HomeMy WebLinkAboutTexas A&M in WWII ~l '00- ..1 'r .j .~~r ......J/;.. A" ',: I , ~'l''t',''- . .~,,~ , ~.~t. " '. ~~. . ,[1~, ".' . --" ". "..:'t";~i.~~!'I..," \.~-.;,~ "-. ."Nlcbo'ist:.~O (. .:'.: :~"'~~ ~. rs.. 'P"'" ,..:IJ.'f.Y:g..'''"A'N 1\.. 'i'.". ' j(.' ," . , '26B~lf.:l'-:"WWj,a.ms,. '~ '43 TJ'l'XA:8 <OtTo)'" :""', '<!;/S"g~, 'rhos. H. GllJlila.nd., '42 XI,;JWCKMO)t\l'O'!S" . " 'Lt. J ohnJ e!!er~on Keeter. J'l'.. . '4fl . T.1:rm t:K . CoL George A. Woody. '17 'nIT.Al!. I Lt. 'Harry P~al:ston Cur!.' ',W 'Lt. Orman L. Fitzhugh, '40 1'R.)'1S) "")" . .. Lt .T~~k 11. V iJl.son , '38 T1fLlA Lt. Kirby C. Mw.ick. '42 TIJScn:LA John C: Sanford. '46 TYE Lt. :r-.telvin R. MillaJ'd. "4fl TO.ER Lt. .John Frank ,Burn"s. '3n Capt. S~'dl1ey u.. Greer. '.1!'l, S/Sgt. EdwaJ'd A. l\~cKelvey. '4,,[ Cp!. George. P. J.\tc.:\~i1lan. Jr.. ',13 1.1. ;lIan'in M. Pearson. ,II'.. '40 " A 1. T. t; Y SJ'iU1\ /;8 . Capl. 1I1arl WeS~elmal1n. '33 " .F: LASCO Pvl. .Joel Bryan Stratton. 'lit "E1UW1\ , Capt. 0ll'1,<:hl W. Ba,rl'v."4.t Pvt. P~ul D..CluthTey<,'.1.3 '. .\' 10 T (l,It).! " ',. Lt. Joseph -e. ]~js'h41r(..J"" ',n Lt. Lee Earl Meycr. "l.5 p\'t. WilHam Dossett Richardson, . '4H W~CO Lt. Alcxande.r H. BevIlle. '4:\. Co1. .Jame~ rhoma~, Connally, '32 Li; Garland E. Denn[s. '43 F 10 Charles L. Dlekens. '4;'.. B:rig. Gen. Cla"diuli M. Easley, '16 _ ~r --'-.,--y~ ---v... .,.... ." .. ;J!1~ It,Jir''J .,',. 44 Jil.~l" '3a,' '-"30- ~ , ,'I~!,;P,r', '41 .Lel"Q~ K<pl'~l1. '41 Th. :r"ewi~, .:.4il . . .lph ':MlI41;f.Jll'ler MaJ'lin. ~.t~~ow:ad .T. Netting TTI. '0\0 . - ...:~t :E.u.w,al'rI Albert Obel'g/oll, .... iIt ]l, .;<II! 1~:"c~ l'C'a.o.t.., Wl):U~nl Benn" P",chaJ. ',11 ,-ri..' I"' '~J;t1J.l'tl Tt~"i., l~. pen'ellot. '36 J; ..~.; :~t'.C:9J. ;P(l.~lan~ Gal'd.n~" Post, '35 l-i~';; ',', .: " ~. ,'R:tgfda}c', '46 I ! . ',--1' G:ha"lc~ G. :r...~. .Jr., 42 '~...I' -:e.:. 'S. .1):itI1'[lSlln. '40 e"-, . .. 'b._1;)Qe $C>h1}Ue.rs. ; 37 " . ~, :rra,dcric]( D. ~I'(lr!l". JI'" '44 . .1l~~JwW..:o. Stubhlcflelrl. 