HomeMy WebLinkAbout8 May Bank Balances and Interest Rates May 5/31/2006 Earnings Rate Interest First American Banle Clearing Payroll $ 1,998,542.38 914,855.85 2,913,398.23 Total $ Chase 35,612.52/ $ Deposits Clearing. iq t' &3 )>,932,606.94 Payroll JJ./~ ) 63, I. 2,757,196.69 Chase 7,304,175.00 Additional Interest ~,J~ ,. Withdrawals 9,893,175.57) 1,845,466.58 7,289,000.00 % 1,359.11 % % V.JO II/ 73<tjULfJ.I.r ~/' f}'II't! ~' 5.10 % 3,501.47 ~ TexPool Participant Services C/O Lehman Brothers 600 Travis Street, Suite 7200 Houston, TX 77002 -'- TEXPOOL V TEXAS.TRUST IfxA, Tn,o,\UMY S""fUEfL"G TMUll COM~"'N\ * . . * . * . . . . . Au JnVClilmelll St-rvin' fur Publk Fund" CITY OF COLLEGE STATION GENERAL ACCOUNT A TTN SUSAN CHMELAR PO BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION TX 77842-7960 Participant Statement Statement Period 05/01/2006 - 05/31/2006 Page 1 of 2 111111111.11111111111111.1111.11.111.11111111I Customer Service Location 10 Investor 10 1-866- TEX-POOL 000077181 000004184 Texas TexPool U date Start your spring cleaning today by can be found in the Participant Services Services with any questions. ial Wire Instructions form. The updated form Contact T exPool Participant TexPool Summar Total Withdrawals Total Interest Curren,t Balanc, Average Balance Portfolio Pool Name Market Value (05/31/2006) $48,225,615.05 $48,225.615.05 Total Dollar Value Interest Summar 0( qOJL Pool Name Texas Local Government Investment Pool Total Pooll Account 449/211100001 Month-to-Date Interest Year-to-Date Interest $183,112.25 $183,112.25 $793,140.27 $793,140.27 May Account Beginning Balance Deposits Withdrawals Interest Balance 211100001 $40,588,420.59 $7,454,082.21 $0.00 $183,112.25 $48,225,615.05 211100002 $860,262.22 $1,429,293.23 ($514,467.34) $5,629.77 $1,780,717.88 211100005 $2,566,013.31 $0.00 ($2,100,918.33) $2,755.71 $467,850.69 211100014 $1,286.93 $0.00 $0.00 $5.37 $1,292.30 211100017 $1,068,661.59 $0.00 $0.00 $4,449.55 $1,073,111.14 211100018 $789,845.88 $0.00 $0.00 $3,288.65 $793,134.53 $45,874,490.52 $8,883,375.44 ($2,615,385.67) $199,241.30 $52,341,721.59 $52,341,721.59 May 632159 TexPool Participant Services C/O Lehman Brothers 600 Travis Street. Suite 7200 Houston, TX 77002 -'- TEXPOOJ-A TEXAS"TRUST 1(J.o,\ Tn"'~ulI' SAtfUtPIHG T~lIll COMPAHt ~ . . * * . * . . . . AlllnvcslnWlll St'rvkt' for I'ublk Fuuds CITY OF COLLEGE STATION GENERAL ACCOUNT SUB FUND ATTN CINDY NORWOOD PO BOX 9960 COLLEGE STA TX 77842-7960 Participant Statement Statement Period 05/01/2006 - 05/31/2006 Page 1 of 2 1I1111111111111"1,,1,,1,11,,,11,11I,1I,,11'1I,1l Customer Service Location 10 Investor 10 1-866- lEX-POOL 000077181 000004185 Portfolio TexPool U date Start your spring cleaning today by obtaining can be found in the Participant Services sectj Services with any questions. ial Wire Instructions form. The updated form .texpool.com. Contact TexPool Participant TexPool Summar Total Interest currerit Balance Average Balance Texas $1,336,105.89 Pool Name Texas Local Government Total Dollar Value Market Value (05/31/2006) $1.780,717.88 $1,780,717.88 Interest Summar Pool Name Texas Local Government Investment Pool Total Pooll Account 449/211100002 Month-to-Date Interest $5,629.77 $5,629.n Year-to-Date Interest $34,414.35 $34.414.35 532159 TXP...08400".0079402007.0 1195.07841.CNSTEXO' .INVM TX__ n_ __ n:x _ OI'Ia0771A I T exPool Participant Services C/O Lehman Brothers 600 Travis Street, Suite 7200 Houston, TX 77002 -'- Tf':XPOOL . . . . . . . . . . * An Invt'sllllt'1l1 Sc,'rvlct' lor Public FundI> TEXAS"TRUST 'f~"S T~tA\U~\ S"ffqf~INC; TIi'U$1 ClH,H,o,N) CITY OF COLLEGE STATION UTILITY FUND A TTN SUSAN CHMELAR PO BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION TX 77842-7960 Participant Statement Statement Period 05/01/2006 - 05/31/2006 Page 1 of 2 11...1111,11111,.1111..1.11...11.1...111111'11 Customer Service Location 10 Investor 10 1-866- TEX-POOL 000077181 000004188 TexPool U date Start your spring cleaning today by obtaining can be found in the Participant Services secti Services with any questions. Wire Instructions form. The updated form Contact T ex Pool Participant Pool Name Texas Portfolio Pool Name Texas Local Government Total Dollar Value Interest Summar Pool Name Texas Local Government Investment Pool Total Month-to-Date Interest PoolI Account 449/211100005 $2,755.71 S2,755.71 T XP. ,11I08600... 0019402007.0 1197. 07849.CNSTEXO 1.INVM T X.. on... TEx....... 000077181 Average Balance $668,498.55 Market Value (05/31/2006) $467,850.69 $467,850.69 Year-to-Date Interest $22,223.64 $22,223.64 532159 T ex Pool Participant Services C/O Lehman Brothers 600 Travis Street, Suite 7200 Houston, TX 77002 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LAND A TTN SUSAN CHEMLAR 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION TX 77840-2433 11111111111111111111111111111.1.11111111'1111,11 TexPool U date Start your spring cleaning today by obtaining can be found in the Participant Services secti Services with any questions. TexPool Summar Texas Portfolio Pool Name Texas Local Government Total Dollar Value Interest Summar Pool Name Texas Local Government Investment Pool Total TXP. ,-01l800ll.oo79402001.0 1199.0785 1.CNSTEXO I.IN'IIMTX.. ...... TEX. ......000077 181 -'- TEXPOOL TEXAS.TRUST TIX^~ T~fA\UR' S...HXftPI"G l~U\1 COMPA'" * * * * * * * * * . * An luvt'stnwlll Servicl" (or Pul>lk Funds Participant Statement Statement Period 05/01/2006 - 05/31/2006 Page 1 of 2 Customer Service LocatlonlO Investor 10 1-866- TEX-POOL 000077181 000004191 Wire Instructions form. The updated form Contact T exPool Participant Total Withdrawals Current Balanc~ Total Interest Pooll Account 449/211100014 Month-to-Date Interest $5.37 $5.37 Average Balance $1,287.10 UarketValue (05/31/2006) $1,292.30 $1,292.30 Year-to-Date Interest $24.41 $24.41 532159 T exPool Participant Services C/O Lehman Brothers 600 Travis Street, Suite 7200 Houston, TX 77002 -'- TEXPOOL . . . * . . * . * * * An Illvt'tollmenl Service fur Public Funds TEXASC\TRUST T!AA~ T"'Alll~' SAff'ffrlNG Tttu>I COM~ANf CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CLEARING ACCOUNT A TTN SUSAN CHMELAR PO BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION TX 77842-7960 Participant Statement Statement Period 05/01/2006 - 05/31/2006 Page 1 of 2 1111.1111111"1111'111.'.1111.'11'11111"11'"1 Customer Service Location 10 Investor 10 1-866-TEX-POOL 000077181 000004193 Portfolio TexPool U date Start your spring cleaning today by obtaining can be found in the Participant Services secti Services with any questions. ial Wire Instructions form. The updated form .texpool.com. Contact TexPool Participant TexPool Summar Total Withdrawals Total Interest curre,,~ BalancF Average Balance Texas $1,068,805.12 Pool Name UarketValue (05/31/2006) $1,073,111.14 $1,073,111.14 Texas Local Government Invest Total Dollar Value Interest Summar Pool Name Texas Local Government Investment Pool Total Pooll Account 449/211100017 Month-to-Date Interest Year-to-Date Interest $4,449.55 $4,449.55 $18,642.99 $18,642.99 532159 T XP.. -08000".0079402007.0 120 1.07853. CNSTEXO l.1NV M T X........ TEX....... 000077 181 T exPool Participant Services C/O Lehman Brothers 600 Travis Street, Suite 7200 Houston, TX 77002 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION FIDELITY A TTN SUSAN CHMELAR PO BOX 9960 COLLEGE STA TX 77842-7960 -'- T.EXPOOL . * . . . . . . . . . Au Invt'SIIIlt'llt St'rvit't'" for Public Funds TEXAS~TRUST Tt~A\ 'lfAlun SAffrHnNG 'IVll COMPANr Participant Statement Statement Period 05/01/2006 - 05/31/2006 Page 1 of 2 1111111111111.1.11111..11111.1111111111..11111111... TexPool U date Start your spring cleaning today by obtaining can be found in the Participant Services secti Services with any questions. TexPool Summar Pool Name Total Dollar Portfolio Pool Name Texas Local Government Total Dollar Value Interest Summar Pool Name Texas Local Government Investment Pool Total TXP..-08200"'.0079402007.0 1203.07BS5.CNSTEXO 1.INVMTx........ rEx.......oooon 1 B 1 Customer Service LocatlonlO Investor 10 1-866- TEX-POOL 000077181 000011472 ial Wire Instructions form. The updated form .texpool.com. Contact TexPool Participant Total Withdrawals Curren! Balance Total Interest Pooll Account 449/211100018 Month-to-Date Interest $3,288.65 $3,288.65 Average Balance $789,951.97 Market Value (05/31/2006) $793,134.53 $793,134.53 Year-to-Date Interest $14,904.92 $14,904.92 532159 JPMORGAN WORLOWIDE SECURITIES SERVICES GLOBAl PLUS OPERATIONS 14201 DALLAS PARKWAY 16TH FLOOR DALLAS TX 75254 JPMorgan 0 Account Statement 11...11...11..1..1..1..1.11...11.1...11..11....11..11....1..11 001014 0011001 GPS.2Z 00 2006152 - CLOOOO242475 SUSAN CHMELAR/CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MS SUSAN CHMELAR PO BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION TX 77842 Statement Period 05/01/2006 through 05/31/2006 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; == I!!I!!!!!!!!!!! ~ - - - - - - - - - Visit us at www.jpmorganchase.com Account CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10203163.1 Relationship Manager CHERRY L MCCARRELL 512479-2588 CHERRY. L.MCCARRELL@JPMORGAN.CO Administrator EVA DERRY 512-47-2588 EVA.X.DERRY@JPMORGAN.COM Asset Summary Number of shares As~~t descr~~I~!1______ _ _ ____~_________ __ ____un_up_fa! value~_____ _____uCo~________ _____~~rket valu!___ _____ __ FIXED INCOME GOVERNMEN"!: ISSUES ___________~~_____ 62,OOOgOO.QQQ_______ ___E1.!~~_'LgQ~__ ___________jlO.9~~00.00 ______ ENDING BALANCE 62,000.000.000 61.991.120.00 60.941,300.00 Transaction Summary Realized __ _un' Cos~_ ___ ____aall!~!osses_n 68,999,520.00 Tral!sactlon_ de!~riptlon __n______.______________ Income ca~!!________~l!:!clpal ~as~______ BEGINNING BALANCE 11,500.00 DISTRIBUTIONS & WITHDRAWALS -7,304.175.00 SALES & REDEMPTIONS 7.000,000.00 -7,008,400.00 INCOME ____________~________________~92.675.Q~ _____________________________._________ ENDING BALANCE 0.00 61,991,120.00 -8,400.00 MVD-DA 001014 001/001 GPS-2Z 00 2006152 - CLoo00242475 Page 1 of 8 05/01/2006 through 05/31/2006 Statement Period 05/0112006 through 05131/2006 Account CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10203163.1 JPMorgan 0 Report of Assets Number of shares Market Market __~__,I"~ vahJ~__Asset descrlptlon___._._____~~___~_. _~~_~___ Cost ~_______~~__ value ____ FIXED INCOME GOVERNMENT ISSUES 2,000.000.000 FFCB DTD 11/1/2004 3.125% 2/1/2008 CONS BD CUSIP: 31331SDWO 1.000,000.000 FFCB DTD 11/1/2004 2.50/. 8/1/2006 BD CUSIP: 31331SEK5 2,000,000.000 FFCB DTD 6/1/2005 3.82% 6/1/2007 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CUSIP: 31331SYN7 1.000,000.000 FFCB DTD 7/2/2004 3.5% 7/2/2007 BDS CUSIP: 31331T2K6 1,000.000.000 FFCB DTD 4/5/2004 2.15% 4/5/2007 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CUSIP: 31331TB26 1,000,000.000 FFCB DTD 4/23/2004 3.02% 10/23/2007 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CUSIP: 31331TG54 1,000,000.000 FFCB DTD 10/27/2003 2.66% 10/27/2006 MTN CALLABLE 10/27/04@ 100 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CUSIP: 31331TGE5 