HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/09/2007 - Regular Agenda - Archived Posting - Parks BoardPARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AGENDA 5:30 GOALS WORKSHOP AND REGULAR MEETING AT 7:00 PM, Tuesday, October 9, 2007 Wolf Pen Creek Hospitality Center 1015 Colgate • College Station, Texas Parks Board Goals Workshop — 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Discussion and possible action concerning Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Departmental goals and objectives. 6:30 p.m. — Break for Dinner 4. Reconvene for Regular Meeting — 7:00 p.m. 5. Hear visitors. 6. Consideration, possible action, and discussion of minutes from the Regular Meeting of September 12, 2007. 7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the possible design concept by the developer for The Lofts at Wolf Pen Creek — Park Zone 3 8. Report, possible action and discussion relating to the Economic Impact of the 18 and Under National Softball Championship 9. Discussion, possible action, and consideration regarding Wolf Pen Creek Policy and Operations Recommendations 10. Discussion, possible action, and consideration regarding Board Fees Subcommittee FY 2008 Fee recommendations. 11. Presentation, possible action and discussion concerning the current Capital Improvement Program: • Current Capital Improvement and Park Land Dedication Project Lists • Dedications of Less than Three Acres: None 12. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas maybe viewed on www.cstx.00v. ' Girls' Softball Opening Ceremony - Monday, October 8, 2007 at 6:00 p.m. on Field #2 in Bee Creek Park ■ Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Meeting - Tentatively scheduled for October 16, 2007 at noon. • Next Regular Meeting - November 13, 2007, Wolf Pen Creek Hospitality Center o Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding youth soccer and competitive groups vying for field use for practices. 13. Adjourn. Notice is hereby given that a Goals Workshop and Regular, meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of College Station, Texas will be held on the 9"' day of October, 2007, with the goals workshop beginning at 5:30 p.m., with the regular meeting to begin 7:00 p.m. at the Wolf Pen Creek Hospitality Center at 1015 Colgate in College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of , 2007, at p.m. City of College Station, Texas BY: Connie Hooks, City Secretary 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of the City of College Station, Texas is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas and on the City's website, www.cstx.00v, The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on at and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of 2007 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY.-. STATE OF TEXAS } COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) Subscribed and swom to before me on this the day of 2007. Notary Public — Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: (*41"" PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CITY OF COLLEGE STATION MINUTES 5:30 GOALS WORKSHOP AND REGULAR MEETING AT 7:00 PM, Tuesday, October 9, 2007 Wolf Pen Creek Hospitality Center 1015 Colgate • College Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Amanda Putz, Board Secretary; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Sheila Walker, Recreation Supervisor, Special Events; Scott Hooks, Parks Operations Supervisor, West District; David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent Members Present: Jodi Warner, Chair; Gary Erwin; Shawn Rhodes; Wayne Williams; Billy Hart; Joan Perry; Gary Thomas Members Absent: Jody Ford; Kathleen Ireland Visitors: Todd Grier, Felix Landry — Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences, TAMU Parks Board Goals Workshop — 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. Jodi Warner, Chair called the goals workshop meeting to order with a quorum present at 5:32 p.m. 2. Pardon and possible action concerninq requests for absences of members. Two requests for absence had been submitted by Jody Ford and Kathleen Ireland. Joan Perry moved to accept the requests as submitted. Wayne Williams seconded the motion and the vote was called. All were in favor and the absences were excused. 3. Discussion and possible action concernina Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Departmental aoals and obiectives. Draft goals and objectives for the Board for 2008 were discussed. Staff would put the items discussed into a format that could be reviewed by the Board for further discussion and approval at the November meeting. 6:38 p.m. — Break for Dinner 4. Reconvene for Reaular Meetina — 7:00 p.m. Jodi Warner reconvened the meeting at 7:01 p.m. with a quorum present. 5. Hear visitors. Hearing none this item was closed. 6. Consideration, possible action. and discussion of minutes from the Reaular Meetina of September 12. 2007. Gary Erwin moved to accept the minutes as presented. Shawn Rhodes seconded the motion and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. The information listing athletes and sports use per facility, which had been requested at the September meeting, was still being collected. Page 1 of 3 7. Presentation. possible action, and discussion reqardinq the possible desiqn concept bV the developer for The Lofts at Wolf Pen Creek ~ Park Zone 3., This item was pulled for lack of information received from the developer. 8. Discussion, possible action, and consideration regardinq Wolf Pen Creek Policv and Operations Recommendations - Sheila Walker, Peter Lamont., This agenda item was moved from number 9. Peter presented the Board with a draft of the policies and operations being recommended for the Green Room and the Plaza, along with maps showing the locations for the non-smoking and blanket -only areas. Discussion followed. Billy Hart moved to accept the recommended policies and operations as presented. Gary Erwin seconded the motion and hearing no further discussion the vote was called. The motion passed 5-2 (Joan Perry and Shawn Rhodes were opposed). This item will go to the City Council for approval in November. Hearing no further discussion, this item was closed. 9. Report, possible action and discussion relatinq to the Economic Impact of the 18 and, under National Softball Championship - Todd Grier, Felix Landrv. This item was moved from number 8 until the presenter arrived. This was a report done by the Department of Recreation Park and Tourism Sciences to address the value of the tournament to the community. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 10. Discussion, possible action, and consideration reaardinci Board Fees Subcommittee FY 2008 Fee recommendations. The Fees Subcommittee, made up of Gary Erwin, Jody Ford and Kathleen Ireland had met with staff the week before to review fees. Gary Erwin briefly reviewed the few changes that were being proposed. It was the subcommittee's recommendation that the Board accept the fees as proposed by staff. Wayne Williams moved to accept the recommendation from the subcommittee and Billy Hart seconded the motion. Discussion followed. The vote was called and the fees for 2008 were approved by the Board. The fees would go before City Council for approval in November. Hearing no further discussion, this item was closed. 11. Presentation, possible action and discussion concerninq the current Capital Improvement Proqram: Current Capital Improvement and Park Land Dedication Project Lists: Lists had been distributed in the members' packets. Dedications of Less than Three Acres: None had been submitted. This was an informational item only and no action was required. 12. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future aqenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existinq policv may be given. Anv deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an aqenda for a subsequent meeting. ■ Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Meeting - Tentatively scheduled for October 16, 2007 at noon. Currently there were no items for discussion and this meeting may not take place. Next Regular Meeting - November 13, 2007, Wolf Pen Creek Hospitality Center o Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding youth soccer and competitive groups vying for field use for practices. o Review subcommittees - Add a Technology Subcommittee (Billy Hart, Joan Perry, and Gary Thomas volunteered) o Board goals review and possible action Page 2 of 3 o Jodi Warner asked to have Geri Marsh, along with a few other key staff that were instrumental in the accreditation process, join the Board at the next meeting for a recognition. 13. Adjourn. Gary Thomas moved to adjourn the meeting and Wayne Williams seconded the motion. Hearing no further discussion the vote was called. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Page 3 of 3 \vks i G cl -7 Pof-1-0 e>azf)cj I-OA c fy I COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD 2007 GOALS & OBJECTIVES These goals and objectives are established in support of the City Council strategic issues and strategic plan. Board priorities are indicated in parenthesis. STRATEGIC ISSUE #1: SUSTAINABLE GROWTH, DEVELOPMENT AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN COLLEGE STATION A. UPDATE THE COLLEGE STATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (Council priority A+) Complete the Parkland Dedication Ordinance Revision (1) City Council approved on September 13, 2007 0 Prioritize parkland dedication funds expenditures (1) March 6, 2007 meeting Develop proposal for acquiring neighborhood park land in advance of development; ETJ included in revised ordinance ■ Complete the update of the Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan in progress B. DEVELOP A 3 YEAR ANNEXATION PLAN (Council priority B) ❑ Incorporate potential park sites at the time of annexation (3) 0 Become proactive by acquiring park land in advance of development & reimburse by dedication funds (advanced funding) (3) STRATEGIC ISSUE #3: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND FISCAL WTALITITY A. INITIATE A MARKET STUDY FOR POTENTIAL NEW TOURISM VENUES ❑ Explore the feasibility of a minor league baseball facility On Hold 0 Explore the feasibility of a water park (2, 3) Science Park concept presented B. CONTINUE TO PROMOTE PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT IN WOLF PEN CREEK TIF ■ Design and implement Wolf Pen Creek water feature (3) 0 Implement Wolf Pen Creek corridor programs and operations STRATEGIC ISSUE #5: QUALITY OF LIFE A. DEVELOP FUNDING, SUPPORT & RESOURCES FOR REGIONAL PARK (1, 2) El Letter of support delivered to Senator Ogden (Nov 20, 2006) 0 Resolution of support for Texas Recreation & Park Account approved by Council (Dec 14, 2006) B. OVERSEE THE COMPLETION OF PARKLAND DEDICATION PROJECTS (1) 0 Begin acquisition and planning for a Northgate Park (ZONE 1) (1, 3) ■ Complete construction of University Park (ZONE 2) Design complete - to be bid in fall 2007 ■ Complete construction of Crompton Park, Phase II (ZONE 7) (2) Design complete - to be bid in fall 2007 ■ Complete construction of Edelweiss Gartens Park (ZONE 10) Design complete - to be bid in fall 2007 Q Complete drainage and shade improvements at Pebble Creek Park (ZONE 11) (2) C. OVERSEE A COMPREHENSIVE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR PARKS Q Make progress on planned neighborhood parks (1) Q Complete Oaks Park design and renovation w/Community Development Funds (ZONE 2) (2) ❑ Improve Lick Creek Park signage (2) Q Complete design for a new Forestry Shop (3) Q Support neighborhood park development and improvements (2) Q Planning for new parks (3) Q Complete the Cemetery Master Plan (1) (Council Priority A+) Approved by Council February 1, 2007 Q Complete the conceptual plan for a proposed senior citizen facility. (Council Priority A+) Approved by Council January 2007 Q Complete improvements at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (3) ■ Determine need for additional facilities (skate parks, improved dog parks, new sports facilities) (3) Q Develop implementation plan to address the findings of the 2005 Needs Assessment Report (2) Q Develop recommendations for a new five year capital improvement program D. TRANSFER GREENWAYS PROGRAM FROM PUBLIC WORKS TO PARKS & REC Q Implement the transfer of the greenways program to PARD (1, 2) Q Fast track hiring of Greenways Coordinator and update the position responsibilities (2) Gregg Lancaster hired effective September 1, 2007 Q Establish the budget for the greenways program within the Parks & Recreation Department ❑ Update Greenways Master Plan (2) - ON HOLD E. TRANSFER RESPONSIBILITY FOR LIBRARY SERVICES TO PARKS AND REC Q Complete the transfer of Library responsibilities to PARD (2) Q Assist with the development of a long range plan for library services F. OVERSEE BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS AND PROGRAMS Q Earthkind Rose Demonstration Project at Steeplechase Park (ZONE 5) ❑ Additional landscape improvements at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (ZONE 2) Q Ask College Station Utilities to determine their interest for potential "Greening the City" (1) ❑ Seek support to implement the Urban Forest Management Plan (3) STRATEGIC ISSUE #6: COMMUNICATIONS WITH CITIZENS A. DEVELOP AN EFFECTIVE INFORMATION SYSTEM ■ Develop an aggressive internal and external communications plan (Council priority A) (1) Q Apply for NRPA Departmental Accreditation (2) B. IMPROVE DAILY COMMUNICATIONS WITH CITIZENS ■ Complete the implementation of RecWare on-line registration (1) Installation component scheduled for week of March 5th Q Implement the Park PALS program for all neighborhood parks (2) El Conduct three neighborhood park 'open house" events in Spring, 2007 Gabbard Park Block Party - April 4, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. Steeplechase Park Open House - April 11, 5:30 p.m. Oaks Park Open House - April 18, 2007 ❑ Conduct three neighborhood park 'open House" events in Fall, 2007 - ON HOLD Q Host the annual International Scholars Picnic at Veterans Park American Pavilion October 4, 2007 Revised September 5, 2007 ❑ Not Complete (1) - Board Priority 1 Approved by Board January 9, 2007 El Complete p (2) - Board Priority 2 ■ Work In Progress (3) - Board Priority 3 2 CITY OF COL,L.EGE STATION Parks & Recreation Department Goals & Objectives FY2007 (Not Prioritized) ■ Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues ■ Leisure Programs • Cooperative Efforts • Special Projects • Implementation of the CIP Program ■ Continuation of Staff Development Implementation of Citv Council Strategic Issues �✓ Develop Alternative Revenue Sources N A+ Proposal submitted on November 1, 2006; Concession proposal approved. �✓ Develop Cemetery Master Plan ,.► A+ Design contract signed; site tour completed; visioning process November 2006; preliminary plan complete and Q✓ presentation to Council on March 1, 2007 Cemetery Phase I Plan N A+ Design contract approved April 2007; Council updated August 6, 2007 Complete and bid Cemetery Phase I construction documents N A+ Q✓ Cemetery Marketing and Licensing N A+ Request for Proposals scope of work developed; Marketing plan bid opened May 315t; to Council for approval in July 2007 and contract signed. Cemetery Rules and Regulations created N A+ ❑✓ Begin Cemetery Option Sales N A+ Sales options began on July 2nd Establish Cemetery Space Prices N A+ F71 Parks Portion of the Comprehensive Plan (Parks Master Plan Updated) N A Executive Summary through Section III reviewed and updated December 2006; Meeting with consultant on February 22, 2007 to discuss Park Land Dedication issues; Developer Focus Group regarding Park Land Dedication held on August 8, 2007; Revised ordinance approved by Council on September 13, 2007. F71 Senior Committee report to Council on Conceptual Design on January 11, 2007 N A Q✓ Succession Planning N C Four superintendents attended; HR provided list of retirement eligible employees Q✓ Director Position Replacement Process N C Advance notice given to Management in December 2006; retirement date December 31, 2007 Cooverative Efforts �✓ Support Brazos Valley Senior Games Games held the weekend of April 19th - 22"d 2007. Updated: October 4, 2007 Page 1 of 5 3.4 ,;��. Continue to support Grimes County Regional Park efforts Project on hold pending appraisal from TMPA; letter of support sent to Senator Steve Ogden November 2006; tour with Grimes County Commissioner's Court on June 14, 2007 Complete the update of the CSISD Joint Use Agreement Final draft prepared and reviewed by Legal. Reviewed by CSISD and proposed changes forwarded to City's �✓ Legal Department in August, 2007 Complete improvements at Pebble Creek Park Shade covers complete December 2006; ILA for drainage approved Jan 2007; project bid awarded by CSISD. ❑✓ CSISD collaborative efforts on future CIP projects Meeting held November 8, 2006. QContinue implementation of Veterans Memorial master plan Trails grant request prepared for memorial pathway and submitted to TPWD May 2006; Trail grant approved. Q Implement Park PALS (Park Advocacy, Leadership, Service) Program Q Complete the transfer of Library responsibilities to PARD Assigned to David Gering; transfer complete. Preparation for Kid's Klub 20th Anniversary Celebration of Lights on After School October 2007 Q Assist Bryan ISD Swim Team operation F-1-1111-lost Annual International Scholars Picnic at Veterans Park American Pavilion Scheduled for Thursday, October 4, 2007. Host Special Olympics Events Scheduled for October 2007. Host 1st Annual "Wiener Dog Races" in support of Brazos Animal Shelter Scheduled for Saturday, October 13th at Veterans Park & Athletic Complex Implementation of the CIP Proaram �✓ FY 2007 CIP Projects Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board. FY 2007 list distributed. Q✓ FY 2007 Park Land Dedication Projects Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board. D Design Wolf Pen Creek water feature Oversight Committee meeting quarterly; design is on hold. Science Park concept presented July 17, 2007 Q Design new Forestry Shop Design complete Q Bid out new Forestry Shop Out to bid; bid opening May 3`d; bid award to Council May 24th Begin operations at new Forestry Shop Reallocate and redesign Central Park Maintenance Shop On Hold Q Engineering and design of Adamson Pool Bathhouse Design contract with Arkitex Studio in place; design is in progress Updated: October 4, 2007 Page 2 of 5 F✓ Determine operation costs for proposed new parks Edelweiss Gartens — Ready to bid Nantucket Cove — Ready to bid Woodland Hills N Public Hearings held March r and April 1Oth; Ready to bid University Park — Ready to bid Q✓ Determine when proposed new parks should be built - Construction to begin 2007 Edelweiss Gartens — Design Complete Nantucket Cove — Design Complete Woodland Hills — Design Complete University Park — Design Complete Completion of Crompton Park Phase II Construction of trail extensions complete; Contract awarded for Phase II Complete Oaks Park Renovation Contract awarded Leisure Proarams Determine priority of service for provision of leisure programs. F; 25th Anniversary of Public Pool Trout Fish Out at Adamson Lagoon Held February 9-11, 2007 Get web -based information database for teens up and running Fall 2007 Reinstate the Teen Advisory Board Special Proiects �✓ Continued implementation of Park Maintenance Standards Ongoing — First quarter report to Board February 2007; 2"d quarter to Board April 23rd., third quarter to Board in August 2007 �✓ Park Land Dedication Ordinance Revision Council approved revisions on September 13, 2007. Q✓ Investigation of UV systems for city pools. �✓ Determine role of PARD in public health issues Planning Health Fair; Life Trail Exercise Equipment installed Implement RecWare on-line registration In progress - working with CS MIS and Active Community Solutions. Expected to be functional by Fall 2007. �✓ Update library book check-out system at the Larry Ringer Library. Installation complete. �✓ Host 25th Annual Texas Public Pool Council Held the week of January 8, 2007. ❑✓ Implement Junior Trail Ranger Program at Wolf Pen Creek. Grant requested from Brazos Valley Junior League �✓ Implement the operation of new facilities at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. Support services building completed and turned over from contractor; second building turnover pending Updated: October 4, 2007 Page 3 of 5 Q✓ Implement the Wolf Pen Creek Trail Interpretive Program Signage has been installed Q✓ Implement the operation of new facilities at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex F71 Implement the operation of new facilities at WA Tarrow Splash Park Q✓ Host ASA tournaments June 2007 14U State; Girl's Fast Pitch State - July 2007, 18U National Q✓ Review and finalize Concessions Operations proposal Proposal approved February 2007; Concessions Supervisor position filled. �✓ Implement the transfer of the Greenways Program to PARD The position has been posted. Continuation of Staff Development �✓ Attend Supervisory Academy ,.