HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/11/1998 - Regular Agenda - Parks Board1. Installation of New Members: George Dresser and John Nichols 2. Approval of Minutes: July 21, 1998 3. Near Visitors 4. Discussion of Swimming Lesson User Fees for 1999 5. Discussion of Billie Madeley Park 6. Discussion of Parkland Dedication Ordinance 7. Capital Improvement Program Report 8. Discussion of Board Goals r 9. Committee Reports: 10. Board Concerns/Other Business 11. Adjourn This building is wheelchair accessible. Handicapped parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call 409-764-5547 or (TDD) 1-800-755-2989. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1998 — 7:00 P.M. CENTRAL PARK CONFERENCE ROOM 1000 KRENEK TAP ROOM Present: Chris BarzilIa, Chair; George Dresser, John Nichols, Dr. Sarah Birkhold, Susan Allen, and Glen Davis. Absent: John Crompton Visitors: Karen Mattingly and Mark Nigro, 2801 Burr Oaks Cr., Bryan Staff: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation; Peter Vaneeek, Parks Planner•, Linda Waltman, Recreation Superintendent; Jenny HartsfieId, Assistant Instruction Supervisor; and Bridgette George, Board Secretary The meeting was, called to order at 7: 01 p.m. 1. Installation of New Members: The following members were officially installed: George Dresser, John Nichols, and Susan Allen. 2. Approval of Minutes - July , 1998: Approved as submitted. 3. Hear Visitors: Ms. Karen Mattingly stated that she would likethe Board to consider constructing a disc golf course in College Station. She stated that the one at Texas A&M is heavily used by families, as well as students. Ms. Mattingly said that the one at A&M's Research Park is very good, but it is not well maintained... It's an 18-hole disc golf course. She stated that a good course includes different levels of terrain, water features, etc., like a regular golf course. She stated that the average size is approximately one acre per hole. Mr. Mark Nigro stated that the holes at Research Park are from 170' to 600' depending on the hole. Steve Beachy informed the Board that one possible site is the landfill site located south of College Station just north of Dessert Hills. You cannot penetrate the surface on the landfill but some possible modifications could be made to the goals to allow . its construction there Glen Davis asked Ms. Mattingly if she could provide a list of disc golf courses so the Board could go take a look at some. She stated' yes, and said that A&M's was a good one. Steve Beachy stated that Skip Noe, City Manager, has asked staff for a conceptual plan for the landfill site and stated that he could include a disc golf course in the plan. Glen Davis asked for staff to bring start up costs and on -going maintenance costs for a disc golf course to the next meeting. Chris Barzilla asked if golfers would be willing to pay a fee for disc golf to help defray the cost of on -going maintenance. Mr. Nigro stated that depending on the course and the fee, he would be willing to pay. Most courses do not require fees. 4. Discussion of Swimming Lesson User Fees for 1999: Jenny HartsfieId passed out survey results that she took of the swim lesson program. The survey included both positive and negative comments regarding the swim lessons, including a few regarding the fees. Steve Beachy stated that the Department provides a means for those who cannot afford fees with the Park Bucks program. Jenny HartsfieId stated that the American Red Cross gave 30 scholarships for swim lessons this past season. He stated that the department will be more proactive in advertising the Park Bucks program. Linda Waltman suggested' adding a` list of events on registration .forms. that would allow parents to work at special events in exchange for Park Bucks. Parks & Recreation Board Page I of 3 19-Aug-99 Susan Allen asked about lowering the costs for multiple family members registering for swim programs. Linda Waltman stated 't hat `they do that for other recreational programs, but not for swimming. Glen Davis asked what percentage of expenditures were covered by revenues. Ms. Waltman stated that a new program was initiated this :year, with, project numbers, that will allow her to run a report at year end to show the amount of expenditures and revenues for each program. Some discussion took place regarding the amount of park bucks that are given for work done. Curtis Bingham stated that most kids only work 15-20 minutes per park buck earned. Most parks .don't require a lot of time to clean up. Linda Waltman stated that older kids could probably work special events and earn more park bucks depending on hours worked and the event. S. Discussion of Billie Madeley Park: Steve showed a map which depicted the Madeley property and surrounding, sites' He informed the members that the 'land was donated to the City for use as a park, with the stipulation that it be developed as a park within 5 years. There is no access, to the_park,from College Station; therefore the City Council approved some funding to procee&.with,acquiringrland adjacent to the site. There are two properties located adjacent to Madeley Park: Jaffar:, site : and L. A. Ford site'. Steve Beachy stated `that the City has not received approval to have the Jaffar property appraised. The L.A. Ford site, which is mainly a creek, :was appraised at, 420,000 and an offer was made' in that amount. The Ford estate replied to the proposal negatively, stating that it was an insult. Chris Barzilla suggested making another offer, increasing it,by $10,000-15,000. 'After some discussion, the Board decided the City should proceed with condemnation only as a last result. George Dresser motioned for staff to hire a negotiator to proceed with a counter-offer for the Ford property and an initial offer for the Jaffar property. Themotion was seconded by Chris and.passed; 6. Discussion „of. Parkland . Dedication `Ordinance: Steve "Beachy stated that the ordinance is,in theprocess ofbeing revised and the Board needs to appoint 1-3 members to the subcommittee. John Nichols motioned to .reappoint Chris Barzilla and John Cromtopton the Parkland: Dedication "Ordinance. subcommittee. Glen` Davis seconded the motion, and the motion passed ;The subcommittee will also include several Planning & Zoning Commission members. 7. Capital Irn rovement.iPro ram Re p p g p ow Park/Wayne Smith Baseball Complex:, Steve Beach stated that:ci staff have be unTnst The buildin and, ^ fences are "almost.; pomplete. Construction ldeadtin f the irrigation system. tJ'' $ " g q g e` is set'for :he end of September..Chris-Bamilla motioned.for staff to request a meeting with the Little Lea ue Board and to include the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee to discuss Little League's plans for "the first, ,season . -at , Wayne: ;Smith... The : ;Board is �� concerned that' Little " League's- "registration procedures may exclu*.the, children from that community from'�playing baseball, unless they are permitted to play at Wayne Smith. Glen.Davis.seconded and the motion passed.