2,000,000.000 FFCB DTD 5/19/2004 3.75% 11/19/2007 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CUSIP: 31331TM99 1,000,000.000 FFCB DTD 5/19/2004 2.95% 7/19/2006 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CUSIP: 31331TP39 1,000.000.000 FFCB DTD 2/9/2004 3% 11/9/2007 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CALLABLE 2/9/05 @ 100 CUSIP: 31331TQP9 2,000,000.000 FFCB DTD 6/3/20043.65% 12/3/2007 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CUSIP: 31331TT27 1,000,000.000 FFCB DTD 3/2/20042.4% 3/2/2007 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CUSIP: 31331TUY5 1,000,000.000 FHLB DTD 6/16/20032% 6/16/2006 CONS BD CALLABLE 6/16/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 31339XDW1 1,000,000.000 FHLB DTD 7/3/2003 2% 7/7/2006 CONS BD CALLABLE 1/7/04@ 100 CUSIP: 31339XSH8 1,000,000.000 FHLB DTD 6/30/2003 2.04% 12/29/2006 CONS BD CALLABLE 12/30/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 31339Y5G3 1,000,000.000 FHLB DTD 7/21/2003 2.02% 7/21/2006 CONS BD CALLABLE 7/21/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 31339YG97 2.000,000.00 96.531 1,930,620.00 1,000.000.00 99.563 995,630.00 2,000,000.00 98.531 1,970,620.00 1,000,000,00 98.063 980,630.00 1,000,000.00 97.375 973.750.00 1,000.000.00 96.906 969,060.00 1.000,000.00 99.000 990,000.00 2,000,000.00 97.781 1,955,620.00 1,000,000.00 99.688 996,880.00 1,000,000.00 96.813 968,130.00 2,000,000.00 97.594 1,951,880.00 1,000,000.00 97.844 978,440.00 1,000,000.00 99.875 998,750.00 1,000,000.00 99.688 996,880.00 1,000,000.00 98.125 981,250.00 1,000,000.00 99.563 995,630.00 AD2 001014 0011001 GPS.2Z 00 2006152 - CLOOOO242475 Page 2 of 8 05/01/2006 through 05/31/2006 ~'.'ClIICII' r'll:IIUU V..JIVI/4,,^^, UIIUUYfl uo;)I.,)I/,UUO .Account. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10203163.1 JPMorgan 0 Report of Assets (continued) Number of shares Market Market Par value ~~s~! .<!eli~_rlptl(),! Cost P!I~~_ u __ .v~,:!~_ ---,._,-...~- 1,000.000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 99.906 999,060.00 iiiiiiiii!ii = DTD 9/16/20032.8% 6/1612006 CONS BD CALLABLE 6/16/04 @ 100 ~ CUSIP: 3133XOUP2 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 99.563 995,630.00 DTD 10/28/20032.415% 7/28/2006 - CONS BD CALLABLE 7/28/04 @ 100 CUSIP; 3133X1LR6 - FHLB 1,000,000.00 97.563 975,630.00 DTD 10/30/20033.15% 7/30/2007 - - CONS BD CALLABLE 7/30/04@ 100 - CUSIP; 3133X1MJ3 - - 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1,000.000.00 97.688 976.880.00 - DTD 11/10/2003 3.32% 8/10/2007 CONS BD CALLABLE 8/10/04@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X1TM9 1,000,000000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 98.406 984,060.00 DTD 11/20/2003 3.08% 2/20/2007 CALLABLE 5/20/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 3133X22W4 1,000,000.000 FHLB 98.875 988,750.00 DTD 11/28/2003 3.01 % 11/28/2006 CONS BD CALLABLE 5/28/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 3133X26F7 1.000,000.000 FHLB 1,000.000.00 97.875 978.750.00 DTD 12/15/20033.22% 6/15/2007 CALLABLE 6/15/04 @ 100 CUSIP; 3133X2JV8 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 98.219 982.190.00 DTD 12/15/2003 3.02% 3/15/2007 CALLABLE 6115/04@ 100 CUSIP; 3133X2KU8 1,000.000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 97.875 978.750.00 DTD 12/18/2003 3.25% 6/18/2007 CONS BD CALLABLE 6/18/04@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X2LV5 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1.000,000.00 97.781 977,810.00 DTD 1/20/2004 3.32% 7/20/2007 CONS BD CALLABLE 1/20/05 @ 100 CUSIP: 3133X3C43 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1,000.000.00 98.813 988,130.00 DTD 2/9/2004 2.5% 11/9/2006 