HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/12/1996 - Regular Agenda - Parks BoardCITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 1996 -- 7:00 P.M. LI NCOLN RECREATION CENTER 1000 ELEANOR AGENDA 1. Approval of Parks & Recreation Board Minutes: October 8, 1996 2. Hear Visitors a. Julian McMurrey - Girls Softball b. Others 3. Discussion of Lincoln Center Advisory Committee 4. Discussion of User Fees and Appointment of Subcommittee 5. Capital Improvement Program Report 6. Other Business/Board Concerns 7. Adjourn -- MINUTES -- CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1996 - 7:00 P.M. LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER 1000 ELEANOR MEMBERS PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Board: Ron Gay, Chair; Elizabeth Cunha, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Debra Anderson; Carol Reynolds; Gary Halter; and Mike Manson; Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: Larry Johnson, Chair; Malvonee Merchant; Elease Carter; Ray Terrell; and Linda Preston -Shepard MEMBERS ABSENT: Hub Kennady, Council Liaison STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Linda Waltman, Recreation Supt.; David Gerling, Special Facilities Supt.; Tony Scazzero, Athletics Supv. David Hudspeth, Asst. Athletic Supv.; Kimmie Davis, Center Supervisor; Tom Jagielski, Community Policing Officer; Bridgette George CPS, Staff Assistant) %>etr VCvM ) 91-, oark5 Rawner VISITORS: Julian McMurrey, 3400 Mustang; Texas A&M University students: Tara Johnson, J. T. Fuller, Duncan Wood, April Christian, and Darrell Krause The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes -- October 8,1996: Minutes were approved as submitted. 11. Hear Visitors a. Julian McMurrey - Girls Softball: Mr. McMurrey informed the board that Little League is going to offer a girls softball program in the spring. He is asking that the city not offer their program that same time. He would like to see the city offer girls softball only in the fall and summer. Mr. McMurrey stated that College Station Little League has to offer girls softball as mandated, they don't have a choice. Mr. McMurrey stated that Mr. Carter, President of Little League, said that he asked the city for fields and was told no fields were available. When asked what the difference was between the two programs, he stated that parents run the program, as opposed to city staff. The parents are responsible for scheduling, field preparation, training, etc. He stated that the city has too many programs to put emphasis on girls softball like he would like. Mr. McMurrey mentioned that the survey the city conducted of the participants of the city's girls softball program could have been done better. He stated that all of the questions pertaining to Little League girls softball was done with a back hand. He doesn't think that the participants knew what was going on. Steve stated that the survey was worked on very carefully to make sure it was not biased one way or another. He stated that if Little League offers this program, when they know there are no fields available, they would be lying to the public by presenting Parks Board Minutes November 12, 1996 Page 1 of 3 something that is not there. The organization would be creating a problem that they would be dumping on the city and expecting them to solve. Ron stated that the Little League Board has met with the Parks and Recreation Board in the past and has never requested fields for a junior girls softball program. He's surprised that they would make this decision without first consulting with the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. McMurrey stated that he was not representing Little League tonight, he was speaking out as a parent, but did state that Little League told him to come talk to the board. Ron stated that the participants of the current city's girls softball program stated 71-12, that they would prefer the city rather than Little League run the program. Some discussion took place regarding the fact that Little League could use the fields at Southwood for girls softball by rearranging schedules, if they chose to. Steve stated that a similar request for fields was made by another baseball program, and they were also told there are no fields available. Mr. McMurrey stated that every city in the state that offers Little League baseball, also offers girls softball. Tony stated that Little League has offered girls softball for the last nine years, and that there were never enough registered to make even one team. He also mentioned that several cities have already changed to ASA programs, like the one the city provides, instead of Little League. When asked, Mr. McMurrey stated that he is satisfied with the city's program in the fall, but thinks Little League would do a better job in the spring. He stated that parent involvement is the reason he would rather move to Little League. Ron suggested that the board meet with the Little League Board to find out what their plans are. David H. invited Mr. McMurrey to get involved, along with other parents, in the city program, instead of asking the city to drop their's. b. Others: None III. Discussion of Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: Steve expressed his appreciation to the committee members for their commitment in supporting the Lincoln Center. He stated that he was glad to see the increase in programs offered at the center. Steve also mentioned that African American Education in College Station was recently approved for a historical marker, which would be erected at Lincoln. Larry stated that the committee's duties include conveying their concerns and ideas concerning programs at the center to city staff. He expressed his appreciation to the Lincoln Center staff for their commitment to quality programs. Larry thinks that the programs offered at Lincoln Center are not utilized by the public like they could be. He would like to see more of the community taking part in the programs, instead of just the Southgate area. Officer Tom Jagielski currently mans the substation at Southgate and stated that there are plans to construct a substation at Lincoln Center. The one at Lincoln would provide opportunities for more equipment, such as a computer which would allow him access to more information and programs. He informed everyone that three more officers would be added to the Community Policing Program thanks to a grant that was recently approved. One officer would be stationed near Post Oak Mail and the Wolf Pen Creek area, and another substation is planned for Windsor Pointe. Mike inquired about a board liaison to the committee. Ron motioned that Mike be that liaison. The motion passed. IV. Discussion of User Fees and Appointment of Subcommittee: Ron mentioned that the board is responsible for reviewing and approving user fees for programs offered by the department. The fees are then taken to council for their approval. Steve recently asked the finance department for help in determining estimated costs of running some of the programs offered. The report was provided in the board's packets. Elizabeth, Bob, and Gary volunteered to serve on the committee. Elizabeth was appointed Chair of the subcommittee. Parks Board Minutes November 12, 1996 Page 2 of 3 V. Capital Improvement Program Report: Peter mentioned that the Wayne Smith project will probably be bid in November, instead of May as listed on the CIP report. Some discussion took place regarding Little League and the expansion of that program to include residents in the Southgate area. Steve mentioned that the board will need to spend some time on the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan revision when that process starts. The process will include public hearings to gather public input. Steve mentioned that the lake will not be dredged until a solution is identified to prevent, or help prevent, future silt problems. VI. Other Business/Board Concerns: Elizabeth stated that she again found glass in the sand at the playground at Lincoln Center. Bob suggested that the sand be replaced with the rubberized surface on the handicap accessible playgrounds. Steve mentioned that he would look into the problem. Elizabeth inquired about Zone 10. Steve stated that the school district has not acquired a site yet for a future school. He told them the city may be interested in a joint school/park project at that site. He stated that the zone will have $35,000 when the funds are received from the developer. Steve doesn't think those funds are sufficient to purchase land equal to the city's current park standards. Elizabeth was concerned about the two-year time limit the city has to spend the money. If the funds are not used within that time frame, the developer can request them back. Steve informed the board that the Trust for Public Land Company is pursuing acquisition of land for the athletic park. They are getting appraisals for three tracts of land submitted by the city. 1 They will then come back to the city with the value of those sites and seek council approval to proceed with negotiations of the site selected by the city. The Trust for Public Land will then negotiate with the land owner for a lower price. The difference will then be split between them and the city. Carol voiced her concern for smoking at Wolf Pen Creek events. She wanted to know if the thought of restricting smoking at events had been addressed. Steve said no, and stated that the amphitheater does not fall under the current city ordinance regarding no smoking in city facilities. It was mentioned that smoking is not allowed at Kyle Field. Further discussion took place regarding this issue and it was decided that it will be discussed at a future board meeting. VII. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. v. J�k Xt ta Parks Board Minutes November 12, 1996 Page 3 of 3 past, this program is supported by the purchase of the $7.00 Freshwater Trout Stamp. The daily bag limit is five trout per angler. This specie of fish is not a native of our waters and will only survive until the water temperatures reach 68 degrees or higher. This normally occurs towards the end of March. 3. Staff Development Jerry Branham, Bruce Brannan and Walter Jones (all Parks Operations Crew Leaders) have recently received their pesticide applicators certification through the Structural Pest Control Board. They passed tests on all three categories consisting of the General, the Lawn and Ornamental and the Weed Control. This testing had to be studied for in advance and took about half a day to complete. A day of formal class room training was also required before taking the exams. Jerry, Bruce and Walter are to be congratulated for this accomplishment. 4. Gary Marske assisted in coordination of the 1996 Region 3 Workshop for the Texas Recreation and Park Society. The workshop was in Austin on November 6 and 7. Gary coordinated the sessions and instructors for the Parks Maintenance track of the workshop. The coordination of this annual workshop is time consuming and preparations start months in advance. Several meetings and many phone calls and a lot of letter writing for possible instructors had to take place to organize this highly attended part of the workshop. Gary is to be commended for the efforts he put forth in helping to coordinate the workshop and keep his crews and District running smoothly. Copies: Skip Noe, City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager PARD Superintendents -- MINUTES -- CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12,1996 - 7:00 P.M. LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER MEMBERS PRESENT: Parks and Recreation Board: Ron Gay, Chair; Elizabeth Cunha, Vice Chair; Bob DeOtte; Debra Anderson; Carol Reynolds; Gary Halter; and Mike Manson; Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: Larry Johnson, Chair; Malvonee Merchant; Elease Carter; Ray Terrell; and Linda Preston -Shepard MEMBERS ABSENT: Hub Kennady, Council Liaison STAFF PRESENT: Steve Beachy, Director; Linda Waltman, Recreation Supt.; David Gerling, Special Facilities Supt.; Tony Scazzero, Athletics Supv. David Hudspeth, Asst. Athletic Supv.; Kimmie Davis, Center Supervisor; Tom Jagielski, Community Policing Officer; Brid ette George CPS, Staff Assistant Pelz& Uanu_c/z, 'k5 � a/taiZ } VISITORS: Julian McMurrey, 3400 Mustang; Texas A&M University students: Tara Johnson, J. T. Fuller, Duncan Wood, April Christian, and Darrell Krause The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes -- October 8,1996: Minutes were approved as submitted. II. Hear Visitors a. Julian McMurrey - Girls Softball: Mr. McMurrey informed the board that Little League is going to offer a girls softball program in the spring. He is asking that the city not offer their program that same time. He would like to see the city offer girls softball only in the fall and summer. Mr. McMurrey stated that College Station Little League has to offer girls softball as mandated, they don't have a choice. Mr. McMurrey stated that Mr. Carter, President of Little League, said that he asked the city for fields and was told no fields were available. When asked what the difference was between the two programs, he stated that parents run the program, as opposed to city staff. The parents are responsible for scheduling, field preparation, training, etc. He stated that the city has too many programs to put emphasis on girls softball like he would like. Mr. McMurrey mentioned that the survey the city conducted of the participants of the city's girls softball program could have been done better. He stated that all of the questions pertaining to Little League girls softball was done with a back hand. He doesn't think that the participants knew what was going on. Steve stated that the survey was worked on very carefully to make sure it was not biased one way or another. He stated that if Little League offers this program, when they know there are no fields available, they would be lying to the public by presenting Parks Board Minutes November 12, 1996 Page 1 of 3 something that is not there. The organization would be creating a problem that they would be dumping on the city and expecting them to solve. Ron stated that the Little League Board has met with the Parks and Recreation Board in the past and has never requested fields for a junior girls softball program. He's surprised that they would make this decision without first consulting with the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. McMurrey stated that he was not representing Little League tonight, he was speaking out as a parent, but did state that Little League told him to come talk to the board. Ron stated that the participants of the current city's girls softball program stated 71-12, that they would prefer the city rather than Little League run the program. Some discussion took place regarding the fact that Little League could use the fields at Southwood for girls softball by rearranging schedules, if they chose to. Steve stated that a similar request for fields was made by another baseball program, and they were also told there are no fields available. Mr. McMurrey stated that every city in the state that offers Little League baseball, also offers girls softball. Tony stated that Little League has offered girls softball for the last nine years, and that there were never enough registered to make even one team. He also mentioned that several cities have already changed to ASA programs, like the one the city provides, instead of Little League. When asked, Mr. McMurrey stated that he is satisfied with the city's program in the fall, but thinks Little League would do a better job in the spring. He stated that parent involvement is the reason he would rather move to Little League. Ron suggested that the board meet with the Little League Board to find out what their plans are. David H. invited Mr. McMurrey to get involved, along with other parents, in the city program, instead of asking the city to drop their's. b. Others: None I11. Discussion of Lincoln Center Advisory Committee: Steve expressed his appreciation to the committee members for their commitment in supporting the Lincoln Center. He stated that he was glad to see the increase in programs offered at the center. Steve also mentioned that African American Education in College Station was recently approved for a historical marker, which would be erected at Lincoln. Larry stated that the committee's duties include conveying their concerns and ideas concerning programs at the center to city staff. He expressed his appreciation to the Lincoln Center staff for their commitment to quality programs. Larry thinks that the programs offered at Lincoln Center are not utilized by the public like they could be. He would like to see more of the community taking part in the programs, instead of just the Southgate area. Officer Tom )agielski currently mans the substation at Southgate and stated that there are plans to construct a substation at Lincoln Center. The one at Lincoln would provide opportunities for more equipment, such as a computer which would allow him access to more information and programs. He informed everyone that three more officers would be added to the Community Policing Program thanks to a grant that was recently approved. One officer would be stationed near Post Oak Mall and the Wolf Pen Creek area, and another substation is planned for Windsor Pointe. Mike inquired about a board liaison to the committee. Ron motioned that Mike be that liaison. The motion passed. IV. Discussion of User Fees and Appointment of Subcommittee: Ron mentioned that the board is responsible for reviewing and approving user fees for programs offered by the department. The fees are then taken to council for their approval. Steve recently asked the finance department for help in determining estimated costs of running some of the programs offered. The report was provided in the board's packets. Elizabeth, Bob, and Gary volunteered to serve on the committee. Elizabeth was appointed Chair of the subcommittee. Parks Board Minutes November 12, 1996 Page 2 of 3 Z ovnkv,na -/Z / op_�l cl"V wnaed JJ_'k t b C k eb o"d UA d V. Capital Improvement Program Report: Peter mentioned that the Wayne Smith project i will probably be