HomeMy WebLinkAboutLuedke - Addtional Materials ~~ SOUTHWESTl;RN L.AW ~f •, ~, i~, j4 Jr. ` + , Colle a Station Police g Work Hardest When The Aggies Play At Home College Station's five-ratan ltoliec dc- tartmcnt is art c~fficirnt ~rtntp of ntc•n ated with the first among police orccs in enutlaarahle sired cities. Under the supcevision of Chief Lrc• Norwood, a veteran law cnforcrtnent ~fficer of 28 years, the College Station ~orce boasts nn traffic latalitics for hree vr.ars. Traffic and parkins; is their greatest >roblem there. It's caused by A&M :ollege students, colfegc employees, aculty, and 4f)•0~0 Aggie fans ;tttcnd- ng football games thrrc• and lour imes each year. Souu '~,~f)O aut~~~ nobiles owned by cr~>llrge students 'seep th~• officers busy patrr>llint~. Thy foree• (eels its good traffic rc°c- trd has been aided by cooperatior7 'rom student and visiting drivers - slong with a driver's pt•ogram in the 'sigh school, taught by ,Jack Chancy. Chief Norwood started with the Citv Feb. 1959 o[ Bran in 1931, and ser~~~~•d ID vettr~ as ni~,ht chief. In T)ecrrnhcr of 1943 he hc•cauu thc• oru•-roan }i~~liec~ [Deer at Cc~lirgr• ~ta- lien, sulrirc[ to <'all 2~1 hours a r.ia~. I•c>da~~. Itr has lour tnc~n un<;rr hit~i in the drpartnu•ni. ~1'he~~ arc Patrol- men William Byrd artd Marvin [,usk, Czar Marker I,awrcncc Pickert and :~s- sistanl Chief Melvin I,rudkr, ~tihosr twin brother is a lieutenant on the neighboring Bryan Police I~c•partmrnt. A recent rash c:f Ix•tt~~ l,i.irglarirs. prrsuntably by jut~c'niles, h,ts krl~t Chief Nr~rc~~<xxi nn the run. ~I~r~ :l.u~ . all fiat thtec• have bran solvril. Th~• chief saes ltis hobh~ is "uutrr work." After he <•oml lcte•s hi= daily duties. hr ~~cx•~ o>_tt nn his fttrru ~ rr- lay. But it isn't long hefrtrr hc• calls bark to headquarters, and ends up back at work patrolling with his men. ~~ CHIEF LEE NORWOOD .__. 15 PATROLMAN MARVIN BYRD PATROLMAN WILLIAM LUSK n c m v m a T A m a ~~ D ~ Z i° ~o W m T T N r Z ~~. - - x, w .~ ° ~. ~ti ~, . ~. v Rai ~ ~,~ .~ ~~ +x.~ ~a ~S ~. - ~ - ~~ :~ ~.. _~~Q~ --~ ~=~Y~ o o Q~.~oo ~ ~~°3~ ~ ~ W ~ _ ~^_, _ o~ , ~ a ~ - o ~ ~ +~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ J o ,~ ~ I D ~ ~ -' p m r..,. ~ o -- '~ ~y~' ~ ~ G7 i ~ o ~ ? o d Q v ~ 9~;' ' ~~ y ~ rn ~ . ~ ~ ~- ~ I -_ 7C ca r ~3~r. "allYr..~ Y to ~ ~ ~ o ° a' rr -I T~~O O_ 4 ~ ~ ~ '.7t ~ p O -o ~ ~ `." 3 Q -Ot0 Q ~~ ~ ~ I ~ r fl 1 Ul - ~ ~W.~ m -. .. 0 2 N ~ ~ O t. ,?. ~; ~ ~ o ~' a --i .:~. ~ <_ ._......:w.. ,may - ~ ~~ ••~~,r ~ ~. ~. " T1 ~, -0 ~ o ~ ° a Q ~-~ ~~ 7 s d~ ( a w+. ~ ~ " ~ ~ is Q ~- ~ n , C- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - oo ~ :_ S ~ ` . r ~ ~ ~n ~ ~ (D ~ e ~ ;: a i ~ ~~k ~ ~ ~^ Q .r wye+w ~ /~.. o - " ~ - - __ < y i o O O O ( ~ ~ I ~ ` ~ ~, ... C : ~( ~~ ~ ~ ..~_`" ~ CD ~ T - :: O L._= 1 . ~ O Q 7C- O ., _ .,-_...~1 ti. ~ i 7 ~ ~ ~ ~ a- rt ~, i ~ l i ~ s i m ~' J ~`~ } ~ _~.~ /i` t. 'S_. v~~ s ~=~ ., - iR ~_-, ~ -~ -~.T._.. -...- _, ~ . . - ~ _.. _ _ y-~- __ - _ _. -:yam =~'_-rs-- _ - _ _ _ - ~~~. - - _ _ _. 1 ` _1 .. ~1 1 ~ ~ 1 ~t1~ 1 ~ al •~ ,.,.~, l~~llll ,~ olleQe ~~tatlou.~ezas: ~ ~J ._~ ~ v .~ ~~~hi~ ~ jer-fifie~ :1-h~~ ~ e ~n ~ oui5a~ ~ ~r' ~~ C hay ~~fi~f~ctori~u co~pl¢f¢d ~ ~jour5e of ~lfuc~ll pt¢oci~ib¢d bu the ~~o~r-d of ~c~uc~fion end i5 fli¢r-¢fore ~m~rc1¢d fhi~ ~' t ~ ~ 0 tl~ it Citien phis ~wen~~~si~~h bad of ~l.a~, nineteen hunbreb anb fifty. ~~~ ~QPnt - ~~~x~ n m C m v m a ~~ ~.. 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V i Y ! °' ~ Ew, (` Tl ~,~ i : G , .~ C% 7 .t, i ~ ~ 1..' ~_ t? !