HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/08/2000 - Regular Agenda - Parks Boardu�.�LLEGE P. O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 %i: 409 764 3500 IUri I, a�� � �r nl �1 �s ��I TO: Parks and Recreation Board Members. FROM: Kris S tarritzman9 Board Secretary DATE: February 49 2000 SUBJEC`To ReguR rrr Meefnrmg — Tuesdzy9 FebTuziry 89 2000 The next Parrs and Recreation Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, February 89 2000 at the Parks and Recreation Department Conference Room. Please see attached agenda and Board packet. I-f yOu have any questions ®m changes to the minutes from the previous meeting, please contact me at 764-3414 parlor t® the meeting s® that changes can be made and passed out for approvals during the meeting. Also, if you will not be able to attend the meeting, please fill out the attached Absentee Form and fax it back t® me at 764-3737 prior to the meeting in order to insure quorum requirements. Thank you and hope to see you there. Attachment: Home of Texas A&M University CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION BOARD Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2000 Parks & Recreation Department Conference Room 1000 Krenek Tap Road 7:00 PM 1. Call to order 2. Hear visitors 3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of January 11, 2000 5. Discussion and possible consideration of a proposal by the Brazos Valley Lodging Association to develop a playground in College Station 6. Report and discussion of GIS study 7. Discussion and possible adoption of the Veterans park and athletic complex master plan. 8. Discussion and possible appointment of members to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. 9. Update and discussion of College Station Bike Loop project 10. Consideration for endorsement of resolution for the Conservation and Reinvestment Act (John Crompton). 11. Report and discussion of duck weed problem at Gabbard Park 12. Discussion and consideration of date for dedication of Edelweiss Park 13. Discussion and possible consideration of potential joint projects with CSISD 14. Appointment of a fees subcommittee. 15. Discussion of FY00 City Council Mission Statement 16. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Program Projects Report Discussion of next meeting date and agenda 17. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (409) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.ci.college-station.tx.us and Cable Access Channel 19. 1N CITY OF COLLE( Staff Present® Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Ross Albrecht, Forestry Superintendent; Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary. Board Members Present- Chris Barzilla, Chair; John Nichols; Glen Davis; Bill Davis; John Crompton, Alternate. Board Members Absent-, George Dresser, Co -Chair; Susan Allen; Sarah Birkhold. Guests, Bob Mosley, City Engineer, Development Services; Cindy Peaslee, Brazos Lodging Association; Stephan Allen, Brazos Lodging Association; Janette Thompson, Brazos Valley Lodging Association; Bob Schmidt, O'Malley Engineering; Sarah Nicholls, Department of Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences, Texas A&M University; Dr. Alston Thorns, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, Texas A&M University. Visitors- Larry K. Farnsworth, 4012 Hunter Creek, College Station, Texas 77840 Steve Pursley, 2511 Merrirmac, College Station, Texas 77840 Katy Mardick, 1108 Dexter Drive South, College Station, Texas 77840 Robert Oldfather, 400 Boyett, College Station, Texas 77840 Jeannette Thomas, 310 University Drive East, College Station, Texas 77840 Luis Cifuentes, 712 Willow Loop, College Station, Texas 77840 Tim Lomax, 1214 Haddox, College Station, Texas 77845 Laura Howell, 1515B. Pine Ridge, College Station, Texas 77840 Brad Mason, 505 Harvey Road #89, College Station, Texas 77840 1. Call to order- The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. 2® Hear visitors: Brad Mason — Mr. Mason asked the Board the status of the disk golf course. Steve Beachy replied that the City is considering the golf course as a possible addition to a park site on Highway 6 South (at the old landfill site). He said that currently, there are no plans to develop the park —it is in the conceptual phase. Steve explained that at this time, there are no funds to develop the park. He mentioned that this project is one of the Parks and Recreation Board's priorities, but in order to do this project, it would have to be determined what kind of priority it would have relative to current projects. Steve mentioned that the disk golf portion of the park would be fairly inexpensive, but the Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2000 Page 1 of 6 parking, restrooms, and other facilities that would be required would add considerably to the overall expense. Mr. Mason asked about the possibility of putting the golf course at Lick Creek Park, where there is parking already available. Steve replied that Lick Creek has a Master Plan that does not include recreational activities. It is intended to remain as a natural area. Katy Mardick — Ms. Mardick represents a group called the "Park People," who are concerned over the approximately 20-30 trees that were cut down at Gabbard Park. She discussed some of the concerns the group had and requested the following (see attachment): The Park People would like the Parks and Recreation Department: ® to explain why each tree was cut, especially a large willow and some hackberries; ® to create a Hazardous Tree Management Program to document hazardous trees appropriately; ® to notify residents near the park via news media, of its intentions for future tree removal; and ® to give residents reasonable time to oppose any removal of trees. Ms. Mardick urged that if there is no immediate hazard to park visitors, then the tree removal plan should be terminated. Steve said that the Department would need to prepare the answers to the concerns raised. He went on to say that there would be no additional tree removal at the park until the Department has had an opportunity to present the information as to why the trees were removed. The Department will distribute fliers, to the homes surrounding the park and at the park itself, stating when a public hearing would be held. 3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: John Nichols made a motion to accept the absences of Susan Allen and Sarah Birkhold as excused. Glen Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 4. Approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of January 11, 2000: John N. made a motion to approve the minutes from Regular Meeting of January 11, 2000. Bill Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 5. Discussion and possible consideration of a proposal by the Brazos Lodging Association to develop a playground in College Station: Steve said that the purpose of this proposal by the Brazos Lodging Association is to provide leadership and fund raising for, and coordination and development of a unique playground for the community. Steve recommended that the Board consider the proposal. He mentioned that a location had not yet been determined where a playground structure could be built, nor its theme, but he feels that it would be a great opportunity to partner with the Brazos Valley Lodging Association. Steve recommended that the Board appoint a subcommittee to review the Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2000 Page 2 of 6 proposal and determine an appropriate location and theme for the project, if the Board is in favor of the proposal. Cindy Peaslee presented the Brazos Valley Lodging Association's proposal to build a large playground structure in College Station. She said that the main idea for the project's proposal was to give something back to the community. She went on to say that the Brazos Valley Lodging Association is a hospitality -based association that represents hotels, restaurants, car rental agencies, and any business that has anything to do with welcoming business and visitors to the community. Cindy mentioned that volunteers and fund raising would be provided, but they are asking the City to provide the property to put the structure on, and future maintenance and operational costs. John N. asked about the cost to build the structure. Cindy responded that there is a similar playground structure in Corpus Christi that cost approximately $300,000. The estimate for this one would cost approximately $200,000. Steve told members to keep in mind that the playground structures are made primarily of wood, so maintenance would be required. However, if properly maintained, the life span of these structures is approximately 20-25 years. Cindy said that the Association would like this structure to be as centrally located to the community as possible, and to be built in a park with established parking. She said that most of the funding would come from local businesses. One suggestion had been to build the structure at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. John C. made a motion to have the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan Subcommittee explore the potential of building the playground structure, proposed by the Brazos Lodging Association, at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 6. Report and discussion of GIS study: Sarah Nicholls is a Ph.D. candidate in Tourism Sciences at Texas A&M University and is interested in working with GIS (Geographical Information Services). As a class project, she looked at the College Station parks and at how accessible they are to, and equally distributed they are among various income groups (see attached handout with findings of how she used GIS to measure levels of accessibility to the parks in College Station). 