HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/2002 - Regular Agenda - Parks Board1. Call to order. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion and possible approval of minutes from the Special Meeting of February 5, 2002, and the regular meeting of February 12, 2002. 5. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives and City Council Strategic Issues. 6. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital Improvement Project Report. 7. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the proposed Urban Forest Management Plan (City Council Vision Statement #3, Strategy #4.a). 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning potential future capital improvement projects. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning the Board's Fiscal Year 2003 budget issues and priorities. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Legacy Addition Subdivision. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning a focus group meeting that was held on February 28, 2002, to discuss possible developer incentives for neighborhood parks (City Council Vision Statement #3, Strategy #4.a). 12. Possible appointment of a Fees Subcommittee. 13. Discussion of next meeting dates and agendas. 14. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Staff Present: Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation; Ross Albrecht, Forestry Superintendent; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Jeff Kersten, Budget and Strategic Planning Director; Bill Cody, Risk Manager; Kris Lehde, Board Secretary. Board Members Present: John Nichols, Chair; Don Allison; Larry Farnsworth; Glenn Schroeder; Jon Turton; Bill Davis; Laura Wood (Alternate). Board Member Absent: Glen Davis. Guests: Charles Burditt and Billy Drum, Urban Forest Consultants from Burditt Associates. Visitors: Bonnie Merz, 1700 Southwest Parkway, #173, College Station, Texas 77840 Jamie Lofand, 701 Balcones Drive, #9A, College Station, Texas 77845 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nichols at 6:05 p.m. 2® Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting: Don Allison made a motion to accept the absence request of Glen Davis as excused. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors: No visitors spoke during this time. 4. Discussion, and possible approval of the minutes from the Special Meeting of February 5, 2002, and the Regular Meeting of February 12, 2002: Don made a motion to approve the minutes of February 5, 2002. Larry seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Glenn Schroeder made a motion to approve the minutes from February 12, 2002. Larry seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Issues: Eric Ploeger stated that he did not have anything specific to report under this item. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2002 Page 1 of 5 6e Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital improvement Project Report: Eric reported on two (2) items: 1. The Interlocal Agreement between the City of College Station, the College Station Independent School District, and the Rock Prairie Parent/Teachers Organization concerning the repair of the Jack and Dorothy Miller Park Jogging Tract is scheduled to go to the City Council for consideration on Thursday, March 14, 2002. If the agreement is approved by Council, the project will go out to bid the following day. 2. The City held a bid opening for the Lincoln Center Entryway Expansion Project, and the project is also scheduled to go to the City Council for consideration on March 14tn Glenn S. asked if there had been any progress on the purchase of land next to Woodway Park. Eric responded that progress is being made. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. 7e Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the proposed Urban Forest Management Plan (City Council Vision Statement #3, Strategy 4.a)a Forestry Superintendent Ross Albrecht said that the development of an Urban Forest Management Plan has been a goal of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the past few years, and has recently become a goal of the City Council as well. Requests for Qualifications (RFQ) went out in October 2001, to five (5) firms. (A copy of the RFQ was included in the Board packets.) Three (3) firms responded to that request, and Burditt Associates from Conroe was contracted to work on the plan. Ross stated that a draft plan is scheduled to go to the City Council for consideration on May 9, 2002 (Note: the presentation to Council has moved to June 13, 2002), and that the Department would like to have approval from the Board beforehand. Ross introduced Charles Burditt and Billy Drum who gave an update on the progress to date. Mr. Burditt and Mr. Drum gave an overview of the Urban Forest Management Plan by showing a PowerPoint presentation and handing out a plan outline. (See attachments —please note that the data used for the PowerPoint were examples only, and not taken from actual College Station numbers.) Mr. Burditt said that risk is one of the greatest issues for any community, and expressed the importance of College Station having a tree risk management policy in place. John Nichols stated that the Urban Forest Management Plan should be incorporated into the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it is updated. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2002 Page 2 of 5 Eric said that a special meeting may need to be set up in late April or early May for possible Board approval of the draft plan before it is presented to the City Council. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning potential future capital improvement projects: Eric stated that included in the Board packets was a list of the potential future capital improvement program (CIP) project items ranked in order by project category. He added that staff had prepared three (3) additional ranking sheets for three (3) scenarios for the upcoming bond issue. The Parks and Recreation Department could receive: ® $5 million; ® $6 million; or ® $7 million. Eric said that the City's list of proposed future CIP projects would be presented to the City Council on March 28, 2002. He asked that the Board fill out the ranking sheets by shaded priority and return them to Kris Lehde by Monday, March 15th. The results will then be e-mailed to the Board. Eric added that with the help of O'Malley Engineers, he redid some of the figures for the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II development, and passed them out to the Board. Because of the cost to develop Phase II of the park, the Board discussed the following options: 1. Submit the Phase II development as a separate item on the CIP; or 2. Develop Phase II in two (2) parts (i.e. softball complex vs. the exercise trail and pavilion). The Board was particularly concerned with the high cost to build the three (3)-field softball complex. Eric said that there are some areas of the project for which the cost could be reduced, but it would also reduce the quality of the product as well. After some discussion, Eric said that he would bring a more detailed breakdown of the costs involved with a more specific explanation of the project back to the Board for their review for the April meeting. This item was intended for discussion only, and no motion was made. 9> Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning the Board's Fiscal Year 2003 budget issues and priorities: Eric stated that the Fiscal Year 2003 budget process started in January. He introduced the City's Budget and Strategic Planning Director, Jeff Kersten. Jeff said that this is the third year that the Budget Office has solicited input from advisory boards early in the budget process. Feedback from the boards will be taken to the City Council during their annual Strategic Planning Retreat in May to be considered in the overall strategic planning and budget process. Jeff said that the Budget Office would like to have any input back within 30 to 60 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2002 Page 3 of'5 days (around May I"). He handed out a sheet of questions being sought from the boards (see attachment). John N. asked if Parks staff had any input. Eric responded that the Council strategies are a staff priority. This item will be placed on the April agenda. John urged anyone who might have any thoughts for the budget process to e-mail them to Kris prior to the April meeting; Kris will circulate any comments to the rest of the Board. John added that it would be important to include the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goal to purchase batting cages and backstops for Bee Creek Park in the budget process. This item was intended to solicit input only, and no motion was made. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning a park land dedication request for the Legacy Addition Subdivision: Senior Park Planner Pete Vanecek stated that the developer of the Legacy Addition Subdivision is proposing a 15-lot subdivision next to Sun Meadows, off of Graham Road. The land requirement is only .223 acres, and the proposed development is in close proximity to Southwood, Edelweiss, Westfield, and Jack and Dorothy Miller parks. Glenn S. made a motion to accept the fee in lieu of land for the Legacy Addition Subdivision. Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Jon T. made a motion that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recommend that the Planning and Zoning Commission consider requesting that the Legacy Addition Subdivision provide access at the end of the cul-de-sac to the community parks through the greenway or greenbelt adjacent to the end of the cul-de-sac. Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. John N. suggested that staff present a thoroughfare plan for future park land dedication requests. 11. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning a focus group meeting that was held on February 28, 2002, to discuss possible developer incentives for neighborhood parks (City Council Vision Statement #4, Strategy 4.a): Eric stated that Don Allision and Bill Davis were at the focus group meeting. Parks Senior Secretary, Pam Springfield, put together notes from the meeting (see attachment). There is $200,000 budgeted in Fiscal Year 2002 for developer incentives. Eric said that the focus group had met on this topic before. After the initial meeting of the group, the suggestion had been presented to the City Council that there be some type of monetary incentives. During that meeting, the Council directed staff to come up with some alternative ideas other than monetary incentives. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. This item will be on a future agenda. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2002 Page 4 of 5 12. Possible appointment of a Fees Subcommittee: Eric said that the annual appointment of a Fees Subcommittee is part of the Department's annual budget process. Glenn Schroeder, Larry Farnsworth, and Bill Davis volunteered to serve on, and were appointed to, the Fees Subcommittee. No motion was made. 13. Discussion of next meeting dates and agendas: Meeting Date: Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 6:00 p.m. Possible Aeenda Items: Discussion of the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II costs for development. Discussion of the future CIP. 14. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2002 Page 5 of 5 A. College Station Urban Forest Overview MMIMM � 3. Inventory (D Soils • Vegetation • Aerial Photograph • Inventory Areas lwCi'i+, , 11, =01 I H. SPEC6 C AREAS TO BE COVERED �N MANAGEMENT PLAN 11 lo liff-MIMUM I right of ways. These represent tremendous risk to life and property in addition to potential for city liability. While the scope ik— "16* a-- A -A "d #611-11p- - "16 removals and the benefits to society made possible by allocating a specific budget to do so. Risk and Reasonable Care issues will be addressed. B. Street Tree Manaqement - This component requires the combined input of the Public Works Department as their infrastructure projects will greatly impact the health and long- term success of existing and future tree plantings. It is important that all departments that will impact city trees be aware of how and why other departments follow the procedurej they use. Communication should be highlighted. M C. Existin.q Park andlor Municipal Facility Tree Manaqement — This section of the document will address trees growing on park or municipal property. Issues of public safety, tree health, maintenance issues, and aesthetics will be discusse,##� F. Pruninq Scheduling - This issue depends on a determination of what urban canopy is located in the City. Establishment of budget numbers and developing a pruning schedule of five years, seven years, etc., will be recommended both from a need basis and from a practical point of view understanding the budgetary constraints in place. Crew needs to accommodate this schedule or outside contracting will be recommended. G. Insect, Disease, Fertilization, and Waterinq Considerations - Guidelines for these maintenance and selection categories will be included in the Document Issues such as species diversity are essential to the plan. A criteria manual responding to the current or future tree ordinances will be recommended with an outline provided. K. Tree Preservation Planninq and New Tree Establishment — Modem design elements of municipal improvement and community development projects impact established trees and future plantings in a major way. New and repaired Infrastructure projects offer an excellent opportunity to bring various professional disciplines together to make minimal impact to the urban forest. Prior assessment, design review, tree preservation plan development, installation of tree preservation methods, and site monitoring provide the greatest protection of valuable green infrastructure. This process will be outlined with examples provided Notes from Fees Subcommittee Meeting — March 19th Funeral Fee — The subcommittee felt that this should be changed to a "Special Event" fee, where people could rent the Lincoln Center facility out for not only funerals, but weddings, parties, and other special events ("Special Events" will be defined in our fee listing). Alcohol Permit — The subcommittee felt that there should not be alcohol at the Teen Center. This would be sending the wrong message, and they didn't want to set that example. Pool Trout Fishout — Will add the wording "limit of five (5) fish... $1.50 for each additional fish caught." The subcommittee agreed that there should be a Special Day Care Fee at Adamson Lagoon. That fee would be $2.75 per child. The subcommittee agreed that the newly approved Park Field Rental Policy should be included in the fee schedule (see attached). The subcommittee agreed that the Race Equipment Rental Sheet should be included in the fee schedule (see attached). Kris will find out what Parks Planning charges for blueprints, and whether charging for the Parks Master Plan should be included in the fee schedule as well. She'll check with Development Services to get a list of their fee schedule and make sure that we are consistent with their fees. Once she gets an answer, she'll e- mail the Board. Kris will add the 2002 fees and the proposed 2003 fees to the Fees History file Varks and Recreation Department 2003 User Fee Recommendations Fees Subcommittee Meeting Tuesday, March 19, 2002 400 p.m. 1. 