HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-2290 - Ordinance - 12/11/1997ORDINANCE NO. 2290 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING THE WOLF PEN CREEK CORRIDOR IN COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, AS REINVESTMENT ZONE NO. 7, CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ENUMERATING THE QUALIFYING CRITERIA, ADOPTING A PRELIMINARY DEVELOPMENT AND FINANCING PLAN, ESTABLISHING A BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR SUCH ZONE, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO; PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN OPEN MEETINGS CLAUSE. WHEREAS, the City of College Station gave notice on the 3rd day of October, 1997, to the tax- ing units, College Station Independent School District and Brazos County, of its intent to consider the implementation of a tax increment financing district, a reinvestment zone, in the area of the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor; and provided more than sixty (60) days notice of a meeting to be held on December 11, 1997 at the City of College Station; WHEREAS, on October 6, 1997, the College Station City Council directed staff to meet with designated representatives from the College Station Independent School District and Brazos County and these meetings took place to discuss the implementation of Reinvestment Zone No. 7; WHEREAS, on November 4, 1997, the voters of the City of College Station passed a referendum authorizing the City of College Station to proceed with the construction of a conference center; WHEREAS, on November 14, 1997, representatives of the City of College Station met with designated representatives from the College Station Independent School District and Brazos County and these meetings took place to discuss the implementation of Reinvestment Zone No. 7; WHEREAS, on November 17, 1997, City staffmade a formal presentation to the College Station Independent School District Board of Trustees concerning the reinvestment zone. The presenta- tion included a description of the proposed boundaries of the zone, the tentative plans for the development or redevelopment of the zone, and an estimate of the general impact of the proposed zone on property values and tax venues. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved participa- tion in the reinvestment zone; WHEREAS, on November 18, 1997, City staff made a formal presentation to the Brazos County Commissioners Court concerning the reinvestment zone. The presentation included a description of the proposed boundaries of the zone, the tentative plans for the development or redevelopment of the zone, and an estimate of the general impact on property values and tax revenues; WHEREAS, on December 1, 1997, notice of a public hearing to be held on December 11, 1997 was published in the Bryan-College Station Eagle, said notice being attached hereto as Exhibit WHEREAS, a public hearing was held before the College Station City Council on the 1 lth day of December, 1997, at 7:00 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Council; WHEREAS, upon such public hearing being convened, there was presented proof and evidence that notice of such hearing had been published and had been mailed as described above; js~o:~,roup~lcgal~reinvcst doc 12/5/97 ORDINANCE NO. 2290 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City Council at such hearing invited any interested person to appear and contend for or against the creation of the reinvestment zone, the boundaries of the proposed reinvestment zone, whether all or part of the territory, which is described by boundary survey attached hereto as Exhibit "D" and depicted in the diagram attached hereto as Exhibit "E", should be included in such proposed reinvestment zone, the concept of tax increment financing, and the creation of a board of directors for the proposed reinvestment zone; WHEREAS, all owners of property located within the proposed reinvestment zone and all other taxing units and other interested persons were given the opportunity at such public heating to protest the creation of the proposed reinvestment zone or the inclusion of their property in such reinvestment zone; WHEREAS, the City staff presented the preliminary financing and development plan for the proposed reinvestment zone attached hereto as Exhibits "B" and "C"; and WHEREAS, the proponents of the reinvestment zone offered evidence, both oral and documen- tary, in favor of the foregoing matters relating to the creation of the reinvestment zone; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, that: The facts and recitations contained in the preamble of this ordinance are hereby found and declared to be true and