7. Discussion and possible adoption of the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan: Steve said that there were two parts to this item: 1.) The preliminary report from the archaeology study of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex show that there have been several archaeological sites identified that will require additional work, time, and expense. The additional time required for the study will probably affect the schedule by approximately a month. Dr. Alston Thorns is the Archaeologist working on the project. He said that the southwestern edge of the property is a continuous Indian archaeological site, which is approximately 1,000 yards long and 100 yards wide. He is recommending some additional backhoe work in this area, in addition to digging about four to six small archaeological test pits, to Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2000 Page 3 of 6 insure that there is not an important component buried there. Dr. Thorns said that the additional work would probably take about nine to ten days to complete, and he feels that the additional expenses would not exceed $15,000. (Note: if the additional expense is over $15, 000, it would need to go back to the City Council for approval). 2.) Steve said that since the Special Meeting/Public Hearing which was held on February 1, 2000, Parks staff have worked on two alternate plans to determine the feasibility of adding an additional soccer field at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. He mentioned that the Department does not yet have the fall analysis of whether the plans are economically feasible. Steve briefly went over the alternate plans. He said that Alternate Plan "A" shows one softball field being eliminated, and one soccer field being added. Alternate Plan "B" shows nine softball fields, in addition to an additional soccer field. Steve said that the alternate plans were sent to Bob Schmidt at O'Malley Engineers, who had some concerns with Alternate Plan "A" (see attachment with list of concerns). Luis Cifuentes suggested that the Master Plan Subcommittee discuss the alternate plans with the Soccer Foundation. Steve said that this item was an informational item to update the Board and recommended determining the feasibility of the plans before making any decisions. The subcommittee will meet again and come back to the Board with their findings. No motion was made on this item. 8. Discussion and possible appointment of members to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: John C. made a motion to appoint Eleanor Williams, Mabelene Robinson, and Debra Thomas to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee, with A.C. Clark as an alternate. Bill seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 9. Update and discussion of the College Station Bike Loop Project: Bob Mosley gave an update on the project, which had been requested by the Board in January. He mentioned that Brett McCully is the Project Manager but that he was unable to attend the meeting. Bob said that this project has been a frustrating one, due to the fact that it was split into three phases: Phase I — On -Street Bike Lanes (pavement markings). Plans for this phase have gone back and forth to the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) in Austin four different times, but should be ready to bid on by March 1, 2000. He said that the construction schedule is expected to take about nine months. Phase 11 - Off -Street Bike Pass. This phase covers the area through Lemontree Park, Bee Creek Park, up to the Bee Creek pavilion, and some interior loops through Central Park. The first submittal of this phase to TXDOT is expected to be made by March 1, 2000. Phase 111. This phase covers the area from the Bee Creek pavilion to the underpass under Texas Avenue, and across to Krenek Tap Road. The Engineering Division has the design and FEMA approval, but it is now tied up with the Corps of Engineers. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2000 Page 4 of 6 10. Consideration for endorsement of resolution for the Conservation and Reinvestment Act (John Crompton): John Crompton recommended that the Board endorse the resolution for the Conservation and Reinvestment Act (included in the February 8rh Parks and Recreation Board packets) and forward it to the City Council for their endorsement. Glen Davis made a motion to endorse the resolution and forward it to the City Council. John C. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. (See attached resolution). 11. Report and discussion of duckweed problem at Gabbard Park: Curtis Bingham addressed this item. He said that Gabbard pond has had a duck weed problem for many years. He went on to say that duck weed normally dies after a hard frost, but due to the fact that there have been mild winters in the last couple of years, the problem has only gotten worse. The first method to treat the problem was to use a product called "Diquat". This product worked well, but unfortunately it killed all of the aquatic vegetation in the pond, though not the fish. The second method of treatment was to manually remove the duckweed from the pond. The manual method consisted of several workers getting into the water and on the banks of the pond and using a trash pump to suck up the water and debris. This method turned out to be very time consuming. Curtis recently heard of, and will purchase, a product called "Sonar". He mentioned that the Mississippi State University Extension Service has done some work with this product and has had good results. The only downfall is that it is expensive (the cost is $565/quart). To treat Gabbard Park would initially cost around $1,200. The product will kill the duckweed for a while. Then, every year, it would only need to be retreated with about a pint. The cost to retreat the pond would be around $250 - $500/year. Curtis said that the Department would post fliers informing citizens when the pond is treated. 12. Discussion and consideration of date for dedication of Edelweiss Park: Steve said that the construction of Edelweiss Park is complete. He recommended delaying the dedication date until later in the spring, or until some of the grass has had a chance to grow. Glen asked if the department had accepted the park as complete. Eric Ploeger confirmed that it had. Glen asked if the penalty fee for the delayed completion of the park would go back into the park. Eric responded that it would either go back into the park or the park zone it is in. No dedication date was set during the meeting. 13. Discussion and possible consideration of potential joint projects with CSISD: Steve said that he, City staff, Tom Brymer (College Station City Manager), Jim Scales (CSISD Superintendent), and CSISD staff met on January 215t during a CSISD quarterly meeting. Several topics were discussed during the meeting. ® The Willow Branch Tennis Court Project is going forward. The School District will build four lighted tennis courts at Willow Branch Junior High School. The School District will bid and construct the tennis courts, and the City will reimburse them under its interlocal agreement. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2000 Page 5 of 6 Additional lighting at A&M Consolidated High School tennis courts was discussed. The School District has no objections to the proposal. Currently, the City does not have funding for this project, but intends to request funding during the fiscal year 2001 budget process. The potential development of a gymnasium, recreation center, and park site at the new elementary school, south of Barron Road, was also discussed during the meeting. This was an informational item and no motion was made. 14. Appointment of a fees subcommittee: Steve said that every year a fees subcommittee is appointed by the Board to work with Park staff regarding fees. A recommendation from the subcommittee will be made to the Board and used as part of the Department's budget preparation for fiscal year 2001. He mentioned that the subcommittee would need to meet and report back to the Board no later than May 2000. Glen Davis, Bill Davis, and John Crompton volunteered to work on the subcommittee. No motion was made. 15. Discussion of FY00 City Council Mission Statement: Steve said that City Council has revised their Mission and Vision Statements. He said that each department has been asked to update the Council periodically on what is being done to achieve the statements. During the March Board meeting, Steve would like to discuss the Strategic Plan for the Parks Department and how it relates to the City Council Vision Statements, the Parks and Recreation Board's goals, and whichever projects the Board would like to accomplish during the F'Y01 budget process. 16. Consent items: Capital Improvement Program Project Report: There was no discussion over the Capital Improvement Program Project Report. Discussion of next meeting date and agenda: The Board will meet on Tuesday, March 7th at the Lincoln Recreation Center (a week ahead of the regularly scheduled meeting). 17. Adjourn: Bill made a motion to adjourn. Chris seconded the motion. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 10:08 p.m. Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday, February 8, 2000 Page 6 of 6 I MA "'11MMMOTIMMIDE Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name Request Submitted on (date) I will not be in attendance at the meeting of for the reason(s) specified: Signature This request shall be submitted to the of ice of the committee/board secretary prior to the meeting date. o:board/absenteeform.doc JAN.24.2000 9-10AM TAMU POULTRY SCIENCE NO. 046 P. 3/3 !PARKS AND RECREATION Absence Requese Form —2-K � 5 ,7 F RRMe samb G Mrkhold Requp,st SubmAned on (date) _24JAM-0-00 H will not be in wgfldaflCg at the meeting of BFED2000 fox the reason(s) specified: vAll be out of This request shall be smbmfteed g® Me afire of Me cammineelboapd seueffaUprioF eo the meeting date. o:bow&qbsa4tcdbnn.doa PRme Request Submined on (date) l wiRi not be in alien oe ate the meeting of for the reason(s) Specified: l�0 Vw Signature This request shall be subm fled go Me office of the committeelboapd secreggryprjoh- 8o the meeting time° o,boardlabsenteefoem-doe JANa24.2000 9-'09AM TAMU POULTRY SCIENCE NO.046 P.I/S EXTENSION POULTRY SCIENCE TEXAS ABM UNIVERSITY 107 Moberg College Station, TX 77843-2472 _� 409-845.4318 or 409.845.4319 Fax 0409.845-1921 IJIIIIiuIIIIIIhVVIIVIh6111idoLllluloJJddIVIIVVIIIIIIdIViWIdIVIIYiIIIdlilulWldIV161idIIIIIIIVIhIIuYYYYWIUIIYdIIIIILWaIWYW4166YIWIII,IiWhI11111WIlk ill ,hJIIIIIM1dillAll Ih11JAd 4111il'hil1l Fax o &d z A n'J FRo a - DAM. —1-__;_1PW—c)L- PAGE& (Ind&9dht) cavlav) t023�w �, Pig::;--�rr�ent �i P?cscc�iy 31 'AZOG VA'L'UE-Y LODGING ASSOCIATION 'PROPOSAL FOR "KIDSPLACE" iN COLLEGE STATION Purpose I o "give back" to the Bryan -College Station Community while at the same time i�nhancing the attractions draw to the area from surrounding communities. A playground of this size and stature would be accessible to all area residents-, including children, adults, disabled and athletes alike. In cooperation with the contractor, the entire community would have input as to what this playground would feature. Many hotel employees are asked on a daily basis about things to do while visiting the B-CS area. As a city park play area, this playground would be free for users and would encourage total family involvement for visitors as well as residents. 7:7trI 7,T - 0,10 1 , I IlyneveIIIII Ie 111111111!! 111111 11 Maintain apparatus in accordance with normal playground maintenanct vrocedures. Waive any permit fees normally required during playground/park construction process. Provide volunteer project coordinators (2) 11;11191111"� V;r4r4VV1Z;1; W 679 wr•ynToPIPE iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111111111 111111:1111 111111 lrkTIM Handle all administrative functions in association with project coordination. 1:r =I- UEKELS�� State of the Art interactive play area suited for families and affordable by all residents. Bringing together the entire community in the planning of the project. An attraction such as this will serve to offer visitors to our area another reason to stay in B-CS a little longer! The City of College Station's Parks and Recreation Department is currently seeking members to serve on the following committees: Conference Center Advisory Committee — This committee is appointed by the Parks and Recreation Board and its purpose is to study concerns at hand, make recommendations and give advice to the Conference Center staff and the Parks and Recreation Board on areas of community interest. Regular meetings of this committee shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 5:15 p.m. at the College Station Conference Center. Lincoln Center Advisory Committee — This committee is appointed by the Parks and Recreation Board. Its purpose is to interpret the needs and interests of this community and advise the Lincoln Recreation Center and the Parks and Recreation Board concerning recreational programs, ideas, and activities that satisfies these needs and/or interests. This committee participates in the formulation of plans, assistance in recommending policy, and evaluation programs. Regular meetings qf this committee shall be held on the -first Monday qf every month at 5:3 0 p.m. at the Lincoln Recreation Center. Senior Program Advisory Committee — Prefer Seniors to serve on this committee. This committee makes suggestions to the Senior Services Coordinator concerning programs and activities for older adults in our community. Regular meetings of the committee shall be held on the last Monday of every month at 10: 00 a.m. at the Exit Teen Center. Must be a citizen of College Station and a qualified voter. Committee members serve two-year terms. I i 1 11 1 1 1 1 IF I I i I I i I I! I Applications are available at the City Secretary's Office, Central Park, the Conference Center, and the Lincoln Center, or you may fill out an on-line application at 2 t Parh5 & A 'Recreatio, ' I n A&I City of College station 1998/99 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION LINCOLN CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBERS (7) (Meetings are held the 1st Monday at 5:30 p.m.) Appointment expires in 1999 Appointment expires in 2000 • 03 Luther West 1711 Laura Lane College Station, TX 77840 College Station, TX 77840 •• 84 I 8f •,• • ' FAYE DAILY • College Station TX 218 B Richards Street 40 • 9 A. C. CLARK (3/98)1 910 Eleanor - College Station TX 77840 (h) 693-8764 (w) 693-3568 1 Replaced James Steen CATHY WATSON9a 1403Gramma College Station,TX 77845 • • 845-1811 CAROLYN WILLIAMS (`98) 4614 Shoal Creek Drive College Station, TX 77845 (h) 260-9345 (w)690-7750 MERILYN RUCKER (`98) [Alt.] 410 Edward College Station, TX 77840 (h) 696-6585 (w) 779-8541 X-120 zo ' d 7d101 "rovyn wwarns ^appjiCa110nS,L.*U%, om�r _....._ a....,. .._............,._...._......_..._.......,.._..... wrrrw. CfTY OF COLLEGE STAMM PLEASETYPE OR a D- �r . m y �a7irs : I have lived in College Station VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. -j'G ViCtle /� OCCUPATION OR _. _ EXPERTISE ' ; A- ,r ok .. . ....__.. O 11 ..�t.._..�..1I:.._. .- .. EDUCAT10N (pp PROFESS IONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVIMESe _ ^ApOl7lfj�PERTINENT �vQ RMAsum lit'�T' f�� ��CE �'Yl �/? Ll _ PL�SE IN®ICA THE BGARDS, COMWSSIONS OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE IN SERVING. (List in order of C!). f {,Dare' f — f / — A) Please indicate is you are currently serving on s board/wmmisslordcom ni't e Name of ion . dei, p d 2996-Sre-6Ob 13G3 60.LS 000c-IT-•Nd.0 999 4eS29M FROM OTIS 4097643664 P- 2 c e� Comm, App Page 1 of 2 �clpeg� 5��� Application for City Board - /Commissions! ommi'ttees . ,. Your Name: Telephone' - Email Address: I have lived in College Station Do you reside within the city limits oI IfStation? Voters Ceff�efcation Noa OCcUp26on or Ar Yes 00188580 Lab Technician, Science Education (optional): B.S. Genetics, 21rofession&E hand/Or Chairman, Support Staff Community Activitaeso Committee, Dept. Entomology Addifionzl Pertinent 1 decided 1 wanted to take a larger In � anon e eye ceso role in the conunu ity. Rease indicate the boards, commissions or committeez you am interested in servings Cemetery Committee Electrical Examining Board Community AppeAr to Historic Preservation Comm. �� `n Joint Relief Funding Constrac$ion Beard of D � � L Q �U Review Comm Adjustments and Appeals I Wolf Pen cu'eek DWG En 1 r1 anp ®u Board Review Dowd 07 0 Economic Development � rf Foundation Planning and Zoning�n Commission riTV 0,FrRETARY'S OFFICE Conference Center Zoning Bo&rd of Adjustments Committee Lincoln Center Committee Applicants for council appointed boards, commissions and commit _ mv kept on file in the council office (Phone 409-964-3516) , l Please indicate if you are currently serving on a board/ commission L__ --J committeeo i v c c P c: I I I%JL- Name of Board/Commission If applicable httped/we-./db?cmd=ShowDbRec&dir--dl8&dbname=commapp&id=991&str=dl8&fld=Jagg 10/20/1999 Sim EEGE STATION M CITYIE COLLEGE STA TZ01 r."N77M 174,171777OWT F R-71 9,5, Committees for Year— -- I PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY ,/- q�v I, NAMEA19R,6V. EWC ea&�V5z) Al TELEPHON'E:' ADDRESS: ;5rL LY7 Residence: e4 A L L.A-- (7: S' 6 7 W 7- o (V 7-,ff, H 5 Mailing: I have lived in College Station q vrs. Subdivision VOTERS CERTIFICATE NODP07q,',,4sp -4Z OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: -7WhIL, (If retired, please indicate former occupation or profession) EDUCATION (optional): J -a- 4, L, I. � 171y . 4 Ll-t�� I PROFESSIQNAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: A J ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMATION/REFERENCES: PLEASE INMCATE THE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS OR COMWTTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVNG. (LIst in order of preferance- ftn- Standina Committees Standinq Committees 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. 