HomeMy WebLinkAboutGas Prices 9~ pp.cee~~ds$75 a barrel Surge could cause gaspIine to top $3 a gallon by weekend ,By BRAD FOSS 'Associated Press WASHINGTON Oil . prices Jllmped. to a ~ecord . above $75 a. barrel Wednes- . day, propelled by a rally in gas(}line that' analysts said · could send average.U.s,pUll1P priCes past $3 a gallon by the i Weekend, Recent snags m oil-ship- ping and r"rming along. tl:1" Gulf Coast have raised . traders' concerns about i motor-fuel supplies at a time ! when demand continu"s to 'rise despite soaring prices, The start of a new fiscal quar- ter also has brought m(}re speculative money into the market, brokers said. "Everybody thought we'd hit a price that WOuld create permanent demand destruc- tion_ But demalld for gi!soline is rising," said lAlaron Trad- ing Corp. anal~t Phil Flynn, "Once again the American public has showl> its ability to get over paying high prices for gasoline," A, protracted diplomatic standoff between the West and Iran, OPEC's No, 2 oil supplier, has kept a high floor beneath prices,. and analysts said geopoliti~al tensions were heighteiled further Wednesday by North' Korea's test -flring of miSsiles, Light sweet;. crude . for August delivtry briefly surged to $75.40 a barrel on the New YorIl. Mercantile Exchange before easing back to settle at $75,19, an increase of $1,26, Gaso1ipe futures jumped by more than 5_7 cents to settle at $2,2758 a gallon, heati,ng oil . closed at $2,0626 a gallon, up M cents, With refmers fetChing the equi'i'alent.of $95 a barrel or more for gasoline - tl:1ere are 42 gallOl1$in a barrel -"one doesn't have to be disciplined in the buying of ~l7lde," "xplainedTom Kloza,an oil analyst at Oil Price InfQrma- tion Service in Wall, N.,f The previous intraday record for front-month oil futures was $75,35, set ()n April 21,. Theprevi(}us record settlem~nt for oil, $75,15, was set the same day, Oil prices are now roughly 26 percent higher than a year ago, but ~till belo}\' all-time il1flation-lidjusted highs of around $90, The average retail price of gasoline is $2,93 a gallon, accordillg to OPIS. But Kloza said pump prices are likely to surpass $3 a gallon as "arly as this week"nd_. u.s, retail gasolin" priceS peaked at $3,07 a g;illoll' On averag", last S"pt"mb"r, reflecting the extrem" tight: ness ,in the plarket following Hurricane' Katrina, which knOCked out pip"linesthat deliver fuel to th" East Coast and Midwest. While oil prices are on the upswing, natural gas futures continue to head lower amid record levels of domestic sup- plies, Some. analysts say domestic stQrag" cotdd reach its limits by tl:1"end of sum- mer, forcing some producers to cap wells, On Wednesday, August natural gas futures fell 33,9 c"nts to settle at $5,765 per 1,000 cubic feet - the lowest level since Sept 28, Crude oil price The price of crude oil rose to a record $75,40 before settling 'at $75.19 Wednesday on the New York ,Mercantile Exchange. NYMEpc light, sweet crude $80 per barrel July 5 $75.19 75 70 65 80 A M SaYRGE:: Department of I::nergy 2004. l3ut with. glQbal oil demand approaching 85 million bar- rels per day, traders are extremely nerVous about the possibility of any supply dis- ruptions, especially because there is less than 2 million barrels a day Of spare produc- tion capacity, most of it in Saudi Arabia,