HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-4353 - Ordinance - 04/28/2022ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 16, “FIRE PREVENTION AND PROTECTION,” ARTICLE III, “FIRE CODE,” SECTIONS 16-51 AND 16-52 AND ARTICLE IV, “LIFE SAFETY CODE”, SECTION 16-78, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS RELATING TO FIRE CODES AND LIFE SAFETY CODES; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 16, “Fire Prevention and Protection,” Article III, “Fire Code,” Sections 16-51 and 16-52 and Article IV, “Life Safety Code”, Section 16-78 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit “A” attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: If any provision of this Ordinance or its application to any person or circumstances is held invalid or unconstitutional, the invalidity or unconstitutionality does not affect other provisions or application of this Ordinance or the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, that can be given effect without the invalid or unconstitutional provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. PART 3: That any person, corporation, organization, government, governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership, association and any other legal entity violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than twenty five dollars ($25.00) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00) or more than two thousand dollars ($2,000) for a violation of fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation ordinances, other than the dumping of refuse. Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. PART 4: This Ordinance is a penal ordinance and becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by City of College Station Charter Section 35. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 2 of 23 PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 28th day of April, 2022. ATTEST: APPROVED: _____________________________ _____________________________ City Secretary Mayor APPROVED: _______________________________ City Attorney ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 3 of 23 EXHIBIT A That Chapter 16, “Fire Prevention and Protection,” Article III, “Fire Code,” Sections 16-51 and 16-52 and Article IV, “Life Safety Code”, Section 16-78 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 16-51. International Fire Code adopted. The 2021 Edition of the International Fire Code, including Appendix Chapters B through I, all as published by the International Code Council, is hereby adopted to the same extent as though such Code were copied at length herein, subject, however, to the omissions, additions, supplements, and amendments contained in this article. Sec. 16-52. Amendments to the International Fire Code. The International Fire Code, as referred to in Section 16-51, is hereby amended as follows: (1) Section 101 (General) is amended by adding Section 101.6 to read as follows: Section 101.6 (Emergency Vehicle Egress). No part of any commercial structure will be located outside the limits of a 150-foot arc from a point where fire apparatus can operate. Fire apparatus will operate on surfaces designed for such and may utilize public right-of-way, approved fire lanes and/or drive access ways to meet this 150-foot limit but in no case shall the truck travel route be measured across grass, wooded, or landscaped areas, over curbs, through fences, through ditches or across paved areas which are not designed and maintained as fire lanes. (2) Section 105 (Permits) is amended by adding Section to read as follows: Section (Registration of Contractors). It shall be the duty of every individual who makes contracts to construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, or demolish any life safety systems to include, but not be limited to, fire sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, commercial cooking extinguishing systems, underground tanks, underground piping and underground fire supply lines of which are regulated by this code, or cause such work to be done, and every individual making such contracts and subletting the same or any part thereof, to first register with the Building Official, gi ving full name, residence, name and place of business, and in case of removal from one place to another to have made corresponding change to the Building Official. (3) Section 107.3 (Permit valuations) is amended by deleting this section in its entirety (4) Section 107.6 (Refunds) is amended by deleting the existing text in its entirety and replacing it with the following: "The City Manager or designee is authorized to establish a refund policy." ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 4 of 23 (5) Section 109.6 is amended by adding after the Fire Code Official "or any member of the Fire Department designated by the Fire Code Official, the Chief of Police, or any member of the Police Department designated by the Chief of Police." (6) Section 109.6.1 is added. 109.6.1 (Certificate of Occupancy Temporary Suspension). The Fire Code Official or any member of the Fire Department designated by the Fire Code Official, the Chief of Police, or any member of the Police Department designated by the Chief of Police is authorized, in writing, to immediately suspend a Certificate of Occupancy for a twenty-four (24) hour period where it is determined that the building or structure or portion thereof is Overcrowded, violating any life safety regulation or ordinance or violating any other ordinance adopted by this code. Within one (1) business day after the suspension, a person may submit a written appeal to the City Manager appealing the Certificate of Occupancy Temporary Suspension. The City Manager's decision is final. (7) Section 111 is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (8) Section 112.4 (Violation Penalties) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 112.4 (Violation Penalties). Persons who shall violate a provision of this code or shall fail to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who shall erect, install, alter, repair or do work in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the Fire Official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be punished as provided in with Section 1- 7. (9) Section 202 is amended by adding [BG] AMBULATORY CARE FACILITY. Buildings or portions thereof used to provide medical, surgical, psychiatric, nursing, or similar care on a less than 24-hour basis to persons who are rendered incapable of self-preservation by the services provided or staff has accepted responsibility for care recipients already incapable. This group may include but not be limited to the following: - Dialysis centers - Procedures involving sedation - Sedation dentistry - Surgery centers - Colonic centers - Psychiatric centers (10) Section 202 is amended by adding [B] ATRIUM. An opening connecting three or more stories {remaining text unchanged} ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 5 of 23 (11) Section 202 (Definitions) is amended by adding "Porte Cocheres ": 1. A passageway through a building or screen wall designed to let vehicles pass from the street to an interior courtyard. 