HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/10/2002 - Regular Agenda - Parks Board1. Call to order. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the regular meeting of August 13, 2002. 5. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Dartmouth Crossing Apartments (Park Zone 3). 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Southwood Estates (Park Zone 5). 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Autumn Chase Duplexes (Park Zone 3). 9. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the use of park land dedication funds. 10. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Hoard and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategies. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the Unified Development Ordinance. 12. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning a revised recommendation for softball fees. 13. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning setting a date for the Master Plan Subcommittee to meet in October 2002. 14. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items. 15. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Kristin Lehde, Staff Assistant. Board Members Present: John Nichols, Chairman; Larry Farnsworth; Bill Davis; Glenn Schroeder; Jodi Warner; Glen Davis. Board Members Absent: Don Allison. Guests: Edward McDow, SI Group. Visitors: Christine Livingston, 1203 Baywood Court, College Station, Texas Jason Fikes, 1309 Danville Court, College Station, Texas Susan Fikes, 1309 Danville Court, College Station, Texas lm Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman John Nichols at 7:05 p.m. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting: Glenn Schroeder made a motion to accept the absence of Don Allison as excused. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Bear visitors: Christine Livingston is the Chairman of the Alexandria Neighborhood Association. She said that she represents the needs and desires of the Alexandria Neighborhood, which is located on the north end of Alexandria Drive, off of Barron Road, West of Highway 6. The Association understands that the City is currently planning to place a 12-acre park on the far south side of Alexandria Drive. This would mean that the occupants of approximately 600 homes, including theirs, would have to cross Barron Road to access a public park. Since they feel that having the use of a nearby park is very important for community -wide and individual family bonding, they have contacted three offices within the City for advice: Greenway Planning, Transportation, and Parks Planning. Ms. Livingston said the Association felt that each of the offices were very sensitive to their needs for adequate access to playground equipment and to their concern for increased traffic hazards that will come with a single park in the Shennendoah Subdivision. The Association is requesting the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to consider their request for city playground equipment to be placed at the edge of the greenway Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Page I of 9 space on the north end of Alexandria Drive. Ms. Livingston thanked the Board for their thoughtfulness on behalf of her neighborhood. John Nichols thanked Ms. Livingston and said that the Board would discuss the request during item #9. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the regular meeting of August 13, 2002: Glen Davis made a motion to approve the minutes from August 13, 2002. Bill Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program: Eric said that the new fiscal year would start on October 1, 2002. He added that the Board would receive a new Capital Improvement Program project list for the October Board meeting. Bill D. asked about the status of the Thomas Pool Shade Cover Project. Eric said that the Department combined that project with the Thomas Pool Renovation Project. He added that the bids would be presented to the City Council for their consideration on Thursday, September 12, 2002. Bill said that he feels there should also be shade covers over the City's playground equipment. Glen D. asked about the status of rubberizing the surface of the Jack and Dorothy Miller Jogging Track. Eric responded that the project is almost complete. There is a one-year warranty on the track. Next summer the Department will conduct a "walk through" of the track to determine if there are any repairs that the contractor would need to make. Glen D. and Bill D. were concerned about the safety on the track if pea gravel from the nearby playground were to get on the surface of the rubber. Eric said that the surface is the softest and thickest that the City has put down. Glen D. asked about the status of the Lincoln Center Expansion Project. Steve Beachy said that there are funds in the Capital Improvement Program under Community Development for design services. He added that once the scope of the project has been developed, it may be funded over a multi -year period. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Dartmouth Crossing Apartments (Park Zone 3): Peter Vanecek said that the proposed multi -family, 68 dwelling unit development is located on the northwest comer of Dartmouth and Krenek Tap Road. He said that the total land dedication requirement would only be .544 acres. The total cash dedication requirement would be $30,736. Central Park, Wolf Pen Creek, and Cy Miller Park are also located in Park Zone 3. Staff is recommending the acceptance of the cash dedication in lieu of land. After some discussion, Bill D. made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for the Dartmouth Crossing Apartments. Larry F. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Page 2 of 9 John Nichols asked if the Department could include a current park land dedication zone fund balance on the project review checklists. Eric Ploeger said that could be done. 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Southwood Estates (Park Zone 5): Peter V. said that the proposed single-family, 74 dwelling unit development is located on Malvern Hill Drive (between Southwood Valley Athletic Complex and the Utility Service Center). The total land dedication requirement would only be .73 acres. The total cash dedication requirement would be $41,144. Southwood Valley Athletic Complex and Edelweiss Park are also located nearby. The developer is also proposing to dedicate a 1.45-acre utility easement as a greenbelt. Steve said that the recommendation from City staff is to decline the easement, but recommend that it become an access area to Southwood Valley Athletic Complex. After some discussion, Glen D. made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for the Southwood Estates and to decline the proposed 1.45-acre greenbelt dedication. The motion also included a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission 1) that the developer construct a sidewalk that would extend through the easement from Malvern Drive to the edge of the Southwood Valley Athletic Complex property line, and 2) that the City of College Station tie into the sidewalk and extend it through the park. Bill D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Autumn Chase Duplexes (Park Zone 3): Peter V. said that the proposed multi -family, 84 dwelling unit development is located on the corner of Cornell Drive and Purdue Drive. The total land dedication requirement would only be .672 acres. The total cash dedication requirement would be $37,968. Central Park, Wolf Pen Creek, and Cy Miller Park are also located in Park Zone 3. After some discussion, Glenn S. made a motion to accept the cash dedication in lieu of land for the Autumn Chase Duplexes. Jodi Warner seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 9. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the use of park land dedication funds: Eric distributed a hand-out that listed current and potential park land dedication projects (refer to Park Land Dedication Fund — Current and Potential Projects). He said that the list was split by park zones, showing the current fund balance in each zone. Steve said that there is some sense of urgency to spend the funds because there is a time requirement in the Park Land Dedication Ordinance that states that the funds "must be expended by the City within five (5) years from the date received by the City for acquisition and/or development of a neighborhood park " (Park Land Dedication Ordinance, Section 10-D.2.). Steve added that the developer has the option to request the funds back within a twelve-month period if they have not been expended. Steve said that the funds will not be recurring, and they are based upon new development. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Page 3 of 9 The Board discussed Ms. Livingston's request for the Board's consideration of installing city playground equipment at the edge of the greenway space on the north portion of Alexandria Drive. The Board discussed the location of the subdivision and greenway, which are located in Park Zone 10. Steve said that there are three undeveloped parks in the proximity that could be used for neighborhood park usage in the future: Westfield, Edelweiss Gartens, and Shenendoah. He said that the new intermediate school is also located in Zone 10, and that a new elementary school has been proposed for construction as well. Steve added that the School District had indicated their desire to do a joint school -park project with the elementary school in the future. Ms. Livingston stated that the Alexandria subdivision is located north of Barron Road. Residents must cross Barron Road to access public parks, and there is little visibility. She also said that the Transportation Office had indicated that Barron Road would be widened to four lanes within the next three years, which would make it harder to cross. Steve recommended that the Department first investigate the location and ownership of the greenway, as well as visit the site to determine distance and location issues, before it commits to doing a project. He added that if a park were to be developed, it would be expensive, and there would also be operation and maintenance costs associated with it. He is also concerned about the duplication of efforts to build a park if one would also be built in conjunction with the School District. After some discussion, the Board was in consensus on having the Department investigate the greenway site, and come back to the Board with a recommendation. Eric referred to the handout that listed current and potential park land dedication projects. The Board discussed each zone separately: Zone 1— $168,288 Eric said that funds in Zone 1 are reserved for the Northgate area and possible acquisition of a Northgate Park or a park amenity for the Northgate Promenade area. Steve said that there is a Northgate Redevelopment Plan that calls for development of park land and park linkages in the Northgate Area. He said that there are currently three lots that are on the intersection of College Main and Spruce Street that have come on the market in the Northgate area that could possibly be purchased and used for development of a small park with park land dedication funds. He added that there is also the potential of using Community Development Funds for a park in the future as well. After some discussion, Glenn S. made a motion recommending that the Department actively pursue the acquisition of park land in the Northgate area, as well as protect park land dedication funds from being spent on "marginal" amenities, such as are in the Northgate Promenade area. Bill Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Steve said that the Department would investigate the potential of acquiring land with the City's Land Agent. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Page 4 of 9 Zone 2 — $0 No motion was made. There was no discussion concerning Park Zone 2. Zone 3 — $131,322 Eric said that these funds have been budgeted for the Wolf Pen Creek Trails Project for quite some time. Steve said that the Lower Trails Project, from Dartmouth to State Highway 6, is currently under construction and should be complete by the first of next year. The next scheduled project is for the Upper Trails, from Dartmouth to the George Bush Drive Bridge. Steve said that the majority of the funding for the projects would come from Wolf Pen Creek TIF funds, but some would also come from Drainage/Utility and Park Land Dedication funds. No motion was made in relation to this zone. Zone 4 — $20,673 Eric said that funds for Zone 4 were recommended for possible bench and sidewalk improvements to Raintree or Windwood Parks. He said that in addition to the $20,673, there is approximately $14,000 left over from the 1998 General Bond Election for Raintree Park. The Department had intended to install a basketball court in Raintree, but has not been able to find suitable property for one. After some discussion, Glen D. made a motion to utilize the $14,000 in bond money for benches, sidewalks, and intergenerational improvements in Raintree, and to utilize the $20,673 in Park Land Dedication money for benches, sidewalks, and intergenerational improvements in Windwood. The motion also included a recommendation that the Park Planning staff develop a plan for future Park Land Dedication projects. Bill D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Zone 5 — $170,948 Eric said that the following intergenerational features were suggested in a report presented to the Board by the Department and the Texas A&M University Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences Department in May 2001. 1. Edelweiss Park Pedestrian Bridge $10,000 Vegetation Screening $5,000 2. Southwood Valley Athletic Park Covered playgrounds $20,000 3. Brothers Pond, Georgie K. Fitch, and Jack and Dorothy Miller Parks Benches (15) $25,000 Eric said that there were several other potential projects for which to utilize the park land dedication funds: 1. Steeplechase Park Development $45,000 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Page 5 of 9 Eric said that the park is currently undeveloped. He added that development of this park has also been included on the list that was submitted for future Capital Improvement Projects. 2. Rubber surfacing for playgrounds at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park Glen D. asked if the Department had cost estimates for the rubber surfacing. Steve said that Pete Vanecek had received cost estimates, and it would take approximately $86,000 to place rubberized surfacing on two playgrounds and an exercise station. 3. Improvements to Southwood Valley Athletic Park, which would include the installation of sidewalks from new neighborhoods to the south 4. Improvements to Longmire Park, which would include the installation of a playground, a picnic unit, and walks After some discussion, Jodi Warner made a motion to 1) remove Steeplechase Park Development from the project list (this project was also listed in the request for future CIP), and 2) proceed with the Zone 5 projects in the following order: - Edelweiss Park (pedestrian bridge and vegetation screening) - Southwood Valley Athletic Park (covered playgrounds) - Brothers Pond, Georgie K. Fitch, and Jack and Dorothy Miller Parks (park benelices) - Improvements to Southwood Valley Athletic Park, which would include the installation of sidewalks from new neighborhoods to the south - Rubber surfacing for playgrounds at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park - Improvements to Longmire Park, which would include the installation of a playground, a picnic unit, and walks. Glen D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Zone 6 — $ 88,062 Eric said that the following intergenerational features were suggested in the report presented to the Board by the Department and the Texas A&M University Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences Department in May 2001. 1. Anderson Park Walks and Benches (5) $30,000 2. Bee Creek Park Five Benches $10,000 Eric said that there were several other potential projects for which to utilize the park land dedication funds: 1. Anderson Park Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Page 6 of Swing Set $10,000 2. Gabbard Park Sidewalk $35,000 After some discussion, Bill D. made a motion to proceed with the Zone 6 projects in the following order: - Anderson Park (walks and benches) - Bee Creek Park (five benches) - Anderson Park (swing set) - Gabbard Park (sidewalk) Glenn S. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Steve gave a status report on the potential for rubberizing the surface of the South Knoll Jogging Track. He had discussed the project with the City Manager's Office and the School District which are both in favor of the project. There is a possibility of using park land dedication funds to provide the requested $8,000 it would cost to rubberize the jogging track. After some discussion, Bill D. made a motion to 1) amend the original motion made for the Zone 6 projects by adding the South Knoll Jogging Track project to the beginning of the list, and 2) proceed in the following order: - South Knoll Jogging Track (rubberize surfacing) - Anderson Park (walks and benches) - Bee Creek Park (five benches) - Anderson Park (swing set) - Gabbard Park (sidewalk) Jodi W. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Zone 7 — $702,440 Eric said that these funds have been budgeted for the development of Woodway Park. No motion was made. The Board was in consensus on this project. Zone 8 — $693 No motion was made. There was no discussion concerning Zone 6. Zone 9 — $0 No motion was made. There was no discussion concerning Park Zone 9. Zone 10 — 111,320 Eric said that these funds have been budgeted for the development of Shenandoah Park. No motion was made. The Board was in consensus on this project. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Page 7 of 9 Zone 11 — $17,161 Eric said that the funding received has been from the Stone Forest Subdivision. He added that the only park in that proximity is Pebble Creek Park. The Department has met with the Pebble Creek Homeowner's Association concerning a list of potential projects using park land dedication funds at Pebble Creek Park. Eric said that to date the Department has installed a fence and landscaping at that park. The next item on the Homeowner's Association list is the installation of a tot playground at the east end of the park. Eric said that there is currently $17,161 in the Zone 11 fund, but an additional $18,000 would be added when Phase III of Stone Forest is developed. The questions were asked if 1) there was a homeowner's association in Stone Forest, and 2) if so, they were in favor of the fund use for Pebble Creek. Eric said that Pebble Creek Park also serves the Stone Forest Subdivision. Steve said that the Department would investigate to determine if there is a homeowner's association for Stone Forest to receive their input. No motion was made. The Board was in consensus on this project. Steve stated that staff would revise the list of projects and resubmit it to the Board. 10. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategies: During the August 13th meeting, the Board came up with their list of goals and objectives for Fiscal Year 2003. A draft of the goals and objectives was included in the Board packets. After some discussion, Bill D. made a motion to adopt the Board's Fiscal Year 2003 Goals and Objectives as presented. Glen D. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Steve said that progress updates would be included in the packets throughout the year. It. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the Unified Development Ordinance: Steve said that a time line for implementation of the UDO was included in the Board packets. He added that the UDO is on track. The deadline to submit Department input was on September 9th, and there would be a revised draft available for public review on October 7th. Steve suggested that the UDO be one of the agenda items for discussion during a joint meeting between the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. 12. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning a revised recommendation for softball fees: Peter Lamont said that after the Board had approved the Department's 2003 User Fees on May 141h, the Department received a letter from the Brazos Valley Softball Umpire's Association requesting fee increases for their umpires. Since the Department received the request, Peter has been working with the Association on implementing these fee increases over a three-year period (instead of all at once). He also contacted the City of Bryan to ensure that College Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Page 8 of 9 Station was charging comparable fees. Peter discussed the proposed softball fee amendments that were included in the Board packets (Refer to recommended fee increase list) The Fees Subcommittee (Bill D., Glenn S., and Glen D.) met on August 27 1h to discuss the recommended amendments. Bill D. said that the Subcommittee was in support of the amendments. The Board was in consensus on the presented amendments, and accepted the staff and Subcommittee's recommendation to amend the Fiscal Year 2003 Softball Fees. There was no motion on this item. 13. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning setting a date for the Master Plan Subcommittee to meet in October 2002: Eric said that the Department had the first rough draft of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan printed. It was requested that Kristin e-mail the Master Plan Subcommittee to determine a meeting date and time. She will also let the rest of the Board know when the meeting is, in case they would like to attend. An agenda will be posted in the event there is a quorum. Steve said that a draft of the plan would be distributed to the Board prior to the Subcommittee meeting. He added that the Department could provide the Subcommittee with a bulleted list of changes made to the plan. 14. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 8th , at 7:00 p.m. The following items are scheduled to be on the agenda: - An update concerning possible grant opportunities. - A report from staff concerning the status of the field redevelopment fee. - A report concerning the Capital Improvement Project Program. - Discussion concerning Park Land Dedication Fund Usage. - Fourth Quarter Report on the Parks Maintenance Standards Fiscal Year 2002. - A report concerning the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Project. 15. Adjourn: Larry F. made a motion to adjourn. Glenn S. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, September 10, 2002 Page 9 of 9 KS ANDRECREAMN RECREATIONDEPARTMENT UP PROJECT LIST I Madelev Park I (Anderson Playground Replacement I (Veterans Park, Phase I I IJack & Dorothy Miller Jogging Track I I Lick Creek Park Development I (Thomas Pool Renovation 1Thomas Pool Shade Cover IC.S.S.C. Agreement (clubhouse) I Woodway Park Development (Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements I (Hensel Park Playground Replacement I (Cemetery Land Acquisition I (Updated September 5, 2002) Ric ;» 44sN� m" --'--M-W Under Construction Pete Under Construction David Under Construction Ric Under Construction David In Design Pete Bids Received Ric Bids Received Ric Pending Contract Pending Land Acq. Ric Postponed until FY03 Ric $04,124 PK9706 $48,000 PK0215 $39,950 PK9941 $2,936,800 ST0200 $29,250 PK0069 $478,000 PK0205 $277,255 PK0104 $19,000 NA G,O, 071� 10/19/01 $256,348 1 4 FY'01,-, 08/31/01 07/31/01 $7,665 �euel0er �„ 5/02 $300,000.+ FY, A01 3102 01/14/02 $114,655 I FY 01 RVacement "! 31,02' 02/20l02 $36,599 FY'01. ,„-,n4/02 02/28/02 $72,560 I ;1FYr`02 Re lacement 3/02 04103/02 q, 1 Iron, 9 8 G.O. 5102 ri= "' `p/02 Q4 $51,472 4/02 06/30/02 1 $67,967 I G-Qr 3/02 0�130/QZ I $48,485 1 7/02 WNW 1- $42,617 1 Park Ded. Zone 11', II " 5/02 I, 05/10/02 $27,584 1 FY'02 General Fund '1 9102 02/28IO2 J $3,177 1 FY"T ).e G_ �k I ' ."9/02 07/09/02 I" $91,995 1 98 G.O. 8/02 I FY'02 Replacement 10/02 I I 1 I 98 G.O. 11/02 I I I FY'02 General Fund 8/02 I I 1 98 G.O. (TPWD Grant) 12/02 I 1 I I FY'02 3/03 I I I 98 G.O. C.S.S.C. PK9803 $600,000 Park Ded. Zone 7 Postponed Pete PK0210 $40,000 On Hold Ross GG9905 $275,000 Total Amount $5,637,594 Pending Contracts: 1 Pending Land Acquisition 1 Postponed 2 In Design: 1 Out to Bid: 0 Under Construction: 4 On Hold: 1 Bids Received 2 Comriew.11, ` - " 14i Total 26 98 G.O. 12/03 I I Unknown I I Unknown I I Unknown 0,1Projects1CIP/FY2002 CIP.xIs Date Received: Auqust 28, 2002 Park Zone: 3 Project Location: NW corner of Dartmouth and Krenek Tap Rd. Name of Development: Dartmouth Crossinq Applicant: Texas Hotel Management/Salim Ismail c/o Texas Star Realtv,Parvic Vessali Address:1315 Foster City/State: Colleqe Station Texas Zip: 77840 Phone Number: 979-764-6808 FAX: 979-764-7827 Engineer/Planner: Municipal Development Group Address: 2551 Texas Ave. City/State: Colleqe Station Texas Zip: 77840 Phone Number: 979-693-5359 FAX: E-mail: SECTION 10-B-1 o Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi -family Dwelling Units: 68 Total Land Requirement:.544 acres Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Acres O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Orig inals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 • 1wilmun. Em.' Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): 68x $160=$10,880 Total Acquisition Fee: $10,880 Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): 68 x $292=$19,856 Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi -family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): $452 x 68 = $30,736 Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? Yes,Central Park is approx.1/2 mile east of the development If yes, staff recommends: acceptance of the fee in lieu of parkland. Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No a. Detention/Retention Acreage in floodplain: Acreage in detention: Acreage in greenways: Comments: Percentage: Size: Meets Board Policy: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? ves c. Topography: d. Trees/Scenery, Percentage: Percentage: Percentage: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: Parks & Recreation Board: Planning & Zoning Board: City Council: c„ '� Y S ?R � � t k h � # �. +, I �. ,;c.,:t ,..a; :,... ,..-. ... ,r >• �+_ „>: i -: �:. ;.,,;. _:.• ,..... �'r.7: ». .,, .jj,. .<:. ... ;.af{....C.. .... :, �?.4 t. .<5,,�`;+''•` _..: Y. :e}:�" $+_5," .fSs+. 3� >z -.. ,.:. ::;:. _...: $ ,c . -:. ,i,, x .. ..>` .. .:. •t's*,,,., ,.: .,-- ,. ,_ ...:... . i e '3s=«:..3 , a ..::w 4' 's';.; �afi, h':i `+,. �rAw .r>i``. b*-• �' „r: .. ,.� ,«'i'. ... �., .. x,,. �z .::;i .r.�*.,m ri.., � p,- - �. t�:�° : €" „f..��,e. t}�.�E� r. - �`+,. � .. � �_;' �,�;., �' ,;., � wt -.' �.'��; ate, i � `� ,�, :�. ,;� ,,,,r ,,,;, ,.,y. ,- �.r=: ,;'d'3A ,,<,t '„'^�, ik "-� ' � jt', �"s -bti �4J -m .�. x, �. t. y._;. tk, .,.. .; -7 #..., ::,t, :Y ,'sa ;. z; >.�. ..�". :,.. + ..W ,., ... ,,. -., ,t � ,.. v-+hY b `�� i� ''_!. 4..; +\'�i r,. .., . ,: � � �:.. .. � w` � r � �+ � F' • Date Received: August 29,2002 Park Zone: 5 Project Location: Malvern Hill drive (Between Southwood park and Utilitv Service Center) Name of Development: Southwood Estates Applicant: Texas Hotel Manaqement c/o Texas Star Realtv Address: 106 Pershinq City/State: Colleqe Station,Texas Zip: 77840 Phone Number: 979-764-6808 FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Municipal Development Group Address: 2551 Texas Ave.South,Suite A City/State: College Station,Texas Zip: 77840 Phone Number: 979-693-5359 FAX: 979-693-4243 E-mail: SECTION 10-E-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: 74 Multi -family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement:.73 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 (Note: 1.45 acres proposed as "Greenbelt & Pedestrian path/bikewav") Acres SECTION 10-113-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $198 x 74=$14,652 Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition Fee: $14,652 Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): $358 x 74=$26,492 li • Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): $556 x74=$41,144 Total Multi -family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? Yes, Southwood Athletic Park If yes, staff recommends: Acceptance of the fee in lieu of land dedication 1 • r Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? no a. Detention/Retention Acreage in floodplain: Acreage in detention: Percentage: Size: Meets Board Policy: Percentage: Percentage: Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: 1.45 acres is being proposed to be dedicated as "Greenbelt and pedestrian path./bikewav This land is under the existing electrical transmission lines b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? c. Topography: d. Trees/Scenery: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? It is a few blocks awav from Cvpress Grove intermediate school & CS Middle School b. Restricted access: c, Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: City Council: O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Originals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 :a }'' 3° ,� �� x }} a { q 6 . r _._ +. .. t. ..;.... ,..v,. �:, .. .?. �. -.;yam ..�e.;. .,�, -,. :: r 3. fit, ��: ,,,�, �..,. ,�. �� �,.:.5 ,..��.. .,v-,;,_ ... ,.. ,:..i -:- ,. �,r .- .:. .: -'+:-� ..�-,. ,, tt:':�, to �' �,. <,.. .. �:� '"y, 'tn �`�+" *x�5 #, iE". .'. _, , t;._. th � �'`��" sw� .x';� r^"sa i -a� f,":?. '�"u Fg „:. .,d r'T "� ��'S�� .., ,.,x ;, v . ... ru::, a-.. Y.�... •: .v...'x .::#. ;. =.t: '.� ;�#� -+': :�_s a4 _fit �� � i :P., %�. m3, a,. ,:,: �' :: ��+3 't �Ak x .;-�a�.:: _.i,.;, a +�s t,�€ejh �; �.• (,.>'� ... -� : .. 5. ,._;; .. ..:_. 'x, i-.<,.,. ._. �.., _,,..r? ,. �x, ,:..t u.:.v ..,...;t' .rs. rrJ�, F,� ; .�: ���rtr Date Received: September 5, 2002 Park Zone: 3 Project Location: Cornell Drive and Purdue Drive Name of Development: Autumn Chase Subdivision Applicant: Autumn Chase LLP Address:5810 Tom Wooten City/State: Austin, Texas Zip: 78731 Phone Number: 512-338-1225 FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: SI Group Address: 501 Graham Road City/State: College Station, Texas Zip: 77845 Phone Number: 979-690-9400 FAX: E-mail: REQUIREMENTI Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi -family Dwelling Units: 84 Total Land Requirement:.672 Acres Proposed Dedication: 0 Acres SECTION 10-B-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? No O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Orig inals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): 84 x $160 = $13,440 Total Acquisition Fee: $13,440 qEr • r -7 11 I- .. Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): 84 x $292 = $24,528 Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi -family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): $452 x 84 = $37,968 Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? N/A If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-113-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? No, but Wolf Pen Creek Park is nearby. If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: SECTION 10-F: Additional Information 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? No a. Detention/Retention Yes Size:.35 acres Acreage in floodplain: 0 Acreage in detention:.35 acres Acreage in greenways: 0 Comments: Percentage: 0 Meets Board Policy: Percentage: 0 Percentage:.054 or 5.4% Percentage: 0 b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? Yes, to Wolf Pen Creek Park. c. Topography: N/A d. Trees/Scenery: N/A 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? No b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends acceptance of the fee versus the land dedication. A land dedication would be too small for a park. Parks & Recreation Board: Planning & Zoning Board: City Council: id le WPC e� HK MrOA KIN tol IA � S „, �, Fu City of College Station, Texas DEVELOPMENT REVIEW III AUTUMN CHASE WPC � IIIII I 0. Case: 02-168 u ,m PRELIMINARY PLAT City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Goals and Objectives (not prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. 0 Review quarterly reports on park maintenance standards and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS4S2a) ("January 8, 2002). ❑ Review proposed park conceptual plans and make recommendations for intergenerational features (VS4S3a). 0 Review and develop recommendations for Urban Forestry Plan (VS3S4a) (Endorsed by the Board on July 9,h. Will be presented to Council for consideration on August 22nd 2002) 0 Review preliminary cost estimates for CIP prepared by Staff. More interaction between Parks and recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council (VS4S8a). 0 Assist with the review and preparation of the Unified Development Ordinance (November 13, 2001). 0 Review and recommend possible changes to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (October 9, 2001). 0 Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss goals (September 20, 2001). 0 Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to confirm goals (December', 2001). Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement program. 0 Castlegate Park site review (November 13, 2001). 0 Lick Creek Park site review (December 11, 2001) 0 Madeley Park site review. (February 19, 2002) ❑ Woodway Park site review. ❑ Shenandoah Park site review (On Hold). Planning and coordination for the next bond. issue. 0 Identify and assess the needs for future park facilities. (February 5, 2002) 0 Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (February S, 2002) 0 Determine priorities for development. (February 12, 2002) ❑ Develop a recommendation for consideration in the 2002 bond program. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. 0 Review of Section II (Goals and Objectives) of the plan (February 12, 2002) 0 Review of Parks and Recreation Department 5-Fear Strategic Plan. (February 12, 2002) ❑ Review of Sections I, IV, V, and VI of the plan. ❑ Review of Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation) ❑ Review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process). ❑ Review of Revised Master Plan Parks & Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks & Rec. Advisory Board Approval: October 9, 2001 Updated: September S, 2002 Page 1 of 2 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II Development. Q Review needs for future facilities and programs (December 11, 2001) Q Determine priorities for development. (February 5, 2002) R Develop recommendations for implementation. (February 12, 2002) 21 Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (March S, 2002) Skate Park facility planning (VSSb). l7 Develop recommendation for scope of project. (November 13, 2001) 21 Develop recommendation for facility use. (November 13, 2001) 0 Develop recommendation for implementation. (November 13, 2001) Review funding sources for the installation of two backstops and two batting cages at Bee Creek Parr. (Note. Funds have been requested for FY03). Q Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff (November 13, 2001). 0 Determine needs for program requirements. • Develop recommendations for scope of project. Q Develop recommendations for implementation Review funding sources for the repair or replacement of the jogging track at .tack and Dorothy Miller Park. ® Review proposed project cost estimates (December 11, 2001). ❑ Review funding alternatives (Completed by Staff). ❑ Develop recommendations for implementation. (Under construction). Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan. R1 Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (October 9, 2001). ❑ Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space faster Plan as it relates to greenways. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues. ❑ Continue dialog with the (College Station Independent School District regarding future school/parr developments. 0 Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens. CAI Receive input from fall Eisenhower Leadership Development Program group. (December t;, 2001) ® Determine priorities for programs and facilities (January 8, 2002). ® Develop recommendations for implementation (January 8, 2002). Parks & Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks & Rec. Advisory Board Approval. October 9, 2001 Updated. September 5, 2002 Page 2 of 2 Parks an ar2?©} Recreation A ewy CAtio dv,sot\ Board »>, o=aJ/`` .:``•+c Goals and Objectives � je ' i S 2 : m� E� � k � »f City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2003 Goals and Objectives (Not Prioritized) **Draft** Establish policies and standards for re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department ❑ Review quarterly park maintenance standards reports and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS2Sl.a) ❑ Develop a long-term replacement schedule for playgrounds, court surfacing, and other key facilities (VS2Sl.a) ❑ Evaluate all leisure service programs offered by the Department and develop recommendations for improvements (VS2S2. b) ❑ Develop recommendations for implementation of an Urban Forest Management Plan (VS2S1. b) Provide more interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council ❑ Monitor status of Unified Development Ordinance (VS3Sl.a) ❑ Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss Board goals and objectives ❑ Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to report on the progress of Board goals and objectives ❑ Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss Board goals and objectives and other issues Provide oversight for the implementation of the Capital Improvement Program ❑ Woodway Park site plan approval ❑ Shenandoah Park site plan approval ❑ Develop a plan for the use of existing Park Land Dedication Funds ❑ Lincoln Center/Tarrow Park site plan approval ❑ Complete all remaining 1998 Bond Fund projects Provide planning and coordination for the 2003 Bond Election (VS2S2.e) ❑ Review and update submitted CIP list ❑ Develop additional recommendations for the CIP ❑ Staff/Board presentation to the Citizens Bond Committee Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (VS3S2.d) ❑ Staff review and update of the current Master Plan, Section I — Introduction (August 2002) ❑ Staff review and update of Section V — Inventory and Facilities (August 2002) Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: Council Approval: Updated: September 6, 2002 Page I of 3 ❑ Staff review and update of Section VI — Needs Assessment and Identification (August 2002) ❑ Board subcommittee review and comments regarding proposed updates for Section 1, IV, and VI (October 2002) ❑ Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section VII — Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation (November 2002) ❑ Board subcommittee review and comments regarding Section III — Plan Development Process (December 2002) ❑ Completion of the Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan (January 2003) ❑ Public input period for the revised Master Plan (January 2003) ❑ Board consideration of the revised Master Plan (January 2003) ❑ Planning and Zoning Commission consideration of the revised Master Plan (March 2003) ❑ City Council presentation and consideration of ordinance adopting revised Master Plan (April 2003) Provide oversight for the implementation of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex ❑ Memorial Dedication Ceremony on November 11, 2002 ❑ Complete Phase I development (VS2S2.d) ❑ Investigate potential agreement with the College Station Soccer Club for clubhouse building ❑ Conduct Grand Opening of the Phase I project (Spring 2003) ❑ Review operations and maintenance and make recommendations for Fiscal Year 2004 ❑ Review Needs Assessment and update as required ❑ Develop revisions for Phase 11 recommendations Provide oversight for the design and installation of the batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park ❑ Secure funding ❑ Approve site plan ❑ Complete construction Provide oversight for the installation of the new jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park ❑ Complete construction ❑ Investigate alternative types of surfacing for playgrounds Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan (VS2S3.a) ❑ Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator ❑ Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: Council Approval: Updated: September 6, 2002 Page 2 of 3 Support the City Council's Interagency Plan on any Park and Recreation related issues ❑ Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments and programs ❑ Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District and the South Knoll PTO concerning the potential of rubberizing the South Knoll jogging track ❑ Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex ❑ Continue to investigate joint programming opportunities with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department (VS2S2.c) Identify potential new sources of revenue ❑ Identify potential grant opportunities ❑ Investigate the potential for a donations program ❑ Review user fees and develop recommendations Parks and Recreation Advisory Board FY2003 Goals and Objectives Board Approval: Council Approval: Updated: September 6, 2002 Page 3 of alTly July 12 Second Joint Council/P&Z Policy Meeting (Follow-up to April 19, 2002 Meeting) Finish Policy issues Review Present List #3 (Non -recommended changes) June- Staff implements text changes August 19 Conduct required research Coordinate with other departments as required (PW, CSU, Legal, Parks, Economic Development, etc.) August 19 Release internal review draft September 9 Internal comment deadline September 9-30 Revisions to draft September 30 Printing of draft October 7 Release of revised draft for public review and comment (Section 8 reserved) November 1 Written comments due from public, development community November 15 All Day Joint Meeting to Review Public Comments November 18- Revise draft for P&Z Public Hearings December 5 P&Z packet deadline December 12 1st P&Z hearing 2003 January 2 2nd P&Z hearing January 23 1st CC Hearing February 6 2 nd CC hearing Post Adoption Coordinate review and eventual adoption of Subdivision Regulations (Sec. 8) Notes from Fees Subcommittee Meeting Tuesday, August 27, 2002 1:00 P.m. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Kristin Lehde, Staff Assistant. Board Members Present: Glenn Schroeder; Bill Davis; Glen Davis (filling in for Larry Farnsworth who abstained from the meeting). Peter Lamont stated that the Department had received a request from the Brazos Valley Softball Umpire's Association concerning a fee increase for their umpires. After receiving the request, he researched the City of Bryan's softball fees, as well as other cities of comparable size and population. He added that the City of Bryan's adult softball fees equal that of College Station's, except College Station also charges a $75 per team surcharge. Peter said that the request from the Umpire's Association came after the Board had approved the Department's 2003 fees; however, Council had not approved the fees yet, so there would still be time to change them before Council consideration. He added that approved fee increases would go into effect January 1, 2003. Peter stated that the Department is proposing a stair -step fee increase over the next three years (see attached recommendations). Peter said that the Department has a three (3)-year contract with the Umpire's Association (this used to be a one-year contract). He added that there would be a 30-day termination clause written in the contract, along with a list of the umpire fees. Bill asked if the Association would be able to cancel the contract at any time, and ask for more money. Peter said that the City of Bryan would have a similar contract with the Association. If this situation did occur, there would also be the possibility of directly hiring the umpires, and not going through the Association. Glen Davis stated that the Department should look at adding performance standards to the contract that would hold the Umpire's Association accountable for an umpire's attendance. He asked if funds were credited back to the Department in the event that an umpire does not show up for a game. He also asked if there were additional penalties that would apply to the Association. Peter said that he would research the methodology. Bill added that performance standards should be incorporated into the contract to ensure that our umpires are showing up to games. He agreed that the Association should credit the Department if an umpire does not show up to a game, and also suggested the possibility of applying a fine to the Association in addition to a credit. He also feels that there should be consistency between the contracted umpires when scores are called. Notes from Fees Subcommittee Meeting Tuesday, August 27, 2002 Page 1 of 2 Glen D. was concerned about the $10 increase for youth softball in fiscal year 2003. He asked if the increase was too much too soon. After some discussion, both staff and the subcommittee agreed that the fee should be stair -stepped, and increased by $5, instead of $10 in fiscal year 2003, and raised another $5 in fiscal year 2004. The subcommittee also talked about what means could be used to track umpire attendance during games (especially during adult games, where staff are not present). Summary: - Come up a mechanism to hold the Brazos Valley Softball Umpire's Association accountable for quality. - Stair step the fiscal year 2003 youth softball fees. - Develop means to track umpire attendance at softball games. Notes from Fees Subcommittee Meeting Tuesday, August 27, 2002 Page 2 of 2 Proposed Softball Fee Increases Current Proposed CY 03 CY04 CY05 Adult Slow Pitch Fall 315.00 330.00 345.00 350.00 Spring/Summer 360.00 375.00 390.00 395.00 Fast Pitch 375.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 Youth Fast Pitch First Child 40.00 45.00 50.00 50.00 Add. Child 35.00 40.00 45.00 45.00 The proposed fees for Calendar Years 2004 and 2005 are the minimum increases expected based on the proposed pay scales for the umpires association. Additional increases may be necessary, dependent on other market influences (i.e. award costs). 2003 Brazos Valley Umpires Fee Increase For Basketball, Softball and Flag Football Officials 2002 estimated 2002 2002 estimated 2002 2002 estimated current cost to cover estimated cost to cover official official fees games with program with games with program with two officials two officials per three officials three officials game per game Totals ISoftball Adult Slow Pitch $12.00 per official 2515 $60,360.00 30 $1,080.00 $61,440.00 Adult Fast Pitch $17.50 per official 40 $1,400.00 6 $315.00 $1,715.00 ISoftball Softball Youth Fast Pitch 12U - 18L $12.50 per official 82 $2,050.00 0 $0.00 $2,050.00 $2,825.001 ISoftball 1 Youth Fast Pitch 6U - 10U I $12.50 per official 113 $2,825.00 0 $0.00 $68 03 2003 estimated 2003 2003 estimated 2003 officials fee 03 estimated cost to cover estimated cost to cover Program increase games with program with games with program with two officials two officials per three officials three officials game per game Totals ISoftball lAdult Slow Pitch $13.00 per official 2515 $65,390.00 30 $1,170.00 $66,560.00 Softball jAdult Fast Pitch $19.00 per official 40 $1,520.00 6 $342.00 $1,862.001 Softball IYouth Fast Pitch 12U - 18L $15.00 per official 82 $2,460.00 0 $0.00 $2,460.001 Softball I Youth Fast Pitch 6U - 10U I $15.00 per official 113 $3,390.00 0 $0.00 $3,390.001 IThe estimated f�qures do not include an increase of jppmP�n���� 1 iQn. 2004 estimated 2004 estimated 2004 2004 officials fee estimated cost to cover 2004 estimated cost to cover Program increase games with program with games with program with two officials two officials per three officials three officials game per game Totals ISoftball lAdult Slow Pitch $14.00 per official 2515 $70.420.00 30 $1,260.00 $71,710.00 ISoftball jAdult Fast Pitch $19.00 per official 40 $1,520.00 6 $3,942.00 $5,468.00 ISoftball IYouth Fast Pitch 12U - 18L $17.50per official 82 $2,870.00 0 $0.00 $2,870.001 ISoftball IYouth Fast Pitch 61-1 - 10U $17.50 per official 113 $3,955.00 0 $0.00 $3,955.00j IThe estimated figures do not include an increase of team participation. 4 2005 estimated 2005 2005 estimated 2006 estimated 2005 officials fee cost to cover estimated cost to cover Program increase games with program with games with program with two officials two officials per three officials three officials game per game Totals ISoftball lAdult Slow Pitch $15.00 per official 2515 $75,450.00 30 $1,350,00 $713,830,00 lAdult Fast Pitch $19.00 per official 40 $1,520.00 6 $342.00 $1,868.00 ISoftball Softball IYouth Fast Pitch 12U - 18L $17.50oer official 82 $3,280.00 0 $0.00 $3,280.00 ISoftball iYouth Fast Pitch 6U - 10U I $17.50 per official 113 $3,616.00 0 $0.00 $3,616.00 IThe estimated figures do not include an increase of team participation City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Scheduled Agenda Items October 2002 - Review of FY02 Fourth Quarter Parks Maintenance Standards Report - Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan Subcommittee Review of Sections 1, IV, and VI November 2002 - Program Evaluation — Aquatics - Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan Subcommittee Review of Section VII - November 11, 2002 — Veterans Memorial Dedication at VPAC December 2002 - Program Evaluation — Athletics - Recreation, Park, and Opens Space Master Plan Subcommittee Review of Section III - Program Evaluation — Educational - Board Discussion of the Revised Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. - Review of FY03 First Quarter Parks Maintenance Standards Report. February 2003 - Program Evaluation — Entertainment - Board Consideration Regarding Approval of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. March 2003 - Program Evaluation — Supervised Recreation April 2003 - Review of FY03 Second Quarter Parks Maintenance Standards Report CITE' OF COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISOR' COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, July 10,2002 AT 12:00p.m. College Station Conference Center 1300 George Bush Drive College Station, Texas 77840 MINUTES Staff Present: Grace Calbert, Conference Center Facility Supervisor Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary Members Present: Mollie Guin(Chair), Glenda Elledge, Fran Lamb (Vice Chair) Members Absent: Ed Holdredge Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 