HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoan's Chapel Application City of College Station Historic Buildin2 Plaque A{!)llication CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Historic Preservation Committee Submit the completed application to the following address: City of College Station, Development Services Department 1101 Texas Avenue, P.o. Box 9960, College Station, TX 7784 I. Applicant Information Date of Submittal Name of Applicant Address Telephone E-mail Address M~, fieW1Di"" b,'H{l'I.n1~ III Sf-t' .r( j'y? ~ LO( l e W StuJ-j"(/'Yl ./')<. 771s-fO ( Oj7<1) ~'71- l,&.if, , . . t:-~ W I.f txfr: (fJo..c,i . to rn II. Owner Information Telephone E-mail Address R.oA/J:~ m;-;n.c,s,JA12.C;' t~fI PI 1.5-;- C-HU!2[J-{ TIUC q.2.00 R.ot'\t-JS Cfl!fPEL RJ\ [-::~~ (f,~}~~~;; -n=k~S. '7mL\O Name of Owner Address III. General Building Information Date of Construction ArchitectlDesigner Builder/Contractor Architectural Period/Style ~(l~i,,::> C\\;t\~L ~~-(:)\ C' \-\u\2.c... \\, '1 ~~0 {!..c-AtV'~ C \-\~G (4-A.f.\ CDHpc.,1? <.,;\r.....~LY\ I \ e'f....C,"-::::. "7I"R40 /QS3 'J t2eCt'(t'Ac,,"- Q.:;\ l.c,__/\~ t 'J C::)~....~'" c. recJ-.'\-T- ChI )r( \t-.. V"""'P .....".~r....... Name of Building Address of Building Legal Property Description of Current Location (Lot and Block Numbers) Does the building remain on its original site? fX] Yes D No (specify original location) City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application lof4 Indicate the original and adapted uses of the building. Original Uses Adapted Uses D Agriculture D Commerce [1J Education l~f -"7SrhfJ,-dJ.. o Government D Healthcare D Industrial D Recreation ~ Religious M~T\ ":)T D Residential D Social D Transportation D Agriculture D Commerce D Education D Government D Healthcare D Industrial D Recreation ~ Religious D Residential fgJ Social o Transportation IV. Architectural Description A. Physical Characteristics Original Current Number of stories I \ Orientation )\.} kJ 101.-.) Floor Plan Open plan D D L-plan D D Modified L-plan D D Center passage plan ~ D 2-room plan D D T-plan D D Shotgun plan D D Asymmetrical plan D ~ Other (specify) D tl. lOLAiV Roof Type Gable ~ ~ Hipped D Flat with parapet D D Gambrel D D Mansard D D Shed D D Other (specify) D D B. Materials (Please check all that apply) City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 20f4 Construction Frame Solid Brick Solid Stone Concrete Other (specify) Foundation Pier and Beam Stone Brick Concrete Concrete Masonry Units Other (specify) Exterior Wall Surface Siding (specify type) Stucco Stone Brick Wood Shingle Other (specify) Windows Wood Sash Aluminum Sash Single-hung Double-hung Casement Fixed Awning Hopper Sliding Other ( specify) Roof Materials Shingles (specify type) Tile ( specify type) Slate Metal (specify type) Other Primary Exterior Color Secondary (Trim) Color City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application Original ~ D D D D ~ D D ~ D \.v COO t8l ~\-\\(> LAP D D D D D ~ D D D D D D D D ~ D D D L0 h..i.'+e. /.(",1\,; ~e Current ~ D D D D KI D D g] D D D D D ~ D D g] D D D D D D D D D 30f4 V. Supporting Documentation Please attach the following information. A. Alterations List any known changes or modifications made to the property throughout its history. B. Prominent Historical Figures List any prominent historical figures associated with the property. C. Property Ownership List all known owners of the property. Include original owner and subsequent owners. D. Tenant History List all known tenants of the property throughout its history. E. Narrative History Attach a narrative explanation of the chronological and historical development of the property. F. Drawings · Provide a sketch of the current site plan. Include the proposed location of the historic plaque. · Provide a sketch map indicating the nominated property and any related sites. G. Photographs Historic · Provide at least one historic photograph of the property. Current · Provide at least one current photograph of the property illustrating in its surrounding context. For example, photograph the streets cape in which the building is included. · Provide at least one photograph of each side of the building. H. Additional Information Provide any additional information that supports the application. This may include architectural drawings, letters, oral histories, newspaper/magazine articles, etc. I. References Attach a list of the books, articles, and other sources used in preparing this form. The College Station Historic Preservation Committee requests that all plaques are mounted on the front fayade of the approved building within thirty (30) days of receipt. 