described in a deed from Frank Vavra and wife to H.. P. Dansby, dated September 28, 1920, and recorded in volume 53, page 518, of tho Deed Records of Brazos County, , Texas~ to which reference is hereby made in aid of descripti.on, said lease being recorded in the office of the County Clerk in and for said County, in Book 65, at page 180, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas. In Witness Vn~ereof, the undersigned owner and releaser has signed this instrument this 4th day of Marbh, 1939.. /' Roy Nunn t '. THE STATE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF BRAZOS I BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Nd ary Public in and for said County and State, on this day ~rsonally appeared Roy Nunn, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged t.o me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND LND SEi'.L OF OFFICE this the 7 day of March-: fl... D. 1939. Mrs.. Bess Barron, Notary Public in and for Brazos County, Texas. (SEAL) -72- 'J I a _i III '" ~ \ \ ~ , . I I I ~, I '''''-':;.... :0 " II 1 I \ The i'.ollowing information concerning H. P. Dansby, Deceased, was taken from the Depth Record at the City Hall, Bryan, Brazos County, Texas,Volume 1, page 86: I Full name of Deceased...' ~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .Eorace p. Dansby I Sr. Residence of the Deceased..............Bryan, Texas.. Sex... . . .... . . .'. ". . . . .~. . . . . _. . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . . 11n 1 e Color or Race. :.... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . ~ . . . . . Whi te Single, married, widowed, divorced.......................Married Husband qf ............................ .Mrs. Minnie Dansby .,. .' . Date of Birth...........................October 18,1877 r . . age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "': . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .58 ye ar s Trade.. . ~ . . . . . . . .. .' . . . . . . . . ... . .... . . .. . . Farmer and Steckman Informant...~............................N.orman g. Dansby Burial, Place. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steep Hollow Undertaker..............................Charles F. Hillier Medical Certificate of Death Date of Date...~.........................~April 3, 1936 Cause of Death................. .r......... . Coronary occlusion (signed) Dr. L. 0.. Wilkerson, M. D. -73- III " , ~ " \ \ 0, "~ o J. Sidney Smith, etEilR ~ to ~ The Public ~ AFFIDAVIT, Dated March 4th, 1939, Filed May 12~jh,9 19;)9, Recorded in ~olume 100, page 83, Deed Records, Bra~os County, Texas. ,. IlL I , I II I 'I THE STI,TE OF TEXAS ~ COUNTY OF BRAZOS 2 J. Sidney, J. M. Ferguson and R. B. Grant, Sr., being duly sworn, upon their oath did depose and say each for himsolf, as follows: "I was well acquainted with H. P. Dap,sby during his life time.. He died intestate .April 3, 1936. J.here 'INas no administra- tion upon his estate and no nec~ssity for administration, as his he'irs were all more than twenty one years of age on tho dato of his death and his:ostate was not in debt. "At the time of his death he left as his sole surviving heirs his widow, Mrs. Minnie Dansby, and their three sons, NormanJ. Dansby, !\IIi t Dansby and Horace p,.. Dm sby, Jr. There were 19.0 decendants of children, whose death preceded H. P. Dansbytsdeath. They had only one other child, but it died in infancy and without issue.1t Dated this the 4th day of March, 1939. J. Sidney Smith J. M. Ferguson R. B. Gr an t, Sr. SWORN ,/lJD SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME, this the 4th day of March, 1". D. 1939.. (SEAL) w.S. Barron, Notary PUblic, Brazos County,Texas THE STl. TE OF TEX),S ~ COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ .....:;. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared J. Sidney Smith, J. M. Fergus.on and R. B. Grant, Sr., all to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that they cuted the same for the pruposes and considera ti.on therein pressed. known above exe- ex- Given under my hand and seal of office this the 4th day of March, 1939. (SEAL) W. S. Barron, Notary Public, Brazos Vaunty, Texas; -74- x--- II \ ~ ... \ '" \ \ \ " I o o Mrs. Minnie Dansby, et 0.1, 0 '~ to 0 0 ~ J. C. Culpepper 0 DEE D, Dated August 10, 1937, Filed August 17, 1937, Hecol'ded in Volume 94, page 231- Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas. THE ST~\TE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF BRAZQSO KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PHESE."NTS: '. The-twe, Mrs. Minnle Dansby for myself and as' survivor of the Community Estate of myself andH. P. Dansby, Sr., my deceased hus9and; .and Norman J. Dansby, Mi t Dansby, and Horace P. Dansby, Jr., as s:)le children and heirs at law of H.P. ' Dansby, Sr~, deceased, who died in Bryan, Brazos, County,' Texas, on April 3, 1936, intestate; and the~e being no debts and all of said children being of age, of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, for' and' in c:)nsideration of the sum of Forty Thousand & NO/IOO ($40,000.00) Dollars to us 'paid, and secured to be paid by J.. C. Culpepper as follows: $10,000.00 cash in hand paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged; And the further sum of $30,000.00 as is evidenced by six (6) promissory vendor's lien notes; each'for the sum of $5,000.00 payable t,) the order Df Mit Dansby;, at Bryan, Texas, on or before Aucust 10, 1938, 1939; 1940, 1941, 1942 ~d 1943; with interest from August 10, 1937, at the rate of six'(6~) per cent per annu_; interest payable annually on August 10 as it accrues. B.)th principal and in terest :)ayable at Bryan, Texas. Past due interest to bear interest at the rate ()f six per cent , per annum until paid. Each of said notes further provides that failure to pay same ;)r any installment of interest thereon when due shall,a.t the election of the h~')lder of them or any of them, mature the full amount owing on all of said notes. Said notes provide that in the event of default and same are placed in the 'hands of an attorney f:)r collection or if collected by legal proceedings then an additional ten per cent on principal and in- terest shall be added as collection fees. And as additional security, . there is this day 8iven a. deed of tru~t on s~id land hereinafter d~scribed, to J.. N. Dulaney Trustee for the benefit of Mit Dansby; have GHANTED, SOLD and CONVEYED, and by these presents db Grant, Sell and' Convey, unto the said J. C. Culpepper of the Coupty of Mi~am, State )f Texas, all that certain tract or parcel of. land lying and being situate'd in the Richard Carter Survey, Abstract No. B, Brazos County, Texas, and being a. tract of 200 acres of land, described by metes and b)unds as fc)llows: Being out of two tracts of land heretofore conveyed to H. P. Dansby as shown by deeds recorded in Volume 33, page 610, and Volume 53, page 518, Deed Hec:)rds of Braz'Js County, and BEGINNING :)n the west line of State Highway No.6, at the S., W. comer')f the Dansby' land, a lane n~)t far from OY)1)osi te the new gateway of the A & M College of Texas; -.. T}:l~nCE S. 46' 10 E 3311 ft., with said line of the High- "'!75- - ~~-----., -;0"'-",,<.. I I J III "\ ~ " '" \ \ " o o way and corner; I :1. I THENCE N 45 E 2632 ft. and corne::......; THENCE N 46' 10 VI 3314 ft ~')a!'allel wi th t he first line and corner; THEN CE S. 45 Vi. 2632 ft. to tbe place of beginning, con- taining 200 acres of land Clnll we o.lso c:mvey any interest that we have in any highway front l1Jt herotofore conveyed by us in the Highway adjoininc said tractJf land. The grantors in making the n')tes payable to Mi t Dansby hereby authorize the sai d !VIi t Dansby or any other h'Jlders of said notes, to