HomeMy WebLinkAboutOakland Tribune _\. . L' I ";;H..; lIWl .....,ot-. "I.; 1.. l'1I 11-.f"~.".:,...p _ ~ll..:\ I:l~ ..d I!,. I < ", j. , ".ir" '._:.: lJ! l.I'""J"')...1 ii.....~,~; 1 -;1" .....::, ,of.. ~ . .".'~ ,(.., ..\i; " .' '. ' .' ~_I'I. II~ ~ '. ~\. I ... '., ,~,:" ;:., ';;r 'I ":-.' . ~fL~. ' tl~~ Allies 'r~f~lteadvAirfield l;:~~As.Japs Flee ~~ ~. ~.' . '. : ~~\,:- MkNILA, May 7._(JPl-Australian ~r: Ail' Force QI'ews. were pu.ltjng 'Pal'a- I "'~ ik,m's captwred 4500 feot airdrome . ~ C'.:1v:m shape ai a 'Potent .fighter base ~~;:. taday. The J.apaJ;lese on the litUe is- . ,'. 'J J~'I1d- off Borneo withdrew north. .:.,., _ . " ''''<ird into mOUl1tain po~itions, ayoid. ".~", . ip.g ji, showQown. battle. :t'" ' ,'. C,a,pture .of the field was an-' . itlqunced today by Gen, Douglas i"i: I .oo;acArthur, who said tbe Australi- , " - ;;i~s also had seized Ute .center of ", / ,Ta"ra'kan 'City. ~,,;, }vlacArthut said the A:ustralians, L,. ,aIded by li>utch East Illwes troops. ,l, .jl1~d fa use ta:nk~) oemolitionists a;nd > ,. . 'flamethrowers to reduc~ a maze of ,I'i" pi'lIboxes and' in,ter10crdng tunnel . , strong points on Tara1>an Hili, in , -tpe beart of the city. 'M.acArthur's Gommlmique ported 11',028 more Japanese dead 'l1ad been. coupted and 462 ~re , -'(1; pl'isoners tak.en in ,the PhilippiF16s . during. the week ended May 5 as a~llJn'sf 391 Americans killed and 'l'li23 wounded. The 'period covered ., ~he >capture of Baguio on Luzon. In Hi't1er~s room in Brown Hou-se, Munich, frequen~ed' often by ex"fu~8t. Sfaff SCiJt. ArlI{ilj;t~ '-; , 'S55;093 JAP LOSSES E P 1) f Ed d Old k h' If . ' ;l.' iJ! " . 1Pb'is bl'ougbt' enemy casualties to ,e em; 0 mun " au ma es unse cGmfortable, and reads "Mein Kampf." . : . 1+ " ;'!I 1 3Qfi.093 for the philippine campajgn., , -A.P. \Yu&wr.6{o.~\.t I,; ~Mch bega,n last Octobel'. American ":,,,,- 2t~ .. dead: wounded and missing total < , ' . ~'j '. v! :~;:~ Mt~~~~~:~.~~~~ Mayor Urges LA GUARDIA PL~N-S Far From' hd ';:-1' "1 ": ". . DivisIQ'n' attacked stronj( Japanese TO QUIT POLITICS '. ..of..,. :'l'.. _R~bl,e is aU tho a. t remains of the bomb-wrecked banquet. hall in Hofbrau House in Munich. bill positions west at captured D f W k S A h' '" vi t d fr 1 b H t1 ~~~r~~if:~;::~:: ~YV-~D" ..""~~, ~n. of AT END OFlfRM ays dmirElI:) :~;';e':drwcule81aedeequfSent Y AY SiSeEr'MovBerldyOorwEaYXispaEmCuralTSQf ciBtY'UAD'PG' WEirT8Photol ~:;;"~~; :1.:,':o':'t~~~~~':~";:;;:';"W"k. w?nhlp on_ th,n."j,jn," . NEW YORK, May 7.--{/P}-"Th' ~it,::'t~,t::~~~"E:; ;~il*!Ii'.~ : ' .'. oT~panese air base' at Del1>'Ionte. . and a time to "concentrate more Hat" is out of th,!! ring. Germail'l'y. tl1e people of- :th:js, Iii: " . . '. . pn. tlorthern ~u~on, Maj: .~en. diligently than ever upon final vic- ' Mayor F. H. LaGt\ardia nearing living at the "gatewaytothe~ac' eed t P FROM ICOM'MITTEE T"ODAY Cliarles L. Mullms 25th DIV1SI?n.. tory in the war to preserve our the end of th e' t 't t d shoum deepen, their resolve fo,~a .n....' . " " 0 .a filS after a foar-day assault, occupIed . ..' . . re e~pes - osse tl;1e day of cOlllplet.e Vi'0tcll.'Y' p' roost' oj Kenbu plateau, t)le last big democratic prmclples of govern- terms as chIef executrve of New the Sl.I1'i'ellder of the Japlln 11m ,mass .south .of 100tl~-contested"lllent. and way' of life," Mayor 'John York City, said yesterday, "I am not' giveI;l. today bJ the tQP na 'Jilalete Pass. Planes sV{epl northern F. Slavich saiti. going to run for mayor this year." militar{' .c~m:al)ders of this J.,uz0n witb 370 tons of explosives. g' ff' lIt' T . . "I WI~h It were p05silble ih\PS:'FI;EE AIRFIELD I~ 0 ICla 'Proc. ama IOn: he announcement came m hiS that nOw. t'ne toil. th~ dis! "'b T k" Wh.ereas, The VictOrIOUS advance regular Sunday broadcast. and gdm sacrifices of the p '" e ara an aIrdrome was taken . .' b d '-:,tthout" opposition Saturday when ?f the ArmIes of the Umted NatIons The mayor asked his fellow-mem- years may e reduced vas" the Japanese, who had held one end Into Germany has brought the war bers of the .American L~bor Party Rear Admit.a! CarletQn H. ~ 'tn b k f.... fl d 10 E ro t d d ". U.S.N., commandant of t'he ~ tvl a an 0 mac...me gUJlS, e . u pe 0 an en .; an not to nommate me or put my name Naval,Eli5~.ict saio. , \'... I- .JUer'a'three-day'figh't. Whereas, It is of the most vital on any petition." He'also said "I "UnltOtttltHjt~lY, that i$' tar':' . Both ends of the 'field were soft importance that the war effort in . . . , ' , .s' a. 1>og because the Japanese had the Oakland ar.ea be not disloCated Will, Jl~~ eu.ter the Republican pri- true. :Ev~n on thIS day; max:k~a' Ilii\rerted water aod clogged the on Victory in Eu:rope Day by any manes,. .. treme-b'd'ous, accomnl~~hm~nt,,~ I1r,aiI;iltge" sj'stE}tft; but the Aussies public demonstration of jubilation .In hIS 12. years 10 office, he has iic~laFJ.~ i?~' thi~ '~ay-'W.e; ~ r~'jDected ti),.~;tv.e a fighter. field 1n sucli as characterized Armistic~ had Repwb~can support. ,ac ~ r~a~~s ~ca. y, ' ~ratiol'\ be~r.61 .long, Day, November 11, 1918; and Le,Guardla, who is 62, 'said he " A m<11J_Wtlght chal'a,ct '\-~T:t Wlleh they dp. Japanese garrisons 'ONE DAY CESSATION hoped he would not have 1ta return "p\Oq:, r~ me~<:!.ral>1~:-~.. . '" ~f0em~;the.1:i,p of B~itish North. Bomeo , . . to public servi~e, but,ildded, "if.we occ.a, a ,Gl'r s9" er"1l1eJQ,I,~ , .ll1'Q Br.ynei Bay do.wn to )3.alJdjoer. Whereas, Ev~n one day s cessatlOn have controversy between vet~ral'lg, he added ~at. the Pf!~lffi iu'a~i _. l\ the .seutheast. coast ami of war work m .th~ Oakland area., and Government and it theue is cor- ~how.s ,:m.o SJgn o.f ",:,~a!t.r. .r;;a -~m' t]Je w.esteFn ~oast will, .o.ne of, t~e Nahan s greatest- :var ruption it will be the duty of those termlhatl.0n 'lllild.'~ust.~ I o~"e' JIlde.r .tQ!l"l'ieadly str<j;f.ing and ErodulJtlOn centers. would el'!tall a of us withfexperienee to' take hold and de~~o~e:d. ." -. ., ,,' . ~ .q,tt<l{~. A4 .J,;LA.F.~,N~.~.. ess at ;ruo~e than ~,OOO\OOO .ma~ again..... '. . ' , ,MAGlb.I !fI"~ : 'Jr;1 ~ae :!lit;. !1,t~. ai~~~tw ,~)a~or~ e:q 'Eis~~~ti.al.war ,~ork, . Du%,,ing his t:hre.~,,, 11118: ;~. J_t< ~ <i's.c~ '.. I .:", ~ I ....,' J... . _' .- I;;:~. . '10', ;. ~R;I!!;1. May 7.-{JP)-Tw~ f~rmer '. By DON THOMAS ncll' .premiers. Edouard Daladier SACRAMENTO M 7 A . 1 I dd" !.P.aluL R d t ' ay .- rnva n a IhotI to t~1Qse measures callilag _ " eynau. ' were en rou e of the budget on the floor of the for special' appropriations fat the toCl.ay w;lth other ~ota?les .(\ssembly was expected momentar- coming biennium, there are 61 de- ~!ation from a NaZI pns~n Ily today as the LegISlature began ficiency measures and 20 providing . _ . ..Seventh ATlJlY forces m the tenth week of its session. for earmarking of State surpluses. ~$~ <" . At the same time, the Senate ",.~~~Jl.ud was - quoted in a dis- moved toward consideration of tax Appropriation bills fen- 1945-47 cll. :kom 1tter as saying he' in- reduction bills, but it appeared that total $419.525.677. deficiency bills '~~to 'write a book to prove final action might be delayed due amount to $5,361,249, and earmark. l.d have peen done to stave to a special order hearing set for ing and reserve measures aggl'egate 11 of France. this afternoon on Sen. Bradford $5\6.851,489. other prominent figures Crittenden's State flood control act. Major beneficiaries under the ap- e Lie!ut. Gen. Tadeusz Assuming that the Assembly will propriation measures incl'Ude: Edu- ski, the famed "General complete its work on the budget cation, $28.885,1'80; national re- o led the Polish under. within two or three days, Speaker sources, $13,930,548; public works, .tfprising in Warsaw; Gen, Charles W. Lyon estimated that the $64,644,640:' salary increases fund, ",,{,e::;.. Gamelin. and Gen. session might adjourn by J'une 1. $131,49:t',900; local government-pub- W>'~ygand. both Allied gen- Assemblyman Albert C. -Wollen- '\Jii" the ,early war days, berg of San Francisco, npting that ,0n,L!;G. Winant Jr., son upward of 300 'amencln16r.its .to the . . , !ior to Britain. buaget:bill were ~?-de by mis' Ways 'me sq,fd that ~n...d.Means ,Committee belate' 'ving --.'Ii d{o.:" '- 11 ...~.....r1nt'" .)J,,\). .....l U$~t ~ eKa a~f.! _ jl, \,1, (-;t:r. ~,ai\d Mic aet. " w;11 }I,Ot ~?e k;!l.o~~' _ ."th~ lil.\(m~ .o.,:e " . ~ ,'\.QB ,Ola meripan, ~,~, ",'I ,," '1 'W". e,l;e 1'5 a c.ompl1,tat10LI of me.an;tend~ sucb. pl;oJ'eets lU 0 all'r tQ aSSl!1r€ . "f. - ~. ue vv.or d ar, ., . .' , .<.' t ..... at Okinawa, f325 m3.1es>',to 't1)~ S91'l!lii... ~ ":L ap,a. a. ".nephew" f Ge ments, It was general1y behey;eq fullest developqte,nt of w!! er xe- Three B-29s were 'lost and., "hi!'-"'~ ' , iilie.' .- 0., n. .that th.e total would approxi1?ate sources of the State. , tween eig'h4 and 15 enemy -iirke~~ 1,. :; 'tables released ~ith the $683,700,0.00 estimate sublhltted CONSIDER WILDLIFE ceptars sh'ot down iu Satu~dayfs ~ . by Governor Warren, or perhaps go .' . . ". ud'etl L~;ut. Wscount a li.ttle higher. I~ lS d.e~~aryd t? be .le.glslat~ve tr\ple raid against KY\l,S!lU airfie(ds ? . C~sceHes, nepqew of Estimating that the budget actu- poTlcy to gIve 'consideratIOn ,to 11sh and Hiro naval a.trcrat:l; :plaii'f neat' 'flt! , . Gapt. Lord, Buller- ally Will be "many millions'in ex- and wildlife values, both economic Kure. Tokyo reported" 25 Super.' I:.i.~ hl.nst~ne, 1'!ephew. of cess of the Governor's figure" As- and recreational" in any flood con- 1'orts laid mines in the Inland Sea. -, . eth; C.apt. ,george semblyman Alfred Robertson,' Dem- trol or conservaton program, and Saturday night. ~ .. all of Halg, sOQ.of}he ocratic floor leader said party that the State shall pay the costs ' ....!.. ' W>~ .'1 com~ander; ~Ieut. 'Ji9.embers would cau~us tonight to of all lands, ea~ements and rights- Osme'no Comments- .. a elll1am, EaJ.I of ~opetoun, determine their stand on the docu- of-way for such proj.ects in the t ~. , ,..M'arq~e~s qf Lml1th.,gowl ment. Democrats have called for a event Congress approves projects 0 N I S d ' ;. . . : urfiMaiu ~~~amel, a re~a- ~in~-it-em budget and repeatedly in which financial assistance is re- n 0%' urren er I ~:'J! !Sf\ Ime Mtlms.ter tChLUFCdhlll. mdlcated that they would insist on quAired OgfthlOCal ~ovternmtehl1t~. db WASHINGTON, May ,7.