HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-2896 - Ordinance - 05/25/2006 ORDINANCE NO. 2896 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE," SECTION 4.2, "OFFICIAL ZONING MAP," OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT BOUNDARIES AFFECTING CERTAIN PROPERTIES AS DESCRIBED BELOW; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART I: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 34 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 25th day of May, 2006. APPROVED: Q Q.'L:' RON SIL ~,-Mayor APPROVED: 7~AtJ~;f~ City Attorney O/group/Jegal/ordinance/amendmentform.doc ORDINANCE NO. 2896 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances ofthe City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended as follows: The following property is rezoned from R-4, Multi-Family to R-I, Single Family Residential: Tract A ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING SITUATED IN THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A- 54 AND BEING A PART OF THE SAME TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO SPRING CREEK CS DEVELOPMENT, LTD., 62.18 ACRE TRACT, AS RECORDED IN VOL. 4712, PAGE 260, OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS (B.C.O.R.), AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "B" AND SHOWN GRAPHICALLY IN EXHIBIT "E". The following property is rezoned from R-4, Multi-Family to C-I, General Commercial: Tract B ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING SITUATED IN THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A- 54 AND BEING A PART OF THE SAME TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO SPRING CREEK CS DEVELOPMENT, LTD., 62.18 ACRE TRACT, AS RECORDED IN VOL. 4712, PAGE 260, OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS (B.C.O.R.), AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "c" AND SHOWN GRAPHICALLY IN EXHIBIT "E". The following property is rezoned from R-4, Multi-Family to A-P, Administrative Professional: Tract C ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING SITUATED IN THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A- 54 AND BEING APART OF THE SAME TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN A DEED TO SPRING CREEK CS DEVELOPMENT, LTD., 62.18 ACRE TRACT, AS RECORDED IN VOL. 4712, PAGE 260, OF THE BRAZOS COUNTY OFFICIAL RECORDS (B.C.O.R.), AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS IN THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "D" AND SHOWN GRAPHICALLY IN EXHIBIT "E". jlp: \group\agen~ca/'Ior legal reviewlin progress\05-25~06\spring creek rezoning ordinance. doc 5/1/06 ORDINANCE NO. 2896 EXHIBIT "B" t1I . METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 7.975 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-54 COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS All that tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Brazos County, Texas, and being situated in the Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54, and being a part of the same tract ofland described in a deed to Spring Creek CS Development, Ltd., 62.1S acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 4712, Page 260, ofthe Brazos County Official Records(B.C.O.R.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all control referred to the 19S3 Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, Central Zone: COMMENCING at a fence post found for the north comer of said 62.IS acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 4712, Page 260, of the D.C.O.R., also being a point in the southwest right-of-way line ofSUrte Highway No. 6, also being the east comer of the lobo M. Lawrence, Ill, 247.46 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 929, Page 216, of the D.C.O.R., having a Texas State Plane Coordinate Value nfX= 3,576,27S.52(E), Y = 10.192,792.33 (N) THENCE South 41032'10" West, a distance of2095.65 feet across said 62.1S acre tract to a 5/S" iron rod set for the north comer of this tract for the PLACE OF BEGINNING, also being a south comer of Shenandoah Phase SA, as recorded in Vol. 5923, Page 201, ofthe B.C.O.R., also being the West comer of Shenandoah Phase SD, as recorded in Vol. 6046, Page 257, of the B.C.O.R.; THENCE severing said 62.IS acre tract for the following calls: South 47057'17" East, a distance of50.26 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for a point of curvature; Around a curve to the left having a delta angle of 26050'14", an arc distance of250.59 feet, a radius of 535.00 feet, and a chord of South 61022'24" East, a distance of24S.31 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; South 15006'45" West, a distance of63.41 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; South 41046'36" West, a distance of 163.21 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; South 48013'24" East, a distance of97.79 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; North 75"55'50" East, a distance of 