HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/14/2003 - Regular Agenda - Parks BoardCollege Station Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future Agenda Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station, Texas 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of the minutes from the Regular Meeting of September 9, 2003, the Special Goals Meetings of September 23, 2003, and the Special Growth Report Meeting of October 6, 2003. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding park land dedication requests for the following projects: • Villas of Harvey (Zone 4) • Replat of Tract A (Zone 6) 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning the Fiscal Year 2004 Senior Advisory Committee Goals and Objectives. if. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Fiscal Year 2004 Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives and City Council Strategic Plan, 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Board subcommittees and appointments. 9. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Park Maintenance Standards and status report. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding College Station Growth Study and Report. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program: • Current Capital Improvement Project List • Park Land Dedication Project List • Proposed Future Bond Election Projects 12. Discussion of calendar, next meeting dates, and possible agenda items: • October 13, 2003 — Rescheduled date for Girls Fastpitch Opening Cermonies • October 19, 2003 — College Station's 65th Birthday Celebration at Wolf Pen Creek • October 30, 2003 — Joint Meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission )>. Discussion of rescheduling the November 11th Board meeting in honor of Veterans Day 13. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. College Station Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future Minutes Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Tuesday, October 14, 2003 The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station, Texas 7:00 p.m. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Peter Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator; Kristin Lehde, Staff Assistant; Jane Kee, City Planner. Board Me A3ers Present: John Nichols, Chairman; Ken Livingston; Don Allison; Glen Davis; Larry Farnsworth; Jodi Warner. Board Members Absent: Glenn Schroeder; Gary Erwin, Alternate. Gusts: Robert Meyer, Vice Chairman, Senior Advisory Committee Bill Lero, Developer Morris Hamilton, Developer Joe Schultz, Engineer 1. Call to order: Chairman John Nichols called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. Pardon FV possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting: Glen Davis made a motion to accept the absences of Glenn Schroeder and Gary Erwin as excused. Don Allison seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the Regular Meeting of September 9, 2003, the Special Goals Meeting of September 23, 2003, and the Special Growth Report Meeting of October 6, 2003: Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Page 1 of 6 tv Regular Meeting of September 9, 2003: Glen D. made a motion to approve the minutes of September 9, 2003. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Special Goals Meeting of September 23, 2003: Don A. made a motion to approve the minutes of September 23, 2003. Ken Livingston seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Special Growth Report Meeting of October 6, 2003: Larry F. made a motion to approve the minutes of October 6, 2003. Don A. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding park land dedication requests for the following projects: Villas of Harvey (Park Zone 4): This proposed multi -family, approximately 600 dwelling -unit development, located north of Highway 30, east of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (bordering FM158), had been presented to the Board during the August 12th and September 9th Regular meetings. During the September 9th meeting, the Board accepted a motion to 1) recommend that the developers include the addition of four lots on the north end of the proposed dedication, and accept the proposal if this could be done, and 2) request that the developer dedicate the land that had been indicated in the highline acres. Pete Vanecek stated that since that meeting the developers have reconfigured the proposed dedication to provide the requested four lots, plus one additional lot. However, one street on the east end of the park has been removed. The revised dedication includes 7.70 acres of park land and 3.26 acres of utility easement/open space. Approximately 48% of the park would have street frontage. Staff recommends acceptance of the proposed reconfigured dedication. After some discussion, Glen D. made a motion to approve the reconfigured dedication as proposed for the Villas of Harvey. Don A. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Page 2 of 6 + Replat of Tract A (Park Zone 6): This proposed single-family, 17 dwelling -unit development is located on Southwest Parkway, near Southwood Drive. The total land dedication requirement would be 0.168 acres. The total cash dedication requirement would be $9,452. Staff is recommending acceptance of the cash dedication in lieu of land, due to the small dedication requirement and the close proximity to Bee Creek Park. Larry F. made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for the Replat of Tract A. Glen D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning the Fiscal Year 2004 Senior Advisory Co Jrnittee Goals and Objectives: Marci Rodgers introduced Robert Meyer, who is the Vice Chairman of the Senior Advisory Committee. Marci stated that the Senior Advisory Committee has developed goals and objectives for Fiscal Year 2004, which are in line with the Board's goals as well as with the City's Strategic Plan, Mr. Meyer discussed the proposed goals and objectives: + Develop and implement a senior information center. + Develop recommendations for utilization of the existing Parks and Recreation Department headquarters building. + Encourage the development of a gift program for donations to the City of College Station. <4'. Promote and implement new low-cost or free programs and continue to develop current programs. + Support and encourage programs that promote physical fitness. + Provide and promote non -organized areas and activities for seniors and investigate and expand programs that break down barriers between cultures and races. + Continue to promote senior programs through effective marketing. After some discussion, Ken L. made a motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2004 Senior Advisory Committee goals and objectives. Larry F. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Page 3 of 6 7. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Fiscal Year 2004 Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives and City Council Strategic Plan: The Board members discussed the draft goals and objectives that were included in their meeting packets. After some discussion, the following changes were made: An additional bulleted item would be added to goal #2 (Provide oversight and emphasis on further development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II), which would state "Develop recommendations regarding the schedule for development." t"... The wording on goal #12 would be changed from "Support continued efforts to implement the Greenways Master Plan" to "Support increased efforts..." and the wording on a bulleted item pertaining to that goal would be changed from "Provide support for continued acquisition of greenways" to "Support increased efforts for acquisition of greenways." Don A. made a motion to adopt the Board's Fiscal Year 2004 goals and objectives with the discussed changes. Ken L. seconded the rotion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Steve updated the Board on the Department's Fiscal Year 2004 goals and objectives that relate to the Board's goals, the City's Strategic Plan, the Capital Improvement Program, and the upcoming bond election, as well as to City Management directives. 8. Discussion, consideration, ad possible action regarding Board subcommitt es a d appoint- ts: The Board members reviewed their Fiscal Year 2003 Board Subcommittee and Liaison Appointment list, and discussed the following for Fiscal Year 2004: Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan Subcommittee: No reappointments were made. Fees: No reappointments were made. Gary Erwin was appointed as an alternate. Veterans Park and Athletic Complex: No reappointments were made. Joint Ventures with CSISD: No reappointments were made. Joint Ventures with TAMU: No reappointments were made. Joint Ventures with Bryan PARD: No reappointment was made. Lick Creek Park: This subcommittee was eliminated. Park Naming: No reappointments were made. Art in Public Places: No reappointment was made. Wolf Pen Creek Oversight: No reappointments were made. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Page 4 of 6 After some discussion, Jodi Warner made a motion to approve the Fiscal Year 2004 Board Subcommittee and Liaison Appointment list (Refer to attached Fiscal Year 2004 List of Subcommittees/Board Liaisons). Larry F. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 9. Presentatio ,„ discussion, and possible action regarding Park Maintenance Standards and status report: Parks Operations Superintendent Curtis Bingham stated that two (2) new parks were added to the Maintenance Standards survey during the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2003 (Castlegate and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex). Curtis added that even with the addition of those parks, the standards met dropped in that quarter (compared to the third quarter) primarily due to all of the rains during the summer. Curtis stated that the Department would focus on, and take care of, the following categories of concern in Fiscal Year 2004: + Playgrounds — Some problem areas have been with the fall surfaces in the playgrounds. Curtis stated that the Department is in the