-(JP),.- ,~., ""f., a s.o:J;e.l.lrnmg 0 on on, SIzable slashes in various .depart- man. e proJec s au orlze y President Sergio Osmena'of the ph.iJ., :nJ at down ove.r Muens~er ments, but in view of a split which the bill IS one for $3,326,000 worth ippine Commonwealth today termed ~~. ).0, 19'13, all hiS J?lt~ ml~- developed in their ran~s' over the of. control work on the Sacramento the surrender of Germany a '''deci,. . !y.mg Forkess IlI~0t tax question and which does not RIver, anothe~ f.or $894,000 on.. ~he sive step" on the road to total vic'-. .'~ . ,of the 1tter pnsop. camp appear to be mending it was 'not lo~er San JoaquIn RI,:er and :n.bu~ tory but emphasized the United' ...~ d PY, the Basque ten- known whether they would stand tanes. T~e largest smgle pi oJe):t Nations must not rest until "Japan '.[,;;f ~:~0ean .Eoratra, who escaped together behind any wholesale pro- calls for expenditure of $22,500,000 is likewise com I t 1 h d" , t,man 11 e on the Los Angeles and San Gabriel . pee y ~rus e . . .~ <, n s. gr-am of drastic reductions. Rivers. ~,n a state.ment he ~ald: '''t.~ As soon as the budget is out of Part .of the prografu proposed for All the 11~e:ty-~ovlDg peoples.of r.,~ ,Ylolr Respite for the way, the Legisla~ure ca~' start the Sacramento Valley includes the world. rel,Olce 10 the .knoWledge.'.....' r . '. work on a mass of bllls calling for Table Mountain Dam, and since the that totalitarIan Ge.rmany has. m~t :,).1 .'f0'erchont Mar'ne speGial appropriati~ns amounting Crittenden bill prepares the way defeat. Although far reqlov~~ ~om. ,'!".J4: .7', /. " I to approximately $1,000,000,000. for State matching of Federal f\).nds European battlefron~s, w~ FII~pmo.s:.,;. ~ . ~Y;ORK.lI(1ay 7, _ (IP) _ V-E FAR OVER ESTIMATE . for construction mapped by 'con- have . peen fully aware tbat Ol:lr "', " ,'~~H!. ~r.r < no respi:e .in the Of the 250-odd special appropria- gressional enactment, including that ~nemles ~ve.rywhere Ulu~t be beate~ ,i~t ~f actw,lt~es ~f tQ~ Amer,lcan mer- tion bills. 89 are for blank amounts project, the measure has been at- If the l?rm~lples for whlcI: we have' '!~'~". f marme, . w~lch 'wIll divert to be filled in by amendment, so tacked by the "Salmon Conserva- be,;n flghtmg are to survIve. > - ,..." ',' . lit. .?~ shlppmg to the cam- t1hat the total will run far in excess lion League of California" in a 60- Although tbe. defeat of Germa.n~ )~. ,~g:aJ.nst Japan. Fran~ J, Tay- of the $941,738.415 indicated in a page booklet prepared by the Cali- is a decisivll step .in ach1evemeutl' >!~ . ~l".d~-t o~ th~ Amerl~an Mer- Department of Finance compilation. fornia C,l.O. Council. of total victory, 'the United NiiHoo,s'.' ~~ \,' ~&ane Instltute. s:pd today. must not rest upt)l Japan likewise ii< '{'f . dll;lg ~of the' convoy systelJl in completely crushed. Then, arid"onl~ . jl\' :~, At~antii.c would, however, result AMERIr.AN AIRMEN STARVED BEATEN then, will the way be cleareq to:..':; ~, ~i~~~;~~~i~~ f:~~i;~C~; ~~ ~: . e,' '. ~:~~~~~~Tr;e~~eOfw~~~~~g peace anfl'!I~ ~ IN' JAPANESE PRISON AT RANGOON . '.~liIJy~:took Gets By McQUOWN WRIGHT _,: 'uo~i'On Notice CALCUTTA. May 4.-(Delayed). ing here, said the American air- -(U,P.}.-American airmen, liberated men were put in a "special treat- T rL~WIS, Wash" May '1.-(JP) from the Japanese prison camp at ment group" on charges of indis- mon~ A. Baake, formerly of Rangoon revealed today how the criminate bombing of women and c a, 'l'ileb.~ got an induction Japanes~ beat and ~tarved U.s. children. .. fe from ?IS ..draft b~ard." fliers, especially B-29 crewmen, The men were liRed up a}'ld tbe l!m. warned, ?e saId. maybe after the bombing raids on Japan, guards beat them with "clubs made ,p,t'aft b0ard W1ll come out here Th' f th f t like pick hllndles" Davis said The t"me and really put me in the f Ae al:men, f romd . e BJrs group Americans were ireated wors~ than . " I 0 mencans ree In urma, are . . . ?" ~1 B k h d f' recuperating in a hospital here the othel'fAllted prIsoners, he. added, ojp,or"'th aAa e a.sds~rve h lvde More than 400 Americans most of llnd the beatings were more severe al;S'-ltl e rmy an IS a ea - . . h th J d ~ b dJ k them members of the aIr force and w en e apanese guar s were 11 el'g. c mpany coo . .. approximately 600 ollier' Allied drunk. prisoners were liberated at Ran- "I was slapped ,about four times goon. a we~k," Davis said. "It. got so . , you only boped it wouldn't Qurt Although most of them are fanly too bad Y fa 'got th h T healthy, despite their starvation ti n'" au I e uml la- diet and beatings, it, was repor~ed oH~ explained that the beat- that about 50 Amel'lcans, too SIck ings in most cases were stopped ~. t '. . to walk, :nere left at Rangoon, before the victim became maimed. ;Eli' FORWARD COMMAND The pnson17rs were released by The maltreatment was pai'tkularly JY].a;)f -,7..- (U.P) - Tbe four the Japanese commandant at the severe when the Japanese suffered First I, - \ " . .'ItJatu1l.. t r.if,lrne)~o!1~~Y, ,May. 7,: 1945 , t . 1 :-'~m\~:oy's Rise And Fall: ,The ':~" .: ,,' 1939 ~ ' 1'1' _ . r:l~eI;many invades Poland, ~ ~ amigo ' iBritaill and FraMe de- ,bJil Germany, !Flighting begins in ~line. . . 'anacla decl,ares war on ' '> .;!i ~, , .i,,~;'~.~l.~ , .". ";I'}"~j.t.' . 'fI ..~: - ~...,Il"", ;t"'" t ,r,,' I' )1, "!{Tlt ';""\ .r: ~ ....~ 'It> ~~~'~~ 1t.).;::'~:~ ;I~ .:;;t~'jt:I~~ \j~1~ , .: ,\ ' ,I t ':'l'~' , ':' ..,' '," ~ \ ,,' "'" . >'<~:{~~1' The rrdes 'Of\Wa,IF~;i , ..... - ,." ~j J')el!mar~ and.. noithwest, ~~,r:;nt,~~ ~"J' I.~~ surrender .. . ., 1 I . . '. \~, )~~'''''I "~' . lO ~ ~ ..' ',. " .. 'f,. "1. I. May '5r->Two German' 'amiillll ii\', FJ' ,.:: south Germany and Austria sur.. <~:~: render. ' ~,: . May ,6,G:11'm~n. r"e.slstanee co.' ',J,~,:' tinues .only m Norway 'and Czecho- , '.. ,I slovakIa. . '. ;., May 7-Germans surrender uncon- '; 'f'; d.itionjllly to 4}lies, includjng Rus- '1l. SIa. I, , 1 , I ~~~~ '.f:f~ ~~ 'J:\ :;(J~ .. l' ..' :;~ ATMNTIC C,I T y, N.J...- <U.~),.-. ~~~:~~ The ArmY',s..cooks.may disagree 'On, . r~~ the best method of scalloping po- ,) :"~ ta.toes, but formet Chefs, baker-s an~ ,1 '~'$ restaUr!lteu~ at the A r'1T) y Ai.r .' ., '~ul ~orces Redistribution Station here ,~:;'1 are agreE!d that th~ m!lterials they ".,(~ handle are the best'to be had. '. '.',,!~,: S~t. .Clair ,~y~r of. B~ngltlimton, ,~>1 N.Y., fll'st c!,!ok.at,th,e RItZ., for rj!- ,. " turning comba.t offdc.ers, has cQoke.d ',' ~',;~ in,many civilian' .res'taurants and ate, . ,;.~ 01 food in th~ Na,vy ~n the ~ast' war, .' >' "but never hav~ I seen anY!hing . , that can top the.chow.our lloldierl , '~'."J are getting today." " '1 ~'The're is nothing in .the civiliait , I' market either now. or in peacetime .'" I 'that can compete with what OpJ'. 'b o. y s are g~tting ,to eat in this' . ~j i'll Army," according to M/Sgt. George ".:.J~1 Mantzofos and baker S/Sgt. Hugo . Li:mw~ ~gre~. . , , ':1.1 , :~ \ , " . '. ~__'_--r-~ ' 11;;. "' _,' '_I"~I' :"". '~1\\/1 . .,ft~~:'...:, · '''f ,';J, I(l'~l, , ~I I J. ~ '~l' ..,_~~.,>" ""', -',' "', ,. ..'~"!\.".,t>\:.rt.'" "i~}\~'':'i'J ~ . .,.., ..ci',~~~t~;;~,j~~;~r.~" ~ ':~'~ ~t:~~~~'''., .';i1:,~!:'~J'~~'l,. .., \.:~,4'" .. \., .lro I . Sept. hiwy ,";,:,,:y"'Story Of ~l~.~'i;'~~,,,, . ,,?'l .. f~" .~Ilt'r-. ., , Im;,~~~,ered. S. ttli?dPs real! to trap s' west (if 'PaNs. . lUes iIivade South .en },tatllQiUe and Nice. '..... Yanks, 35 miles. ttom ':l " , , ~,\ I I ~f. 'Mfllo eitad'el lIUffen- Experts .Praise:'; Army 'Chow' push up offensive. 'l"otilon: Brussels, ntand .quLts war with \"' , .' . -.=lr~S. Invades Germal\Y. !2r~ Hav.re falls. ~1jj<....FDR !neets Churchill at /2~Reds enter Czechoslo. ncf Hungary. . ''Z,; 'A,IH~s.invade Al)aP,.il\. '1~Reh'lt:illnts 'of Bl'italn's " e division wLtndr-a~ at lalS 'falls. .' arsaw patriots en~'fight ails. , ~tlSh invade' G1leece. nIt~ crush SiegfHed de- .. ;' ~tIbach, hit' ~estern ;fain., , , orin\h falls' to Greeks ,. . , . It'. the Invasionl Feb. 2;-I~t'- American confer- April 2O-Ya!1lts .take. Nueri!berg. ence at Mexicp City. . Ap.il 21-Russ enter .Berlin. ~eb. 23-Turkey declares war on April 23-Allies pursue r 0 ute d AxIS, Nazi!dn' Po ValleY'.' .: n .capture Pet- Feb. 24-0-~anha liberated, Mac- ' April 24-Patt6n's Third -A r m y Arthur reports. . ct1ves into HiUer's natiQnal'r$d.pubt MOBILE, Al.a.-ru.P.l-;:-J.,lltt mllhY ': Nazis seize Hungarian Feb. 26-Four Allied arinies striKe area., \ ,'. ., bid-timers who have come out of . t';. ..to .prevent its sur- for the' Rhine. . April 25-Russ enei;s;le ~er1ip retirement to kelp' the war effort Ife .Allies F b 27 R d 'h 44 'I " "'.. ' . I th "Lad' f th T "'k ., '. A th'. d P II e. - e s smas ml es April 25-United Nlltio;t1s Comer- a ong, e y. 0 e Utr e. a }ICS't'~ ulrl mvaU!!ds ~ h . through Pomeranian fortifications. ence opens at San FranCiSell" , locomotive of 1906 vintage today'i. ,.. ...we reca e .romo . . ',' , . , ';' . Feb. 28-Erft Riye~, crossed; ap- ,April, 26-B r e m'~ n. . Stetfin and putting iIi a f~n 16. hour - a ':,day . ac~~n talls.. proa~h~~ to Cologn~ stormed. Verona fall to An~l;s., , _ scpequle. .' . , ." . ~SSIans smssh'mto, East M.arch I-V.S. N:~nth c a P,t)l r, e ~ April 27-U.S.-~uss a t'm 1 e.s m The "Lady of the Lake," a former .' . , MUenchen-Gladbach, Ruhrltmd CIty. jutlctme;. Yanks enter. .Aust:ria~' . . ' . 19r'ade tat-en b<> :Reds Mareh I~Red Baltic drive cuts ., . . " ' . road or passenger engme, was called ... 'oJ' .., Aprh 28-Nazl 'SU1"render" n'Ver-' '. . . '~ss!ans invade Southern off,Dan~lg from G~rmilny. .tures made rejected. by -Brit~In and out of retirement by the Army.;and =: . .. ,I .' 