HomeMy WebLinkAbout01_LynnPathway“Freedom is never more than one generation away om extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. ” Ronald Reagan, President of the United States, 1981-1989 ZOS VALLEY VETENS MEMORIA L e mission of the Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc., is to take a proactive role in honoring veterans who have served in the uniformed services of the United States. e Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc. was chartered as a non-prot c orporation by the State of Texas on 17 July 2000. e sole purpose is to recognize and honor the service and sacrices of all American veterans; past, present and future. is unique memorial was the vision of many local veterans, friends, and organizations. It was developed with the generous nancial support of numerous individuals and organizations along with the long term commitment of Cities of Bryan and College Station and the Brazos County Commissioners Court. In May 2002, Mr. Don Adam, Chairman of e Adam Corporation, gave a major gi to the Memorial Board which ensured success of the initial project. In gratitude, the plaza is now known as the “Louis L. Adam Memorial Plaza” in honor of his father, a U.S. Army veteran. e bronze sculpture atop the massive 250-ton Texas granite base is the work of artist Robert Eceleston from Schuyler Falls, New York. His proposal was selected from 120 entries. He served as an Army Ranger and Captain in the 10th Mountain Division before his career as an artist. e memorial was formally dedicated on 10 November 2002. Former President George H. W. Bush spoke at the site with these words: e Brazos Valley Community can stand proud. e names that mark the memorial showcase the sons and daughters who gave dedicated service to our nation, so that future generations can share the eedoms we enjoy. eir task was great and their sacrice even greater, but their legacy stands rm and their memories burn bright. e next day, several thousand aended the formal dedication ceremony highlighting the addition of hundreds of names on the red granite “Wall of Honor.” Included on the wall are the names of 24 United States Presidents who served in the military, the names of 7 Texas A&M University former students who received the Medal of Honor, and thousands of veterans’ names from all periods of United States history. e names on the wall can be accessed through an electronic kiosk in the Travis B. Bryan, Jr. Freedom Pavilion. is beautiful structure was dedicated in honor of the local civic leader and veteran on February 19, 2007. BZOS VALLEY VETENS MEMORIAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2009 - 2010 Û Bill Adams Û Steve Beachy Û Mike Beal Û Anne Boykin Û Russell Bradley Û Tim Bryan Û Irma Cauley Û Marco Cisneros Û Joseph G. Dawson LYNN STUART PATHWAY MAJOR CONTRIBUTORS Û CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Û CITY OF BRYAN Û BZOS COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT Û TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT Texas Recreational Trails Fund Grant Contract #172959 LYNN STUART PATHWAY COMMIEE DESIGN Û Steve Beachy Û Anne Boykin Û Joseph G. Dawson Û Larry Hodges Û Randy House Û Fain McDougal ÛFor more information: www.bvvm.org ÛContact us: info@bvvm.org ÛLearn more about our nation’s history! e AMERICAN MILE WALKING PATH begins at the foot bridge near the American Pavilion, northwest of the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial. YNN STUART PATHWAY e Lynn Stuart Pathway was dedicated on 22 September 2006 in honor of Brigadier General Louis Lynn Stuart, Jr., USA, who provided critical support and leadership in the creation of the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial. is unique trail serves as an educational pathway for the interpretation of the signicant contributions and sacrices of veterans and their families for those critical periods of American history. e project is a cooperative partnership between several agencies including the City of College Station, the City of Bryan, the Brazos County Commissioners Court, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc. Numerous individuals, organizations, and corporations throughout the Brazos Valley have contributed to the project. e one-half mile concrete pathway is fully handicap accessible. Interpretive signage along the pathway is designated for each of the principal wars that the United States has fought in including a site recognizing the war for Texas Independence. e signage graphically presents the important facts related to each of the 18 wars. Each of the interpretive panels depict: ocial “war streamers;” the president(s) in oce at the time, major campaigns; historically correct U.S. ags; major bale locations; graphics representing service members and military artifacts; listings of combatants; summaries of force strengths, casualties ,and losses; brief narratives and quotations pertinent to each specic era. e “War on Terror” memorial was dedicated on 31 May 2005. As funds become