execute and deliver to the Grantee, his heirs and assigns partial releases as sqles i)f said tract of land herein c(')l1.veyed are made )!'ovidedhowever that the considerations of such sales are delivered to the said Mit Dansby or other holders here0f. TO rulVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, toce~ ther with all and sinGular tho rights and appurtenances thereto in anywise belonging unt:) the said J.. C. Culpepper, hishelrs, executors and aClninistratJ!'s to 'vVarrant and Forever Defend, all and sfngular the said'lJremises unto the said.J. C. CulpePl)er his heirs and assicns, against every lJerson \vl1.nns:Jever lawfully claiminc, or to claim the same or any part thereof. But it is ex)ressly agreed and stipulated that the vendor's lien is retained' against the abi.)ve described property, premises and improvements, until the ab)ve described notes, and all interest thereon are fully )aid accJrding to their face and tenor, effect and reading when this deed shall become absolute. VIi tnes smr hands at Bryan, Texas, ,this 10th day of August, 1937. $40.00 Revenue Stamp and $29.80 St.ate stamps affixed and' duly cancelled Mrs. Minnie Dansby, For myself and as survivor of the Community Estate' of myself and H. F.. Dansby, Sr.., deceased '1 Norman J. Dansby Mit Dansby Horace p. Dansby, Jr.. THE STATE OF TEJUiS 0 COUNTY OF - ~O BEFQHE ME, the undersi[ned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State,' on this day )ers:)nally apl)ca.red Mrs. Minnie Dansby, 0. widow, N,)rman J. Dansby, Mi t Dansby and Horace ? . Dansby, Jr., kn()wn tc me to be the persons whose names are subscribed t) the foregoing instrument, and severally acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and con- sideratLms therein ex)ressed, and. Mrs. Minnie? Dansby in the capacity therein stated. Given under 'my hand and seal of office this the 10th day of August, 1937~ \ o~ W. Kelley, Notary Public in and for Brazos County, Texas. \, \ (SEAL) -76- " '"' \ \ v ~ o o Victoria Dominik et ala 0 ( ) I ( ) t.oO ( ) o ( ) The Public 0 AFFIDA VIT ~ Dated March 4th, 1939, Filed May 12th, 1939, Recorded in Volume 100, page 82, Deed Records, Brazos Coun ty, Texas. THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COmny OF BRAZOS 0 .'" Victoria Dominik, W.'S. Barron and J. G. Minkert, being ;' ''duly sworn upon their oaths, each did depose and say, an , follows: "I am well acquainted with the lOcation of the Humble Pipe Line Company's pipe line and its course through the Richard Carter League, Brazes County, Texas. I am also ac- quainted with the 200 acre tract of land' conveyed by Mrs. Minnie Dansby, et al, to J. C. Culpepper, on tho 10th day of August, 1937, by deed recorded in Volume 94, page 231, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and of my own knowledge and from observations made on the ground, I knew that this pipe line does not go through or touch any part of said 200 acre tract, but goes through the land .of H. P. Dansby Estate, at least three fourths .of a mile northeast of the said 200 acre tract of land." Dated this the 4th qay of March, 1939. Victoria Dominik IV. S. Barron J. G. Minkert swom~ AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE 1ffi, this the 4th day of March, A. D. 1939. (SEAL) THE STATE OF TEXAS t COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 Mrs. Bess J3arron, Notary Public Brazos County, Texas. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Victoria ,Dominik, a feme 8.010, W.S. Barren and J. G. Minkert, all known to me to bathe persons whose names are subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument and acknowledged t.o me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal .of .office this the 4th day of March, 1939. (SEAL) Mrs. Bess Barron, Notary Public Brazos County; ~exas.. -77- , " " ~ " \ \ '- _._-_.__.-._~ ... . 'Gt o ," J. C. Culpepper ~ o o ~ o o DEE D$. Dated July 5th,' 1938) Filed J~ly 29th, ]938 Recorded in Volumo 96, Page 555, Deed Records, Brazos County, Texas. ' to /~ Bryan Amusement Company THE STA'l'E OF TEXA,S C COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ Imow ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That I, J. C. Culpepper of the County of Milam, State .of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum .of 'THREE THOUSllliD & NO/IOO Dollars to me paid, and'secured to be paid by Bryan Amusement Company as foll.ows: $1,000.00 cash in hand paid, the recei~t' of which is hereby acknowledged, and the further sum of @2,000.00 as is evidenced by one certain promissory note of 'even date herewith, payable t.o the order of College Hills Estates, Inc., on or before six months after date with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum; providing that past due interest bear interest at the rate of six p.er cent per annum; providing in the event of default and same is placed in the hands of an attorney for collection'or if suit is brought or if collected through the Probate'Coul't, then it is agreed that ten per cent additional on principal and interest then due and owing shall be added as co'llection fee; have 1 I r ~ l lr , GRANTED, SOLD, a.nd CONVEYED, and by these presents de Grant, Sell and Convey,' unto the saiCi Bryan Amusement C.ompany of the County of Brazos, State of Texas, all that certain tract or parcel of. land lying' and being situated in the Richard Carter' League in Brazos Co un ty,;. Texas, and being QU t of the Subdivision of part' of a 200 acre tract known as the College Hills Estates, and described more particularly as follows: Being out of B,.ock One (1) of said Subdivision, and BEGINNING at a point 100 :feet S E from the South line of Lincoln Avenue and the North line of said Subdivision, and .on Walton Drive and ten feet from the West line of said Subdivision TH~~CE in a southeasterly direction and with the arc of the Walton Drive 150 feet and corner; THENCE N l6~ E 255 feet and corner on the E line .of said 'Block, at an alley; THENCE N 45,W with said line, 118 feet and corner; TH~"NCE at right angles S 45 W 92i feet with,t he N line of said Subdi vision and the S line of Lincoln Avenue, and corner; r I , f i i THENCE S l6i W 208 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. The land is sold for the purpose of the Grantee erecting a theatre for a motion picture show building, together with such other purposes that are ordinarily connected with and under the same roof with such business; and it is understood that this 'condition is part of the consideration of this c.on- anca and runs with this land. It :,8 ft.irther understood thcat the Grantor and his -78- i '\ ~ " ~ \ \ r I , 6 () successors in title to said Subdivision, will not convey any lot or lots in said Subdivision or other property owned oJ said Grantor and his successors, for a theatre or mot.ion picture show building. The Grantor retains an easement to run,the sower line across the lot where said line is now established. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, t.o- gether with all and singular the rights and appurtenances the:r:>8 to in anywise b21on'ging unto the said Bryan .Amusement Compnny its successors' and assigns forever and I do hereby bind my.. self, my heirs" executors and administrators, t.o Warl"'ant arid Forever Defend, all and singular. the said premises unto the said Bryan Amusement Company, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming, or to claim, the same, or any part thereof. But it is expressly agreed and stipulated that the Vendor's Lten is retained' against the above described pr.operty, ,premises arid improvements, until the above described note, and all intel"'est thereon are fully paid according to its face and . tenor, effect and reading ~n~en this deed shall become absolute. Witness my hand at Bryan, Texas, this 5th day of July 1938. $3.00 Revenue Stamp affixed and $1.80 Note Stamp affixed and duly cancelled J. C. Culpepper I I I . . . . . THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 BB~ORE ME, the. undersigned, a Notary Public in and fer said. County and State, on this day personally appeared J. G. Culpepper, known to .me to be the person whose name is sub- scribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for'the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this the 11th day of' July, A. 