1I:iarch 2-1\mencans reach. th~ U,S. because :Sov;fe€ ' ill,," ofiiitted: convert$ld into a, ~witch engine. Be- .:-J!llin.and Chur.chl~l con- Rh~ne, cli'pture. Krefeld ~nd Neuss, false surrender repo~ circle world. eause of the elttrem'ely quiet manner e PTol5lems, Pollsh'lssues. ThIrd takes Tner. ! . . iij which'she goes about the business r s~ians invade Norway. March 6-U.S. First cap~ures Co- Apr~129-:Yanks t~~~ MU~I~~. o~ the day, the Ups at ;Fol'\'Bel)l'\icrag, Cu~" qell ac~el?t Bulgaria's logne, Third opens sw;epmg dr1ve Aphl 29-:-Mussolim.' executIon by Ga,. christened "t~e 1090motive with ~s. . . toward Cob1enz.' . Italla~ patrIOts reported. ' the poetic' name' /;he pi;)ss'eS'ses., . 'l: ~copd sh~~ttleoL.off tPhfI1- March 7"';U.S. Third' reaches the f' AhPt:II 3.o-IGtaeIn. ,;.tarkt.ClaUr!t ~eI?odr~,s ,Her ~ive'.man dcri!W repre~ents' 99 , a. c.ru l!'i= ea or.,. Ig mg'ln y prac lca yende ; years b:!! rallI'oa <experience, plus . .' Rhine. further Allied jung.tures Made in t)ie considerabye;numMr the "Lady" A1:rr}y I re!le,hel Rioer March 7 - Ru~sians hurl seven 'I Gennany. '. ha.s. " " "." ~~. ." . . p-mi.es intQ ~ll.out. o~el)sive toward May 1-Germ.llP: rl!~Jo al).n9\\nce,~ .wnhe t.he "Imc;ly' of' the B\1ke" ~~e i(c1~,1~ea.. of' ,Ger~ :Berlm hom'Oder brIdgeheads, deat1I, ot '~G,'lf. J;I;j.i'lel';j '.A~i],iil' n~~er rea'l'lY' got!s".anfWhere,. 's11e ,March 8-Yankl! sma,sh across the Dgenr~ ~amed ew Ju~~er, . 'I ~b~s' coV'~i:.:a.l , Rh~e ~()n, caJt,t,tlEea... bJ\j.drg,e a:t,' \ 2.,...1\1l ' ..1 01: ,,g~.hei',.f~~1..: 'ag ~ ". ,-<'if.!' '. f." . ," " '" , , Vet~ran 'lng,me' Works fo,r AJmy " . , . -l , . I , .rl ::! . "I ~. , ',I 'I i ~ ....... \ 'J.', >i':J.~,"" '~l'1f.9~t~ ;,.r:~'frl!l'~;';WMI'.... ,.,i')!'l"/' . . '" '~wo: a~d ca', , .. " ".- - . '. I r 11aU rol es. '. i ~I J .",~ ~~~~~iti~~ith ~~;i~~ 1~~~:'s:1~t. ca1>t~re 'R- . EjJ' "U""R-: N- (, 'T' ~~O,. :"p"':', 'E.'tA.' C' <E:"J1]~ '~rM"~:' !'E~~'~"~:~' 'l":','~~:, 1 .1I ~Of' ~.re;, ~P" . M~rch . 14.- ,!~fik! ,enlarge Re. . ..":1 '.' , " ': 1 . . ,; . ". ' ; '.~'I magen brHigehead. .. .' , I ' " .' ~. . /.. , 11~ -~~:~~.~W::1~1;;;:';;:~re:":~ P'R:'O' .. D' U;CTI.ON>IS.'..F.~~~ ~~R:<. O. f~F':T ":~ ,'Flrllt Ahrtr breaks flee,'Saar trap , . I' , ' "I eli' Forest . . ' . . , ," IJ ~ ebs. grlp~d .by EAM March 19-Russians open ,drive in . , .,1t: ,n ' Hungary. '-cJl1i~~l '#te On ELA.';l in March .20-Saar gef~nslts aOllapse, By STERLING F, GREEN , ~ i .... ' many prISoners taken. With the crack-up of Germany, moving. Other industries will fnAJ; fe{ R'u s s i a sign roi.~arch 2~dL!lst Nazis, west of Government a~d Indust~ got tbeir fu~ production faster.....' i; 1 e ~ll s ancue ~et. .u Ii "/r~e hCru:., ~N" S ~ t u . pre.arranged flash to' start the l! next step., after to01~l:1g-ufJ .,.i.,'j 'nnan 00 'nLer-o...e - ......-rc "'-.:-'-ew, oVle o...enSIve l>ohderous swihg into an ~'c6nomy is ~'!iUifig the InGu$~rial 'piR~Ut)~~ .~. 'RoTth. in Silesia. _ " Gears and mQtpl'S WIll be made In I. '!Ji ,e~"~lteircl' C.zec~, hub Milrch 22-GeneraJ. Patton makes half at war, halt of peace. advance for late,t manu-facture ot ; \ .' ~ 'd t,o;t b' h new Rhine crossing.' Ff.rst loosening of ,wattim!t busi.' 'cars, refrige,f'atets .and' :Wasp.i~,g ~ ',,':,; "nun I eu reac as " .' h' 1 ill d" 1 ' " ;'{5 Nazi diviSions, March 24-Rh.lfle ,cros~ed on wide ness aontrols can be expected, im, ma~ me~; p~t)m n-g an. .,eat nt . ','j. : I . T';ege', eho,,'rcled front a.t four n_=ew point.s. media'tely along with the liftilig' eqUIpment WIll be brought back,)@, ~ 'i /: "". .. , '. " .' be ready for revived construchon ,'t, $;~ g-Jile'reply "Nuts" to March. 2~Nl!w Rhme bridge- of sueh mmor Jl'l'Itafi-ts as the mid- activity. . ^ \11' d 10r sUrrencier headS WIdened. i ht f h 'b d . 11i! on~'J'l,~r~kes at s~uth- March 26-RU$,siai'is start :n_w n g cur ew, t e ' rown-out" an, This means a comparatively fast ' . '~ulge;" f60d anll. med- drive in Slovakia. the closing of race traaks. relaxation at the steel mill, foundty '9, T~dt.oppP.d to be$ieg!!d March 27-Russillns cross Czech Within a: year; it Is off,iclally pre-' and parts produc~t level:-the..eatl:9 ;;..1 frontier. - , dicted, factories will be mllking stage~ of productIon, ~hlch w111 be .:tl to peacetime goods at Or abOve, the the fM'st to feel. the bIg cutb,acks. ~~ March 28-German western front 1939 rate. ' This will set the stage for relaxa- . ';;'1 in armies disintegrating. \ But the start will be slow, The' 'ti~n at ~ntr.ols' on .an industry.. . '.:~ March 28.....:Russians drive for Government foresees a struggle all WIde baSIS, when the war cutbal:kl '. ,/P', Vienna. the way to "V.J" Dlly (the day of become dee, .enough. '\ ~ ''$or March 29""':Allies join bridgeheads, victory over Japan against the na- No onle ,nQW Is ,ready to guess , ,. .,~::. set Ruhr trap. tural tendency of business to p~egg when they will. be "deE}p enol.!4h." \ ~. . March 3o-RUssians enter Austria. for ereater freedom, It reconver- Experts fotesee a 12 percent drop , " , ,1945 March 31-Ruhr trap closed on s~on goes too far or too faSt, off!. .in munitio~s deI~veri.es, ,in, the firs"t '!I,{.:, ; '13r.' 'eiilt,:..a flve.mOnth~' 'i- 40,090 'Germa.ns. c181s fear 1t might hinder .the sl1s- quarter after V-E Day, increasijig '.,fltj . lo". M tained assault upon Japan. to 35 percent-and possibJy ~5 Q'r. ~,~ tfei; "iWaI:ns Reick wiJ,l not April ~- ~ntgomery trapping TIN'" S R IN 50 peroent m the tirst a1" N vy ~ "~,"'s 'a'n/other year Qf '''iIt'. Germans In Holland. CO"N Ur.D T.'" ., . . -:. . .ye '. .:. 8: ." .: I ., t:.. \ . . t wUI shipbuilding WIll droI? Sll peIlcent "" " . . ,. ..I Jfi.. ..Sw-asbou.rg . offensive, April ~Russian spe!lrhead deep . The mar m the Pacl IC "CO~- ,by !he end of this yeal:,' reg,ardi;~s ,,~jl W'!H'llil€s ii1.to'Fr~nce" in Austna. tmu~ to tax our economy, . said Qf. V:-E nay, IInd. mercha"'t, ,ih_- ip. ,,"~"'1 ~, 'I' ..' , . _ . . u ' ChaIrman J. A. KrUll .of the War d" ...., ., ..ah~ repU!Se p.erman App,l 4.-Na'2IS fall back toward Production Board in a V.t ,Day DUll mg 60 pereel'lL . y .. ' k ~} BUdApest. Berlm s last s~nd., warning. . 'S)>OT' PLAN' FIRST ' '. ! a.zl~~:retreat frcom west- April '~M 0 s cow denounces "No vast diversion of factories Until wtlOle indu;;tries can' be -.: ,~11 ~1ia~8.1i , :Russo-Japanese nelitrality pact. to civilian' goods' cat! be,unde1;taken turned 10Qse. the familiar "s}l'ot" . , J.li[assive liew Russian April S-Russlans force way into at once. The reco(lversion must be l'eoonversiob pIal'l, 'llimpLified 'and, ':1 sLv!!, starts." Vienna.. more gradual than I we hOl2ed for streamlined, wiU be,' the m'ajol: ~~l , and Brltilh ceas'! April '-Yank!! seize huge Nazi last E:all, but we will '. ~ltimateiy means of l'eoonveI;sion. It~ will "let ! ."1 . . gold cache. g~t. ~ack to the pell.'cetiJ~e level of f~ctories re-enter ,civil.ian I?rddUoa ;I-~, .. .~~I! an ~l retreat A' ril _Holland Na2:is cut off cIwllan ma~~OIcturlllg" . '. tlOn one. by qne as war cohtl'Mt , ,I;!~,. ,gll. , fro;: R icb. The t?wermg 1945 produetIon cancellations thl'eaten to c!i'u,.. sOllt- r'i'~7, L-" as. t..ke W:auaw, . ~ job, e~tunated' at $6S,OOPJobo,oqo downs and scattered,pol?ls oedjdl~ ,'I~',<'I .Jl.1,~~.mHes of German AprIl 10-Hannover falls to U.S. when the year olil\lll,ed, :wm taper, wOl'kers. ;" ~ 1 , ",' Ninth Army. down to an annu~l r~tli of' arou,nd "If we do ,.n -thes'e thinN~ iii_IIi." ,ji~~ W'c;liXli'lIfges Germany . ~prill1-Br1tish o?-n Italy often- $351000,OO~.O~0 WIt hI n t w e I v e gently. we should be abr~ il0' wJt'e . },',~' , . . ' : ' '. .. SIve. months, It IS c~culated. . care of essential civiIlan needs alid .: ~~ slgn~ at,l111stice. April ,12-;-'l(anks cross Elbe, last N.ew lIutomob~les. ,refr.lgerat.ors, p&form mqcQ. .of the .work .~$-"":'i tJilvad, Sll~sla. Berlin barner. radIOS ,and washme matl.hm~s-JUst sary to get readY for' tae r~fiItn: o'~. ^ IJa~~~ ~~l~~es war on .April 12-Franklih p. Roosevelt memorI~s for three 'years:-'ln most of soldiers lookmg for jobs:: X~g" . ?~~" , ". '. d . dIes' Harry S Truman assumes cases WIll actuillly be on sale by asserts ,t , ~ , q1'QlS the 01 I Polish '..' ...' . ,then '., . '_ "C\ - l'!'er.fn6ns .dh East preSIdency of umted States. B' . ~f' . 1 t. 1000000' Over a pe1;-iOd 'df Vll!eks, ani!'" "I ;'~ /.~. '. . .. 1 . y o~ ICIa as .mate, , ,war b r^ . - . . 3" ~ ,....,r"" " ~. :j Apr~ 13-VIenna fal s to RUSSIans, workers will lose their jobs in the ~Q~t.hs. a, o.u'~ 3,,\1 of tpe 500 or~e~s !'~t,'l~ I II :r;eacb....~~. Oder A~rIl 16-~uss launch large-scale next six months. Their idleness lII?ltlpg Cl?Il1an goods llIanWii\ct,!!re I,ld:'i' _u. " .' Berlm. offenSive. .. should be brief, Krug. and other wi,ll be dro)[lpe;d. L~st, Fal~ ~t W~s :'i-'fil jrs~.Jlt)Inches West- Apnl l8-U.S. 1.hlr~ Army drives officials believ~, pecause .civi).lan pl,anned to arb!? ~f1e 3~0 autc.>ml\,~:' '~1.1 .- I "',,., into ~ze.ohoslova.kIa.. . . manufacture. WIll oller more jobs cally o~ 'V -E ~a~\. ?U~lhg the _W.l~: , .,;:: .: ~fee '.. .mee~ at Apnl 19-L e lJ~ Zl,B falls, Ruhr than there wijl be W'orker.s as .long tel' perIOd of ~i'\ll1taJ:y seWa~ks ~n " ";.' . _ .. " :., _\ _ I P?cket 11ll1asbed )n greatest Yank OIS Japan ~tays in tpe fightipg. Eufope, glq~m! ~fflcl'ills, saJd . no / ' 'i! . ut 'tAte~ l:1ea.rt ,Of ~Iotor)'. Many, other worke~s will stay in ~l;lch ~umb,~r ,GO.ulq be,,~ropp,ed m,~il . ~ i~'.j " '~:, !. '. .' their present factories, produiJipg Japar:ese ,O?~,ll.~S"l!. The, eal'l1!r, t)llln . ~':>'I ,,~l! cr,O~s~~ ~ure for ~he pulillic ~nsteaci of Hie AI'lJlY now ,IS tevlved,; in ~lower temp.o.' " 1'J;~ '~~~~~Je iro,nt: md Navy. .. ltAnONIN.G ~p >CON~~U~, . ' , .:'\1 ~;,,:!.a 1,1 n c he s Plans ~ere overhauled thIS l:jprmg The vast web of; oinJiust~aJ- toPr. ,,'~'~';r.l.l ~~s~v"e..., : for "pel'lQd one:'~the sta.se of pa~- frols called' ".C~"-fh.;e copt4:6i}.l~'!l' :?;'iJi.rl ,elae~~ern Po tlal reconversI0p, lastl.ng until' materials plan ,fQl' ,rlltlOrt1ng ,S~"el. (:', ' '~~il .-! '~bo~~e- Japan's defeat,......aI'J9 ,so~'t ,!piQor dopper,ana ,a!u~1l},in~.,1Ii~~emein' >'}'4;1 :~,. , e "so ~ steps already h~ve been taken.. in ,~?l"ce fl?~.1i tljl1~.. \V:F1~ ,lilS~~...' ,'i,.