HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/04/2024 - Regular Agenda Packet - Zoning Board of Adjustments College Station, TX Meeting Agenda Zoning Board of Adjustment 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: www.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting Meeting ID: 211 059 952 366 | Passcode: SzkQG6 Phone: 833-240-7855 | Phone Conference: 188 350 1# The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. March 4, 2024 6:00 PM Council Chambers College Station, TX Page 1 1. Call meeting to order 2. Agenda Items 2.1. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes: Attachments: 1. December 5, 2023 2.2. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a sign variance to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.5.I.6.d. ‘Attached Signs’, for property located at Tower Point Phase 3, Block 3, Lot 12 generally located at 949 William D. Fitch Parkway. The subject property is zoned GC General Commercial and OV Greens Prairie Overlay. Case #AWV2024- 000001 Sponsors: Jeff Howell Attachments: 1. Staff Report 2. Vicinity, Aerial, and Small Area Map 3. Applicant’s Supporting Information 4. Applicant's Exhibit 5. Façade Exhibit-markup on approved Non-Residential Architectural application (NRA2023-000038) 2.3. Discussion and possible action regarding the selection of a vice-chairperson of the Zoning Board of Adjustment from among its members. 3. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. A member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 4. Adjourn. Adjournment into Executive Session may occur in order to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on February 26, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 2 March 4, 2024 This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” December 5, 2023 Zoning Board of Adjustments Minutes Page 1 of 4 Minutes Zoning Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting December 5, 2023 MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Fred Dupriest, Board Members Michael Martinez, James Hutchins, Kevin Bishop, and Trent Thomas CITY STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning and Development Services Michael Ostrowski, Assistant Director of Planning and Development Services Molly Hitchcock, Assistant City Attorney Gavin Midgley, Staff Planners Robin Macias, Gabriel Schrum, Technology Service Specialist Lillian Wells, and Staff Assistant II Crystal Fails 1. Call meeting to order. Chairperson Dupriest called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Agenda Items 2.1. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes: Board Member Martinez motioned to approve the meeting minutes from October 3, 2023, Board Member Thomas seconded the motion, the motion passed 5-0. 2.2. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a height variance to the Airport Zoning Ordinance for the property located at Boyett Block 8, Lots 19 (6'of) and 20-21, Boyett Block 10, Lots 1-2, east and west half of Lot 13, and Lots 4-6, and the adjacent 0.288 acres of former University Drive Right-of-Way, generally located at 101 Church Avenue. The property is zoned NG-1 Core Northgate. Case #AWV2023-000022. Staff Planner Macias presented the item to the Board and stated that the applicant is requesting a 168-foot height variance to the Airport Zoning Ordinance to allow for the construction of a multi-family residential building. Staff recommended approval of the request due to the fact that it meets the specified criteria. Specifically: 1. A literal application or enforcement of the regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship. 2. The granting of the relief would result in substantial justice being done. 3. The granting of the relief would not be contrary to the public interest. 4. The granting of the relief would be in accordance with the spirit of the regulation. Chairperson Dupriest opened the public hearing. Page 3 of 21 December 5, 2023 Zoning Board of Adjustments Minutes Page 2 of 4 No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairperson Dupriest closed the public hearing. Board Member Thomas motioned to approve the variance as it will not be contrary to the public interest, the fact that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Texas A&M University did not have concerns, and that the approval was within the Zoning Board of Adjustment’s jurisdiction, Board Member Martinez seconded the motion, the motion passed 5-0. 