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'" grJ;:=~ .. >..., Q.) .. 1;; ~ c:: "'Cf 1-1 =-0180 ~i]~~ .... 0 t-I ~ ~<l::E"O~ ~"O"'=Vl ~;~~s:: Vol ="'""'= & 5 E~ i:', ~.o ~ ~ !5~.s -g U ~ .~ ~ .; ~ 5 ~ :l:N '" '" eon o~ :I:~ =.;, =~ e~ UlM I ~ ::-..; u . r HISTORIC MAP OF BRAZOS COUNTY ..... " ..... "..~, , " I , , ~I' --------- 3 Hour route / I , , ______+ ____ 4 Hour route ,/ I'~ I " _ BRAZOS RIVER,' " , " 11m~ - J.. " ...... 88 8 _NAVASQ.TA_RLV_EB-o~_~' . .~,~~ ...... 11 '~.... ' o HIGHWAY ,1' 2~\ 'Mr " \.- H Xd'- H f ... CEMETERY c CHURCH . HIST. MARKER .' ) .( ,.66;" . (.Ioor (~O 00 ( 00' ~.~: ::;8~ "J ioe ) 'oc , oc , oc ~' O( ",~>::9< ~f,9~ . '1B,V HISTORY OF BRAZOS COUNTY This gently rolling landscape of prairies and woods was for cen- - - turies the hunting grounds of semi-nomadic Indians. Spanish explor- .. . ers traveled over El Camino Real or The King's Highway, now called 0, S.R., as early as the seventeenth century. This old San Antonio Road was the direct route between the East Texas missions and Mexico and is now the N.W. boundary of Brazos County. In 1821 Stephen F. Austin signed a contract with the Mexican government to establish a colony in Texas and entered with 300 families. Only one, the Millicans, settled in this area, near the con- fluence of the Brazos and Navasota Rivers. In the next twenty years the population increased rapidly, and in 1841 Brazos County was es- tablished by the Texas Legislature. Boonville was chosen as the loca- 1 START YOUR HISTORIC TOUR OF BRAZOS COUNTY at the south courtyard of the Brazos County Courthouse in Bryan, located on Texas Ave. and 26th Street. Several historical markers will introduce you to the history of the county. Drive west (see in- sert map) towards the railroad, follow the tracks to College Station, and drive over 2154 to: 2 WELLBORN. This community was born around a well to sup- ply a construction camp for railroad workers of the Houston & Tex- as Central Railroad in 1866. Drive to: 3 MILLICAN. Stop on the right side of the road at the crossing. A historical marker will tell you of the birth and decline of Millican; founded by Elliot Millican, one of ten children of Robert and Nancy Millican, Irish immigiants. These pioneers arrived in 1821 with the S.F. Austin colony. Take a walk around and see a few old houses, the tiny post-office (1935), the church and school, all that is left of a town once inhabited by 1500. people. Further on, across the tracks (see insert map) is the Methodist church (1917) and the cemetery. Turn north on 159 to: 4 PEACH CREEK COMMUNITY. You will drive through beau- tiful Navasota river bottom land, where once the Tonkawa Indians and other tribes hunted the abundant wildlife with bow and arrow. Buffalo grazed here during the winter months; prairie chickens, tur- keys, bears and deer provided meat for the pioneers. 5 DOGTROT LOG CABIN. Built around 1850. Handhewn logs with notches were stacked without nails, the cracks in between once filled with mud. The space between the two sections provided breez- es and shade for dogs and human beings. You are close to the Nava- sota River, to the east, where once a sulphur spring bubbled up in the river bed and pioneers came from miles around to obtain the wa- ter. Drive west, turn right on Bird PO,nd road to Hwy. 3D. You are now on the old stagecoach road from Anderson in Grimes County to Boonville and the Brazos River. Drive N.W. to: 6 HAR VEY. Once a community of fanners, with post-office, sawmill, cotton gin, general store and school Started in 1879, it was named after Harvey Mitchell, Boonville pioneer. Bethel Academy (150. stUdents) stood where you now see the Harvey Community Center, built in 1935. Drive on 158, cross Carter Creek bridge and come to: 7 BOONVILLE CEMETER Y. All that is left of the pioneer town built in 1841 as the first county seat of Brazos County. Read the historical marker and wander among the graves of the pioneers, - -one of them the grave of Harvey Mitchell, the "Father of Brazos County". Go back over the bridge and turn left to: 8 STEEP HOLLOW. Named after the valley of Steep Hollow Creek and Wickson Creek; once a self-sufficient community'with stores and mills. The cemetery is to the right of the crossing. 9 NA VASOTA RIVER. The pioneers crossed by ferry until 1871, when the Illst bridge was built. 