}( ~ laD to,1ft d Th~ l.utomoQlle iD~q~try, fOl:~' n~g~ceg, nOweYe~~:t~~.i"Yill~ ,,.l~,~.i'(!''i :" " . s, i-, . ,,'I e s stance, has been. a u.thoni?~Q. ~o plao.e, rrr~ls" to ma)te 'CIj:if~a~' pl:!!j, :~. \1~). '~ ': :..,,~ 1200 . 'oI!def'~ for $50,000,000 w1lFt,h .9f"hi~ ,~ :after comp'l~'1ing all"otders '1) .!_",:",~~,,;~~f IlI.l:ll ,~~n...: ' ol1ine\' 1;0018 a'i;d . ea'(le.iin~" p' anf t'h' ''''''/rp, "",. '1"'~ 'g'V 0.,' ";l".r:':. , I I, . ~' ' , ,,".., ~:r~ e.....". p.1.9 ,h:(> J. ' "",. I . ~"l . I eq ~ .. 'Emt. Deh~e' ';:.yo, rd~", ' e, '11il'puglf € ,. ,~" -~S au th t J '-r \ .':J) t .. IJ ~ , ... ':' ,:'.,.,., . '. liee 0 se en '~," ' ,;. .:, . to~inA\.U'~ iloP~ ,i''Qn,.Cor- ~. , a1;ll. 'Ill~t> l:l lOt I' , '~ -', .:-" :It. ~ .1 I , L J ,....~. j :\ I '~ .. _ i. , . ... ~ ,I'.! ,_ . I: ~.' r.~'o . ~'l':-'I ~' . .\v: . r. '" 4'~ ~ .'~r' f.u\ ~ .: J'~ I:, .'~Ir.. ~L-"'!~ '~.'" 1 ~tI . Y , ,.,'..,.._"..~~~~..;I,'J:.~:',.~.,'.c.'1i}'~I' "i~.t>'~''i'' , ',. < _ _" ~ " ' ,,! . . i . , L'" ,., 't' I; '" '.' -.I.:" . ~ ~ "' . . t f \ c.-' . .. .. .. r' t il ... . - t ~ 'I t ~, · '6tl~;', ., ~fvint.l Standa~,<,lM'IN .A:NQ4~At!S:' }+~~r~'I~r~:lli):.f~ili';'~~' "';~"~':'.D I I~ .'l' ,}~"!'MAY,ASJ( ExdpTitlN"i~ \'I ~c ;;I~: .,< .,,,.l~li~~",::~U~, OOfllS, ':!TQ. r.0.UlNrf:I'[ ~U'\E'::UP"t~$en..,}t, " BELL' '~SIGRID ARNE . \:J .\JV ~~I ~,l , ' I " . )~. ,. .C'orl'eSp-o?d~nt A8S'~~~~d, Pt:iss C?l're.l'cmd~~t ' " 'By '~~~R~,Ll:W1S " By t~e Assocl,a:ted Jis' .' 1l.:.~'1 !-t.fi,; ~~~duped tod'a~ for "trance, Al!\stralia and Canada are Asso9iattd. :el'~' Opl'respondent The Um!ed Sta~es So'pate 1n!!7 ..' 'iIf~gai.'nSt ~the tbig ta~ing:the lead h~re i,n't~~ demand' Latin.,Ame~I~~H'd'ele~!tes 'to the deci.de ,fin~ly:whether there 'lsJ;~O~V.t.:,'~ '. ' It .,,';k., that an e~onomlc coun.cl: of th,e WOl'ld Se"curit-y ~Qnfer!lo!1ce are pre- be any Umted Nations organiz~tio"fto~': X ; c;._,,\1Ve..,SIX non- United NatIOns have l1etil1,lte poy:e): ...... t - t t . ,t ~,(" 1S dy:tbe prQjee.ted t'6 rai!;e: the, wprld's living stindatd paril'lg 'to explod~ ,tli~' delicate i",ue 0 _pre~el've u ure peace. ' I" - .\ }' I<~'~, ~'tjiL.Ofi the basis and ifnPtove l~or coftditibns.' "Of .in~el:4\tneticani ,r,eia\iOl'ls '\,Vithin . SI'~,llarIY .any othei" one of !he ~I'I\~' . ~ 1'1 i(S' the war' 'i'he o~i~iilal provisions fox,an"e'co- tne w4J,rJd 's'ysteEhi' '1'Q.~y'~may' pro.' BI.g Fwe~Brirtain, Russia, Otiina'i~d' ~ '~~. ?" \rq~atio?-. 'no!!pic coun~il, writt~n at ,th.lmb~r(~POse 'to{iay ;l{ji, ,~m.e:~dme.lJt" ~l1icA F:an~e-could have the fm~l w~~~;..... ':~~~, a!l~,ns f~~t-,the t09-. Oaks, In Washll~g.tbn :bY !I'1e ,wauld e~~pf,nhs hemispher;e from Th1,S development le:l;1erged'< ,as!" ,;t'io\ ,W~es wo,u.l.d t1mt~~ ,States., the, Unlt~q Kihg/Wm, the nurrtbad6fi Oak' . ." t deleg'ates,ex,amlned Dumbarton~' ;.J'~ Some. of th.eJ.i< ~~!Hha MP China, bav$! peeq du.bpe4 _ ~ -, ' ,'J,; s :x~q~U'e.men Oaks amendlnents which go beta . \~ f:1 e.l;illalll.-of' ~eJ(~'!i .;too vague" ~y several' d~leg_ate.s~' th~.t ~e..S;1~~u;-~t.r:~q~~~~ :~~l]?!o~e ~~ :inter;rrational conference c~~ ~~. .~e~tct .,t1J.ei:t, rne~e~W'as htUe change tn the 'thg 'tibc, use. ot, ;totce ':b.,ID;Ugpput,,;tbe mlSSlOns today for study, .c }. 1 . ,,~ 11.\, ~l1e lI1,ne~' Fo:ur~deas about ,the .~ollncil wn-el1iwodg;,'. ': , " Sponsor<'lQ joint,ly.by the, Unjt~ '..~/~ ~,o.:Jd League ,tlJ;t!y, aanoooced the cliarter ~mll<r:\(l,- l'I!Ia~v if ijl r;n,ti ~; H,~" ",. StaWe,s, GJ;eat Brlt,ilul, RU~Ja. auil.o\ t , ,~,,~t m,liitai.Qi J1l\~l1ts 101; whiC'h they.. would stana. " iI~, 0 '. ~ 'i 3}S iJre _w.s_'^' "'~ C1tma,. un.e proposal S<lYS; " ' ,', ~ . ,S:P.0\J~Gtjng 9ie, _ As ,the Big: Four '~ol1jgihalli vwr.ote o:~< tlA~' U,S:, ~~al;n.:~t o~ ,re,' "The 'Pre?ent c,h~rt~r c?mcs ill'la.. .~'f }lg. ~lt~ France, p~~ Jllan.. 18 NatlO~~ .W'o\ll~ be, gio~al ar~pg~~tsf 'pu~Ilsb~,d 'Sat:' force olter Its ,ra,tiflcatlOn m accota- ~'f "I , ~~el1:t menibers elected to the econO;J1i\Jc COU~la I;>,:\,: l!ltday.' T)'iis Would-leav~ bperation1 anM wI~h. theJ."r respective, constltu"V."v;~ ..,.' . tlpe i~l aSsembly of Natio!)~, 'l,'heY'bf ~.:.' t l:-"'ti:h'r'~" ~. t,ionfl Pl;'o~~s~e~ by meI;J)bers of the.~' " ~ted'<lY that the l.ha- wo.uld have the rigbt to t;t~e rl'!'e- suc .. !?!}.C~ s: ;'~~, t ? er Fu~s1<a'_h~ ol'€;l!..ni~llti6,h~a..ving p~r!ll'!'l\Elf.1!t se, ts ~: ',!\l. .of (l\lJY, ~Pition's con- ommelildatl.ons (tbe provlsio)ls' dQ cOI1ClU ..ed ~?h}IS~V.e~J Na~I~~s, 91-, on,:tb~ secunty counCIl 'an,8:'J.:.::~C I,~ '" I tc1iIUre peace and}lot sf!Y to Wbom) on ecomomid. 'sd- reoted aga,l\l&t Sel'tria-ny, ~ee lll'on'l. D1<i!1fority of tbe other metI1beot;*,:,d.t,. ~'Iti .be i!leasured in terms cial ar13.~ ,h~man~tatian.:.m'*t~s. They Secur~~,~o:ti.~~~~~n1ie,t;,,:e~t~bfl. How,j tM ,orglln;izat'ion," '. . ,.,~. ~'r ;,\ ,~, !las.given and con- woUld, do studies io'f tl1e security ~v,c.r;, l,t p1akes !10,~iiOV1:~0)1; Jio;-tIte }n-<ter,xp~ of ~'PtrlCan p)'ocequr~ l,,~' " ,in bril1ging complete council ,(l~e. ce?tral ai~~ncy of the t?t,er-t. ~_ _iY.~~~," <l;s:{set ~o~t~ ~){i~tt~. said t~ls means ~bat ynll!SSt ~, ."';~ ,:,A*i,s. Later ~ome wClr1~ orgamzatlon) b1it~only ;On',re- at ~he ~~c;e~t e~'C.o. eltY.;' cqJJel''' f'^:9....t1;W,ds. O.f ,thOse voting IIi llh\.r;:, -:c' 1 ~e worked out. qpest.: I' I enoe.,:' "". "~- , . ,'.-' Vm'1:ed ~t.at,,~..Sert~te \lPPTove th~,~,~" ( ~S 'oUT 'Now the ..French are 'asking a pro- Oplhl9.ru Withi~ .the Arij.edcan' *,,,atY,by, ,wlt]cj1 thiS oouri.t'ry wciultt ,_.. 1-" jj ~ ' "'t _ <, ..' visio,p toat ,^:ould empower tfi,e eco- af1ega\ibn' is 'und~ersiood to Be' dl~ ~d4,n~ tl1el;,e JVw'l, be np itLterha.g~n~':~ '.,11fi' ~~renGe. experts ~ald ~hls nomic council to press for aotion in vlded, 9RI'p.ow.'!iif. tAe ,U,Sl sNluld ,'0l1gaDl'za,tIPn."'0ne-thlrd of:the se~1l;~,', ,'.,t~~ II "' ~o,f;Il~ ,hav~ the 'practl~a1 the sec1:lrity ~ouncir whenever' the go to "sU'ppm.t> tHe' L.'atl~s' "demand' t;or~ votln.g,J plUs one.. can. k,i~! it. '~"l!' . ,:;jf.' ~. ~a,Gll~~~Na.1i~(!)ns:Wl,tP small econ,J>IDY, specialists feel th'at. s'ome tb~t t~e M!1:~~~r!fqIL 5~teP'l., f~e li~~~f.h,er' Ol'.l}ot ,the other Nat!QP!::':~; ,'~" s, fe:-: econ6mlc r~so~7ces cohditirn .of worl~ traCle,' Or -eX" firmly' estaolis'h'ed here. ~!.E:e, to. th(1' ,amepdment, thl!, ;~'Ig" < /i:~J. tibal c\lIt~ral contrlbu- plaited labor, or difficulty over buy- Lati~ 'Americans 'said 'they' woulc1 ~orll;, thus~ hav() p1:lt tl}~l:nse'l;ve's' ~'.;,.: '~~'Vi' Yc. ~~JsI~e tI:~ ~l1nks ,in$ .raw. materials, t!);reatE!ns the carry ':'their : ~e~,est' 'tb Pr.esideIlt 'tec,or~ tl1at 'tl1er,e .wil~'15e n~ f\!~re:~ 1'~~ Q.~nq.tL. mem,)J~rs~p. I, pelice. . Tfum~n,.. t~ll}j'tigl hil'Q .th&'y 'feeL !pat. ~,~gue ,of !,.artlpns 10 .}Vh!<:q,. ~t~~'f,~ ,:n .t <:;,ub~ <lna ;Lt!;>erla, as AustJ;alia's foreign m.harster, li.e~ the Ui?}'ted 'state'll w-ould "!3e I!olng lJm~ed Sta.tes d.<?es not parVcHl~,t!!...ti "t~~ Ig!it ._en,coun~er gre~t bert- Evatt, is aSking tbat the eco- back"?11 ;its 1YIe~ico ,City 1>lec{ge if <}S a -:full and actllle Illember, 'l',::r~lJ \' I~I l:\itld~ng ag.alill'St theIr n,?mic council receive ann\iaI reports it ~ left the' "l!ISe 'pf force in fhis Reportedly appr9ved ,by th.E!I il1il~ J;, ,~~ I' .' .!o/.such se,ts: ,from alL United Nations on what hewi'spliere 'fa the ';aPli111ov'~1 of the ~o~r, at the l~slstenoe, of 's~w~!ii,',;': ~'\ . irlmaIllly' to sabsfy the they haVe tlone to improve the con- Secu1;1tY Council' wnere each of the Oli,el~n Corrumssar iiO~QV.' th~:...:: <~ ~116ld rriddle, States ditiQn "'cif working peQple. That~o- Big -.Fiv.e has a ~etQ. :. . : amen. m,ent wouJCI hav~. 'e effe!t .a~ r '. "'~ ,eseliltatiot\ ~an th.e vision is understood to have swong GUitier.mol"Belt, CUban ambassador telaJf,lng a~fual. ~otmaf qn~,'.o.f "~p:e~'{ , ' l.it! ..1ll!le" amendment oPPQsition from Russia. 1 I to W'a~hington,' who !riay present ~e;:r~e rnt~~ ~~e d sen~i6: '!!~$ ffs1'ti; ~~it' ~ !,:<>:ls: a hardship 1~ . the pr9Po~al. s~id he I, considered tre~t vathe l~~ ue oesn I;atiiy- t!ae;,," '. I!, "-rnlsp.her~. " Acclilsed T eac'her Suicide that '~the i,n.ter -~'meri.can sys~E!'!TI s1'ar{' ,g collapses at. tbe, .\, :'f. t . g IS that the, ,must 'ft\nction WIth comple.te au- ,'.L - ' ,~ '.,' ded into thre'e ~e..SAD~NA, May 7,-(U,p.)-When t?n011llY wit~jn'f.1e 'World drganiza-' - ' ' I";f I qlly-rouiihly. ,:su- he faced' arrest on a roora~s charge, tlOn pn everytlhng' J;Ql'lcerning ex- Luncheon to Honol' " ..~ . ern Hemispnere anq Dalbert Ellsworth Charlton, 50, cl1:lsiveily ih.tef-1\meric.an subjects:" " . c , '+1.\11; )~resent plans each Glendale Junior High School, Cj!lntrbv,ersy is expected to de- Norwegian Delegates ,'~ . ~~ n1 two of the. non- taechel', end'ed his life -by l:Sreathin'g velop, since Fr;adiGl!' ( Brillain' 'mid" ". " '! . _ _ :'. exhause.NUmes from his parked car, other Natiql'is,are al~o' se~J{il1g spe. ~oi"wegia~ re,pJ;esentatives at ~he '"f D . police 'reported today. ciaJ. region'~1 po~el's,: '. ULllte~ Natlpns Conf6fenee on Ifi-' _,', . _ J , .. ., . '.. teJ;nahonal Organ1zatlOn wlJl be' ./ l;! W~stern H~r;tlsphere, , , , , I . - , ' , bQrlored at a dinner Friday in the " 0]. ~qe Bnhs~ com- D d FI' 'U t f N' " f Hotel Claremont arranged by the' . '-! a~(!)r:s, wauld have \ : ea le.r" .Ase a \ e-ws. 0 Cali,fo:nia .!l'hapter o.f ~he American' . \ '9,1d' for one ,of the \ ' . , f!,.' '- " Scandmavlan FoundatlOn. '.lmy of the Latfn-" : . , ~ ,': ' " ' Speakers will include Dr. J. c. 'i. j' !~~. Br,a!3n, W~ICI1 W"f~' M · ",_, '0 'f C bl' Hambre, president of the Norweglan, '\"- s.~rth.efl.ghtjigamst' 'I ,~ S ~rrla' ge" '9 'S' 'a... '8 Parrliament; Dr. Otto TijommesSen ' ,", ,!i!-~ w;oU'lcI De secon~ . "V . ~II) _ " ., ,.', , .: ' - -,', , .~oupcilor before the Supreme Cotlr.t, ). ""... -.:1 i ~ ' . 'l " '. ' .' ,,' of 1'l'orway;.Dr, Karl Evang, dj.rector., . . e y~ ,in' t4e ba,Ck. C~r.;CU'PTA, M:}y 7,-(JP)--~iel1t, When she' learn~d:'h~ -ilM hus- 'of.1>u,blic health in NorwaYh-al'ld: "" ,:' lli~~ ~dlfao~l:~: {IaroHi 'w. Q,o?d,' 27, comber 'pl!ot ~and, 'Lieut. 