HomeMy WebLinkAbout1998-2304 - Ordinance - 02/12/1998ORDINANCE NO. 2304 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ORDERING A GENERAL MUNICIPAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ON SATURDAY, MAY 2, 1998, FOR THE ELECTION OF A MAYOR, A CITY COUNCILMAN PLACE 2, A CITY COUNCILMAN PLACE 4, AND A CITY COUNCILMAN PLACE 6; AND A SPECIAL ELECTION TO PROPOSE AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE III, SECTION 18 OF THE COLLEGE STATION CITY CHARTER; DESIGNATING THE TIME, PLACE, AND MANNER FOR HOLDING THE ELECTION; AND, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN OFFICIAL ORDER OF ELECTION AND NOTICE OF ELECTION. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: SECTIONI A General Election and Special Election shall be and the same is hereby ordered to be held on the first Saturday in May, 1998, the same being May 2, 1998 for the purpose of electing a Mayor, Councilmembers Places 2, 4, and 6, and a proposed amendment to the City Charter. The proposed amendment shall be presented for a "yes" or "no" vote in the following form: Shall Section 18 of the City Charter be amended to limit the Mayor and Councilmen to three (2) two-year consecutive terms? The election shall be held under the provisions of the laws of the State of Texas governing general elections and special elections, and only duly qualified voters who are residents of the City of College Station shall be allowed to vote in this election. Said election shall be held in conjunction with the College Station Independent School District Board of Trustees Election, whereby an election precinct is to be served by a common polling place and election judges. A single ballot form at each polling place shall be used, provided; however, that no voter shall be given a ballot containing any office or proposition on which the voter is ineligible to vote. The polls shall be opened promptly at 7:00 a.m. and shall be closed promptly at 7:00 p.m. The office of the City Secretar7 shall perform all duties normally performed by the County Clerk in general elections with respect to early voting, giving notice of election, and preparing the official ballots. Ordinance No. 2304 Page 2 SECTION 2 Eady voting shall be conducted by personal appearance and by mail. The main early voting polling place by personal appearance shall be in the City Hall Training Room, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Two branch early voting locations shall be held at the College Station Administration Building, 1812 Welsh, 8:00 a.m. -4:30 p.m., and Bryan City Hall, 300 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas 77805, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. The last day to receive applications for early voting by mail shall be April 24, 1998. The period for early voting shall be April 15, 1998 through April 28, 1998, excluding weekends. The Early Voting Clerk for said election shall be the City Secretary. She shall appoint city employees and additional assistance by qualified individuals of the community to serve as deputy early voting clerks to assist her at the eady voting polling places. The Election Coordinator for the College Station Independent School District shall also serve as Deputy Early Voting Clerk in said election. The following persons are hereby appointed as the Early Ballot Board to count the early ballots: Presiding Judge: Kay Parker Clerks: To be named by presiding judge SECTION 3 Punch card voting machines shall be used for voting at the foregoing election precincts and electronic count devices and equipment shall be used for counting the ballots at said election. SECTION 4 The Council Chambers in the College Station City Hall, is hereby established as Central Counting Station to receive ballots for said election, the ballots to be tabulated and returned to the office of the City Secretary for the required retention period. The following persons are hereby authorized and approved as persons employed and designated to handle the ballots, operate the tabulating equipment, and count the ballots. Presiding Judge: Alternate Judge: Manager, Data Processing: Tabulating Supervisor: Clerks: Kay Parker Steve Parker Tracy Price John Salmans To be named by Presiding Judge The following state officials and other designated persons may be present at Central Counting Station to observe the