correct. II. The City, at~er conducting such hearing and having heard such evidence and testimony and considering the preliminary project and financing plan, has made the following findings and determination, based upon the evidence and testimony presented to it: That the public hearing on adoption of the reinvestment zone has been properly called, held and conducted, and that notice of such hearing has been published as required by law and mailed to all taxing units overlapping the territory inside the proposed reinvestment zone. CJ Do That the City has jurisdiction to hold and conduct this public hearing on the creation of the proposed reinvestment zone pursuant to the Tax Increment Financing Act. That creation of the proposed zone with boundaries as described in Exhibit "D" will result in benefits to the City, its residents and property owners, and to the property, residents and property owners in the reinvestment zone. That the reinvestment zone as described in Exhibit "D" meets the criteria for the creation of a reinvestment zone as set forth in the Texas Tax Increment Financing Act (Chapter 311 et. seq., ~x. 'r^x COD~. ^~n~. [Vernon 1997]) in that: (1) It is a contiguous geographic area located wholly within the corporate limits of the City. js~o:~,rou p~legal~einvest.doc ! 2/5/97 ORDINANCE NO. 2290 Page 3 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) As required by the Act, not more than ten percent (10%) of the property in the zone is used for residential purposes. The total appraised value of al I taxable real property in the zone according to the most recent appraisal rolls of the City, together with the total appraised value of the taxable real property and al I other taxing existing reinvestment zones within the City, according to the most recent appraisal rolls of the City, does not exceed fifteen percent (15%) of the current total appraised value of the taxable real prop- erty in the City. Improvements in the reinvestment zone will enhance significantly the value of all taxable real property in the reinvestrnent zone. That a preliminary project plan and a financing plan have been developed and are attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and Exhibit "C". Such preliminary project and financing plans would be the basis for the master plan for the final financing and development plans for the reinvestment zone and shall assist the staff and board of directors in implementing a successful reinvestment zone. On November 6, 1997, Davis T. McGill petitioned the City Council of College Station that the area described in Exhibit "D" be designated as a reinvestment zone. Please see Exhibit "F" for said petition. Davis T. McGill is the prot~n~y.. owner of more than fifty percent (50%) of the appraised value of the property m the proposed reinvestment zone. Therefore, Reinvestment Zone No. 7 is hereby established by owner petition pursuant to Section 311.005 (a) (5) of the Tax Increment Financing Act. That the following Council Members were present and considered the ordinance on December I l, 1997. Lynn Mcllhaney, Ma,¥or Larry Mariott Steve Esmond David Hickson Hubbard Kennady Mayor Pro Tem Dick Birdwell Swiki Anderson III. That the City hereby creates a reinvestment zone over the area described by the boundary survey in Exhibit "D" attached hereto and such reinvestment zone shall be based on the preliminary project and financing plans. This zone shall hereafter be identified as Reinvestment Zone No. 7, City of College Station, Texas (the "Zone"). js~o:~groupqcgal~tcinvcst, doc 12/5/97 ORDINANCE NO. 2290 Page 4 IV. The Board of Directors for the Zone shall consist of nine (9) member directors. The City Council of the City of College Station shall appoint five (5) members who shall meet the eligibility requirements as set forth in the Act to serve on the Board of Directors. The School District shall appoint one (I) member who shall meet the eligibility requirements set forth in the Act to serve on the Board of Directors. The Brazes County Commissioners Court shall appoint one (1) member who shall meet the eligibility requirements as set forth in the Act to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. The member of the state senate in whose district the zone is located or his designee is also a member of the board. The member of the state house of representatives in whose district the zone is located or his designee is also a member of the board. The School District member, the Brazes County Commissioners Court member, the member of the state senate or his designee, the member of the state house of representatives or his designee, and three (3) members appointed by the City of College Station, shall serve an