1{ar.old'~i'Goad, 27,itill Dr. l!an,s, Olav" pre~s a~tach~ a~, the 19h-leyel' n~gotia- frpm J?ortsmouth, Ohio, whose wife l~Vetdh' ,:MRr~". M..*Do~e1~ cabled biJ'O ~~rw~~an, ~mb~SSY 10 \ Waslil~g- :~. . , t.. _ ~L_ J _ "", ""L' ., " ' at. ~ 'In,goun hOSPItal 'wIlen! he ", .',' ' 1l:o,nowsugges,euremarrled after he"was'g.ec!a.redhadbeen't6"ld()'f-her'l'~'" ig:.l ;<' ',' ,~, ' . '... s.o WQuld have' a " _ '. . - ,r marr a e.' , ..' . , '. , . fh f t offICIally qead by the',War Depart- "DadJ:ng am' sa 'glad t.o bear yo Do I ..I i R ~ . :t 't~ g~O~ ~~~t~V~~ '!lEfut, says he wants io, talk with are ,alive. ' WIi~ .se~Qt Y.'ilU ,soap.: ~ '. '~~.F~~I ,e"~?,a~, I : ,~.';. ; " ratic foreigrl and per 'before hi decides what course lev~ you\lW:it!1' !11l}n,X he'art." . Ehn,e' With Gener.a ,.,.'1 ',1'f.1 . " to fopow. ',' , But.spe 'alSO'IS ar:XiQUS t6lmessage INNSEl~UCK, Austria, May 7,- I~,; I 'el'JIla;nent m,emeer '1" u.ld rk.e t g t. t le; it E?is, :Roberf A., M~DoweB, ~auge'r- (Yp)-'Mflj. ~G~. Ant'hor,ly-,e. MeAu- , ',I" .. s;.1, ttie B~itishi call. ;~O\\!th 1 to ~~ ~jfe" \I,;;~2d~\ ~tS, !%if';" :wh~,? ..sJ;1e r,r~~d ,las; ~~et fclhtef l'\uts-to-the-G.el!iP~8!:;; I,., .~, _ be. bi'tl.d'ing "I~, j,\'lst can'l decJde. aJi'lythiriO'. until; '1~:'.r'11e.rJ:r:h.~e~ a;t ~f f~tJ;de.r o! ~astogne, haa as;'d&nl'!.,~,.;':.1 :~ ;<", ,'fofl.,tw,O 'I ~aik tQ. b~r " -, , ~ :':fj \' . "1 ~w.as; f'j .e~ w g esterday. former 'Fterl -,~ "\t.. J1 'grtion' " d" i'l . ~ I,' ...;-- < 'e'll: ~0l-'ea", (\, d0 ' '~. .;\l'. ,,:s. ,'s, P. a.? . e:c~ last: ,- .. .,It BurMa ~~ t wa wbisky. '.--r,;', ' . .1.. _ _ ~ ~ "'11 l~ f; . ~ ,.-,. ';:--," .~ # ~ . 't I~ . . ~ ( . - ..~.;~r\1~-~ -.-- "3t ~oa,..t:f ~...'. "J! ..~ . RIIUn. ~" '~". .".' >f,~ 'NotjU$t )t~~,'1 .'.' ":1.\C ,ear hair. . -.., ,l'~r.~. It . i t i v. r.\~,tJ', I ,~ o f \ling haJr, .. F. fro", ff a.tc~y'.c.IP' , d.ndru ,I bl P' rfee. r...on. '1-', , "' -,I . ilIA 11011 , ,. 'f.REE llAMa,; ',' . '. ,.. - /. , d'Q\....,' B~; ,.~ ': ""',~I I~ 1" .n11i~~', ';, ."" itaelr' !l~il'*'lal~.nt . Mlgate .: Rom;"aU"bl~, ' '5~56 ~ <'51i'7J~t~"', ~ ;- I ~ ,,, . 1 ~ ~ 1rL.., :-;, HOBART AT FRANKLIN, OAKLAND 'O,PfN THURS"AYS'r'O"'; .,). . . ~ ' ~.. ' J \ i 'iL -,r , , , '~, , (.' ',\1. .......1. ., , : ' . " :.ll' '~ , . " ./ ...ll ,"' '~I. '" \ -f / " -4 " (I . r~. \ ..1 '. y , tit' ., ~.\ 'I 1; ~::: , lo.~ \' ~ : ~. j i. .. ~~l . . {l i ~""1 ~ . ~t , {. ;..... ~ < r.~ I ,'" /~ r ..~ ,: I '''~:l ,...:~ ::',: ,: "1~: It" "~j,,, ". .~.. .' :",~;.~ ;.~ t~,.j ....)' ... .,J.....,,: ,. .. ' .....:i-'f. " ~. ''', ~ , '.'~ .' '1 , . , ~ ' " ,~~itf '.', J , . f ~" '7 }j.~ .'l.tl o .> ,t:\1, . /:\:\r,: " ~ . 1~i I l... , '.. ~. f ~}: ~ , , " ' -,', ..\ ~ ~\ .' 4lo\:" " , , i' :.':" 'I, .'r. \"' ' .-,l,ojI , . - (, -,,, ' . , ~. u \,~ . :.~~_ l . ~'r.hl': 'p ~I ~ ~,,_~~,;';. - ,.' I ., .. .~~.. ';i...' \ I j --"tr'<~r- ~\'_f\-I' "111~;'ij'-!,\, I~\.. I . iJ ' .... ~ '!I . ~ '~ ", Ii J '.. I' 1$- '1 ~':;,)\ ~ oJ,),~: 1:\ I I~. t,~_, --;'~~, .... ~~ ...~ft.~~;t \0 ~.ll t;11; ,";1 '. l\~~).. .":J~\loj' ,I l'~l~~'(~~,. . ~ ( ~..~ I ~ Ii''" 11).?"-'._~\ Ja.~41 "111'-_- ~ ,,;.. ~.rl~~'.l.".l;' .~~,',I' '" r., .t~ ~~ ~,f..(; I irr.~ff ',~.\;,!!;jlM/~()\}~~ I ):.1.';'1, ,',: ....,; ~ ~" ~. .....l't, L'i..., ~.~l~"/~ I Ujl~..:'f.- ~-{~#lr'} . ~ J"~ .It ~~J .:.... \\ .. ''1011~(lr f~i "';9!~ ,II ~11.,v 1;- .,.',\1 ..'f.~..7 'J1'Yrt, to _;:;2l;ltl"'\.)Il~'E"': il'",__, ~ r),~ .J ' 'c,' '-' . !',,~I ,,-.l -, :,-'t;'~-~"i'" f~~' ,.. r" ,,;, ,';>'\ ~ ~ t~'.,' ~ . i' L ~, . , ,,\',' ;", pll . ": '~', >"" ,~,,~ P", ,,'~IT~, ;,.~" , ~. ';Bl'AIN CALLS: MAD ISQN;r\,' Auto:!ii. \ MORE NEEDED Emplo~moof' ~{' OEI:ki.~.iTllbuhe, ~~~y, M,;y,~, 194~':: ~:':':;,~~:' ,B ; '. -I., ~ ;.",.,.." ;'-k..' , ~~' f' ,':" "...'Tr~ 'v (tTJr:AN 'hl,A,UJC ' ,. " >. i' '11 ' -). ~. 9"'''' , I" C" "~ .4~i'~ :fr" ' ~i(- mLS WH~ HE' 'Q'tJIT ~s~,~~' .>::, 'For"'~"iD'~.~I,4,'~, "' '" :;J;!~I{I" ";IU ," .' ..' " , " '7::',', ~'ax" c~ '<, li!'"'- '. ,,J; , ' " 'Ji.'iiiif' ,;'.' ' d Iill'~ ,lip """"" ,wIlLi""~ Women Drops' ~ , :, ., .. .. ~ .idJ., ':,' :~~" ~* ~;~' ", " ',' , \:~,L:",. ' " , ~,r~ ~h.orwahds..of wOI;ker~ ',' '. \ 2ND ~'. ,:l!.I ~I "=-t-' '_~" ,-'" '~,J,t'll-, -J'-'". , .-,. -.. BERKtr..1i:Y,'~laY5.~B ~!1~rltlda estern.warfn- California shipyards, aircr'alt WEEK ,,' ", A:DYENT .:t.{il 4~1 I t 1\:JI' 'D ' c:- WHA -"~S' 'nn"~" to(lay were a:sk'ed:b~~tl 'ang suppl~ actiyities, it was ' "" , . - -- -, .xC.TEM ' 'j~ ~'~:)~J, "~~ ~'~#Vl,any il:~ectors, ~QYS ; '-~:~,.;'~ :',:~~~~~. ~~~C~~e%C~v.~IJ:1: ~~;~_~?:~:'lq~'::t~:~aI:io~:~ ~~~;tso~n~~::~ ~~~::: :~ea:r~~: ~ to ~'O~! ,., ',' " ~RI~i.IN~'D.R~ :.c~\ c-: J ~~ ... " "I , '" , j~ qQ' ~N' rfln~ .:. S(rri.;.ft i"'tl:i" and visitors' to lite' 'ail . . " creasing rate, it appears from the & '0 J i till " i;~;~,~." "~ 1~'~:~. Ha' '1, Wa' lker- W-I-Il' "~ ',,: ,,:",~~~~~ ;7J;~~'..wa' Un1t~d' Na,tiop~ ._ao~t&!'~hc.! . ,g,::hat, 'Yorkers ,m~~t sta~ 'r.!!port at March empl~yment .by I SAb" r.~. ^, T l\..r " J "_,'" ,,' ',~.' fj(?'~Jlc~'"j'" ,,,,," Jt f .., f """ _e,3ab tOflll1sntheJob, F.W. ..".' 'ND .~ , 4,' _~ ~ I ' .. ", 'd' '.., t. re~4.0 .al'l aPJl"a~ ram 'el', regional di);'ectpr, s;;lid thet'e the ~abor, statlstlCS diVISIOn of the I - ",.,. ;61,:;: ~tc' I .... - -, " .' ;'. "~ :;"'~'. ) ~', :' ~'f:iEN' - '. Roger Lapjlar:rt's c O'fu,m;.~lti n_.imr,nedillte, need '{or m, ore Department of Industrial Relati,ons , . ,_~. ' - L,~ I . ' ! - Q , "," ~ charge of hospitality. ' fl -, ...)' 'lf1:: ,';e ~v'e'r- I-n Hl-S-"Pl'ac'e', <,.,i':,:-,~~,:_,: -,<,~l!'. IncreasingretlUests'fort ",-./,5IOQO,workets fOr :lklnedfnSan~'rancisco. tl ' ~O" '} '\i: . .,", ill! _ 'L-. f . . itr,aCiie;S! o..r heavy unskilled jobs ir\ _,,' , t' , ; 't~I" -. - . - '- - ,~ :1 ,---,:"-"",,,~ -..,. .f~" . tatiol1 .f<9..l,\fisitorS 1i!0 'll:lt;~pi'Oduc'tion areas of 'the f' In March, 3400/ wb'men were _..lac." 1)1 .' " it,~1:, ..1;\';: <, ,..... " , ':~ ~,' ,i:Sq'~J:etT'~~~Ug?'s.I~ th'l) ,ho~or countries ,deSiring to .1JE:e - ,.... lve d d~ f ' ,. 11.' al!ll~~ I , '.'7~f,l;,,,,~:::. " By WOOD SOANES . , h ", '~l~$~:-l$~ ~~~'l~s~rrelldo~s\ ,w91'k Ftan,cisco . 13&y p!~a ',an' \)\':.esf~i:!l:l ;::,ta!e.s. " roppe r~m shIpyard payrQ s, '.' , II" , ,1~,,~: fiT.:;':',:,;' . ~ ,',.'. _ ,". ~g!?-ti,'. ,'":::'''"t;-.;' ','" " '. nllarby POll1tS'lilf.Intl\!E!,S~~ ~;r-h,',otfice also announc~a thafleaving 23,300 still at work, oom- ~~ lIoMUItlo',PAI,L'-,: ::~:k:, ,~f~~S .~~al}~ ,~W<0 weeks age .~hls de;pal'ttnent and 0\t:hers o~~ ,F4X 06,%i/' cl~1RnGtiG~11): Yaur"s" received, ac,col'th1l>g. ~o;'l ~l1Jld be no sudden lifting- of pared to 37,200 at wor\t a\yellr' agp, . - "I · ;~_1'~ i?'i " t Wa~--l3 :>t'rrpe' ~hr.ough<?ut the. country' c\lrrie,ol,' s9.me of !he:,~,;.hf( ':P"anJ. ~<<;~a'I'. .wi<l.-' ROQe1;'t reaGh~!1g. t>l1-e! ~er~~~~x: wet:,' c9nt.rols imd no .quick In the a.irc:aft industry, t~e:e '" ':: " " :" #,;w d - ';1', tl.. -'--~L"~ eb 1;, Mt; .l~ , Bei'keleyans Wno ha . ~ ol!rWerRers. to non-war jObs were 64,700 women .at I worK 10 ~'_ ~ Mlrl!'.r~' I~:''l>;." '@,Wel'ywClrs,eroanatlng:J.Jro)n.'ne,.ParamOlmU'J!lreSSj"I.!,'l:'vey i ~:;ir~filn'l.' - ; J:,':' W"'"'' uld "'~"'l y~ !I'.e war in t1.e Pacific is won. March, and 29,600 men. Tne decrease rc t' 'A I. or . C:HAPMAN-" r.',,?"~- '. t'~T'l'li~ d "d f - ,..> d A' "lii;i",...'.~h ~!r:,~'"'. ,- L. ...1~l1CO ",e'p!lcea, -" ,....U' ~ 1'St..,'::j, ...~n ~!ll G~.1ll:yWOO , wor S G_ ,great pra-JSe cO:Q.",ernlllWg~' I ~;;p e'u ~ ~'f '!'J.P?l a~a. .~..s of the' -visliiors W:~);'e a~ .'. . was 26 per cent for women ulilder 'If.rA' AIJ61/- "....i~ < , Llr'Y'PA~~';' , ~)I. ,t..t : :~nc?h'ing ~f'the career '()f'N'p~~ Madisop.' '. <~ '~J"; ~IiISIC ~. pp;~ ~~s~8.e';.:wlth..~uii5cate by teleph€ln~ iitl 'I~ -'~t.' } St Group 1944 and 25 per cent 'for men~>. 'AIlSO ~~..' LIt eo'~r"~ , ~. ~~l' mait1y' years of s\1ccessful interpretation' of e~,ii' Fral'lce~ jO'fi 'the sl}te~l1I:,. fq'fil'iSpihg infOr-mati~ as" I ~I':er,., or Factory employment as a wh'ol,e , it La\l&1lter'r" .) '" !fit'" ' ';,l,_ '~:;;, ~ .t~l""""" 1 dr .....a' - ' . , : ~ar~ ".1;/b'or'a;te sl{aQng ahd capae'i,fy'Gf"ca -: '8' 'I: h H 'wss down 14 per cent for women 'f MUI'cl Love. an FUL ~" '~'h.'i.' " . ,~~~It ~. -.....". ple 0 a.:, s; , . '''l ~ 'pr9cltu.cHllrI: lets marK "It's~ a and.add);'ess,ordt.i~ ~ 't., ,~...unc eon ost, and 15 per cent fpr men in March,' ~ "l.BEAUTt ~i!t; r ',Mi.al:hson, Dad acqUIred Turt'l,e," "A Bell for Adan6" alto p.nlliSlifr"l:"'" ,~ ' ' ~ln,eradon.held.iilild"~ _:~~m:be-rs.'of the Lillian Podestll compared to March, 1944. Ma"'haO'DrllCOlI'N~a"B"ry~r~ . n.....ulll.t.td..'...lkt' ~~.: ' s~ni"e~lng Elii~ IG>~'aJ i'eput~tion "HaWey" wm bow. Gilt of'~eW ygtJt ~It....ni~~,~~ Russell ~nd J'ack tation wilq be a'Vailable; " ~ ssoe.i~tion :ot the Eastbay Order pI . _. , ' _ ^ . leave ino 81.0' '~il, ',' as a dIrector of short subJects, for. Uie hot Summer months, Frank Carson' a,l'e' stili the team in The champrr, s1i;l~~ t9~t ,ga ,Star will honor the IsalleUi .' I .....y'Iln,r.t.. .K.lll\Ir f' ,! \ . 't: h d 1. hi". k "R U hI'" -S"'aDk',n " wi11 be fuonl~shed Q)' MaY61' h Association 'at a Ip-Ilbh'eon Ii" ,- BUY MORE WAR BON DS . -' ~~.., II..1Ilt DJ"1y "r't:." ,SO' wortHY a ween s wor Fay, wltb a nIne weeks' "lay-aU; 0 g, ,I l~ -, ~_~' . ham's committee and ta~,d , ~ajp.rQay/ in,.'the Ci:tY Clrih ~ ., . . I " _ \ ,:..~~ t~at"ffie great men in the f~o~t of- will return to HollywOGd, He:,is'said T" & D"",n~o~~tQ~-A~tac~". g~es lSe made a member of1 fll~ /tel; 1'~tl1- and Alioe Streets.'. -I',.,j , · ' , - - 2t - ' .. - ;;ii:tlU f~ee decided to reward his eftlCleney, to be'writing a book and a'pla' ba'Gk to ti\.e RuSsl..8" fIghtIng wlth'ltS ~rtr for the autnorfzed'" - ll1ali,t'Gi'and Qfficeir-M,pud McWil- - ~ " U' Y. ~ r ~~)1" "~_'''II '. ~:"I . !"I '11, .'(,'1J:-1u T\1 tun and substance of it all · , y ", . back to the 'i\fa,ll. ,ceivmg all cou!:;tE:si,es ex~ ams' ~mith, past graNd secretary; ~ .:O)~' ' , .. J I ~ .. I": :r~; , : \ . e" s Bobby Clark has been sigl!1ea 1?y.. (Jurfan-rnM -Givic Li.ght Opera viSitors. .. . 