election process: Ordinance No. 2304 Page 3 a. Mayor and members of the College Station City Council b. The Board of Trustees of the College Station School District c. The City Secretary and designated members of staff d. The City Manager of the City of College Station e. The Superintendent of schools and designate members of staff f. The County Judge and members of the Commissioners Court of Brazos County g. The Attorney General of the State of Texas or his authorized representative h. The County Clerk of Brazos County SECTION 5 A committee is hereby established consisting of the following persons to hold Computer Accuracy Tests, including two tests prior to the counting of ballots, and one test immediately after the count of the voted ballots, to ascertain that the computer will accurately count the votes cast for the offices to be voted upon in said election: a. City Secretary of College Station b. CSlSD Election Coordinator c. Presiding judge of Central Counting Station SECTION 6 The Mayor of the City of College Station is hereby authorized to sign an official ORDER OF ELECTION FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS as prescribed by the Texas Election Code, to be attached hereto and recorded as part of this Ordinance. The Mayor of the City of College Station is hereby authorized to sign an official NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION as set forth in a form prescribed by the Secretary of State of Texas; and a copy of the NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION, when published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of College Station, shall serve as proper notice of the election. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 12TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1998. APPROVED: ~ay~ Lynn Mcllhaney ~ City Secretary Connie Hooks DECRETO MUNICIPAL NO. 2304 UN DECRETO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ORDENANDO UNA ELECClON GENERAL MUNICIPAL EN LA ClUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION EL SABADO, 2 DE MAYO, 1998, PARA LA ELECClON DE UN ALCALDE, UN CONSEJERO MUNICIPAL LUGAR 2, UN CONSEJERO MUNICIPAL LUGAR 4, Y UN CONSEJERO MUNICIPAL LUGAR 6; Y UNA ELECClON ESPECIAL PROPONIENDO UNA ENMIENDA AL ARTICULO III, SECClON 18, DE LOS REGLAMENTOS MUNIClPALES DE COLLEGE STATION; DESIGNANDO EL TIEMPO, EL LUGAR Y LA MANERA DE PROCEDIMIENTO PARA LA EJECUCION DE LA ELECCION; APUNTAR JUECES; Y AUTORIZAR A LA ALCADEZA PARA QUE AUTORICE UNA ORDEN OFIClAL DE ELECCION Y NOTIFICAClON DE ELECClON. QUE SEA ORDENADO POR EL CONSEJO MUNICIPAL DE LA CIUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: SECCION I Una Elecci0n General ser~, y la misma est-~ ordenada para ser ejecutada el pdmer S/,bado de Mayo, 1998, siendo ese dia el 2 de Mayo de 1998, para el prol~sito de elegir un Alcalde, Consejeros Municipales Lugares 2, 4, y 6, y un propuesto amendamiento al los reglamentos municpales. La enmienda propuesta sera presentada para recibir un voto de 'si" o 'no" en la siguiente forma: Deber~ la SecciOn 18 de los reglamentos municipales ser enmendado para limitar al Alcalde y a los Consejeros Municipales a tres t~rminos consecutivos de (2) dos ai~os? La elecciOn se Ilevar~ a cabo bajo las provisiones de las leyes del Estado de Texas govemando elecciones generales, y solamente se permitira que voten en la elecci0n votadores calificados que son residentes de College Station. Dicha elecci0n se Ilevara a cabo en conjunto con la Elecci0n del Consejo Directivo del Distrito Independiente Escolar de College Station, en Io que un precinto electoral ser~ servido pot jueces electorales y un lugar com[3n de elecci(~n. Una boleta electoral en cada precinto electoral sera utilizada, pero ning~n votante inelegible para votar en alguna proposiciOn u oficina sera otorgado una boleta electoral. Los precintos electomles abriran a las 7:00 a.m. y cerraran a las 7:00 p.m. La oficina de la Secretada de la Municipalidad debera de Ilevar a cabo las labores que usualmente hace el Secretario del Condado en elecciones generales con respecto a votaciones anticipadas, dar notificaciones de elecci(~n, y la prepamciOn de las boletas electorales oficiales. SECCION 2 Votaci0n anticipada se Ilevar~ a cabo por presencia personal y por correo. El lugar principal de votaci0n por presencia personal sera en el Cuarto de Entrenamiento