HomeMy WebLinkAboutGlenhaven Estates $75 12/6 84-237 V.(1.914A)/\ 1 N()-_ -------- TAX CERTIFICATE COLLEGE ST A TION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT College Station, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS l I, Fay Davis, Assessor and Collector of taxes ·for the College Station Independent School District, hereby certify that I have made a careful search of the tax records up to and including the year 19 84 , and did not find any taxes due against the following property except: YEARS DELINQUENT NONE AMOUNT $ * ------------------~ ------- CURRENT YEAR OF 1984 AMOUNT $ 2892.60 DUE ------------------~ ------- * PENALTY and INTEREST c;:orr.ect through the month of ONLY. ------------ NOTE: If the property on which this ta.:c certificate is issued is under Agricultural Exemption (Article 8, Section 1-d, Texas Constitution) the roll back ta.:c will occur if the land is SOLD or DIVERTED. If the property on which this ta.:c certificate is issued is under Open Space Land Valuation (Article 8, Section l-d-1) the roll back ta.:c will occur if the USE of the land changes. ASSESSED IN THE NAME OF: Brazosland Properties BLOCK or TRACT LOT or ACRES ADDITION or SURVEY All, Phase 7 2.33 Glenhaven 7 THIS TAX CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE STATE PROPERTY TAX CODE, FOR WHICH A FEE OF $4.00 IS CHARGED. Issued the __ 1_3 __ day of __ N_o_v_e_rn_be_r ____ , 19 84 13.razosland Properties by:tsn TAX CERTIFICATE COLLEGE ST A TION INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT College Station, Texas THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I I, Fay Davis, Assessor and Collector of taxes for the College Station Independent School District, hereby certify that I have made a careful search of the tax records up to and including the year 19 84 , and did not find any taxes due against the following property except: AMOUNT $ * YEARS DELINQUENT ______ N_O_N_E ________ _ ------- CURRENT YEAR OF 1984 AMOUNT $ 415.88 DUE ------------------~ ------- * PENALTY and INTEREST corr,ect through the month of ONLY. ------------ NOTE: If the property on which this ta::c certificate is issued is under Agricultural Exemption (Article 8, Section 1-d, Texas Constitution) the roll back ta::c will occur if the land is SOLD or DIVERTED. If the property on which this ta::c certificate is issued is under Open Space Land Valuation (Article 8, Section 1-d-1) the roll back ta::c will occur if the USE of the Zand changes. ASSESSED IN THE NAME OF: Brazosland Properties BLOCK or TRACT LOT or ACRES ADDITION or SURVEY All, Phase 8 2.01 Glenhaven 8 THIS TAX CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE STATE PROPERTY TAX CODE, FOR WHICH A FEE OF $4.00 IS CHARGED. 84 I d h 13 d f November 19 ssue t e ____ ay o ---------' __ Brazosland Pro~erities by:tsh Fay!}s Tax Assessor-Collector College Station ISD P&Z CASE NO. DATE RECEIVED APPLICATION FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL FINAL PLAT I I SUBMISSION OF THIS APPLICATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL PLATTING FEES ARE PAID AND ALL REQUIREMENTS OF ORDINANCE NO. 690, SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, HAVE BEEN MET. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: l. Filing fee: $75.00 (plus $50.00 per sheet beyond one). Payable at Tax Office; receipt to accompany application. 2. Application completed in full. 3. Ten (10) copies of Plat plus film positive thereof. 4. Two (2) sets of construction plans and documents which have been approved by the City Engineer, or release from City Engineer waiving the need for same. 5. Tax payment certificates. DEADLINE: Received in Planning Department 14 days prior to Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) meeting. Regular meetings held first and third Thursdays of each month. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE. NAME OF SUBDIVISION Cl:{t-£/Jt.-J-A.Ue#J f?.5rt:>Te5 , 'P~'?:J6 Jr. I OWNER e~~µD ~PEJl.,~tffi 1Il.L, AGENT kk.utL fv\ c. (Q Uo..Aolv ADDREss 4 \ o~ '5 . Tx . buE:. ADDREss (SCV\l\A..L.--) .=:; ~oi·+e-1 o o i' f60<-(<WL1 Tx PHONE 64b -CQ1 ~ ~ LICENSED SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER Q\Ll::=Y e011\l\.~tY\ql Co ADDREss R:T. 3 ,llix 451 , ~Q.N\ ,\x 'lr&n'l- PHONE S-&9 --;;l.J-f-S'] SPECIFIC LOCATION OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION fu>TH-Ef:::.srCo~oi:: IUT$e::I;lfV\. of ttw~ 4GC~ P>ye65SJ <1..vd Of\ \vex-s i*1 ba.iv~. REQUESTED VARIANCES TO ORDINANCE NO. 690 t-JoV\.e_.., ~---=----=='-'--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY REQUESTS OF THE ABOVE IDENTIFIED PLAT: Title Rev.8/84 I R4 / / •ITEM NUMBER •CASE NUMBER 84-237 •SCAL& •TYPE OF CASE FINAL PLAT R-1