'j I . Permission of owner for plaque placement D .".,IJ Owner Signature City of College Station Historic Building Plaque Application 4 of4 .;. TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION . ! THC use only OFFICIAL TEXAS HISTORICAL MARKER APPLICATION FORM Please complete both sides of form. Proposed marker title: (Title subject to change by Texas Historical Commission staff and/or State Marker Review Board.) County: B"..c....70S Nearest town (on state highway map): (;~/(f9/ ~.J:1{JY\. Marker location (street address and city, or specific directions from nearest town on state highway map): ~'l06 p-o;QJJ'6 ('UA PeL R1\ c.ou..a.,~ ~~lutV I T"EXA"1 f7,~'-\() Will the marker go at the actual site of the topic being marked? 0 Yes 0 No If the answer is no, provide the distance and directions to the actual location from the marker (i.e. 100 yards east). Note that grave markers. Recorded Texas Historic Landmark markers and Historic Texas Cemetery markers must be placed at the actual sites. APPROVAL OF COUNTY HISTORICAL COMMISSION The county historical commission (CHC) must approve the marker application, narrative history and documentation before they are forwarded to the THC. The signature of the representative below signifies the CHC has reviewed and approved the application in full. Printed name of CHC chair or marker committee chair*: Signature: Mailing address: Daytime phone: Fax: Date: City, zip: Email: *The CHC or marker committee chair will be the primary contact regarding the application. The marker committee chair's signature is valid only if notification is properly filed with the THC (call 512/463-5853 to request a form). PERMISSION OF PROPERTY OWNER FOR MARKER PLACEMENT Permission from the property owner for placement of a marker is required. Provide the name of a contact person if the owner is an institution, organization or public entity. Do not complete this section if the marker is to be placed on right-of-way maintained by the Texas Department of Transportation. Name: Q.OAtJ ~ CHI4PEL rn I.S"Sir,kH'1R.Y B).fj::loT1:::rt C.l-iuR.~H Contact person (if applicable): ~. 7 i 1'1:;'.110.- (/0 );"/ i l\nYYl~ Mailing address: I . . Phone: '1 . - I "\ Owner's signature: ." t:''' Do you wish to receive copies of all correspondence concerning this marker application? City, ZiP:{;:.l//#'i{ -Sit' -h'n;'7 1 '-r7~'-I6 Email: tZJwLj.c.\;t-C.tf~)Cl.oL {"vn DYes o No PAYMENT INFORMATION (payment form will be sent to the following): Name: Contact person (if applicable): Mailing address: Daytime phone: Fax: City, zip: Email: SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS In order to facilitate delivery of the marker, neither post office box numbers nor rural route numbers can be accepted. To avoid additional shipping charges and time delays, use a business street address (Open 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday). If the marker is to be placed on state highway right-of-way, it will be shipped directly to the district highway engineer. Name: Street address: City, zip: Daytime phone: (OVER) T I TYPE AND SIZE OF MARKER DESIRED . SUBJECT MARKERS Subject markers are educational in nature and convey no legal restrictions to the property. They are appropriate for topics such as church congregations, schools, towns, businesses, persons, events and institutions. These markers should not be attached to buildings; if the marker is to be attached to a surface other than the foundry-provided post, please provide the requested information in the space below. () 16" x 12" grave marker (comes with mounting bar) .........................................,....$ 425 () 27" x 42" marker with post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,250 () 27" x 42" marker without post (for attachment to ) ............................... .$1,150 () 18" x 28" marker with post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 850 () 18" x 28" marker without post (for attachment to ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 750 . RECORDED TEXAS HISTORIC LANDMARK MARKERS Markers conveying the Recorded Texas Historic Landmark (RTHL) designation are reserved solely for historic structures deemed worthy of recognition for their architectural integrity and historical associations. The RTHL designation carries a measure of legal protection (see Marker Policies 13 through 18), therefore a legal description (lot and block numbers) is required. The most commonly used mark- er for conveying the designation is the medallion and plaque (also referred to as a building marker); however, subject markers may also be used to provide more information. If the marker is to be mounted directly onto a structure, care should be taken to avoid dam- aging historic building material. Note that RTHL markers must go at the site for which the designation is given. o Medallion and 16" x 12" plaque with post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 525 o Medallion and 16" x 12" plaque without post (for attachment to ) .....................