HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1994 - Regular Minutes - Construction Board of Adjustments MINUTES CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Thursday, February 17, 1994 3:00 PM Council Chambers MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Dan Sears, Paul Swoboda, Pat Boyett, Wick Mc Kean, Bill Lewis, and Tom Wilson MEMBERS ABSENT: Danny Sustaire and Jim Holster STAFF PRESENT: Development Coordinator Shirley Volk, and Board Secretary Susan Macdonald AGENDA ITEM NO. 11 Call meeting to order. The meeting was called to order by Dan Sears. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear visitors. There were no visitors. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Approve minutes from meeting on January 20, 1994. Torn Wilson inquired about the inspection that was to be scheduled at 201 College Main. Development Coordinator Shirley Volk replied that the inspection was made and the location meets ANSI requirements but does not meet ADA requirements. Dan Sears inquired about the procedure of enforcement. Mrs. Volk said that ADA is enforced by the federal government not local government. Paul Swoboda inquired if the ANSI requirements are equivalent to the State of Texas' requirements. Mrs. Volk replied that it is also enforced at the state level of government. Tom Wilson made a motion to approve the minutes from the meeting on January 20, 1994. Paul Swoboda seconded the motion which passed (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing for the consideration of a variance request to the required one hour fire rated roof/ceiling assembly in buildings of Group A Assembly occupancy where structural members support a roof only, but are less than twenty feet clear above a floor. Applicant is Century Builders. Owner of the property is Grace Bible Church. Development Coordinator Shirley Volk presented the staff report to the Board. She stated that the building has been classified as a Type IV building, which means that the structural members, including exterior walls, interior bearing walls, columns, floors and roofs are of non-combustible materials. She continued to say that the Type IV construction may be "protected or unprotected", which refers to the fire resistive requirements for structural elements to make the building as referred to before as "non- combustible". This building is one hour protected. Mrs. Volk stated that in this building which is one hour rated, an area increase has been taken, but is still less than the maximum which would be allowed. Additionally, the total square footage is less than the maximum allowed for a Type IV unprotected building. She continued to say that the this building will be a safer structure protected with the proposed product, even though it is unrated, than a larger, unprotected building which meets all the codes. Even though there is not a UL rating associated with the proposed product, it will have some fire resistive value, and in conjunction with a fully sprinkler protected systems as required by our local amendments for a building over 15,000 square feet there will be fire protection. This request is similar in nature to the request concerning the Fire Department's proposed building which was withdrawn prior to consideration at the last meeting. The difference being the size(6,000 square feet) made the building in compliance without the sprinkler system. Because the size of this building is less than would be allowed for a non-protected building, and the fact that this building has both one hour fire resistive materials in most areas plus a sprinkler system, we believe overall protection for the congregation will be superior than strict compliance with the one hour rated material required by the building code, without a sprinkler system as would be approved in other cities. Chairman Dan Sears inquired about the opinion of the architect. Shirley Volk replied that architect agreed that the building would be protected with the sprinkler system. Chairman Dan Sears opened the public hearing for anyone to in favor of or in opposition to the variance request. Roy Harper, architect of the project, approached the Board to speak in favor of the variance request. He stated that he was surprised that this was not a regular practice. He said he has used it in the Houston, however, Houston uses the Uniform Building Code. He continued to say that he has used it in other municipalities that are under the Standard Building Code. He said he is trying to find a UL rated assembly and found out that it has never been tested. Mr. Harper said that he was never told that it would not work, but that it has not been tested. John Ryder approached the Board to speak in favor of the variance request. He said he has been a building fire insulator for 15 years. Mr. Ryder passed out detailed information to the Board. He continued to explain to the Board, in detail, the correct use of the proposed material. Chairman Sears closed the public hearing. Wick McKean made a motion to approve the variance. He continued to say even though the building is sprinkled and the material has not been tested. Tom Wilson seconded the motion and passed unanimously(6-0). CBA Minutes February 17, 1994 Page 2 AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Public hearing for the consideration of a variance request to the installation of high energy efficiency air conditioning units in an existing apartment complex. Applicant is Bunton & Co. Owner of the property is Oakwood Apartments. Development Coordinator Shirley Volk presented the staff report to the Board. She stated that Oakwood Apartments had a major fire where six units out of a 20 unit building were destroyed. Oakwood Apartments are trying to rebuild the building like the other apartments; however, it does not meet 1988 edition of the College Station Residential Energy Compliance Code. It states in section 4.7.2, "components replaced must meet applicable requirements listed. . ." Section 4.3.3 states that "Heat pumps are required by this chapter of the Energy Compliance Code for electrically heated buildings which have over 500 square feet of floor area". Section 4.3.2 states that the heat pump's HSPF must be 6.6 or greater. Mrs. Volk continued to say as the hvac systems are replace, they must be replaced with a heat pump since the Energy Code was adopted. A heat pump would occupy closet space. She said staff does not have any recommendations. Chairman Dan Sears opened the public hearing for anyone to speak in favor of or in opposition to the variance request. Burt Bunton, the applicant, approached the board to speak in favor of the variance request. He said he is requesting the variance because he will have to change the framing of the structure and electrical system. He said he has replaced the outside units, but he has never replaced inside units. Pat Boyett inquired if the outside units had burned. Mr. Bunton confirmed that. Bill Doughtery, General Manager of Total Comfort. approached the Board to speak in favor of the variance request. He stated that the heat pump is used in many of cities; however, if the building is 1,000 square feet, a heat pump must be installed. He said people are getting away from resistance heat. He does not see a tremendous energy consumption without a heat pump. Wick Mc Kean asked if a higher efficiency unit was to be installed. Mr. Doughtery replied in the affirmative. He stated that a 10 SEER unit would be installed instead of a six SEER unit. Chairman Dan Sears closed the public hearing. Pat Boyett made a motion to grant the variance. Wick Mc Kean seconded the motion which passed unopposed (6-0), CBA Minutes February 17, 1994 Page 3 AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Public Hearing for the consideration of a variance request to install a chair lift which does not meet the required 36" clear width of stairs in a building of Group E Educational occupancy with occupant load of less than 50. Applicant is Beth Sprague. Owner of the property is ST. Thomas Episcopal Early Learning Center. Development Coordinator Shirley Volk presented the staff report. She stated the minimum stair width in a Group E Educational occupancy is 44", but it can be reduced to 36" if the occupancy of the building is less than 50. She continued to say based on the occupancy of the way the building is actually used she would recommend the Board to approve the variance. She added that the lift is for the use of a Director who has arthritis, that classrooms cannot be located upstairs, and the classrooms being used would remain on the first floor. Chairman Dan Sears opened public hearing for anyone to speak in favor of or in opposition to the variance request.. Beth Spargue, applicant, approached the board to speak in favor of the variance request. She stated that the stairs are over 36" wide, but with the chair lift folded up the stairway would be reduced to 28" wide. She continued to say that she thought the requirement was for emergency situations. Paul Swoboda asked what was upstairs. Mrs. Sprague replied an office, a bath, and two small rooms. Chairman Dan Sears closed the public hearing. Tom Wilson made a motion to approve the variance request. Pat Boyett seconded the motion and passed unanimously (6-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Other business. Wick Mc Kean asked if the Board could make recommendation about the hiring of a new Building Official. Shirley Volk replied that she would be happy to take a statement. Mr. Mc Kean stated that he would like to see someone with a lot of field experience because that would help the builders in the field and be a better guide. The Board agreed. Dan commented that it would keep good harmony with people in the industry. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Adjourn. Paul Swoboda made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Tom Wilson seconded the motion which carried unopposed (6-0). CBA Minutes February 17, 1994 Page 4 APPROVED: Chairman Dan Sears AT EST: t1zL( ar 124 cretary, Susan Macdonald CBA Minutes February 17, 1994 Page 5