HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/09/2011 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board (2)(*hr"" PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM, Tuesday, August 9, 2011 The Green Room • Wolf Pen Creek — 1015 Colgate College Station,77840 1. Call to order and Roll Cali. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Hear visitors. fan 1- A,, W lUD � Finap Rc+crcaUp9 ��o 4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the meeting of .June 14, 2011. 5. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion on the Senior Advisory Committee appointments. 6. Update on Park Maintenance Standards Quarterly Report for FY11. 7. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion concerning the new fee schedule. 8. Discussion and possible action concerning the Mayors Council on Physical Fitness. 9. Discussion and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals for FY11. 10. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Capital Improvements Program: Capital Improvements and Park Land Dedication Project Lists of July and August 2011, 11. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. ➢ Next Regular Meeting — September 13, 2011, The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 12. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-35.17 or (TDD) .1 -800- 735-2989. Agendas maybe viewed on wwv✓.cs. x,gov. Notice is hereby given that a Regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of College Station, Texas will be held on the 9th day of August 2011. For the meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek,1015 Colgate, College Station, Texas, 77840. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit. See Agenda. Posted this the day of , 2011, at p.m. City of College Station, Texas Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of the City of College Station, Texas is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that 1 posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas and on the City's website, www.cstx.pov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times, Said Notice and Agenda were posted on , at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of 2011. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY: STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of .2011. Notary Public — Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: Parks and Recreation Monthly Reoort: July, 2011 *We are in the process of hiring an Assistant Director for the Department. There are several promising candidates from the more than 130 applicants *The Parks and Recreation Master Plan was approved by the Council at the July 14 meeting. *Update on the Southwood Community Center: 1) 131 Senior members 2) As of July 20th, our revenues are just over $1.4,000 (roughly 7 X FY10) 3) Costs are substantially down. At 83% of the fiscal year, we are at 66%. *Meetings with Supervisory staff have been ongoing to discuss the new City organization structure and changes within the Parks and Recreation Department. Through the City re- organization, the Department was reduced in staff by a total of 5 positions. *Paul Rucker, East District Supervisor announced his retirement effective August 31. This is exciting news for Paul and he will be missed. *Several staff members will be traveling to Waco this weekend to assist with the TAAF Games of Texas. The City of College Station will be hosting the Games of Texas in 2014 & 2015. The Games of Texas draw over 5000 athletes from all over Texas to compete in a wide variety of sporting events. Proiects: *The Arboretum at Bee Creek Park is undergoing renovation of the trails over the next couple of months, This work is long overdue and will bring the area back to a usable condition. This work is being done in-house. The Bike Loop Project has begun in the Bee Creek/Arboretum area on 6/13/2011 and the walking trails will connect to it. *Brothers Pond Park -- construction on the renovation of Park is complete. The project included removal, replacement and upgrades to the sidewalk/bicycle path, lighting, bridge, and the pond. *Irrigation Upgrades — we are moving forward with the $100,000 budget allocation for irrigation upgrades at Southwood Athletic Complex, Bee Creek Park, Wayne Smith baseball fields, Lemontree Park, and Anderson Park. Site plans are being reviewed and designs being created for this project. We anticipate that we will have funds available after bids are received and we will then look at upgrade to City facilities, including City Mall. Currently we have completed installation of over 60 controllers at 32 sites. *Skate Park — Construction has reached substantial completion. We hope to "soft" open the park this week. A Grand Opening event is being planned for September 3rd and we have had significant interest from the local business community to be involved. if current "unauthorized" use is any indication, this facility will be VERY popular. *Woodcreek Park improvements - Under construction. This project will remove the gravel walkways and install new concrete sidewalks; install a drinking fountain, and install more gravel under the playground area - the gravel under the slide must be at a certain height. This project was approved at the May 26'h Council agenda ($57,132.50) *The Emerald Forest Park Improvements Construction Project will bid in July. Construction will probably begin in August. The grade will be raised about three feet, with a new playground to be installed, sidewalks, lighting, etc. The park will have better drainage once the project is completed (it has a tendency to flood). *Construction is complete on the archway/entryway at the ballfield entrance in Veterans Park. This entryway will allow for crowd control into the area. Funding for the project is from the Veteran's Park Phase II allocation and estimated costs are at $14,000. Upcoming Event Dates. Aug. 4 — 7: ASA Girl's 10UClass "A" Fast Pitch Southern National August 25 — 28: ASA Co -Ed Class "D" Slow Pitch National Championship September 3: Skate Park Grand Opening September 9 —11: USSSA Men's "E" Slow Pitch World Tournament September 10: Ziegenbock Music Festival @ Wolf Pen Creek STAFF PRESENT: David Schmitz, Director; Amanda Putz, Board Secretary; Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator; David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner BARD PRESENT: Gary Erwin, Chair; Susan Fox, Billy Hart, Gerard Kyle, Jon Denton VISITORS: Jodi Warner, 4404 Spring Branch Court, College Station, TX 1. Call to order and Roll Call., The meeting was called to order with a quorum present at 7:00 p.m. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members: George Jessup, Shane Wendel, and Douglas Becker had submitted requests for absence. Jon Denton made a motion to approve the absence requests submitted, and Susan Fox seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Bear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Consideration. possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the, meetina of June 14. 2011: Billy Hart made a motion to approve the minutes as submitted, and Jon Denton seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. S. Consideration. possible approval, and discussion on the Senior Advisory Committee appointments: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator, reported on the applications that were sent in for the committee. The Senior Advisory Committee voted within themselves and suggested that Joanna Yeager be appointed as Chair, and Frank Duchmasclo be appointed as Vice Chair. Billy Hart made a motion to approve the applicants, and Jon Denton seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Update on Park Maintenance Standards ®uarteriv Report for FY11:. David Schmitz, Director; reported on the Park Maintenance Standards Quarterly Report. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 7. Considerations oossible aporoval, and discussion concerning the new fee schedule: David Schmitz reported on the new fee schedule. He explained that the fees were to be put forth toward the 2012 budget. Discussion followed. Jon Denton made a motion to approve the new fee schedule, and Gerard Kyle seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 8. Discussion and possible action concerning the Mavors Council on Phvsical Fitness: Peter Lamont, Recreation Supervisor, reported on the Mayor's Council on Physical Fitness. He explained that the Council has run into the problem of not being able to have a quorum at a majority of the meetings, which would be 8 members. It was suggested that the Council become a sub -committee of the parks and recreation advisory board. The suggestion was that there be three parks and recreation advisory board members, and four to six members from the public (appointed by the Mayor) as being the structure of the committee. Mr. Lamont explained that by redoing the structure it would take another amendment of the Bylaws. Mr. Lamont summarized the proposal to the Board as a revamped structure that encompasses more energy, and to reorganize the amount of members on the Council. Billy Hart made a motion to reorganize the Mayor's Council on Physical Fitness as a hybrid sub -committee of the parks and recreation advisory board consisting of three members from the parks and recreation advisory board, and four to six members of the public at large appointed by the Mayor, and Gerard Kyle seconded the motion. Discussion followed. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 9. Discussion and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation, Advisory Board Goals for FY11: Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 10. Reoort, possible action. and discussion concerningo the current Capital IWrovements Proararn; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner, reported on the Capital Improvement Project Lists. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. ➢ Capital Improvements and Park Land Dedication Project Lists of July and August 2011. 