` Lincoln Recreation Center Gym .Air Conditioning: Steve Beachy stated ' that it is 'ready to go to bid. Teen Center this>item;will go back,to Council,for anew design and an additional $100,000, request: Sandstone Playground .'RepIacement: the , playground should be delivered in September' and installation will occur shortly thereafter. S. n Discussio,of Board .Goals: Steve.reviewed the Board goals with no major changes or additions . 9CotnimittecReports: 'No current committees. 10, Board Concerns/Other Business: Glen Davis inquired about shade covers for Lemontree and Fairview Parks. Steve Beachy stated that most events'held at"those two fields are evening events. Events at Central and Bee Creek are also held in the evenings, but also include tournaments which are held throughout the day on weekends. John Nichols stated that he Paris & Recreaioh Board Page 2 of 3 19-Aug-98 would like to know what else is needed in parks, before making a decision on this item. Steve Beachy stated that shade covers would cost approximately $5,000. Glen Davis stated that they .have used Lemontree frequently in the heat of the day. Mr. Davis motioned to add shade covers at Lemontree and Fairview Parks. Chris requested this item be put on next month's agenda for further consideration and requested participant numbers at both parks. John Nichols motioned to appoint George Dresser for Vice Chair. Chris seconded and the motion passed. 11. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:14 p.m. Parks & Recreation Board Page 3 of 3 19-Aug-98 found and light company tliat saia.tnattney cotua.come ana so MC, eVeuLIl1G Plyulpill wdzi ttp' vye weren't fozaure the band would perforrii at a delayed t7me All of the phone fines were down at ` iherr el andao we sent people to try to find their Aftei seaxchmg several nearby restaurants t " , (ihey were not in their assigned rooms the band agreed to playat a delayed time I personally was not at all iVlr Wrbecauseof us ne aarler� heilson woud euendothe eformance sure. delay that you experienced was due to the,fact that we could not ;findll' band to know ppsitiuely r k that w;had ashQw y the Association of Mayors; Councilmen and Commissioners (AIVICC) had a dinner and the 1 i concer'tas part oftheir annual bonventioxt that was held here in College Station The reason;that i they were allowed to enter the facility vVas that the; cater g company was on a.ttght tune r cpmnutinent and needed to get the.group fed according to tie original schedule:: Even thougl>.;we ti wereii'tfor sure if the band would play we;decided to proceed withthe scheduled duuer since thy, > caterersYbvere In place. ' � �, r rr ;' , , . 1 .- ,.:-. . ., .�_. , :::�,Aor,{inU1Pr'cii-naFirin�zac� a tnfa�'ii�VR1'P.7V. 4Acccirdm�:to.tneaunersaliev were not set to coiie.on '-�...; ' R O. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 March 23, 1998 TO: Parks and Recreation Board FROM: Bridgette George CPS, Staff Assist t SUBJECT: Citizen Committee Appreciation Dinner At our last meeting we stated that the aforementioned appreciation dinner would be August 11, and that we would change our regularly scheduled meeting to the Monday before.' However, we have since learned that the dinner is schedule for Tuesday, September 15, 1998, and will not conflict with any Parks and Recreation Board meetings. Therefore the meeting schedule for Tuesday, August 11, will proceed as usual. If you have any questions regarding the meeting, please call me at 764-3414. Home of Texas A&M University July 19, 1998 College Station Parks & Recreation Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842-9960 To Whom It May Concern: Let me preface by saying that I am not an habitual complaint letter writer. In fact, in my 52 years, this is the first letter of this kind I have ever been moved to actually write! The purpose is to briefly describe the reasons why I am respectfully requesting a refund of the $20 we spent for a concert performed by The Fabulous Thunderbirds last Friday, July 17, at Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. We arrived at the gate of the amphitheater a little before 7:00. We were told that unless we were members of the "Mayor's Group," we could not enter. Because no one bothered to explain that there was a barbeque of some sort, hosted by the mayor taking place there also, and that at that point it was questionable if the concert was going to be presented at all, we perceived it to be that the mayor's group was receiving preferential seating and the rest of us would have to wait. Well, of course, that was received with less than enthusiasm. Then, after a few minutes, a police officer came up and told the lady taking tickets something. At that point, she told all of us waiting to go on in, "You can go in, but they don't know if there is going to be a concert." So we went in to find a crew completely dismantling sound and light systems from the stage. We could find no one who had any information as to what was going on, and only through bits and pieces from other attendees (and a call on my cell phone, via my daughter, to a local radio station!), did we hear that the sound system had gotten wet and that attempts were being made to locate a replacement. In fact, it wasn't until after 8:00 that someone "in charge" came around and told everyone just that, and also that they were doing all they could do to ensure that the concert would be presented. We were so desperate for entertainment (it had been a long dry spell since Delbert McClinton two years earlier, and the occasional visits by Ruthie Foster), and had looked so forward to seeing the Thunderbirds, we decided to wait out the interim and were entertained by the crews dismantling the wet system and setting up the new. Finally, at 10:30 (!!) the concert began. Unfortunately, it was not long at all before we realized that the replacement sound system left a great deal to be desired. The instruments were a jumble of sound and the vocal was barely discernible. But, again, something was better than nothing, so we stayed. The culmination of the evening was, however, at 11:00 when the sprinkler system came on, blasting me full in the muddle of my back from a distance of about five feed! Feeling disheartened, disappointed, and throughly drenched, we left Wolf Pen Creek for home. I can only say that as traumatic as my divorce was 25 years ago, it paled in comparison to the evening we had just experienced!! So, in closing, I would like to again request the return of $20. Enclosed, please find a copy of my receipt from Rother's Bookstore. My check was written on my NationsBank account, check number 1381. Cordially, Joanne Burnett encl: Cash Receipt r PSG o J�C� '•, '•.� �i; �: ,�i '• 'i!".�. �'- ►'-. r„� 'v... s{rf i•....��;�'. y'^ :' �3 �:% ''.'•e,t-•; - . �Y.� w ..J` iti�'» : s�2'WI• �4l';'��f _'w .'.} �''f�Y' �„i- �•'- .Si�i•. ;- �i� y'r tj rf••sr+y -C-`�...;. "Y ��r+•.'.?- a.,-'-`-�� �f � +,F�^'� � _s. .,,:. 