2. A roofed structure extending from the entrance of a building over an adjacent driveway and sheltering those getting in or out of vehicles" (12) Section 202 (Definitions) is amended by adding "tutorial services" under the definition of "Occupancy Classification Assembly Group A-3" (13) Section 202 (Definitions) is amended by deleting the townhouse definition and replacing it with the following: "Townhouse. A single-family dwelling unit constructed in a group of attached units separated by property lines in which each extend from foundation to roof and with open space on at least two sides." (14) Section 307.4.2 (Recreational Fires) is amended by adding the following: "This code is to include manufactured and non-manufactured fire pits/boxes." (15) Section 307.4 (Location) is amended by adding Section 307.4.2.1 to read as follows: Section 307.4.2.1 Solid fuels are strictly prohibited for recreational fires. Exception: One- and two-family dwellings. (16) Section 307.4 (Location) is amended by adding the following: Section 307.4.4 (Permanent outdoor fire pits or fire feature devices). Permanently installed outdoor fire pits and similar fire feature devices, manufactured and non-manufactured, shall not be installed within 20 feet of a structure or combustible materials. Exceptions: 1. Permanent outdoor fire pits or fire feature devices listed less than 100,000 BTU/hr shall not be installed within 10 feet of combustible materials (vertically and horizontally). 2. Permanently installed outdoor fireplaces constructed in accordance with the International Building Code. 307.4.4.1 (Solid fuels). All solid fuels are strictly prohibited for fire pits and fire feature devices. 1. Exception: One- and two- family dwellings. 307.4.4.2 (Requirements for all fire pits or fire feature devices). Comply with all of the following requirements: 1. Flame shall be fully enclosed by an approved permanent means to prevent debris from entering the fire and to prevent occupants from becoming burned. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 6 of 23 2. Provide an emergency fuel gas supply line shut-off device at least 20 feet from the fire pit device location but not greater than 50 feet. Provide emergency fuel gas shut-off device signage clearly visible from fire pit or fire feature device locations. 3. Floor surface shall be a solid continuous non-combustible material without any gaps and all joints sealed. 4. Timer device on fuel gas line set to automatically shut-off gas supply and extinguishes flame at a set time agreed upon by the fire code official. (17) Section 308.1.4 (Open-Flamed Cooking Devices) is amended by deleting the section including exceptions in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 308.1.4 (Open-Flame Cooking Devices). Charcoal burners, liquefied-petroleum-gas fueled cooking devices, and other open-flamed cooking devices shall not be stored or operated on combustible balconies or within ten feet (3048 mm) of combustible construction. Exception: One- and two-family dwellings. (18) Section 308.1.6.3 (Sky lanterns) is amended to read as follows: A person shall not release or cause to be released an unmanned free-floating device containing an open flame or other heat source, such as but not limited to a sky lantern. (19) Section 311.5 (Placards) is amended by adding: Any The fire code official is authorized to require marking of any vacant or abandoned buildings or structures determined to be unsafe pursuant to Section 114 of this code relating to structural or interior hazards, shall be marked as required by Section 311.5.1 through 311.5.5. (20) Section 319.10.3 (Fuel gas system) is amended by adding certified plumber as an approved inspection agency. (21) Section 501.4 (Timing of Installation) is amended by adding the following text at the end of the section: "There shall be no combustible, job trailers, flammable or ignitable materials placed on a site, lot or subdivision where water lines, fire hydrants and/or all weather access roads capable of supporting emergency vehicles with an imposed load of at least 84,000 pounds as required by this code or other adopted codes or ordinances are completed, accepted and in service." (22) Section 503.2.1 (Dimensions) is amended by replacing "13 feet 6 inches" with "14 feet." (23) Section 503.2.2 (Authority). Is amended by adding: The fire code official shall have the authority to require an increase in the minimum access widths and vertical clearances where they are inadequate for fire or rescue operations or where necessary to meet the public safety objectives of the jurisdiction. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 7 of 23 (24) Section 503.2.3 (Surface). Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support imposed loads of 85,000 Lbs. for fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities. (25) Section 503.2.5 (Dead Ends) is amended by replacing "150 feet" with "100 feet." (26) Section 503.3 (Marking) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 503.3 (Marking). The owner, manager, or person in charge of any building or property to which fire lanes have been approved or required by engineering shall mark and maintain said fire lanes in the following manner: 1. All curbs and curb ends shall be painted RED with four-inch white lettering stating "FIRE LANE - NO PARKING - TOW AWAY ZONE." Wording may not be spaced more than 15 feet apart. 2. In areas where fire lanes are required but no continuous curb is available, the following method shall be used, in conjunction with the curb markings, to indicate that the fire lane is continuous: a. From the point the fire lane begins to the point the fire lane ends, including behind all parking spaces which adjoin a fire lane, shall be marked with one continuous eight-inch red stripe painted on the drive surface behind the parking spaces. All curbing adjoining a fire lane must be painted red. Red stripes and curbs will contain the wording "FIRE LANE - NO PARKING-TOW AWAY ZONE," painted in four- inch white letters. ("Figure A" in Ordinance No. 1630 illustrates striping on drive surface behind parking spaces.). Also, a sign 12 inches wide and 18 inches in height shall be mounted in a conspicuous location at each entrance to the property. (See Diagram No. 1 for specifications on colors and lettering.) 