HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/2023 - Agenda Packet - Impact Fee Advisory Committee College Station, TX Meeting Agenda Impact Fee Advisory Committee 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: www.microsoft.com/microsoft-teams/join-a-meeting Meeting ID: 257 325 334 510 | Passcode: iAGMTc Phone: 833-240-7855 | Phone Conference: 771 141 369# The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. November 16, 2023 6:00 PM City Hall Council Chambers College Station, TX Page 1 Notice is hereby given that a quorum of the meeting body will be present in the physical location stated above where citizens may also attend in order to view a member(s) participating by videoconference call as allowed by 551.127, Texas Government Code. The City uses a third- party vendor to host the virtual portion of the meeting; if virtual access is unavailable, meeting access and participation will be in-person only. 1. Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. 2. Hear Visitors At this time, the Chairperson will open the floor to visitors wishing to address the Committee on issues not already scheduled on tonight's agenda. The visitor presentations will be limited to three minutes in order to accommodate everyone who wishes to address the Committee and to allow adequate time for completion of the agenda items. The Committee will receive the information, ask city staff to look into the matter, or will place the matter on a future agenda for discussion. (A recording is made of the meeting; please give your name and address for the record.) 3. Consent Agenda All matters listed under the Consent Agenda, are considered routine by the Committee and will be enacted by one motion. All items approved by Consent are approved with any and all staff recommendations. Since there will not be separate discussion of these items, citizens wishing to address the Committee regarding one or more items on the Consent Agenda may address the Committee at this time as well. If any Committee desires to discuss an item on the Consent Agenda it may be moved to the Regular Agenda for further consideration. 3.1. Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. Attachments: 1. May 4 2023 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Committee action. 5. Regular Agenda 5.1. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Semi-Annual Report on System-Wide Impact Fees for Water, Wastewater, and Roadway. Sponsors: Carol Cotter Attachments: 1. Impact Fee Semi-Annual Report - 20231116 2. Future Land Use Map (from FNI Report) Page 1 of 29 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Page 2 November 16, 2023 3. Service Area Maps -Water, Wastewater and Roadway 4. Status of Impact Fee CIP - Water Wastewater Roadway - September 2023 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. An Impact Fee Advisory Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 7. Adjourn. The Impact Fee Advisory Committee may adjourn into Executive Session to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on November 10, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 2 of 29 May 4, 2023 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Minutes Page 1 of 5 Minutes Impact Fee Advisory Committee Regular Meeting May 4, 2023 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Dennis Christiansen, Committee Members Jason Cornelius, Bobby Mirza, Melissa McIlhaney, David White, Marcus Chaloupka, Aron Collins, Richard Woodward, and John Magruder COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilmember Dennis Maloney CITY STAFF PRESENT: Director of Planning & Development Services Michael Ostrowski, Assistant Director of Planning & Development Services Molly Hitchcock, City Engineer Carol Cotter, Assistant City Engineer Erika Bridges, Transportation Planning Coordinator Jason Schubert, Long Range Planning Administrator Alyssa Halle-Schramm, Senior Planner Matthew Ellis, Graduate Engineer II Katherine Beaman-Jamael, Deputy City Attorney Leslie Tipton- Whitten, Assistant City Attorney II Aaron Longoria, Administrative Support Specialist Kristen Hejny, and Technology Services Specialist Joel Lopez 1. Call Meeting to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Consider Absence Request. Chairperson Christiansen called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Chairperson Christiansen recessed the meeting at 6:01 p.m. Chairperson Christiansen reconvened the meeting at 6:52 p.m. 2. Hear Visitors No visitors spoke. 3. Consent Agenda 3.1 Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • November 3, 2022 Committee Member Cornelius motioned to approve the Consent Agenda, Committee Member Chaloupka seconded the motion, the motion passed 9-0. 4. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on items removed from the Consent Agenda by Committee Action. No items were removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. Page 3 of 29 May 4, 2023 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Minutes Page 2 of 5 5. Regular Agenda 5.1 Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding a Semi-Annual Report on System- Wide Impact Fees for Water, Wastewater, and Roadway. City Engineer Cotter provided a brief overview of the City’s impact fees and presented the Impact Fee Semi-Annual Report to the Committee recommending acceptance of the report for forwarding to City Council. Chairperson Christiansen asked if capital costs are both City costs and developer costs. City Engineer Cotter confirmed that capital costs are a combination of both the City’s cost and developer costs. Committee Member Cornelius asked for the reasoning behind the lower building numbers over the past six months. City Engineer Cotter explained that the overall market has slowed. Director Ostrowski explained that the City has seen a dip in