HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-2317 - Ordinance - 03/12/1998Or&hartco No. Page I ORDINANCE NO. 23~ ? AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 1638 THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY ADDING DEFINITIONS TO SECTION 2, AMENDING SECTIONS 7.4 E., 8.19 F., 9.2, AND AMENDING SECTION 11 AS SET OUT BELOW; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND DECLARING A PENALTY. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Ordinance 1638, The Zoning Ordinance for the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its publication in the newspaper, as provided by Section 3:5 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 12th day of March, 1998. ST: CONNIE HOOKS. ~,i[y Secretary APPROVED: LYNI~ McILHANEY, Mayoy Ordinance No. 2317 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" ADD TO SECTION 2: BARRICADE AREA FOR EXISTING TREES: An area. protecte,d throughout c.ons, tm. ction .and. extending in a radius of 1 foot per caliper inch of tree dmmeter ri'om every protected tree mat prevents intrusion by construction equipment, vehicles and people but allows only hand clearing of underbrush. CANOPY TREE: Any self-supporting, wogdy pla. n,t with. gne well-defined trunk and a distinct and definite formed crown which attains a laeight otat least thirty (30) feet. ENHANCED PAVING: Earth toned (not grey) decorative pavers, stamped concrete, or dyed concrete. EXISTING TREE: Any self-supporting _woody pla.n,t, with on, e or more well-defined trunks two inches (2") in diameter or greater at one toot above me grouna. GROUNDCOVER: A spreading plant including sods and grasses less than 18 inches in height. NON-CANOPY TREE: Anv self-supporting woody plant with one or more trunks which attains a height of at least fifteen (15Jfeet. rHRUB: A. wood. y perennial pl.a~.t .diffe~,ng fr?.m a,pere.,n/fia,! herb by its more woody stem and om a tree by its low stature and habit otorancmng from me oase. AMEND SECTION 7.4 E. TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 7.4 DISTRICT R-2 DUPLEX RESIDENTIAL io PARKING REQUIREMENTS: Where. parking is p. rovided, i.n the from y.a, rd, .an. eight ,fgot (8') setback shall be required between the.~,roperty line an.a th%neares, t. slae o,t-the p, arra, ng oaa This 8' setback area must contain a 3' screen consisting o~ a continuous oerm, neage, br ~all In addition, an eight foot (8') setback shall be required between the dwelling uhit and th~ nearest side of the parking pad. (Amended by Ordinance No. 2139 of July 13, 199~) AMEND SECTION 8.19 F. TO READ AS FOLLOWS: F.RESERVED AMEND SECTION 9.2 TO READ AS FOLLOWS: 9.2 OFF-STREET PARKING SPACES REQUIRED In all districts, for all uses, at the time any building or structure is erected or enlarged or increased in capacity, or at any time any other use is established, there shall be orovided oR-street parking spaces for motor ve~icles in accordance with the requirements specifiedherein. A. DIMENSIONS AND ACCESS (See illustrations at end of this section): 1. Each off-street oarkinR soace for automobiles shall have an area of not less than nine feet by twenty feet (9'-x 20'). An eighteen foot paved soace may be utilized where an additional two feet (2') of unobstructed area is provided for vehicle overhang. 2. Each off-street parking space for truck unloading shall have an adequate unloading area. 2317 Ordinance No. Page 3 3..Eachparking~space and the maneuvering area thereto shall be located entirely within the boundaries ct-the building plot except as set forth in Chapter 3, College Station City Code. 4. There shall be adequate provisions for ingress and e~ress to all parkin~ spaces, and there shall be adequate maneuvering space t_o eli .minat.e BAcking into pub~l~,e i-i~ht-.o,f-w~a.y on~ maior, arterial or collector streets as reflectea in the t~omprenenmve ~'ian for me t;ttv or College Station. Circulation aisles between or a.djacent to head-in (90 degree} parking sp. aees shall be a minimum of twenty-three_(23') f6et. jn~,.wi~dth. Q..ne Way circu!a.t!on ~s]es with angled parking, shall be a minimum of twenty (2o) teet. All omer ctrcumuon mines shall be ~letehninea by the Project Review Commattee. 