3. The use of the color RED to mark or stripe any curb or parking area (other than fire lanes) is prohibited within the City. (27) Section 503 is amended by adding Sections 503.3.1 (Fire Lane Signs; Tow-Away Zone Signs), 503.3.2 (Destruction of Fire Lane and Tow-Away Signs), 503.3.3 (Abandonment or Closing) and 503.3.4 (Authority Under Emergency Conditions) to read as follows: Section 503.3.1 (Fire Lane Signs; Tow-Away Zone Signs). The owner, manager, or person in charge of any building to which fire lanes have been approved by the Planning and Development Services Department shall post and maintain appropriate signs in conspicuous places along such fire lanes stating "No Parking - Fire Lane." Such signs shall be 12 inches wide and 18 inches high, with a companion sign 12 inches wide and six inches high stating "Tow-Away Zone." ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 8 of 23 Any "No Parking - Fire Lane" or "Tow-Away Zone" sign shall be painted on a white background with symbols, letters and border in red. Drawings and samples of such signs may be obtained from the Fire Department of the City. Standards for mounting, including, but not limited to, the height above the grade at which such signs are to be mounted, shall be as adopted by the Fire Official of the City. Section 503.3.2 (Destruction of Fire Lane or Tow-Away Signs). It is hereby unlawful for any person without lawful authority to attempt or in fact alter, destroy, deface, injure, knock down, or remove any sign designating a fire lane or tow-away zone erected under the terms of this code, or to deface a curb marking in any way. Section 503.3.3 (Abandonment or Closing). No owner, manager, or person in charge of any premises served by a required fire lane shall abandon or close such fire lane without written permission of the Fire Official of the City. Section 503.3.4 (Authority under Emergency Conditions). The Fire Marshal is hereby authorized to establish fire lanes during any fire, and to exclude all persons other than those authorized to assist in extinguishing the fire or the owner or occupants of the burning property from within such lanes. (28) Section 503.4 (Obstruction of Fire Apparatus Access Roads) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 503.4 (Obstruction of Fire Apparatus Access Roads). No person shall park, place, allow, permit, or cause to be parked or placed, any motor vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar obstruction within or upon an area designated as a fire lane and marked by an appropriate sign or curb marking. (29) Section 503 (Fire Apparatus Access Roads) is amended by adding Sections 503.4.2 (Obstructing Fire Lanes) and 503.4.3 (Enforcement; Issuance of Citations; Impoundment of Obstructions) to read as follows: Section 503.4.2 (Obstructing Fire Lanes). Any motor vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar obstruction found parked within an area designated as a fire lane as required by this section is hereby declared a nuisance per se and any such motor vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar obstruction parked or unoccupied in such a manner as to obstruct in whole or in part any such fire lane shall be prima facie evidence that the registered owner unlawfully parked, placed, or permitted to be parked or placed such obstruction within a fire lane. The records of the State Department of Transportation or the County Highway License Department showing the name of the person to whom the State highway license or boat or trailer license is issued shall constitute prima facie evidence of ownership by the named persons. Section 503.4.3 (Enforcement; Issuance of Citations; Impoundment of Obstructions). The Fire Official or any member of the Fire Department designated by the Fire Official, the Chief of Police, or any member of the Police Department designated by the Chief of Police are hereby authorized to issue parking citations for any motor vehicle, trailer, boat, or similar obstruction found parked ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 9 of 23 or unattended in or upon a designated fire lane and may have such obstruction removed by towing it away. Such vehicle or obstruction may be redeemed by payment of the towage and storage charges at the owner's expense. No parking citations shall be voided, nor shall the violator be relieved of any penalty assessed by a Judge of the Municipal Court for any provision by the redemption of the obstruction from the storage facility. (30) Section 503 (Fire apparatus access roads) is amended by adding the following; Section 503.7 (Fire access locks) Any fire apparatus access requiring a lock shall install a Knox Lock. Electric gates must install a Know Key switch with a manual override. An emergency access secondary gate must install a Knox pad lock. (31) Section 505.1 (Address Identification) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 505.1 (Address Identification). An official building number placed pursuant to this section must be at least four inches high, and have at least a one-half inch stroke in the main body of the number, and be composed of a durable material and of a color which provides a contrast to the background. The number shall be mounted a minimum of 36 inches and a maximum of 30 feet in height measured from ground level. Buildings located more than 50 feet from the curb of a street shall have numbers at least five inches in height. For the purpose of this section, durable materials for use in numbering shall include, but not be limited to, wood, plastic, metal, weather-resistant paint, weather-resistant vinyl, or weather-resistant numbers designed for outside use on a glass surface. For single-family residences, the requirement of this section may be met by providing two-inch-high numbers on both sides of a U.S. mailbox located near the curb in front of the house, or a freestanding structure with numbers at least four inches in height. (32) Section 505 (Premises Identification) is amended by adding Sections 505.1.1 (Building Complex Identification), 505.1.2 (Rear Access Identification), 505.1.3 (Alley Premises Identification) and 505.1.4 (Building Complex Diagrams) to read as follows: Section 505.1.1 (Building Complex Identification). A building complex composed of multiple structures shall have an official suite/unit number assigned to each building as well as a street address number. If there is sufficient street frontage, each unit or building may be assigned a separate official street address number. The official street address number of each structure as designated by the Building Official must be prominently posted on the building so that it is visible from the nearest public street. Each number designated by the Building Official for each individual suite/unit must be conspicuously posted on the suite/unit. Section 505.1.2 (Rear Access Identification). Commercial buildings with rear access shall also display the business name and designated street address and suite/unit number on the rear access door. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 10 of 23 Section 505.1.3 (Alley Premises Identification). Residential structures that provide for rear vehicular access from a dedicated public alley shall conspicuously post the designated numbers that comply with the size requirements above so that it is visible to the alley. Section 505.1.4 (Building Complex Diagrams). The owner of a building complex which contains an enclosed shopping mall shall submit to the Fire Official four copies of diagrams acceptable to the Fire Official of the entire complex, indicating the location and number of each business. When a change in a business name or location is made, the owner or manager of the structure shall so advise the Fire Official in writing of the change. (33) Section 505.2 (Street or Road Signs) is amended by adding the following: Section 505.2.1. (Street and road signs) shall only be installed on streets or roadways that are approved through the platting process. (34) Section 507.5.1 (Where Required) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 507.5.1 (Where Required). Public fire hydrants of the City standard design shall be installed as part of the water distribution system for subdivisions and/or site developments. The Planning and Development Services Department shall approve the appropriate hydrant locations accessible to firefighting apparatus and within the maximum distances described in the following sections. (35) Section 507.5.2 (Inspection, Testing and Maintenance) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 507.5.2 (Inspection, Testing and Maintenance). Public fire hydrants shall be installed in districts zoned for single-family and duplex at such locations that no part of any structure shall be more than 500 feet from a fire hydrant as measured along the right-of-way of a public street as the fire hose is laid off the fire truck. (36) Section 507.5.3 (Private Fire Service Mains and Water Tanks) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 507.5.3 (Private Fire Service Mains and Water Tanks). Private fire hydrants shall be installed in districts other than districts zoned single-family and duplex at such locations that no part of any structure, aboveground tanks or fueling station, shall be more than 300 feet from a fire hydrant as measured along the right-of-way of a public street or along an approved fire lane as the fire hose is laid off the fire truck. (37) Section 508.1 (Location and access) is amended by adding the following: Section 508.1.1.1 (Fire Command Center Access) Access to the Fire Command Center must be on the exterior of the structure unless authorized by the Fire Code Official or designee. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 11 of 23 (38) Section 509.2 (Equipment Access) is amended by adding the following: Section 509.2.1 (Fire Sprinkler Riser Access) Access to the fire sprinkler riser must be on the exterior of the structure unless authorized by the Fire Code Official or designee. (39) Table 803.3 (Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish Requirements by Occupancy) is amended by deleting the existing text in footnote "d" and replacing it with the following: "Class A interior finish material shall be required in all areas of all assembly occupancies, whether a fire sprinkler system is present or not, except as provided for in notes e and f below." (40) Section 901.4.7.2 (Marking on access doors). Is amended by replacing 2 inches with 4 inches. (41) Section 901.6 is amended by adding section 901.6.4 (False alarms and nuisance alarms) False alarms and nuisance alarms shall not be given, signaled, or transmitted or caused or permitted to be given, signaled, or transmitted in any manner. (42) Section 901.7 (Systems out of service) is amended by adding: Where a required fire protection system is out of service or in the event of an excessive number of activations, the fire department and the fire code official shall be notified immediately and, where required by the fire code official, the building shall either be evacuated or an approved fire watch shall be provided for all occupants left unprotected by the shut down until the fire protection system has been returned to service. … (43) Section 903.1 (General) is amended by adding the following text at the end of said section: "For the purpose of this section, the term "fire area" shall be replaced with "building area." (44) Section 903.2 (Where Required) is amended by adding the following text at the end of the section: In addition to the requirements of this section, an automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout all new buildings and structures as follows: 1. Where the total building area exceeds 12,000 square feet in area. 2. Where the height exceeds two stories, regardless of area. (45) Section 903.2.1.6 (Assembly Occupancies on Roofs) is amended by deleting the exception in its entirety. (46) Section 903.2.3 (Group E) is amended by deleting the exception in its entirety. (47) Section 903.2.4 (Group F-1) is amended by deleting items "2" and "3." ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 12 of 23 Section 903.2.4 (Group F-1 distilled spirits) is amended to add: An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout a Group F-1 fire area used for the manufacture of distilled spirits involving more than 120 gallons of distilled spirits (>16% alcohol) in the fire area at any one time. Section 903.2.9.3 (Group S-1 distilled spirits or wine) is amended to add: An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout a Group F-1 fire area used for the manufacture of distilled spirits involving more than 120 gallons of distilled spirits (>16% alcohol) in the fire area at any one time. (48) Section 903.2.7 (Group M) No. 2 is amended by replacing "three stories above grade" with "two stories in height" and by deleting No. 3 in its entirety. (49) Section 903.2.8 (Group R) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (50) Section 903.2.9 (Group S-1) is amended by replacing "three stories above grade" with "two stories above grade" in item "2" and by replacing "24,000 square feet" with "12,000 square feet" in item "3." Section 903.2.9.3 is amended as follows: 903.2.9.3 Group S-1 (distilled spirits or wine). An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout a Group S-1 fire area used for the bulk storage of distilled spirits or wine involving more than 120 gallons of distilled spirits or wine (>16% alcohol) in the fire area at any one time. (51) Section 903.2.10 (Group S-2 Enclosed Parking Garage) is amended by deleting the exception in its entirety. (52) Section 903.2.13 (Porte-cocheres). All porte-cocheres shall be protected with fire sprinklers. Exception: Porte-cocheres of non-combustible construction or a distance of 10 foot or greater. (53) Section 903. (Exempt locations) is amended by deleting item number 4 (54) Section 903. (Corridors and balconies) is amended as follows: 903. (Corridors and balconies in the means of egress). Sprinkler protection shall be provided in all corridors and for all balconies. in the means of egress where any of the following conditions apply: {Delete the rest of this section.