bid in November, instead of May as listed on the CIP report. Some discussion took place regarding Little League and the expansion of that program to include residents in the Southgate area. Steve mentioned that the board will need to spend some time on the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan revision when that process starts. The process will include public hearings to gather public input. Steve mentioned that the lake will not be dredged until a solution is identified to prevent, or help prevent, future silt problems. VI. Other Business/Board Concerns: Elizabeth stated that she again found glass in the sand at the playground at Lincoln Center. Bob suggested that the sand be replaced with the rubberized surface on the handicap accessible playgrounds. Steve mentioned that he would look into the problem. Elizabeth inquired about Zone 10. Steve stated that the school district has not acquired a site yet for a future school. He told them the city may be interested in a joint school/park project at that site. He stated that the zone will have $35,000 when the funds are received from the developer. Steve doesn't think those funds are sufficient to purchase land equal to the city's current park standards. Elizabeth was concerned about the two-year time limit the city has to spend the money. If the funds are not used within that time frame, the developer can request them back. Steve informed the board that the Trust for Public Land Company is pursuing acquisition of land for the athletic park. They are getting appraisals for three tracts of land submitted by the city. They will then come back to the city with the value of those sites and seek council approval to proceed with negotiations of the site selected by the city. The Trust for Public Land will then negotiate with the land owner for a lower price. The difference will then be split between them and the city. Carol voiced her concern for smoking at Wolf Pen Creek events. She wanted to know if the thought of restricting smoking at events had been addressed. Steve said no, and stated that the amphitheater does not fall under the current city ordinance regarding no smoking in city facilities. It was mentioned that smoking is not allowed at Kyle Field. Further discussion took place regarding this issue and it was decided that it will be discussed at a future board meeting. VI1. Adjotutn: The meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m. APPROVED: L_w�? �, zT-- Ron G , Board ChaU Yo _ 1lq& Date i Bridgette Gr rCoPS, B and Secretary ie%, Date Parks Board Minutes November 12, 1996 Page 3 of 3 CITY OF COI .1 STATION Post Office Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue cd� ftaf� College Station, Texas 77642-9960 (409) 764-3500 MEMORANDUM November 6, 1996 TO: Parks & Recreation Board FRO Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation SUBJECT: Items of Interest I User Fee Analysis - The Board will be looking at our user fees during the next several weeks to make a recommendation to the City Council for the 1997 calendar year. To facilitate this process, I requested assistance from the Office of Management and Budget in analyzing our current user fee structure. This process involved a detailed analysis of our athletic and pool use fees and associated expenses. The study was limited to these two areas due to time constraints and we will request similar in-depth studies of the other fees in future years. I recommend that the Board appoint a subcommittee to work with the staff to develop a recommendation to bring back to the full Board meeting in December. If approved, the recommendation will go to the City Council in January for their consideration. 2. Advisory Committees - The November Board meeting will be held at Lincoln Center in conjunction with the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. The December meeting will be held at the Conference Center in conjunction with the Conference Center Advisory Committee. This is in response to the Board's desire to get acquainted with the membership and duties of these advisory committees. 3. Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater presented the "Monster Mosh" Teen Concert on October 31- Halloween night. Teenage ghosts and goblins spent a ghoulish evening that featured the creepy band JASMINE BLUE. The highlight and most popular hit of the evening was the Haunted House of Horror which featured 60 teenage ghouls as participants! The evening was Home of Texas A&M University fun, festive and free from unsafe activities. Proceeds from the gate and Haunted House were donated to College Station Junior High, A&M Consolidated High School and Brazos Valley TROUPE Teen Theater. Attendance: 300 4. Athletic programs are winding down for the season on all sports activities. Adult softball Co-ed D and Men's D tournaments are still playing. Our youth flag football is playing their last games this week. We will be sending out flyers to all the College Station's schools for our Youth Basketball Program. Our jingle Bell Run flyer is ready for participants and will be held December 8th. Joel Hegar, our intern, is busy getting sponsors for this annual event. 5. City of College Station Homes Tour - Celebrate Holiday on the Brazos by attending this event which will be held December 7, from 1:00-4:00 p.m. The three residences being included on the tour include the Texas A&M University President's home on Throckmorton, 710 Park Place which was built in 1918, and 115 Lee Avenue which was built in 1936. Local florists will completely decorate the two homes located off campus. Proceeds will go to College Station Historic Preservation projects. Each ticket is $6 sold in advance. A map will be provided and the homes can be toured in any sequence. Tickets are available at the Conference Center, B/CS Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Arts Council of Brazos Valley, and the B/CS Chamber of Commerce. The overall marketing effort for Holiday on the Brazos is being coordinated by the Convention and Visitors Bureau and a brochure is included with this packet 6. Meeting Planners Showcase - This is the third year that the Conference Center had held this event at their facility. The showcase, which was held from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on October 31, included 45 booths which were set up by local businesses to promote keeping seminars in the Bryan/College Station area. Over 500 people attended the event. Door prizes from local businesses were given away throughout the day, as well as the Grand Prize of dinner for two from Outback Steakhouse and box seats at the MSC OPAS "A Tuna Christmas." 7. City Council Strategic Issues - The Parks & Recreation Department has overall responsibility for three of the top issues identified by the City Council. These are: # 9 - Wolf Pen Creek; #20 - Tourism Marketing Plan; and #31 - Youth at Risk. The staff is heavily involved in the implementation of the action plans that relate to each of these issues. This work is a high priority for the Department and we will provide regular updates to the Board concerning the progress that is being made in each of these areas. B. Internet Homepage - The Parks & Recreation Department is in the process of updating and expanding the information on the Internet. A separate homepage that is linked to the existing City of College Station homepage will be ready for use within the next few weeks. Look for some dramatic improvements in our efforts in this fast evolving medium. 9. Reengineering Projects - As part of a City-wide effort to improve operational efficiency and customer service, the Department is working on several reengineering projects. These are things that can be completed with existing resources and be implemented by the end of this year. Enhanced program marketing; improved park planning process; better customer service delivery at the Central Park office; more efficient parks and grounds maintenance operations; and enhanced youth programming are the initial projects that are in progress. This effort will be a continuous process for the City with the goal being an organization that is always improving the method of service delivery. Copies: Skip Noe, City Manager Tom Brymer, Assistant City Manager PARD Superintendents 1. PEBBLE CREEK PARK DEVELOPMENT Project Number. PK9504 Budget. $200,000 Contract Amount: $194,169 Project Manager: Eric Ploeger Project Design: PARD Planning Comments/Status. Initial meetings with CSISD staff have occurred to prioritize needed facilities. Public hearings were held October 10 and November 12, 1995. The preliminary site plan was approved by the school board on November 20, 1995. The plan was presented to the City Council on December 13, 1995. Competitive bids for the park's construction were opened April 15, 1996. The project was awarded to Marek Brothers of College Station. Construction started the week of May 13, 1996. The project is complete with the exception of minor adjustments to the irrigation system. Task, Project Design: January - February 1996 Advertisement & Award. March - April 1996 Complete: November 1996 2. WAYNE SMITH BASEBALL