$ 425 o 27" x 42" marker with post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1,250 o 27" x 42' marker without post (for attachment to ) ............................... .$1,150 o 18" x 28' marker with post. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 850 () 18" x 28' marker without post (for attachment to ) ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 750 Legal description of property (lot and block number; metes and bounds): . HISTORIC TEXAS CEMETERY MARKERS The purchase and display of a historical marker is not a required component of the Historic Texas Cemetery (HTC) designation, but the THC offers options for those situations in which a marker will contribute to preservation or interpretation. Only cemeteries with the HTC designation are eligible for HTC markers, and the designation process must be complete before a marker application can be processed. Once the designation is awarded, no additional documentation is required for an HTC medallion or medallion with name and date plaque. For medallions with interpretive plaques, however, the same type of history and documentation required for subject markers and RTHL markers is necessary. Medallions only and medallions with name and date plaques: a Medallion only, without post (for attachment to ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 250 a Medallion only, with hardware to attach to existing state historical marker post . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 300 a Medallion only, with post ..................................................................$ 400 a Medallion and 12" x 6" name and date plaque, without post (for attachment to ) .........$ 500 a Medallion and 12" x 6" name and date plaque, with post ..........................................$ 600 Medallions with interpretive plaques: a Medallion and 16" x 12" plaque, without post (for attachment to ) ....................$ 650 a Medallion and 16" x 12" plaque, with post .....................................................$ 750 a Medallion and 16" x 24" plaque. without post (for attachment to ) ....................$ 850 a Medallion and 16" x 24" plaque, with post .....................................................$ 950 When the application packet is complete, forward the required application form, historical narrative, footnotes/endnotes, bibliography, photos and maps to the county historical commission. Once the authorized CHC representative has signed this form and reviewed the packet, mail both to: History Programs Division, Texas Historical Commission, P.O. Box 12276, Austin, TX 78711-2276. For more information contact: Texas Historical Commission, History Programs Division P.O. Box 12276, Austin, TX 78711-2276 512/463-5853, Fax 512/475-3122 www.thc.state.tx.us Rev. 312003 TEXAS HISTORICAL COMMISSION The St4/~ Agem:y for Hlslork Preserr;.'1on A. Alterations Between 1953 and April 1960 Pastor's study Choir room Ladies lounge Finance room Cafeteria added from Bryan Air Force base Connection between church and cafeteria Added between 1960 and May 1987 Bricking of the church and cafeteria- 1983 Central air Sidewalks around the front Added between 1987 and 1994 Church hell added between buildings Added after 1994 Paved parking lot Upgraded central air B. Prominent Historical Figures Eleanor J. Williams First African American woman to certify as an air traffic controller for the Federal Aviation Administration. First African American woman manager of an enroute air traffic control center. C. Property Ownership The 2 acre plot of land originally belonged to the Harvey Mitchell Ranch. On August 9th 1912 Amon Williams sold 2 acres ofland to the deacons of Roan's Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. D. Tenant History Roans Chapel Missionary Baptist Church E. Narrative History In the southeastern part of Brazos Country, near the Navasota River, near what was then called the Mitchell Ranch, a group of people moved from other sections and joining counties and settled. Many of those people were Christians, so they began having prayer meetings and bible study by going from house to house to meet. In this group was a preacher named Rev. Ben Roan, who established an idea in his mind to organize a Baptist Church. With the cooperation of additional ministers, such as Rev. Perry Parnell, Rev. Abe Johnson, Rev. Major Robinson and others, the organization was perfected on the second Sunday in May, 1881. This church was named Roan's Chapel Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. Perry Parnell was elected Pastor. After the church was organized, the membership grew too large to meet at Rev. Roan's house. It was common practice in those days to meet at someone's house due to lack of funds and lumber was hard to get to build a church. Rev. Roan along with his son and son-in-Iaws: David Roan, Alex Hamilton, Dennis Andrews, Lee Richards and a few