initial two (2) year term while the other two (2) appointed by the City of College Station shall serve initial one (1) year terms. All subsequent appointments will be made for two (2) staggered terms or until a successor director may be appointed thereafter. The City Council shall designate one (1) member to serve as Chairman of the Board of Directors for the year ending December 31, 1998, and each year thereafter, and authorizes the Board to elect from its members a Vice-Chairman and other officers as it sees fit. The Board shall r~taln all powers pwvided it in the Act. The Board of Directors shall make recommendations to the City Council concerning the admini- stration of the Zone and shall prepare and cause to be prepared and adopt a Project Plan based upon the preliminary Financing and Development Plan~ for the Zone and must submit such plans to the City Council for its approval. The City hereby delegates to the Board of Directors all powers necessary to prepare and implement such Project Plan, subject to approval by the City Council, including the power to direct the staff and employ consultants to assist in the preparation of the Project Plan and in the issuance of tax increment obligations. Ve That operation of the Zone shall commence on January 1, 1998, and that termination of the operation of the Zone shall occur on December 31, 20117, or at a time designated by subsequent ordinance or at such time subsequent to the issuance of tax increment bonds as all project costs and tax increment bonds, and the interest thereon, have been paid in full. VI. That the tax increment base for the Zone, which is the total appraised value of all taxable real property in the reinvestment zone, is to be determined as of January 1, 1998, the year in which the Zone was designated as a reinvestment zone. VII. That there is hereby created and established a Tax Increment Fund for the Zone which may be divided into such sub-accounts as may be authorized by subsequent ordinances into which all tax increments are to be deposited. The Tax Increment Fund and any sub-accounts are to be main- tained at the depository bank of the City and shall be secured in the manner prescribed by law for Texas cities. The tax increments shall equal the amount of property taxes levied for a year on the captured and appraised value, that 'is, the amount by which the current appraised value of all js~o:~oupXlcgal~elnv~scdo~ 12/~97 ORDINANCE NO. 2290 Page 5 taxable real property located in the Zone exceeds its tax increment base less any other funds which are to be allocated from the tax increments pursuant to the Act. All revenues from the sale of any tax increment finance bonds and notes hereafter issued by the City may be deposited into such fund or sub-account from which money will be disbursed to pay project costs for the Zone or to satisfy the claims of holders of tax increment bonds or notes issued for the Zone. VIII. That if any section, paragraph, clause, or provision of this ordinance shall for any reason be held to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceability of such section, paragraph, clause or provision shall not affect any of the remaining provisions of this ordinance. IX. That it is hereby found, determined and declared that a sufficient written notice of the date, hour, place and subject of the meeting of the City Council of the City of College Station at which this ordinance was adopted was posted at a place convenient and readily accessible at all times to the general public at the City Hall of the City of College Station for the time required by law preced- ing this meeting, as required by the Open Meetings Act, and that this meeting has been open to the public as required by law, at all times during which this ordinance and the subject matter hereon has been presented, discussed, considered and finally acted upon. The City Council of the City of College Station further ratifies, approves and confirms such written notice and the contents and posting thereof. That the contents of the notice of public hearing, which hearing was held before the City Council of the City of College Station on December 11, 1997, and the publication of said notice, is hereby ratified, approved and confirmed. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED on this the 1 lth day of December, 1997. APPROVED: MclLHANEY, May~ ATTEST: CONNIE HOOKS, City Secretary js~o:~roup~]cg~d~cinvcst.doc 12/5/97 NOTICE OF PUBLIC i~EARING The College Station City Council will hold a public hearing to consider an ordinance designating approximately 15.11 acres consisting of Holleman Place Lot 2 (6.31 acres); a 6.38 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League, Abstract No 46, College Station, Brazos County, Texas and being a portion of that 32.28 acre tract conveyed to Sypcon Construction Corporation by Metro Properties Inc., by deed recorded in volume 435, page 692 of the Deed of Records of-Brazos County, Texas; and a 2.423 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League, Abstract No 46, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being comprised of all that same tract conveyed to Simon Kahan as described by deed recorded in volume 1036 page 437 of the Deed of Records of Brazos County, Texas, and generally located at the southwest comer of the intersection of Dartmouth Street and Holleman Drive East in College Station, as Reinvestment Zone #7 for a Tax Increment Financing District as provided in the Tax Increment F~anc'mg Act. This public heating will discuss the creation of the zone and its benefits to the municipality and other matters related thereto. At the hearing an interested person may speak for or against the creation of the zone, its boundaries, or the concept of tax increment financing. The hearing will be held in the City Council Chamber at College Station City HaH, located at 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 1 lth, 1997. Any request for sign interpretative services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764-3547 or {TDD) 1-800 735-2989. For additional information, please call Todd McDaniel, Senior Economic Development Analyst, City of College Station Department of Economic and Community Development, at (409) 764-3753. EXHIBIT A TAX INCREMENT FINANCING REINVESTMENT ZONE NO. 7 WOLF PEN CREEK OFFICE/HOTEL/CONFERENCE CENTER Preliminary Project Plan Preliminary Financing Plan City of College Station October 1997 EXHIBIT8 B & C TAX INCREMENT FINANCING REINVESTMENT ZONE NO. 7 Preliminary Project Plan Preliminary Financing Plan City of College Station Octobor 1997 REINVESTMENT ZONE NO.7 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS Wolf Pen Creek Office/Hotel/Conference Center Project Introduction Tax increment financing in the State of Texas is authorized under the Texas Tax Increment Financing Act of 1981. This Act allows a city to establish a reinvestment zone, "capture" increased taxes resulting from increased property values and place the revenue generated into a special fund. These revenues can then be used to finance improvements permitted under the law. The City of College Station has completed a Request for Proposals process for the development of a 200+ room full service hotel and 80,000 s.f. office building in conjunction with the City's devleopment of a 45,000 net square foot conference center. The City proposed to fund the issuance of debt for the construction and equipping of the conference center facility up to $6,000,000. The City has proposed to use two primary funding sources for the servicing of this debt. One source would be the captured value from a Tax Increment Finance Reinvestment Zone containing the hotel and office building. These fac'dities have been guaranteed by the developer to carry a value not less than $21,000,000 for the life of the TIF. The other funding source would be through hotel/motel tax revenues. The City estimates that the hotel will generate approximately $241,000 in hotel/motel tax revenues annually and has proposed to use $200,000 of those revenues to service a portion of the debt on the conference center. As baclcground, the firm of Coopers and Lybrand has conducted a feasibility analysis for both the marketability of such a facility, as well as operational revenues and expenditures. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a market for a 37,000 to 45,000 square foot mulit-purpose fac'dity. The analysis also estimates that the facility would carry an operating deficit of approximately $57,000 in year one decreasing to $37,000 by year five. Area Description The area under consideration as a tax increment reinvestment zone is described in Appendix A. This area can generally be defined as approximately 15. Il acres at the southwest comer of Dartmouth and Holleman in College Station, Texas. The boundaries of the zone are reflected in Exhibit A. Property ownership is identified in Appendix B. Proposed Improvements For purposes of this Reinvestment Zone, TIF revenues will be used for a conference center to be owned by the City of College Station in the defined area The City has agreed to contribute up to $6,000,000 for the construction and equipping of the conference center. A schematic plan for the district is reflected in the following drawing. Comprehensive Plan The improvements recommended in this plan are compatible with the uses reflected in the Comprehensive Plan for the City of