42.36 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; South 52053'05" East, a distance of 329.07 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 39045'4S" East, a distance of23.05 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for the east comer of this tract; South 46000'23" West, a distance of31.09 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; j\p;\groupl.agen.callfor legal reviewl;n progressI05-25-06\spring creek rezoning ordinance. doc 5/1/06 Page 3 ORDINANCE NO. 2896 e .. South 52001'41" West, a distance of2S5.32 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer, also being on the northeast line ofa 22.097 acre Covenants and Restrictions tract, as recorded in Vol. 4125, Page 141, ofthe B.C.O.R.; THENCE along the common line between this tract and said 22.097 acre tract for the following calls: South 8s009'02" West, a distance of 16.62 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; North 54055'51" West, a distance of359.52 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; North S3002'23" West, a distance of 451.99 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for the west comer of this tract, also being a point on the southeast line of said Shenandoah Phase SB; THENCE North 43004'07" East, a distance of 40.77 feet along the COmmon line between this tract and said Phase SB to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; if2J j\p:\group\agen-callfor legal reviewltn progressIOS-25-06\spring creek rezoning ordinance.doc 5/1/06 Page 4 ORDINANCE NO. 2896 EXHIBIT "c" ItI'\ t"\ METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 7.197 A(;RE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-54 COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS All that tract or parcel ofland lying and being situated io Brazos County, Texas, and being situated io the Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54, and being a part of the same tract of land described in a deed to Spring Creek CS Development, Ltd., 62.IS acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 4712, Page 260, of the Brazos County Official Records(B.C.O.R.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all control referred to the 1983 Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, Central Zone: COMMENCING at a fence post found for the north comer of said 62.18 acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 4712, Page 260, of the B.C.O.R., also being a point in the southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No.6, also being the east comer of the lobo M. Lawrence, III, 247.46 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 929, Page 216, of the B.C.O.R., having a Texas State Plane Coordinate Value ofX= 3,576,278.52(E), Y ~ 10,192,792.33 (N) THENCE South 21008'07" West, a distance of 1739.17 feet across said 62.1S acre tract to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer for the PLACE OF BEGINNING, for the west comer of this tract; THENCE severing said 62.1S acre tract; North 64017'20" East, a distance of479.34 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for a point of curvature; Around a curve to the right having a delta angle of8I043'22", an arc distance of35.66 feet, a radius of25.00 feet, and a cbord of South 74050'57" East, a distance of32.71 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set fQr a point of compound curvature; Around a curve to the left having a delta angle of 12008'19", an arc distance of 113.34 feet, a radius of535.00 feet, and a chord of South 40003'25" East, a distance of 113.13 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for a point of tangency; South 46007'28" East. a distance of 364.63 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for the east corner of this tract; THENCE South 40'25'58" West, a distance of 158.21 feet across said 62.1S acre tract, and continuing on the common line between this tract and a called 68.064 acre Conservation Zone, as recorded in Vol. 3926, Page 104, of the B.C.O.R. to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; THENCE along the common line between this tract and said 6S.064 acre tract for the following calls: South 30'23'20" West, a distance of 226.62 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; South 21041'46" West, a distance of 131.43 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for the south comer of this tract; j\p:\grouplogen-callfor legal review\;n progressI05-25-06Ispring creek rezoning ordinance.doc 5/1/06 Page 5 ORDINANCE NO. 2896 Page 6 ("", ""' THENCE severing said 62.IH acre tract for the following calls: North 46.07'2S" West, a distance of 476.59 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; Around a curve to the right having a delta angle of 17020'04", an arc distance of313.13 feet, a radius of 1035.00 feet, and a chord of North 37"27'30" West, a distance of311.94 feet to the '&"""""._'."'- -- .L. ~ Of """"~ ~~.""""!(1- \' -. tz' "'"1t; r t+~., '!