others, went out and cut tree tops and poles to build a brush harbor. The seats were blocks sawed from large oak trees. This was erected on land donated for a church site by a white man, Mr. Harvey Mitchell. Although this land is still owned by the church, for some reason a building site was chosen near the present day church site and one acre of land was purchased and the first church was built. Pastor histories Rev. Perry Parnell: Rev. Abe Johnson; Rev. Wells; Rev. Kelly; Rev. L.K. Williams (made improvements to the building); Rev. J.S. Slaughter; Rev. D.C. Granger built another building. Rev. A.A. Gordon; Rev. A.D. Foster, under his leadership 2 acres ofland purchased and a modern church built. The old church was then used as a school and a place to meet for political meetings. Rev. W.S. Brent; Rev. Gilmore; Rev. Landry; Rev. P.H. Hinton built another building and many improvements in the church organization, such as young men were included in the congregation and put to work. Many young preachers were inspired by Rev. Hinton. Rev. W.M. West; Rev. R.J. Lewis built our present building in 1953after a fire destroyed the previous building of 1914. To the building many conveniences were added such as a pastor's study, choir room, ladies lounge and a finance room. Church services was held second and fourth Sunday of the month. Church organizations such as the youth church was adopted into the program on the fourth Sundays of the month. Rev. J.H. Flewellen came to us in April 1960 and served until his death in November 1986. Under his progressive leadership many church improvements were added such as bricking ofthe church and cafeteria ( about 1983), indoor facilities, central air, cushion seats, sidewalks, new pulpit furniture, and stained glass windows. Spring Revivals were organized and held. The second Sunday in March was instituted as "Family Day". Rev. Oran Williams came to us on May 24, 1987 and served until May 1994. He was very inspirational to us. The P A system was installed, installation of a telephone. A new podium was donated by Franklin Elementary School of Houston, Texas. Security lights were also installed. Restoration of the old church bell was installed during that time. The first Sunday in March 1990 full time church service was inaugurated. Rev. Samuel Hill, 1994- present Rev. Hill came to us in July of 1994 as a new pastor in the ministry. His installation service was held on the second Sunday of October 1994. Rev. Hill's church improvements thus far include installation of ceiling fans, paved parking lot, upgrade of central air and heat, mini blinds in sanctuary and cafeteria, installation of another telephone, confidential prayer request line directly to the pastor. The second Sunday in August 1998 was initiated as Youth Day, and Rev. Hill started the Youth Church School on February 14,1999. F. Drawings Site plan Floor plan Front Elevation G. Photographs Current Photos 1950's Photos Church Program from the 1950's to present .. ~- - -- - -- ----- --- --- - ::'\', <. ~. '''':''''> ~ ~~ " ~:s~;. r' A~. ~_. (.::::>~-o~ ~ .;::-~ r\ f\ " .",--..~...\! ....,\ ft-> _ i~I'''N,-).~ ') ::\ p" ""T ,~;)~~F:. /) p. 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(;......1'. ..\. ..\. 1'.'t"J'soll. \\'. I'. Smith. (;. Ford. Kermi( Ford. Lee Hollands. and .lohnsoll. 1:,,\.. IL .I. 1."\\ is. I'as(or. seated ("'11(1'1'. PRESIDENT, SECRETARY ANn GROl'P CAPTAINS Left (:I ri';I:t. standing; W. 1'. Smith, W. l\~. Ford. .J. .Johnson. E. Harris. A. A. Peterson. ~;l !;.,~. ldt to ri~ht: A. ll. Hines. n. McGruder and C'. !to:". Black History Celebration From L to R - Mc Gruder)s, Francis Walton) Shalvton Haskell From L to R - Minnie Hines) I(atie Hall) Carolyn Hines Black History Celebration From L to R - Rev. Samuel Hill and Bro. Alandrus Pete.rson Trailor Riders Easter Services Pinning the Lillies on the Cross '. Family Day Family Day Gathering Harris Family Holmes Family ...- Mother)s Day From L to R - Sis. Elnora Harris) Sis. Mary Hall) Sis. Ida Bell Ford) Sis. Jessie Hines) Sis. Minnie Hines) Sis. Atoy Peterson presented with flowers From L to R - Sis. Minnie Hines) Sis. Atoy Peterson) Sis. Jessie Hines Mother)s Day From L to R - Sis. Atoy Peterson) Sis. Mary Hall) Sis. Minnie Hines;! Sis. Elnora Harris) Sis. Jessie Hines From L to R - Sis. Elnora Hams) Sis. Jessie Hines) Sis. Ida Bell Ford Christmas Day From L to R - Sis. Djuana Hill) Sis. Anorea Hill) Rev. Samuel Hill Church Decorated Christmas Day Fellowship Christmas Day Fellowship Communion Fellowship Service Fellowship in the Cafeteria -- I I (9~ .~O 1::::SP-.. 4- ~ \'tt>Ll.A~.HJ 11~- ~ ';'''',:i:~'!..'~ t"" (.L i', jr,~ .' .. -~' !~,;.{.r-~'...'- '.-"r~-" ~';!~f? l2.e0e;:-<J..,c~ ~uJ~~v-.) +W 1Bi:::. .., .- c c '" " .- ~ z '" ~ n ... c ~ '" -< ~ .., rt ... !il ~ <oJ .... <oJ ~ - ~ I I I I I I I I I I . . . . I I I , , , , " , , # # .