► September - November 2007 Amanda Putz, Scott Deffendoll, Melvin Lange graduated. �✓ Attend 2007 Management Academy N February 19 - 23, 2007 F71 Attend 2007 Emergency Management Academy - February 7 - March 28, 2007 Melvin Lange, Bruce Ray and Cameron Park graduated. ❑✓ Attend Arbor Master Training 2007 (Irving, TX December 8 & 9, 2006) Curtis Schoessow, Daniel Tice, Bryce Bloodworth Q✓ Attend the 2006, 13th Annual Southeast Texas Grounds Maintenance Conference Thirteen Parks Operations and Forestry division members attended the conference on October 26, 2006 Coordinate prepare for and attend 2007 TRAPS Regional Workshop F7 Attend 2006/2007 Texas Turfgrass Conference First conference in December 11-13, 2006 - Scott Hooks j Attend 2007 Trends in Recreational Facilities Conference On Hold Attend the 2007 College Station Leadership Institute N May 15th -17tn Peter Lamont scheduled; training cancelled. �✓ Attend Community of Respect training Peter Lamont, Grace Vrooman, Charles Harris Q✓ Investigate feasibility of NRPA Departmental Accreditation Accreditation approved September 25, 2007 �✓ Attend 2006 NRPA Annual Congress Steve Beachy and Ric Ploeger in October 2006. Q✓ Attend Licensed Irrigator continuing education class in January 12-13, 2007 Pete Vanecek, Ross Albrecht Q✓ Attend Landscape Architect's Conference in April 2007 Pete Vanecek & David Wood Q✓ Attend the National After School Conference for Elementary and Middle Schools Lance Jackson and Jana Church attended. ❑✓ Attend the 2006 Texas Trails Conference in Grapevine, Texas Scott Hooks and Sheila Walker attended November 2-4, 2006 Updated: October 4, 2007 Page 4 of 5 ❑X Participate in the State Hurricane Exercise April 30 - May 5, 2007 City not included in statewide exercise QAttend the Texas Recreation and Park Society Conference N February 2007 Steve Beachy, Geri Marsh, Peter Lamont F71 Attend the TAAF regional conference in Corpus Christi, TX Attended by Geri Marsh and Peter Lamont in September 2007. �✓ Attend National Recreation and Park Association 2007 Annual Congress Attended by Steve Beachy, Ric Ploeger, Kathy Merrill, Geri Marsh N/ Item Complete Pending/On Hold Y X Item will not be done Updated: October 4, 2007 Page 5 of 5 ...._ -..___ 1906�4 K GOALS AND OBJECTfES tZ ve PARKS AND RECREATION 2008 1. When designing neighborhood parks, design an area for local kids that skateboard to utilize. Maybe a small ramp, a pipe, an angled edge, etc. Not a big area, just enough to keep them off the streets. 2. Need to lessen the number of years between building a park and renovating it from 10 years to 6 years. The reason for this is, the regulations for a park have changed and we need to keep up with the requirements, the play areas are no longer current and are in disrepair. Makeshift maintenance helps, but does not solve the problems. 3. Also, many of the play areas are out in the sun and are made of metal with no covering, therefore, they are too hot to use and you see no children utilizing them. We need to consider covering all the ones that are open to the sun so they can be better utilized until they are scheduled for refurbishing. 4. We may be able to offset the costs of refurbishing the neighborhood parks by assessing a fee every year of $5.00 per household to be put aside for the park in their areas in order to facilitate the more frequent updates. Because the fees collected in each park zone are only to be utilized in that area, the zones that are already developed do not have as much park fees coming in as the newly established areas. This would help to add more revenue to that zone. This could be presented to the population of the area so they would understand why we would be doing this. Consider a large area for a city play facility for everyone to access. There could be a large waterpark, a small zoo, a science museum and a skate park. That would give a focus for everyone with all ages to come to. There could be picnic areas with pavilions, restrooms and ample parking. A fee could be charged based on what is used and by family and yearly membership. Visitors would be charged a daily admission. 6. If a skate park is built that meets competitive standards, that would also bring in more revenue with the competitors' registration fees, admission fees, hotel rooms, restaurants, and there could be concession stands as well, that would also increase revenue. 7. I would recommend procuring land in the city that gives access to most of the population before all the land is gone for development. The large parcel of land on Wellborn Rd and Harvey Mitchell Parkway that is northeast across from the Woodlands apartment complex would be ideal. Could we get the council to set up a bond issue to purchase the land for future use? Perhaps we could entice commercial developers to come in and build what we want in that area which would save us money and provide revenue to the city as well as jobs. (10/4/2007) Pam Springfield - Re: Parks Board Agenda and Draft Minutes for Next Tuesday Page 1 11 From: Kathy <irishmist2@verizon.net> To: Pam Springfield <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> Date: 10/4/2007 9:50 AM Subject: Re: Parks Board Agenda and Draft Minutes for Next Tuesday >Hi Pam, I sent some stuff to you yeesterday and remembered something else I'd like to add. Get developers to design their subdivisions in a more esthetic way to save open space as much as possible and have more green areas around the houses. Have them put sidewalks on both sides of the street to facilitate resident's ability to take their walks without having to use the streets. Also, instead of straight streets, have some curves in them to slow down the traffic and provide a more pleasing look. When developing a neighborhood park, put in more benches and covering to facilitate older people to have a place to rest and contemplate. Guess that's it for now. See you in November. Kathy From: Pam Springfield <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> >Date: 2007/10/04 Thu AM 09:29:44 CDT >To: Gary Erwin <Erwin74@aol.com>, Jodi Warner <jodiwarner@gmail. com>, Shawn Rhodes <shawnrhodes71@gmail.com>, Joan Perry <dbaJoan@hotmail.com>, Jody Ford <j-ford@tamu.edu>, Wayne Williams <wr-williams@tamu.edu>, Kathleen Ireland <irishmist2@verizon.net>, Jody Ford <thefordz@verizon.net>, Billy Hart <bhartaggie99@yahoo.com>, Gary Thomas <olarmy58@yahoo.com> >Cc: Amanda Putz <Aputz@cstx.gov>, Bridgette George <BGEORGE@cstx.gov>, Curtis Bingham <Cbingham@cstx.gov>, David Gerling <Dgerling@cstx.gov>, David Wood <Dwood@cstx.gov>, Glenn Brown <Gbrown@cstx.gov>, Kathy Merrill <Kmerrill@cstx.gov>, Peter Lamont <Plamont@cstx.gov>, Pete Vanecek <Pvanecek@cstx.gov>, Ross Albrecht <RALBRECHT@cstx.gov>, Ric Ploeger <Rploeger@cstx.gov>, Steve Beachy <Sbeachy@cstx.gov>, Sheila Walker <Swalker@cstx.gov> >Subject: Parks Board Agenda and Draft Minutes for Next Tuesday >Good Morning!A A Attached are the draft minutes from September's Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting, along with the agenda for next Tuesday's goal -setting workshop and regular meeting.A A Please remember that we will be meeting at 5:30 to set goals prior to the regular meeting which begins at 7:00 p.m.A in the Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. A A Dinner will be served.A A The goals are also attached.A A Please let me know your availability ASAP.A I know that two people will be unable to attend - Jody Ford and Kathleen Ireland.A Have a great day!A A Thank You, Pamela Springfield, Staff AssistantParks & Recreation DepartmentCity of College Station(979) 764-3414e-mail: pspringfield@cstx.govA >College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. City of College Station Parks and Recreation Department Hosted Athletic Events Year Association & Sport 1987 USMS Swimming 1987 TAAF Regional Track & Field Meet 1987 NCAA A&M Spring Fast Pitch Invitational 1987 ASA Girls 18 & Under Fast Pitch Invitational 1987 ASA Girls 15 & Under Fast Pitch State Tournament 1987 TAAF Men's & Womens Church Qualifier 1987 TAAF mens Open AB & C Qualifier 1987 TAAF mens Church Class C State 1987 ASA Mens Class B State 1987 TAAF Regional Tennis Tournament 1987 TAAF Swimming 1987 USMS Swimming 1988 TAAF Track & Field Pepsi Games of Texas 1988 TAAF Senior Girls Fast Pitch 1988 TAAF Womens Open / A Slow Pitch 1988 TAAF Womens Fast Ptich 1988 TAAF Swimming Pepsi Games of Texas 1988 TAAF Swminning 1988 TAAF Regional Tennis Tournament 1988 TAAF Pepsi Games of Texas 1988 ASA Girls 15 & Under Fast Pitch Major / A 1988 ASA Mens Class B State 1989 TAAF Regional Tennis Tournament 1989 TAAF Regional Swimming 1989 USMS Swimming 1989 ASA Mens Class C Slow Pitch 1989 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational 1990 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational 1990 TAAF Girls 12, 14, 16 Fast Pitch 1990 ASA Mens B Slow Pitch 1991 ASA Mens Fast Pitch 1991 TAAF Mens D Slow Pitch 1991 ASA Mens B Slow Pitch 1991 TAAF Regional Track Meet 1991 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational 1 1991 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational 2 1992 ASA Mens Fast Pitch 1992 TAAF Mens C Slow Pitch 1992 ASA Mens C Slow Pitch Classification Location Masters Adamson Pool Region V Viking Stadium National Southwood State Southwood State Southwood Region V Central Park Region V Central Park State Central Park State Central Park Region V Southwood Region V Bee Creek Masters Bee Creek State Anderson Track State Southwood State Central Park State Bee Creek State Adamson Pool Region V Bee Creek Region V Southwood State Bryan/CS/TAMU State Southwood State Central Park Region V Southwood Region V Adamson Pool Masters Adamson Pool State Central Park National Bee Creek National Bee Creek & Southwood State Bee Creek & Southwood State BRAC & Central Park State Central Park State BRAC & Central Park State BRAC & Central Park Region V Consol National Bee Creek National Bee Creek State Central Park State BRAC & Central Park State BRAC & Central Park 1992 TAAF Regional Softball Qualifier Region V Central Park 1992 TAAF Swim Meet Region V Adamson Pool 1992 TAAF Tennis Tournament Region V Southwood 1992 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational 1 National Bee Creek 1992 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational 2 National Central Park 1992 USMS Swimming Masters Bee Creek 1993 TAAF Regional Tennis Tournament Region V Bee Creek 1993 USMS Swimming State Adamson Pool 1993 TAAF Track & Field Region V Consol 1993 TAAF Swim Meet Region V Adamson Pool 1993 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State Central Park 1993 ASA Mens C Slow Pitch State Central Park & LP Fields 1993 ASA Mens A Industrial Slowpitch National Larry Parker Fields 1993 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational 1 National Central Park & Bee Creek 1993 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational 2 National Central Park & Bee Creek 1993 TFFA Fire Fighter Olympics State Bryan/CS/TAMU 1994 NCAA Lady Invitational National Central Park 1994 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State Central Park 1994 ASA Mens Class D Slow Pitch State Central Park 1994 ASA Womens Class C Fast Pitch National Central Park 1994 ASA Womens Major & A Slow Pitch National Central Park 1994 ASA Womens Church Slow Pitch National Central Park 1994 TAAF Games of Texas State Bryan/CS/TAMU 1994 TAAF Region V Swim Meet Region V Adamson Pool 1995 Faster Than Molasses Run Open Southwood 1995 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 1995 Straight Shot Road Race Open Texas Ave 1995 High School Girls Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park 1995 TAAF Region V Swim Meet Region V Adamson Pool 1995 TAAF Region V Track & Field Region V TAMU Track 1995 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational National Central Park 1995 Grunt & Grind Biathlon Open Southwood 1995 Can Run Open Southwood 1995 TAAF Region V Tennis Tournament Region V Bee Creek & Southwood 1995 ASA Mens Fast Pitch Major/A/B/C State Central 1995 ASA Mens D Slow Pitch State Central Park & BRAC 1995 ASA Womens Class C Slow Pitch National Central Park & BRAC 1996 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational National Central Park 1996 Faster Than Molasses Run Open Southwood 1996 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 1996 Aggieland Straight Shot Road Race Open Wolf Pen Creek 1996 Grunt & Grind Biathlon Open Southwood 1996 Can Run Open Southwood 1996 TAAF Region V Swim Meet Region V Adamson Pool 1996 Paddle Wheel Biathlon Open Southwood 1996 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State Central Park & BRAC 1996 ASA Mens C Fast Pitch National Central Park & BRAC 1996 Tryathlon Open Southwood 1996 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 1996 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 1996 ASA Fast Pitch Umpire School State Central Park 1996 ASA Mens Slow Pitch State Central Park 1997 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 1997 ASA mens 40 & Over Fast Pitch National CP/BC/BRAC 1997 ASA Girls Fast Pitch State CP/BC/BRAC 1997 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAC 1997 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAC 1997 ASA Memorial Girls Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAC 1997 ASA Mens C Slow Pitch State Central Park & BRAC 1997 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational Big 12 Central Park 1997 Aggieland Straight Shot Road Race Open Wolf Pen Creek 1997 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 1997 Faster Than Molasses Run Open Southwood 1998 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 1998 ASA Womens Fast Pitch State/Regional Bee Creek 1998 ASA Mens B Fast Pitch National CP/BC/BRAC 1998 ASA Girls 18 & Under B Fast Pitch State Central Park & Bee Creek 1998 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 1998 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 1998 ASA Memorial Girls Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAG 1998 ASA Mens C Slow Pitch State Central Park & BRAC 1998 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational Big 12 Central Park 1998 Aggieland Straight Shot Road Race Open Wolf Pen Creek 1998 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 1998 Faster Than Molasses Run Open Southwood 1999 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 1999 ASA Womens Fast Pitch State/Regional Bee Creek 1999 ASA Mens C Fast Pitch National CP/BC/BRAC 1999 ASA Girls 10 & Under Fast Pitch State CP/BC/BRAC 1999 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 1999 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 1999 ASA Spring Fever Girls Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAC 1999 ASA Memorial Girls Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAC 1999 ASA Mens D Slow Pitch State Central Park & BRAC 1999 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational Big 12 Central Park 1999 Aggieland Straight Shot Road Race Open Wolf Pen Creek 1999 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 1999 Faster Than Molasses Run Open Southwood 2000 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 2000 ASA Womens Fast Pitch State/Regional Bee Creek 2000 TAAF Pepsi Games of Texas State Bryan/CS/TAMU 2000 TAAF Region V Swim Meet Region V TAMU Rec Center 2000 NCAA Lady Aggie Invitational Big 12 Central Park 2000 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2000 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2000 ASA Spring Fever Girls Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2000 ASA Memorial Girls Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAC 2000 ASA October Girls Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2000 ASA Girls 10 & Under Fast Pitch State CP/BC/BRAC 2000 ASA Mens D Slow Pitch State Central Park & BRAC 2000 ASA Girls 12 & Under Wester National Fast Pitch National CP/BC/BRAC 2000 ASA Mens A Fast Pitch National CP/BC/BRAC 2000 TPPC Texas Super Guard Competition State Bee Creek 2000 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 2001 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 2001 ASA Womens Fast Pitch State/Regional Bee Creek 2001 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2001 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2001 ASA Spring Fever Girls Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2001 ASA Memorial Girls Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAC 2001 ASA October Girls Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2001 ASA Girls 12 & Under Fast Pitch State CP/BC/BRAC 2001 ASA Girls 10 & Under Wester National Fast Pitch National CP/BC/BRAC 2001 ASA Mens 40 & Over Fast Pitch National Central Park & Bee Creek 2001 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 2002 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 2002 ASA Womens Fast Pitch State/Regional Bee Creek 2002 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2002 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2002 ASA Spring Fever Girls Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2002 ASA Memorial Girls Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAC 2002 ASA Girls 12 & Under Fast Pitch State CP/BC/BRAC 2002 ASA Mens B Fast Pitch National Central Park & Bee Creek 2002 ASA Mens A/B Slow Pitch State Central Park & BRAC 2002 TAAF Region V Swim Meet Region V TAMU Rec Center 2002 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 2003 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 2003 ASA Womens Fast Pitch State/Regional Bee Creek 2003 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2003 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2003 ASA Spring Fever Girls Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2003 ASA Memorial Girls Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/BRAC 2003 ASA Girls 10 & Under Fast Pitch State CP/BC/BRAC 2003 ASA Girls 10 & Under Wester National Fast Pitch National CP/BC/BRAG 2003 ASA C Fast Pitch National Central Park & Bee Creek 2003 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 2004 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2004 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2004 ASA Girls 12 & Under Fast Pitch State CP/BC/VPAC 2004 ASA Girls 12 & Under Western National Fast Pitch National CP/BC/VPAC 2004 ASA Mens A/B Slow Pitch State Central Park & VPAC 2004 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 2004 Jungle Bell Fun Run Open Texas Ave 2005 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2005 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2005 ASA Girls 16 & Under Fast Pitch State CP/BC/VPAC 2005 ASA Girls 18 & Under Fast Pitch State CP/BC/VPAC 2005 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 2005 ASA Girls 14 & Under Western National Fast Pitch National CP/BC/VPAC 2005 ASA Mens 40 & Over Fast Pitch National National Central Park 2005 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 2006 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/VPAC 2006 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/VPAC 2006 College Station GFP Invitational Invitational Central Park & Bee Creek 2006 ASA Girls 10 & Under B Fast Pitch State CP/BC/VPAC 2006 ASA Mens D Slow Pitch State Central Park & VPAC 2006 ASA Mens Fast Pitch State/Regional Central Park 2006 ASA Mens 35 & Over Slow Pitch National National CP/BRAC 2006 Running with the Wolves 5K Open Wolf Pen Creek 2006 TAAF Adult Flag Football State VPAC 2006 Jingle Bell Run Open Texas Ave 2007 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/VPAC 2007 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/VPAC 2007 ASA Girls 10 & Under B Fast Pitch State CP/BC/VPAC 2007 ASA Co-ed State Tournament State BRAC/VPAC 2007 USA/ASA 18UA National Championship National VPAC/CP/BRAC 2007 TAAF Youth Flag Football Tournament (8U - 14U) State Southwood 2008 UIL High School Girls Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/VPAC 2008 UIL High School Girls JR Varsity Fast Pitch Invitational CP/BC/VPAC 2008 TAAF Youth Boys Basketball Tournament (8U - 12U) State Assorted Gyms 2008 ASA Men's C Slow Pitch Southern National National VPAC Economic Impact of the USA/ASA Girl's 18 & Under Class A National Championship Tournament on the College Station/Bryan Community by Todd Grier Dr. John L. Crompton Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences Texas A&M University August 2007 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Appendix 1: Survey Instrument 3. Appendix 2: Details of Economic Impact Results Executive Summary Introduction The USA/ASA Girls 18 & Under Class A National Championship Tournament was held in the College Station/Bryan community during late July and early August of 2007. Opening ceremonies took place on Sunday July 29`h and the final game took place on the evening of August 5th. The first three days of competition (Monday — Wednesday) consisted of pool play games where no team was eliminated. 