11. Presentation, Possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may ineauire about a subiect for which notice has not been, riven. A statement of soecific factual information or the recitation of existing Policv may be given. Anv deliberation shall be limited to a posal to Place the subiect on an aarenda for a subsequent meeting. ➢ Next Regular Meeting — September 13, 2011, The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek August 9, 2011 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes n. Adiour°n: Billy Hart made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Jon Denton seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 7:42 p.m. 3 August 9, 2011 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes July 6, 2011 Dear Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Members, The City Secretary's office has received new member applications for the Senior Advisory Committee from Ann Hays, Susan McGrail and Patricia VanderBoom. The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board is being asked to consider these individuals as new members for a two year term beginning in August, 2011. The committee currently has seven members and according to the current by-laws may have up to 17 members. Also, at the June 27, 2011 meeting of the Senior Advisory Committee, the committee recommended that Joanna Yeager serve as chairman and Frank Duchmasclo serve as vice -chair for the term of one year. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Marci Rodgers Senior Services Coordinator P.O. Box 9960 11 o 1 TrXAS AvENuL COLLE(,E S"rATiON e TLXAS a 77842 979.764.3500 www.cstx.gov BOARDS / COMMISSIONS AC ITT APPLICATION CITY SECRETARY'SOFFIGE iiuma� t"Ie.vaAe-;f1j(.lzrirrasl3;" P.O. Box 99601COLLEGESTATION, TExAs77842 (979) 764-3541 PLEASE PRINT F, TER�©SAL. tIVF�RMAT3�}N� .... , .....,. ....... .. _ ,... ._.. . _..... .......... . .... 1. Full Name: i ANN FLEMING ! NAYS FIRST MIDDLE LAST 2. Home Address: 111862 Old Wellborn Rd. College Station 77845 i STREET CITY ZlP CODE 4. Contact: I 979-693-0776 , l 979-255-1591 l I ahaysl @yahoo.com , CI-LLIWORK PHONE EMAIL Information HOME PHONE 5. Residency ; I pct. 213, 1040641562 l Born & Raised Information VOTER'S REGISTRATION # YEARS AS RESIDENT OF CS SUBDIVISION LIVING IN 6. Professional: I Retired, fashion l 1 1, Information OCCUPATION "If business owner, NAME OF BUSINESS University of Texas, Austin I EDUCATION (optional) NO. STANDING COMMITTEE BICS Library Committee Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Greenways Advisory Board Ii 3 Cemetery Committee Construction Board of Adjustments Design Review Board Green CS Advisory Committee 1 Historic Preservation Committee Joint Relief Funding Review Committee Landmark Commission Parks and Recreation Board Planning & zoning Commission 2 Senior Advisory Committee Sunset Advisory Committee Zoning Board of Adjustments OPENINGS 2 members 4 members 2 members 2 members, 1 alternates 1 member at large, 1 alternate 2 members 5 members 1 member 2 members, (see member requirements A&D) 5 members 3 members Minimum 3, Maximum 9 7 members 2 alternates 11 7. Please list any Boards/Commissions/Committees you currently serve on: I not answered I t Please list any experience or interests that qualify you to serve in the positions indicated: l not answered I SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 6-2-11 DATE COMMITTEE APPLICATION SUSAN I I, MCGRAIL 1 1. Full Name: I I FIRST MIDDLE LAST 2, Home Address: 12716 Adrienne Clr. College Station 77845 STREET CITY ZIP CODE 979-229-6914 1 1 i 1 sgmcgraii@yahoo.com l 4. Contact: 1 information HOME PHONE CELLIWORK PHONE EMAIL I Pcfi, 32, 1041071849 l I 33 I I Southwood Valley 5. Residency : Information VOTER'S REGISTRATION # YEARS AS RESIDENT OF CS SUBDIVISION LIVING IN Retired TAMI_t System Internal Auditor I. 6. Professional: I I l Information OCCUPATION "If business owner, NAME OF BUSINESS 1 MBA Accounting EDUCATION (optional) PI'35iT�0i S?l1GFiT 111LilCr#B Cl1OlB3'(IIIIbe�Yl 7f, {sern most preferablentl berng feast p�eferred� f i NO. STANDING COMMITTEE OPENINGS BICS Library Committee 2 members 1 Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Greenways Advisory Board 4 members Cemetery Committee 2 members Construction Board of Adjustments 2 members, 1 alternates 1 member at 2 Design Review Board large, 1 alternate Green CS Advisory Committee 2 members Historic Preservation Committee 5 members Joint Relief Funding Review Committee 1 member 2 members, (see Landmark Commission member require rr ents ABED) Parks and Recreation Board 5 members Planning & Zoning Commission 3 membersMinimum 3, 1i 1 Senior Advisory Committee Maximum 9 I Sunset Advisory Committee 7 members Zoning Board of Adjustments 2 alternates 2 AL DIPONAL INFC7RM/1TfON r _ . , . 7, Please list any Boards/Commissions/Committees you currently serve on: I Please list any experience or interests that qualify you to serve in the positions indicated: I See next page 1 I I. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT 6-8-11 DATE S4S-M In c If you currently serve on any other committees, boards or commissions, please list them here: Not answered Please list any experience or interest that qualifies you to serve in the position desired, Having recently retired, I have been exploring the opportunities open to seniors in our community, and see a need for more no, or low, cost programs, for example, an instructor of classes offered at Southwood Senior Center said that many seniors expressed an interest in her classes. However, when they found out the cost of participating in these, they could not afford them. I am interested in helping to develop and implement more low cost programs at the Center, These would not be in competition with the classes already offered but would be complimentary. In compliance with Chapter 552, Government Code (Public Information Act), information related to the applicant's home address, home telephone number, and e-mail address shall be made available to the public, unless the applicant chooses not to release the information. Will you allow us to release information, if requested? Yes [] No [x] BOARDS / COMMISSIONS / COMMITTEE APPLICATI• , CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE P.O. BOX 9960 1 COLLEGE STATION, TEXA$ 77842 (979)764-3541 PLEASE PRINT PERSONAL INFO ATIOI N: / r I l,l_�)��,R / ivy I �� d l2� r I. 1. Full Name: r � /t. � � FIRST MEDDLE LAST 2. Home Address:--...1 .. (�f (U \'. ca 0 T � l I STREET #TY �} ZIP CODE 4. Contact: Qt� l) information HOME PHONE CELLNVORK PHONE EMAIL 5. Residency: I /OZ /..3 f2_ S information VOOT;ER'SjRREGISTRATION # YEARS AS�rSIDENT OF CS SUBDIVISION LIVING IN 6. Professional: ! I.) S E i . `lv- r ap a tL II n 0 -S I, Information OCCUPATION "If business owner, NAME OF BUSINESS EDUCATION (optional) POSITION SOUGHT: indicate choice.by numbering 1, 2, 3 (9 being most preferable and 3 being least preferred) NO. STANDING COMMITTEE OPENINGS B/CS Library Committee 2 members Bicycle, Pedestrian, & Greenways Advisory Hoard 4 members Cemetery Committee 2 members 2 members, 1 Construction Board of Adjustments alternates 1 member at large, 2 Design Review Board esi g alternates at large Green CS Advisory Committee 2 members Historic Preservation Committee 5 members Joint Relief Funding Review Committee 1 member Landmark Commission 1 member Parks and Recreation Board 5 members Lick Creek Park Nature Center Advisory Committee 5 members Planning & Zoning Commission 4 members X Senior Advisory Committee Minimum 3, Maximum 9 Sunset Advisory Committee 7 members Zoning Board of Adjustments 1 alternate ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: 7. Rease list any Boards/Commissions/Committees you curre i y serve on: I J Please list any experie r interests thAualify yo to serve In the pos ions indicated: *AII plican7me a Co lege Station Resident ( fj} ( ��. �'n�f���������'� SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT DATE Quarterly Periods: First Quarter, FY 2011 Overall % of Standards Met: 86% Second Ouarter, FY 2011 Overall % of Standards Met: 87% Third Ouarter, FY 2011 Overall % of Standards Met: 89% Fourth Ouarter, FY 2011. Overall % of Standards Met: % Categories 1. Athletic Facilities: Competitive Fields East South West Ave_ . % of Stds Met V Quarter 88 92 86 87 2" d Quarter 89 91 89 90 3"d Quarter 88 93 88 90 O' Quarter ll. Playgrounds East South 1st Quarter 81 93 2" d Quarter 84 96 3rd Quarter 83 94 4"' Ouarter Ill. Pavilion/Shelter Facilities East South 1'k Quarter 90 97 2" d Quarter 82 98 3"d Quarter 85 97 4"' Quarter IV. Tennis Courts East South I" Quarter 91 89 2r'4 Quarter 77 87 3rd Quarter 85 88 4"' Quarter V. Basketball Courts East South I" Quarter 87 91 2" d Quarter 90 93 3rd Quarter 85 92 4'h Quarter West Avg. % of Stds Met 85 86 92 91 92 90 West Ave. % of Stds Met 87 91 91 90 93 92 West Ave. % of Stds Met 93 91 95 86 83 85 West Ave. % of Stds Met 96 91 95 93 94 90 Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 91 89 92 89 Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 92 90 93 89 Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 94 93 94 91 Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 91 89 93 87 Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 97 94 96 93 VT. Sand Volleyball Courts Past South 1" Quarter 72 85 2" d Quarter 61 89 3`d Quarter 71 100 4" Quarter VII. Ponds East South 15` Quarter 40 84 tad Quarter 54 93 3'd Quarter 66 100 4"' Ouarter VI1I. Parks; General Parks East South. I"Quarter 88 93 2"' Quarter 81 93 3`d Quarter 89 96 4"' Quarter Overall District Averages East South I" Quarter 80 89 2ad Quarter 77 92 P Quarter 81 95 40' Quarter COMMENTS, West 100 100 100 West 79 79 91 West 92 92 93 West 90 92 92 Ava. % of Stds Met 86 83 90 Avp-. % of Stds Met 68 75 86 Ava. % of Stds Met 91 89 93 Overall % of Stds Met 86 87 89 Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 91 78 85 78 Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 77 81 70 78 Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 93 91 92 92 Prev. Yr. % of Stds. Met 91 88 90 87 DRAFT A�... : DEPARTMENT Flag Football 1. (includes $95 Per Team Field Redevelopment Fee) $380 $380 $420 t $420 $420 $420 2, Volleyball (No Field Redevelopment Fee Included) $190 $190 $210 i $210 $210 3. Softball (includes $95/Team Field Redevelopment Fee) PI Off League SPnn9 and SummerlFall $355 $355 $ 390 $390 _ _ gg $390 �'MV-11- , $3 G1 a y" r_ ONCE — NIA NIA $375 i $375 $375 Kick Ball 14. { 5. Outside League Field Redevelopment Fee Per Team $75 $75 $145 i $95 $146 i $95 $145 $95 6. Outside League Per Game Contract Fee $10 $10 $15 I $10 as $15 i $10�� ry Adult Sports Transfer / Cancel atron Fee $10 $10 $10 $10 �7 1. Commercial Rental Rates (Companies or Businesses) Room 101: Monday - Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less $55 $55 $60 $60 8 am - 5 pm $65 $65 $75 $75 6 pm - Close $70 $70 $80 $80 j Satu Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less $65 $55 $60 $60 »� 8 am - 5 pm $65 $65 $75 $75 111 y' 6pm - Close $70 $70 $80 $80:- Room 102", 103, 104, 106* Monday - Saturday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less $45 $45 $50 $50 8 am 5 pm $55 $55 $60 $60 6Pm Close $60 $60 $65 $65 "5 �a ar�es a�^ctAdanai2 ra#e �rl�re�sln prQv��i�s dearst was 1 43i(L{� U15 ih 9�11��xltkfR4'f@CO Additiplla%fxses >4 ,. Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less $45 $45 $50 $50 $ X 8 am - 5 pm $55 $55 $60 $60 N'lE! 6 pm -Close $60 $60 $65 I $65 1111 N Room 105: Monday - Saturday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 1 $55 $55 $60 $6080 8 am - 5 pm $65 $65 $75 $75 6 pm - Close I $70 $70 $80 $80 June 94, 2011 Page 9 of 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 pm - Close $55 $65 $70 Room 127: Monday - Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less $125 8 am - 5 pm $165 6 pm - Close $176 Friday Flat Rate: 8 am - Close $225 Saturday Flat Rate 8 am Close $450 riatsrnodednlli2�rstpWye)asnprviousye'rstasz� Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less $125 8am-6pm $165 6 pm - Close $175 $55 $65 $70 $60 $75 $80 $60 $75 $80 $125 $140 $140 $165 $180 $180 $175 $190 $190 $225 $250 $250 $450 $500 $500 $125 $165 $175 2. Non -Commercial Rental Rates (Individuals or groups I not companies or businesses.) Room 101: Monday- Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less $25 $25 8 am - 5pm $40 $40 6 pm - Close $35 $35 , v Friday • � ^ � 4ri fro 1 i ti Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 pm - Close Room 102*, 103, 104, 106* Monday - Saturday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6�m Close 3�undayxi a7`g���al��ied5�-2Aa�rate, Whereas ip'�"re�iao`�syea`ts rt�+r�s �n yadde�ee ��tus��e r�g�u�arrate:;i'%farta5;gdci(tior±al fees . � � ,,;-� .�; Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 pm - Close Room 105: Monday - Saturday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 pm - Close fan rayhargnaiuecfrn zp2 rate 3vbereasn p[eingrsi�rasa dde fee pi s;the regulMCIatszxelr to �drtioAAJ 11 eest . , Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 pm - Close $140 $180 $190 $30 $45 $40 $25 $25 $30 $40 I $40 $45 $35 f $35 $40 $20 $20 $25 $35 $35 $40 $30 $30 99 1 $35 $20 $35 $30 $25 $40 $35 $25 $40 $35 $20 $25 $35 $40 $30 $35 $25 $30 $40 $45 $35 $40 $25 $30 $40 $45 $35 $40 $140 $180 $190 $30 $45 $40 $140 $180 $190 $303r $45 40 $25Ta4. $40$b f' $35 u $25 $40WN t3 wy $35 Wfl N $30 qp 6�a y $45 gm-ng $40 $30 $45 $iA $400.: June 14, 2011 Page 2 of 9 Monday - Thursday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 om - Close Friday Flat Rate: 8 am - Close Saturday Flat Rate 8 am Close Sunday: 4 Consecutive Hours or Less 8am-5pm 6 prn - Close 3. Room Rental Deposits (For all Groups) ' Deposit for Room 127 Deposit for Room 101 & 105 Deposit for 102,103,104 & 106 4. Kitchen Rental Kitchen Deposit 5. Additional Fees Weekdays: For time between 5:00 — 6:00 p.m., this time is based on availability, plus this extra fee. The fee is waived if reservation is from 8 a.m. to close. No extra fee on Room 101 or 127 with flat rate. Sunday' This fee is added to commercial 1 non-commercial rates $60 $60 $65 $65 ' �$' mkb $110 $110 $125 $125 IT $80 $80 $90 $90 $100 $100 $110 $110 1. =I $55 $55 w? $55 $55 $55 $20 $20 $40 $40 $40 $55 $55 $55 1 $25 I $25 I $30 ( $30 $30 G�ax�e��ac�ud`ed " 1-5 Consecutive Hours $60 $60 $65 $65 C�rt�e it�cl0ide�t 1 5 Hours lit or over 5 Consecutive Hours $85 $85 $90 $90 Salta1e' •.-.r 7i,. :%-. ✓ �....-_ '�.W.(�. I._. a „; _ - ._:.,-,,r-,. �..._..J, ,,.-'"!"..:. _ ., 6.. Alcohol Permit N/A NIA NIA $55 $55 7. Catering Deposit $50 $50 $55 $55 $55 8. Patio Based on Availability (2) $25 Each $25 Each $25 Patio with Rental of Room 102 or 106 No Charge I No Charge No Charge 9. AudioNisual Equipment Amplifier (2) $20 Each $20 Each $20 Each Speakers (3) $10 Each $10 Each $10 Each Microphone, Wireless Handheld (1) $30 Each $30 Each $30 Each Microphone, Wireless Clip -on (3) $30 Each $30 Each $30 Each Microphone on Stand (3) $20 Each $20 Each $20 Each Microphone on Tabletop (6) $20 Each $20 Each $20 Each (ALL MICROPHONES REQUIRE AN AMPLIFIER) Multi -media Projecto'j J $100 Each $100 Each $100 Each h f' �OWN mmm rvry'✓ j .y._ Portable CD Player (1) iI II $10 Each $10 Each $10 Each Television, 32" with DVDNCR 0 $25 Each $25 Each $25 Each Television, W with DVDNCR " $25 Each $25 Each $25 Each 10, Podiums Upright with Microphone (3) ( I $15 Each $15 Each $15 Each Upright without a Microphone (1) $5 Each $5 Each $5 Each 11. Reception/Party Items { Lattice Screens —White, Folding 8' x 6' (4) 1 $10 leach $i u tacn i'i u tacn I Wedding Arch, White, Meta3 (1) $15 Each $15 Each $15 Each i Wedding Arbor Trellis, White Wooden (1) $25 Each $25 Each $25 Each Mirror Ball (Available in Room 127 Only) $10 Each , $10 Eachcde Roo Piano (1) $20 Each $20 Each $20 Each June 14, 2011 Page 3 of 9 Ice Machine (Per 20 Pounds) $2,50 Each $2 50 Each $2 50 Each 1 113. Meeting/Conference Equipment Flip Chart without Paper (3) $5 Each $5 Each $5 Each Flip Chart with Paper (3) $10 Each $10 Each$l3 Silk Plants (15) $40 Each $40 Each $40 Each Stage Extenders 4' x 7', One-step 3' x 1' (2) $15 Each $15 Each $15 Each 14. Other Services: Copies (Per Copy) Maximum 100 Per Day ' $.10" $.10* $.10* $.10* $.10* Faxes — Local (Per Page) $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 {1 Long Distance (First Page! Each Additional Page) $2 / $1 $2 / $1 $2 / $1 $21$1 $2 / $1 I Trip Char,?ejForFood) $5 $10 $20 $20 $20 Coffee (Per Cup) Includes Coffee Pot Coffee 'RM y r yy ry 8 oz,A39y Cream Sweeteners and Napkins (1i3.Gur lllt`ntr3►t in "' ' anti11.101iD�tiG7etne�lt#5 :.t1ntS7Gip iQ5t3 +~n1up _.� Donuts and/or Cold Drinks Market Price + Trip Charge Room or Date Transfer! Cancellation Fee Per Change $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 Set-up Changes Less than 12 Hours Prior to the Event $10 $10 Open Early Before 7:00 a.m. TNo. ntlay throgla Fritla or to33 8,Jfi acn tC�rd lrs8c Sdnciav $75 $75 $75 Late Closing 11;00 p.m. —12:00 a.m., Sunday - Thursday $75 $75 $75 Late Closinq 1:00 a.m. — 3:00 a.m., Friday - Saturday $75 / Hour $75 / Hour $75 / Hour Custodial Service Arranged in Advance, One Hour Min. $151 Hour $151 Hour Unarranged Custodial Clean1 $30 / Hour $301 Hour ANY Unstipulated Occupancy Time Per Contract Agreement for Early Arrival or Late Departure $90 / Hour $90 / Hour $90 ! Hour Deposits are refundable upon compliance with all rules, regulations, and clean-up requirements by client and caterer. Deposits are refunded less ate „ heal he eooslti if the reservation is cancelled sixty (60) days prior to the evenf Per Section 111.61 of the Texas Administrative Code. 1. swim Lessons 45-Minute Lesson $45 $45 $70 $45 $70 i $45 _ ,mom 005 $45 1 25 Minute Lesson" $35 $40 $60 $40 $60 $40b $40 2. Stroke Clinic $45 $45 $75 $50 $75 ` $50OfT ,, $50 3. Water Fitness Pass Morning Pass — Fail, Spring, Summer $80 $80 $120 $80 $120 I $80 $6 $80 Night Pass —Fall, Spring, Summer $60 $60 $90 $60 $90 ' $60 $60 Morning Pass — Winter $60 $60 $90 $60 $90 ? $60 ;Y M $60 Night Pass — Winter $45 $45 $70 $45 $70 $45 Ul, $45 i 4. Instruction Transfer) Cancellation Fee $10 $10 $10 $10 5. USTA Tennis League $90 $90 $150 $100 $150 i $100 q $100 6. Tennis Lessons $65 $65 $105 , $70 $105 $704b _ Children ages 5 and under attend only a 25-minute lesson. All other lessons are 45 minutes in length. June 14, 2011 Page 4 of 9 1. School Year Membership Pass in[asys+�3�isJ Meese Youth (17 &Under) $20 $20 $30 ' $20 $30 $20 _ !$ M, $ Low Income Eligible $10 $10 $15 $10 $15 i $10 SEA� $ i 2. Summer Membership Pass $1001$50 $100/$50 $100 ; $50 $100 ; $50 $100 ; $50 , 3, Late Pick-up Fee: 1st Fifteen Minutes $5 $5 $5 i $5 $5 i $5 ? $5 Each Additional Minute Thereafter $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1 00 Adult (18 & Over) Annual (12 Month) B � i 4. Membership Pass $40 $40 $70 i $45 $70 i $45 Non -Member Guest Pass Per Day 5. (Youth or Adult) $2 $2 $3 i $2 $3 i $2 $2 6. Gym Deposit Per Day (8 hour block) $260 $250 $375 1 $250 $375 I $250 N; Half Court Rental Per Hour (4 hour max) $25 $25 $45 f $30 $45 E $30 St14 Full Court Rental Per Hour (4 hour max) $35 $35 $60 $40 $60 $40iA0 Gym Event (Per Chair) $.35 $.35 i $.35 $.35 $.35 ! $.35'11,SQ All Day Usage (More than 4 hours) $225 $225 $375 $250 $375 $250 4 Concession Usage $20 $20 $30 ; $20 $30 1 $20 � Game Room 1 Multi -purpose Room Rental $25/hour91i�s$81910-. 7. Per Hour (4 hour minimum) $20/Hour $20/Hour $401hour $25/hour $40/hour Deposit $75 $75 $115 ! $75 $115 ! $75��Q Community Room Rental Per Hour $45 1 $30 $45 1 $30 i 8. (3 hour maximum) $251Hour $100 $25/Hour $100 $150 $100 $150 $100 4 Deposit Kitchen Fee $20 $20 $40 ? $25 $40 $25i $25 Special Event Fee (Funerals, weddings, x� 9. parties) $250 $250 $415 $275 $415 $275. �40 10. Miscellaneous Charges: Copies (Per Copy) * $.1 w $.10" $A 01 Copy $.10 / Copy $.101 Copy Faxes - Local (Per Page) $1.00 $1.00 $1.001 Page $1.00 ! Page $1.001 Page $2 First Pg, $1 Ea. $2 First Pg, $1 Ea. $2 First Pg, $2 First Pg, $2 First Pg Faxes - Long Distance (Per Page) Addt'1 Pg. Addt'I Pg. $1 Ea. Addt'I Page $1 Ea. Addt'I Page $1 Ea Addt I Page 11. Gym or Room Transfer / Cancellation Fee NIA NIA $10.00 $10.00 gg- ��0 All rooms are subject to an after -hour charge of $20 per hour. The after -hour charge is based on any request to use facilities beyond the Center's normal operating hours. Special Event fee includes the rental of the gym, Community Room, sound system, and 450 chairs. * Per Section 111.61 of the Texas Administrative Code. 1 1. Vendor Permit $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 Aicohol Permit (Required when alcohol is served at Lincoln Center, 2. Southwood Center, Conference Center, and Veterans Park rentals.) N/A N/A NIA $55 $55 3. Commissions: (Gross Sales minus Sales Tax) Food &Drinks N/A 10-15% 10-15% 10-15% 10-15% Other Goods N/A 10-15% 10-15% 10-15% 10-15% Alcoholic Beverages NIA 20 25 % 20 - 25 % 20 - 25 % 20 - 25 % June 14, 2011 Page 5 of 9 1. Printing Stop Watch I Non -printing Stop Watch $101 $5 $10;$5 $15 $10 $15 $10 2. Cones (10) $10 $10 $15 $10 $15 $10_ii 3. Bases, Poles, and Flagging (10) $10 $10 $15 ! $10 $15 ! $10� 4. Big Time Clock $50 $50 $90 i $60 $90 i $60r� 5. Water Cooler/ Ice Chest $51$5 $51$5 $10 / $10 ; $51$5 $101$10 ! $51$5 $5 6. Tables $10 $10 $15 j $10 $15 ! $10t3� �. ;; '- 7. Traffic Flags and Vests (10) $5 $5 $10 $5 $10 i $5 ����, �,�,�.�,��-: Rental Package #1: Big time clock, 1 printing ! !✓ stopwatch, 10 cones, 10 bases/poles and flagging, 2 8. water coolers, 2 tables, 10 traffic flags and vests. $75 $75 $130 i $86 $130 i $85 Rental Package #2: Big time clock, 2 rintin 9 9 printing ! ! 9. stopwatches, 30 cones, 20 bases/poles and flagging, 6 water coolers, 4 tables, 15 traffic flags and vests. $100 $100 $150 i $100 $150 $100. Rental Package #3: Big time clock, 4 printing ! ! stopwatches, 60 cones, 30 bases/poles and flagging, i i MAY 10. 