0' Past Grand Matrons Willa Jane - '~~ .... '~ '.....4 A '. .' ~:1 I.. 1:..., t.: ' w~s that he v.:as to be e~trus,ted Mike Todd t-o atppe~r in a .M(jH~re seasoJ:l openi tbnillbt Witl\ '~The Red ' . '. .,_..:, :Hellwig and "'Kathryn Farwell will ~ - ~_... ,,~ ~ ~ ' ~ "'l.t' Wl~~ theL~irectlon of a maJor- :fIlm romp, "The\Would-Be Gentleman'r. Mill." . , .. 'Th 'D - -.J "::&..f~'l,H ~:i:'~:alsO be guests of honor. " ~ '* FBU.TVALE-:-~3rd AYE, * * 11h' AND MARlET' ,..~.,k, ~. 'Ohjl~etB~aay D\! ~ylva ~t, the saga next season. . . Judy Garl ni:l:s Gtaryw-Relen', Hayes starts an- e ne-~ '\lVlL'll'J. ~'~~'-;' ~esel':Vations may be~ ma~e with \ " FRUITVAL Ea I " , '^ O'1i~,a,i,,!~wed'N,"..eW,YorJt night spot, to sister, Dor.othy, will be .in, a ~ew Qther w_eelt ~R,'''fia1;!,iet.'' ' " . r ';....,;::,' 1€, lar~ Go~dall, luncheon ,chaIrman., -, "iE .t ~~N~/~k~~~~ STAR ALL S~~~~:\.~~!? \',.:'.', "iO- Y k - ' , , 0 It:' 1...t s:;'c ~' i, In HERE COMES THE WAVES" with UR 0 S A R I' 0" " ,. ~ ti-,ca'i-led"~e<,SklrkClub." Every- 0);' mtislcalnextsE\a~on.~.:ei1ly - , ~ , pens 1,61Ht!t)\l "~""'~f:! ' "', , ~t., ",' BETTY HUTTON an!! SONNY TUFT8-"HASTAQUELLOVIAENS~YUL~"'" - ilcm:'- was vel'Y" very happy apd Rose has fmally decided to dro'p S h - E d ~'. I' ~~""l ' Ir:II',-l' I.I~II ~ " Ll... al;'.o "DOUBLE EXPOSURE" with DOORSOPENDAILYI2NOONT6'N'~ ,1/ M'd' "Th S Vmp '^ny n s . ',; . ' . I G:nESTER MORlns & N~CY KELI,Y I - , ~ ~ _~ri-, ," j' 1/.3 verw s1.Jl'e tj)f1t Mr. a \Son e e>:en Li-:el! Arts," wJiichl'ias!l _v ' This ev.ening at the Curran' . ''''11' '.' '. L' .... E '-..- ~t~ ('\' ~d hit t~e;?u1)'s~e;e. '~fve~n~elSf,aPcPmo1UltlJ?-gtdefsPl~e its .s~af ,I . ' ater the San :'~~anci;lco clv,j~ .' . CII.AtJDETTE~ COLBERT ' '("...;:- PALACE 23rd Ave. &, ElIat }5th *, B RKELEJ ~ . ,i/i. " I .' . , 0 pam @ ",.e orJtlcs Season HerA.. Ope.ra ASSOCla'tlOn opehS'H-SI FRED MacMURRAY In "SiNCE YOU w:NiR~WA~f.M:t~ RIVOLI San pa~~ ~~'!~~' ' '? i!~e Qfl1e~ daY1f:le,te was a y~ry was the, material furl'\ishe~ the 'c annual seasptl. w:itb a, p'resen.ta "PRACYICALL Y Claudette COLBERT - Monty WOOLLEY "BELLE OF THE YUKON" ~ / llf.l';'alvaem fr6m the .flJ.mland typmg arbsts . . . Harold L1o,yd WIll re. ' _ _ Vl'ct'^r Herbe:r"'S ''The 'ned 'M ~ YOURS" t Jefinlf~r {~!"ES - & ,- Jo!eP!:,~C~~trEN Gypsy Rose LBE and Rand '},a ~~ l'" H 1 u k B CLIF1FOft'D GESS E ~'.n " 1'- - ,-, , also "NA1'IONAL BA.RN DA OF!' maern$le to ihe effect that a s me war as a mOV16 actor on Y . L R Most meiodll: 0.pe.etta df'tn ',,~," (L t TI 't 10'20) ... I 1*, ALAMEDA . JeanHeatber-Chas,Q"Il<ley_Robt,iJe /W/l.~er-. 'f.lilY ~aq just finished the June 1, when the camera starts to Orie;y; See l~d the Oa,kJ,pnd Sym- li~t of Herbert succeSses " ~ . . "~~N ~~~RICA;A':'; .. LORIN Adehne at '" :o.~lIecti'bR. . 'Elf ''Duffy's Ta.vern," roll o"n "The Sag~ of Harolg Pid,dle- phony Orchestra In one of 'its most MIU" willlrr-J.hg the ba";t~ ,- ~_ ~ VOGUE Phone LA kellurst ,2-7337 SHIRLEY TElM :=t'j-,; '-- tIt d' ct f bach Hugh H b rt h ~ , t~_ ' pi! "THE BARD WAY", In "SINCE YOU WENT AWAY" WQ'!Ut1",<tia",e . over . e lI'e IOn 0, tN' 'y' er, e as gone interesting progtams of the year Bowe to the €urfan:tObM ''.. I I I . II j !da LUPI~O and Dennis MORGAN. also Claudette COLBERT-Monty WOO "Stork Club." . .0 "ew ark f~~ an Important role yest~rday atiern~on at th.e Oakland chief male'Sinjifig'rol~,\s . Yon Can t E.ca))e Forever".Geo. Brent JENNIFER JONES & JOSEPH C I ,'fhls- was a little pu~~ling an~ re- lO Oh, ~rother :.. ~allace )3eery Auditorium - TJieater. closing the Or!! with sO}lr,ano,Nan,cy' , ~ r t t NEPTUNE Central at WebRer CAMPUS -rW Inoalt' q)J~d some explanatio. n, so VarIety, and Mar,Jorie MalO ,w, III be t~roned organization'S 'Season. ~e fun in. '''rp-e 'Ileg 1'4liJ!1 " & Edw. G. Robln.on 'DOROTaY Mon .'" h tr' ~1 g e that de for the SIxth time in Bad Basco b" . h ds ... -;;> J " Joan Bennett-"Womlin In th. Window" In "TREE GROWS IN BROOKLY'H" ,... !- ea lC... ma az1O.. m, Opening ,with, the stately Miles 10 t e haJ;l , o{: '.."delie', ,Fay, -: 7, "J'm From ArkanuI"-91lm SurjIro!ll;Vllle JOAN BLONDELL. also RosE\mat'y / tUnes to accept anyth.mg at face wstOry ?f 8b Mdormi on woman and a Standish overtUl'e" 0" the late Henrv Lee Dixon.. D,ixon is lIe.r:!r' ~ " ALAMEDA LA keh ft -"SING ME A SONG OF TEXoAS to k th th long yomlng an t t - .. "., '...t 1 . I'J " , . . RALPH uroB~' ....A4433MY -PLUS THE LATEST NEWSRE": Tall:1e. went W?t. WI e . , Bicldord "Pasmore, the p'rogram 109 .n the .o~i~j,~at...,ewl , : .:\ - , ....... D -~,. Jlt'~~. 1'h.e lltU~O Issued a st~te- , '. turned to tlie> colorful exoticism of pa~!y of "Oklahoma." . ,,' ~ I' I I , Anne BAXTER- 'GUEST IN THE HOI:fSE' OORS Op'EN DAII\Y AT 5:40. me-nl that the parting of MadIson The bell tolls on ExtenSIon IS-T. Rimsky,-Korsali:oii's s y m p h 0 n i c :rollowing ,the two-week I t f . · "TAM~:H~AIt~D~'TE';~~ap;~lne. CALIFORNIA g':;'~fn;~~~ anil>:0e $(Ylvil was'as frl~ndly as all Earnfred ~o annou~ce that GJadys suite ,rSchehel'azade'" attractive in ment of !''Fhe R~tl. "M!-' " I - ' -"TO HAVE ANt). HAVE NM_' .' 'lth 'h'" d er had George will arrive 10 Rain" at the '. t' ""ti' '., ~ ' . - 'R.I.O 1413 Park Street. I"A-2-3996 Lauren BACALL and HUm.pl>r~Y' BC!I()C ~,i1g ;ieovout, a oug ..ue p1:0 uc ,",. its musical, unfoldihg of Arabian ope a as!!0c.~ €In w....l.. olio. , ..' ~ I., -.r.~ BING' "WE'RE NOT DRESSING" "HJ:;RE COME THE WAVES..~BIng.et ,ll"'[' ;per-suade,d hIm to rem,a1n on the job Geakry ofnHMlay 20, follo~mg In the legendru and its profusion of solo DeseI't Songl" .' ',' ,I~' J01 ~ j '-"I '.M.' I. - CROSBY and RAY MILLAND OAKS S I ' 'I' efte.t the first weeK wa e 0 e en Hayes. The ShaW is,1 , ' '~, _' . . ~...~, ~ "Bord~rtown Gl\nf!l<bters" - BIll Emou 0 a, at Tl;1e A:J ~ ~ ", -, II . 11 htl i'>ein~ produced by Har~ Zevin pa~sag~s for .various 1O~truments, " -1!, . -'J ~ ' , r '~','" ~TRAUD Park St opp Alamedl Aye -"MUT ME IN ~TTEfJ':rW,~ ~I;; Ma91son himse was s g Y more h d ' returnmg agam ,and agam to the V F W ....'..... , 0.,0 0 " .~ ::: .I. ~ i ", " I r ~ n "PENNY SERENADE" Judy GARLAND and Ma;garet Q'is~'N" (" ex'plicit. :His statement was: ~ 0 use to sell prog!ams in the theme in solo viohn in 'wh'ich tlie i. . GID"i" AU~J~. . i' _ IRENE DUN N E and CARY G R A S T -DOORS OPEN TONIGIlT AT 1l~3.~ .~ , .~ter.ference from a numbe'r of urran and Geary lobbIes. , . How- t t R ''V W. - ~ ,",,).....,, t >j g"" - , "SWEATER GIRL" With June P~ELSSER BERKELEY Shaltllck.Ha.te AS<li"'B'" , 'd 'f t bl ard Young and Russell Lewis who cancer mas er,. 0se .."..ovats, gave .U Aid W~r.' ~ I!!!'- TIMES Web.ter-Santa Clara LA.3-3422 RIta .HAYWOJQJ!, I,,,';~ ~~UI:lle!l ma e mY pOSl Ion un ~na lle. produaed "Blithe SpirfV' 'th an excellent' p.erformance. Dr. See "' (' t." \ ~1 WALLACE " __. _,~ "JUNGLE PRINCESS" Lee BowmanCTONIGHT &. EVEltY 1!lIG~ _ ' ~'~~ lY~Y 'WOrK was ha~~ered contmua y Coa~ 'will take "The Deser~10n ~ and the orchestra: achievEid a stimu- The ope.ntng~6,f:'1b~ ' " BEE'RY,- DOROTHy LAMOUR and RAY MILLAND "I L 0 V E AMY S T E R Y"-Nlna 'Fodli 1 :~. ~y t~o ~anY perSO~t whofwere t~?- pr0d~ation agd cast to New YQrk ,fn lating rel'lditiatJ,,oi this number, with 10a6 .4rivl! W)],~ fi:Qdr 1 I ,I - /m - . "~OMBBERO KID" with Don BARRY ,II h.J> "~"::~ ~ngtO_~lr~ct,th~Plc~urehotrJme.D collaboration with Edwirt Lester its str.ong o6ntta~ts and intticate!i"o~.el~Wa~~.l>~ts' 'I~ II,THIS . .I,.V.. -1.....-.. ,BOX OFFICE" OPENS AT 11:411 P.M. UNITED ARTISTS Co;t~~~~f.~/\ ';;': ~-s' that old! 'sag~1 dOp e . u. . . . timing. . larles in the '0 .~' I U " 1 .. ~ I -J 'j ..... * OBINDA * "OBJECTIVE, BURMA". Eh'ol Ji!t-m;:ll" ?i:, rant~, frequentlY Pouts it: "Every- They have acquIred the Rtoduction . in the rUnn', g" aGC~ .,., " Henrr HULL; also Dunc.n RliJNAI:D9' ',', bOii~_.....-ts to g'ec6 I"n'o de act." an.,d. the. cast contraots from th~ Eva ,Garcia, ,guel},t, soloist, played Llo"d 0' ~, dij""''''~' Anne Bader-Ralph B~lIa",,. ORINDA Tunllel HlghwilY at Orlnda '~QISCO KID RETURNS"~ ' '~fl: "',1 W'<U' ". LC A,1 C un_oJ! a II"" " MAtiS GUEST I'n the ROUSE ,ICTos~,Road. Orlnda 2233 - ,;- '. .., , CIVIC LIght Opera Asso<;iation .. the bnll1ah ,Rhap$od4e Espagnole o()l ... " 'c "..:t' ",,~ ~,. A,' ~~ -"FOR WHOM THE BELL TOt.LS"- D C Unlvetsl17 & Shattuck TW~~3QQ ."'.- ," . 'R b ri D f t.... 1\JI' C' t ' 's i " 6 ...eua au" y .:-0unc", "i - GARY COOPllR and INGRID BI!:RGMAN' "B.'\LL OF- Fllt.tn, ^ .,:W-.!n, 'wh'a't"do' you 'know dept.- .~?~~. ono,:~n: 0 . _....e, c,~all~~;~ :~IS~, .<Is,:a~ran,gcr ~ '~r".'p'lan.o I!,~- Foreign 'War,s:', -" ~., \ Ella RAINES.Jobn WA:YNE -LARG!!' FREE PARKING. AREA- BaJbara STANWYCK & Gary CO~Itlj'R>. t .,' G'l!.or~e.: S. Kaufmal), who makes a Eyans e?terta!nm.~nt4 U1vt t~ r~~I;t' or.w~st;ra liy , )Yn~ 6ramatlc l'Slbyd s~iCl that ih~~ 1~1". UV" TALL in, the SADDLE ,. ' . also "B 0 L Y MAT R I l!l 0 N 1';" witl1 · '. ]D' ~er than average living as a huns~ In ~l.ameda. from ;Hawal~.'; t ,elo~uence, and ~CY. . . . , loan. drive, th-e, ' ., MY . ' * PARR BOULEVARD * Monty WOOLLEY and Gracie FlELD~1 '~... ~'ywti~ht, tlilO'k time aut to enter An ~hldentlfl~,sl v!lIFe 40m, ..JS,al'1h s ,J( '.c?nt~~o~ ,'~~POS~~IQll, the Wm's ,piace~' ~ec9.~' ~ " PARKWAY Par.l< Bly'! ~ Ea.t 19t1l * EL C.ERRITO' , *; -:;{ ~ " b. . . g "t '.t "be other asking If I na\le eyer heard of tJl1azlhan :qa~e, at' ~amarga Guar" States l'n a"" " .: , ' · . I r-t I ' - SHIRLEY TEMPLE mE RITO S P "'I - .', rV-; l! p-y. "-Damm no.. e~ " s' S hI' . h "h . I, ., d' lit "k ' . ....." "181:;/'/ .'" "'m ~l)I', In "SINCE 'tOU WENT AWA.Y" with "" a" 0 a\,FalrtriQtm"t', '.. t, ~:Y' and trabb~d oft a' neat $1000 army c uy er," y! 0, s e -.t~mks, men, an ~c ,al.,9wsa". s ~, orgal1izati'ons~ 'Bl:l ,to > - ,"- CI d t~ CO lillT M ' 62 HOLLYWOOD ~'fA1l.1 'I ",.Ii -vmr' bb.Rd:' He s\(ggested that the may be a band reader or a!1 ~c~gt loverture, cRrp~!P7tp.E; prog~. . to"ln 9ak>la~d'1 1 \ 1" tA '~ J":'~I:er e JoJ:s and J~~:~l1 w~g~~:~ ~~~~I'tfi:~~2AR~~~~\t~ ~"~\' ~-iay. caliled ''!l:I1e''"@~ertops'' be, la- or even a promoier. . , . , . ' ~: ~T.': .T" SteHa"Pn'Uss Sir . " .,,;4'IJ)-~V 1 I 'I' ' , . : ' ~~d~ .9i':~ Il;;l:h~ O::'~frlo,~fJthe~~~~ .lfe- VlS~A~ 9lIn ~.b10 ~ ' ;1,'~ '&ile-d"~MlInied Alive" a title se- 'I. " . "', "'~ ,Circu'e,:'GOars'Se.e I." ''"OJ " ",rf'" .. ~; ,I , ,.... .. Weaver Bfos, '..Ar~ - -" :,,":> o~ 3011Q \es. ~h. t~e ~ai~ 'ba~~6~e. ifrom.;t~ ~ ,.,"or, ",~}.. ~ 1iI ~,: , .' tv:" I.,.... '.ft," \ 'I'~ ", ,.