2003 User Fee Recommendations 2. Current 2002 User Fees 3. Parks and Recreation Department User Fee History Subcommittee Members - Glenn Schroeder, Bill Davis, Larry Farnsworth Parks •Recrer n,Departmerri 2003 Fee Recommendations Fees Subcommittee Meeting Tuesday, Marcha . 00pK Adult sports per team No change recommended for 2003 Youth Sports per person No change recommended for 2003 Instruction No change recommended for 2003 Shelters No change recommended for 2003 Lincoln Center Recommendations for 2003: Funeral Fee (includes rental of the gym, community room, sound system, and 450 chairs. Fee = $150.00 Teen Center Recommendations for 2003: Conference Center Athletic Fields 1 Meeting Room Fee = $15.00 per hour Deposit = $50.00 (refundable if left clean, and no damage is done) Dance/Game Room Fee = $25.00 per hour Deposit = $50.00 (refundable if left clean, and no damage is done) Whole Facility (excluding the Computer Lab) Fee = $50.00 per hour Deposit = $75.00 (refundable if left clean, and no damage is done) Alcohol Permit Fee = $25.00 Rates listed above are based on a party of 1-25. Add $10.00 per hour for 26-50 attendees; $15.00 hour for 51-100 attendees; and $20.00 per hour for 100-200 attendees. Any rental expecting more than 100 attendees must have supervisor approval. No change recommended for 2003 Recommendations for 2003: One (1) field for two (2) days Three (3) fields for one (1) day Three (3) fields for two (2) days Fee = $100.00 per weekend Deposit = $100.00 Fee = $150.00 per day Deposit = $50.00 Fee = 275.00 per weekend Deposit = $100.00 Swimming Pools Vendor Permits Recommendations for 2003: Pool Parties Theme Parties (Southwood and Thomas Pools) Fee = $5.75 per person Theme Parties (Adamson Lagoon) Fee = $7.50 per person General Parties (Southwood and Thomas Pools) Fee = $4.75 per person General Parties (Adamson Lagoon) Fee = $6.50 per person Catered Theme Parties (Southwood and Thomas Pools) Fee = $7.00 per person Catered Theme Parties (Adamson Lagoon) Fee = $9.25 per person General Catered Parties (Southwood and Thomas Pools) Fee = $6.25 per person General Catered Parties (Adamson Lagoon) Fee = $8.50 per person Fee = $15.00 for the first table, and $5.00 for each additional table Pavilion Parties (limit four (4) tables) .......................................................... . Other Recommended Pool Fees Texas SuperGuard Competition IFee = 20.00 per person Diapers at the pools 1$1.00 per diaper Locker Rental Tube Rental Junior Lifeguard Guard 2-B Duck Derby (sponsor a duck) ltzy Bitzy Tiny Cutie Bathing Beauty and Handsome Summer Boy Contest "Schools Out Blow Out at Adamson Lagoon Fee = $200.00 for two (2) hours for school -sponsored events and end - of -year parties Pool Trout Fishout Fee = $2.50 per person for everyone ages three (3) and older DiscountPasses ::............................................................................................................... . Fee = $1.00 Deposit = $2.00 Fee = $1.00 Deposit = $2.00 Fee = $55.00 per session Fee = $55.00 per session Fee = $3.00 per person Fee = $3.00 per person Southwood, Thomas, and the Natatorium I Fee = $40 for 25 swims No change recommended for 2003 2 Parks, ~��� Recreation D~�~=°=nn~~~t Fiscal Year 2002 Fees ADULT SPORTS PER TEAM 1. Basketball 2. Flag Football 3.VnlleybaU 4. Gnftbe| Play -Off League (8png.8um) Play -Off League (Bd|) Fast Pitch (Gum) YOUTH SPORTS PER PERSON 1 Basketball 2. Flag Football 3. Girl's Softball 4. Youth Volleyball 5. Challenger basketball INSTRUCTION 1. Swim Lessons 2. Adv. Swim Lessons (Stroke Clinic) 3. TAAFSwim Team 4. National Jr. Tennis League (USA 123) 5.Tennis Lessons (+1can ofballs) SHELTERS PER DAY 1. Bee Creek Pavilion 2. Central Pavilion Monday -Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday &Holidays 3. Oaks Pavilion 4. Southwood Pavilion Monday -Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday &Holidays 5. Thomas Pavilion 0. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Private Weekday Privae-VVoekend NonCommomia|-VVeekday Non Commercial 'Weekend Professional/Commercial -Weekday Professional/Commercial-Weekend LINCOLN CENTER 1 Membership (10'54 yos). per year Youth Low |nonmo Eligible Adult Non -Member Guest Pass (youth oradult) Non -Member Summer Rate 2. *Gym (8hr. b|noNdey)deposit Hourly/Half Court (4hrmax) 2002 FEE 2001 FEE COMMENTS Discontinue 265.00 A No Change 340.00 B $175.00 140.00 C D No Change 360.00 " No Change 315.00 � No Change 375.00 ° $4035 $3020/10 E $4085 $35/25/15 " $40/35 $35/25/15 go $4O/35 $40/3020 IF No Change $15.00 G $35.00 $30.08 � H $4000 $35.00 IQ $85/$75 $85/85/45 , No Change $58.00 ~ No Change $7500 $100.00 $7500 ° $175.00 $100.00 ^ No Change $175.00 ^ No Change $75.00 ° $100.00 s75.00 ° $175.00 *100.80 ~ No Change %175.08 ^ No Change $15.00 " � No Change $200.00 � No Change $250.00 " No Change $425.00 ^ No Change $525.00 " No Change $800.00 ~ No Change $900.00 " No Change $15.00 P< No Change $10.00 � No Change $5.00 " No Change $15.00 " No Change $1/dey " $30/Gummmr ° $200.00 $1508hm " $15/hnur $15.00 ° Parks Recreation Department ACTIVITY1FACILITY Hourly/Full Court (4 hr max) Gym Event All Day Usage (more than 4 hrs) Sunday Fee Concession Usage 3. *Teen Room/Game Room Deposit Rental 4. *Community Room Rental (max. 3 hrs) Additional per hr Deposit Kitchen Fee 5. Miscellaneous Charges Copies Faxes TEEN CENTER 1. Non Member per day 2. Membership per year CONFERENCE CENTER ATHLETIC FIELDS 1. Softball & Baseball: ** Single field rental/day four (4) field complex/day four (4) field complex/Sat & Sun. two (2) field complex/day two (2) field complex/Sat & Sun. 2. Soccer: ** One (1) field Complex/day Complex/Sat & Sun 3. Field Rentals/Per Hour (1/2/3 hrs)'` SWIi WING POOLS 1. General Admission (3 yrs & up) Hallaran/Thomas Natatorium Adamson 2. Discount Pass Hallaran/Thomas (50 swims) Natatorium *Adamson-25 swims(may be used at all city pools) 3. Family Season Pass Natatorium Hallaran/Thomas *Adamson (may be used at all city pools) 4. Individual Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas *Adamson (may be used at all city pools) 5. Babysitter Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas *Adamson (may be used at all city pools) *excludes CSISD Natatorium 2002 FEE 2001 FEE CO[W)WENTS $25/hour $25.00 $.30/Chair - $175.00 $125.00 30/hour - $15.00 $10.00 No Change $10/2 hr min No Change $50.00 No Change $20.00 $30.00 $25.00 $20.00 $15.00 $75.00 $50.00 $15.00 $10.00 o° $0.10 - $2.00/fax - No Change $1.00 No Change $10.00 see attached 11 % increase document L I� No Change $60.00 No Change $200.00 No Change $350.00 No Change $100.00 No Change $175.00 eo No Change $60.00 No Change $200.00 No Change $350.00 No Change $10/15/20 N WE No Change $2.00 No Change $2.00 $4.00 $3.50 $85.00 $50.00 $85.00 $40.00 $85.00 $75.00 u No Change $125.00 No Change $125.00 No Change $200.00 No Change $60.00 No Change $80.00 No Change $30.00 No Change $40.00 91 Parks Recreation Department Approved FY2002 User Fees 2 ACTIVITYIF CILITY 2002 FEE 6. Pool Rental (2 hours) Hallaran: 25 people or fewer $100.00 50 people or fewer $125.00 51-76 people $175.00 77-102 people $225.00 Each hour after initial 2 hours $75.00 Thomas/Natatorium: 25 people or fewer $90.00 50 people or fewer $100.00 51-76 people $125,00 77-102 people $150.00 Each hour after initial 2 hours $75.00 Adamson: 99 people or fewer $275.00 199 or fewer $325.00 299 or fewer $425.00 300+ $525.00 Each hour after initial 2 hours $125.00 Sat. & Sun./limited hours available 7. Educational Class Rental (1 hour/non exclusive_) No Change VENDOR PERMITS No Change September 00 Parks Recreation Department Approved FY2002 User Fees 3 19 $75.00 $100.00 $150.00 $200.00 $50.00 $65.00 $75.00 $100.00 $125.00 $50.00 $250.00 $300.00 01 $400.00 $500.00 $100.00 11 $25.00 $50.00 - 1 MU.EGESTA'nONCOKiFER814CECBVtBUXPOSTSMDFEESCHEDULE Depositsarerequiredoneachroominordertoreservethemandtoassurethattheyarele tingoodcondrtion DeposNarerefiandableuponcompliancevAhall rulesand regulatiomanddean-uprequiremffds bydientandcaterer. Allchecksarecae edanddonotappybhardrentalfees. Atentativereservafionwll be heldfixar &4Mumcf5WUMngdays,a ti.'..,. A:�,%rea�;hm=mustbemadain .,,",1_.­d-iespaee. Cf' �,. �,.y�,..u, > a.d2ed by?2UONoonon7butsdayfcrweakendev DepostsarereturrredW thin46vA)dGaftertheevent A SECURTTYDIPOSITPERROOM E uu�Cr}H�ErNp(fC TEMNG)EPOSM ur)r�ierofcls�r i1ioarrt.uato: �� 155M $1� IInndnridu�gro>pssenncents.uato V03 1 SludentGroup(BasicDeposit) $1MOD $12500 $15000 $17500 Cater>ngserwe MOD $5ON Y50m 6.—wed,add W50D $CM SM $10a00 C EQUIPME T lfdanceisheld,add WD F1i50D $10aOD $1ZOD Multirnediapropolor MOD Ifliquorisavailable, add $MM $7500 $1MOD $200.03 ROOMFEES: Na-rRefu�,,cl?tetmlriedbycP6ndoortvwtofinarexiitime knesar7dexbahaurs)A#rwms regtw;aarrawmumof1 hcurtumaround8mebeforeandaftereachevent 1. NON4XMMEZCIAL*SOCIALEVENTFEEDiscountsTu�.Ji..y..:uleveniswifhNOQQakoholsee1nred.(Roorn127$1W �(�(� �aj� � gY�jM discount 6II SOCIALEVENTAD)TOBASE-FUNDRAISERAMTOBASE RoomNo. UIM21 URT r oio6hr Sam r 103h04 $5M $11.0D $17M $MM $13OD $7801 $1700 102110&107 $70D $130D $M(D S27D1 $17M $8203 32200 105.101 $9M $170D MOD MM `ism $8900 �i� 127 MOD Mm V500 $1OD00 $5701 0.150people"$194.00 SameasSoaalEvent,but 15 bless charo� 151250p q)L- 33.00 NoBaseCharoeonRoom127 * Aflnon greupsindudingscholastccMepmfbssional,orsocialevents 251400 444.00 Fundraisers:chaperonesandforcertfied pdioeotcasaidisrxetionofsupervisor Allpersonsandevkorganrationsholdinganevutinwhichcommercidvendors-NonProfitStateCharterNo.Required(seereverseside) andloreMrib torspatcipatechangestheeventtoacommercialrate. II. COMMERCIAL- SOCALEVENT :®iscourdsofieeedfosocialev NOalcoholsecved.(Ro=127,deduct$1r0. Allotherrooms,deduct$50.00.) N ps1T$ YRA(E EVENM IAL ADDTOBASE Rom Roer U r o r n 6 r BEAM— _ 103h04 $1901 $240D $31.00 $340D $3703 M(D 102/10SM07 920D �$29(l)l �$37SD $41� $43CD $8200 JZ7 $I(U.UJ $'127M WOO I A C1-150pa e%- 194.CD Includes 15 tables @ nocharge, exceptfore)hibitorsNendors 15125Opecp�-$333-CD 251400pe444.00 *" AlleventsandacWhesspmsoredbyproft-malu',m.,ya,�A"-indMdualsregardlesscfi;,.ii-�,,-\S-'--ponsoredeventisproft-rmft,diatgingnoadmissbn,orwhase primemotivaboni.fi N,W„J�.,,,a,purposes.Evatr.sporwredbyanyindiudualororganQationvtoseuseofthefacilityisirtetdedforthepurposeafraisingiunds,insupport ofacandrdate,promotingap oliticalphilosophy,orapoliticalactioncareer.AlloommerdalvendorsandforeAiibitaswrillbedrarged$5.00pertatle. AllpersonsandcMcorganeationshddinganerentinwhiJ,,-,x„ ,,&4 ndorsandforediibitorspal,,i i,�G.,A.,.,,-.,ettoacommercidrate. III. 07HERFEBS A ititchenRenal(includes:refigerator,micmave,K>--machirrecoffeenmr,&oonventonaioven) NumberofparWpants Urxier40 Under75 UxleMOD Under290 Overt $1000 $150D MOD $3500 $4500 B. Sund I-Sconsecubvehours 1-5hourssplit,orover5consecrdivehours $MCO $BSOD C SetupCharges.Afterset-upisoompleted,chargesibrchangesWlbe$20.00fb feetbre achroomchanged. Il Security.CityofCollegeSttionPoliceOlRcerscoordinatedbytheCffrterat$20.00lerhour(2hoursminimum,indudes30min. J..,atent) Numberofotficers W lhabo4rol 1 urder99 1-2 100-150 2-3 151-200 3-4 201-over NumberofofiicersandchaperonesareatthedEcretionofsupenrisor. NumlerofOfScers vvkhoutalcohol 0-1 LI)dB,99 1-2 100-150 2-3 151-200 3-4 201-over Numberofoifimsandehaperonesareatthediscretion ofsupeiVwr. AflevantswMaboholmustaoheretoTexasAfoholBeveageCommrssfonRules&Regulairais. Afterhoursstoragefee:$5.00 perhourforpersonalpropertyleftaterex ttimeorbeforeerWime, percontract PropertyRerdal, Peritem. Afichargesarefortimeoutwhetherusedorrrot Amplifier&speaker(1).............................................. $ 21D Podiums, uprightwiihnomb.