12 water coolers 6 tables 20 trafficflags and vests ✓f $125 $125 r $190 , $125 $190 1�sit�AYP3c a e _ NNE �M-11" ZI M� 1. Meeting Room Rental, Per Hour Deposit 2, DancelGame Room Rental, Per Hour Deposit 3. Whole Facility Rental Per Hour (Excluder, Computer Lab) Deposit 4, Additional Attendance Fee Per Hour 5. Room or Rental Transfer 1 Cancellation Fee 6. Computer Lab Rental Per Hour $15 $15 $20 $25 $50 $50 $50 $50 $26 $25 $30 $35 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 NIA $10 $10 $10 NIA NIA $10 $10 $15 "All rental rates are based on a party of 1-25 people. Additional fees are added per hour for over 25 than 100 attendees must have prior Supervisor approval. Deposits are refundable if the facility is left clean and damage -free. Fees are assessed for special events and field trips. $25 $50 $75 $75 $10 Any rental expecting more 1.hoa+rrTeen Membership Pass I $20 $20 $20 $100t 2, LatTeen Membership Pass 3. Non -Member Guest Pass Per Day Teen or Senior $2 $2 $2 $2 ,��,=;.�_�� $2 6. Senior Annual Membership Pass $20fl $20 June 14, 2011 Page 6 of 9 1. General Admission Per Person (Ages 3 and up) HallaranfThomas Natatorium Adamson 2. Discount Pass — 25 Swims Hallaran[Thomas Natatorium "Adamson 3. Family Season Pass (Up to Five Family Members) Fee for Additional Members in Excess of Five Hallaran/Thomas Pass or Natatorium Pass *Adamson 4. Individual Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas "Adamson $2.50 $2.50 $3 $3 $3 $2 $2 $3 $3 $3 $5 $5 $6 $6 $6 $50 $50 $60 $60 I $60 $40 $40 $60 $60 J $60 $85 $85 $100 $100 I $100 N/A NIA $25 Per Person $25 Per Person $26 Per Person $125/$125 $125/$125 $150 $150 $150 $200 $200 $250 $250 $250 $60 $60 $75 $75 I $75 $80 $80 $126 $125 $125 f 6. Special Day Care Fee @ Adamson, Per Child 1 $2.75 1 $2.75 1 $3 1 $3 1 $3 I Thomas]Hallaran: 25 peoole or fewer 50 people or fewer 51-76 people 77-102 peoole Each hour after initial 2 hours Adamson: 99 people or fewer 199 or fewer 299 or fewer 300+ Each hour after initial 2 hours 2. Adamson Baby Pool Rental - (2 Hour Period) 3. Pool Parties Per Person -- J2 Hour Period) Theme Party -- Eight (8) Person Minimum: Southwood / Thomas Adamson Lagoon Catered Theme Party: Southwood / Thomas Adamson Lagoon $100 $125 $225 ! $150 $225 ! $150 $150 $125 $150 $265 i $175 $265 i $175 W.. LOS $175 $175 $225 $375 $250 $375 $250 $250 $225 $300 $490 ! $325 $490 ! $325 �,. M $325 $75 $100 $190 i $125 $190 j $125�.%._ $125 $275 $.300 $490 $325 $490 ? $325 $325 $350 $565 ' $375 $565 $375 $425 $425 $675 ! $450 $675 $450 $525 $600 $900 $600 $900 $600 $125 $150 $225 ! $150 $225 $150 NIA $130 $85 $85 $325 $375 r� $450 j $600 I $150 $85 $6.00 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50am $8.00 1 $8.50 $8.50 $8.50 $7.25 $7.75 I $7.75 $7.75 $9.50 $10 $10 $10 June 14, 2011 Page 7 of 9 Pavilion Party (Four -table limit): First table $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 gp Additional tables (Max of 3) $10 $10 $10 $10� 4. Junior Lifeguard Program Per Person Per Session 5, Junior Lifeguard Level 2, Per Session 6. Other Pool Fees: Texas SuperGuard Competition Per Person Swim Diaper Fee Per Diaper Tube Rental Fee Deposit Locker Rental Fee Deposit Duck Derby (Sponsor a duck July 4th) Per Person Itzy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty & Handsome Boy Contest on July 4th, Per Person Schools Out Blow Out" at Adamson Lagoon OW Pool Trout Fish -out Per Person (Ages 3 and up) Over the 5-fish limit (Per fish) 7. Educational Class Rental Per Hour Adamson Lagoon — Summer Day 8. Camp Use, Per Child, 9 Natatorium Team Use Fee, Per Person, Per Season, 10, Pool Rental, Junior Lifeguard Transfer/Cancellation Fee $70 $75 $75 $75 $25 + Cert. $25 + Cert. $70 Fees $25 + Cert. Fees Fees $20 $20 $20 $20 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $2 $1 $1 $1 $1 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $2 $3 $3 $3 $3 $200 $200 $3 $3 $1.50 $1.50 $25 $25 $2 $2 $10 $10 NIA NIA $200 $200 $3 $3 $1,50 $1.50 $25 $25 $3 $2 $3 ' $2 i $15 $10 I $15 i $10 $10 $10 $75 1 $25 + Cert. Fees 1 $1 $2 $3 �1 MA $25 i $3 $2 Adamson passes are _..ry _ * also valid at Southwood Nailaran and Thomas pools, excluding the CSISD Natatorium. Al! discount passes are priced for 25 swims. 11�a Wf ®a JJ. JP• J J P Basketball/ Youth Volleyball I Flag Football "I ad Per 1. Child (* IncIudes.$_j0.142e WField Redevelopment Fee) $551$50 $55 $50 $60 $60 2 Outside League Field Redevelopment Fee Per Child All Sports $10 $10 $10 $10 r 16r A 3. Challenger Sports (Basketball, Bowling, Soccer) $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 4. Swim Team (No Field Redevelopment Fee Included) $100 / $90 $100 $110 $110 $110 '_ ��s I Swim Team Transfer l Cancellation I MENININOM 5, Fee Per Child $10 $10 $10 $10 June 14, 2011 Page 8 of 9 - All Xtra Education class fees will be set according to the individual needs of each class. Based coon 100 % Cost Recove•�/ll I 1, Class Transfer 1 Cancellation Fee $10 $10 $10 $10 I , Fees approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Fees approved by City Council: June 14, 2011 Page 9 of 9 DRAFT PARKS 2012 USER FEES Athletic Field Rentai - One (1) Field, Per Day ' 1. (Includes Field Redevelopment Fee of $15) $1001 day $1101 day $1201 day $1201 day Athletic Field Rental - One (1) Field, Per Hour, up to 7 Hours.- 2. (Includes Field Redevelopment Fee of $5) $101 hour $15 / hour $20 / hour $201 hour3oi 3. Athletic Field Rental Deposit Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies 4. Lights for Field Rentals (Per hourlPer field) $10 / hour $151 hour $151 hour $15 / hour OffUY 5. Game Field Prep Fee, Per Field $45 / field $451 field $50 / field $50 / field j 6. Bee Creek Batting Cage Rental, Per Hour $101 hour $101 hour $10 / hour $10 1 hour 0 Veterans Park "Package" Day Rental - All 9 Soccer Fields w , 7. and the American Pavilion $1,000 $1,000 $1,1001day $1,1001day _ 0 .. 8. Key Fee (New Annual Fee and Replacement Fee) NIA $10 each $10 each $10 each $10 each 9. Parkin Fee (Wayne Smith Complex) on TAMU Game Days NIA $10 g (UUY $101 day $101 day I $10 / day - In addition to the rental fees, a deposit will be charged and paid by the renter in advance ofanv tournament. The deposit will vary depending on the type and size of the tournament. In addition to the rental and deposit fees, additional fees may be assessed to the renter depending on the length and type of tournament in order to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and supplies needed to facilitate the tournament. Initial game field prep and light fees are included in the daily rental fee, but not in hourly rental fees. NOTE: 1. The Regular Rate applies to non-resident individuals of College Station. 2, The Regular Rate for team fees applies to teams that have less than 75% College Station resident participation on the team. rgin"w) rgvuw>� Monday -Thursday Friday - Sunday & Holidays Deposit 2. Central (200) / Southwood Pavilions (300) Monday - Thursday Friday - Sunday, and Holidays Deposit 3. John Crompton Park Pavilion (80) Monday -Thursday Friday -Sunday, and Holidays Deposit 4. American Pavilion in Veterans Park (500) Monday -- Thursday Friday - Sunday, and Holidays Deposit 5. Pavilion Transfer Cancellation Fee Per Change 6. Dog Park Rentals -(Steeplechase Park and University Park) Per day $75 $75 $150 � $100 $150 l $100 %`, $100 $100 $190 $125 $190 ! $125 $150 $150 $300 i $200 $300 i $200Qi M $200 $125 I $125 $225 ! $150 $225 ! $150 $200 $200 $340 i $225 $340 i $225 _ $150 $150 $300 $200 $300 $2009I $200 $100 $100 $190 $125 $190 $125 a W $150 $150 $265 ! $175 $265 ! $175 49,p Q $150 I $150 $300 i $200 $300 i $200 $200 $200 $375 ! $250 $375 ! $250 �' $300 $300 $525 i $350 $525 i $350)3i _ $350 $300 $300 $600 $400 $600 i $400 1r d=� tt �07$400 $10 $10 $10 $10 2 NIA $110 $225 ' $150 $225 ! $15030q $150 June 8, 2011 Page 1 Deposits are refundable if the facility is left clean, damage -free, and the keys are returned. Deposits are refundable, less the $10 cancellation fee if reservation is cancelled no later than seven (7) days prior to rental date. -- () -- The parenthesis by each pavilion shoves the limit of occupants that the pavilion can facilitate. J 1. Amphitheater Rentals Per Day: Private Rental $3001$400 $3001$400 $3001$400 $3001$400'11(?Q Nan Commercial — Benefit Rental $600 / $700 $6001$700 $600 / $700 $600 / $700 Professional/Commercial Rentais $1,0001$1,100 $1,000 / $1,100 $1,000 / $1,100 $1,000 / $1,100 $1,0001 t'4' ll 1 2. Green Room Meetings Four Hours or Less Non Commercial $75 / $100 1 $75 / $100 $75 / $100 $751$100 Commercial $1001$150 $100/$150 $1001$150 $1001$1501Q�. 3. Green Room Meetings Up to Twelve Hours Non Commercial $200 / $250 $2001$250 $200 / $250 $200 / $250 Commercial $2501 $300 $2501 $300 $2501 $300 I $250 / $3002Z%bp_� 4. Green Room Social Events — Four Hours or Less E Non Commercial $100 / $125 $100 / $125 $100 / $125 $1001 $1251� Ik Commercial $125 / $175 $125 1$175 $125 / $175 $1251$175i17 5. Green Room Social Events — Up to Twelve Hours Non Commercial $250/$300 $250 / $300 $250 / $300 $250 / $300 Commercial $300 / $350 $300 / $350 $3001$350 $300 1$350 I 5-5-�aDy 6. Deposit for Amphitheater or Green Room Rentals Varies - $200 - $600 7. The Plaza at Wolf Pen Creek 1 Rental (includes Pavilion and Restrooms) $1001$150 $1001$150 $100/$150 I $1001$150 $1A13X}0 Deposit (Security, Damage, Clean-up) $100 $100 $100 $100 8. Other Non -typical Events Rate based on event 9. Discounts for Three or More Dates Reserved 15% ( 15% 15% 15% 15% 110. Alcohol Surcharge for any Function $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 — A percentage of ticketing and fees for service personnel and vending charges will be added accordingly for amphitheater rentals. A percentage of the gate will be negotiated for commercial events. Non Commercial defined as: Non profit, student, civic or private. Security deposits are based upon participants/attendees. Fees approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board: Fees approved by City Council: 1. College Station Cemetery: Standard Space $600 $950 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 1 Cremate Space $250 $300 $350 $350 $350 Infant Space $100 $150 $175 $175 $175 2. Memorial Cemetery of College Station: Municipal Section: Standard Space $950 $950 $1,125 $1,125 $1,125 Columbaria Niche $600 $600 $690 $690 $690 " Infant Space $150 $150 $175 $175 $175 Aqq€e Field of Honor: Standard Space $1,950 $2,000 $2,350 $2,350 $2,350 " " " Columbaria Niche $1,200 $1,200 $1,380 $1,380 $1,380 Cemetery Fees approved by Cemetery Advisory Committee at June 7, 