HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/14/2002 - Regular Agenda - Parks Board**AGENDA** College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 6:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Department Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas Call to order. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion, and possible approval of minutes from the regular meeting of April 9, 2002, and from the Park Tour that was held on April 30, 2002. 5. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Issues. 6. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital Improvement Project Report. 7. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the future Capital Improvement Program. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a letter of support for a trails grant request to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a recommendation for the Parks and Recreation Department's 2003 User Fees. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the Board's Fiscal Year 2003 budget issues and priorities. 11. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agendas. 12. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. **MINUTES** College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2002, at 6:00 p.m.' Parks and Recreation Department Conference Room 1000'Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent. Board Members Present: Chairman John Nichols; Don Allison; Larry Farnsworth; Glenn Schroeder; Bill Davis. Board Members Absent: Glen Davis; Jon Turton; Laura Wood (Alternate). 1. Call to order: Chairman John Nichols called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting: Glenn Schroeder made a motion to accept the absences of Glen Davis, Jon Turton, and Laura Wood as excused. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors: There were no visitors present at the meeting. 4. Discussion, and possible approval of minutes from the regular meeting of April 9, 2002, and from the Park Tour that was held on April 30, 2002: Glenn made a motion to approve the minutes from April 91h and 301h , 2002. Don Allison seconded the motion. All were in favor,. and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Issues: Steve Beachy said that the Department is making good progress on its goals and strategies. One of the goals that the Department is falling behind schedule on is the revision of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan because of current Capital Improvement projects. He added that the Department hopes to get back on schedule during the summer. Steve said that the new City Council has scheduled a strategic planning retreat on May 28`h and 29`h The Council will review the current Strategic Plan, and make amendments to it as needed. He added that Council has emphasized that they would like to streamline the Strategic Plan and focus more on key priorities. Steve will provide the Board with an update from the retreat at the June meeting. This item was intended for discussion only, and no motion was made. 6. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital Improvement Project Report: Glenn Schroeder asked what the status was on the acquisition of the property adjacent to Woodway Park. Steve said that the City's Land Agent has been negotiating with the owner of that property. He added that the City is also in the process of trying to acquire the Jones Butler Road extension that is adjacent to the park. Steve said that he hopes that both of these land acquisitions will occur within the year. However, if they do not, there is a possibility that the City will proceed with developing the acreage that they have for Woodway Park and adding on to the development at a later time. Bill noticed that the Oaks Park Bridge Project had cost more than what was budgeted and asked if there was a way to prevent this problem from happening with other bridge projects. Eric Ploeger said that the project went over budget due to several unanticipated problems and safety concerns. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, Mcq 14, 2002 Page I of 3 This item was intended for discussion only, and no motion was made. 7. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the future Capital Improvement Program: Steve said that there were no new developments on this item. Glenn Schroeder asked what the timeline was for the appointment of a citizens' committee to review the list of potential projects. Steve said that the City Council would be appointing the committee during the summer, and that the bond election would take place in the spring. John Nichols suggested developing a bulleted list for the citizens' committee that illustrates five of the major Capital Improvement projects that have been completed during the year to show what the Department has accomplished with funds that were allotted to Parks from the last bond election. This item was intended for discussion only, and no motion was made. g. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a letter of support for a trails grant request to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department: Steve said that this item had been placed on the agenda to request the Board's support of a grant application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. If approved, the grant funding will be used to develop an interpretive program with signs that will run along the Wolf Pen Creek trail system. These signs will tell a story about the history of the corridor and educate visitors on the flora and fauna, and the importance of wetlands. The grant has a $100,000 maximum and a 20% local match --the grant request is approximately $76,100. The grant is being submitted by the Public Works Department, and they are asking for support from groups and organizations such as the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Brazos Greenways Council. The funding for the grant's match would come from the Wolf Pen Creek Tax Increment Finance Fund. Steve added that the City Council recently approved a construction contract for the first phase of the Wolf Pen Creek trail system. Glenn S. made a motion to authorize Chairman John Nichols to sign the letter of support. Bill Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Kris Lehde will forward the signed letter to the City's Greenways Coordinator to include with the grant applica"'ion. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a recommendation for the Parr and Recreation Department's 2003 User Fees: Peter Lamont presented the proposed Parks and Recreation Department's 2003 fee recommendations. He said that after the City had conducted a fee study last year, staff realized that there were some fees that were being charged that had not been included in the fee schedule which needed to be added. The Fees Subcommittee of the Board met on March 19, 2002, and had made some recommendations. Those recommendations were included in the Board packets. Bill Davis made a motion to approve the Parks and Recreation Department's 2003 user fees. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Peter said that the Department has also revised the non-league user fee agreement for youth soflfhalI traveling teams. In addition to a $75 surcharge fee, these traveling teams will be charged $12` ""b" 30 prepaid daylight field rentals or $225 for 45 prepaid daylight field rentals. Don Allison asked if staff had met with coaches and softball representatives to discuss the agreement. Peter responded that those groups had proposed the method for determining the fees. Glenn asked if there was a similar agreement for competitive soccer teams. Peter responded that the College Station United Soccer Team has joined with the College Station Soccer Club. The City has a user's agreement with them, in which they pay the City $5 per participant, per season, and are allowed one night of practice per week on the game fields. After some discussion, Don Allison asked staff to reevaluate the agreement it has with soccer during the next review cycle to ensure that there is equity between softball and soccer. The Board was in consensus on the request. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2002 Page 2 of 3 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the Board's Fiscal Year 2003 budget issues and priorities: Steve said that this item was placed on the agenda as a follow up from the March 2002 meeting where the Board was asked for their input into the Fiscal Year 2003 budget process. He added that service level adjustments would be requested by the Department relating to several of the Board's goals and objectives, including additional funding for Senior programs, park maintenance, and funding for the installation of batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park. Bill D. asked if there was a law that prevents bikes on sidewalks. He said that currently, children are bicycling to school and using the sidewalks instead of the streets. He asked if research could be done to determine: 1) what the actual law is; and 2) if that law could be waived for school children in a bike route -type situation. Steve said he could research the request. John Nichols asked if the Department had been contacted by the College Station Independent School District (CSISD) or the South Knoll Parent/Teachers Organization (PTO) regarding participation in a potential project at that elementary school. Steve responded that he had not been contacted. John said that he had been contacted by a representative from the South Knoll PTO asking for the City's participation in rubberizing an oval jogging track at the elementary school. John invited the representative to make a formal request to the Board. Steve said that an interlocal agreement between the City and Texas A&M University to replace the playground equipment at Hensel park has been forwarded to the University for review. If City staff does not hear back from the University soon, they may have to wait until the next budget cycle to start on the project. This item was intended for discussion only, and no motion was made. 11. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agendas: The next regular meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, June 11`h, but due to several scheduling conflicts, the Board requested that the meeting be rescheduled to Thursday, June 131h. The following items are scheduled to be on the June agenda: - The proposed Urban Forest Management Plan. - The Texas A&M University's Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Class presentation regarding a feasibility study of a nature center at Lick Creek Park. - Discussion of a potential jogging track project with the City, CSISD, and the South Knoll PTO. - An update from the Council's Strategic Planning Retreat. - Committee member nominations. Glenn suggested discussion of a policy pertaining to skateboards and scooters in ballparks. He would also like a staff report concerning some concessionaire issues that have occurred at parks. Bill would like to discuss the possibility of City participation in developing a plan for development of a nature trail that would be supported by the Kiwanis Club and the Eagle Scouts. 12. Adjourn: Glenn made a motion to adjourn. Larry seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 14, 2002 Page 3 of 3 Page 1 of 1 (Cris Lehde ® RE: Meeting Reminder From: Jon Turton <iturton@mail.st joseph.org> To: 'Kris Lehde' <klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 5/14/2002 9:00 AM Subject: RE: Meeting Reminder Kris - My work travel plans have changed and I am going to be out later this week and weekend. As a result, I would like to be with my family tonight. I am sorry for this inconvenience. I hope that you still have a quorum for tonight. Thank you, Jon Turton -----Original Message ----- From: Kris Lehde [r.iailto:klehde(-Oci.collerae-station.tx.usl Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 5:37 PM To: gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org; ALLISON@fabtexas.com; jturton@maii.st-joseph.org; bill@pianoplace.net; jpn@tamu.edu; Ifarns@tca.net Cc: David Gerling; Peter Lamont; Pete Vanecek; Ric Ploeger; Steve Beachy Subject: Meeting Reminder Just a reminder of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board meeting that will be held on Tuesday, May 14th, at 6:00 p.m., at the Central Park Office. :-) I have confirmations from the following members: John Nichols, Jon Turton, Don Allison, Glenn Schroeder, Larry Farnsworth, and Bill Davis. I have absentee requests: Glen Davis and Laura Wood. Attached is a copy of the agenda. See you tomorrow :-) Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation (979)764-3414 College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. file://C:\Documents and SettingsWehde.000Tocal Settings\Temp\GW)00004.HTM 5/14/2002 Page 1 of 1 From: "Glen Davis" <DAVI5G@fabtexas.cQm> To:<klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 5/14/2002 10:08 AM Subject: Parks Board Meeting I have another meeting tonight at the same time. I will not be able to attend the Parks Board meeting. Please excuse my absence. file://CADocuments and Settings\klehde.000\L.ocal Settings\Temp\GW}00004.HTM 5/14/2002 Page 1 of 1 (Cris Lehde - Re: May 7th Meeting Cancellation From: <LCW20177@aol.com> To: "Kris Lehde" <klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> ®ate: 5/2/2002 10:35 AM Subject: Re: May 7th Meeting Cancellation I will not be able to attend the meeting on May 14th but I will be able to attend on the 21st. Laura file: //C: \Documents and Settings\klehde.000\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00004.HTM 5/2/2002 From: "Glen Davis" <DAVISG@fabtexas.com> To: <klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> ®ate: 5/2/2002 1:42 PM Subject: Re: May 7th Meeting Cancellation Kris, Actually, the 21'st works better. I have another meeting on the 14th that I was just made aware of. >>> "Kris Lehde"<klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> 05/02/0212:53PM >>> Thanks Glen... would the 21st work if we had to have a special meeting? Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation (979) 764-3414 >>> "Glen Davis" <DAVISG@fabtexas.com> 05/02/02 12:51PM >>> May 14 looks clear for me. >>> "Kris Lehde"<klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> 05/02/02 10:06AM >>> Good morning. The Special Board meeting that was scheduled for next Tuesday, May 7th, has been canceled. We won't receive the draft Urban Forest Management Plan until May 10th (the plan will be distributed to you that day). Currently, there are two options: 1. Review the draft plan at the Regular Board meeting that is scheduled for Tuesday, May 14th (please note that this will give the Board and City staff four days to review the plan). 2. Scheduled a Special Board meeting on the following Tuesday (May 21st). This will allow some additional time to review the plan. Could you please let me know the following as soon as possible: 1. Your availability for both dates (May 14th and May 21st). 2. Which date you would prefer to review the draft plan (14th or 21st). Thank you so much for your help! Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation (979)764-3414 College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. file://C:\Documents and Settings\klehde.000\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00004.HTM 5/3/2002 Ar- Aff The City ®f t,�ollege Station, Texas qIR Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. P.O. Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue 0 College Station, TX 77842 (979) 764-3500 www.ci.college-station.tx.us May 14, 2002 Mr. Andy Goldbloom Manager of Recreational Trails Programs Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78744 Bear Mr. Goldbloom: The City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board strongly endorse the application for trails grant funding for the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor project. The Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Master Plan was first approved by the City Council in 1988. The plan was updated and revised in 1998. Implementation of the Master Plan began in 1992 with the financial assistance of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and from private donations. On May 9, 2002, the City Council approved a construction contract in the amount of $1,161,584 for the first phase of a major trail system within the eastern portion of the corridor. The design of an additional one mile of trail in the western portion of the corridor is currently in progress and will be under construction within twelve months. The purpose of this grant request is to design and install an interpretive program along the trail system throughout the corridor. These interpretive signs will enhance the visitor's experience through educational displays related to the flora, fauna, and the important roles of wetlands in an urban environment. The City of College Station has a long-standing commitment to this project. The addition of the interpretive signs will be very beneficial to our residents and visitors to the community. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this request. Sinc rely, Dr. John Nichols Chairman, College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Home of Texas A&M University TEXAS RECREATIONAL TRAILS FUND PROJECT APPLICATION DUE JUNE 1, 2002 PROJECT NAME Wolf Pen Creek Trails and Interpretive Facilities CITY/COUNTY College Station/Brazos County 1. SPONSORING ENTITY College Station, Public Works Department CONTACT PERSON Judith A. Downs (person TPWD may contact for further information) TITLE Greenways Program Manager MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 9960, 2613 Texas Avenue CITY College Station STATE Texas ZIP CODE 77845 DAYTIME TELEPHONE (979) 764-3844 FAX NO. (979) 764-3489 Authorized Signature May 23, 2002 Date 2. INTENDED USES (Check One) Motorized Use Non -motorized Use d Combination Motor -Non -motorized Uses 3. TYPES OF USE (Check All That Apply) • Bicycling d • Mountain Bicycling • Hiking/Walking • Equestrian • Wheelchairs d • Provisions for Disabilities ✓ • Jogging/Running ✓ • Skating/Skateboarding ✓ • Motorcycles • All Terrain Vehicles • Four-wheel Drive Vehicles • Other educational d TRTF 2/99 4. PROJECT LENGTH New construction 2.75 miles Renovation of existing 9 . IMM 9 KIMARIM (miles or feet) (miles or feet) 3 6. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT. Please provide a clear and concise description of the proposed project in the space below. Include a description of the trail length, width, surfacing, and configuration (loop, linear, network); trailhead and trailside amenities. Detail all work to be performed; any right-of-way or easements to be acquired; the relationship between project and any other work planned or existing; partnerships and/or community involvement; and educational/interpretive aspects of the project. The Wolf Pen Creek Special District in College Station has been on the drawing board for many years. The city is now on the verge developing the area including 2.75 miles of urban multipurpose trail that will connect apartment complexes to parks, restaurants and shopping areas. Once developed,this district and its trails will be heavily used by the community for bicycling, walking, shopping, dining and special event attendance. College Station has set aside money in the district for the trail design and construction and will be spending over one million dollars in the first phase to put trails in place. The area also offers an excellent opportunity to educate thousands of local citizens and visitors about the natural features and processes that occur along an urban creek and its related floodplain. This application is to request assistance with funding for the development of educational information and the placement of that information along the trail with interpretive signs. In order to help foster the benefits of trails, and the environments through which they pass, a strong educational message is needed. This project would provide permanent signage that would convey messages about plants and animals; the importance of the native landscape and how human activity influences it; the benefits of floodplains in stormwater management and water quality; the recreational/health benefits of trails; and the Recreational Trails Fund. The first phase of the trail system is currently out for construction bids and the second phase is under design. Awarding this grant would make it possible to integrate the signage and provide the educational messages from the first day that the trail opens. Because this project is in the heart of College Station, the benefits of the education will be significant as thousands of people will view the signs every year. Educating people about the importance of trails and helping them to notice and understand the environment they are passing through is a critical part of building support for trails and a stronger environmental ethic in the future. TRTF 2/99 7. ITEMIZED BUDGET. Provide in the space below an itemized list of all activities to be undertaken and the cost of each activity. Provide as much detail as possible (consider materials - surfacing, lumber, stones, etc.; labor - volunteer or paid;. service contracts; equipment/tool rental and/or value of in-house; land acquisition. Design, engineering, or architectural services may not exceed 10% of the total project costs; resource surveys/site assessments may not exceed 15%. Sponsor's administrative costs cannot be included. Please call with questions or for clariTication. 20 signs panel profice @ $300 each $6,000 20 signs artwork @ $700 each $14,000 20 signs graphic design @ $700 per panel $14,000 20 signs mock up photo ready copy @$450 per panel $ 9,000 Fabrication: Porcelain enamel 20 @ $1405 $28,100 Subtotal for 20 signs: $71,100 Design Services Total Project Costs (See attached cost estimate for various sign types) 5,000 $76,100 TRTF 2/99 8. PROJECT COSTS AND REQUESTED FUNDS. Total Itemized Project Costs (from item 6 on previous page) $ 76,100 Federal Funds Requested (80% or less of above line) $ 55,000 Local Match Required (at least 20% of top line) $ 21,100 9. PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING SPONSOR'S SHARE. Please describe in the space below the source of funds, donations, or in -kind contributions that will make up the sponsor's match (at least 20%). You may include government appropriations; private donations of land, easement, cash, labor, materials, and equipment; or in-house labor, equipment, and materials. The City of College Station has a tax increment financing (TIF) zone in place for the Wolf Pen Creek overlay district. TIF funds are generated as development occurs in the corridor. These generated funds will provide the match for this proposal. The Wolf Pen Creek Oversite Committee met on April 29 to review and approve submission of this proposal. 10. MAINTENANCE. In the space below, briefly describe the identified commitment to continued operation and maintenance of the project. Include who will be responsible for which tasks and who will finance them. Maintenance for the facilities proposed here will become part of the ongoing responsibilities of the College Station Parks and Recreation Department. TRTF 2/99 4 11. PROJECT USE AND BENEFITS. Provide in the space below a brief description of the benefits of the proposed project in terms of the project's quality, geographic scope, recreational needs met, and expected amount of trail use or population to be served. The City of College adopted the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan in 1988. The intent of the plan was to provide a combination of floodplain conservation, recreation and tourism in the targeted area. The exisitng and proposed trail system is located in the heart of College Station. The project has received strong, repeated community support for a central focal point in College Station. This area is adjance to the regional mall and provides regional entertainment and activities at the amphitheater. 12. "TRAIL CORRIDOR INFORMATION. Describe below the ownership of the trail corridor. If the land is currently in public hands, identify the name of the public land. If the land is not in the sponsor's ownership, include a statement of permission to construct trail project from the landowner. If land, easement, or other property interest will be acquired, describe how this will be accomplished. If acquisition in fee, include a statement of why easement was not possible. The majority of the property required for trail construction is currently owned by the City of College Station. The Wolf Pen Creek Overlay District requires developers to provide easements across their property as development occurs. Since the City is now intent on getting the trail in place ahead of development, we are pursuing easements and acquisition on a few remaing tracts. �IRm��ar �n�P I{cr+� f�F'mf 0 TRTF 2/99 City of College Station Greenways °e • Lake �• �1 i� i 4 L� a �'�• •'.Z �.. (•p43 s•'y Andrew E. Schultz & Lance Permenter Professor: Dr. Jon Rodiek Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning Texas A&M University Contents Project Alm Land Parcel Information Concept Vision ConceptI Concept 11 AIM This Concept Zoning Plan sets out to develop a viable design that addresses the four specific goals outlined in the February 1999 Master Plan document for the City of College Station Greenways. t. Land Use Goal: To a ,rage a rind m tam a on pubilo and adjacent private property that { Mo . an open space. —u. IaMscape more in namo„y wim the awrotrw;re nal„ral enwmnmem 2. Community Appearance Goal: To promote in c Iron stauon land uses that create aeslheNcaay pleasing andsafe enwrp,certk iw its cilkens. 3. Transportation Goal: To promote tna deeiopmem of auemawe means a aa-ft wiHm c.-w slat among biryde aM wal4ng Wrridurs away hen vehiwlar aaHK. T.. pathways should, wtrerever puseib%. skive to canned nmghbmhoods, m —. pa . reiaivolf- areas and the university in a sale and pb"manner, 4. Parks and Recreation Goal: C 1w smbon shoved enhance ns system a w.xs..eoa ,ort r,siwias, and open space ane encourage adenanm s Waa zyslam a( Nnear parkways, which ubNte meek beds. drainage ways, aM oNer natural lectures. Parcel 1 — approx. 7.05 acres Donated by A&M Church of Christ Kay Faaares: r+aaa uxa ER1-9 A— Roatl "� Creak19rainaga CMnnel Vegeraf Parcel 3 — approx. 8.58 acres currently owned by Swoboda Nay Features: Va:iEilay fipm Hwy fi F-91 to E—W Plaid Open Gma 1— Di,— VegelaapnlFareal a,z Parcel 4 — approx. 4.8 acres Owned by Swoboda; Contract pending with Dentist Key F.— pa— Vegela - b — Trail linkage polanfel paiWiig �` agreement wiN owrnr Habitat Preservation Restoration Bikeway Linkage Recreation A, @ w -S Bikeway Trail — a multi use trail system Bikeway Trail — a need for bridges 4 0 Footpath and wildlife viewing opportunities 0 Concept Zone Plan IANva Recreation Area: M­. 