5. From the public right-of-way, there shall be a twenty-four foot (24') setback to act as a landscape reserve. Existing trees of four inch (4~')~calip. er or m,ore ,m, ust b,e. p?.served (these may count towara street tree requirements). ~'anonm may ce m~owea m tins area But at a maximum of seven (7) contiguous spaces a,nd.,orffy,if.the, y ,are scre.ene~d. More than one series of seven (7) spaces may be permitteo tt a sugstanuat, ampunt o~ reserve rema. ins intact and if the location of parking does not intenere with other streetscape reqmrements. Paved areas that are not arranged as parkin~ spaces may be permitted within the 24' landscage reserve, but at a maximum of 1~13~ squ~are feet and 9nlY. if the area is .screene~t. Mpre_ than.one series of 1134 _square feet ct-pavement wit.hip_the r.eserve may~ Oe oermittea it' a suOstantial amount ct' reserve remains intact anti it- the location o~ parking d. oes not interfere with other stre. etscape requirements. EMr.ance driveways are permittect to traverse the reserve area ancl are not considered part ct'the reserve. In no ?ent shall paye.ment be located within 6' of a right-of-way, unless the pavement is part ct-an entrance anveway. 6. END ISLANDS A raised island,, enegmpassin, g ngt less than one hun.dred eighty (1.80).sqqare feet i.n area, shall be loeatea at ooth enas or-eve~ interio.r parking row aha at Ooth enas ot every peripheral parking row, regardless of the length of the row. 7. INTERIOR ISLANDS For every fifteen (15) interior parking spaces, l$0-square feet of landscaping must be provided'somewhere tn the intei'ior rows of the parking lot. Interior island areas may be grouped and configg, red as desired, pr. ovided that circul~tion aisles remain clear. Interior mlaniSs may have Slitewalks through them. End island areas that exceed the minimum required may be counted toward the interior parking island requirement. (As amend by Ordinance No. 2097 dated November 10, 1994.) 8. PARKING LOT ISLANDS All parking, lot islands, must be raised at least_6~' a. nd curbed, with t. hem. aiority of the .area plantea or tre. atea with enhanced paving. The Oottom areas or' plantea inlands must Oe contiguous with uncompacted soil. AMEND SECTION 11 TO READ AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 11. LANDSCAPING 11.1 APPLICATION OF SECTION The landscaping requirements of this Section apply, to a. ll land located in the City of College Statmn and proposed for site development, but cio hgt..apply, to single farhily, town~ome, or duplex uses. The landscaping requirements shall apply to mobile and 2 317 Page 4 Ordinance No. Bo manufactured home p. arks but not to an individual mobile homes or manufactured homes on seoaratelv subdivide~i lots. Landscap. ing requirements shall become applicable to each individual lot at the time of site plan subnuttal. The streetscaping requirements of this section shall apply., to all land in the City of College Station and proposed ~'or site development, but do not apply t9 .single.family, ~torwnho. m.e, or dup. lex uses. Streetsca. pi.n~ requirements shall apply to mobile ana manumcturea nome parks but not to an mdl~dmil mobile homes or manufactured homes on separately sub.divided lot_s. Streetscaping r. equirements shall become applicable to each indiw~iual lot at tl~e time bt' site plan submittal. All landscaping/streetscaping requ.irements under this section shall run with the land and shall apply against any owner or subsequent owner. (Amended by Ordinance No. 2139 of July 13, 1995) Each phase of a phased project shall comply with this section. When the requirements of this Section conflict with requirements of other provisions of this Code, this Section shall prevail; provided, however, that the [~rovisions of this Section shall be subordinate to the provisions of Sections 9 and 10 pertaining to traffic and pedestrian safety and the provisions of Ordinance 1728. 11.2 A. LANDSCAPING REQUIREMENTS The landscaping requirements shall be determined on a point basis by the following:. Landscape Points required = 30pts. per 1000 square feet of site area. The minimum number of points for any development is 500 points. loo.dp. lains may be.rempved .from sit. e size calculations but then the existing trees within the oodplain may not be claimed t0r points. Projects may. beohased with the phase lines being drawn 20' beyond any new site amenity. The portion lei~ for subsequent pliases shall be of-developable size and quality. Point values will be awarded for any type of canopy tree, non-canoo¥ trees and shrub, provided that the siLecie__s claimed for point credit are not listed on the N-on-Point Tree List as prepared by tl~e city Forester. Accrued landscaping points are expended on landscaping, . material with the follovang' point values: (all caliper measurements are at twelve (12) roches above the ground) PLANT MATERIAL POINTS ACCRUED INSTALLED SIZE NEW PLANTINGS Canopy Tree Non-canopy Tree 75 pts. 150 pts. 300 pts. 40 pts. Shrubs 10 pts. 1.5" to 2" caliper 2.1" to 3.4" caliper 3.5" and larger 1.25" caliper and larger Min. 5 gallon Min. I gallon (dwarfs) EXISTING PLANTS* TREES NOT WITHIN BARRICADE AREA 2317 Page Ordinance