0 Cemetery Committee Dist. 0- Community Appearance Committee M B/CS Economic Development Board C3 Construction Board of Adjustments and rl B/CS Tourism Council Appeals * City Center Site Selection & Master Plan 0 CS Business Development Corporation Committee 0 Electrical Examining Board * Conference Center Advisory Committee r] Facade Improvement Committee * Greenways Task Force C3 Historic Preservation Committee Z� Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 13 Joint Relief Funding Review 0 Senior Programs Advisory Committee Committee 0 Library Committee 13 Northgate Revitalization Board • Parks and Recreation Board • Planning and Zoning Commission C3 Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board M Zoning Board of Adjustments (Signature of Applicant) (Date) Please indicate if you are currently serving on a board/commission/committee Name of Board/Commission PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CITY SECRETARY®S OFFICE P.O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842 APPLICATION FOR WY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION -BOARD. APPOINTED ADVISORY COMMITTEES Please type or print -clearly NAME: L- Z�a-mm Jj /0' Z'6 TELEPHONE: (h) W ADDRESS: (Residence) e e z-/ 77flv G (Mailing) -717 (o L 2e,!q,, S_'7_1� qxl 7-V _77,P V2- I have lived in College Station,/ 15/ years. DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF COLLEGE STATION? YES'/ NO T VOTER REGISTRATION NO. 4 K OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: le -/;-Wd 44 / r 144 (If retired, please indicate former occupation or profession). EDUCATION �Optional): 1pj,-P1Aj11 '4,77ex ie- Af 1 k t e IJ�- 0) "� V1'P7 , AU I Ile gf T� AA"(fl "(--e �(- S (-' 6 (_�A e A� I ACTIV -Z W6*FE�A rMALINED& COMA ?L�d_ e- A-4 /W f 17A.1%11w,_�Jlll Pke <41ATt 4d iv 7,-t-tS 7e,4ht6A7(,_4,4j ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMATION/REFERENCES: fee_ 471_�IkIIX-ls 0 PLEASE INDICATE THE COMMITTEE YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING. (List in order of preference) 11 Conference Center Advisory Committee 0' Lincoln Center Advisory. Committee 4'1gn'dt6r!�#yApplicant) (Date) APPLICATIONS FOR PARKS BOARD APPOINTED COMMITTEES ARE KEPT ON FILE AT THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OFFICE (764-3414). Please indicate if you have served on a board/commission/committee and the years served. Name of Board/Commission/Committee,40,i/)t,,Ke- Dates IJ-7j'17-4 PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TX 77842-9960 APPOINTED TO: On: I anor J. William In ail thy ways acknowledge him, and he ) paths. Born. in College Station, Texas, Eleanor J. Williams embodies the spirit that former Congresswoman Barabra Jordan describes as "Texas is more than a place. It is a frame of mind. A Texan believes that the individual is powerful. Texas has that -sged individualism, the feeling that I; as"an individual, can accomplish whatever I want and that there are no limits...." Eleanorj. Williams does not allow life to limit her or quench her enthusiasm for living it. Her unshakable faith in God, her belief in family, and her own spunk sustain her in the face of what many would call overwhelming odds. Eleanor did not plan to achieve a history -making milestone. What she planned was to provide for her family and serve her God the best she knew how. Eleanor had left Prairie View, A & M University, without completing her degree, to get married and raise a family, But life plans change. In 1978, she became a divorced, black, single mother with five of her seven children and a foster child to support. It was her natural optimism, determination, and enthusiasm that lead Eleanor j. Williams to the forefront. She did not just survive, she excelled. IN MINUMMIEWMANVY1 Highfeghts of an excWng caveat ■ 1965, started federal career as a GS-4, clerk stenographer, in Anchorage, Alaska 1968, entered the air traffic control career field, in Anchorage, Alaska ■ 1971, became the first black woman to certify as an air traffic control specialist, at the Anchorage Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC), for the Federal Aviation Administration ■ 1976, promoted to a staff specialist, for the Anchorage ARTCC ■ 1979, promoted to an area supervisor for San Juan Center/Approach ■ 1980, promoted to a staff specialist for the FAA Southern Region Air Traffic Division Office, Atlanta, Georgia 1985, promoted to a staff specialist at FAA Headquarters, in Washington, D.C. ■ 1987, promoted to area manager for the Kansas City Air Route Traffic Control Center, Olathe, Kansas ■ 1991, promoted to section supervisor for the FAA Central Region Air Traffic Division Office, Kansas City, Missouri ■ 1993, promoted to assistant air traffic manager for the Kansas City ARTCC ■ 1994, selected to become the first black woman manager of an enroute air traffic control center, at the Cleveland ARTCC, Oberlin, Ohio ---the nation's second busiest enroute air traffic control facility Rewards of choosing to pursue ambiticus personal and professional goals include: ® offering guidance, encouragement anc support to others striving to move to higher levels of progress in an ever - changing environment o tackling tough career assignments o challenging individuals to action for positive change balancing family, work and community life in a variety of cultures ® inspiring and motivating young people become ail they are capable of being ® encouraging Western and Northwest Airlines, in 1972 along with Loretta Bridgeforth, to relax restrictions that formerly prohibited FAA women employees from participating in familiarization flights ® promoting the social and economic benefits of diversity ® serving as a union leader Awards & Recognition 1985 Department of Transportation Secretary's Award for Excellence in EEO 1990 Women in Management Delegate with People to People International to the USSR 1991 National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees C. Alfred Anderson Award Listed in: Who's Who of American Women 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th editions Who's Who in the Midwest 23rd edition • Second Baptist Church, Olathe, KS • National Black Coalition of Federal Aviation Employees • Air Traffic Control Association • Tuskegee Airmen, Inc., Heart of America Chapter • Gamma Phi Delta Sorority • Business & Professional Women, Inc • National Council of Negro Women • Blacks in Government • Professional Women Controllers • National Association for the Advancement of Colored People highly-•. •-• role model andchangeagent EleanorJ. Williams exemplifies "...the highest and the best of aviation role models. She provides a model career ,for aviation employees. She is a model for work ethic, a model for goal setting, a model for working against the odds, a model for being an individual of Faith. Through the hours of community efforts with young people who feel that doors are closed to them, she has single- handedly provided skills, nurtured hope, and in many cases, launched aviation careers ... She has been a change agent in these young lives and left with them a motto: 'Be an agent of change, not a victim of change."--LaVerne F. Reid, 1989-90 National President of The National Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc. of the United States of America, currently em- ployed by the FAA Aeronautical Center. Eleanor J. Williams: Profile of a 21 st Aviation Century Leader, was written, edited and designed by Stephanie J. Webb, November 1994. o ea �or .j. Williaml A God-given power is yours, my dear Eleanor, through faith you have opened doors. Within you I see, a fire whose passionate flames have been set free. You've dared others to dream; showing life isn't impossible as it often does seem. You have the courage to create. To others you give love and defy hate. You touch all whom you meet. With your spirit, them you. greet. You've conquered your fears, believing in Him and guided by what your heart hears. i Life and love is within your soul. Filling it, there is no space for evil and age to take their toll. Throughout life you have sung the song of strength and serenity, now, and when you were young. An eternal essence pulses in your veins. You have triumphed when life has given you its greatest pains. You've accomplished many things all because in life you've dared and won yourself wings. Long ago your wings took flight, never in darkness being lost, for you saw the path with inner -sight. Your faith and freedom forever shall live, for in your life you have never believed in Never Shondel Eighth -grade student Columbus, NE Williams Eleanor J. .< a 21st-Century Aviation r / / r Sponsored by: The Friends of Eleanor as a tribute p to seven years, 1987-94, of unrelenting service to FAA Central Region (Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska) APPLICATION FOR CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION -BOARD APPOINTED ADVISORY COMMITTEES Please type or print,clearly NAME: ).twn'le- Vou.,,,no TELEPHONE:46 (h) I I I ADDRESS: (Residence) '7 �1 C_h U-V-(:,k I 011e_T!_ _EJro0,� (Mailing) ��P�- M e_ I have lived in College Station years. DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF COLLEGE STATION? YES N 0 VOTER REGISTRATION NO. OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: �('f l_ �( bf b (If retired, please indicate former occupation or profession). EDUCATION (Optional): PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: u-re- _S e-c r r V L I Nc-n 14 / --ro c rvA e- r Sf Lk c to (V+ V �C_ e- re_-'s ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMAT 914 E �R ,ARENCES: (63 PLEASE INDICATE THE COMMITTEE YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING. (List in order of preference) Conference Center Advisory Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee (Signat6re'of Applicant) C (Date) ' - APPLICATIONS FOR PARKS BOARD APPOINTED COMMITTEES ARE KEPT ON FILE AT THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OFFICE (764-3414). Please indicate if you have served on a board/commission/committee and the years served. Name of Board/Commission/Committee Dates PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TX 77842-9960 APPOINTED TO: On: APPLICATION FOR CITY OF COLLEGE STAT�QN PARKS & RECREATION BOARD APPOINTED ADVISORY COMMITTEES Please type or print clearl NAME: _ r ,'!9 l Y� TELEPHONE: (D'�� (h) 919-_ 710,e _- (W) ADDRESS: (Residence) ��1 �°1� k �je"' l� qdd (Mailing) 0 have lived in College Station i years. DO YOU RESIDE WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF COLLEGE STATIONS -'YE8 NO VOTER REGISTRATION NO. _ OCCUPATION OR AREA OFEXPERTISE: ��AV1 AA r E ' = i ur (If retired, please indicate former occup Lion or profession). EDUCATION (Optional): (, PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNI ACTIVITIES:idS1i� �'SS iD�'1� �?C�� �,D/,�'S Ci.