del Edificio Municipal de la Ciudad de College Station, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, de 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.. Dos lugares secundarios de votaci0n por presencia personal sera el Edificio Administmtivo del Distrito Escolar de College Station, 1812 Welsh, de 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. y el Edificio Municipal de la Ciudad de Bryan, 300 South Texas Avenue, Bryan, Texas 77805, 8:00a.m. - 5:00p.m.. El Qltimo dia para recibir aplicaciones para votaciOn anticipada por correo ser~ el 24 de Abril, 1998. El periodo de votaci0n anticipada pot correo ser~i del 15 de Abril, 1998 hasta el 28 de Abril, 1998. La Secretaria de Votaci(~n Anticipada para dicha elecci0n sera la Elecci6n del 2 de Mayo, 1998 Pagina 2 Secretaria Municipal de College Station. Ella designam empleados municipales y asistencia de otros individuos de la comunidad calificados como diputados de votaci6n anticipada para asistirla en los lugares de votaci6n anticipada. El Coordinador Electoral del Distrito Escolar Independiente de College Station servica como Secretaria Diputada de Votaci0n Anticipada de dicha elecci0n, Las siguientes personas esffin apuntadas como el Consejo de Votaci0n Anticipada para contar las boletas anticipadas. Juez Actual: Kay Parker Agentes: Sera nombmdo por el Juez Actual SECCION 3 Las maquinas mama tarjetas secan utilizadas para votaci0n en dichos lugares electomles y equipo electr0nico de conteo seca utilizado para contar las boletas en dicha elecci0n. SECCION 4 El Camaro del Consejo Municipal ubicado en el Edificio Municipal de College Station, esta designada como la Estaci6n Central de Conteo para recibir boletas de dicha elecci6n, y las boletas secan contadas y almacenadas en la oficina de la Secmtaria Municipal por el perfodo requirido de retenciOn. Las siguientes personas estan autorizadas y aprobadas como personas empleadas y designadas para el manejo de las boletas, para opemr el equipo de conteo, y para contar las boletas electorales. Juez Actual: Juez Alterno: Gerente, Procesamiento de Datos: Supervisor de Conteo: Agentes: Kay Parker Steve Parker Tmcy Price John Salmans Seran nombmdos por el Juez Actual Los siguientes oficiales del estado y otms personas designadas esffin autorizadas para estar presente en la Estaci6n Central de Conteo para observar el proceso electoral: a. La Alcaldeza y miembros del Consejo Municipal de College Station b. El Consejo Dimctivo del Distrito Escolar de College Station c. La Secretaria Municipal y miembros designados de su oficina d. El Gerente Municipal de la Ciudad de College Station e. El Superintendente de Escuelas y miembros designados de su oficina. f. El Juez del Condado y miembros de la Corte de Comisionados del Condado de Bmzos g. El Abogado General del Estado de Texas o su representante designado. h. El Secretario del Condado de Bmzos SECCION 5 Un comit~ esta establecido consistiendo de las siguientes personas para los Ex;~menes de Exactitud de Conteo Computarizado, incluyendo dos examenes antes de el conteo oficial de boletas, y un examen inmediatamente despu(~s del conteo de las boletas, para asegumr que la computadora contaca corectamente los votos entregados para las oficinas elegidas pot dicha elecciOn: Elecci0n del 2 de Mayo, 1998 Pagina a. La Secretaria Municipal de College Station b. El Coordinador Electoral del Distrito Escolar Independiente de College Station c. El Juez Actual de la Estacion Central de Conteo SECCION 6 La Alcaldeza de la Ciudad de College Station esta autorizada firmar una ORDEN OFICIAL DE ELEClON EN LA ClUDAD DE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS como prescrito pot el C0digo Electoral del Estado de Texas, que sera adjuntado y anotado como parte de este Decreto Municipal. La Alcaldeza de la Ciudad de College Station esta autorizada para firmar una NOTIFICAClON OFICAL DE ELECClON GENERAL como esta prescdto en el formulario otorgado por la Secretaria del Estado de Texas, y una copia de dicha NOTIFICAClON DE ELECClON GENERAL, cuando publicado en un peri0dico de circulaci<~n general en la Ciudad de College Station, servira como notificaciOn adecuada de la elecciOn ordenada pot este Decreto Municipal. PASADO Y APROVADO ESTE 12 DIA DE FEBRERO, 1998. APROVADO: ATESTIGUADO POR: Secretaria Municipal Connie Hooks ;ll~caldeza Lynn Mcllhaney I~