'H4 ';;0.. . .:"0$. ,8Cl'):lCt't C StucKc. '41 , ~<r..:R.dlll.ns ~ Svfall. .11'" '4fl \':' . .JJJi.t, 'Cl\~j"n F TaliB'relTo, '43 ";'., ,Ilk. ~iJ) 'J'1'Qdlicl'. '4~ '. ';I"~'I1<'ti\nk Gordon Wp.ioi".Cl' "12 '.. itit. ,T\1~OJ).hU1U~ A. WilJi~ll1S, '<12 ".' '.., ;J;.1C; .<%\!~' :BOOll1. W~'J'iclc '45 .~~. T'i1111b:?O Z',mmer. :42 r ~:' . 'lit. Yf. Clark, '3!1 '(~: 00<; ~, " n: 'E. Gary. "10 , "'SiU!IS' ' .jte,lI,; E. . ..... ~.,.......... .....~...:.~.:,;~..".".. .. -, . ~. i!.P~' .~I.. ~J~l ,,/:..'" '.;., ;. :.::,.y/: .. cr~~s' Q1 "l941"J~{'O!' ~t,';' ,ai1\'d lMoffi', . I ~. ':~li".'White.~.;~." t~lf!l.'."5.-. .~t0.t~~tml. >>t1.: 1 . . 0,' ,"'wl:me jl&i1odi '. pla~~I)1A,',o~l2:;(r ..~ . .r~{l:~k..Ae:~\;mb~r. ~~'91~.l., . sa;'\'age'.,MM:?a~ i .' !~Iil~~.'" _.s,uli h9P~!'\ flghtlll;g t~ot'!gg,~ ':ti61',tI!E$: ' tl1jj:.r'..Ii. ~;l!;... ~'.'.~~'~ ~."'.' '.n'~O.f '.~).',g. Ol~fl'&..l.,V. /IF ~.'~1!'e. ,.:h.'~rf;~i.5j .-.:' ' s~!ty .,t?~~Il- ,t~c*@ti a ,l?,mlcQrig 1lhrol:1W ait~W1~1 . 1'ia~nlli~..\\llll:I;lgJn 'swe:p~ .' by w\tq.et~hg "lp,;o*r .),.ilt ~, ' .a1:P' ...... i;.. .. a'u.t<fi\lilitir. '. . oJ~:; !l:1:~r'Hit a.J:lQ~ .n ,~_ h)s~tw~ .sll"r,i~sly 'w~I\.1il~cI,\~in.. .tIi!t al:m:"~~liij _, pu~~rou~, aJtI1. 5ho\.l"lcler,l;1e;ch'ti.~.ed 'lnto,tl~e,.(m.nli1'. . . ". ", 1 bq~$ and .kiljec;i two f Md-caiptuli1, .. J.~~~;:~be> U~ o~lthe enel1J.g , , " bl8lSted a. Vf' np-..~9~ lust. , out''Of anot116,l- (second~" hoUSe'-, .. . ey' "~!l'h.dute.d .bazool,{a f.k,e, rtl,She€l Into.'tl1e''! ,. . l\l1l<<l W~t d~-, k;iJ1~d five of..' tbe el;}.emy" ih'~ pllm' re- t.he:,p!l-ITlaiJting -12 to '~urrendet'...: '.~~+ w;i.l;bhl. h'e,"em.erg;bd to contin.ue his' f'ea~"- . ...Gt.Ul~n~eij.. ~ess, alltacl>:, hecws,s aga.Jn bit. '" W~.ID,'I~.C~:. . .....fl'i lII&"pn'Y' .a'nd wit'b one ey:~' iln~ cr.eJ:~an,.. ..~ ~'d' h "'h . d ,,', hi .. . ~.' .:. .' i..... -..lel;'p-e" e sQJI.e +or' s )Il~.. ~,,~e ..0"'0;.5 ...., fi~"lI """ hi" t'-': . h ." "''h.; , .. . - ..... '00 0 Ilw . J1l '110 .~e next ou"w' . ..-!'s ;woun.." b . .1, cJ' 'I' . ....d. ;1j".i-.:e" nd ;. . .., ,II.. .