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There are a couple of sites owned by the city that have the area and terrain needed for a quality course. Lick Creek Park with its trees, water, and elevation changes is an ideal site for a course. The old landfill site recently deeded back to the city also provides the trees and water essential for a good course. There is much support for disc golf in the College Station community and the popularity of the sport continues to grow. Professionals, business owners, TAMU students, and families utilize the course at Research Park. During peak use, much like ball golf, it is common to wait at the first hole before beginning a round. Businesses such as Freebirds World Burrito, Play It Again Sports, and Cafe Eccell have sponsored local disc golf events. 1 have organized several disc golf events at Research Park and participation increased with each event. In May, 1996 fifty four players registered for the local World's Biggest Disc Golf Weekend (WBDGW), an international promotion for the sport. Seventy seven players registered for the Freebirds Monster Fling in December, 1996. There were ninety five registrations for the WBDGW, 1997 and one hundred five registrations for the WBDGW, 1998. (The WBDGW, 1997 & 1998, each occurred one to two weeks after the spring semester ended at TAMU.) Nationally the sport continues to grow as well. Nearby, Houston has about fourteen courses, Austin has six, and Waco has two. There are many reasons for the growing popularity. Disc golf is less expensive than ball golf, a round can be played in one to one and a half hours, and it is just great fun to throw a disc well and make a long putt. Many people are willing to try disc golf because it is not perceived as a difficult sport and it is not uncommon to see parents learning to play alongside their children. I would like to help you in any way that I can. Do not hesitate to contact me if I can provide information regarding disc golf, interest from the community, or local disc golf events. Sincerely, Karen Mattingly Teacher, Rock Pra' ie Elementary VN R I t 0 U.iOOR I S .6 Editor, Neill Woelk, 47 /'7YI drS ►ti7' ,� r~ 'i,,,e. - -Z. •.ii`.ti ,w1' f.` , r y�. a il• ` ; >. �r 1L! i i- f f ,'Ci"'rr4 rE■ r .x• ;, yTy i �^ 1.drx", 1�► ui�!'+'i l7tri:�7CFn�.is:f�Si $ii::t+Fri1'KS'.::3yi Y`.'ait n:rr L . 4"N r�•e.. *< r+'G'i rr irnti?w r� .S I ir[ -irr k'� •�E Z F jri+ t^i!1ei'n; r'F t .. r - T H E F U N r ;'.NTF�•ir-+i.� THAN � e r � aj�Ehr �' Ta[x 'f: �, �,{�a� � (j'���1(j]�j�'•. Facia � �.F.T �SFLSSI l H��-i�1�� I�ysc golf a challenge tc�r�st to making p� By JENNIFER PHILION For the Camera J. Campbell Hough surveyed the grassy hills in frank of him, took a few practice swings and teed off. His companions nodded. "Nice shot," one said, as lJough's shot hooked slightly to land 20 feet from the hole. On his next shot, (lough buried his putt. Chains clanged as his flying disc came to rest in the basket of the target. "Two shots;" lie said. "I'm back to par." The 20-year-old from Boulder then headed to the next tee at the Harlow Platts Panic disc golf course near the South Boulder Recreation Center, one of hundreds of courses across the nation in a 20-year-old sport that is growing in popularity with people of all ages and abilities., "Everyone is welcome," sold Geoff Hungerford of Louisville, who played on the Professional Disc Golf Association pro tour from 1989 to 1994. "It's kind of counter -culture, because there are such different people doing it." Hungerford has been watching d1sc golf grow since lie first played in 1977, when his seventh -grade teacher held a }ti tournament. "I got started young," tie said, „but a lot. or people are just r' starting now." i; David Robinson of Longmont is a beginner. "I've known about it for 10 years, and when I was younger we - would have trees and fire hydrants for ` targets, but I never saw a course," ire said. "Then I came out here and found the course." That was three weeks ago. The r 20year•-old Robinson has been playing at least tour times a week since. Hungerford, one of the founders of A the non -Profit Colorado Disc Sports ' Association, said the growth is obvious. Last year, there were 360 people on s' the competitive tour in Colorado. In {� 1992, there were 173 people on the CDSA tour. f PDGA administrator Becky Powell said the national orgnnixation has more than 11,200 lifetime niemberg. About 3,000 are a€dvaaneed or professional tournament players, "This is a total ballpark estimate, but I would guess that the'3,000 13 memberg probably represent rive percent of the player: worldwide who play somewhat regularly," said Miele Rothstein of the Disc Gall World News. Carolyn Hegge, the brayer for Boulder's Play it Agatin Sports, said she had never livard of disc golf until she moved here front Seattle. "A few people came in tasking about discs sea I started asking around, and figured we'd try carrying them," Hegge said. "I ordered 5o and, boom -'--• gone in a h weekend. Then we started getting 100 at a time and that. wasn't enough. Now w we get them in shiptilelits of 209 and they just fly out of bore. We can't keep $a them in stock." _ Disc golf players may carry twenty or more discs around ra course. The w specially -designed discs have different i, weights and balances, which cause different slight patterns. The goal of the game, like golf, is to get through a course with the lowest number of shots. Players tee off from a marked spot, and attempt to lilt a target that is anywhere from 200 to 500 feet away, David Robinson (right) of Longmont drives under the watchful eye of J. Campbell NoucJh. while avoiding obstacles sucii as trees and takes. 'I'argets can vary from course to ceiurse, but the most popular are the "Disc Pole Holes," which consist of a pole surrounded by a shallow basket about two feet off the ground. At the toga of the pole is a framework from which several chains Jiang. Discs must Iand either in the basket or in the chains in order to be counted as a successful shot. The technique isn't learned overnight. And, like any other sport, it demands practice. "You've got to play and work at it or your game will stay the same," said Hough, who plays rive or six times each week. "As soon .as I started playing I just got nuts about it. I wanted to learn everything." Hungerford agreed that preparing for disc golf competitions is hard work. "The best, players are like gymnasts," lie said..'•The sport combines physical conditioning, ballet, physics, aerodynamics, gyroscopics, and ballistics all roller into one." "It's really a disease of obsession. I could spend hours just throwing and throwing and thinic I'm having a great time," Hungerford said. "The best competitors love what they do in practice." But disc golf can also be an easygoing, recreational activity. "There's ra big social component," said flungerford. "You have to .walk around DIS E FOR MORE-'iNFORMATiCiN �'potrtder'. .