College Station. The Comprehensive Plan was adopted in August 1997. Zoning As part of the implementation of this project, zoplng changes will be necessary, These changes involve rezoning of these properties fi'om the R-5 zoning district and the R-iL zoning district to the Wolf Pen Creek zoning district. The City of College Station and the Development Team have agreed that the appropriate zoning classification is WPC and will take the rezoning requests through the appropriate process. Figure I. -- EXHIBIT A I Memorandum of Understanding Between WPC Team & City of College Station WOLF PEN CREEK PARK Preliminary Project Plan The Tax Code requires that a Project Plan be prepared by the Reinvesttnent Zone Board of Directors. The Project Plan must include a map showing existing conditions, uses of real property in the zone, proposed improvements and proposed changes in the city codes and master plans. A Preliminary Project Plan, including th~ information required for the Final Project Plan, has been formulated and is pre~nted below. Use of Real Pmr~erty The proposed reinvestment zone is essentially three adjacent tracts of land located at the southwest comer of the intersection at Dartmouth and Holleman. An analysis of existing conditions and land use within the zone indicates that the area is vacant with the exception of College Staiton Fire Station #1 which is on a portion of the City's Holleman Place tract. Area Pmport7 Conditions There are currently no property conditions to be considered with the exception of Fire Station #1 which was completed in September ! 997. Preliminary Financing Plan The Tax Increment Financing Plan for Reinvestment Zone No. 7, City of College Station identifies the projects to be accomplished, and the monetary relationships which accompany the project for funding and ultimately paying for the improvement Project Identity R. einvestment Zone No. 7 has been proposed as set forth in the project plan, as well as the specific projects. The development will be a new office, hotel, and convention center. Debt issued by the City for the construction and equipping of the conference center will be paid for with TIF revenues, as well as hotel/motel tax revenues. Estimated Project Costs The project costs are estimated to be $6,000,0000. Preliminary development costs were developed by City staff. This facility is intended to act as an incentive for the development of other private properties in the area. The intended purpose of this development is twofold: first, to create a larger venue for conventions within the City of College Station; and second, to function as a catalyst for in fill development with in the Wolf Pen Creek corridor. Economic Feasibility The City of College Station is aware that the area is eligible for the creation of a tax increment financing district. This area, as documented in the Project Plan section, is underdeveloped with the strong potential for new commercial development. A. Appraised and Captured Value Real property appraised value of the zone, as well as the captured value and the tax increment projection is shown in Table 2. The table indicates a $359,000 increment annually beginning in 1999 and a $2,941,000 cumulative increment over a ten (10) year period. Furthermore, Table 2 is based upon a value guamatee of $21,000,000 for the hotel/office building project and uses the entke City of College Station and Brazos County ad valorem tax rates, and .86/$100 of the CSISD ad valorem tax rate. The total rate for the TIF will be ($1.71/100). ANNUAL WPC ANNUAL CUMULATIVE TAX YEAR BASE CAPTURED CAPTURED INCREMENT CUMULATIVE TAX INCREMENT 1997 $507,515 $0 $0 $0 1998 8,508,000 8,000,000 8,000,000 69,000 1999 21,508,000 13,000,000 21,000,000 359,000 2000 21,508,000 0 21,000,000 359,000 2001 21,508,000 0 21,000,000 359,000 2002 21,508,000 0 21,000,000 359,000 2003 21,508,000 0 21,000,000 359,000 2004 21,508,000 0 21,000,000 359,000 2005 21,508,000 0 21,000,000 359,000 2006 $21,508,000 $0 $21,000,000 $359,000 Assumptions: 1. Scenario uses tax rates from CS,County, and CSlSD (1.71/100) 2. WPC scenario uses a $21,000,000 in project in year 1998. 