HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-2158 - Ordinance - 12/14/1995ORDINANCE NO. 2158 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3, BUILDING REGULATIONS, SECTION 1 AND APPENDICES 1 THROUGH 5, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION: That Chapter 3, Section 1, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, is hereby amended to read as follows: "SECTION 1: STANDARD ADMINISTRATIVE CODE A. TITLE AND SCOPE 1. Title The provisions of the following chapters shall constitute and be known and cited as "The Standard Administrative Code" (hereinafter referred to as "this Code"). 2. Purpose The purpose of this Code is to provide for the administration and enforcement of the Standard Building, Gas, Mechanical, Plumbing and Fire Codes, and the National Electrical Code (hereinafter referred to as the "Technical Codes"), as adopted by this City. "City" in this Code shall mean the City of College Station. "State" in this Code shall mean the State of Texas. "Building Official" shall include each of the separate officials designated by each of the Technical Codes. 3. Code Remedial (a) General. This Code is hereby declared to be remedial, and shall be con- strued to secure the beneficial interests and purposes of the Technical Codes, which are public safety, health, and general welfare, and the specific beneficial interests and purposes to which each of the Technical Codes applies, as stated in 101.3.1 below. (b) Quality Control. Quality control of materials and workmanship is not within the purview of the Technical Codes except as it relates to the purposes stated herein. (c) Permitting and Inspection. The inspection or permitting of any building, system or plan by the City, under the requirements of the Technical Codes or this Code, shall not be construed in any court as a warranty of the physical condition of such building, system or plan or their adequacy. Neither the City nor any employee thereof shall be liable in tort for damages for any defect or hazardous or illegal condition or inadequacy in such building, system or plan, nor for any failure of any component of such, which may occur subsequent to such inspection or permitting. ]s/c/nov95 chap3amd, doc OI ~6.'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 2 Scope (a) Applicability: (1) Buildin,q. The provisions of the 1994 Standard Building Code shall apply to the construction, reconstruction, remodel, altera- tion, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, mainte- nance, removal and demolition, of every building or structure or any appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or structures; except as altered by Appendix 1 attached and incor- porated hereto. (2) (3) Electrical. The provisions of the 1993 National Electrical Code shall apply to the installation of electrical systems, including alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances thereto; except as altered by Appen- dix 2 attached and incorporated herein. Gas. The provisions of the 1994 Standard Gas Code shall apply to the installation of consumer's gas piping systems extending from the point of delivery to the inlet connections of appliances, and the installation and operation of residential and commercial gas appliances and related accessories; except as altered by Appendix 3 attached and incorporated herein. (4) Mechanical. The provisions of the 1994 Standard Mechanical Code shall apply to the installation of mechanical systems, includ- ing alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and/or appurtenances, including ventilating, heating, cooling, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, incinerators, and other energy-related systems; except as altered by Appendix 4 attached and incorporated herein. (5) Plumbing. The provisions of the 1994 Standard Plumbing Code shall apply to every plumbing installation, including alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and appurtenances, when connected to a water or sewerage system; except as altered by Appendix 5 attached and incorporated herein. (6) (7) Fire Protection. The provisions of the 1994 Standard Fire Code shall apply to the repair, equipment, use and occupancy, and maintenance of every existing building or structure or any existing appurtenances connected or attached to such buildings or struc- tures; except as altered by Chapter 6 of the Code of Ordinances. Structural Standards. The provisions of the Structural Standards Code shall be as set out in Appendix 6 attached and incorporated herein. (8) EnerQv. The provisions of the 1988 College Station Residential Energy Compliance Code shall apply to the design of new resi- dential buildings and additions to existing buildings that jx, onov95/chap3amd doc 01/2&'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 3 o provide shelter for residential occupancies, as set out in Appen- dix 7 attached and incorporated herein. (b) Federal and State Authority. Neither the provisions of this Code nor the Technical Codes shall be held to deprive any Federal or State agency, this City, or any applicable governing authority having jurisdiction, of any power or authority that it had on the effective date of the adoption of this Code or the Technical Codes or of any remedy then existing for the enforcement of its orders, nor shall it deprive any individual or corpora- tion of its legal rights as provided by law. (c) Referenced Standards. Standards referenced in the Technical Codes shall be considered an integral part of the codes without separate adop- tion. If specific portions of a standard are denoted by code text, only those portions of the standard shall be enforced. Where code provisions conflict with a standard, the code provisions shall be enforced. Permissive and advisory provisions in a standard shall not be construed as mandatory. No provisions with respect to the nature of city employ- ment relationships shall apply. (d) Maintenance. All buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems, both existing and new, and all parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or safeguards that are required by the technical codes when constructed, altered, or repaired, shall be maintained in good working order. The owner, or his designated agent, shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems. Buildin.q Department There is hereby established a department to be called the Building Department and the person in charge shall be known as the Building Official. (a) Restrictions On Employees. An officer or employee connected with the Building Department shall not be financially interested in the furnishing of labor, material, or appliances for the construction, alteration, or mainte- nance of a building, structure, service, system, or in the making of plans or of specifications thereof, unless he is the owner of such. This officer or employee shall not engage in any other work that is inconsistent with his duties or conflict with the interests of the Building Department. (b) Records. The Building Official shall keep, or cause to be kept, a record of the business of the Building Department, which shall be open to public inspection as required by State law. (c) Reports. The Building Official shall submit annually a report covering the work of the building department during the preceding year. He may incorporate in said report a summary of the decisions of the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals during said year. Code Enforcement Mana.qer (a) General There is hereby established a Code Enforcement Manager of the City of College Station. The Code Enforcement Manager is hereby js/c, nov95,chapSmnd doc Ol Q6~ 96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 4 authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of zoning, technical, and related codes. (b) Ri.qht of Entry. The Code Enforcement Manager is hereby designated as the person authorized to seek a warrant for the entry of any premises in College Station for the purpose of allowing the inspection to determine the presence of a fire or health or unsafe building condition or violation of any fire, health or building regulation, statute or ordinance. The request for a warrant shall be based upon the following probable cause criteria: (1) the age and general condition of the premises; (2) the previous violations or hazards found present in the premises; the type of premises; (3) the purposes for which the premises are used; and the presence of hazards or violations in and the general condition of premises near the premises sought to be inspected. 7. Existing Buildings (a) General. Alterations, repairs or rehabilitation work may be made to any existing structure, building, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system without requiring the building, structure, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, gas, or fire protection system to comply with all the requirements of the Technical Codes provided that the alteration, repair or rehabilitation work conforms to the requirements of the Techni- cal Codes for new construction. The Building Official shall determine the extent to which the existing system shall be made to conform to the requirements of the Technical Codes for new construction. (b) Change of Occupancy. If the occupancy classification of any existing building or structure is changed, the building, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems shall be made to conform to the intent of the existing Technical Codes as required by the Building Offi- cial. 8. Special Historic Buildings The provisions of the Technical Codes relating to the construction, alteration, repair, enlargement, restoration, relocation, or moving of buildings or structures shall not be mandatory for existing buildings or structures identified and classi- fied by the State or City as Historic Buildings, when such buildings or structures are judged by the Building Official to be safe and in the public interest of health, safety and welfare regarding any proposed construction, alteration, repair, enlargement, restoration, relocation or moving of buildings within fire districts. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BUILDING OFFICIAL 1. General The Building Official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this Code and the Technical Codes. The Building Official is further js,,a, nov95.'chap3amd, doc Ol 26'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 5 authorized to render interpretations of this Code and the Technical Codes, which are consistent with their spirit and purpose. Ri.qht Of Entry The Building Official may enter onto premises for the purpose of inspecting any building with the permission of the person in charge. In the event that the Building Official or any inspector of the Building Department is denied access to premises, the Building Official shall obtain the proper inspection search warrant. Stop Work Orders Upon notice from the Building Official or Fire Marshal, work on any building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system that is being done contrary to the provisions of this Code or the Technical Codes or in a dangerous or unsafe manner, shall immediately cease. Such notice shall be in writing and shall be given to the owner of the property, or to his agent, or to the person doing the work, and shall state the conditions under which work may be resumed. Where the Building Official or Fire Marshal observes a health or safety violation he shall not be required to give a written notice prior to stopping the work. Revocation Of Permits (a) Misrepresentation of Application The Building Official may revoke a permit or approval, issued under the provisions of this Code or the Technical Codes, upon determination by the Building Official that the applicant made a false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application or plans on which the permit or approval was based. (b) Violation of Code Provisions. The Building Official may revoke a permit upon determination by the Building Official that the construction, erec- tion, alteration, repair, moving, demolition, installation or replacement of the building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system for which the permit was issued is in violation of, or not in conformity with, the provisions of this Code or the Technical Codes. Unsafe Buildin.qs Or Systems All buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection systems that are unsafe, unsanitary, or do not provide adequate egress, or that constitute a fire hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life, or that in relation to existing use, constitute a hazard to safety or health, are considered unsafe buildings or service systems. Requirements Not Covered By Code Any requirements necessary for the strength, stability or proper operation of an existing or proposed building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system, or for the public safety, health and general welfare, not specifically covered by this Code or the Technical Codes, shall be determined by the Building Official or Fire Official. ]s,c'nov95 chap3amd, doc 01,'2~ 96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 6 Alternate Materials And Methods The provisions of the Technical Codes are not intended to prevent the use of any material or method of construction not specifically prescribed by them, provided