HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-2806 - Ordinance - 05/26/2005 ORDINANCE NO. 2806 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS OF FACT AND VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF THE SIXTY FOOT (60') WIDE LUTHER STREET WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, FOR ROADWAY PURPOSES BUT RETAINING A PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN THE SAME AREA. WHEREAS, the City of College Station has received an application for the vacation and abandonment of a sixty foot (60') wide right-of-way, being more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS on May 26, 2005, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, heard the application of Callaway Development Corporation and Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. for the vacation and abandonment of a portion of Luther Street West; and WHEREAS, in order for any portion ofa Right-of-Way to be vacated and abandoned by the City Council of the City of College Station, the Council must make certain findings offacts; and WHEREAS, after hearing the application of Callaway Development Corporation and Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc. to vacate and abandon a portion ofthe 60 foot (60') wide right-of-way of Luther Street West, the City Council of the City of College Station, finds the following facts: I. A portion of the Luther Street West right-of-way crosses the applicant's property and inhibits its development. Utility infrastructure exists within the right-of-way and the City needs the area for public utilities. 2. 3. The City does not need the area being abandoned for street/roadway purposes. WHEREAS, the City Council after hearing the application and finding the specific facts as stated above now concludes and finds that: I. The portion of the right-of-way described in Exhibit A crosses the applicant's property would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his property. The abandonment of a portion of the right-of-way is not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or injurious to the property in the area; 2. 3. The City will retain a public utility easement in the area described in Exhibit A but abandon the use of the area as a road; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the portion of Luther Street West right of way described in Exhibit A will be abandoned for roadway and transportation purposes but the City shall retain and easement in and does not abandon the use of the are described in Exhibit A as a public utility easement, }sIc/my docs/obandonlmisedform orddoc Ordinance No. 2806 Page 2 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 26th day of May, 2005. APPROVED: ~;L.J:" RON SI , Mayor A8:~ ~ CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary APPROVED: City Attorney jslc/my docslabandonlrevisedform orddoc II FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Paz CASE NO.:~ DATE SUBMITTED: f'Ylan '.30 ABANDONMENT OF PUBLIC \ ROW-OF-WA Y/EASEMENT APPLICATION MINIMUM SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS tB:I $300.00 Abandonment of Public Right-of-Way (ROW)lEasement application fee. tB:I A completed copy of the attached Abandonment of Public ROWlEasement application. tB:I All exhibits Processed (except for Exhibit No.4, which will be processed by staff). ADDRESS Luther Street West fBetween Union PacIDc R.R. & Marlon PuGh Dr.\ LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0.236 acres out of a called 37.25 acre tract.s racorad In Vol. 15. Po. 435. Dead of Raconla of Brazos County. Texas and 0.238 acrea out of a called 100 acre tract as recorded In Vol. 125. Po. 364. Dead of Records of Brazos Countv. Texas. APPLICANT (Primary Contact for the Project): Name Rabon Metcalf Enolneerino Street Address City College StatIon State Phone Number f979\219-4174 E-Mail P.O. Box 9253 TX Zip COde 77842 Fax Number f979\ 6~29 nnenolneel'/iDluno.com PROPERTY OWNER'S INFORMATION (If different from above): Name Calla_v Develooment Cora. E-Mail PClllaW81{@caIIa_vdaveloament.com Street Address 1250 NE LoaD 410. Suite 600 City San Antonio State TX Zip COde 78209 Phone Number f210\822..o2oo Fax Number f210\8211-3361 d this application and certifies that tha facts stated herein and true and correct. ~ Date id:=- oppI'- "'" 2002.doc 5. 