} (55) Section 903. (Attics) is amended by deleting sections 3.4 and 4.5 (56) Section 903.4 (Sprinkler systems supervision and alarms) is amended by adding the following: Exceptions: ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 13 of 23 8. Valves located outside buildings or in a vault that are sealed or locked in the open position. (57) Section 904.3.5 is amended by deleting the section and replacing it with: 904.3.5 (Monitoring) All automatic fire extinguishing system shall be monitored with a system in accordance with NFPA 72. (58) Section 905.1, (General), is amended by adding Section 905.1.1, Safety factor, as follows: 905.1.1 (Safety factor). All standpipe systems with the exception of manual standpipes shall be designed with a minimum safety factor of 5 PSI or 10% of required pressure (whichever is greater) taken at the source for the hydraulically most demanding system and/or outlet. (59) Section 905.4, (Location of Class I standpipe hose connections), is amended as follows with all other code text to remain as written: 905.4 (Location of Class I standpipe hose connections). Class I standpipe hose connections shall be provided in all of the following locations: 1. In every required interior exit stairway, a hose connection shall be provided for each story above and below grade plane. Hose connections shall be located at [the main] an intermediate [floor] landing between stories unless otherwise approved by the fire code official. (60) Section 906.1 (Where required) is amended by deleting exception 1 and 2 all others remain the same. (61) Section 907.2.1 (Group A) is amended by adding the following section: 907.2.1.3 Group A-2. An automatic alarm system shall be provided for fire areas containing Group A-2 occupancies that have an occupant load of 100 or more. (62) Section 907.2.7.1, (Occupant notification), is repealed in its entirety. (63) Section 907.2.8.2, (Automatic smoke detection system), is hereby amended to read as follows: 907.2.8.2 (Automatic smoke detection system). An automatic smoke detection system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed throughout all interior corridors serving sleeping units. The automatic smoke detection system requirement is met only by the installation of smoke or beam detectors whenever possible. If environmental conditions do not allow the installation of smoke detectors, fire alarm heat detectors may be used on a limited basis when approved by the fire code official. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 14 of 23 Exception: An automatic smoke detection system is not required in buildings that do not have interior corridors serving sleeping units and where each sleeping unit has a means of egress door opening directly to an exit or to an exterior exit access that leads directly to an exit. (64) Section, 907.2.13.2(Fire department communication system), is hereby deleted in its entirety. (65) Section, 907. (Duct smoke detection), is amended to read as follows: 907. (Duct smoke detection). Duct smoke detectors complying with Section 907.3.1 shall be located in accordance with the NFPA 90A: Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems or as follows: 1. In the main return air and exhaust air plenum of each air-conditioning system having a capacity greater than 2,000 cubic feet per minute (cfm) (0.94 m3/s). Such detectors shall be located in a serviceable area downstream of the last duct inlet. 2. At each connection to a vertical duct or riser serving two or more stories from a return air duct or plenum of an air-conditioning system. In Group R-1 and R-2 occupancies, a smoke detector is allowed to be used in each return air riser carrying not more than 5,000 cfm (2.4 m3/s) and serving not more than 10 air-inlet openings. (66) Section 907.2, (Where required) - new buildings and structures, is amended by adding Section 907.2.24, Fire alarm systems for property protection, to read as follows: 907.2.24 (Fire alarm systems for property protection). Fire alarm systems dedicated solely to the protection of property are permitted to be installed in facilities where a fire alarm system is not required by other sections of this code or the International Building Code provided the following conditions are met: 1. Any and all automatic detection is installed, located and maintained in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72 and a documentation cabinet as required by NFPA 72 is provided and installed. 2. The installed system is monitored by a supervising station which provides remote and central station service. 3. One manual means of activation is installed in an approved location 4. Where the fire alarm system control unit is located in an area that is not readily accessible to response personnel, a remote fire alarm system annunciator panel is installed. (67) Section 907.2, (Where Required) - is amended by adding Section 907.2.25, Fire alarm systems for property protection, to read as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 15 of 23 907.2.25 (Group R-4) Fire alarm systems and smoke alarms shall be installed in Group R-4 occupancies as required in Sections 907.2.10.1 through 907.2.10.3. 907.2.10.1 Manual fire alarm system. A manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in Group R-4 occupancies. Exceptions: 1. A manual fire alarm system is not required in buildings not more than two stories in height where all individual sleeping units and contiguous attic and crawl spaces to those units are separated from each other and public or common areas by not less than 1-hour fire partitions and each individual sleeping unit has an exit directly to a public way, egress court or yard. 2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required throughout the building where all of the following conditions are met: 2.1. The building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2. 2.2. The notification appliances will activate upon sprinkler water flow. 2.3. Not fewer than one manual fire alarm box is installed at an approved location. 3. Manual fire alarm boxes in resident or patient sleeping areas shall not be required at exits where located at all nurses' control stations or other constantly attended staff locations, provided such stations are visible and continuously accessible and that the distances of travel required in Section 907.4.2.1 are not exceeded. 