HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-2273 - Ordinance - 10/23/1997ORDIN'A_N'CE NO. 2 2 7 3 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 10, ORDINANCE 1638, THE ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION REVISING THE SCOPE AND FUNCTION OF THE PROJECT REVIEW COMMITTEE NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: That Section 10, Ordinance 1638, The Zoning Ordinance ofthe City of College Station, Texas, hereby be amended to read as follows: SECTION 10. SITE PLAN REVIEW REQUIREMENTS Prior to any development other than single family or duplex development or for development pursuant to a conditional use permit, an applicant must obtain site plan approval under this section. No such development shah be lawful or permitted to proceed without final site plan approval. All improvements reflected on approved site plans must be constructed at the time of development. All terms and conditions of site plan approval must be met at the time of development. 10.1 A. APPLICATION PROCEDURE Any development requiring site plan review shall submit a site plan including landscaping (as required by Section 11). Co No approval of a site plan which fails to meet the express requirements of city ordinances shall be granted unless a variance to such requirements has been granted by the appropriate appeals board or commission. Required in the application or therewith shall be the following, together with any other information reasonably necessary for the review process: An application for site plan review. A fully dimensioned site plan, drawn to an appropriate Engineering scale on a 24" X 36" sheet of paper, reflecting: (a) The name, address and telephone number of the Applicant. Co) The name, location and legal description oftbe proposed project. (c) Ownership and current zoning of all abutting parcels. (d) A key map. (e) Topography and final grading plan, and other pertinent drainage information. (O All existing streets, drives, buildings, and water courses on or adjacent to the proposed project site. (g) Floodplains on or adjacent to the proposed project site. CO) The location and size of existing utilities within or adjacent to the proposed project site. Zoning Ordinance Amendment page 1 (i) The (1) (2) (3) (4) (~) (~) (7) proposed location, type, and size of the following: Buildings and structures. Streets, drives, and curb cuts. Off-street parking areas with parking spaces drawn and tabulated. Sidewalks. Landscape information as required in Section 11 of this ordinance. Common open space sites. Sites for solid waste containers. (8) Proposed signage. (j) The total number of residential buildings and units to be constructed on the proposed project site. (k) The total number ofbedrooms included in the proposed project. (1) The density of dwelling units per acre of the proposed project. (m) The gross square footage of all non-residential buildings and the proposed use of each building. (n) The total site area. (o) Other information as required by staff. 10.2 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS In order to be approved a site plan must provide for: A. Safe and convenient traffic control and handling. B. Assured pedestrian safety which may include the provision of sidewalks along the perimeter of the property meeting the specifications for same as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations relative to width and placement. C. Efficient and economic public utility and sanitation access. D. Public road or street access. E. Satisfactory internal access; public, private or emergency. F. Adequate parking and maneuvering areas. G. Noise and emission control or dispersion. H. Visual screening trash receptacles or other areas offensive to the public or existing adjacent development. I. Runoff, drainage, and flood control. J. Sign location, as an incident to the above considerations and the express requirements of this ordinance. K. Location and density of buildings or dwellings where topography or characteristics of the site compel a lower density than would otherwise be allowed, or require location consistent with accepted engineering practices and principles. L. Visual screening from the right-of-way of parking lots for apartments. M. Compliance with standards, guidelines and policies ofthe City's adopted Streetscape Plan that are not already covered by Sections 9 or 11. N. Compliance with the City's adopted Streetscape Plan for minor arterial type street trees along collector streets will be determined by the City's adopted Streetscape Plan. O. Determination and clear indication of what constitutes the building plot for purposes of this ordinance and the sign ordinance, and the conditions or requirements imposed by the provisions of city ordinances. 10.3 APPEAL An applicant may appeal interpretations of site plan requirements to the Project Review ~Cornm~..ttee ~wit,,hi~n,' fi,v~,(.5) ,days ~,af~er the site pla~_ review is completed. The Pr6ject Review ~o ,rn~ ~.