'D. 1938. ~ ' ~ Aline Brogdon, Notary Public in and for Brazos County, Texas (SEAL) r -79- '" u '\ ~ '"\ \ \ \ ~ 1 II 1 !j :, ~ ij I il j 'I '- o o J. Sidney Smith, et 0.1 to o A.FFID.i\ VIT t t Datod March 4th, 1939, o Filed May 12th. 1939 o Recorded in VolumoclOO, page 83, o Deed Records, Bpt1Z) s Coun:ty~ 1'e~wE. The Public THE STATE OF TEXAS Q COUNTY OF BRAZOS l J. Sidney Smith and J. M.. Ferguson, being duly sworn upon their oath did depos,e and say each for himself, as follows :. flI have lived near and been acquainted with the following described tract of land for more than thirty years:- All that, certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in. the Richard Carter Survey, ,4bstract N.o. 8,' Brazos County, ~exas, and being a, tract of 20d acres of land, described by metes and bounds as 'follows : r ~J ; Being out of two tracts of land heretofore conveyed to H. P. Dansby as shown by deeds recorded in Volume 33, page 610, and Volume 53, page 518, deed records of Brazos County, and ' BEGINNING on the west line of State Highway No.. 6, at the S. W. corner of the Dansby land, a lane not far from .opposite the new gateway of the A.. & M. College of Texas; THENCE S. 46' 10 E 3311 ft with said line of the High- way, and corner; THENCE N. 45 E 2632 feet and corner; THENCE N 46' 10 W 3314 feet parallel with the first line and corner; THENCE S 45 W 2632 feet to the place of beginning, containing 200 acr~"js of lanp., and we also convey any interest that we have in any ~lghway front not heretofore conveyed by us in the Highway adjoining said tract of land. Said land is more fully described'in a deed from Mrs. Minnie Dansby, et al, to~. C. Culpepper, dated August 10, 19:37, and recorded in Volume 94, page 231, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, to which deed and its record re- ference is hereby made in aid .ofdescrlpti.on. The said 200 acre tract of land was a part of tw.o tracts of land one of which contains 237 acres and acquired by H. P. Dansby from James Cooper, on May 5, 1911, and deed is reco~ded in Volume 33, page 610, of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and the other contains 280 acres and'was acquired by H. P. Dansby by deed dated September 27, 1920, by deed recorded in Volume 53~ page 518, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, from Frank Vavra. I am familiar with both tracts of land prior t.o 1910, and at that time the 237 acre tract of land was owned by James Cooper and rented by him to various tenants. There was a main dwelling, a barn, well of water, tanks and one or mere tenant houses located on this tract of land, prior t.o the time James Cooper sold it to H. P.. Dansby. A part of said land was ..80- ....-. -,,' ~,r ~--,~" ~." '- _. .;;,..~;.:;:;."=':,~ .s..~.;JE, 'III . " \ ~ " ~ \ \ o o in cult! vationand a part in pasture. The land was cross fenced into convenient pastures and had been used for a farm and small ranch for more than twenty years at that tlme. H. P. Dansby acquired title in 1911 and continued to use it as a farm and pasture. He repaired the farm houses and rehabilitated the place in general. H.. P. Dansby rented the land to various parties who cultivated the farm portion mostly .on a third and fourth basis. The pasture land was used by H. P. Dansby wi th his other land fer his live stock. A .tenant by the nnme.of Ed Boriskie'lived on this placafor many years and when he moved away about the year 1929, a man by the name of Richards became the tenant, who used the place in the same way that Bori~kie had used it. Richards occupie~ the land as Dansby's tenant until ab.out the year 1934 or 1935 and moved away. Dansby then tore down the house and all buildings and turned it all into pasture. The 280 acre tract of 'land above described in 1910 and several years prior thereto was the homestead of Frank Vavra, who acquired the land in the early nineties. Frank Vavra built a h.ouse on it, kept up fences, cultivated: portions of the 280 acres, put down 'a well, dug tanks and had all homestead impr.ovements.. Frank Vavra reared a. large family on this place and used most of the land for a fram and a part of it for a pasture. --- ., , In 1920 he sold the land to H. P. Dansby, who In turn rented the land to Rudolph Vavra, a son of Frank Vavra and his family lived on the place as tenants. Rudolph Vavra rented the land on a third and fourth. basis. He lived on the place until' the year 1936, when the 200 acre tract of land was sold to J. C. Culpepper and the portion .of the 280 acres included in the 200 acres took in the house occupied by Rudolph Vavra. I I I I ~ i During all the time that I have kno~m this place, for more th~n twenty years, it has been used and occupied by H. P. Dansby and his prodecessor$ in title, who have held peacable and adverse possession of same, cultivated, used and" enjoyed the same. ~ land has been fenced with a good renee, which has been kept up and in ordinary labor. Affiants are both acquainted with the fact that H. P.. Dansby always paid his taxes on all of his property bef.ore they became delinquent. Affiant J. M. Ferguson was Tax Collect.or for six years, County Judge for four years .and at the present time is first Deputy Tax Assessor-Collector in said Tax Office. Affiant J. Sidney Smith is also a Deputy in said Tax Collector's office and fer six years was Tax Assessor of Brazos County, Texas, and has b~~n in constant tough with the Tax records. . Said land fronted on one of the main county roads in Bra~bs' C.ounty, Texas, just across the A. & M. College property and was in a thickly settledcornmunity. I have never known of anyone claiming title to. this land other than the record owners from 1890 to this ,date. Affiant J.. M. Ferguson is 60 years of age and J. Sidney Smith is 60 years of age and both were born ~nd reared in Brazos County, Texas." t Dated this the 4th day of March, 1939. J. M. Ferguson J. Sidney Smith SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME, this the 4th day .of March, 1939. t' I (SEAL) W. S. Barron, ' Notnry Public Brazos County, Texas. -81- '11\ i , ~ ~ \ \ " I 'I I I 1 r II I I " [ , I' I I I "..." '-s.=- .~ '_~ I -0 THE STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUNTY OF BR~\.ZOS 0 o -,,'" . BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally.appeared J. M. Ferguson and J. Sidney Smith, known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the above and foregoing ins t rumen t and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expre s sed. Given under my hand and seal of office this the 4th day of March, 1939. (SEAL) t- , nH, .._",~...",,~,~,' '._'T -82... W. S. Barron,' Notary Public Brazos County, Texas. ,. r- ~ l' ~ \ 'I i , '. j 1 ,) :1 Ii . f I ,I .1 I I .J " " '\ ~ "\ ~ \ \ " o o --- .