12:08p.m. Pardon -Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: None Hear visitors- None Approval of the Minutes: Mollie Guin motioned to approve the minutes for June 12,2002 as written. Glenda Elledge seconded the motion. Revenue Reports: Revenue reports were reviewed for June 2002. Revenues for June 2002 were $ 7,970.76 versus June 2001 of $10,177.85. Number of clients served June 2002 were 7,594 vs. June 2001 of 8,808. Adjourn: Mollie Guin motioned to adjourn. Fran moved and Glenda seconded the motion. The meeting adjourned at 12:55pm. The next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on Wednesday August 14,2002 at 12:00noon. Respectfully submitted, Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, August 26, 2002 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road MINUTES Members Present: Frank Camplone, Annie Lee Finch, Bill Kling, Catherine Lamb, Billy Lay, Robert Meyer, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall, Suzanne Reynolds, Dipankar Sen, Yvonne Stevens, Betty Wilborn and Joanna Yeager. Members Absent: Fred Dollar and Laura Holmes I. Call to order. The meeting was called to order by Chairman, Bill Kling at 10:05am II. Hear visitors. No visitors were present. III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on July 29, 2002 Haskell Monroe made the motion to approve the minutes from the July 29tn meeting. Yvonne Stevens seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Carolyn Kraus, Director for Retired and Senior Volunteer Program Carolyn Kraus was unable to attend the meeting and is rescheduled for September 30, 2002 V. Fall ®pen House for Senior Programs: Wednesday, August 28, 2002 A sign-up list was distributed for members to sign-up for one -hour time slots. Marci Rodgers explained what would take place that day and the role of the members will be to host the event and answer any questions from citizens. VI. Consideration, discussion and possible recommendations on future issues for Senior Advisory Committee. The committee discussed topics and interests and suggested the following. ♦ Transportation for Day Trips. ♦ Adopt a Street Program ♦ Provide trash receptacles on A&M game days in neighborhoods surrounding campus as a way of keeping trash off the streets and home owners yards. ♦ Marketing the Bryan/ College Station Community as a Senior Friendly place to live and visit in the Texas Travel magazine distributed by the Highway Department. ♦ Tutoring Program/Cross Gender Communication VII. Senior Services Coordinator Report (report on file) VIII. Next meeting date and agenda. The next meeting will be held on Monday, September 30, 2002 IX. Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 11:20am Senior Services Coordinator Report for August 2002 Volunteer Opportunities: ♦ Fall Open House: Wednesday, August 28th from 10:00am-2:00pm at the College Station Teen Center. ♦ The Veterans Memorial Dedication Event is scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2002. Volunteers are needed to work the hospitality/refreshment tent for VIPs. Ten volunteers are needed from 4:30-8:00pm. Name, address and SS# required for security checks. Senior Leadership Brazos Sponsored by the Bryan/College Station Chamber of Commerce begins September 17 through November 14th . Applications are due August 30, 2002. Celebrate Grandparents Day Saturday, September 7, 2002 at 6:00pm. Meal and entertainment with purchase of a ticket. Third Friday Morning Bridge The first meeting of the group was held on Friday, August 16, 2002 at the Annex. Twenty players were in attendance. The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, September 20th from 9:15-12:00noon. Computer Club The Computer Club met on Wednesday, August 7th and 21st. The next meetings are scheduled for Wednesday, September 1 lth with Kathy Gregory who will speak on using Word and September 25th the speaker is Robert Jensen and his topic is spread sheets. Neighborhood Conference & Youth Vision. The city is sponsoring the conference on Saturday, September 14, 2002, College Station Middle School on Rock Prairie Rd. Keynote speaker: Rick Rigsby. Ballroom Dances St. Joseph Gold Medallion Club and the College Station Parks and Recreation Dept. have joined together to offer a ballroom dance every month this fall. Dance lessons will be held the hour before the dance for an additional fee. The dances will be held at the College Station Conference Center and the cost is $5.00 per person. Dates are Thursday, September 12, & 26th' October 10 & 24, November 14th and December 5th. Dances begin at 7:30pm. Dance lessons begin at 6:45pm. Starlight Music Series 2002 Sponsored by College Station Utilities Event Summary The Starlight Music Series sponsored by College Station Utilities and held at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater was created to fill primary needs of both College Station Utilities and College Station Parks and Recreation. College Station Utilities needed publicity and community name recognition. College Station Parks and Recreation Department needed to provide quality recreational and cultural opportunities at the amphitheater. The inaugural season was an overwhelming success for both entities. College Station Utilities received great value for their advertising dollars. The attendance and customer comments throughout the season were indicative of the goodwill that was generated regarding the amphitheater. Following is a surrunary of the numbers for the 2002 Starlight Music Series: Media Exposure (all stated "sponsored by College Station Utilities"): The series was promoted as a whole and as individual events commencing with a press conference on March 19 and ending with Bryan Broadcasting's announcement that Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater was voted "Brazos Valley's Best five Music Venue of 2002"0 Televisions TV coverage included both paid space and editorial time. 908-60 second commercials ran on KBTX, TWC, FOX News, Nick, USA, TLC and ESPN2. Both KBTX and KHRD covered four events as news stories on multiple news shows. Brazos Malley This Morning allowed 6 morning interviews lasting from 2 to 4 minutes each. The College Station channel publicized the events throughout the season. Newspaper: Newspaper coverage included 7, 931 inches of space including both paid space and editorial coverage. 31,000 full color inserts were distributed in The Eagle on Easter Sunday. 27,000 full color inserts were distributed in The Eagle on June 1. Starlight Music Series was honored to receive the cover of the Spotlight on 4 occasions. The Battalion ran three stories relating to the series and over 200 inches of paid ads were run. Radio: 1,497 60-second ads were run on KORA, KXCS, KNFX, Allergria, KKYS, KTSR, and Sports Talk. Multiple live interviews were conducted on each of the stations. Liner cards and live mentions were generously given by many of the stations. Magazine: 3-1/4 page ads were roan in Texas Music Magazine and Country Music Magazine. Insite Magazine covered several of the events. Miscellaneous: 12,000 full color 11X12 posters were distributed through CSISD and at various events around the community. 450 full color magnets were distributed through various distribution methods. Additionally, various College Station Utilities "goodies" were distributed at each event such as lighted superballs, cozies, pens and more. Signage around the facility promoted College Station Utilities in a highly visible, decorative, manner throughout the duration of each of the nine events. Most of the signage remains in place and will continue to promote College Station Utilities for the big events scheduled for this fall. l a April 13 Jerry Jeff Walker with Diamondback TX 7800 April 20 Bruce Robison with Max Stallings 2900 April 27 Bo Diddley with Karan Chavis 4000 May 4 Grupo Vida with Fuerza Latina. 