# .; # . # -: # , , 1 1 .1 1 1 , , n.,<:>' /i--<:" . '# #. # , , , I' I , z --=.. -::::;( Q " <Y), . ~O',' ~o' ~~. , 00.-' o o N .,. .~ " ,', .. , ". I- Z <( o ...J a.. a.. <( [( W ~ [( <( ~ o [( o I- C/) I " " - . , , J"_. ..'.... " '',,' . . " ..... ,'J'" . 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"~j i~~;-;;.~~~.--~-,~:~:_~~~:c~~~-,. ~.~~~::'==~;.::~,~-7:-~-;:::::;:~3~;~i ~ ". ) ~." ~Ja'l 't,;..... ,~- \;"'~...l.u---t_,.' ...... _,". ,',~,"'" . . _ '.....~" . .._......... . .', '," , ".. ----."'- ... ....-., "_,,,, ..._.';...;c.;:._. ..---.-. . .<-' ~"-~:"" ---'."'-~ '. ....'~ ....f:.-.; '.' ~fs . ' contemporary landscape servIces p-o- box 9050 - college station - texas 77840 - 713/846-2775 , ! ; : June 22, 1983 PROJECTED COSTS: PARKING LOT ADDITION FOR WASHINGTON CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH Job Description: 1. Aprox. 20,000 sq ft of concrete paving surface from existing Texas Ave. To' block property line. Concrete to be @ 41211 thickness w/#6 'welded wire mesh reinforcing steel and l'x2' redwood expansion joints 15' oc both ways. . 2. " . "', "{'" 1,185.1n ft of 611 curb. .. . . Reinforced w/3/811 rebar " ,':' . ",; . ~,', . . '", ".. 3. 873 sq ft concrete side wal ks @ 411 thickness' reinforced w/#10 welded wire mesh" , '.... . . . Pvc sleeves to be installed to provide for electrical and water"supply @parki~g island. .:. .,' '.\ ':::. .0...."... . . "::.-.' -.: ". 4. Materials List and Estimated Costs '. 1. 275 cy of concrete , 2. 2 rolls 10 guage mesh' 3. 27 roll s 6 guage mesh. 4. 65 #3 rebar' . , ~ .' 5. 3 lb tiewire 6. 3000 1 n ft I' x2' redwood ..... 7. 1 box 6d nails . . 8. 600 In.ft lix4' #3 9. 6 bdls ll1x2l1xl611 pine stakes.. (0. l-u7~~J~"'..," Estimated Total Materials .. . .', ;~!" :' ,:.. ,.' ...". ;! . . . . .....'" ',', mark e. fergusoi1:':' registered landscape architect ".:" r.!' c,....'. .. ".",..- -. . ,.' ..' . f," $10,725.00 .. :..... .....0. ,j"'" ~.... \" ." ~.. ", I . '~~!f~'i-:}{;'::,... ;" _' . ) 'i>n;::.i+.' '~().-oD ,: .:. {)r:-.D "",' '1\ . . . : " ~ $ $ 1,890.00 $ 107.25 '.' $ .' 4.50, $ 600. 00' ,( $ $ $ , 78.00 , ";. " ~ ' : . :. ~.- .,' . ", ~..> '/..,:. . ,.' 22.00 - . .'1'. ,:\ " ", .," . ,r, !', ;..,. ..... " t ~,' ..",: c . (." "':-. ."':"',; ,.,.... . ..~-,~. . ; I, ' .;.. ~fs contemporary landscape services p.o. box 9050. college station. texas 77840. 713/846-2775 June 22, 1983 Labor Estimates '. Form and finish (Y/sq ft 20875 sq ft Form and. finish ~/Sqft 20117.3 sqft back fill 5-8 yd loads. ()' ': j .~'. $, $ ';.-/>'.;\ '-:':'i"" ". .- . ".: . $ $ $ 240.00 Fi 11 sand 10-8 yd loads' .: I '~. -' . ':~-;;~":t>""~'~':':C<< ..' Tractor Work;:'/;~'::":',~\;" ..:'j:' : .',: ," ". I, . Preliminary site: grade 2-days Fi na 1 grade worki ng with concrete pour 3-days ': ' 720.00 ;.", Fi na 1. grade.: ..... .' . ,:..';: . ....', .";. '" ",' . ,. . ;, - -:~.I : , ...' .~.' .' . ,. ~ . . .' E~~imated Labor and Tractor Tota 1"-:' " if J.:' I' . . ~ .. /. '. :'"-'., ;'.... " $11 ,085~ 55 . 0" '..,'.., . JOB TOTAL USING 35t FORM AND FINISH PRICE . , o $24,662.30 ", ....: ..,'.. . . Contemporary Landscape Service Supervisory fee (10%) .' ; ~ ,'/ :'. ' .." . $ 2,466. 23 ,: (J '. :; '. ,~ ESTIMATED GRANB TOTAL $27,128.53, . ,I: '., Y,..',~ , :. ~ . >.' ',;' '~':.- , ...,~ , " mark e. fe~guson .' registered landscape architect ',', . , " CONTEMPORARY LANDSCAPE SERVICES 106 NORTH AVENUE EAST. BRYAN, TEXAS n801 (409) 846-1448 . 846-2nS Page No. -L of -L Pages Jrnpnsal PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: DESCRIPTION OF JOB: Job Address St. City State Phone Date June 22 1983 ~.e ~.er.eh~ ~uhmit specifications and estimates for ____ &LLJ.ands.caping.__a_s_.sbown,_.o.n_la.nds.c_ape_.pJ,a.n.5-..p.CQ.vj.d.e,d_C~L19J.8_3J ____._________. Wo.r:L.t.Q....b.e......pxe.fo.rme~Lwhen__a..lLp.a..r.ktng.._LQt.~._.waJJ(S_'-__and_diLt__WOX..~~a.r.e_._c.Qmp_teJ~. ---------------- Items__lnc..l.ude..d.~ -AILpJ.an.ts. _p.lan.tjng_mate..d,aJ_s.,-__.s.t.e..el_e.dg..lng_alld__tab.ox,>.___Als.Q__any-__cJ_e,aD-_ ,up-.of_p.l_antJng.....ar:eas_a..fteJ:.......c,omp.le..t.JOrl___11.inOJ:_Jla..O.d_9Ca.di.o_9-wn.Lbe pr:.o.v.i.daCLJ,D-..a.r:e.aLt.o.....b.e__plan.t.e.cLJlr_.wh.e..r.e._9ras.s....-WtlL.he..