10. RELIANCE, Founded by immigiants from Georgia, once call- ed Little Georgia. Drive beyond the Baptist church and the old cem- etery and turn left on 20.38 to: 11 KURTEN. Henry Kurten, a German soldier on leave in Gal- veston, decided to remain in Texas. He became a cotton trader and tion of the county seat and the first of three courthouses, a log cab- in, was built. Horses, oxcarts, stagecoaches and an occasional steamboat on the Brazos River were the modes of transportation until the Hous- ton and Texas Central Railroad reached Millican in 1860. Many small self-sufficient farm communities developed near water sources, each with its own store, mill, church and schooL The introduction of farm machinery and the automobil~ meant a decline for many of them; often only the cemetery remains. Cotton, cattle and the railroad, as well as the founding of the Agricultural & Me- chanical College of Texas brought great prosperity to Bryan. farmer, founding Kurten in 1852. He encouraged German immigra- tion by letting countrymen work on his farm for the payment of steamship passage. He built a school and donated land for the cem- etery and a church. Drive past the United Zion church built in 1940., 1 mile on 2038 to the: 12 KURTEN CEMETER Y, half a mile off the road on the hill. Here under the lovely old trees the Kurtens and other pioneers are buried; it is worth a visit. It has a restroom-outhouse facility. Drive .' ., to 974, turn north to: . _ -=~.:-,.:." :..,.;~ 13 EDGE. Founded by Dr. John Edge aro~nd 1811:>r'ci~"; a. )g ter of small communities, like Manning and Macy, that spratig up';':-,,-~,z~ close to the O.S.R. and several creeks flowing into the Navasota River. Drive N.W. to the: 14 OLD SAN ANTONIO ROAD, Historical marker at Benchley (18) will tell the history of this highway. Turn south to Hwy. 6. SHORT TOUR From Steep Hollow take a left turn on Merka Road, before the crossing. After a mile you will see the old Buchanan farm house on the right, built in 1910. Take a right turn on Poor Farm Road and you will drive through a beautiful landscape of hills and valleys. On the hill beyond the turn-off on Andert Road is the: 15 MACEDONIA CEMETER Y. This peaceful place is all that is left of a small settlement; across the road was the church. Drive on Andert Road, cross Hwy. 21 to: 16 TABOR. Founded by J. and M. Tabor; two Confederate sol- diers. John Tabor was the postmaster. Turn left and after several curves in the road following old property lines, make a right turn- off to: . 17 ALEXANDER CEMETERY AND CHURCH. Read the his- torical marker and rest awhile under the stately cedar trees, tradi- tionally planted in cemeteries by early pioneers. Two right turns on Colette Lane and 2223 will bring you to O.S.R. 18 BENCHLEY. Two historical markers to the right at the cross- ing will tell you about the history of the area and the O.S.R. 19 BRAZOS RIVER. Named by the Spanish: Brazos de Dios, Arms of God. This crossing was the site of Moseley's ferry, started in 1856, a craft made of logs. Occasionally, steamships carried freight as far north as Waco; sandbars caused many problems how- ever. 20 FORT TENOXTiTLAN. 'Site .of a log fortification built in 1830 near the O.S.R. crossing of the Brazos river in Burleson County, constructed by order of the Mexican government to pre- vent Anglo-American settlement of Texas. Some 170 convict-sol- diers under command of Lt. CoL F. Ruiz were called back to San Antonio 'after a year and Ruiz joined the settlers in the area, be- coming a signer of the Declaration of Texas Independence, in 1836. The fort then housed newly arrived pioneers and served a few years as protection against Indian attacks. Several small commun- ities developed in the Brazos River valley cotton producing area such as: Steele Store, Smetana, Stone City and Rye; some still exist today. See reverse side of map for the history of Bryan and: 21 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY in College Station. Fill in below and mail to the Treasurer: Travis Bryan, First National Bank, Bryan, Texas 77801 This first edition has been made possible by financial assistance from the Arts Council of Brazos County, the City of Bryan and the Bryan-College Station Chamber of Commerce. Help us preserve our cultural heri tage by becoming a member of CITIZENS [or HISTORIC PRESER V ATION Donations to the non-profit organization are tax- deductible. Name Address City State Zip FAMILY OR INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 STUDENT MEMBERSHIPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 SPONSORS AND ORGANIZATIONS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00