907.2.25.1Automatic smoke detection system. An automatic smoke detection system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in corridors, waiting areas open to corridors and habitable spaces other than sleeping units and kitchens. Exceptions: 1. Smoke detection in habitable spaces is not required where the facility is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1. 2. An automatic smoke detection system is not required in buildings that do not have interior corridors serving sleeping units and where each sleeping unit has a means of egress door opening directly to an exit or to an exterior exit access that leads directly to an exit. 907.2.25.2Smoke alarms. Single- and multiple-station smoke alarms shall be installed in accordance with Section 907.2.11. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 16 of 23 (68) Section 907.3.1, (Duct smoke detectors), is amended to read as follows: 907.3.1 (Duct smoke detectors). Smoke detectors installed in ducts shall be listed for the air velocity, temperature and humidity present in the duct. Duct smoke detectors shall be connected to the building's fire alarm control unit where a fire alarm system is required by Section 907.2. Activation of a duct smoke detector shall initiate a visible and audible supervisory signal at a Central monitoring station and shall perform the intended fire safety function in accordance with this code, NFPA 90A: Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating Systems and the International Mechanical Code. In facilities that are required to be monitored by a supervising station, duct smoke detectors shall report only as a supervisory signal and not as a fire alarm. They shall not be used as a substitute for required open area det ection. 2021 International Building-Related Codes Exceptions: 1. In occupancies not required to be equipped with a fire alarm system, actuation of a smoke detector shall activate a visible and an audible signal in an approved location. Smoke detector trouble conditions shall activate a visible or audible signal in an approved location and shall be identified as air duct detector trouble. 2. For fire alarm systems which cannot be programmed for supervisory signals, duct detectors shall be allowed to activate the alarm signal. (69) Section 907.3., (Fire safety functions), is amended by adding 907.3.5, Fire alarm systems - emergency control, as follows: 907.3.5 (Fire alarm systems - emergency control). At a minimum, the following functions, where provided, shall be activated by the fire alarm system: 1. Elevator capture and control in accordance with ASME/ANSI A17.1b, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. 2. Release of automatic door closures and hold open devices. 3. Stairwell and/or elevator shaft pressurization. 4. Smoke management and/or smoke control systems. 5. Initiation of automatic fire extinguishing equipment. 6. Emergency lighting control. 7. Unlocking of doors. 8. Emergency shutoff of gas and fuel supplies that may be hazardous provided the continuation of service is not essential to the preservation of life. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 17 of 23 9. Emergency shutoff of audio systems for sound reinforcement or entertainment (i.e. music systems, systems for announcement and broadcast which are separate from public address systems) provided that such systems are not used to issue emergency instructions. 10. Emergency shutoff of systems used for the creation of displays or special effects (i.e. lighting effects, laser light shows, projection equipment). (70) Section 907.4.2.1, (Location), is amended to add the Exception to read as follows: 907.4.2.1 (Location). Manual fire alarm boxes shall be located not more than 5 feet (1524 mm) from the entrance to each exit. In buildings not protected by an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 or 903.3.1.2, additional manual fire alarm boxes shall be located so that the distance of travel to the nearest box does not exceed 200 feet (60 960 mm). Exception: Where construction of the building prohibits the proper installation of a pull station (e.g. glass walls, interior brick or rock walls), a pull station shall be allowed to be located in the normal path of egress, where approved by the Fire Marshal or his/her designee. (71) Section 907.5.1, (Presignal feature), is amended to read as follows: 907.5.1.1 (Presignal feature and positive alarm sequences). A presignal feature or Positive Alarm Sequence as defined in NFPA 72 shall not be installed unless approved by the fire code official. Request to use a presignal feature or a Positive Alarm Sequence must be submitted in writing to the Fire Marshal and approval granted before installation. Where a presignal feature or Positive Alarm Sequence is provided, a signal shall be annunciated at a constantly attended location approved by the fire code official, so that occupant notification can be activated in 2021 International Building-Related Codes the event of fire or other emergencies. When approved by the fire code official, the presignal feature or Positive Alarm Sequence shall be implemented in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72. (72) Section 907.5.2.1, (Audible alarms), is amended by adding Section 907., Testing of audible alarms in occupancies other than Group R, and Section 907., Testing of audible alarms in Group R occupancies, as follows: 907. (Testing of audible alarms in occupancies other than Group R). Audibility levels for all occupancies other than Group R shall be in accordance with the public mode requirements of NFPA 72, and shall be tested utilizing the following criteria: 1. A UL listed sound pressure level meter, which has been calibrated within the last calendar year, and supplied by the fire alarm system installing contractor, shall be utilized to obtain readings. The sound pressure level meter will be held five feet above floor, pointed in the direction of the audible device. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 18 of 23 2. All doors within the occupancy, including the bathroom and balcony doors shall be in the closed position. 3. Measurements shall be taken in the most remote areas of the occupancy first, including bathrooms and balconies. 4. Initial measurements to confirm the average ambient sound level in each area shall be taken. 5. The fire alarm system shall be activated and measurements in the tested areas shall be retaken and compared with the requirements. 907. (Testing of audible alarms in Group R occupancies). Audibility levels for all Group R occupancies shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 907., and shall be tested utilizing the following criteria: 1. A UL listed sound pressure level meter, which has been calibrated within the last calendar year, and supplied by the fire alarm system installing contractor, shall be utilized to obtain readings. The sound pressure level meter will be held five feet above floor, pointed in the direction of the audible device. 