~- RUdolph Vavra 0 AFFIDA VIT , 0 0 Dated May 3rd" 1939, o ' 0 Fi Ie d May 3rd, 1939, o ' 0 Recorded in Volume 100, page 34, ~ Deed Records, Brazos County, 0 ' Texas. ,1 I I ;1 I , , to The Public I 1 I 1 I 'I I I I THE-STATE OF TEXAS Q COUNTY 'OF BRAZOS 0 Rudolph Vavra, being duly sworn did depose and say upon his oath, as follows: "My name is Rudolph Vavra. I am 58 years .of age. I am a child of Frank Vavra, deceased. He owned a tract of 280 acres in the Richard Carter League, Brazos. County, Texas. I lived on this place from the time my father purchased it in the early nineties until I moved away in 1936. I helped work creps on the place each year as a field hand and child of my father, 'then as a renter from my father and then as a renter from H. P. Dansby. I am particularly familiar with the crops grown .on this place and with the crops grown on the adjoining 237 acres of land. The basic crops grown each and every year by my father and by the tenants on the Cooper or Dansby place were corn and cotton. There was various feed crops on limited acreage such as sorghum, oats and truck patches. This is a corn and cotton country and was decidedly so prior to the year 1936. A crop was grown-each year on this place from the early nineties to 1933 or 1934 on the 237 acres and on the 280 acres through the year 1936. Rudolph Vavra Sworn"and subscribed to before me,' this the 3rd day .of May, A. D. 1939. w. S. Barron, Notary Public Brazos Co~mty, Texas. (SEAL) THE STATE OF TEXAS a COUNTY OF BRAzos O. BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Rudolph Vavra, kn.own to me to be the pers.on whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purp.oses and consideration therein expressed. , ! Given under my hand and seal of office this the 3rd day of May, 1939. (SEAL) W. S. Barron, Notary Public, Brazos County, Texas. , f I I I -83- it II' 'I J \ \ ~ " " " '" " --<. i 6 o Vi~toria Dominik to o o o o o AFFl DAVIT and PLAT - Dated April 7th, 1939, Filed May 3rd, 1939, Recorded in Volum.e 100, page. 30, Deed Records , Bra.z.os County, Tex8.r-, The Public ... - THE STATE OF TE)u~S 0 COUWJ.TY ,OF BRAZOS ~ Vict.oria Dominik, being duly sworn, did depose and say as,-!"611ows: "I was !'eared on the Dominik plantation adj.oining the H. P. Dansby, Sr., land purchased by him from the Vavra's. I am twenty seven years .of age and have known the place for more than twenty years. My family and the Vavraf~~ily were close friends. Rudolph Vavra, son .of Frank Vavra, married an aunt .of mine, Annie Dominik. Frank Vavraclived in the main house of the 280 acre tract .of land later conveyed'to H . P. Dansby, Sr. My~ncl~ Rudolph Vavra, lived in a small house northeast of the mainhouse.I very often went from our home to my uncle's home. '" 'A four wire fence' attached t.o common post oak posts completely surrounded the 280 acre tract of land and there ~VS1.'0 cross fences di viding the pasture land from the cuI ti vated land~ Openings in the fence line were by wire gaps attached to small post oak polls, fastened at the top and bottom with wire loops. These fences'were kept in repair from time to time by adjoining land .owners, from the time when I first began noticing them, more than twenty three years ago. There has not been a time when these fences were net up.. In the fall of the year the gaps would some times be left down between the field and pastu!'e, but the gaps on the out side fences were always'kept up. The fence between the D.ominik land and the Vavra land, later Dansby land,....was owned , jointly by the Dominik's and the Vavra's and then Dansby'S, and when they worked the fences, each owner would furnish an equal number of laborers and divided the bills for fence material. There was a fenco' dividing the 237 acre tract, which is known as the Cooper land, and the 280 acre tract" known as the Vavra place. This fence was also a four wire fence, attached to' post oak posts.- This was a solid fence from the College road to the northeast end, until H. P. Dansby, Sr.., purchased botht'rac't-s"....,and a wire gap was made in this dividing fence to all.ow passag~ from one tract to the other. " , , The northwest fence divided the Cooper land fr.om the Putz land and D. A. Smith land, and there was als.o a four wire fence, attached to post oak posts and maintained by Ed Putz and H. P. Dansby, Sr,., as far back as I can remember. Both ends of b\.lth tracts (the, 237 acre tract and the 280 acre tract) were als.o fenced with a four wire fence attached to common post oak posts. r More than twenty years age D. A. Smith purchased what was known as the Atkins place on the northwest side of the ~ , Cooper land and southwest of the Ed Putz place. He built a fence in a way that a lane was left-from the College road now Highway 6, to the home of Ed Putzabout one half ,of the distance of the northwest line. o There'was a min gate on the fence line on Highway No. 6, into ,the Vavra property and there was a wire gap on the C.ooper land along the line ne~t to ,the Highway No.6, where a wire gap on the Cooper line on the narrow line above referred to. Thence out side gaps were always lrept closed. ...84- ... !fill ../ \ \ ~ \ ~~ "' \ '\ ~ [~: l I j I 1 , I I 1 ~ I I I I II : I i I I I \ ~ ,0 o I ha.ve read .the affidavit, d~ted March 4, 1939, ofTJ. !vI" Ferguson and J. Sidney Smith, and as far back as I can remember, the statements contained therein are true. I have never kn.own .or anyone disputing the title of H. P.. Dansby, Sr., and his predec~ssors but his possession ana the, p.ossession .of his predecessors ,has been peaceful and adverse to the world. Dated this the 7th day of April, 1939. Vict~ria Dominik 1939. (SEAL) SWORN AND SUBSCRIBED TO BEFORE ME, this the 7'th day of April, W. S. Barron, Notary Public Brazos County, Texas. THE STATE OF TE~\S t COUNTY OF BRAZOS t BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day per- sonally appeared Victoria Dominik, a feme sole, known to me t.o be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing in- strument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein eA'}Jressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this the 7th day of .Ap'ril, 1939. (SEAL) w. S. Barron, Notary Public Brazos County, Texas. THE STATE OF TEJL~S I . . COUNTY OF BRAZOS 0 I, Victoria Dominik, hereby certify that the plat attached hereto was drawn by me to scale and I have indicated on said plat the location of the various tracts .of land, location of fenceS and cross,fences, houses and ownership of adjoining lands to conf.orm to my Affidavit made April 7, 1939. The Frank Vavra house on the 280 acre tract of land was occupied by Frank Vavra and his family for more than twenty (20) years.. The tenant house northw0stof the main house was occupied by Rudolph Vavra from 1917 to 1920, and after Dansby purchased the Vavra place Frank Vavra moved out and Rudolph Vavra moved into the Main house (the one referred to as having been .occupied by Frank Vavra for more than twenty years). Rud.olph Vavra lived in the main house .or Frank Vavra house fron the year 1920 to 1936. Ed Boriskie lived in the tenant house on the 237 acre tract .of land from 1916 to about the year 1929, and he then m.oved away and a. man by the name of Richards occupied the Boriskie House from the year 1930 to the year 1934 or 193p, when the house was town down and a portion of said land was sold to the College Hills Estates. Dated this the 28th day of April, 1939. Victoria Dominik SWORN JiliD SUBSCRIBBD TO BEFORE ME, this the 28th day of April, 1939. , SEAL) W. S. Barron, Notary Public, Brazos County, Texas. -85- ,j '1 Ii " 1 . .J , I ..l I \ ,"'1ri 1 <II "I ", 1 , 'I I j It " Jj , '\ "----.. " \ \ \ I b o THE STATE OF TEL\S ~ COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ ; BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, on this day per- 'sonally appeared Victoria Dominik, a feme sole, known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the above and foregoing in- , strumen:t and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this 'the 28th day of April, 1939.. (SEAL) w. S. Barron, Notary Public Brazos County, Texas. -86- II 1 I I I 'I I I I I t 1 III ~ 'I I r " \ ~ "\ - \ I " ,~ E~~ C R......... I ~ ' ~/ ARJ C:/ ~ I / .0 m 1 --g-ma:U" '~ Gap Pasture k Gate ..,-'.'