2.3. Public Hearing, presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a variance to the minimum rear setback per the Unified Development Ordinance Section 5.2.A ‘Residential Dimensional Standards,’ for the property located at Oakwood Subdivision, Block 3, Lots 1-2 & 18' of Lot 3, generally located at 101 Lee Avenue. The property is zoned GS General Suburban and NCO Neighborhood Conservation Overlay. Case #AWV2023-000021 Staff Planner Schrum presented the item the Board and stated that the applicant is requesting a variance of 16 feet to the minimum 20-foot rear setback. Staff recommended denial of the request due to the fact that it does not meet the specified criteria. Specifically: 1. The variance is not necessary for the enjoyment of a substantial property right; and 2. A hardship has only occurred due to the applicant’s own actions. Board Member Martinez asked what the difference was between this variance and the pervious request. Staff Planner Schrum stated the previous request was for an accessory structure and this one is for a garage. Chairperson Dupriest questioned what is triggering the issue for the variance request. Staff Planner Schrum stated that the variance request is triggered by the applicant wanting to build a structure in the setback. Chairperson Dupriest stated the if the ZBA moves a setback line then you can use that buildable area for anything if you do not trigger some other issue, like percentage. Assistant Director Hitchcock clarified that with the previous variance request, the expansion was always to the south and it made sense to expand in that area as well as to preserve the north side. With this variance, the northern view would be altered, as well Page 4 of 21 December 5, 2023 Zoning Board of Adjustments Minutes Page 3 of 4 as the use changed from an accessory structure to a garage. Board Member Martinez asked if this variance request is the exact same size as the previous accessory structure request. Staff Planner Schrum replied that dimensionally it is the same size. Director Ostrowski stated that the setback requirements for an accessory structure are limited in size compared to the setback requirements for a garage. Chairperson Dupriest asked staff what the conditional was for the previous variance request. Director Ostrowski stated that it is conditioned on the structure’s use, and the use previously was an accessory structure. With the garage, the use can be of any size as long as it falls within the setback criteria. Board Member Hutchins asked if the garage could be built bigger with the previously approved variance. Staff Planner Schrum answered that the variance request to exceed the maximum structure size was not approved back in 2022. Director Ostrowski stated that in 2020 when the setback variance was approved, the maximum size would have been 520 square feet due to the percentage of the main structure, but now, converting it to a garage, the size can be increased. Crissy Hartl, Applicant, Mitchell and Morgan Engineers, presented to the Board regarding the historic value of the structure as well as the value it has on the area. Ms. Hartl explained the details of the proposed updates to the existing structure including the types of doors as well as the placement of the doors. Veronica Morgan, Applicant, Mitchell and Morgan Engineers, presented to the Board stating that they are asking for a variance that is different from the previous variance requests. Ms. Morgan also stated that the two criteria requirements that staff are saying are not being met, are in fact being met by the homeowner. Ms. Morgan also showed the Board that the variance is needed for the utilization of the property due to the location of the driveway. Board Member Hutchins asked for clarification on carriage doors. Page 5 of 21 December 5, 2023 Zoning Board of Adjustments Minutes Page 4 of 4 Ms. Morgan stated that carriage doors are garage doors that open like a door versus opening by rolling up. Kerry Stein, Homeowner, stated that the doors will be on hinges and will sit flush when the door is closed. Board Member Martinez asked if this was the same request as the one in 2022. Director Ostrowski stated that the layout is the same as the previous request, but the use is different. The doors being added and considering it a garage is new. The request is to encroach into the rear setback and the request in 2022 was for an accessory structure, not a garage. The difference brings into question if the changes being made will uphold the historic value the Board previously wished to preserve. Ms. Morgan stated that after the 2022 Zoning Board of Adjustments meeting, they met with staff and staff suggested that they change the use from accessory storage to garage. Chairperson Dupriest opened the public hearing. No one spoke during the public hearing. Chairperson Dupriest closed the public hearing. Board Member Martinez motioned to approve the variance as the addition setback is within the previously approved building line, and the proposed design seeks to preserve the historic characteristics, Board Member Thomas seconded the motion, the motion passed 5-0. 3. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items - A member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion on future agenda items. 4. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. Approved: Attest: ______________________________ ________________________________ Fred Dupriest, Chairperson Crystal Fails, Board Secretary Page 6 of 21 Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 1 of 4 March 4, 2024 VARIANCE REQUEST FOR 949 WILLIAM D. FITCH PARKWAY AWV2024-000001 REQUEST:A variance to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.5.I.6.d. ‘Attached Signs’ to allow for two (2) attached signs to extend 4’-0” from the exterior face of the wall. LOCATION:949 William D. Fitch Parkway Tower Point Phase 3, Block 3, Lot 12 ZONING:GC General Commercial and OV Greens Prairie Overlay PROPERTY OWNER:H E BUTT GROCERY COMPANY APPLICANT:Aetna Sign Group PROJECT MANAGER:Jeff Howell, Senior Planner jhowell@cstx.gov BACKGROUND: The applicant has submitted a variance application to allow for modified standards for two (2) attached signs for the H-E-B grocery store. The H-E-B building is located on approximately 12.42 acres of commercial land generally located at the intersection of State Highway 6 and William D. Fitch Parkway. A renovation to the façade is currently in process, and along with that a sign permit has been submitted to remove and replace most of the existing attached signage on the building. As part of the sign permit, the number of signs are to remain the same, however the overall amount (s.f.) of signage will be reduced. The signs to be modified as part of the variance request are approximately 36 s.f. and 33.75 s.f. respectively (2'x17-18'). These two signs are requested to be located on top of the proposed canopies above the entrances as shown in the attachments. The applicant is seeking a variance for each sign to be 4’-0” from the exterior face of the wall to the exterior edge of the sign(s). The UDO Section 7.5.I. ‘Attached Signs’ subsection 6 includes certain criteria for attached signs. Specifically, subsubsection d indicates that an attached sign must not extend more than one foot from the exterior building face. With the signs proposed to be located on the edge of the canopies and the sign being 5” Page 7 of 21 Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 2 of 4 March 4, 2024 in depth and placed 3’-7” from the wall, they would each be exceeding the allowed amount by 3’-0”. APPLICABLE ORDINANCE SECTION: UDO Section 7.5.I.6.d. ‘Attached Signs’ ORDINANCE INTENT: To establish clear and unambiguous regulations pertaining to signs in the City of College Station and to promote an attractive community, foster traffic safety, and enhance the effective communication and exchange of ideas and communicate information. RECOMMENDATION:Staff recommends approval of the variance. NOTIFICATIONS Advertised Board Hearing Date: March 4, 2024 Property owner notices mailed: 8 Contacts in support: None at the time of this report Contacts in opposition: None at the time of this report Inquiry contacts: None at the time of this report ZONING AND LAND USES Direction Zoning Land Use Subject Property GC General Commercial and OV Greens Prairie Overlay Grocery Store with accessory fuel station North GC General Commercial and OV Greens Prairie Overlay Bank and State Highway 6 (Right-of-Way) South GC General Commercial and OV Greens Prairie Overlay Retail Sales and Service, Health Club (indoor) and Restaurant East GC General Commercial and OV Greens Prairie Overlay Utility facilities and Willam D. Fitch Parkway (Right-of-Way) West GC General Commercial and OV Greens Prairie Overlay Car wash and Retail Sales and Service Page 8 of 21 Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 3 of 4 March 4, 2024 REVIEW CRITERIA According to Unified Development Ordinance Section 3.19.E ‘Criteria for Approval of Variance’, no variance shall be granted unless the Board makes affirmative findings in regard to all nine of the following criteria: 1.Extraordinary conditions: That there are extraordinary or special conditions affecting the land involved such that strict application of the provisions of the UDO will deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his land. A special condition does exist on this property as the building in which the signs are to be placed is located about 400’ from the private right-of-way. With the sign proposed on the canopy, it may be more visible to those within the site, but an increased distance from the wall may not be noticeable from those driving by on the private street. The applicant has stated that the “signs advertise two important entry points” and also “by placing them on the wall, their visibility may also be partially obstructed depending on where the signs are viewed from”. Also, the sign type proposed is unique in that signs situated on top of canopies are not specified in UDO Section 7.5.I. ‘Attached Signs’. Staff is currently in the process of updating the UDO to address canopy signage as signs such as these are becoming more frequent. 2.Enjoyment of a substantial property right: That the variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the applicant. The variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of the substantial property right of the applicant. As signage on canopies is not specifically addressed in the UDO, attached sign standards have been applied to these types of signs. In most situations, these standards have been effective. A property owner should be able to utilize this sign type if the proposal is found to meet the test for a variance. 