HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 National Geography Test Aced (Some, you can tell, have a natural instinct for it.' DEBBIE LANGE , f- , . ".' .x:"'~ - -oC' -~~ (- , . ~ ~~ ..J 1'-:-' -. . i I - -, ~ Si' . ... ~ ./ .4 -- =-.-' ---- . .- -- . - . . c. · --- t *--..............,......... .-."-,,, ........~... :::..:;..;:;........_ -_ I ~...~--A".... _. -..4.LJ:.. -<~ ,1, . . ~4ttI t. ..-1It. I: ~ .. ::: 1;:,--~. I . ~_;.:~~-:;; .. -4:0.-;' ~ tI1[1".: " ~ ; f ll.llur.{I:. .,.. :.~;-; ..~,!( r - - .-- ~ , ,. :/_r " " .... 0: .' '-! , ..' II . - ~ 'I. ,; .. i '1 ,.' ~ J :.J;rt..: ~~~ students placed first in this year's National Geography ~. Pictured are (front row, from left) Heidi Martini-Stoica, Eagle photo/Butch Ireland Daniel Trampota, Keegan O'Connell and Will Mathis; (back row) Matthew lye, Nick Meli and Paul Gustafson. """~' I,.... :I'. . . ~ ' J( I { .' . .' : ~ 1 ", (. 1 ~ I r-- <a. ~ ~. '~'. ' , ' , ') 1 ~~'1' \ t l' ~\. ~~ t .~,~~"Hf. pi'/1 . ~ 1\"'.:;' \ 10 ') l ../)( '-i<~~ ""u ? '\' ~ ' ,1 HI,' ".' "'. . " s: '- ., . " .{ " .:- '^ i~ .... . J. ~ l,!,:" \. ii r..~J "';'jr" .,,'" ,I "t. } "~~i: ", /J \.~ ~~... .,. C'I .' ..:tl . 'L' iI'. ~~ I. .. "if ~ ~ l' ",I "r ~ ,); '. ~ '1 J ' or ~ ~ ' ," '.,,; j,!, u~, ',,'iJ , J f. ~" ......... . \.' t' ;"'J.'/tJ.. '9 ....~.:.... """", ,J ~' 'T'l-'''i. ". " '~, . '''-' '/,1,: q.~,: , . . . '0 < .\r \, [..,; , ,J., ,;{f' ~ . rI. ~ I." .. ._ 'fMP..:~ '~:~'r.- "~l\..~ OJ" t*~~ ~.. . if(~~;, . ~J;;;;;jj; By ~IEllSS_-\. SLLLIV AN Consol students ace J national geography test correct answer was worth a point, and the top 10 scores were combined to form the school's team score, she said. The test included topics ranging from cultural geography' to physical geography, she said. Consol's combined score of ~6 points earned it firs: ~~2.ce out 0: l8 competing sctOO:5 ::.:::: 2..C:-055 ::::e -... - ~ ...- . - - . ~ ,.. = - '" ~ ....., -- t ')-;-' rel. ~__~..c ........ _,-- ,. ~ ... - -- &~I Consolidated High School is on the map. And 11 sopho- mores know that map a little better than their peers. The students, who are enrolled in either world geography or advanced placement human geography, recent- 1)7 competed ill the 2005' National Geogl~aph~~? Ctallenge. 'T:he~: p:a~e~ first in Texas and - for the first time - first in the United -States. About ,500 Cansol students, mostly sophomores, took the 50-question, multiple-choice test last month. said Debbl-e L"'l nge Q'l"'\ e o. J:'("\, ~....... =-c.r- ::--"~ ~ ...~ -,- ~J.. 1 ........ .... _'"- "-",.,,.. __...... -.... ~.-. _' __ __ Ir...Ii _ _ . ,..o~ '" r 1""~. ...... ~-......'. .... ,... ,.... ~....... - -- ... - .,. ~ - ,.-- ~-------~ - .....-- ---. L . ~ . - - ... ~".... """'"':. ~ ........~..oIIIlo....... .. - -..0IIlli...... ~.......... """""",. ...._ _ _ _ _ ... _ _ .....:::;....t .....-" ___ ,.., _ _ " '-. _, __ -....~....._--...._- --- --_.._-~ --- -----.-..-- ~----