CALLABLE 11/9/04@ 100 CUSIP; 3133X3HX4 1.000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 97.313 973,130.00 DTD 2/20/2004 3.04% 8/20/2007 CALLABLE 8/20/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 3133X3M91 1.000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 96.813 968,130.00 DTD 2/9/2004 3.02% 11/9/2007 CALLABLE 2/9/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X3N82 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 96.906 969.060.00 DTD 2/23/20043.125% 11/23/2007 CALLABLE 11/23/04@ 100 CUSIP; 3133X3Q89 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 96.969 969,690.00 DTD 4/29/2004 3.08% 10/29/2007 CONS BD CALLABLE 4/29/05 @ 100 CUSIP: 3133X62S4 1,000,000.000 FHLB 998,700.00 97.000 970,000.00 DTD 4/29/2004 3.1 % 10/29/2007 CALLABLE 4/29/05@ 100 CUSIP; 3133X6CT1 1,000.000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 96.781 967,810.00 DTD 5/19/2004 3.58% 5/19/2008 CONS BD CALLABLE 5/19/06@ 100 CUSIP; 3133X6UJ3 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 97.906 979,060.00 DTD 8/10/2004 3.52% 8/10/2007 CALLABLE 8/10/05@ 100 TRANCHE # TR 00747 CUSIP: 3133X7X41 AF 001014 001/001 GPS-2Z 00 2006152 - CLOOOO242475 Page 3 of 8 05/01/2006 through 05/31/2006 Statement Period 05101/2006 through 05131/2006 Account CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10203163.1 JPMorgan 0 Report of Assets (continued) Number of shares Market Market ______~ar ,!,aJ~. Ass~t_descrlptlon______~__--_-_-_____--_-_..~C)~!__--__~___.I?!ice __~____y!lue ---- 1.000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 97.250 972,500.00 DTD 9/28/20043.5% 12/28/2007 CALLABLE 9/28/05@ 100 TRANCHE' TR 00276 CUSIP: 3133X8~1 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 97.625 976.250.00 DTD 1/24/2005 3.82% 1/24/2008 TRANCHE' TR00122 CALLABLE 1/24/06@ 100 CUSIP: 3133XAFB8 1,000,000.000 FHLB 1,000,000.00 99.781 997,810.00 DTD 8/3/2005 4% 8/3/2006 CONS BD CUSIP: 3133XCRR6 1,000,000.000 FNMA 997,880.00 99.844 998,440.00 DTD 6/16/20031.75% 6/16/2006 CALLABLE 6/16/04@ 100 CUSIP: 31359MSE4 2.000,000.000 FNMA 1,998,040.00 99.531 1,990,620.00 DTD 8/11/2003 2.75% 8/11/2006 CALLABLE 8/11/04@100 CUSIP: 31359MSV6 1,000,000.000 FNMA 998,300.00 98.313 983,130.00 DTD 1/20/2004 2.625% 1/19/2007 NT CALLABLE 01/19/05 @ 100 CUSIP: 31359MTX1 1,000,000.000 FNMA 1,000.000.00 99.906 999,060.00 DTD 4/23/2004 2.5% 6/15/2006 CUSIP: 31359MVA8 2,000.000.000 FNMA 1,999,400.00 98.500 1,970,000.00 DTD 5/17/2004 3.75% 5/17/2007 CALLABLE 5/17I05@ 100 CUSIP: 31359MVC4 2,000,000.000 FNMA 2,000,000.00 100.000 2,000,000.00 DTD 6/2/2004 3,01 % 6/2/2006 CALLABLE 6/2/05@ 100 CUSIP: 31359MVG5 1,000,000.000 FNMA 1,000,000.00 99.406 994,060.00 DTD 9/8/20033.01% 9/812006 CALLABLE 3/8/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F4EZ3 1,000,000.000 FNMA 1.000,000.00 100.000 1,000,000.00 DTD 12/1/20032.55% 6/1/2006 MTN CALLABLE 12/1/04@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F4WL4 1,000,000.000 FNMA 1,000,000.00 98.000 980,000.00 DTD 7/20/2004 3.5% 7/20/2007 MTN CALLABLE 7/20/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F52L4 1,000,000.000 FNMA 1,000,000.00 98.594 985,940.00 DTD 8/5/2004 3.25% 2/5/2007 MTN CALLABLE 08/05/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F53X7 1,000,000.000 FNMA 998,800.00 98.688 986,880.00 DTD 7/26/2004 3.31% 1/26/2007 MTN CALLABLE 1/26/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F54B4 1,000,000.000 FNMA 1,000,000.00 98.375 983,750.00 DTD 6/14/2004 3.72% 6/14/2007 MTN CALLABLE 6/14/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F5C41 1,000,000.000 FNMA 1.000,000.00 97.938 979,380.00 DTD 3/2/2004 2.56% 3/2/2007 MTN CALLABLE 3/2/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F5CL3 1,000,000.000 FNMA 1,000,000.00 97.625 976,250.00 DTD 9/7/20043.375% 9/7/2007 CALLABLE 9/7/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F6BF5 1,000,000.000 FNMA 1,000,000.00 98.281 982,810.00 DTD 9/14/2004 3.1% 3/14/2007 MTN CALLABLE 9/14/05 @100 CUSIP: 3136F6CP2 AF 001014 0011001 GPS-2Z 00 2006152 - CLOO00242475 Page 4 of 8 05/01/2006 through 05/31/2006 Statement Period 05/01/2006 through 05/31/2006 Account CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10203163.1 Report of Transactions (continued) JPMorgan 0 ___ _.