6. APPLICATION FOR THE ABANDONMENT OF A PUBLIC RIGHT -OF-WAY/EASEMENT Date: ADrl112. 2004 Location of Right-of-Way/Easement to be Abandoned: Luther Street West (Between Union Pacific R.R. & Marlon PuGh Dr.) Property Owner's Name & Address: Callaway DeveloDment COrD.. 1250 NE LoODØ 410. Suite 800. San Antonio. TX Coca Cola EnterDrises. 2500 Wlndv RidGe Parkway. Atlanta. GA 30339 Property Owner's Phone Number: (210) 822-0200 or 1770) 989-3109 TO THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: The undersigned hereby makes application for the abandonment of that portion of the above right-of-way particularly described in Exhibit No.1, attached. In support of this application, the undersigned represents and warrants the following: 1. The undersigned will hold the City of College Station harmless, and indemnify it against all suits, costs, expenses, and damages that may arise or grow out of such abandonment. 2. Attached, marked Exhibit No.1, are two sealed metes and bounds desl;riptions (dividing the area in half) of the area sought to be abandoned, prepared by a Registered Public Surveyor. Attached, marked Exhibit No.2, are two copies of a plat or detailed sketch of that portion of the public right-of-way/easement sought to be abandoned and the surrounding area to the nearest streets in all directions, showing the abutting lots and block, and the subdivision in which the above described right-of- way/easement is situated, together with the record owners of such lots. Attached, marked Exhibit No.3, is the consent of all public utilities to the aban- donment. 3. 4. Attached, marked Exhibit No.4, is the consent of the City of College Station staff to the abandonment. Attached, marked Exhibit No.5, is the consent of all the abutting property owners, except the following: (if none, so state) ~ oppIlCIIIion "'" 2002.doc: -2- No other DroDertv owners were contacted other than those DhYSlcallY abuttInG the sublect rIGht-of-way abandonement since the road is closed a serves no transPOrtation benefit to the General Dublic. 7. Such public right-of-way/easement should be abandoned because: This POrtion of Luther Street West Is currently closed to the Dubllc and serves no benefit to the General Dublic. The current 2003 Thorouahfare Plan does not Inldlcate that a raIlroad/street crossinG is Dlanned. Also. due to Dast mandates 'from the CItY and other Governmental entities) to reduce and minimize railroad/street crossings. It Is extremely unlikelY that a road crossing would eyer occur at this location. 8. Such public right-of-way/easement has been and is being used as follows: Originally this portion of Luther Street West 'fonnerlY Ha~ LIQuor \ Road. serving as a countY road) was In use to the General Dubllc and Droylded a railroad crossinG to Wellborn Road. At an undertennlned time the railroad crossinG was removed and this portion of the road closed to the General Dubllc. Currently. the road Is a dead-end street and DroYldes no transportation benefit to the aenerl Dublic. ~Ibondon oppIiClllon "'" 2002.doc - 3- I swear that all of the information contained in this application i best of my knowledge and belief. Applicant's Signature: Applicant's Name: Rabon A. Metcalf. P.E. Applicant's Address:3817 Stony Creek Lane ConGae Station..TX 77845 Applicant's Phone Number: (979) 690-0329 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS ACKNOWLEDGMENT A ~~~cribed and . ~~¡.tgy ~~ ~e;,~ ~~ ~:I~C:fis J.CL da: of e JANIS L STEwARTD , ~PubIc:,StIIeGfT- m7 CornmIaeIon e.p",. NOVEMBER 10, 2004 ~1iItndon oppIlCOItoa "'" 2002.doc: -4- Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-WaylEasement Located: Luther Street West (Between Union Pacific R.R. & Marlon PuGh Dr.) EXHIBIT NO.1 See attached metes and bounds descriptions, ~=,Ibondon opplication "'" 2002.doc -5- FIELD NOTES 0.236 OF ONE ACRE BEING A PART OF LUTHER STREET WEST OUT OF A CALLED 37.25 ACRE TRACT VOLUME 15, PAGE 435 J. E. SCOTT SURVEY, A-50 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS APRIL 8, 2004 All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being 0.236 of one acre situated in the J. E. SCOTT SURVEY, Abstract No. SO, Brazos County, Texas, and being a part of LUTHER STREET WEST, a possible prescriptive street in the City of College Station, Texas and being out of a Called 37.25 acre tract as described in deed to W. H. Davidson of record in Volume 15, Page 435, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, said 0.236 of one acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an "X" In Concrete found at the Intersection of the northeast right-of-way line of Marion Pugh Drive and the prescriptive northwest right-of-way line of said LUTHER STREET WEST for the most westerly comer, said comer being the most southerly corner of the Callaway Development Corporation Called 5.082 acre tract as described in Volume 3987, Page 64; THENCE N 45 0 38 ' 34 . E, along the pr:escriptive northwest right-of-way line of said LUTHER STREET WEST and the southeast line of said Called 5.082 acre tract at a distance of 352.81 feet passing the calculated most easterly comer of said Called 5.082 acre tract and the most southerly comer of the Callaway Development Corporation Called 3.123 acre tract as described in volume 4036, Page 57, and continuing along the prescriptive northwest right-of-way line of said LUTHER STREET WEST and the southeast line of said Called 3.123 acre tract for a total distance of 502.56 feet to a 518" Iron Rod found for the most northerly comer, said comer being the most easterly comer of said Called 3.123 acre tract and also being located in the southwest rlght-of-waJ( line of the Union Pacific Railroad; THENCE S 26 0 13' 17. E, along the southwest right-of-way line of said Union Pacific Railroad a distance of 21.86 feet to a 112" Iron Rod with cap set near the centerline of said LUTHER STREET WEST for the most easterly comer, said comer being located In the calculated southeast line of said Called 37.25 acre tract and also being the calculated most northerly comer of a Called 100 acre tract as described In Volume 125, Page 364, the calculated most easterly comer of said Called 37.25 acre tract bears N 45 0 43 ' 37" E a distance of 52.60 feet; THENCE S 45 0 43' 37. W, along the southeast line of said Called 37.25 acre tract and the northwest line of said Called 100 acre tract a distance of 505.38 feet to a 112" Iron Rod with Cap set in the northeast right-of-way line of Marion Pugh Drive for the most southerly comer; THENCE N 18 0 42' 37" W, along the northeast right-of-way line of Marion Pugh Drive a distance of 22.23 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING AN AREA OF 10,288 square feet or 0.236 OF ONE ACRE OF LAND MORE OR LESS, according to a survey performed during March, 2004, under the supervision of H. Curtis Strong, registered Professional land Surveyor no. 4961. North Orientation Is based on rotating the northeast line to the Called Bearing of the southwest right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad as recorded in Volume 3750, Page 327. FIELD NOTES 0.238 OF ONE ACRE BEING A PART OF LUTHER STREET WEST OUT OF A CALLED 100 ACRE TRACT VOLUME 125, PAGE 364 CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, A - 7 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS APRIL 8, 2004 All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being 0.238 of one acre situated in the CRAWFORD BURNETT LEAGUE, Abstract No.7, Brazos County, Texas, and being a part of LUTHER STREET WEST, a possible prescriptive street in the City of College Station, Texas and being out of a Called 100 acre tract as described in deed from Aline