� �� ' �V r Ste r 1 ha,. L.4*th� rd? v► D�� . lit �l1 - 3 , - �i a h AD ITIONA PERTINENT INFORM° ATIO /R FE LACES: 45—<Z , ��Q� �( � (-e- h I,( C�i P_Slrle And �Uirr� lab�li2. I� Id) j/i1Qll?rn�t r®6Y� t _tl, e Pa . T - °�, + - � r� �� � �� �.r. Conference Center Advisory Committee Lincoln Cente dvisoryy Committee 6A11MV--1I ) l r Qa. Its (Sigriature of Applicant) (date) APPLICATIONS FOR PARKS BOARD APPOINTED COMMITTEES ARE KEPT ON FILE AT THE PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT OFFICE (764-3414). Please indicate if you have served on a board/commission/committee and the years served. Name of Board/Commission/Committee Dates PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT P. O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TX 77842-9960 APPOINTED TO: On: wrux(�j CL�rptqv�n C� GE S7AilON Application for City Boards/Commissions Committees for Year ff• NAME- 0 1 AZk TELEPHONE: (H) ADDRESS: �A /1) -7 7q 40 Residence: I have lived in College Station vrs. Mailing: A/,A r- Subdivision VOTERS CERTIFICATE NO. OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPERTISE: T(2 PIK_(11dAA A&IIJE :6,& f"A zee(if retired, please indicate former occupation or profession) 0�ooftq EDUCATION (optional): PROFESSIONAL AND/OR COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES: blow (G &A Ltoi)/]) a) I ADDITIONAL PERTINENT INFORMATION/REFERENCES: PLEASE INDICATE THE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SERVING. (List in order of preference). Non- Standing Committees Standings Committees 911 Brazos County Emergency Comm. 0 Cemetery Committee Dist. 13 Community Appearance Committee 171 B/CS Economic Development Board 11 Construction Board of Adjustments and 71 B/CS Tourism Council Appeals 11 City Center Site Selection & Master Plan 11 CS Business Development Corporation Committee 173 Electrical Examining Board 11 Conference Center Advisory Committee El Facade Improvement Committee Greenways Task Force 0 Historic Preservation Committee Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 0 Joint Relief Funding Review Senior Programs Advisory Committee Committee 71 Library Committee 13 Northgate Revitalization Board 0 Parks and Recreation Board 11 Planning and Zoning Commission 11 Wolf Pen Creek Design Review Board El Zoning Board of Adjustments (�Sinat4ue of Applicant) (Date) Please indicate if you are currently serving on a board/commission/committee Name of Board/Commission I E PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION D Vv CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE P.O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842 off APPOINTED TO ON CITY SECRETARY'S F OFFICE lyldoc (BoardlComm's slonCommittee) (Date of Appointment) . I rlli!lp �Ifa College Station: Citizen Comm. App http://www.ipt.com/cgi-biti/db . . .............................. ............ ........... . . . . . . Application for City Boards/Commissions/Committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . ------------ --- .. ............................. Your Name. Debra Thomas Telephone- (H)690-9231 (W)260-9416 Email Address, Idthomas99@prodigy.net Address: 1735 Purple Martin Cove College Station, TX 77845 I have lived in I years. College Station Do you reside within the city Yes limits of College Station? Voters Certification No. 00194513 Occupation or Area of Expertise. Equal Opportunity Education (optional). completed 14 yrs. professional And/or Springbrook Cypress Meadow Community Activities- Subdivision Committtee Served as Girl Scout Service Unit Manager; Troop Leader; and Area Cookie Sales Service Unit Manager Additional Pertinent Served as Chairman, City of Hearne Info rmafio n/References - Beautification Committee Served as Chairman, United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service Reach -Out Committee Please indicate the boards, commissions or committees you are interested in serving. J Cemetery Committee Electrical Examining Board Community Appearance J Historic Preservation Comm. Comm. Joint Relief Funding Review Construction Board of Comm. Adjustments and Appeals Wolf Pen Creek Design ... Parks and Recreation Board Review Board Economic Development Planning and Zoning Foundation Commission Conference Center J LJ Zoning Board of Adjustments Committee A Lincoln Center Committee 2 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION APPLICATION FOR CITY BOARDS/ COMMISSIONS/COMM17 FOR YEAR igg MINMW PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY 4-- ,Vle E zx NAME: �j 7 LEPHONE: (H) ADDRESS: 0-J> Residence: !ml 0 -?;-C,/ eqc, 7x Mailing: 11 7- 1 have lived in College Station LILW-S. VOTERS CERTIF CATS NO. �oy OCCUPATION OR AREA OF EXPE T17 adell!� R Z.0 EDUCATION (optional): indicate f�Zer occupation or profession) PROFEWS>;� 'AL ANDIPWM�IN7��IT , ADDITIONAL P RTINENT INFORMATION/REFERENCES: -EASE INDICATE THE BOARDS, COMMISSIONS OR COMMITTEES YOU ARE INTERESTED IN I NG. (List in order of preference).' ity Center Site Selection & �� Senior Programs Advisory Committee ster �'T!171-Committee Greenways Task Force /CS Tourism Council T, I r zos • re,�nc C r'tfmlist. � incoln Center Ad ' visory Committee _? Conference Center Advisory Committee 7 B/CS Economic Qevel ment Board (bate) Please indicate if you are currently serving on a 6pqrd/commissio mmittee Name of Board/Commission 7/7 //1 /„ PLEASE RETURN THIS FORM TO: CITY OF C1 LEGE STATION CITY SECRETARY'S OFFICE P.O. BOX 9960 COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 7x,0-A-- UTO (BoardlCommissionlCommittee) —Staff Use (This is W non -standing committees.) o:council/apply2.doc ON D _EGEHE e of Appointment) W, AY I I 41, prn CITY SECREtARY'S OFFICE FEE-03 00 13.49 FROM:PARKS REC & TOURISM 409-843-0446 TO:409 764 3737 PACE-02 rt;5�liltlL�P. U ir;.�_; �`C�1rir�'�� i�l r�;n�t=°C �+J:' �t3 �,*%�� ii;l�{'.rid, �f •jiF� T aln.i �.P,� �'d��r Crai`;��r4'�ii�i)ri }"llRt!a'kltii ��rO�lwi�T"I� to �Jl�trl'�",�t� iUr;�}na tC�} i�� 3� iii�.l;liClY:<ailil'�� f�Z tilC; pi;r�c•��� v� �+ C��tE'L`tlr't!� tl'�t .71iZ n�tl�r�3.s Z�'+C�'a?Ze:�,''. �ii±jL�Z f�Z i�!tlzrr: �Cn4iQi17r15, �, WinEAS9 on Nov@mb@F 1.0, 8.999 tth@ Houm, Reaoulrcft Commin@@ approved by a 37 to 12 vots a $3 Milion per year conarrvadan ` W 701) fitled The Conamv9don and Mvvelgfgrit Act (CARA) which included & guwantteed appTopflatior. each yeav of $450 million peg' yell fair the sw@nWe funding of the Lamed and Wateu- Conmva4ao5 Fgnd9 and WHEREAS, the Stag of Texas would receive apprwxirldtelr S300 million of the 3 'zillion `�'�:,- S, Cor�,reti�,m�n 4�e��n : ra�v' as a mLmb�r of the F�itu5� i�cs�ure�� C:ommittc:s' ti"U L anuppo of C.3 ] hit the City' C,�un i urge car; r s°tt�ar rat v to c�ntin � .7orts t� sign II17 INN PITt into l Li' in t IC CUZrerit Cv? '„Z w; llJlld La5� �. , uS,Q � t 3£ii hirTt IL>I 4L1 !��1(�rY r�Y1 R,VA ➢eg➢sflgg➢on in the House Rgsouirces Committee" and 2. That the City Council efteouQlge ogheir members of the floe co➢ gressionO delegation to support tM passing of Cis and That the City Council dfleea `he cky Manager and hiz staff Qo disttaibwe a copy of thii ZcyCb"ilatiti�� ll7 t� S. tilt i3.1 etirii�"'i.:��+:i!l;l%.1� :�L:��t tt�rl As a r esuft of our efforts, citizens will ... 1. Access the highest quality of customer focused city services avaolaWe at real®naWe cost. Customer service Value for Cost Effectiveness/efficiency Convenience, accessibility Q Professional, competent staff o Commu oc ati®n �. ? !� � ;€? �,9 ��a�E. `�•�'C:'t"t c•:1C�� llth�l�/ F?l�iV1 O;�il�t'�t. The Aspen Group International, Inc. Revised 117100 Adopted 1113100 @Melon statements pot 4. Be enriched 9 by a range of cuftur al eats and recreaflona� opportunities provided through citywide initiatives and coHab®rative effff®rtso • Libraries o performing arms • Teen center • Parks o Athleft activities • Recreation • public art o Festivals • Museums 5. participate and contribute t® the health and future of our community. Effffi0ent access to information and services via technology and media o VoWnteerr programs Community ed programs Advisory boards and committees e Focus Groups The Aspen Group International, Inc. Revised 117100 Adopted 1113100 7. Contribute to and benefit from living on a strong and diverse economic environment. Economic € evelopment c®mpatMe with community vaWes ® ProtecUon of property values o Tourism, conventions o Adequate transportation o Business center o Strong reffall o Job opportunities o ReasonaWe cost of living 8. Live on well -planned neighborhoods suited to community Interests and 91ffestyleso Village concept o Gent0fflcatl®n of older neighborhoods Planning/zoning Neighborhood parks for muW-generational use Traffffac management o Pedestrian mobility The Aspen Group International, Inc. Revised 1/7/00 Adopted 1113100 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM PROJECT STATUS REPORT February 2000 1. TRIBUTARY "B" IMPROVEMENTS Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $80,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design:ln-house (Site); McClure Engineering (Bridge); Swoboda (Electrical) Comments/Status- Construction began in October, 1999. Task -Project Design: July -August 1999 Advertisement & Award: August -September, 1999 Completion: February 2000 Project Number: PK9941 Budget: $2,038,000 Contract Amount: $168,200 (O'Malley Engineers) Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design- O'Malley Engineers Comments/Status: City Council approved O'Malley Engineers for the design of Phase I. Review by the Sports and Recreation