HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996-2165 - Ordinance - 01/25/1996ORDINANCE NO 2165 ,MN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE NO 1638, OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 7 BY ADDING NEW SUBSECTIONS 7 IA AND 7. lB, AND REVISING TABLE A AT THE END OF SECTION 7; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS That Section 7 of Ordinance No. 1638, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by adding two new Subsections, 7.1A and 7.1 B, to read as follows: "7. lA DISTRICT A-OR: RURAL RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION PURPOSE: This district allows different infrastructure standards from the more urbanized developments within the City and is intended to provide locations for single .family devel- opment that is rural in character. It is intended for developments of a minimum of 100 acres that are to be subdivided into single family tracts no smaller than one acre each. Generally, locations are intended to be at the periphery of the City where infrastructure may not yet be available and not within the urbanized core. In the developed area of the City where infrastructure is available for extension there may be locations where a. rural subdivision would be appropriate depending on surrounding land uses and the existing road system. B PER3KITTED USES: C Single family dwellings Home occupations Barn, stable for keeping private animal stock incidental to the principal residential use SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: The initial submission to the Commission shall consist of a request for zone change, a preliminary subdivision plat, and a preliminary development plan. If these are approved by the Commission, they will be sent forward to the Council with a recommendation for approval of the zone change request with the condition that a final plat, final development plan (including a sanita~ sewer master plan illustrating how each lot within the subdivision will eventually be gravtty sewered) and all related informa- tion be presented to the Council through the Commission within one (1) year from the date of approval of the zone change request. If this condition is not met within this one year, then the zoning shall revert to that prior to the request. This period of one year may be extended for an additional twelve month period on presentation and approval of infor- mation acceptable to the Commission and Council that extenuating circumstances, beyond the control of the developer, have prevented compliance within the one year period. Subdivision Plat: The subdivision plat shall be as required by the Subdivision Regulations section regarding Rural Subdivision Standards. Development Plans' Plans, reports and related information shall be presented in sufficient detail to enable the Commission and Council to evaluate the proposed development in accordance with the provisions of this section. The Commission and Council shall ascer- tain that the plans for the proposed rural subdivision meet the following criteria' Ordinance No. 2165 Page 2 D l 2. Thc proposed subdivision will be in harmony with the character of the surrounding land uses. The proposed subdivision conforms to the policies and goals of the Comprehensive Plan for development of the City and shall not be contrary to the thoroughfare or infrastructure master plans. The proposed subdivision will be consistent with the intent and purpose of this district. Adjacent property will not be adversely affected. CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: Refer to Section 8.12 E. AREA REQUIREMENTS: Refer to Table A at the end of this section. F PARKING REQUIREMENTS: Refer to Section 9. G SIGN REGULATIONS: Refer to Section 12. 