any such alternate has been reviewed by the Building Official. The Building Official shall approve any such alternate, provided the Building Official finds that the alternate, for the purpose intended, is at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the Technical Codes, in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability and safety. The Building Official shall require that suffi- cient evidence or proof be submitted to substantiate any claim made regarding the alternate. PERMITS 1. General A person, firm or corporation shall not erect, construct, enlarge, install, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish any building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system in the City, or cause the same to be done, without first obtaining a permit for such from the Building Official. Permit Application (a) When Required. Any owner, authorized agent, or contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or to erect, install, enlarge, alter, repair, remove, convert or replace any electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system, the installation of which is regulated by the Technical Codes, or to cause any such work to be done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the required permit for the work. However, permits shall not be required for the following mechanical work: (1) any portable heating appliance; (2) any portable ventilation equipment; (3) any portable cooling unit; (4) any steam, hot or chilled water piping within any heating or cool- ing equipment regulated by this Code; (5) replacement of any part that does not alter its approval or make it unsafe; (6) any portable evaporative cooler; (b) (7) any self-contained refrigeration system containing ten (10) pounds or less of refrigerant and actuated by motors of one horsepower or less. Work Authorized. A building, electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing permit shall carry with it the right to construct or install the work, provided the same are shown on the drawings and set forth in the specifications js.,c,'nov95 chap3amd doc 01Q6~96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 7 (c) (d) filed with the application for the permit. Where these are not shown on the drawings and covered by the specifications submitted with the appli- cation, separate permits shall be required. Minor Repairs. Ordinary minor repairs may be made with the approval of the Building Official without a permit, provided that such repairs shall not violate any of the provisions of the Technical Codes. Information Required. Each application for a permit, with the required fee, shall be filed with the Building Official on a form furnished for that purpose, and shall contain a general description of the proposed work and its location. The application shall be signed by the owner, or his authorized agent. The building permit application shall indicate the proposed occupancy of all parts of the building and of that portion of the site or lot, if any, not covered by the building or structure, and shall contain such other information as may be required by the Building Offi- cial. (e) Time Limitations. An application for a permit for any proposed work shall be deemed to have been abandoned six (6) months after the date of filing for the permit, unless before then a permit has been issued. One or more extensions of time for periods of not more than ninety (90) days each may be allowed by the Building Official for the application, provided the extension is requested in writing and justifiable cause is demon- strated. Drawings And Specifications (a) Requirements. When required by the Building Official, two or more copies of specifications, and of drawings drawn to scale with sufficient clarity and detail to indicate the qature and character of the work, shall accompany the application for a permit. Such drawings and specifica- tions shall contain information, in the form of notes or otherwise, as to the quality of materials, where quality is essential to conformity with the Technical Codes. Such information shall be specific, and the Technical Codes shall not be cited as a whole or in part, nor shall the term "legal" or its equivalent be used, as a substitute for specific information. All information, drawings, specifications and accompanying data shall bear the name, signature and seal of the person responsible for the design. (b) Additional Data. The Building Official may require details, computations, stress diagrams, and other data necessary to describe the construction or installation and the basis of calculations. All drawings, specifications and accompanying data required by the Building Official to be prepared by an architect or engineer shall be affixed with their official seal. (c) Design Professional. The design professional shall be an architect or engineer legally registered under the laws of the State regulating the practice of architecture or engineering and shall affix his official seal to said drawings, specifications and accompanying data, for the following: All Group A, E and I occupancies (as defined in the Standard Building Code as adopted by City). IS,'C nov9$,chap$amd, doc OI~ 96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 8 (d) (2) (3) Building and structures three stories or more high. Buildings and structures five thousand (5000) square feet or more in area. For all other buildings and structures, the submittal shall bear the certifi- cation of the applicant that some specific State law exception permits its preparation by a person not so registered, with the exception of Group R-3 buildings (as defined in the Standard Building Code as adopted by City), which, regardless of size, shall require neither a registered .archi- tect or engineer, nor a certification that an architect or engineer ~s not required. Structural And Fire Resistance Inte.qritv. Plans for all buildings shall indi- cate how required structural and fire resistive integrity will be maintained where a penetration of a required fire resistant wall, floor or partition will be made for electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and communication conduits, pipes and systems and also indicate in sufficient detail how the fire integrity will be maintained where required fire resistant floors inter- sect the exterior walls. (e) Site Drawings. Drawings shall show the location of the proposed building or structure and of every existing building or structure on the site or lot. The Building Official may require a boundary line survey prepared by a qualified surveyor. Examination Of Documents (a) Plan Review. The Building Official shall examine or cause to be exam- ined each application for a permit and the accompanying documents, consisting of drawings, specifications, computations and additional data, and shall ascertain by such examinations whether the construction indi- cated and described is in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Codes and all other pertinent laws or ordinances. (b) Affidavits. The Building Official may accept a sworn affidavit from a Registered Architect or Engineer stating that the plans submitted conform to the Technical Codes. For buildings and structures, the affi- davit shall state that the plans conform to the requirements regarding egress, type of construction and general arrangement. If accompanied by drawings showing the structural design, the affidavit must also include a statement that the plans and design conform to the requirements of the Technical Codes as to strength, stresses, strains, loads and stability. The Building Official may, without any examination or inspection of the plans, accept such affidavit, provided the architect or engineer who made such affidavit agrees to submit to the Building Official, copies of inspection reports as inspections are performed and upon completion of the structure. For electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection systems, the affidavit must include a certification that the structure, elec- tncal, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system has been erected in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Codes. Where the Building Official relies upon such affidavit, the architect or engineer shall assume full responsibility for the compliance with all provisions of the Technical Codes and other pertinent laws or ordi- nances. jx, c nov95 chap3amd, doc 01/26~'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 9 o Issuing Permits (a) Action on Permits. The Building Official shall act upon an application for a permit without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. If the Building Official is satisfied that the work described in an application for a permit and the contract documents filed therewith conform to the requirements of the Technical Codes and other pertinent laws and ordinances, he shall issue a permit to the applicant. (b) Refusal To Issue Permit. If the application for a permit and the accom- panying contract documents describing the work do not conform to the requirements of the Technical Codes or other pertinent laws or ordi- nances, the Building Official shall not issue a permit, but shall return the contract documents to the applicant with his refusal to issue such permit. Such refusal shall, when requested, be in writing and shall contain the reason for refusal. (c) (d) Special Foundation Permit. When application for permit to erect or enlarge a building has been filed and pending issuance of such permit, the Building Official may, at his discretion, issue a special permit for the foundation only. The holder of such a special permit is proceeding at his own risk and without assurance that a permit for the remainder of the work will be granted nor that corrections will not be required in order to meet provisions of the Technical Codes. Construction in the Public Right-of-Way or Easements. A permit shall not be given by the Building Official for the construction of any building, or for the alteration of any building the encroachment into any right-of- way or easements on any lot or premises of any building or structure removed from another lot or premises, unless the applicant has made application at the office of the City Engineer for Council approval of the encroachment and it shall be the duty of the Building Official to see that the fight-of-way or easements are not encroached. Contractor's Responsibilities (a) It shall be the duty of every contractor who shall make contracts for the installation or repairs of building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection systems, for which a permit is required, to comply with State or local rules and regulations concerning licensing and technical codes that the governing authority may have adopted. (b) Dedication of Easements. Where required for the provision of electrical, water or sewer service, the contractor shall obtain for the City any required easements pursuant to the City of College Station Right-of-Way Manual. Conditions Of The Permit (a) Permit Intent. A permit issued shall be construed to be a license to proceed with the work and not as authority to violate, cancel, alter, or set aside any of the provisions of the Technical Codes, nor shall issuance of a permit prevent the Building Official from thereafter requiring a correction of errors in plans, construction, or violations of this Code. js/c~nov95, chap3amd, doc 01~6.96 Ordinance No. ;~158 Page 10 (b) Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work authorized by such permit is commenced within six (6) months after its issuance, or if the work authorized by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of six (6) months after the time the work is commenced. One or more extension of time, for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days each, may be allowed for the permit. The extension shall be requested in writ- ing and must demonstrate justifiable cause to the Building Official. All extensions which are granted shall be in writing and signed by the Building Official. Building permits may be obtained by property owners building or improving their own homes in which they will personally reside, whereas electrical, plumbing, mechanical and gas permits will be issued only to properly licensed contractors and masters within the respective technical trades. (c) Permit Issued Based On An Affidavit/Hazardous Work. Whenever a permit is issued in reliance upon an affidavit or whenever the work to be covered by a permit involves installation under conditions that, in the opinion of the Building Official, are hazardous or complex, the Building Official shall require that the architect or engineer who signed the affi- davit or prepared the drawings or computations shall supervise such work. In addition, the architect of engineer shall be responsible for conformity with the permit, provide copies of inspection reports as in- spections are performed, and, upon completion, make and file with the Building Official a written affidavit that the work has been done in conformity with the reviewed plans and with the structural provisions of the Technical Codes. In the event such architect or engineer is not available, the owner shall employ in his stead a competent person or agency whose qualifications are reviewed and approved by the Building Official. 