~'~) sn.ml ~ncluoe _t~ee memoers ct-the Planning and Zoning Commission. Any memver ct-the comnuttee may designate a representative for l~mself to act in his absence. An~,, Zoning Ordinance Amendment page 2 rep. resentative design, at.ed shall be a member of the Commission. The PRC is a governmental body an~i shall comply vatl~ ttte Open Meetings Act.] Failure to a0peal the PRC action shall q.onstitut, e a co.ntt'_actual acceptance of ~1 cond. iti.ons imp. osed, and a waiye, r and surrender of all complaints, deti~cts, or potential invalidity, wl~emer un,let state or federal law. A. An applicant ap@ealing an inte~retation to the PRC shall file ten(10.) copies of the final site plan as appr?v, ed sho-.wing all ch, ang. es and_requirements imposed dunng site plan review, and acco. mpameo ~y a w!a_ tt.en e,xpla,nation ct-tl~ose ,in,ter, pretations being app&tled. Until said copies are on me, no turther oevelopment approvm snan occur. B. An app. licant may appeal only interpretations of staff in applying codes, ordinances, standards and policies. C. Any notice of appeal shall state with particularity the aspects which are to be appealed. D. An applicant may appeal a decision of the PRC to the Planning and Zoning Commission. 10.4 DISCRETIONARY REVIEW pT~e reviewin, g. staff m~ay forward t,.hrougl~, the Pr. oject Re.~ew.Committee any siteolan to_the ..a~. 'ng ana.'Z,..o,nlng_~..ommission _tor review an¢l approval within three days after filing of the .wn. tte, n report, l~ne PRe:.' .must, notity the applicant in ~Tvriting..The PRC may elect to approve the site plan or may zorwar¢l the plan to the Cothmission for consideration. The scope and extent of the review of the site plan by the Planning and Zoning Commission shah be equivalent to that of an appeal to the Project Review Committee. The Commission shall, upon taking final action, issue a written report setting forth the conditions imposed under express city ordinances and separately setting forth any conditions imposed under Section 10.2 above, and the reasons therefor. A revised copy of the site plan showing all such conditions and requirements shall be filed with the City Planner. No permits shall be issued prior to such filing. 10.5 SPECIAL RULES FOR M-I DISTRICTS RESERVED 10.6 SPECIAL RULES FOR C-N DISTRICTS Site plan review and proposed uses within the C-N Neighborhood Business District are subject to .a,pp~.v. al..by the Plan~i~'ng .and Zoning Commission. Applicants shah file an aol~lication form _wi. th ~t~ea c.~ty r~ ,apn..er .no de_.ss than twenty (2.0) d. ays ,prior to ,the regularly scheduled meeti.ng ct' ~e , anmng ana.z,,o ,nmg ,,~ommiss. i.on a.t ~hich. ttm plan is t,o ce_ rewewed~. The application _f6rm shah ce accomp.,m~, e.o..?.y,.a~.,supp,ortmg lmo_rmat_ion r.equired in tiection 10.1 above, a list or prope.rty o,0.,..wn~s vat.nm -/-uu Feet-, ano a receipt for filing fe~. The application fee shall be determin&i b~r the ~lty ~ouncu. * P,p, ro, Rperty owg.,ers...within two hundred (200)feet of the site shall be identified by the Planning ~rnce using me lax Rolls supplied by the Brazos County Appraisal District. A. Public .notice by publication i.n a local newspaper shall be made at least fiReen (15) days prior to the ~late set tot the public hearing. B.* .The City planner sh.~. 1 noti.fy all prope..r~y owners of record within two hundred .(200) feet of me property in question at least ten (10) days prior to the public hearing by certified niail. zo ng Ordinance Amendment page 3 A. P. ublic notice .by publicatign in a local newspaper shall be made at least fifteen (15) aays prior to tt~e date set t0r the public hearing. B.* The City Planner shall notify all property owners of record within two hundred (200) feet of the p. roperty in question at least ten (10) aays prior to the public hearing by certified rntaL C. The,. C. ity Planner sh_a.ll noti~ the applicant of the date, time, and place for the preurmnary review ct-the project. Do The proposed project shall be reviewed in accordance with Section 10.2 prior to the Pl,amyng.and., Z~o,~ing Commission meeting. Written recommendations shall be .suo.,nuttecl t9 me. t'Lapmng a,.nd Zorn, ns, C~qnu~. ssion. A copy of_this revort shall b.e sent to tne appu,cam: Ine, appucant snai) me ten (10) copies ct-the final site plan as a...ppr, ovena sno~.ng aq c,,n,an~e,s ana.r..eqqirements, of approval. The_Planning and ~,on~.g ~omnu.mgn,snau nora a puvtc nearing tor the purpose of approwng or oeny~ng me project plan. The applicant or the owners o.f forty, percent (40°,4) or m. ore of the l~rol~erty within t,w.o liu. nd?.ed (200),feet, o~,the prtject site may appeal to the Cify Council apy aete,rn,~, nano..n..mao, e, t~y me. t'!anni_".ng _and Zoning .C.o. rhinission. The apbeal should be maae r}y petition rueowith tt~e City Secretary ~,ithin ten (10) days a_~er the public hearing. That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of' the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. III. That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its publication in the newspaper, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this the 23rd. day of October, 1997 APPROVED: o EYNI~ MclLHANE¥, Mayor/ ATTEST: CONNIE-HOOKs, City Secretary Zoning Ordinance Amendment page 4