COMPLEX Project Number.' PK9505 Budget: $1,230,000 - 1995 Bond Contract Amount: Design $84,490 Project Manager. Eric Ploeger Project Design: HSI Consulting Architects Comments/Status: After review of 16 proposals by Architectural firms, the staff recommended HSI Architects of Bryan to the City Council. The City Council approved this selection. The contract was signed in early February and the initial meeting with staff took place on February 27. The project has moved to the final design phase with cost estimates completed in late September. The project should be bid in late November. Task. Project Design: November 1996 Advertisement & Award. December 1996 - January 1997 Complete: August 1997 CIP Report 11 /6/96 Page 1 of 2 _f , . = tic, -Tom -Nkoca Ch,'rL6-h cur) - 14 Ph.on--e ?C?,? - 5/0 / S>l 4"A, c, r, ,3.LI7- — I cr 17 WHAT IS A LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD A group of civic -minded volunteers who give of their time and talent to extend recreational opportunities, and support to the municipal function of meeting the recreational needs for College Station's citizens. They also serve as an organized voice to promote the Center's program, to encourage awareness of needs for the program, and to justify the program. As all volunteers, members must experience the rewards of purpose and satisfaction of accomplishment. RECREATIONPURPOSE OF A ADVISORY BOARD The purpose of this Board is to interpret the needs and interest of this community and advise the Parks Board Concerning recreational programs, ideas, and activities that satisfy these needs and/or interest. The Board will participate in formulating plans, assist in recommending policies, evaluating programs, and making recommendations regarding the use of finances made available through fund raising projects undertaken by the Lincoln Recreation Center Advisory Board. CONSTITUTIONAL BY-LAWS of the LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER ADVISORY BOARD City of College Station, Texas Section I Purpose The "Lincoln Center Advisory Board" hereinafter referred to as the Board, shall be composed of five(5) members. The purpose of this board is to interpret the needs and interest of this community and advise the recreation center staff and the Parks and Recreation Board the concerning recreational programs, ideas and activities that satisfy these needs and/or interests. The board will participate in formulating plans, assist in recommending policy and evaluating programs. Section II Terms of Office The terms of office for the Board shall commence on September 1st and shall be two(2) years in length and the members thereof shall be appointed by the Parks and Recreation Board. Section III Termination Any board member appointed by the Parks and Recreation Board shall forfeit that membership if absent for more than three(3) meetings, or 25% of the meetings, whichever is greater, in one appointment year, unless the absenteeism is for medical reasons. Absenteeism may also be excused by the Board or by the Parks and Recreation Board. If a member goes beyond this absenteeism limit, the Parks and Recreation Board shall be advised to declare the position vacant and appoint a new member to fill vacancy. -- - Section IV Organization Said Board is authorized to establish its own constitution and by-laws and shall provide for regular and special meetings necessary to carry on its business, separate and apart from the City of College Station, except as herein provided. Section V Limitations The Board shall not be authorized to incur on behalf of the City of College Station any expense incident to the operation of said parks and recreation programs, unless expressly authorized to do so by the City Council. The Board shall not knowingly -conduct business that has been assigned by ordinance to any other governing or advisory body of the City of College Station. ARTICLE U MEETING Section I Annual Meetings The annual meeting of the Board shall be held at a date and time to be designated by the Board. Section II Regular Meetings The regular meeting shall be held on the first Monday of each month at the hour of 5:30 p.m. at the Lincoln Recreation Center. Section III Notice of Meetings Notice of all regular meetings shall be delivered to each member of the Board at least five(5) days prior to each meeting. Notice of all meetings shall be posted at City Hall and delivered to the news media in compliance with all state and. local news. Section IV Special Meetings Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Board or by three(3) members of the Board. Section V Place of Meeting The place of the meeting shall be at Lincoln Recreation Center unless other wise stated in the call. Section VI Quorum Three(3) members of the Board shall at all times constitute a quorum. Section VII Rules of Order General parliamentary rules, as given in Robert's Rules of Order, as modified by the rules and regulations of the Board shall be observed in conducting meetings of the Board. Section VIII Order of Business The following shall be the Order of Business of the Board, but the rules of the order may be suspended and any matters considered or postponed by action of the Board. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call. Section VIII Order of Business Cont. 3. Consideration of minutes of last regular meeting and of any special meetings held subsequently and their approval or amendment. 4. Petitions or communication from visitors. 5. Reports 6. Board concerns. ARTICLE III OFFICERS Section I Appointment of Officers The Parks and Recreation Board shall appoint one member of the Board to serve as Chairman and one member to serve as Vice -Chairman on an annual basis. Section R Duties of the Board Chairman The Chairman of the Board shall preside at the meetings of the Board, and shall perform the other duties ordinarily performed by the officer. Section III Duties of the Vice -Chairman The Vice -Chairman of the Board, in the absence of the Chairman, shall perform all the duties of the Chairman of the Board. In the absence of both the Chairman and the Vice - Chairman, the Board shall elect a Chairman protempore who shall perform the duties of the Chairman of the Board. Section IV Duties of the Center Supervisor He/She shall act as the chief executive officer of the Board, but shall NOT be a member. He/She attend all regular meetings and participate in discussions, but shall not be entitled to vote. ARTICLE IV COMMITTEES OF THE BOARD Section I Appointment of Special Committees Special Committees shall be appointed by the Chairman for consideration and study of any matter not covered by the Board during regular or special meetings. The Special Committees shall report their findings to the Board. Section II Amendments These by-laws may be amended at any regular meetings of the Board by a majority vote of the members present, provided previous notice of the nature of any proposed amendment shall have been given at least one regular meeting before the action thereon shall be taken. These by-laws shall be automatically amended by any future ordinances passed by the Parks and Recreation Board dealing with matters relating to the Lincoln Recreation Center Advisory Board. Attest: Advisory Chairman Date Board Secretary Date Approved by City of College Station Parks and Recreation Board on the day of Attest: Board Chairperson Date Board Secretary PARKS PLANNING 1. COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget: $40,000 Comments/Status: Parks Planning is providing the design for the exterior landscaping and irrigation design. The expected bid date for the project is January 1997. 2. COLLEGE STATION FIRE STATION #1 LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION DESIGN Budget. $8,000 Comments/Status: Construction began in June 1996, The Forestry Division will install the plant material. The project completion is expected in January 1997. 3. SIGNS FOR THE INDUSTRIAL PARK AND THE NORTH TEXAS AVENUE ENTRANCE SIGN REPLACEMENTS Budget: $10,200 total Comments/Status: The Business Park sign will be replaced to establish a name change to the Business Center, The North entryway sign is being replaced because it was damaged during an automobile mishap. 4. THOMAS PARK SIDEWALKS SIDEWALK DESIGN Budget, Comments/Status: This is a Development Services project to put sidewalks on both the east and west side of the south end of Thomas Park. Parks Planning will provide design drawings for the project. 