..,,',..... .......,..& '::,-:'--"-"Ua te (:J Rdd 1 h ,I Large V... Dominik Boriskie V~v~a~ s I, al_J house 4House II li.ouse II House v A.w I' I Frank r ierc~i IGOTTON COTTON' Vavra a 12A.r CORN FIELD ~e 11 R RFIELD 'I COTTO~ L .f ' 0 .0 ' i I ~IELD 0 A 'etA 1,0 wN ...- .n ' \. D I A D --- C Ii t I D a ._'~" n ,"'--"" 'A COLrJEGE HI S ESTA'IlfScorns-'House ,I 200, area Fieldb LJ --'~-~ C.ott.on Corn' 9t'ton Ii v i'f....-i~ Field, Field F1.eld C.otton ;'-:-----j" Ua Gate Gs. ----~ Wlre ar w re ence 6 (j ; Plat sh.owing~he ; 237 acres of DanSbY!, land (f.ormerly , Co.oper land) and 28~ acres of land now D~nsby but formerly Fra.nk ,I vavra, la.nd, in the I R. Carter League, , Brazos County, Texa$. Scale: 400 varas -1 inch C.ollege Hills Estates C.ompany , pr.operty, 'being 200 acres, shown in Green .on plat' H. P. Dansby , I L. N " " ,.--'~: i I j ,I I H. P. H. P. DANSBY LAN D _ ...._ _ {;.JVI liE \ P. DANsJ ! ~iNCE i I o 4 w b n aH. e r d b j e o d i' w n i t r 1 e y f 'b eFence - 1 -'-Y'- n Ed Putz C'! c House- e Dansby &.Putz Gate Ed Putz 200 acres Ed Putz 1'- 107 acres i- 1"- I . 4 I D. A. SMITH I SUBDIVISION I " I ~' '.' 1-(~' 15i-< 'i t:'f /,' ,1-1 i G /JUJH t /v 0 {; DOMINIK LAND 420 acres Gate ,1' ill J , "- '\ ~, " \ "\ \ \ \ '" \ \ " ~ T 'I \ \ ~" ... \ "\ 'i,', I .r, { J \ I \ I " 11 I I \ \ ~~ " '\ "\ '" "", \ \ I \ \ \ Tj \ " ~, '" \ '\ "'" ! L \.. 0, \ ~, "\ \ \ ~ "- '" ~ '"\ \ \ ~ .---- \ \ Tj Ti \ \ \ \ \ "" ~ " ~, , \ \ '\ '+ " ~ '" ~ '~ " \ \ " l 1 j 1 1 j " " ~ " \ \ " '\ ~ " \ \ " \ '\ ~ " \ \ l I i I "-- \ \ 'tr \ ~ ~ ~ .... " "-- \ \ \ li \ \ ~. '\ " ~ 'Y ~~g~)~t.j.~~i~WlJrf~~r '-- ..."'i.I.,.,'.::').....,.""_""'-.., " '\ ~ .... \ " \ \ ~ \ \' "" ~ ~ " \ \ "-- l " ~ '" \ \ "-- a i'< I a It'f' J 111 , .,;~ ~ " ~ .... \ \ "-- \ ~ ~ .... \ " \ \ "-- :111.. III -u-:, I III I'J " \ ~ .... \ \ " \ ;"1 .; t!fJ. .~\ >L______~ "-- J I j j \ '" ~ \ ~ i I I~ I '\ ~ ~ ~ \ '\ \ \ \\ "" ~ "\ \ \ "-- \ '\ \ \ ~ '\ \ \ "-- ! II 1-- "",~!m'! o o .~ T.A:t (}'gB!r:f~':WATE STa:.,~ CIF' '1'B~.s A .& M OCl1fji)i..J1ltlTEIf. $0l!(}OJ.. :011.s'fi1!C'T (;1 J.:) to S 1) Ri.!~J:t5'Ll~~~ t;aJt~ s,1Si1eSe{.l'(:t.~lllr(1.J~j..e6.~.,(ir 01," tb!J; ,PA. t:h iM{ fj{}i1ra'f:):tifl:e~t~d Sohvol D5~~:rCri(r~fJ hel',sh:r IJfJ:!"t;:tiy tttiJ.d:> all t~~es ~r:! the :l'ealef.l.t~/(;S dalll::3r:i:be.d barl;;l:!,.:tmt"ter in 't.hi,,\ .r.. & liI Coru,(.I1.:l.d~."ood !;D,{t0pel1d.:mj; ac.ho~)l dlst:..":lci;; of: Coll<5ig;(~ {'N;~J;i()):ll<' 'J: e,~s !) ha 1;i€l he~nl p!1l.1.'i {)i\, a:f::i.d. mel ud5.ng thi;) yea1~ , Q A A f~ " "".l.~I~;ot."~W~S""''?;~J.'',,,u.;Wl,lj't~'tl>~~I..~'''''' , DBSGRI:P:fJ":ON O.ti' fRO'P:em'l'Y Lot 72, College Hills Woodlands Rendered in the n81ne of College Hills Co. 1 fur~{~1:.1:.er C~Jx~~:,:lfJJI' W.lfl.'t i;ht$i!{~1J e.l~e l:lCi1~ l:lt.) .~le:t~1.21Cl'Ut;):n1.~ scJl~~al, 1;~xrfj~~ -ort 't~he S]1.1:liYW0 \lo$cril:Jccil. pl'('''peZ''''~y ", YiI~.r~~j8S It-f HP:ftl~) (~~ (JFl;l"J:(;E 1J!i~:ticS~!(11J.:lf' ~~~t; Coll~3ge Stati,,>>nt) TeX"~f~9 "\ihit~ .?EE.\il~~~~IrtV~~;l,.t1.t!~~rE~:YA~"..lg~Q~w~"'~~~"~'_=W1~~#J\i~1...~~~,~~~.w~>ff~,~'}<l s:J"e~~]>>)(l~,,~~_.~~ ;ra;~\: .t'h8S~3.{~H!;Oj:'t $.Itd. '.J.ol:l\':1~,J,:;(}Xj; oJ: A .& 1i,~: l1o:rusol:tda:ted :!:I'll:tep~'nt<:l8rn:~ Se!l(~()l D1~1S"b1!~i(~qa~,<s IJ:il~~.;~ " "Ji r ~ i '. 1 "1 j "of i ~ ) ''''1 ~- -.. , ~ ~ \' J t 1 .\ \ , i ~ III ~ " \ \ '-" o o TAX CERTIFICATE "" STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS College Station, Texas 1-30-50 I j , I '1 I, Tax Assessor-Collector for the City of College Stotion, Texas and the A. & M.. Consolidated Independent School District, hereby certify that I have made a careful check of the delinquent tax rolls in use in my office, and did not find a record of any delinquent taxes against the following described property, up to and including the year 19~, except for tile years 19 · Amount Delinquent $____. Current $ Total' $ Non~ Lot or Abst. Block or acres Addi tio n or survey 72 CQllP,EA Hill~ WnndJanQs I I Ii 1 I Rendered in the name of T. W. StaJl1i9T.th for the year 19~. C" This certificate is issued as a courtesy, without charge; no guaranty is made against errors. The l~rson, company or corporation relyipg hereon takes the risk of any errors. Our delinquent rolls are public records, open to any taxpayer or Abstract and Title Company vJho wishes to check them.. This certificate includes school taxes beginning with January 1, 1945. For clearance on school taxes for previous years, a certificate should be obtained from A. & M. Consolidated Independent School. Q h344J2 \T_ax Assess6r-Collector City of' College Station, Texas A. & M. C~nsolidated Independent School District //!L 1i" I ~ ~ "\ \ \ "-- .,,,.;;;;rJ ! I II 1 I o o T A X ("0 E R T I FIe ATE i<l~ THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS o o Bryan, Texas, FEldruary 1, . 19~. \ I, I. M. Woedon, Tax Assessor-Collector for Brazos County, Texas, hereby certify 'that :t have made a careful check of the delin- quent tax rolls in use in my office, and did not find a record of any delinquent taxes against the following described property, up to and including the year 19. 49 , except tor the years 1948 Amount delinquent $ 1.74 Current $ Total $ t'Jt Lot or Abst. : Addition ..2 Survey: College Hills Woodland Block or Acres; 72 Rendered in the name of' Truman R Jones Jr for the year 19 49 . This certificate 'is issued as a courtesy, without charge; no ' guaranty is made against errors. 'The.person, company or corporation relying hereon takes the risk of any errors. Our delinQuent rolls are pubiic records, open ,to any taxpayer or Abstract and Titlo Company who wishes to ch8ck them. J;.. ~A. Weedon :~ Assessor-c~~e:~county, Texas. r ")f- /d! \ " \ ~ .., " \ \ "-- o o ---G -E-R-'l'- I -F- I -eJ~A- T-E--- THE STATE OF TEXAS 0, . - . r>. COUNTY ,OF BRAZOS 0 THE BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC., hereby - - ~ , certifies.. ,that the above and foregoing Abstract ot' Title ~.., contains photographic and typed copies taken t'rom. the actual record ot' each and every instrument t'iled and re- corded in the ot't'ices ot'the Clerk of the Distnict Court and Clerk ot' the County Court ot' Brazos County, Texas affecting ti tIe to the property described on the caption hereot' t'rom the Sovereignty of the Soil do,v.n to date. We also certify that the herein abstracted property ~ies wholly within the corporate limits of the City of College Stat~on~ Brazos County, Texas and that this abstract contains ONE HUNDRED & FOURTEEN (114) pages. WrIIJJESS OUR HMTDS AND CORPORATE SEAL at Bryan, Texas this the 28th day of January, 1950,' at 5:00 o'clock Pe M. BRAZOS C;rrTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, BY ~ 9~~ ~Ira . Lewis... ec. Treas. INC. , l <J ~~- ~. <~--:__ oIi ~ ~ I , j -- \ \ \ '!! \ ~ .... \ " "-- . . ~~~4;i SUPPLE11ENTAL ABSTRACT OF TITLE .. (Supplementing our Supplement~l Abstract o~ Title Number 6818) '~'j ~ TO i i Being Lot Number SEVENTY-T'I[W (72) in the College Hil.ls Woodla.ilds~-division in ' the Richard Carter League in the;City o~ College Station, Brazos County, Texas~ and appearing in the name o~ W .X. Hall.' I I ' i ! ; FOR We X. Hall I 1 l PREPARED February 14,; 1950 BY .. BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACTC01vIP.ANY, BRYAN, TEXAS NO. 13846 , r" I !I ('i.lk:o.:;~'( f '.:"~!!1~~! '\ " ~ '\ \ \ "-- ~. 'Grantor o o :...:..;....-~; . -I-N-D-E-X... Grantee Kind 01' Abst. Instrument--Book--Page--Record--Page Ti~tle P~ge................. ...... .-. $ O'Q.'