/'! ^'4'"~ * '~\'I"'\ - - . . U '~"0M'.''''3''~ - \~ 1562. .... ~,'fI Dante CarlomRgno <(_-<D~r .\~~.-:,'" Texas Registered Professional Land Surveyor '$!U~~~ 2006-02-2S-tract3-7acres,doc Pehruary 2S, 2006 jlp:\group\agen-cal![or legal reviewlin progress\05-25~06\spring creek rezoning ordinance. doc 5/1/06 ORDINANCE NO. 2896 EXHIBIT "D" II!IIiIIA II!IIiIIA METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 12.837 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE ROBERT STEVENSON SURVEY, A-54 COLLEGE STATION BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS All that tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in Brazos County, Texas, and being situated in the Robert Stevenson Survey, A-54, and being a part of the same tract ofland described io a deed to Spring Creek CS Development, Ltd., 62.18 acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 4712, Page 260, of the Brazos County Official Records(B.C.O.R.), and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows with all control referred to the 1983 Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Lambert Projection, Central Zone: COMMENCING at a fence post found for the north comer of said 62.18 acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 4712, Page 260, of the B.C.O.R., also being a point in the southwest right-of-way line of State Highway No.6, also being the east comer of the lobo M. Lawrence, III, 247.46 acre tract, as recorded in Volume 929, Page 216, of the B.C.O.R., having a Texas State Plane Coordinate Value ofX= 3,576,278.52(E), Y = 10,192,792.33 (N) THENCE South 33023'04" West, a distance of2,061.45 feet across said 62.18 acre tract to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer for the PLACE OF BEGINNING; mENCE severing said 62.18 acre tract for the following calls: mENCE around a curve to the left having a delta angle of 40055'07", an arc distance of 382,08 feet, a radius of 535.00 feet, and a chord of North 84044'55" East, a distance 0074.01 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for a point of tangency; mENCE North 64017'26" East, a distance of 149.60 feetto a 5/8" iron rod set for the north comer of this tract~ THENCE around a curve to the left having a delta angle of 17020'04", an arc distance 0013.13 feet, a radius of 1035.00 feet, and a chord of South 37027'30" East, a distance 0011.94 feet to a 518" iron rod set for a point of tangency; THENCE South 46007'28" East, a distance of 476.59 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for the east comer of this tract, also being a point on the south line of said 62.18 acre tract, also being a point on the north line ofa called 68.064 acre Conservation Zone, as recorded in Vol. 3926, page 104, of the B.C.O.R.; THENCE along the common line between this tract and said Conservation Zone for the following calls: South 21042'33" West, a distance of25.51 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 76013'38" West, a distance of 208.00 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 43'28'17" West, a distance of419.89 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; jlp:\group\agen..califor legal reviewlin progressIOS.25-06\spring creek rezoning ordinance.doc 5/1/06 Page 7 ORDINANCE NO. 2896 , r-. ....... North 73021'42" West, . distance of 60.31 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 61016'05" West, a distance of353.17 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer, also being the east comer of the 22.097 acre Covenants and Restrictions tract, as recorded in Vol. 4125, Page 141 of the B.C.O.R.; THENCE along the common line between this tract and said 22.097 acre tract for the following calls: North 19025'17" West, a distance of24.61 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for corner; South 88009'02" West, a distance of 145.95 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for the west comer of this tract; THENCE severing said 62.18 acre tract for the following calls: North 52001'41" East, a distance of285.32 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 46000'23" East, a distance of31.09 feet to . 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 39045'48" West, a distance of23.05 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 52053'05" West, a distance 0029.07 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; South 75055'50" West, a distance of42.36 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 48013'24" West, a distance of 97.79 feet to a 5/8" iron rod set for comer; North 41046'36" East, a distance of 163.21 feet to a 5/S" iron rod set for comer; North 15006'45" East, a distance of 63.41 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING containing 12.837 acres. U2:J j\p:\groupl.agen-ca/'ifor legal review\in progressI05-25-06\spring creek rezoning ordinance. doc 5/1106 Page 8 ORDINANCE NO. 2896 EXHIBIT "E" culc:\documents and settings\lboyer\desktoplcp ordinance. doc 4/28/06 Page 9