3. CSISD can not participate in first yr. of TIF. $00 69,0000 428,000 787,0000 1,146,000 1,505,0000 1,864,0000 2,223,0000 2,582,000 $2,941,00(3 B. Taxing Units There are three taxing units. Their tax rates per one hundred dollars of valuation are: CSISD $1.74 City of College Station .4293 Brazes County .4174 Total: $2.5867 In the above appraised and captured value analysis, the City's entire ad valorem tax rate of .42931100 for FY 97-98 is used; Brazos County's FY 97-95 ad valorem tax rate of .41741100 is used; and .861100 ofthe CSISD ad valorem tax rate is used. No change over time in the tax rates of the three units was considered. Tax Increment Bond The City of College Station has proceeded with the analysis for financing a portion of the project costs with bond funds.The amount included in the plan for proposed tax increment bonds are as follows: Series 1998 $6,000,000 The financial requirements to amortize this issue on an annual basis are as shown below. The debt service schedule is for nineteen (19) years with no capitalization. Fiscal Year Requirement 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-1018 $502 076 $502 076 $502 076 $502 076 $502 076 $502,076 $502 076 $502 076 $502,076 $502,076 $502,076 $502,076 $502,076 $502,076 $502,076 $502,076 $502,076 $502,076 $502,076 Finanoial Structure The above economic analysis sets forth the financing for the Zone's municpal project. In summatT, the following is the recommended financial structure for the Financing Plan. A. Projeet Cost $6,000,000 B. Funding Debt Issuance $6,000,000 Pro|eet Duration The project duration will be for a twenty (20) years with a nineteen (19) year amortization period of the bond issue. During this period, the Zone will have collected tax increment funds in excess ofthe annual amortization schedule. It would be expected that these funds would be banked and would be used ii'necessary in relationship to the limits of the initial project. Appendix A Preliminary Description of Reinvestment Zone t~ Beginning at thc northwest most comer of Lot 2, Hollcman Place Subdivision for a Point of Beginmng, Thence in a generally northeasterly direction along the northwestern property line of Lot 2 Holleman Place described in Vol. 1604 Page 038 (6.31 acres) also being the southeast right-of-way linc of Holleman Drive East to thc northeastern comer of LOt 2 Hollcm~ Place Subdivision; Continuing along the southeast right-of-way line of HoHcman Drive East, being the same as thc northwestern property linc of Reserve Lot (PLof), Woodstock gl (6.38 acres) described in Vol. 2437 Page 033 to thc interaction of the southwest right-of-way line of Damuouth Street for a comer, Thence, in a generally southeasterly direction along the southwest fight-of-way linc of Dartmouth Street being the same as thc northeast property line of Reserve Lot (Pt. o0, Woodstock #1 to thc southeastern most corner of said property, Cominuing along thc southwest fight-of-way of Dartmouth Street being thc same as thc northeastern property linc of Tract 54.1 M. Rector League (2.42 acres) described to the southeastern most property comer for a comer: ~ following the property line of the above mentioned Tract 54.1 in a generally southwesterly direction to its southwestern most comet, Thence, generally in a northwesterly direction aloog the southwestern property line of Tract 54.1 to the intersection with the southeastern property line of Reserve LOt (Pt. of), Woodstock #1. thence to the southwest along this property line to the southwestern most comer of Resea~ LOt (Pt. oO Woodstock #l. Thence, generally in a northwesterly direction along the southwest property line of Rcsenve LOt (Pt. of), Woodstock #1 to the intersection of the northeastern most comer of LOt 2 Holleman Place Subdivisiou for a col'ncr. Theuce, along the southeast property line of Lot 2 HoHemnn Place Subdivision being the same ns the northwestern right-of-way of Richards Street to the mutheastem most corner of said lot for a comer, Thence, generally in a northwesterly direction along the southwest propet'ty line of LOt 2 Holleman Place Subdivision to th~ Point of Bc~nving and contninin~ 15.11 acres moro or less. Appendix B Preliminary Description of Reinvestment Zone OWNERSHIP DESCRIPTIONS Parcel Number 1 Owner: McGilI, Davis & Thelma Family LTD. Partnership Legal De, sc: Woodstock ltl, Lot Keserve (Pt. of) Acres: 6.3800 Vol/Page: Volume 2437 Page 033 Parcel Number 2 Owner: City of College Station, Texas Legal Desk: Holleman Place. Lot2 Acres: 6.3100 VoVPage: Volume l(:ff)4 Page038 Parcel Number 3 Owner: McGill, Davis Legal Desc: Tract 54.1 Morgan Rector League (ICL) Acres: 2.4200 Vol~Page: unknown Exhibit D & E METES AND BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OFA 15.11 ACRE TRACT (COLLEGE STATION TAX FINANCING REINVESTMENT ZONE NUMBER SEVEN) MORGAN RECTOR LEAGUE, ABSTRACT NO. 46 COLLEGE STATION, BRAZOS COUNTY, TEXAS Metes and bounds description of all that certain 15 11 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector League, Abstract No 46, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, a part of which was heretofore defined as "College Station Tax Financing Reinvestment Zone Number One" by Ordinance Number 1791 of the City of College Station and being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the