•:.Qeoif Hrford i •';. �.gat�ewtda; Kaili ,,-Y +_ #i.lpIaC GCLF.C1tiRE5;°;: ?r' 8ouiden,Marlow P(406s Pant arc'. ` ��illasp �'dfiya'== ndxt':to =ty S(ju h -£ F3oitjdeff lecraatw� lbentef; = _ �•: A•<:� � Arvada■,,:i��martal� 1 Pa�lt=�'ar}Ai=�,` r'aif;; �INaCIa : city : t0f-' ' Fart.; :Gollti st I dara''c Park;'J � on ',Sta�ar•1;Streeti. �ri . ; ••I the course with people. Plus it's cheap fun." Disc golf courses are often found in city parks, where it is free to play. Discs usually cost between $5 and $0 dollars — and like golf balls, players occasionally lose one. For that reason, Hough pats his name and phone number on all of his discs. For people who want to begin playing disc golf, Hungerford has a few suggestions. "Beginners should buy'159 class' discs," he said. The 159 class discs are lighter weight than most other models, and are easier to learn with. "It's really hard to do damage with light discs," Hungerford said. 11'1`lien, when players f;et better they rriove tip to heavier discs." Safety and public relations are the two most important things for beginners to learn, %It€ngerford added. ':people can get hurt," he said. "We don't want a hunch of drunk people throwing discs around." Bough also said that, players' attitudes can either help or hurt the sport. ► ,,,you ttaave to be really super -nice to other people when you're playing," lie said. "A lot of people haven't heard of disc golf and clon't know what you're doing. When they're: standing in your way, you have to be cable to politely explain what you're doing Instead of just yelling at them to move. Other %viw you can lose your courses." As far as learning about the sport, Hungerford said, "rind a course and meet people," he said. "It won't be ,long before you pick out the good players. Start hanging out, with them and learning. "'Or, you can call an organization and ask them to send you information." Hough recommended that people interested in disc golf check out the "Disc or Die" tournament Saturday and Sunday at Edora Park in Fort Collins, Also, the U.S. Open Frisbee Flying Disc Championships will take place at Edora Par Ic July 24-28. PROGRAM NUMBERS SWIM INSTRUCTION 1997 1998 Spring I 45 Spring II 49 Spring III 60 Summer I 447 Summer II 467 Summer III 439 Summer IV 461 Summer V 360 Totals: 2328 2163 lessons x $30/lesson = $64,890 2163 lessons x $23/lesson = $49,749 Difference = $15,141 compiled August 10, 1998 Jenny H. Hartsfield e j enny 43 51 63 430 456 391 361 368 2163 Tally of Swim Program Surveys _T 9", In order to give the very best service possible, we would like to hear from you about our program. Please give us constructive comments so we know where to improve and what we are doing right. PLEASE fill out this form and return it to the box on the counter in the office. Thank you in advance for your help. Please put the number corresponding to your opinion of the specific item in the blank to the right of that item. 1-unsatisfactory 2-fair 3-satisfactory 4-very good 5-excellent 1. Registration process: 1 P 2 _7 3 c2Q 4 J3 5 & 2. Overall Program Organization: 1 0 2� 3 4 3 5-71 3. Parent Handbook: 1 1 2--�E7 3 /6, 4 4/ 5 60 4. Instructor' and Aides'Ability and Attitude: 1 .2� 2 O 3 /41 4 Q1 5_3 5. Parent/Instructor Interaction Day: I fJ 2_ 3� 4 36 6. Length of classes: 1 2 3 4—;3q 5 7. Class size: 1 .3 2 to 3 4� 5 q 8. Cost of lessons: 1 )-, 2 3 a� 4 s5 9. This has been a positive experience for my child JZ Yes °2 No 10. I feel that I have received value for my investment of time and money. Strongly agree 7 Agree Neither agree nor disagree �-' Disagree Strongly disagree i Swim Program Survey Comments: Session I, June 1 - June 11, 1998 Favorable: Dario is the best teacher we have had!! We'll ask for him in the future!! Thanks for snaking it possible to go to all the kids' instruction time during Parent/Instructor Interaction Day. I really appreciate it! Kelly and Ashley are very eood instructors. Trish and Vanessa are just great. Thank you for making this such a positive experience for Courtney! She needed lots of praise and more self-confidence in her own ability. Both Trish and Hannah were excellent. I give them full credit! ! ! During this session my child had 2 instructors which I liked very much. Even if one is a helper, it allows for more individual time. My son really liked Vanessa. We picked 11:30 classes and there were smaller classes! 4 students per teacher, what luck! Very good aide. Megan & Shannon were great! Megan & Shannon were friendly & helpful & class size was about right. Megan and Shannon were very good and gave individualized attention to all children. The Parent Handbook did not include times and days for public swimming at various pools. This has been a positive experience for my child, she is a bit too young to really learn much in the baby class, but we had fun. It would be better if parents were not allowed so close to the pool : should be restricted to the gazebo and the fenced in elevated area. Brandi could not stop talking about Matt. She Really enjoyed him. We request Matt to be our next section instructor. We hope Parent ?instructor Interaction Day will continue. Class size of 4 - 5 Crocodiles at night is perfect. Matt has great rapport with kids, but be firmer on first day'or two so students behave. Thanks, Matt. Matthew did an excellent job with my child. Very helpful and patient. Matthew is a very good instructor and I was very pleased.! Kenna is very patient. Kenna was great! Kelly Y. was very positive and encouraging. She did a great job! Thanks. And mail in registration would be good for working moms. I was able to register late for class and was helped excellently. I think more advanced Frogs could have longer length of classes. e Cassie was excellent and a big contributor to my child's success. Thank you very much for providing a parent area this year. I hope it continues. Is there a better way for registration? My son really liked Crystal and we like the smaller class size. Dario was excellent. My child had his first crush on his instructor. Instructors were very good with the children. My daughter had a wonderful experience. Ashley was wonderful! Very encouraging and supportive. Made class fun! Class size was great with only 3 students. Fair price. When I expressed concern that Thomas was in the wrong group, he was re-evaluated and moved up. Thanks. Unfavorable comments: We made an extreme effort to be early for registration to secure the 10 am class which fit with our children's other mom activities. However, a daycare took all slots in this class and so it was not open at all. I feel this is unfair and you cannot advertise that a class time will be available if you allow one group to fill it completely. There was an error in the handbook on Minnows requirement `back crawl". I did not receive a Parent Handbook. The night area for Seahorses is too confined. Is there a way to avoid having to camp out the morning of registration? Is there a limit to the number an individual can register? I understand that you have to pay a fair salary and have liabilities to