____~____~____Jl1come cash______.1'rlnclp,,!cash_ 1,000.000.00 Cost Realized . galnsll~sse.~ Transaction _----~te _ Ir"....~~~I~I1~escrlptl~~__ 05/15/2006 MATURITY FHLB DTD 4/12/2004 2.05% 5/15/2006 CUSIP: 3133X6DW3 -1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE TRADE DATE: 05/15/2006 05/15/2006 MATURITY FHLB DTD 6/15/2004 3% 5/15/2006 CONS BD CUSIP: 3133X7NJ9 -1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE TRADE DATE: 05/15/2006 OS/22/2006 MATURITY FHLB DTD 11/16/2004 2.875% 5/22/2006 TRANCHE # TR 00229 CUSIP: 3133X9KN9 -2,000,000.000 PAR VALUE TRADE DATE: OS/22/2006 OS/26/2006 MATURITY FNMA DTD 5/27/2003 2.25% 5/26/2006 CALLABLE 11/26/03@100 CUSIP: 31359MRV7 -2,000,000.000 PAR VALUE TRADE DATE: OS/26/2006 TOTAL SALES & REDEMPTIONS INCOME 05/01/2006 INTEREST FHLB DTD 4/29/2004 3.1 % 10/29/2007 CALLABLE 4/29/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X6CT1 1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE 05/01/2006 INTEREST FHLB DTD 4/29/2004 3.08% 10/29/2007 CONS BD CALLABLE 4/29/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X62S4 1.000,000.000 PAR VALUE 0~01n006 INTEREST FHLB DTD 10/30/20033.15% 7/30/2007 CONS BD CALLABLE 7/30/04@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X1MJ3 1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE 05/03/2006 INTEREST FHLB DTD 10/28/20032.415% 7/28/2006 CONS BD CALLABLE 7/28/04@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X1LR6 1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE 05/05/2006 INTEREST FNMA DTD 8/4/2003 2% 5/4/2006 MTN CALLABLE 2/4/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 3136F3W51 1.000,000.000 PAR VALUE 05/09/2006 INTEREST FHLB DTD 2/9/2004 2.5% 11/9/2006 CALLABLE 11/9/04@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X3HX4 1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE 05/10/2006 INTEREST FHLB DTD 11/10/20033.32% 8/10/2007 CONS BD CALLABLE 8/10/04@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X1TM9 1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE 05/15/2006 INTEREST FHLB DTD 4/12/2004 2.05% 5/15/2006 CUSIP: 3133X6DW3 1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE AF 001014 0011001 GPS-2Z 00 2006152. CLOOO0242475 -1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 -1,000,000.00 2,000,000.00 - 2,000,000.00 -2.008,400.00 -8.400.00 7,000,000.00 -7,008,400.00 15,500.00 15.400.00 15,750.00 12,075.00 5,000.00 12,500.00 16,600.00 10,250.00 Page 6 of 8 05/01/2006 through 05/31/2006 Statement Period OS/Ol/2006lhrough 05131/2006 . Account CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10203163.1 Report of Assets (continued) JPMorgan 0 Number of shares .... ._ Par Y!lI!~~ss~~~~EI'I.e!!~1'l 1,000,000.000 FNMA OTD 9/29/2004 3.25% 3/29/2007 MTN CALLABLE 9/29/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F6DR7 1.000,000.000 FNMA DTD 9/14/20043.45% 9/14/2007 CALLABLE 9/14/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F6DUO 1,000,000.000 FNMA DTD 9/28/2004 3.5% 3/28/2008 CALLABLE 9/28/05@ 100 CUSIP: 3136F6EE5 TOTAl FIXED INCOME GOVERNMENT ISSUES GRAND TOTAL OF ALL ASSETS Report of Transactions Market Market .. Cost J'.!