3.Substantial detriment: That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering this UDO. Granting the variance would not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or injurious to other property in the area, or to the City in administering the UDO. 4.Subdivision: That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing the orderly subdivision of land in the area in accordance with the provisions of this UDO. The granting of the variance will not prevent the orderly subdivision of land in the area in accordance with the provisions of the UDO as the entire area is already subdivided. 5.Flood hazard protection: That the granting of the variance will not have the effect of preventing flood hazard protection in accordance with Article 8, Subdivision Design and Improvements. The granting of this variance will not have the effect of preventing flood hazard protection in accordance with Article 8, Subdivision Design and Improvements due to no portion of this property being located within floodplain. 6.Other property: That these conditions do not generally apply to other property in the vicinity. The surrounding area is occupied by neighboring commercial properties, all of which are subject to the signage requirements as specified in UDO Section 7.5.I. ‘Attached Signs’. As the largest development in the vicinity, no other properties have a façade located at as great a distance from a traveled right-of-way. Page 9 of 21 Zoning Board of Adjustment Page 4 of 4 March 4, 2024 7. Hardships: That the hardship is not the result of the applicant’s own actions. The applicant has stated that the hardship is that “The positioning of these signs is vital in identifying these very important entry points” and “with the awning, the signage will not be visible to the public at ground level”. The applicant also states that the location “makes for the best possible location to ensure public satisfaction and safety”. The hardship is a result of a special condition related to the building, as it is currently undergoing improvements which contains canopies and other façade improvements. The hardship is a result of the applicant’s desire to advertise the proposed business with additional attached signage that is also not specifically identified per UDO Section 7.5.I. ‘Attached Signs’. 8.Comprehensive Plan: That the granting of the variance would not substantially conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and the purposes of this UDO. The granting of this variance does not substantially conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. 9.Utilization: That because of these conditions, the application of the UDO to the particular piece of property would effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the utilization of the property. The applicant has indicated that “Proper signage is important in many respects, the most important being readability and safety” and the signage will allow “customers and emergency service provides to accurately identify and enter the correct passageway”. The application of the UDO standards does effectively prohibit or unreasonably restrict the applicant in the utilization of their property as the specific attached signage is not specifically identified in the UDO. ALTERNATIVES The alternative exists to install the allowed square footage of attached signage elsewhere on the tenant space for which the business is located as specified in UDO Section 7.5.I. ‘Attached Signs.’ STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the variance request due to affirmative findings to all nine waiver criteria, including the special condition that the signage will be on a façade that is about 400 feet from the private right- of-way, and as attached signage standards are applied to a sign on a canopy, it has created a hardship for the property owner to effectively utilize these signs on this part of their facade. ATTACHMENTS 1.Vicinity Map, Aerial, and Small Area Map 2.Applicant’s Supporting Information 3.Applicant’s Exhibit 4.Façade Exhibit-markup on approved Non-Residential Architectural application (NRA2023-000038) Page 10 of 21 Page 11 of 21 Page 12 of 21 Page 13 of 21 Page 1 of 2 APPEAL/WAIVER APPLICATION SUPPORTING INFORMATION Name of Project: HEB COLLEGE STATION SIGN VARIANCE (AWV2024-000001) Address: 949 WILLIAM D FITCH PKWY Legal Description: TOWER POINT PH 3, BLOCK 3, LOT 12 Applicant: AETNA SIGN GROUP Property Owner: H-E-B; H E BUTT GROCERY COMPANY Applicable ordinance section being appealed/seeking waiver from: 7.5.I.6.d The following specific variation to the ordinance is requested: 4’-0” The following special condition exists: HEB will be removing two sets of letters reading Pharmacy and Fresh Foods. The existing pharmacy letters are 38 square feet, and the Fresh Food letters are 50.4 square feet. The new Pharmacy letters will be 33.75 square feet and the Fresh Foods will be 36 square feet. This results in an overall size reduction for both signs and the proposed size is compliant with the current code. We are requesting the new letters be installed on the edge of the canopies which will place them 3’-7” from the wall. These signs advertise two very important entry points for HEB shoppers and the placement on the edge of the canopy will help identify these entrances much better than placing them on the wall. By placing them on the wall, their visibility may also be partially obstructed depending on where the signs are viewed from. Those who shop at HEB rely on proper signage to determine where to park and where to enter the store and we are confident the placement of these signs, as shown in our drawings, will be important in making these decisions. The unnecessary hardship(s) involved by meeting the provisions of the ordinance other than financial hardship is/are: Proper signage is important in many respects, the most important being readability and safety. The easier we make it for shoppers to make ingress and egress decisions, the better for our store and our community. The positioning of these signs is vital in identifying these very important entry points. With the proposed signage it will enable customers and emergency service providers to accurately identify and enter the correct passageway. With the 7.5.I.6.d ordinance being 1’ away from the wall, combined with the awning, the signage will not be visible to the public from ground level. Therefore, adjusting the sign’s location and the distance from the wall makes for the best possible location to ensure public satisfaction and safety. Page 14 of 21 Page 2 of 2 The following alternatives to the requested variance are possible: There is no alternative that would be better suited than the one proposed. The variance will not be contrary to public interest due to: The signs that we have proposed are in the best interest of the public for the reasons described above. Page 15 of 21 CLIENT: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE: SALES REP: DESIGNER: CLIENT APPROVAL : HEB CURBSIDE #619 B.DAVIS xx REVISION HISTORY R0(01/25/19) : XX Unpublished Work. Aetna Sign Group, LTD. All rights reserved. This is an original drawing created by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. It is submitted for your personal use; however it shall at all time remain the propery of Aetna Sign Group LTD. It may be used in connection with the project being planned for you by Aetna Sign Group, LTD., but not otherwise. You are not authorized to show this drawing to anyone outside your organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, copied, or exhibited in any fashion. Violation of any of the above shall subject the violator(s) to all statutory and common law damages available to Aetna Sign Group, LTD., including, but not limited to, the value of man hours incurred in the production of this design, attorney’s fees, and any and all other costs incurred by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. in the enforcement of it’s copyrights. National Building Codes now states all signs that utilize neon transformers, sized at 7,500 volts and up, must utilize Ul2161 (GFI) transformers. This type of transformer must have dedicated electrical (GFI) circuit with ground for the transformer to work. You are responsible to have the proper electrical service to the sign location. Please contact you Aetna Sign Group representative if you need additional information. DATE: DRWG #: JEANETTE MANGUS LOCATION MAP Upon arrival at the job site, if you find any differences between the drawings and the actual physical characteristics of the building which may require repositioning of the signs, or if someone on the job site tells you to install the signs in a different position than is called for on the drawings, stop immediately and call one of the following for authorization: Aetna Signs - Jeanette Mangus at 210.218.0993 or contact Fernando Morales at 202.731.5872 N 6996.1 COLLEGE STATION 02 #619 949 WILLIAM D FITCH PKWY COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 949 WILLIAM D FITCH PKWY COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 01/06/2023 All Signage Requires UL label. Page 16 of 21 CLIENT: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE: SALES REP: DESIGNER: CLIENT APPROVAL : HEB CURBSIDE #619 B.DAVIS xx REVISION HISTORY R0(01/25/19) : XX Unpublished Work. Aetna Sign Group, LTD. All rights reserved. This is an original drawing created by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. It is submitted for your personal use; however it shall at all time remain the propery of Aetna Sign Group LTD. It may be used in connection with the project being planned for you by Aetna Sign Group, LTD., but not otherwise. You are not authorized to show this drawing to anyone outside your organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, copied, or exhibited in any fashion. Violation of any of the above shall subject the violator(s) to