process of replacing two playgrounds at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park, as well as the playgrounds at Bee Creek and Hensel Parks. Curtis added that age -appropriateness signs would also be posted at each playground. •: Play Courts (i.e. tennis and basketball courts) — This year, the Department will focus on resurfacing the double tennis courts in Thomas Park, the half basketball court in Lions Park, the full basketball court in Merry Oaks Park, and the double basketball court in Anderson Park. •: General Parks — The backstops in the practice fields will be inspected to determine if they need replacing. Also, the Department will be doing tree stump removals at various parks, which will help improve mowing and trimming. + Ponds — Curtis commented that the moat around the Amphitheater at Wolf Pen Creek would be removed from the survey. This was a report only, and no action was taken. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding College Station Growth Study and Report: This item was placed on the agenda to give Board members the opportunity to discuss the report Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Page 5 of 6 concerning the growth of College Station, that was presented by Development Services Staff on October 6, 2003. Jodi W. stated that the report was useful; however, it did not take into account the people living in the Extra Terrestrial Jurisdiction areas who access City services. Steve stated that with the projected growth rate, there would be an increased number of dwelling units, as well as more park land dedication issues to consider. There would also be impacts on the programs and services that the City offers. This item was intended for discussion only, and no action was taken. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program: Jodi asked if funds were being taken out of the various zones for the completed park projects. Steve stated that it often takes time for the accounting system to update, but staff would try to ensure that they are providing good numbers. This item was a report only, and no action was taken, 12. Discussion of calendar, next meeting dates, and possible agenda items: Calendar and next meeting dates: + Octsber 19, 2003 — College Station's 65th Birthday Celebration at Wolf Pen Creek. •: October 30, 2003 — Joint Meeting with Planning and Zoning Commission at the EXIT Teen Center, at 5:30 p.m, • Discussion of rescheduling the November 1 lth Board meeting in honor of Veterans Day — The Board was in consensus on moving the meeting up to Tuesday, November 4th. Possible agenda items: + Report on Greenways. + Report from the Park Naming Subcommittee. • Report on the potential acquisition of land in the Northgate area. + Executive Summary of the Department's leisure programs. 13. Adjourn: Larry F. made a motion to adjourn. Jodi W. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m. Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, October 14, 2003 Page 6 of 6 Kris Lehde - RE: Meeting Reminder Page 1 From: Glenn Schroeder <gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org> To: 'Kris Lehde' <klehde@cstx.gov> Date: 10/14/03 11:19AM Subject: RE: Meeting Reminder Good morning, Kris, Please forward this request for excused absence to the board for this evenings meeting. I will be unavailable due to family commitments. Thanks, Glenn Original Message From: Kris Lehde [SMTP:klehde@cstx.gov] Sent: Friday, October 10, 2003 8:39 AM To: gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org; erwin74@aol.com; GDAVIS6264@aol.com; j_warner@cox-internet.com; ALLISON@fabtexas.com; DAVISG@fabtexas.com; jpn@tamu.edu; Ifarnsworth@tamu.edu; ksliving@txcyber.com Cc: Curtis Bingham; Glenn Brown; Jane Kee; Kelly Kelbly; Marci Rodgers; Pete Vanecek; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy; Tom Brymer Subject: Meeting Reminder « File: October 14, 2003.doc » « File: September 23, 2003.doc » « File: September 9, 2003.doc » « File: October 6th Growth Report.doc » Good morning! Just a reminder of the next Parks & Recreation Advisory Board meeting that will be held this Tuesday, October 14th, at 7:00 p.m., at the EXIT Teen Center. Please see attached agenda for the meeting, along with the minutes from the Sept. 9th, Sept. 23rd, and Oct. 6th meetings. Please let me know if you have any questions or changes to those minutes prior to the meeting, so that any corrections can be distributed at the meeting. To ensure quorum requirements, please let me know your availability for the meeting. So far, I have one absentee request from Gary Erwin. Packets will be hand -delivered (in a dry place) to your houses today. Thank you, and have a great weekend! :) Kristin Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation (979) 764-3414 College Station. Embracing the past, Exploring the future. City of College Station email addresses are changing! Please note the extension "@ci.college-station.tx.us" has been changed to "@cstx.gov". Although the original address will continue to work, please update your files to contain the new, shorter address.