5. WOLF PEN CREEK MASTER PLAN BASE MAP REVISION Budget: N/A Comments/Status: This is an effort to develop a base map containing updated information on the WPC corridor. This will assist in the master plan updating process. C1P Report 11 /6/96 Page 2 of 2 TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ofOffice of Management and Budget P.O. BOX 9960 1101 TEXAS AVENUE COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77842 (409) 764-3461 Fax (409) 764-3571 MEMORANDUM Steve Beachy--Director of Parks and Recreation Charles Cryan --Director of Management and Budget Mike Lindsey --Senior Budget Analyst Fee Analysis Oct. 28, 1996 I have completed the analysis of the costs and related fees of the Aquatics Facilities and Adult Sports Programs. My initial goal was to complete these and the Conference Center rates but I did not have time to look at the Conference Center. I can look at those fees and others in the near future, but I knew that you wanted something by the end of October in order to meet with the Parks Board. Your staff was very helpful in gathering much of the information in a timely manner, and I appreciate that. .If you or your staff see anything that does not seem correct, please let me know. The figures below are the fees that would recover all of the direct operating and maintenance costs associated with the activity or facility, with the current participation levels. I have also attached; an explanation of assumptions and methods used in the analysis, the detail worksheets, and a fee comparison of other medium sized cities. ADAMSON LAGOON SOUTHWOOD POOL THOMAS POOL NATATORIUM FALL SLOWPITCH SPRING SLOWPITCH SUMMER FASTPITCH FALL FASTPITCH ADULT BASKETBALL ADULT VOLLEYBALL ADULT FOOTBALL FULL COST FEE CURRENT FEE 4.51/person/day 3.00/person/day 5.95/person/day 6.99/person/day 3.22/person/day $224/team $304/team $304/team $224/team $284/team $266/team $4991team 1.50/person/day 1.50/person/day 2.00/person/day $220/team $260/team $300/team $2501team $255 /team $110/team $260/team % RECOVERY 66% 25% 21% 62% 98% 86% 99% 111% 90% 41% 52% PARR Fee Analysis Methods and Assumptions Aauatics: The FY97 Aquatics budget was primarily allocated to each of the four swimming facilities based on actual FY96 expenditures. This information was provided by the aquatics staff. The entire budget was not allocated since some expenditures are for activities aside from public swimming such as Splash Camp and Family Swim Nights. For example 82% of salaries and benefits were allocated to public swimming and the other 18% was determined to be used for various programs and therefore not included in the analysis. The supervisory salaries and benefits were prorated based on the actual percentages of other staffing used at each facility. Costs that had a strong relationship to staffing such as travel and training and uniforms were also allocated based on the actual staffing levels at each facility. Two costs were allocated to the pools that are external to the Aquatics cost center. These were PARD Administration and Facilities Maintenance. Part of the Administration budget was allocated to Aquatics based on the size of the Aquatics budget relative to the total PARD budget. This amount was then allocated to each pool based on the overall allocation percentage. Facilities Maintenance costs were allocated to the pools based on actual expenditures to maintain the facilities in FY96. No capital expenditures or internal service costs were allocated to the pools or activities in determining the.full costs. A total cost of $464,605 was identified for public swimming at each of the pools. The individual amounts were then divided by estimated FY97 attendance to arrive at a full cost recovery fee. With the current fees the City should recover 66% of costs at Adamson, 25% at Southwood, 21 % at Thomas and 62% at the Natatorium. Adult Snorts: The method for determining the full operating and maintenance costs associated with the various adult sports activities involved identifying the costs in each activity on an annual basis. Then this amount was divided by the total games played to get the cost per game. The cost per game was multiplied by the number of games per season plus an average number of tournament games. This number was divided by two since there are two teams per game. The salary and benefit costs were allocated to each activity based on estimates from the Athletics staff of how much time they spend attending to each activity. Additionally, a portion of the PARD Administration budget was allocated in a manner similar to that in the aquatics analysis. According to the analysis, softball fees seem to be in the ballpark with regard to cost recovery. The other sports appear to be recovering much less of their costs with the current fees. AQUATICS FEE ANALYSIS FY97 ALLOC. ALLOC. ALLOC. ALLOC. ALLOC. COST TYPE BUDGET % AL ADAMSON % SW SOUTHWOOD % TP THOMAS % NAT NATATOR. BASIS SALARIES SALARIES SUP. 30,631 30% 9,189 22% 6,739 11% 3,369 19% 5.820 STAFFING SALARIES TEMP 257.792 30% 77,338 22% 56,714 11% 28,357 19% 48,980 96 ACTUALS SALARIES Off 4,389 30% 1,317 22% 966 11% 483 19% 834 96 ACTUALS BENEFITS 16,126 30% 4.838 22% 3,648 11% 1,774 19% 3,064 SALARY ALLOC, OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,550 17% 425 17% 425 17% 425 0% - 96 ACTUALS V&E SUPPLIES V&E GAS 860 40% 344 20% 172 40% 344 0% - 96 ACTUALS V&E OIL 40 40% 16 20% 8 40% 16 0% - 96 ACTUALS V&E TOOLS 12.090 50% 6,045 25% 3,023 25% 3,023 0% - 96 ACTUALS V&E OTHER 1,110 40% 444 30% 333 30% 333 0% - 96 ACTUALS CHEMICAL SUPPLIES CHEMICALS 23,150 67% 15,418 17% 3,857 17% 3,858 0% - 96 ACTUALS PESTICIDE 360 33% 119 33% 119 33% 119 0% 96 ACTUALS JANITORIAL 2,170 40% 868 30% 651 30% 651 0% - 96 ACTUALS BOTANICAL 480 47% 226 31% 149 22% 106 0% - 96 ACTUALS OTHER 410 33% 135 33% 135 33% 135 0% - 96 ACTUALS MISC. SUPPLIES PAPER GOODS 210 17% 35 17% 35 17% 35 0% - 96 ACTUALS PERISH FOOD 560 50% 280 23% 129 27% 151 0% - 96 ACTUALS SNACK FOOD 90 33% 30 42% 36 25% 23 0% - 96 ACTUALS BEVERAGE 80 40% 32 30% 24 30% 24 0% - 96 ACTUALS PROMO MAT. 460 40% 184 30% 138 30% 138 0% - 96 ACTUALS MEDICAL 1,380 50% 690 28% 386 22% 304 0% - 96 ACTUALS RECREATIONAL 1,070 23% 246 19% 203 19% 203 0% - 96 ACTUALS CLOTHING SUPPLIES UNIFORMS 870 30% 261 22% 191 11% 96 19% 165 STAFFING ACCESSORY 210 30% 63 22% 46 11% 23 19% 40 STAFFING OTHER 340 30% 102 22% 75 11% 37 19% 65 STAFFING AWARDS 1,430 30% 429 22% 315 11% 157 19% 272 STAFFING CREW SUPPLIES 770 30% 231 22% 169 11% 85 19% 146 STAFFING OFFICE/EQUIP. MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT 430 33% 142 33% 142 33% 142 0% - • 96 ACTUALS FURNITURE 300 40% 120 30% 90 30% 90 0% - 96 ACTUALS MOTOR VEH 1,050 40% 420 30% 315 30% 315 0% - 96 ACTUALS MACHINE TOOL 5D0 40% 200 30% 150 30% 150 0% - 96 ACTUALS RADIOS 460 33% 152 33% 152 33% 152 0% - 96 ACTUALS PHONES 430 33% 142 33% 142 33% 142 0% 96 ACTUALS PUMPS/MOTORS 2,240 40% 896 30% 672 30% 672 0% - 96 ACTUALS RECREATIONAL 830 33% 274 33% 274 33% 274 0% - 96 ACTUALS OTHER 4,880 33% 1,610 33% 1.610 33% 1,610 0% - 96 ACTUALS BUILDING MAINTENANCE BUILDING 11,210 40% 4,484 30% 3,363 30% 3,363 0% - 96 ACTUALS OTHER 5,100 40% 2,040 30% 1,530 30% 1,530 0% - 96 ACTUALS GROUNDS 90 40% 36 30% 27 30% 27 0% - 96 ACTUALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AUDIT 1,530 33% 505 33% 505 33% 505 0% - 96 ACTUALS DRUG TESTING I 1,120 30% 336 22% 246 11% 123 19% 213 STAFFING AQUATICS FEE ANALYSIS FY97 ALLOC. ALLOC, ALLOC. ALLOC, ALLOC, COST TYPE BUDGET % AL ADAMSON % SW SOUTHWOOD % TP THOMAS % NAT NATATOR. BASIS TECH SERVICES 1,730 33% 571 33% 571 33% 571 0%n - 96 ACTUALS CONTRACT LABOR 2,030 40% 812 30% 609 30% 609 0% - 96 ACTUALS UTILITIES ELECTRIC 17,800 42% 7,476 36% 6,408 22% 3,916 0% - 96 ACTUALS NAT. GAS 7,700 40% 3,080 30% 2,310 30% 2,310 0%n - 96 ACTUALS WATER 9,000 60% 5,400 25% 2,250 15% 1,350 0% - 96 ACTUALS SEWER 3,900 60% 2,340 25% 975 15% 585 0% - 96 ACTUALS PHONE 1,320 29% 383 29% 383 29% 383 0% - LINES LONG DISTANCE 500 40% 200 30% 150 30% 150 0% - 96 ACTUALS GARBAGE 400 60% 240 25% 100 15% 60 0% - ATTENDANCE EQUIP RENTAL 2,180 50% 1,090 30% 654 20% 436 0% - 96 ACTUALS INSURANCE 10,200 50% 5,100 30% 3,060 20% 2,040 0% - ADVERTISE 8,370 70% 5,859 15% 1,256 15% 1,256 0% - ADVERTISING TRAINING TRAVEULODGE 1,044 30% 313 22% 230 11% 115 19% 198 STAFFING OUTSIDE 693 30% 208 22% 152 11% 76 19% 132 STAFFING INHOUSE 880 30% 264 22% 194 11% 97 19% 167 STAFFING MEMBERSHIPS 400 30% 120 22% 88 11% 44 19% 76 STAFFING OTHER 600 30% 180 22% 132 11% 66 19% 114 STAFFING PRINTING INTERNAL 730 70% 511 15% 110 15% 110 0% - 96 ACTUALS EXTERNAL 210 70% 147 15% 32 15% 32 0% - 96 ACTUALS POSTAGE/FRIEGHT 1,310 67% 878 17% 223 16% 210 0% - SUPPLIES REPLACEMENT FLEET 2,300 25%u 575 25% 575 25% 575 25% 575 EQUAL PHONES 1.510 29% 438 29% 438 29% 438 0% - LINES 464,605 41% 166,845 27% 108,703 17% 68,790 15% 60,861 OTHER COSTS/CREDITS PARDADMIN 45,578 41% 18,767 27% 12.227 17% 7,738 15% 6,846 OVERALL ALLOC REIMBURSED EXP. (13,220) FAC. MAINTENANCE 12,500 8,500 2,200 1,800 - 96 ACTUAL 58,078 27,267 14,427 9,538 (6,374) TOTAL COST BASIS 464,605 194,112 123,130 78,327 54,487 CURRENT COST RECOVERY 66% 25% 21% 62% EST. ATTENDANCE 43,000 20,700 11,200 16.900 FULL COST RECOVERY FEE 4.51 5.95 6.99 3.22 90% COST RECOVERY FEE 4.06 5.35 6.29 2.90 80% COST RECOVERY FEE 3.61 4.76 5.59 2.58 70% COST RECOVERY FEE 3.16 4.16 4,90 2.26 60% COST RECOVERY FEE 2.71 3.57 4.20 1.93 SOFTBALL FEE ANALYSIS MAINTENANCE WAGES EXPENSE # Hours Wage/Hr. Total Cost if- Prepping Fields/Crew 2,389 $ 8.36 19,968 Prepping Fields/Supervisor 50 14.99 750 Misc. Jobs 361 8.36 3,020 Pre -Season Field Prep./Crew 401 8.36 3,348 Pre -Season Field Prep./Supv. 75 14.99 1,124 Irrigation Repair/Crew 100 8.36 836 Supervisor irrigation 8 14.99 120 Fertilizer Application 100 8.36 836 Total Mainten. Labor