Association occurred January 10, 1999. Task - Project Design: I Advertisement & Awara Completioa Project Number: Budget: Project Manager: Project Design: PK9936 $751,000 $747,600 Eric Ploeger Waterscape Consultants Comments/Status: Progressive Chemical was the low bidder. The renovation began on November 1, 1999. Task - Project Design: Advertisement & Award: Construction Completion January - June 1999 August - October 1999 May 2000 CIP Report o:board/cip/cip.doc 2-Feb-00 Page 1 of 3 Project Number: PK9910 Budget: $ 213,000 Park Land Dedication, and 1998 Bond Funds Contract Amount: $209,140 Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: In-house Comments/Status:: The project was due for completion on November 6, 1999. The contract is late and will change liquidated damages. Task a Project Design: October - March 1999 Advertisement & Award: April 1999 Completion: January 31, 2000 5, WEST DISTRICT MAINTENANCE SHOP Project Number: PK9927 Budget: $481,000 Design Contract Amount: $30,280 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Holster and Associates Comments/Status: Asbestos abatement will be completed in January 2000. The project will be bid ,ollowing the abatement. Task - Project Design: March - February 2000 Advertisement & Award: March - April 2000 Completion: December 2000 Project Number: PK9308 Budget: $29,000 1990 Bond; $20,000 FY99 Replacement Fund Contract Amount: $57,485 Project Manager: Pete Vanecek Project Design: In-house Comments/Status: Construction began in the last week of October, 1999. Task - Project Design: May 1999 Advertisement & Award: August 1999 Completion: February 2000 • - _ ��114,111191N Project Number: Budget: Contract Amount: Project Manager: N/A $500,000 - Park $275,000 - Cemetery N/A Eric Ploeger CIP Report o:board/cip/cip.doc 2-Feb-00 Page 2 of 3 Project Number: MI-9902 Budget: $282,000 Contract Amount: $165,662 (Installation & maintenance), $107,290 (for crepe myrtles) Project Manager: Eric Ploeger/Pete Vanecek Comments/Status: Bids for this project will go to the City Council for possible approval in January 2000. Task Project Design: September 1999 Advertisement & Award: October — November 1999 Completion: May 1, 2000 Contract Amount. Project Manager: PK9939 $30,000 —'98 Bond N/A CSPARD Planning Comments/Status: The installation of this new system will be complete in January 2000. Task Project Design: August — September 1999 Advertisement & Award: October 1999 Completion: January 2000 Project Number: PK0072 Budget: $27,000 Contract Amount: $23,150 (slide, crane rental $600— plumbing and concrete work, $1,500) Project Manager: Pete Vanecek, Senior Parks Planner Comments/Status: Project is to provide a small slide for the shallow area of the pool. Bids were opened on December 28, 2000and City Council approval will be requested on January 27, 2000. � Project Number: PK0064 Budget: $16,668 (Wayne Smith) $62,000 (Southwood) Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Pete Vanecek, Senior Parks Planner Project Design: October 1999 Ad and award: December 1999 — January 2000. Completion: February 2000. Comments/Status: Bids were opened on December 21, 1999.City Council approval will be requested on January 13, 1999. CIP Report o:board/cip/cip.doc 2-Feb-00 Page 3 of 3 City of College Station Internal and External Environmental Scan January 7, 2000 zmF'tl'�,C=7: ® Visionary Council ® Qualified Staff * Dedication to Service * Innovative (pay plan employee incentives) * Community -oriented * Educated Council * Fiscal Responsibility Use of Resources * Communicators * New Technology Weaknesses - Process slow to meet ENDS * Use of technology * Policy Update * Overwhelming tasks — time management * Vulnerable to negative input ® Acts on reactive basis * Pay Plan concerns * New Council "memberitis" * Physical facilities limitations/staffing to protect workloads The Aspen Group International, Inc. External Analysis: Technological Chanae/Threat: Imaact: Internet - diversion of sales Loss of municipal revenues - electronic payments Increased efficiencies Improved access to citizen/customer Crime - using tech - privacy Safety - GPS - Thermal imaging Citizens more informed The Aspen Group International, Inc. Requires new tools Fear of Use Greater safety for personnel/citizens More questions being asked Change/Threat: Voter Apathy Cutback of TAMU funding Change in TAMU focus (grad/undergrad) Aging apartments/duplexes State imposed regulations •- • state • ed funding State fees — municipal • Growth impacts on older neighborhoods Conflict with local govt. entities E-commerce Moral condition of society The Aspen Group International, Inc. Impact: No citizen support on bond issues Quality of leadership Financial impact on city services Revenues to City/Housing Crime rate & neighborhood integrity Loss of local control on zoning/annexation CSISD — growth of city Citizen dissatisfaction w/city, no control Conflict! Lack of cooperation/wasted resources Revenue reduction — city services Loss of civility/Negativity toward government Chanae/Threat: Aging Community Changing Demographics Increasing minorities Student population More young families More working parents Single parent families More retirees Changing conservative community Transient population Cultural diversity Impact. Fixed resources: Transportation Health Care Recreation Long-term care Communication, education, housing Housing Schools, tax bases, recreation Increased day care needs Increased day care needs Communication — sense of community Awareness, tolerance education City council to address: sense of community, communicate and educate, city services, examine city services, recreation and culture. The Aspen Group International, Inc. City of Colleae Station • Planning Proces-1 00 ® Growth Planned Sustainable Land use Transportation • Economics Tax Base Alternative revenue sources Development • Quality of Life/Services Atmosphere College Town Aging population/youth Recreation • Collaboration/Leadership Regional — Bryan, county Civic leaders Governmental units University Civic Involvement The Aspen Group International, Inc. Unique Role of the Boarif City of College Station 1/7100 We exercise collaborative, responsive and decisive strategic leadership on M Future Vision and Sustainability ■ Planned Growth and Economic Development ■ Public Policy Decisions at all levels and, ■ Continued Quality of Life Why members chose to serve on the city council: • Make a difference • Give back as a volunteer • Be part of the exciting time • An opportunity to work with quality people • "Spoke up — decided to be a leader" • Voice for citizens • Initiate change • Bring a unique perspective to the whole for consideration The Aspen Group International, Inc. JRN-25 00 11:22 FROMPRRKS REC & TOURISM 409-845-0446 TO:409 764 3737 PRGE202 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Department of Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences Office of the Department Head January 25, 2000 To- Stevt Beachy, Linda Walton, Shannon Waddell FROM- peter .A. Wattw Professor and Department Head RE. Exit Study We are excited that you folks have agreed to us undeaaldng a study of the Mt Teen Center, Emily Towers has put together a one page sheet giving the purpose of the study at the Exit, the research questions she mill be working on, and means for collecting data relative to the research questions. She wd.1 be meeting with Shannon today to dLscuss hourq,qhe will von unteer at the center and other nccdsin teffms of gaining access to the Teens for interviewing, etc. Yn most cases, Emily should be able to conduct informal interviews during the Time she is volunteering, but in others she will need to schedule appoints with teens and may need some help in gaining access to the Teen Advisory Council members cic. Paul Kulic is going to being assisting Emily with parts of the study. In panicuiar h� WW be collecting background documents and gathering information from non - parficip ants and those who have left the program. Having Paul work with us will be a great asset since he is famlar with the program and many of the stakeholders involved with the program will know him. Again, wc- are excited about undertaMilig this effort and look forward to working with you to complete a study that is useful to your program. Prr 106 Francis Hall ® College Station. Texas 77643-2261 - (409) 845-7324: FAX (409) 645-0446 http!