~~ _ value 1.000,000.00 98.313 983,130.00 !I!II!!!I!!!! liiiii:1iiiiiii 1,000,00000 97.656 976,560.00 - - 1,000,000.00 96.844 968,440.00 - - ;;;;;;;;;;;;;!; 61,991,120.00 60,941,300.00 --~-~--_._- -----. ---.---- 61,991,120.00 60,941,300.00 Transaction __.~__.da~_ Transact~l'l~escrlptlon _'__'~._~_~_._.___.__. 05/0112006 BEGINNING BALANCE DISTRIBUTIONS & WITHDRAWALS 05/01/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCT/REFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE 05/04/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCT/REFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE 05/08/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCT/REFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE 05/09/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCTlREFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE 05/10/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCT/REFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE 05/15/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCT/REFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE 05/1712006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCT/REFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE 05/19/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCT/REFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE OS/22/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCTlREFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE OS/26/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCT/REFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE 05/30/2006 CASH DISBURSEMENT ACCT/REFERENCE II: 04-30109001034 TRANSFER OF GLOBAL PLUS BALANCE TOTAL DISTRIBUTIONS & WITHDRAWALS SALES & REDEMPTIONS 05/04/2006 MATURITY FNMA DTD 8/4/2003 2% 5/4/2006 MTN CALLABLE 2/4/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 3136F3W51 -1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE TRADE DATE: 05/04/2006 AF 001014 0011001 GPS.2Z 00 2006152. CLOOOO242475 Realized Incom~ cash _._. __.__!,rinc!e!l! cash____. n_.. .__. Cost_____~!I!osses 11,500.00 68,999,520.00 -58,150.00 -1,012,075.00 -5.000.00 -12.500.00 -16,600.00 -2,025,250.00 -37.500.00 -55,400.00 - -2,022.500.00 -15,050.00 -7,304,175.00 0.00 1,000,000.00 - Page 5 of 8 05/01/2006 throuQh 05/31/2006 5tatement PerIOd 05101/2006 through 05131/2006 AccoUnt . CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10203163.1 JPMorgan 0 Report of Transactions (continued) Transaction Realized date T~!'!~i1~tl()!, ~~~~!Iell()n Income cash .!"!IrI~!eill~i1s!1_ Cost ___ 9iI!,!s110~~e..! ..-~------~~--.- - 05/15/2006 INTEREST 15,000.00 lIIlIilIIilIlIO l!!!!!'.!'!!!! FHLB lI!IlI!I!lI!I!! DTD 6/15/2004 3% 5/15/2006 - CONS BD CUSIP: 3133X7NJ9 1,000.000.000 PAR VALUE 05/17/2006 INTEREST 37,500.00 ;;;; FNMA DTD 5/1712004 3,75% 5/1712007 - CALLABLE 5/17I05@ 100 - CUSIP: 31359MVC4 2,000.000.000 PAR VALUE 05/19/2006 INTEREST 37.500.00 FFCB DTD 5/19/2004 3.75% 11/19/2007 CONS SYSTEMWIDE BDS CUSIP: 31331TM99 2,000,000.000 PAR VALUE 05/19/2006 INTEREST 17.900.00 FHLB DTD 5/19/2004 3.58% 5/19/2008 CONS BD CALLABLE 5/19/06@ 100 CUSIP: 3133X6UJ3 1.000,000.000 PAR VALUE OS/22/2006 INTEREST 15,400.00 FHLB DTD 11/20/2003 3.08% 2/20/2007 CALLABLE 5/20/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 3133X22W4 1.000,000.000 PAR VALUE OS/22/2006 INTEREST 28,750.00 FHLB DTD 11/16/2004 2.875% 5/22/2006 TRANCHE # TR 00229 CUSIP: 3133X9KN9 2,000,000.000 PAR VALUE OS/26/2006 INTEREST 22,500.00 FNMA DTD 5/27/2003 2.25% 5/26/2006 CALLABLE 11/26/03@1oo CUSIP: 31359MRV7 2,000.000.000 PAR VALUE 05/30/2006 INTEREST 15,050.00 FHLB DTD 11/28/2003 3.01% 11/28/2006 CONS BD CALLABLE 5/28/04 @ 100 CUSIP: 3133X26F7 1,000,000.000 PAR VALUE TOTAL INCOME -- ----.