Expense: $ 30,002 FIELD SUPPLIES EXPENSE # Bags # Pounds Cost/Bags/lbs. Total Cost Chalk 598 $ 2.75 $ 1,645 Fertilizer Expense 5,760 0.21 1,210 Seed 80 14.00 1,120 Bermuda 6 135.00 810 Dirt (cost/year) 3,000 Floor Dry (cost/year) 500 Chalker (one per year) 210 Replacement of Bases (cost/year) 2,000 Total Field Supplies and Equipment Expense: *,77 $ 8,080 JANITORIAL PRODUCTS EXPENSE # Cases # Boxes Cost/Amount Total Toilet Paper (amount in cases) 10 $ 32.50 $ 325 Hand towels (amount in cases) 8 15.00 120 Heavy duty wipes (amount in cases) 5 15.00 75 Disinfectants (amount in cases) 4 15.00 60 Hand soap (amount in cases) 2 15.00 30 Trash liners (amount in boxes) 38 15.00 570 Total Janitorial Products Expense: *.77 $ 909 TRACTOR FUEL EXPENSE # Gallons Cost/Gallon Total Cost Average Fuel Expenditures 296 $ 1.30 $ 385 Misc. Fuel Expenditures (cost/year) 285 Total Tractor Fuel Expense: *.77 $ 516 ELECTRICITY EXPENSE # kwh Total Cost Field 1 36,896 $ 2,272 Field 2 8,096 674 Field 3 35,808 2,215 Field 4 35,520 2,200 Total Electricity Expense: *,77 $ 5,668 WATER EXPENSE # Heads # Gallons Cost/Gallon Total Cost 20 Stations w/ 2 heads each*25gpm*2 40 3,750,000 $ 0,00203 $ 7,613 4 Stations w/ 3 heads each*25gpm*25 12 1,125,000 0.00203 2,284 ( 4 Stations w/ 4.5 heads each*25gpm* 20 1,875,000 0.00203 3,806 Total Water Expense: 6,750,000 $ 10,551 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE PARD Admin Allocation 2,653 Recreation Cost Center 10,873 Total Admin Expense: $ 13,526 Umpires 64,807 T-Shirts 7,560 Registration Fees 13,910 Total Other Expense: $ 86,277 TOTAL ANNUAL SOFTBALL COSTS $ 155,528 ANNUAL GAMES Games/Season Teams Total Games Fall Slowpitch 10 168 840 Spring Slowpitch 11.5 180 1,035 Summer Slowpitch 11.5 175 1,006 Summer Fastpitch 11.5 6 35 Fall Fastpitch 10 6 30 535 2,946 Cost per game $ 52.80 Full cost recoverey cost/team Games/Season Fall Slowpitch 8.5 $ 224 Spring Slowpitch 11.5 $ 304 Summer Slowpitch 11.5 $ 304 Summer Fastpitch 11.5 $ 304 Fall Fastpitch 8.5 $ 224 Current Fee Cost recovery Current Fee % Cost Recovered Fall Slowpitch $ 220 98% Spring Slowpitch $ 260 86°% Summer Slowpitch $ 260 86°% Summer Fastpitch $ 300 99°% Fail Fastpitch $ 250 111% ADULT BASKETBALL FEE ANALYSIS TEAMS GAMES SPRING 8 11.5 FALL 8 11.5 16 CSISD GYM COSTS GYM RENTAL LIGHTS OTHER TOTAL GYM COSTS LABOR & ADMIN COSTS OFFICIALS ATHLETICS (643) PARD ADMIN (5380) TOTAL LABOR & ADMIN. OTHER COSTS TAAF REGISTRATION AWARDS EQUIPMENT Joint use agreement with CSISD TOTAL ANNUAL COST COST PER GAME FULL COST PER SEASON CURRENT FEE COST RECOVERY 30.00 PER GAME 7 PER TEAM 20 PER TEAM 0 PER TEAM 255 TOTAL GAMES 46 46 92 2,116 1,607 392 4,115 112 320 432 4,647 49 284 90% ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL FEE ANALYSIS TEAMS GAMES TOTAL GAMES FIELD COSTS MOWING WATER LIGHTS FERTILIZER OTHER TOTAL FIELD MAINT. LABOR & ADMIN COSTS OFFICIALS ATHLETICS (643) PARD ADMIN (5380) TOTAL LABOR & ADMIN. OTHER COSTS TAAF REGISTRATION AWARDS EQUIPMENT TOTAL ANNUAL COST COST PER (SAME 16 11.5 92 23.00 PER GAME 538 1,209 136 208 752 2,843 2,116 1,952 476 4,544 7 PER TEAM 112 20 PER TEAM 320 10 PER TEAM 160 592 $ 7,979 $ 87 $ 499 62% ADULT VOLLEYBALL FEE ANALYSIS TEAMS GAMES TOTAL GAMES SESSION 1 10 11.5 58 SESSION It 7 11.5 40 SESSION 111 8 11.5 46 25 144 CSISD GYM COSTS GYM RENTAL - LIGHTS _ OTHER - TOTAL GYM COSTS LABOR & ADMIN COSTS OFFICIALS 8.00 PER GAME 3,306 ATHLETICS (643) 1,952 PARD ADMIN (5380) 476 TOTAL LABOR & ADMIN. 5,734 OTHER COSTS TAAF REGISTRATION 7 PER TEAM 175 AWARDS 20 PER TEAM 500 EQUIPMENT 10 PER TEAM 250 925 TOTAL ANNUAL COST $ 6,669 COST PER GAME $ 46 FULL COST PER SEASON $ 266 CURRENT FEE COST RECOVERY 110 41% ATHLETICS COST CENTER LABOR ALLOCATION ACTIVITY TONY SPUD TEMP/SEAS. 643 SALARIES 32,600 26,867 39,821 643 BENEFITS 6,017 4,959 7,350 38,617 31,826 47,171 ALL ADULT SOFTBALL 386 7,320 2,359 1% 23% 5% ADULT BASKETBALL - 637 943 0% 2% 2% ADULT FLAG FOOTBALL - 955 943 0% 3% 2% ADULT VOLLEYBALL - 955 943 0% 3% 2% STRAIGHT SHOT 3,089 318 472 8% 1% 1% YOUTH BASKETBALL 1,159 5,092 14,151 3% 16% 30% YOUTH FLAG FOOTBALL 386 3,819 10,378 1% 12% 22% GIRLS SOFTBALL 1,159 3,819 13,680 3% 12% 29% ATHLETIC TOURISM 22,398 1,910 2,359 1 58% 6% 5% _..., OTHER - 10,041 7,002 943 26% 22% 2% TOTAL (100%) 100% 100% 100% TOTAL ALLOCATED 38,617 31,508 46,700 643 PORTION OF PARD 0.07559 PARD ADMIN TOTAL 397,062 PARD ADMIN ALLOC TO 6 30,014 PLUS TOTAL OT 643 TOT. 641 PORT ADMIN. 4,551 103,839 840 19,167 5,391 123,006 30,014 153,020 809 10,873 2,653 13,527 15% 9% 27 1,607 392 1,999 1% 1% 54 1,952 476 2,428 1% 2% 54 1,952 476 2,428 1% 2% - 3,879 947 4,826 0% 3% 539 20,941 5,110 26,051 10% 17% 270 14,853 3,624 18,477 5% 12% 270 18,927 4,618 23,545 5% 15% 3,046 29,712 7,250 36,962 57% 24% 323 18,309 4,468 22,777 6% 15% 100% 100% 5,391 123,006 30,014 153,020 Page 1 ADULT SPORTS FEE COMPARISON (Costs are per team per game) SOFTBALL FOOTBALL BASKETBALL VOLLEYBALL SAN MARCOS 22.69 21.88 17.69 6.25 HARLINGEN 19.64 BRYAN 26.50 18.75 TEMPLE 6.67 6.67 6.67 6.67 DENTON 15.63 LUBBOCK 28.00 26.00 26.00 15.50 ABILENE 25.00 21.00 AMARILLO 21.43 26.00 37.50 11.43 BAYTOWN 24.50 BEAUMONT 21.43 20.91 9.09 CARROLTON 38.50 38.50 40.00 17.50 GRAND PRAIRIE 27.50 35.00 27.50 15.50 KILLEEN 28.13 18.75 15.00 LONGVIEW 28.50 31.00 26.67 25.00 25.83 (8-10 GAMES) RICHARDSON 40.71 38.00 40.00 (10-13 GAMES) (10-13 GAMES) SAN ANGELO 35.00 14.29 (10-12 GAMES) TYLER 26.50 30.00 15.00 30.00 31.25 WICHITA FALLS 20.00 25.00 8.75 20.83 20.71 23.00 (fast pitch) 22.08 AVG COST/TEAMIGAME: 25.37 26.68 26.94 13.88 COLLEGE STATION 22.61 22.61 22.17 9.57 C�v Conserving Land for People Steve Beachy Director College Station Parks & Recreation Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842 Dear Mr. Beachy: October 1, 1996 As you know, in April we sent out approximately 260 surveys to land acquisition agencies throughout the southwest region. Your response to our survey was greatly appreciated. It will provide us with added direction for improving the land acquisition services we offer. > 2w - _ � } In the next few. wee��, we MIR be analy�ir�g all of Elie responses that %7 e have received. Shortly thereafter, we will provide you with a summary of this analysis, as well as more information on how we plan to incorporate the responses we received into TPUs program. We believe the information gained from the survey will help TPL assist agencies with more cost-effective, problem -solving tools for acquiring significant open space resources. Again thank you for your time and thoughtful response. The enclosed gift is a token of our appreciation for your participation in this process. I hope that we will have an opportunity to speak in the near future. Best regards, Ted O. Harrison Regional Manager The Trust for Public Land Southwest Office i418 Montezuma Ave. Santa Fe, NM 87501 (505)988-5922 Fax (505) 988-5967 Open_Space@tpl-swro.ccmail.compuserve.com Printed on recycled paper October 10, 1996 Mr. Steve Beachy, Director Parks & Recreation Department P.O. Box 9960 City of College Station College Station, Texas 77842-9960 Dear Steve: Thank you so much for taking time to show Bart and I around this past Thursday. It is always encouraging to see programs and facilities which are designed to function well and do. Please thank each member of your staff that took time out of their day to assist us. We'll tell Ron hello for you and we want to come and see the Christmas in the Park. Send some _information on the dates! Sincerely, V�uMel Rapp, D e for Parks & Recre ion 2121 Cross Timbers Road 6 Flower Mound, Texas 75028 a Office: 214/539-1733 0 Fax: 214/355-1649 9 TDD: 1-800-RELAY TX TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Department of Entomology October 15, 1996 Mr. Curtis Bingham City of College Station Parks and Recreation Krenek Tap Road Dear Sir: As in previous years, I have set up Malaise Traps in Lick Creek Park to sample insects. I also plan to take several entomology classes to the park at various tunes during the year to collect and observe insects. Lick Creek Park offers a diverse array of habitat types, and is ideal for both Instructional. and research purposes. I appreciate your continued willingness to allow us access to the park. At least 5 courses in our department use the park on an annual basis, and it is also an excellent source of material for our teaching and outreach programs. Though habitat loss is apparent in several places due to heavy use by off -trail bicycles, Lick Creek Park remains a gem in the park system. It is truly a pleasure to work there. The Malaise Traps that I operate are approximately 5 feet in length, 6 feet high at one end and 3 feet high at the other. The are roughly the shape of a pup -tent, and made of fine mesh cloth. If you have any questions or concerns about my activities, please do not hesitate to ask_ Sincerely, 0111 �.' V14A Bob Wharton Professor Room 115 Biological Control • College Station, Texas 77843-2475 • (409) 845-7972; FAX (409) 845-7977 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Department of Forest Science Room 305, Horticulture/Forest Science Building College Station, Texas 77843-2135 (409) 845-5033 FAX (409) 845-6049 October 20, 1996 Mr. Ross Albrecht Department of Parks and Recreation P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842-0960 Dear Ross: Thanks for providing my class with a field trip on October 10. As with last year, I appreciate not only your willingness to help, but also your willingness to do this in my absence. My schedule each fail seems to worsen from the previous year. This fall is no exception. I am sorry it took me ten days to write this letter, but 1 had two more trips in the interim. The students enjoyed what they saw, and learned much since it was all new to them, and the very valuable. Perhaps we can make urban foresters out of some of them. Thanks again and please call if I can somehow return the favor. Sincerely, K Michael G. Messina Associate Professor xc: Mr. Ric Ploeger Mr. Steve Beachy V U4 qi '.t` YT ...