-1aLd,~ '. ~---- '. ltem5-No.t_lnc.lude.d-=-_ ----.AOy-.maj.QL,9radin9---Q.Lp.l.anJjll9_ar.e.aS.i._tr.rtga.tjQLSY.sj;.em-,---m.Q.jJLt~ n a.n~~ -dHe.r_JQb_iLC.ompJ.e.te.d,~ .j AILplan.t.s....a.r..e_.9_uar.an.t.e_a.d_fQr._9,O_da..Ys ~..e ~.er.eh~ Jropos.e to furnish labor and materials complete in accordance with the above specifications, for the sum of $ Six Thousand Four Hundred Sixteen and 75/100 ($6.416.75) With payment to be made as follows: 1/3 @ beginning of work 2/3 upon completion All material is guaranteed to be as specified, AI~ work is to be completed in a workman- like manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation from above specifications involving extra costs will be executed only upon written orders, and will become an extra charge over and above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delays beyond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insurance. Our workers are fully covered by workmen's compensation insurance. Authorized "'ll)' '-h:::[i . Signature i' t:::4 ,I'-..../'< ~0t4-~Il,~ Note: This proposal may be with- t7 drawn by us if not accepted within 30 days. J\.c.c.cphm.c.c of Jroposal- The above prices, specifi- cations and conditions are satisfactory and are hereby ac- cepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Pay- ment will be made a~ nlltlinpn l'lhnvp Signature c ~ (i. V +- \j) '-t- o -5 ~ V .::J. V) y.0- '? /"" i! , WASHINGTON CHAPEL BAPTIST CHURCH COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS f .. .. r. t'- _..~'J.1..,=,,-_,_~,.';+;.'';,~j;~~~';'';'-~~;.;~-.r.:.~~~~~''!Il~;'1i'''i:'d''''':---~.!ili-'it~~_",,,j='1,~~~'.';'"" ,t>.-~'j-:-"",-,.--,_.... , ~AND SONS (}nanu,/:zcturers of f1j)istinclive @hurch CJ;;rnifure RIVER AT LA SALLE WACO, TEXAS 76703 . AREA CODE 817/752-9751 . P. 0, BOX 1430 November 29, 1993 Washington Chapel Baptist Church c/o Reverend E. E. Garvin, Jr. 1801 Texas Avenue South College Station, TX 77840 Dear Reverend Garvin: I am pleased to enclose the prices for the items we discussed in our last meeting. Price No. 1 - Padded Seat and Back for Existing Pews We propose to furnish custom padded seats and backs for 24 pews. Each cushion length will be 11110 3/4" long. The seat cushions will be 2" x 15" polyfoam on 3/8" plywood. The back cushions will be 1" x 15 3/4" polyfoam on 3/8" plywood. Total price, delivered and installed ---------- $4,351.00 Price No. 2 - Refinishing Pews We propose to completely refinish your existing 24 pews, each 12'0" long. This process would include disassembling your existing pews and shipping them to Waco where the restoration will take place. While in Waco the pews will be completely belt sanded and resealed, and all new lacquer will be applied. After the restoration has been completed, the pews will be be shipped back to your church and reinstalled by our own mechanics. k. _ ,__ n_:~;~'i-:: .,:.-.j"::). - . , We take a tremendous amount of pride in our refinishing and restoration of existing pews. The process is a little more expensive than some, but we strongly feel your pews will be in excellent shape for another 25 years. Total price for restoring the 24 pews -------- $10,215.00 Price No. 3 - New Padded Pews 24 Pews, each 12'0" long SPECIFICATIONS: Pew Body: Our Craftsman No. 11 fully upholstered pew which features a 4" padded seat and 1" padded back with fabric on the back of the back and an all plywood interior. Pew End: Our No. 651 pew.end which is 1 1/2" thick, two-ply solid oak. Supports: All back and seat supports are full size two-ply solid oak. Finish: An oil-based stain with wood filler, sanding sealer, and airless, hot-lacquer spray finish. Fabric: Our deluxe basketweave nylon fabric which comes in a wide variety of decorator colors and is treated to resist stains, soiling, etc. Bookracks: Our No. 314 contoured bookrack. An c h 0 rag e : 0 u r del u x e con c e ale d a n c h 0 r in g s y s tern which features two 1/4" expansion bolts for maximum security. Delivery: In our specially designed furniture vans. Installation: By our own factory-trained mechanics. Guarantee: Our furnishings are unconditionally guaranteed. A sample copy is enclosed for your convenience. f~, . J.. Total price, delivered and installed ------- $10,957.00 Trade-in of 24 existing pews --------------- -1,400.00 Total price $ 9,557.00 Reverend Garvin, I hope this information is helpful to you and your church. Should you need to speak with me, please call my office at 1-800-537-4723. , Thank you for this opportunity to be of service to you and your church. Very truly yours, L. L. SAMS & SONS E~~ Eddie Gray. ;-- EG : i e Enclosure 333 , ,. , , ,J , CRAFTSMAN ONE With No. 873 Ends ~ [ W ~ ~ ~ [~ CRAFTSMAN THREE With No. 810 Ends - ,.., In many ways, a pew is like a puzzle. Each piece is distinctly shaped and honed to interlock in one functional, yet beautiful, design. Sanding is a very important part of this process, reminding us again that the making of pews rests, quite literally, in the craftsman's hands. f i . . The pews displayed here offer various contemporary and colonial stylings. . ,,~ \ , -..~r. CRAFTSMAN ELEVEN With No. 2002 Ends ~~~lll[~[~[~ [~~~ I The popular cantilevered ends work well in many modern structural designs. ii II ii Ii II Ii Iii · I' II I ' I ~ ~ [ ~ [ ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ W ~ No. 447 Pew Body Curved Seat, Flat Back CRAFTSMAN ONE With No. BBB-R Ends ~~~l[~ [~~~ The dignified routed ends add the perfect finish- ing touch to pews installed in more traditional or colonial settings. [odesty panels for front row pews are available for :;tallation. We will help you select a design compatible .th the other furnishings in your church or synagogue. ~~~f~~~~lf~ No.8 , : .