133 teams traveled to the College Station/Bryan community in order to compete. Each team qualified in a previous tournament (either state or regional) and expected to be here for approximately one week. The teams came from throughout the continuous 48 states, but many were from Texas. Survey Procedures The tournament was conducted at three locations simultaneously: Veterans Park and Athletic Fields, and Central Park in College Station; and Bryan Regional Athletic Complex in Bryan. A surveyor was located at each park and was charged with interviewing the parents or guardians of players who were watching the games. They completed 540 interviews which accounted for 689 players (some parents/guardians were responsible for more than one player on a team). The survey instrument was short, requiring less than two minutes to complete. It is included as Appendix I of this report. Surveyors asked the questions on the instrument since it was found that more people were willing to respond than if they were given the form and asked to compete it. This also resulted in more accurate responses since the interviewers could query and clarify answers which ostensibly appeared to be unreasonable. Results The results are reported in the table on the following pages. Each of the 133 teams is listed in Column 1. The last two listings in that column are scouts and umpires. The tournament attracted scouts and recruiters from a host of colleges, who were required to register with the tournament organizers. Umpires were from out of town. Hence, both of these groups contributed to the overall economic impact of the tournament. Column 2 reports the estimated number of days that the team was expected to stay in the College Station/Bryan area. This estimation is based on the assumption that the teams arrived on the day preceding the opening ceremonies and left the area the day following their elimination. Column 3 reports the number of players on each team who signed in to play at the tournament. Column 4 lists the number of players on each team who were accounted for in the interviews. These were the players for whom those interviewed were responsible. Column 5, 6, and 7 report the estimated expenditures in the College Station/Bryan area for each team. The "Surveyed Players Expenditures" in Column 5 refers to the amount reported by the "immediate groups" of players who were interviewed. (The immediate group is the set of individuals for whom one person paid the expenses) The "Pro -Rats Expenditures" in Column 6 is an estimate of expenditures of those players' immediate groups with the team who were not interviewed. It was determined by extrapolating the responses of those who were interviewed (Column 5) to the rest of the team. Details of this procedure are given in Appendix 2. The "Total Team Expenditures" shown in column 7 is the aggregation of Columns 5 and 6. These amounts reflect an estimate of the total amount spent in the College Station/Bryan area across all eight spending categories defined in the survey. Details of the amount spent in each category are given in Appendix 2. Columns 8, 9, and 10 report the same information as that represented in Columns 5, 6, and 7, but these expenditures occurred outside the College Station/Bryan area and, thus, had no economic impact on the area. Economic impact is comprised of only the amount of money spent in College Station/Bryan, so the information in Columns 8, 9, and 10 was discarded and not used in this study. It was requested because it causes respondents to think carefully about where they spend their money. If it were omitted, there is a greater probability of respondents not interpreting the question carefully and incorrectly attributing all of their trip expenditures to the College Station/Bryan area. The totals at the end of the results table show that the teams (plus scouts and umpires) brought 1810 players to the area and they stayed for between 5 and 9 days. Their aggregate expenditures within the College Station/Bryan area were estimated to be $2.038 million. This is an estimate of direct expenditures and does not consider the impact of the multiplier effect of those expenditures on the local economy. W Team American Pastime Americans Ashburn Shooting Stars Atlanta Travelers Elite Bad Attitude Bad to the Bone Baseliners Bayou Blast Browns Mill Lady Jackets Buckaroos California Breeze California Tornadoes California Stars Cardinals Carolina Cobras Centex Buzz Clovis Rockets Cole Minnows Colorado Mountain Thunder Compuware Conklin Raiders Corpus Christi Panthers Cy -Fair Blaze Cy -Fair Shock Delaware Storm Desperados Diamond Wildcats Earthquake Eastside Elite East Norriton Heartbreakers Fire-N-Ice Force, The Fusion Georgia Blitz Georgia Elite Georgia Fire Grand Slam Grants Pass Grapettes Havoc Heartbreakers High Voltage Homer Hawks Indiana Chaos Indiana Magic Jensen Wildcats Kentucky Outlaws Lady Blue 10 Estimated Total Number I In BCS Out of BCS Total Days in BCS of Players on I Roster # of players Surveyed Players surveved Expenditures Pro-rata Expenditures Total Team Surveyed Players Expenditures Expenditures IPro-rata Expenditures Total Team Expenditures 7 14 2 $ 2 880.00 $ 17,280.00 $ 20,160.00 $ 1,000.00 $ $ '$ 7 18 10 $ 10,375.00 $ 8,300.00 $ 18,675.00 $ 6,050.00 $ 4,840.00 0,890.00 1,0.E 6 12 4 $ 2,407.14 $ 4,814.29 $ 7,221.43 $ 2,022.86 $ _._ 4,0.00 045.71 'S 6,068.57 8 141 3 $ 4,245.00 $ 15.565.00 $ 19,810.00 $ 695.72 $ 550.95 $ 2,550 3,246.67 6 11 4 $ 3,099.28 $ 5,423.75 $ 8,523.03 $ 174.29 $ 305.00 $ 479.29 7 13 4 $ 5,765.00 $ 12,971.25 $ 18 736.25 $ 4,020.00 $ 11,070.00 $ 15,990.00 6 12 6 $ 4,402.85 $ 4,402.86 $ 8,805.71 $ 7,417.57 $ 7,417.57 $ 14,835.14 6 10 5 $ 4.554.28 $ 4,554.29 $ 9108.57 $ 3000 $ 30.00 $ 60.00 7 16 41 $ 5,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 20,000.00 T 1,120.00 $ 3,360.00 $ 4,48000 7 14 41 $ 5,020.00 $ 12,550.00 $ 17,570.00 $ 4,260.06 $ 10,650.00 $ 14,910.00 9 16 4 $ 8,098.58 $ 24,295.71 $ 32,394.24 $ 4,60638 $ 13,819.71 $ 18,426.29 6 12 5 $ 6,326.42 $ 8,857.00 $ 15,183.42 $ 14,MQ00 $ 20,832.00 $ 35,712.00 5 10 6 $ 4,850.71 $ 3,233.81 $ 8,084.52 $ 3,931.43 $ - 7,1520.95 $ 6,552.38 8 14 5 $ 9,627.14 $ 17,328.86 $ 26,956.00 $ 4,235.71 $ 7,624,29 $ 11,860,00 8 11 10 $ 8,848.28 $ 884.83 $ 9,733.11 $ 5,707.00 $ 10.70 $ 6 277.70 6 10 6 $ 4,198.57 $ 2,799.05 $ 6,997.62 $ 252.W $ 188.57 $ 421.43 5 141 8 $ 5,657.14 $ 4,242.86 $ 9,900.00 $ 6,399.88 $ 4,799.89 $ 11,199.75 7 121 6 $ 3,830.00 $ 3,830.00 $ 7,660.00 $ 3000 $ 30.00 $ 60.00 7 13 2 $ 2,070.00 $ 11,385.00 $ 13.455.00 $ 460.00 $ 2,475.00 $ 2,926.00 6 11 4 $ 3,201.43 $ 5,602.50 $ 8,803.93 ' $ 3,40700 $ 5,%Z235" $ 9,369,25 7 17 13 $ 25,645.00 $ 7,890.77 $ 33,535.77. $ 14,518.00 $ 4,467.08 $ 18.986.08 6 13 41 $ 4.610.71 $ 10.374.11 $ 14,984.82 $ 842.86 $ - 1,896.43 $ 2,739.29 5 111 6 $ 4,715.00 $ 3,929.17 $ 8,644.17 $ - $ - $ - 6 101 1 $ 534.29 $ 4,808.57 $ 5,342.86 $ 120.00 $ 100.00 $ 1,200.00 6 11 6 $ 5,049.28 $ 4,207.74 $ 9,257.02 $ 4,244 n $ 3,536-90 7,208.89 f $ $ 7,781.19 16,318.89 7 17I 9 $ 10,245.00 $ 9,106.67 $ 19,351.67 $ 8,110.00 $ 7 10 4 $ 3,055.00 $ 4,582.50 7,637.50 $ 1,270.00 $ 1,9tl5.00 $ 3,175.00 7 12 4l $ 6,475.00 $ 12,950.00 _$ $ 19,425.00 $ 2,049.00 $ 4,098.00 $ 8,147.00 6 151 5I $ 1,421.43 $ 2,842.86 $ 4,264.29 $ 11,272.66 $ 221545.71 $ 33+818.57 8 14 4 $ 6,778.57 $ 16,946.43 $ 23,725.00 $ 5,6W= $ 14,050,00 $ 19,670.00 5 12 61 $ 4,464.28 $ 4,464.29 $ 8,928.57 $ 3,785.72 $ 3,166.71) $ - 7,511.43 6 13 4 $ 3,793.43 $ 8,535.21 $ 12,328.64 $ 2,19829 $ 4,M.14' $ 7,144.43 6 13 7 $ 8,585.72 $ 7,359.18 $ 15,944.90 $ 408.58 $ 350-M $ 758.78 7 - 15 - 6 $ 9,800.00 $ 14,700.00 $ - 24,500.00 $ 1,465Q0 $ 2,197.50 $ 3,662.50 8 16 8 $ 7,966.00 $ 7,966.00 $ 15,932.00 $ 2,18000($ 2,180.00 $ 4,360-00 7 13 11 $ 8,068.00 $ 1,466.91 $ 9,534.91 $ 5,850.00 $ 1,027,27 $ 6,677.27 8 12 7 $ 13,345.72 $ 9,532.65 $ 22,878.37 $ 7,130.71 $ 5,093.37 $ 12,224.08 7 14 3 $ 3,760.00 $ 13,786.67 $ 17,546.67 $ 5,520.00 $- 20,240.00 $ ,,,,,, 25,760.001 6 12 4 $ 6,572.86 $ 13,145.71 $ 19,718.57 $ 5,424.00 $ 10,848.00 3 16272.00 7 13 71 $ 10,760.00 $ 9,222.86 $ 19,982.86 $ 4,65000 $ 3,985.71 _$ 8,635-71 7 12 8 $ 15,735.00 $ 7,867.50 $ 23,602.50 $ 6,875.00 $ 3437.50 $ 10,312.50 511,43 $ 426.19 $ 937.62 7 13I 8 $ 8,840.00 $ 5,525.00 $ 14,365.00 $ 0.00 8,88_ $ 4,300.00 $ 11,180.00 5 10 8 $ 6,008.57 $ 1,502.14 $ 7,510.71 $ 1,907.57 $ 476.89 $ 2,384.46 7 13 6 $ 3,660.00 $ 4,270.00 $ 7,930.00 $ 435.00 $ 507.50 $ 942.50 7 10 3I $ 5,240.00 $ 12,226.67 $ 17,466.67 $ 3,230.00 $ 7,536.67 $ 10,766,67 6 11 5 $ 5,492.86 $ 6,591.43 $ 12,084.29 $ 1,350.00 $ 1,620.00 $ 2,970.00 7 14 71 $ 7,520.00 $ 7,520.00 $ 15,040.00 $ 2,005,00 $ 2,00&00 $ 4,010.00 Main Table 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Estimated Total Number I In BCS Out of BCS Total Days of Players on # of players Surveyed Players Surveyed Players Team in BCS Roster surveyed Expenditures Pro-rata Expenditures Total Team Expenditures Expenditures Pro-rata Expenditures Total Team Expenditures Lady Wolf Pack 6 12 6 5,985.43 5,985.43 11,970.86 6,933.43 6,933.43 13,866.86 Lake County Liberty 1 71 13 7 11,425.00 9,792.86 21,217.86 7,026.00 6,022.29 13,048.29 Lemont Rockers 6 14 3 3,482.86 12,770.48 16,253.33 992.86 3,640,48 4,633.33 Lil' Rebels ' 6 12 4 $ 4,740.00 $ 9,480.00 $ 14,220.00 $ 4,265.71 $ 8,531.43 $ 12797.14 Louisville Lady Sluggers 7 18 2 $ 3,880.00 $ 23,280.00 $ 27,160.00 $ (900.00) $ 10,560.6t3 $ 9,660.00 Mankato Peppers 71 12 1 $ 2,020.00 $ 22,220.00 $ 24,240.00 $ (380m) $ 81780.00 $ 8,400.00 Miami Stingrays 9 15 5 $ 10,727.86 $ 21,455.71 $ 32,183.57 $ 3,892.00 $ 7,784.00 $ 11,676,00 Michigan Bat busters 7l 14 3 $ 4,695.00 $ 17,215.00 $ 21,910.00 $ 3,W5.00 $ 13,951.67 $ 17,756.67 Midland Magic 1 71 10 5 $ 7,465.00 $ 7,465.00 $ 14,930.00 $ 2,115.00 $ 2,115.00 $ 4,230.00 Minnesota Blizzard 7 13 3 $ 4,200.00 $ 14,000.00 $ 18,200.00 $ 1,400A0 $ 4,6W.67 $ 6,066.67 Minnesota Peppers 5 12 1 $ 657.14 $ 7,228.57 $ 7,885,71 $ - $ - $ - - Mississippi Thrillers 6 10 4 $ 3,435.72 $ 5,153.57 $ 8,589.29 $ 710-00 $ 1,065.00 $ 1,775.00 Missouri City Magic 1 61 13 8 $ 4,511.57 $ 2,819.73 $ 7,331.30 $ - $ - $ - Missouri Firestix 8I 12 2 $ 5,743.57 $ 28,717.86 $ 34,461.43 $ 145.7_2 $ _ 728.57 $ 874.29 Missouri Madness 7 1 10 4 $ 3,575.00 $ 5,362.50 $ 8,937.50 $ 540.00 $ 81A.00 $ 1,350.00 Nebraska Renegades 61 14 7 $ 5,672.85 $ 5,672.86 $ 11,345.71 $ 1,67000 $ 1070.00 $ 3,340.00 New Hampshire Elite 1 51 15 4 $ 6,400.00 $ 17,600.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 3,275.43. $ 9,007,43 $ 12,282.86 New Jersey Inferno 51 12 4 $ 4,652.14 $ 9,304.29 $ 13,956.43 $ 3,211.43 $ 6,422.86' $ 9,634.29 New Lenox Lightning6 11 5 $ 5,771.43 $ 6,925.71 $ 12,697.14 $ 2,057A4 $ 2468.57 $ 4,525.71 New Mexico Sundancers 61 12 5 $ 2,935.71 $ 4,110.00 $ 7,045.71 $ 1,421.43 $ 1,99000 $ 3,411.43 Nor -Cal Elite 1 7 141 51 $ 11,485.00 $ 20,673.00 $ 32,158.00 $ 5,465.00 $ 9,837.00 $ 15,302.00 Odyssey 6 12 7 $ 7,237.86 $ 5,169.90 $ 12,407.76 $ 7,058.57 $ 5,041.84 $ 12,100.41 Ohio Attack 7 11' 3, $ 3,770.00' $ 10,053.33 $ 13,823.33 $ 3,195.ii0 $ 8,520,00 $ 11,715.00 Ohio Bandits 1 6 10I 1 21 $ 4,281.431 $ 17,125,71 $ 21,407.14 $ 1,666.43 $ 6,665.71 $ 8,332.14 Ohio lee Ij! 13,66.86, 16,172-57 1 j! 7.50 Ohio Jaguars 61 11I 5I $ 13,142.86 $ 15,7711.43 $ 28,9114.29 $ 2,805,71 $ $ Oklahoma Attack 1 71 141 61 $ 5,650.001 $ 7,533.33 $ 13,183.33 $ 1,420.00 -$ 1,893-33 $ 3,313.33 Oklahoma Dynamites 61 14 41 $ 3,794.29 1 $ 9,485.71 $ 13,280.00 $ 1,627.14 $ 4,067.86 $ 6,695.00 Oregon Slammers 1 5 11 111 $ 4,557.141 $ - $ 4,557.14 $ 7,50000 $ - $ 7,600.00 Originals 1 51 12 41 $ 4,671.431 $ 9,342.86 $ 14,014.29 $ 992.88 $ 1,985.71 $ 2,978.57 Orland Park Sparks 1 61 16 21 $ 4,078.571 $ 28,550.00 $ 32,628.57 $ 2130000 $ 16,100.00 $ 10,400.00 Pines Thunder 1 61 14I 6I $ 1,326.431 $ 1,768.57 $ 3,095.00 $ 9,27601 $ 12,368,00 $ 21,644.00 Pride 1 81 12 7 $ 5,027.14 1 $ 3,590.82 $ 8,617.96 $ 604.29 $ 431.63 $ 1,035.92 Punishers 1 91 181 11 $ 4,175.001 $ 23,658.34 $ 27,833.34 $ 2,830.00 $ 16,036.66 $ 18,866.66 Ragdolls 1 61 101 51 $ 2,856.431 $ 2,856.43 $ 5,712.86 $ 150.72 $ 150.71 $ 301.43 Ringors 5 15 3 $ 3,147.86 $ 12,591.43 $ 15,739,29 $ - $ - $ Riptide 1 7 15 7 $ 10,890.00 $ 12,445.71 $ 23,335.71 $ - 6,610,00 $ 7,440.00 $ 13,960.00 Roadrunners 1 7 171 51 $ 5,630.00 1 $ 13,512.00 $ 19,142.00 $ 3,014.00 $ 7,233.60 $ 10,247.60 Rockets 61 101 31 $ 6,957.15 1 $ 16,233.33 $ 23,190.481 $ 2,521.43 $ 5,883.33 $ 8,404.76 St. Louis Lasers 71 101 21 $ 2,275.00 $ 9,100.00 $ 11,375.00 $ - $ - $ - San Antonio Nighmare 71 141 51 $ 3,465.00 $ 6,237.00 $ 9,702.00' $ 1725.00 $ 3,105,00 $ 4,830.00 San Diego Breakers 71 151 31 $ 4,930.001 $ 19,720.00 $ 24,650.00 � $ 3,2W.00 $, 12,800.00 $ 16,000.00 San Diego Legacy 7 141 4 $ 9,700.00 $ 24,250.00 $ 33.950.001 $ 4,465.00 $ 11,162.50 $ 15,627.50 Severna Park Green Hornets 7 1 11 3 $ 3,925.00 1 $ 10,466.67 $ 14,391.67 $ 2,795.00 $ 7,453.33 $ 10,248.33 South Carolina Bandits 6 14 2 $ 2,637.861 $ 15,827.14 $ 18,465.00 $ 1,407.71 $ 8,446.29 $ 9,854.00 Sports Plus Sharks 1 6 131 10 $ 5,882.851 $ 1,764.86 $ 7,647.71 1 $ 5,466.72 $ 1,639.71 $ 7,105.43 Sports Connection Lady Wildcats 1 61 111 61 $ 4,231.43 1 $ 3,526.19 $ 7,757.621 $ 5,304.28 j $ 4,420,24 $ 9,724.52 Main Table 4 Estimated Total Number Total Days of Players on Team in BCS Roster Springford Sting 6 12 Spring Klien Sliders 6 15 STPS Ponies 7 15 Tallahassee Bullets 8 11 Tampa Wildcats Elhers 7 12 Tampa Wildcats - Red 7 17 Tennessee Edge 7 11 Tennessee Explosion 7 10 Texas Comets 6 13 Texas Hawks 7 13 Texas Impact 6 12 Texas Magic 5 13 Texas MC Elite 6 14 Texas Prospects 6 11 Texas Rage 6 11 Texas Scream 6 11 Texas Travelers 6 13 The Next Level 7 13 Triangle Lightning 7 11 Tropic Wave 7 14 Tucson Elite 6 16 Tucson Scramblers 6 14 U.S. Angels 6 11 Utah Thunderbirds 7 11 Valley Sting 7 12 Vancouver Posse 5 15 Wagners 6 13 Washington McStix 7 13 West Bay Nuggets 7 141 West Pines Diamond Dusters 7 14J White Sox 7 14 Wichita Storm 6 11 Woodlands Shock 6 13 Scouts 5 65I Umpire 9 84 1810 10 In BCS Out of BCS # of players Surveyed Players Surveyed Players surveyed Expenditures Pro-rata Expenditures Total Team Expenditures Expenditures Pro-rata Expenditures Total Team Expenditures 3 $ 6,821.42 $ 20,464.29 $ 27,285.71 $ 6.650.00 $ 19,95u)01 $ 26,600,00 6 $ 1,742.85 $ 2,614.29 $ 4,357.14 $ 425.001 $ 637.50I $ 1,062.50 10 $ 6,397.00 $ 3,198.50 $ 9,595.50 $ 7,297.00 $ 3,648.50f $ 10,945.50 5 $ 5,904.29 $ 7,085.14 $ 12,989.43 $ 1,228.57 $ 1,47429iii1 $ 2,702.86 5j $ 6,455.00 $ 9,037.00 $ 15,492.00 $ 5,410.00 ($ 7,574.00 i $ 12,984.00 4� $ 4,343.00 $ 14,114.75 $ 18,457.75 $ 2,510.00_ $ 8,157,60 $ 10,667.50 5 $ 5,700.00 $ 6,840.00 $ 12,540.00 $ 2,765.00 $ 3,318.00 $ 6,083.00 7 $ 8,605.00 $ 3,687.86 $ 12,292.861 $ 2,760.00 $ 1,182.86 $ 3,942.86 2 $ 992.86 $ 5,460.71 $ 6,453.57 $ 50.00 $ 275.00 $ 1 325.00 4 $ 5,250.00 $ 11,812.501 $ 17,062.50 $ - $ - $ - 4 $ 3,092.86 $ 6,185.71 $ 9,278.57 $ 142.86 $ 285.711 $ 428.57 8 $ 4,717.86 $ 2,948.66 $ 7,666.52 $ 405.72) $ 253.57 $ 659.29 6 $ 2,000.71 $ 2,667.62 $ 4,668.33 $ 805.71 1 $ 1,074.29 $ 1,880.00 6 $ 1,942.15 $ 1,618.45 $ 3,560.60 $ 275.00 $ 229.17 $ 504.17 8 $ 3,924.58 $ 1,471.71 $ 5,396.29 s7 640.00 $ 240.00 $ 880.00 3 $ 877.861 $ 2,340.951 $ 3,218.81 $ 607.85 $ 1,354.29 $ 1,86Z14y 4 $ 3,128.57 $ 7,039.291 $ 10,167.86 $ - $ - $ 7 $ 9,062.00 $ 7,767.43 $ 16,829.43 $ 5,050.00 $ 4,328.57 $ 9,37$.57 8 $ 8,580.00 $ 3,217.50 $ 11,797.50 $ -_ 9,99900 $ 3,749.63 $ 13,748.63 5 $ 5,500.00 $ 9,900.00 $ 15,400.00 $ - 4,450.00 _$ 8010.00 $ 12,460�00 4'I $ 5,226.42 $ 15,679.29 $ 20,905.71 $ 2,114-28 $ 6,342.86 $ 8,457.14 7 $ 5,548.57 $ 5,548.57 $ 11,097.14 $ 1,217,43 $ 1,217.43 $ 2,434.86 41 $ 3,619.86 $ 6,334.75 $ 9,954.61 $ - 978.57 $ 1,712.50 _ $ 2$91,fl7 71 $ 5,710.00 $ 3,262.86 $ 8,972.86 $ 3,830.00 $- 2,188.57 1 $ 6,018.57 7j $ 4,950.00 $ 14,850.00 $ 19,800.00 $ 7,817.00 $ 23,451.00 $ 31,268.00 5 $ 4,940.00 $ 9,880.00 $ 14,820.00 $ 7,118.57 $ 14,237.14 $ 21,355.71 6 $ 15,588.00I $ 18,186.00 $ 33,774.00 $ 5,700.00 $ 6,650.00 $ 12,3sG.o6 6 $ 5,090.001 $ 5,938.33 $ 11,028.33 $ 6,139.00) $ 7,162,17 $ 13,301.17 8 $ 10,470.00 $ 7,852.50 $ 18.322.50 $ _ 10,435.00 ($ 7,828.26 $ 18 261.25 6 $ 9,415.00 $ 12,553.33 $ 21,968.33 $ 6,889.00 $ 9,185.33 $ 16,074.33 51 $ 8,045.00 $ 14,481.00 $ 22,526.00 $ 5,176.00 $ 9,316.90 $ 14492.80 71 $ 4,199.29 $ 2,399.591 $ 6,598.88 $ 347,14 $ 198.37 $ 545.51 7 $ 1,185.71 $ 1,016.33 $ 2,202.04 $ 1,331.28 $ 1,147.96 $ 2487.24 8 $ 2,111.43 $ 15,043.93 $ 17,155.36 $ 1,770.00 $ 12,611.25 $ 14,381.25 71$ 6,277.14' $ 69,048.57 $ 75,326.71 $ 2,334.29 S 25,677.141 $ 28,011.43 697 $ 747,899.26 $ 1,290,785.90 $ 2,038,663.16 $ 430,595.60 $ 710,568.39 $ 1,141,129.99 Main Table Appendix 1 NSA/ASA Girls 18 & Under Fast Pitch National Championship Expenditure Survey 1. What is the name of your team? 2. How many players from your team are in you immediate group (i.e. the number of players for whom you are responsible for on this trip)? people 3. How many people (including yourself) are in your immediate group? (This is the number of people for who you typically pay the bills. e.g., your family or close friends) people 4. To better understand the economic impact of this National Championship Tournament, we are interested in finding out the approximate amount of money you and other members of your immediate group will spend, including travel to and from your home. We understand that this is a difficult question, but please do your best because your responses are very important to our efforts. DURING THE COURSE OF YOUR VISIT, WHAT IS THE APPROXIMATE AMOUNT YOU ANTICIPATE THAT YOUR IMMEDIATE GROUP WILL SPEND IN EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CATEGORIES: Amount spent Amount spent TYPE OF EXPENDITURE in the College outside the College Station/Bryan Area Station/Bryan Area A. Lodging Expenses (hotel, motel, etc.) B. Food & Beverages (restaurants, concessions, groceries, etc.) C. Private Auto Expenses (gas, oil, repairs, parking fees, etc.) D. Airplane Expenses E. Rental Car Expenses F. Retail Shopping (clothing, souvenirs, gifts, etc.) G. Entertainment, Lounges & Bars (cover charges, drinks, etc.) H. Any Other Expenses Please identify: Gel Appendix 2 Details of the Economic Impact Results The estimated expenditures of each team were calculated. Data from those who were surveyed are reported in the first row under the team's name. The extrapolation of those expenditures to the rest of the team is reported in the second row, the aggregated total of those two rows comprises the "Total Expenditures" row. The pro-rata estimates on the second row were derived by dividing the amounts reported in row 1, by the number of players in those immediate groups who provided those data. This provided a "per player" estimate which was then extrapolated to the rest of the team's individuals who were not interviewed. The "Punishers" estimated expenditures required a different methodology. Only one player was accounted for through the interview process; however, there were many individuals interviewed who were not personally responsible for any players. Thus, the aforementioned process led to an inflated value. In order to give a more accurate estimate, an average ratio of family members/visitors to players was applied. This average consisted solely of teams traveling from the same state. At the end of the Appendix 2 table, the grand totals for each category of expenditures are given. Columns 2 and 3 report estimates of lodging expenses within and outside the College Station/Bryan area. These estimates are adjusted to reflect the day on which teams were eliminated from the tournament. An early elimination likely would result in an earlier than anticipated departure, while the reverse scenario was similarly feasible. Respondents were asked by the interviewers to estimate their expenses "for the course of their visit." Most based this on an expectation that they would stay 7 days. Thus, the numbers in Appendix 2 (and in the Main Table on the body of the report) were calculated by a function in which the given response was divided by seven to arrive at a per day cost; then it was multiplied by the estimated number of days the party were likely to have stayed in the area based on the day of their elimination from the tournament. This number of days was based on the assumption that teams arrived on the day before the opening ceremonies and left the day following their elimination. (Even though many of the teams traveling long distances had return plane tickets scheduled for after conclusion of the entire tournament, many respondents said they would not stay in the area if they were eliminated early, but would opt to visit Houston, San Antonio, or Schlitterbahn Waterpark.) Food and beverage expenditures reported in Columns 4 and 5 were derived in the same way as the lodging estimates. Columns 6 and 7 show private automobile expenses (e.g. gas, oil, repairs). Expenditures in this category were not adjusted because they are intermittent rather than continuous, on -going expenditures. They do not lend themselves to straight-line extrapolations on a per day basis. Few responses appear in Column 8 regarding expenditures on airlines since those inevitably made at their places of origin (Column 9). Relatively few of those who traveled by air flew into College Station airport. Most flew into Houston or Austin and rented cars or charter buses at those locations to bring them to College Station. Hence, most rental car expenditures were reported in Column 11 (Outside BCS) rather than in Column 10 (within the College Station/Bryan area). Like private automobile expenses, retail shopping expenses (Columns 12 and 13), and entertainment (Columns 14 and 15) were intermittent rather than continuous. Thus, they were not adjusted on a per day basis. The totals of each team's spending within and outside the College Station/Bryan area are reported in Columns 16 and 17 respectively. 