8. Fees Plans. When the Building Official issues a permit, he shall endorse, in writing or by stamp, both sets of plans as "Reviewed for Code Compli- ance''. One set of drawings so reviewed shall be retained by the Build- ing Official and the other set shall be returned to the applicant. The permitted drawings shall be kept at the site of work and shall be open to inspection by the Building Official or his authorized representative. (a) Required Fees. A permit or inspection shall not be issued or made until the fees required by Chapter 14 have been paid. Nor shall an amend- ment to a permit be released until the additional fee, if any, due to an increase in the estimated cost of the building, structure, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, gas or fire protection systems, has been paid. (b) Work Commencinq Before Permit Issuance. If any person commences any work on a building, structure, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, gas or fire protection systems before obtaining the necessary permit, he shall be charged a penalty of double the permit fees. (c) Accountin,q. The Building Official shall keep a permanent and accurate accounting of all permit fees and other monies collected, the names of all persons upon whose account the same was paid, the name of the person who paid the amount, along with the date and amount thereof. js/c. nov95,bhap3amd, doc Ol 2&'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 11 (d) (e) Schedule of Permit Fees. On all buildings, structures, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, gas and fire protection systems or alterations requiring a permit, a fee for each permit shall be paid as required at the time the application is filed, in accordance with the schedule established by the City Council by resolution from time to time. Building Permit Valuations. If, in the opinion of the Building Official, the valuation of building, alteration, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection systems appears to be underestimated on the application, the permit shall be denied, unless the applicant can show detailed estimates to meet the approval of the Building Official. Permit valuations shall include total cost, such as electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing, fire protection and other systems, including materials and labor. Inspections (a) Inspections of Existing Buildings. Before issuing a permit the Building Official may examine or cause to be examined any building, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection systems for which an appli- cation has been received for a permit to enlarge, alter, repair, move, de- molish, install, or change the occupancy. He shall inspect all buildings, structures, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems, from time to time, during and upon completion of the work for which a permit was issued. He shall make a record of every such examination and inspection and of all violations of the Technical Codes. (b) Manufacturers and Fabricators. When deemed necessary by the Build- ing Official he shall make, or cause to be made, an inspection of materi- als or assemblies at the point of manufacture or fabrication. The Build- ing Official shall make a record of every such examination and inspec- tion and of all violations of the Technical Codes. (c) Inspection Service. The Building Official shall make, or cause to be made, the inspections required by this section. He may accept reports of inspectors of recognized inspection services, provided that after investi- gation he is satisfied as to their qualifications and reliability. A certificate required by any provision of the Technical Codes shall not be based on such reports unless the same are in writing and certified by a responsible officer of such service. (d) (e) Inspections Prior To Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy or Completion. The Building Official shall inspect or cause to be inspected at various intervals all construction or work for which a permit is required, and a final inspection shall be made of every building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system upon completion, prior to the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy or completion or the provi- sion of utility service to the premises. Posting of Permit. Work requiring a permit shall not commence until the permit holder or his agent posts the permit card in a conspicuous place on the premises. The permit shall be protected from the weather and located in such position as to allow the Building Official or his authorized representative to conveniently make the required entries thereon. This permit card shall be maintained in such position by the permit holder until js 'c 'no~'95 chap3amd doc O I '26/96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 12 (f) the Certificate of Occupancy or Completion is issued by the Building Official. Required Inspections. The Building Official upon notification from the permit holder or his agent shall make the following inspections and such other inspections as necessary, and shall either release that portion of the construction or shall notify the permit holder or his agent of any violations which must be corrected in order to comply with the Technical Codes: (1) Building: Foundation and Inspection: to be made after trenches are excavated and forms erected. (ii) Frame Inspection: to be made after the roof, all framing, fireblocking and bracing is in place, all concealing wiring, all pipes, chimneys, ducts and vents are complete. (iii) Insulation Inspection: to be made after walls are insu- lated. (iv) Final Inspection: to be made after the building is completed and ready for occupancy. (2) Electrical: (i) Underground Inspection: to be made after trenches or ditches are excavated, conduit or cable installed, and before any backfill is put into place. Rough-In Inspection: to be made after the roof, framing, fireblocking and bracing is in place and prior to the instal- lation of wall or ceiling membranes. Final Inspection: to be made after the building is complete, all required electrical fixtures are in place and properly connected or protected, and the structure is ready for occupancy. (3) Plumbing: Underground Inspection: to be made after trenches or ditches are excavated, piping installed, and before any backfill is put into place. (ii) Rough-In Inspection: to be made after the roof, framing, fireblocking and bracing is in place and all soil, waste and vent piping is complete, and prior to the installation of wall or ceiling membranes. Final Inspection: to be made after the building is complete, all plumbing fixtures are in place and properly connected, and the structure is ready for occupancy. All tests required by the Standard Plumbing Code, as js.. c/nov95/chap3amd doc 01 '26'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 13 (4) (5) (6) adopted by City, must be passed to the satisfaction of the Building Official for the Final Inspection to be complete. See Section 417 of the Standard Plumbing Code. Mechanical: (i) (ii) Underground Inspection: to be made after trenches or ditches are excavated, underground duct and fuel piping installed, and before any backfill is put into place. Rough-In Inspection: to be made after the roof, framing, fire-blocking and bracing are in place and all ducting, and other concealed components are complete, and prior to the installation of wall or ceiling membranes. Final Inspection: to be made after the building is complete, the mechanical system is in place and properly connected, and the structure is ready for occupancy. Gas: (i) Rough Piping Inspection: to be made after all new piping authorized by the permit has been installed, and before any such piping has been covered or concealed or any fixtures or gas appliances have been connected. (ii) Final Piping Inspection: to be made after all piping autho- rized by the permit has been installed and after all portions that are to be concealed by plastering or other- wise have been so concealed, and before any fixtures or gas appliances have been connected. This inspection shall include a pressure test. Final Inspection: to be made on all new gas work author- ized by the permit and such portions of existing systems as may be affected by new work or any changes, to insure compliance with all the requirements of this Code and to assure that the installation and construction of the gas system is in accordance with the reviewed plans. Fire Protection: (i) (ii) Automatic Fire Extinguishing Systems: To be tested by "dry fire test". Test must be completed and passed before protected equipment is operated. Automatic Fire extin- guishing systems must comply with N FPA 17 or 17A. Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems: Underground: to be tested and witnessed by the contractor and the property owner or his represen- tative. Completed, signed state test sheet must be submitted to the Fire Official prior to Certificate of Occupancy inspection. js~a wov95~chap3amd doc 01/26/96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 14 10. Above ground: 200 lb. hydrostatic test to be witnessed by the College Station Fire Marshal for a period of two (2) hours. State test sheet must be completed, signed and submitted to the Fire Official prior to Certificate of Occupancy inspec- tion, or storage of combustibles within the protected structure. All Automatic Fire Sprinkler Systems must comply with NFPA 13. (iii) Underground Fuel Systems: Fuel Tanks: all underground fuel tanks must be tested at five (5) psi (air) for thirty (30) minutes. The Fire Official must witness all tests and approve installation before fill dirt is replaced. Fuel Lines: all underground fuel lines must be tested at seventy-five (75) psi (air) for thirty (30) minutes. The Fire Official must witness all tests and approve installation before fill dirt is replaced. (iv) Fire Alarms: all required fire alarms will be tested by the Fire Official immediately after completion of the installa- tion, or prior to Certificate of Occupancy inspection. (v) Routine Fire/Safety Inspections: each commercial prop- erty will be periodically inspected, by the Fire Department, for compliance with applicable fire and safety regulations and to assist owners/managers with fire safety problems or questions. (g) Wdtten Release. Work shall not be done on any part of a build- ing, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protec- tion system beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first obtaining a wdtten release from the Build- ing Official. Such written release shall be given only after an inspection has been made of each successive step in the construction or installation as indicated by each of the foregoing three (3)inspections. (h) Reinforcing Steel and Structural Frames. Reinforcing steel or structural frame work of any part of any building or structure shall not be covered or concealed without first obtaining a written release from the Building Official. (i) Plaster Fire Protection. In all buildings where plaster is used for fire protection purposes, the permit holder or his agent shall notify the Building Official after all lathing and backing is in place. Plaster shall not be applied without first obtaining a written release from the Building Official. Certificate Of Occupancy (a) Building Occupancy. A new building shall not be occupied or a change made in the occupancy, nature or use of a building or part of a building j.~,a'nov95/chap3amd doc 01.26'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 15 11. 12. prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the Building Offi- cial. The Building Official shall not issue the Certificate of Occupancy until all required electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems have been inspected for compliance with the technical codes and other applicable laws and ordinances and released by the Building Official. (b) Issuin.q Certificate Of Occupancy. Upon satisfactory completion of con- struction of a building or structure and installation of electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing and fire protection systems in accordance with the Technical Codes, reviewed plans and specifications, and after the final inspection, the Building Official shall issue a Certificate of Occupancy stating the nature of the occupancy permitted, the number of persons for each floor when limited by law, and the allowable load per square foot for each floor in accordance with the provisions of this Code and the Technical Codes. (c) Temporary/Partial Certificate of Occupancy. At the request of the owner, the Building Official may issue a temporary/partial Certificate of Occu- pancy for a portion or portions of a building if the requirements of the Technical Codes have been completed on said portion or portions of the building and, in the opinion of the Building Official the completed portion or portions of the building can safely be occupied prior to final comple- tion of the building. (d) Certificate Of Occupancy For ExistinR BuildinR. A Certificate of Occu- pancy for any existing building may be obtained by making an applica- tion to the Building Official, including all relevant information and data necessary to determine compliance with the Technical Codes for the occupancy intended. Two sets of detailed drawings, or a general inspection, or both, may be required prior to the issuance of the Certifi- cate of Occupancy, if such information is deemed necessary by the Building Official. When, upon examination and inspection, the Building Official determines that the building conforms to the provisions of the existing Technical Codes and other applicable laws and ordinances for such occupancy, a Certificate of Occupancy shall be issued. Certificate Of Completion Upon satisfactory completion of a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system, the Building Official may issue a Certificate of Completion. This Certificate shows that a structure or system has been inspected for compliance with the Technical Codes, that construction has been completed, and that the structure or system may be connected to a utility system. This Certificate does not grant authority to occupy or connect a build- ing, such as a shell building, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Utility Service (a) Connection of Utility Service. No person shall make connections from a utility, source of energy, fuel or power to any building or system that is regulated by the Technical Codes and for which a permit is required, until the building or system is released by the Building Official and a Certificate of Occupancy or Completion is issued. j~/c/nov~5 chapSamd, doc 01~6/~6 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 16 (b) (c) Temporary Connection of Utility Service. The Building Official may authorize the temporary connection of the building or system to the utility, source of energy, fuel or power for the purpose of testing building service systems or for use under a temporary Certificate of Occupancy. Authority to Disconnect Utility Service. The Building Official shall have the authority to authorize disconnection of utility service to the building, structure or system regulated by the Technical Codes, in case of emer- gency where necessary to eliminate an immediate hazard to life or property. The Building Official shall notify the serving utility, and whenever reasonably possible, the owner and occupant of the building, structure or user of the service system of the decision to disconnect prior to taking such action. If not notified prior to disconnecting, the owner or occupant of the building, structure or service system shall be notified in writing, as soon as practical thereafter. 13. Posting Floor Loads (a) Occupancy. An existing or new building shall not be occupied for any purpose that will cause the floors thereof to be loaded beyond their acceptable safety limits as designed and constructed. The Building Official may permit occupancy of a building for mercantile, commercial or industrial purposes, by a specific business, when he is satisfied that such capacity will not thereby be exceeded. (b) Stora.qe and Factory-Industrial Occupancies. It shall be the responsibility of the owner, agent, proprietor or occupant of Group S and Group F occupancies (as defined in the Standard Building Code as adopted by City), or any occupancy where excessive floor loading is likely to occur, to employ a competent architect or engineer in computing the safe load capacity. All such computations shall be accompanied by an affidavit from the architect or engineer stating the safe allowable floor load on each floor in pounds per square foot uniformly distributed. The compu- tations and affidavit shall be filed as a permanent record of the Building Department. (c) TESTS Signs Required. In every building or part of a building used for storage, industrial or hazardous purposes, the safe floor loads, as reviewed by the Building Official on the plan, shall be marked on plates or approved design that shall be supplied and securely affixed by the owner of the building in a conspicuous place in each story to which they relate. Such plates shall not be removed or defaced, and if lost, removed or defaced, shall be replaced by the owner of the building. The Building Official may require tests or test reports as proof of compliance with the Technical Codes. Required tests are to be made at the expense of the owner, or his agent, by an approved testing laboratory or other approved agency. js/e nov95 chap3amd, doc 01/26~96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 17 CONSTRUCTION BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS AND APPEALS 1. Appointment There is hereby established a Board to be called the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals, which shall consist of seven members and two alter- nates. The Board shall be appointed by the governing body of the City. Membership and Term of Appointment (a) Membership. The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall consist of seven members. The Board shall be composed of individuals with knowledge and experience in the Technical Codes, such as design professionals, contractors or building industry representatives. In addi- tion to the regular members, there should be two (2) alternate members, one member at large from the building industry and one member at large from the public. A Board member shall not act in a case in which he has any conflict of interest. (b) Terms. Three (3) members of the Board and the Chairman shall initially be appointed to serve a two-year term. The remaining three members of the Board shall initially be appointed to serve a one-year term. Subse- quent appointments to the Board shall be for two-year terms, in order to stagger the terms of office of the Board Members so that only a portion of the Board is appointed or replaced in any 12-month period. The two alternates, if appointed, shall serve one-year terms. Vacancies shall be filled for an unexpired term. Continued absence of any member from re- quired meetings of the Board shall, at the discretion of the governing body of the City, render any such member subject to immediate removal from office. (c) Quorum and Voting. A simple majodty of the Board shall constitute a quorum. In varying any provision of this Code or the Technical Codes, the affirmative votes of the majority present, but not less than four (4) affirmative votes shall be required. In modifying a decision of the Building Official, not less than four (4) affirmative votes, but not less than a majority of the Board, shall be required. In the event that regular members are unable to attend a meeting, the alternate members shall vote. (d) Secretary of Board. The Building Official shall appoint a Secretary to record minutes of the meetings of the Board and to make a detailed record of all of its proceedings, which shall set forth the reasons for its decision, the vote of each member, the absence of a member and any failure of a member to vote. 3. Powers The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall have the power, as further defined in this chapter, to hear appeals of decisions and interpretations of the Building Official and to consider variances to the terms of the Technical Codes. j$/c, nov95, chap3ctmd, doc 01;26'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 18 4. Appeals (a) Decision of the Building Official. The owner of a building, structure or service system, or his duly authorized agent, may appeal a decision of the Building Official to the Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals whenever any one of the following conditions are claimed to exist: (i) (ii) The Building Official rejected or refused to approve the mode or manner of construction proposed to be followed or materials to be used in the installation or alteration of a building, structure or service system. The provisions of this Code or the Technical Codes do not apply to this specific case. (iv) An equally good or more desirable form of installation can be employed in any specific case. The true intent and meaning of this Code or the Technical Codes or any of the regulations thereunder, have been misconstrued or incorrectly interpreted. (b) Variances. The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals, when so appealed to and after a hearing, may vary the application of any provision of this Code or the Technical Codes to any particular case when, in its opinion, the enforcement thereof would do manifest injustice and would be contrary to the spirit and purpose of this Code or the Technical Codes or the public interest, and also finds all of the following: (i) That special conditions and circumstances exist that are peculiar to the building, structure or service system involved and that are not applicable to others. (ii) That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action or inaction of the applicant. (iv) That granting the variance requested will not confer on the appli- cant any special privilege that is denied by this Code or the Technical Codes to other buildings, structures or service system. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the building, structure or service system. (v) That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Code or the Technical Codes and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare. In granting the variance, the Board may prescribe a reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance is required shall be commenced or completed or both. In addition, the Board may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this Code or IS~ c/nov95/chap3amd, doc 01~ 26/96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 19 the Technical Codes. Violation of the conditions of a variance shall be deemed a violation of this Code. (c) Notice of Appeal. Notice of appeal shall be in writing and filed within thirty (30) calendar days after the decision is rendered by the Building Official. The notice of appeal shall be in a form acceptable to the Build- ing Official. 5. Procedures Of The Board (a) Rules and Regulations. The Board shall establish rules and regulations for its own procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of this Code or the Technical Codes. The Board shall meet on call of the Chairman. The Board shall meet within thirty (30) calendar days after notice of appeal has been received. (b) Decisions. The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals shall, in every case, reach a decision without unreasonable or unnecessary delay. Each decision of the Board shall also include the reasons for the decision. If a decision of the Board reverses or modifies a refusal, order, or disallowance of the Building Official or varies the application of any provision of this Code, the Building Official shall immediately take action in accordance with such decision. Every decision shall be promptly filed in writing in the office of the Building Official and shall be open to public inspection as required by State law. An official copy of the decision shall be sent by certified mail or by hand delivery to the applicant and a copy shall be kept publicly posted in the office of the Building Official for two weeks after filing. Every decision of the Board shall be final, subject however to such remedy as any aggrieved party might have at law or in equity. BUILDING AND STANDARDS COMMISSION 1. Creation Of The Building And Standards Commission There shall be appointed by the City Council a building and standards commis- sion to hear and determine cases concerning violations of the building code. (a) Commission Members. The commission shall consist of five (5) appointed members appointed for two-year terms and four (4) alternate members who shall serve in the absence of one or more of the regular members when requested to do so by the mayor or City Manager. The alternate commission members serve for the same period and are subject to removal in the same manner as the regular members. (b) Removal. The City Council may remove a commission member for cause on a written charge. Before a decision regarding removal is made, the City Council shall hold a public hearing on the matter if requested by the commission member subject to the removal action. 