consider, but the price has doubled in just five years. It's getting hard.to afford for siblings. We'd like a little longer time for Starfish (45 min) , but class size is about right. (Jenny's note: Red Cross recommends no longer than 25 - 30 minutes in water, for children this age_ to avoid hyponatremia & . possible disease.) I got there at 5:58 p.m. on the first day and there were no lines and just a handful of people yet the class I wanted was full. I was left with the impression that a lot of people must have been allowed to sign up early which seemed unfair. I don't see how there could be fewer than 10 in the Baby class, but there is quite a bit of "waiting" for a child to get to do the things that go one at a time. Length of class for Baby class is too short at 25 minutes. Please use all the same gifts/treats on the final day, or don't give any at all. It's tough on kids ( esp. little ones) of the instructors who don't give out treats. Forty minutes would be nice for Frog classes. Length of Level 4 class should be longer than 45 minutes. according to what instructor said, the reason why my kids did not pass is the lady who does the testing, occupies too much instructor time, so he did not have time to teach some skills. Hope next time she tests on the last day of the lesson instead of 2 days. Thanks. (Jenny's note: We pretest children in response to parent comments ,of previous years that the students needed to know before the test how the tester felt they were doing, so they could practice specific things. Pre -testing is considered a part of their guided practice time and not a waste of time.) Price has sure gone up since we started. We didn't not see a Parent Handbook. The Daycares need to register separately. It would help keep parents from becoming irritated. The Crocodile class seemed large. (Jenny's note: There would have been no more than 10 students with 2 instructors. Red Cross considers that a small class. They recommend no more than 12 students with 1 instructor, so we are providing much more than Red Cross expects of us.) Class size could have been smaller, 5 kids rather than 6. Class size was too big in Frogs. Need to advance child by skill level and not by age. My child learned this last year. and the price is too much for what we got. 5 kids to one instructor in Frogs is not appropriate. (Jenny's note: instructor/student ratio is within Red Cross guidelines for this age). Would like a max. of 8 students in Minnows (Jenny's note: We have a max. of 10 with 2 instructors.) I don't understand why it's gone up so much in the last several years and the amount of instruction time has gone down. (Jenny's note: Instruction time was 45 minutes and 25 minutes last year and remained the same this year.) Ouch! at this price it's getting hard to afford for siblings. Frog classes could have been longer and need a little time in between for parking and to be able to get the full length of our class. The line was long at registration and all Session ! Minnow classes we were looking for (for older child) were full. Any possibility of doing on-line registration using web site? The length of Frog class could have been 30 - 40 min. for older Frogs (5 yr. olds) The Daycares need to register seperately. It would help with friction. c:/survey98 Tally of Swim Program Surveys Session Dates II June 15 - 25, 1998 In order to give the very best service possible, we would like to hear from you about our program. Please give us constructive comments' so we know where to improve and what we are doing right. PLEASE fill out this form and return it to the box on the counter in the office. Thank you in advance for your help. Please put the number corresponding to your opinion of the specific item in the blank to the right of that item. 1-unsatisfactory 2-fair 3-satisfactory 4-very good 5-excellent 1. Registration process: 1 2 �- 3 /- 4 33 5 ✓5 2. Overall Program Organization: I 2 (a 3 4 5� 3. Parent Handbook: 1 2 3 4 3/ 5� 4. Instructor' and Aides'Ability and Attitude: 1 2 4 3 / 4 /5 5� 5. Parent/Instructor Interaction Day: 1 2 ,3 3 3 4 52 6. Length of classes:. 1 0 2 3 4 3� 5� 7. Class size: 1 � 2 3 7 4 s29 5 C� 8. Cost of lessons: I 2 _ 3 4 5 % 9. This has been a positive experience for my child 86 Yes No 10. I feel that I have received value for my investment of time and money. Strongly agree 'fib Agree d Neither agree nor disagree— Disagree 0 Strongly disagree D Comments: Favorable Comments: Breana & James are excellent with the children & my very cautious son has improved 100%. Good Instructors and aides. Instructors and Aides were wonderful! My child really liked Breana. A very warm and good organization. Thanks to Meagan because she didn't mind getting her hair wet to demonstrate. I appreciate that Justin was willing to put his head in the water to demonstrate skills. Kids need to see the instructors do this. They need to get their heads in the water during the class. I think the adept Frogs would benefit from a longer lesson. Thanks for opening one of the covered areas for parents! Excellent Instructors and Aides and fun attitude. Instructors were great! Excellent instruction! Excellent instructors. Every session we see great improvement. Evan has enjoyed Matthew as an instructor and has made much progress this session. Matthew and Vanessa were great. We really had a good time. Matthew is a very through teacher. My daughter enjoyed him very much. I hope he continues to teach. Great job! Dario was excellent - very good at communicating especially the rescue breathing. The instructor named Ashley, while not teaching this class, was very good as I observed her working with her class. She also was very helpful with this class in demonstrating how to dive. Matthew got along well with the kids. I rarely saw the other instructor interact with my child. Parent Instructor Interaction Day is a good idea. I appreciate the reminder to the instructors to start by 8:00 a.m. Kids need to be in the water when their time begins. Five min. late a day equals missing one entire lesson. The size of class was adequate - or would have been except that Matthew appeared to work with the majority of the students while the other instructor worked mainly with two girls. Thanks for letting parents sit in a pavilion. Thank you and keep up the good work. Kelly was an excellent instructor for this age. She accomplished more with my children (2 in this class) than any other instructor had before. Her manners (toward children) and attitude and knowledge were outstanding. Good job, Kelly. Joey was also a good aide. I think they make a great team. He also has Kelly's good traits toward children. Jesse enjoyed Kelly & Joey - very approachable and patient. Kelly and Joey were wonderful with my child. Kelly was very good with kids. Instructors and aides were great! Thank you and keep up the good work. Justin is very nice and great with the kids. Angela was a very patient and kind teacher. I hope she continues to teach and I hope my son gets her again. Angela