2. All doors within the occupancy, including the bathroom and balcony doors shall be in the closed position. 3. Ambient sound level shall be established with the television set at 50% of maximum volume, showers running, bathroom exhaust systems running, and air conditioning units running. 4. Measurements shall be taken in the most remote area of the dwelling or sleeping unit first, including bathrooms and balconies. 5. Initial measurements to confirm the ambient sound level in each area shall be taken. 6. The fire alarm system shall be activated and measurements in the tested areas shall be retaken and compared with the requirements. (73) Section 907.5.2.2, (Emergency voice/alarm communication systems), is amended to read as follows: 907.5.2.2 (Emergency voice/alarm communication systems). Emergency voice/alarm communication systems required by this code shall be designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 72. The operation of any automatic fire detector, sprinkler waterflow device or manual fire alarm box shall automatically sound an alert tone followed by voice instructions giving approved information and directions for a general or staged evacuation in accordance with the building's fire safety and evacuation plans required by Section 404 of the International Fire Code. In high-rise buildings, the system shall operate on at least the alarming floor, the floor above and the floor ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 19 of 23 below. If the system is not reset after five minutes, the building shall sound the general evacuation signal 2021 International Building-Related Codes and message in all zones unless an alternative Positive Alarm Sequence has been approved by the Fire Marshal. Speakers shall be provided throughout the building by paging zones. At a minimum, paging zones shall be provided as follows: 1. Elevator groups. 2. Interior exit stairways. 3. Each floor. 4. Areas of refuge as defined in Chapter 2. Exception: In Group I-1 and I-2 occupancies, the alarm shall sound in a constantly attended area and a general occupant notification shall be broadcast over the overhead page. (74) Section 907., (Emergency voice/alarm communication captions), is repealed in its entirety. (75) Section 907.5.2.3, (Visible alarms), is amended by adding a subsection 907., Wired Equipment, 907., Group R-2 sleeping areas, and Section 907., Combination devices, to read as follows: 907. (Other Applications) is amended by adding: 907. (Muti-tenant commercial structures) multi-tenant commercial structures shall comply with section 907. (1) through(4). 907. (Group R-2 sleeping areas). Living rooms in Group R-2 occupancies shall have audible notification appliances that meet the sleeping area audible requirements of NFPA 72, Chapter 18, Section 18.4.5, and Subsection When such units are required to be equipped with visible notification for the hearing impaired or when such units are designated as accessible in accordance with ICC/ANSI A117.1, combination audible and visible notification appliances that meet both the sleeping area audible requirements of NFPA 72, Chapter 18, Section 18.4.5, Subsection and the effective intensity settings of NFPA 72, Chapter shall be installed. 907. (Combination devices). Combination 120 VAC single or multiple-station smoke detectors with an onboard visible notification appliance if utilized to meet the requirements of Section 907.2.11, will not be given credit for meeting the visible alarm notification requirements of Section 907. if these devices do not have the capability of supplying backup power for the visible notification appliance portion of the device. Should such devices be utilized to comply with Section 907.2.11, the visible appliance side of the device shall flash in synchronization with the notification appliances required in the unit. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 20 of 23 (76) Section 907.6.3, (Initiating device identification), is amended to read as follows with exceptions to remain as written: 907.6.3 (Initiating device identification). The fire alarm system shall identify the specific initiating device address, location, device type, and floor level where applicable and status including indication of normal, alarm, trouble and supervisory status, to the fire alarm panel, annunciator panel and to the supervising station as appropriate. (77) Section 907. (Public Use Areas and Common Use Areas) is amended by deleting the exception and adding Section 907. to read as follows: Section 907. (Employee Work Areas). Where a fire alarm and detection system are required, employee work areas shall be provided with devices that provide audible and visible alarm notification. (78) Section 912.2.1, (Visible location), is amended by adding the following sentence to the end of that section to read as follows: 912.2.1 (Visible location). Fire department connections shall be located on the street side of buildings or facing approved fire apparatus access roads, fully visible and recognizable from the street, fire apparatus access road or nearest point of fire department vehicle access or as otherwise approved by the fire code official. The fire department connection shall be identified by a sign installed above the connection with the letters "FDC" not less than 6 inches high and mounted at least 3 feet above the FDC to the bottom edge of the sign unless approved by the fire code official and if multiple FDC's a sign identifying the corresponding riser. (79) Section 912.2.2, (Existing buildings), is amended to read as follows: 912.2.2 (Existing buildings). On existing buildings, wherever the fire department connection is not visible to approaching fire apparatus, the fire department connection shall be indicated by an approved sign mounted on the street front or on the side of the building. Such sign shall have the letters "FDC" not less than 6 inches (152 mm) high and words in letters not less than 2 inches (51 mm) high or an arrow to indicate the location. Signs shall be mounted no lower than 7 feet from grade to the bottom edge of the sign and are subject to the approval of the fire code official. (80) Section 912.2 (Location), is amended to add the following: Section 912.2.3 (Distance). Fire department connection shall not be located further than 100 feet from the fire hydrant measured by lay of hose from the engine. (81) Section 912.4.1, (Locking fire department connection caps), is amended to read as follows: 912.4.1 (Locking fire department connection caps). Locking caps are required on all fire department connections for water-based fire protection systems including but not limited to FDC's and standpipes. ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 21 of 23 (82) Section 912, (Fire Department Connections), is amended by adding Section 912.8, Location and type, as follows: 912.8 (Location and type). Sprinkler system and standpipe fire department hose connections shall be as follows: 1. Within 40 feet of a public street, approved fire lane, or access roadway. 