... .-............. ....... e _... e,... .'...... .-..... J[IlCi~JC.... ..0......................... . .'. .. . ..- . . .'.. . .. e. . . . . _. . ......... e........ VIJ. X. Hall et ux............The Public..............Hmsd..........l42...392....Deed.... ',Hall Bros. Lbr. Co..........Prudential Ins. Co..Trans......l42...392.'..Deed..... 'I, '~T. V~ X.. Hall et ux.............T. I i I., Tax Certificate, I' 11 Tax Certi1'icate, B. Pattillo, Tr..D/T........40.....590....D/T..... City of College Station........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . C01.l1:lty 01'" Brazos e .. .'. 18 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., .. . . . . . . .'.' it'. . . . . . . i Abs trac tel" ! s Certifi ca te.. . .. . " . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . . .. .. . . " .. . . .. . . .'. . . ... . . .. .. .. . .. . . . ... . . . . .. . 1 i j Ii ! I [ ! ~ 1 '" \ 1 2 3 5 ~ t5 12 13 14 '" " \ \ ~ ~ -... "-- \ \ " , ~ .... \ "\ \ \ \ "-- \ ~ " '\ "\. \ "'-. \ ~ " \ \ -"" \ \ \ 11 \ ~ ~ \ " \ \ .,~ " '\ ~ ..... \ "\ "-- """-- \ ~ .... " \ \ "-- \ \ ~ \ '\ \ \ "-- "" '" ~ " \ \ "-- (\ ~ . .' o :,.. ..."~-,,'- j~t~" TAX CERTIFICATE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS .Ll.. College Station, Texas February 15, 1950 .. '1 ~ I I ~ u' I, Tax Assessor-Collector for the City of College Station, Texas and the A. & M. Consolidated Independent School District, hereby certify that I have made a careful check of the delinquent tax rolls in use i~ my office, and did not find a record of any delinquent taxes against the following described property, up t9 and including the year 19J:2., except for the years 19 . Amount Delinquent $ Current. $ Total $ None None Lot or Abst. B~ock , or acres Addition or survey 72 C. H. Woodland~ 1 I I ! I I I I I ! I , i I i Rendered in the name of w. X. Hall for the year 1949. . This certificate is issued as a courtesy, without charge; no guaranty is made against errorS. The l~rson, company or corporation relying hereon takes the risk of any errors. Our delinquent rolls are public records, open to any taxpayer or Abstract and Title Company who wishes to check them. This certificate includes school taxes beginning with January 1,'1945. For clearance on school taxes for previous years, a cet'tificate should be 40btained trom A. & M. Consolidated Independen~oo~~ Tax Assessor-Collector City of College Station, Texas A. & M. Consolidated Independent School District ,/ ." j'i ~ ~ " \ \ /J , I .. I i L I .. r\ ~. "1i! ~ o '. c/~;t - T AX C E RT I F I C ATE THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ ~ Bryan, Texas, Feb.. 15, , 19.EQ.. I, I. M. W0edon, Tax Assessor-Colloctor for Brazos County, Texas, hereby certify that 1 hav~ made a careful check of the delin- quent tax rolls in use in my office, and did not find a record of any delinquent taxes against the following described property, up to and including the year 19 49 _, ~J:~~ . ' Amount delinquent $ To~al $ Curr()nt $ t~....._.,....""'" ----;;---.-....-.. B;Lock or Acres: ~_.:.,.... .A.ddition _~ Survey: 1._-. Lot or Ab at" : ._---,._~--_.__....., --.. --.-- 72 College Hills Woodlands ~;.,. "', '.. Rendered in the name of w.x. Hall for the year,19 49 This certificate is issued as a courtesy 1 without charge; no guaranty is made against, errors. The person, company or corporation re+.ying...,hereon takes -the risk of any errors. Our delinquent rolls .:J.rO public records, open to any tax payer or Abstract and Tit10 Company who wishes to Ch8Ck thorn. I. M. Weedon Tax Ass'essor-Collector, irrazo$ County, Texas;:- BY: .(R, ~ De 'ty. . '\ . IE I . \ \ \ 1i \ \ ~ .... \ " "-- c 'I oil o . # II '" (' -!?~ ,I, ---C-E-R-T-I-F-I-C-A-T-E--- J ~ TID~ STATE OF TEXAS 0 COUl~TY OF BRAZOS 0 ., TH'.2; BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC., hereby certifies that the above and foregoing Supplemental Abstract of Title taken in connection with Abstract of Title Number 6818, dated January 28, 1950, and pr~pared by the Brazos County Abstract Company, Inc., contains photographic copies taken from the aC'G'u.al record of each and every instrument filed and recorded in the offices of the Clerk of the i. r District Court and Clerk of the County Court of Brazos County, Texas, affecting title to the property dewcribed on the caption hereof from the Sovereignty of the Soil down to date hereof. We' also certify t hat the herein abstracted property lies wholly wi thin the City of College Station, Br512D s County Texas and that tIUS abstract contains FOURTEmf (14) pages. We do not certify as to taxes but show on page 12, tax certificate from the City of College' Station, and on \ I I page 13, tax certificate from the County of Brazos, showing condition of same. WI1rNESS OUR HANDS i\.:ND CORPORATE SEAL at Bryan, Texas this the 14th day of February, 1950, at 5:00 o'clock p. M. . BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACT COI'iIPANY, INC. ~-94il: . "C1 .... . :-< Ira .i;I.Lew~s-.. ec. ~s. BY '.~ '-''\iii'''' '-;: -"-, -'.,.. - _.~'--" "<"'~"-'.~""-~"-i:.._.....:.. C' ______ "'. ~~ " '" '--, " -- \ \ .; ~ "-- rt . I I r .11.., I ~. i I I \ SUPPLEME:N""TAL ABSTRACT OF TITLE (Supplementing Our <Supplemental Abstract #6846) ..J To ,. Being all of Lot.. Number;iSeventy-two (72) in:, COLLEGE HILLS WOODLANDS SUBDIVISION In 'the Richard CarterLe~gue"in the Ci ty of College' Stat io:qJ {Brazos County, Texas, and'appearing in' the name of' Earl'H.Kirk, et ux. ~ FOR E. H. Kirk ... \ ' " A~. . PREPARED , ".. t August9,19~4 , I BY ~ \ \ , BRAZOS"COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY', J;iNC., BRYAN TEXAS v NO. 9836 " "-- o o c -I-N-D-E-X- I Gran tor Grantee '. \ Kind~of \ Abst. I Instrument--Book--Pa .e--Record--Pao'e t Tit Ie Page~'..............~....................... ....1>........................ .~- . .1 I nd ex. ,- 1) ag e..! ~ . '~ . . -. . . .. . . . . ,. . . 111 . . . . . . . . .. . . . .'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. . \_ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8' . 2 ," ' I , ., ' ,\ . W.X.Hall~............... .E.'H.K1rk',- et ux;;..... .Deed"....... .14a... 309',.. .Deed';,.... 3~ I W .X. Hall. . . . . . . . :\' .; .B.B~L.,.........;... .!Erf........... .164;0'..381.. .Deed..... 5 . . '/ ... ' \ / . . . .. . . il E.H.Kirk, et ux........ ~. .Lone Star "Gas Co... .},f/E...... . . . . 2;.. . .103. . . MIL. ';'~ . . . 6 Lone Star /;; Gas Co........ .B.;B...~..... ~....... .'. TrT.. ;;'-.Y . . .. . . . . . ..2...104...M/L......7 , E H.Kirk, et ux~......... B. B~ L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..DiT: . . . . . . . . . . ~6... .629. . . D/T. . . . . .. 8 ;.,.....,~., ,\-,;'; Tax' Certificate, 'City ofCo11ege Station...... 'i., ~ . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10 Tax Certificate, County of Brazos.............................................,11 AbstractortsCertificate.....................~.. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 L ~' ., I \ \ ~ " \ L ~'h P .I.C. N O.h___~~_Q?Jh__m_nmnm______m TEXAS RELEASE 1 ,t ! STATE OF NEW JERSEY t Know All Men by These Presents: COUNTY OF ESSEX ~ --- That in consideration of the payment of a note form!P!_~~~~h_~~Q!!~~~:P._n~~~~_h~~_~Q__~~~___~9/~_Q9 - ~h_~m~h~__:':"_h~hJ~~S,)9.Q_'!.QQJ._~h~___~n~n~m~____hnh_mmn__mDollars, described in a deed of trust executed by . ' WELDON X. HALL and wife FRANKIE C. HALL - - - h _ _ _ h _, _ _ ___ n ___ _ __ _ _ _h _ ___ _ __ _ _ h _.m __ _._ mm. u __u __' h _h _ h_ __ __ n_ _ _..m _m m.. __ .,___. _ _. h. __ h _. _ h h, ,_ h h ,_ ___ __ _ n n n _ _ _ ._. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __._ _ __. __ _ h _ __. _ _. _ _ h _ _ _ h __ _ _ _ _h__ .,._~~.__ ~_____ __hl_ ______ ____ _, _.