~ r e ~ ~ We respect the diversity of the religious communities we service. Additional accessories to accommodate your particular form of worship are available. No. 1786 2 W' Deep, 4 W' High, 48" Long No. 315 Same As Above Wilhoullnserl I '1 ~ ~ -~..-=- ~~- No. 29 I I ~ I I ~ ~---'"~ - ~~,~~- No.29X . . ,- ~OU~M~le!b l [ ~ ~ your worsh' ~ essential to hIp serVIce c oose from s, you may varieties m ;everal padded a e of met'a I ,.,V ". <' or,wpp",,-\: . ~:~ ~ ." , -~~~ No. 39 ~[W f~~~l~ No.6 No.15 "i:':~~{,-~:,~%~~L . I '! 'i !l ~[W ~I~I~I~ ~~ . I I I I I I I I I I Anchoring your new pews is an important piece of the puzzle. Whether the flooring is concrete or wood, level or inclined, each pew is precisely positioned and securely anchored. ANGLE IRON CONCEALED fl~~~ ~~~~~~~ --. ._~.......;.~~._.u~_u.~____......._.___ ~~l~~~~ ~f~ll ~ ~ ~ . "'~ I. ~ Higher backs for balcony sealing are available Seating arrangements in oalconies must comply with several criteria: aesthetics, safety, and modesty. Custom pews designed with higher - backs enable us to adapt the pitch appropriately and maintain the sight-line. ~ ~~;j, ~~ People may not choose a church primarily for its attractive and comfortable furnishings, but these factors definitely influence their overall impression and assessment. Cushions add color as well as comfort to your pews. We offer an array of luxurious colorfast fabrics to choose from, as well as three placement options: fixed, reversible, and semi-reversible, ~~~~I~~~ f.' No. 989 End _"to' II !, 'I P' I: ., JI i I I,' ",'. I i ~ ~ :~lfK~~g~~~'~r~ii ;h~,:." . :: f~hlitureb'usiness, *e realize . ~~9:Z~~!~ji~~~l~:~~A ,': is ad~qliatebt1tn~ecis' " "ii l"ef~~~sliI~g,',';\'e"wilI,,~e';h~'ppy " to}wor~with you: We'adhere < to~car~iullypla;hedsehes i ',-' ,_ .' ,..,' -'i>..";"--"-. .' ,_ i?f specifications to insure a quality result,:Jrom)ayout, iuiIjlbeTing, an:ddisassembly. . . toshipping,stripping, , repflir, sanding, staining, and reinstallation.~ _ Our long history of Success in church renovation has been built on team work, communication, efficiency, and follow- up. We select an excellent team.of design~rs~ decprators; and craftsmen to communICate with the appropri~.t~~~'1,rch' committee. Following app~()VaI 6fcolIlpre.b;~ri,s~~_~!plall~"our task force goes to ,;ork u~~er con~tantsupervI~.i~r.du,~ing construction. The .r~nq~~.l:~~f\,WilIfl?~. cbmpJe~e~ 'gri,tip.1~/and 'TL Sams personriei willconfinue to be ava.ilaoI~ to?nswer " questions or ada.ress warranty concerns. L,L. ;:>ams ana ;:>ons ;:>tamea l.>laSS :Jtu<1lOS. PULPIT FURNITURE L.L. Sams manufactures the finest line of pulpit furnishings in the industry, Choose from a wide variety of matched sets, or allow I us to create pulpit furniture to complement any architectural style. CHOIR CHAIRS L.L. Sams offers a special selection of individual choir chairs to accompany other interior furnishings. CARPETING The quiet dignity of a church auditorium or classroom atmosphere begins with its carpeting, Assorted carpet patterns, colors, and weaves are available to you from L.L. Sams when renovating. For recarpeting alone, we offer the efficient removal and reinstallation of your present furniture, PEW CUSHIONS Cushions to fit all types of existing pews come in a pleasing array of materials and upholsteries. CHAPEL CHAIRS L.L. Sams provides a diverse selection of chairs designed for multipurpose buildings and chapels - both traditional and contemporary. ~ ~._,.~:..,.o , N~ 000 I I I I I ~ ~ II ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ m ~ ~,. ~~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ II E.. :w: ~~ ~.~ ~~ ~ ~~.. ~~ ~~ ~~.. ~~ ~~ f!..~~~~m~~~~~;~~~~ili2J..._~~.m ~uarautrr Waco City ~ .~ \/ Texas State Date: November 1 , 1965 To: First Community Church Ch Gentlemen: L. L, SAMS & SO~OR TION, duly organized and existing under the laws Of~State ~, with its principal office in Waco, Texas, does hereby gua n e the rniture covered in your order of October 1. 19~ and 0 der No. 1134 against any defects in work- manship or material in so long as the equipment is left fastened to the floor in the building where our erection crew installs it, In the, event this equipment is moved from the present building or taken up from the floor and put back, this guarantee will be void. .. TEN-YEAR PRO-RATA GUARANTEE COVERING CUSHIONS All cushions (fixed and loose) supplied by L. L. Sams & Sons are covered with a ten-year, pro.rata guarantee. At anytime after cushions are in- stalled and for a period not to exceed ten years from date, should the cushions prove defective, L. L. Sams & Sons agrees to replace the defective material with materials of like kind. The customer will be charged and he agrees to pay only the amount based on 1/10 of the current price per year (or fraction of year) for the period of time that the cushions have been in use. The above guarantee does not cover damage to the equipment caused by undue exposure to the elements or by vandalism, or to any cause outside of defects in workmanship or material under ordinary usage. .. }.:' L. L. SAMS & SONS By President ~.