//wwwrc)ts,tamu.edu JAN-25 00 11.23 PROM".PARKS REG & TOURISM 409-045-0446 TO.,409 764 3737 PAGE:03 Resea.rch Questions and Methodology Proposal for "The Exit" Study Purpose of Studv To understand the background philosophy and impact of the College Station Teen Center, "The Exit" Re,searc.h ®uestlons o What (if any) are the differences between the origin a9 goals and purposes of the College Station Teen Center, and the actin➢ purposes and day-to-day agendas of the center? o Homes does the center impact local youth? o What are the demographics of youth who attend the center as compareA to those who do not` Studv Methods o Background research o Youth programs before The Exit ® Interviews- community stakeholders, city councH, pack and recreation officials involved with center's creation, early Teen advisory'Boajd members o Impact on local youth/damogrtaphics of youth ® Pasticiparat observation of center`s daily activities :We.rviews with current frequenE/nonfrequent participants ® Peer interviews with teens and advisory board members ® lntervie�ws of non -participants This is just intended as a brief overview of objectives. For further explanation and clarification, please feel free to contact Emily Towers at 862-3069, or etowers @ rpts, tamu.edu Over the weekend of 1/8 and 1/9, the Brazos County 4-H Equestrian Club and the College Station Forestry Division took in 740 Christmas trees at Central Park. In Haswell Park, the 4-H Club and the Bryan Sanitation Division took in 691 trees. The goal of this annual event is to save space in the landfill by diverting the trees to other uses. In Bryan, the trees were taken to the compost facility. The trees taken in at Central Park were chipped on site, and spread throughout the picnic area by the ponds. The chips will help alleviate soil compaction caused by foot traffic, reduce soil erosion, and will provide nutrients to the soil. Prior to the recycling project, Christmas tree lot operators were notified by the College Station and Bryan Sanitation Divisions of the chance to dispose of left over stock at no cost at the compost facility. Roll -off containers were made available to some tree lots at their request. In addition, both city's Sanitation Divisions picked up Christmas trees on their normal yard waste routes (duplex and single family residences) and these were taken to the compost facility. Between December 15 and January 15, a total of 1,131 trees were picked up curbside in College Station, and 924 in Bryan. This gives a total of 3,486 trees taken in by the recycling project and diverted from the landfill. Many thanks and recognition should go to all the workers involved in this annual event. This includes the College Station Parks and Recreation Forestry Division, the Sanitation Divisions of both Bryan and College Station, the Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency, and especially the volunteer efforts of the Brazos County 4-H Equestrian Club and Advanced Tree Care. Sponsors of the event are: Advanced Tree Care Brazos Beautiful, Inc. Brazos Co. 4-H Equestrian Club Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency Bryan College Station Eagle Cities of Bryan and College Station Texas Forest Service 1309 Woodcreek Drive College Station, TX 77845 December 30, 1999 Dear Friends of CROP WALK: On behalf of the 1999 Brazos CROP WALK committee, I want to express our appreciation for your support of this year's CROP WALK. We had 193 walkers with sponsors' donations totaling $10,095 to provide funds for hunger relief worldwide through Church World Service and locally where 25% of the proceeds go to the Brazos Church Pantry and Brazos Food Bank. It took our walkers, their sponsors, and all of you listed below to make this year's event a success - both in terms of raising money for hunger relief and in bringing members of our community together for a worthy cause. Again, thank you for your support. Sincerely, l Carolyn Jaros CROP WALK Arrangements Coordinator 1999 Brazos CROP WALK support provided by: Brazos Food Bank Boy Scout Troop 1300 Boy Scout Troop1861 Canterbury Episcopal Student Center City of College Station College Station Parks & Recreation Dept. Friends Congregational Church Longmire Learning Center McDonald's, George Bush Drive St. Andrew's Episcopal Church Water and cold drinks for rest stop Placed route markers and directed walkers Rest stop volunteers Registration volunteers Waived parade permit fee Waived Southwood Pavilion rental fee Provided meal for Recruiters' Dinner Use of covered drive for rest stop Cups for rest stop Ice cream after walk, follow-up van, and First Aid volunteer at rest stop UNMED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Bureau of the Census '"College Station Office 700 University Dr.'East Ste. 115 College -Station, Texas 77840 409-595-1021 January 21, 2000 College Station Parks & Recreation 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, Texas 77840 Dear College Station Parks & Recreation, The Local Census Office Grand Opening event was a great success, thank you for your cooperation and generosity. Your willingness to become involved in community service activities is most important in fostering better relationships. All of these type actions strengthen our communities. Your participation in this event and your continued support towards education of all people about the importance of Census 2000 to our community is appreciated. Sincerely, d Danny Stone Office Manager Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 11, 2000, 5:15 p.m. College Station Conference Center MEMBERS PRESEAT Mollie Guin (Chair), Fran Lamb (Vice Chair), Eileen Sather, & Ed Holdredge MAM R W"TIT-1.11 'Milo on Absent STAFF PRESENT Grace Calbert, Supervisor Kim Fox, Secretary/Scheduler HEAR REQUESTS FOR ABS"M None CALL TO ORDER Mollie Guin called the meeting to order at 530 p.m. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Mollie requested the minutes of November 9, 1999 be reviewed. The minutes were reviewed. Fran Lamb moved to accept the minutes as presented. Eileen Sather seconded the motion. All in favor and motion passed. Committee Member Position —The position will be approved and filled at the February 2000, Parks and Recreation Board meeting. Fran Lamb and Ed Holdredge filled out their applications to reapply to the Committee. Ann Comer submitted her application to the City Secretary's office, but it has not yet been forwarded to Kris Startzman in the Parks Department. Other applications have also been turned in and will be forwarded as soon as they are processed. Christmas Open House — Grace reported on the City of College Station Open House held at "The Exit" Teen Center which was held on December 8, 1999. She stated the event went well with good food and entertainment and approximately 200 citizens in attendance. The entertainment was provided by the teens that use the Center. At this time Grace does not know if this will become an annual event. I -N March 14, 2000 Committee meeting — Grace mentioned that the March Committee meeting will be falling during Spring Break and wanted to confirm with the members that they would be available at that time. Mollie Guin will be gone that week. The Committee decided to leave the meeting date and time as originally scheduled. REVENUE REPORT November 1999, revenue was $11,172.72 versus the November 1998 revenues of $11,116.05. December 1999, revenue was $9,895.29 versus the December 1998 revenues of $11,344.47. Mollie commented that the number of people served seems to be at a steady pace even though the revenue fluctuates. The Conference Center staff believes this could be attributed to the limited parking situation. UPCOMING AGENDA ITEMS The Conference Center policies and procedures will be discussed at the next meeting. Revisio and deletions/additions will be discussed and approved at that time. I ADJOURN Mollie Guin moved that the meeting be adjourned. Fran seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. The next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on Tuesday, February 8, 1999, at 5:15 p.m. Kimberly Fox, Secretary �IWII!III YII 1111111114.IlIVJY'„II IIYIIIWudII.IIII,:eull.IIIIWIJIIIVIIII IIII IWYdill IIIIWIWhAll lOil IAll IU WYIILJ IIIII!YYII IIlhV III IYY VYIYIIWYYYIIYIWIVIIIIlYIIWYIIIIIYIYIIIIVdYIYIIYIINIy,I� Lincoln Recreation Center Regular Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Monday, December 6,1999 Time: 5:45 p.m. Lincoln Recreation Center = Board Members Present: Linda Preston -Shepard, Carolyn Williams, Cathy Watson, Barbara Clemmons, Joe Dan Franklin, A.C. Clark, III Board Members Absent: Faye Daily and alternate Board Member, Merilyn Rucker- There were no petitions for Absences received by Jackson. Staff Present: Lance Jackson LFS Representative: James Steen Visitors Present: None o Meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. o The November 1, 1999 Minutes were approved. o Status of new Lincoln Recreation Advisory Board Candidates- Jackson informed the Board that there was a sufficient amount of candidates from which to choose from, and he would make the announcement at the January Board Meeting. ® Draft Letter to Parks Board re: Facility Improvements- Jackson informed that Board that he would meet with David Gerling and others to discuss future expansion and would like to finalize the Draft Letter and take this letter with him to the discussion. By common consent the Board agreed to finalize the letter for Jackson to present at his discussion with Gerling and others. ® Planning Committee for January 29, 2000 Board Workshop- After discussion with Board members, Jackson agreed there was not sufficient time to make the January 29th date, and the Workshop was rescheduled. A planning committee comprised of Clemmons, Preston -Shepard and Williams will meet to discuss and prepare for the new workshop date. IV. Summary of Center Activities ® Jackson presented the Monthly Report (attached) and discussed the review and recommendation for upcoming special events with the Board. Jackson also asked for input regarding the recruitment of 11 and 12-year-olds girls at the LRC. Lincoln Recreation Page 2 of 2 ® Board members agreed to look at options for recruitment and retention of the 11 and 12 year olds and provide feedback to Jackson at a future meeting. ® Jackson discussed the LRC involvement in T.R.A.P.S. Minorities in Leisure Services Branch and told the Board he was given charge to develop a new logo, etc. and he was pleased to be a part of this worthwhile endeavor. o Jackson informed the Board, he would like to provide enumeration for the "hard and work and dedication" that the employees have provided at the LRC. It was decided that each employee would receive a $25.00 monetary gift, and a card, with the one Outstanding Employee receiving an additional Plaque. ® Board Members also decided that Jackson would receive a $50.00 monetary