2011 Meeting. Cemetery Fees approved by City Council., June 8, 2011 Page 2 City Vision Statement Parks and Recreation Department Mission Statement "to provide a diversity of facilities and leisure services which are geographically and demographically accessible to our citizens" "...achieve and maintain a diversity of parks, greenways, and the arts for leisure and recreation as well as for entertainment, education, and culture to achieve a high quality of life for all residents and visitors" M Resource Conservation & City Character Health & Wellness Economic Sustainability Connectivity & Mobility Parkland & Neighborhood Character Diversity in Recreation & Cultural Programs Responsible Governance Goals Resource Conservation & City Character Protected open space, natural features, and natural resources contributing to the unique character desired for various areas of the City and for the City as a whole Health & Wellness Parks and Recreation system enabling residents to attain and sustain an active lifestyle and reduce the economic costs associated with poor health Economic Sustainabilitv Parks and Recreation system that adds economic value to the City through enhanced property values, reduced medical costs, and through attraction of guests and participants to events and programs Connectivity & Mobility Parks and open spaces linked together and to the City's vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian networks Parkland & Neighborhood Character High -quality environments located in close proximity to as many residences as practical meeting the needs and levels of service of those residents Diversity in Recreation & Cultural Programs Opportunities for persons of all ages and abilities and to celebrate the diversity of cultures found in the community Responsible Governance Cost-effective system where those generating demand for facilities and programs provide the means to deliver those facilities and programs and where partnerships are maximized Key►. 0 Int®mplet" . In Pr®grass Strategies Resource Conservation & City Character ❑ Greening the City through park restoration, plantings, streetscape, etc, ❑ Preservation of open spaces through acceptance of land dedications and acquisition ❑ Support Sustainability practices and Green parks and recreation design and operations ❑ Support the Grimes County Regional Park initiative Health & Wellness ❑ Support a Senior Center Initiative ❑ Support the Mayor's Council on Physical Fitness ❑ Promote active Recreation programs for all ages Economic Sustainabilitv ❑ Identify and support one or two signature events within the community ❑ Ensure that parks, preserved open space, greenways, etc are located within close proximity to residences ❑ Support and recommend capital improvement programs and projects in park and recreation facilities ❑ Develop CSPARD partnership/sponsorship opportunities 0 Conduct annual review and update user fees for facilities and programs Connectivitv & Mobility ❑ Link parks to larger transportation system ❑ Link parks to greenway system ❑ Use parks to further implementation of the City's adopted Plans (Comprehensive Plan, neighborhood plans, thoroughfare plan, bicycle, pedestrian, and greenways plan, etc.) ❑ Coordinate with Greenways coordinator, make suggestions, and comment on the Master Plan, and Hike and Bike Trail System Parkland & Neighborhood Character ❑ Renovate and enhance existing parks and facilities ❑ Meet future parks and recreation needs through a diversity of context -based park types (such as regional parks, community parks, neighborhood parks, linear parks, etc.) ❑ Provide open space and parks in close proximity to residences ❑ Preserve open space areas that contribute to the character of a neighborhood or contain significant natural features ❑ Promote safe and well -maintained park and recreation facilities for all to use as needed. ❑ Review the Park Land dedication ordinance and provide recommendations to City Council (as needed). Diversitv in Recreation and Cultural Programs ❑ Provide inter -generational facilities in all parks and facilities ❑ Develop a community/senior center within the City ❑ Provide high -quality youth programs and facilities ❑ Continue development and programming of the Wolf Pen District as a unique facility that protects significant natural features, offers gathering places for the entire City, and offers opportunities to celebrate our City's diversity in the arts and culture ❑ Promote and support family and youth oriented activities Resoonsible Governance, Accountabilitv and Communication ❑ Identify projected O&M costs for facilities and programs and identify revenue sources to meet these needs ❑ Develop and implement the "pay to play" concept for recreation programs and facilities ❑ Seek out and implement partnership opportunities with CSISD, private recreation providers, private developers, land trusts, and others ❑ Develop an effective communications and marketing plan ❑ Support Staff and Citizens in the endeavors to make the parks and recreation system a quality based department in everyday operations and customer service PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS & PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY `11 JULY 1, 2011 Georgia K. Fitch In Design David W. PK1104 $103,500 CDBG 11/11 Sandstone Shade Cover In Design Pete V. PK1108 $27,000 GOB'08 9/11 Thomas Shade Cover in Design Pete V. PK1112 $30,000 GOB'08 8/11 ] j Emerald Forest Park Improvements In Design Pete V. PK0713 $60,000 GOB'08 11/11 University Park Parking Lot GOB'08 + Zone Improvements In Design CPO/ David W. PK0410 $100,000 2 Funds 12111 Lick Creek Nature Center Design In Design CP PK1102 $100,000 GOB'08 Central Maintenance Shop Design On Bold CPD/Pete V. PK1101 $200,000 GOB WPC Festival Site & Fountain On Hold CPD/David S. WPO901 $3,500,000 TIF Funds I Veterans Park Phase II 1 Balifield Entry Under Construction Pete V. PK0501 $19,852 2003 GOB 7/11 $12,550 Athletic Field Irrigation Upgrades Under Construction Pete V. PK1116 $100,000 General Fund 6/11 7111 Woodcreek Park Improvements Under Construction Pete V. PK1114 $62,000 GOB'08 8/11 II i Lemontree Park Swing Design Design Completed Pete V. PK1106 $1,140 GOB'08 5111 $1,140 Central Park Stimulus Improvements Under Construction CPD / David W. GG1012 $210,000 Stimulus Funds 10111 Veterans Stimulus Improvements Under Construction David W. / Pete V. GG1013 $295,000 Stimulus Funds 7111 Skate Park Construction Under Construction David W. PK0911 $720,000 GOB'08 8/11 Brothers Pond Park Concrete Walks, Signs, Pond Improvements & Lighting Substantial Completion David W. PK1003 $216,000 GOB'08 7111 6111 $73,500 Zone 6 Tarrow Park Playground & Improvements Substantial Completion Pete V. PK1103 $133,600 $60,000 CDBG 5111 5/11 & 1Oil 1 $99,890 • • . • ' « ' $2,890,992 • $3,147,000 WIN es.T��..� Pending/On Hold 2 Pending Council Approval 0 In Design 6 Design Completed 9 Out to Sid/ Re -Bid 0 Bids Received 0 Pending Design Contract 0 Pending Construction Contract 0 No Status 0 Under Construction 5 Public Hearing Scheduled 0 RFQ's -- Design 0 is Southwest Hike & Bike Trail, Phase 1 Emerald Forest Park Playground & _ Improvements _. In Design In Design $163,500 $426,000 Community Park Funds $18,868 $415, 639 $69,252 $0 David VV.1 CP PK1012 $100,000 Zone 3 + Stimulus CP & Pete PK0806 $268,000 Zone 6 CP & Pete PK0713 $58,000 Zone 8 Pending / On Hold 0 In Design 3 Out to Bid fke-Bid 0 Bids Received 0 Pending Construction Contract 0 Pending Design Contract 0 Under Construction 0 Under Contract 0 Public Hearin 0 Non -Park CIP Projects Barron Road Phase It Land and Design Streets Capital irrigation Completed Pete ST1026 $250,000 Fund Landscape Plan for Efectric Design WFO175 Substation Completed Pete j 160/1 $10,404 Electrical $0 $260,000 In Design 0 Design Completed 2 Out to Bid 0 j Bids Received 0 � Inspection 0 Pending Construction Contract 0 Under Construction 0 9E1 Ml! u M 4/12 12/11 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS & PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY`lI AUGUST 9, 2011 Georgia K. Fitch In Design Pete V. PK1104 $103,500 CDBG Sandstone Shade Cover In Design Pete V. PK1108 $27,000 GOB'08 Thomas Shade Cover In Design Pete V. PK1112 $30,000 GOB'08 University Park Parking Lot GOB'08 + Zone Improvements In Design CPD / Pete V. PK0410 $100,000 2 Funds Lick Creek Nature Center Design In Design GP PK1102 $100,000 GOB'08 Central Maintenance Shop Design In Design CPD/Pete V. PK1101 $200,00 GOB Emerald Forest Park Improvements Out to Bid Pete V, PK0713 $60,000 GOB'08 Central Concessions Building Pending CPD/Pete V. PK7001 $930,000 GOB'08 WPC Festival Site & Fountain On Hold CPD/David S. WPO901 $3.50,000 TIF Funds Athletic Field Irrigation Upgrades Under Construction Pete V. PK1115 $100,000 General Fund Central Park Stimulus Improvements Under Construction CPD / Pete V. GG1012 $210,000 Stimulus Funds Veterans Stimulus Improvements Under Construction Pete V. GG1013 $295,00 Stimulus Funds Skate Park Construction Substantial Completion David W. PK0911 $720,000 GOB'08 Woodcreek Park Improvements Substantial Completion Pete V. PK1114 $62,000 GOB'08 $73,500 Zone 6 Tarrow Park Playground & Improvements Substantial Completion Pete V. PK1103 $133,5007 $60,000 CDBG $3,371,992 • • ' $2,666,000 •� rF.'� why ' ��4'h.""r �.'p r - � {"""ay - �^ a�-�3 "�L�—,� �: ;�z, ?a SSE. � ,�fiy,>�.�;yi'�,'y � L1,,.�.� `ary^.✓7^ �''�<-z'"�sl we wt-�.�..� s�'':..��"*G.i' i�i%3�3�E sra Pending/On Hold 2 Pending Council Approval 0 In Design 6 Design Completed 0 Out to Bid / Re -Bid 1 Bids Received 0 Pending Design Contract 0 Pending Construction Contract 0 No Status 0 Under Construction 3 Public Hearing Scheduled 0 RFQ's — Design 0 0. 5111 5/11 & 10/11 $99.890 Park hand Dedication Pr®iects Central Park Rainwater Harvesting In Design Pete V. / CP PK1012 $100,000 Zone 3 + Stimulus Southwest Hike & Bike Trail, Phase 1 1 In Design CP & Pete PK0806 $268,000 Zone 6 Emerald Forest Park Playground & Out to Bid (Week of Aug 1) CP &Pete PK0713 $58,000 Zone 8 $163,600 $426,000 Community Park Funds $18,876 $415,979 $69,324 $0 4/ 12 IEW Pending / On Hold 0 In Design 2 Out to Bid / fie -Bid 1 Bids Received 0 Pending Construction Contract 0 Pending Design Contract 0 Under Construction 0 Under Contract 0 Public Hearin 0 Non -Park GIP Projects Barron Road Phase IS Land and Design Streets Capital Irrigation Completed Pete ST1026 $250,000 Fund Landscape Plan for Electric Design WFO175 Substation Completed Pete 16011 $10,000 Electrical $0 $260,000 In Design 0 Design Completed 2 Out to Bid 0 Bids Received 0 1 Inspection 0 Pending Construction Contract 0 Under Construction J1 a 0 4/12 12/11 College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, June 27, 2011 Southwood Community Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd IURGE nI# Members Present: E.E. Burns, Jon Denton, Prank Duchmasclo, Dorothy Hernandez, Robert Meyer, Dorthea Robinson, Ron Silvia and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: Anne Hazen and Jerry Markowich Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:05am by Joanna Yeager, Chairman 11. Welcome guests and visitors No visitors present 111. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on May 23, 2011 E.E. Burns made the motion that the minutes be approved. Robert Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IV. Report, possible action and discussion concerning summer activities for seniors and July calendar for Southwood Community Center from the program sub- committee Marci Rodgers reported that the program sub -committee met on June 21, 2011 to discuss activities for the July calendar. Joanna Yeager, Robert Meyer and Pearl Robertson attended the meeting. Highlights for next month include: a free concert on July 1 st, "Transition of Life" session on July 11 th, computer classes offered on Tuesdays and a new special event on Wednesday, July 27th to include free lunch and casino games. The committee also discussed changing the time for game day on Fridays to the morning from 9:00 — 12:00 noon. The center will be closed on July 4, 2011. V. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Southwood Community Center Patio Project frank Duchmasclo reported that he and Ron Silvia would visit Target to discuss a donation to the center. Mr. Duchmasclo said that he will visit with Home Instead Senior Care about the possibility of helping with the patio project. He will also contact College Station Noon Lion's Club to request a donation. The cost of the patio addition is approximately $7,000.00 and currently, $1,000 has been donated to the center. Marci Rodgers reported that an online grant application had been submitted to Sam's Club requesting $1,000.00 for patio furniture. Joanna Yeager, Chairman, expressed appreciation for the efforts of Mr. Duchmasclo on this project Vl. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator Report regarding upcoming programs and events (report attached) Marci Rodgers reported on the success of the Fashion Show and lunch held at Southwood Community Center on rune 22, 2011. Home Instead Senior Care sponsored the lunch and the fashions were provided by Morgan Fitzgerald's. A total of 90 attended the event. Marci Rodgers reported on a recent meeting with the City Secretary's office to discuss revisions and upcoming appointments to boards and committees. The City Secretary's Office would like to get all citizen committees to follow the same rules and procedures as described in Res. 07-13-10-02. The City Secretary's office will conduct mandatory orientations for all new appointments and terms will be for two years with a two term limit. A citizen must take a year off before reapplying. The Senior Advisory Committee was asked to make a recommendation to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on a chairman and vice-chairman to begin in July, 2011. E.E. Burns made the motion that the Senior Advisory Committee recommends Joanna Yeager as Chairman and Frank Duchmasclo as vice -chair. Robert Meyer seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. V11. Recognition and Presentation of Service Awards to Senior Advisory Committee members: Anne Hazen, Dorothy Fernandez and Dorthea Robinson. Joanna Yeager, Chairman, recognized Dorothy Hernandez and Dorthea Robinson with words of appreciation for their service on the Senior Advisory committee and presented each with a plaque as their terns ended on the committee. Anne Hazen's plaque will be delivered to her. V111. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. « Joanna Yeager recognized Robert Meyer and thanked him for his recent generous donation to Southwood Community Center ® Revision of By-laws o Discussion of generating more interest to the center for game days. 1X. Next meeting: Monday, July 25, 2011 X. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 10.50 am Minutes submitted by Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator. Senior Services Coordinator Report .tune, 2011 Event/Class Daily Attendance Location Totals Bridge 79 SWCC Game Day 16 SWCC Bingo 8 SWCC Computer Class 5 SWCC Sit & Fit 52 SWCC f Line Dancing 59 SWCC Computer Club 20 CC Training Room Birthday Party 10 SWCC Crafts 6 SWCC Movie 9 SWCC Genealogy Group 16 SWCC Special Event: Senior Expo 2000 Brazos Center Lincoln Center 240 Lincoln Center Senior Advisory Committee 6 SWCC Lunch/Lecture Series 80 Conference Center Total Programs Offered: 14 Total: 2606 Total Special Events: 1 June 2 Lincoln Center trip to Buffalo Soldiers Museum, Houston 4 State Senior Games Breakfast and Opening Ceremonies 15 Exploring History Lunch /Lecture Series WTAW Early Radio History 6-27 Transition of Life Series 17 Marian Anderson String Quartet Summer Institute Concert 22 Senior Chic Fashion Fun and Lunch July I Marian Anderson String Quartet Summer Institute Concert 4 Holiday 5 Computer Classes begin 7 Birthday Celebration I 1 Transition of Life Series 19 Free Movie and popcorn 20 Exploring History Lunch Lecture with Robert Borden, The Eagle 27 Special Event: Casino Day and Lunch 60ut"Iwood Community Center 1520 Bock Prairie Rd, College Station, TX 77845 979-764-6371 or 979-764.6351 cstc.govlparka August 2011 Senior Proararns 1 2 3 4 5 9:00 Beg.Computer* 9:30 42 9:00 Bridge 10:45 Int. Computer* 1:00 Birthday 9:00 Game Day Celebration 1:30 Line Dancing (Sponsored by Magnified 12:00 Bridge Health & Rehab) 8 9 10 11 12 9:00 Beg.Computer* 10:00 "Cool Meal 9:00 Facebook class* 9:00 Bridge Ideas" 10:45 Int. Computer* wl Texas A&M 9:30 42 9:00 Game Day Agrilife-Brazos 12:00 Sit & Fit County Extension 12:00 Sit & Fit Assistant 1:30 Line Dancing Is 16 17 18 19 10:00 Travel Tips 9:00 Beg.Computer * 9:30 Genealogy 9:30 42 9.00 Bridge Presented by: 10:45 Int. Computer Computer Dorothy Hernandez 12:00 Sit & Fit Group 12:00 Sit & Fit 9:00 Game Day 1:00 Movie & Popcorn "Lassiter" w/ Tom Selleck 12:00 Bridge 1:30 Line Dancing 22 23 24 25 26 9:00 Beg.Computer* 9:00 Facebook class* 9:00 Bridge 10:45 Int. Computer* 12:00 Sit & Fit 1:00 "Beat the Heat" 9:30 42 1:00 BINGO 1:30 Line Dancing Ice Cream Social wl CS Fire Fighters 12:00 Sit & Fit 29 30 31 10:00 Senior Advisory Committee Meeting 12:00 Sit & Fit Maem. bershil"PM Ik 1:30 Line Dancing 2 . / !-Car Registration Begins *Fee for class Senior Services Coordinator Report July, 2011 June Event/Class Daily Attendance Location Totals Bridge 77 SWCC 42 90 SWCC Game Day 14 SWCC Special Event —LC Senior Day Trip 15 Buffalo Soldier Museum -Houston Bingo 7 SWCC Computer Class 12 SWCC Sit & Fit 33 SWCC Line Dancing 46 SWCC Computer Club 16 CC Training Room Birthday Party 5 SWCC Transition of Life Series 33 SWCC Movie 2 SWCC Luneb/Lecture 140 Conference Center Genealogy Group 20 SWCC Special Event: Senior Games Opening 10 A&M Student Ree Center Ceremony Special Event: Fashion Show 90 SWCC j Lincoln Center 243 Lincoln Center Special Event -Concert 4 SWCC Senior Advisory Committee 8 SWCC Special Event: Senior Games 463 Various Sites Total Programs Offered: 14 Total: 1,328 Total Special Events: 4 July I Marian Anderson String Quartet Summer Institute Concert 13 Ice Cream Social with CS Police Dept. 20 Exploring History Lunch Lecture with Robert Borden, The Eagle 27 Special Event: Casino Day and Lunch August 2 Beginning and Intermediate Computer classes 3 Computer Club for Seniors "How to Google" 10 Nutrition and Healthy Meal Demo with Texas A&M Agrilife 11 & 25 Learn How to do Facebook Class 15 Travel Tips with Dorothy Hernandez at SWCC 16 Movie and Popcorn at SWCC 24 Ice Cream Social with CS Fire Fighters 26 Bingo 29 Xtra Education Registration Begins College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, July 25, 2011 Southwood Community Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: E.E. Burns, Jon Denton, Jerry Markowich, Robert Meyer, Ron Silvia and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: Frank Duchmasclo Visitors: Michael Kuboviak and Barbara Denton Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator 1. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Joanna Yeager, Chairman 11. Welcome guests and visitors Joanna Yeager, Chairman, welcomed visitors. 111. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on .tune 27, 2011 E.E. Burns made the motion to approve the minutes. Ron Silvia seconded the motion. The motion passed. 1V. Report, possible action and discussion of program sub -committee regarding upcoming programs and events Joanna Yeager reported for the sub -committee. Anne Hazen, Robert Meyer and Joanna Yeager met with Anne Boykin, Susan Irza and Marci Rodgers on July 19`4 to discuss the August and fall calendars along with topics for the next Exploring History Lunch/Lecture series. A copy of the August calendar was presented to the committee for review. Highlights for fall Senior Adult programs and classes include the Senior World Passport Program, introduction to Facebook, presentations by A.D. Patton on Birding and Bird Photography, Transition of Life Series, dances, genealogy, photography, AARP Driver Safety Program and the Senior Fall Fest at Veteran's Park on October 13th. The Historic Preservation Committee has begun planning for the City of College Station's 75th birthday celebration on October 19, 2012. On September 91h' monthly planning meetings will be held at Southwood Community Center on the second Friday of each month at 11:00 am and are open to all interested in helping plan the event. Ms. Yeager reported that the program sub -committee discussed having senior adults park at Southwood Community Center for the Exploring History Lunch/Lecture series and shuttled to the Conference Center. V. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning more participation for game days at Southwood Community Center Game days will continue to be offered for senior adults every Friday morning from 9:00 — 12:00 noon at Southwood Community Center. VI. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Advisory Committee by- laws amendment. Marci Rodgers reported that the City Secretary's office is in the process of aligning all citizen committees, boards and commissions to term limits established by resolution No. 07-13-10-02. The new term limits and qualifications were presented as by-law amendments under Article 1- Rules of the Committee: Section 1. Membership and Section 2. Term of office. Jon Denton made the motion that the by-laws be amended under Section 1. Membership to read "The Committee will have no more than 17 members and no fewer than 9 members." Jerry Markowich seconded the motion. The motion passed. Ron Silvia made the motion that the by-laws be amended under Section 1. Membership to read "The Committee will have no more than 15 members and no fewer than 9 members." Jon Denton seconded the motion. The motion passed. The by-law amendments will be presented at the next committee meeting for approval. VII. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator Report regarding upcoming programs and events (report attached) VIII. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. ® New members appointed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board • Report on status of Patio Project IX. Next meeting: Monday, August 29, 2011 X. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 10:45am Minutes submitted by Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator AGENDA BRYAN + COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 2011 5:15 p.m. LARRY RINGER LIBRARY 1818 HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY SOUTH COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. RE COGNITION OF VISITORS 4. PREVIOUS MINUTES — MAY 2011 5. MONTHLY STATISTICS .... MAY 2011 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS A. MONEY HANDLING PROCEDURES 8. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT ON LIBRARY ACTIVITIES 9. REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEMS FOR DULY 19TH, MEETING AT THE CLARA MOUNCE LIBRARY 10. ADJOURN Please notifv the Adm. Asst. Laura Mills, 209-5614, if you are unable to attend. College Station Board, Members should also complete the absence request form and submit to the office of the Colleae Station Citv Secretary one week prior to meeting date. FOR INFORMATION ON SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, TDD OR OTHER TRANSLATION OR ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY SYSTEM DIRECTOR, LARRY KOENINGER AT 209-5611. PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT YOUR REQUEST MAY BE ACCOMMODATED. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BRYAN COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MAY 17, 2011 On the 17th day of May 2011, the Bryan + College Station Public Library System Advisory Board of the cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas, met in regular meeting at the Carnegie History Center, 111 S. Main, Bryan, Texas 77803. 1, Larry Ringer, President, called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. and the following were present: 2. ATTENDANCE Name Present/ # of meetings # of meetings Absent held since attended since appointment appointment Larry Ringer, President P 82 76 Sonia Gangotena P 29 21 Robert McGeachin A 4 3 Helen Kunz P 24 19 Carroll Johnson A 41 24 Dorothy Hagen P 6 6 Charles Smith P 23 23 Mary Fran Troy P 34 28 3, Other attendees were Larry Koeninger, Library System Director; David Gerling, City of College Station; and Laura Mills, Administrative Assistant. 4.. The previous minutes of the April 21, 2011 were approved as distributed. S. The monthly stats for March were reviewed. 6. A. In old business, Dr. Koeninger reported that he was serving as Interim Branch Manager for the Ringer Library. He is seeking permission from the City Manager to replace Kathleen Dill, who was terminated in April. B. Regarding the Mounce Library 2nd floor remodeling, Dr. Koeninger will meet with Facilities Manager Billy Ebner to meet with an outside contractor for the project. 7. There was no new business. 8. In the Library System Director's report, Dr. Koeninger reported that Re'Dawna Jackson transferred from full-time clerk at the Ringer Library and to the position of Library Adm. Asst vacated by Carol Weatherford who retired at the end of April. Dr. Koeninger stated that there will be a full-time clerk position open at Mounce at the end of June and three part-time positions will need to be filled at Ringer in the next three months. He stated that more accountability has been established for cash handling procedures at all three libraries. He is working with the Friends of the Library for a solution to collecting money from the libraries' copiers and printers since the Chief Financial Officer for the City of Bryan has requested this change in procedure. 9. The next meeting will be June 21, 2011 at the Larry Ringer Library at 5:15 p.m. 10. The meeting adjourned at 6:15pm. Larry Ringer, President Larry Koeninger, Library System Director CLARA B. MOUNCE PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: May, 2011 SERVICES: Hours Open Meeting Room Usage Patrons Registered Total Patrons Active or Expired < 2 Years Overdue Notices Holds Filled # of People Visiting Library # of Checkouts # of Checkins In House Use CHILDREN'S REI'ERENCE/INF'ORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour/Attendance 'Peen Program/Attendance Class Visits & Tours/Attendance Special Programs/Attendance Reference Transactions Sumner Reading Club Registered this month Sumner Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult Programs/Attendance Interlibrary Loan Received Interlibrary Loan Sent Reference Transactions Class Visits & Tours/Attendance Technology Classes/Attendance COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT (Items Added): Adult Books Juvenile Books Adult Media Juvenile Media Videos Microforms CIRCULATION THIS YEAR Adult Juvenile Other jAdult TCILL 2,3291 Books 8,951 9,961 8,750 Periodicals 346 37 568 Paperbacks 869 847 Media 798 403 643 DVI3s Videos Wireless Internet Internet Computers ILL Reference 66 4 TOTAL 10,930 10,405 GRAND TOTAL 33,055 4,428 17 527 4,390 30 11,720 This Year Last Year 234 28 35 41 339 384 18,243 16,545 1,571 1,399 1,763 1,892 18,594 18,642 25,765 26,230 23,231 24,396 4,275 4,527 1/9 1/92 18/8500 17n,682 483 799 771 771/0 1/1574 30 47 635 757 0/0 0/0 4/7 4/7 658 597 338 347 50 58 8 11 55 47 LAST YEAR Juvenile Other 2,403 10,384 80 cCT:3+] 48 2 10,956 10,835 33,243 4,070 317 297 4,465 11,552 Prepared by Approved by LARRY J, RINGER PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: May, 2011 This Year Last Year SERVICES: Hours Open 278 30 Meeting Room Usage 9 13 Patrons Registered 292 361 Total Patrons Active or Expired < 2 Years 16,390 15,093 Overdue Notices 1,544 1,022 Holds Filled 3,615 3,470 # of People Visiting Library 12,850 21,535 # of Checkouts 25,765 30,711 # of Checkins 23,231 31,123 In I -louse Use 4,065 4,977 CIICILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour/Attendance 3/237 0 Teen Program/Attendance Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 0/0 3/38 Special Programs/Attendance 0/0 2/260 Reference Transactions 455 433 Summer Reading Club Registered this month 0 498 Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion 0 498/0 ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult Programs/Attendance Interlibrary Loan Received 3/18 20 Interlibrary Loan Sent 10 Reference Transactions 1210 1340 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 0/0 5/68 Technology Classes/Attendance 0/0 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT (Items Added): Adult Books 345 406 Juvenile Books 34 50 Adult Media 13 10 Juvenile Media 6 1 Videos 8 24 Microforms CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult Juvenile Other TCILL 926 1,003 Books 10,726 14,181 11,606 13,333 Periodicals 452 136 5141 89 Paperbacks 775 6681 Media 814 393 918 309 DVDs 31766 2,899 Videos 281 368 Wireless Internet 573 387 Internet Computers 3,075 3,245 ILL 25 20 Reference 15 0 22 45 TOTAL 12,782 14,710 8,646 13,628 13,776 7,922 GRAND TOTAL 36,138 35,326 Prepared by Approved by CARNEGIE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST REPORT FOR: May, 2011 YEAR YEAR SERVICES: Days Open 145 hours 21 Patrons Registered Total Active Patrons 6 6 # of People Visiting Library 1,051 751 # of Checkouts (Internet PCs plus renewals) 6 # of Checkins 235 Interlibrary Loan Received 31ii Reference Transactions 46 54 Visits & Tours/Attendance 1/8;1/12;1/5;1.4 Special Programs/Attendance 1/6, 1/10. 3 of 22 Outside Programs/Attendance COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Adult Books 4, 15 Juvenile Books Adult Media Microforms Periodicals 4 5 Discarded CD's 474 IN HOUSE USE/CIRCULATION Internet Computers 36', 44 CD-rom Computers Books 203 200 Rare Books 14 12 History Books 17 11 Files 7 3 Photo Files 6 5 Microfilm 13 23 ILL 2 History Lab Maps 3 3 Microform Machine Use 20 18 Periodical Use 11 2 CD's Not in Database New Scans 5 Photo Collection Use 7 5 Wireless Internet ) 87 22 TOTAL In House Use 431 348 Prepared by Reviewed by CLARA B. MOUNCE PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: June, 2011 SERVICES: Hours Open Meeting Room Usage Patrons Registered Total Patrons Active or Expired < 2 Years Overdue Notices Holds Filled # of People Visiting Library # of Checkouts # of Checkins N House Use CMLDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour/Attendance Teen Program/Attendance Class Visits & Tours/Attendance Special Programs/Attendance Reference Transactions Summer Reading Club Registered this month Summer Reading Chub Total Registration/Total Completion ADULT REFERENCE/IN'ORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult Programs/Attendance Interlibrary Loan Received Interlibrary Loan Sent Reference Transactions Class Visits & Tours/Attendance Technology Classes/Attendance COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT (Items Added): Adult Books Juvenile Books Adult Media Juvenile Media Videos Microforms CIRCULATION TTMS YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult WILL 2,621 Books 10,613 16,740 Periodicals 333 67 Paperbacks 1,239 Media 844 636 DVIis Videos Wireless Internet Internet Computers ILL Reference 78 8 I TOTAL 13,107 17,451 GRAND TOTAL 43,750 4,495 15 1,045 5,016 1.3,192 This Year Last Year 242 30 11 41 541 658 18,296 16,858 1,532 1,934 2,057 2,478 24,738 25,963 35,051 36,345 31,970 33,797 6,389 6,740 10/625 8/346 6//136 4/82 1/31 9/2056 9/1641 910 1,512 1462 1229 1462/0 1229/146 1/20 56 70 797 898 Oro Oro 0/0 0/0 540 646 66 205 24 2 11 6 55 25 LAST YEAR Juvenile Other 2,952 10,607 16,672 662 115 1,279 969 498 5,113 287 339 5,489 70 62 4 13,479 17,289 14,250 45,018 Prepared by Approved by LARRY J. RINGER PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: June, 2011 This Year Last Year SERVICES: Hours Open 286 30 Meeting Room Usage 26 13 Patrons Registered 526 585 Total Patrons Active or Expired < 