~-) Remarks Date Signed 2/12/1958 Volume/Page P 511 187/ v Instrument Deed of Conveyance Grantee Samuel Pierce, Roland Columbus, L. W. Flowers (trustees of the church) Grantor Jennie Richardson Libby Richardson Same & Essie Richardson Filed on 3/2/79 9/21/1978 P 700 V 418 Warranty Deed (Correction) Aralas C, Ross, Janie Samuel Pierce, White, Annie Maude Roland Columbus, L. Stepto W. Flowers (trustees of the church) Filed on 3/2/79 1/9/1979 P 704 V418/ Warranty Deed (General) Ronald Cruse Willie Howard Sr. Jeremiah Waldon Daniel Washington Clinton Robison, Phililp Steen Jr., Thomas Hall, James E. Steen (trustees of the church) Filed by Peyton Waller of Valley Valve and Pipe Supply Co., Inc. 11/27/1978 11/5/1982 P 709 P 744 V 418 V 57/ Affidavit of Resolution Mechanic's Lien The Public Gassoit Construction Company Philip Steen Jr. Washington Chapel Missionary Baptist Church Historical Photogral2M Picture of early children's choir ___.__ _0_ ...;;; ---- - "' Photograph of early adult choir Photograph of Rev. Flowers and deacons at the construction of the new church building in 1952 Photograph of the original front fa<;ade. Note the lack of an entry porch, that the windows aren't stained glass, and the top of the steeple, which isn't as pronounced as the current one. . .::~i Rendering of the first church (built before the current building). This building isn't part of our historical research, but it is an important part of the narrative history of the church as a body of believers. II II II II II Wall hanging conveying the church covenant. Current Photographs of the Washington ChaQrl Missionary Baptist Church - October 2004- Partial front (southwest) elevation (facing Texas Avenue) Includes new steeple, porch, and ramp, as well as historical plaque. Partial front (southwest) elevation (facing Texas Avenue) showing the fellowship hall and kitchen addition. Perspective photograph of original church (left) and new addition (right). Photograph taken from location south of the church building. Side (southeast) elevation. Partial side (southeast) elevation, showing the original church building, with the new steeple. Partial side (southeast) elevation. This shows the fellowship hall and kitchen addition. .,... ~..;;;.;..;.,;;;~~.;... Rear (northeast) side of church. Perspective of Northwest Side of church (faces toward Harvey Road). Detail photograph of the historical plaque located on the church's front elevation New front porch; note the difference in the color of the brick between the wall of the sanctuary (original) and the column of the entry porch (addition). 1.......1. .----~ 1..,....-............. 1II1.........~' ~.'.. . I .. I , '. .' ..; .' j:~ II '. . _J . - . _I i III . -= . - . .... I Detail of stained glass windows in sanctuary and exterior brickwork. Detail of windows in the original church building. Note the wooden sashes. Church sign; located along Texas Avenue (faces northwest/southeast) Old piano and piano bench retained from the original church building that was used from the 1920s to 1952; located in fellowship hall. One of the original Bibles from the church congregation. .........-,- Interior view of the fellowship hall addition. Photograph taken from inside the kitchen. ',;:'~. Interior photograph of the fellowship hall and kitchen addition Spiral staircase - behind sanctuary The organ was raised (and the carpet replaced) in the sanctuary after it flooded in the late 1990s in order to prevent damage in case of any future flooding. The piano in the sanctuary was raised at the same time as the organ, also to prevent damage from flooding. .';,~ Interior view of the sanctuary Pulpit from the original church building (seen in painting on top) that served Washington Chapel Baptist from the 1920s until 1952 :1 I 'I il . l:;!i;u~:J~~~t:~::;;,,~1t!~;~tj;,~~s T'HE'S'E tRAFF,:lc'S ';",~'" ' ('" s " . ~ Bottom row left to right: Patrolman - Booker T. Morgan, Criminal Investigator - Lee Norwood, Patrolman _ Donald Kokemoor, Sergeant - Edgar Feldman, Chief of Police -Melvin H. Leudke,\ Sergeant _ Robert Williams. Top row left to right: Patrolman - Burl Gill, Patrolman - Donald Harrison, Patrolman - Richard Wi Iliams, Sergeant - Marvin Bryd, Patrolman - Eugene Morgan, Humane Officer - Preston Bishop ~V' -I"" ., x ~ OR\'IE S AfEl't Give Our ,,,"dreft a Brake x :Ie ~ ~ ~ ~ x :Ie x :Ie x :Ie ~ :Ie ~I ~ r NO ACCIDENT IS i ~ ~ :Ie SAfETY / -