southeast right-of-way line of Holleman Drive and the southwest right-of-way line of Dartmouth Street in the City of College Station, Brazos County, Texas; TltENCE S 18° 16' 59" E - 20 97 feet with the tangent of a curve connecting the said right-of-way line of Holleman Drive and the said right-of-way line of Dartmouth Street (Curve data' central angle = 79° 59' 00", radius = 25 00 feet, tangent = 20.97 feet) to the the end of the said curve for the POINT OF BEGINNING of this 15.11 acre tract; THENCE S 18° 16' 59" E - 229 72 feet with said Dartmouth Street right-of-way line to the point of beginning ora curve to the right, THENCE along the arc of the said curve (Curve data. central angle = 3° 08' 04", radius 1099.94 feet, tangent = 30 09 feet, the chord bears S 16° 42' 57" E - 60.17 feet) to the point for the end of the said curve, THENCE S 15° 08' 55" E - 405 42 feet with said Dartmouth Street right-of-way line to the southeast line ora 2 42 acre tract conveyed to Simon Kahan as described by deed recorded in VOLUME 1036, PAGE 437 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas; THENCE S 45° 21' 45" W - 228 23 feet with the southeast line of the said 2.42 acre tract to the south common corner of the said 2 42 acre tract and Lot 17-B Block 3, Richards Subdivision as depicted by plat recorded in VOLUME 137, PAGE 25 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, THENCE N 42° 40' 02" W - 335 46 feet with the common line of said 2 42 acres and said Richards Subdivision to the southeast line of a tract conveyed to the Davis and Thelma McGill Family Partnership as described by deed recorded in VOLUME 2437, PAGE 33 of said Official Records, 000567-f02-28(2797) PROJXS00~2797X7RA. DWG THENCE S 45 ° 56' 52" W - 29 31 feet with the common line of the said McGill tract to the south comer of the McGill tract, being a common comer of Lot 6, Block 3, Richards Subdivision; THENCE N 44° 55' 07" W - 406 69 feet with the common line of said McGill tract and said Richards Subdivision to the northwest right-of-way line of Richards Street; THENCE S 44° 52' 13" W - 720 31 feet with the northwest right-of-way line of Richards Street and the southeast line of the Holleman Place subdivision to the south corner of Lot 2, Holleman Place, as depicted by plat recorded in VOLUME 1040, PAGE 480 of said Official Records, THENCE N 46° 06'05"" W - 398 20 feet with said southwest line of Lot 2, Holleman Place, to the southeast fight-of-way line of Holleman Drive; THENCE N 44° 56' 54" E - 306.90 feet with said fight-of-way line to the point of beginning of a curve to the right; THENCE along the arc of the said curve (Curve data: central angle = 36° 47' 06", radius = 965.00 feet, tangent = 320.87 feet, the chord bears N 63° 20' 28" E - 608.96 feet) to the point for the end of said curve; THENCE N 81 ° 44' 01" E - 514 76 feet to the point of beginning of a curve to the fight, THENCE along the arc of the said curve (Curve data: central angle = 79° 59' 00", radius = 25.00 feet, tangent = 20.97 feet,_the chord bears S 58° 16' 29"E - 32.13 feet) to the PLACE OF BEGINNING of College Station Tax Financing Reinvestment Zone Number Seven containing 15.11 acres of land, more or less January, 1997 Municipal Development Group College Station, Texas Prepared by' A.W. Kessler Registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 1852 000567-f02-28(2797) PROJ~00~2797X7RA. DWG NOTE. This description has been computed fi.om previous ground surveys and public and private records and is not the product of an on-the-ground survey, and shall not be used for the purpose of land conveyance 000567-f02-28(2797) PROJ~00~797X7RA. DWG 7 I~1 C...D I ~ I 7(f) Olll 1433 Mc(Jill Lane Bryan, TX 7780g November 6. 1997 City of College 8ration Attn: Ilonorable Mayor Lynn Mellhaney and Couneilmember$ PO Box 9960 College Station, TX 77542 RE: 6.38 acre tract or parcel of land, lying and being situated in the Morgan Rector Ix)ague, Abstract No. 46, College Station, Brazes County, Texas and 2.42 acre tract, located on west linc of Dartmouth Drive just south of ltolleman Drive. being part of Tract 54 in the Morgan Rector League. Abstract No. 46, College Station, Brazes County, Texas Honorable Mayor l,y~m Mdihaney and Cotm¢ilmembers: The City of College 8ration and I are property owners of adjoining land. I am the primary property owner of moro Ihan 50°,4 of the property. I hereby petition that the referenced property, alert8 with the adjoining property of the City of College Station, be designated in the 'lax Increment Finance CLIP) roinvestment ?.one. If you require additional doeumemation, please eontaot me at my office at 846-7703. Sine, erely, Davis T. MoOlli EXHIBIT F