single-family numbers of over half from the previous year, likely due to higher interest rates, higher construction costs, economic uncertainty, and inflation. Committee Member Woodward asked for the time period on the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) implementation table. City Engineer Cotter explained that the total capital expenditures are from 2010 through today, explaining that since the City is still paying debt service on some of the capital improvement projects providing capacity, they are allowed to be included in the impact fee CIP. Committee Member Woodward clarified that these are capital expenditures that are impact fee eligible. City Engineer Cotter confirmed that these are capital expenditures that are impact fee eligible, explaining that the report shows what has been allocated. Committee Member Woodward commented on the program overview, stating there are an eligible $238 million that could have been collected at maximum, what the City has proposed to collect at the current rate would be $53 million. Mr. Woodward also stated that impact fees are only allowable on projects that impose costs on the City. Mr. Woodward further stated that when the City does not collect at the maximum recoverable rate, it is a subsidy for development to the tune of $197 million, which are big numbers being left on the table. Page 4 of 29 May 4, 2023 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Minutes Page 3 of 5 Committee Member Collins asked for clarification that the average single-family home currently pays $5,500 in impact fees, and at the maximum rate the impact fees costs would be closer to $13,000. City Engineer Cotter confirmed the fees on single-family developments. Committee Member White asked for an explanation on the difference between impact fees and parkland dedication fees. City Engineer Cotter stated that parkland dedication fees are in addition to impact fees. Committee Member White asked if the IFAC oversees parkland dedication fees. Director Ostrowski clarified that the IFAC does not oversee parkland dedication fees, parkland dedication fees are set through an ordinance. Mr. Ostrowski also stated that the Planning & Zoning Commission reviews the parkland dedication fee ordinance and is a recommending body to the City Council, who will set the fee rates and adopt the ordinance. Committee Member Mirza asked if impact fees collected are only used to fund CIP. City Engineer Cotter confirmed that impact fees cannot be used for maintenance, deficiencies, or bringing things up to code. Committee Member Chaloupka expressed concerns with rising costs, and asked how often the fees are adjusted for inflation. City Engineer Cotter stated that with the 5-year update, the City adopted the maximum assessable rates, the City Council will revisit the collection rates at their meeting on May 15, 2023. Committee Member Magruder clarified that there could also be a markup on construction costs such as, title insurance, realtor fees, or builder markup that the homeowners would be responsible for in addition to impact fees. Committee Member Woodward asked if the adopted collection rate is per service unit or household. Coordinator Schubert confirmed that the adopted collection rate is per service unit. Committee Member McIlhaney asked if the City has performed any recent comparisons of the collection rate with comparable cities. City Engineer Cotter confirmed that comparisons were done for the collection rate item to be presented to the City Council on May 15, 2023, stating that many cities have increased Page 5 of 29 May 4, 2023 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Minutes Page 4 of 5 their collection rates to the maximum, and the City of College Station is on the middle to lower end of the benchmark cities. Committee Member McIlhaney stated that there is a lot the community gains with growth and impact fees, if impact fees are set at the maximum there would be a significant impact to residential home building. Committee Member Magruder stated that the homebuyer pool is decreasing each time home costs are increased. Committee Member Collins asked for clarification on the price of impact fees as they are related to the home cost, stating that the fees are irrespective to the value of the house. City Engineer Cotter confirmed that the fees are the same regardless of the cost of the home, unless larger meter sizes are purchased. Committee Member Woodward stated that impact fees are real costs and costs for impositions on the City. Mr. Woodward also stated that by not collecting at a maximum rate the City is subsidizing development. Committee Member Cornelius asked if there was a way to waive impact fees in new, rezoned areas, such as MH Middle Housing areas that would go toward lower income housing. City Engineer Cotter stated that local government code does allow for waivers, but there are affordable housing requirements that must be met. Committee Member Collins would like to see a consideration of impact fees as a percentage of a total project. Committee Member McIlhaney stated that if collection rates are heavily increased, they need to be done with a very long lead time. Committee Member Magruder stated that if property has been platted budgets have been set, increases in impact fees could ruin a developer’s potential for profit with retroactive fees. Committee Member Chaloupka stated that previous impact fees were increased over a time period. Chairperson Christiansen stated that there was general agreement amongst the Committee that the charts and data are accurate. Page 6 of 29 May 4, 2023 Impact Fee Advisory Committee Minutes Page 5 of 5 Committee Member Chaloupka motioned to recommend approval of the report for forwarding to the City Council, Committee Member Cornelius seconded the motion, the motion passed 9-0. 6. Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. An Impact Fee Advisory Committee Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There was no discussion. 8. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Approved: Attest: ___________________________________ _________________________________ Dennis Christiansen, Chairperson Kristen Hejny, Board Secretary Impact Fee Advisory Committee Planning & Development Services Page 7 of 29 MEMORANDUM DATE: November 16, 2023 TO: Impact Fee Advisory Committee FROM: Carol Cotter, P.E., City Engineer SUBJECT: Semi-Annual Report - System-Wide Impact Fees for Water, Wastewater, and Roadway The City of College Station adopted “System-Wide” Impact Fees for water, wastewater, and roadways in the latter part of 2016. In accordance with Texas Local Government Code, the 5-year update was completed on November 22, 2021. Revised land use assumptions and capital improvements plans were adopted including resultant maximum assessable rates and associated collection rates. In July of this year, residential impact fee collection rates were amended to provide for annual increases to water and roadway impact fees over the next three years, beginning January 1, 2024. Texas Local Government Code requires Semi-Annual Reporting to monitor the progress of impact fees and to determine if an update to the fee study is necessary before the statutory five-year requirement. Other than the amendment to the collection rates, there have been no major changes in the water, wastewater, or roadway impact fee programs during this reporting period. This report documents the period of April 1, 2023 to September 30, 2023, and includes a summary of the utility and roadway impact fees collected, transferred, and available for capital improvement projects. It also lists ongoing capital improvement projects partially funded by impact fee revenues. Staff recommends that the Impact Fee Advisory Committee accept this report and forward to City Council for their update. Impact Fee Advisory Committee (IFAC) The City of College Station Code of Ordinances Chapter 107, Impact Fees, designates the Planning and Zoning Commission as the Impact Fee Advisory Committee (IFAC). Additional ad hoc members were appointed for the update process. The role of the IFAC is to: 1. Advise and assist the City in adopting Land Use Assumptions. 2. Review the Capital Improvements Plan and file written comments. 3. Monitor and evaluate implementation of the Capital Improvements Plan. 4. File semi-annual reports with respect to the progress of the Capital Improvements Plan. 5. Advise the City Council of the need to update or revise the Land Use Assumptions, Capital Improvements Plan, and Impact Fees. Page 8 of 29 Page 2 of 6 System-Wide Impact Fees System-wide impact fees for water and wastewater were adopted September 22, 2016, with roadway impact fees following on November 10, 2016. Maximum assessable rates were adopted, and reduced collection rates implemented. Water and wastewater fees were phased in, starting at 50% of the collection rate the first year with full collection rates the following year. Roadway impact fees were phased in, beginning with zero fee collection in year one and 50% in year two. Full implementation of the initial collection rates occurred in December 2018. The statuary 5-year update of the water, wastewater and roadway impact fee programs was completed November 22, 2021. Amendments to the land use assumptions and capital improvements plans were adopted, including resultant maximum assessable rates and associated collection rates, and became effective on January 1, 2022. The collection rate for residential developments was increased by 10% from the previous rates and became effective March 1, 2022. The service area for roadway impact fees remained unchanged, bounded by the city limits. Service areas for system-wide water and wastewater impact fees were adjusted to respective services areas within the city limits, removing areas of the City’s extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). In July of this year, residential impact fee collection rates were amended to provide for annual increases to water and roadway impact fees over the next three years, beginning January 1, 2024. The amendments have been incorporated in the semi-annual report. Status of the impact fee programs are presented in the following tables. Impact Fee Program Overview – 2021 Study Updates Impact Fee Adopted Max Rate Current Collection Rate per Service Unit* Total Estimated Capital Costs Recoverable Costs at Max Rate (2021 – 2031) Recoverable Cost at Collection Rate (2021-2031) ** Res Non-Res Water $3,877 $550 $500 $67,722,554 $54,457,437 $11.8M Wastewater $5,572 $3,300 $3,000 $189,748,166 $71,917,188 $24.2M Roadway A $499 $438.83 $80 $13,915,012 $9,052,650 $3.4M Roadway B $1,261 $438.83 $80 $48,390,353 $20,114,165 $5.9M Roadway C $2,127 $438.83 $80 $78,250,564 $25,687,488 $8.9M Roadway D $3,452 $438.83 $80 $74,492,580 $57,399,762 $5.7M Roadway Totals $215,048,509 $112,254,065 $23.7M * Refer to Collection Rate Adjustment Schedule table for programmed collection rates. ** Recoverable costs include programmed collection rate adjustments. Page 9 of 29 Page 3 of 6 Collection Rate Adjustment Schedule Impact Fee Collection Rate Per Service Unit Residential Non-Residential 2024 2025 2026 Water $1,950 $2,150 $2,325 $500 Wastewater $3,300 $3,300 $3,300 $3,000 Roadway A $499 $499 $499 $80 Roadway B $897 $1,163* $1,261* $80 Roadway C $897 $1,163 $1,514 $80 Roadway D $897 $1,163 $1,514 $80 * For properties platted prior to January 1, 2022, the collection rate is limited to the 2016 maximum assessable rate of $1,072. Impact fee revenues collected since the initial adoption of system-wide impact fees in 2016 are provided by fiscal