was excellent. Angela is great! Justin made it fun! Registration process is flexible. Everyone involved in the program is happy to work with the children and strives for improvement. Everyone appears to be enjoying the classes. Parent Instructor Interaction Day is very helpful in light of the policy not to be near the class normally. Class size allows for a lot of individual attention. The lessons are well worth the cost. My daughter flourished during Session 2. This was a combination of being enrolled in Session 1 and the instructional abilities of Angela during session 2. She set the ground rules (hands on the wall) from the very beginning. Her ideas and techniques were easy to understand and follow for my daughter. Super job! Thanks so much. Ashley did an excellent job. We will do this again next year. Wonderful experience! Unfavorable Comments Two day care classes were at the front of the line and even though I got there 45 minutes before it opened, my first. choice was full because of the day cares. Please make separate arrangements with day cares and then don't advertise those time slots. I had a very precise schedule worked out and had to change everything else. The classes and instructors are great! Evening registration began before scheduled time. Didn't know there was a Parent Instructor Interaction Day. Classes for Frogs could be longer. Length of Frog class is really too short - should be 60 minutes. Lessons are expensive - especially for families with more than one child and for families who like their kids to take more than one session. By raising the price, you kept 2 families I know of from taking a second session. They couldn't afford it. I didn't get Parent Handbook. You've doubled your prices in 4 years and my Frog still can't swim. I think it might be more beneficial if Frog class was longer than 25 minutes. Since 1995, cost has about doubled. This cost increase has been difficult for some people. Because of the cost we could only afford one session for my oldest child. Aide was more concerned with socializing than teaching swimming. That aide was satisfactory, while the instructor is ranked as excellent. The classes fill up too quickly - especially for older children. We need more pools and more swimming instruction times. Class size was good for the baby class. This class should cost a little less. Registration by mail would be easier for moms with young kids. '1 Tally of Swim Program Surveys Session Dates III June 29 - July 10, 1998 In order to give the very best service possible, we would like to hear from you about our program. Please give us constructive comments so we know where to improve and what we are doing right. PLEASE fill out this form and return it to the box on the counter in the office. Thank you in advance for your help. Please put the number corresponding to your opinion of the specific item in the blank to the right of that item. 1-unsatisfactory 2-fair 3-satisfactory 4-very good 5-excellent 1. Registration process: 1 2__ 3 o-U 4_.33D 5� 2. Overall Program Organization: 1 U 2 _? 3_� 4 3� 5 3. Parent Handbook: 1 2 �2 3 G> 4 5 4. Instructor' and Aides'Ability and Attitude: 1 2 :2- 3 S 4 _Qw 5 G, 0 5. Parent/Instructor Interaction Day: 1 ! 2 �o 3 f �} 4 5 35 6. Length of classes:. 1 2 7 3 /q 4 3a 5 aj 7. Class size: 1 0 2 q 3 iS 4 - -j 54 8. Cost of lessons: I 2 3 a� 4 .2 Y 5_- 9. This has been a positive experience for my child --g, _ Yes 0 No 10. I feel that I have received value for my investment of time and money. Strongly agree _6-3_ Agree 3 D Neither agree nor disagree Disagree / Strongly disagree 0 Comments: Favorable Comments: Instructors and aides were very flexible and worked patiently. Please give a flyer to remind us of Parent Instructor Interaction Day. This was a very positive experience for my child. Thank you!!! Instructors of Adult class were very patient. Very patient Adult Class instructors. Shane really enjoyed his class & I am pleased with the progress he made. Thank you so much Trish and Justin for your patience with Sonia. She needed your encouragement to convince her that she could do it. She has never before put her head in the water. I am very grateful. Matthew was an outstanding instructor. My daughter benefited a great deal from his instruction and individualized attention. We will probably try to do another session if we can get him! (I know your other instructors are very good, too!) I have seen great improvement in my daughter's skill level and just as importantly she loved coming and had good fun. Thank you for such a fine program. This has been a very enjoyable experience. Kelly W. is very patient and understanding. Joshua is afraid of the water and she had him putting his face in the water. Joshua has a lot of confidence in Kelly. He did not become afraid when he had to jump into the deep water from the side and diving board. He was willing to jump from the diving board the 2nd time. This means a lot to me that he trusted Kelly. This has been very enjoyable to Joshua. The cost is satisfactory. When you have 3 children involved in the same activities, it is always expensive. Class size in Crocodiles is OK when 5, but too loud if there are six. We loved Mr. Dario. We are glad you got parents away from the classes! Kelly W. is a great instructor. We like the lessons at Thomas Pool. Please don't ever set them up for the Natatorium (CSISD). The water is too cold and the building too stuffy. Due to the number of students my child will not be able to participate in the next 2 sessions unless someone drops. She was so looking forward to learning more. There was plenty of availability for classes at Registration. The length of class is reasonable for the Frog age group. Breana was wonderful! Thank you so much! Class size for Frogs is good. Great instruction. Everything was excellent! Linda S. is a great instructor! Breana did a great job with the kids and remained friendly and polite even when the kids were a handful. We were very pleased. Thanks! Unfavorable Comments: During Parent Instructor Interaction Day the instructor didn't talk to us. Baby class could be longer. (Jenny's note: Red Cross recommends for children this age that class length be 25 - 30 minutes. We have our class 25 minutes to allow one group to get out and the other to get in and still have 2 classes in one hour.) I suggest not taking the Baby class to the small pool - they want to play - not learn! �\ Late registration not convenient. Difficult times and place for registration. We didn't get Parent Handbook. Registration began earlier than was announced in the newspaper. Seven kids seems too many to give good one on one instruction in Seahorses class. The Frogs class is short, needs to be longer. Need more openings for night classes. Frog class should be longer. The first day was a little unorganized when breaking up into groups. Instructor didn't say much to parents during Parent Instructor Interaction Day. At 5 1/2 years old, she might have been able to go longer than 25 