No. Canopy Tree Non-canopy Tree 35 pts. 40 pts. 2" to 14.5" caliper 1.25" caliper and larger TREES WITHIN BARRICADE AREA Canopy Tree Non-canopy Tree 200 pts. 300 pts. 75 pts. 150 pts. Between 4" and 8" $" and larger Between 2" and 4" 4" and larger * To receive landscaoe points, all existingtrees must be in good form and condition and reasonably free of damage by insects an~or disease. C. 100% coverage of groundcover or grass is required in parking lot islands, swales and drainage areas, and the 24' landscane reserve unless otherw!.se l.an'dscape, d o.r.ekis, t. ing plants. are presery_ed. 100% coverage_ofgroundcover ,or gras.s, is also .reqmr, ed,.m all. unpave, a p. ortions of street or highway nght-ot~way on or aouttlng me property ano aojacent property that has been disturbed-during construction. If grass is to be used for groundcover, 100% live. grass grgundcover is required, whether by solid sod overlay or prepl~nting and successful takeover et grasses. D. Every project must expend a minimum of 50% of its point total on canopy trees. E. Every development must employ an irrigation system. F. Additional Point Credits (1) A ten percent (10%) ooint credit will be awarded if twenty-five percent (25%) or more of parking area consists et'enhanced paving. (2) A ten oercent (10%) point credit for every one percent (1%) .of site area devoted to special faculties (fountains, benches and planters, water teatures, etc.). (As amended by Ordinance No. 2097 dated November 10, 1994.) G. _Separation Requirement - Canoov trees must be planted at a minimum of twenty feet (20') ti'om other canopy trees. Live Oaks (Quercus viginiana) must be planted at a rhinimum et' 35' from other lg~ve Oaks. H. Dispers_al. Re.quirement - Landscaping must be reasonably dispersed throughout all visible areas et'the siIe. 11.3 A. STREETSCAPE REQUIREMENTS Along all maior arterials and freeways one canopy tree for every twen~-five feet (25') of frontage shall be installed. Two (2) non-canopy trees may be substitute~! for each one (,1) canoov tree Canopy and non-canop~ trees must be selected from the Streetscape Plant Lint and may be ~rouoed as desired. One (1) eyast~ng tree (rmmmum of 4 cahp. er) may b substituted fo~' each new tree. New trees must I~e planted within 50' (fit~y feet) of the property line along the street. Along minor arterials, one (1) canopy tree for every thirty-two feet (32') of frontage shall be instalIed. Two (2) non-canopy trees may be substituted for one (I) canopy tree. Canopy and non-canooy trees must be selected from the Streetscape PlantL~st and may be grouped as desired. Ode (1) existing tre. e (.mi.'nimum of 4" c,a, liper~' may be sub. stitut, ed fo.,rea.ch new tree. New trees must be plantecl wathin fifty feet (50) of the property line atong me street. 2317 Page 6 Ordinance No. C. .Parking areas adjacent to a ROW shall b.e screened for any development if p. arking is lo. cated'be.tween a building and a street right-of-way. Screening may be accomplished using plantings, berms, structural elements, or combinations thereof, and must be a nunimum of 3' b. bove t'he parking lot pavement elevation. D. Dumpsters, concrete retaining walls where more than six vertical inches of untreated concrete are visible, off-street loading areas, utility connections, and any other site characteristics that could be considered vtsually offensive must be adequately screened. E. Veffetation must be set back twenty_feet (20')_.from a,ny. dri.ve,way .qur,b ,an, d, forty-five feet (4.5v) from the curb at intersections of streets. 'l'i~e unoostructeu verucai nero ofv~sion must be Between 2'6" and 9' in height. F. Live Oaks must be planted a minimum of thirty feet (30') behind the street curb. G. Three hundred (300) additional points shall be provided for ev_ery .fifty (50) lineal feet of ti'ontage on a major or minor arterial. Driveway openings, sight clearance triangles, and other traffic control areas may be subtracted from totkl frontage. 1. A ten oercent (10%] point credit will be awarded if twenty-five percent (25%) or more of parl~ing area consists of enhanced paving. 2. A ten p. ercent (1.0%) point credit for every one percent (1%) of site area devoted to special facilities (water t~atures, etc.). 