year in the table below. Amounts collected for this six (6) month reporting period from April 1, 2023 through September 30, 2023, are also provided. Page 10 of 29 Page 4 of 6 Impact Fee Revenues Impact Fee FY17 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY21 FY22 FY23 Total Impact Fees Collected Water $45,075 $339,325 $335,400 $381,880 $420,200 $474,025 $328,370 $2,324,275 Wastewater $155,475 $1,606,025 $1,575,150 $1,666,800 $2,243,700 $2,333,880 $1,725,705 $11,306,735 Roadway A $0 $40,893 $81,193 $123,327 $117,261 $454,618 $142,401 $959,693 Roadway B $0 $32,671 $80,625 $427,118 $538,988 $494,585 $316,257 $1,890,244 Roadway C $0 $156,540 $391,243 $186,979 $194,634 $255,872 $205,679 $1,390,947 Roadway D $0 $33,000 $150,526 $79,161 $85,404 $288,661 $229,382 $866,134 Roadway Totals $0 $263,104 $703,587 $816,585 $936,287 $1,493,736 $893,719 $5,107,018 Page 11 of 29 Page 5 of 6 Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan Implementation as of September 30, 2023 Impact Fee Impact Fees Allocated Developer Constructed (Estimated) City Funded Total Capital Project Expenditures Water $2,196,085 $120,000 $32,092,575 $34,408,660 Wastewater $10,113,956 $690,000 $69,326,479 $80,130,435 Roadway A $767,500 $0 ($79,135) $688,365 Roadway B $617,500 $0 $29,392,007 $30,009,507 Roadway C $1,193,333 $77,667 $41,573,815 $42,844,815 Roadway D $767,500 $777,500 $9,966,531 $11,511,531 Roadway Totals $3,345,833 $855,167 $80,853,219 $85,054,219 The impact fee revenues are being utilized to aid in funding a number of the impact fee capital improvement projects. Impact fees may only be spent on eligible projects identified in the respective impact fee capital improvement plans and are then further restricted to the specific zones for roadway impact fees. The projects that have received impact fee funding are listed as follows. Capital Projects Receiving Impact Fee Allocation Water Impact Fee Projects: ·Well #9 and Collection Line (Project F) ·SH 6 Water Line Phases 1 and 2 (Project N) ·SH 6 Water Line Phase 3 (Project O) ·2021 Impact Fee Study (Project R) Wastewater Impact Fee Projects: ·Lick Creek Trunk Line (Project C) ·Northeast Trunk Line Phases 1 and 2 (Project E) ·Carters Creek Diversion Lift Station Phase 1 (Project M) ·Lick Creek WWTP Phase 1 Expansion (Project N) ·2021 Impact Fee Update (Project O) Roadway Impact Fee Projects: ·Zones A and D - Rock Prairie Road from SH 6 to Stonebrook Drive (Project A-5/D-1) ·Zones A and D - Rock Prairie Road from Stonebrook Drive to Town Lake Drive (Project A-6/D-2) ·Zones B and C - Rock Prairie Road W from 715’ west of Towers Parkway to Wellborn Road (Project B-3/C-1) ·Zone C - Capstone Drive from 1,265’ west of Wellborn Road to Wellborn Road (Project C-4) ·Zone C - Barron Road from Wellborn Road to WS Phillips Parkway (Project C-5) ·Impact Fee Study (all Zones) Page 12 of 29 Page 6 of 6 Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Impact Fee Advisory Committee accept this report and forward to City Council for their update. Attachments: 1. Future Land Use Map 2. Service Area Maps - Water, Wastewater, and Roadway 3. Status of the Impact Fee Capital Improvements Plans – Water, Wastewater, and Roadway Page 13 of 29 !! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!! ! ! !!!!!!!!!! ! ! !!! ! !!!!!! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!!! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BRAZOS C O BRAZOS C O GRIM ES C O GRIM ES C O ?¡ ?cBryan ?c ?¡ ?c BRAZOS COBRAZOS COWASHI NGTON COWASHI NGTON CO?À Texas A & M UniversityTexas A & M University TX-6 S TX-6 N TX-6 TX -3 0 EAST BYP FM 2154 RDROCK PRAIRIE RD TX-47 RIVER RDWILLIAM D FITCH PKWYI AND GN RDBIRD POND RDW ELSH AVE UNIVERSITY DR ECOLE LNC A VITT AVE HOPES CREEK RDHARVEY RDBARRON RDFM 2818 RD W TONKAWAY LAKE RD ARRINGTON RDN DOWLING RDUNIVERSITY DRPEACH CREEK RDW VILLA MARIA RDTEXAS AVE S COUNTY RD-175 DEACON DRROYDER RD E A R L R U D D E R F WY SBARAK LNE 2 9 TH ST F AND B RDGRAHAM RDN GRAHAM RDS D O W L IN G R D NUNN JONES RDDOMINIK DRCARTER CREEK PKWY FRANCIS DRGREENS PRAIRIE RD WJONES RD L O N G MIR E D R FINFEATHER RD HOLLEMAN DRQUAIL RUNPIPELINE RD VICTORIA AVE CHICK LN GLADE ST SEBESTA RDBROADMOOR DRGANDY 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DRRIDGE WALKSCOTNEY CTWILDERNESS DR MEADOW OAKROCKY MEADOWS DR CITATION CIRDAKOTA RIDGE DR PRO CTFRIARSALLIE LNC R Y S T A L L N WELLESLEY CTDEAN PUT DR S COULTER DRPRESTWICK CTPUFFIN WAYLAKESIDE STL E G A C Y L N B R O N C O CIR FOX CIRMAGNOLIA DRCOLONIAL CIR W BYPASS TURK RANCH RDBIZZELL STE A GL E AV EUNIVERSITY DRFLYWAY RD BLU E R ID G E D RLEONARD RDKEMP RDFOUNDERS DR TX-47 FM 2818 RD W ARRI NGT ON RDPOTTER LNE A R L R U D D E R F WY S RAYMOND STOTZER PKWYCLLW BRONZE LN0 2,500 5,000 SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 2-1CITY OF COLLEGE STATIONWATER AND WASTEWATERIMPACT FEE UPDATEFUTURE LAND USE !I Created By Freese and Nichols, Inc.Job No.: CCL14324Location: H:\W_WW_PLANNING\01_DELIVERABLES\00_FINAL_REPORT\(Figure_2-1)-Future_Land_Use.mxdUpdated: Monday, November 8, 2021 LEGEND Road Railroad Stream Lake Texas A&M University City Limit ETJ Boundary Other City Limit County Boundary LAND USE Urban Center Neighborhood Center General Commercial Neighborhood Commercial Business Center Urban Residential Mixed Residential Suburban Residential Estate Residential Rural Neighborhood Conservation Medical Wellborn Institutional/Public Texas A&M University Parks & Greenways Natural Areas !!!!!!!Redevelopment Areas Page 14 of 29 0 2,500 5,000 SCALE IN FEET FIGURE 2-3CITY OF COLLEGE STATIONWATER AND WASTEWATERIMPACT FEE UPDATEWATER IMPACT FEESERVICE AREA !I Created By Freese and Nichols, Inc.Job No.: CCL14324Location: H:\W_WW_PLANNING\01_DELIVERABLES\00_FINAL_REPORT\(Figure_2-3)-Water_Impact_Fee_Service_Area.mxdUpdated: Monday, November 8, 2021 LEGEND !