�.y •�F'CF '�'•1876 TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Soil & Crop Science College of Agriculture and Life Science College Station, Texas 77843-2474 FAX (409) 845-0456 Oct 24,1996 Mr. Robert Hensarling, Parks Operations Supervisor 1000 Krenek Tap Road P.O.Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 Dear Robert I want to thank you for assisting in an introductory Turf Field Trip for undergraduates, which gave them some valuable exposure to the industry. The overview of turf management at Central Park was a good experience for them. Earlier, I had asked Dr. Dudley Smith to develop some new initiatives, to enhance student awareness about turf, plant protection, management, and related topics. This field trip was an optional activity for beginning agronomy students. We were pleased with the turnout. The field trip concluded at "The Feed Barn", with an informal dinner and comments about turf research, market and technical service, and management of turf facilities. We are hopeful that more undergraduates will be interested in the Turf Management Option, summer jobs and motivated to learn more about turf, as a career option. If we can help you, please let us know. We would look forward to a continued partnership. Thanks for your role in our turf management program. Sincerely, E.C.A. Runge Professor and Head cc Richard White Richard Duble Wallace Menn b u" r\-Y-Q� Xtra Education WEEKLY CLASS REPORT Fall 1996 Services A. Courses Conducted Week of Oct 14-18 New classes made this week: 6 Total classes made this season: 46 Classes cancelled this week: 3 Classes cancelled this season: 28 Percentage of weekly service: 66.67% Overall service percentage: 62.16% Total new individuals served: 46 Total individuals served this season: 463 B. Class Far eipation Enrollments &Revenue Generated by Category Number Fee Per Total Fee Paid to Class Title Enrolled Student Income Instructor Frofit Fly Tying 7 $ 35.00 $ 245.00 $ 96.00 $ 149.00 Interviewing Skills 4 $ 10.00 $ 40.00 $ 18.00 $ 22.00 Crochet 4 $ 25.00 $ 100.00. $ 72.00 $ 28.00 Beg C&W Dance 20 $ 25.00 $ 500.00 $ 160.00 $ 340.00 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ - $ - $ - $ - 0 $ $ - $ - $ - r Totals per week 351 $ 95.00 1 $ 885.00 ( $ 346.00 $ 539.00 1 Totals per season 1 4181 1 $ 13,155.00 ( $ 6,105.00 $ 7,050.001 cAdanaxtra\xreporkxls revised 10/07/96 NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station Notice is hereby given that a (Regular) (Special) ( REGULAR PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD of the City of College Station, State of Texas, will be held on the 12 to NOVEMBER „ 1996, at 7 : D 0 (PM.)(P.M.), at .1000 ELEANOR STREET COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 77840. The following subjects will be discussed, to -wit: SEE AGENDA Dated this the 8 th day of NOVEMBER meeting of the �r• • • • r �r day of I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board of the City of College Station, Texas, is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board in the City Hall of said College Station, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all Xtimes, and said Notice was posted on NOVEMBER 8 , 1996, at 5 : 0 0 o'clock (AXI(P.M.). Dated this the day of1996. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE ME ON THIS THE D Y OF , 1996. NOT RY PUBL� I B BRA COUNTY, TEXAS My co mission expires:' � `:� `9. t ,! 404N N I E "1HRO 0 IRS, I T Y S R fffAff - f • •' V • t YVO NNotary N E S S ntAe of RES TeXas My Commission 5xpires AUGUST 5,1998 Adamson Lagoon Survey Results 1. How do you rate the service provided by the Parks & Recreation Staff Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Missing Promptness 66% 26% 4% 4% Friendliness 64 28 4 4 (Dependability 68 26 2 4 Professionalism 66 30 2� ' 2 Attitude 68 24 2 6 Overall 66 18 16 Z. How would you rate your satisfaction with this facility? Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Missing Price 20% 16% 24% 40% Convenience 28 28 2 42 Advertising 22 24 54 Registration 20 24 56 Quality 34 24 42 Overall 28 18 2 52 3. How would you rate your satisfaction with Adamson Lagoon? Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied NEssina Price 32% 44% 18% 6% (Design 70 28 2 Cleanliness 76 22 2 Convenience 64 32 4 Parking 48 - 44 6 2 Overall 58 32 2 8 1 4. Based on the answers above, would you recommend these facilities or services to a i friend? Yes 92% No Missing 8% If yes, which areas were you either satisfied or very satisfied with? Service 8% Staff 4% Facility 18% All above 64% S. If you could add an activity to the College Station area what would it be? Yes No Missing Roller -blade park 16% 80% 4% Skating Rink 46 50 4 Amusement -hard ride park 16- - 80 4 Indoor Playground 26 70 4 Water park 56 40 4 6. Would you enroll your child in the following activities? Yes No Missing Beginner waterpolo 6% 90% 4% Inner tube water basketball 14 82 4 Water volleyball 14 82 4 Competitive diving -intro. 26 70 4 Intro. to synchronized 14 82 4 swimming Junior lifeguarding 30 66 4 7. Do you like the improvements made here at Adamson Lagoon? Yes 56% No 4% Missing 38% 8. Do you think the entry fee is too high? Yes 52% No 34% Missing 14% 70) 9. If improvements were added, would you be willing to pay extra to enter the pool? Yes 28% No 46% Missing 26% 10. Do you like the pool hours? Yes 54% No 30% Missing 16% 11. How would you rate the following items? (scale of 1=1ow, 5=high) 1 2 3 4 5 Missing, Safety at C.S. pools 2% 4% 2% 20% 60% 12% Facility cleanliness 4 4 26 54 12 12 Cashier staff 2 2 8 18 58 12 Guard staff 2 4 2 2 16 14 12. Have you used the Junior High Natatorium? Yes 12% No 78% Missing 10% 13. Have you attended our Family Swim Nights? Yes 12% No 76% Missing 12% 14. Have you had one of our theme parties? Yes 12% No 78% Missing 10% 15. If yes, were you satisfied? Yes 10% No 16. Where do you live? Bryan 20% College Station 50% Other 22% Missing 8% Missing 90% r, Adamson Lagoon Negative Comments: Stall: "I see the lifeguards being quick to respond to different situations which is great, but when you ask them politely to turn down blaring heavy metal rock and roll, they cop an attitude and turn it down for maybe 15 min. and then noise pollution begins again." Some lifeguards don't look like they enjoy their job." "Not being consistent about what the children can and cannot do." "Constant nagging lifeguards." "Be sure if you are bored with kids at swim lessons, keep your comments to yourself. My child had his feelings hurt last year in swim lessons when two guards were discussing their boredom of the lessons." "Your girl staff members at Southwood on Fridays are rude." "4th of July --very disorganized, some activities where were planned were not held, door prize drawings could not be heard, activities too few and far between." "Most lifeguards are excellent and a few are never paying attention to the water." "There not friendly at all or very good with kids." Facili "Need more lounge chairs." (5) "Not enough recliners in shady areas." "Water is too hot!" "Like slides, frog, etc. --not tubes --too crowded." "People other than swimmers allowed in lap lanes." "Not enough shade." (1) "Too crowded at times." (4) "The bathrooms could be attended more often." "You need a hour clock outside (big)'." "Hours at night should be longer-- to cater to family swim when people get off work at 5:30 p.m." "No floats allowed." (2) "Need to have another fan or vent in bathrooms-- whether arriving and changing or leaving and changing, it's hotter and very stagnate in the bathrooms. A person could easily pass out." "Bathrooms need lockers." "More showers." Price "Too high." (1) "It's expensive for a family pass." "New inner tube rental -a good idea, but too expensive (should be maybe $.75)." "Should have a better discount for groups that bring a lot of kids." "It's getting cost prohibited for families." "A family package price would be nice." "The cost for the children is too high." "Almost unaffordable compared to Bryan Aquatics." Concessions "Concessions are too expensive." "Snack bar staff very unfriendly --slid drink across counter to window." Positive Comments: Staff "I feel the lifeguards are truly aware of what's going on in the pool." "The lifeguards were so friendly and helpful." "I felt safe at your pools, had lots of fun every time I came." "We enjoy the clean surroundings and responsible employees." ' "Area for small children has lifeguard." "Friendliness" "College Station pools are one of the few places that I feel my children are safe swimming because of the outstanding lifeguard staff at the pools I have been to (Adamson and Southwood)." "Lifeguards are very professional." "Well trained." "I was most impressed with the lifeguards-- how attentive they were, also how they dealt with kids who did not behave appropriately in the water. Great job!" Facili "Overall, we enjoy the pool." "This is the only pool I trust my child to come to." "Toddler pool has activities for children (frog with tongue) and deeper than ankle depth." "Facility is very clean and neat." "I really enjoyed it, not for myself, but my kids love it." "The restrooms seem cleaner this year." "Large pool and clean." Programs "Really orderly and organized, great swim lesson program." Price "The passes are beneficial." Southwood Survey results 1. How do you rate the service provided by the Parks & Recreation Staff? 