11.4 STREETSCAPE PLANT LIST CANOPY TREES Cedar Elm (Ulmus crassifolia.) Live Oak (Quercus virginia) __W. inged Erm (Ulmus alata) Water Oak (~/t). . Chinese Pistache (Pistacm chinensis) Post Oak (Ouercus stellata) Burr Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) . . _G_ oldenraifi Tree (Koelreuteria Paniculata) Water Oak (Ouefcus nigra) Bald Cvoress~stichum) Willo~qOa_k (Quercu. s phellos) Red Oak (Quercus shumardii) NON-CANOPY TREES Red Bud (Cercis canadensis). Tree Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) Crabapple _(ly!.alus species) ..... Tree C?eoe Myrtle (Lagerstroenua ~nmca) Shining Sumac (Rl3us copalina) Possufnhaw (Ilex decidu~) Hawthorn (Crateagus L.) . Bradford Pear (Pvrus species) . = . Texas Mt. Laure.l (Sophora secun, cfitlora) Mexican Plum (Prunus mexicana) Rusty Blackhaw viburnum (Viburnum runuumm) ll.S A. LANDSCAPE/STREETSCAPE PLAN REQUIREMENTS When a landscapedstreetscape plan is required, the landscapedstreetscape plan shall contain the following: 1. The location of existing property lines and dimensions of the tract. 2. The location of existing and proposed utilities and all easements on or adjacent to the lot. Ordinance No. 2317 Page 7 3. An indication of adjacent land uses, existing development and roadways. 4. An irrigation system plan. 5. Landscape information: a. Landscape points required for site and calculations shown. b. A table showing the size, type (canopy, non-canopy, shrub) and points claimed for proposed landscaping. c. Location of landscape plants on plan. 6. Streetscape information: a. Streetscape points required for site and calculations shown. b. A table showing the scientific and common olant names, size, type (canopy, non- canopy, shrub), and-points claimed for proposed streetscaping. c. Location of streetscape plants on plan. 7. The location and diameter of protected existing trees claimed for either landscaoe or streetscape re~luirem, ents, m!d an indication of liow the applicant plans to barricade the existing trees ti'om damage during construction. 11.6 MAINTENANCE AND CHANGES A. Landscap. ing/Streetscaoing shall be maintained and oreserved in accordance with the approve~! Landscape/S'treetscaoe Plan. Reolacement of'dead landscaoing/streetscaping must occur within forty-five (45) days of not,cation by the Zoning Official or his delegate. Replacement material must be of similar character and the same or higher point total as the dead landscaping. Failure to reolace dead landscaping, as required by the Zoning Official, shall constitute a violation of tfiis section of the ordinance for which the penalty provision may be invoked. B. Landscaping/Streetscaping Changes to Existing Sites 1. If changes constituting 25% or more of the number of canopy and n_qn-canopy trees are proposed, a revised land~cape plan must be submitted for approval. Planting must occur pursuant to this approved landscape plan. 2. Revised LandscaEe/Streetscape Plans shall meet the re.quirements of the Landscape/St.reetscape Ordinance in effect at the time of the revised iandscape/streetscape plan subinittal. 11.7 COMPLETION AND EXTENSION The Zoning Official or his delegate shall review ali landscaping for completion in compliance with this section and the approved .landscapedstreetscape ol'an. Land.sc_aping/str..eetscaping shall be completed in compliance with the approved plan be'fore a Certificate of occupancy is issued. However, the applicant may receive an extension of four ~4) months from the date of the Certificate of Occupancy upon the approval of an ap.~licatlon for extension with a bond or letter of credit in the amount of'Five ($5.00) Dollars times the number of landscapedstreetscape points required for the proiect. Failure to complete the landscaping/streetscap, ing according to the approv&! landscaoedstreetscape plan at the exEiration of the bond or letter of credit shall constitute grounds for forfeiting the bond or cashin, g of the letter of credit by the Zoning Official or his_.delegate. Al~o, failure to complete the approved landscaping shall constitute a violation or'this section. 11.8 REVIEW AND APPROVAL Ordinance No. 2317 PaEe $ Landscape plans shall be reviewed by the appropriate staff or reviewing body as outlined in Section 10. L 11.9 PARKING, STORAGE, OR DISPLAY Parking storage, or display of vehicles or merch_an, dise o..n required landscape/streetscape areas or requirea islands shall be considered a violation otthis orclinance 11.10 ALTERNATIVE COMPLIANCE PERMITTED Variations to the requirements of Section 11 may be approved if the landscal~e I~lan is sealed by a registered landscave architect. Such plans must show reasonable evidence that the requirements as set forth in Section 11 were used as a guide. DELETE EXHIBIT A FROM SECTION 11 DELETE EXHIBIT B FROM SECTION 11 DELETE EXHIBIT C FROM SECTION 11 DELETE EXHIBIT D FROM SECTION 11 ADD AN EXHIBIT A TO SECTION 9 AS FOLLOWS: Budding / \ INTERIOR PARKING 't 't [ ¢ ADD AN EXHIBIT A TO SECTION 11 AS FOLLOWS: 2317 Page 9 Ordinance No. ~ Tfior~gte · ~ V~s~bilty (~// . ._/ L 4~'-0" PEri. WAY 01~ Al. bEY / / / Trieng~/ * No obstruction between 2..5' and 9.0'