minutes. Frog classes could be a bit longer per day. Frog class size is good. In the Parent Handbook we need a little more guidance as to which class we should be in. Frogs needs to be longer and have a break in between classes. It is too hard for us to determine the class to register in. (How many sessions for each class?) The Parent Instruction Interaction Day needs to be more specific to tell the parents what do they learn. But it is better than one. Tally of Swim Program Surveys Session Dates V July 27 - August 6, 1998 In order to give the very best service possible, we would like to hear from you about our program. Please give us constructive comments so we know where to improve and what we are doing right. PLEASE fill out this form and return it to the box on the counter in the office. Thank you in advance for your help. Please put the number corresponding to your opinion of the specific item in the blank to the right of that item. 1-unsatisfactory 2-fair 3-satisfactory 4-very good 5-excellent 1. Registration process: 1 2 a 3 % 4 a� 5 _i£' 2. Overall Program Organization: 10 2 0 3 $' 4 5 _ 3. Parent Handbook: 1 2 a 3_( 4 5 zf3 4. Instructor' and Aides'Ability and Attitude: 1 U 2 3� 4 5 !a 4 5. Parent/Instructor Interaction Day: 10 2 4 I$ 5 6. Length of classes: 1 0 2 q 3__�_ 4 IS 5 _� 7. Class size: 1 a 2 6 3--3- 4 /8 5 54 8. Cost of lessons: 1 0 2 5 !p 4 5 �Z 9. This has been a positive experience for my child Yes D No 10. I feel that I have received value for my investment of time and money. Strongly agree J' q Agree 4Neither agree nor disagree -3 Disagree Strongly disagree D # 18asurvtaly Session V: July 27 - August 6,1998 Favorable Comments: Trish & Joey are great teachers Megan and Hannah are excellent instructors. Very good attitude. The Crocodiles class was too big for what the instructors needed to teach. There were a couple of boys who were disruptive. How do the instructors deal with this problem? Good attitude from Angela and Amanda. Thank you. My daughter enjoyed her class and learned a lot. In the Minnows class wasn't that a lot of kids for 2 instructors? My husband and I are very impressed with your program. Your safety procedures and teaching techniques are excellent! Good job!! A great program. Your safety procedures and teaching techniques are excellent!! A wonderful instructor. ( Megan and Cassie). The best we've experienced in the 4 years of lessons here. Thank you Megan! Trish and Amanda rate a 5 on Instructors and aides ability and attitude. Excellent. Megan is very knowledgeable and positive. My daughter really enjoyed Megan. It was a very positive experience for her. She looked forward every morning to go to her class. The Frog class size was the perfect ration ( lots of attention) Megan was super with Cade!!!! Kelly Y. and Hannah are wonderful instructors! Kelly W. and Matt were great, very positive and encouraging. Instruction to help Kelsey was great!( Kelly W. and Matt) Thanks! Megan -you were great! Vanessa was great with the kids and parents. It was wonderful. I felt comfortable leaving my child. How They Think We Can be Better Comments: Very little Parent interaction in the Crocodiles class we had with Thomas and Justin. The Parent/Instructor Interaction Day was scheduled, but did not conduct in Thomas and / Cassie's Frog class. 1, Frogs classes could be longer. Registration process needs to computerize! (This comment from someone who had three children in the program, therefor made 3 times.) Also, Parent and Frog could be 5 - 10 minutes longer and it would be good. Also, Frogs would be good if 10 minutes longer. Parent Handbooks need to be available before registration. The registration process is horrible. First, it is not easy to find out what day sign-up will be (not well -publicized). Once a parent arrives at the sign-up, it is unclear which line to stand in, and a person who stands in the wrong line may discover that all the swimming slots disappeared in the meantime. If slots are so scarce it.seems'as if it would be more fair to have registration as a lottery by mail. The in -person sign-up is a hassle. Also, it would be helpful if all personnel at Parks and Rep were given a list of the names of the different classes and the skills required for each class. That would allow parents to better determine for which class they should register their children. Sign-up dayis too harried. too late. I know there is one person at P & R who has this information, but no one else in the office seems to know anything about swimming lessons! air"'+l"�L`vhtN'.'_ _. � \ 1' 1..':.9. L'�1i24K1wtiTinTW2itLlii4`W2LTtlitiilii:f.''Si2riiiNiZitNan!rio.�`u�vurn.`c2sSuviVvr!ririrO.+aTitil:.ti+Gi:�.r:ri:+arnn:r:.:.�:.rsr:.:.:.:.:.: �a.:.... •:..................... ............ .. .............. ...... Crocodile class size was too big and lessons have gotten too expensive for some families. (Thus comment twice from someone with 2 children in prograin.) When miss three lessons due to rain/ storm could have one Adamson Lagoon pass instead of three Thomas/Hallaran? Classes could be longer. Some sessions looked over crowded. More than swim passes are needed when classes are rained out. #18a/survtaly Tally of Swim Program Surveys Session Dates. V - 13 In order to give the very best service possible, we would like to hear from you about our program. Please give us constructive comments so we know where to improve and what we are doing right. PLEASE fill out this form and return it to the box on the counter in the office. Thank you in advance for your help. Please put the number corresponding to your opinion of the specific item in the blank to the right of that item. 1-unsatisfactory 2-fair 3-satisfactory 4-very good 5-excellent 1. Registration process: 1 2 2_6_ 3 9 426 s'M- a 5 2. Overall Program Organization: 1 0 2 1� 3 47— 4 36 s 2-8 , 3. Parent Handbook: 1 0 2 0 3_7_ 4 23 5 —333 4. Instructor' and Aides'Ability and Attitude: 1 0 2-1— 3_1 4 14 `' 5. Parent/Instructor Interaction Day: 1 _2- 2 1 3 10 4 _22_ 5 _3,1- _ 3� 6. Length of classes: 1 0- 2 1 3 10 4 21 s 516--, 3.7 7. Class size: 1 0 2 _2_ 35 425 5 3- Q; r 8. 