(Emergency Interconnect !(Active Interconnect [Ú Pump Station (#UT Elevated Storage Tank UT Ground Storage Tank 8" and Smaller Water Line 10" and Larger Water Line Road Railroad Stream Water Impact FeeService Area Texas A&M University Brazos County MUD 1 City Limit ETJ Boundary Other City Limit County Boundary Page 15 of 29 0 2,500 5,000 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND Vä Lift Station TXWWTP Wastewater TreatmentPlant 8" and SmallerWastewater Line 10" and LargerWastewater Line 8" and SmallerForce Main 10" and LargerForce Main Road Railroad Stream Lake Wastewater ImpactFee Service Area Texas A&M University Brazos County MUD 1 City Limit ETJ Boundary County Boundary FIGURE 2-4CITY OF COLLEGE STATIONWATER AND WASTEWATERIMPACT FEE UPDATEWASTEWATER IMPACT FEESERVICE AREA !I Created By Freese and Nichols, Inc.Job No.: CCL20771Location: H:\W_WW_PLANNING\01_DELIVERABLES\00_FINAL_REPORT\(Figure_2-4)-Wastewater_Impact_Fee_Service_Area.mxdUpdated: Monday, November 8, 2021User: 03812 Page 16 of 29 B D A C SH 6 N GRAHAM ROADROCK PRAIRIE ROADTE X A S A V E N U E S BIRD POND ROADEsri, HERE, Garmin, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community Legend City Limits Service Areas A B C D NExhibit 1Service Areas November 2021 0 10.5 Miles Page 17 of 29 Water Impact Fees Capital Improvement Plan Semi-Annual Impact Fee Report: April 2023 - September 2023 Project ID Description of Project(1)Project Cost Project Status as of September 2023 A High Service Pumping Improvements $ 3,597,227 Complete B BioCorridor Water Line $ 998,884 Complete C Area 2 Water Line Extension $ 1,000,000 Complete D Cooling Tower Expansion $ 3,795,667 Complete E Well No. 10 Land Acquisition $ 1,048,633 Complete F Well No. 9 and Collection Line $ 7,623,202 Complete G Midtown Drive 12-inch Water Line $ 920,000 Complete H The Crossing at Lick Creek Phase 1 - 3 Oversize Participation $ 45,233 Complete I Embassy Suites Water Line Oversize Participation $ 15,030 Complete J Brazos Valley Auto Complex Oversize Participation $ 84,791 Complete K Castlegate II Oversize Participation $ 50,871 Complete L Greens Prairie Oversize Participation $ 96,498 Complete M Summit Crossing Phase 3A Oversize Participation $ 32,550 Complete N SH 6 Water Line Phase 1 and 2 $ 1,036,568 Complete O SH 6 Water Line Phase 3 $ 3,050,000 Complete P 3.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank and Pressure Reducing Valves $ 8,690,000 Complete Q SH 40 Water Line Phase 1 and 2 $ 4,200,000 In Design/Hold R 2021 Impact Fee Study $ 150,000 Complete 1 New and Replacement 12-inch Rock Prairie Road Water Line $ 2,289,500 Future 2 New 18-Inch Midtown Business Center Water Line $ 2,796,400 Design Complete/Hold 3 BioCorridor Water Line Improvements $ 2,741,200 Future 4 Water Supply Well No. 10 $ 19,223,900 Future 5 Harvey Mitchel Parkway Water Line Replacement $ 4,236,400 Future (1)Oversize participation projects include only the portion of costs paid for by the City. Page 18 of 29 (#UT (#UT UTUT[Ú[Ú !A!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!((#UT Texas A & M UniversityTexas A & M University Brazos CountyMUD 1 City of Bryan29th Street 3.0 MG Park PlaceElevated Storage TankOverflow Elev. = 522' 2.0 MG Greens PrairieElevated Storage TankOverflow Elev. = 522' Dowling RoadPump Station(3) - 8,000 gpm Pumps(2) - 6,175 gpm Pumps(1) - 6,000 gpm Pump(1) - 5.0 MG Ground Storage Tank(1) - 3.0 MG Ground Storage TankOverflow Elev. = 370'High Service Pumping Improvements City of College StationHSC Parkway Texas A&MUniversityVilla Maria Texas AMUniversityMaple Street Texas AMUniversityOlsen Field WellbornFoxfire Wellborn Holleman WellbornRock Prairie Wellborn Waterford Heights Wellborn Caprock 3.0 MG Rock PrairieElevated Storage Tank and PRVs (H 24" (2 (1 (1 (N (N (G (O (3 (5 (L (A (B 18"18"12" 24"30"30"12"1 8 " &18"18"18"(I (M & &&&(J (K (C (P (Q (Q (O ?c ?c ?¡ ?¡ ?À (O20"12"1 8"18"(3 12" 16" 12" 16" 12" 1 6 "12"30"1 2 " 12"24"18"12"12"12"12"12"18"1 2 "24"12"12"12"24" 1 2 " 1 2 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DRR O BIN D RS GORDON STLACY WELL RD HOLLY DROLIVE STTROPHY DRVALLEY CIR ROANS CHAPEL RDFOXFIRE DRJOE ROUTT BLVDHIL L R DWOOD L A ND D R BUGGY LNHOLICK LN M E S A V E R D E D RDAIRY CENTER RDCONNIE LN M IS T Y L N A U T UM N C I RTATUM STCAROL STAVON STCOMMERCE STBURT ST SPRING CRK RUNAWAY RD POLO RDADA OAKSWILLIAMSON DRHOUSTON ST DEERFIELD DRN A S H S T LAKE STARAPAHO RIDGE DRSAN SABA DRBURGESS RDREDMAN LNGABBARD RDMIDSUMMER LN TRANT ST OLD OAKS DRFRENEAU DRPRIVATE ROAD 4007LEONARD RDFLYWAY RD W DUNCAN STHUNTERS RUN 5 T H ST RICHARD ST E 28TH ST POTTER LNMCCULLOUGH RDCHACO CANYON DRA TK IN S STPI NTO RUNPARKWAY TER LISTER LNRA V EN WOOD DRSILKWOOD DR COPPERFIELD DRMARI NERS CVLORI LN MILAM ST M O R RIS LN RIVA RIDGE RD D U R R A N D STQUAIL HOLLOW DRMEADOW LNMOCKINGBIRD RDSHELLBOURNES HLS T A L L IO N R D G MILLS STMEMORIAL DRVINE STMICKTHEA LN E PEASE ST CAMILLE DR SPRING LN STUART STTODD ST PARK ST OAK STFREEDOM BLVD ROSE RD HIGH LONESOME R O SS S TTALL TIMBER DRWATSON STDANSBY LNS CRI MSHAW L NHOLT STEDEN LN OAKVIEW ST CHEYENNE DRHOWARD STVALLEY VIE W D R MARY LAKE DRB R A Z O S D R VAL VERDE DRWILDFLOWER DR C E D A R BE N D R D CLOISTERS DRJONES STANGELINA CIRKINGSGATE DR THOROUGHBRED RDGWINDHAM RANCH RDQUALITY CIR P A T T O N A V E LEDGESTONE TRLWILLOW OAK ST RIDGE W AY DR B E R R Y C R KW BRONZE LNBAMBOO STGOESSLER RDDEER CREEK DR STATE RDSUNNYDALE CORNELL DRHOLLOWHILL DRSLEEPY R-R RD ASBURY ST WHISPERING RDG WOODS LN KIRKWOOD DR FOREST BND DOE CIRN TR A D ITIO N S D R R IV E R O A K S D R BELLAIRE BLVD FOUNDERS DR AFTON OAKS DRLESLIE DRM C A R T H U R A V E NARROW WAYJOSEPH DRHORSESHOE LNBRUSSELS DRLIS LN WOODSIDE LNH U M M I N G B IR D C I R M EDINA DR K IN N A R D A V E HICKORY NUT LN KIMMY DR APRI COT GLNBA R RO W CT SANDPIPER CVOAKSIDE