HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/28/2023 - Regular Agenda - BCS Metropolitan Planning Organization 309 NORTH WASHINGTON AVENUE, SUITE 14 BRYAN, TEXAS 77803 PHONE (979) 260-5298 FAX (979) 260-5225 WEBSITE: WWW.BCSMPO.ORG Policy Board Meeting Agenda Wednesday, June 28, 2023 9:30 A.M. Brazos County Commissioner’s Courtroom 200 South Texas Avenue Bryan, TX 77803 AGENDA 1) Welcome and Open Meeting -Pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags and Invocation. 2) Public Comments Regarding Items Not on the Agenda -Individuals who wish to address the Policy Board must fill out a Public Comment Card describing the topic(s) they wish to address. Public comment cards may be obtained from Lisa Lyon of the MPO staff prior to the start of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three minutes per topic. 3) Approval Of Minutes from the April 5, 2023 Policy Board Meeting -Consider adoption - Action Required. (See attachment.) 4) Staff Report • Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) Discretionary Grant Program • The Mock Transportation Management Area Certification Review • Texas Innovation Alliance Innovation Invitational 5) Pavement Conditions Performance Target -In 2018 and 2021, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) developed two performance targets for pavement conditions, the percentage of National Highway System (NHS) pavement in good condition and the percentage of NHS pavement in poor condition. In both instances, the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) recommended that the Policy Board adopt the state targets. In February of 2023, TxDOT adopted new targets for pavement conditions on the NHS. As required by federal law, MPOs must update their targets by either developing their own targets or adopting the new state targets. The TAC reviewed the targets and has recommended that the Policy Board adopt the state targets for pavement conditions. Action Required. (See attachment.) 6) Bridge Deck Performance Targets -In 2018 and 2021, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) developed two performance targets for bridge deck condition, the percentage of bridge decks in good condition and the percentage of bridge decks in poor condition. The TAC recommended that the Policy Board adopt the state target for percentage of bridge decks in poor condition and developed a more stringent target for bridge decks in good condition. In 2021, TxDOT adopted a new target for bridge decks in poor condition but not for bridge decks in good condition so only the new target was adopted. Policy Board Agenda Wednesday, June 7, 2023 at 9:30 A.M. Page 2 In February of 2023, TxDOT adopted new targets for bridge decks in good condition and in poor condition. As required by federal law, MPOs must update their targets and either adopt their own targets or adopt the new state target. The TAC has reviewed the targets and has recommended that the Policy Board adopt the state targets for bridge decks in good condition and poor condition. Action Required. (See attachment.) 7) Non-Interstate National Highway System Travel Time Reliability Performance Target -In 2018 and 2021, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) developed a performance target for non-interstate national highway system travel time reliability. In 2018, the TAC recommended that the Policy Board adopt a more stringent target than the state target. In 2021, TxDOT adopted a new target for non-interstate travel time reliability that was significantly better than the previous target but not as stringent as the MPOs target. The MPO kept its more stringent target. In February of 2023, TxDOT established new targets for non-interstate travel time reliability. As required by federal law, MPOs must update their target and either readopt their own target or adopt the new state target. Since TxDOT thinks the new targets and data bases were impacted by COVID-19, the state target is considered conservative as TxDOT awaits more data. The TAC has reviewed the travel time reliability performance targets and has recommended that the Policy Board adopt the state target. Action Required. (See attachment.) 8) FY 2022 Annual Listing of Projects (ALOP) -The Annual Listing of Projects (ALOP) is required by TxDOT and FHWA. It requires the MPO to specify what projects were let using federal funds during the fiscal year. It also requires that any federal funds used on Transit Projects be shown. This year, the TxDOT Transportation Planning and Programming office did the compilation for the ALOP so that the formatting and relationship to the Unified Transportation Plan was consistent. As has been the case in past years, grouped projects may reflect a project not located in Brazos County. However, a project in Brazos County was included as one of multiple projects let under the master project being shown. Staff The TAC has reviewed the Annual Listing of Projects and has recommended that the Policy Board adopt the FY 2022 Annual Listing of Projects. Action Required. (See attachment.) 9) Texas Innovation Alliance Update -Dan Rudge will make a presentation on the plans for the Texas Innovation Alliance, its emphasis areas, and how Brazos County localities and agencies can most effectively participate in Texas Innovation Alliance activities. 10) Adjourn