2400 May 11 The Bellamy Brothers with Rodney Hayden 6800 June I Trout Fishing in America with Ruthic Foster 2200 June 8 Vince Vance Valiants 2800 June 15 The Back Porch 2" d Anniversary Special 2600 June 22 Ian Moore and Hadden Sayers 3200 June 29 Big Otis Rain -out July 13 The Diller Bees with Bobby Hall Rain -out Total Attendance 34,700* Attendance was counted using manual gate "clickers". We discovered after the fourth event that one ofthe clickers was not operating properly. It missed every third to fifth click. The attendance figure is presented using the numbers that appeared on the manual clickers. College Station Utilities College Station PARD Additional Comments: Talent and equipment rental $73,199 Labor 34,020 Supplies 12,232 Goodwill 4,619 Contract Labor 6,844 Rental 1,881 Advertising 28,812 Total $161,607 The success of the series created some challenges that had to be addressed. Allowing the guests to bring their own food and drink created new trash issues. Working with the recycling coordinator, we placed two aluminum can - recycling dumpsters at the facility. Bags were given to the guests upon entering the facility. Most of the guests were happy to sort their trash and bag it before leaving. This aided in the extensive cleanup that occurs after each event and allowed us to recycle many hundreds of pounds of aluminum. Additionally, merchants in the WPC area had to adjust their staffing and supplies with respect to the concert schedule. They experienced heavy traffic before and after concerts and occasionally ran out of certain items. Also due to the larger than expected crowds, additional staff and police were required through out the season causing additional expenses in those areas. Many guests at the events were not local residents but came from outside the immediate BCS area. Accurate numbers are not available to analyze any economic impact, however. The staff and managers of the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater are ready for 2003. Our goals are bigger and better! We hope to continue the sponsorship of College Station Utilities. WOLF i>evt, areeh, Amzhf�thepter Subrnf-tIe-cl by: Sheila Walker, 'Venue manager PARK LAND DEDICATION ORDINANCE PROJECT REVIEW CHECKLIST Date Received: /_J��7ark Zone: Project Locatiom :_ �_ .�� /_—�:-2��! Name of Development: ��%��d� r,� Applicant: Address: -,. A City/State: Zip: Phone Number: A&FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Address: ­5e( City/State: Zip: Phone Number: FAX: E-mail: REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE 1r, FoMr, R � Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi -family Dwelling Units: Total Land Requirement: Proposed Dedication: SECTION 10-113-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? Acres Acres Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): Total Acquisition SECTION 10-E-3: Park Development Fee Single Family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit): ` Total Fee Amounts: ' Total Single Family Fee: ($556/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi -family Fee ($452/Dwelling Unit): SECTON 10-B=40 Park Development in Lieu of Fee Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10-113-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? If yes, staff recommends: Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? Comments: 1. Is land in the 100-year floodplain? AZ6 Percentage: a. Detention/Retention ��--' Size: s _��eets Board Policy: Acreage in floodplain: - Percentage: Acreage in detention: Percentage: o, c' Acreage in greenways: Percentage: Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? c. Topography: d. Trees/Scenery: 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: Parks & Recreation Board: Planning & Zoning Board: City Council: O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Orig inals\Long Version Park Land Dedication Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 817102 09/05/2002 15:16 9796908622 SI GROUP, L.L.C. PARKLAND bEDICATION PROJECT REVIEW CHECKL15T Please provide the following information in order for the Parks and Recreation Board to vocess your request: Minimum Submittal Requirements PAGE 03 The proposed street layout of the subdivision; The location of proposed parkland; Delineated f loodplain; The location and design of any detention in proposed parkland; and, The location of any greenway that is part of the approved City of College Station Greenway Master Plan on proposed parkland dedication, 5ingle-family Dwelling Units. 0 Multi -family Dwelling Units, 84 Total Land Dedication Pequirement; 0.672 Acres (5ingle-family: I acre per 101 bUs; Multi -family: 1 acre per 125 DUS) Proposed beclicction. 0,350 Acres Park Acquisition Fee: Single-family Fee ($198/dwelling unit): $0 Multi -family Fee ($160/dwelling unit): $6.400 Total Acquisition Fee: $6,400 09/05/2002 15:16 9796908622 SI GROUP, L.L.C. PAGE 04 SECTION 10-B.3. Park bevelopment Fee. Park bevelopment Cost,: Single-family Fee ($358/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($292/dwelling unit)-. $0 $11.680 TOTAL PARKLAND DEDICATION FEE REQUIRED. Acquisition and bevelopment Fee; Single-family Fee-, ($556/dwelling unit), $0 Multi -family Fee ($452/dwelling unit). $18,080 SECTION 10-F: Additi0hG1 Recluirements'. Is land in the 100-year f loodplain? No Acreage in f loodplain: 0 Acreage in detention: 0.350 Acreage in greenways', - 0 Comments - Percentage: Percentage'. Percentage: Percentage: 09/05/2002 15:16 9796908622 SI GROUP, L.L.C. 09/05/2002 12:11 FAIN9797643737 CCS PNRKS & REC.- PAGE 01 .1 P "--I " -h5 6 Recreafto', Facsimile Cover, Sheet' fRv t o o - rk t"" t— -cN '�L� Phone - Fax: 0, em Company., s, A Phoned _ Fax. :.. Dated pages �nduding this cover page, «tom 0.9/05/.2002 15:16 9796908622 SI GROUP, L.L.C. G"RIOW-P, LP Enghleelling a Fnvironwenw Science August 23, 2002 Development Services Department City of College Station P-0, Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Ref Approval for Park -land Dedication fee Preliminary Plat for Autuaw Chase Subdivision 8,353 Acre Tract Morgan Rector League, A-46 College Station, Brazos County, Texas S1 Group Proj, No, 02CS140.2 PA'GE 02 7010 Northwest 100 Delve Svelte A-107 lioustoxti TX 77092 PH (713) 895-7,"9 FAX (713) 893-9214 SM GrAmn Rood CoVegr StAtIon, TX 77845 PH (979) 690-9400 FAX (979) 690-8622 8245 Gladys Avenne Suite 206 ReAtMont, TX 77706 PH (409)8614772 VAX (409) 361A773 We are Submitting with this letter the Parkland Dedication Project Review Checklist and Preliminary Plat. Included are the minimum submittal requirements of the Checklist. We request that the Parks Departmeat approve our calculations for the Parkland Dedication for proposed Autumn Chase SubdiVWon, If you have any questions or con-unents, please contact me at 690-9400. Sincerely, SI Group, LP �k Edward R. McDow, Jr., P.E., R,S-L-S, Senior Engineer cc,- Dan Bensinion parkrequest.txt M, my name is Christina Livingston. I am the current chairman of the Alexandria Neighb orhood Association and we are here representing the needs and desires of Alexandria Neighborhood which is located on the No rth end of Alexandria Drive off of Barron Road, West of Hwy 6. 41""understand that the current city plan is to place a 12 acre park on the far south sid e of Alexandria Drive. This means that some 600 homes, including i ' will have to cross Barron Road to access a public park. Since we feell that -having use of a nearby park is very important for community -wide and individual family bonding, we -have contacted three different offices within the city for advice: Greenway Planning, Transportation, and City Park Planning. Each o f the offices, we felt, were very sensitive to our needs for adequate access to playground equipment and the concern for increased t raffic hazzard that will come with a single park in the Shenandoah subdivision. 11-- Therfore, -we- have come tonight to request that you, the City Park Board, consider our re Wiest for city playground equipment to be placed on thp edge of the greenway space on the North end of Alexandria Drive at your next meetingV4Vilike to thank you in advance for your thoughfulness on behalf of our concerned neighborhood. Page 1 It Aug 23 02 04e34p MDG (979) 693-4243 Pa2 2551 Texas Ave. South, Ste. A, College Station, TX 77840 Ofe: 979.693.5359 Fax: 979.693.4243 Email: mdgcs@mdges.com Web: www.iudgcs.com 0 Mr. Rick Ploeger Assistant Director Parks and Recreation Department World Headquarters 1000 Krenek Tap Collegc Station, Texas 77840 Re.- Request to be placed on parks board agenda for residenteaa plat parkland dedication discussion Rick: On behalf of our client, Texas Hotel Management Inc., we would like to be placed on the earliest possible parks board agenda to discuss park fees or land dedication regarding a 7.41-acre town home subdivision and a 17.22-acre single-family residential subdivision. We will provide you with preliminary plat copies by Tuesday, August 27* Please feel free to call me if you have nay questions. Sincerely, MUNICIPAL DEVELOPME7p— Gr ory . Taggart President