DRBANKS AVE NEWARK CIRM A R S H A L L A V E E PLACID DRPARK HURSTLUEDECKE LN IBIS CTST O K E S CI R BELMONT CIRW A L N U T C R E E K C T OAK CIRCAEOUSEL LN WINDWOOD DR HIDDEN ACRES DRCHURCH ST RED RIVER DR KOENIG STTOLTEC TRLHUNTERS WAY K O RSHEA W AY KOCH ST OAK HILLS CIR R OL LI N G R D GCLAN VLG CHIPPENDALE ST FINNEYHARDY STGREEN TREE CIRTRIPLE BEND CIRWHISPERING OAKS DRS TEXAS AVE LAMAR DRPLEASANT STCOUNTY RD-172CRENSHAW CIRPOST OAK BND H O R S E B A C K C T HEATHER GLN M A RIN E R D R WILDERNESS DR CITATION CIRRENWICK DRIR IS LN W HITE STONE DRT ROW C R Y S T A L L N SYCAMORE TRL ANTLER CIROPAL ST BRYANT ST EDGEMORE DRCRESTON LNSPRUCEWOOD ST POST OFFICE STS COULTER DRPRESTWICK CTHOPE LNS O U T H D R E DODGE STN EARL RUDDER FWY TX-47 UNIVERSITY DRE 27TH ST TX-21BURT STCLLTURK RANCH RDKEMP RD E 30TH ST POTTER LNFLYWAY RD K ENT ST B LU E RID G E D R FIGURE 3-1CITY OF COLLEGE STATIONWATER IMPACT FEE UPDATECAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN !I Created By Freese and Nichols, Inc.Job No.: CCL20771Location: H:\W_WW_PLANNING\01_DELIVERABLES\00_FINAL_REPORT\(Figure_3-1)-Water_IF_CIP.mxdUpdated: Monday, November 8, 2021 11:12:56 AMUser Name: 03812 0 2,750 5,500 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND Impact Fee Eligible Project Water Line Ongoing/Recently Completed Improvements !APressure Relief Valve (#UT Water Tank Water Line Existing Water System !(Interconnect (#UT Elevated UT Ground [Ú Pump Station 8" and Smaller Water Line 10" and Larger Water Line Road Railroad Stream Lake Water Impact Fee Service Area Brazos County MUD 1 Texas A&M University City Limit ETJ Boundary Other City Limit County Boundary UT UT[Ú[Ú (5 Dowling RoadPump Station(3) - 8,000 gpm Pumps(2) - 6,175 gpm Pumps(1) - 6,000 gpm Pump(1) - 5.0 MG Ground Storage Tank(1) - 3.0 MG Ground Storage TankOverflow Elev. = 370'High Service Pumping Improvements (A 30"3 0" 3 0 "30"30"8 " 6" 3"4"6" 8" 8 "8"6"8"8 " 6"6"8"8"8"8"4"8"8 "6"6"8"8"8"8"8"8 "8"8"8" 8 " 8" 8"8"8 "8"8"8" 8"8"6"8"8"8"6"6" 8" 8"6"8" 6"6"8 " 8" 8"8"8"6"8"6" 8"8"6"6"6"8"6 "6"6"6" 6" 6"8"6"8"8"6"6"8"6 "6"8"8"8"8"8" 3"8"8"8"8" 8"8"6"8 " 8"8"8" 8"8"8"8"6"8 " 6"6"8"8"8"8"8"6"6" 8" 6"8"6" 6" 6"6"8"6"6" 8" 6"8"8"8"3 6 "30 " 2 4 " 1 8"42"12"16"48"10"16"12" 12"16"12"12"12"12"2 4" 12"12"12"12"12"18"36" 12" 16" 1 2" 36" 12"10"12"1 2 "12"1 8 " 42" 1 2 "24"36" 1 8 " Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS,AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community The timing of projects shown is subject to change based on development patterns.The utility alignments shown in this figure are for illustration purposes onlyand do not set the alignments. The alignment of each utility will be determinedat the time of the engineering design. (4 (D (E (F Cooling Tower Expansion Land Acquisition for Well No. 10 Well No. 9 and Collection Line New Groundwater Well No. 10 Page 19 of 29 Wastewater Impact Fees Capital Improvement Plan Semi-Annual Impact Fee Report: April 2023 - September 2023 Project ID Description of Project(1)Project Cost Project Status as of September 2023 A Royder/Live Oak Sewer Service $ 1,691,256 Complete B Bee Creek Interceptor Phase 1 and 2 $ 8,472,421 Complete C Lick Creek Trunk Line $ 14,020,058 Complete D Medical District Trunk Line Phase 1 (Participation Agreement)$ 1,770,375 Complete E Northeast Trunk Line Phase 1 and 2 $ 6,558,738 Complete F Southwood Valley Trunk Line Phase 1 $ 1,518,488 Complete G 18-Inch Harvey Road Gravity Line $ 188,790 Complete H Creek Meadows Lift Station Upsizing and Force Main $ 212,587 Complete I Nagle Street Student Housing Oversize Participation $ 26,854 Complete J Bee Creek Interceptor Phase 3 $ 3,900,000 Under Construction K Medical District Trunk Line Phase 2 and 3 $ 3,250,000 Phase 2: In Design; Phase 3: In Design L Northeast Trunk Line Phase 3 and 4 $ 13,861,000 Phase 3: In Design; Phase 4: In Design M Carters Creek Diversion Lift Station Phase 1 $ 13,900,000 Bidding N Lick Creek WWTP Phase 1 Expansion $ 39,014,049 Complete O 2021 Impact Fee Update $ 174,150 Complete 1 15/18/24/30/36-inch Southwood Valley Interceptor Phase 2 $ 7,314,800 Programmed 2 18/21/24-Inch Bee Creek Trunk Line Phase 4 $ 5,357,800 Future 3 18/21-Inch Alum Creek Sewer Trunk Line $ 11,136,600 Funded/Hold 4 8-Inch Creek Meadows Force Main Re-Routed to Alum Creek Trunk Line $ 2,517,900 Future 5 Lick Creek WWTP Phase 2 Expansion (to 8.0 MGD)$ 49,946,000 Future 6 21/24-Inch Harvey Road Replacement Gravity Line $ 4,916,300 Future (1)Oversize participation projects include only the portion of costs paid for by the City. Page 20 of 29 Vä Vä Vä VäVä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä Vä VäTXWWTP TXWWTP TXWWTP Texas A & M UniversityTexas A & M University Brazos CountyMUD 1 Private Lift Station (3 (H (B (L (K 20" F.M. 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FIGURE 3-2CITY OF COLLEGE STATIONWASTEWATER IMPACT FEE UPDATE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PLAN !I Created By Freese and Nichols, Inc.Job No.: CCL20771Location: H:\W_WW_PLANNING\01_DELIVERABLES\00_FINAL_REPORT\(Figure_3-2)-WW_ImpactFee_CIP.mxdUpdated: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 11:10:10 AMUser Name: 03812 0 2,750 5,500 SCALE IN FEET LEGEND Ongoing/Recently Completed Improvements Vä Lift Station TXWWTP Wastewater TreatmentPlant Gravity Main Force Main Impact Fee Eligible Improvements Gravity Main Force Main Existing Wastewater System Vä Lift Station TXWWTP Wastewater TreatmentPlant 8" and SmallerWastewater Line 10" and LargerWastewater Line Force Main Road Railroad Stream Lake Wastewater ImpactFee Service Area Brazos County MUD 1 Texas A&M University City Limit ETJ Boundary Other City Limit County Boundary (J ][(1 (F48"48 "36''42''54'' 4 8 ''42''42''36''42''42''5 4 ''54''30''36''30''30''15"36"24"3 0 " 12" 10" 2 1 " 18"1 6 " 