2. Within 100 feet of an approved fire hydrant measured per hose lay. 3. All structures are required to have a five inch "Storz" connection. a. Where provided, the five inch "Storz" inlet shall be installed at a 30-degree angle pointing down. i. Exception: NFPA 13R system requiring less than 250 gpm. 4. Minimum of two feet above finished grade and a maximum of four feet above finished grade for standard inlets and minimum of 30 inches at lowest point above finished grade and maximum of four feet above finished grade for the five inch "Storz" inlet. 5. Freestanding FDCs shall be installed a minimum of one foot and a maximum of seven feet from the gutter face of the curb. 6. The Fire Code Official shall approve the location of freestanding fire department connections. Freestanding FDCs must be physically protected against impact per the requirements of Section 312 or other approved means. 7. Fire department connections for H occupancies shall be freestanding, remote and located as determined by the fire code official. 8. Fire department connections for systems protecting fuel storage tanks shall be freestanding, remote and located as determined by the fire code official. 9. . No FDC is required for projects designed per NFPA 13D. (83) Section 1004.5.1 (Increased Occupant Load) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (84) Section 1004.9 (Posting of Occupant Load) is amended by adding the following text to the end of said section: "For the purposes of this section, the occupant load shall be the number of occupants computed at the rate of one occupant per unit of area as prescribed in Table 1004.5." (85) Section 1103.5.1 (Group A-2) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing it with the following: 1103.5.1 (Group A-2). A Group A-2 occupancy that is permitted "Alterations - Level 2" according to the International Existing Building Code Chapter 8 and is dedicated predominantly to selling and consuming of alcoholic beverages rather than food and having an occupant load of 100 or more shall be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with section 903.3.1.1. (86) Section 1103.7(Fire alarm systems) is amended by adding the following section: ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 22 of 23 1103.7.7(Group A-2). A Group A-2 occupancy that is permitted "Alterations - Level 2" according to the International Existing Building Code Chapter 8 and is dedicated predominantly to selling and consuming of alcoholic beverages rather than food and having an occupant load of 100 or more shall be equipped throughout with an automatic alarm system in accordance with section 907.2.1. (87) Section 2304.1 (Supervision of Dispensing) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 2304.1 (Supervision of Dispensing). The dispensing of flammable or combustible liquids into the fuel tank of a vehicle or into an approved container shall be under the supervision of a qualified attendant, except service stations not open to the public. Such stations may be used by commercial, industrial governmental or manufacturing establishments for fueling vehicles in connection with their business." (88) Section 2304.3 (Unattended Self-Service Motor Fuel Dispensing Facilities) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (89) Section 2304.3.1 (General) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (90) Section 2304.3.2 (Dispensers) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (91) Section 2304.3.3 (Emergency Controls) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (92) Section 2304.3.4 (Operating Instructions) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (93) Section 2304.3.5 (Emergency Procedures) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (94) Section 2304.3.6 (Communications) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (95) Section 2304.3.7 (Quantity Limits) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (96) Section 3106.3.1 (Occupant Load) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (97) Section 3106.4.2 (Weather monitoring person) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety. (98) Section 5706.6.1.2 (Leaving Vehicle Unattended) is amended by deleting the section in its entirety and replacing with the following: Section 5706.6.1.2 (Leaving Vehicle Unattended). At no time while discharging flammable, combustible or ignitable liquids shall the driver or operator be out of sight and reach of the discharge valves. If at any time while discharging flammable, combustible or ignitable liquids, the driver or operator must leave the vehicle for any reason, the driver or operator shall shut down all valves until the driver or operator returns and shall be totally responsible ORDINANCE NO. 2022-4353 Page 23 of 23 for any and all spillage. When the delivery hose is attached to the vehicle it is presumed to be discharging flammable, combustible or ignitable liquids. (99) Chapter 80 (Referenced Standards) is amended by adding under NFPA, all referenced NFPA will be the most current editions. (100) Appendix D, Section D102.1 (Required access) is amended by replacing 79,000 pounds (34050 kg) with 84,000 pounds (38101.76 kg). (101) Appendix D, Section D102 (Required Access) is amended by adding the following: Section D102.2 (Alternative Approved Access). If a product is used other than asphalt or concrete for the access surface it must be approved prior to installation. Once installed an installation certificate with an engineer stamp confirming it was installed according to manufacturer's specification must be submitted. In the case of base material a certificate with an engineer stamp stating that it has been tested and will support the imposing load of a fire apparatus weighing at least 84,000 pounds (38101.76 kg). (102) Appendix D, Section D103.1 (Access road width with hydrant) is amended with replacing "26 feet" with "20 feet". (103) Appendix D, Section D103.2 (Grade) is amended by adding the following: Section 103.2.1 (Aerial Access Grade) where aerial access is required the aerial access portion of the road shall not exceed 6 percent in grade. (104) Appendix D, Section D103.4 (Dead Ends) and Table D103.4 are amended by replacing "150 feet" with "100 feet." Sec. 16-78. Life Safety Code Handbook adopted. The Life Safety Code Handbook, specifically the 2021 Edition published by the National Fire Protection Association, a copy of which is on file in the Office of the City Secretary, is hereby adopted and designated as the Life Safety Code of the City. Said code is adopted to the same extent as though such code was copied at length herein, subject, however, to the omissions, additions, supplements, and amendments contained in this article.