(4)................................. $ 50D Candles,5X3-12",withholder(51) ............................... $ 1.00 Podums,tabletop(5)................................... ............. $ 25D Cheirs(seatedcapacityperfrec ode) ........................... nb RoomDMders.rdhrg,(2)8W5,117 ............................... $ 5(D Cofeemaier.430c,5400c....................................... $ 50D SilkPlants, each ....................................... .............. $ AaW DanceRoorPanels,perms(100)350....................... $ 207 SlideProjector(2).................................................... $ iam DaraCommunicatialsModemAccess .......................... nb StageDdenders(3)4xT........................................... $ 10M Eas&(tripod)(6).................................................... $ 2(D S'torageSp.... .... .................. trxluteaboriavailebByandpxice Flip{harteaselwilhocRpaper(3)2-1/25Gi'...................... $ 500 TabL-s,e)dra(3tableswrthmorRrdc)........................... $ 20D RipChartwfhpaper(3)............................................ $ 10DD (15tabieswithroom127,nfc) IceMachine(1)pe20pounds..................................... $ 2M Tables:Wsquare(2)............................................. $ 200 Kik henRollingC ad,s(3)............................................ rrb 48"dia round (32) ................................................ $ 2(D LatticeScrees,fddlrg,(4)85c6................................. $ SD 8x30"(6).......................................................... $ 2CD Microphme,dip-onsys>ern(3).................................... $ � 6x30"(84)......................................................... $ 2(D Microphone,.6,JI, �� l_ kh vastem ........................ $ MDO 6M V (52)......................................................... $ 200 Mirrorbali(1)...................... __............................... $ 1000 24"diaround(1).................................................. $ 201 MultimediaProjecinr(1)............................................. $150OD 36"diaround(2).................................................. $ 20J O-headProjedorpatable(4).................................. $ 1800 TV,00lorwilhcart,andVCR(4).......... ....................... $ 2500 Patios(2)ifavailabie................................................ $ 2300 USfrexiegsonstands,leach.................................. nt (orwith useofadjacentroom, ifavailable) ................ No WipeoffMarkerBoard, rolling, (2)6x4 .......................... $ 'IOAO Flem.................................................................... $ 2100 Weddingkch,whttemetai,undecorated ............. ........... $ 15C0 Podiums, uprightwithmic. (4) ..................................... $ 1500 Donutsandforcolddrinks-marketprice, plustrip&ffgeof$5.00. Photocopies,mwarnum100perday................. $ .15each Fax-sending,lstpage................................ $200.. eachpagealer$1.00 Fax-receMng, perpage ............................... $ .50each Prices subject to change without notice. DESCRIPTIONS EVENTDEFINITIONS: Meetings: Directyrelatedtotheorganizaton'sfuncton, i.e. Business, BridgeClub, Dance Club. Exhibit Eventopentothepublicforvievnngpurposes, i.e.flowershow, antiqueshow,artshow,etc. Social: Weddings, receptions, banquets, potluck etc. -Fund Raiser. Allpemnsanddv organ¢afionspcssessirganarprofitslatecharferandwhosponsorane6entinwhichtnoniesaredefi�ed-whetherthroughadmiss&s, donations, concessions, sales, orin anyothermanner, regardlessofwhetherornotanyprofitsornetreceiptsarededvedfromthescheduledactivity. OCCUPANCYTIME: If anybooking goespast5:00p.m. orextends intotheevening period, theevening rate isenforced. Priorto6 p.m., the basedayrateischarged. HOURS: Openingtime: 7:00 am.Daily Closingtime: 11:00 p.m. Sunday -Thursday- Closing means. exitdoorsarelocked andclientmustbecleanedupandoutofthebuilding. 1M a.m. Friday -Saturday EXTRAHOURS: &.00a.m. - 7:00a.m. Daily 11:00p.m. - 1200midnightSmday-Thursday 1:00a.m. - 3:00a.m. Friday -Saturday. EXTRAHOURSCHARGE: Arranged inadvanceoftheevent$75.00peradditionalhourpriortoorafternormalopeningandclosingtimes.Anypartofanhourshallconstitute awhole hour. Pen . Achargeof$90.00perhourwillbeaddedtoAWunstipulatedoccupancytime(aspercontract)aocruedthrough eadyamvalorlate departure. Any partof an hourshal I constitute awhole hou r. CLEANING: Toensurefulldeposit return, itistheresponsibilityoftheindividual signingthereservation contracttoleavethereservedrooms inthesamecondition as received. Clientswill beassessed forcleaning up anyareas at$30.00 flatfee. Clientswill be responsiblefortheir own clean-up. CatererswilI be responsiblefortheirown clean-up. All garbagemustbeplaced in plastic bags,spills cleaned up, andtables andchairs mustbecleanedoff. (Cleaning supplies and garbage bagswill be provided atnocharge.) SPECIALSERVICES: In compliancewith ADARegulations, thefacilityisfullyaccessibletopeoplewitli disabilities. ContacttheConferenceCenterOfticeat764-3720at least24hours in advance ifyou requirespecial services. CANCELLATION: Referto"Pol icies, Rules, and Regulabonsforthe use ofthe Conference Centee', Section No. 17. All events m ustabide bytheCity ofCollege Station Policies, Rulesand Regulationsand ContractAgreementassetforthe useofthe College Station Conference Center. MEETING ROOM CAPACITY Approximate Meeting/or Classroom Standing Room Number Measurements Theatre 18'x6' 30'x6' Boardroom Banquet Reception Dance Rest. Rnpnd 104 21' x 21' = 420 sq. it 30 24 18 20 24 24 40 103 21' x 27 = 452.7 sq. ft 30 24 18 20 24 24 40 102 (adjoining patio) 18' x 29 = 467.3 sq. ft 40 27 21 20 30 24 60 32 106 (adjacent patio) 24' x 29 = 683 sq. ft 40 36 30 24 36 30 75 40 107 (sink/counter top) 12' x 22' = 264 sq. ft. n/a n/a n/a 12 n/a n/a n/a n/a 105 (mirror on back wall) 21' x 39 = 803.8 sq. ft 50 48 42 30 42 36 90 50 101 (hardwood floor) 21' x 46 = 956.1 sq. ft 70 60 54 42 72 60 100 70 127 (parquet floor) 70' x 71' x 50' = 2240 sq. ft. 200 132 102 60 180 138 420 200 (adjoining deck) 33' x 4T = 1420 sq. ft. (stage) 14' x 14' x 14' (stage height) 14", stage to coiling: 910' (ceiling height) 11' Gallery Hall 16 x 70' = 1,050 sq. ft. Art Exhibit Walls 3,410 sq. ft. Booth Space 10'x'10' = 40 Booths - Using Gallery Hall, Rooms 127, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106 =7,309 sq. ft. Revised9/01 143 1—MI-ful loop. — — m><!I W1i1[6 9. In 1__ MAID' plr Xm film �T RL:IY Cc'� j� eF Imo' el C f ¢g¢ t fior, - on�ere.ee enter 1300 George Bush Drive, College Station, Texas 77840• (979)764-3720•FAX (979)764-3513• Web Site: http://www.ei.college-station.txus COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER DEPOSITS AND FEE SCHEDULE DEPOSITS: Deposits are required on all rooms in order to reserve them and to assure thattheyare leftin good condition. Deposits are refundable upon compliance with all �TY'o�Os�� rules and regulations and clean-up requirements byclient and caterer. All checks are cashed and do not apply toward rental fees. A tentative reservationwill be held fora maximum of 5 working days, and then adepositforeach room must be made in orderto confirm the space, Cltentmusthaveallarrangementsflnalized 1 by 12.00Noon on Thursday for weekend events. Deposits are returned within 4-6 weeks after the event. A. SECURITY DEPOSIT PER ROOM B. KITCHENICATERING DEPOSIT t'°r IROO`r We, 4- umber of participants, up to: 1- 2 1 Number of particioatll_s u to Q 151-250 29=uR 'Fees Basic Deposit $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 $125.00 Individual group service $25.00 $40.00 $50.00 Student Group (Basic Deposit) $100.00 $125.00 $150.00 $175.00 Catering service $50.00 $50.00 $50.00 If refreshments are served, add $25.00 $40.00 $50.00 $100.00 C. EQUIPMENT DEPOSIT If dance is held, add $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 $125.00 Multimedia projector $50.00 104D t 0 q e,, A reds Ifliquorisavailable,add $50.00 $75.00 $100.00 $200.00 ROOM FEES: Non-Refundable,determinedbyopendoortimetofinalexittime.(seeoccupancytimeonreversesideforopeningandclosingtimesandextrahours.)A1lrooms ��►e �ecr s� require a minimum of I hour turn around time before and aftereach event. I. NON-COMMERCIAL' SOCIAL EVENT FEE: Discounts offered to social events with NO alcohol served.(Room 127 $100 C,a-(o vi e.S discount° All other rooms $50.00 discount. MEETINGS/EX I J S BASE DAY RATE EVENING SOCIAL EVENT ADD TO BASE '"FUND RAISER ADD TO BASE I 4 r mono-ii -firo0 :? Room No. U two 2 hr 4 r U t� o 6 hr 8artr5om S P Closing ;, Da 66-' - $15.001?-$20.0Dxa! 12.00 13 �- $70.00 17-F $15.00 117 + `s I er rnoti4+% 103/104 $5.00 $10.00 fl°'' °® � �' `7 � 102/106/107 $6.00 i s° $12.00/3 $18.00.9v�'$24.0D a # $15.00 1 $.74.00 S1- $20.00 .74�� 105,101 00 9 15.0017 vie 00 !n°' 100 3 °� $18.00 YU ✓ �Q00 °"o" $25.00 a s? °-� °-% 5heat !D < moat 127 $23.00�(,°% .0056' $68.O�g°� OAO I $60.00 b7 % 0 150peoop'e $% 1019�F' Same as Social Event, but -FYo+�• j5tables- nocharg9 151-250people=$300.00� 3 NoBaseChameon Room 127 ' All non-proiitgroupsmdudingscholastic,civic, professional, or social events. 251.00oeople=$400.00,iq* - fo �36 per r 0ei {.r-, Fundraisers:chaperonesand/or certified police officers atdiscretionofsupervisor. (24ose4- r i Roorve la-1 All persons and civic organizations holding an event in which commercial vendors "Non Profit Charter No. Required (see reverse side) -Fav �rRi e cables and/or exhibitors oarticiaatechancestheevent toacommercial rate. It. COMMERCIAL'"" SOCIAL EVENT FEE: Discounts offered to social events with NO alcohol served. (Room 127, deduct $100. .ro rn ® per M011+-11 All other rooms, deduct $50.00.) :0 OW e r rn on h h MEETINGS/ i IT BASE DAY RATE EVENING SOCIAL EVENT ADD TO BASE Raom No 11 o s o - 103/104 $17.00 ! 4 $22.00 1 ° $28.00 31 $31.00 2# $33,00 317 $70.00 19 00 oo oa $39.00 43 - $74.00 9�i. 102/106/107 $20.00 � $26.00 a2q's- $33.00 i% $37.00.�) ® 1 5.101 0050 ""' $ QO �l a °® �{7.00 r ° - 1,00 .S 4� 00 9 V.00 °% A. pg ' $175.00 127 7* `%' $ .00 l oo -`A ta114.001 7 �1 6.00 d 0 /5® 0-150people= l94 Includes 15 tables @ no charge, except for exhibitors/vendors 151.250people =$300.00 II 251-400people=$400.00 ,Y,,y ��fed- 6 All events and activities sponsored by profit -making organizations orindividuals regardless of whether or not their sponsored event is profit -making, charging no admission, or whose GYace✓ C,albe1r1- prime motivation is for promotional purposes. Events sponsored by any individual or organization whose use of the facility is intended for the purpose of raising funds, in support $_ 30 _ D 1 of a candidate, promoting a political philosophy, or apolitical action career. All commercial vendors and/or exhibitors will be charged $5.00 per table. All persons and civic organizations holding an event in which commercial vendors and/or exhibitors participate changes event to a commercial rate. Darks & Recreation Department 2002 User Fees Staff Recommendations Letter Category Comments A Adult Basketball Due to low enrollment, the Department no longer offers this program. B Adult Flag Football Staff recommends not changing this fee. The City lost half of its teams when the fee was increased in 2000. A further increase could jeopardize the future of this program. Texas A&M University currently offers this program for $40 and the City of Bryan offers it for $250 per team. C Adult Volleyball Staff recommends raising this fee from $140 to $175 in Fiscal Year 2002, and to $200 in Fiscal Year 2003. This fee increase would generate approximately $4,705 in additional revenue. The City of Bryan is currently charging $200 per team for this activity. Raising the fee to $250 (consultant's recommendation) would take the City out of competition for this sport, which is also offered through the City of Bryan and Texas A&M University. D Softball Staff recommends not changing the fee for this activity. The City has lost approximately 96 teams since the 2000 fee increase. Some teams have gone to the City of Bryan, however, Bryan is now at capacity and teams are being turned away. Therefore, people just haven't been playing. The City of Bryan is currently charging $285 per team for this activity. E Youth Sports/Person Staff recommends raising all of these fees to $40 for the first child and $35 for the second child and eliminating the disclosure for three or more children. This will require an increase of $10 for Youth Basketball and $5 for Youth Flag Football and Girls Softball. These fees have not been raised in five years and this proposed increase would generate approximately $9,500 in additional revenue. The City of Bryan does not offer these activities. Parks & Recreation Department Staff RecommendationslComments 2002 User Fees Page I of 3 F Youth Volleyball This program has been approved, but will not start until 2002. Fees are estimated to be the same as for other youth sports and will generate approximately $2,560 in additional revenue versus $2,400 in direct costs. G Challenger This program started in 2001. The Children's Miracle Network pays the child's Basketball $15 fee for entry. H Instruction Staff recommends rising the Swim Instruction classes by $5. Staff also recommends raising the fee for the Stroke Clinic to $40 in order to stay competitive with other youth athletic programs. In addition, staff recommends keeping the $85 fee for TAAF Swim Team, but changing the multi -child discount from $65 to $75, and eliminating the $45 discount level for three or more children. These changes would generate an approximate revenue increase of $750 for the Stroke Clinic and $1,290 for TAAF Swim Team, and $13,000 for the Swim Lessons. I Pavilion Rentals Based on past usage, staff recommends raising the Friday rental rate for Southwood and Central pavilions to the same