~ ~`~ ~~ r .: i 1 /_ 1 , ,~. ~;; C) ,Jr ~~ S, C ~ !, l r ~:? L,I ~ ru" ~ c"> ~C u? 'n a l:. I Ci l..l :L ~ ~" I i„~ Y t ~:~ I ., ; C; ~ i` I i ' I I ~i f" F? ,~ ~ 171 n 'f~l ~ ~a ~'1!'S 1'(1 ~' ~l. ~n -~, 1 ~ w ~ 1'~ .~, y ,1. `~'~ La ~' .tea . l ~. ( ~' ~~ ~~ ~ E ,~, ~: ~..~,~, 4 .1w -~- r -~ --- , ..,.~ ~~ ~~.. ~: ~. , ~ ~~ ~~r."~ i ~~1 ~- ~_ ~~_ I~:. ~_~ _• ``- - - - { % '\~ l i ~".. ~~. , . ,.~_. -, .~. ~~~ . X1'1 f __ - "_' t r~ .~ ~ . c`~'"' ~l 1 1\ Q f . ,~ i,~,A r ;' ,~, r r ~~~ ~~ ~'C.iLE ~~ ~ .. --. L l` :~~ 1 ~-- ~~ S P tC~ ~ 1 ~ : "~ at ~,~' ~ ~ '~~~G~.~ rr U > ~~~~ ` ~ ~ "s 1 I ~' ~~~ ~I l ~. ~. >, ~'} ~ ~l(1, i L l~~ 1'Y1~a~le Nl,i ~L~~ ~~-~{e~~~ d~~~ ~~ i ~ . _,~. ~... Lw yri:: ~~~~ 1 ~ ~ ' a a 4 ~ ~+~ ~ v~.~s .. ~ -.Y v, 6 ~` ~9 ,`~v ~~•'I~ ~:~' 1 4 :' .~ t 1~~~;~ ~;~..~~E~~~~~e ~~ ~ tic-.len ~~~' I.s;~z~~c J He.ic.r~ ~~'.ir «~~- <::,":. .a '~i Y `~ ``5c~n~eFe~ Czcz"~evGt ~~i 1~ ~" • ~,~cx c: cjo ~ ~U~CGYIE t-~-c..ler' Y ~.,,,. fi ~ y~ '- t' ~ `~ i-r ~cl~-t{es C"~'~e~cl of 1~~~~ Se7etS p~ l-~ee' ~YL: 4r1 Y"~ Deaths & Funeral Mr. Luedke neral services for College on police chief Melvin H. lke, 43, of 1401 Medina St., rge Station, will be held at r.m. Thursday in Bethel Bran Church, Rev. Gordon rs officiating. Trial will be in College o~~ City Cemetery under the ctiorr of Callaway-Jones ;ral Honre. edke who was born Dec. 29, in Riesel, died unex- ~dly Tuesday morning at his fence. He was named police in 1968 and had served with city police department 20 rtributions may be made to Bethel Lutheran Church ed glass window memorial in lieu of the usual vivors include his wife, four daughters, Mz•s. ~y Rhodes, Wanda Luedke Sandra Luedke, all of ;e Station, and Theresa ce of Hawaii; two brothers, ie H. Luedke of College m and Alvin Luedke of one sister, Mrs. Lydia nan of College Station, and '.ter-in-law, Mrs. Herbert ie) Luedke of College Pallbearers will be members F the College Station police epartment. They include ames M. Beamer, Kenneth L. antey, Harold Gene Roacher, iathan Andrew Newton, Walter ;. Gray, Edgar R. Feldman, Donald J. Marberry, Jerry Wilson, William A Michael G. Shipper, E Yea„;er and Marvin E. Quef Luedke Dead at 43 College Station police chief Melvin H. Luedke, 43, died unexpectedly at his residence early this morning of an ap- parent heart attack. "It was a total surprise," said I.t. Marvin E. Byrd of the College Station police department. "He was at work yesterday (Monday) and was in good spirits." COLLEGE STATION CTTY manager Ran Boswell said the city personnel are in "a state of shock." Boswell said Byrd has been named acting police chief. Funeral services for Luedke, of 1401 Medina, College Station, are pending at Callaway-Jones Funeral Home. THE POLICE CHIEF worked with the city of College Station from April 1, 1951 as an electrical lineman until July 1, 1955 when he became a patrolman in the police department. On June 30, 1958, Luedke became assistant police chief. He went to work for the 'Texas Alcoholic Beverage Corn- mission .July 2, 1964 and was stationed in 'Tarrant County. Luedke., however, returned to College Station July 1, 1966 as assistant police chief. He was named police chief Sept. 1, 1968. bIELVIN H. LUEDKE CS Police Chief Miss '1`heresa Luedke of Hawaii; two brothers, Bennie H. Luedke of College Station and Alvin Luedke of Waco, and one sister, Mrs. Lydia Feldman of College Station. SURVIVORS INCLUDE his wife, Helen; four daughters, Mrs. Shirley Rhodes, Miss Wanda Luedke and Miss Sandra Luedke, all of College Station, and u PRICE 25c Official Publication of the