___, h____ ___'h hh .__d_._ __h____.__, _._.nn to._m.m__m 1_'!. __~_'! ___P_~!;'.~~E:Q__ .m_. "_h_hn_',.__'c. ______ _.___. ______ ____m__h___________, 11 .; Truste~, for the benefit of THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, recorded in Vot J?- _ . ". I.dl -; 1:'20 ...1. BRAZOS . .hL_Y-h'h______' Page____h.2 _.m____' of Deed of Trust Records oLm_n_mm'_mm__h__h_h___.__C___m_h.___m___County, Texas, refer- ~-- :;, ,,-;~ ,;',-", ~':l," ~~? .'; ~;l ,.,". .~- ' ,., ~,':._-- -j --~ ,.etice to which is here made for a full description of the land therein conveyed and the said note, THE PRU:' f - ~~ ",'..;,,:, ~ ,j ,.: ,. d ~. . DENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANyj! OF AMERICAr'ownef anCl'hoide'f thereof,does hereb~ release said i! '; , \ ."..:i. ~~'" ~';"!', 'j:: f~""'l ," t!, '~~~,,,,,~.- ',' I -dee'd -of trust and all other liens securing said note. j.' ~.', ~ ~ t , , . '.. . .~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE CDMPANY OF AMERICA, aforesaid, "(Y _ -:.:i - :~-,~:: ;'.~;-~ /,_,': ha~ heteunto c~used iik name to be signed 'and its corporate seaL affixed this_Jh_h__u__h__m__lS.th__.huhh__h__.__mdaiof \, - -~ ~~;;' ~~; t';2 \ , ;1 :___.m_.h___._~~~gg~_~~m__h__m___' 19h51+____. ' 3,' ~. ;1 :1 THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, !. nli~~ws.Lf~p:;:u;;;;:::::::. ATTEST: j ", 4.;J ~. BOBERT B.E2NAUV Assistant Secretary, STATE OF NEW JERSEY t 88.: COUNTY OF ESSEX BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, a Notary Public, in and for the State of New Jersey, on this day personally appearednn~_n__n_.h_hCARL___L,"--MA_TTHEdS___hhm_m,m_h_.hn:_:_, Vice' President of THE PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscribed \ to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that the same was the act of The Prudential Insurance Com- pany of America aforesaid, a corporation, and that he executed the same as the act of said corporation, for the \ ~~-~purposel';-'.almco:llsi<:leraTiOn~tl1erein-expressed-and"'i.n-the~c~"'ci~_;y_bh=ciT~L...,L-cd. -- . _.~ ~ ~ ~4 \ GIVEN UNDER My HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, thism_________m_J5~lLn_m____day oLLu__n_n__mA:!J.EJJcl?th_.nn_m____h._ A. D., 19_2~__n. \,.' .. '"' /,F,/l ~.. "'J:",. rJ(, Public in and for the Stat of New Jersey. J. Winburn of._,,:.;. ~'."i ,!; .},J' of f)-f.!!) l ~ l' f I ;} ~ .--'p.,.,;"-" lJ" -:! A1LIQ X}t,.{\ ,. ,J"', ~ My;commission0expires: June 1, 19>5 -';~~""'\H:~~~ jj';"~r: '1"':-/',< ~.. f~ r p i.~,t'>I~ .' '~f: P( r J " :r. " ~(: I" '4.~, ~ J ,... ir 1\ \ \ \ 'c.:", ~, '\ ~ "\ "-- , i I I r I I I I I I j 'I ~ I I 11 I Ii I.' Ilc"-.J . !l <lI1 ~ , . .'..;., , '-....('\ !;(: "'-I. :i t':">~' , , I I 'j I! I ! l I i I , i Ii II r - i I, . ."i r r " o S:c '" 0- '" '" '" I" '" o w . ~; ~ 4- ..'C".'" ~t:.. .i..J~ . , " i'i....~l; p.r :" -<lr'r-''-r,> '-1" s". .,;.",";-1. "~\C ~ " " y,' :;. I~, ",'." ~l~:' ~';rll t" , " 'J "U~)~.~'l '\;";' t. ~. g-u _.., t!\ .J ~' , ::~>~~'~ ~I~ ...._ ,.../ i '" 1,.0 ~o_. ::I - ~.' \ ,. m I o'.~- f, I ~ " ." ~ 1! ~ ~ I \; ," ~,,"':;'-' ~ 0,',. .tl 1 ~ I :f);, "\ 't ' .~.,---~-':l~~~fj.~~--~-~~--n:~~-~~nif1;<!~fI' . I /. I - 'Hd' t5~:,. .~.~~~."~....n~'I rf~~f!n.:~nn.nm_.'''''~'''''''''-n :"'':) .~~ 't ~ '" .;.. 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'--hm--m'7-u-m-m-d~ud-----m-mm----6'Zm-'IO A U! '---tr~---61 'a 'yh---um--hU~rm!fn:-m_h-h---------;:::'-'n---n '::1 t:+t . c- V ",= 10 AUp-muu-mh--mnm--------m_mz:z-h------mdl{l UO dill Aq PdP.IO;)d.I AIllP S:M. pUU .Ji\l--uu--u----..~O:---m){;)op,O-hm!;---;;U-hmn 1U 'm+t~n61 "a 'V -u--m----unm-h-~~nl-:anv--nn:;10 AUp-m--nn-mum';,'---:uu,:-'-uuu-9Gm-',m-dl.{i UO d;)gJO Aill ii'll! ~P.IO;)dJ .I01 Pdl!J SUM. 'UO!lU;)!lUdl.{lllU 10 d1U;)9!1.Id;) Sl! l.{1!M. '~U!l!.IM. 10 lUdillll.I1SU! ~U!O~dJ01 dl.{llUin~~.1II.L'H:>r:) AlI:>r'H~H I z;,~ .J} '" 'S~" .-;,~ 'V~, ,",,-.-ho..;..'_:'~__ " m~~ ,~i;j j ;r.~ '~t .~- ';C(, ~J: I SOZVHH ~_'./<" .110 A.LNQO:) svx:>r.L .110 :>r.LV.LS :>rH.L ,.s., , 'I i''',' I ,...__.; j f 1- '''-i 1 I. Cl vi \ ~ , I I -- --~ \ \ \ il I( \ \ \ .\ \ '" ~ " ~ \ \ \. " \ \ -Ii . \ '\ ~, .... \ '\ \ \ a '\ \ ~ .... \ " \ \ ~ ~ \ "\ \ \ '" ~ .... \ \ \ \ ~ ~ .... \ "\ \ \ ----- \ \ 'I '1\ \ ,\ \ ~ "" "-- ~ ~" '- " "'\ \ \ " \ \. ,I \ \ \ -Ii \ '\ ~ .... \ " '1 ~ ~ '(p I 1 ~ "l J TAX CERTIFICATE I ,{ ':\ .{ -- J r THE STp,.TEOF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ ,. Know all men by these presents: j (I I ! I I i l , That I Florence Neelley, Tax Assessor~Collector for the City of College< Station, 'Texas, and theA. and M. Con.3oliil,G.t.0c. Indepen6ent Scbool District, hereby certify that. all City and School T,,1.~:8S on thBprOpBrty descI'ibedbelow have been paid down to and ::.nc1udj.ng those. for the year 19 53 , except for $ None . for the years (s)j'ol1e.. _' 'f 1 -\i .1 9urr~nt $~_____~ Total~~Q~~ . ..........-.~'1..... .:[ ,t ~t Amoun.t delinquent ~L None Lot or A~~j;;L~1.: J1l.:l:~.t;,..2Lf.:9.L~€. : AM.itj.o.n..J2.r-1l::J~..x : o. H ~ \I]QQd~ l111d 72 "'- 1 , ~ ! i ]7__~'_____ ~--.Iu~~_"""""""'____ 1 ,~....._- -'" Rendered, in the name of Earl H. Kirk for the year 1953 I ~ Thisj>ropertyappears on the roll for the current tax year in the name of .!!.:arl H. Kirk I r I l Ir I t I ! · f I l- II' I r r The consideration for this certificate is $1.00 in cash paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Witness my hand apd seal of office at College Station, Brazos County, Texas, this 10 day of 'Au~l.lst 19 5J.. I ( i I I I J~~~ (Mrs.) Florence Neeytey f7 . Tax Assessor-Collector City of College Station, Texas A. & M. Consolidated 'Independent School District 1 l (Seal) i i 1 I 'j ;1 I 1 ,I -\ \ '/'I( \ \ 0\ \ '-~, "-- ~ , ~ ~, ) '\ 4 "\, " \\ " '-$', l r, 1 ~'. ;'];; t t~ 'j~ ~( 1 I 'i'- I ;J :1 I i I I \~~ ,,\, ' \' t ~ - .. ~r A;~i!;':' "'~:~ i'-:lfi.'fllt~.:\lir0r. i~:'r ' ;"'~7,~:1' 6';;; ~.,... '-/ :tJ ,1:" ',;~ City of COllege Station taxes for 1953,hav:e bE7,e'ii paid ii;.:, f\ ~ i?1 -~ i~ :;\;. '11l ,1 ( ~ {~ c;, ., "", l'~ ~:, '~ it;;", ';', {~ W~ ::0: ~.%" t:~: '.'~ ~ 'lit' (i'C ~r~ m~, '" :;l,' i';;'- ,~; .'~;;. ''','. _,:::( 'JJI;; , ii'i" the Tax Certificate has been ordered arid w,i:hl be ;;deli\~~~n~~' " ~j i;:J;' as soon.as possible. :;~; BCAC 8/11/54 -.~~-............._-- ~ ----- &. j~ \it,. !ll,-~ oW" ~ 0"1.1 ,"" :i;'0 ~ h/ ';j" . ~';~: :'~ i~ ''*/:;1 'ji. >"J <::; " I .;1 'I 'I . "i :[~ ':-"'~ ; I "I I ~," ,I .~ "i! i'i),; ':1 1 ~~- ,I ,I " ,I .. \ \ lj \ ~ .... \ ~ '\ "'" """" o e _ '111: TAX CERTIFICATE THE STATE OF TEXAS} COUNTY OF BRAZOS RJnow all men by these presents: That I Norton Burkhalter, Tax As'Sesor-Colleotor of Brazos County, Texas, hereby certify that aU State and County Taxes on the property described below have been paid down. to and including those for the year 19 53, except for $ for the years (s) Amount delinquent $ Total $ Current $ 'I Lot or Abstract: Block or Acres: Addition or Survey: 72 College Hill$ Woodland Rendered in the name of E. H. Kirk for the year195~. This property appears on the roll for the current tax year in the name of The ~onsideration for this certificate is $1.00 in cash paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. I ! I I r h J Witness my hand and seal of office at Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, this 10 Aug 19 54 day of NORTON R. BURKHALTER (Seal) Tax-Assessor of Brazos County, Texas By R~, eputy t " \ \ \ 'I I ~ '\ ~, ~ \ .. '\ o 1, ~I .. .. ,'_ lit o ---C-E-R-T-I-F-I-C-A-T-E--- THE STATE' OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAZOS I THE BRAZOS ,COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC., hereby certifies that<theabove and foregoing Supplemental Abstract of Title' taken'in" connection with our Supplemental Abstract of Title Number" 6846 'dated . February'14',A'1950, taken in connection with '"our Abs,tractof"Tit1.e Number 6818' dated<January 28;, 1950, and prepared by'theBrazos' County'Abstract'Company, Inc~, con- tains photographic copies taken'fromthe'actual' record of" each and every' instrument 'filed andrecorded in the offices of the Clerk of the District Court and Clerk . of. the County ,Court of Brazos County, Texas,.. affectingt itle to the property described on the caption hereof from the sovereignty of the soil down to date hereof~ We also certify that the herein abstracted property lies wholly within the City of COllege Station, Brazos County, Texas, and that this abstract contains Twelve (12) pages. We do not certify as to taxes but show on page 10, tax certificate fromt he'Ci ty of College 5t ation, and on page 11, tax certificate from the County of Brazos, showing condition I 1 of same. WITNESS OUR'HANDS AND CORPORATE SEAL at Bryan, Texas, this the 9th 'day of August, 1954, at 9:05 0'c1ocic A.