0 no Cost of lessons: This has been a positive experience for my child 1 3 2 0 3 12 4 26 5 S7, ge b6 Yes _0_ No I feel that I have received value for my investment of time and money. Strongly agree _3, 3$ Agree _I 8_ Neither agree nor disagree _6_ Disagree _I Strongly disagree _0_ Comments: # 18asurvtaly. Favorable Comments: Angela is wonderful! Wonderful Starfish class. Kelly Y. and Jennifer were first rate. Both Starfish instructors (Kelly Y. & Jennifer M.) and Frog instructor, Liz F. seemed more informed this summer. Much better outcome of both classes this year. Lots of detail to help parents follow up. Kelly Y. had a large class, but handled it very well. I was surprised & pleased. Kelly Y. was a great Starfish instructor. Tammy M. was the best instructor James has had this summer. (Seahorses) She has very strong communication skills with the children & parents. The Parent Interaction time was especially valuable. I've been very, very pleased with class!. (Trish H. & Rachel C. Frogs) Thanks, Dario. (Frogs) Very pleased with Instructor and Aide (Matthew and Amanda (Crocodiles)) The instructors (Matthew and Vanessa, Frogs) were very patient and taught the class well Out of all the years my children have been in C.S. swimming lessons, I feel that Megan B. has by far been the best instructor we have had. She is very professional and uses the class time appropriately (very organized and no waste of time). Although my son did not pass the Seahorses course, I feel that the right decision was made. He took Seahorses with another instructor, Session 2 and I did not feel she was a very good instructor. She passed my son to Crocodiles but I knew he wasn't ready. That same instructor did not pass out evaluation forms. But I was very pleased this session. Megan B. is great with the true beginners! (Frogs) The Parent/Instructor Interaction Day helped a lot to know what my child did well and what needs some work. This has been a very good experience. (Megan B. in Parent & Frog) The instructors as always are wonderful, upbeat and positive with the kids! (Megan B. Frogs) I also had a Seahorse at the same time with Liz & Kelly, who were great. I do strongly feel like the older frogs (next summer my daughter will be close to 7) should have a longer class! Please call if you'd like. Megan was a super Frog teacher. How We Can be Better Comments: Sign up was at 5 p.m., instead of 6 p.m. We don't have a child in school, so we didn't know when registration began. Didn't receive Parent Handbook. I didn't know beforehand when Parent/Instructor Interaction Day was. Instructor failed to interact with parents and did not call on parents as the other instructors did. Frog class can be 45 minutes long. I came at the designated time and everything was already full because they let people register earlier. This was upsetting. Overall, All instructors and Aides are very good, but Tammy was particularly excellent to me! The price has doubled since we first started. Registration was supposed to start at 6 p.m. but started at 5 p.m. Frogs class could be a little longer. My girls wouldn't cooperate with a male instructor. I would appreciate being able to choose girl C instructors in the future. (Jenny's note: this situation occurred when female instructor was absent and male instructor substituted for her.) Didn't get Parent Handbook Put a banner up over the pavilion during first days of registration, so we won't park at the Parks Office and have to walk with kids on hips and toddlers dragging behind over to the pavilion. And ? about the Parent Handbook ( Jenny's note: They were.available in great abundance at pavilion during registration and at all swimming pools during lessons. Maybe she was distracted by her kids and didn't see them.) Frog class could be longer. During Parent/Instructor Day there was not enough time to talk without feeling like you were interrupting the class. I believe the older Frogs should have a longer class. Parent Handbook could include pool hours in the same handbook. (Jenny's note: Our print deadline usually comes before the pool hours are set and we have to go to press so that we have handbooks for May 11 registration. Sorry we don't have pool hours.) Prices are a bit high this summer. # 18a/survtaly PROJECT STATUS REPORT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM 1. W. A. TARROW PARK / WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number: PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $87,990 Project Manager. Eric Ploeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February 1996 and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. Designs were completed and were bid twice with the last being July 24, 1997. On both occasions bids came in higher than the budgeted amount. Staff, the architect, and the low -bid contractor worked to bring the project within budget. Changes in the parking lot paving, concession/rest room building specifications, and the parking lot area lighting resulted in sufficient reductions to allow the project to be within budget. The item was approved by Council on August 28, 1997. \j Progress on the project is picking up due to good weather. A change order to correct problems with the subgrade soil in the parking area was approved by council on May 14, 1998. Task: Project Design: November 1996 - July 1997 Advertisement & Award: July - August 1997 Complete: September 1998 2. LINCOLN CENTER GYM AIR CONDITIONING Project Number. CD1228 Budget: $75,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Mike Martine Project Design: Rick Ravey Comments/Status: City Council approved to air condition the Lincoln Center gym. $75,000 of Community Development funds Task: Project Design: February/March 1998 Advertisement & Award: April 1998 Complete: September 1998 C(P Report 8/6/98 Page i of 3 3. TEEN CENTER Project Number: PK9807 Budget: $300,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: N/A Comments/Status: Qualification statements were opened February 4, 1998. A staff recommendation was sent to Council, for selection of an architect, on the February 26, 1998, Council meeting. Council accepted the recommendation of Patterson Architects of Bryan. Preliminary design was discussed at the June Parks & Recreation Board meeting. The plan was presented to Council on July 9, 1998, and staff was directed to review the plans with the Teen Advisory Board and report back to Council. Task: Project Design: March - May 1998 Advertisement & Award: June/July 1998 Complete: 4. MADELEY PARKLAND ACQUISITION Project Number: CD 1230 Budget: $ 150,000 Contract Amount: N/A Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: Comments/Status: An appraisal has been conducted on the L. A. Ford property and negotiations will proceed shortly. Efforts will be concentrated on the Ford property then on the Jaffar property. An offer was presented to the Ford estate in July, but was rejected. The Ford estate indicated they had another offer that they would take. Task: Project Design: Advertisement & Award: Complete: 5. SANDSTONE PLAYGROUND REPLACEMENT Project Number. RM9807 Budget: $ 30,000 Contract Amount: $ 20,821 Project Manager: Peter Vanecek Project Design: Parks Planning Comments/Status: Bids for the replacement playground were opened May 12, 1998. Council accepted the recommendation of R.M. Dudley, Construction of College Station. Installation of the playground will be completed in August 1998. Task: Project Design: April 1998 Advertisement & Award: May 1998 Complete: August 1998 CIP Report 6/6/98 Page 2 of 3 6. RICHARD CARTER AREA LIGHTS Project Number. Budget: $9,000 Contract Amount: $9,100 Project Manager. Peter Vanecek Project Design: Parks Planning Comments/Status: Installation of three area lights in Richard Carter Park by Britt Rice Electric. Task: Project Design: June 1998 Advertisement & Award: July 1998 Complete: September 1998 CIP Report 8/6/98 Page 3 of 3 Az