~,- 1~}G~,~ ,. t I , .,* _ EA-ST- ."Ih STBEET * "P'R 1 END L Y N E I G.i( B' 0 Rj; ,I' "!;:'L ~ liItidM'toh.erMqsan::.s.m~tlier_~~J"rl.gtlfat ,/ :,lIl"~" ' I~I:J'\' .~w,ue~.' . Vf1-"'; ,'.f, II,,' I, ~ "'. ' ,'~ "'OR~IQNAGENT"wlthJohli~llHfJ I"r S' e.ahJi' I," n Qatln}~I;tV!Ot>~ ,Ii .1_iJ!....,lf, ,.',_,: t.fU l't,e~ 1'\ I.rl Ea'St 12th street at 7th Avtn\.tf ~ ~ ..... ._ _. u .. " ' . - ,".,11l ET~' IN TECHNICll:lLOR * PIEDMO \ ," 1 . I! . ' I.' t " t', I.e H, ".;Ron _ tJ_ '-1 iJ;.~..:. _!l ~~,wl ~~,.~ ~ ... ~ " ~ " , ~','~ ., , ' . ril~ll}~ ~ ~,~J ,~b~ ei .e. !t.~.~:a d a, nir:ilWi ,egI.,:t.emin,qifig me~' ~d' lat'q 3l ,.~ .' ", ouse in the ~<f:I~" -Opens ~t' 1J1e.;Ct'll'rtin'~ igtrf The V'iot.i teIlja 1:0l1iienc'!1 ;a. ~" . l":; ',' '~.-, _,pame (}~'F1.!!~ ;as ~!'te-tirst of the C-iric IJIgM Op~ra billed witlf . sband E;Nink as! - - , ....".,.....~l ". . wOl:ltVa.~, cost qf'$~a;., senes. , .;, " "V-idoria alllfTl;!i:~~nce," Teh, thou- - . " " -amd is, now 1Il1yLng to get pri- . " sand i;pee.t~t9.PS"stfYl 1lh,!!, accidept. I ' " " ' o~1til!'S ~or-1i~ode'ling. To date the The PassIng Show.,...M. ~. (Rosy) Od APrili'"-:l7'" 'ei~t women aerial~ " F.O{X ..,y/pt t I( ~ , i..o13pre1!Si Jhaye~'t beel\ awate that ROsenburg, once of the Chimes, still ists fell. 30 ~et b,:om high ~t!!dders, ~ _. tHe{t lan~ofo js the great Garbo. of the Gol'den State .l:ii!C;l1it, to dis. None was kil}ed., . - Ii' 1'''i.J~ " ".,) ; , cusS the war loan dpve nnd tell me ~ :::,.,: ~ ~, . "'\.iii "1.1I}'". ~':i ',\ ',:'Jiliae~c:'s a tiew PQPulat song called that the "B's" are emana!ing, froni Lecture,I's'~dltd41:e"d ... ~ "Cfu M~ .f>.Gbin' Baok" 'the wotk of th-e indies rather than the majors, '" ' !Olt ",' - !rl Dazzfi'i1.g Tllc.: ~'orrie Am:tetalim, ';ho turned oui whIch sI:oul~ clear that hal'f of the BERKEbE.q.;\'~y 7.-:'~egiJln.in~ SO;'j/;'HENIE-Mlen '~1IIi'i 11M Coca-Cola," with Fred d?ub,le-bll~ situation . . . Dick Ma- Life Together"!' W:~l-, be :iSt:lPD~Gt oft' 11ft's: A PL AK~r.e and, Willie Shol1e as cOllab, gmms, BII! Deschat and sun<!ory a")lectur~ to ,'J;!e' give?, ~y. ~~, ~o~) ~ . e~ 't' o'i;a'toN ,iil!te's the haw of it. When others to gIVe their blessing ta ibe Keys, dlr'ecto&_oerth~ cURj,V~!1S1t~ of ~ (La t, TI>.n, ~, ~'ta!re' lxta Shore we);'e overseas on new Hollywood Club ,in EI Cerdt~ ,C~lffol;h!a. ~~teri~ibn ~rvi~!~nr IiI,: ' 'O,~~tIEN~~:M~;J\1.: aJ"U..s 0 junket Shore diseov-tred ' . . Harry Seitlle, the new :fox stiiute on 'Yhl1thd and tvU.r,rl!lge, H' 'w d f' . i1filft Aitalte CQuld' get a Jaugh by West Coas,t ohieft~in, gettilllg him: !9' b~ giv~ry, llt,;4~10 ,P'lI?' to,I?Ql'ro\1v ~!,lJIg.... ,on er , s'lW1tli: "Any ~)me ll. GI wants to S'eU acqua,mted 'Ylth I T~~ 13o,osters In Lite S91fln~e ,A1ldltOl'Ulm, -Berke-,. _~ , diUc.k some' AINQ: work he llQmplains . '.' T. Jay O'BrIen, hel;ald of the ley campus. ~~, , ' . . ~O'l:lt hi!! ~ililg ,I:)'(c'kf." Sill(!e a 5prine Indoor Circu~, to pa.y a '~-' _' T ~ ". '...;' I;.; ~~ r' ,: Jt<iln jn the Back'l$ a,'bard thiJ'lg to couJ.'tesy ~all, llnnourr~mg th&. 'WhiJ~ ' . . :Ji! l - " '- , ">11""- t:i:.llle; the me!}!!,Gog 'tt~ij let the that the ~Irs! show w~ll be glve~ ~t " ... 2 !or:a~n'l~o Id b'ak '€Iff' th!! AudItOrIum at 9.30 on FrIday -. ~ - " r:Vrone,J' gQ~-: ~.. _ ~~ J,r d' ~1.. il. ~lii:r ne1c~and he meant 9:30 ll,m. . . , ,-, \ I ~ uOR ,'1.0Un w.e. ne jiO pop Goodness gracious and I'm supposed I '~ ~' ,on"' l1l.t' 'B'kr ntul1l. lie told Hatry t b +h I ' RandY Sc\; :ul1t1ilt ~_ "~st Music a'bout it. Feist 0 e ~ ere. -.' lIlSHOR'ES (j c:4ll!~d in "AmstelldaTn-Imd., lll~ce .it ;~ ~ ''! j ".. I (La.t "T!!J!.o1!,'! f~~~ I ,- v.i.~.iSIliO'lleI~ ldeli, 1ll!~~ eut hun In , . I TNt 8 WAY. GL, 8213 : ~ ' " ,.f,*'a,:thrN!91tne.r'Q~~lttes! ltlsto .. · ~ - ',~ r-al,lJ,lI".' , ; t;e l'l!lRlttieCi! by several companies ; 'r J~~ I ,v. Io..lIIl ~'Y' ,1 ... '. 'it I " thts moliUi aI\1i sl}Ould be blaring , ~ I - " ' , '/' qi~" j~kes before many moons. ~ ,~ ,':J j I r I' , .' ~~ InJlr~i{~~ 'i.~c~'i; . . OdQn\ients and Rtlmainders- Wale ..... . · . I' · "" ~ 'N A TI>O NAil. v V'rl.: I " "I( tel' Wang' at, whos~ "Salome, Where ... L A ~ T r') ;" V , " .state ,ElizAbeth Tay,Ior-Donald ! 5- , Sm. (Last :rime _...t 9..40 P. >1"_ SJgjQ~'q~,d" is du~ h~e soon. has '\ , A.~...,:.pI!,t:'~S9H .' .~~w.: >~,,' ijqm\ceQ ~ou;OOO :tOt the rights to SERGE~ ,~:~. .,i~ ,~ . ':~'I(J?f :J.~~~~;! " .. t''B'alJ,lid ~~d Source," the Rosamond I ,.. ERTS 11:45 ~ Robt,Lo"'~ly4'lI3'lllsBl'iJ; I. - ..... . . "D!)'I~,"ROB '. " ' oic""" ~l1\'l1ann hoVel' which he want~ . ..,..,.....~...!II-.w... "" " , ' , ~9~ frau,. Joan Be)1Jilett . . . Elsa - - , I' - .. ~~W.E!;U 'Mtl Lea :Durocher maY' ' , M ~n!lLoff paille. :, ,hav.~ the .Wll.RCe t-6 Play thems~lves , ' II "FOran:,~" 1....1\&'01". 1: --I 'in A ti'\;,uJfG'al caned' "~elle Brodty," A . i I ;. vohtchd1-obn WniibeI'g will, produce : r .i;r. ~" ,j)',udUh Ande!:son and Florence ' " ~'" -")"jl'( "I IU :a It9 m.a~ eo-star lor .Jed,: :Hart s in ' ~Df T A r," JWea.f\: an 'aaJlpt~tliOI).' Gf the . J I.!$\;;:' 'I~chllic(jlo'" " . - eS PJ.a~ b~ -Jl~ei Robhl-san · lll~V{lJ1!.Wl.E-~!!l.,- -;,-- '.,,1 '. , : O~)l~rIS~l:'1:in has' signed; . I . I.' , f(~U)', ~6r. '!fl,sg~a.~,~e COn;\_. __ -" I -;', 1 " 1:QWO." :?;ellHn'llQMtli'use some, ~ . - ~ ' , , . - .. - 'I , '!&.~_"~Li;tite.wiilt'P'a.t.h;D~f:Pl10Mfit.sfor ,yOUT"HR" ""t:'!',. ~,;..": 1 .' II :' I~-. '"'tE prp @lli. .'.. o.otes oran, r~~ ' " , ,I . ' ''';'; 'oJlee '0,' ~{ll1, ~"t.l1e second Of,.! " .- ~''t. ,,,lIsuoer'.l,ofe!ly.... ~ ,lie ielected for "THt LI" _' ., , , . , , '~ r.. ~rrdl. Flyrth'S "Adven\ures of Don . ~ If _ r..;. ~, ~'i xn<l[!l~," '1ll'j,~,.~ll to 1!le eight in all ' FOR' _OM THE i;Wfi.:-lSe RoY' is, negotiating , REtl ~TO'LLS , e fili'n right'! to "Anna Lu- 'l ',~:' '1'~cbnicoIor _\~~, ;1fQ~il Kr1'oWhead. Warner . .' l!J.a~.~lcr6<~~S~wl::~rIiJ lit.,lkAII . A... ~ ~ 1 ..., ~ . ~ "h~!~~ ~~" ~atln. ~~!il!Jffll ,,;~',' , :Mfu1e 'of,.;'lhe sam.e-''Voice of the -, 11~ ',-)'\'9) ~eguJar p,ices , . . ... : " :Mil\ Oentrlil ~lI"li\lId ~ '/ r~,.....,.'" .._~ .. 'ol ~ ,i".;.<.~,)_~~ ~ 1 .l~ -"~ {. ~-, , ", . . ~ '; ! Il'I'" . ,", :, "nite! ..t. ..... I . , ~~ t, ~;i!(~ iF._l~.II, Appearance t.:.'." : J~llJi~, M~R1~arHANTOM , . I,. .~ ,..~trl' ':>I!a,rber : ' ,;'-0 ~. : flfRN ~EM llP BARNES F .' n. 'M ,: ,.:', ~ JSta.:b 'I'...~.;, 2 "''''I'V"TII,lJ.Hf ~':lF!tC' I.: i=; A~~i fAII;New.. : 'x r.OW80Y-niOM ffUlY E~~ I' . '. I ~ '~-'}';dJi 5".0' ".,,'.1 '" ,. _ ':!L --.-:""-,'- - ", -- ~)~jHESOME~ RIVER I :J, ; '0 . II !.;~v. \~~... . Alao; I -, r ~I l .-, 1l:~~it:n~a O'F THE. ~,:; '!J:~I~R:RA ,,!" , , T' .(, ;"" ~ .. " , , j ,( " r ....--,. ~...ll I ~. ~ BING~OU'fi9 1 Betty HUTl'O~-soijn;y 'll "Hlrl Colftlth, W-~!, ILa~t, :1;.im,1i!....V ,l BOGART'L1Itltell ;S IIYo MaveaWillllovtN ...,'-,,- ' , -, T 0 MlD~R. ,It, Q, .. _ ~ I ~ ;, " ). . ..'~ ,1.f~. }' ~" J..rp." ," ~... '. :;: I' :").'4, .~, 'II /,~ i;~ J(~ , .' ;;"'- ' : . .. " I ' ,.'~ -~J .. - "'hj ~~. " ,', " ,,---:;--\~ , ,Contindous' ;... ,', From NQoD I~ ~ ~ "_!', \ 'I I I '" . ".- , ol 'i '!, I' ~ -" ~ ...~" ~' )' . J' . Oakland's Only GIRL SUO ~IILU .w<", ~~'" , , ~ i'" ' , , " ~'r . ~ fYi, b, !1' /'1 @irl:,l ~ ~tl~\ :,{~l, I.-':? 7:' {' ,..-- ~iJ! <,l,'.,. ~ 5l .......'1 .~ ~'~f .J ,~!R /<'oJ:, :1IIdMdD! ' , :"...:~ 1, I ' 'to l' - y . .. f J t I 0 '" I, l'~A"', GI.,6'" ' l J l tl < ~ i ~ ~'I 7l ....tl ;!~ ~,! ~~ " ~,.,~-, ;. .: q T:.... J m, ,- " ~: f.. ,f . 1 \./ . 'lc;aJ}\V,1)'i< . I Jtll -'- i\" ~ .J ,. "J. r ~"r.d ., f. ~CRU ~ 1 &~ ~.,i I ..~ ",--.' ~ " ,,',!;--, g ~, .!..J . oJ, * SAN LEANDRO * R-IO SAN LEANDRO N - Formerly Palace SWeetwood 587'\ BIll Elliott In "SAN ANTONIO KID" 'AR.KA!i1SAS'.JUDGE'-Weaver Brq~{-Elvlry DEL MAR i,4t~ "a. N EU~I~ A.~~n~o~ -"TO 1iA VE AND HAVE NOT"- Humphrey BOGART - Lauren BAOALL also 'WHEN THE LIGHTS GO ON AGAIN' ~ FAIRFAX-5EMINABY '.. =G'iI' Jlm~ .LYPON and Barbara BELDON ';ffI " :J~ * SAN PABLO AVEBUE * FAIRFAX rcfo~~PD'!::' ~{' RlALTO San Paolo & 27th HI.257:' Merl~ O~E"ON' "rd. Franllll'lt "KISMET" IN COLQR -at. 7.00 ind J.O M o'llllll:k.. a'ls Rohald COLMAN _ Marlene DIETRIOH "FRISCO !l.A.L". wHh s'Ul;lll'lna, ~i-'lS also "CALLlNjl WILD BILL ELLIO,TT" Turnha~ BEY, oMe d!l'ly, ~..t ,(.511 iii'"ftlEY San. Pablo Avenu~ nr R5th r.API"OL- Foothill Siva' &'",Sel1)j ".17 n "RAINBOW ISl-AND" _ Color' 'I GAII;;'Blis Dorothy LAMOU~ and Eddie BRACKEN "OUR HEARTS WERE 1'j)1:l1<!LG \!i al.o "BffiTB OF, TH!I BLUES" with DIANA Lym>;; al.o' Vm(;.I~M. -BB Bl1\c Cro.bjV - Mary MA'I\TIN. ~!,oheater, TIT 0' G U I Z A R' In "B!R >A ';Z ~u LEGA_~ NOT'~E~ ~ u.,." ~_ L'EGAr;'I!()TlC~~--r ~'",8' , NOTIC,E ~ roDS FOR FtrRNISH- n ." _ ~ '~'A ".I! ~'41 lNG, C~.RTAIN sU;P:PLIES TO THE NOTICE TO BIDb'Et(s,. -.. CITY OF OAKLAND DUR'ING 1945- Ndticil Is hefel'Y glv,e!l:"li ' 19H. Boa~d~6f EdU'Catlon of thJI. LEGAL NOTICE The CIty Clerk will r~celve sealed Oak I !L!I,d . and 01 tl'le.Ol\olpa!!,i1 U u _ _ _... ~_ _ _ _ bldJl or proposals,ln his o.ftlce III the District ,!-l\d of. the 9:o.~~i;iId' NOTICE-BIDS, FOR FURNISH- City Hll!n llt' o.ny time prIor to the Schoo.! DlstrJct of -<\).RI1\'e~o.. ' tNG CERTAIN J\f.AT,t;JRIAL, SUP- nour of 1 o'clock p.m, on TueSday, herehy calls for sealed. pr,?