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food 8 Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS American Pastime Expenditures SurveyedTotal 950-001 700.00 10U.0U 150.00 50.001 1.t1d0.00 ` .� Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I Y P 5, 00.00 I 7 5,400.00 2, OGI 1 I 1 ( 1 1 j 7,280.00 17,280.00 Expenditures nd es .,,......... '� 6,650.00 6,300.001 2,8150.00 1,260 00 3, 50.00 I -.- ( - - 1 4200-00 W.�1 1,900.001 20,160.001 _ - T' -00 Americans Surveyed Players Expenditures 4,725.00j 160.EW 2,200-00j 2�00r 18000 1EHI.f)Q1 jmm3.414^U0 1,750.00� 0) 10,375.00 $,= Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 3,780.00 k 128.00 I- 2,20Q_OU f - - _ 11 1,744.ikT 1,400.00 - 840.00 8,300.00 k,840_00 Total Expenditures 8,505.00 288,E 4,950.00 "- $0. 6 8, XIMI" -1,Zt8U-0U) 3,i50.W ^Y ^^ g 00 -{ 18,675.00 1(3,890.0U Ashburn Shooting Stars Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,157.14 - 600.00 4Z.t 50.00 - 1 - 1,320.00 - 666t01 500.00 - 100.00 - j 2,407.14 2,021 Pro-RaTotallExpendilures itures ayers ta 1 3,471.43 ten,,-� 1.800.00 .. - I 1bu.W1 � - 1 - ( :�,1R3tf.00] - � .., 1,T, u1�1 1,bW.0U6�"`-'�`-.� 300.UU 1.. 7,221.43 I, 6,068.57 Atlanta Travelers Elite I[ Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,400.W 1,200.00 85.71 245.W [[ 250.00 96U 1 - 150.00 - I Pro-Rata PlayersExpenditures Expenditures 8,800.00 I 4,400.00 31429 4,600.00 898.33 f' +{ 13•�� , 916.6 916.6Y1 - 550.00 ^ 5.565.00 15,565.00 55os6 SW-% !{ Expenditures 18,800.001 �, 460.'t>a 1 7,898.33 1f416671 'kf a - {{{� _ 168i1 .UUI 1,166.8/ I - I /00.UU 1.-� i 19,810.001 -_ 46.87 Bad Attitude Surveyed Players Expenditures 557.14![ - 737.141 429 405.00 t 1iq iR#+ - - j - - 1,300.00 - 100.001 3,099.28 174.20 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 975.00 - 1,290.00 / 708.75 ;??��yt. tll - ^ 11 _ - - 2,275.00 - - 175.W + 1 5,423.75 I 305.0U Total Expenditures 1 1.532.141 + 1 2,027.141 11.%$1 tjf 1,113.75 40l.oUj - € - ( �s + I 3,5/S.UO ( �-` 1 2/S.UU [ - 1 8,523.03 1 4 29 Bad to the Bone Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,425.00 85.601 1,250.001 110.€101 130.001 13D.00j Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 5,456.25 2,812-50 292.59 M-0i Total Expenditures r�19125 1 7,881.25 1 -� ZM,Zb I ,24Z.50j 4,U62.bU I 1 422.501 422,SW 1 Baseliners Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,740.00 .57 j 1,662.85 3W. 100.00 '#50.iXi Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1,740.00 42Y1,b7 1,662.86 y lii 100.00 T�.W Total Expenditures 3,480.00 _ -' 7,14 3,325.71 6W,001 200.00 T 1 Bayou Blast Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,800.00 Pro -Rota Players Expenditures I 1'800.00 [ Total Expenditures 3,600.00 Brooms Mill Lady Jackets Surveyed Players Expenditures 3650.001 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 10:950.00 Total Expenditures 14,61)0.W Buckaroos - I 1.114.281 - j 830.001 �5i0 {X31 1,114.29 � 830.0030. - 2.226.s71 1,6sW.Wo �1AWI 2,W5.00- i.. ( , "14101D 1 I I 1.Za 4977 vW 3,UUTW kb.00 3,282.5U 315.W 18,736251 0 200.00 300.{p 4,402.13 7,417.57 �- ar� 200.00 3tit7 W 4,402.86 7a1T-57 - ti,:>itB.W I - 1 Z �.W I 1,4UWU.UU 1bW.W 1 4UU.UU I ] 8,805.71 1 14,835.14 350 350.00 f 4,554.29 9f- szo.WW .. 1 /Wo.W 1 =' s,loas7 [- �°' 60-00-0 0 150.00 i 890.00 t - - j -- 920,1Ni - s.00 -,1 220.00 [ - 85.00 54.W S,o00:00) 1,12fl.0o ai' 2,670.00 -' 465.UU ssU.01) 255.W 'tw U0 15,000.00 3,380.00 1 3,560.001 i �, - 1 620.00 " " 1 880.00 -1 340.00 i r 23W,001 20,000.00 4,4W3 GG Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,250.00 - 1 1,600.00 �.IM) 3211.00 - - 2,9011-001 - 880. 650,00 100A0 200.00 2000U 5,020.00 4.26000 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 5:625.00 - 4,000.00( �A*=1 800.00 �nn-r--"'1--- � 7,250. ij - 2,�50.� 1,625.W 25F1.W, 500.00 j 12,550 00 ( 680AEt Total Expenditures 1 7,875.001 - I 5,600.001 70G.ODi 1,120.00 [ - �,. _ 11II,1S0.00j r - [ ' 014,0 1 2,275.001, 35(W1 700.00 70U.i10I 17,570.00 1 'f4,910,0a Caldomia Breeze Surveyed Players Expenditure Pro -Rats Players Expenditures P 2,892.861 8,678.SY I 1 - - 1 3,985.72 128,58 I 11,957.14 38`v.Tj I 420.00 `f 1,260.00 1 50.0W 1 [ I - 3,100.00 9,3W.001 I 1,328.01) 3. .Oit1 500.00 1,500.00 - - 300.00 900.00' - - 8,098.58 k,6os.5a 24,295.71 ( 13.819.71 Total Expenditures 1 11,5n.4J I .. - I 15,942.861 „ 5T4.z91 .... 1,680 00 [ _1 2�.001 - 1 SO T2,�U.W 1 - [ a,3T2.0d1 2AW.W [ ®- - 1 1,ZUU.Uu 1 � 32,394.29 i 18,42529 California Tornadoes Surveyed Players Expenditures I 4,211:71 - 1,285.71 -1 250.00 275.W� - 11,470.00) - 3,035.00E 3W.W 11K)AO 205.00 - 6,326.42 14,880.00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 6,000.W - 1,800.00 - 350.00 38;i p0 420.U0 7 2870U - 8,857.00 20,832.00 Total Expenditures I 10,285.711 -"I 3,085.71 - 6UU.0Ujr 1 1 �,0 l - I UIiI /20.UU � j 15, 83.42 35,712.00 9 Appendix 2 Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food 8 Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS California Stars Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,278.57 71.43 1,357.14 200DO 1 315.00 835A0 - 2 25dq - S3%)OO 800.00 - 100.00 - 4,1211 1 3,931.43 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Y p I 1,519.05 47.62 ! 904J6 133.33 ! 210.00 I 556- - 7,J5i1.OD ! - 533.33 ! 533.33 - 66.67 ! - 3,233.81 ! 2,820.95 Total Expenditures 1 3,797.621 119.051 ^.1 2,261.901 333.9 1 525.UU 1 _ 1,J�1.Sf J - 1 7-'UM1 - ( 7, t.331 1,33J.33 « ( lbb.67 ( _i - { 8,084.52 1 6,12.38 Cardinals 1[ Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 3,577A4 1 6.438.661 228.57 4411A331 3,200.00 457.14 5,760.00 ! 822.56 325.00 58b.00 7W1M! 1:Wou� - 16.56.tt0 - � 2,970 1,000.00 1,8W.001 120O.00j 2," .W 1,350.00 - 2,430.001 - 1 175.00 315.001 - � 9.627.14 17,328.861 4,235.71 7,624,231 Total Expenditures 1U U16.U0 1 � - 64U W ( 8,960.OU 1,Z�t. ( � 91ads [ 1,96U.W J 4,tlZU - J 1 2,6UU.UU l 3,alflY.W 1 3,rdU.UU ( - j 4W.UU 1 - ] 26,956.00 ( 11,88E1.flO 1 Carolina Cobras 1t Surveyed Players Expenditures 3,360.00 2,514.28 224.00 3,1(ffii.Op 2,40U W 550.00 2t77.O0 1,900.00 300.00 8,848.28 5.TO7.0Ei 1 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1 336.001 - 1 251.43 ! - ! 22.401 i$TLWi I - 24U.W1 65. W ! 19U.00 ! - ! 30.00 ! - 884.83 ! 57OJ7 `! Total Expenditures 1 3,696.001 mom- 1 2,765.71 ( � - ( 246AU ( 3,410.W - ( 1 dUb.W ( EU 7OJ 2,U9(u) 1 J 3Jo.00 ( � { 9,733.11 1 6,277-TO Centex Buzz Surveyed Players Expenditures 925.72 1, 42,86 765.00 0-�� - 2&2.86 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1 617.14 1 - I 728.57 1 - 18„5r' 728.57 S10.OU 1 ,4t,.W J 8b3.33 • 1 8U.U20 0 I - 2,198.58 2,7g9.o4 168,57 Total Expenditures J 1,542.861 1 1,821.431 r1,4'J 1 1,2IS.UU ( 45,16V 1 1 - - ( -�: { 1,UW:da ( J 'L00.00 1 �'"" z- - ] 6,997.62 42'f,43 Clovis Rockets Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,017.86 178,57 1,814.29 89.29 560.00 4 - - 4=.00j - 1,409:00 900.00 100.00 365.00 1WA0 5,657.15 8,399.86 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1 1,513.391 T'33.kS31 1,360.71 1 otim 1 420.001 - 1 - 1 3,392.251 - 1 i,b58,0 1 615.U01 75.001 2/3./51 M-d"i 4,242.85 ! - 4,T99-89 Total Expenditures Pe J,531.26 1 1 3YIW{ 1- J,176.UU i5Cf.1M 1 I 9bU.UU 1 1 1 1 t �,4bArb 1 -- 1 1 �,ar S.W - ra.W bib./5 1 irb t%f 1 9,900.00 1 9- 11,199-75 Cole Minnows Surveyed Players Expenditures Y Y P1,850.001 1, .00 151101 3,830.00 3t1� Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1,850.00 ! - ! 950.0U 1 1 1 1--a1 JSi 1 ! 3,830.00 30, Total Expenditures I 3./UU.OU ( r -, 1 1,950.00 - ( J 1,5300.00 1 SA7.W1 1 - ( 1 - ( .J � a - � i JUU.UU � _ 1 { 7,660.001 1 � Colorado Mountain Thunder Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,050.001 300.0011 - 220.00 50,flOj - 400.001 200.001 _ - J 150.001 - 150.00! 2,070.001 450,W Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 5,775.00 - 1,650.00E - '-sear- 1,21U.0o 279,W - 2,LIXY.W ! 1,1O0.UU - I tl25.W - 1 825.U0 ^ i 11,385.00 475,00 Total Expenditures 1 6,825.00 :> - 1,95U.00 - 1,43U.UU W 1 - ( 2,6W.W 1 1,3UU.UU 1 + 1 `J/o.UU ( ( 9/S.UU (� _ �- ] 13,455.00 ( 2,92600 Compuware 1[ Mures 1 P o-RTta Playersotal 195=1 � I 9�z5 Expenditures 1 4,458.SU7 2,592.861...::.... 3M431 5b'3.0/b mlf-.SU - ...... b:85a25( - 2 f t,U,`361.Za i 1 1J"If. U - 8603.93 913W25 Conklin Raiders 1[ Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 11,180.00 1 3,440.0 2,61O.f28 8ET3.t181 4,750-00 1,070.00 1 461.54 1 US231 6,219.98 1,913.87 1 1,900.E 584.4tL 1 6,3TA0O -1 i,S f.W l 300.00 92.31 1 2,0-00 IiJF311 2,350.00 150.00 /23.U8 1 45'15 845.00 260.00 1 3" 161.41 25,644.98 7.890.79 14,518M 4,407.08 Total Expenditures 14,62U. 3,41308( 5,211.54 ( 1,3AN 41 8,1J3.85 ( 2,4tKZZ1 - J d,-.�I.UU1 JV2.J11 4 J 1 J,UrJ.Ud ( 1 1 1,1US.UU ( 4W&I 33,535.771 18.98$.08 Corpus Christi Panthers Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,628.571 557.14 1,117.14 a& 650.00 - - - - - - 900.00 100A0 -- 275.10 100.00 4.610.71 842.86 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 3,664.291 1=.W I L,8UJ.5! 1Y1.8U1 1,4fi2.S01 - 1 - ( 1 2,U25.UU 1 215,W; 81tl./51 21S.Wi 10,374.11 1 1,698A3 Total Expenditures 1 6,292.86 ( 1,f51U.r1 1 3, /8UJ1 �' ' r8.57 J 2,112.SU 1' - 1 - ( - 1 - ( 1 2,925.UU 1 Ub,-W11 693.1b 1 :S�a.W ] 14.984.821 " Z738.29 Cy -Fair Blaze Surveyed Players Expenditures 1, 739.29 - 1,035.71 - 9011.00 - - - - - _ - 600.00 440.00 4,715.00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1 449.401 1 863.1U - 1 750.001 « 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 + 500.001 - j 366.fi7 1 - i 3,929.17 1 Total Expenditures 1 - r - 1 1,898.81 �--a-,- - 1 1,650.00I - J - ( J - ( ,t - 1 1, 1 UU.UU 1 1 8ub.d71 - ( 8,644.171 Cy -Fair Shock Surveyed Players Expenditures 214.29[ 120.00 420.fk1 [�( 200.00 -� 534.29 120,00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1 - 1 - 1 1,928�-.-57�}{ 1,080A0 1,r-W}�- « 1 - + 1 1,8o0.00 � _ { 4,808.57 1,680.00 Total Expenditures I - J �� 86 j - ( + J - - 1 2.000.00 ( 5,342.86 1,200,00 10 Appendix 2 Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food 8 Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS Delaware Storm Surveyed Players Expenditures y 2,442.8E 342.8E 1,071.43 171A3 525.00 21)[IM} - 2,050A0 - 1,180.00 560.00 2D0.0D 350.00 100.D0 5,049.29 4244,29 Pro -Rats Players Expenditures 2,035.11 28h./1 892.8E 142.tit 520.83 166.57I - V08.33 - 983.33 466.67 1M.9"t 291.67 83.33 4.207.74 3,538-90 Total Expenditures { 4,4/B.bf1 628.b7) 1,954.291 314,191 1,14b.831 3StorfI - ( 3>F5d s1 - ( Y,1W.331 1,Uz6.67I 3tAt1 641.611 163.331 9,257.021 "7,781.19 Desperados Surveyed Players Expenditures Po- ata Players b;b00.00 �i� �$jje 1,395.56 204-44 Expenditures Total 8r1401.010 81,�1 .. 7tR3.89� 1, 1y944! 1600M - 14,7 - $:�52.T61 .1 T'- 19,106.6771 t7,208.00 Diamond Wildcats enditures SPureyed Players Expenditures 965.001 9000 J 200.001 1,070.001 230.00 3p.00 -€ 80.i)1 3,055.001 7G..G70 o-Rata Players Expenditures 2,490.00 -j 1,447.50 135061 300.001PAWU --- �--j 345.00 4b.00 12G.00 4,582.50 1,8SWrvToaEx enditures -�1,660.00 _ . _I ,1600 „ 2,412.501 225W ( 500.00I 2,$75EAI I 57b.u01 MiVI 20.001 7,637.50 1 31 ,I Q Earthquake Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,525.00 1,740.00 650.00 790.00 MIDD - - 400.00 - 550.00 100.00 470.00 100.00 6,471.00 2,04GIM Pro -Rats Players Expenditures 1 5,050.001 3,480.001 1>3W.W 1 1,580.001 1,ow.001 - - 80000 -� 1,1uu.00I 2�tNtMI 940.00I 2W.Q0 12,950.00 4,t$►6,00 Total Expenditures 1 1,575.001 1 b,22U.UU 1 1,9511.U01 2,3/U.UU 1 2,1tUW1 ,- - 1 - 1 1,lUd.W �� - 1 1,bW.UU �.3utFw I 1,41U.UU 19,425.00 Eastside Elite Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata PIa ers Ex enditures 1 - 1 2,534.2% - 5.168.Bi 471.431 942.8E 152"71 3,27/.14 - � - 175.W 1 350.00 - � 4,7 - 9140D.9 - 1 . 1,435M - 2>8FG-W 900.001 1,80U.UU It 200.00j _ 4(pk001! 50.001 100.00 550A01 1,100.0 1,421.43 1 2,842.8E 11.272.8E 22,°vC5,71 Total Ex enditures p ( - 1..., t ij 1,414.19 ( ...+1.$Fl�.li 1 - ( W 1 - 1 14.�Utl. 1 - j 4' 'f,7uu.Lxj tt -ISU.uu ( -1fibtfui 4,264.29 1 33,$1$,57 East Norriton Heartbreakers Surveyed Players Expenditures 1 2,971.431 2,857.14 150.00 55.001 _ 4,3W.CA1 - 1,215.W; 450.00 i 350.00 50.0(T1 6,778.537 5d820.0Ef Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 7,428.577,142.8E 375.00 137.5R 10.7W.Ou 3,G3l.5ti 1,125.W 875.00 '125.00 16,946.43 14,f}50-0p Total Expenditures 1 10,4DU.001 X- 1 10,000.00 - { b23.UU 192.5G1 - ( 1S ifi70.{101 - 1 v,sa "1 1.b 7b.UU( - 1 1.22b.00 ... '175.W1 23,725.00 19,670U0 Fire-N-Ice Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,253.571 114.29 960.71 "L43 250.00 - - 2�91W00 - 70D.W 550.00 - 450.00 - 4,464.29 3785,71 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1 2,253.57 114291 960./1 1 11.43 2bU.001 - 1 - ZI MM OU - /uu W 1 bbU.UU - 1 4bU.UU 1 - 1 4,464.291 3>785.71 Total Expenditures 1 4,50 /.14 228. 71 1,911.431 �' I 51 - I - I6'I - j 1,4Z3i1UV1 1,1uU.W( ..�1 9UU.UU) - i 8,928.571 7,57143 Force, The Surveyed Players Expenditures I 428.571 1,112.57) 1,962.861 25.71j 332.001 785,001 - 1 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 964.29 2,503.S1 4,415.43 wFm1 14/.UU 1,[W.ZS Total Expenditures 1,392.861 3,615,851 6,379.29 ( 83.b7I 1,0/9.UU 1 2,bb1.23 Fusion 1 Surveyed Players Expenditures 4,414291. 2 �yZ OL57 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 3,763.67 1 ; 1 651 1 I1C Total Expenditures J 8,197.961� f { 3,854.U6 I 23d78 ( Georgia Blitz - 870.00 00 200.00 75.00 3,793.43 2>198.29 - J 1,9b 7.bU MOD 4W.00 1$8.75 8,53521 4,94014 ( ..... � I 2,82/.bUI ....tfb bof -bb0.U0 1 241751 12,328.641 520.00 28600J - - J - - 1 1,100.00 - 1 460.00 -� 8,585.71 406.57 44b.71 1 24U W I - - { - - { 942.88 - 394.29 - j 7,359.1. 1 35G.2t! 96b.71 I 5=10I - k ten+ `m� -m - - J 1,U42.8b 1 + 1 ♦?b4:19 - 1 15,944.90 1 7ff 78 Surveyed Players Expenditures 4250.001 M.001 3,080.001 32500J 520.001 42000 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1 6:375.00 148M 4,520.00 487.50 780.00 tF39:00 Total Expenditures �.--65Ai,W J 1U,ti25.UU J j (,IUU.uU 1 tsly-to 1,3UU.UU 1 1, Georgia Elite Surveyed Players Expenditures 3,2D4.57 k - 1 2,211.431 - 850.001 - Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1 3,204.57 ) 2,211 43 1 850.00 - J Total Expenditures 1 6.409.14 1 - i 4,42Z-bb 1 - 1 1,/Uu.W I - I Georgia Fire Surveyed Players Expenditures 1 2.855.W 1 140.00 3,070.001 150ADt Pro-_Rata Players Expenditures 519.09 25.45 558.18 2F.ZF Total Expenditures 1 3,3/4.09 1 3,628.18 1 271 40000 99000 960.00 - 1 9,800.00 1,46500 6tM).w 1,485.Uu 1 - 1 1,440.001 - 14,700.00 I 2,197 W 2,475.U01 1 2,400.001 24,500.001 3A2 - ( 1,420.OD 1 - 1 7WOU 1 900.001 - 1 800.00 1 -' 7 966.00 1 2,180,D0 1 � 1,60U.00 15,932.00 4,3WM 7, 7,beu.twl 1,tlUU.UU I I I 1 340.001 250.00 3,93G.00 320.00 1,M-00 858.00 [[ 625.00 8,068.00 5>550.00 61.821 45.451 - 1 /14.5b b8.18 114.bb 156.W k 113.64 - 1 1,466.91 1 1427,27 401.82 J - a 318.18 .a5 jj 9,534.91 6,677.27 11 Appendix 2 Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food & Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS Grand Slam Surveyed Players Expenditures 2.8 0� jj! 1�90U.00 Jjl 71 Z71 19,532.65 Pro-RTotallEcpenddueesitures � 428.57 ,�600.001 2,2857�i 7,470.E �86 142.8E 1 5, E�3 37 1 j 12�,244.9U1 1,7S3�j 7,102.041 78570j 1,028.571 �7.43 1 54&571 - _1 - 3,385.71 j 2,160.001 342. j 342.861 - 22,678.37 2.224.08 1 Grants Pass Surveyed PIaYers Ex enditures p 1,453.33 1 200.00 001 75,001 4,D3U fi0 450.00 40•00 760.00 5,5� Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 6,453.33 �Up.Op j 3t3E.6J j 4,400.00 23E, I 513.33 513.33 275du - � 14�778_67j - � 4,bW.33j 1,650.00 - I 770.00 �� � 778 Total Expenditures I 8,213.33 j �{! 5,600.00 E.., 3Q3. 1 . 653.33 35U^�p 1 j 18,98.677�� j 1 5.833 2 100.00 980.003 - 17.546.6713220 -011 Grapettes Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,885.71I .00I 230.00I 130-0i ,�� 950 0.00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I3,257.14 651 + tAMM I = 50.00I 17286 ,.70 8M Total Expenditures 9,771.43 � 5,657.141 _1 450E 90.00j ;�.0D1 -3,294E ,8( - "$•j 2,60.0( lil, 750.00 ' ....,,,t6414 2..E 19,718.57 C10 Havoc Surveyed Players Expenditures 5,70.00 4WOU 2,010.00 600,00 640.00 1,200.00 1,Sti0.00 250.00 00 1,430.00 150A0 680.00 � 10,760.00 d,$5f1-77 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 4,928.57 34 a6 jW 1,/22.86 514.29 Itx2S 548.5/ 57� - 214.29� t,22S./1 i28,5/ � 582 811 �1 W-1• 9,982.86 3,985.71 Total Expenditures 1 10,E /8.S/ 1 „J42.�6 I 3,732.8E l i,i i4.39 `• I 1,188.5/ j 2.228.5T j _�.28.79i �,l�i.f ( I 464.29 7,774 l 2.655.71 j 2�.57 1,262.8E - 7 ' 19,982.8E j 8,63 Heartbreakers Surveyed PlayersExpenditures Wl 2'42S.i.b0 50.00 00 8,875.W Pro-Rata PI ers enditures ay Exp 3,680.0 I_ 2,250.00 475. 0 00 .UO 1,272,50 925.00 537.50 7 867.50 3,43 7-50 _.. _. Total Expenditures ._ 11,tl4iT00 ..........:::`.......:�._..�, -7 .. -'--_ ...,.,., 1,425.UU .... "{jfi1 .VW 2775.0 - � 1.612.501 ._......sr ,- 23,602.501" 10,31250 High Voltage Surveyed Players Expenditures [ j 1,757.14 490.0303 0 750.110 00S. , 13 Pro- Players Expenditures I2,207.14 1,839.29 1,464.29 2E r1_ 62 500Rat ` Total Expenditures 3,221.43 �11143 . 898.33�4,04.43 ...... 256.67 �.M ,.937,62 Homer Hawks Surveyed Players Expenditures 01 0 1 j 91. ,84000 8,525.00 Prc-RataExpenditures - o 218 1d%&I 5 188 I225.00 140.63 75.63�75 4E,, Total Expenditures �70 j ,068.5( �......�I j 4,85.00j t325U1 568.75 ... .-, .. .Ei 1,488.88j j 385.b3j �.........25.00J 3 .18 ,.E Indiana Chaos Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,114.29 21 1 892.50 300.00 500.00 299>00j 1,050.00 100,t10 290.00 6,008.57 1,84 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 528.57 1 341.011 93,57 222 50 �,00 75.0 425.Oti; - 74.75; 262.50 25. 72_ 50 I, 1 502.14 I �75-88 1 Total Expenditures j 2,642.86 j,� 267 j 1,705.3E F 1 S 267.88 j 1 ( , . 375.UU �.Wit3 .,. . , 1,:112.517 1 a J62.0 r Y 7,510.71 [� 2,3HA. 46 Indiana Magic Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,810.01 75.1`70 880.00 150•fk3 180.00 18[i,�J j 3,660.00 435.00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 2,111.67 97.50 1,026.67 175.CO 210.00 188,S,7 - - { 1 4,270.00 507.50 Total Expenditures 1 3,921.6/ _ 762.50 j 1,906.67 j SZ ,� j 390.0U j 7 j" j mr $i 650.00 100( 1 00.60 j - 1 -- . 7,930.001 94250 Jensen Wildcats Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,540.00 - ( 1,900.00 - 500.00 - - 19&1,00 - 1,260.00) 550.00 - 1 750.00 1.240.00 3,230.00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 3,593.33 I ] 4,433.33 - 6. - - - j 1,283.33 - j 1.75000 - 12,226.67 7,53E.67 Total Expenditures j 5,133.331 - j 6,333.33 -� 1,666.67 - j - j 6,BOD•00j - j.. A.156.E71 1,833.331 2,500 UU 1 ---. - 1 17,466.671 10,766.E Kentucky Outlaws Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,400.00 64.29 1,542.8E 85.77 600.00 SSiLfHt - 8'a0.� ( 350 00 - 600.00 - - 5,492.8E 1,350.00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 2,88U.00 1J,14 1,851.43 1:j; 720.00 t lUO�� 7t 0.t)4� 420.00 - 720.001 - � 6,591.43 7,620-00 Total Expenditures 5,280.00 j7$1:43 j 3,394.29 78Y, 20-66 •.C�3j--14�+ikCB'f ( _ 7/b'60 j --j �32b-0D"""' m ="� - .