Brogdon to H. E. Burgess and Daniel Russell of record In Volume 125, Page 364, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, said 0.238 of one acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at a 1/2" Iron Rod set for a calculated comer in the southwest right-of-way line of Union Pacific Railroad near the centeriine of LUTHER STREET WEST for the most northeriy comer, said corner being the calculated most northerly comer of said Called 100 acre tract; THENCE S 26 0 13' 17. E, along the southwest right-of-way line of said Union Pacific Railroad and the northeast line of said Called 100 acre tract a distance of 21.86 feet to a 1/2" Iron Rod found in the prescriptive southeast right-of-way line of said LUTHER STREET WEST for the most easterly comer, said comer being the most northerly comer of a Called 37.41 acre tract as described in Vacating Plat ofthe George McCulloch's Industrial Area as recorded in Volume 417, Page 495; THENCE S 45048' 37. W, along the prescriptive southeast right-of-way line of LUTHER STREET WEST and the northwest line of said Called 37.41 acre tract a distance of 508.19 feet to a 1/2" Iron Rod with cap set in the northeast right-of-way line of Marion Pugh Drive for the, most southerly comer, THENCE N 18 042' 37. W, along the northeast right-of-way line of said Marion Pugh Drive a distance of 22.23 feet to a 1/2" Iron Rod with Cap set near the centerline of LUTHER STREET WEST for the most westerly comer, said comer being located in the calculated northwest line of said Called 100 acre tract and also being located in the calculated southeast line of a Called 37.25 acre tract as described In deed to W. H. Davidson in Volume 15, Page 435; THENCE N 45 0 43 ' 37 " E, along the calculated common lines of said called 100 acre tract and said Called 37.25 acre tract a distance of 505.38 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNiNG AND CONTAINING AN AREA OF 10,351 square feet or 0.238 OF ONE ACRE OF LAND MORE OR LESS, according to a survey performed during March, 2004, under the supervision of H. Curtis Strong, registered Professional Land Surveyor no. 4961. North Orientation is based on rotating the northeast line to the Calied Bearing of the southwest right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad as recorded In Volume 3750, Page 327. Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-Way/Easement Located: Luther Street West (Between Union Pacific R.R. & Marlon PuGh Dr.) EXHIBIT NO.2 Attached are two copies of a plat or detailed sketch of the public right-of-way/easement sought to be abandoned in the above-mentioned application, showing the surrounding area to the nearest streets in all directions, abutting lots, the block or blocks in which the portion of the public right-of-way/easement sought to be vacated is situated, and the addition or subdivision in which the portion of the public right-of-way/easernent sought to be abandoned is situated. Also, the names of record owners of the abutting lots are shown. See attached document (see sheet X-2). ~ opplieolion "'" 2002.doc: -6. ~ ~=a ~~ ~~ °"'ó ~~ 'C> .O.C 2.235 ACRE TRACT \ \ \ 13.76 ACRE TRACT (VOL. 3750, PO. 237) ~VOL. 3987, PG. 36~ VOL. 3987, PG. 64 VOL. 4036, PG. 57 REMAINDER OF CALLED 37.25 ACRE TRACT (VOL. 15, PO. 435) CALLAWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1250 NE LOOP 410, SUITE 800 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209 \ \ ~\ \~ \ \~ \ -I) " \\\ \~\ \ \ SUBJECT R.O. W. N 18' 42' 3T w ABANDONMENT 22.23' N 18' 42' 378 w 22.23' ~ N 17.44 ACRE TRACT (VOL. 1441, PG. 017) REMAINDER OF CALLED 100 ACRE TRACT (VOL. 125, PG. 364) COCA COLA ENTERPRISES 2500 WINDY RIDGE PARKWAY ATLANTA. GA 30339 P.O. . 0.233 ACRE TRACT RABON ~ EXHIBIT #2 . OA1E: 4/12/04 SHEET NO. METCALF F l.I[ JTHER ROW ENOINEERINO LUTHER STREET WEST SCALE: 18=100' POST OFFICE BOx 1253 R.O. W, ABANDONMENT _ÐI£,:::r.::..