~~sa. PLIES, AND SERVICE TO TfIE the 15th day of May. 1945( for fur- be delivered to the Secreta.r,y of CITY OF OAKLAND DtJRI')NG THE nlshIng auto tires and tubes' bat- Board. Room 104, Board of, E FISCAL YEAR 194&-1946. .' torles; brool'n reflll mat&rial;' ~oal:' tlon', ,Admlntstrtalon 'BuHd{1fl ~ The Clty Clerk wiH receIve sealed 'common brick; concrete pipe; corru- Sec~>nd Avenue, Oll.kla't>d', _~j bids or proposals In his office In the gated II on pipe; crusher rtin ba,se untIl Tuesday, the :l2nil day CIty Hall at any tIme prior to the coarse mate~lal; draIn stone' second 1945, at 4'00 ll,m.. at wbJch-t.t hour of 1 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday, 'gTade rock and Quarry wa~te' dr"y' place bIds will b. ollehe" to the 22nd day Of Mo.:.', I945, for fur- concrete mix; Lumber: penetr'atlon Schedule ,No~ 4-]il1.ndl~ nlshlng Ammunition, Copper WIre type m I n era I aggregates; ready- brary Books, Textbooks ,a.nd ,. and Cable, Dock Feed, Face and mIxed Portland cement concrElte: re- zlnes,. ' ;' ~, ff",nd C'1"th ToWel Service, Groceries cap automotive thes; sand: vitrIfied Schedule 'No. 1I-Colit1~1!'ol' ~ and SpIces, Mattresses, Various clay sewer pipe and ffttlngs; white Year,1945-1946. I Meats, Nalls and Spikes, :Photo Flash traffic lIne paint to the Olty of Oak: B1ds for Scheclule 'No. t, s Bulbs, Photographic Suppfles, Ply- land for the fiscal year 1945-1946, acooll\pal;llell by two al'I~c'.kIJ,' wood,- Pollce Revolvers, '''Rubber Speclflcatlens and blank forms of fled wIthout QualifIcatIon,/, Garden ancl Water HOlle, Sponl;:'es proposals will be furnIshed' by tl>e On a solvent bank O!L:ban;K1f;' and ChamoIs Skins, Tollet Tlss~e City Clel'k on appllcaUon. Price bid In the amount of One Hun'drea.- and Paper Towels, ve get a 1;11 e s shall Include all State and Federal lars ($10000), one I",,:\,a.ble at (fresh). Speclficatlons and blan~ taxes If appllca.ble, AlI proposals to the order of the OaclUand forms of proposa.ls wlll be furrqshed shall be accompanied by a check in School Ellstrict of AIa.h1e11a by the City Clerk on application, an amount not less than, ten' per and one payable ab .s{g:H!t~c._ :PrIce bId shall Include all State and cent (10%) of the aggregate amount order of the Oakland Schbill Federal taltes If applicable. AlI pro- 'of the proposal' certified by a re- of Alameda Countt. - , posals shall be accompanied by a spon!'l.lble banI< payable to th-. ordei" Illd" for Schedule ,No. 8 s check In an amount not lesa tl>an of Cha~, M. D~n, City Clerk of the accompanied by a 'cneck,' eer. 10 per cent (10%) of the Iiggl(egate City of Oakland, 'which oheok and I Without qualification, tictll!w,n on" amount of the proposal certified by the amount therein specIfied, snail solveT\t bank. In tAe a~OU-l!t. fi responsible bank, payal;1le to th.e be forfeIted t\nd retained by the City Three Hundred Dollars ($3 JOHN W. EDGEi\IOND, order of Chas. r.~. Don, CIty ,Clerk I 'I! Oakla'nd If the successful bidder payable at SIght to the oM '" 'Se!1fe.t,\J'y of the Board of of the CitY' o. Oakland, whIch check falls to execut.. the con~rllct in the the Oakland High Sch.ool .' '.]l)t'h!Jclio\;lon of the City of and the aingunt therein - specIfied. r.eQulred f01"m and furnish'the bond of Alameda Co,unt.y alnll I.'! Oa,kl,:,p.d, CahfornIa, shall be forfeited and tetall,1ed by required. Bond 1n an amount equal School DIstrIct of tAlameda. .' .:l~jj-4,Ql'l 30-M:ay 7 (2t) the CIty of Oak1and If the success- to one-fourth of estlmate'd amount These bids sb,all be vrese annual meeting of the stock- ful bidder fails to elOecute the corl(- o'f said purchase,ll qnder. eoftlltllct,but aCCQTdi'-nce wltn.. tlte ~ecl'f ,.., tract In the re'lulreli form and fur. not less tl>a6 $500 to be -gl\'en by on rllt! 'in the of,dce of.th.e 1:11 the "Eag1es' Hall Assocla- nlsh the bond required, :Bond In an successful Mdder. as a. guarantee for of Purchasln~, Rootfl- 1~5,. ~ li])~yd, ~~Ii!iil~i~]r.~ec~~~1 amount equal to one-fourth of. tota.1. faithful perforll'1ance of contract, tration Bulldmg, 1025 'Second' contract price to be S'lven by SOc., ,Contract to be entered Into WIthin nue, Oa.kland. Oa.llfQr,ll'jS;: . MallISon Streel, at Oak- cessful bidder as a gUarantee fOr1 loQ days after aWArd thereof ,and said Price, fltnes~ amI QuMlty . en Thur~day evenIng. faithful performance of contract,' ~upplies to be' deilvered 'Id' llccot!l-' eq,ual, preference wild b~ ' ~'9~5ih:tpJ~;os~0~f ef:ct~ Contract to be entered Into WithIn a't;lce with speCifications therefor the product~ of ith~ < t Of Director. 'for the 10 days atter awa) d th'e-repf' an!!' ll,'dp,ptid'l\ol/ly Ist;'1945. ' f"rnlw, ' - ': . to. ~t ' , said supplies, etc,. "to be dellv,ered OHAS, M. DON, Clt~'Clerk., '1 ,_ w. "B,~:Ml!:HRMANN, \ ~n ' accordance, wUb specl!~ca.t,1..n,5. '.: :l9:4-Na.y 4 ~5t>.," . ';.... 'l ~:i~ ! J?te't!Q!~~ ,taerefoL~~~P~ ~i5,~: i'I'Y' "1!ii'A'ftlir\'"UI~W.6fti~1"'\"'ft'S~ ~~ :pjl~t$~~,~ r ." C~2g'~":" t.'ie~e~;;l; . ~~ . ~y~~,~ "'f.'~ ~Q,nl~', ' " ~ , ~' ,.,. ;:':, ..~. '0 ..,.'.,;:. ,',.'"V"''''' ;1j 'if~ ~", tt'J, I'!~'" ,'i';O:~ ",' 5 'r -"f ",> ...,' ,.-,~ (~ '-"",..... ~. '. , IT ' , '\ ' 1'"1"', ""'..,. " \ . ~ .~ '~l' . ! '~-'""'./ ......~l0. "lol~~:",'~_\~11 \ M. ( ~~~~c. ' ":k: .';f' ~ ~ "J!I\\ r " ;..)i ....;- ~ ..~~ 'f.-.I.., .c.;!o, lo.l"'~'" '<!oru'~'"':'~!"l' ,~~ .. " .' ',,' 1.- .., l' ", ~',,' ~ . ~..t I 1ilq R~.;c *. ~ '1 'l!~J.;..:~~' '" ../\~~. {;t'~ ~ , - , ~.. &.~ ~h ' , tl!l .'h,lr : J' , 1 I 0';';,G [Ii r ,t ~~~ ~ r~ ~. ?Jt\ ~ }.j"l.. i" ' ',~~ ' ~ t{l~' 'lvi , E'PWl'tRD G"'BOJiJlltl!qt1_' , Joan BE~~ET;r:itai1 'M:.,.ss",{\ Woman in the Window'! '( ,OJ .- II' L ....J !~;.~~. ~ Slim Summerville" ~ I'M ~,ROM 'ARKAN!~S ",} " IB'. Wlc,o ~'MAL. E,XHJ,B.rPON 'i. ' '0 A K LAN D ~~U'DITO'RIUM '~it 11 T~ ~~.y 20 : MANY NEW FEATURES ~[ ~j;g is R 0" H "Li~::n ':~ ~~..1iQ1ERT CA,STLE w~:~.er I " "'!:-'~R U I Z 'Z 1 International , ' . ~., ~ _ 'Junler : ~ PiiER'S' ELEPHANTS , \ ' : · Anta~ek Troupe P~~~h . ~:Il'ltangs ~himpanzees , · Jl - . E I HI~h I ~ ; J:\ImJrlcan ag eJ Wire Act I~ ,"~ ,FJ)q:R ,S, I D N E Y S BI~~~I. '~~~~:M1rl~Y ~THER FEATURES ~ .:T.KE, ~H~INE CIRCUS IN 'FORTA/BIlE SEATS IN A " FIREPROOF BUtLDINGI ( ......;..1 ... ~ , &SERVE"SEA TS NOW ,~, ,- "1'.75 2- .00 ~., ,,\~. !loud. Incl. tax i ~ .AIHMES TEMPLE ~ ~tfi ~~,~ ~~~_R1RISO~ STS. SEATS NOW ON SALE: ICft.AND, HINKS, SHERMAN, CLAY $1.80 $1,25 (~C. - - TAX), ".. ---' ... ~ fUESDA Y MtY . _tit 8:30 P.M. , ONE PE'RF,ORMAN'CE Ol'lL~'(- , , , ~~ ~ ''/ z ., :j 'J Brmiant Ice Revue with. . ,. BETTY ATKIN:;ON MURRAY GALBRAITH DOROTHY GOOS CHARLES HAIN r. , J;EGAL NOTICE :i ~ ~ - - --- .: NOTICE TO BIDDERS f Notice Is hereby Itiven that the oa>~d of Education of tha City of ak)and anil 01 the Oakland School ~tl'lc-t an II' of the Oaklan'd HIgh '., ",'Qpl DIs,trl'Ct of Alameda County lll'epy caJls for sealed proposals to e deliVered to the Sect..t:j.ry. of "'ld"Board, Room 104, Admlnlstra- l:l:l'llldll1g, 1025 Second Avenue, daDiI, CaJj(orJlla, until Tuesday, !5th day of May, 1945, at 4 :00 <'"k I),m, {It which time and place bids wlll be openlld for: [It. Si),h~dule No, 5-Gasolll1e, for !il''1SClJ,( Year 1945-194G, ;I;!!('!;, for Scl>edule No. 5 .hall be c'Companicd by a check, cel tlfled Atli;out Ql.lallllCatlOn, drawn on a ol""iH bl\nk, payable at sight to e: '01 der 04:, the Oakland HIgh 11'101 Dlstnct of Alnmeda County if II. chack, certIfied without quall- cation, dr'l.wn on n solvent bani,. tHe at sIgh t to the order of the aond School DIStllCt of Alameda ,ty-. In tl>e amount of Seventy- .oollars ($7500) eacl>, , e~e bIds shall be presen~d l-'n qance with the Speclflc~ations !ijfUe In the office of the Director .,:rUl chltsl'f\;>, Room 115, AdmJl!ls- 'tJon BulldUl&" 1025 Second A'Ve- akla.n<l. Calif 01 hill.. e, Otness aod Quallty being , 'preference wIll be gl\'ell 'to ducts of tlile State of Call- '. , Berkeley leeland Ward near Shattuck - TH.8800 n ~ "',T .. \0 .I.,... l~p: ~ , " . F OT It :-'C.Tllli1ea' (it 0; t "*h"' "~ N!~, ., , LAUR~L "M.icArtttur at 38th AVf'~ IA:LBINY~i~i,,:1.m~~~?, - ,(I _ IN TEenNtCOLOR "Ol:lit 'HEAR'tS W~RE" YOu G"BELI.E. OF, ,TilE, Yl:1KONI'-Dlnah Shote abo "L"lQH'rSP,F' qi;u sA'!:'T tllP'y ltose nee and Randolph Stott -ROY ROG};R~and LlAIJE> E " a so "l<l~TION^L BARN DANCE'!' with TWO sR.ows NIGHTL4-~T" ' ~ea~ H~..ther;'Robt. Benchl.y-Ohas, Qvl,le,. . . ^ - 'DIMORD'" 'Fruitva,le at M~CArthl1t.. NORTH OiKLARrt.~ ~':':j ~_ ~ ~ ED,W, ,G, ROBINSON In '~WOMI' 'IN THE. WJNDOW,'l with CHIMES CoUeKP at Shane,): (j1~1l2'~ .To.n IJIi !IT and; Ra)lmpn(! MAiSSEY &rl EIJW ~~si also, '11>4 t: IILAC}ID SERENADE'~' with "wOMA1~ IN THE Wi~~'O~1 ~O< ~~al~ - Ray N~ble - V.era ,:aJ". JOAN BENNETT and RA'Y WM-Ni,&j~ ;"r.' r =M ,also "LAKE PLACID SEREN'ADE'" rWi\.l1 I c'I' * . '. ,n HURST ~ * Ray NOBL,,-Vera VAGUE.Veta R'AL"s1,[QH' hi '"RANA-D'A''' , East 14th...c!i 89th Avi "AT"r,WAY San Pahlo 8. StlJi:(o~ ;: ~ 'G'. ., , ' IN TECHN'ICer.:OR U A ' GatJ .RtJ\'sll1rnt, ' , , ,,.--"I!f;EET~.E IN ST. 1.0'U1.S.....L-. "OUR HEAR.T!l WERe YOUNG .w.:~;r>' t ,~" :...:...rudY G~J\JI~u - Mar.aret~O BRIEN":' -Diana LYNN; also Vlr~ll\,Ia. BRUCE..... ' i.:~ -"ON ~Jtl)", - !;ltory of the F,B.I,- III "B R A,Z I L" witll Tlto ~,,'\.,a. ;.: * EASTMONT DISTRICT . * TOWE~ Slit... Tel~'h~~G~ ;",i EAST"ORT MacArthur & 73rd In "EVE...\' N!GQ.t AT eiGHT", " 1'1 IN TECRNICOLOR ALICE FATE ,nd FRA)lfCES LANG 'j "" PI. -"F I G H TIN G LAD Y"_ also "'r It'E LAS T 0 l!iT PO!; Tel' [" .'" NARRATED BY LIEUT ROBT TAYLOR CARY GRANT and CLAU,tlE ,. - "SUNDAT DtNNER FOR A SOLDIER" Plus 'WALT DISNEY REVUE'-3 Ca -"I. ~, AN~ BAXTER and. JOHN BODIAK SENATOR tw In0akl "23UO: I', BING ClfO.$Bt .. HAYWABD * In "HERE COME THE WA~S" :wIDli ' RAVW~RD 5 7 7 C a a , rei !J;E~ HUTTON and SQNNY ;r11F:}'8 ; Il JENNIFER JONER !llsO ~ D ARK W A T \!l R,.&" ~ \Yi!!lJ . ilL "SONG OF BERNADETTE" ith MERLI!1 OBERON and FRANOR0'l: TQNKj\ CHARLES BICKFOR~WILLIAM EY;:IIE FREE PARKING FOR OUR PA~B~~; ,II" .. - ,1i . * , FOOTHILL. lMD','35Ih ....' FOOTHILL Phone ~=t'JID,~ "CASANlt'tA 8 GARY COOPER and TERESA. -also "L A J1 R A"-Gene' TIER Dana . ANDREWS aod C1lfton:;:l ~LAST FEATURE STARTS A.T~'\II: Box Office Open. -6:'1I1-Show Starta' '1{\ ,I i' ~. CJ: '... ..~? "J. " ~'l J I W 'M r. ",' ,~ LI ,p' ':1.t ... I ~' " . \ ' '" ~~f~14~ ,J!: " " " \'.,j , ~ ~ ,1 . I -~ . ...-~ ., , " " ' J, ".j /1 . ~ 'I 'I lJ .. :'1 t I , ,. " . .. " ~