-....., _ -j 12,084.29 Lady Blue PlayersSurveyed E 40.001 J 500 200.W00 00 200 Players rs Expenditures [ures 3,.0� I 600 2,230A0 765. 430.00{ 0btI 65U.0086-04I 400 00 5 2 ( 0. 7,52 2, .00Pro-Rata Total Expenditures I,2W.W � 5bu.00 , 80.00 ,I 40.001 15,040.00 4,010.00 12 Appendix 2 Table n Lady Wolf pack Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures ' Total Expenditures Lake County Liberty Surveved Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Lemont Rockers Surveyed Players Expenditures Ljl' Rebels Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Louisville Lady Sluggers Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Mankato Peppers Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro -Bata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Miami Sbngrays Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Michigan Bat busters Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Midland Magic Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Minnesota Blizzard Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Minnesota Peppers Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro -Rats Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Mississippi Thrillers Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food 8 Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS 723.431 1,370.01 794.0( 130.00I 5,985.43) 6s 3, 171.431 723.43 1,560.00 _ j 1,560.00 1 330.00 330.00 4�846 Q0 - i,37Q.W 1 794.00 I 130.00 - 5,985.43 6�. 6,342.6E 1�431 I 1 1 �1 1 I 9�01 1 4w.ou1 1 2,740.001 1,585.001 1 260.001 1 11,970.86I 13,41W.443 5i0'.T 3,950.00 250.0 1e471 - k 3,379,0 7,010.71 "1 711-TM7. 1 1 „464.n'l s57.1a J, 857TF- $2 , 1 3,235.7� 1,275. ,.. 1,225.711 267,14 857.14 j $6.71 800.001 450.0 20.0 4.494.29 942,86 3,142.8634429 2,933.33 1,0 - 733.33 1 5,72b001 �211.Eil 46D660'4W.00 2,202.861 171.431 1,577.14 33d2&1 200.00 4FH3.0O - 2,93D,00 4,405.71 3Q.8571 3.15429 00.5 400.001 8fU .W I - 5,861�1. Q I 6,608.57 ."._.....514,291 4,731.4,3 ........1, .0 600.001 7W,00I - $:790.0(f - 2,622.00) 1,525.00 1Stk.0 1,525.00 250ZID 11,425.00 7,Eir 2,247.43] 1,307:1,0 . 1,307.141 214.291 9,792.861 4,869.433 2,832.14 278.571 2,832.141 464291 21,217.861 13, j - i 350.001 - 1 250.001 - 3,482.86 1 992.8$ f! 1,283.33 - 916.67 - 12.770.48 1 3,SAk1.48 1 16,253.331 4,63333 3W,0D J 430.0 540 330.00 5O.< Dj 4.740.00 4,265.71 - tom 860.001 660.001 100wj 9,480..0 8.531-43 39U.0 1 1,290.U0 't 990.001 15Q,0j 14,220.00 ii,71W.114 ,2,6W.iJ uU 10O: I 5,39U.uu _ - 2,5W.UU t1O� 4,200.U0 -j 27,160.00I 980� 1,800.00 r r 10,800.00 �,.....-._, 240.0010 00..00 1 10.00 620.00 220.00 7{100 60.0 3,880.00 'ZM 480.00 60Q0 toXx#.t7U 4,620.00 2,220.00 7,70R0 3,600.00 23,280.00 $ 00 1 - 1 -,) - (,.�_..., 77"I 400.00 - 50.00 - 2,020.00 7W% 4_060.0 � - 3,190_00 ... � _ ._,. . 1 - � .OQI 4,40U.U0 � - � SSO.OD � - � 22,220.00 7,70.00 . ,.......�. ... - W 0 4,800.00 - 600.0 - ..._.... . _. 5.36i1-DO 3,480.00 8,4Qp1 24,240.00 8,4000 70 - I i 1 - .. 0 1,000.00 950.00 - 10.727es Q-QD 12 3,445.711 14�946.43 10,7.14-.. 1-1 z0o0.00 - 19021,455.71 7,T9.964:29 6,891.431 1 70000 1 4,5$4,do 3,20 oQ 3,000.011 2,850.0u 1 32,183.571 11,6I I 1 1,050.0 6,�MSD 4,$00i t 2,30.0 50.00) 8,433.33 1,84TS3 1,090-001 3,996.671 10.0� 3$ 7 340.001 1,246-67 NO= 8W}00 - I 2,O3t1QO - 7,443,4 665,001 2,436,53J 740.001 2,713.33 22Q.0j BwAT 2255 01 50.0 825.00 163.33 4,695.00 3 00 17,215.00 13951.$7 _ 1 10,733.331 2,333.331 5,086-671 40b71 1,586.671 111=01 - 1 8,473 1 - 3103;331 3,453.331 1,08.U1 1,050.001 233C331 21,910.001 17,75E_67 770.00 1 .00 r 33Q00� 1. - 5$5.0 450.00 1 550.00I - 7,465.00 f 2115AO l00.0 77 ,0.00 i 1 J - U W - 1 - f 115.0 1 8,380.00 ren 3,540.00 1'x � 1 1,U10U.00 I � �•^ ,04�1¢[r 1.175 1 9W.01 " - 1 1UU-UU 1.100.OU [ - 1 4,930.00 14,930.00 1 4,23OAQ 2,00110 1050.00 -_ 450.00f 0.00j 150.00 4,2 00.00 .' 66 6,.67 3,500.00 1,500.00 3,9gQ(i.,t0kj - ,40MOD1 1=33 ,550.00 1833.3 50000 14,00000 41,,6007 1 8,666.671 r - 1 4,550.UU 1.... 1 1,9b0.001 453.3'31 2,383.33 1-arrr..r - { 65D.OU 1 - 1 18,200.001 6,06E_67 50.00 107.14 - 1 50.00 1 - 1 657.14 - 5,500.00 1,178.57 - a 550.00 j 7,226.57 6.000.00 -r�- I 1_.. - 1 1,285.71 1 �_- '- I - �- - I - 1 �..._` i " - - 1 600.00 1 - 1. _.. - 1 7,885.71 L... ...". - 1.422.8E 111 1,122.8E 1129 260.011470.00 2,134.29 i'lB.Sf 1,684.29 23i,�{ 390.U0 705.iR1 - - I 3,557.141' al 2,8UL141 f...-nitwa `I Appendix 2 Table - 500.00 130.00 - 3,435 71 I '110: 750.00 195.00 - 5,153.57 1,€165.00 1,250.U01 - 1 8,589.291 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food 8 Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS Missouri City Magic Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,200.861 - 1.585.711 - 500.00 - - - - -.1 700.00 - 525.01 ! Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 750.54 - 1 991 07 - 312.50 1 - + - - C 437.50 _' 328.13 f 2,819.73 1 Total Expenditures j 1,95139j - j 2,576./91--4- 1 81 Z.50 - j -' - j - - - � � 1,13LS0� j 853.13 f - � 7,331.30 j _ Missouri FvesLx Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,840.00 k 2,228.571 45.711 775.001 10MOO Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 9,20D.00 ( 11,142.8E r 228.57 3,875.00 bW.00 Total Expenditures I 11,040.00 j - j 13,371.431 274.28j 4,ti511UU j bUU.UUI Missouri Madness Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,650.00 65.001 1, 100.001 5000 280.001 325-00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 2,475.00 Ir1.50 1:650.00 14A i 420.00 4d[.5U Total Expenditures 1 4,125.00E . 1tZ550 i 2,750.00 1 1TKW j 70U.00 ! 1 Nebraska Renegades Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,657.14 t57 28Pro-Rata oo=-.'I Players Expenditures 57.Z14 - I Total Expenditures ..... _.. 2,5/1 43 � ry�r+ j 91U.UU!WUx New Hampshire Elite Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,000.00 - j 2,000.00 7143 200.00Et 50-00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 5,500.001 5,500.001 195473�,1 55,1 [ 13f,�iU� Total Expenditures j 7,5UU.U0 F - ] 7,So0.00 j ZSSiA j /bu-uu j ."fit#) New Jersey Inferno Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,828.571 - 1,178.57 7143 j 195.00 40.001 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 3,657.14 1 2,357.14 142.E 39U.UU BO.W Total Expenditures i 5,485.71 j a j 3,535.11 j 2 j 565.UU---P...rAk'JU j New Lenox Lightning 1 Surveyed Players Expenditures I 2,400.00 171-43 1 1,551,43 - 1 M71 j 560.00 - 3OG 00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 2,880.001 205JI 1,861.71 1W-m" 672.U0 3[$t oU }[j Total Expenditures j 5,280.00 k 3b.14 j 3,413.14 t ,Z32.UU 1 WJ j New Mexico Sundancers Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,2D0.00 - 745.71 171.431 340.001 1fW.00� Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1,680.U. - 1,044.1A1 24U 001 416.00 140M Total Expenditures j 2,880.00 -{ 1,789.111 4Y 431 816.UU f Z4U.W j Nor -Cal Elite Surveyed Players Expenditures 4,060-00 100.00 3,150.00 _ 10000 500.00 3€0.1DIDI Pro-Rata Players Expenditures7,308.001 14. W I 5,670.00I 1t5{td%3 900 U0 04MI Total Expenditures j 11,358.U0 j` 281t U0j 8,820.00j 2W.U0j 1,400.UU 84U.Lv Odyssey Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,845.71 1 445.711 1,877.14 1 462.86J 315.00 6.00E 00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 2,032.65 (-"' i8'371 1,340-82 33U.$1 j 225.UU 425.57 Total Expenditures j 4,6/8.3/ j lFfM] 3,21 /.96 j .41 j 54U.UU j 1,ZtLof j Ohio Attack Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,150.001 j 810.00 [ tW.00 110.00 235 W Pro -Rats Players Expenditures I 5,733.33 2,160.00 ( 426.67 293.33 626,6f) Total Expenditures j 1,863.331 - ( 2,9 /UAO j , WW01 j 4UJ.:f3 j t%1.01 j Ohio Bandits k2urveyed Players Expenditures ro-Rata Players Expenditures I 1,645.71 1 6,582.86 fl 120M � 480.00 1,885.71 7,542.8E 1071-43 j 4,285.71 I 250.00 1,000.00 475.00 j 1,=.*W Total Expenditures -S3 5T� 1 9,425.5(1 , . j 1,Z5U.OU j 5,743.57 145,71 - 1 4,SUO.OU 28,717.8E 1 7M1 5,4UU.UU j 34,461.431 074,29 _ - - - 470.00 75.001 .0 3,56725.500 5640 7 1250 ( IU5, 1,/5.00 �., 1 1 j ldl.50 1 .... J 8,937.501 1,350.00 1,160A0I 200.00 37:0% 650..00 425.00 5,672..8E -- 2UO.0 500 425.00 - I1,1W.U0 5,672 11,t$67700,.0000 j 4Lo 'w .04UUUkI 1,3UU.t% ... �'- �j 850.Uoj - 11,345.71 2,260.Q0 400.00 819OD1 1,200.00 500D 600.00 25 6.400.00 3,27543 - 5,21500� 1, 100.00 2,25M 3,300.00 137.50 1,650.001ittt M.751 17,600.00 9.�}7.43 - € 8,475.W j 1,5UU.UU j 3,u�j 4,51ID.DD € 4 . 2,2SO.OU 1 93.75 j 24,000.001 _ 52,282.8E t 75#t.00 1276ZO 800.00 - j 650.00 75� 4,652.14 3,211.0* Z,-,56.db 1,600.00 -j 1,300.00� 1W.00 9,304.291 - j a,2�53f trifj - j 3�'! Vuj G,4UU-M +j 1,95U.UUI a*IVj 13,956.431 ,$,422-88 %e34,29 - 650.00) - 850.00 700.00 - - j 560.00 - 1 5,771.43 2,057,14 - t•8�[3 EHl ( - 1,�1ti i 840.00 - -j 672.00 - 6,925.71 2,408,57 - j 1.4JV.ottj - j .....1, IU { 1,54U.UU [ - 1 1,232.00 j „-' 12,697.141 4,5Z6-11 44000I - [ 51O.OD1 400.00 i 250.00( 100.E30� 2,935.71 1,421.43 818.IXt - [ 7141J0 560.00 14DJW j 350.001 'W,,00 4,110.00 .1,$90.00 i v5b. j j 1,214m j 96U.00 4 ..... j 6UU-00 j ( 7,045.71 3414,43 i 4916.00j 2,075.001-) 3,735.00 I....1 1W, S,blu.Uuf +j 1,000.00 1,8W. e,8uu.L)uI ,700.00 j 1,96U.UUj woo 74J.UU] 1 0, 60 32,158.00 5,4660040.00 $,Ao e ,30159 4,10L00 1 - - 2.826.5fj - - [ r 1 tYG8.5! j - ( 1,430,OOJ 1,&1,43 1,47IA41 1,500.00 1,Ul1.43 2,5r1.43 ..... - 700.00 20.0 0 j 5U0.00I 1a.291 - j 1,2UU.UU f ��W 1 7,237.8E 5,J. 01 12,407.761 705E.1 5,tM1f 12,1M41 2,()W,00i 8W.00) 450.00 -- 'ji 250.00 3.770.00 3,195.00 - 5,33.{131 - I 2.133'.131 1,200.001 r-L 666.67 1 - 10,053.33 8,52000 - ( C,4;53. 3 j - j r2,833.331 1,65u.UU j - j 9115.511 - 13,823.33 1 11,71 Appendix 2 Table :1 200.00 - 300.001 - � 4,281A3 1,886:43 BUO�.UU - j 1,200.00 17.125.71 6,SS571 - j I '',,,,,,.,, - 1,500.00 21,407.14 8,=14 14 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food 8 Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS Ohio Ice Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,814.291 21429 1 1,485.71[[ 1420. 60.00 - - 4,50Q.011 - ,2511-00 12,5[X%W 550.00 - 550.00 - 5,46000 6,107,14 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures , 5,628.571 42kF.b7 2,971.431 285.111 120.00 - - 9, .001 - 1,100.00 - 1, 100.00 - 10,920.00 I 12,21429 Total Expenditures 1 5,442-861 0446151 4,4s7.141 428.5T { 78U.UU I - I - [ 13,atW.wl - 1_. 3.t5Mj 1'boU.Uu j - I J 1,tiou.UU { + 1 16,380.001 18,32t.43 Ohio Ice Blue Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,920.00 3W= 1,550.00 450.W 250.00 9W.0D 900M 470,00 55000 150.00 100.00 51370.00 ff 3,170A0 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures ' S,11U.00 b2.9.t10 4,/12.50 t87.bU, 437.50 1,5T5.00I - 1 - 822.$!J' 962.5U 202.b0 1/S.UU! - 9,397.501 5,547-50 Total Expenditures 1 8,U3U.UU 1 Rfz*¢ VU { 4,262.bu 1 T%`T.at11 bdt.bU 1 2,4ib,W 1 - 1,4ta. uj - I-i,'MoI 1,ou-w 1 41zivI r zrb.uu 1 - 1 14,767.501 8,717-50 Ohio Jaguars _ Surveyed Players Expenditures Players Expenditures 3,385.71 ' 4,062.861 46286 55 a431 3,257.14 342.86 3,908.57 41i.d3j 900.00 1,080.00 1,6M00 1,'320,VU - - - -1 - - - - 5,150.00 6,180.00 60.00 6001 450.00 MOO 540.001 4MOD 13,142.86 ZW6.71 IPro-Rata 15,771.43I 3,386 AO Total Expenditures r� 1,44tl.5/ I { T,Utg.Z:7 I r,1ti5./1 7?4.Zl1 [� I 1,98U.UU 1 �.W I f c 1 ii isu.3�'�i�u.W� yyU.UUI .. ift17 1 28.914.291 6,17 7 Oklahoma Attack 1t Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,060.00I! tsaaol 2,100-00[t 260.1001 490.00 860.00 _ 800.00 450-00 2".00 5,650.00 1,420.00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures ' 2,/46.6/ f 21:30,0aM)� 2,800.001 3"Aw 853.33 tit - - 1 - 1,06667 !1.,. 256.67 � + � 7,533-33 1,W= Total Expenditures I 4,806.671 39UUI 4,900.UU 1 7-.�� 1,143.331 2.tAkf t371 - I - 1 - 1 � I 1,8(36.tit 34QU 4ti6.6/ 1 r- + � 13,183.33 Oklahoma Dynamites I Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,358.57 1,285.71 257.141 200.00 270.01) - - - - 1 900.00 88fl,00j 50.00 15II,00 3,79429 1,16VA4 Pro-Rafa Players Expenditures Y P 3,396.43 3,214.29 tam, I SOU.0U bftoju - - - - 1 2,15U.UU $:$t5.0U1 12S.UU 3i7LW� 9,485.71 ` 4,f�a7, I(` Total Expenditures I 4,/bb.UU t - { 45uU.UU1 { rUu.UU1 �•WI - { - { - 1 - 1 3,15U.Uu1 3.'32b tx)I 1'S-UU1 -&4-Wj 13,280.001 5,695.00 Oregon Slammers Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,714.29 tE - { 2,142.86 - ( 200.00 - - 5,61X} W - 900.00 1 500.00 r` - j 4 4,557.14 7,5W.W 1 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures f J I' l 1` Total Expenditures 1 1 114.291 - { 2,142.815 1 ��- 1 LW.UU I - 1 - I 16tw.0-6 - i %AX W I t uu.uu 1 - I - - 1 - 1 4,557.14 1 7,50D Originals 1[ Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,357-14 1,21429 142.801 1,100.00 3W.00 j - - - 45000) 900.00 100A0�{ 100.00 4 671.43 99zg. Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 2,114.29 1,428.b/ 285.7t 2,LUUAO t tiWUU{ - - - +JtW.tNt1 1,8UU.UU [ Zt#Y.W 260.UU - 9,342.86 a 1,7 Total Expenditures 4,0/1 43 - 3,ti42.86 j 3,3UU.0UI ) - { 1 - 1,3W.0U1 2./UU.UUI .051 'SITU-00 14.014.291 2,9785 Orland Park Sparks Surveyed Y Pe Pro-Rata Players Expenditures IExpenditure�itures 10,800.00 t { 9,000.00 jjE[[ { [[ 350.00 1 `p} 9,8UtLUU 8,3WW 4,20U.W FFpp P 4,2U0.00 1 2,30000 g Total I 12,342.86 - 1 10,285.71 I - I 4UU.UU I - ( i1,1W W - t.ZW.tW1 4,8UUU.UU I - I 4 dUU.UU I 32,628.571 18,40R00 Pines Thunder Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro -Rats Players Expenditures - I -# 2,3W29 3,(168.71a 171.43(! 1,34&71 228.57t 1,1liW&1 405.00 540:001 I2MXIU I.aw0U� - 2,080:00 - 2 3� - 64g.W - 804.601 450.00 600.001 800.00 1,�67 300.001f 840-W 4UU.001 i,1ZAW� 1,326.43 9,276.00 1,768.57� 12,38g.00 Total Expenditures I - � 5;3TM1 aUaOUI s�'id �I 945.09 ....WI - I 4•.-1 - - 1 t,S't I 1,OSU.001....,. .8 I /UU.U01 7.01 . 3,095.001 1.644.00 Pride Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,342.86 1,314.29 11429 480.00 490OU 665.00 225.00 5.027.14 60429 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 1,673.47 � - 938.781 WIMI 342.86I 3b0'W I - - - 441b.rt00St - 150.71 -� 3.590.82 431= Total Expenditures 1 4,U1b.331 - I 2,2b3.U61 Itio �{ tl22.db ,WI - 1 - I T� - I 1 '"„'""'t F1^ 3g5.�1 - - 8,617.961 1,03522 Punishers' ' - differing methodology (see narrative for explanation) Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,198.571 . I 996.431 180.00j 60.00 - - 2,300.001 250.00 350.00 600.00 - 70.001 - 4,175.00 2,830.W Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 12,458.5y1 -1 5.646.43 1,020.001 MUM- - 133{ 1,416.67 1,$83.33! 3,400.00 - 396.6YI - 1 23,658.34 I 18 o36,6s Total Expenditures 1 14,6b1.14 { - { 8,(i42.tlb 1 1,1UMi 4UU.UU { - { - I 13 53 `.33{ 1.1566.6/ 1 Z„3' M { 4,000.UU 1 - 1 4bb.Gr 1 �-1 27,833.341 113,86fi$6 Ragdolls 150,711 Pro-RT1aallExPenExpenditures P I 25.t1 �.. Sdrtures i 1.885. C 1 1 4577.141 a 0.00 �vO.W�-i I1,900.00 5,712.86 15 Appendix 2 Table 1 Ringors Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Riptide rveyed Players Expenditures Pr vRe.eye Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Roadrunners Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Rockets Surveyed Players Expenditures PLRata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures St Louis Lasers Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures San Antonio Ntghmare Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures San Diego Breakers 1 Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures San Diego Legacy Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro -Rate Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Severna Park Green Hornets Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures South Carolina Bandits Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Sports Plus Sharks Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures Total Expenditures Sports Connection Lady Wildcats 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food 8 Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS 1,542.8E .00 330.00 400.00 3,147.8E - 6,171.43 - 3,500.00 -' 500 t,320.00� - � - � - - � 1 1,E00.6U� 12,591.43) 1 1, 114.291 1 4,375,0U1 1 1,65U.001 ( 1 ( I 1 2,000.UU1 ( I 15,739.291 - 5,500.00 2,8250.00 94,7W.W ,� 1,! ,500 = 10,890.00 6,510.0M1 7 542.8611 - 3.5714 217.14 4b.11 5,t36285.7.L. 2,445.71 1 7,440AD 1t,785. 711 - 1 6,1u L.141 1 4U7.141 00.111 - 1 1tI,Ul1.431 - 1 3.W1ddI 2,142.8b - I 2,892.861 - 1 23,335.71 1 13,950A0 2,130.00 364.002,100.00 350,00 500.00 1 7W.W ,6MOD 5,112.00 6f3,WW5,040.00 $40.06, 1,200.001 1.680:W - 3,6tM10U� 1 7,242.DD1 1,237I 7,14U.00I 1;1aD.Du1 1,7uu.001 2,3W.00 I 1 1,542A*1 1,607.141878.57 �3,200.001 1tMt.W -,_. 7.466.67 �� ,., ....•r--ate- 1 5.35 r.1 a I z.S118.Str 1 1u,8b6.6 r I ..1 - f I A- 1 .00���1 .•••�---�� 275.001 ._,.. 0.00 i 1,10055000 10000- - S,SUU.UU 2,75U.UU 1.375.Uu I__I I - I 1,200.001 40%W 1 1230.00 240.W 375.00 100.EH3 2,150.00 72fL001 2:214.00 43�,UU 875.00 1WXV - - 1 3,3EU-UU I -1.12U.UD I 3,444.0U 1 672. .,,. W 1 I - 2,030.00 00al -W 1,600.00 9W.W 350.00 575.W) 8,12", 6,400.001 �3AW.001 1,400.001 Z,3W.WI I 1U,15U.UU 8,UUu uU 1 F (OV W 1 1, 1bu.uu I Z.tlt l 3,8D0.00 - 2,600.00 2MC(lI 150.001 5D00I 9,500.00 - 6,500.00 625M 1 375.00 12S4M7 I 13,3M bu I "� - I 9,1uu.uu l dib.WI 52twu 1 176.W 1 1,350.00 j - 1, 100.001 1 475.00 [ - 1 3,6W.00 t(+t-� , - j 2:933.33 1,265.67 1 4,9b0.UU + 1 4,U33.331 gip+ 1 1, 141.671 r. 1 [ ,700.001 1OO.OD 200.00 - j 5,630.0013.014M (_ 1 680.00 ( 24U.W 480.00 --1 13 512.00 T,23 W 2,380.0011 1 680.001 - 1 19,142-00 1 1t#,247.W _ 1 _, 1,500.00 650.001 j 6,957.14I 2,521.48 - 3,500.00 -5,000.UU .. 1 1,516.67 - + 16,233.33 f 5,$83.33 - 1f' - I Z, lbb.er 1 -1 23,190.481 $,40¢;7$ 01 - - t,000. U - 400.00 f - 9,t00.00 - 1,25U.uu I .T--$OU. W ( - 1 11.375,00 1 - 825_W 330.00 1W-DO1 330.00 60.00W 3,465.00 1.725. - 1,485.b0 594.001 18G.00 594.001 108.001 6,237.00 3,1W.00 924.001 2W.UU1 924.UU1 _MW1 9,702.001 4,830.00 650.001 0 .s..,OW 1,1w�t1 11 ILW-55 17 3,250.1,500004 .1OW.001 24,650.00 16,.W 2,800A0 1,34U.W 1� � 2,650.00 �25.00500.00 - 141,0200. 24,0r.iM3.7.06,625.00182.50 1,250.001 bl ( I 9,275.WI�.brTI ,416662.-W50 1,r5U.UU1 -1 33,950.001 15,627.50 1 1,77500 1,020:W 600.00 400.00 3,925.070 2,795.W 4.73333 2.72t�.W 1,500.90 1,066.51 10,466.67 7,45333 I ,.$�5c3.s1 - I 3• - 1 1,486.bI 1 - 1 14,391.671 10,240.33 7,560.00 1,2i35.�' 4,757.141 1,1028.57i 1,260.001 1,0> . 1 - 5.1h52.W1 8,820.00 1,5=001 5,550.001 T515.bQ I 1,470-00 1 1.260,W 1 - 1 5,9w&j 3,042.861 42.861 1,320.001 72.861 70.00 - - 3,55U.00J 912.8E 12.8$ 396.00 21.8$ 21.00 - ! - 1,065.xHI1 1 3,955.711 55.711 1,716.001 -' $4.711 91.001 - - 1 - 1 4.615.001 375.00 - - 2,637.8E 1.497,71 - - 2,25U 00 - - 15,827.141 8,44$-29 I ..... - I 2,625.00 1 _ I ' - _ 1 8,465.001 9,Sfi4.00 - # 154U.W 1 3 ":., :1 143.50 - 1,6764.8E l 1,639.71 - 2,340.061 1,696.501 - I 188.5U 1 - 1 7,647.71 1 ._ 105 .3 Surveyed Players Expenditures l 1,73 .43 28.571 1,26005724000 4I... 1,,75.W 90..00 100..00 j 125001 15$7.Pro-Bata Players rs Expenditures 442.81i7.14 1,050.00 71,43 203 75000 8304,Ir 4DuD aTotal Expenditures b T 6 � j2650DD . Appendix 2 Table 4,231.43 1 5,30429 3,526.19 4,42024 7,757.62 7724.52 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food 8 Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS Springford Sting Players Expenditures 4,200.001 '1 tt 1F 1 [y [j 1,150,001 Playersrveyed Puo-Rata 2,600.00 I I 1 1 [ 21 ���' 3,45(f.UOI r I 1,65U.00 1,95tl.00' 27,285-71 19$W.W 95ft� i10 Total Exend Expenditures P - 1 16,800.00 � � 4,285.Z1 [ - � 1,40U 00 [ � �1 - € - � 4AW.00 F I 2,200.001 - [ 2,600.00 - r 27 285.71 I 2B,6f�,,, Spring Klien Sliders Surveyed Players Expenditures y 514.29 728.57 1 100.00 I 426.00 250.00 1511.00 1,742.8: 425,00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 771.43 1,092.86 - I 150.00 6.r0 - - I 1 - - 1 375.00 - f 1 225.00 - f 2,614.29 6$7ar'0 l Total Expenditures 1 1,285.711 1 1,821.431 - 1 250.00[ 1,062.60 - [ - 1 - I ? 825.UU ( 375.UU 1 - 1 4,357.141 1,062.50 STPS PoniesSurveyed Players Expenditures Pro-RTota layersExpenditures 3122 5 00 1 i [t jj1 j[ 1,1+ .i1p 1 500'W 11 107.50 3,198.50 3'846.50 ExpendituresDO 66.66---•._._ . I 4,683.00 316.50 2,925 00 ... ...'...1225.001 I 155 00 _ _ I 6� 75 W _ ,43 1 1.6UU.W . 322.501 9,595.5o I 10946.50 Tallahassee Bullets Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 3.257.14 - 3,908.57 - 1.817.14 2,1 W.57 22657 'Pl�.2sj W.00 60.00 - -' - 800.E - VWW - 200.00 - 24t1W 580.00 - ti96.W - 200.00 - 240.W 5,904.29 7,0.5.14 1.228.57 1,*ll_ Total Expenditures 1 7,165. /11 1 3,99/./11 bw-t161 110.W1 - 1 - 1 "7,I6�ki�41) - ( '�.W1 1,276.UUI - 1 440.UU1 .------,--.,-.-•.+++� 12,989.43� 2, 86 Tampa Wildcats - Elhers Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 2,100.00 80.1Ri I 2,940.00 1?2.i10 2,400.00 3,360.00 f 10.t� 1;. 350.00 490.00 � 40.00� 56.W 1 - 3,875.001 - � 5,,2§.W 1 - 1,405,00 - � 1,8Eii,W � 1,150.00 - 1,610.00 � - � 455.00 - 637.00 } � 6,455.00 9,037.00, 5410.ti➢ 7,574.aa Total Expenditures 1 5,040.001 IV-00 5,760.001 - '1401 840.001 96.i�Q1 - ( 8,30Wt_x11 - 1 5's v1 2,/60.W1 - 1 1,092.001---" � 15,492.001 app Tampa Wildcats - Red Surveyed Players Expenditures 2.508.W - i I 1,100.00 18 a5 1 1 �600 - 155.001 4,343.00 Z51040D P!D-Rata Players Expenditures 6,151.00 3,575.00 - 50.WT$5 $,16�� . 2 0. 7,400001 . 4.114.751 8,157,50 Total Expenditures 1 10,659.UU1 - 1 4,575.UU1 - 1 /li5.UUI 3��1 - 1 41 -1 - 1 W1 1,/W.UU1 �X1 658./51 -JI 18,457751 10,A17.50 Tennessee Edge Surveyed Players Expenditures 2:11.01 1t�111 211.01 � 150.90� 400.001- 300RO _ 1,58'1.00 � _ 1 1124", 5W.W 200) 0 - 5,700.00 �7fz500 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 3,120.002ti.001I 2,400.00 11j0.Fui '-x 480.00 360,W� � 1,90�20 746,8[il 600.00 1 ' 1 240.00 � 6,840.00� $18.00 Total Expenditures I 5,720.00 220.00 I 4.400.00 [" 3U. I tlt1�o.UL I m t tia I 3, 1 1 1 1 [ 1 1, 100.oU t -1 44071"6 ' 1 12,540.001� m Tennessee Explosion Surveyed Players Expenditures 4,100.00 - Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 1,757-14 - 2900.0o 1,242.86 .W 84.2. 380.00 162.88 1,040.00 44t1.71 - - 321,A$ - 750.00 - 321.43, 750.00 - 321.43 - 475.00 203.57 - 8605,00 3,687.86 2,760.00 1,1$2.N ` f Total Expenditures 1 5,857.141 TT .'1 4,142.861� "" $'14.281 542.861 1,, J11 - ( 1,£177_....�1 - 1 1,WIZ1 1,071.431 " � - 1 618.511 - 1 12.292.861 3,10a86 Texas Comets Surveyed Players Expenditures 300.00 - 342.86 - 200.001F 5(X00 - �! - - 100.00 - 50.00 192.86 5tt00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures ' 1,850.001 -- - 1,885.71 1 - 1,1 W.0U 4 2/tW 1 - « 1 - 550.00 - 275.001 - 5,460.71 275.00 Total Expenditures I 1,950.001 - 1 2,228.571 e - 1 1,300.001 z(QI s _ 1 0. - I� .. a�s..x - 1 6Sb.001 - 1 325.001 �- - 1 6,453.571 3i4f Texas Hawks Surveyed Players Expenditures I 2500.001 - 1 1,100.00 . ] 800.00 - - [ - - [ - 500.00 [ - 350.00 5,250.00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 5:625.001 -,I 2.4/fi.OU i 1,8W.W - - it ' 1 - ff 1,12b.0U li 787.50 11,812.50 Total Expenditures 1 8,125.00I - 1 3,5/S.UU 1 - - - - .501 - 1 17.062.50 Texas Impact Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 1,200.00 2,4W.00 - 942.86 [ 1,885.711 42R6 i 85.7�1 400.00 800.00 50.W� 100.001 - - - - - - - 450.00 Sff.00 900.00 10000 100.00 - 200.00 - 3,0:2.86 6,165.71 142,ti6 285.11 Total Expenditures 1 3,600.00 I - + { 2,828.57 1 128.571 1,200.00 1 It &UU 1 - 1 - 1 + 1 1,350.00 15U.W 300.001 -� 9,218.57 1 42857 Texas Magic Surveyed Players Expenditures 557.14 - 1 1,160.71 $5.71 1.350.00 %Moo - - 1 - - 1,600.00 - 50.00 - 4,717.86 405.71 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 348-21 - I 121.4-1 22.321 843.75 2$1.25 � - ( 1,00000 - 31.25 - 2,948.66 253,$7 Total Expenditures wo..m 1 905.361-�5$b�b 2,193. /51 - 1 - - 1 • 2;66 . -�'I�S - 7,666.52 6$9.29 17 Appendix 2 Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food & Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS Texas MC Elite Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 411.431 102.86 j 548.57 137.141 694.29 [ 925.71 1 342M j 457.141 160.001 - j 213.33 j - - { - - - - - - - 560.00 j 746.6Y1 360.00 480.001 175.00 233.33 # j 2,000.71 2,667. 52 I 805.71 1,074, Total Expenditures { 960.001 240.00 j 1 620.UU j 8U0. j 373.33 j - j - . j - j 1,306.671 840.00 j 408.331 _� - j 4,668.331 1,880-00 Texas Prospects 1C Surveyed Players Expenditures 514.29 792.86 -j 165.00 275,001 - - - - j 320.001 150.001 1,14114 275.0t1 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 428.57 -.j 660.71 -j -- 137.501 229,171 - -' - - j 266.67' 125.00 j - 1,61..45 11.1-1 Total Expenditures { 942.86 k - j 1,453.57 j j 302.b0 j 504.17 j - j- j - j - { bbo.b7 I - j 275.U0 j - y 3,560.60 j 50437 Texas Rage Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,416.001 1,416.00 I ,08857 211..10 9110.00 2711.00 3924.57 8p0p0 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 531.001 408.21 - 2 93"�4.,. 1 331.50 :j 1,,47171 0 Total Expenditures �-1 j 1,947.001 1496.791 "1 43.1b W1 jj - j - j 1,237.5131 - j 371.25 -�•T-a jl 5,39629 i WIM Texas Scream Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 3W.00 j 160.00j 8.00 j 426.6f1440.061 250.001 666.67 - I - 125.00 333.33j j 2, 834707.965 g 5380$6T82146 Expenditures , IMM ,342 25/.1a 1514j bBb.b( I W1 916.57 j j 458.33�Total 3,21881 f Texas Travelers Surveyed Players Expenditures I 1,157.141 - 1.43 - j 400.00 { - - - _ 450,001 - 350.00 3,128.527 Pro-Rata Players Ex enditures 2,603.57 - 1,735.71 - 900.00- 1 - -- { 1 - 1 i 1,012.50 1 787.50 1 7,039.29 Total Expenditures pe j 3,760.71 - E 1 L,SU7.14 - i 1,300-00 - � 1 - - j 1 �s - - j I 1 4ti2.5U ► ms.... j 1 13/.6U (� z - j 10,167.e6j The Next Level j Surveyed Players Expenditures I4,332.00{ 3,050.00 480.00 " 50.00 - /5000 I JW.ODI 750.00 j 450.00 9,062.00 5.050.00 M Y` Pro-Rata Expenditures 2,6149 411.43i42.6j 20Q, 154286 642861 _50.00 426 3B571 438-57 Total Ex nittu5.664.291 Expenditures j 6,045.14 - j 5,664.29 j - j tl91.43 j 9Z,tA3 j - j S, j - j .... S; �.kRi j �.39G.8b j 16,829.43 j ." 8,37& 57 Triangle Lightning Surveyed Players Expenditures Players Expenditures 4,460.00 j`T 0��620.00 843.75 4 330.00 232.50F 6,420.07 51 1,.030.00 386.25 50.001 18.75 220 00 82. Total Expenditures , - j 6,132.50 j 1 3,09375j .T5 j 852.501 453.751 B��t--5; r2$0 .88 4� 141b.2b 302.50 ; 3,580.00 ,21,67 11,797.50� , 4A,g0}Pro-Rata ,"$ Tropic Wave Surveyed Players Expenditures Players Expenditures 2,750.00 - 1 4,950.00 - 1,,000.00 1 1800.00 1M8i 10.wj 35000�00, 0.00 2,GW-0 W t 1,30.0D 24430.01 750.000 1,350.0 10000 1t.Pro-Rata W1,1 6570..00 2380..O0 o 9,500o 0 Expenditures j 7,700.001 - j 2,800.001 280.Ej 980.00 - Si0Z210d00 28 1 15,4000...000000 1248,,.44065100.0-A0000Total Tucson Elite Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro -Rate Players Expenditures 2,310.00 - { I 6,930.00 - J 1,731.43t[ 5,194.29 F 64.291 ISM, 305.00 915.00 25,0q 75,EXi - 1,595.00j - 4,7 i.0Ij - - 430:001 1,Moa 300 00 [ 900.00 fF - j - j 110.00 1,140.00' - - 5,226.43 { 15,679.29 II 2,114.28 6,342,86 Total Expenditures j 9,240.001 j 6,925.711 257.141 1,220.001 -j 6MxI TTb.� 1,200.00-f- -j 2,32U.00j �- 20,905.711 _ 8, 557.14 Tucson Scramblers Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,172.86 51.43 I 985.71 - j .j 1,240 00 400.00 - 365.01) - 4111.00 600.00 - j 150.00 - 5,548.57 1 1,217A3 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 2,172.86 51.43� 985.71 _ 1.240.00 400.00� - 385,00; - 401,00, boo. 00 - j 550.00 - 1 5,548.57 1,217A31 Total Expenditures j 4,345.71 j-)02.86 j 1,971 43 j - j 2,480.UU j VM.W - j 73T}'t�j - j �IfVL,iRt j 1,2UU.UV j � -- j 1, 1UU.UU j -- 1 11,097.141 2AM,86 U.S. Angels Surveyed Players Expenditures Players Expenditures 2,33500 I 1,3, 1 , 257,14 M 570.00 3r0.00 { 8� ; 1,750.0 5 5o.00 . 55.00 95 3.619.86 ,3347I 97826 1T3Pro-Rata 2."5507 Total Expenditures { 3,Ei9tl:36 j j 4475.UU j 111(,141 l,bb /.5U j 1, j - j - - j - j 2,062.50 j 137, 1 151.25 9,954.61 i 2,691.07 Utah Thunderbirds Surveyed Players Expenditures Players Expenditures 1 2,240-001 400001 1,280.00 22657 1,280.00 73143 410.00 23429 340.00 150.001 194.29 85.74i 700.00 1,90 400.00 500 260.00 :::'141 450.00 25714 2010 1Pro-Rata 11429 100.W j 57.14 5,71000 3,262.6 1 7 Expenditures - 4.29 53/1 00.66j /tl5./1 4j 707.14 -200.00 8,972.86 $,0381808,05507Total 18 Appendix 2 Table 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Lodging Food 8 Beverages Private Auto Expenses Airline Expenses Rental Car Expenses Retail Shopping Entertainment Total Team Spending In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS In BCS Out of BCS Valley Sting 1[ Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 2,200.001 I 6,600.U0 F 2,000.00 6,01XIMU 1 1,500.00 4,500-00 f 6W.10! t 85i�0j 200.00 600.001 MUM 1,81M.0 I 2,800.tM! - - 967.00 2.901,W 65000 1,950.00 25D-W 1ba.001 400.00 1,200.00 55OAO 1,650A0 4,950.0.1f 14,850.00 ` 7417A0 23,451.00 Total Expenditures 8,800001 8,0W.001 6,000.001 2,54W j 8UO 11U j 2,41M.WI �8,44{1�0�� - f; LW.tlU� - 3,t".WI 46UUMU I I.VW,W I 1,8UU.UU I 4AkU.bUj 19,800.001 31,260.00 Vancouver Posse Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,214.29 7t43 1,035.71 107,14 400.00 4000 - 5,650.00 1,200.00 850.00 25-00 440.00 25-OD 4,940.00 7,N8.57 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 4,428.57 14M 2,071,43 2142U j 800.00 80.00 - 11.3i10.08 - 2,4 3t�. Uj 1, 100.00 bUMU 880.00 € W.001 9.880.00 I 14,23Z14 Total Expenditures ) 45.t542.158j 'L14.2Si 3,1Ul.14j r3'34;S) 1,ZUU.Uuj 711i.W - #`b, .tlt3) - Ststa3.W Z,SSU.W t3ZU.W tUWj 14,820.001 21,355.71 Wagners Surveyed Players Expenditures 4,842.86 -1 5,357-14 j 435.00 4iM00 1,923.00 850,00 1,980.00 - 1,050.00 15,588.00 5,700,00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures I 5,650.00 - 6,25U.00 - ,j SULSU - 1 - 5,8tAf. 2,243.50 991.81 2,310.00 - 1 1,225.00 18,186.00 8 b50.00 Total Expenditures ) 10,492.861 - j 11,6U(.14 f + j 942.5U t - . =1 4,16E W j t,tw1.57 j 4,290.UU j -'1 2.2/5.W j + j 33,774.00 j 12,350,00 Washington McStix Surveyed Players Expenditures 2,780.001 180.001 1,330.00 1W.fM1 280.00 - - - 4,W33,00 - 1,328.OD 700.00 - - - 5,090.00 0.139.00) Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 3,243.331_ 210.Wl 1,551.b(I 11"1 326.6/� -� -� �2U8.SU� -� 1,041UU1 816.6/ � - -j 5,938.33I 7,162,17 Total Expenditures ) 6,023.33f 3wQU1 2,881.671 ...2 6 j 606.5fj ' j t-,WM,Tj - f ,.. 2.8 3. 1,5Ta67 ..'...,. - .... ...— -� 11,028.331 .._ 13,301.-7 West Bay Nuggets Surveyed Players res 0Wr 01 11 0. 0 o—Rata Players Expenditures 3,00 2,M5.00 18. 188 , 12 00 4525P Expenditures _40 8,ZU.UU t 5,/US.UU 4Sf.5U 2,835. UUTotal 15.322.501 1g? , ,2fit West Pines Diamond Dusters Surveyed Players Expenditures 3,745.0011 180.00 3,630.00 730.00 430.00[[ 1,185.W - 3,30U00 - 1,274.0D1 1,310.00 100-OD 300.00 120,00 9,415."0 6,889.00 Pro -Rats Players Expenditures I 4,993-331 248.OD 4,84U.UU Of4.:33I 573.331 1,*W.W - 4,4W.Oji1 - 1,888.67j 1,746.671 - 133,33j 400.001 -TW. 1 12.553.33 I 185.33 Total Expenditures 1 8,738,331 420.W 1 8,470.00 ,103,331 1,003.33 2, 5,tAt� - �,7W.tRfr— - "N812,87 j :5 U56.w j $3j WUMU j W j 21,968.33 j 18,074.33 White Sox Surveyed Players Expenditures 3,940.001 46W00I 2 1M,W 99B.W, 470M j 450.00 30A� 6,045.00 1 5,176,0 Players Expenditures 7,U92.00 $25.00, 4:49100 1,WW 125.00 18TW , - Z,178.08 1,88 1,760.00 368.U0 84M'l 810.00 5,001 14,481.001 8,38Pro-Rata Total Expenditures 11,U32 W 1211�W� 8,9/2.U0 2.fi,134,O0 Z,4l4W ^1210a-1*, W teGN.&J1 2,128.W j 1S18.001 1,260.00 t �001 22,526.00 1— 14,A92 Wichita StormSurveyed Players Expenditures 1Z6&3$ ([([([ Pro-RataTota (ayers Expenditures 1 1 I I 1 71. 1 Expenditures i L.SSZ.45 j ,—� 1.885.71 , UZI A3 ( •..... M fr1 - - - -�� b4Z.86 , iT a i 19bA3 6,598.88 j Woodlands Shock I Surveyed Players Expenditures Pro-Rata Players Expenditures 183.29 4 I 183.6Y t t32$,.57' 88'1. i 404.08 W 404.08 150.611 15fl.8'! 19/.14 191.14 135,1' 71x 71 _ - 188.5/ 188.5 42.8E f 1,0Z33 � 1,1A7.96 2, . t[` Total Expenditures ' 39/.96 ;,n tv lV 8f5.51 j 42/.14 1 m lW.IrI j 901.8E - j 2,202.04 24 Scouts (South Carolina) Surveyed Players Expenditures 1,010.71 - 460.71 - 325.00 30000 - 961t00 - 500.00 250.00 - j 65.00 10.00 2,111 43 1,770,00 Pro-Rata Players Expenditures ' T2D1.34 - 3,282.59 2,315.631 2,14J.6tlI - 8,440.UU - 3,5�11.Sti 1,781.25I - j 463.131 71251 15,043.93 1 12.61t2I Total Expenditures 8,Z12.051 ....—.:.-rj '.fi43.3UI - j 2,840.63j ZG(.50j - j f,BW.W� - 45��9--rm-) 5'L8.131 r UIZIj 17,155.36 j 14MI25 Umpires Surveyed Players Expenditures Players Expenditures I2179.291 23,972-14 1 257-141 Zfia.5f 1,902.8E U, 27.4 9 660.00 1 1,261..OU/,3/UUUI 670.001 �30 ,15000 �-3R00 6500 3,W.(01 800.00C 8,80U.00 306AO 3,2MXij 5855.00 6,43001 2,75Gw 6,27754 �2 048J7,3UPro-Rata 69, Total Expenditures $040 0 ,20 0. j 75,325.7j .3$4.,Z14 2gd17 1,4$3 861,06266 73,680.46 583,994.50 71,011.89 156207.53 111,30421 8,165.00 597,492.59 27,328.66 242,889.73 282,046.94 24,828.05 11985787 19,723.04 2,038,663.16 1,141,129.49 19 Appendix 2 Table Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Policy/Operations Recommendations Rental Structure/Fees The addition of the The Green Room and Plaza creates an opportunity for the city to offer a rental space for smaller events at Wolf Pen Creek. These spaces could be used for smaller gatherings of all types such as trainings, retreats, hearings; and social events such as wedding showers, dinner parties, and baby showers. Recommendations • Begin rental of facility in FY 08 • Develop business plan to ensure long range viability of facility • Fees included in CY 08 Fee Recommendations Noise Control Plan The parks department and police department adopted a noise control plan for the amphitheater on April 19, 2007. The plan was in response to an event in which the weather and speaker configuration contributed to the sound from the concert traveling an unusually long distance. The police department received 67 sound complaints about the concert which had 3400 in attendance and ended at 11:15pm. The Noise Control Plan is attached. Recommendations • Review new Noise Control Policy o Add specific not to exceed sound levels • Include language in contracts referencing the Noise Control policy • Hire a sound engineer to study and suggest remedies to sound travel issue Alcohol Policy The current policy allows for the event promoter to determine whether his event is an alcohol -free, coolers allowed, or alcohol for sale event. Recommendations • Limit alcohol to personal sized containers only, this will be defined as no coolers larger than 48 qt and no containers that require a separate tap or other external serving device • Continue to allow renters/promoters to determine if alcohol will be allowed and how supplied, BYOB, sale Chair Policy Most events allow for lawn chairs to be used inside the facility. On larger ticketed events which are predominately geared towards college students, lawn chairs are prohibited. Recommendation • Develop facility rule defining specific area as "blanket seating only" • Staff develop map of facility identifying Blanket areas alo- 1 /01,5/07 Smoking Tobacco smoke is a growing concern at the amphitheater. Recent years have seen a greater number of complaints about second hand smoke annoying non- smoking guests and possibly posing a health hazard. Recommendation • Develop rule banning smoking during concerts/events except in designated areas • Staff develop map of facility identifying smoking areas Summary In 15 seasons we have hosted 281 events and over 535,000 guests. We have fielded less than 250 complaints (includes 67 sound complaints at the concert this spring). On average, that would be less than one complaint per event, with an average of almost 2,000 guests per event. Our operations policies need to be well balanced and considerate of the guests who attend our concerts as well as our community. Our current operational philosophy and our history are congruent with our mission statement: " Wolf Pen Creek staff will create an excellent experience for our guests through our festive atmosphere, professionalism, exceptional facilities and quality entertainment. " We hope to continue with this mission for many years and appreciate the opportunity to serve our community. / "q BLANKETS ONLY IN SHADED AREA QD M = g 11 gg� O \� \'`\ Green air- entran e I On Parking Lot 0 0 Cojg(ate St, (% st-� Hating Ma n�atlng Blanket only ea Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Y iei No Smoking on main seating ea area / Smoking p6rmitte P) Smoki'permitted U I p ktrrac �ea ,X -\, Green 2 No Smoking Playground area 0 aij entran --e 400 Parking Lot 0 0 Co�q()te St. Ma nating smoking are Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheate Ticket Office s PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES Draft Fees 2008 ACTIVITYWAMITY 2005 20" 2007 2008 SPORTS1. Flag Football $355 $355 $375 { 2. Volleyball $175 $175 $185''� { 3. Softball { Play -Off League: Spring and Summer I Fall $340 $340 $350 { Fast Pitch: Spring and Summer / Fall $380 $380 $390� { 4. Outside League Field Redevelopment Fee Per Team $75 J$10 $75 $75 $75 5. Adult S orts Transfer/Cancellation Fee NIA $10 $10 YOUTHSPORTS 1. Basketball / Flag Football / Youth Volleyball $45 / 40 $50/$45 1 $55 / $50 $55 / $50 { 2. Girl's Softball $50 / 45 $55 / $50 $55 / $50 $55 / $50 3. Challenger Sports $15 $15 $15 $15 { 4. Outside League Field Redevelopment Fee Per Child $5 $10 $10 $10 5. Youth Snorts Transfer/Cancellation Fee N/A $10 $10 $10 INSTRUCTION• 1. Swim Lessons 25-Minute Lesson / 45-Minute Lesson* $35 $40 $40 x { 2. Stroke Clinic $40 $45 $45 $45 { 3. Swim Team $85 / 75 $100/$90 $100/$90 $100 / $90 { 4. USTA Tennis League $85 $90 $90 $90 5. Tennis Lessons $45 $50 $65 $65 { 6. Water Fitness Pass - Fall, Spring, Summer Passes $80 / $60 { $80 / $60 $80 / $60 $80 / $60 { { Winter Pass (Morning & Evening / Evening Only) $60 / $45 $60 / $45 { 7. Instruction Transfer/Cancellation Fee $10 { $10 $10 $10 { { * Children ages 5 and under attend only a 25-minute lesson. All other lessons are 45 minutes in length. { PAVILION.• - Deposits are refundable if the facility is left clean and damage -free, and keys are returned. - Deposits are refundable if reservation is cancelled seven (7) days prior to rental date. 1. Bee Creek / Oaks / W.A. Tarrow Park Pavilions I { { { Monday - Thursday $75 / $75 / $75 $75 I $75 $75 I { Friday - Sunday & Holidays { $100/NA/NA $100 $100 $100 { Deposit $0 / $50/ $0 $100 $150 { $150 { 2. Central / Southwood Pavilions Monday - Thursday $100 $125 $125 $125 Friday - Sunday, and Holidays $175 $200 $200 $200 { Deposit $100 $100 $150 $150 { 3. John Crompton Park Pavilion { { Monday - Thursday N/A $100 $100 { $100 { Friday - Sunday, and Holidays N/A $150 $150 $150 { Deposit N/A { $100 $150 $150 { 4. American Pavilion in Veterans Park { { Monday - Thursday { N/A { NIA $200 $200 { Friday - Sunday, and Holidays NIA N/A $300 $300 { Deposit NIA NIA $300 $300 { 5. Pavilion Transfer/Cancellation Fee N/A $10 $10 $10 { No increase in rental fees are proposed for 2008, due to the drop in rentals by approximately 90 in 2007. Page 1 of 6 CONFERENCE - The room deposit is $100 on Room 127 and $50 each on all other rooms including the kitchen. - Deposits are refundable upon compliance with all rules, regulations, and clean-up requirements by client and caterer. - Deposits are refunded less the cancellation fee of $10, if the reservation is cancelled sixty (60) days prior to the event. - An additional fee of $25 is charged if additional time is needed between the hour of 5 p.m. and 6 p.m., and is based upon availability. I. Commercial Rental Rates (Companies or Businesses) Room 101: Monday - Thursday: 4 Hours or Less $45 $55 $55 $55 8 am - 5 pm $52 $65 $65 $65 6 pm - Close $65 $70 $70 $70 Friday Rate: 8 am - Close $150 $75 $75 $75 Saturday Rate: 8 am - Close $150 $150 $150 $150 Room 102*, 103, 104, 106*, 107*: Monday - Sunday: 4 Hours or Less $29 / *$34 $45 $45 $45 8 am - 5 pm $39 / " $46 $55 $55 $55 6 pm - Close $42 / *$48 $60 $60 $60 Room 105: Monday - Sunday: 4 Hours or Less $45 $55 $55 $55 8 am - 5 pm $52 $65 $65 $65 6 pm - Close $65 $70 $70 $70 Room 127: Monday - Thursday: 4 Hours or Less $105 $125 $125 $125 8 am - 5 pm $145 $165 $165 $165 6 pm - Close $155 $175 $175 $175 1{ Friday Rate: 8 am - Close $450 $225 $225 $225 1 Saturday Rate: 8 am - Close $450 $450 $450 I $450 2. Non -Commercial Rental Rates 4 (Individuals or groups / not companies or businesses.) Room 101: 1� Monday - Thursday: 4 Hours or Less $22 $25 $25 $25 1 8 am - 5 pm $38 $40 $40 $40 6 pm - Close $25 $35 $35 $35 I Friday Rate: 8 am - Close $150 $75 $75 $75 1 Saturday Rate: 8 am - Close $150 $150 $150 $150 1l1 Room 102*, 103, 104, 106*, 107*: Monday - Sunday: 4 Hours or Less $16 / *$18 $20 $20 $20 } 8 am - 5 pm $27 / *$32 $35 $35 $35 i 6 pm - Close I $18 / *$22 $30 $30 $30 Room 105: Monday - Sunday: 4 Hours or Less $22 $25 $25 $25 8 am - 5 pm $38 $40 $40 $40 6 pm - Close $25 $35 $35 $35 Room 127: Monday - Thursday: 4 Hours or Less $55 $60 $60 $60 j 8 am - 5 pm $105 $110 $110 $110 6 pm - Close $72 $80 $80 $80 Friday Rate: 8 am - Close $450 $225 $225 $225 Saturday Rate: 8 am - Close I $450 $450 $450 $450 3. Kitchen Rental $20 $20 I $20 4. Sunday Surcharge 1-5 Consecutive Hours $60 I $60 $60 $60 1 4 1-5 Hours Split, or over 5 Consecutive Hours $85 $85 $85 $85 l 5. Transfer/Cancellation, Set-up Change Fee $20 $10 $10 $10 6. Alcohol Deposit (If alcohol is served) N/A $50 $50 $50 7. Catering Deposit $50 $50 $50 $50 Page 2 of 6 8. Multi -media Projector Deposit I $50 $50 $50 9. Vendor or Exhibitors Tables $10 $10 $10 $50 $10 J 110. Miscellaneous Charges Copies (Per Copy) I $.10* $.10* J Faxes - Local (Per Page) I $2.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 - Long Distance (Per Page) I I I $2 First pg / $2 First pg / *Per Section 111.61 of the Texas Administrative Code I $1 Addt'I pqs $1 Addt'I pqs LINCOLN - All rooms are subject to an after -hour charge of $20 per hour. The after -hour charge is based on any request to use facilities beyond the Center's normal operating hours. - Special Event fee includes the rental of the gym, Community Room, sound system, and 450 chairs. 1 I. School Year Membership Pass: I Youth (17 & Under) I $10 1 $10 $20 $20 Low Income Eligible $5 $5 $10 $10 2. Summer Membership Pass Resident +- ICo Yalu I $30 $30 $50 $50 JI 1 Non -Resident I $100 I $100 i W. . �>_t�a W°.� �.� W yd .$. n,.r.{i�' '"s Q�S�.. J•�a�n.. 4. Adult (18 & Over) Annual (12 Month) Membership Pass $15 $15 $25 Non -Member Guest Pass Per Day Youth or Adult $1 $1 $2 $2 �5. q y� 7. Gym Deposit Per Day (8 hour block) $250 $250 $250 $250 Half Court Rental Per Hour (4 hour maximum) $20 $20 $20 Full Court Rental Per Hour (4 hour maximum) $25 $25 $30� Gym Event $.30/Chair $.30/Chair $.35/chair $.35/chair All Day Usage (More than 4 hours) I $175 $175 $200 f , Concession Usage $20 $20 $20 $20 li 8. Game Room / Multi -purpose Room Rental Per Hour (4 hour minimum) $20 $10/hour $15/hour "' . Deposit $50 $50 $75 $75 9. Community Room Rental Per Hour (3 hour maximum) $50 $20/hour $25/hour $25/hour Deposit $75 $75 $100 $100 Kitchen Fee $20 $20 $20 $20 110. Special Event Fee (Funerals, weddings, parties) $150 $150 $150 111. Miscellaneous Charges I Copies (Per Copy) $.10 $.10 $.10* $.10* Faxes - Local (Per Page) $2.00 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 - Long Distance (Per Page) $2 First pg / $1 $2 First pg / $1 Addt'I Addt'I pgs *Per Section 111.61 of the Texas Administrative Code pgs ATHLETIC FIELDS - In addition to the rental fees, a deposit will be charged and paid by the renter in advance of anv tournament. The deposit will vary depending on the type and size of the tournament. - In addition to the rental and deposit fees, additional fees may be assessed to the renter depending on the length and type of tournament in order to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and supplies needed to facilitate the tournament. - Game field prep and light fees are included in the daily rental fee, but not in hourly rental fees. 1. Athletic Field Rentals One (1) Field: Per Day / Per Weekend I $60 / $100 $100 per day $100 per day I I $100 per day One (1) Field: Per Hour up to 10 Hours $10 / $15 / $20 $10 per hour $10 per hour 2. Athletic $10 per hour Field Rental Deposit Varies Varies Varies 3. Lights for Varies J Field Rentals (Per hour/Per field) I $5 $10 per hour $10 per hour 4. Game $10 per hour Field Prep Fee per Field N/A $45 per field $45 per field $45 per field Page 3 of 6 2. Cones (10) 3. Bases, Poles, and Flagging (10) 4. Big Time Clock 5. Water Cooler / Ice Chest 6. Tables 7. Traffic Flags and Vests (10) 8. Rental Package #1: Big time clock, 1 printing stopwatch, 10 cones, 10 bases/poles and flagging, 2 water coolers, 2 tables, 10 traffic flags and vests. 9. Rental Package #2: Big time clock, 2 printing stopwatches, 30 cones, 20 bases/poles and flagging, 6 water coolers, 4 tables, 15 traffic flags and vests. 10. Rental Package #3: Big time clock, 4 printing stopwatches, 60 cones, 30 bases/poles and flagging, 12 water coolers, 6 tables, 20 traffic flags and vests. $10 1 $10 $10 $50 $5/$5 $10 $5 $75 $100 $125 $10 $10 $10 $10 $50 $50 $50 $5/$5 $5/$5 $5/$5 $10 $10 $10 $5 $5 $5 $75 $75 $75 $100 $100 $100 $125 $125 I $125 *Adamson passes are also valid at Southwood Hallaran and Thomas pools, excluding the CSISD Natatorium. All discount passes are priced for 25 swims. 11. General Admission Per Person (Ages 3 and uo) Hallaran/Thomas I $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 Natatorium $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Adamson $4.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 �. Discount Pass — 25 Swims Hallaran/Thomas $50 $50 $50 $50 Natatorium $40 $40 $40 $40 *Adamson $85 $85 $85 $85 �i. Family Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas Pass or Natatorium Pass $125/$125 $125/$125 $125/$125 $125/$125 *Adamson $200 $200 $200 $200 �l. Individual Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $60 $60 $60 I $60 *Adamson $80 $80 $80 $80 �i. Babysitter Season Pass I Hallaran/Thomas $30 $30 $30 $30 *Adamson $40 $40 $40 $40 (6. Special Day Care Fee C� Adamson Lagoon Per Child $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 $2.75 Pool Rentals (2 Hour Maximum. Limited weekend availability.) Thomas/Hallaran: 25 people or fewer $90/$100 $100 $100 $100 50 people or fewer $100/$125 I $125 $125 51-76 people $125/$175 $175 $175 77-102 people $150/$225 $225 $225 Each hour after initial 2 hours $75 $75 $75 Natatorium: 25 people or fewer $90 $90 $90 50 people or fewer $100 $100 $100 51-76 people $125 $125 $125 77-102 people $150 $150 $150 Each hour after initial 2 hours $75 $75 $75 Adamson: 99 people or fewer $275 $275 $275 199 or fewer $325 $325 $325 $125 $175 $275 $325 Page 4 of 6 299 or fewer $425 I $425 $425 $425 300+ $525 $525 $525 $525 Each hour after initial 2 hours $125 $125 $125 $125 I8. Pool Parties Per Person - (2 Hour Maximum.) I Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas I $5.75 $6.00 I $6.00 I $6.00 Adamson Lagoon { $7.50 i $7.75 $8.00 { $8.00 { General Party: Southwood and Thomas I $4.75 { $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 Adamson Lagoon $6.50 $6.75 $7.00 $7.00 { Catered Theme Party: Southwood and Thomas $7.00 $7.25 $7.25 $7.25 Adamson Lagoon $9.25 $9.50 { $9.50 I $9.50 General Catered Party: Southwood and Thomas $6.25 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 { Adamson Lagoon $8.50 $8.75 $8.75 $8.75 Pavilion Party (Four -table limit): First table $15 $15 $15 Additional tables (pf $5 { $5 $5 I9. Junior Lifeguard Program Per Person Per Session $65 $70 $70 10. Junior I t4guard1ovel2 00044, _ Per $65 $70 $70 Session 11. Lifeguard for a Day, Per Person for "�- ,�� $2ti�i I 112. Other Pool Fees { I I Texas SuperGuard Competition Per Person $20 $20 { $20 $20 Swim Diaper Fee Per Diaper $1 I $1 $1 $1 Tube Rental Fee $1 $1 $1 $1 { Deposit $2 $2 $2 $2 Locker Rental Fee $1 $1 $1 $1 Deposit $2 $2 $2 $2 Duck Derby (Sponsor a duck July 4th) Per Person { $3 $2 $2 $2 { Itzy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty & Handsome I l Boy Contest on July 4th, Per Person $3 $3 $3 $3 "Schools Out Blow Out" at Adamson Lagoon I $200 $200 $200 $200 I Pool Trout Fish -out Per Person (Ages 3 and up) $2.50 $3 $3 $3 Over the 5-fish limit (Per fish) $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 �13. Educational Class Rental Pit, 1464 444$25 $25 $25 $25 114, Adamson Lagoon Summer Day Camp Use, Per Child NA NA $2 $2 1 115, Natatorium Team Use Fee, Per Person Per Season NA NA $10 $10 TEEN CENTER (THE EXIT) - All rental rates are based on a party of 1-25 people. Additional fees are added per hour for over 25 attendees. Any rental expecting more than 100 attendees must have prior Supervisor approval. - Deposits are refundable if the facility is left clean and damage -free. -- Fees are assessed for special events and field trips. 11. Annual Membership Pass $10 $10 $20 $20 j { 2. Non -Member Fee Per Dav $1 $1 $2 $2 3. Meeting Room Rental, Per Hour $15 $15 $15 $15 1 Deposit $50 $50 $50 $50 I { 4. Dance/Game Room Rental. Per Hour $25 $25 $25 $25 { Deposit $50 $50 $50 $50 5. Whole Facility Rental Per Hour (Excludes Computer $50 $50 $50 $50 Lab) I Deposit $75 $75 $75 $75 { 6. Additional Attendance Fee Per Hour Page 5 of 6 - A percentage of ticketing and fees for service personnel and vending charges will be added accordingly for amphitheater rentals. - A percentage of the gate will be negotiated for commercial events. - Non Commercial defined as: Non profit student civic or private. - Security deposits are based upon participants/attendees. 1. Amphitheater Rentals Per Day: Private Rental I $200 / $250 $200 / $250 $250 Non Commercial - Benefit Rental $425 / $525 $425 / $525 I $600 k Jj Professional/Commercial Rentals $800 / $900 $800 / $900 $1.000 l 1ti•' r �a' , :J f I II I i� ko. 6 - All Xtra Education class fees will be set according to the individual needs of each class. Fees approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fees approved by City Council - Page 6 of 6 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT & PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY'08 OCTOBER 3, 2007 Capital Improvement Projects FY'08 STARTER LIST IAFOH Cemetery Central Park Shoo Renovation Crescent Pointe Park Development Forestry Shop Gabbard Improvements (Lincoln Additional Parking Lincoln Center Entry Sidewalk Lions Swing Set (Oaks Basketbail HB Court & Cover (Oaks Improvements II SW Little League Fields )Thomas Bath House Replacement Design IPebble Creek Drainage Improvements University Park Develooment Veterans Phaca u Veterans Park Phase II A Woodland Hills Park Develooment In Design Ross GG9905 $8,000.000 On Hold Rip $40.000 Under Construction Pete $81.000 Under Construction Ric PK0520 $779,000 Under Construction David PK0704 $140,000 Under Construction Ric PK0702 $99,000 In Design Pete $15,000 In Design David $15.000 Pending Construction Contr ct GF'07 '03 Bond Develooer G,Q.B 03' CQPG CQB(" CQJ3G 7/07 7m7 5/08 �m8 a David PK07n6 R230 000 r'DRG 10/Q7 In Design David PK0705 $143,000 COG 10/07 In Design Pete $400,000 FY'08 QF 5/08 Pending Design Contract Ric $30,000 FY'08 QF 9/08 Under Construction Ric PK0616 $50,000 GF '07 & r ISD Funds 6/07 In Qgg&n David PK0410 $400 000 GF'07 12/07 Under Construction Ric PK0501 $5 500 000 GOB '03 5/07 Out to Bid Ric PK0501 $750,000 GOR 'n3 R/07 In Degian PetgPK0523 $315.000 GF '07 Out to Bid / Re -Bid 2 Bids Received 0 Pending Design Contract 1 Pending Construction Contract 1 No Status 0 Under Construction 6 Public Hearing Scheduled 0 Park Land Dedication Proiects In Desion _David PK0410 Zone 2 2/08 In Desion Pete Steeplechase Small Dog Area On Hold David Zone 5 • Southwest On Hold • :00 Pending Construction Crom ton Ph se II Contract Pete PK0712 $204,991 Zone 7 1/08 • Emerald Forest Park Improvements In Design David PK0713 $44,500 Zone 8 • Woodland Hills Development In Design Pete PK0523 $34,000 Zone 9 5/08 • Edelweiss Gartens Development In Design Pete PK0613 $366,000 Zone 10 2/08 Southern Oaks Trails On Hold Nantucket Cove Development I Under Construction Pete d Der/inatin $57,756 Zone 12 11/07 jI I 1 1 I - Intergenerational Project q A q� "g p , 1 On Hold 3 In Design 5 ,Out to Bid / Re -Bid 0 Bids Received 0 Pending Construction Contract 1 Pending Design Contract 0 Under Construction 1 Under Contract 0 Public Hearin 0 O:/Pro/ects/CIP/CIP & Park Land Ded Project List. doc Page 2 City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board List of Subcommittees/Board Liaisons Fiscal Year 2007-08 Comprehensive Plan Update Advisory Committee .......................................... Gary Erwin, Kathleen Ireland (Alternate) Fees ........................................... Gary Erwin, Kathleen Ireland, Jody Ford Park Naming ..........................................................Gary Erwin, Kathleen Ireland Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan ......... Gary Thomas, Kathleen Ireland, Wayne Williams, Shawn Rhodes Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee ....................................... Jodi Warner, Joan Perry (Alternate) O/Board/SubcommitteeslList of Subcommittee 2007-08 CAP Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies September 25, 2007 Mr. Steven C. Beachy, Director City of College Station Parks and Recreation 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. College Station, TX 77840 Dear Mr. Beachy: Congratulations on your agency's accreditation! Accreditation is an exceptional achievement and as an accredited agency, you are encouraged to advertise your accomplishment. To assist you in promoting your accomplishment, we have designed this promotion packet for your use. Enclosed you will find: 1. A CD containing several versions of the CAPRA "Accredited" logo. You are encouraged to use the CAPRA logo on your agency's letterhead, program guides, newsletters, etc. 2. A sample press release. A copy of this release will also be sent to your state association. 3. A lapel pin order form to help reward your staff for their contributions to your accreditation. One free lapel pin is also enclosed and can be used by the Director or given as a reward to a staff person instrumental in assisting the agency to become accredited. Also enclosed in this packet is information designed to assist you in maintaining your accreditation status. A blank annual report form is available for your reference. Piease note that we ask all agencies to submit their annual report on-line. The questions will be similar to those included on the enclosed form and you will receive information and directions for submitting your report online in advance of the due date. Annual reports and annual fees are due one year from the date of your accreditation and every year thereafter until your reaccredidation year. It is important when you submit your first year annual report that you address any standards that the Commission specified at your hearing. Again, congratulations on such a rewarding accomplishment! If you need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 703-858-2150 orjoconnor@nrpa.org. Sincerely, � �O(�---- James O'Connor, Accreditation Manager Enclosures ANO y . w • �i National Recreation and Park Association ° 2237, 7 Belmont Ridge Road • Ashburn. VA 20148 • (703) 858-0 i 8,1 • Fax (, 03) 858-0792 Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies NEWS RELEASE: City of College Station Parks and Recreation EARNS NATIONAL ACCREDITATION Who: City of College Station Parks and Recreation Steven C. Beachy, Director 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. College Station, TX 77840 Phone:9797643414 What: National Accreditation from the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies When: September 25, 2007 Where: National Recreation and Park Association Congress and Exposition, Indianapolis, IN On September 25, 2007, the City of College Station Parks and Recreation became one of only seventy-three agencies in the country to have received national accreditation from the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies (CAPRA). This distinguished accomplishment was announced in Indianapolis, IN. at the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Congress and Exposition. The process of accreditation is extensive and took several years to accomplish. After the initial application, the agency completed a detailed self -assessment report followed by a visit to the City of College Station by a team of experienced park and recreation professionals. Finally, a review was conducted by CAPRA and accreditation was formally conferred by the Commission on September 25, 2007. National accreditation requires park and recreation agencies to respond to 155 standards representing elements of effective and efficient park and recreation operations. To become accredited, agencies must demonstrate their ability to meet 36 fundamental standards and 85% of all other standards. Director Steven C. Beachy attended the Commission hearing and was notified that the City of College Station Parks and Recreation had received accreditation. U • �1 Q Oi National Recreation and Park Association ti 2�>3 Belmont Ridge Road •Ashburn, VA 20l ? 8 • (� 03� 858-0784 •Fax (-w) 858-0 , 9,3 The Commission is comprised of representatives from the National Recreation and Park Association, the American Academy for Park and Recreation Administration, the National Association of County Park and Recreation Officials, the International City/County Managers Association, American Association for Physical Activity and Recreation, the Armed Forces Recreation Society, and the Council of State Executive Directors. For further information on the Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies, contact: National Recreation and Park Association James O'Connor, Accreditation Manager 22377 Belmont Ridge Road Ashburn VA 20148 Phone: (703) 858-2150 Fax: (703) 858-0794 E-mail: joconnor@nrpa.org ,��pN AMppi M COMMISSION FOR ACCREDITATION OF PARK AND RECREATION AGENCIES f*QRA, 1 � � 4 O AGENCY ANNUAL REPORT? An annual report is due each year by your agency's accreditation anniversary date (February or October). The annual report is a statement outlining the agency's current compliance status and significant events. When submitting your annual report, please also enclose your annual fee payment based on the scale below. Operating Budget Fee Operating Budget Fee Under $500,000 $50 $500,000 - $1 million $100 $1 million - $2.5 million $150 $2.5 million - $5 million $200 $5 million - $10 million $250 $10 million - $15 million $300 $15 million - $25 million $400 Over $25 million $500 Please use the following format to file your report. Report must be typed. Date of Report: Agency Accreditation #: 1. Basic Information Please check (4) if any information on this page has changed since last year. A. PUBLIC ENTITY Chief Executive: Title: Name of City/County Manager, if one: B. NAME OF AGENCY ADMINISTERING PARK AND RECREATION SERVICES Name of Agency Administrator: Title: Address (office, street): City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: Email: C. NAME OF DEPARTMENT OR DIVISION UNDER OR WITHIN WHICH THE AGENCY IS LOCATED: (IF APPLICABLE) Chief Administrative Officer: Title: 1 11. Standards Compliance Upon accreditation, agencies are expected to remain in compliance with all Fundamental Standards. We hereby certify that we have continued in compliance with all Fundamental Standards. Yes Signature No Sometimes circumstances may arise in which an agency either does not remain in compliance or exceeds the standards. Attach additional sheets if necessary or expand space on electronic version. 1. if you are no longer in compliance with one or more of the Fundamental Standards, please indicate which Fundamental Standards are you in noncompliance: Briefly describe the reason for noncompliance and the actions being taken to regain compliance with each of the above listed Fundamental Standards. 2. If you are not in compliance with any other standards that you were in compliance with at the time of accreditation (other than fundamental standards), please indicate which standards you are now in noncompliance: a Briefly describe the reason for noncompliance and actions being taken to regain compliance with each of the above listed standards (other than fundamental standards). 3. List the standards (include title and section number) that you did NOT comply with at the time of visitation, but have taken steps which now put you in compliance or are working toward compliance; briefly describe the action being undertaken for specific standards. 1I1. Agency Status Changes Current Year Budget: Total Operating (include wages & salaries): $ Capital Improvements: Number of Staff: Full time: Part time: Seasonal: One of the purposes of accreditation is to assist/enable an agency to enhance their operation. Please state any notable changes in agency status within the ten categories of desirable practices: (Attach additional sheets if necessary or expand space on electronic version.) 