HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/07/2022 - Regular Agenda - BCS Metropolitan Planning Organization 309 NORTH WASHINGTON AVENUE, SUITE 14 BRYAN, TEXAS 77803 PHONE (979) 260-5298 FAX (979) 260-5225 WEBSITE: WWW.BCSMPO.ORG Policy Board Meeting Agenda Wednesday, December 7, 2022 9:30 A.M. Brazos County Commissioner’s Courtroom 200 South Texas Avenue, Suite 106 Bryan, TX 77803 AGENDA 1) Welcome and Open Meeting -Pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags and Invocation. 2) Election of Chair and Vice-Chair for Two Year Terms -Regular officer elections shall be held at a regular committee meeting during the first quarter (October – December) of odd numbered fiscal years. Officers shall be chosen by a majority of the voting members present at a duly called meeting with a quorum established. There is no limit to the number of consecutive terms a committee member may serve as an officer. 3) Public Comments Regarding Items Not on the Agenda -Individuals who wish to address the Policy Board must fill out a Public Comment Card describing the topic(s) they wish to address. Public comment cards may be obtained from Lisa Lyon of the MPO staff prior to the start of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three minutes per topic. 4) Approval Of Minutes from the November 2, 2022 Policy Board Meeting -Consider adoption - Action Required. (See attachment.) 5) Staff Report • Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) Discretionary Grant Program • Updates to the Public Participation Procedures and Limited English Proficiency Plan • 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Development 6) Metropolitan Transportation Plan Amendment Four -Following adoption of the Unified Transportation (UTP) by the Texas Transportation Commission in August of 2022, The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) Bryan District requested multiple changes to the fiscally-constrained table of the MTP. These include: a) consolidation of all State Highway 6 projects into one project with combined and revised funding totals; b) changes to Business Route 6 project to allow for Phase 2A and 2B which have different CSJ numbers but the same MPO Project number; c) inclusion of the Bush/Wellborn interchange project; and d) revised project descriptions for State Highway 21, FM 1179 and FM 2154. In addition, multiple changes were made to construction estimates, MPO funding allocations, construction funding provided by others, and the Category 2 Funding total running balance. Additional project funding and total project costs changes are now based on actual costs versus Policy Board Agenda Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 9:30 A.M. Page 2 estimated costs. Finally, the reprogramming of Category 2 funds to reflect UTP changes and revised cost estimates have created changes to the Category 2 and Fiscal Constraint running balances. All changes are shown with yellow highlights. The TAC unanimously recommended the amended MTP to the Policy Board for adoption and staff has completed a 30-day public comment period to obtain community feedback. Action Required. (See attachment.) 7) Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Performance and Expenditures Report -Each year, the MPO is required to prepare and submit an Annual Performance and Expenditure Report (APER) for review and approval by The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The report looks at how funds were spent by task and identifies how MPOs can better budget their funds based on actual work performed. In FY 2022 we overspent in Short Term Planning, primarily because staff and Brazos Transit District developed new Multiple Use Agreements. Overall, the MPO underspent the proposed budget by $23,490 which will rollover to carry-over funds. The TAC has unanimously recommended that the Policy Board adopt the APER and to direct the Executive Director to submit the report to TxDOT for approval and transmittal to FHWA. Action Required. (See attachment.) 8) Adoption of FY 2023 Roadway Safety Performance Targets -Under FAST Act requirements, state DOT’s must set safety targets on an annual basis. The Texas Transportation Commission took action to set safety targets for 2023. MPOs have until February 27, 2023 to either adopt and support the state targets or set their own targets. Staff recommended that the Bryan/College Station MPO support the state’s Safety Targets rather than setting its own targets. When the TAC examined the safety targets in past years, it was decided that the MPO should support the state target and not try to set their own. The TAC has unanimously recommended that the Policy Board adopt and support the TxDOT safety targets. Action Required. (See attachment.) 9) Presentations from MPO Member Jurisdictions and Entities -Voting members of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) will make presentations on transportation projects either under development or under construction that they manage or assist in implementing. 10) Adjourn