HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/07/2022 - Regular Agenda - BCS Metropolitan Planning Organization
Policy Board Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 9:15 A.M. (NOTE SPECIAL START TIME)
Brazos County Commissioner’s Courtroom
200 South Texas Avenue
Bryan, TX 77803
1) Welcome and Open Meeting
-Pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags and Invocation.
2) Executive Session – Pursuant to Chapter 551, Subchapter D, Texas Government Code
-As authorized by Texas Government Code Section 551.074, at any time during the meeting of the
Bryan/College Station MPO Policy Board, the Board reserves the right to adjourn into Executive
Session to discuss personnel matters – to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation,
reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of the MPO Director.
3) Consider and Possible Action on Executive Session
4) Public Comments Regarding Items Not o n the Agenda
-Individuals who wish to address the Policy Board must fill out a Public Comment Card describing
the topic(s) they wish to address. Public comment cards may be obtained from Lisa Lyon of the
MPO staff prior to the start of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three minutes per topic.
5) Approval Of Minutes from the August 3rd , 2022 Policy Board Meeting
-Consider adoption - Action Required. (See attachment.)
6) Staff Report
• Safe Streets and Roads For All (SS4A) Discretionary Grant Progress Program
• Multiple Use Agreements on Public Rights-Of-Way
• MPO Requirements After Texas Transportation Commission Action
• Incorporating Resiliency Considerations in the MPO Planning Process
7) FY 2022 – FY 2023 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment One
-Every two years MPO staff develops a Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) that details
planning and programming activities the MPO will undertake during the two -year period. When
doing financials for the second year, staff makes an estimate on increases in costs for everything
from salary and benefits to contracts for phone and internet access. As is typical, with cost -of-
living adjustments, increases in benefits and changes to some contracts, the FY 2023 funding
tables need to be adjusted to account for increases beyond what staff estimated. In addition, the
Policy Board Agenda
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 9:15 A.M.
Page 2
Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act requires all MPOs in the United States to specifically
address Complete Streets in their work program and to set aside at least 2.5% of planning funds
for these activities. Staff has added this activity to the work program and set aside 3% for such
activities. The TAC recommended the amended UPWP to the Policy Board for adoption and staff
has completed a 15-day public comment period to obtain any community fee dback. Action
Required. (See attachment.)
8) Safe Streets and Roads For All Grant Application Resolution
-As the lead agency for a multi-jurisdictional Safe Streets and Roads For All Comprehensive Safety
Action Plan grant, the MPO Policy Board must adopt a resolution stating their commitment to
transportation safety for all network users. The resolution is almost identical to the draft
resolutions each jurisdiction was provided by MPO staff. The TAC has recommend ed the attached
resolution to the MPO Polic y Board for adoption Action Required. (See attachment.)
9) Cost Sharing Agreement Between the MPO and the Regional Mobility Authority
-Each year, the MPO and RMA enter into a cost sharing agreement for staff time, office supplies
and other miscellaneous items. The terms are similar to last year with most shared items based
on the same percentage of use or actual cost. The TAC recommended the revised cost sharing
agreement to the MPO Policy Board for adoption. Action Required. (See attachment.)
10) Presentation on How Big Data is Impacting Mobility Decision -Making
-Ms. Debbie Albert, Texas A&M Transportation Institute Associate Research Engineer, will
provide an overview on the variety of ways traffic data is being collected using technology and
how data sets from INRIX are being used to improve mobility.
11) Adjourn