}1. t~1 BRAZ~OUNTY ABSTRACT" CtlKPANY; INC. I \ t* 9 ~.A',,", Ira' F. ewis,Se. Tre~s. ' .J ",., ~-">-",^,;_,,..,',,',"""">'~'-',~'W:_" ",u~_~',X',.'n','" J ~ .....""'"""".. ~ . " '-,<"","'.-., .. " '\ ~, " \ " \ \ \ \. SUPPLEMENTAL A B S TR ACT 0 F TIT L E (Supplementing Our Supplemental Abstract #9836) TO Being Lot No. Seventy-two (72) of College ';~, , Hills Woodlands, an addition to the City of College Station, Brazos,County, Texas, and appearing in the name of E. E. Brush, et ux. ~ L j PREPARED FOR E. E. Brush DATE OF PREPARATION June 10, 1955 '.B Y BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC. BRYAN, TEXAS COULTER HOPPESS, President IRA F, LEWIS, Secretary-Treasurer "': , \ No. 10602 ~ \ T ri i /1 ...----/ ~ " '~ :\ ~ f I :\ ~ ~ i I " , '! " \ \ J 0- o r J ., ~:'..~. .,;;.~;;..,~; , ,~ . 'I <~ 1 I ~ l \, SUPPLEMENTAL ABSTRACT OF TITLE (Supplementing Our Supplemental Abstract #9836) _,,/ TO Being Lot No. Seventy-two (72) of College , Hills Woodlands, an addition to the City of College Station, Brazos.County, Texas, and appearing in the name of E. E. Brush, et ux. ,ti PREPARED FOR E. E. Brush DATE OF PREPARATION June 10, 1955 \B Y J , J I i I i BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC. BRYAN, TEXAS COULTER HOPPESS, President IRA F, lEWIS, Secretary-Treasurer ". I No. 10602 i ........_J .... ...... --- --............................... \ " '" ~ '" \ "\ \ \ \ o o ,~ GRANTOR GRANTEE KIND OF ABST. INSTRUMENT - BOOK - PAGE - RECORD - PAGE Title Page..,.........................l.....................................~l Index Page..... '. . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . '. . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'. .2 Prude Ins. Co............W. X. Hall......~Rel........29.....435.......Rel.....3 E. H. Kirk, et ux........E. E. Brush, et ux.Deed.....168....40......Deed....4 BB&L.....................E. H. Kirk, et ux..Rel......30.....488.....Rel.....7 Fa::t!m & Home Savings E. E. Erush, et ux.......& Loan Ass.........D/T......62.....594.....D/T.....9 Tax Certificate, City of College Station....................................12 Tax Certificate, County of Brazos...........................................13 Abstracter's Certifi'cat.e............... .,.;.......................... .......... .14 \ \ ~ I -'.''-,"--' ""';1;"."_"' ~ "-- .Ij \ \ ~-. '\ ~ '\ a ill., adi i a iii a " 1\1 J .. ~. Iii. """ ---- \ \ r \ \ \ \ " ~, ~, \ '\ '\ ...-.~~ \ \ ~ \ ~ \ '\ \ \ \ III!! ,;::;~ ..~ iii 11II II. 1iII. .. I . a III a III ... IIiII B .--':-'':l1.___"",-",,,, ~ ~ .... \ "\ \ \ \ ,-~.;,-:,W'~.",,~""'''.''~'''''':'ffi'<-.f':-,. ." ~ ~ ... '\ \ \ \ \ ~ ~ \ '\ \ \ \ \ ;..""~~~",,,;;iii"\ TI' - \ ~ " \ "\ '~ \ \ \ '11\ \ \ I, \ ~\ \ '\ '-- ~ ~~ "~ \ \4 '\ '1 __ \ \ \ "-- "I] T \ \ ~'- " \ '\ ~ ~..'i;;'.,:;.~~: '''.~'i'i'ol.:il>l'_'''''~~..:<-=.''<'i'M;i '\ \ ~ \ \ ~ I i j \~ o :01':~. ~.'\ 0" .. . ~ -~.' -":J~ . TAX CERTIFICATE ''-].,; THE STATE OF TEXAS CO UJl1I'Y OF BRAZOS o ~ Know all men by these presents: That I, Florence Neelley, Tax Assessor-Collector for the City of College Station, Texas, and the A. and M. Consolidated Independent School District, hereby certify that all City and School Taxes on the property described below have been paid down to and includin~ those for the year 19 24 , except for $ D.one for the year (sJ none Amount delinquent $ none Current $> ..... nOlfe Total $ u.on~ Lot or A:P'st~~ct: Lot 72 ]3lock or Acres: Agdi tioD- or Survev: College Hills Wo6dland~ U 1 Rendered in the name of for the year 195~. Earl Ho Kirk " This property appears on the roll for the current ,tax year in the name of Earl H. Kirk The consideration for this certificate is $1.00 in cash paid the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. \Utness my hand and seal of office at College Station, Bra,zos. County, Texas, this 30th day of Iv.fay , , 1955 . ---r- ~fi?_~ ~-'L )V~___ (~~s.) Florence Neelley ~ Tax Assesso1~Collector ~' City of College Station, Texas A. & M. Consolidated Independent School District (Seal) . \1 .~ ;I rl ,.~ r/ I .j J I ;l ~ I 1 .~ ; I .1 t I , , ~ " 1 ~ I . f } \ \ .1/ f\ \ ~\ \ " "-- "-.. ~ .............. ~ ,\ '\ \ "\ OJ o .. TAX THE STATE OF TEXAS} COUNTY OF BRAZOS .::. .. t;t. ~~ ~ I ~ 1 'I ~~, , o ~ .,. CERTI FICA TE '" ;.~ it Know all men by these presents: j ) That I, Marjorie E. Burkhalter, Tax Assessor-Collector of Brazos County, Texas, hereby certify that 0'11 State and County Taxes on the property described below have been paid II down to and including those for the year 195 11 ~ year (s) Amount Current $ Lot or Abstract: _ 72 ]~; Delinquent $ T ota I $ H 1 J Block or Acres: Addition or Survey: Col1AgA Hillq WoodlRnd "" 1 '" .~ I . ~ ~ 1 1 * J j t This property appears on the roll for the current tax year in the name of E. H. Kirk The consideration for this certificate is $1,00 in cash paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Wit n e s s my hand and seal of office at Bryan, Brazos County, Texas, this 30th day of (Seal) May 1955 MARJORIE E, BURKHALTER Tax-Assessor of Brazos County, Texas By_ f'f\,~ I Deputy '\ I , \ \ \ .Ij T '0.. \ \ ~ ~ \ ....\ " '\ o o p" c ---C -E-R -T -'I - F- 1- C- A-T':"E --- THE STATE OF TEXAS I COUNTY OF BRAZOS ~ THE BRAZOS COUNTY ABSTRACT CQ1.1PANY, INC., hereby certifies that the above and foregoing Supplemental Abstract of Title taken in, connection with our Supplemental Abstract of Title Number 9336 dated August 9, 1954, taken in connection with our Supplemental Abstract of Title Number 6846, dated February 14, 1950, taken in connection with our Abstract of Title Number 68l8,dated January 28, 1950, and prepare,d by the Brazos County Abstract Company, Inc., contains photographic copies taken from the actual record of each and every instrument filed and recorded in the offices of the Clerk of -the District Court and Clerk of the County Court of Brazos County, Texas, affecting title. to the property described on the caption hereof'from the sovereignty of the soil down to date hereof. We ~lso certify that the herein abstracted property lies wholly within the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and that this abstract contains Fourteen (14) pag~s. WE do not certify as 'to t axes but shOl'V' on page 12, tax certificate from the City of College Station, and on page 13, tax certificate from the County of Brazos, ShOld ng condi tion of same. WITNESS OUR HANDS AND CORPORATE SEAL at Bryan, Texas, this the 10th day of June, 1955, at 3:00 o'clock P.M. BRAZ~OUNTY A..BSTRACTCOM~ANY' INC. , l ~\ ~~~ if Ira . eWls, ec.Treas. ~- ,~ ......-.,-.-.,..;,''"-'-.- -...' .~. ,.,' ~~ ~ - ~~..>.... nV{."'~- ._ ~ ..,,~. I , ~ i I .~- \ \ -'i "-- J '\ \ "'" ~ '\ ~ '\