HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-2516 - Ordinance - 09/13/2001ORDINANCE NO. 2516 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, EXTENDING FRANCHISE NO. 1923 TO MITCHELL GAS SERVICES L.P.. FOR FIVE YEARS, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS. the City Council of the City of College Station granted a franchise to Ferguson Crossing Pipeline Company in October, 1991; WHEREAS, Mitchell Gas Services L.P. desires to extend the Franchise No. 1923 for five (5) years: now. therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. TEXAS: PART 1: That all the provisions of Franchise No. 1923 are extended five (5) years from the expiration date of September 30, 2001, to September 30~ 2006. PART 2: That Mitchell Gas Services L.P. is hereby substituted and approved as successor in interest for Franchise No. 1923. PART 3: That said Ordinance being a franchise ordinance shall take effect sixty (60) days after the third reading by the City Council, pursuant to Section 120 of the City Charter of the City of College Station. PART 4: That a Letter of Acceptance of Franchise is attached and made a part of the franchise for all purposes. Mitchell Gas Services L.P.. is given sixty (60) days after the City Council's third reading and final approval of the franchise to accept the franchise. e '4~ ,group' agen-cal'.cou.ctl age.das'tn-re~ tew,O10913 ,3rd and final reading mtchel l gas/ranchtse~mttchel2 doc 9401 Ordinance No. 2516 Page 2 PASSED ON FIRST READING: August 9. 2001 PASSED ON SECOND READING: August 23.2001 PASSED. ADOPTED AND APPROVED ON THIRD READING by the City Council of the City of College Station on the 13th day of September. 2001. APPROVED: ATTEST: CONNIE HOOKS. City Secretary C~...~.-- LYNN ~ILH,~NI~Y-, Mayor APPROVED: i HARVEY CARGILL, JR.. City Attorney e ;p group~agen-cal ,counctl agendas' m-revtew;O l O913, 3rd and ~nal readmg mtchell gas franchtse ~mttchel. doc 9401 LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE OF FRANCHISE This letter will serve as our formal acceptance of the terms and conditions of the franchise agreement granted to Mitchell Gas Services L.P. on September 13, 2001 by the City of College Station by enactment of Ordinance No. 2516 for the purpose of gathering, collecting, receiving, transporting for collection and storing, oil, gas or other fluids used or produced in connection with oil and gas operations in and around College Station, Texas, across certain public streets, alleys, public ways, and public property, necessary or convenient for rendition ofoil and gas operations as set forth in said ordinance. This ordinance takes effect on its passage and expires on September 30, 2006. I acknowledge and agree that failure to file this written acceptance with the City Secretary within sixty (60) days from the date of approval of this franchise will result in the expiration and termination of this franchise. MITCHELL GAS SERVICES L.P. tO, · J.W. Varner Senior Vice President