4 Program Elements .1a. pacm Secondary Habitat prowairae' ea gene �n d Concept Zone Plan I 0 concept Zone Plan I Five Zones Riparian/Aquatic Primary Habitat Secondary Habitat Active Recreation Trail Head ��s� Main&leeway ........... F-P- Bikeway arid9e Q Footpath aeld, � vieway �acka RioarianlAauatic Create/Restore habitat Clean up garbage Channel stabllbation Introduce wetland plant species lake Enhance shoreline banks f % concept Zone Plan I Typical Section: Unstable�#Bank JsJ�� � arrenN�onaoor .: •Eiomnse+� rea.an[e I � � i NtpeMe xslNeNt atpe I f % concept Zone Plan I � s Typical Section: Concrete Rubble Banks .y.. ..",4, , h 5 lh IS � lk �. •, Curml Conehm. e9 She d LaVe aSxenno Nw-/ fi • SWhlgNwnh Nr[rtle Nhtle • Cglxhhad+fl helms n Concept Zone Plan I O Concept Zone Plan I Primary Habitat Approximately 52% No human access to Interior Preserve dense forest Substantial wildlife cover Two short spans of trail cross through to maintain connectivity Secondary Habitat Approximately 41% Human and wildlife access Promote Binding... am,I Grassland floodway Narrow vegetated area Human Access Head Lake 7 0 concept zone Plan I ()concept zone Plan I 0 concept zone Plan I Active Recreation Area Approximately 6% Open grassland ? Tree Plantings I -P- Seating/Picnicking Facilities I T.- I -- Trail Head Approximately 1% Parking Facilities Picnicki ng Staging Pavilion Information Kiosk ? Tree Plantings Connection to Collecie Station Bikewav Network Multi -use, non -motorized 101 path, min. 2'shoulders 8 0 Concept Zone Plan I - Typical Section: Bikeaway Single Tmd Mu4Ple Use ,,,� Vim., � �Y��. � N ..•cw..aonanswe.�. _ r✓ Concept Zone Plan I Walkthrough - Bikeway Trail 0 Concept Zone Plan I 5 6 r Walkthrough - Bikeway Trail 9 O concept Zone Plan I Walkthrough - Bikeway Trail Concept Zone Plan Walkthrough - Bikeway Trail 0 Concept Zone Plan 1 12 13 Walkthrough - Bikeway Trail 10 10 0 Concept Zone Plan I 15 Walkthrough - Bikeway Trail 0 Concept Zone Plan I Ty Single Tread Single Use pical Section: Footpath P.P. �>nfmmaa s s dn,e,mmr . mf�i van oasnoaa>. - � P MgMal�f i Onrel (D Concept Zone Plan I Walkthrough - Footpath ct d (, Concept Zone Plan 1 99 Walkthrough - Footpath Concept Zone Plan II by Lance Perm. — Five Zones Riparian/Aquatic Enhancement Forest Grassland Active Recreation Trail Head 12 Concept Zone Plan II Rioarian/Aquatic Create/Restore habitat Clean up garbage Channel stabillmlion Provide educational opportunities about Riparian and Aquatic ecosystems Head Lake n Concept Zone Plan If c7 y:� G 5•F � ^Nl�a -� yyyµ n f tv�.v Concept Zone Plan II Wetland Enhancement Introduce wetland plant species in an effort to Improve and Increase wetland habitat 13 Concept Zone Plan II Concept Zone Plan II 0 Concept Zone Plan 11 Forest Approximately 73% Minimal human access to Interior Preserve dense forest Substantial wildlife cover Small, low Impact trails Introduced for walking only Provide educational opportunities about Forested ecosystems Grassland Approximately 31% Human access with least amount of Impact to site's existing habitat Provide educational opportunities about Grassland ecosystems 14 n Concept Zone Plan II Concept Zone Plan II Concept Zone Plan it Trail Head Active Recreation Area Approsimately S% Open grassland Tree Plantings Seating/Picnicking Facilities 7 Tables 7 eenMes 7 Staging Pavilion Trail Head Parkin Approximately 1% Parking Facilities Amenities Information Kiosk Connection to Colleoe Station Bikewav Network Multl-use, non-rnotorized 10' path, min. 2' shoulders 15 0 concept zone Plan 11 0 Concept Zone Plan it Walkthrough - Bikeway Trail 0 concept zone Plan it Walkthrough - Bikeway Trail Purpose: • C-m w G-Y .Y... Dimensions: II 4, 5 16 f % Concept Zone Plan II Walkthrough a Bikeway Trail Concept Zone Plan II Walkthrough a Bikeway Trail Concept Zone Plan II Ni�i11� iKPll- i� L'tN.rn. 11 Purpose: • more people w aaa bm inlerprelire signage aM inbrtnatwn kiosks Dime: s'a,immam oam -� • rw anoober �J Materials: ��. i'� • pargmposetl Granite 17 0 concept Zone Plan II VAL KONGPOW a�r � Gadar•. '.. Purpose. • PmviCe service a¢ess � mpvai people m a�w rmm r ♦<.- interpretive signaga artl obcervaYan points along ������[,,xppx umnn'mum .4X� Dimen � path •rro eFwuWer "7 Materials: +" • Dammposetl Gmnne • CmsWmetl to supparl jy.�� �, weigf,i of vehklas UIEETING NOTES FROM DEVELOPER FOCUS GROUP MEETIN February 28, 2002 City Hall •. '•• 11:30 . Citv Staff Present: Parks & Recreation Department - Steve Beachy, Eric Ploeger, Pamela Springfield; Development Services - Jane Kee, Natalie Ruiz, Lee Battle Parks & recreation Advisory Board Subcommittee Present:. Bill Davis, Don Allison Local Development Community representatives Present: Steve Arden, Prudential Brazosland Realty; Charles Ellison, Attorney -at -Law; Randy French, Stylecraft Builders; Mike McClure, McClure Engineering; Fain McDougal, McDougal & Company; Wallace Phillips, Castlegate Community Handouts: Revised Park Land Dedication Ordinance (approved by Council in January 2002 and goes into effect on July 25, 2002); Draft of Proposed Developer Incentives; Woodcreek, Thomas, Gabbard, and Castlegate Parks site maps; a Developer Questionnaire. Background. Vision Statement #4, Strategy 4.a "To plan for community growth, we will maintain comprehensive parks planning processes and documentation. " The first proposal looked at cash incentives in the form of rebates back to the developer, for street frontage that was over and above the usual requirement stated in the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. The proposal had been presented to Parks Board and then to City Council, and Council asked for some other ideas. Meetinq Purpose and Goal: Create incentives for developers to provide adequate neighborhood parks. Woodcreek, Thomas, Gabbard, and Castlegate Parks were used as examples to discuss the ideal characteristics of a neighborhood park: • Good access and visibility are the two key issues; • Seven to ten (7-10) acres in size is preferable; • Ideally some of the park will be fairly open and level ground; • All residents in the neighborhood should be within a one-half mile, maximum walking distance from the park. The development community representatives present were asked to answer two questions in order to help identify possible incentives: 1. As a developer, what actions can you take to provide larger neighborhood parks in locations that will better serve residents? 2. Based upon the comments received from question #1, what potential incentives could the City offer to encourage you to take the actions identified? Discussion went around the table and the following suggestions were made: ® Better define what is considered detention/retention areas and other useable space, which is not allowed to be used for park land dedication; ® Give some type of rebate to the developer for providing more street frontage than is required; ® Tie greenbelts, detention/retention, and parks together with a trail system to encourage pedestrian traffic; ® Parks should enhance the visual character of the city and detention should count towards some type of credit; • Need to link/unite greenways and parks under one fund and one concept; ® Combine park land dedication with greenways and detention and give credit for it; - allow some land in the 100-year flood plain; and ® Find a way to "share" property that is in a 100-year flood plain or greenbelt and give credits. Hiphliphts and Ideas for Incentives: 1. Develop a "credit" system, whereby developers would get credit for greenways, detention, parks; 2. Development "trade-offs" to encourage the overall concept; make sure the city's process doesn't discourage creative development; 3. Process for planning development starts early; improve the process for coordinating parks, greenways, and detention; there needs to be a breakdown of the barriers between the entities that control them; 5. Money - it is the money and the cost to developers, builders, homeowners, and the city that's driving everyone; and 6. Make some aspects of development more economical, to redistribute the costs of the project — could take the money and put towards parks. Parks and Reci an Department CIP Project List FY 2002 (updated 05/08/2002) .. ::::::::E ee 'd .......... :: . )�O. . :-:Abtu[a1:-:-:-:-:-:- ..................... .......... ..... .... .......................... .... ......... . ....... .. ..... .... I Project.:.: ' .""*X"" ............. . '. .' ................. d' .: . .... .:.:Cdmj3Idtidri-Dbitd-:-: :-:-CbiM0lbtibh:Ddtb: -:- dst: -: -: -: -: Jack & Dorothy Miller Jogging Track Under Construction 5/25/02 David ST0200 2"226t $ 9, 0 FY'02 General Fund* 8/02 I Business Center Landscaping Project Complete GG9705 $250,000 G.O. 07/31/01 10/19/2001 $256,348 1 Millennium Winds improvements (FY'01) Complete HM0104 $7,195 FY'01 08/31101 07/31/2001 $7,665 lCastlegate Park Design and Construction Complete N/A NA NA Develooer 5/02 —$300,000+ 1 lHallaran Pool Filters Complete Ric PK0106 $120,000 FY'01 3/02 1 (Gabbard Park Playground Replacement Complete David PK0120 $34.124 FY'01 Replacement 3102 $34,124 1 I High School Tennis Court Lights (FY'01) Complete Ric PK0109 $91.500 FY'01 4/02 02/28/2002 $72,560 1 IGeorqie Fitch Playground Replacement Complete Pete PK0207 $30,000 FY'02 Replacement Acct. 3/02 04/03/2002 $26,729 1 (Oaks Park Bridge Complete Pete PK0067 $28,000 98 G.O. 5/02 05/07/2002 $45,500 I Madeley Park In Design Ric PK9706 $48,000 98 G.O. 8/02 Lick Creek Park Development In Design Ric PK0069 $478.000 98 G.O. (TPWD Grant) 12/02 Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements Postponed until FY03 Ric Cemetery Land Acquisition On Hold Ross GG9905 $275,000 98 G.O. Unknown IThomas Pool Shade Cover On Hold Ric PK0104 $19,000 98 G.O. 12/03 I IC.S.S.C. Agreement (clubhouse) Pending Contract