HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-2795 - Ordinance - 04/14/2005 ORDINANCE NO. 2795 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS OF FACT AND VACATING AND ABANDONING THE EXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENTS LOCATED ON THE 29.51 ACRE TRACT AT2710 HORSE HAVEN LANE IN COLLEGE STATION. WHEREAS, the City of College Station has received an application for the vacation and abandonment of the existing right-of-way and easements, being more particularly described on Exhibits A.l thru A.6 attached hereto; WHEREAS on April 14, 2005, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, heard the application of Oakwood Custom Homes Group, Ltd, represented by Greg Taggart of Municipal Design Group, for the vacation and abandonment of the aforementioned existing right-of-way and easements, being more particularly described on Exhibits Al thru A.6 attached hereto; and WHEREAS, in order for any portion of an easement to be vacated and abandoned by the City Council of the City of College Station, the Council must make certain findings of facts; and WHEREAS, after hearing the application of Oakwood Custom Homes Group, Ltd to vacate and abandon these existing right-of-way and easements, the City Council of the City of College Station, finds the following facts: 1. The location of these existing right-of-way and easements is adjacent to the applicant's property and inhibits its development, because the owner is redeveloping the property into a single family residential development and the easements would render many ofthe proposed lots unbuildable. Due to the proposed extension of Horse Haven Lane to the proposed Horseback Court the abandonment of the existing Horse Haven Lane turnaround represented in Exhibit A.I and A2 is necessary; and 2. 3. That the land use in the neighborhood appears to be stable and the use to which this property is being put is not likely to change within the foreseeable future and is similar to the use to that of the neighborhood; and A blanket easement has been previously dedicated for the entire 29.51 acre tract to enable the city to maintain its facilities in place and extend utilities to the property. 5. WHEREAS, the City Council after hearing the application and finding the specific facts as stated above now concludes and finds that: 1. The fact that the location of these existing right-of-way and easements are adjacent to the applicant's property would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of his property. The fact that the land use is not likely to change within the foreseeable future provides a basis for granting applicant's request to vacate and abandon a portion of the public right of way and easements necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of the substantial property right of the applicant. 2. jsldmy docslabandonlrevisedform orddoc Ordinance No. 2795 Page 2 3. The fact that the abandonment of a portion of the right of way and easements is not detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare or injurious to the property in the area; now therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, the vacation and abandonment of these existing right-of-way and easements, being more particularly described on Exhibits A.l thru A.6 attached hereto, be abandoned and vacated only upon completion of the following conditions: l.The pavement which exists as the turnaround for Horse Haven Lane, described in Exhibit A.I and A.2, shall not be removed until construction begins on the extension of Horse Haven Lane to the proposed Horseback Court. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 14th day of April ,2005. APPROVED: cs:1 APPROVED: City Attorney jsldmy docslabandonlrevisedform ord.doc METES AND BOUNDS UF"I!CRIPTIÖN orA 0.191 ACRE TRAC" HORSE HAVEN LANE ROW (BULB) PI)! MORGAN RECTOR LEAGUE, ~'TRAC1' NO. 46 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXHIBIT A.I as 35 of ¡!ere VOLUME 50l1 rod found, 52" ,Tangent to the right rod found, 25' 51", Tangent = C¥.." ,..~ 12[9120042:51 PM þI.t.1IC>- p....,." feet to the It.ACE pI' BEGINNIN(~, and 01"W Refer to this VOLUME r 12[912004 2:57 PM P.O.B. " R - 1 " 0.19 AC. "'2 /' ",.. ~...... rß . ,\. '" . . \ ~-¡;. \ \ AN EASEMENT REt.EASE EXHIBIT' DRAWIN( FORR-1 HORSE HAVEN ESTATES METES AND BOUNDS UF,SCRIPTION OF A U44 ACRE TRACT HORSE HAVEN LANE BUf.,IJ 20'PUFJDE . !Ñ.,l} MORGAN REC'fOR LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 46 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXHIBIT A.~ said easement 3.10I'èØtalol1g.s¡rideu,tVewbose Chord bearsN32° 46'50" E -:.t62 feet (~Ita = 42°24'04"', Tangent'" I ,94 fèðt) to II point for the I;Ie.giuni.ng of 11 revetse C\ltVe to th~- (RIIdiU$'" 70,00 feet); ~~'" Ø\~-' 0OO151-f.l()(3175) 12/212004 4:06 PM ~- "'!!IIfI~ \":IÞ fl\ IIiU whose chord beare S U;ß feet), fot the cud line. 13" E - 94.01 feel curve and the W - 4.73 (Delta and corner; a capped Vi' the point of 000751-f.10(3775) 1212[20044:06 PM 18,4.8 fcetalOng$IIÍdctlrve, who$èChoro bem'S,32~4IH 01" W 18.06 feet (Deltíl"" 42~ 20'52'" Tailgent '" 9.68 feet), to the ~C£ OF BEGINNING, and containing 0.144 æ.:re::; of land. in VOLtJME by: 000151-£.10(:3775) 121212004 4:06 PM \ ~,'#V .:: ~ fl8 " " R-1 1 1 1 ' '" I I -ì--J. """-"""""" ~, I ,,' '"""-",- ill ¡-....I, "- 17°1r. ' .... I , --..,., , I 1 I , ,I "- /kg I'!!;:::;SI 'P51 " r't.i1' . I < ~' I Ð. -- 9.51 ACRE REMAINDER NOT PLAm¡p NOW 011 FORt.IE!It Y BURTON It. HERWINN. ET UX VOl1JME 2085, PAGE 289 \ \ AN EASEMENT RELEASE EXHIBIT DRAW\N4 F'ORp-1 HORSE HAVEN ESTATES .-.u -- ........ . - .. ~ ~1 SIt d1 Ut~1I tiIJI1;IC Imt.ITY .,unr:M1!'.KI EXHIBIT A.~ DAni ~ /t, ~ <ÆANTOU, ~. 1li\Y J: JIRNÀ~ - wilt, ~I'ICIØ.ISm ~ ~ I\U.UJi!'fG ADDIIIBI: rIlO fløIø Hawm :I..IIU s..- ~ CoIJc&t Stall.... Tox",,1784S GM.'/fI.1I!I¡: em' at' OOLLRCm S'l'A1'IUI'I, TI!XAS G~1I1S MAluNG AnDJ.U:SS: lIon'_A- s..- C'OIIIIIY Co\IIIp SfIII\OII, .... 77842 COI'i$ID'lmATWI'f: T.. })oIIm ($t(IJ ol- .... &»od - ~I.~"" ~ ... 'If< ~-_M< ""'-, C\'."" ,.".,.." '\.(.~- ".,., tÞ ;fV1t'( r' { ftr ~'1 8. tl69!! .22- Qlllki,tøII4 M ~ ÚI 'IIo!186 sot I, h¡ e ~. of III~ ~ ~ or ~~ ' ,I)M.._MlIII--~~bjf .' , , ""C" a\IIdîO4l1/Ø1i1 ., mØ .,1It h<reOUøu.ll ~ "'_CIl~of1alìll1~"4'" sI~ ÎI! 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I!1dM 'R. y~T~ibr: tIIo~ ¥OWMIlSl>lt 1'1\J(1tI<13 I!f\l8\4O11cW ~ ~N'W49' ~.I!IOlnl' I!t'E~4,15t.et...Iáld40j._~InICIJø"pâiIIt ¡¡r~ 11" w.. tj/6,1$-_lCtødláld-""' !OÌIII ¡¡r~ ~ ...£- 1I~1 mì $ow' 1338 ~l~I~~W::,~uid'-lIIlbe~ ~ P1at Lot 1 of I:htd /4a'HiII1!tIIØI. .. _1de<1 in VOUJMII4ZSS mr;vm:Ð ~ Zt)O3 ~ ~ 0IuIiP CoI!cP9IaIioII, T- ~ /B-47/i,,1 .-e;.IPf!J:r /tþ ."'" of lIP 4:1 "'- II IItJ'III lit' tn:1!!ì~u ...... ..... ~I ...... 3!.. ,.".¡¡t!lJ:" . .,12 ...,... ..-.tØI'I1Ø s 03" W 20.00 feet to a point for corner; an point; S 42004' 01" W - 318.04 feel to an angle point in the southeast line of said Lot 2; [L~CE OF BEGINNING. and dillC. 2P<!> 4 A: 121912004 8:34 AM , ,,\.~ """, """", """............ AN IBIT DRAWING RELEASE EXH EASEMENT . . FOR~N- E~TATES HORSE HAV A-" ~ R£CIOI\ -. "... .......... ""'~ 6 IN VOLUME 4142. PAGE 49) (fiNALLY TERMINATED BY AGREt)A!NT IN VOLUME 6413, PAGE 103) ~7 ,~\ .$ AN EASEMENT RElEASE EXHIBIT DRAWING FORS-1 HORSE HAVEN ESTATES METES AND ROUNDS DESCRIPTION OrA 0.061 ACRE TRACT DRAINAGE 'EASEMENT FOR RELEASE '$WIi) , MORGAN RECTOR LF.AGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 46 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS EXHIBIT A.4f "..., ...... " ()()()751-f.O2(177S) 12)9120043:01 PM ~4r~r:a '()'ÐI1 Tangllnt:23.41 feet, tothe~ VOLUME 12[912004 3;01 PM ""'~Q' .U.E. & D.E. "'... ',VOLUME 4285. ',,'.,',.',,','.," 4749;:....,..,~",.", "'" PAGE 35 " ... ~'J. " ' "- " ... "I/b "'", '~'" ... ,'. ... " '.",., .............. ' ') ',... ~ ", , ~ 'y ... , ., \ ' -, ,,",---š1.¥'4Šr5'1Ó7i>,J ,~ ".""""""",.",\. ."~\.,".,<(. 'N'! , " '" "\, "'\'--- \ \.HØRSE rtt,ff!'.if ¡,4r-ß/-- :t'\~_Y----l:è-< --~~fr?! \ \ [],,', , '., " ~~, Iy/" <)55ê , / / Y' \"'('",) I~ \ \ ("'I"""'~ ,'. " II' ~ \ \~ ill~' ;1 / ~ 1 I \ ì I "I ( \, '\ .'. ¡ t-. "" 0 1 ' ," .~ 20', DftAINAGE EASE,MENT \Ü~ ~ " ¡ l/ <6' VOLUME: 4285, .PAGE 35 \.\ ! ¡ ,-"I <ci (TOA8ANDONED) / ¡ / o{ I~ " '-- '\ '\ If ("'"It>"" " O"u7ïf'- '\', Q' ~ '\ , '\ , '\ , , '\ '\ '\ '\ '\ '\ '\ ......... " '\ """"" '\ '~ '\ '\ ~.,,\ !:>" ,,' . '" _.\~ \ ~ P.O.8. " 0 - 1 " 0.063 -. AN L.e. EASEMENT RELEASE EXHIBIT ORAWtN ~1' roRÐ-1 HORSE HAVEN ESTATES DAm ~13..I9r¡1 J ~\- GIW'I'I'Ô1ISI BUIlTON flAY HERMANN and VUWINIA BOIU$K1HØ1lMANN GI'I.ANTØIS' MAILING ADDRESS: ' 2401 But 8ypw Bruot CountY; CoI1ep St_ñón. TX 77845 GRANTEE: CITY OFCOLtEGE STATION, TEXAS ¡tot Tens Avmuc sruosCOWlty College St:¡til;!'f, "!'oxu 17IMO CONSIDIRAT10N: Ten DoIlar$ (110.00) and O!,ber søod and vduablC comideratien paorERTV: 0,158 acre (6860 SF) tract or pared lying and being ~Ot WillI, Abstract No, 46, Station, ßnI7.os of tho rame 101, 11:,. remainder tract It d,. u diIscn'bed by deed recorded in 19 Records of Bruo$ Cwnty, Texu. said more particularly dewibed in the attached I!xhìbit "An, .u right. uC øßwc U:Iê ¡~ent to tho miMraI uwe to tho above by Gtameo, and to. ~s ~ on behalf of Qnmti!e wtìh tbe and addrusts or al1eàders, C\ '!'JÞ -, 3 0 0 .1 6 6 3 ITA 1'E òf 1'I!.XAS C()lI.N'R OF þ,AZOS 11111 BUR: . . ACKNOW1.JIDOMl$NT . cdbeibRmooothls~'of ~'t"'" . 1999, by ACKNOWL&DGMBNT . 1999. by APB ~, l81VØJ( '10; C1ty of CÞl1øle statiœ I.ø)a1 Dept. 1101 '1'tØIU Avìœ8 CÞl- Stat1c:tn, '.tIC 71840 .-: : .. M&TIS AND '8OœOJØ DUCRIr11ON 8699337 ø 3 6 3 3 boPøds diRripùon of all tbIIt =Wn 0,1 sa am (6860 SF) traCt of plfCCl of kl.1bo Morpn Rector ~ A~t No. 46. Col1eg~ .. beiq . portloì1 oUt of tbIIt um.e 108.19 am ~ et ux. et 11, U ~ by deed orlbo oft'ícl11 Reèord ofBruos County. mom putitUlltly described u follows: ø ø .1 6 8 \1')" iron rod fo\lI1d marking the. northwest corncr of ÚIJIt Burtton Ria)' Hermann, lit ux. to C. C'" Kolbt,. lit tIX, LUME 1558 PAGE 133 ofsa1d Oftlcial R\COIdS. 108.29 acre traCt to . point {or comer. $uMye.d by; ~". 11"'!.__- A.W.Kessle.r R"t'UL No. 1M2 .....\00\ L -p. o. c.. ".....~.",,'. ""7 ~ ,...I~' ~\\ \ \ \ Jil.w ... p."IIIIIIt"'" c:: ,c:..,./ "'.1"'1 ...f 1411( ......... ~ S'$ " ,".It". tz,t... 5Iec,¡'r,'", Æ.. -- ---- ... fIiIr'I. ill .1 ~ lS.mJ " 'ilJfIW .JJá IfcwHt ......, IJfffI/SI1 / þ!/IIJ 1"" _I It ~ . '41111 ....... /JI,¡JItI I .- ,,- Nt ~œI.~ -- METES AND BOUNDS DESCRll'l'ION OrA 0.576 ACRE TRACT ELEC1RICEASWENT FOR RELEASE tift)' . CTOR LEAGUE. ABSTRACT NO. 46 STATION. nRAZOSCOUNTV, TEXAS EXHIBIT A.lrÞ line Lo,2 000751-f.Ol(3775) ~.~