--------- ~-_.__.._------- ________ 292,675.00_ -_.,~.---- -..--- 0.00 -_. -----_.~-~ ----_._..._.~._.. 05/31/2006 ENDING BALANCE 0.00 61,991,120.00 Accrued Income as reported for Cash & Cash Equivalents is exclUSive of Cash Management Fees where applicable Market value information furnished in this report is derived from sources which JPMorgan believes to be reliable. However, JPMorgan makes no representation as to the accuracy or completeness of such information, which is being provided for the cuslome~s sole use. AF 001014 001/001 GPS-2Z 00 2006152 - CLOOO0242475 Page 7 of 8 05/01/2006 through 05/31/2006 June 02. 2006 11 :33:22AM CUSIP Security Description Pledge Report JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA Original Par PLIE161 +CITY OF COLLEGE STATION at FROST BANK - CHASE TEXAS, SUB-ACCOUNT: 1020 912810EH7 BOND 7.88% 02/15/2021 20,000.00 PLlE16 I +CITY OF COLLEGE STATION r,'dx~ vI, .] 2 f! J v:; c'\__Jl 1 /(~ ---t.7 j/ ~ c Q~~ . 0 fY2/0 z ,. 73J/J:7 SubTotal: 20,000.00 20,000.00 ,I ~ Page: 1 / Pledge Amounts as of: May 31,2006 Current Par Market Value 20,000.00 25,192.18 20,000.00 25,192.18 20,000.00 25,192.18 {/ ~i 3t-fc;g/ JPMorganChase 0 JPMorgan Chase Bank, NA 1111 Polaris Parkway PO Box 710103-0103 Columbus, Ohio 43271-0103 June 2, 2006 SUSAN CHMELAR CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PO BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TX 77840-9960 Dear Susan: Please find enclosed a copy of your May 31, 2006 Pledge Report. This report will be updated and sent to you on a Monthly basis. Please feel free to contact the National Collateral Management Group, toll-free, at 1-888-333-8340 Option #2 if you have any questions. You can also reach us by fax at 1-614-248-9542. Sincerely, Diana M. Johnson Investment Operations Manager Enclosure THE BANKOF NEW YORK / Broker/Dealer Services One Wall Street, Fourth Floor New York, NY 10286 000018 XBGSCOOl ATTN: CITI OF COLLEGE STATION/TAC 1101 TEXAS AVE COLLEGE STATION TEXAS Account Id: TAC035 Date: 05/30/06 Thi.s advice is supplied as part of the Tri-Party Collateral agreement among the Customer, Citibank Texas N.A. and The Bank of New York. Any questions should be directed to Paul Messina, Vice President, BDS/Tri-Party Services, (212)635-4816. As agent we confirm the following collateralized deposit information received from Citibank Texas N.A. as of close of business on each of the following listed days. The collateral segregated on your behalf is as follows: DATE: OS/23/06 Total Deposits As of OS/22/06: $1,556,611.16 CUSIP DESCRIPTION 31406Y4E7 FNMA FNMS 5.000Y. 05/01/35 QUANTITY 2,024,987.00 TOTAL MKT VALUE Margin Y.: 114.85 MARKET VALUE 1, 787 ,809.47 1,787,809.47 DATE:05/24/06 Total Deposits As of OS/23/06: $1, 768,894.28 Margin Y.: 110.00 CUSIP DESCRIPTION QUANTITY MARKET VALUE 31406Y4E7 FNMA FNMS 5.000Y. 05/01/35 2,207,258.00 1,945,784.49 ------------------ TOTAL MKT VALUE 1,945,784.49 DATE:05/25/06 Total Deposits As of OS/24/06: $2,016,185.03 Margin Y.: 110.00 CUSIP DESCRIPTION 31406Y4E7 FNMA FNMS 5.000Y. 05/01/35 DATE:05/26/06 QUANTITY 2,511 ,387.00 TOTAL MKT VALUE Total Deposits As of OS/25/06: $2,119,475.00 CUSIP DESCRIPTION 31406Y4E7 FNMA FNMS 5.000Y. 05/01/35 QUANTITY 2,646,658.00 MARKET VALUE 2,217,803.86 2,217,803.86 Margin Y.: 110.00 MARKET VALUE 2,331,423.37 TIlE BANKOF NEW YORK Account Id: TAC035 CUSIP DESCRIPTION QUANTITY TOTAL MKT VALUE Page 2 Date: 05/30/06 MARKET VALUE DATE:05/30/06 Total Deposits As of OS/26/06: $2,337,943.66 Margin 7.: 110.00 2,331,423.37 CUSIP DESCRIPTION 31406Y4E7 FNMA FNMS 5.0007. 05/01/35 QUANTITY 2,912,200.00 TOTAL MKT VALUE MARKET VALUE 2,571,738.25 2,571,738.25 it ~ , qL(:2 OO(~ {;.