=~" ~~~I DRAWN BY: RAM X-2 au. - (I~) 2......174 RME NO. 143-0170 CHK BY: RAM Application for Abandonment of a Public Rlght-of-WaylEasement Located: Luther Street West (Between Union Pacific R.R. & Marlon PuGh Dr.) EXHIBIT NO.3 The undersigned public utility companies, using or entitled to use, under the teRnS and provisions of our respective franchises with the City of College Station, that portion of the public right-of-way/utility easement sought to be abandoned in the Application for Abandonment above referred to, do hereby consent to the abandonment of the described portion thereof. TXU GAS COMPANY Bi~~~~ --- VERIZON TELEPHONE COMPANY BY: /-1 d{/ Title ~lt.r --AlF+ow<,rk J;;..,- COX COMMUNICATIONS BY ~ #f6!..1}-- .isIcItbnaoIabo oppIicodon "'" 2002.doc 312611004. . ----- -7- Application for Abandonment of a Public Rlght-of-WaylEasement Located Luther Street West (Between Union Pacific R.R. & Marlon Pugh Dr.) EXHIBIT NO.4 The undersigned, City staff of the City of College Station, certify that they have carefully considered the App1ication for Abandonment of the public right-of-way/easement referred to above from the standpoint of City of College Station ordinances and with res to present and future needs of the City of College Station and see no objection e requested abandonment from the City's standpoint. .~i"'bo Z~ CRy ~I City of College Station ~ MtG Ifvl<r'. 6,u 111~ 1M{ ~17105 fh=--1Ip IUc:oöon "'" 2002.cIoc -8- Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-Way/Easement Located: Luther Street West (Between Union Pacific R.R. & Marion Puah Dr.) EXHIBIT NO.5 The undersigned, owners of p rty abutting upon that portion of the public right-of- way/easement named and d c'bed i he Application for Abandonment of a Public Right-of-Way/Easement refe d 0 aOO ,do hereby consent to such abandonment. NAME: ADDRESS: Matthew J. Fanoa CorporaIe DIrector Reel EaIata & Facilltl81 NAME: ADDRESS: NAME: ADDRESS: j"""'OI1I1IIIabondan applieation '"" 2OO2.doc "'°"'" -9- FIELD NOTES 0.474 OF ONE ACRE BEING A PART OF LUTHER STREET WEST OUT OF A CALLED 37.25 ACRE TRACT VOLUME 15, PAGE 435 AND A CALLED 100 ACRE TRACT VOLUME 125, PAGE 364 J. E. SCOTT SURVEY, A-50 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS APRIL 8, 2004 All that certain lot, tract or parcel of land being 0.474 of one acre situated in the J. E. SCOTT SURVEY, Abstract No. 50, Brazos County, Texas, and being a part of LUTHER STREET WEST, a possible prescriptive street in the City of College Station, Texas and being out of the following tracts: 1) Being a part of the Called 37.25 acre tract as described in deed to W. H. Davidson of record In Volume 15, Page 435, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and 2) Being a part of the Called 100 acre tract as described in deed from AJine Brogdon to H. E. Burgess and Daniel Russell of record in Volume 125, Page 364, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, said 0.474 of one acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an "X" In Concrete found at the intersection of the northeast right-of-way line of Marion Pugh Drive and the prescriptive northwest right-of-way line of said LUTHER STREET WEST for the most westerly corner, said corner being the most southerly corner of the Callaway Development Corporation Called 5.082 acre tract as described in Volume 3987, Page 64; THENCE N 45 0 38 ' 34 " E, along the prescriptive northwest right-of-way line of said LUTHER STREET WEST and the southeast line of said Called 5.082 acre tract at a distance of 352.81 feet passing the calculated most easterly corner of said Called 5.082 acre tract and the most southerly corner of the Callaway Development Corporation Called 3.123 acre tract as described in volume 4036, Page 57, and continuing along the prescriptive northwest right-of-way line of said LUTHER STREET WEST and the southeast line of said Called 3.123 acre tract for a total distance of 502.56 feet to a 5/8" Iron Rod found for the most northerly comer, said corner being the most easterly corner of said Called 3.123 acre tract and also being located in the