2. Headngs Before The Commission (a) Number. All cases heard by the commission shall be heard by at least four members. js'a/nov95/chap3amd doc 01,26'96 O~inance No. 2158 Page 20 (b) (c) (d) (e) Rules. The commission may adopt rules and establish procedures for use in hearings, providing ample opportunity for presentation of evidence and testimony by persons opposing charges brought by the municipality through the Building Official or the Fire Marshal relating to alleged viola- tions. The Commission shall appoint a chairman and an acting chairman to act in the chairman's absence. Meetings. The meetings of the commission shall be held at the call of the Chairman and at other times established by the Commission. The meetings shall be open to the public. Minutes. The Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings showing the vote of each member on each question or the fact that a member is absent or fails to vote. The Commission shall keep records of its exami- nations and other official actions. The minutes and records shall be filed immediately in the office of the Commission as public records. Vote. The concurring vote of four members of the Commission is neces- sary to take any action. Representative The Building Official or the Fire Marshal is hereby designated as the represen- tative of the municipality before the Building and Standards Commission. (a) Investigation. When the Building Official or the Fire Marshal determines, whether on his own initiative or as a result of a complaint, that a building, dwelling or structure is an unsafe building within the meaning of the Code of Ordinances, he shall upon the completion of his investigation document the violations. (b) Determination. If, upon the conclusion of his investigation, the Building Official, or the Fire Marshal, concludes that there is a probable cause to believe that the building is substandard, dilapidated or unfit for human habitation and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare, he shall make a report to the Commission and give notice of a hearing to the owner, lienholder(s) and mortgagee(s), all parties having a legal interest in the premises, and to such other persons as the Commission may direct. Function Of The Commission Cases Heard. The Commission may hear cases concerning violations of ordi- nances that regulate: (a) the preservation of public safety.,, relating to the materials or methods used to construct a building or ~mprovement, including the foundation, structural elements, electrical wiring or apparatus, plumbing and fixtures, entrances and exits; (b) relating to the fire safety of a building or improvement, including provi- sions relating to materials, types of construction or design, warning j~ 'c,'nov95,chap3amd. doc 01/26'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 21 (c) (d) devices, sprinklers or other fire suppression devices, availability of water supply for extinguishing fires, or location, design or width of entrances or exits; relating to dangerously damaged or deteriorated buildings or improve- ments; relating to conditions caused by accumulations of refuse, vegetation or other matter that creates a breeding ground for insects and rodents. Notices Of Hearin.qs (a) Notices sent. The Building Official or the Fire Marshal, or their designee, shall send to the property owner and each mortgagee and lienholder notice of the hearing in the following manner: (1) by delivery to each party personally or by leaving the notice at the usual place of abode of that party with a person of sixteen (16) years of age or older or by depositing the notice in United States mail addressed to the party at his last known address, certified mail return receipt requested. (2) (3) by posting on the property and keeping posted for thirty (30) con- secutive days notice of the hearing, in placard form, in a conspicuous place; by publishing notice in the Bryan/College Station Eagle, at least twice. (b) Violations. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove, deface or cover such notice posted pursuant to 106.5.1(2) until after the date of the hearing. (c) Contents. The notice of the heanng shall: (1) be in writing; (2) (3) state the time and place o1' the hearing; include a description of the building and property on which it is located sufficient for idenbfication; (4) (5) list all of the owners, lienholders and mortgagees shown to have a legal interest in the property; provide a description of the violation(s) of the municipal standards that is(are) present at the building; (6) A statement of the action that will be recommended to the Commission by the Building Official, Fire Marshal, or Code Enforcement Manager which may include vacating, securing, removing or demolition of the building or relocating the occupants of the building. js~c nov95/chap3amd, doc 01.26~, 96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 22 The Hearinq Presentation of evidence. The Commission shall provide each party an oppor- tunity to present evidence and cross examine witnesses at the hearing. Action (a) (b) Of The Commission Decision. The Commission may declare a building substandard, dilapi- dated or unfit for human habitation and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare. Remedy. The Commission may order, in an appropriate case, the immediate removal of persons or property found on private property, enter on private property to secure the removal if it is determined that conditions exist on the property that constitute a violation of an ordi- nance, and order action to be taken as necessary to remedy, alleviate, or remove any substandard building found to exist. (1) If the Commission declares a building substandard, dilapidated or unfit for human habitation and a hazard to the public health, safety and welfare, it may order the building to be vacated, secured, repaired, removed or demolished or for the occupants to be relocated within a fixed period time. (2) The order shall provide that the owner has a fixed period of time to comply and will also provide an additional fixed period of time for compliance by the mortgagee(s) and lienholder(s) in the event that the owner fails to comply with the order of the Commission within the time period provided to him. (3) If the Building Official, Fire Marshal, or Code Enforcement Manager finds that the owner has failed to comply with the order he shall notify the mortgagee(s) and lienholder(s) in writing by certified mail return receipt requested with a copy of the order of the Commission. (4) If the Building Official or the Fire Marshall, or their designee, finds that neither the owner nor the mortgagee(s) and lienholder(s) have complied, he shall notify the Commission. (c) Peace Officer. The Commission may issue orders or directives to any peace officer of the state, including a sheriff or constable or chief of the City of College Station police force, to enforce and carry out the lawful orders or directives of the Commission. (d) (e) Failure of Lienholder. It shall be unlawful for the owner, lienholder(s) or mortgagee(s) to fail to comply with an order of the Commission. Civil Penalty. The Commission may determine the amount and duration of a civil penalty that it may impose. The civil penalty may only be enforced if the municipal secretary has filed with the District Clerk of Brazos County a certified copy Is, c,'nov95/chap3amd, doc 01/26/96 O~inance No. 2158 Page 23 (g) of the order of the Commission establishing the amount and duration of the penalty. No other proof shall be required for a district court to enter final judgment on the penalty. (2) The determination of the Commission with regard to the civil penalty is final and binding and constitutes pdma facie evidence of the penalty in any court of competent jurisdiction in a civil suit brought by the City for final judgment. (3) The civil penalty shall accrue interest at a rate of ten (10) percent per year for the date of the assessment until paid in full. Commission Action. If a building is not vacated, secured, repaired, removed or demolished, or the occupants are not relocated within the allotted time, the Commission may, upon the recommendation of the Building or Fire Official, order the City to vacate, secure, remove or demolish the building or relocate the occupants at City expense. (1) The Commission may only order the repair of a residential dwell- ing unit with ten (10) or fewer dwelling units. (2) The Commission may only order the repair to the extent neces- sary to bring the building into compliance with minimum City standards. The repairs may not improve the building to the extent that the building exceeds minimum housing standards. Lien. The Commission shall order the City Attorney to place a lien against the property for the expenses incurred. (1) The Commission may place a lien against the property unless it is homestead. (2) The City Attorney shall record the lien at the office of the county clerk in Brazos County, Texas. (3) The lien notice shall contain the name and address of the owner if that information can be determined with reasonable effort, a legal description of the property on which the building was or is located, the amount of the expenses incurred by the City of College Station and the balance due. (4) The lien shall be a privileged lien subordinate only to tax liens and all previously recorded bona fide mortgage liens attached to the property. (5) The lien may not be foreclosed if the property on which the repairs were made is occupied as a residential homestead by a person 65 years of age or older. (6) The expenses incurred shall accrue interest at a rate of ten (10) percent per year from the date of the assessment until paid in full. js ~cmov95~chap3amd doc Ol 26~96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 24 Appellate Review Notification of decision. The decision of the Commission shall be mailed by first class mail, certified return receipt requested. Any party shall have thirty (30) days from the date of mailing to file a petition. A copy of the order shall be published in the Bryan/College Station Eagle within ten (10) calendar days after the date of mailing of the notice. A copy shall be filed with the City Secretary. Appeal in the district court shall be limited to a hearing under the substantial evidence rule. The decision shall become final if no appeal is taken within the thirty (30) day time period. Go Severability If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Code or the Technical Codes is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Code or the Technical Codes. Violations And Penalties Any person, firm, corporation or agent who shall violate a provision of this Code or the Technical Codes, or fails to comply therewith, or with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall erect, construct, alter, install, demolish or move any structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system, or has erected, constructed, al- tered, repaired, moved or demolished a building, structure, electrical, gas, mechanical, plumbing or fire protection system, in violation of a detailed statement or drawing sub- mitted and permitted thereunder, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Each such person shall be considered guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this Code or the Technical Codes is committed or continued, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punished with a fine pursuant to the general penalty section of the Code of Ordinances." II. That Chapter 3, Appendix I - Standard Building Code Adopted, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "STANDARD BUILDING CODE ADOPTED A booklet entitled 'Standard Building Code 1994 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby adopted and designated as the Building Code of the City of College Station, Texas. AMENDMENTS TO STANDARD BUILDING CODE Ao The above referenced Standard Building Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 102.2.1 is amended to provide that the Building Official is an employee- at-will and may be terminated as per the personnel manual. Section 103.5 is amended by deleting therefrom the following sentence: 'All such unsafe buildings, structures or service systems are hereby declared illegal and shall be abated by repair and rehabilitation or by demolition in accordance js/c/nov95, chap3amd, doc 01~6/96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 25 5 with the provisions of the Structural Standard Code for the elimination or repair of unsafe buildings.' Section 104.1.1 is amended in addition to read as follows: 'Home Owner Permit - A property owner shall obtain a building permit for work to be done by him on a building owned and occupied by him as his homestead. After six (6) months of inactivity, the permit is void and must be re-permitted by the homeowner or a contractor at the discretion of the Building Official. Electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems must be installed by licensed contractors.' Section 104.4.5 shall be added to read: 'There shall be no combustible or flammable materials placed on site, lot or subdivision where waterlines and fire hydrants as required by the applicable subdivision regulations are not com- pleted and in service and where all-weather access for emergency vehicles does not exist to within one hundred fifty feet (150') of the most remote part of the structure.' Section 104.5 shall be added to read: 'Building Contractors. It shall be the duty of every contractor who shall make contracts for the installation or repair of buildings for which a permit is required, and every contractor or builder making such contracts and subletting the same or any part thereof, to register his name and license with the Building Official, giving full name, residence and place of business, and in case of removal from one place to another to have made corresponding change to the Building Offi- cial. Plumbing Contractors. Plumbing contractors that have a State of Texas Master Plumbing Contractor's License must register their license with the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Contractors. Air conditioning and heating contractors that have a State of Texas Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Heating Contractors License must register their licenses with the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. Lawn Sprinkler or Irrigation Contractors. Lawn Sprinkler or Irrigation Contractors who have a State of Texas License must register their license with the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. Electrical Contractors. Electrical Contractors who have a Master's License must pay a registration fee to the City of College Station before a permit will be issued by the City. Before a license is registered by the City, applicant shall provide