12"15"15" 12"10"30"12"10"30"1 5 "12"15"36"12"30" 12" 10"10"30"10" 10" 12" 12" 18" 15"10"12"30"12" 10" 12" 10"12"1 0" 10" 10" 12"30"10" 18" 12"10"12"10"15" 10" 15" 12"15"1 5 "18"18"24"30" 12" T X-6 S MILE DRT X-6 N TEXAS AVE S TODD TRL HILLS I DE D R MORGANS LNAUSTIN AVE H A W K T R E E D R A IR L IN E D R SEBESTA RDCENTRAL PARK LN ANGELINA CIR SANDY CIR HICKORY DR SUMMIT STEMERALD PLZCOLGATE C IRRAYBURN CT N FOREST PKWYFARM-TO-MARKET ROAD 2818OAK FORREST A U B U R N C T C AR N A T I ON C T YALE CIRBR E NTW O O D D R EWALNUT BNDAZ ALEA CTDARTMOUTH ST HARVEY MITCHELL PKWY SE A R L R U D D E R F WY S MOSSY OAKAMHERST CIRCYPRESS DR EAST BYPVALLEY VIEW DRBROTHERS BLVDEMERALD PKWY L O N G MIR E D RASHFORD DRCROSS TIMBERS DR EAST BYPTX-6 STX-6 STX-6 NCO LG A TE C IR TX-6 STX-6 NLONGMIRE DRAIRLINE DRTX-6 NEAST BYPH AW K TREE D RTX-6 STX- 6 NDARTMOUTH ST TEXAS AVE S AIRLINE DRTX-6 SEARL RUDDER FWY SMOSSY OAK TX-6 NSEBESTA RDAUSTIN AVE8"6"4"8" 8"8"8"8"8"8"6"8"6"6"6" 6"8"8"8"6"8"8"8"6"8" 6" 6"6"6"8"6"6"8"6"8"8"8"6"8"6"6 "8"8" 6" 8" 6" 8"8"6" 6"8"8" 6" 8"6"8"6" 6"6"8"8"6"6"6"8" 8 " 6"8"8" 8" 8"6"6" 6" 6"8"6"6"8" 6"6"8"6" 6"6"8" 8" 8"8"8 " 6" 8" 8" 8"6"6"6"8"6"6"6"8" 8" 6" 8"6"8"8"6"8"6" 6" 8"8"6"8"8"6"8"6"6"6"6"8"6"6"6"8"8"6"8" 6"6"6"8"8"6"8"6"8"8"8"6"8"8"6"6"6" 8"8"6"6"6"6"8"8"6" 8" 8"8"6"8"8" 6" 6" 8"8"6"8"6"6"8"6 "6" 8" 8"8"8"6"6"8"6"8"6"6"6"6" 6"6"6"6 "8"6"6" 8"6"6"8"6" 8" 6 "8"8" 8" 6"6"6"6"8"8"8"8"8" 8" 6" 6"6"6"6"6" 6"8"8" 6"8"6" 8" 8"6"8" 8" 6" 6"8"8"8"6"8"8"6"8" 6" 6" 6" 8" 6 "8"6"6"8"6"6"6"8" 8"6"The timing of projects shown is subject to change based on development patterns.The utility alignments shown in this figure are for illustration purposes onlyand do not set the alignments. The alignment of each utility will be determinedat the time of the engineering design. Page 21 of 29 Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan Semi-Annual Impact Fee Report: April 2023 - September 2023 Service Area A From To A-1 4 lane Minor Arterial George Bush Drive E Dominik Drive Harvey Road Widening 2,409,500$ Future A-2 2 lane Major Collector Lassie Lane Sterling Street Manuel Drive Future 860,066$ Future A-3 2 lane Major Collector Dartmouth Street 720' S of Harvey Mitchell Parkway S Texas Avenue S Future 2,423,520$ Future A-4 4 lane Major Arterial - TxDOT Harvey Road SH 6 Northbound Frontage Road Boonville Road Widening 2,509,696$ Future A-5, D-1 4 lane Major Arterial Rock Prairie Road SH 6 Northbound Frontage Road Stonebrook Drive Partial Widening 2,164,000$ Construction A-6, D-2 4 lane Major Arterial Rock Prairie Road Stonebrook Drive Town Lake Drive Widening 5,136,000$ Construction A-7, D-8 4 lane Major Arterial Bird Pond Road Rock Prairie Road 1,055' E of Rock Prairie Road Future 1,758,000$ Future 1 400,000$ Future 2 301,515$ Complete 3 397,476$ Complete Project ID Functional Class Project Limits Project Status as of September 2023 Harvey Mitchell Parkway S and Dartmouth Street Texas Avenue S and Brothers Boulevard Project Type Project Cost University Drive E and University Towne Center Intersections Page 22 of 29 A-4A-6, D-2A-3A-7, D-8A-1 A-5, D-1 A-2 S H 6 TEX A S UNIVERSITYHARVEYBIRD PONDD ARTMOUTH SOUTHWESTCOP P E R F I E L D TARROWLASSIEGEORGEBUSHE 3 2 1 Legend FUTURE THOROUGHFARE WIDENING PARTIAL WIDENING CONSTRUCTED - EXCESS CAPACITY OTHER THOROUGHFARES !INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT - FUTURE !INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT - CONSTRUCTED NExhibit 2CIP - Service Area A November 2021 0 10.5 Miles Page 23 of 29 Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan Semi-Annual Impact Fee Report: April 2023 - September 2023 Service Area B From To B-1 4 lane Minor Arterial F & B Road 160' E of Turkey Creek Road Harvey Mitchell Parkway S Widening 4,106,520$ Future B-2 4 lane Minor Arterial (1/2)Luther Street W Harvey Mitchell Parkway Jones Butler Road Partial Widening 2,903,600$ Future B-3, C-1 4 lane Minor Arterial Rock Prairie Road W 715' W of Towers Parkway Wellborn Road Widening 4,659,868$ Under Construction B-4, C-2 6 lane Major Arterial Rock Prairie Road Normand Drive SH 6 Constructed 4,017,530$ Complete B-5 2 lane Major Collector Turkey Creek Road 2,775' N of Raymond Stotzer Parkway Westbound Frontage Road Raymond Stotzer Parkway Westbound Frontage Road Widening 3,278,140$ Future B-6 6 lane Major Arterial - TxDOT Harvey Mitchell Parkway S Raymond Stotzer Parkway Wellborn Road Widening 1,407,527$ Under Construction B-7 4 lane Minor Arterial Penberthy Road George Bush Drive Luther Street W Constructed 3,080,683$ Complete B-8 6 lane Major Arterial - TxDOT Wellborn Road George Bush Drive 940' N of Harvey Mitchell Parkway S Partial Widening 1,486,464$ Future B-9 2 lane Major Collector Jones Butler Road Harvey Mitchell Parkway S Holleman Drive S Future 9,652,780$ In Design B-10 4 lane Minor Arterial Holleman Drive S N Dowling Road 290' S of Rock Prairie Road W Constructed 10,631,067$ Complete 3 397,476$ Complete 4 1,190,232$ In Design 5 644,445$ Complete 6 4,532,013$ Under Construction 7 572,000$ In Design 8 350,000$ Future Project ID Functional Class Project Limits Project Status as of September 2023 Intersections Wellborn Road and George Bush Drive Welborn Road and Holleman Drive Wellborn Road and Deacon Drive Holleman Drive W and Jones Butler Road Longmire Drive and Ponderosa Drive Project Type Project Cost Texas Avenue S and Brothers Boulevard Page 24 of 29 TEX A S WE L L B O R N HARVEY MITCHELLF & B ROADHOL L EMAN HO P E C R E E K GEORGE BUSHN DOWLINGSOUTHWESTROCK PRAIRIERAYMOND STOTZERSH 6 ROC K P R AIRIEWUNIVERSITYCO L L E G E LUTHERT U R K E Y C R EE K PE N B E R T H Y B-6 B - 1 0 B- 8 B-2B-5B-1B-7 B-3, C-1B-4, C-2B- 9 8 3 7 6 5 4 Legend FUTURE THOROUGHFARE WIDENING PARTIAL WIDENING CONSTRUCTED - EXCESS CAPACITY OTHER THOROUGHFARES !INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT - FUTURE !INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT - CONSTRUCTED NExhibit 2CIP - Service Area B November 2021 0 10.5 Miles Page 25 of 29 Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan Semi-Annual Impact Fee Report: April 2023 - September 2023 Service Area C From To B-3, C-1 4 lane Minor Arterial Rock Prairie Road W 715' W of Towers Parkway Wellborn Road Widening $ 4,659,868 Under Construction B-4, C-2 6 lane Major Arterial Rock Prairie Road Normand Drive SH 6 Constructed $ 4,017,530 Complete C-3 4 lane Minor Arterial Barron Road WS Phillips Parkway Decatur Drive Constructed $ 5,795,317 Complete C-4 4 lane Minor Arterial Capstone Drive 1265' W of Wellborn Road Wellborn Road Future $ 2,765,575 In Design C-5 4 lane Minor Arterial Barron Road Wellborn Road WS Phillips Parkway Widening $ 4,712,977 In Design C-6 4 lane Minor Arterial Greens Prairie Road 820' W OF WS Phillips Parkway Arrington Road Widening $ 10,550,324 Under Construction C-7 4 lane Minor Arterial Greens Prairie Road Wellborn Road 1290' E of Creek Meadow Boulevard N Constructed $ 8,918,795 Complete C-8 4 lane Major Arterial Towers Parkway Rock Prairie Road W Wellborn Road Constructed $ 10,030,680 Future C-9 4 lane Major Arterial - TxDOT Wellborn Road Capstone Drive 540' S of Greens Prairie Road Widening $ 2,407,328 In Design C-10 4 lane Minor Arterial (1/2)WS Phillips Parkway Barron Road Greens Prairie Road Partial Widening $ 5,844,160 ProgrammedC-11 4 lane Minor Arterial (50%)WS Phillips Parkway Greens Prairie Road Arrington Road Future $ 7,311,480 Future C-12 4 lane Minor Arterial (50%)Royder Road Extension I-GN Road Wellborn Road Future $ 3,360,000 Programmed C-13 4 lane Minor Arterial Royder Road Wellborn Road 885' S of Greens Prairie Road Constructed $ 7,690,299 Complete C-14 2 lane Major Collector Victoria Avenue Southern Plantation Drive William D. Fitch Parkway Constructed $ 1,973,927 Complete 9 350,000$ Future 10 320,994$ Complete 11 350,000$ Future 12 350,000$ Future 13 350,000$ Future 14 816,249$ Complete Project ID Functional Class Project Limits Project Status as of September 2023 Intersections Barron Road and Alexandria Avenue Barron Road and Decatur Drive Barron Road and Longmire Drive Longimre Drive and Eagle Avenue William D. Fitch Parkway and Victoria Avenue Project Type Project Cost Graham Road and Victoria Avenue Page 26 of 29 SH 6 I-GNWELLBORNBARRONWS P H I L L I P S ARRINGTONGREENS PRAIRIEROCK PRAIRIEWILLIAM D FITCH ROYDER TOWERS CAPSTONE C-9C-6C-3C-1 1 C-7C-10 C-8 C-1 3 C-14C-5C-12B-3, C-1B-4, C-2 C-4 9 13 14 1211 10 Legend FUTURE THOROUGHFARE WIDENING PARTIAL WIDENING CONSTRUCTED - EXCESS CAPACITY OTHER THOROUGHFARES !INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT - FUTURE !INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT - CONSTRUCTED NExhibit 2CIP - Service Area C November 2021 0 10.5 Miles Page 27 of 29 Roadway Impact Fee Capital Improvement Plan Semi-Annual Impact Fee Report: April 2023 - September 2023 Service Area D From To A-5, D-1 4 lane Major Arterial (1/2)Rock Prairie Road SH 6 Northbound Frontage Road Stonebrook Drive Partial Widening $ 2,164,000 Construction A-6, D-2 4 lane Major Arterial Rock Prairie Road Stonebrook Drive Town Lake Drive Widening $ 5,136,000 Construction D-3 4 lane Major Arterial Rock Prairie Road Town Lake Drive William D. Fitch Parkway Widening $ 17,245,000 In Design D-4 4 lane Minor Arterial Midtown Drive Medical Avenue 990' E of Medical Avenue Constructed $ 1,028,820 Complete D-5 4 lane Minor Arterial (1/2)Midtown Drive 990' E of Medical Avenue 800' S of Town Lake Drive Partial Widening $ 4,535,000 Future D-6 2 lane Major Collector Midtown Drive 800' S of Town Lake Drive 2605' S of Corporate Parkway Constructed $ 5,374,808 Complete D-7 2 lane Major Collector Durham Drive Midtown Drive Rock Prairie Road Future $ 981,960 Future A-7, D-8 4 lane Major Arterial Bird Pond Road Rock Prairie Road 1055' E of Rock Prairie Road Future $ 1,758,000 Future D-9 4 lane Minor Arterial (50%)Town Lake Drive SH 6 Northbound Frontage Road Midtown Drive Future $ 1,753,000 Partial D-10 2 lane Major Collector Corporate Parkway SH 6 Northbound Frontage Road Midtown Drive Constructed $ 1,436,192 Complete D-11 2 lane Major Collector Corporate Parkway Midtown Drive William D. Fitch Parkway Future $ 9,894,000 Future D-12 4 lane Minor Arterial (1/2)Pebble Creek Parkway Royal Adelade Drive St Andrews Drive Partial Widening $ 2,137,000 Future D-13 4 lane Minor Arterial (50%)Pebble Creek Parkway St Andrews Drive 275' S of Lone Star Lane Future $ 9,181,000 Future D-14 2 lane Major Collector Lakeway Drive 1645' S of Gateway Boulevard SH 6 Northbound Frontage Road Future $ 2,635,080 Future D-15 2 lane Major Collector Mather Parkway Nantucket Drive 1920' S of Nantucket Drive Future $ 882,000 Future D-16 4 lane Minor Arterial (50%)Nantucket Drive SH 6 Northbound Frontage Road Pebble Creek Parkway Future $ 5,877,000 Future D-17 2 lane Major Collector Nantucket Drive Pebble Creek Parkway Southern Pointe Parkway Future $ 3,083,220 Future D-18 4 lane Minor Arterial (50%)Southern Pointe Parkway 205' W of Pipeline Road 280' E of Nantucket Drive Future $ 3,902,000 Future Functional Class Project Limits Project Type Project Status as of September 2023 Project ID Project Cost Page 28 of 29 SH 6 ROCK PRAIRIE WILLIAM D FITCHPE B B L E C R E E KBIRD PONDN A N TUCKETC O RPORATE LAKEWAYTOWNLAKEMI D T O W N D-3 D-1 3D-16D-6 D-11 D-17 D-14 D-18D-7D-5 D-9A-6, D-2 A-7, D-8D- 1 2 D-4 D-15A-5, D-1 D-108 3 6 Legend FUTURE THOROUGHFARE WIDENING PARTIAL WIDENING CONSTRUCTED - EXCESS CAPACITY OTHER THOROUGHFARES !INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT - FUTURE !INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENT - CONSTRUCTED NExhibit 2CIP - Service Area D November 2021 0 10.5 Miles Page 29 of 29