available, these sites will be enhanced with individual memorials for each war featuring life-size bronze sculptures of service members mounted atop granite bases and benches to provide a resting place for visitors . Future plans also provide for the interpretive panels to be made available in a book for further study and as a teaching guide. e memorials along this pathway are based upon information obtained from ocial sources within Headquarters, Department of the Army at: hp://www.tioh.hqda.pentagon.mil/ CampaignStreamers/Campaign.htm is unique educational pathway serves as a historical resource for local residents and visitors to the community. e lasting value of this memorial is its investment in the education of future generations to share with them the fact that freedom comes at great cost and is not free. Lone Star ag of Texas Est. 25 January 1839. Lone Star ag of TexasBrigadier General Louis Lynn Stuart, Jr. USA (Ret.) 1929 - 2007 ÛÛ © 2010 e Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc. 1776ÛLYNN STUAR T P A T H W A Y Û 2 0 1 0 EDITORS Û Barbara Althaus Û Steve Beachy Û Joseph G. Dawson Û Susan Irza Û William T. Harper Û Fain McDougal Û José A. Vazquez Û Mike Newman Û David Sahm Û Ron Silvia Û Jim Singleton Û Travis Small Û Mike Southerland Û John Velasquez Û Bill Youngkin Û Amy Zaragoza (Sec.) LYNN STUART PATHWAY HISTORICAL GUIDE NORTH PATH Û REVOLUTIONARY WAR 1775 - 1783 Joseph G. Dawson III, PhD, Texas A&M University Û INDIAN WARS 1790 - 1891 Robert Wooster, PhD, Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Û WAR of 1812 1812 - 1815 Joseph G. Dawson III, PhD, Texas A&M University Û WAR for TEXAS INDEPENDENCE 1835 - 1836 Joseph G. Dawson III, PhD, Texas A&M University Û MEXICAN WAR 1846 - 1848 Joseph G. Dawson III, PhD, Texas A&M University Û CIVIL WAR (2 panels) 1861 - 1865 United States of America Confederate States of America Joseph G. Dawson III, PhD, Texas A&M University Û SPANISH - AMERICAN WAR 1898 James C. Bradford, PhD, Texas A&M University Û PHILIPPINE INSURRECTION 1899 – 1913 Brian M. Linn, PhD, Texas A&M University Û AFGHANISTAN, IQ & GWOT 2001 Bradford A. Wineman, PhD, Texas A&M University 2001, U.S. Army Command and General Sta College SOUTH PATH Û CHINA RELIEF EXPEDITION 1900 Ron Spiller, PhD, Edinboro University, Pennsylvania Û MEXICAN BORDER SERVICE 1916 – 1917 David Work, PhD, Texas A&M University Û WORLD WAR I 1917 – 1918 Arnold Krammer, PhD, Texas A&M University Û WORLD WAR II (3 panels) 1941 – 1945 European eater of Operations Pacic eater of Operations American eater of Operations & Home Front Joseph G. Dawson III, PhD, Texas A&M University Û KOREAN WAR 1950 – 1953 Robert M. Collins, U.S. Department of the Army (Ret.) Û VIETNAM WAR 1962 – 1973 Jim Willbanks, PhD, Texas A&M University, U.S. Army Command and General Sta College Û EXPEDITIONARY OPETIONS 1965 – 1990 Jim Willbanks, PhD, Texas A&M University, U.S. Army Command and General Sta College Û SOUTHWEST ASIA WAR 1990 – 1995 Jim Willbanks, PhD, Texas A&M University, U.S. Army Command and General Sta College Û KOSOVO WAR 1999 Rebecca Johnson, PhD, Command and Sta College Marine Corps University United States 50-star ag Le-Write Ink Brigadier General Louis Lynn Stuart, Jr. USA, died in Bryan, Texas, aer a long and courageous ght against cancer. He was a founding member of the Board of Directors for the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial. His strong leadership, vision, and perseverance were instrumental in the development of this project. While at A&M, he was a member of the Ross Volunteers and served as their executive ocer. Aer graduating with a degree in civil engineering and receiving his commission as a 2nd Lt., he served two years in the U.S. Army. He then joined the U.S. Army Reserves and served 35 years, retiring with the rank of Brigadier General. He was a partner in the Bryan Construction Company and served as President of the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial. He was a devoted Christian, community leader, and family man. Louis Lynn Stuart, Jr. died on 20 July 2007. Brigadier General Louis Lynn Stuart, Jr. United States Army (Ret.) 8 September 1929 - 20 July 2007 B LBrigadier General Louis Lynn Stuart, Jr. USA (Ret.) 1929 - 2007 LYNN STUART PATHWAY HISTORICAL GUIDEHISTORICAL GUIDE NORTH PATH United States 50-star agUnited States 50-star agUnited States 50-star ag BZOS VALLEY Lone Star ag of Texas Est. 25 January 1839. Lone Star ag of Texas 000000 Former President George H.W. Bush (right) poses with Brigadier General Louis Lynn Stuart, Jr. and Mrs. Stuart at the dedication of the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial on 10 November 2002. Former President George H.W. Bush speaks at the dedication of the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial. Û Jerry Fox Û Mike Guidry Û Brian Hilton Û Larry Hodges Û Randy House Û Al Jones Û George McCoy Û Fain McDougal Û Rick McPherson GPHICS Û Anne Boykin & Le-Write Ink Û Audrey Guidry Û Mike Guidry Û Lacey Lively Ö Û