1. Agency Authority, Role and Responsibility 2. Planning 3. Organizations and Administration 4. Human Resources 5. Finance 6. Programs and Services Management 7. Facilities and Land Use Management 8. Security and Public Safety 9. Risk Management 10. Evaluation and Research (Evaluative Research) 3 IV. Benefits/Impacts of Accreditation Please describe any significant benefits or impact of accreditation to your agency. For example: • A benchmark • Agency recognition • Increased agency effectiveness and accountability • Standards represent approved professional practices • Accreditation may translate to financial support and savings • Increased pride in the agency and its services • Basis for agency self improvement V. Suggestions for the Commission regarding the procedures, specific standards, et al. Please complete form and mail, with all applicable fees and signatures, to: Commission for Accreditation of Park and Recreation Agencies National Recreation and Park Association Attn: James O'Connor 22377 Belmont Ridge Road Ashburn, VA 20I48 Commission forAccrefiitation of Tarkand'W§creationAgencies :J3e U &,wb# fin-mm Mae ffw CoCCege Station Parks and creation Department hawing AN# dematzotrated ito commitment ta ffw pa& and wxwatwa deed 6# compejing wi& a body of stand=& deemed eooentkd to ffw quatU* of seur m ddivened and Me pwf eooionaeiom of ito a pc ationu ocjotem, and Hawing accompeioeied tfce 6eot management puwt w io f vw4, up an w4nunendatioa &j. tfix menc8.ero of tfce C'wmnioo con fa* of .I a4 and jqec wat" Qgenueo con pvwd .,agency .A ccreditation effectiae on th a 26th of Septemht, 2CV7 and wxogn zed co an accredited pavA and ae uatioa agencg fnapeqlodof five yeaw- Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Policy/Operations Recommendations Rental Structure/Fees The addition of the The Green Room and Plaza creates an opportunity for the city to offer a rental space for smaller events at Wolf Pen Creek. These spaces could be used for smaller gatherings of all types such as trainings, retreats, hearings; and social events such as wedding showers, dinner parties, and baby showers. Recommendations • Begin rental of facility in FY 08 • Develop business plan to ensure long range viability of facility • Fees included in CY 08 Fee Recommendations Noise Control Plan The parks department and police department adopted a noise control plan for the amphitheater on April 19, 2007. The plan was in response to an event in which the weather and speaker configuration contributed to the sound from the concert traveling an unusually long distance. The police department received 67 sound complaints about the concert which had 3400 in attendance and ended at 11:15pm. The Noise Control Plan is attached. Recommendations Review new Noise Control Policy o Add specific not to exceed sound levels Include language in contracts referencing the Noise Control policy Hire a sound engineer to study and suggest remedies to sound travel issue Alcohol Policy The current policy allows for the event promoter to determine whether his event is an alcohol -free, coolers allowed, or alcohol for sale event. Recommendations • Limit alcohol to personal sized containers only, this will be defined as no coolers larger than 48 qt and no containers that require a separate tap or other external serving device o Continue to allow renters/promoters to determine if alcohol will be allowed and how supplied, BYOB, sale Chair Policy Most events allow for lawn chairs to be used inside the facility. On larger ticketed events which are predominately geared towards college students, lawn chairs are prohibited. Recommendation • Develop facility rule defining specific area as "blanket seating only" • Staff develop map of facility identifying Blanket areas Smoking Tobacco smoke is a growing concern at the amphitheater. Recent years have seen a greater number of complaints about second hand smoke annoying non- smoking guests and possibly posing a health hazard. Recommendation • Develop rule banning smoking during concerts/events except in designated areas • Staff develop map of facility identifying smoking areas Summary In 15 seasons we have hosted 281 events and over 535,000 guests. We have fielded less than 250 complaints (includes 67 sound complaints at the concert this spring). On average, that would be less than one complaint per event, with an average of almost 2,000 guests per event. Our operations policies need to be well balanced and considerate of the guests who attend our concerts as well as our community. Our current operational philosophy and our history are congruent with our mission statement: " Wolf Pen Creek staff will create an excellent experience for our guests through our festive atmosphere, professionalism, exceptional facilities and quality entertainment. " We hope to continue with this mission for many years and appreciate the opportunity to serve our community. (*. fr 0A81 - Recreation\646 - Programs & Special Events\Rental Policies for The Green Room.doc CITY OF COLLEGE STATION The Green Room At Wolf Pen Creek MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the staff at Wolf Pen Creek is to provide clean, attractive and affordable facilities; and excellent customer service to meet the needs of the Brazos Valley community. These policies have been created to establish a guideline for all events held at The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek. By the nature of the facility, and its proximity to other rental areas at Wolf Pen Creek, all of the events are unique and will have different rules that may be applicable depending on the types of activities that are planned. This guideline is only a summary and does not attempt to include every rule or special condition that may apply to possible events. Some of the guidelines are modified from time to time depending on the circumstances, at the discretion of the Venue Manager. Please call the parks office if you have specific questions about your event. Phone (979) 764-3408. OPERATIONAL POLICIES ACCESS- Wolf Pen Creek Staff on duty have access to all rented areas during all events. ALCOHOL POLICY -Guests attending events are never allowed to bring alcohol into the event. "Bring Your Own Bottle" is prohibited. Alcohol may be sold and/or served providing all policies of the TABC, The State of Texas, Brazos County, and the City of College Station are observed. The Lessee may provide alcohol to guests at the event or may establish a cash bar utilizing a local retailer. In most instances, a City of College Station Police Officer will be required to be present when alcohol is served at an event. The Wolf Pen Creek Venue Manager will schedule the officer and the Lessee will pay the officer upon his arrival at the event. AVAILABLE HOURS FOR EVENTS lam to Midnight Overnight retreats or lock -ins will be considered on a case by case basis. CANCELLATIONS -In order to receive a deposit refund, notification of cancellation must be received no later than 60 days prior to the event date. Notification of cancellation received after this deadline will result in a forfeiture of the entire deposit. The lessee will forfeit their fees if cancellation is received less than 72 hours before the time of occupancy. If the event was of the type that did not require a deposit lessee will forfeit their fees for a "No Show". CATERING DEPOSITS -Caterers and Alcohol Service Providers are not required to place a deposit. Responsibility for clean up resides with the lessee. CLASSIFICATION OF USE- Private Parties, educational events, student organizations, civic groups, and non-profit organizations fees are granted reduced rental fees. COMMERCIAL - Any event produced by a business. CLEAN-UP - The Lessee is responsible for the clean up of The Green Room after use. All areas are to be returned in the same clean condition in which they were received. All trash shall be removed immediately after the event to the outside dumpsters. All surfaces clean: floors, tables, chairs, counters and walls. Parking area should not show evidence of event. If clean-up is not performed adequately the lessee's deposit will be retained. COOKING- Cooking on the premises is allowed only by prior approval of venue manager. DEPOSITS- A deposit is money paid to reserve a space. Deposits are payable at the time the space is reserved. "Tentative" holds for dates are not allowed. This deposit will be refunded after the event if the facilities are returned in the condition in which they were received and no additional charges accrue during the event. DECORATIONS- The Lessee is responsible for their own safety and the safety of those associated with their event during the installation, display, and removal of all decorations. Use of wall decorations is not permitted. Free- standing and table decorations are all that are allowed. The use of duct tape, tacks, nails or staples is not allowed. Use of the ceiling structure is not allowed. Helium tanks must be secured to a load bearing structure upon arrival and remain secured until their departure. Candles can be used for decoration only if the candle is contained and the flame does not extend higher than the container. Prohibited items are as follows: straw, hay, glitter, confetti and fireworks. The throwing of sterilized birdseed and the use of bubbles is restricted to the outside area only. EOUIPMENT- In the event The Green Room does not have adequate equipment suitable to the proposed use or to meet the needs of those attending, the lessee shall supply such equipment. FEE DISCOUNTS- Lessee's booking three or more events at one time, or three or more days of use at one time are eligible for a 15% discount on the total rental fee. FEES- The rental fee is due fourteen (14) days prior to the event. Any items sold on the premises are subject to vending fees including but not limited to photos, concessions, alcohol, souvenirs and books. FREE USE- The Department Director has authority to waive fees. Requests must be submitted in writing. NON -CONFORMING EVENTS... Events not conforming to accepted community standards or any event that has been scheduled using untrue or misleading information provided by the Lessee shall be rejected or cancelled. OTHER- Each event is unique. Lessees are encouraged to visit with WPC staff concerning any special plans or needs so that we may assist you in planning a professional event. PEACE OFFICERS- Peace officers are required for certain events as determined by the venue manager. The Lessee is responsible for paying the peace officer and the beginning of the event. Peace officers are schedule by the venue manager. PROHIBITED EVENTS- Dances or socials billed as "open to the public" are prohibited. PROPERTY- The Green Room rental fees include the use of the tables and chairs contained in the building. Any other property needed by Lessee must be rented from an outside source. SCHEDULING INADVANCE- Events may be scheduled up to 12 months in advance for events that take place Monday through Thursday. Events that take place on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday during peak amphitheater season can be scheduled 90 days prior to the date of the event. Peak amphitheater season is the last two weeks of March, all of April, all of May, the last two weeks of August, and all of September and October. SET-UPAND CLEAN-UP TIME- The rental period includes set-up and clean up time. SPACE- Rental of The Green Room includes the porches, balcony, and inside space. It does not include the amphitheater, plaza or park. Monday-Thurs { Friday/Sat/Sun The Green Room at WPC Meetings { 4 hours or less non-profit/student/civic/private 75 100 commercial 100 150 1 { { up to 12 hours non-profit/student/civic/private 200 250 { { commercial 250 300 j Social Events { 4 hours or less non-profit/student/civic/private 100 125 { { { commercial 125 150 { { up to 12 hours non-profit/student/civic/private 250 300 { { commercial 300 350 { { Deposit 200 200 Non -typical Events { rates based on event requirements { { and building use { Discounts { 3 or more dates booked 15% 15% { Alcohol Surcharge { applicable anytime there is to be $50 $50 { { alcohol served at a function { CITY OF COLLEGE STATION (*fr 0:%81 - Recrestion1646 - Programs & Special EventstRental Policies for The Plaza doc The Plaza At Wolf Pen Creek MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the staff at Wolf Pen Creek is to provide clean, attractive and affordable facilities; and excellent customer service to meet the needs of the Brazos Valley community. These policies have been created to establish a guideline for all events held at The Plaza at Wolf Pen Creek. By the nature of the facility, and its proximity to other rental areas at Wolf Pen Creek, all of the events are unique and will have different rules that may be applicable depending on the types of activities that are planned. This guideline is only a summary and does not attempt to include every rub or special condition that may apply to possible events. Some of the guidelines are modified from time to time depending on the circumstances, at the discretion of the Venue Manager. Please call the parks office if you have specific questions about your event. Phone (979) 764-3408. OPERATIONAL POLICIES ACCESS- Wolf Pen Creek Staff on duty have access to all rented areas during all events. ALCOHOL POLICY- Guests attending events at The Plaza are never allowed to bring alcohol into the event. "Bring Your Own Bottle" is prohibited. Alcohol may be sold and/or served providing all policies of the TABC, The State of Texas, Brazos County, and the City of College Station are observed. The Lessee may provide alcohol to guests at the event or may establish a cash bar utilizing a local retailer. No Glass containers are allowed. In most instances, a City of College Station Police Officer will be required to be present when alcohol is served at an event. The Wolf Pen Creek Venue Manager will schedule the officer and the Lessee will pay the officer upon his arrival at the event. AVAILABLE HOURS FOR EVENTS- 9am to 1 1pm Friday and Saturday 9am to 9pm Sunday through Thursday CANCELLATIONS -In order to receive a deposit refund, notification of cancellation must be received no later than 60 days prior to the event date. Notification of cancellation received after this deadline will result in a forfeiture of the entire deposit. The lessee will forfeit their fees if cancellation is received less than 72 hours before the time of occupancy. If the event was of the type that did not require a deposit lessee will forfeit their fees for a "No Show". CATERING DEPOSITS -Caterers and Alcohol Service Providers are not required to place a deposit. Responsibility for clean up resides with the lessee. CLEAN-UP - The Lessee is responsible for the clean up of The Plaza after use. All areas are to be returned in the same clean condition in which they were received. All trash shall be removed immediately after the event to the outside dumpsters. Parking area should not show evidence of event. If clean-up is not performed adequately the lessee's deposit will be retained. COOKING- Cooking on the premises is allowed only by prior approval of venue manager. DECORATIONS- The Lessee is responsible for their own safety and the safety of those associated with their event during the installation, display, and removal of all decorations. Use of decorations affixed to the building is not permitted. This includes the use of duct tape, tacks, nails or staples. Helium tanks must be secured to a load bearing structure upon arrival and remain secured until their departure. Candles can be used for decoration only if the candle is contained and the flame does not extend higher than the container. Prohibited items are as follows: straw, hay, glitter, confetti and fireworks. The throwing of sterilized birdseed and the use of bubbles is allowed. DEPOSITS- A deposit is money paid to reserve a space. Deposits are payable at the time the space is reserved. "Tentative" holds for dates are not allowed. This deposit will be refunded after the event if the facilities are returned in the condition in which they were received and no additional charges accrue during the event. EOUIPMENT- The Plaza has 6 picnic tables available for use. Any other tables, chairs, PA, or equipment needed must be supplied by Lessee or rented from a commercial rental company at the lessee's expense. FEE DISCOUNTS- Lessee's booking three or more events at one booking, or three or more days of use at one time are eligible for a 15% discount on the total rental fee. FEES The rental fee is due fourteen (14) days prior to the event. FREE USE- The Department Director has authority to waive fees. Requests must be submitted in writing. NON -CONFORMING EVENTS- Events not conforming to accepted community standards or any event that has been scheduled using untrue or misleading information provided by the Lessee shall be rejected or cancelled. OTHER- Each event is unique. Lessees are encouraged to visit with WPC staff concerning any special plans or needs so that we may assist you in planning a professional event. PEACE OFFICERS- Peace officers are required for certain events as determined by the venue manager. The Lessee is responsible for paying the peace officer at the beginning of the event. Peace officers are scheduled by the venue manager. PUBLIC EVENTS- Dances or parties billed as "open to the public" are subject to all rules that apply to public events held at the amphitheater. RAINDATES- Rain dates for events can only be scheduled 30 days from the date of the event if there is space available. SCHEDULING INADVANCE- Events may be scheduled up to 12 months in advance for events that take place Monday through Thursday. Events that take place on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday during peak amphitheater season can be scheduled 90 days prior to the date of the event. Peak amphitheater season is the last two weeks of March, all of April, all of May, the last two weeks of August, and all of September and October. SET=UPAND CLEAN-UP TIME- The rental period includes set-up and clean up time. SPACE- Rental of The Plaza includes the concrete area to the north and west of the operations center, the small pavilion and the two private restrooms. It does not include the amphitheater or park. The Plaza at WPC Rental Deposit Non -typical Events Discounts Alcohol Surcharge includes Pavilion/Rettrooms security/damage/clean up rates based on event requirements and building use 3 or more dates booked applicable anytime there is to be alcohol served at a function Mon-Thurs Fri/Sat/Sun 100 150 100 100 i 15% 15% $50 $50 The Amphitheater: Celebrate with a larger crowd! Host a company picnic, fund raiser, talent show, or concert in a beautiful, natural setting. The Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater accommodates up to 7,500 people or groups as small as 300. Rental of this facility includes all outdoor areas inside the fenced perimeter. There are many options for catering, beverage and alcohol service depending on the type of event and rental class. The amphitheater may be reserved up to one year in advance, or up to two years in advance for multi -day events. Rental prices range from $300—$3000. The Plaza: Appropriate for more intimate outdoor gather- ings such as family reunions, birthday parties, and small concerts. The Plaza accommodates up to 250 people. Rental includes a small pavilion, the concessions patio area, 6 picnic tables, and restrooms. Catering and food service options are at the discretion of the renter. The plaza can be reserved during non -peak concert season up to a year in advance. During March, April, May, September, and October the plaza can be reserved up to 90 days in advance. Rental prices range from $75—$400. The Green Room: College Station's premier, secluded event destination is now available for social functions, meetings, retreats, and train- ings. Untouched by "everyday bustle", the building will host a group of 48 in an auditorium configuration or 24 in a boardroom setting. By evening the building is easily transformed into an intimate setting for formal dinners, banquets, and cocktail parties. Banquet seating can accommodate up to 40, while a standing cocktail party can accommo- date up to 80. The facility features a balcony over -looking the picturesque Wolf Pen Creek, space for formal catering prep, full size refrigerator and ice machine. Rental prices range from $75-$400. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION AD` isow BOARD ABSENCE REQUEST FORM FOR ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICERS I will not be in attendance at the64,�&,A . JW I meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the reason(s) specified: -D7 Sig ature v '4 , Requests for Absence must be submitted to the Parks Staff Assistant at 764-3414 prior to the meeting date. Page 1 of 1 Pam Springfield - Goals and Objectives From: "Kathleen Ireland" To: "Pam Springfield" Date: 10/3/2007 4:18 PM Subject: Goals and Objectives Attachments: Hi Pam, Here is what 1 have come up with. Hope you can open it. Kathy PS Don't forget that 1 won't be there on Tuesday! file://C:\Documents and Settings\pspringfield\Local Settings\Temp\XPgrpwise\4703COD8... 10/3/2007 Economic Impact of the USA/ASA Girl's IS & Under Class A National Championship Tournament on the College Station/Bryan Community Todd Grier Dr John L Crompton Department of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences Texas A&M Un ,cnnry Logistics o From July 30th to August 1st three surveyors interviewed 697 individuals o Number includes parents, relatives, coaches, umpires, and scouts from various universities Results o Financial Data: Income: Entry Fees Costs: Staffing, etc. Net Loss $ 39,900 $119,617 ($ 79,717) The Tournament a 133 Teams from across the nation a 1610 Players signed in to play o Games occurred on 14 fields at four different sites throughout the week o Play occurred from July 30th to August 5th o Elimination began on August grid Results o Economic Data: Total Estimated Expenditures: $2,039,000 Total EconomicImpact on Sales: $3,731,000 Total Impact on Pesonal Income: $1,162.000 1 Return on Investment $1,162,000 / $79,717 = $14.58 For every dollar invested in providing the tournament, $14.58 was returned to the personal income of residents in the community. 2