7. lB DISTRICT A-OX: EXISTING RURAL RESIDENTIAL A PURPOSE: This district is intended for e.xisting single family tracts that are rural in character and annexed by the City. These are areas that do not meet many of the City's codes and ordinances and are likely to remain residential for the foreseeable future. B PERMITTED USES: All in A-O plus the following: Mobile homes Home occupations Catfish farm Commercial horse stable C. CONDITIONAL USES PERMITTED: Refer to Section 8.12 D AREA REQUIREMENTS: Refer to Table A at the end of this section. E PARKING REQUIREMENTS: Refer to Section 9. F. SIGN REGULATIONS: Refer to Section 12." II. That Section 7 of Ordinance No. 1638, the Zoning Ordinance, of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended by amending the District Use Schedule - Table A at the end of Section 7 to read as follows: Ordinance No. 2165 Page 3 DISTRICT USE SCHEDULE - TABLE A Dist. kiln. Lot Min. Lot kiln. LOt Min. Front Min. Side Min. Side Min. Rear Max. Aren/DU Width Depth Setback Setback St. Setback Setback Height Max. Net DUIAC RESIDE~ DISTRICTS A-0 5 acres 50' 20' 15' 35' R-I 5,000 SF 50' 100. 25'(D) 7.5'(C) 15'(F) 25'(F) 2.5 sto~/35 R-IA 4,000 SF none none 25'(D) 7.5'(C) 15'(F) 20'(F) 2 5 story/35' R-2 3,500 SF 35'(E) 100. 25'(D) 7.5'(C) 15'(F 20.(F) 2 5 sto~,/35' R-3 2,000 SF 20' 100. 25'(D) (AXB) 15'(F) 20.(F) 35' R-4 25'(D) (A)(B) 15' 25~F) 2 5 story/35' R-5 25'(D) (AXB) 15' 20'(F) 45' R-6 Lot area, setbacks, height determined by site plan revte~r, density above 24 DU/acre determined by City Council R-7 See Mobile Home Park Ordinance. PUD Sec. 7. ! 9 for restrictions A-OX 2.0 ACRES 50' 15' 15' 25' 35' A-OR I ACRE 50' 25' 25' 50' 35' CO[Vfl~iERC~ DISTRICTS C-N Sec. 7.10 24' Sec 7.10 25' (AXB) 15' 15' A-P,C- I,C-2*,C-3,CB 24' 100. 25' (AXB) 15' 15' C-NG Sec. 7.11 for restrictions. C-PUD See 7 20 for restrictions 35' * When C-2 abuts single family resident,al, duplex, or to~afltouse development or zou,ng &stricts 8.0 100 120 140 160 24 0 1.0 24' 100. 25' 40. 15' 40' 35' (G) INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS M-I 100. 200. 25' (AXB) 15' 15' M-2 25' (AXB) 25' A - A minimum side setback of 7.5 feet is required for each build,ng or group of contiguous buildings. B - Lot Line comtmction on interior lots is allowed where access to the rear of the building is provided on the site or by dedicated right-of-way or easem~t. C - Zero lot line consiruetion ofresidence is allowed where properly on both sides of lot line is owned and/or developed simultaneously by single party. Development under lot line construction reqmres prior approval by the Zoning Official. In no case shall a single family residence or duplex be built within ! 5 feet of another building. D - Minimum fi'ont setback may be reduced to I S feet when approved rear access is provided. E- The minimum lot width for duplex dwelling may be reduced to 30 ft./DU wben all rcquirod off-slreet parking is Providtxl in the lear yard- servants: a minimum rear setback of 15. f.eet ts requtrco, ano a maxlmu, m oull. amg caves ne.i .gat olts.ieet ts alloweo. Ine IOll.O~. res~. ct.I .ons shall apply to garages and carpo~! a muumum rear setback of 2.0 feet ts required; and a mmunum..m..de street setback of 20 feet ..m .requsre(I for gara.ges, or carports that fa? .onto side streets. The following resmcttons shall apply.to .a~ buildings or streets...r? used for hvu~ q, ua~., for family or servants: a nununum rear setback as stated tn Table A above for the district m which the -___cc~__sory building or slructure ts iocateo is required; and n maximum size not to exceed 25% of the area of the principal structure is allowed. On lots with approved rear access all setbacks shall be sneasurod fxom the nearest boundary ofthe access easement or alley. On all other lots rear setbacks shall be measured from the rear property line. In no event shall more than 30% of thc rear yard area (that portion of the yard between the rear setback line of the principal structure and the rear property line) be covered wah accessory buildings, structures or uses. G - The maximum building height may exceed 3:5' flail setbacks observe an addittonal setback of 2' for eveo/foot above 35' ofbudding height. DU- Dwelling Unit DU/Acre - Dwell,ng Umts per acre, in the zone, under one owncrsh~p excluding streets, parks, etc M~n Lot Width - Lot Width at front setback I,ne Ordinance No 2165 Page 4 [II That this ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of'the City of'College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this 25th day of'January, 1996. APPROVED: ATTEST: C~fin~e Hooks, City Secretary