gift. u Williams presented the Treasury Report (attachment #2) Motion Made by Clemmons and seconded by Franklin, Meeting was adjourned. Meeting adjourned 7:00 p.m. Action Items: Pursue recruitment and retention of eleven and twelve year olds at the LRC Review Workshop information New Members on Board MILK Program BoardNext Advisory Meeting —Monday, 0 2000 45 p.m. at the LincolnRecreation Attachments (2) Lincoln Recreation Center Advisory Board Monthly Meeting Agenda Time: 5:45-6:45 Lincslr Recre;t �r Certe 1. i �it�"iGs iCGsil uece�l�•er c. 1�+G� board �eeilrlC� III. Petitio��s o CO(11filU liCatl��ns • Advisory Committee Applicant Status • Review of Advisory •.rd Absentee • Workshop Planning Status • MILK Program Reviewd Request for W. Summary of Center Actovatios--Jackson ® Monthly Report ® attachment ® Report on Future Lincoln Recreation Center Expansion Meeting held on 12/13/99-Jackson ® TAAS Training for Computer Lab, February 1, 2000-Jackson Trews r Reoit Jiliiai»s Vt Nsceflaneous o Adoption of Project by the LRC Advisory Board -Jackson Adjourn i��L'.X_ L. �, 'i., � � � i tit I is�0 u � t'.J�t;�• Lincoln Recreation Center Monthly November - December 1999 December 6, 1999 The Fall program moves on and the LRC Staff is pleased with the turn of events. Membership for the Boys and girls club for the month of November 1999 is 126. Our daily participation in our after school program average is currently 50. This might be misleading. We account for only those children who have paid membership. There seems to be a misperception that children who do not have a membership can not access youth services at the LRC. Actually, fees can be discounted to meet the need of the child or family. The Learning Center and computer lab is getting maximum use. Service organizations of TAMU have been great and have shown a solid commitment to involve themselves in the programs at the LRC. Look for more news on Healthy Grids Program_ in next month report. Congratulation to the 1 at —3rd and 4tn —51h grades Panther Flag Football teas, parents, and volunteer coaches. The 1 st — P team completed the season undefeated and was honored at this banquet as displaying GREAT SPORTMANSHIP. I have the trophy in my office. The Panther 41" —5th grade team was undefeated as well. The team had a post celebration later at the LRC 11-23-99. Girl's basketball begun 11-29-99. Two teams represent the Lincoln Recreation Center. The 1 St —4 grade are the MEAT, and the 5th —6t" grade are the Fireballs. Coaches are Jackie Chambers, Beth Donovan, Rob Besel, and Andre Heard. Boys' basketball begins January 2000. Cheletia Johnson, Program Director of LRC Club, organized and hosted a very well received Senior Thanks Giving Luncheon on November 13, 1999. Four staff member attended T.R.A.P.S. Region 5 conference in Smitheville, Texas on Nov. 19, 1999. Center Supervisor, L. Jackson attended Minorities in Leisure Services meeting in Galveston, Texas on 11-13-99. Jackson serves on KLL.S. board. Staff members serve on many other committees and local youth development oriented board. Nijecey Hards, Center Secretary, completed Notary course this past month. Local neighborhood men organization holds annual academic scholarship fundraiser at LRC to benefit Brazos area youth. Concerned Bfiack Men have been involved in Lincoln Recreation Center activities for the past three years. Projects include mentoring, neighborhood clean ups, volunteering with Habitat for Humanity, outings with children, elderly community services, and parent centered events. Other relationships include CSPD and Project Unity Inc. IT�I(�il J� Brazos Christian School Brazos Valley Home School Christ Holy Baptist Church Brazos Valley Abuse and Intervention Project Alcohol Health and Safety 11 a Lincoln Recreation Center Monthly November - December 1999 December wants and Upcoming AcUvities, City offices cQosed Dec. 24� and 25�9 1999 and December 31, 1999 and January 3, 2000. %TA 11-1:j-dital 17A Mono!' MLK Program will be January 15, 1999 @ 6:30 p.m. Guest Speaker will Bryan Barrows of Prairie View A&M University and Mistress of Ceremony, Ms. Ann Boney, Brazos County NAACP P resident. CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the Period November 1. 1999 that December 6, 1999 1 Ending Balance November 1, 1999 Inflows. Total Inflows Oeettflows. Lance Jackson Total Oaetflowg Balance ending DerepnbeF 69 1999 (i ireparectib-y o Treasurer I" Ilk, l �l bate $1,705.64 S 0 so. go ' OW9 al IA 1965164 65164 From: Lance Jackson To: dgerling Date: 1 /20/00 8:34AM Subject: CSLL David, CSLL has priced our kids out of the baseball department. Fee has been increased to $60.00. No way, the parents in this area will pay or work for scholarship. I wish their system was a little more democratic. It makes me feel bad that I have been working with them and have agreed to let them use facility for registration. You will not see any of our kids involved. Community feels that sport is becoming more elitist, as well as soccer. Sorry news, Lance From: "Dan Schill" <schill@tca.net> To: <kstartzman@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 1 /17/00 11:09AM Subject: CS Softball I am just writing you to express my concern over the drastic increase in what is supposed to be a recreational sport. I really think that the intent the city of CS has is to get rid of the little people who are unfortunate enough not to have a sponsor for softball. As it was last year, it was very hard to come with $285 for a past time, such as softball. Now to come up with $360 PLUS paying for the tournament is outrageous. So congratulations! The city has done just what it has intended on doing. Getting rid of the pions. Not only that, I know for a fact that quite a few sponsors have backed out too. Softball is supposed to be a fun past time, now it is an expense. The city of Bryan sees it as a past time, and that is where we now will take our money. I really enjoyed playing in CS. In fact, I preferred playing in CS, and I have played ball here for many years, but now I just can't afford it anymore. I'm sorry that the "Powers That Be" have decided against fun for the non -sponsored teams. I know you will not change the way it is run for little ole me, but I feel that I have spent enough money in CS recreation, that I should express my opinion. I guess my question now is "Whats next, Little League?" Peggy Schill CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Parks & Recreation Department Significant Accomplishments for FY99 4 Completion and Council Approval of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan Irrigation system designs for Anderson and Central Soccer fields. Completed the Adamson Pool Renovation design and bid specifications. 4 Completed the Edelweiss Park Site Plan and started construction. -* Completed the Lemontree Bleacher Shade Covers. + Completed the College Station Teen Center. + Completed the Thomas Park Area Light Renovation. Completed the Wayne Smith Park Youth Baseball Complex and conducted a grand opening ceremony. 4 Completed the West District Maintenance Shop plans and specifications. 4 Completed the elimination of the Wolf Pen Creek silt ponds and site cleanup. Completion and installation of G.I.S. software for Parks Planning and completed initial training on ArcView. 4 Completed installation of new computer hardware, including a new plotter for all Parks Planning employees. Completed design for the O.T.I.S. building landscaping. Completed landscape design for the 2818 Crape Myrtle Project in conjunction with Brazos Beautiful. Completed site plans/concepts for Gateway Project initiated by the Community Appearance Committee. 4 Assisted with LPG Pipeline Rupture response in May. 4 Hosted Girls Fast Pitch Invitational Tournament - 60 teams. 4 Hosted 10 & Under Girls Fast Pitch Tournament - 79 teams. 4 Hosted Men's Class "D" Slow Pitch State Tournament - 92 teams. 4 Hosted Men's Fast Pitch State Regional Tournament - 20 to 25 teams. 4 Hosted Men's Class "C" Fast Pitch National Tournament - 60 to 65 teams. 4 Renovated the Central Park Soccer Fields. + Rebuilt three =?edestrian bridges at Bee Creek Park. + Completed the Cy Miller Park Pond Renovation Project. + Senior Citizens Coordinator hired and Senior Programs initiated. 4 Formation of a Senior Citizens Advisory Board. 4 Kids Kluib enrollment peake. at 727. + Opening of the new Teen Cents; 66The Exit", planned for September 1999. + Held the first annual -teen Advisory Board Awards: and Banquet. 4 Created six and Under Youth Basketball League with 103 participants. 'A outn Summer Swim Team set a participation record with 153 team members. 4 Established a Parent Booster Club for the Summer Swim Team. 4 Will host the 9th National Adult Softball Tournament in September, ASA Men's Fast Pitch hosted four (4) Invitational Girls Fast Pitch Tournaments. 4 Will host five (5) ASA State/Regional Softball Tournaments. + Coordinated Cy Miller Pond Renovation (grant Request. 4 Hired full-time/regular Pool Technician. 4 Completed Lincoln Center Air Conditioning Project. 4 Computer Lab at the Lincoln Center was established. 4 Lincoln Center awarded "Agency of the Week" on Cable Channel 22. 4 'Wayne Smith irrigation and landscape installation completed. 4 Texas Avenue, George Bush, and USC placed under landscape and maintenance contract. 4 `m trees planted in Oaks and Merry Oaks Parks in conjunction with Aggie Re -plant 1999. Responded to the Bonfire collapse tragedy. 4 Successfully hired an Assistant Frgency Manap,�nt and set up office at the EOC (in the Fire Administration building). According • the 1999 Citizeny overall• the Parks • Recreation Department