NA C.S.S.C. Unknown I I Hensel Park Playground Replacement Pending Contract Pete PK0210 $40,000 FY'02 Replacement Acct. 8/02 1 (Thomas Pool Renovation Pending Contract Ric PK0205 $277.255 FY'02 3103 lWoodway Park Development Pending Contract Ric PK9803 $600,000 Park Ded. Zone 7 Unknown I Gabbard Park Improvements Under Construction David PK0102 $78,000 98 G.O. 4/02 16rison Park improvements Under Construction David PK0100 $54,600 98 G.O. 3/02 I Merry Oaks Improvements Under Construction David PK0103 $37,000 98 G.O. 7102 I I I Lincoln Entry Improvements Under Construction Ric CD1292 $90,000 FY'01 C.D.B.G. 9/02 1 I Pebble Creek Park Improvements Under Construction Pete PK0061 $27,420 Park Ded. Zone 11 5/02 05/15/2002 $27,051 1 )Veterans Park, Phase I Under Construction Ric PK9941 $2,936,800 98 G.O. 11/02 1 I Richard Carter Park Improvements Under Construction Pete PK0202 $13,500 FY'02 General Fund 9/02 Total Amount $5,564,644 Summary Pending Contracts: 4 Postponed I In Design: 2 Out to Bid: 0 Under Construction: 8 Complete: 8 On Hold: 2 Total: 25 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 5 Major Goals PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT 36 Milestones ® Imp of the CIP Program FYt?2 GOAL„ 25 Complete S Implementation am r Implementation of Sp6ciai rroiecis I Continue to Improve Staff Development Q Implementation of New Programs r implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CiP Proaram ❑ Complete 90% of the CIP Program - Refer to FY02 CIP Project List Continue to Improve Staff Development Q Complete Management Academy (three (3) PARD Superintendents) (Graduation February 22, 2002) ✓❑ Complete Supervisory Academy (six (6) PARD personnel) (Class graduated on November 13, 2001) ❑ Complete Certified Playground Safety Inspector re -certification from the National Recreation and Park Association (two (2) PARD Supervisors) (Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent, was recertified) ❑ Send one (1) PARD Supervisor to the National Recreation and Park Association sponsored Park Maintenance School (Scheduled for August 2002). Q Complete the Weapons of Mass Destruction training course (seven (7) PARD personnel) (Training December 17`h, 18th and 19r11) Q Complete the Principles of Emergency Management course (PARD personnel) (Graduation held on November 18, 2001) Q Participate in the Brazos Valley Regional Leadership Forum Conference (Director of PARD) (Complete April 16, 2002) Q Asst. Director to complete the Texas Forest Service's Incident Command Training (Complete March26, 2002) Implementation of Citv Council Strategic Issues ❑ VS3S4a - Complete Urban Forest Management Plan (Initial presentation to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board on March 5, 2002. A second meeting is scheduled for June 11th. Scheduled for Council consideration on June 27, 2002). Q VS4S2a - Implement Park Maintenance Standards (to track performance) (1st and 2"`' quarter reports complete) ❑ VS4S3a - implement intergenerational Park Facilities (In progress) ❑ VS4S4a - Develop recommendations for developer incentives to provide adequate park land (Draft recommendations complete. Met with local developers on February 28, 2002.) Q VS4S4b - Complete development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase I, and conduct needs assessment for future facilities Needs Assessment approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on February 12, 2002. Presentation to the City Council on March 28, 2002). Q VS4S4c -- Update Parkland Dedication Ordinance (Ordinance revisions approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on October 9, 2001. Adopted by City Council on January 24, 2002. The revised ordinance will go into effect on July 24, 2002). Q VS4S4d - Develop facility needs for future community park (November 29, 2001) Q VS4S5a - Develop plans for senior programs and facilities (Council approval on February 28, 2002)) Q VS4S5b - Prepare feasibility report on skateboard park (Report presented to Council on December 20, 2001) R1 VS4s7b -- Implement greenway-park connectivity demonstration project (Bee Creek and Lemon Tree parks) Q VS4s8a - Improve communication between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission (Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met with the Commission on September 20, 2001. A joint meeting with the City Council was held on December 6, 2001. Future meetings will be scheduled accordingly). Implementation of Special Proiects ❑ Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (in progress) ❑ Develop recommendations for future Capital Improvement Program projects (In progress) Q Replace irrigation at Lemontree Park (February 1, 2002) Q Implement public art at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater (Bronze Wolves) (Dedication held December 17, 2001) ❑ Investigate the possibility of Departmental accreditation (In progress) Q Conduct dedication ceremony for the Wayne Bryan Bike Loop (May 11, 2002) ❑✓ Coordinate Veterans Memorial Project at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (Groundbreaking November 12, 2001) Q Complete pond renovation at Brothers Pond Park (Complete in December 2001) Q Installation of lightening prediction systems at parks (Complete April 2002)) ® RPTS Student Study for the Development of a Visitor/Nature Center at Lick Creek Park (in progress. Is scheduled for to be presented to the Board on June 11, 2002) ❑✓ Assist with The George Bush Drive Extension Grand Opening Event (April 6, 2002) Implementation of New Programs Q Investigate the potential of joint programming with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department (Ongoing) Q Implement monthly PARD newsletter (First edition complete in October 2001 - Ongoing) 121 Facilitate the Northgate "Back Porch Concert" Series ❑✓ Conduct Fall Special Olympics Bocce Ball Q implement Starlight Concert Series at Wolf Pen Creek (1st Conceit held on April 13, 2002) Updated: Alav 8, 2002 City of College Station 'arks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Goals and Objectives (not prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. El Review quarterly reports on park maintenance standards and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS4S2a) (January 8, 2002). ❑ Review proposed park conceptual plans and make recommendations for intergenerational features (VS4S3a). ❑ Review and develop recommendations for Urban Forestry Plan (VS3S4a) (June 11, 2002. Will be presented to Council for consideration on June 27, 2002). ❑ Review preliminary cost estimates for CIP prepared by Staff. More interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council (VS4S8a). Q Assist with the review and preparation of the Unified Development Ordinance (November 13, 2001). ❑ Review and recommend possible changes to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (October 9, 2001). R1 Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss goals (September 20, 2001). 2 Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to confirm goals (December 6, 2001). Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program. 2 Castlegate Park site review (November 13, 2001). R1 Lick Creek Park site review (December 11, 2001) CAI Madeley Park site review. (February 19, 2002) ❑ Woodway Park site review. ❑ Shenandoah Park site review (On Hold). Planning and coordination for the next bond issue. R1 Identify and assess the needs for future park facilities. (February 5, 2002) • Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (February S, 2002) • Determine priorities for development. (February 12, 2002) ❑ Develop a recommendation for consideration in the 2002 bond program. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. C1 Review of Section II (Goals and Objectives) of the plan (February 12, 2002) * Review of Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. (February 12, 2002) ❑ Review of Sections I, IV, V, and VI of the plan. ❑ Review of Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation) ❑ Review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process). ❑ Review of Revised Master Plan Parks & Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks & Rec. Advisory Board Approval: October 9, 2001 Updated: May 8, 2002 Page 1 of 2 Veterans 1'ark and Athletic Complex, Phase 11 Development. Q Review needs for future facilities and programs (December 11, 2001) ® Determine priorities for development. (February S, 2002) C0 Develop recommendations for implementation. (February; 12, 2002) 2 Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (March S, 2002) Skate Park facility planning (VS4S5b). • Develop recommendation for scope of project. (November 13, 2001) Q Develop recommendation for facility use. (November 13, 2001) RI Develop recommendation for implementation. (November 13, 2001) Review funding sources for the installation of two backstops and two batting cages at See Creek Park. (Note: A service level adjustment will be requested for F'Y03). CI Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff (November 13, 2001). ❑ Determine needs for program requirements. ❑ Develop recommendations for scope of project. ❑ Develop recommendations for implementation. Review funding sources for the repair or replacement of the jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park. ❑ Review proposed project cost estimates (December 11, 2001). RI Review funding alternatives (Completed by Staff). ® Develop recommendations for implementation. Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan. 0 Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (October 9, 2001). ❑ review Recreation, Park, and ®pen Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan in any Park and recreation related issues. ❑ Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments. ❑ Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens. • Receive input from fall Eisenhower Leadership Development Program group. (December 6, 2001) Q Determine priorities for programs and facilities (January 8, 2002). Q Develop recommendations for implementation (January- 8, 2002). Parks & Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Coals and Priorities Parks & Ree. Advisory Board Approval: October 9, 2001 Updated: May 8, 2002 Page 2 of 2 STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION ION CALENDAR 2002 Initial consultant Presentation of Presentation of VS 3 presentation to consultant's consultant's reportmentation 7planubmit S 4,a Urban Forest Plan Ross Parks Board report to Parks 'to Council for for Council March 5m. Board May 7th directionideration if quired Hoard review of future Complete VS 4 Complete future MatntJForestry recommendations Board review of 2nv Board review of 3b S 2.a Parks Maintenance Maintenance & Forestry recommendations. recomm. on 2112102. Develop recommend. for future Parks quarter. quarter. Standards Curtis Board review of 1" for future CIP & Maint. Standards & April 9m quarter 118/02. bu et requests CIP requests eny Oaks, VS 4 Intergenerational Park Ric Gabbard, & erison S 3.a Facilities Improvements bid. Council reviews — VS 4 Developer incentives Board review of proposed Board review of S 4.a to provide adequate proposed incentives incentives 1/24102. Focus Group parks Steve on 118/02. Focus Group results. wldevelopers 2128 April 9th Complete Phase Complete 4 Completeassessment 2^^ oard Phase I S 4 S 4.b development p Ric 01of needs assessment cost estimates & Construction Xn6ond12/1 on2/12102wof present �. _ _....__,... . Develop master plan VS 4 for new community S 4.d park & landfill site Ric Improve VS communication Weekly e-mail update to P&R between Parks Board, Steve S 8.a Council, P&Z Board initiated. Board review of Submit facility proposed park needs for inclusion needs. in 5-yr. CIP Plan Presentation Presentation related to Parks related to Parks Strategic Plan strategic Plan moved to moved to 6 Mo. Pending 6 Mo. Pendmq Board review of4e quarter and year end. Park projects completed by year's end' (VOTE: Shaded items have been Completed. 'o„son, Gabbard, Merry Oaks, Madefey, Woodway, and Spring Loop Parks R—sed May 8, 2002 Parks d Recrea n Department 2003 • " d ,. i Fees Subcommittee g Tuesday, March • 2002 Adult sports per team No change recommended for 2003 Youth Sports per person No change recommended for 2003 Instruction No change recommended for 2003 Shelters No change recommended for 2003 Lincoln Center Recommendations for 2003: Special Event I-ee (includes rental of the gym, community room, sound system, and 450 chairs). Fee = $150.00 Teen Center Recommendations for 2003: Meeting Room Fee = $15.00 per hour Deposit = $50.00 (refundable if left clean, and no damage is done) Dance/Game Room Fee = $25.00 per hour Deposit = $50.00 (refundable if left clean, and no damage is done) Whole Facility (excluding the Computer Lab) Fee = $50.00 per hour Deposit = $75.00 (refundable if left clean, and no damage is done) Rates listed above are based on a party of 1-25. Add $10.00 per hour for 26-50 attendees; $15.00 hour for 51-100 attendees; and $20.00 per hour for 100-200 attendees. Any rental expecting more than 100 attendees ®rust have supervisor approval. Conference Center No change recommended for 2003 Athletic Field Rentals (Softball and Baseball Only) Recommendations for 2003: One (1) field for two (2) days Fee = $100.00 per weekend Deposit = $100.00 Three (3) fields for one (1) day Fee = $150.00 per day Deposit = $50.00 Three (3) fields for two (2) days Fee = 275.00 per weekend Deposit = $100.00 m 1 Race Equip. it Rentals Printing Stop Watch Fee = $10.00 (Individual rental rates) Stop Watch Fee = $5.00 Cones (10) Fee = $10.00 Bases, Poles, and Flagging (10) Fee = $10.00 Big Timeclock Fee = $50.00 Water Cooler IFee = $5.00 Ice Chest Fee = $5.00 Tables Fee = $10.00 Traffic Flags and Vests (10) IFee = $5.00 Big timeclock, printing stop watch, 10 cones, 10 bases/poles and Race Equipment Rentals flagging, 2 water coolers, 2 tables, 10 traffic flags and vests. Fee = $75.00 (Package rental rates) Big timeclock, 2 printing stop watches, 30 cones, 20 bases/poles and flagging, 6 water coolers, 4 tables, 15 traffic flags and vests. Fee = $100.00 Big timeclock, 4 printing stop watches, 60 cones, 30 bases/poles and flagging, 12 water coolers, 6 tables, 20 traffic flags and vests. Fee = $125.00 :swimming Pools Recommendations for 2003: Pool Parties (includes party favors) Minimum of 8 people Theme Parties (Southwood and Thomas Pools) )Fee = $5.75 per person Theme Parties (Adamson Lagoon) Fee = $7.50 per person General Parties (Southwood and Thomas Pools) Fee = $4.75 per person General Parties (Adamson Lagoon) Fee = $6.50 per person Catered Theme Parties (Southwood and Thomas Pools) Fee = $7.00 per person Catered Theme Parties (Adamson Lagoon) Fee = $9.25 per person General Catered Parties (Southwood and Thomas Pools) Fee = $6.25 per person General Catered Parties (Adamson Lagoon) IFee = $8.50 per person Pavilion Parties Fee = $15.00 for the first table, and $5.00 for each additional table 1(limit four (4) tables) Fil Vendor Permits 3 ..................................... ...................................... ..................................... ...................................... ..................................... Other Recommended Pool Fees Texas SuperGuard Competition (Fee = 20.00 per person Swim diapers at the pools 1$1.00 per diaper Locker Rental Fee = $1.00 Deposit = $2.00 Tube Rental Fee = $1.00 (Deposit = $2.00 Junior Lifeguard (4-wk sessions/2 days wk) Fee = $55.00 per session Guard 2-B IFee = $55.00 per session Duck Derby (sponsor a duck) (July 4th) (Fee = $3.00 per person Itzy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty and Handsome Summer Boy Contest (July 4th) IFee = $3.00 per person "Schools Out" Blow Out at Adamson Lagoon Fee = $200.00 for two (2) hours for school -sponsored events and end - of -year parties ee = $2.50 per person for everyone ages three (3) and older ($1.50 Pool Trout Fishout (Five (5) fish limit) I per fish after the five (5) fish limit) .......................................... .......................: �: ......................... Discount Passes Southwood, Thomas, and the Natatorium I Fee = $40 for 25 swims Special Day Care Fee at Adamson Lagoon I$2.75/Child No change recommended for 2003 College Station Parks & Recreation Department Terms for Use of City Softball Fields for Non League Activities Use Policy Statement: The City of College Station recognizes that it is appropriate to subsidize youth athletic activities. Such activities contribute to educational development and encourages leisure literacy, which are increasingly important aspects of life. Youth is defined as all students up to, and including, twelfth grade. The City requires any group that desires to operate a league utilizing city facilities, to enter into a contractual agreement (Facility Users Agreement) with the City. The City recognizes that there are youth groups, who desire to utilize City facilities at a free or discounted rate but do not operate under a "league" format. These user groups would not function under the same set of guidelines established for youth groups that operate leagues. It is the desire of the City to support these special youth groups by offering some benefits for field usage. We feel that since these groups are often, if not always, selective in their participation, almost always require a "try out" to be placed on the team, and do not operate under a "league" format, should probably not receive the same level of support as other contracted league groups. The City does however recognize the importance of the existence of such groups because they provide a source for advanced levels of play for the serious, talented and dedicated youth participant. Explanation of Fees and Benefits: In January of 2000, the City of College Station implemented a surcharge fee of $5.00 per individual/per league/per year or $75.00 per team/per league/per year. These fiends are placed into a special city account and used to pay for replacement, repair, or additions to athletic fields and complexes. Implementing this fee was an effort to generate funds from the individuals that utilize city facilities for their organized athletic activities to pay for such items, rather than utilize bond funds for capital improvements. Benefits to the user group(s): Upon receiving the $75.00 per team surcharge (as reference above) plus an additional $125.00, for a total of .