~~'!iqr.. D y evaCUi\;",,- . . l).:> .r... .., a. H,lD' h' . d' ~." d ! ' we" y;.. . ''"''!Y''!,lS\ : '".~~t... or pel:'soU~! 'll J:.t: ,ie -lii-' '!i~~'Y ~l;!;:a:~~e-#.lj,~!}ltass wI1.ile s\Jit,,:. ~.gS' '..~' ~ 1el;)~~" '.'~.",p.n) "":S~~~'e.. W. ;~Uillds, 'it;,t. .. ;;"".~~~..,l1>.\iI, flY' ~llfe/il;r.Ji\l'!1 ...et:lU~S~ c~- ,,,,,e~.'1 ',' . . 3"',til,o' h€;!.dlld." 'W . -j #-\ -' . t,..e 1.!iga:~lY.J1' " _ - 11. 1- ~ ~ '" ,._~ ;.""'" ." ~ t;O~E~~6M~A~~'I"" '~'J,/;. \'': ~.,I... T1t. ;B,en F;''',1i1C ;MJ.IJ~:'M\"', <'~::'.;." U~J:11fJ8 Ro.('$. ~A':IkI\. / ". '.' l.t. 'Rld!HV'd Jl:, Alston. '4~ ': ~ AhTAD1f1NA,"CAJ,., '. . ": J a.l1l4~ B~""OI..)":1eet .11'". ~~ "ii'V SA~" 'li'R4NO~Co.. ONl~. ". . '.:;l:.'~ Lt. E<W11U\d~, 803i1e. '41 '.'~ :",,~'. II.Kl\"VER, Co.T.fI. '" -: .~,<<'~ Pvt. Monte W. Ka.>,f:man, '46' ; ..' W t\i5 H,Is'GTOl", ]~. C. .:,' Brll,- G~n. Doul?lIil.s B. NetheJ'IVooo. '(18 GAl~};SVU.LJ-;. 'Fl.A. r.ol. Hlll?h ,A. 'rVeal". 'J.l SOl'U,;:RSF;T. liL Tit'. Cnrl p.. Va.n Hook. '44 Ill': lUl)Dl(~. L~. T .t'.A nson R1dcOllt, '44- J.;R.A.T'lf, T_.\. Louis Oliver Jvlns~. '36 IT.n'Nf;,sVJ;L'J....:. l,A. Hugh A. Stanberry. .elf.. lj!MR ?,fc. '46 . ,1..1N!SltNUr', T.A. Lt. lIowaro, 'Lee 13lessln,gton. '4l1. r.Al\f: QJfARiJ.,l.$. 'LA. . S/;;,;t. Chaz;TeS' Edwin 'X<H~eJ'Y" 43 ." ., N.;'\! Q}u.;eANS, },A. ' C,aIIJ.4FeJix e;. -Le!'t'e'i:, '82 /" &IJ~TOlS', I.A. " Lt. ,",drlie J. ):l.O\!a.D. '38 ~an~:Ii:V;lllPOf,t,'r. 'IA.. ' lA ,.uther Gortlon l{ent..'~ Ll. J:;rowe.!1 C. RAbl'qSQ[l: "'~ T,.t.'forrc~t D. Sha~"pe. '4'~ ZWOLLT.. LA. En~. JeU' G.. .:RJaJ:r.; '4'5 . K.lpf.i~fE.R Il:NK ~ml). . . . . .. "" .:. Sgt. Geli",ld.i>. [S'lIQtto,i;!l, 'J' _......X '..-~ ~,:,~~~: ':~':"\:'~,;~,: ~~i~{i.;,~if,~;,'\~~'~1 ~~~~'. :':"'~:~.~'''~.~((.,. ".!{l!-: ~'__i.~' 1 ;{ ~'_- ~~{ .~~'.,~~):~T.~_ ~ '.. . '1 ~! ~ '~~~:E:{~;l~ ~ I, '~~,,,,; :.~,~j.- I'<:.;~ ~:~. -g' 'g' ~ ';:~I'aY .D' ;" ~"!\F:~;:f~~(f~'~)(s:'B:', ~.~ ~ 1-Jl. 'I.:/',:!U / ':,' >[ -'t.:,:".:~~~~ _ : "ii,.:...t"C'" ',. ~ .' . - . .' ,,' .~.'" $.:jt,,,,_'t:;X!.!.l'P . (,..... .' ' -..... . _ ...'. ..:' ~. :,...~/.....;. !o~',' ''[''l'.~~I' ,..J,. -1-/,,- ';"';'1. < __ _ ~-~~r- "' L ~-',' t., ..,,'.' ;f- .....".... - '''; .~ .;)~~~ :0'~~ ~~t:V~ ~~~ :~~~ I~~~O~ : ~. & ~ . . :';?lr~t-;< '. ,. ' . P', , TlJerl1';S something a.oout the ThIs 18 the~ J>eioved .Agglel"'nd. . .,' 'O(:',{;':"~:""'.,~.'., '; 'tbilli' . a.b0ut these IDWldlfip '. '" . >;;" ~' ..~a:;U::so.nle new llII:ld l1uge.', ** ," lie _ ': .,.'. ..~$;,:,..~ .' ':"'";." \f'ian~"'l'll!:l!j,:el5 you ~toj!l .!itld . The tJrsf ~q~th .l'Qu "l!'eet. .~. 'You 'iq,,~'/~1~ :".' .:. l. the caJl\Pus ~tll lmpress )'bl!W"': " '~4"i: "'k~ow, -bxisis a. ~y o! lif~\o ~I;~~: ,> He, J'Hr "'e" trim and st~.!(ht.' , ' '\ ';,/ ,'" .lll~g'. a w,,&"i ,of U",mg WIth y,o~\:IE~'~;~1 ,~~ 'WIJ}~';"~elf.-aS5ureg'~~iJte wUl l~i,.;;a _ 'h~';:mOldea~ ~he YQ1J,~ :......3--- :yo!'l,ln .~j.l1i:e:J/le~", ": J-;' .~. 'i''':;: , .. :r.~,ear:s ll.l1d",has ~nt ~em ,f - ~e,~'Wt11...;~, )3011tr~. ..l'!t5Jgl,'e~tji1B wlll'p~ ,y-:....;.' ,'worler ~s good, strong', .8ejlf...,.8Ine;ef.~ a;~dl he, "m .in"a;k-e, .y.on feet ~eq~.. .:n.:,C, ...... .... ',~,. '.coini:- ~' ," _' ,........:~ ~: ~ .~' ,_;'~ ,.~,,~F: ::~.. 'ew, live, the traditions that~e wi!l. ,sPea.~ ot':J,lls,SCQool "lit!) ,grealt,' ,';.'^ ,1'0.15' p1ace with a.n afti'le:' . prJde., in."'his VOIce., .' ,. s, . . "pfu:t~; no niatter w!'1~re " ~ m~tber how~~i. ~e might be, j.fi1t~ -/ r.l'lOW"'rOl1g he ~5 away. Wt.R be 8., ~~n, .'.,\.':::,.i:' ".r': ,~<~: '; ..~ Q~;~\l- mOISt lov.ef;l , 8nd than !~~Jitl~'~~!l!.tli6!~~~~.J~ . :; " : ..~ \:~. -rlfop.; O. 7V - . ."tAt.....tpess ,Eari:D'C).." :~.,:-' ...'; '\~~<;'. \.~ . ;YInt~hF Hi, wA'i, " ' t' .* .1:_ 'it, \_ 'it ',,-, ~, ~:.r~':I~.~ I~' lr, ~( he g're.a~st 6: ~'i,g:l~; :M.}i~}~f~'.. ;'p .. ... .f;, " , .. wit}'!' lJ. pr.a.~ll:I1. 4Jil, ,m....efu<?~ dt : ,: \';~' '. : "'" o ~iesl' in fJhe> 'WM.'-. 'Sue. no hggte ~ .;, sebt.' A-s e!Wh.,p~e i( .()a'l~ed...., .... 'I,; "'It . :;" ~ , .... :1' ' i ~ Jr