rental rate as Saturdays. Staff also recommends increasing the Monday -Thursday rental on these two pavilions from 75- $100. Staff estimates that these increases should generate approximately $2,400 in additional revenue and would help move toward the 50% cost recovery recommended by the consultants. J WPC Amphitheater There was no recommendation from the Fees Consultant for this facility. Currently, the amphitheater is recovering 25% of its costs. It has been a priority of City management to increase the utilization of this facility. Staff feels that utilization would decrease if the fees were raised at this time. However, service personnel charges and a percentage of ticket sales will be added to promote events. K Lincoln/Teen It was the opinion of the consultants that "an increase in fees at the Lincoln Centers and Teen Centers would possibly decrease attendance, and would not be a significant benefit to the City." Staff agrees with the consultant's opinion pertaining to the Teen Center. However, staff did identify areas for additional cost recovery at the Lincoln Center. By adding non-member summer, gym event, Sunday rates, and raising certain facility usage fees should generate approximately $7,400 in additional revenue. L Conference Center See attached fees. Staff recommends increasing room rentals and storage fees by 11% across the board to Parks & Recreation Department Staff Recommendations/Comments 2002 User Fees Page 2 of 3 move toward a 50% cost recovery, but recommends leaving the other fees and property rentals the same. Staff estimates that this would generate approximately $22,000 in additional revenue. A survey of other area facilities confirmed prices to be in -line with local market pricing. (Please see attached Conference Center Fees). M Athletic Field Staff does not recommend increasing these fees, but rather charging traveling Rentals/Day teams, and individuals that would fall into that category, this fee each time a field is rented. Currently, under a user agreement, these teams have been paying a flat fee of $75 and have had unlimited usage of the fields. Staff estimates that charging the fee each time a field is used would increase revenue by approximately $4,000. N Athletic Field Staff recommends charging the same fee for adults and youth alike. Rentals/Hour O Swimming Pools Staff recommends leaving the entrance fees for Hallaran and Thomas Pools at their current rates. Currently, College Station charges $3.50 per person to enter Adamson Lagoon, whereas the Bryan Aquatics Center charges $2.50 per person to enter that facility. Staff further recommends that the general admission fee for Adamson Lagoon be increased from $3.50 to $4.00. Market studies have been conducted and show that the City of College Station is high on entrance fees when compared to other local facilities. College Station also charges a higher entrance fee on family passes than most for -profit water parks do. Although, staff does recommend increasing private pool rentals by $25 across the board. In Fiscal Year 2000, the Department hosted 114 pool parties. Staff estimates that the $25 fee increase would generate approximately $2,800 in additional revenue. Total Estimated Additional Revenue: $83,205. Parks & Recreation Department StaffRecommendations/Comments 2002 User Fees Page 3 of 3 -.- ACTIVITY/FACILITY 1992 II 1993 1994 1995 :.:. ; : I :::1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 A. ADULT SPORTS PER TEAM 1. Basketball $200 $200 $250 $250 I $255 $255 $265 $265 $265 $265 2. Flag Football $250 $250 $250 $255 $260 $265 $265 $340 $265 $340 3. Volleyball $85 $85 $100 $110 silo $110 $265 $130 $130 $140 14, Softball Play -Off League(Sprg,Sum) $235 $240 $250 $255 $260 $265 $285 $285 $356 $360 Play -Off League (Fall) $190 $195 $210 $215 1 $220 $225 $240 $240 $300 $315 Fast Pitch (Sprq., Sum) $220 $220 $290 $290 1 $300 $300 $300 $300 $375 $375 Fast Pitch Fall� ........................ ................. $235 $245 J $250 $250 ........ $250 ............ $250 ... ...... ...... $312 $325 - B. YOUTH SPORTS PER PERSON 1. Basketball $20/$10/$5 $25/$10/$E $25/$15/$5 $25/$15/$5 $30/$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 2. Flag Football $20/$10/$5 $25/$10/$E $25/$15/$5 $25/$15/$5 $30/$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 3. Girl's Softball $30/$20/$5 $25/$15/$5 $30/$20/$10 $30/20/10 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 $30/20/10 $35/25/15 4. Youth Volleyball $40/30/20 15. Challenger Basketball $15.00 C. fNSTRUCTION 11. Swim Lessons $15 $16 I $16 $16 $20 $23 $30 $30 $30 $30 2. Adv. Swim Lessons $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$9 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $20/$10/$5 $25/15/10 $25/15/10 $25/15/10 $25/15/10 $35 3. TAAF Swim Team $40/$25/$15 40/$25/$1t$40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 $40/$25/$15 $80/60/40 $80/60/40 $80/60/40 $80/60/40 $85/65/45 4. National Jr. Tennis League $30/child $30/child 1$40/$35/$30 $40/$35/$30 $40/$35/$30 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 5. Tennis Lessons (+ 1 can of balls) $30/person $30/persord $35/person $35/person $35/person $35/person $35/person $35/person $35/person $35/person 6. Golf .... . $45 . . . $45 $45 .:.:.:. $45 + D. PICNIC SHELTERS PER DAY 1. Bee Creek Pavilion $30 $30 $30 $30 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 2. Central Pavilion Monday -Thursday $75 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 Friday $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $100 Saturday & Sunday & Holidays $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $175 13. Oaks Pavilion $30 $30 $30 $30 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 4. Southwood Pavilion Monday -Thursday $75 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $75 Friday $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $100 Saturday & Sunday & Holidays $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $175 5. Thomas Pavilion $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 6. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Private- Weekday $75 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Private- Weekend $125 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 Non Commercial - Weekday $50 $425 $425 $425 $425 $425 $425 $425 $425 Non Commercial - Weekend $100 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 $525 Professional/Commercial - Weekday $150 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 Professional/Commercial - Weekend $250 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 $900 *Service Personnel charges will be added accordingly LINCOLN CENTER �E. 1. Membership (19-54 yrs), per year $6 $6 $6 $6 I $6 N/A N/A N/A $15 $15 I ACTIVITY/FACILITY ( 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000.:_:.j 2001 Youth 1 $8 $10 Low Income Eligible I $4 $5 I I I $10 I $15 1Adult Non -Member Guest Pass (youth or adult) I I I I 2. *Gym (8 hr. block/day) deposit I $150/day I $150/day I $150/day $150/day I $150/8hrs I $150/8hrs $150/8hrs I I $150/8hrs I I $150/8hrs I $1/day $150/8hrs Hourly/Half Court (4 hr max) I $7/$12/$17 1$7/$12/$1 $7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 I $20 I $20 $20 I $20 I $10 I $15 I Hourly/Full Court (4 hr max) I I I I $20 $25 All Day Usage (more than 4 hrs) I J I I ' $100 $125 Concession Usage I J J 3. *Teen Room/Game Room ► $10 I $10 I $10 $10 1$10/2 hr min J $1012 hr min $10/2 hr min I $0 I $10 1$10/2 hr minl$10/2 hr minl$10/2 hr min Deposit I I I I I I I $50 I $50 Rental I I I ' I I 1 I $15 I $20 4. *Community Room Rental (max. 3 hrs) ( $25 $25 I $25 $25 $25 I $25 $25 $25 I $25 $15 I Additional per hr I I J I Deposit 1 I I 1 I I $15 Kitchen Fee I I I I I 1 I I I $50 I $50 All rooms are subiect to an after-hr. charge of $20 per hour. The after-hr. charge is based on any request I to use facilities I I I I beyond the center's normal operating hours. $o I $10 E* F. TEEN CENTER (THE EXIT) I I 1. Non Member per day I 12. Membership per year J �.;. I I $1 ..:.:.:. ....:..:. ....:.:. ..:.:.:. 1:.:.:. ......:.......:.:.I J...... $10 G. ATHLETIC FIELDS , : 1. Softball & Baseball: ** Single field rental/day I $50 $50 $50 $50 $60 I $60 1 $60 I $60 I $60 I $60 four (4) field complex/day I $150 $150 $150 $150 $200 $200 $200 I $200 $200 $200 four (4) field complextSat & Sun. I $300 $300 $300 $300 $350 $350 $350 I $350 $350 $350 I two (2) field complex/day I I I $100 I $100 J $100 I $100 I $100 I $100 two (2) field complex/Sat & Sun. 1 1 1 J J $175 I $175 I $175 I $175 I $175 I $175 2. Soccer: ** I I I I I I I I One (1) field $50/day I $50/day J $50/day I $50/day $60 I $60 I $60 I I $60 I I $60 I $60 All fields I $150/day $150/day $150/day I $150/day $200 I $200 $200 I $200 I $200 I $200 Weekend 13. Field Rentals/Per * I $300 $300 $300 $300 I $350 $350 $350 $350 I $350 I $350 Hour (1/2/3 hrs) ** 1 $7/$12/$17 I$7/$12/$1$7/$12/$17 $7/$12/$17 I $10/$15/$20 $10/15/20 I $10/15/20 $10/15/20 I $10/15/20 I $10/15/20 In addition to the rental fees, a deposit will be charged in advance of any tournament. The deposit will vary depending on the type and size of the tournament. In addition to the rental and deposit fees, additional fees may be assessed to the renter depending on the length and type of tournament to cover expenses incurred by the City for personnel and supplies needed to facilitate the tournament. These fees will be provided to the renter in advance of the tournament. H. SWIMMING POOLS I 1992 1993 9994 9995 1996 1997 1998 19�9 � 2000 2001 1. General Admission (3 yrs & up) I I Hallaran/Thomas 1 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.25 $1.50 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Natatorium I I $2 $2 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 $2.00 Adamson 1 $1.25 1 $2 1 $2.50 I $2.50 I $3 I $3 I $3.25 1 $3.50 I $3.50 1 $3.50 12. Discount Pass (35 swims) I Hallaran/Thomas $25 $25 $25 $25 $30 $30 $38 $50 $40 $50 Natatorium I I $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 I *Adamson-25 swims(may be used at all city b $25 1 $40 $50 1 $50 1 $60 I $60 S $70 $75 I $75 I $75 2 IN ACTIVITY/FACILITY 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 i3. F=amily Season Pass Natatorium $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 Hallaran/Thomas $120 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 *Adamson (may be used at all city pools) $120 $225 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 4. Individual Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 $60 *Adamson (may be used at all city pools) $60 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 $80 15. Babysitter Season Pass Hallaran/Thomas $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 $30 *Adamson (may be used at all city pools) $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 I*excludes CSISD Natatorium 6. Pool Rental (2 hours) Hallaran: 25 people or fewer $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 50 people or fewer $60 $60 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 51-76 people $75 $75 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 $150 77-102 people $90 $90 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Each hour after intial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $50 $50 $50 $50 Thomas/Natatorium: 25 people or fewer $50 $50 $50 $50 $65 $65 $65 $65 50 people or fewer $50 $50 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 $75 51-76 people $65 $65 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 77-102 people $80 $80 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 $125 Each hour after intial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $50 $50 $50 $50 Adamson: 99 people or fewer $200 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 $250 199 or fewer $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 299 or fewer $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 300+ $200 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Each hour after intial 2 hours $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $100 $100 $100 $100 Sat. & Sun./limited hours available 7. Educational Class Rental 1 hour/non exclusive)$25 $25 $25 $25 $25 �L VENDOR PERMITS I $20 $20 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 $50 1 BY PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD: APPROVED: 9-May-00 BY CITY COUNCIL (WITH FY00 BUDGET) APPROVED: 23-Oct-99 O:\parksftdgel\userfees.xls Revised: April 5, 2000 ****The Parks & Recreation Board Approved the FY99-00 User Fees on April 13, 1999. City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 Goals and Objectives (not prioritized) Establish policies and standards for re -appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. 0 Review quarterly reports on park maintenance standards and develop recommendations regarding levels of service (VS4S2a) (January 8, 2002). 1:1 Review proposed park conceptual plans and make recommendations for intergenerational features (VS4S3a). • Review and develop recommendations for Urban Forestry Plan (VS3S4a) (April 2002). • Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. More interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council. (VS4S8a). 2 Assist with the review and preparation of the Unified Development Ordinance (November.13, 2001). R1 Review and recommend possible changes to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (October 9, 2001). 2 Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss goals (September 20, 2001). Ef Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to confirm goals (December 6, 2001). Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program. • Castlegate Park site review (November 13, 2001). • Lick Creek Park site review (December 11, 2001) Ef Madeley Park site review. (February 19, 2002) 1:1 Woodway Park site review. 11 Shenandoah Park site review (On Hold). Planning and coordination for the next bond issue. 2 Identify and assess the needs for future park facilities. (February 5, 2002) El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (February 5, 2002) El Determine priorities for development. (February 12, 2002) 0 Develop a recommendation for consideration in the 2002 bond program. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. El Review of Section 11 (Goals and Objectives) of the plan (February 12, 2002) * Review of Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. (February 12, 2002) * Review of Sections I, IV, V, and VI of the plan. * Review of Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation) * Review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process). * Review of Revised Master Plan Parks & Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks & Rec. Advisory Board Approval. October 9, 2001 Updated. February 28, 2002 Page I of 2 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase 11 Development. 2 Review needs for future facilities and programs (December .11, 2001) 21 Determine priorities for development. (February 5, 2002) 2 Develop recommendations for implementation. (February 12, 2002) ❑ Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. Skate Park facility planning (VS4S5b). 2 Develop recommendation for scope of project. (November 13, 2001) EJ Develop recommendation for facility use. (November 13, 2001) 21 Develop recommendation for implementation. (November 13, 200.1) Review funding sources for the installation of two backstops and two batting cages at Bee Creek Park. ❑ Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff (November 13, 2001). ❑ Determine needs for program requirements. ❑ Develop recommendations for scope of project. ❑ Develop recommendations for implementation. Review funding sources for the repair or replacement of the jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park. 0 Review proposed project cost estimates (December 11, 2001). El Review funding alternatives (Completed by Staff . El Develop recommendations for implementation. Support implementation of the Greenways.M.aster Plan. * Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (October 9, 2001). ❑ Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways. Support the City Council's tnteragency Plan in any Park and Recreation related issues. ❑ Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments. ❑ Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens. Q Receive input from fall Eisenhower Leadership Development Program group. (December 6, 2001) ® Determine priorities for programs and facilities (January 8, 2002). El Develop recommendations for implementation (January 8, 2002). Parks & Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks & Rec. Advisory Board Approval. October 9, 2001 Updated. February 28, 2002 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION'. PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY02 GOALS r Implementation of the CIP Program Y Implementation of Special Projects > Continue to Improve Staff Development 0 Implementation of New Programs Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Implementation of the CIP Program ❑ Complete 90% of the CIP Program -- Refer to FY02 CIP Project List Continue to Improve Staff Development 2 Complete Management Academy (three (3) PARD Superintendents) (Graduation February 22, 2002) RI Complete Supervisory Academy (six (6) PARD personnel) (Class graduated on November 13, 2001) ❑ Complete Certified Playground Safety Inspector re -certification from the National Recreation and Park Association (two (2) PARD Supervisors) (Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent, was recertified) ❑ Send one (1) PARD Supervisor to the National Recreation and Park Association sponsored Park Maintenance School ✓❑ Complete the Weapons of Mass Destruction training course (seven (7) PARD personnel) (Training December 17h, 181h, and 19th) ® Complete the Principles of Emergency Management course (PARD personnel) (Graduation held on November 18, 2001) ❑ Participate in the Brazos Valley Regional Leadership Forum Conference (Director of PARD) (Ongoing) Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues ❑ VS3S4a - Complete Urban Forest Management Plan (Initial presentation of plan to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board on May 5, 2002) ❑ VS4S2a -- Implement Park Maintenance Standards (to track performance) (First quarter report complete) ❑ VS4S3a - Implement Intergenerational Park Facilities (In progress) ❑ VS4S4a - Develop recommendations for developer incentives to provide adequate park land (Draft recommendations complete. Met with local developers on February 28, 2002) ❑ VS4S4b - Complete development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase I, and conduct needs assessment for future facilities (in progress. Needs Assessment approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on February 12, 2002. Will be presented to City Council on March 28, 2002), Ef VS4S4c °- Update Parkland Dedication Ordinance (Ordinance revisions approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on October 9, 2001. Adopted by City Council on January 24, 2002. The revised ordinance will go into effect on July 24, 2002). ® VS4S4d -y Develop facility needs for future community park (November 29, 2001) Q VS4S5a a Develop plans for senior programs and facilities (Final report to go to Council on February 28, 2002) RI VS4S5b -- Prepare feasibility report on skateboard park (Report presented to Council on December 20, 2001) ® VS4s7b - Implement greenway-park connectivity demonstration project (Bee Creek and Lemon Tree parks) ✓❑ VS4s8a - Improve communication between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission (Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met with the Commission on September 20, 2001. A joint meeting with the City Council was held on December 6, 2001) Implementation of Special Proiects ❑ Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan (In progress) ❑ Develop recommendations for future Capital Improvement Program projects (In progress) * Replace irrigation at Lemontree Park (February 1, 2002) ® Implement public art at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater (Bronze Wolves) (Dedication held December 17, 2001) ❑ Investigate the possibility of Departmental accreditation (in progress) ❑ Conduct dedication ceremony for the Wayne Bryan Bike Loop (Scheduled for April 27, 2002) ✓❑ Coordinate Veterans Memorial Project at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (Groundbreaking November 12, 2001) 0 Complete pond renovation at Brothers Pond Park (Complete in December 2001) Ll Installation of lightening prediction systems at parks (In progress) Ll RPTS Student Study for the Development of a Visitor/Nature Center at Lick Creek Park (In progress) Implementation of New Programs 21 Investigate the potential of joint programming with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department (Meeting with the City of Bryan PARD November 16, 2001) ✓❑ Implement monthly PARD newsletter (First edition complete in October 2001) ✓❑ Facilitate the Northgate "Back Porch Concert" Series 0 Conduct Fall Special Olympics Bocce Ball Updated: February 28, 2002 Parks and Recree a Department CIP Project List FY 2002 (updated 2/28/2002) ............................................................................. Fun' : 9..::: '.... EiC ectetit::::: P . :: ::::Adtdal ... ....: Souree :: commetion:Date GoinjiieYion Glate::.. Cost &smess Center Landscaping Project Complete GG9705 $250,000 G.O. 07/31/01 10/19/2001 $256,348 Millennium Winds Improvements (FY'01) Complete HM0104 $7,195 FY'01 08/31/01 7/31/2001 $7,665 I 1Castlegate Park Design Comolete NA NA Developer 3/02 IHallaran Pool Filters Complete PK0106 $120,000 FY'01 3/02 ] High School Tennis Court Lights (FY'01) Complete PK0109 $91,500 FY'01 4/02 2/28/2002 $72,560 Madeley Park In Design PK9706 $48,000 98 G.O. 8/02 Richard Carter Park Improvements In Design FY'02 General Fund 9/02 Cemetery Land Acquisition On Hold GG9905 $275,000 98 G.O. Unknown Thomas Pool Shade Cover On Hold PK0104 $19,000 98 G.O. 12/03 I Brison Park Improvements Out to Bid PK0100 $54,600 98 G.O. 3/02 I IC.S.S.C. Agreement (clubhouse) Out to Bid NA C.S.S.C. Unknown ]Hensel Park Playground Replacement Pending Contract $40,000 FY'02 Replacement Acct. 8/02 I Jack & Dorothy Miller Jogging Track Pending Contract FY'02 General Fund 9/02 Lick Creek Park Development Pending Contract PK0069 $478,000 98 G.O. (TPWD Grant) 12/02 Lincoln Center Expansion/improvements Pending Contract $50,000 C.D.B.G. 9/02 Thomas Pool Renovation Pending Contract PK0205 $277,255 FY'02 3/03 Woodway Park Development Pending Contract PK9803 $600,000 Park Ded. Zone 7 Unknown Gabbard Park Improvements Under Construction PK0102 $78,000 98 G.O. 4/02 ]Merry Oaks Improvements Under Construction PK0103 $37,000 98 G.O. 7/02 (Lincoln Entry Improvements Under Construction CD1292 $90,000 FY'01 C.D.B.G. 9/02 IGeorgie Fitch Playground Replacement Under Construction $30,000 FY'02 Replacement Acct. 8/02 ]Oaks Park Bridge Under Construction PK0067 $28,000 98 G.O. 3/02 1 Pebble Creek Park Improvements Under Construction PK0061 $27,000 Park Ded. Zone 11 12/02 Veterans Park, Phase I Under Construction PK9941 $2,936,800 98 G.O. 11/02 Parks and Recree a Department CIP Project List FY 2002 (updated 2128/2002) Summary Pending Contracts: 6 In Design: 2 Out to Bid: 2 Under Construction: 7 Complete: 5 On Hold: 2 Total: 24 Exhibit ibit "A" " Scope of Services Burditt Associates proposes to work closely with the Forestry Superintendent and all stakeholders to follow the Scope of Work detailed in the City's RFQ. Specifically, we recommend the following: i Conduct interviews with the Staff of Forestry Division and Parks and Recreation, Public Works, Planning, Community Development, Emergency Services, Fire and Police, Sanitation, Utility Providers and TXDOT. 2 Using the input of stakeholders, develop an Urban Forest Management document that identifies the Urban Forest, roughly quantifies the Urban Forest, and lays out the need for long-term planning and management of the green 'infrastrticture represented by urban tree cover. 3 To facilitate development of this information, field 'inspections or cursory remote sensing will be conducted throughout the City following and concurrent with interviews noted above. These 'inspections will be conducted for the purpose of providing the "Overview" of City resources, i.e., liability, sustainability, aesthetics, benefits, and the general traits and conditions the tree population. Growth trends and changes in publicly managed canopy will be addressed, as will the current maintenance resources and procedures. A sample inventory will be provided that gives a snapshot of the urban forest within College Station. This sampling will have an accuracy of between So and 85% for items such as species, size, dominant defects, and maintenance needs to the extent that good short and long range planning can be made. 4 The formal document will include all stated goals, objectives, and plans requested from the RFQ. These will be addressed by additional interviews and studies. Examples are as follows: a) Street Tree Mameentent - This component requires the combined input of Director Mark Smith and the Public Works Department as their infrastructure projects will greatly Junpact the health and long -terns success of existing and future tree plantings. It is important that all departments that will impact city trees be aware of how and why other departments follow the procedures they use. Communication should be highlighted. b) New Park and/or Municipal Facility Tree Establishment This component depends greatly on the maintenance budget allocated for the aftercare of newly established trees. There must be a commitment to lost planting care and understanding of how plantings will impact the current budget for tree operations. Similar evaluation will be given to the matter of Existing Park and/or Municitol Facility Tree Management. c) Hazard Tree Management - Every city has an extensive number of hazardous trees located throughout parks and street right of ways. These represent tremendous risk to life and property in addition to city liability potential. While the scope of the Document is not intended to address the specific location and number of trees, it will address the rationale for timely removals and the benefits to society made possible by allocating a specific budget to do so. d) Greenways Tree Management - Liaison between Greenways Projects and Public Works already exists through the Greenways Program Manager, Judith Downs. Again, communication is essential between Parks and Recreation and this division of Public Works. Any evaluation and inclusion into the Urban Forest Management Document should include input from Ms. Downs and related staff. We have also worked with Ande Bloom of Brazos Greenways and Laura Glenn of Brazos Beautiful, both of whose input may be beneficial. Page 10 CRC 3/16/00 Contract No. 02-028 bldlf file cabinetla-I file cablcollege stationlproposal102-028 consultant contract.doc 118102 e) Pruning Scheduling - This issue depends on a determination of what urban canopy is located in the City. Establishment of budget numbers and developing a pruning schedule of five years, seven years, etc., will be recommended both from a need basis and from a practical point of view understanding the budgetary constraints in place. f) Community Awareness and Tree Planting Initiatives for Public Lands - A review of what other communities are doing will be provided In addition, recommendations for partnerships with local businesses and non-profit organizations will be presented. Establishment of TREE CITY, USA may be a goal to bring recognition to the City. Our team members, MMI, Marketing and Public Relations, will assist in commentary. g) Standard Operating Guidelines for Urban Forest Management Crews - Our staff is extensively experienced in this area. Senior Urban Forester lack Hill has over twenty years experience in this subject and we also have a Certified Arborist on staff. h) Creative Budget Ovoortunities - Successful communities will be canvassed for practical methods to fund urban tree programs. These may work in concert with nonprofit organizations and grant opportunities, both governmental and private. An example we are involved with is the current funding of a street tree inventory for the City of Houston where funds were donated by Houston Endowment and administered through the nonprofit Trees For Houston. i) InsecL Disease Fertilization. and Watering Considerations - Guidelines for these maintenarwe and selection categories will be included in the Document. Urban Forester and Senior Horticulturist Billy Drum will address these issues in addition to the matter of species diversity. A criteria manual responding to the current or future tree ordinances will be recommended with an outline provided. j) Tree Preservation Planning and New Tree Establishment — Burditt Associates' staff has more experience in tree preservation planning than any firm in. the Region- This has been the result of a concerted effort to train and acquire the type of professionals with the greatest experience in this area of service. We have assisted many communities with their tree preservation ordinance, most recently, the City of San Antonio through the Citizens Tree Coalition and currently preparing the City of Houston's Ordinance Criteria Manual. k) Storm Damage Assessment and Resoonse - Emergency Services should be brought into the discussion as well as transportation departments. Maintenance of corridors to hospitals, fire and police, and municipal facilities is critical. Trees can and do impact access during extensive rain, ice, and tornadic events. Planning for utility clearance and response as well as preventative maintenance is essential to community safety. 1) Electrical Easements — A narrative discussing the needs and opportunities in the area of electrical easements will be included in the final report. 5 In preparing for this project, we have reviewed Maintenance Standards for Park Facilities in College Station, College Station's Mission and Vision Statements, and made on -site field inspections within the Community. We are well prepared for the Project. 6 Burditt Associates will present the draft Urban Forest Management Plan to the Parks and Recreation Board on March 5, 2002. Key members of the Public Works and Development Services will be invited for this review. The Parks and Recreation Department will return their comments and recommendations to Burditt Associates by April 1, 2002. Changes and/or additions from this meeting will be included in the final draft. Page 11 CRC 3/16/00 Contract No. 02-028 bOf. Y?Ie cabinetka-Ifile caMcollege sfafionlproposaII02-028 consultant contract.doc 118102 646 7 Burditt Associates will present the final draft to the City Council on May 9, 2002. 8 Burditt Associates will provide a multi -media type of presentation (PowerPoint, CD-ROM, or similar) that can be used to help explain the needs and benefits of managing the urban forest. Page 12 CRC 3/16/00 Contract No. 02-028 bW..'Ifde cabtnetla-I file cablcollege stationlproposall02-028 consultant contract.doc 118102 Parks and Recreation Future Project List INel�hborhood Park Development 1 z _ eeptease?d�k , , 3 5 3 Spring Loop Park 4 4 4 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield 5 3 5 Woodland Hills 6 6 6 Pebble Creek Park, Phase II ¢otQ� $,63Q 00Q $315,000 $415,000 $150,000 $150,000 4 4 5 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 5 5 4 South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 I Neiahborhood Plan Implementation $264,000 2 , ,,,, 2G"arterark�01 h $"1Z,00 3 3 4 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 4 4 3 Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 5 2 7 Thomas Jog ing Track $100,000 1 6 7 6 Eastgate Park $150,000 7 I 1 5 Park Benches $21,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. No site has been dedicated Delay until Phase II Development May be requested through FY2003 budget request Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Communl F� aacilities 1 1 13 1 a ark h#e�i� Cam to i� > [� dF 3 11 i 3 �623.250 y i ; 4 .� Pa Phan i$7t#,000 '', $6;50125Q 311 2 y;,,a., F, ,• erv; em etlty ase j , , 3 ,, ,, , ., "$300,QQOR , --dam: !... ,, . , Possibility of using Community 4 3 3 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Development funds 5 5 5 Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue 6 6 6 Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 7 7 8 Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes 8 9 7 New "South" Community Park, Phase I $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Delay until the new hight school is 9 8 9 Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school developed. Park I�prove�ne I . , 1 8n "rats©in �sfor"ex#stljt9� ,„ x, � QO ; '$309, 0Q .., y ,., ,k. . 2 4 2 Provide Playground quipment Shade $144.000 I May be requested through the FY2003 3 2 5 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 Budget Process May be requested through the FY2003 4 6 3 Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 Budget Process. 5 3 6 Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 6 5 4 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 I Pool Improveme is 1 4 1 Adamson Lagoon7hotgun Slide $50,000 2 3 3 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 3 4 2 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 I Funds could be requested through Facilities1 4 2 4 Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 Maintenance budget 1{ I Park Acauitision Possibility of using park land dedication or I Northgate Park $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Community Development funds I ._---- ------ -- Updated: 2/28/2002 �` f` • •' • Date Received: 2-15-02 Park Zone: 5 Project Location:Graham Rd. (north side of Graham rd..1/4-1/2 mile west of Citv Utilitv Service Center Name of Development: Leqacv Addition 2 Applicant:Tonv Jones Address:3205 East Bvpass City/State: Colleqe Station Texas Zip: 77845 Phone Number: FAX: E-mail: Engineer/Planner: Ash & Browne Engineerinq,lnc Address: P.O.Box 10838 City/State: College Station,Texas Zip: 77842 Phone Number: 846-6914 FAX: 846-8914 E-mail: REQUIREMENT COMPLIANCE SECTION 10-5-1: Land Dedication Single Family Dwelling Units: Multi -family Dwelling Units: 30 Total Land Requirement:.223 Acre Proposed Dedication: 0 SECTION 10-113-2: Fee in Lieu of Land Acres Acres Has the Planning & Zoning Commission's approval been obtained? no Land Fee: Single Family Fee ($148/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($112/dwelling unit): 30x$112=$3,360 Total Acquisition Fee: $3,360 Single Family Fee ($309/dwelling unit): Multi -family Fee ($233/dwelling unit): $233x 30=$6,990 Total Fee Amounts: Total Single Family Fee: ($457/Dwelling Unit): Total Multi -family Fee ($345/Dwelling Unit): $345x 30=$10,350 Required development cost: Staff review date and comment: Parks Board review and decision: March 12,2002 Is the proposed park less than five (5) acres? n/a If yes, staff recommends: Staff recommentds acceptance of the fee due to the small land dedication requirement. SECTION 10-13-7: Prior Park Acquisition Is there an existing neighborhood park that can serve the proposed development? ves,Southwood Park If yes, staff recommends: SECTION 10®E: Comprehensive Plan Is the proposed park dedication in compliance with the City Comprehensive Plan and the Park Master Plan? n/a Comments: SECTION 1 ®e Additional Information 1. Island in the 100-year floodplain? no Percentage: a. Detention/Retention Size: Meets Board Policy: Acreage in floodplain: Percentage: Acreage in detention: 0 Percentage: 0 Acreage in greenways: .24 acre Percentage:.05 Comments: b. Does the location require users to cross an arterial road? no c. Topography: flat to gently sloping northward d. Trees/Scenery: some trees in Greenwav area 2. a. Is the land adjacent to a school? across the street from Cvpress Grove b. Restricted access: c. Is there screening if the park joins a non-residential use? d. Park perimeter percentage that abuts a street: n/a Parks & Recreation Board: Planning & Zoning Board: City Council: O:\Board\Park Land Dedication\Checklists\Orig inals\Long FormPark Land Dedication Ordinance Project Review Checklist.dot Revised 01116102 Kris Lehde - Re: CIP Ranking Form "John Nichols" <jpn@ag.tamu.edu> < klehde@ci.collegeestation.tx. us> 3/9/2002 7:15 AM Re: CIP Ranking Form Kris, see attached. I could not find a reason to change my rankings despite the incresase in allocation from 5 to 7 million dollars. All are the same. Let me know if this does not come through. I will be in the office on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. John >>> "Kris Lehde' <klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> 03/06/02 10:41AM >>> Good morning. As discussed during last night's meeting, attached are the CIP ranking forms for in the event that Parks and Recreation Department could be awarded 5, 6, or 7 million in the upcoming bond issue. As discussed, please only rank the 11 highlighted potential projects on the spreadsheets (Shenendoah Park, Steeplechase Park, Forestry Shop, Central Park Office Expansion, Renovate Central Park Shop, Sandstone Park, Richard Carter Park, Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II, Lick Creek Park, Phase II, New Cemetery, Phase I, and Intergenerational Park Improvements). Please return the three sheets back to me by next Monday (March 1 ith), so that I can prepare the results and e-mail them to the Board. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your help. Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation (979)764-3414 College Station. Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. file://C:\Documents and Settings\k1ehde.000\Loea1 Settings\Temp\GWJ00002.HTM 3/I 1/2002 Farks and Recreatiori Future Project List at $50001000 ie: Nichols - $ 5 million ...... ..... ............ W . .... i� .. .... 40 Ra .... Neighborhood Park Develooment 7%?161000 3 Shenendoah Pa $W301000 9 Steeplechase Park $316,000 Spring Loop Park $3151,000 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park, Phase 11 $150,000 No site has been dedicated import Facilities 2 Forestry Shop $670,000 14V 6161000 $1,486,000 5 Central Park Office Expansion 10 Renovate Central Park Shop_ $200$000 I . I I Delay until Phase 11 Development Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000. Neiahborhood Plan I!W!ementation 6 Sandstone Park $47,000 �..�... 000 $264, 8 Richard Carter Park Improvements $217sOOO 'Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request. 'Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging, Track.. .$100,0.00 Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,',Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. 000 �Communit y Facilities 1 Veterans. Park Athletic Complex, Phase 11 $69601,260 7 lack Creek Park, Phase If 53,00 11 New Cemetery, Phase 1 $300,000 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community.Develo.pment funds. .Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the now "South" -Community Park $1,000,000 -Delay until landfill. closes Now "South" Community Park, Phase 1 $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. ......... . Park Imorovements $309,000 $309,000 4: Intergenerational Upgrades for existing„ parks . Provide Playground Equipment Shade $1445000 Emerald Forest Lights $309000 May be requested thro.. ugh. the, F.Y2003 Budget Process _ _ .. ;May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 . .. .. .... .. Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Improvements,, Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 -Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget -Park Acauitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,0001000 Development funds Updated: 3/1112002 ie: H'9rk,s and R"ecreatton Pasture Project List at Nichols - $ 6 million PEIOEtty Pir tg Cost Cost Comments .. Neiahborhood Park Qey_e1pA)mgnt I 3 Shenendoah Park J $315,000 $630,000 9 Steeplechase Park j $3151l000 I Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove ParkM/estfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park, Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated SuppArt Facilities _. 2 Forest(y Shop j $670,000 5 Central Park Office Expansion 616,000 10 Renovate Central Park Shop r 200,000 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Neiahborhood Plan Imolemeritatiplrl 6 Sandstone Park 1 $47000 8 Richard tarter Park Improvements 1 $217:000 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,000 Community Facilities 1 Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase 11 $5 623,260 ?578,000 7 Lick Creek Park, Phase II 11 New Cemetery, Phase 1 $30011000 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park $1,000,000 New "South" Community Park, Phase 1 $2,000,000 Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school $1,485,000 e 'Delay until Phase II Development $264,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. $6,501,250 Possibility of using Community Development funds Delay until next bond issue Delay until landfill closes Delay until landfill closes Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park IJIlAl.9Po�leti_ 4 Intergenerational ypgrades for existing parks $309/000 I $309,000' ~' - Provide "Playground Equipmenithaae $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cagqes and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woa%reek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool impfppveme tgg Adamson Lagoon�hotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Acquitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated: 3/11/2002 03/06/2002 11:24 FAX 979 260 4410 FAB SSB 2002 Parks and Recreation Future Pr®jacg Ust _Ame: r ' ' ". l�nkinq •:: • PPoiOc[ •: ..: • . , ,,.. ; .. � k Develoomtnf Nelqhbhood d Shen�n oa Park Staep echase Paris 5315,000 - S03®®9® $315 000 - Spring Loop Park $315. 00 1 GgPre*s Grove Park=estiield $415,000 Delay until new elementary vshool is developed. I Woodland Hills $160``00-0__ has been dedicated r Pebble Creek Park, Phase tl $150,004 No site Swoon Facilities __. _ .., .... . e `$i FeT'es" Shop _ $970 0t� - . o � j Pam Fw.nslon $61 '000 $11,8H5,000 e V Remo I Parts WMP .: - . a60® Veterans Park and Athletic CrompleX Shop $60,00U Delay until Phase II Development _ - South District Satellite Operations Shop tion ASP ( ® Y I Bird (CAMPlods I>��per®erem Thomas and Mo y C*iM Parts Shade Si MMes $20,030 May be, requested through FY2003 budget request u Raurtiree Park &.r kethall Coun tl �30,000 I Thomas Jog Ing Track I sioo.w0 $150,000 Eassyate PaT I'aRe I�tr eh� $29 ,OIIO Could D2 added W irstergenerational uppFa®es. I Comrn�9raitif �aeitities e9 g� raafanr Lff�le�cC rua t.IlseW 624 a ' h car F artf. phase 9l 678, 1 K. Maus c BV@Fi` Phase 9 t Lincolnhtor k�ansion $570,GM Papssibil' of using Community Development6uF�ds Cypress Grove l reation Center $750 0� �I�� n -1 next bond Issue Luther Jones Landfill $239, Neighborhood Pool for the now -Sowh' Community Palk $11000'am belay until landfill closes Neva °SouthCommunity Park, Phase 1 $2,OW.000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court roiectwith the new high school Delay until the new higtrt school Is developed. I Pavtt lufoprovements __. J Y I vorual A�pnradGa� Q P ffust'nq parfks 3309000 Prom a Playground E4uiprooht ad® $9= Emerald Forest Lights $30,0II0 May he requwod tiarough the FY2003 Budget Prod Bat��ti�n �__ cages an4 bac�toog at Bea Creek Park $25,000 Matr � veques� through the FY2003 Sudget Pmcess. Woodcreek Park Lights $35.000 Covor basketball courts at Scud -wood Valley Athletic Complex $330,= _ Pool I� _ ements Adamson goon Shotgun Slide La $50,000 Additional shatter at -Adamson Lagoon _—$40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could bzs requ-ed trough Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $05,000 budget l Park Acauitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park Development funds Updated: 31512002 03/06/2002 11:25 FAX 979 260 4410 FAB SSB 0003 Parks and Recreation Future Project List at $600009000 Ommer MAW hood Park $3169000 Shenendoah. Park ss:36,000 Steeplechase Park Ispring Loop Park D to until new clamentary school is deve!ey lCypre= Grove Park/Westfield. S4151000 I Woodland Hills Pebble Creek Park, Ph ,.,,Pe 11 $1 so MO No sft has boon dedicated .. . ...... ... . .... ...... Fares" hap 1000 lCentral ftrk Offica Expansion SM 000Ren-------- ovate Central Park h*P . ....... . ... Vewrans Park and AfhWc Complex Shop 1 Delay urrfil Phase 11 M%relopffleM . . ........ ....... .. . ------ South DW&Sstellift - ------- ;�2Urad(),ns Shop ... ..... .. .......... ... Heigh Plan en lob Sanda'Dne Park RIchard CaFter Park 017—pl"Iffimfift M;ay requested Ihmugh FY2003__.budgel:, reg11199 'Thomas and F�aft Shade StrucWres �e Oaks F . ..... 'Raintrcc Park Baske&all Courl: FThornas J ire-$100 MO ...... . ....... .Eastgate Park $1 SOIDDO $21.GM Could beadded to imrgenerabonal upgrade�;, Park Benches CO Facilities Alm 000 LQck Greek part; phasa 00 ---- --- V 0 0, Got New CWnq!MLEh�!�O nt funds P @f using Community Mvel Fne U nca In C*nter E,;=nsion . . ........... . IiCypress Grove RecreAgn Cenber S750,000 Delay uFrfill next bond Is Up Luther Jones Landfill ..... .... Neighborhood Pool for khe new ©o Communfty Park New -South" Comrnunity Park, Phaso 1 $2 Ow OW u�tll landfill clocm� .. ..... ........ Patenfial Tennis Court Prqthe now high -ay U n9l the pew hight school is developed. . ......... . ... . Park bravements _� ...- ---- ------ - --------- ....__._ - __ _—.__._ - ___ n"emratbnaj Upg �des for e_V.'O'9!dHg sugg000 =0 coo .Provide Pin ground Equipment Shade $144,CM May bg req uesbed khmj& the FY2CO3 Budget Process E merald Foreg Li h ku Batting cages and backstops at E399 Creek Park $25 wo I May be requeztW rough ft. FY2003 Budget Prases*. Woodereek Park Ughh $35,000 Cover brasketball courm at Soulhwocd Valley Athledc Complex $330,000 i Pool ImDrovemefl Adq amson Laoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 --------- Addibonal shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000.1 lhows Pool bathhouse renovatiOn 1 150,0.00 -Funds could be reque5led through Facilities Main to nancc Ad 'damson bathhouse pitched roof buget .... ... Part Acquillslon Possibility crf using park land dedicalion or Community �g gabs Perk $1,000.000 Development funds N W, T 1 0 03/0 /200 11:25 FAX 979 260 4410 FAB SSB 00 C Parks and Recreadan Future Project Ust ,me! - ••q•sR:';::• � ` �. •r.. • .:. •.5:. r. � .. •r.5• •r � i..i.l.;.l.i..• •.�. •. { ...,..,.�• :+•1��1.�y f:• �:•i.•r I. •::•ti::;::};:}:•�:v: •:i:; } :•: r, , . ; e I,r r , •r.• •... ,.,I,r ; +,I r,1 ,, I,r , I r.v. r.. r...+ �• 1,� I :i'5•i r.r15S•1 rii •: r1{•rrI 1:,i •.r1\ •.,r rr.`1 ..•I}r ry i r. ,.r e;• •..♦ I;.r{.• .•, r{�,.•r,,:t{.;.• }{�.. •. \•'.J.{.:•i..::'.• .,•, ... r�I ;:• .I I.•..,r:.1. ,.,.rvI r+5x+.I ;••. }•I :;r5I Ir•1 .}•••I •r•..r1 ...•.�r r1,r.1.•. }1,iti •lrrI Gii+ v11 +. /.,I J1r1 ..11.,r51i i •+. 1.,r �rI •1. 1'IiI •r+.Ir:Iith r.'•••r..I{r,•..••,+.t1:'':,L iv,i+ .tr,ifi!. trI ...,.i.5'.• }I•.,..11\.,•+,,.51 I ..+ •r, .i;I r•ey r+.t •r rr•.:1�.•.,. •+r,I 4 .a,Ir I.h .•.1{;1 . rr+.,tii•r1:I.,r•riI ji+'I•;. 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'i i' e I , ., ...., . ............. ® r I r I Cf _S "Ilechase Park ress drove a el - - Deby unfit e� sterna . �cI is to 1 land Hills Phase tl No ~ ift . hes n d i Pebble Creek PaN1 ' a U rt i d - es ..:._.. ,..s1L- 0.----------: T-.,.. .i I � .- I .. a Pr' m• ,,. r Ia; �''"" i C" , rT 4 + 1 y'.'' I "5 ,r Lv �I (I 11�p I. � uti'Ir.`�- �} I rdra In.1; ., - 1 I ? hl 1;e 5i•..• 4 I; • I rr+ I! I till +�,, ► I I rI. 5 it i 1dl�t' •11 }�I' i �y [;I •Lr I ,14 l +11 •rJ� 7 ��} i� i (� I �C 1 �,4� j L' -i LlL 1 1 r$'�I l n/d lJi� . r�1'Jti�•••t;i'�L•f. re�illaY ®4 yJpltt�l�� Ifi��.�l�'r+,r+r..+Ft���+P,•rtT+il'!r',�`'tt }IJ`1„'.•�9�'ati�rdl a I 1t :1'�I:LIL alp 8 19`,¢j�(a{���,,y, jt �,�;la� 4 ,r, ti a. - -- .r {L •r r 4 v'• ar lii'r �h��� , .'�f;! J •^ -ILA. ' 1 ; '. I i +, i 4 $¢ ..`"""�.�,{" i .. ! s I q• r I I r®• V' rlr .1u• 11 I •5 n. t . ,� .... - Y..•4• °tiQ'1 / . � V ti l i I � ( �' J y, It p (}} �j� r 1. ► �o r { • ; L �,{+��r}+^!;� �;+�4 vt'Yo) P t�l � f f If r m � 0, + . >;'�T �",M} . • r� ..- �1 a I�i � i-• I j�,���a�L1 y{{Y��i� 7+� - � ��';! .. y, d�gM1 1 5 I _ .� ....., ,,.. , L • L ° a t� ``r � SjA }+� r 1} �r rp�� T+ 4 a764LV�t�°PIS { ,'i y r •� � • • � .r i P' , .,. • 5 I IY •V y1 `j+t!{�`P� 1 11 r 1T�11G �� 44 C'w �T�,��1 91,1i'{L°L9U��i!lllt ftI r. 8 r i' _ _,., - _ _ _,. ........... .. ., � '"� � L �e,'� I,i F1. � �. .' A 1. � ,� rd , 'T.i r t6_.. ... w 1 1,�P 5. •t,' . Vamram Paric and aiilAc Complex shop I s5mlow IDelay unfit PhBSQ 11 CW0IOp er ® 9o� 1 1 _ e 1�� t�,��l�ry'f �y y�. •a�. t'��}`�*�rP i�p + � . a- - er s�l^+vrl t"te4r'� .J.ed . , g - l ra 1�( I � • I I � � [I� ` I I r ,tVr; .'t � r V'v ii q , t h�1r I�1'F, , ti rlf:�'•Y i5'd , � �•h , r I 1 s .�''{ L 4{�j r 6 .�,+pa1�'1 brh '4uJ • • 1 ,y V Iry •' ,` 1• m9 • �. i�+'� i• -• I 1 • I \A , '•I '. Ir' i ' • 1 i� _ 1 'PL, 1�t{ i� pp 1��r® L ' p {�,ff��J, y¢ � ] EE �II I I'9 � rr a •l n :I,'iT As i5 --(filllgr t1'9apl;dlLy'i f� i`r tlti• 11VrhY sT l fi. T i d� May ��h hudg o e shade r .. Thai T $ 9 --- I Park Paru I d d to a �r l ra - un-Fad" lM .,},}}}`a}...1 , } jr' ♦; I, 4 � � r � r 1 1 4 I J I 4 r' Iqt �•I+,�.a `'r 'T��S�t V � � f I � ; � i ', + �', � 9 r ` , L•. •+ r � y�,�r IIV',�I I Vi11�� �y r t�drp- y�{Yrtq.�- ._ ..._ _...,,.. P, ,rf. rt -,�, Iti I I �'� •It ,,�E{y; r•,I '•5r� {}: 115{ ,r 5�11Si`��v1Y1'I� _ , ®I � ��t, lr - ei*-ra ! rl,r �9 �,i j4�+R '�iOR :'' � 't� I ' s r,.�.�fl ��..�'t"1• i d 4' I �f�r4i����dal• j • r r•w"•`' Y•. ..+Ai r5' � t+ �1�"6 1r1fj6Lr8 �1t111 r1�`-�Cld�Lsi�r1` �l�r%rl'�1�}�r �Ied: r 1f t. 'b.4 �u al'�;i?y;�4';V,+�, P�,�I���Tl�i�,+il� - I fir � ,P +'. ♦ a ,1' P5aIS I - ,I��Y� (_y .s 'I, �Ir t� r 'iP 1b11 of mmun to g n s - - _ _.- p _ . ............. - .._... _ MUM9 non bond Iue Luther Jones Landfill .__......_._.. Neighborhocd Pool for the new';48o" 'Commun' 'I Ian ll cI Park �q® � � ...._ .®... _ _. ....... _. _ I I Delsy unfit landfill ckmss h I u't nh1l � - I , de�o - . Park improvements ., ._...__ _ ... _ tirr •.,q ,. o a�S�t^L(•,�•.•4r✓(°•I) 1}�it•l•�atkt+.44: i57.,�{s-•dltV;tP:°5t {,a+t411�.P({Ja•i� ! Z+:s I 4P.'r.� l°I ,'�mm! Iilr,�1 cSiirdlLSi ira�.,l ,iji' ®5 I1"ar!I{L./+r4r,r{di1YI1:.-®, Iy5s �7r4�•`'}.•,,"p1 1f1t.t1l �•I1 irI t.�.t1 ��•.JrIS1 'r • y eI.i I •( II►1V'•rIT trraii•1.l5a, �Iir,. jr11+J'l �(r�iv.Yl(�LiI °I,•t L rJ 1I 6yj tIfi�5Ps'� r a,Ii! �+ �, rf rra 5: {rwi+,ul••�d-r(-•9•Y5rtr511•lIt1fieaY11ti!1'rI ,' yI`;1.• 1 f'��',l�l...��ti0 '..�,1• a;P.r•. lPPtPi,r•.l5}I�yL. -rT :Rr'arid'IwLK4trj,v }�• { iqsl I141RkJp1•9® IPf r((Ii�,,, d' rS r YjS>:+�'rpi'V�l •I f+.a4•irl L �l r �41�l,i r } , lipI Y+1I'4,dL 1}�' 9j1,rI�(rfdp vr(1�t,•��Ie,:i.`;.. :y�_ -:'`%�e3,,IY.' I r u�'�It��P1R �fa�5'l 1+y�r,d=ri1�-'1Ley,aS�1:�'��,irIe�fI. Ix, �rI JI 1.`I¢�'��1tL .•�SI.t 1(I a:4�5J 1i+�1a-.44nq1. Yp1�t } ' I r5t�+.�(��a '� tiy1 tl '•lIdirrV t1i �• I r�.r rVs im : �- f.wti411 p I I,.1 1 �Iti,ia 1i•Ivi1`hfll l.a'it,-.I .ItI I I.rn'S tll a, r 11•P AiR',} ti rltl%. Provide 1yu'nd quips Sheds S i 1 Erner�idForest�. 30,0W M T u �u h e Budget Pr=en 8_Y_"_ i 'r1 rid backstap5 et Bw C ;k Park usmd ugh Zover . _.-.-......._ I�. _ . .... ski I! courts at Souhw=d V9110Y !. i -o Complex l Ornproya men _ ® Shotgun l(de ° Addiflonal shetter at Adamson Lagoon Thomas, Pool bathhouse renovation- _. Fundy could be mq uested through Facll' aim ' M rye 'Adaumn bathhoLres pfthed vW budget.. ............. _ ...... 'Park A Pom `balms of truing park land dedicatan or Communky North gate Park � .Developmrit funds I Parks and Recreation Future Project Last at $7,000,000 ,me: Larry K. Farnsworth Spring Loop Park zbs-io,uuu Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park, Phase II $150,000 Sdort Facilities 3 Fare on = = ,i70 000 ralPkr�gfficEx7 Ce5 ODn ansi„ 409 ,Rendmtk Shop Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. No site has been dedicated Delay until Phase II Development Neghborhood Plan Imp l e 6 Saridstane Park � � ,$47�000 a 264 0 8 R9eid Carter ParjC,Imrouenierf§ , _ ""?*, $217,OQ,O ��..,. �0?13, - Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request { Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. { Community Facilities IS $5 623 250 ' 1 eY an parkthiti a3 10,0reek Park Phase'c Cnrri ex Ph se l l 1 $6,501,250 $578 Q,QO i ,, f —- 11'07:. eteryhase'.r $3ontoa Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 ; Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes { New "South" Community Park, Phase 1 $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park Imp�°igl,e�" a B :.:- 5 tnte genefational Upgrades for, �t#.t�rl Parka $309, 00 �3'it$30%000 _ �� Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 ' Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. i Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Imorovements j Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 j Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 { Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85.000 budget Park Acauitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated: 3/12/2002 Pagel of 2 Kris Lehde - RE: CIP Ranking Forms From: "Larry K. Farnsworth" <ifarns@tca.net> To: "'Kris Lehde'" <klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 3/14/2002 9:25 PM Subject: RE: CIP Ranking Forms I would rank them the same. Larry K. Farnsworth (979)690-0176 Ifarns@tca.net -----Original Message ----- From: Kris Lehde [ ilto•klehde '[ coilege-station.tx.usl Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:08 AM To: Ifarns@tca.net Subject: RE: CIP Ranking Forms Larry, All three of the forms are in the event that 7 million is awarded. Do you have the forms for 5 and 6 mil? Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation (979) 764-3414 >>> "Larry K. Farnsworth" <lfarns@tca.net> 03/11/02 09:10PM >>> Sorry for the delay. Larry K. Farnsworth (979)690-0176 lfams@tca.net -----Original Message ----- From: Kris Lehde[,nailto:klehdeOci.colleq_e-station.tx.usj Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 2:42 PM To: gschroeder@aggiecathoiic.org; GDAVIS6264@AOL.com; ICw20177@AOL.com; ALLISON@fabtexas.com; DAVISG@fabtexas.com; jturton@mail.st-joseph.org; Bill@pianoplace.net; jpn@tamu.edu; Ifarns@tca.net Subject: CIP Ranking Forms Good afternoon. Just a reminder that I will need the CIP Ranking forms for in the event that the Parks and Recreation Department could be awarded 5, 6, or 7 million in the upcoming bond issue. I have only received four back so far (John N., Glenn S., Don A., and Jon T.), and I will need to prepare the results and e-mail those back to you. As discussed, please only rank the 11 highlighted potential projects on the spreadsheets. Also, as discussed during the meeting, if you have any potential budget issues for Fiscal Year 2003, please e-mail those to me, and I'll compile a list for the next Board meeting. Please let me know if you have any questions, and have a wonderful Spring Break! :-) Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation (979) 764-3414 file:/ ADocuments and Settings\1dehde.000\Loca1 Settings\Temp\GW}00003.HTM 3/18/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project Last at $7,000,000 "'me: Glen A. Davis apnng uoop rarK Cypress Grove Park[Westfield $415,000 Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park, Phase II $150,000 Sywport Facilities /� 4 Fare-tr SirE g m,'w, R '�133 �333,3 $670T0Q0" 5 Cep rai Featlee,$6�6 00 3 6 ,ateat PaY"( ap , , .; v$2�ip;000 '. Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. No site has been dedicated Delay until Phase II Development Community Facilities g Cam le��Qhase311 $5 62 i 31j = 1 Ve#er rt ParJr�Athletic r25A 2 t ck Greek #'a Phase IN , $57 p0,00 r 6,50lt235 J, "_ 3' N`;.:. - '- 10 .: ewe efertl, . set` _ 3,,,3 �4300,00�0 - , �33'' Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development funds I j Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New "South" Community Park, Phase 1 $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park Ir yeJeJ��� 3 - �ensratanaqride, , ex►sting:�park :� 3B9,US?0�8 000,1.�. n„�..a Provide Playgrouipment Shade $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Wookreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Improvements Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Acauitision I Possibility of using park land dedication or Community 1 Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated: 3/12/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project List at $5,000,000 )me: Priority Ranking Project Cost Cost Comments theighborhood__Park Development enendoah Park $316,000 $630,000 Steeplechase Park $315,000 Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park, Phase 11 I $150,000 No site has been dedicated Support Facilities Fores Shog Centraark office Expansion Renovate Central Park Shop Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop South District Satellite Operations Shop Neig bort4 d Plan Implementation San stone Park Richard Carter Parts Improvements Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures Raintree Park Basketball Court Thomas Jogging Track Eastgate Park Park Benches Communitv Facilities _ . Veterans Park S Athletic Complex, Phase 11 Lick Creek Park, Phase 11 New Cemetery, Phase 1 Lincoln Center Expansion b ress Grove Recreation Center Lr er Jones Landfill Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park New "South" Community Park, Phase 1 Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Park Improvements Intern�, enerational U rades for existing parks Provide playground Equipment Shade Emerald Forest Lights Bath cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park woo Park Lights Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex I Pool Improvements Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation Adamson bathhouse pitched roof Park Acguitision Northgate Park $670,000 $616,000 $1,485,000 $200000 $50010-0 Delay until Phase 11 Development $360,000 $47,000 $217,000 i $20,000 $30,000 I $100,000 $150,000 $21,000 $6,623,260 $578,000 $300,000 $570,000 $750,000 $239,000 $1,000,000 $2,000,000 $309,000 $144,000 $30,000 $25,000 $35,000 $330,000 $50,000 $40,000 $150,000 $85,000 $1,000,000 $264,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Possibility of using Community Development funds Delay until next bond issue Delay until landfill closes Delay until landfill closes Delay until the new Night school is developed May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance budget Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Development funds Updated_ 3/5/2002 Future Project List at $6,000,000 Priority Ranking Project Cost Cost Comments Neighborhood Park Development S6enen-d- o-a-,-hP-,-ar-k---- $315,000 $630,000 Steeplechase Park $315,000 Spring Loop Park $315,000 Cypress Grove ParkNVestfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park, Phase 11 $150,000 No site has been dedicated Support Facilities ForestftS-ho, -- $670,000 Central Park6ce Exp nsion $616,000 $1,485,000 Renovate Central Park 1hop $200000 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop Delay until Phase 11 Development South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Neigp"09jo Plan Implementation Sandstone Park $47,000 $264,000 Richard Carter Park Improvements $217,000 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Communitv Facilities Veterans Park & Athletic Complex, Phase It $6,623,250 $6,501,260 Lick Creek Park, Phase 11 $678,000 New Cemetery, Phase 1 $300,000 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development funds Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New "South" Community Park, Phase 1 $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park Improvements lnter,qenerational Upgrades for existing parks $309,000 $309,000 Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 tmerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Mo4crea Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Improvements Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Acguitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated: 3/5t2002 Name: Neiahborhood Park Development Shenendoah Park Steeplecha a Park Spring Loop Park ZGrove Park/1Nestheld Woodland Hills Pebble Creek Park. Phase II Support Facilities For S�R $670,000 Gentr ark Office F r�saor) Renovate Central Park $ pp .., $616,000 , ', . ..... ..,, . .. .,... lay Phase II Development Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop until South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Neighborhood Plan Imp, fpppif� Sandstone Park N$47�000 , 15;� ° Richard Carter Park Imp nts Y17 D00 Wiz. Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 1 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 $150000 Eastgate Park Park Benches $21:000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. Communi}y Facilities Lincoln Center Expansion 1 $570,000 Cypress Grove Recreation Center I $750,000 Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park $1,000,000 New "South" Community Park, Phase 1 $2,000,000 Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Possibility of using Community Development funds Delay until next bond issue Delay until landfill closes Delay until landfill closes Delay until the new Night school is developed. Park Improvgments Inter�genejational U rades r existing darks $309,060 $309,400' Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights I $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Imprpveme is Adamson ngoonlhotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Acauitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated: 3/5/2002 Parks and Recreation / Future Project List l v1v�r� at $5,0009000 Name: Sunnort Facilities 2 FArestrY�$tIpp ` pnfuNuu i i 3 k& 3311,1,a 4 Ce. rdl"Park Office Expansta I $615 000»yl $1;485,OOi a Renovate Central Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 NePhborhood Plan Im lementation 5 5arid to&:Park �' $47,000 $�G 00� I� .3. 9 Ffichat, afterrovemet~ts _' $217;000 — ���' •, Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 i Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 j Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. 1 Communitv Facilities 11 VeternskPark:& AttltettC CortlPlex Phase n 10 pj:k Cree �9,0k Pha",11 7 New3Ceme mhase" r Lincoln Center Expansion Cypress Grove Recreation Center Luther Jones Landfill Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park New "South" Community Park, Phase I Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Park Ime3t� t 1 rorgenerational.U, grad or exisun- parks,' te Provide Playground Equipment Shade Emerald Forest Lights Pool Imp' yveme Adamson Lagoon otgun Slide Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation Adamson bathhouse pitched roof Park Acauitision Northgate Park $570,000 of using Community Development funds $750,000 (Possibility Delay until next bond issue $239,000 $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Delay until the new hight school is developed. $144,000 $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. $35,000 $330,000 $50,000 $40,000 $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance $85,000 budget Possibility of using park land dedication or Community $1, 000, 000 Development funds Updated: 3/8/2002 Name: Perks and Recreabon Future Project List at $6,000,000 i Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. 1 Woodland Hills $150,000 j Pebble Creek Park, Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated Facilities Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 I 1 Nei hborhood Plan Implementation I �v o„i1e 6 Par�S $47 OOUi t} ,264,Q0� 7 r�tli3 NOW- _a arker arlIiiaproveirierbt� �1f� _ $2 k`,00Q Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 j Eastgate Park $150,000 Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. commum Facilities 2 e erarts P $� Athletic Complex Phase lI 3 5 623 250 $g 50,250 i€1* 10 .Lick Creek, k PhaQ I $578 Opp ,,t13 8 Nn 1 Phas ;` Possibility of using Community Development unds olCn Ce ter xpansion $570,000 Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New "South" Community Park, Phase 1 $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school Delay until the new hight school is developed. Park Im�Yer�gn R ,•', _ Ki"AN '', 3" �j.j l� g f33 S _ 3�1o� 3b 3 3 �'.:3. 1 inti r.eaterarior al.U. grades fa�exist n±�:fsarks �quipment ; $309,00,03 _ ',: $309,0e' .. ' Provide Playground Shade $144,000 Emerald Forest Lights $30,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 1 Pool Improvements 1 Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Acquitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated: 3/8/2002 Parks and Recreation Future Project Last at $7,000,000 Name: Glenn Schroeder Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 Delay until new elementary school is developed. 1 Woodland Hills $150,000 Pebble Creek Park, Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated Su' Facilities 2 Forestay shop 5 Cerifical Park Offtce EX 670r 1� $1 485,OUQ _ 9 R ._Y" Is Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development 1 South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Neighborhood Plan IT lementation 6 Sand`stone Park aS $47,000 a2 4 D030 'PUNA 11 Richa"rd°Cadr1€Pl nXemersts „ 3,i3... %"$217;Q09 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 May be requested through FY2003 budget request Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 1 Eastgate Park $150,000 1 Park Benches $21,000 Could be added to intergenerational upgrades. 3 10 8 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Possibility of using Community Development Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 Neighborhood Pool for the new "South" Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes New "South" Communitv Park. Phase 1 $2.000.000 Delay until landfill closes Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 May be requested through the FY2003 Budget Process. Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley 1 Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Improvements Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 I Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 1 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 Funds could be requested through Facilities Maintenance Adamson bathhouse pitched roof $85,000 budget Park Acauitision Possibility of using park land dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 Development funds Updated: 3/8/2002 Kris Lehde - CIP Ranking Form ?Ae 1 From: Kris Lehde To: Allison@fabtexas.com; Bill@pianoplace.net; Davisg@fabtexas.com; GDAVIS6264@AOL.com; gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org; Jpn@tamu.edu; lcw20177@aol.com; Ifarns@tca.net Date: 3/6/02 10:41AM Subject: CIP Ranking Form Good morning. As discussed during last night's meeting, attached are the CIP ranking forms for in the event that Parks and Recreation Department could be awarded 5, 6, or 7 million in the upcoming bond issue. As discussed, please only rank the 11 highlighted potential projects on the spreadsheets (Shenendoah Park, Steeplechase Park, Forestry Shop, Central Park Office Expansion, Renovate Central Park Shop, Sandstone Park, Richard Carter Park, Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase 11, Lick Creek Park, Phase 11, New Cemetery, Phase 1, and Intergenerational Park Improvements). Please return the three sheets back to me by next Monday (March 1 1th), so that I can prepare the results and e-mail them to the Board. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks for your help. Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks & Recreation (979) 764-3414 CC: Ric Ploeger