adequate proof of insurance coverage for bodily injury, property damage and worker's compen- sation in the following amounts: (a) $300,000 combined single limit; (b) Worker's Compensation in accordance with the State of Texas. All Contractors. Each vehicle used shall have affixed to the back window ddver's side identification numbers and letters two inches (2") high as follows: js/o nov95, chap3amd doc 01/26/96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 26 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. For Building Contractors For Electrical Contractors For Plumbing Contractors For Air Conditioning Contractors - For Irrigation Contractors C.C.B.R. (Registration No.) C.C.E.R. (Registration No.) C.C.P.R. (Registration No.) C.C.A.C.R. (Registration No.) C.C.I.R. (Registration No.) Use State of Texas License number, if applicable.' Section 411.1.3 shall be added to read: 'Accessory Portable Storage Building. Portable storage buildings are defined as those portable storage buildings that are not permanently affixed to the ground. One accessory portable storage building, not over one hundred (100) square feet in area, per residential lot will be allowed in the rear yard without a building permit if it can be moved and sanitary facilities, water supply, and electric system are not contained in the structure and structure is not placed in surface drainage easement.' Section 412.1.1 is amended by deleting therefrom the phrase 'or areas of refuge (compartmentation) in accordance with Section 412.9.' Section 412.1.1 #5 shall be added to read as follows: 'All enclosed stairways are to be pressurized.' Table 500 shall be amended by the addition of the superscript 'K' to the allowable areas tabulated in the Type III, V, VI, columns for Group R Occupancy, story height three (3) and above, and the addition to the table of a new note 'K' to read: 'Two (2) remote independent means of egress from each floor area occupied by separate tenants shall be provided.' Section 704.3 shall be added to read as follows: '704.3 Public Rental Storage Warehouse - (A) A public rental storage warehouse is a structure used solely for storage occupancy, which is divided into separate spaces accessible to each tenant and in which the management does not bear responsibilities as a ware- houseman. (B) Tenant separation shall not be required in a public rental stor- age warehouse. (C) A wall having fire resistance of not less than two (2) hours, parallel to the longitudinal axis of the building and dividing the building into two (2) parts of equal area insofar as the configuration of rental spaces permits, shall be provided in each public rental storage warehouse building.' Section 803.3 - Table 803.3 shall be amended to read as follows: 'Minimum flame spread classifications for all group A-Assemblies shall be Class A interior finish material in exit corridors and exits when sprinklered.' Section 803.4 shall be amended with the first paragraph to read as follows: 'Delete Exceptions.' Section 903.8.4 shall be added as follows: 'An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in group A-Assembly occupancies (except churches), when a group A-Assembly total floor area exceeds seventy-five hundred (7500) square feet.' Section 903.8.5 shall be added to read as follows: '(7) An approved sprinkler system shall be provided in all structures where the total building area exceeds fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet and in all structures exceeding two stories in height.' j~,/a/nov95 'chap3amd. doc 01, 26 ~96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 27 15. Section 903.8.6 shall be added to read as follows: 'An approved sprinkler system shall be provided in all hotels and motels.' 16. Section 904.5.3 shall be added as follows: 'The one and one-half inch (1 1/2") wet standpipe hose and nozzles is not required; however, the Fire Department risers and hose connections are to be provided in the corridor and not in the stairway.' 17. Section 1803.1.2 TRENCH SAFETY. On all construction projects, public or pri- vate, within the boundaries of the City of College Station, or within the extra- territorial jurisdiction, the bid document and the contract shall contain: (a) Detailed plans and specifications for adequate safety systems that meet OSHA standards, and (b) A pay item for those safety systems. (c) This requirement shall not apply to persons subject to safety standards adopted under Article 6053-1, V.T.C.S., and subject to the administrative penalty provisions of Article 6053~2, V.T.C.S. (d) Violations will be reported to OSHA and the job superintendent. 18. Section 2304.1.2 shall be amended by adding: 'All concrete slabs at grade shall have special termite protection by soil treatment or other approved methods of termite protection.' 19. All Appendices except D and H are hereby adopted. 20. The CABO 1992 One and Two Family Dwelling Code, adopted in Appendix C to the Standard Buiidin,q Code 1994 Edition, is hereby amended as follows: 'R - 202.1 Exterior walls: Is deleted in its entirety and replaced with the follow- ing: "Exterior walls located less than three feet (3') from property lines shall have not less than a one (1) hour fire resistance rating. The fire resistance rating of exterior walls located less than three feet (3') from property line shall be constructed for exposure from the inside wall only." Those one and two family structures located less than three feet (3') from a vacant lot or identified common area (greenbelt area, etc.) need not comply with the fire resistance rating requirement." R 210.2 Emergency egress openings: In the second paragraph, the second and third sentences are amended to read: "All egress or rescue windows from sleeping rooms must have a minimum opening height dimension of 24 inches and a minimum opening width dimension of 20 inches. The minimum net clear opening shall be 3.33 square feet." M - 1101.1.4 Attic installations: Is amended to add the following sentence: "When no attic equipment is installed, an opening of twenty inches (20") by twenty-four inches (24"), minimum, is allowed.' js~ c/no~'95 'chap3amd doc 01,26/96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 28 REGISTRATION FEES. Registration fees for contractors shall be set by Council resolution. TEMPORARY OCCUPANCY OF STREETS WITH BUILDING MATERIAL, ETC. 1. Permit and Bond Hereafter any person or persons, firm, or corporation desiring to temporarily occupy any portion of any public street, alley, or sidewalk within the City of College Station for the purpose of placing thereon material or rubbish for or from building operations, or for any purpose whatsoever connected with the erection, removal, alteration, or repair of any building or other structure, shall apply to the Building Official for a permit for such temporary occupation as aforesaid, and it shall be unlawful to occupy or obstruct any street, alley, or sidewalk, as afore- said, without a permit therefor from the Building Official, which permit shall not be issued until the person, persons, firm, or corporation applying therefor shall have first presented a building permit with a bond approved by the City Attor- ney, conditioned that the principal therein will discharge all claims of every character arising from or occasioned by such occupancy of such street, alley, or sidewalk or the construction or repair of such building or the making of such excavation and discharge all judgments obtained, together with all costs attached thereto against the City of College Station, by reason of any such claim, injury, or damage sustained, and every person or persons, firm, or corpo- ration carrying on any such excavation or building operation shall keep all streets, alleys, and sidewalks adjacent to such excavations or building opera- tions carried on by them, in a clean and orderly condition, and unobstructed, except as provided herein, during such operation, and at the expiration of the time stipulated in the permit aforesaid, they shall restore all such streets, alleys, and sidewalks to as good condition as they were before the beginning of such operations. 2. Requisite of Permit Permits for temporary street, alley, or sidewalk occupancy as hereinbefore pro- vided shall be issued by the Building Official, shall be in writing, and shall be for a period of time not to exceed ninety (90) days, such as said Building Official may deem expedient; provided that such time may be extended by the City Council of the City of College Station; such permit shall specify how much of the street, sidewalk, or alley shall be obstructed, which amount of obstruction shall be within the discretion of the Building Official; provided that not more than one- half (1/2) of any alley, not more than two-thirds (2/3) of any sidewalk, nor more than one-fourth (1/4) of any street shall be obstructed. 3. Protection of Sidewalks Wherever any portion of any street, alley, or sidewalk shall be obstructed under a permit as hereinbefore provided, the sidewalk or driveway thereon shall be protected by a covering, which shall be sufficient to protect the public from danger attendant upon such building, arid a ddveway and sidewalk sufficient in the opinion of the Building Official, kept in good condition for travel; and a failure to comply with this subsection shall immediately work a forfeiture of the permit given thereunder and all the rights and privileges granted therein. JS c nov95 chap3amd, doc 01726~96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 29 Eo CONSTRUCTION OF SIDEWALKS AND CURBS License and Permit Required Hereinafter no person, persons, firm, or corporation shall lay, construct, build, repair, or rebuild any sidewalk, curb, gutter, or driveway on any street, alley, or thoroughfare within the City of College Station, without first having obtained from the City Engineer a license to do such work, having made and executed a bond to said City in the sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), having paid a license fee of Ten Dollars ($10.00) per annum, and having obtained a permit from the City Engineer to do such work. Provided, however, that for building construction, only the construction of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveways, and approaches to a building may be included in the building contractor's permit for the construction of the building if application to construct such sidewalk, curb, gutter, driveway, and drive approach is made at the time the building permit is applied for. Provided further, that the preceding sentence shall allow only the building contractor himself to construct curbs, gutters, sidewalks, driveways, and drive approaches on his building contractor's bond without the necessity of making a separate cement bond for their construction, and the preceding sentence shall not apply if the building contrac- tor contracts with another to construct the sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveways, and approaches. The building contractor shall have the construction of such sidewalks, curbs, gutters, driveways, and drive approaches inspected and approved by the City Engineer. Where the building contractor avails himself of the provisions of this subsection, he shall be responsible for the construction and maintenance of such concrete construction in the same manner as individ- uals holding a license to do such concrete work, and his building contractor's bond shall be amended and supplemented to comply with this subsection. Requisite of License and Bond The license hereinbefore mentioned shall be issued and approved by the City Engineer, and before the issuance of same, the applicant shall file in the office of the City Engineer a statement of his qualifications, together with a surety bond in the penal sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500.00), con- ditioned that said applicant will indemnify and save harmless the City of College Station from any and all damages of every character arising from or caused directly or indirectly by negligence in doing said work, or for any imperfect or inadequate work done by the applicant, and that he will maintain said work in a good and workmanlike state of repair for and during a period of one (I) year from and after its completion and acceptance by the City. Said statement of qualifications approved by the City Engineer, together with bond, and date of issuance shall be filed by said City Engineer with the City Secretary. The applicant shall also state in his application for license, his place of busi- ness, and shall notify the City Engineer immediately of any and every change in address or style of his firm. All such bonds shall be subject to the approval of the City Attorney, and shall run for a period of one (I) year from date, or until revoked as hereinafter provided. PERMIT REQUIRED FOR STREET, SIDEWALK AND ALLEYWAY CUTS (1) No person shall cut or in anyway damage the streets, alleyways or sidewalks of the City of College Station for the installation of any materials and/or equipment without a permit. js,c,'nov95, chap3amd, doc 01,'26'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 30 (2) (3) (4) A permit to cut a street, alleyway or sidewalk shall be applied for from the City Manager or his delegate. Any person who applies for a permit shall pay the cost of the issuance of the permit, the repair of the street, sidewalk or alleyway and the cost of the inspec- tion of such repair, which fees shall be set by resolution from time to time. The City at its option may elect for the applicant to pay the estimated costs of repairs as a deposit prior to the issuance of the permit with said deposit not being less than the minimum payment set out by resolution. In the event that the cost exceeds the deposit the applicant shall remit the remainder of the cost to the City. In the event that the cost is less than the deposit, the overage shall be remitted to the applicant. Any person who without a permit cuts or otherwise damages a street, sidewalk or alleyway in the installation of any materials or equipment, or refuses to pay for repairs, shall be guilty of an offense punishable under this Code of Ordi- nances. (5) (6) Applicant may be authorized to make temporary or permanent repairs pursuant to City's specifications. If the permit authorizes the applicant to make repairs, then the applicant shall warrant the work for 365 days from the date of inspec- tion and acceptance by City. Any person who fails to comply with the terms of this ordinance shall be guilty of an offense punishable under this Code of Ordinances." ENCLOSURE OF SWIMMING POOL 1. Fences Every outdoor swimming pool shall be completely surrounded by a fence or wall not less than four feet (4') high, which shall be so constructed as not to have openings, holes, or gaps larger than four inches (4") in any dimension except for doors and gates; and if a fence is erected or maintained, the horizontal spacing between pickets shall not exceed four inches (4"). A dwelling house or acces- sory building may be used as a part of such enclosure. 2. Gates All gates or doors opening through such enclosure shall be equipped with a self- closing and self-latching device for keeping the gate or door securely closed at all times when not in actual use, except that the door of any dwelling which forms a part of the enclosure need not be so equipped. 3. Applicability This requirement shall be applicable to all new swimming pools hereafter con- structed, other than indoor pools, and shall apply to all existing pools which have a design possible depth of eighteen inches (18") or more of water at any point. No person in possession of land within the City, either as owner, purchaser, lessee, tenant, or a licensee, upon which is situated a swimming pool having design possible a depth of eighteen inches (18") or more of water at any point shall fail to provide and maintain such fence or wall as herein provided j.~/c/novg$/chap3amd, doc 01,26/96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 31 4. Modifications The City of College Station Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals may make modifications in individual cases, upon a showing of good cause with respect to the height, nature of location of the fence, wall, gates or latches, or the necessity therefor; provided the protection as sought hereunder is not reduced thereby. The Construction Board of Adjustments and Appeals of the City may permit other protective devices or structures to be used so long as the degree of protection afforded by the substitute devices or structures is not less than the protection afforded by the fence, gate, or latch described herein. The Building Official shall allow a reasonable period within which to comply with the requirements of this subsection. Swimming Pool Defined The term swimming pool as used herein shall mean a body of water in an artifi- cial or semi-artificial receptacle or other container located outdoors, used or intended to be used for public, semi-public, or private swimming by adults or children, or both adults and children, operated and maintained by any person, whether he be an owner, lessee, operator, licensee, or concessionaire, and shall include swimming pools used or intended to be used solely by the owner or friends invited to use it without payment of any fee. G. BUILDING PERMIT FEES Building permit fees will be established by City Council resolution adopted pursuant to Chapter 14 of the Code of Ordinances. An official copy of the latest such fees shall remain on file in the Office of the City Secretary at all times." III. That Chapter 3, Appendix 2 - Electrical Code Adopted, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "ELECTRICAL CODE ADOPTED A booklet entitled 'National Electrical Code 1993 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby adopted and designated as the Electrical Code of the City of College Station, Texas. AMENDMENTS TO NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE The above referenced National Electrical Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 210-23(a) shall be amended to include after the words '... are also supplied' the following sentence: 'However, a circuit of fifteen (15) amperes shall not serve more than ten openings.' Table 210-21(b)(2) or (b)(3) shall be amended by adding the following: 'Refer- ence all 14 AWG conductor indicated in the table with asterisks (***) and add this footnote at the bottom of the table *** special note: Except for fixture wires in UL or other listed fixtures, no conductor of a size smaller than 12 AWG copper is allowed in residential wiring.' js,c,'nov95/chap3amd, doc 01/26/96 Ordinance No. ;~ 158 Page 32 Section 210-52(b) shall be amended by adding the following: 'Exception No. 4: A separate circuit is required for each refrigerator, deep freeze, dishwasher, disposal, trash compactor or any other load exceeding six (6) amperes.' Section 210-52(c) shall be amended by adding the following at the end of the section: 'Exception; A separate circuit is required for microwave ovens or any other counter top appliance with a load exceeding six (6) amperes.' Section 210-52(f) shall be amended to include after the words '... for the laun- dry.' the following sentence: 'However, a separate circuit is required for a washing machine or any other laundry appliance with a load exceeding six (6) amperes.' Section 210-52 shall be amended by adding the following subsection: '(j) Other Locations. A separate circuit is required for each well pump or other outdoor loads exceeding six (6) amperes.' The Electrical Code shall be amended by adding the following section: '230-11 Meter Mounting Heights. Individual meters shall be mounted at a height not greater than 5'-6" nor less than 4'-6" above finished grade. Meter packs shall be mounted with its horizontal centerline not greater than 4'-6" nor less than 4'-0" above finished grade.' Section 230-72 shall be amended by adding section (d) to read: '(d) Location: The service disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily accessible loca- tion. Such location shall be on the outside of commercial buildings or struc- tures. Residential buildings may provide this disconnecting means either outside or inside the nearest point of entrance of the service conductors.' Section 250-83(c)(1) and (2) shall be amended by allowing only copper coated grounds. 10. 11. Section 310-2(b) shall be amended to read as follows: 'Conductor Material. Conductors in this article shall be copper only.' Section 333-6(b) shall be amended to read as follows: 'Uses Not Permitted. Type AC cable shall not be permitted in commercial buildings as a wiring method.' 12. Section 334-4 shall be amended to read as follows: Uses Not Permitted. Type MC cable shall not be permitted in commercial buildings as a wiring method. 13. Section 337-3 shall be amended to read as follows: 'Uses Permitted. Type SNM cable shall be used only as follows: (1) where operating temperatures do not exceed the rating marked on the cable, (2) in cable trays or in raceways, and (3) in residential wiring only.' LICENSING Licensin,q as Master Electrician Required It shall be unlawful for any person to do electrical work within the City of College Station unless such person is licensed under the provisions of this ordinance by the City of College Station as a master electrician, or unless such electrical work J$ c nov95 chap3atnd, doc 01/26'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 33 is performed under the personal control, supervision, direction and responsibility of such a licensed master electrician. The term 'electrical work' as used in this ordinance shall mean the installing, maintaining, altering, repairing or erecting of any electrical wiring, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for which a permit is required under the terms and provisions of this ordinance, except poles and g. uy anchors installed by an electric telephone, telegraph, signal or public service company as a part of its distribution system. Electrical Board Created To Administer Licensing Provisions There is hereby created an Electrical Board consisting of five (5) members. The five members of the Board shall be appointed by the City Council. The five shall not be employees of the City, and one shall be licensed as a master electrician by the City. The Board shall select its own chairman. The members of the Board shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council except any Board member shall be replaced any time he fails to meet the criteria for appointment or if his attendance at called meetings falls below seventy percent (70%) for any twelve (12) month period or he fails to attend three (3.) consecutive meeting, s. The Board shall review applicants for license, determine if their experience ~s such that they are qualified to take the examination, grade said examinations, and determine by majority vote of the Board that a license shall or shall not be issued. Said Board shall determine, by majority vote of the Board, as hereafter provided, when licenses shall be revoked for cause. If said Board revokes a license for cause, the individual whose license is revoked shall cease all electrical work within the City unless or until said action of the Board is altered by action of the City Council or a court of law. Also serving with the Board will be an employee from the City who will serve as a staff liaison. Qualifications for Master Electrician License Anyone desiring to qualify for a 'Master Electrician's License' shall proceed in the following manner: (a) Application for Re.qistration Fee Apply in writing to the Secretary of the Electrical Board by completing application to SBCCI to take the qualifying SBCCI examination. The application shall state the qualifications and experience of the applicant and shall be accompanied by an application fee of Forty-five Dollars ($45.00), (The minimum required experience shall be four [4] years full time employment in electrical work under direct supervision of a licensed master electrician.) Along with the application shall be two (2) letters of recommendation. The letters shall be from Master Electricians or Elec- trical Inspectors who can recommend the applicant for registration. (b) Examination; Administration of Take the examination required by the City of College Station and admin- istered by SBCCI in College Station, Texas. The examination will be given four (4) times each year, once during each quarter of the calendar year. .is~ c~ nov9 5 'chap3amd. doc Ol 26~96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 34 (c) Issuance of License; Terms of Upon certification by SBCCl that he has passed the examination and is eligible for the registration as a 'Master Electrician', he shall be issued said registration by the Building Official upon payment of a Twenty-five Dollar ($25.00) fee. Said license shall be good for the period of that calendar year unless revoked by the Electrical Examining Board and only after just cause has been demonstrated. All licenses shall expire upon the date of January 31 of the following year in which the license was issued. (d) License Renewals; Fee At least one (1) month prior to the expiration date of the license, licensee shall apply for renewal for the subsequent year. Unless said license is suspended or has been under suspension, the Building Official is authorized to issue a renewal of the license upon payment of a renewal fee of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00). (e) Ineligibility Anyone licensed under the provisions of this or previous ordinances per- taining thereto who does not practice his profession within the City of College Station for two (2) consecutive years after the date he received his license or any subsequent renewal thereof, shall not be eligible for renewal of his license. He may, at any later date, re-qualify according to the provisions of this ordinance. 4. Reciprocal A,qreements The City of College Station designee (Building Official) may negotiate reciprocal agreements with other municipalities wherein the license requirements are deemed to be equal to those of this ordinance. Under said reciprocal agree- ments, a license may be issued to anyone possessing a valid license in the mu- nicipality with which the reciprocal agreement exists without the applicant being requirad to take the written and oral examinations provided for in this ordinance. Said applicant shall be required to fulfill all other requirements and pay all fees provided herein. 5. Forfeiture Of Any Bonds The amount realized upon the forfeiture of any bond over and above the expense involved in its forfeiture shall be expended in making the necessary changes in the electric work found to be contrary to the provisions of this ordi- nance or deficient in quality or other particulars as specified in the contract or contracts entered into and covered by the bond, and the unused balance, if any, shall be paid into the City Treasury. ELECTRICAL INSPECTIONS AND PERMITS 1. When Permit Required; Exceptions No wiring, poles, duct line, guy anchors, apparatus, devices, appliances, fixtures or equipment for the transmission, distribution or utilization of electrical energy .IS, c~nov95 chapSamd doc 01/26/96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 35 for any purpose shall be installed within the City limits, nor shall any alteration or addition be made to any such existing wiring, poles, duct lines, guy anchors, apparatus, devices, fixtures or equipment without first securing a permit therefor from the Building Official, except as stated in the following paragraphs: (a) Replacing Fuses No permit shall be required for replacing fuses of like rating or lamps or the connection of portable appliances to suitable receptacles which have been permanently installed or for repairs to portable appliances. (b) Replacing Flush or Snap Switches No permit shall be required for replacing flush or snap switches, recepta- cles, lamp sockets, the installation of lamps, or minor repairs on perma- nently connected electrical appliances. (c) Convevin~ Signals No permit shall be required for the installation, maintenance or alteration of wiring, poles and down guys, apparatus, devices, appliances or equipment for telegraph, telephone, signal service or central station protective service used in conveying signals or intelligence, except where electrical work is done on the primary side of the source of power at a voltage over 50 volts and of more than 500 watts. (d) Wiri.ng by Electdc Public Service Company No permit shall be required for the installation, maintenance or alteration of electric wiring, apparatus devices, appliances or equipment to be in- stalled by an electric public service company for the use of such company in the generation, transmission, distribution, sale or utilization of electrical energy. However, an electric public service company shall not do any wiring on a customer's distribution system, including metering equipment wherever located and transformer vaults in which customer's transformers are located, nor shall any of its employees do any work other than done for said company as hereinbefore provided for by virtue of this exception. (e) Temporary Wiring No permit shall be required for the installation of temporary wiring, appa- ratus, devices, appliances or equipment used by a recognized electrical training school or college. (f) Railway Crossing Signal Devices No permit shall be required for the installation and maintenance of rail- way crossing signal devices, when such is performed by due authority of the railroad and in accordance with the standards of the American Rail- road Association, and in collaboration with and approval of the Department of Public Services of the City of College Station. JS c/nov95 'chap3amd. doc OI ~26/96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 36 (g) Suspensions and Revocations (1) The Building Official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this ordinance whenever the permit is issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied or when in violation of any ordinance, regulation or any of the provisions of this ordinance. (2) A permit may be canceled upon notification by the owner of the property that the contractor is no longer employed to do work on said property after written notification to the Building Official. (3) Failure on the part of any licensed master electrician to correct any defect, error or deficiency in any work installed under the au- thority of an electrical permit issued to him within ten (10) calen- dar days after written notification thereof from the Building Offi- cial, the Building Official shall, without further notice, stop the issuance of permits to such licensed master electrician until such corrections have been made, inspected and approved. This provision shall be cumulative of all other penalties provided herein. Notification and Final Approvals (a) Electrician to Notify Building Official (b) When any part of a wire installation is to be hidden from view by the per- manent placement of parts of a building, the licensed electrician to whom the permit has been issued shall notify the Building Official. The licensed electrician to whom the permit has been issued shall give the Building Official due notice and inspection shall be made periodically during the progress of the work, and where at the discretion of the Building Official or his Assistant it is necessary, he shall post notice on the premises stating that work is approved and may be covered, or it is not approved and may not be covered, until such further inspection as is necessary has been made. Any person removing, destroying, altering or defacing said notice without the consent of the Building Official, shall be deemed guilty of an offense under this section, and any work described in said notice shall be stayed pending the further necessary inspection. Upon completion of the work which has been authorized by the issuance of a permit, it shall be the duty of the licensed electrician, to whom the permit has been issued, to immediately notify the Building Official, who shall inspect or cause to be inspected, such installation within thirty-six (36) hours, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, of the time such notice is given. Final Certificates of Approval If the work is found to be in compliance with the provisions of this ordi- nance, the Building Official, subject to the other applicable provisions of this ordinance, shall issue a final Certificate of Approval to the public utility company furnishing the electrical service or to the person supply- ing the energy, which certification shall authorize connection of such js,/c, nov95 chap3a~nd doc 01.2696 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 37 approved work to the source of energy of the electrical service, the turn- ing on of the current, and the use of the installation. No connection shall be made until such authorization and final certificate is issued." IV. That Chapter 3, Appendix 3 - Gas Code Adopted, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "GAS CODE ADOPTED A booklet entitled 'Standard Gas Code 1994 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby adopted and designated as the Gas Code of the City of College Station, Texas. AMENDMENTS TO GAS CODE The above-entitled Gas Code is hereby amended as follows: 1. Article 306.1 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: Copper and brass. 2. Article 306.2 is amended to read as follows: '306.2 - Underground Service Line. Service lines underground shall be standard weight wrought iron, galvanized steel, black steel protected against soil corrosion with an approved type protective coating, or polyethylene pipe, tubes and fittings conforming to A.S.T.M. D-2513-57 and C.S. 255.63, and shall be installed according to manu- facturer's recommendations. Field wrapping shall be limited to short sections stripped for threading and fittings.' 3. Article 306.3 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: 'Plastic Pipe Polyvinyl Chloride type 1, 2 & 3'. 4. Article 308.4.2 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: Item 3 of Section 308.4.2. 5. Article 308.5 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: Item 2 of Section 308.5. 6. Article 309.3.3 is amended by deleting therefrom the following term as used in Items 1, 2 and 3: 'Plastic.' 7. Article 309.5.2 is amended by including the following addendum: 'Gas lines must not be installed in duct systems used for supply or return of conditioned air.' 8. Article 311.2 - Testing, is amended by changing "6 inches of Mercury" to read as follows: 'ten inches (10") of Mercury.' 9. Articles 314.1 and 314.2 are amended by deleting therefrom the following: 'Use of Plastic.' 10. Article 605.4 is amended by deleting therefrom the following: 'Single wall vent pipe .' jm'c/nov95 chap3amd, doc O l /2 6~96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 38 That Chapter 3, Appendix 4 - Mechanical Code Adopted, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "MECHANICAL CODE ADOPTED A booklet entitled 'Standard Mechanical Code 1994 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be amended, as least one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby adopted and designated as the Mechanical Code of the City of College Station, Texas." VI. That Chapter 3, Appendix 5 - Standard Plumbing Code Adopted, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended to read as follows: "STANDARD PLUMBING CODE ADOPTED A booklet entitled 'Standard Plumbing Code 1994 Edition' as amended and as hereafter may be amended, at least one (1) copy of which is on file in the office of the Building Official of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby adopted and designated as the Plumbing Code of the City of College Station, Texas. AMENDMENTS TO PLUMBING CODE The above-named Plumbing Code is hereby amended as follows: Section 404 is amended to read as follows: '404 - Individual or Private Sewage Disposal System. When there is no sewer available within two hundred feet (200), an approved private disposal system may be installed. Private sewage systems must comply with City of College Station's Code of Ordinances (refer to Chapter 11, Section 2). Owners are required at their expense to have City sewer extended to their property if not over one hundred fifty feet (150). If over this distance, owner must agree to connect to City sewer when made available (within 60 days of written notice as referred to in Chapter 11, Section 2, of the College Station Code of Ordinances). All private sewage disposal systems must comply with the latest adopted standards of the Texas Department of Health and be constructed under the direction of Brazos County Health Department. The installer must be registered with the appropriate authority, Texas National Resource Conservation Commission, as a Registered Private Sewer Facilities Installer.' 2. Table 500 - Materials and Uses is amended with the following deletions: Materials Asbestos - Cement Sewer Pipe Governing Standards per 501.3 ASTM C 429-81, (1985) ASTM C 644-78 Asbestos - Cement Sewer Underdrain Pipe Asbestos - Cement Storm Drain Pipe ASTM C 5O8-88 ASTM C 633-83 js/c/nov95/chap3amd doc 01/26'96 Ordinance No. 2158 Page 39 Polyolefin Laboratory Drainage Systems Large Diameter Ribbed PVC Sewer Pipe and Fittings Polybutylene Pipe & Tubing (PB) Number 2110 Polybutylene Pipe & Tubing (PE) Number 2305, 2306, 3306, 3406, 3408 PE Insert Fittings Cross-linked Polyethylene (PEX) Tubing Systems for Pressure PVC Injection Molded Gasketed Fittings and Pressure Applications Polybutylene (PB) Plastic Hot CA N/CSA- B 181.3-M86 CAN/CSA-B182.4-M90 ASTM D 2662-88, ASTM D 2666-88, Listed, See 504.3 ASTM D 2104-88, ASTM D 2239-88, ASTM D 2737-88, Listed, See 504.3 ASTM D 2609-88, Listed CAN/CSA-B137.5-M89, Listed CAN/CSA-B137.2-M89, Listed ASTM D 3309-88a, Listed Table 500 is amended to read as 'Type M copper is not allowed for pressure piping.' Section 801.6 is amended to read as follows: '801.6 - Sand Traps. All garage, auto laundries, or gasoline or oil filling stations having car wash racks shall install and maintain in proper repair an approved sand trap in accordance with the plans and specifications on file in the office of the Plumbing Inspector.' Section 905.2 - Connections, is amended by adding the following statement: 'Connections behind bathtubs. All connects behind tubs shall have access panels.' Section 1205.1.1 is amended by the deletion therefrom of 'Type M copper' from the materials for water piping. Type K without connections is required for under slab installations. Section 1210.1.1 is amended by the deletion therefrom of the following mate- rials: Type M Copper, and Polybutylene (P B) plastic pipe. Section 1205.5 is added to read as follows: '1205.5.1 - Water Supply Control. An approved gate valve shall be installed in the water service pipe on the prop- erty side at the meter and protected by an approved enclosure with a removable cover and a covered valve box over cut off.' Section 11302.6. SPC 94 is added to read as follows: '1302.6 - Depth of Building Sewer. Building sewers must be installed with a minimum of twelve inches (12") of cover. Where conditions prohibit the required amount of cover, cast iron pipe with caulked or approved mechanical joints must be used unless other means of protecting the pipe is provided, when the use of cast iron of twelve inches (12") depth cannot be maintained.' js.~c, nov95, chap3amd, doc 0b~6/96 Ordinance No, 2158 Page 40 VII. That Chapter 3, Appendix 6 - Structural Standards Code, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station is hereby amended by changing the titles to Subsection "G. Rooming Houses", Subsection "H. Unsafe Structures", and Subsection "l. Definitions" to read as follows: "H. Rooming Houses I. Unsafe Structures J. Definitions" This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accordance with the City Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this J~f'l~- day of December, 1995. ~k~etary APPROVED: js,'c no~,95 chc~p$omd doc OI '26 96