all statutory and common law damages available to Aetna Sign Group, LTD., including, but not limited to, the value of man hours incurred in the production of this design, attorney’s fees, and any and all other costs incurred by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. in the enforcement of it’s copyrights. National Building Codes now states all signs that utilize neon transformers, sized at 7,500 volts and up, must utilize Ul2161 (GFI) transformers. This type of transformer must have dedicated electrical (GFI) circuit with ground for the transformer to work. You are responsible to have the proper electrical service to the sign location. Please contact you Aetna Sign Group representative if you need additional information. DATE: DRWG #: JEANETTE MANGUS 6996.2 949 WILLIAM D FITCH PKWY COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 01/06/2023 ACD E F B Page 17 of 21 CLIENT: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE: SALES REP: DESIGNER: CLIENT APPROVAL : HEB CURBSIDE #619 B.DAVIS xx REVISION HISTORY R0(01/25/19) : XX Unpublished Work. Aetna Sign Group, LTD. All rights reserved. This is an original drawing created by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. It is submitted for your personal use; however it shall at all time remain the propery of Aetna Sign Group LTD. It may be used in connection with the project being planned for you by Aetna Sign Group, LTD., but not otherwise. You are not authorized to show this drawing to anyone outside your organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, copied, or exhibited in any fashion. Violation of any of the above shall subject the violator(s) to all statutory and common law damages available to Aetna Sign Group, LTD., including, but not limited to, the value of man hours incurred in the production of this design, attorney’s fees, and any and all other costs incurred by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. in the enforcement of it’s copyrights. National Building Codes now states all signs that utilize neon transformers, sized at 7,500 volts and up, must utilize Ul2161 (GFI) transformers. This type of transformer must have dedicated electrical (GFI) circuit with ground for the transformer to work. You are responsible to have the proper electrical service to the sign location. Please contact you Aetna Sign Group representative if you need additional information. DATE: DRWG #: JEANETTE MANGUS 6996.7 949 WILLIAM D FITCH PKWY COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 01/06/2023 B EXISTING NTS B FRESH FOODS CHANNEL -LIT LETTERS SCALE: 1/2”=1’-0” ONE ( 1 ) REQUIRED - MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL REMOVE PROPOSED2'-0"18'-0" NIGHT VIEW SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 2 SECTION AT FRESH TOWER Bird protection screening Install on front / back / sides (shown in gray) A-6.03 A-6.34 A-6.13 H.8 J ALUCOBOND ACM PANEL -REF ELEVATIONS 8" METAL STUDS 1/2" EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING FLUID APPLIED WEATHER BARRIER 1" EIFS -REF SPECS 1/2" GYP BOARD SHEATHING 8" METAL STUDS STOREFRONT SYSTEM -REF SPECS B.O. STOREFRONT108' -3 1/4" B.O. CANOPY108' -3 1/4"T.O. STOREFRONT110' -10" B.O. STOREFRONT 120' -8" T.O. STOREFRONT 133' -7" STOREFRONT SYSTEM -REF SPECS HSS BEAM -REF STRUCTURAL B.O. STOREFRONT 126' -0" SIGNAGE -BY VENDOR HSS BEAM -REF STRUCTURAL 2:12SLOPE NICHIHA SOFFIT -REF RCP METAL ROOF DECKING AND FRAMING -REF STRUCTURAL A-4.11 STOREFRONT SYSTEM -REF SPECS FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 100' -0" FOUNDATION -REF STRUCTURAL PAVING -REF CIVILSLAB -REF STRUCTURAL TPO ROOF SYSTEM OVER RIGID INSULATION -REF ROOF PLAN AND SPECS BATT INSULATION (R-25) A-4.223 7 3/4" 3/16" plexi face trimcap non-corrosive self-tapping fasteners power pack disconnect switch canopyweep hole w/ light cover LEDs returns FACE-LIT CHANNEL LETTER - NTS NOTE: SEAL ALL FASCIA PENETRATIONS WATERTIGHT REMOVE & DISCARD ONE (1) SET OF EXISTING CHANNEL LETTERS MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL ONE ( 1 ) SET OF CHANNEL LIT LETTERS. 040" ALUM. CONSTRUCTION, 5" RETURNS,1" TRIM CAP - WHITE. 3/16" WHITE PLEXI FACES. INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED BY WHITE LEDS. SEAL TOPS OF LETTERS TO PREVENT LEAKS. PROVIDE AND INSTALL BIRD SCREEN ON FRONT, BACK & SIDES OF CHANNEL LETTERS. INDIVIDUALY MOUNTED TO CANOPY. B ACOLORS USED WHITE SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" B WIDTH / HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS USED FOR CALCULATIONS ARE MEASURED AS INDICATED IN SECTION 7.5 F 36 SQ. FT. 4'-0"WALLSIDE VIEW 5" 4'-0" Page 18 of 21 CLIENT: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE: SALES REP: DESIGNER: CLIENT APPROVAL : HEB CURBSIDE #619 B.DAVIS xx REVISION HISTORY R0(01/25/19) : XX Unpublished Work. Aetna Sign Group, LTD. All rights reserved. This is an original drawing created by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. It is submitted for your personal use; however it shall at all time remain the propery of Aetna Sign Group LTD. It may be used in connection with the project being planned for you by Aetna Sign Group, LTD., but not otherwise. You are not authorized to show this drawing to anyone outside your organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, copied, or exhibited in any fashion. Violation of any of the above shall subject the violator(s) to all statutory and common law damages available to Aetna Sign Group, LTD., including, but not limited to, the value of man hours incurred in the production of this design, attorney’s fees, and any and all other costs incurred by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. in the enforcement of it’s copyrights. National Building Codes now states all signs that utilize neon transformers, sized at 7,500 volts and up, must utilize Ul2161 (GFI) transformers. This type of transformer must have dedicated electrical (GFI) circuit with ground for the transformer to work. You are responsible to have the proper electrical service to the sign location. Please contact you Aetna Sign Group representative if you need additional information. DATE: DRWG #: JEANETTE MANGUS 6996.8 949 WILLIAM D FITCH PKWY COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 01/06/2023 C EXISTING PROPOSED NTS C PHARMACY CHANNEL-LIT LETTERS SCALE: 1/2”=1’-0” ONE ( 1 ) REQUIRED - MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL REMOVE C 2'-0"16'-10 1/2" A-6.03 A-6.04 A-6.13H.8 J ALUCOBOND ACM PANEL -REF ELEVATIONS 8" METAL STUDS 1/2" EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD SHEATHING FLUID APPLIED WEATHER BARRIER 1" EIFS -REF SPECS 1/2" GYP BOARD SHEATHING 8" METAL STUDS 1/4 : 12 SLOPE NICHIHA SOFFIT -REF RCP FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION 100' -0" B.O. STOREFRONT108' -3 1/4" B.O. CANOPY108' -3 1/4"T.O. STOREFRONT110' -10" B.O. STOREFRONT112' -10" T.O. STOREFRONT127' -10" STOREFRONT SYSTEM -REF SPECS STOREFRONT SYSTEM -REF SPECS A-4.11 FOUNDATION -REF STRUCTURAL PAVING -REF CIVILSLAB -REF STRUCTURAL HSS BEAM -REF STRUCTURAL STOREFRONT SYSTEM -REF SPECS BATT INSULATION (R-25) TPO ROOF SYSTEM OVER RIGID INSULATION -REF ROOF PLAN AND SPECS SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"2 SECTION AT GM TOWER Bird protection screening Install on front / back / sides (shown in gray) REMOVE & DISCARD ONE (1) SET OF EXISTING CHANNEL LETTERS MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL ONE ( 1 ) SET OF CHANNEL LIT LETTERS. 040" ALUM. CONSTRUCTION, 5" RETURNS,1" TRIM CAP - WHITE. 3/16" WHITE PLEXI FACES. INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED BY WHITE LEDS. SEAL TOPS OF LETTERS TO PREVENT LEAKS. PROVIDE AND INSTALL BIRD SCREEN ON FRONT, BACK & SIDES OF CHANNEL LETTERS. INDIVIDUALY MOUNTED TO CANOPY. C NIGHT VIEW COLORS USED WHITE SCALE: 1/16" = 1'-0" 3/16" plexi face trimcap non-corrosive self-tapping fasteners power pack disconnect switch canopyweep hole w/ light cover LEDs returns FACE-LIT CHANNEL LETTER - NTS NOTE: SEAL ALL FASCIA PENETRATIONS WATERTIGHT WIDTH / HEIGHT MEASUREMENTS USED FOR CALCULATIONS ARE MEASURED AS INDICATED IN SECTION 7.5 F 33.75 SQ. FT.WALLSIDE VIEW 5" 4'-0" 4'-0" Page 19 of 21 CLIENT: ADDRESS: CITY, STATE: SALES REP: DESIGNER: CLIENT APPROVAL : HEB CURBSIDE #619 B.DAVIS xx REVISION HISTORY R0(01/25/19) : XX Unpublished Work. Aetna Sign Group, LTD. All rights reserved. This is an original drawing created by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. It is submitted for your personal use; however it shall at all time remain the propery of Aetna Sign Group LTD. It may be used in connection with the project being planned for you by Aetna Sign Group, LTD., but not otherwise. You are not authorized to show this drawing to anyone outside your organization, nor is it to be reproduced, used, copied, or exhibited in any fashion. Violation of any of the above shall subject the violator(s) to all statutory and common law damages available to Aetna Sign Group, LTD., including, but not limited to, the value of man hours incurred in the production of this design, attorney’s fees, and any and all other costs incurred by Aetna Sign Group, LTD. in the enforcement of it’s copyrights. National Building Codes now states all signs that utilize neon transformers, sized at 7,500 volts and up, must utilize Ul2161 (GFI) transformers. This type of transformer must have dedicated electrical (GFI) circuit with ground for the transformer to work. You are responsible to have the proper electrical service to the sign location. Please contact you Aetna Sign Group representative if you need additional information. DATE: DRWG #: JEANETTE MANGUS 6996.9 949 WILLIAM D FITCH PKWY COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845 01/06/2023& backs- white, white LED lighting, B Faces/trim caps: white plex faces 1" jewelite trim caps E Installation brackets: .125" aluminum painted white 1" jewelite white trim caps F Gusset: .125" aluminum painted white Fasterners painted white B C 5"IG H J B A Page 20 of 21 Page 21 of 21