2 Years 16,452 15,329 Overdue Notices 1,416 1,253 Holds Filled 4,039 4,348 # of People Visiting Library 23,519 *21,136 # of Checkouts 41,874 43,433 # of Checkins 38,462 40,703 In House Use 6,143 7,081 CMLDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour/Attendance 12/250 20/530 Teen Program/Attendance 9/190 9/157 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 0/0 0 Special Programs/Attendance 2/12 15/4,879 Reference Transactions 741 741 Summer Reading Club Registered this month 921 687 Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion 921/38 1,185/120 ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult Programs/Attendance 11/190 Interlibrary Loan Received 39 38 Interlibrary Loan Sent 19 1,670 Reference Transactions 1450 11/178 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 0/0 Technology Classes/Attendance 0/0 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT (Items Added): 270 Adult Books 473 156 Juvenile Books 202 6 Adult Media 9 1 Juvenile Media 7 54 Videos 25 Microforms CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult Juvenile Other TCTLL 1,052 1,133 Books 13,3031 20,572 14,997 21,090 Periodicals 5491 138 663 185 Paperbacks 934 919 Media 891 482 933 430 DVDs 4,519 3,520 Videos 432 616 Wireless Internet 541 386 Internet Computers 3,231 3,676 ILL 39 38 Reference 181 22 69 TOTAL 15,6951 21,192 9,814 17,534 21,774 9,369 GRAND TOTAL 46,701 48,677 Prepared by Approved by CARNEGIE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST REPORT FOR: June, 2011 YEAR YEAR SERVICES: Days Open 128 hours 21 Patrons Registered Total Active Patrons 6 6 # of People Visiting Library 1,328 1,353 # of Checkouts (Internet PCs plus renewals) 0 # of Checkins 284 REFERENCE/GENEALOGY INFORMATION: Interlibrary Loan Received 2 Reference Transactions 81 44 Visits & Tours/Attendance Special Programs/Attendance 3 of 20 Outside Programs/Attendance 1 of 12 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Adult Books 6 2 Juvenile Books Adult Media Microforms Periodicals 11 - - -------- IN HOUSE USE/CIRCULATION Internet Computers 35 54 CD-rom Computers Books 212 236 Rare Books 28 History Books 13 11 Files 7 13 Photo Files 5 6 Microfilm 28 24 ILL 2 History Lab Maps 9 7 Microform Machine Use 20 6 Periodical Use 2 CD's Not in Database New Scans 5 50 Photo Collection Use Wireless Internet 94 0 TOTAL In House Use 430 437 Prepared by Reviewed by AGENDA BRYAN + COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JULY 19, 2011 5.15 p.m. CLARA B. MOUNCE PUBLIC LIBRARY 201 E. 26"' STREET BRYAN, TEXAS 77803 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS 4. ]PREVIOUS MINUTES — JUNE 2011 5. MONTHLY STATISTICS — JUNE 2011 6. OLD BUSINESS -BUDGET 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT ON LIBRARY ACTIVITIES 9. REQUEST .FOR AGENDA ITEMS FOR AUGUST 16T" MEETING AT THE CARNEGIE HISTORY CENTER 10. ADJOURN Please notify the Adm. Asst. Laura Mills. 209-5614, if you are unable to attend. College Station Board Members should also complete the absence request form and submit to the office of the Collesze Station Citv Secretary one week prior to meeting date. FOR INFORMATION ON SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, TDD OR OTHER TRANSLATION OR ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY SYSTEM DIRECTOR, LARRY KOENINGER AT 209-5611. PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT YOUR REQUEST MAY BE ACCOMMODATED, MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BRYAN COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD JUNE 21, 2011 On the 21st day of June 2011, the Bryan + College Station Public Library System Advisory Board of the cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas, met in regular meeting at the Larry Ringer Library, 1818 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South, College Station, Texas 77845. 1. Larry Ringer, President, called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. and the following were present: 2. ATTENDANCE Name Present/ # of meetings # of meetings Absent held since attended since appointment appointment Larry Ringer, President P 83 77 Sonia Gangotena P 30 22 Robert McGeachin P 5 4 Helen Kunz P 25 20 Carroll Johnson A 42 24 Dorothy Hagen P 7 7 Charles Smith P 24 24 Mary Fran Troy P 35 29 3. Other attendees were Larry Koeninger, Library System Director; David Gerling, City of College Station; and Laura Mills, Administrative Assistant. 4. The previous minutes of the May, 2011 were approved as distributed. 5. The monthly stats for May were reviewed. It was noted that stats for Tax Help will be added for both libraries. 6. There was no old business. 7. In new business, Dr. Koeninger stated that there is a new procedure in place for money handling at all libraries. 8. The Library System Director's report is attached. 9. The next meeting will be July 19, 2011 at the Clara B. Mounce Public Library. 10. The meeting adjourned at 6:1Spm. Larry Ringer, President Larry Koeninger, Library System Director MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BRYAN + COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD JULY 19, 2011 On the 191h day of July 2011, the Bryan f College Station Public Library System Advisory Board of the cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas, met in regular meeting at the Clara B. Mounce Public Library, 201 E. 26th Street, Bryan, Texas 77803. 1. Larry Ringer, President, called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. and the following were present: Larry Ringer, Robert McGeachin, Helen Kunz, Carroll Johnson, Dorothy Hagen, Charles Smith, Sonia Gangotena, and Mary Fran Troy. 2. ATTENDANCE Name Present/ # of meetings # of meetings Absent held since attended since appointment appointment Larry Ringer, President P 84 78 Sonia Gangotena P 31 23 Robert McGeachin P 6 5 Helen Kunz P 26 21 Carroll Johnson P 43 25 Dorothy Hagen P 8 8 Charles Smith P 25 25 Mary Fran Troy P 36 30 3. The other attendee was Larry Koeninger. 4. The previous meeting minutes of June 21, 2011, were approved as distributed. S. The monthly stats for May were reviewed. 6. In old business, Dr. Koeninger noted that he will probably cut magazine subscriptions, but he would not cut funding for books in the budget. In addition, some of the computers funded by the STOP Grant have arrived and will be deployed in the next few weeks. 7. In new business, Dr. Koeninger stated that in August he and Advisory Board representatives will interview three candidates for the Ringer Branch Manager position. In addition, 365 eAudio books were downloaded in June. 8. The Library System Director's report is attached. 9. The next meeting will be August 16, 2011, at the Carnegie History Center. 10. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. Larry Ringer, President Larry Koeninger, Library System Director Page 1 of 1 Amanda Putz - Thanks/Feedback From: "Melinda L. Grant" <mlg@hlkn.tamu.edu> To: "Lifeguard@bcmud.org" <Lifeguard@bcmud.org>, "tnefford@schlitterbahn.com... Date: 8/2/2011 3:26 PM Subject: Thanks/Feedback CC: "vvowel@cstx.gov" <vvowell@cstx.gov>, "curtis@paddocksw.com" <curtis@pa... Howdy All! I'm sure you thought you were done hearing from me for at least year!!!!! In the words of the infamous Lee Corso," not so fast my friends!" First off, I want to thank you all for your participation in this year's Texas State Lifeguard Competition. It was really great to see the teamwork and talent displayed by all the teams, and I really appreciate your help in getting all the registration done and information dispersed. The sportsmanship was excellent and I certainly cannot say enough great things about Vera Solis and her staff from the City of College Station They really, really stepped up from the planning and event set-up to role playing for the scenarios, running, keeping scores, to event tear -down! And, they did it all with a smile on their face and willingness to do more if asked! In short, it's this kind of event that keeps me in the aquatics/lifeguard arena because I get to meet and interact with such awesome and remarkable young people!!! (Geez, I sounded like my mom there for a minute!) You should all be very proud of your teams and yourselves for doing such a great job teaching, leading, and performing. Secondly, I would really appreciate it if you would provide some feedback about the event (From registration to the Awards Ceremony and everything in between!). It will help us for future events! Talk to your teams, coaches, and judges, if you would, and please send me 3 positives and 3 negatives (you can do more of either if you need to or are so inclined). Please tell us what was done well and what needs work. I know this is busy time for y'all, but I would really appreciate it if you could do this sometime this week so that I can compile the responses and get them to Vera and Curtis this weekend. Thank so much! Again, thank you for your participation in this event. We hope to be able to "grow" it and continue to make it better each year. Have a great remainder of your season, for those of you who are seasonal, and for the rest of y'all have a great year! Hope to see you next year! Best wishes and Gig 'em111 melinda Melinda L. Grant, Associate Chair Instructional Professor Physical Education Activity Program Dept. of Health and Kinesiology TAMU 4243 120A G, Rollie White Coliseum (979) 845-1156 office (979) 845 - 0587 fax mlghikn.tamu.edu file://C:1Documents and SettingslaputzlLocal SettingslTemplXPgrpwise14E3D7000City of— 8/9/2011 Page 1 of 1 Amanda Putt - Fwda State Competition :'i,,.;,r,-u,'�-�:;�rcr��s nk"��+a�.a.�..��e'.".:? _';tea'_: �"�n:-�..".fe'.�lz�w�^,�..-'�,=.:."i':�"";';r'-a:�f;;::.iir�+..E'3.." 5�.�"�`;b9,.., �'.3,P�'"P'i^t'�,"�'�-,E'tc'�rCc.�.Ewa'�'tY::i^w;�'a.5�..'�➢,u,`i;ra".".`x-a`+3'1;:�'.x'a^-.L�i. ,fi��'-Sig>;.�;3»rl,..-.�c-,:,...:tiu From: Vera Vowell To: David Gerling; David Schmitz Date: 8/6/2011 3:13 PM Subject: Fwd: State Competition Thanks on behalf of the State Lifeguard Comp. >>> "Lifeguard" <Lifeguard@bemud,org> 8/1/2011 6:20 PM >>> Vera, I just wanted to take the time to thank you for all the work you put into the state competition. The competition was great, and our guys really enjoyed the challenge the scenarios presented. Also, thanks to all the hard work your staff puts into making these events go off without a hitch. Tyler Lentz Aquatics Department Brushy Creek Municipal Utility District 16318 Great Oaks Drive Round Rock, TX 78681 Office: 512-255-7871 x212 Fax: 1-888-887-1860 Visit us at www.6cmud.orglaquatics file://C:1Documents and SettingslaputzTocal SettingslTemplXPgrpwise14E3D6FC9City of ... 8/9/2011