$200.00, non league youth teams will receive 30 "non -charged" rentals (without lights), (or practices, to last no longer than ti-vo (2) Hours her practice per day. Alternatively, upon receiving the $75.00 per team surciiarge (as reference above) plus an additional $?25.00, 1Or a total of $ )00.00, nun vouch teams Will receive 4> "11M1-char11cd" rentals (WHIMui )iIhts). fi>r practices, to last no longer than two (2) hours per practice per day. Any practices over the base number provided will be charged at the regular field rental rate as approved by the City of College Station City Council. These rentals to be used before any paid rentals are made. Lights for any reservation will be charged an additional five dollars ($5.00) per two-hour rental. Reservations/rentals for both day and night must be made in person at the Central Park Office. The Parks & Recreation Department will make arrangements to have a City Employee turn lights on and off as needed at the Bee Creek and Lemontree Softball Complexes. Two (2) weeks worth of reservations may be made at a time with a minimum of 24 hours notice for the first reservation/rental. Fields will be available on Wednesdays, and Sundays for rentals during the College Station Parks and Recreation Department's regular youth softball league, with Friday's available unless the league requires them for rainouts and makeup games. In these cases the league play will take priority over rentals. The fields will be available any day of the week during non-league times. Practice "Round Robin" Tournaments - No field preparations will be made for "scrimmages" or "round robin" type tournaments (which are intended to serve as practices). Fees for the use of one (1) or more field will be the same as the reservation/rental information mention above. It will be required that the reservation/rental party notify the Central Parks Office, at the time the reservation is made, as to the number of teams expected, so that proper notification can be given to the Parks Operation Staff for additional trash runs. Official Softball Tournaments: Should any team(s) desire to host a tournament then all scheduled fees, requirements and benefits would apply (see Softball Field Rental Information Agreement). An Official Softball Tournament is defined as any Amateur Softball Association sanctioned fast pitch or slow pitch tournament. Revisions: The City of College Station reserves the right to modify this policy from time to time as deemed necessary by the Director of Parks and Recreation. Signe Date Group/PARKS-81/641/Youth non league Field Use Policy revision draft.doc Revised 02-02 1994-2002 1994-2002 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES ACTIVITY/FACILITY 1994 J 1995 I 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 IA. ADULT SPORTS PER TEAM 1 1 I I I 11. Basketball 1 $250 I $250 1 $255 $255 1 $265 I $265 I $265 I $265 I Discontinue 12. Flag Football 1 $250 I $255 I 13. Volleyball $100 I $110 � $110 $1110 $265 $130 $130 I $140 $175 �4. Softball 1 I I I I I Play -Off League (Sprg,Sum) 1 $250 1 $255 1 $260 $265 $285 1 $285 $356 I $360 I $360 Play -Off League (Fall) $210 $215 $220 $225 $240 $240 I $300 $315 1 $315 Fast Pitch (Sprg., Sum) $290 $290 $300 $300 $300 $300 1 $375 $375 $375 Fast PitchFall1...........................� ....... .. ...$.. $245.. $250.Il 1I $250 $250 I $312 $325 $325 B. YOUTH SPORTS PER PERSON . I ...... ... .... ...250I 11. Basketball 1 5/$15/$5.I......,5 $2/$15 20/10I2. 2 $40/35 Flag Football 1 $30/20/10 ,$30/0/1 $35/25/15 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 $40/35 13. Softball $30/$20/$5 $25/$15/$5 $30/$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 $40/35 14. Youth Volleyball + I5, Challenger Basketball I I $40/30/20 $40/35 IC. INSTRUCTION 1 �.................. �1. Swim Lessons 1 $16 $16 $20 1 $23 I $30 I $30 + $30 ! $30 $35 I 2. Adv. Swim Lessons 1 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 I $25/15/10 1 $25/15110 1 $25/15/10 I $25115/10 I $35 ' $40 13. TAAF Swim Team 1 $40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 1 $40/$25/$151 $80/60/40 1 $80160/40 1 $80/60/40 1 $80/60/40 I $85/65/45 I $85175 { 4. National Jr. Tennis League I $40/$35/$30 $40/$35/$30 1$40/$35/$301 $50 I $50 $50 $50 $50 ! $50 15. Tennis Lessons (+ 1 can of balls) 1 $35/person $35/person 1 $35/person I $35/person I $35/person $35/person $35/person $35/person I $40 16. Golf I I I $45 I $45 $45 I $45 I Discontinue I - D. PICNIC SHELTERS PER DAY 1. Bee Creek Pavilion $30 1 $30 1 $50 $50 $50 1 $50 I $50 I $75 1 $75 2. Central Pavilion 1 I I 1 1 I 1 Monday -Thursday I $50 $50 1 $50 $50 $50 $50 I $50 I $75 I $100 Friday I $75 $75 1 $75 $75 j $75 I $75 $75 1 $1 $175 I Saturday & Sunday & Holidays 1 $125 I $125 I $125 $125 $125 1 $125 I $125 I $17755 1 $175 13, Oaks Pavilion $30 1 $30 1 $50 I $50 $50 1 $50 I $50 I $75 1 $75 14. Southwood Pavilion I 1 I I I I I Monday -Thursday I $50 $50 $50 S $50 $50 $50 � $50 1 $75 ! $100 I Friday I $75 I $75 $75 � $75 I $75 $75 I $75 j $100 I $175 Saturday &Sunday & Holidays 15. I $125 I $125 I $125 $125 $125 1 $125 $125 I $175 1 $175 Thomas Pavilion I $15 1 $15 I $15 I $15 1 $15 f $15 $15 I $15 1 $15 I6. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater I 1 I 1 1 Private- Weekday I $200 $200 ' $200 1 $200 $200 I $200 $200 i $200 I $200 Private - Weekend $250 1 $250 $250 1 $250 $250 I $250 ( $250 1 $250 I $250 I Page 1 1994-2002 1994-2002 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES ACTIVITY/FACILITY I 1994 1995 1996 1997 l 1998 1999 l 2000 2001 2002 Non Commercial - Weekday I $425 $425 $425 $425 1 $425 $425 $425 1 $425 $425 Non Commercial - Weekend I $525 $525 $525 $525 I $525 $525 $525 1 $525 $525 1 1 Professional/Commercial - Weekday j $800 $800 $800 $800 I $800 $800 I $800 1 $800 I $800 I Professional/Commercial - Weekend I $900 $900 $900 $900 1 $900 $900 $900 1 $900 1 $900 I *Service Personnel charges will be added accordingly 1 1 I t 1 I E. LINCOLN CENTER 11. Membership (19-54 yrs), per year $6 I $6 1 $6 1 N/A � N/A 1 N/A 1 $15 $15 $15 1 Youth I I $8 1 $10 $ 10 1 Low Income Eligible 1 I 1 $4 I $5 I $5 1 Adult I 1 i 1 1 $10 I $15 1 $15 1 Non -Member Guest Pass (youth or adult) I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $1/day 1 $1/day I Non -Member Summer Rate (youth or adult) 1 1 1 1 I 1 - 1$30/summer) *Gym (8 hr. block/day) deposit $150/day $150/day $150/8hrs 1 $150/8hrs $150/8hrs $150/8hrs $150/8hrs $150/8hrs 1$200/8hoursl i12. Hourly/Half Court (4 hr max) 1 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 j $20 1 $20 I $20 I $20 I $10 I $15 1 $15 Hourly/Full Court (4 hr max) I I 1 I 1 1 $20 1 $25 1 $25 1 Gym Event I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $.30/Chair All Day Usage (more than 4 hrs) I 1 1 1 $100 1 $125 1 $175 Concession Usage ( 1 ( 1 $o 1 $10 $15 13. *Teen Room/Game Room I $10 1 $10 I $10/2 hr min I $10/2 hr min $10/2 hr min 1$10/2 hr min $10/2 hr min 1$10/2 hr min 1$10/2 hr min I I Deposit I 1 ! 1 1 I , $50 f $50 1 $50 1 Rental 14. *Community Room Rental (max. 3 hrs) I I $25 I $25 I 1 $25 ( 1 $25 $25 i 1 $25 ( $15 $20 $20 I $25 $25 1 $30 1 Additional per hr I I I I I I $15 f $20 Deposit I 1 1 I I 1 $50 1 $50 I $75 Kitchen Fee I 1 1 1 1 1 1 $o $10 1 $15 I5. Miscellaneous Charges I Copies 1 I $.10/Copy Faxes I I* All rooms are subject to an after-hr. charge of $20 per hour. The after-hr. F. TEEN CENTER (THE EXIT) 1 I charge is based on any request to use facilities beyond the I I center's normal I operating hours. _ I $2.00/fax I 1. Non Member per day I I I I I $1 $1 2. Mem ; b : er : s h : ip peryear J $10 $10 G. ATHLETIC FIELDS 1 I 1. Softball & Baseball: ** I f I I I i I I Single field rental/day 1 $50 1 $50 1 $60 $60 1 $60 1 $60 1 $60 1 $60 $60 I four (4) field complex/day I $150 1 $150 1 $200 $200 1 $200 I $200 I $200 ► $200 1 $200 I four (4) field complex/Sat & Sun. 1 $300 1 $300 1 $350 $350 ( $350 $350 1 $350 1 $350 $350 two (2) field complex/day I $100 $100 $100 1 $100 1 $100 1 $100 1 $100 Page 2 1994-2002 1994-2002 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT USER FEES ACTIVITY/FACILITY 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 I 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 two (2) field complex/Sat & Sun. $175 $175 $175 $175 $175 $175 $175 2. Soccer: ** One (1) field $50/dav $50/day $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 All fields $150/day $150/day $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Weekend $300 $300 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 $350 13. Field Rentals/Per Hour (1/2/3 hrs) * $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 $10/$15/$20. $10/15/20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 $10/15/20 1** In addition to the rental fees, a deposit will be charged in advance of any tournament. The deposit will vary depending on the type and size of the tournament. In addition to the rental and deposit fees, additional fees may be assessed to the renter depending on the length and type of tournament to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and supplies needed to facilitate the tournament. These fees will be provided to the :.:.. renter in advance of the tournament. ........ H. SWIMMING POOLS :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:...:.:.:.:.:.:.. 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 1. General Admission (3 yrs & up) Hallaran/Thomas $1.25 $1.25 $1.50 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 1 Natatorium $2 $2 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Adamson $2.50 $2.50 $3 $3 $3.25 $3.50 $3.50 $3.50 $4.00 12, Discount Pass (50 swims) Hallaran/Thomas $25 $25 $30 $30 $38 $50 $40 $50 $85 Natatorium $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $85 1 *Adamson-25 swims(may be used at all city pc $50 $50 $60 $60 $70 $75 $75 $75 $85 3. Family Season Pass Natatorium $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 Hallaran/Thomas $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 *Adamson (may be used at all city pools) $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 14. Individual Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 *Adamson (may be used at all city pools) $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 5. Babysitter Season Pass I Hallaran/Thomas $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 *Adamson (may be used at all city pools) $40 $40 $40 j1 $40 140 $40 $40 $40 $40 *excludes CSISD Natatorium 16. Pool Rental (2 hours) I Hallaran: 25 people or fewer $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $100 1 50 people or fewer $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $125 51-76 people $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $175 77-102 people $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $225 Each hour after intial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 1 $25 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 Thomas/Natatorium: 25 people or fewer $50 $50 $50 $50 $65 $65 $65 $65 $90 50 people or fewer $75 $75 $75 $75 1 $75 $75 $75 $75 $100 51-76 people $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $125 Page 3 1994-2002 ACTIVITY/FACILITY 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 77-102 people $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $150 Each hour after intial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 $25 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 Adamson: 99 people or fewer $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $275 199 or fewer $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $325 299 or fewer $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $425 300+ $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $525 Each hour after intial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 i $25 $100 $100 $100 $100 $125 Sat. & Sun./limited hours available 7. Educational Class Rental 1 hour/non exclusive $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 I. VENDOR PERMITS $50 $50 $50 i $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 9-May-00 23-Oct-99 O:�parks�budge[lusertees.xis Rev7sed: April 2000 �****The Parks & Recreation Board Approved the FY 99-00 User Fees on April 13. 1999. Page 4 • TO: Veterans Memorial Design Committee Members FROM: Dr. P. David Romei, Chairman DATE: 6 May 2002 SUBJECT: Veterans Memorial Update The Board of Directors has approved a contract for the infrastructure construction at the memorial site with Madison Construction Company. Construction is underway and we anticipate its completion on Thursday, 31 October 2002. The sculpture is at the bronzing foundry in New York and is on schedule for completion by mid -July. I shall visit with the artist on site during the latter part of this month and inspect the final wax model. Thereafter, the bronze will be poured into the molds bringing our memorial to life. We anticipate delivery during the first week of August. The final blueprints and specifications for the site and its improvements are in my office and available for review. Please feel free to visit the site and invest yourselves in what shall surely be the most beautiful and meaningful work of art in the Brazos Valley. Arrangements for the dedication ceremony and activities related thereto are underway. We shall keep you informed about future developments. Thank -you. hr,IZOS valley Veterans Mcniollal 2501 'I'mis AvrSouth - Stun: I OS-(' Col['-;� Smtioll. I"X -Xi() `)-') ('962'8' Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, April 29, 2002 College Station Teen Center 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: Phyllis Dozier, Annie Lee Finch, Billy Lay, Mary Jo Lay, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall, Carol Parzen, Suzanne Reynolds and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: Laura Holmes, Bill Kling, I. Call to order. The meeting was called to order, by Chairman, Bill Lay at I0:00am. Il. Hear visitors. No visitors were present. III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on March 2S, 2002. Carol Parzen made the motion that the minutes be approved. Joanna Yeager seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Budget Report For Senior Programs (See attached report) Carol Parzen, Luara Holmes and Marci Rodgers met with Peter Lamont to discuss priorities for the budget for senior programs. The report was presented to the committee. The position for a part-time attendant will have to be approved with a SLA (Service Level Adjustment). The title for the position will be discussed if approved. Haskell Monroe made the motion that the budget requests presented be approved and recommended to the Parks and Recreation Board. Neal Nutall seconded the motion. The motion passed. V. Senior Services Coordinator report ( see attached report) ® Volunteers needed to work booth at Senior Expo Suzanne Reynold's will work 9:00-11:00, Joanna Yeager will work 11:00-1:00 and Mary Jo or Bill Lay will work 1:00-3:00 ® Mayor's Brunch — April 30, 2002 ® Marketing Plan Sub -Committee: Suzanne Reynolds and Carol Parzen agreed to work with Marci to write a report for a marketing plan for senior programs. Bill Lay agreed to edit the report. ® Lecture Series: Haskell Monroe will meet with Marci to discuss inviting speakers who are retired professionals to speak on a variety of topics. VI. Next meeting date and agenda. The committee will meet next on Monday, May 20, 2002. New member applications will be considered for seven positions on the Senior Advisory Committee. Marketing report for next meeting. VII. Adjourn. The committee adjourned at 11:00am Senior Services Coordinator Report April 2002 Quarterly Supervisors Meeting ® Review Parks and Recreation Department Goals ® Review Parks and Recreation Department CIP Project List Accepting Applications for Senior Advisory Committee The Public Communications & Marketing Dept. distributed information to the media concerning applications for the committee are now being accepted. We have received four applications to date. Starlight Music Series Free Concerts held at Wolfpen Creek Amphitheater. You may bring coolers and picnic baskets. Gates open at 6:30pm and all concerts are scheduled on Saturdays through July 13. Sponsored by the College Station Utilities Dept. The Parks and Recreation Dept. has purchased a full -page ad for the Senior Programs. We will be listing activities and classes offered with the various divisions within our dept. Shifts for Senior Expo: The Senior Expo will be held at the Brazos Center on Wednesday, May 29,h from 9:00- 4:00. We are in need of volunteers to work the booth. 9:00am-11:00am 11:00am- 1:00pm Mayor's Brunch Tuesday, April 30`h seniors are invited to meet with the Mayor and City Council to discuss Issues that are of concern. Lunch will be served at the College Station Conference Center at 11:30. Walking Club The Cities of Bryan and College Station are working together to bring a joint program to promote fitness. Our first event will be the Walking Club starting Thursday, June 6ch at Central Park at 8:OOam. Walkers will meet at the pavilion and hear a speaker who will discuss the benefits of walking and then lead a warm-up exercise. Walkers will keep a log book for the number of miles they walk. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 12, 2002, 5:15pomo College Station Conference Center Staff Present: Grace Calbert, Conference Center Facility Supervisor Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary Members Present: Mollie Guin (Chair), Fran Lamb (Vice Chair), Glenda Elledge Members Absent: Ed Holdredge Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: None Hear visitors - None Approval of the Minutes: Fran Lamb made a motion to approve the minutes for January 8,2002 as written. Glenda Elledge seconded that motion. Revenue Reports: Revenue reports were reviewed for January 2002. Revenues for January 2002 were $9,926.61 versus January 2001 of $11,658.96. Number of clients served January 2002 were 5758 vs. January 2001 of 8689. Adjourn: Molly Guin asked for a motion to adjourn. Fran Lamb moved the meeting to be adjourned and Glenda Elledge seconded the motion. The Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. The next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on February 21, 2002, at 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary