HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/08/2001 - Regular Agenda - Parks BoardD, CITY OF •STATION i;., • W •,. C•,� Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 2001 Central Park Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road 7:00 p.m. 1. Call to order. 2. Hear visitors. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of April 23, 2001. 5. Presentation, discussion, and possible action related to skate board facilities. 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action related to the joint meeting with the City Council on May 10, 2001. Presentation, discussion, and possible action related to Veterans Park and Athletic Complex street and facility naming recommendations. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding City Council Vision Statement #4 (Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities), ® Strategy #1 (More Emphasis on Making Parks More Intergenerational), ® Strategy #2 (More Interaction Between Parks Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning and Shared Vision with Council), ® Strategy #3 (Continue to Update Comprehensive Plan Regarding Parks System), ® Strategy #4 (Connectivity Between Greenways and Parks), ® Strategy #5 (Continued Emphasis on Parks Maintenance to Quality Standards through the Budget Process), ® Strategy #6 (Develop Programs and Facilities for Senior Citizens). 9. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Projects Report. Discussion of next meeting date and agenda. 10. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To take arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. ***Mnutes*** CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD Regular Meeting Tuesday i AUy 8, 2001 Central Park Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road 70,,00 p^A _j 1z ff Sftve Beachy, P-N ettor of Pa-Irrks and RecTr-t-mm'10n; r1tric Ploeger, Assistant Dfi'lector- Curifis Bingha�M, Pwr?,C-� Opefn 1,01fltz" 1'e-tear Vawxecek, Senior Parkis Pla-Dineir; Kris "Y' W9 "o 149 , ff9 9 R-am, 1"Alowmr OFIF MAr--o C hixis BamM C74hani' - Georg(!�, Dresser, (1, -Cha, Gler-Dai Sctrff oedenr­ J&n B aisio, A f 14 aqa fol vn,-> P� a, � zn,- Ta A I Q0 G- I e if .� D aA, d S G,,-,ueoz)90-0 Tione Present. ,5 CO.PlLjp -�41 T' 1410)1 9 A.ri fl 1, C'qm'?U) oydwo, C.s B,%�,z'Rflaoffied iflie natetllnq to oi-c at 7-006 p.mE"'i'rali. fte" aydazov, e wa 0�?- L@,?-!0a B, fill Dav-1"s wiiadt a wrotior to accept of Gieu_ Da_,vis! aas, use-4d- Geo-irge 1),ref se seconded' flaile za'totiwa- fidil were- R".1 f aoief", t1hae- Ft 'I rj n- a S S e d Lri R SI Ed, 1 0 V; � S I -�,N f , 9 fthom :NZ, DA A"mg ef Apr qu,,�rvtlofled -fft 1-1,e 0 ,�A 1-0mi-l"altubn en jr"a H, �":R Rig S, orl"I ISM-11SMInk age 4, ^tzri'mi 9 irenga-_4,�di rag b d' ii tt 0 1 C a' � p hr Lr, I , rfft 10 V, f 0 f 0, 0 0 0. Ge 0 -s g e D 3 al' the MaVop WaS -.4nif p.77n,rd'U'rig '?dI}ie meed. fforan "n 1011, R �111", i lPvnew4'ra, cJadfef1,1flM It 1112,Zz;; trtave 1ac-eint ir�ClTadee',l irl� fll��Ie Mirolatres silfu-e�e iu,.'t was bact, p -for, fifif(wrinisationt flntei -v��vowld be dT*15CUS3(__.t0,; 011M May 10, 2001 '11"J"ark"'IfIg -'i"the meen' S, v-vil"h the, cilt)� 14_�/ 14 j ?i 111fl, r"'Otunefl. 'A'Kfis s4aiiii'di slie, -,�votalld chee-k on, thil's. jd1"Cura C', Mde a m(Al"Or-it to, xpnpromve Vlhe minules as ammended arcmd' Laura WokIA secoirwded the zzimovu,"o-4-4). AIR -qvfwia hi did -the -niniet"."oll passed LwI iE,'a ;z'd, M"vg�s0pPp'�4�aAtR'*,4-SeeqddtT!rt -Ta�2�P,?aa"seLnvdf fHfnaie-la I1Da a R,,�j cmRg t,,t�,. i.taEri-C (RT'1010 Pioeger Lia-ld, dite Paryls's PIE-1,U)""rMg Eftff haod beerk on the conc-�,ejrtlual desfigr4 -v�,,Anich 0 luded dhe 1=0-iort for flilie faeflift and wtnwt Woliald be fhere,- '3vveral are -AS conls-wed, awal S eed r'frsb- c fw,moiLflogoudwjM&IetiPwkvvasthebes1a1aqyvi oomfh- ft vvj�as the- I area thaa 16 had, thie, Space to Wild; y &]Lrea jarv; upervlstl ii as y re "rhe pedn y uix*1-t- �' ouovaron( ew,d to the TeeniCen A A h, -e to be Witt- -5and, daitilowal parkmng wo0d not X111d 'it 'ere was plently et "nfreaShvUCtUr,,ej, Athere tto supporit ea slifete pai-k - the restwooms, pool battlq6ota!se, and tettntis hot)ise of 7nce could be used. P a, t g I ovf � parks and A!evreafiore Board RegWay jUeednig Tuesday, May 8, 2001 Ric stated t "it based on the knowledge gained from the public hearing, it was evident that there would be a shortage of funds. He said the preliminary budget estimates have been put together however, they haven't been discussed. Ric explained that finding a location had been dif"Ificult. He stated that the Parks arid Open Space Master Plan calls for the addition of Teri tennis courts Toy 2005, but does not specify a location. Since a total of twelve courts will be added by fall 2001 (Willow Branch, the high school, and the junior high), that goal has been met. Afthoug]bi the tennis court facility at Southwood Athletic Parkr was designed so that more courts could be added, two of the skate park conceptual designs that staff presented proposed building the facility there in lieu of the tennis counts. The concrete could be designed so that if the skate park ever moved or became unpopular, the basic in astruct-tee could easily be converted into three tennis courts by rernoving the equipment and installing the court surface, Ric explained that Council has the option of allowing $50,000 of the 1998 bond money (designated for tennis couirts), to be used along with the $162,000 thafs avoilalble in order to help vifth the iffind-ing. Approxii-nately $450,000 will be needed to build a 20,000 - 22,000 s9yare foot facility, which would include lights, equipment, ffencing, and a shade cover. The skate park would be separated frorn the tenruS courts with fences and walkways. This is roughly twice as big as what could be built with the manney available, yet, according to oTae skate park opezrator Ric tallked to, it would still be -half the size of what's needed. Discussion foliowed regarding building the facility in other areas of Southwood Athletic Padx and the problems associated with building in those locations. George reco-mmended looking into and having a viable alternative for tennis court locations. Ric stated that one of the designs presented allowed for additional tennis courts to be built at a later time o-?, to acid to the skafe, park, The, shape of the facility will not be determined until the design eff-ort takes place. John C. suggested presenting several options to Council, with one being the optimum scherne, The Park could be built in Phases. Hours of operation whether to charge admission, to the park, and how those fees would be collected, hnqtie not, been decided. John N. felt those decision's should be made before its preserLited to Council. Ric said some of it would be decided as part of the budget process currently taking place. JohrD C. made a motion to pursue the, design of the skateboard parlik in Sout1hwood Ati-flefic facility. Bill Davis and Glenn Schroeder both seconded the motion. Ric stated that an engineer would have to be hired to design the concrete portion of the project, but Parks,- Planning could do the remainder of the design specifications, which will swje money. There was no opposition, and the motion passed rknanimously. 6), zrad poaeRllbqe- avflof@ Teak -d q0 he jfjodmu naeelf.,mg vywth �`b"'-e 104Y COURICUI rLI:IM hft7y fR, 2001- Steve passed out copies of the Council agenda, with all items highlighted, tdhiat pertained to Pirks & Recreation. Six or seven mornbers of the board were expected to attend the joint ineeting - item #4 on the ap ,genda. Other Parks items on the Council Agenda: Approval for the acquisition of the community park site. Approval of the 11"exas Forest Service Grant application (fifrids will also be requested through the budget process for the City's portion) - Veterans Parlic funding. Seveiral options would be presented for ways to fund the additional $800,000 needed to designi and build two solfbali fields, six soccer fields, and the landscaping, based on Council's direction. Staff rmommendation to fund the cost - a third of a Cent tax increase. Council will not vote on a tax increase at this meeting, but simply adopt the option they feel is necessary. The tax rate would be set in the budget process. Page 2 of 4 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 2001 John C. stated that he had drafted a list Born the boars l goals and budget priorities, of items that identify 'things the board would like to have happen, quickly, and which Council could act upon quickly - perha, ps while on their annual retreat the week after the joint meet-ing. He moved that the Board send the list of issues discussed to Council so that they could consider them while on their retreat, GJT-eorge- D. seconded the mation. There ,fiias Fac opposition and the motion passed Unainimously, 7. Disemrgea, FSR--,O,- Nuss!Ue- �eRateol to N,,,7et1&Te,%w Park and Athwe Complex street and faeffity ff''amm". Steve said this project is the highest -priority project at psiesent, andl "the design engineers are moving,; 'forward with the Phase I construction design. The Veterans Memorial is Ynoving forward as well, and darkations are beginning to came im He updated everyone on the status of the artwork and the selection process teat, was ised to determine the artist whose concept was chosen on May 4, 2001. Steve presented a model of the chiosea artwork - a saal�ttqre Dina 6-7' medic ca-T�ing a wounded soldier on a 7-1/2' wall. The, wafl, will have relief panels around it depictang the -major wars. A plazaa will be developed around the Sculpture, with flags ffom O'he dkifferent branches oft'hap service on one -end, end the America%. Texas and -Veterans flags on the other end. Walking trails will be incorporated into the project at some point in the future. The atrdst will be contracted through the Veteran! s Memorial ConamnAtee to do the sculpture, with the ggwoundbreaking on Nrive m bey 11, 2001. The dedication date is to be November 11, 2002. Steve stated that a subcornmittee (niode up of members of the VPAC Subcommittee and the Veteran's comitaittee), met on May 7, 2001, to come up with names for the streets and facilities within the park. Steve presented the board with a site plan showing the proposed names (see attachied). He stated gnat flae normall policy for nwnfing fikcilitiess in Parks would be inodified in this case, and with the Boards' pemmaissio,,�, he wanted to take the nan-wes to thie Veterans Committee for endorsement at their May 14, 2001, inee-fiTng. Steve explained that rif they approve, in keeping with the Parks POROY9 a re-cluest would '01hen be made for, their,to gather signatures for D petition. Once that is obtained, 4 car be taken to Council for their consideration. John Mchols moved that the nallws be presented to the Veterans Committee. Bill Davis secoraded the motion. l were in i-avor, and the miation passed unanimously. nad R�eelrenficanx stated ,oat he had plar-ed this inforni-tation or, the agenda as ark item onl. John C. asked about the status of MadeRey Park. Steve stated that nothing had, been done yet, adding that the deadfine was August 2002, and that it would be worked on over the sunrrraer. There were no comiriaents or questions regarding this agenda, ftvgn. coi7j)serfl",�t Flft'o�.Q's. - OnPAUP, Rzraprmt'omemt yy�O�pdt BR-1 Davis asked about the status of the bike loop. Steve said the last of the concree wo,',Idd be poured at Central Pa&- on May 93 2001. This was a Texas Depati-anent of Transportation franded and m anaged, project, which included the signs and as center stripe on the pat-h. The. ronuto fliat willi go through Lem oyetree Park hln', been cut out, but no concrete has been laid, John C. asked about the status of the Lick Creek Park Trails Grant. Ric said that wuuldn't be started until the Parks cPz WildHLe Graw rnoney is received since that rinone; was rolled hum the application for the grant and used as a match. The graw -has been approved. - Dwcnorflon of nele R5,2'e(eq9eg dm'k'; gjyd gageLl6m.- The meet Parks antd Recreation, Board m, eeting is schedu led for Tuesda y, June 12-, 2 0 0 1. Page 3 of 4 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 2001 — The membius, we,.,,(-, hiformied abotat, A Jwne V" advisory board orie-intatfion and instaflafion for new board members; The Armed Forces Day Celebration and Sent-iful-ental Journey Concert a, Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater or, May, 19, 2001, with donWtions accepted to go to Che i-var memorial; and The Bluebornriot Strezt Rod, Run on jume 2-3, 2001, vvith Johnny Dee and the Rocket 08's Concert to be held in conjunction whh it. TIO. , omnm- The nneedag, adjourned et 8:49 psm. Page 4 of 4 Porky and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 8, 2001 CF� (-M Sk�,t J- 51n -, OIkk t I" r UL Lw 151 (�Gt`5 MS C OL- eVj 3� ,'p9 ,•' +'_ _ _ ry " S °ti,'- sI, ji _'-'i% .?f ' ; �,( ^� , �3 i .�'_, .,ayx � �/'' ' ` `� _ e^ i _ ,i-�f, `_' f P - � � 1 ,! -:� „'F'j _ fa gi {'. s �' �{ � fyi; Nd ••r' 1 % ,7 �,�'.; � .. 1 t+'l ;/..'� J'j ,J.: . / •a t .�`} ' G :'i ,i a - i ,� ,,: a,0 .N' t I-.,y`''' i� ..� y; a .. , .. 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CtJ/ .CP�IJ W1 h-Ld ��. � . ` /�" ___l1l_-�--_____ 1,1104 �..Jcj C-\ 4D CIS CAO co,J- Lip ck [cf- et tL fA 40 4, Tol- April 26, 2001 ,rvFr Parks and Recreation Advisory Board City of College Station College Station, Texas Dear Parks Board Member: The City of Bryan, Texas is extending an invitation to you to attend an unveiling of a new sculpture at Bryan's Heritage Park. The sculpture, entitled "Memoire", is in memory of Emilie Schirk, an emigrant and widow who kept her ten children warm and well fed through the Great Depression and World War 11 with great personal sacrifice. In the hardest of times, she worked extra jobs and even sold her possessions to keep the family together, and still found time to share her love of fishing. The bronze grouping was completed by Russell Cushman for Muggs (Schirk) Gardner, in cooperation with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department. It is dedicated to all of our mothers on Mother's Day, May 13, 2001. The dedication ceremony is scheduled for 4:00 — 5:00 pm at the City of Bryan Heritage Park, located at the coiner of Hutchins and 3 1 " Streets. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation. The entire Bryan Community would feet honored and privileged with your attendance. Please respond to Linda Giffen at (979) 209-5200 at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, David J, Schmitz, Divisioii=Manager City of Bryan Parks and Recreation (979) 209-5201 College Station Park System Accessibility Study Sarah Nicholls Dept. of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences, Texas A&M University April 23, 2001 Purpose • Determine levels of access to existing CS parks — For entire city — For 17 CSPARD zones • Identify under -served areas • Recommend actions to include — Establishment of new points of access to existing sites — Establishment of greenway trails to connect existing sites with under served neighborhoods — Dedication of new park lands i". \ N 0 MII•. ����//�� WE 4 0 4 S Rationale • CS City Council Vision Statement # 4 Cultural Arts and Recreational Opportunities • Strategy # 3 Continue to update comprehensive plan regarding parks system • Section b Analyze park distribution to determine areas that may be under -served or under-utilized Method • Mini, neighborhood + community parks • One-half of one mile walking distance • Conducted using ArcView GIs — Property lines + streets from 1998 — Population figures from 1990 census OA o OA 09 WI•• Zone I 1 Zone 1 • 1 community park Hensel (29.7 acres) • 1990 population 3,981 © Predicted growth rate 0.0% (1998-2010) Zone 1 Access • Population served 65-70% • Under served areas of zone — Eastern corner 450 people — Southern portion 750 people (excluding new dorm) OA 0 OA Zone 1 Dptaons N w ; E 08 Mlles S Zone 1 Access 1 WL 0.1 0 OA OB MINe Zone 1 Options • Consider establishment of urban vest pocket park on city -owned land adjacent to Wellborn Road — Would provide access to entire under -served southern region — New level of access for zone — 88% Zone OA 0 8.6 12 Milas S 2 Zone 2 • 2 mini parks Lions (1.5 acres) Parkway (1.9 acres) • 3 neighborhood parks Merry Oaks (4.6 acres) Oaks (7.5 acres) Richard Carter (7.1 acres) • 1 community park Thomas (16.1 acres) • 1990 population 9,709 • Predicted growth rate 3.2% (1998-2010) Zone 2 Access • Population served 80% • Under served areas of zone — Autumn -Spring — Two gated communities Zone 2 )pflom lg WP 0,7 0 0.7 14 Mlles S 0.7 0 Zone 2 AccesE N VE 0.7 1.A Mlles 777777VVVVVVIIIIII Zone 2 Options • Develop University Park site — Would increase level of access within zone to 94% (serving 1,250 additional residents) • Obtain access to and develop Billie Madeley site — Would increase level of access within zone to 85% (serving 334 additional residents) • New level of access within zone if both sites opened - 98% (serving 1,587 additional residents) 09 0 Zone 3 N WE 09 19 Mlbe - S 3 Zone 3 • 1 mini park Cy Miller (2.5 acres) • 2 community parks Central (47.2 acres) Wolf Pen Creek (19.49) • 1990 population 3,259 • Predicted growth rate 5.7% (1998-2010) Zone 3 Access • Population served 65% • Under served areas of zone — Southern portion 170 people — Richards -Sterling -Manuel 400 people — Cul-de-sacs off Brentwood 300 people /-one 3 With reenway 0.9 0 09 18 Mllea wE 3 9.9 0 08 N 1.6 Mlles / S Zone 3 Options • Develop greenway trails — Through Wolf Pen Creek area • To serve Richards and Sterling (250 people — 75%) • Potential linkages with zones 2, 4 and 6 — In southern portion of zone • Potential linkages with zones 5, 6 and 8 ___1 2M11•s E1. 0- H Zone 4 • 1 mini park Windwood (1.37 acres) • 1 neighborhood park Raintree (13.00 acres) • 1990 population 3,981 • Predicted growth rate 0.0% (1998-2010) Zone 4 Access • Population served 90% • Under served areas of zone — Both main neighborhoods are completely served • Note: future site of Veteran's Park Zone 5 • 5 neigh'hood parks Brother's Pond (16.12 acres) Edelweiss (12.30 acres) G.K. Fitch (11.30 acres) J&D Miller (10.00 acres) Longmire (4.16 acres) • 1 community park Southwood (44.70 acres) • 1990 population 8,231 • Predicted growth rate 6.8% (1998-2010) , 0 1 09 0 Zone 4 Access N WE 2 Muss Zone N I W- _ E 09 ,.8 Miles 09 0 08 Zone 5 Accm N W� E ,a Nil.. s Zone 5 Access • Population served 90% • Under served areas of zone — Streets off west end of Deacon • But, are all within 0.75 miles — New subdivision west of Welsh, north of Deacon Zone 5 Opfaom N WE 0 - 08 18 Nil•• "�Y/� Zone 6 • 1 mini park Luther Jones (1.80 acres) • 4 neighborhood parks Anderson (8.94 acres) Brison (9.20 acres) Gabbard (10.70 acres) Lemontree (15.40 acres) • 2 community parks Bee Creek (43.50 acres) W.A.Tarrow (21.26 acres) • 1990 population 12,629 • Predicted growth rate 3.1 % (1998-2010) Zone 5 Options • Develop Steeplechase Park site to serve new subdivision west of Welsh, north of Deacon Zone 6 1 N W �E 0.T 0 01 1.4 Miles Zone 6 Accew� WE 0.7 0 0.7 1.4 Mi S E - X \) — w, zone Zone 6 Access XVV "Access • Population served 80% f .� � �� ' �� I n c l u d i m ' High• Under served areas of zone \ — Northern tip 260 people \ r�� a • . r 'School Fields — Southern portion 1,000 people ; — Southeastern portion 1,200 people � • Including High School playing fields > 84% . S N 0.7 0 or 1A Miles Zone 6 Options • Develop Southwest Park site with entrances on Southwest Parkway and Christine Lane — Would increase level of access within zone to 86% (serving 900 additional residents, but not Southland) • Establish additional entrance point to Bee Creek Park on Southwood Drive — Would increase level of access within zone to 84% (serving 700 additional residents) • Combined effect = 92% (1,600 additional people) • Combined effect inc. HS fields = 95% (2,'000 people) 08 0 08 Zone 6 ncludin,. Bee Creek Access Trail N WE 1.6 Mlles S Zone 6 South West Park WE 08 0 0.6 16 Miles tltltltlYYYY////''""`` � 1 /` WE OA 0 OA 08 Mil•• 7 Zone 7 • No parks • 1990 population 1,660 • Predicted growth rate 16.7% (1998-2010) • Projected park deficit(2010) 18 acres Zone 7 Access • Entire zone unserved une Zone Ch oodwa� Park Zone 7 Options • Develop Woodway Park site (12 acres) — Would provide access to virtually entire population of zone (other than those in far western portion) N WE 0.0 0 OA 0.9 M". __...._. .. .. S Zone 8 • 3 neigh'hood parks Emerald Forest (4.59 acres) Sandstone (15.21 acres) Woodcreek (26.40 acres) • 1990 population 1,740 • Predicted growth rate 21.1 % (1998-2010) f R i , -_ N WE 09 O 0.9 18 _.. .....__ . d Miles 99S Zone 8 Wcess N wE 1.9 Miles S n. Zone 8 Access • Population served 80% • Under served areas of zone — Brookwater Circle • But, served by private Homeowner's Association park on Woodcreek — Entire Foxfire subdivision Greenways WE z o z a Mile. Zone 9 • No parks • 1990 population 48 • Predicted growth rate 12,400% (1998-2010) • Projected park deficit (2010) 49 acres Zone 9 Access • Entire zone unserved Zone 8 Options • Development of trails along greenway and utility easement — Potential linkages with zones 3 and 4, 9 and 11 Zone N WE 0.7 1A Mlles Zone 9 Options • Develop Woodland Hills Park site to serve surrounding neighborhood • Develop park on old landfill site (40 acres) • Develop park on current landfill site (250 acres) • Develop greenway trails — Potential linkages to zones 8, 10 and 11 Z Zone 9 Option WE 0.7 0 0.] i.d Milec Zone 10 • No public parks • 1990 population 250-300 • Predicted growth rate 828.5% (1998-2010) • But, southern 2/3 of main subdivision served by private, Homeowner's Association park on Southern Plantation Zone 10 Options Develop Westfield Park site • Develop Shenandoah Park site — But, lower priority since area already served • Develop park at future school site • Develop greenway trails — Potential linkages to zone 9 0.7 0 0.7 1A Mile, 0.7 0 0.7 1A Miles N WE hSS Zone 10 PdvatE Park �NnD� Zone 10 )ptions N W 0.7 0 0.7 1A Nllse + 3 10 1 0 1 R Mils. Zone II N W+ s N W r , a¢Bt4 �ga , Levels of ! Accessibility to `' Pebble Creek �11&: Neighborhood Park 0) 0 0.. OR Mille N W E h-.l 5 .eomooa v.m h1 dF96(„�3 I t `: , �Itu Oir A a L 6d4 3aury Accessibility to ma ove `! Pebble Creek Neighborhood Park Based On Increased Number of Access Points m11- Zone 11 • 1 neighborhood park Pebble Creek (10.20 acres) • 1990 population 94 • Predicted growth rate 180.9% (1998-2010) Zone 11 Access • Population served 33% of lots • Under served areas of zone — Most lots north and east of St. Andrew's — New subdivisions north of Parkview, south of Augusta • Disadvantages of cul-de-sac style development — Three additional access points > new level for zone of 49% Zone 11 Options • Development of greenway trails — Potential linkages to Lick Creek and zone 9 • Establishment of new neighborhood park to serve areas north-east of St. Andrew's Drive 11 WE ```s College Station (Zones 1-11) • College Station population (1990) with access to one or more mini, neighborhood or community parks = approx. 50% n e 11 with �enways to Miles N WE e • e e nines '"'tltlPPll `"' Recommendations for Future Park Development • Key considerations are — Configurations of parks, especially re. • Points of access • Surrounding connections — Lay out of streets — Pedestrian access — Development of greenways Zones 12-17 Zone Population % Growth Rate Projected Park 1998 1998-2010 Deficit (acres) 12 526 90.1 7.00 13 123 713.0 7.00 14 245 104.1 3.51 15 1,423 12.4 11.20 16 350 42.9 3.50 17 358 39.7 3.50 12 gpAR_&', DRAFT FOR DISCUSSION AT MTH AY FARMS BOARD MEETING TO: City Council FROM: Parks and Recreation Board SUBJECT: 2001 - 2002 Council Goals and Budget '%Te are aware that the Council will be having its annual retreat mid -May to establish goals and to discuss the budget. We urge you to consider the following priorities in these discussions: The Acquisition of land for neighborhood parks prior to development. This issue is discussed in the attached memorandum. 1 The staff inform us that 18 of the city's 29 playgrounds do not conform to the Federal Consumer Product Safety Institute standards for playgrounds. In some cases, the violations are relatively minor, but in others they require that the whole playground be replaced. To rectify the situation, the city is currently budgeting sufficient to replace about two playgrounds per year. In our view, this is not an adequate response to the problem. A preliminary staff estimate of the cost to bring all playgrounds up to code is $200,000 - $250,000. We urge that funds for this purpose be budgeted this year, and that a renovation fund of $50,000 dedicated to playgrounds be established so that an orderly program of replacing two a year can be instigated in the future to avoid a recurrence of this situation. 3. The Council has budgeted $150,000 for a skateboard park. This was originally to be a roller park, but the public hearings made it clear that the community's need was for a skateboard rather than a roller park. This is a more expensive facility, and it seems likely the cost will be in the $200,000 - $225,000 range. We urge that the allocation budgeted for this facility be increased accordingly. 4. The Council adopted the Greenways Plan over 2 years ago. It was the product of a grass roots citizen effort which eventually evolved into a formal Greenways Implementation Task Force. We urge that an independent Citizen Advisory Committee be established for Greenways. There is a wealth of expertise on Greenways available among citizens in this community, and the considerable community interest in them was confirmed by the supportive vote for funding in the last bond issue. An Advisory Board would provide visibility for the city's efforts in greenways which is currently lacking. An Advisory Board would serve as a source of guidance and support for staff as they respond to new greenways' opportunities and revised priorities. IrARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT CIP PROJECT LIST 3 Brison Park Improvements 1 Brothers Park Improvements 1 Business Center Landscaping Project 2 Castlegate Park Design 1 Cemetery Land Acquisition 3 Central Park Improvements 2 Community Park Acquisition 2 Gabbard Park Improvements 1 Hallaran Pool Filters & Coating (FY `09) 2 High School Tennis Court Lights (FY `01) Indoor Grant Application for Joint CSISD Project 1 Lemontree Park Playground 1 Lick Creek Grant Application 2 Lick Creek Trails Grant Project 2 Lincoln Improvements Revised: May 4, 2001 In Design PK0100 Complete PK0084 In Construction GG9705 In Design Underway In Design On Hold Agreement Complete Suspend until 02 Complete Complete Grant Approved On Hold GG9905 PK0101 PK9948 PK0102 PK0106 PK0109 $32,000 `98 G.O. 3/31 /01 3/28/01 7/31 /01 $250,000 G.O. 10/31 /01 $275,000 $17,000 $520,000 $78,000 $120,000 $91,500 FY `01 FY `01 PK0066 $22,000 `98 G.O. '98 G.O. $126,265 C.D.B.G. Funds CD1292 $90,000 FY `01 6/1 /01 9/30/01 3/31 /02 9/1 /01 $25,587.00 12/31 /01 11 /31 /01 $21, 000 1/31/01 1/19/01 N/A 1 10/1 /01 2 Merry Oaks Improvements 1 Merry Oaks Playground Replacement 2 Millennium Winds Improvements (FY `01) 2 Oaks Park Bridge 1 Parking Garage Landscape Plan 1 Raintree Park Improvements 3 Shenandoah Park Development Southwood Soccer Field 1 Renovation (FY `01) 1 Thomas Park Improvements 2 Thomas Pool Improvements Thomas Pool Leak Investigation & 1 Repair (FY `01) 1 Veterans Park Phase 1 2 Veterans Park Water Feasibility (FY `01) 1 West District Maintenance Shop 1 Willow Branch Tennis Courts 2 Woodway Park Development Wolf Pen Creek Tree Planting In Design PK0103 $37,000 '98 G.O. 9/31/01 Replacement 3/31 /01 In Construction PK0088 $25,000 Funds 6/30/01 Bids Received HM0104 $7,195 FY `01 In Design PK0067 $28,000 '98 G.O. Complete C.O. 12/31/01 Complete PK0068 $44,000 '98 G.O. 4/31 /01 Construction Underway Complete On hold Complete In Design Complete Complete Complete Negotiating Land Purchase Complete $48,000 Ded FY `01 5/31 /01 PK9931 $84,000 '98 G.O. 12/31/01 PK0104 $19,000 '98 G.O. PK0107 $25,000 FY `01 PK9941 $2,120,000 '98 G.O. 5/1/02 PK0110 $25,000 FY `01 10/1/01 PK9927 $501,000 '98 G.O. 2/31/01 PK0074 $125,000 DED 3/1/01 $468,600 3/28/01 $23,643 12/1 /01 4/6/01 11/31/01 2/01 12/02 2/01 2/16/01 2/16/01 Zone 3 7/31/01 3/22/01 Dedication $28,687 $80,000 I 1 $125,000 $5,491.00 (+ $1,785.00 for 1 year Maint. until March 02) O:/parks/Projects/C I P/ci p2001. d oc OTHERS 1 City Center Concepts 1 City Hall Atrium George Bush at Wellborn Road to Texas 3 Avenue Medians 2 Northgate Park (FY `01) 2 Raintree Land Acquisition 1 Wolf Pen Creek trails 1 Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette Skateboard/Roller Hockey Park Carter Creek Wastewater Training Center PRIORITIES Complete Complete GG0102 $8,500 5/1/01 2/23/01 $8,547.00 On hold In Design Complete WPC TIF Public Hearing Jan 30, 2001 PK0073 $162,000 FY00 SLA Landscape S59806 $10-15,000 Sewer Design Only Estimate Revenue Bond Funds #1 - In progress currently or will be in progress before January 1, 2001. #2 - In progress before August 1, 2001 #3 — In progress after October 1, 2001 O:/parks/Projects/C I P/cip2001.doc 9/02 C� 1SIXONT� 1"Iful LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, April 9, 2001 Lincoln Recreation Center 1000 Eleanor Street 5:45 PM Call to order- The meeting was called to order at 6:48 p.m. by committee chairman Carolyn Williams. 2. Bear visitors- None were present 3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members frommeeting- Request for absence was received from Debra Thomas. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular March 12, 2001 Lincoln Recreation Center (LRC) CommitteeMeeting- The minutes were approved with the noted correction of a $70.00 donation reported by Treasurer, Barbara Clemmons. 5. Discussion and Possible consideration of LRC's Propose 7 's Flip -plop Party for Teens- The LRC's 70's Hip Hop Party for Teens (Boys and Girls, ages ranging from 13-18 years old) is tentatively scheduled for June 2, 2001 from 8:00-12:00pm at the LRC. The admission fee will be determined at the May committee meeting (approx. $3 to 5.00). Will require 3 security officers for the estimated 150 students. Propose to have a DJ and possible live (Dr. Coleman's Bee Dreams) entertainment. Clemmons will contact Dr. Coleman about possible performance. Door prizes, contests, snack foods to be coordinated. Clemmons to contact A&M Consolidated Black Awareness Committee for participation. — Treasurer- Clemmons presented a statement of the month's activity and informed the group of policies regarding the Treasurer's statement. Reported balance is $1,286.32. - Adolescent Outreach Subcommittee - Etiquette Workshop - Williams presented a handout prepared by Thomas outlining the proposed workshop. After discussion of the details, committee members decided to approve the workshop. The initial training is tentatively scheduled for the week of April 23, 2001 with the formal dinner at the MSC on May 4, 2001. Clemmons will coordinate the required sponsor for the MSC facility. Update on Conflict Resolution- Jackson informed the committee of plans to combine conflict resolution with the Juneteenth summit. Thomas can coordinate the final plans with Mrs. McIlveen and report at the May meeting. -Public Relations Subcommittee - Update on seat on Brazos Valley Boys and Girls Club for Eleanor Williams- E. Williams informed the committee that no response had been received to the letter that the LRC Advisory Board had written. She would follow up. E. Williams asked for articles for the upcoming LRC newsletter. Page 2 of 2 ^► Education Subcommittee- Discussion on Participation Form- Clemmons presented the form to Jackson to be used at his discretion after appropriate modifications are made. Facilities Subcommittee- Jackson informed the committee of future LRC modifications. LRC Supervisor's Report- Lance Jackson (a) Spring Activities- The committee was advised of upcoming activities to be held at the LRC. (b) Juneteenth Activities -The format will change for this year's Juneteenth Festivities. There will not be a formal program with a speaker. Activities will be more carnival like with focus on fun. (c) On Street Parking at the LRC- No parking on one side of Eleanor street will soon go into effect. The Parks Department will relocating by the end of the month and the additional parking and office space will become available to the LRC. (d) LRC Youth Athletics Council Subcommittee- Jackson proposed the establishment of a subcommittee with parents and one board member to review/improve LRC youth athletic programs. Jackson will further develop this idea and report back at the May meeting for final discussion. 7m Future Agenda Ie (s)- Discussion of the establishment of a Senior's Interest subcommittee to be headed by Robinson. The bu/ld'iag is whee%hair accessible H,71yeficap par/dag spaces are available. C:\W1ND0WS\TEMP\cwappro1.doe Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, April 30, 2001 10:00am Members Present: Annie Lee Finch, Betty Horne, Wendell Horne, Billy Lay, Mary Jo Lay, Vallie Broussard, Mary Lancaster, Bill Lancaster and Carol Parzen I. Bill Lay called the meeting to order at 10:15am II. Approval of March 26, 2001 minutes: The minutes were approved as circulated. III. Eisenhower Program report: Bill Lay, Mary Lancaster, Bill Lancaster, Steve Beachy and Marci Rodgers attended the class presentation of the Eisenhower Leadership Development Program. The students asked for comments on their report from the advisory committee and staff. The students working on the College Station Senior Facility will make the same presentation to City Council on Thursday, May I0th. Members of the advisory committee were encouraged to attend the council workshop session. IV. Intergenerational Communication Study: Nancy Street from the Department of Speech Communication at A&M spoke to the committee on this topic. She said we hear a lot about intercultural communication and should also consider cross generations as a cultural divide. Ms. Street had the committee list tendencies of younger speakers such as A&M students and tendencies of older speakers. In communicating with other generations there is give and take on both sides. We have to look for some common ground. The hand out explains what to look for in communication competence. It also lists tips when you are the audience and tips when you are the speaker. The committee enjoyed the tips and appreciated the speaker. (Hand out on file) V. Senior Services Coordinator report: (attached) • Annie Lee Finch expressed the importance of seeking funding available for a senior center through a Texas Parks and Wildlife matching grant. • The committee also expressed interest in visiting the Round Rock Center for a tour of the facility. • Carol Parzen announced the upcoming Brazos Valley Symphony on Saturday, May 5 th at Bryan Lake. Tickets are $ 10.00. VI. Next meeting: Monday, May 21, 2001 at the EXIT The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website httD://www.ei.colleae-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. A4 &a, 2.ncDl TO: College Station City Council FROM. Chris Barzilla, Chair, Parks and Recreation Advisory Board SUBJECT: 2001 - 2002 Council Goals and Budget We are aware that the Council will be having its annual retreat mid -May to establish goals and to discuss the budget. At its May 8th meeting, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board unanimously passed a resolution urging the Council to consider the following priorities at their retreat. The Acquisition of land for neighborhood parks prior to development. This issue is discussed in the attached memorandum. 2. The staff informed us that 18 of the City's 29 playgrounds do not conform to the Federal Consumer Product Safety Institute standards for playgrounds. In some cases, the violations are relatively minor, but in others they require that the whole playground be replaced. To rectify the situation, the Parks and Recreation Department is currently budgeting sufficiently to replace about two (2) playgrounds per year. In our view, this is not an adequate response to the problem. No detailed analysis has been undertaken of the cost for bringing all playgrounds up to code, but the "best guess" from the staff was approximately $200,000. We urge that a detailed analysis be undertaken and funded. We also urge that funds for this purpose be budgeted for Fiscal Year 2002, and that an additional annual renovation fund of $50,000 be established and dedicated to playgrounds so that an orderly program of replacing two (2) playgrounds a year can be instigated in the future to avoid a recurrence of playgrounds failing to meet safety standards. The Council has budgeted $162,000 for a skateboard park. This estimate is now two (2) years old and was originally to be a roller hockey park. The public hearings made it clear that the community's need was for a skate park, rather than a roller hockey park. This is a more expensive facility, and it seems likely that the cost for an optimal facility would be around $450,000. We urge that the allocation budgeted for this facility be substantially increased beyond the $162,000 currently budgeted. 4. The Council adopted the Greenways Plan over two (2) years ago. It was the product of a "grass roots" citizen effort, which eventually evolved into a formal Greenways Implementation Task Force. We urge that an independent Citizen Advisory Committee be established for greenways. There is a wealth of expertise on greenways available among citizens in this community, and the considerable community interest in them was confirmed by the supportive vote for funding in the last bond issue. An Advisory Board would provide visibility for the City's efforts in greenways, which is currently lacking. An Advisory Board also would serve as a source of guidance and support for staff as they respond to new greenways opportunities and revised priorities. MEMORANDUM