Law Enforcement Officers Association of Texas FEBRUARY, 1959 Vol. 4, No. 2 LT. A. O. LUEDKE BRYAN P.D. THESE T~`V'IN BRO'I~IIP,RS HOLD h' P.SPO~\rSII3I,E Posl~-IO~~rs Q>v; I~EIGI-II301tING ~OLICI ~EYAR'1'i\ll:\'1 S. ~I?f1I) L~IiOC_'T' THE I3KYAV'~ ,1\D ~,OLLIiGE 5'I'~1'I'IC)V' ~.I'I'Y POLICE ~~' ~IIIIS 'SSE. ASST. CHIEF MELVIN LUEDKE COLLEGE STATION P.D. SOUTHWESTERN LAW FRANK A. BOWMAN HUMBLE STATION HUMBLE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS North Gate COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS COLLEGE STATION STATE BANK for your dining and dancing pleasure go to FRANKLIN'S Geo. Carter Jr., Owner Class '42 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Culpepper Realty Company J. C. CULPEPPER, Realtor Member F.D.I.C. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Phone TA 2-3739 Phone VI6-4713 906 S. College P. O. Box 1130 BRYAN, TEXAS COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS A & M PHOTO SHOP "Portraits, Commercial and Accessories" COLLEGE STATION - BAYTOWN, TEXAS Cooley's Conoco Service Station And Bryan College Taxi At North Gate COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 14 SABER MQTEL RESTAVRANT Poo( Television Refrigerated Air Phone VI 6-7755 Highway 6 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS G/~lVG7lOl~t Shetland Pony Ranch Home of the great '`SIR JAMES" also Breeders of POKY OP AMERICA Both Breeds for Sale at all Times ASPC REG. #25022 Phone KEystone 7-6230 -BRYAN, TEXAS Mail Address: Rt. 3, CALDWELL, TEXAS C. J. DUNN, Owner BUD SIMMONS, Trainer Feb. 1959 covaT's Shoes-Shoe Service Nor+h Gate COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS and THE BOOTERY Shoes for Women and Children 101 N. Main BRYAN, TEXAS MATS SUPER MARKET 501 Highway 6 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Shaffer's Book Store North Gate COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Home of fhe Fighftn' Texas Aggles Dale Construction and Steel Building Co. Phones: Ylctor 6-5780 -.- Victor 6-5789 31 I Church Avenue COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 16 SOUTHWESTERN L 61 W Pruitt's Fabric Shop Southside COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS GINDORF TEXACO SERVICE STATION 7 Phone VI 6-7418 603 Hwy. 6 South COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Try Our Barbewe and Cold Beer KROLCZYK GROCERY South Kyle Field COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Southside Gulf Service .. r• 300 Jersey St. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS PARK CLEANERS South Side Shopping Center Sou+h of Kyle Field BEN F. LILES VI6-5021 P. O. Box 1089 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS "It Costs No More to Stay At the Best" SANDS MOTEL Hi-Way 6 South Bryan-College Station, Texas Zubik's Uniform Distlnctire Quality V 16.6019 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS McCall Service Station Highway 6 South COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Feb. 195 SOUTHWESTERN LAW (WADE PHILLIPI ss STATE MOTEL Mr. and Mrs. Nat Worman, Owners 15 Sleeping Units 8 Kitchenettes, All Air-Conditioned Phone VI b-5410 407 Highway 6 East COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS THE FIRST STATE I I Service Stotion ~ ~ I BANK & TRUST CO. MEMBER OF FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM BRYAN, TEXAS Highway 6 at Popular St. COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS ZARAPE RESTAURANT Spec1a11zfng In Mexlean Food COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Feb. 1959 ~~