southwest right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad; THENCE S 26 0 13' 17" E, along the southwest right-of-way line of said Union Pacific Railroad at a distance of 21.86 feet passing a 112" Iron Rod with cap set near the centerline of said LUTHER STREET WEST for the calculated most easterly corner of said Called 100 acre tract and being located in the calculated southeast line of said Called 37.25 acre tract and continuing along the southwest right-of-way line of said Union Pacific Railroad for a total distance of 43.73 feet to a 1/2"lron Rod found in the prescriptive southeast right-of-way line of saId LUTHER STREET WEST for the most easterly corner, said corner being the most northerly corner of a Called 37.41 acre tract as described in Vacating Plat of the George McCulloch's Industrial Area as recorded in Volume 417, Page 495; THENCE S 45 0 48 . 37 . W, along the prescriptive southeast right-of-way line of LUTHER STREET WEST and the northwest line of said Called 37.41 acre tract a distance of 508.19 feet to a 112" Iron Rod w~h cap set in the northeast right-of-way line of Marion Pugh Drive for the most southerly corner; THENCE N 18 042 . 37 " W, along the northeast right-of-way line of said Marion Pugh Drive a distance of 44.45 feet to the PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING AN AREA OF 20,639 square feet or 0.474 OF ONE ACRE OF LAND MORE OR LESS, according to a survey performed during March, 2004, under the supervision of H. Curtis Strong, registered Professional Land Surveyor no. 4961. North Orientation is based on rotating the northeast line to the Called Bearing of the southwest right-of-way line of the Union Pacific Railroad as recorded in Volume 3750, Page 327. EXHIBIT A 13.76 ACRE TRACT (VOL. 3750, PG. 237) ~VOL. 3987, PG. 36~ VOL. 3987, PG. 64 VOL. 4036, PG. 57 REMAINDER OF CALLED 37.25 ACRE TRACT (VOL. 15, PG. 435) CALLAWAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1250 NE LOOP 410, SUITE 800 SAN ANTONIO, TX 78209 \ \ \ \ ~\ \~ \ \ ~ \ \ ~ \ \~\ \~\ \ \ ~.o.. 0.474 E ACT \ ~ % ~~ ~ ~~ °1ð ~~ ~ œ N RABON Q EXHIBIT #2A DATE: 5/2/05 SHEET NO. M BTCALF FILIilJTHER ROW ENGINEERING LUTHER STREET WEST SCALE: 1"=100' EXHIBIT POST OFFle< BOX 0253 R.O.W. ABANDONMENT COll£GE STATION. 1D<AS 77"2 A ......, nn,"oln_"J""o.~m ~.:~ (õ7~7~oo'!!8j2~320 DRAWN BY: RAM cw. - (07 ) 2'0-4"4 RME NO. 143-0170 CHK BY: RAM 17.44 ACRE TRACT (VOL. 1441, PG. 017) REMAINDER OF CALLED 100 ACRE TRACT (VOL. 125, PG. 364) COCA COLA ENTERPRISES 2500 WINDY RIDGE PARKWAY ATI.ANTA. GA 30339 Apr 14 05 03:18p Cal1..wa~ 210-829-4610 p.2 CALLA WAY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION Page Callaway Executive Vice PresídentlCFO April 14, 2005 City of College Station P. O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842-9960 To Whom It May Concern: 12õll \.;~. ¡,""p.un !SuIt,. 8m, !Snn ,\"",.",. TX 781"'> !21"/NIl,lIlllil !11l;1N1n,~J6!1;.., ,;..mnU p,..I",",), Ii """""'¡"',"""opm.ut.""n . Apr-15-05 02:50PM Fram-taca Cola Entlrprlul +riD 989 3213 T-983 P.OOI/OOI H99 ~"ø~Jha o~~ 2 C; --.--+-.'---.-.-- ~~~~_. I y- ~'M"' "';¡""'~'W' ¡ AlIOn"'. "^~"', ¡ IIM}¡I9'~OCX' I April 15, 2005 770.!JIi9.3213 F", I I ¡ I ! Rabon A. Metcalf, piE Rabon Metcalf engi~eerlng 3617 Stony Creek L.- Col/ege Station, TX 1((845 j I Re: Aban6onment of Publ/c Right-of-Way for Luther Street West between Unlot Pacific Railroad and Marlon Pugh Drive, College Station. Texas I I Please ai'pt this letter as authorization that you may sign the Abandonment of Public ROW-OF- ay/Easement Application and other documents relevant to this Application and Ab ndonment as an agent of and on behalf of Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. If you need anythlng else, please call my paralegal, Celeste Burr, at (770) 969- 3109. Thanks for YFur help In finalizing this matter. i I I I I ! i I I Co: Matthew 11noe Brldgette eorge (via fax @ 979/764-3496) Jeff Guild, sq. I I I I I I I VIA DHL Dear Rabon: ~:;';:':""==:':'W_" 0