1iL A Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Promptness 74.4% 19.2% 0% Friendliness 76.9 17.9 1.3 Dependability 74.4 20.5 Professionalism ...75.6 19.2 . Attitude 74.4 21.8 Overall 53.8 14.1 2. How would you rate your satisfaction with this facility? Very Satisfied Satisfied Price Convenience Advertising Registration Quality Overall 3. How would you rate your satisfaction with Southwood? Very Satisfied Satisfied Price 62.8% 30.8% Design 66.7 28.2 Cleanliness 71.8 23.1 Convenience 76.9 19.2 Parking 82.1 14.1 Overall 57.7 15.4 Unsatisfied Unsatisfied 3.8% 2.6 1.3 1.3 Missing 6.4% 3.8 5.1 5.1 3.8 32.1 Missing Missing 2.6% 2.6 3.8 2.6 3.8 26.9 1 4. Based on the answers above, would you recommend these facilities or services to a friend? Yes 97.4% No Missing 2.6% If yes, which areas were you either satisfied or very satisfied with? Service 2.6% Staff 9.0% Facility 6.4% All above 75.6%• Missing 6.4% 5. If you could add an activity to the College Station area what would it be? Yes No Koller -blade park 19.2% 75.6% Skating Rink 20.5 74.4 Amusement -hard ride park 14.1 80.8 Indoor Playground 46.2 48.7 Water park 51.3 43.6 6. Would you enroll your child in the following activities? Yes No Beginner waterpolo 16.7% 78.2% Inner tube water basketball 23.1 71.8 Water volleyball 23.1 71.8 Competitive diving -intro. 17.9 76.9 Intro. to synchronized 11.5 83.3 swimming Junior lifeguarding 25.6 69.2 Missing. 5.1% 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 Mssins 5.1% 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 7. Do you like the improvements made here at Adamson Lagoon? Yes 69.2% No 7.7% Missing 23.1% 8 Do you think the entry fee is too high? Yes 12.8% No 76.9% Missing 10.3% 5.1 2 9. If improvements were added, would you be willing to pay extra to enter the pool? Yes 46.2% No 21.8% Missing 32.1% 10. Do you like the pool hours? Yes 69.2% No 21.8% Missing 9% 11. How would you rate the following items? (scale of 1=1ow S=high) 1 2 3 4 5 Missing Safety at C.S. pools 1.3% 1.3% 0% 15.4% 76.9% 5.1% ]Facility cleanliness 1.3 1.3 0 23.1 69.2 5.1 Cashier staff 1.3 2.6 1.3 20.5 67.9 6.4 Guard staff 0 0 6.4 23.1 65.4 5.1 12. Have you used the Junior High Natatorium? Yes 20.5% No 73.1% Missing 6.4% 13. Have you attended our Family Swim Nights? Yes 12.8% No 80.8% Missing 6.4% 14. Have you had one of our theme parties? Yes 16.7% No 76.9% Missing 6.4% 15. If yes, were you satisfied? Yes 12.8% No Missing 87.2% 16. Where do you live? Bryan 16.7% .College Station 73.1% Other 3.8% Missing 6.4% • 3 Southwood Valley Negative Comments: Staff "Could be more friendly and service oriented." (cashier and guard staff) Facili "Rough surface on bottom." (14) "Lost and found needs to stay at the pool until the summer ends." (1) "Do not enjoy day camps." (3) "No arm floaties allowed." "The water is warm." "Bathrooms very hot!" (1) "Indoor area is hot!" "Lack of lap swim space." "Children who throw balls in the pool." "The toilets in the ladies dressing room are sometimes awful-- like today." "Radio station (KTSAR), is not appropriate for family atmosphere!" "Sometimes the chlorine is too strong." "Only complaint is the hours --for those of us who work, staying open until 8 p.m. would make it "worth our while" to come to the pool weekdays (also the temp. is so much more pleasant later in the evening)." "Restrictions on toys/floaties." "I do not like trying to keep kids out of lanes while I am swimming." Price "Too high." (1) "3 year olds shouldn't pay $1.50." (3) Positive Comments: Staff "Everyone is friendly, lifeguards are very watchful." "All of the workers are friendly and very helpful." "Lifeguards are very alert." "Very friendly." (2) "The lifeguards are so wonderful, they are always alert on stand and the off guards are picking up trash and working hard to keep the pool area clean." "Very attentive guards, friendly staff --facility always clean." "Cashier is very friendly, always smiling." "Lifeguards are great! I feel safe here. Staff is always picking up our trash and spills." "I really like the often switching of the lifeguards." "Staff have bee better about making sure there aren't kids in the lap lanes. Thanks!" Guard staff: "Always alert! Few distractions from friends and other star" Facili "Lack of crowds." (5) "Pool design." (1) "Like mats on slope." "Enjoy lifejackets." "Very clean." (5) "Number of lounge chairs." "Southwood Valley pool is the perfect pool for families with small children. It is always very clean." "Kickboards" "One of the nicest pools I've seen." "Lap lanes" (1) Price "Low price makes it attractive." Improvements: Diving board (12) Deep end(6) Slide (10) More shaded area (3) Later hours (6) Concession stand (3) More sprinklers Thomas Survey Results 1. How do you rate the service provided by the Parks & Recreation Staff? Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Missing Promptness 61.5% 32.1% 0% 6.4% Friendliness 64.1 33.3 2.6 (Dependability 62.8 33.3 3.8 Professionalism 64.1 33.3 2.6 Attitude 60.3 33.3 1.3 5.1 Overall 60.3 30.8 9.0 2. How would you rate your satisfaction with this facility? Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Missing. Price 34.6% 43.6% 7.7% 14.1% Convenience 51.3 32.1 3.8 12.8 Advertising 24.4 44.9 6.4 24.4 �. Registration 28.2 44.9 26.9 Quality 52.6 30.8 16.7 Overall 42.3 33.3 1.3 23.1 3. How would you rate your satisfaction with Thomas? Very Satisfied Satisfied Unsatisfied Missing Price 38.5% 50.0% 6.4% 5.1% Design 46.2 39.7 9.0 5.1 Cleanliness 51.3 43.6 5.1 Convenience 56.4 37.2 6.4 Parking 47.4 37.2 6.4 9.0 Overall 43.6 42.3 14.1 1 4. Based on the answers above, would you recommend these facilities or services to a friend? Yes 96.2% No 1% Missing 2.6% If yes, which areas were you either satisfied or very satisfied with? Service 6.4% Staff 10.3% Facility 3.8% All above 70.5% Missing 9.0% 5. If you could add an activity to the College Station area what would it be? Yes No Roller -blade park 16.7% 82.1% Skating Rink 20.5 76.9 Amusement -hard ride park 25'.6 73.1 Indoor Playground 26.9 71.8 Water park 48.7 50.0 6. Would you enroll your child in the following activities? Yes No Beginner waterpolo 12.8% 83.3% Inner tube water basketball 17.9 78.2 Water volleyball 20.5 75.6 Competitive diving -intro. 26.9 69.2 Intro. to synchronized 17.9 78.2 swimming Junior lifeguarding 35.9 60.3 7. Do you like the improvements made here at Thomas? Yes 51.3% No 5.1% Missing 43.6% 8. Do you think the entry fee is too high? Yes 17.9% No 62.8% Missing 19.2% Missina 1.3% 2.6 1.3 1.3 1.3 Missina 3.8% 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 2 9. If improvements were added, would you he willing to pay extra to enter the pool? Yes 39.7% No 34.6% Missing 25.6% 10. Do you like the pool hours? Yes 56.4% No 29.5% Missing 14.1% 11. How would you rate the following items? (scale of 1=1,ow, 5=high) 1 2 3 4 5 Safety at C.S. pools 2.6% 0% 3.8% 21.8% 61.5% Facility cleanliness 2.6 3.8 16.7 24.4 42.3 Cashier staff 2.6 3.8 3.8 23.1 47.4 Guard staff 2.6 1.3 30.8 52.6 12. Have you used the Junior High Natatorium? Yes 33.3% No 59.0% Missing 7.7% 13. Have you attended our Family Swim Nights? Yes 6.4% No 84.6% Missing 9.0% 14. Have you had one of our theme parties? Yes 6.4% No 83.3% Missing 10.3% 15. If yes, were you satisfied? Yes 3.8% No 16. Where do you live? Bryan 23.1% College Station 64.1% Other 6.4% Missing 6.4% Missing 96.2% Missing 10.3% 10.3 19.2 12.8 3 Thomas Park Pool Negative Comments: Staff "Sometimes I think ya'11 are a little too worried about liability if someone gets hurt. (i.e. Joni Allen)" "They need to be friendlier." "The office staff at the pool are uninformed about whether or not maintenance problems have been reported and when the problems will be fixed." "I am tired of the staff telling me I can swim at Bryan Aquatics in the winter... I live in College Station and pay taxes in C. S. and shouldn't have to go to Bryan." Facili "Not enough area to swim." "Needs to be bigger." (1) "Fill in empty cement pond-- it is a hazard now." "Rough surface" "Music/speaker system --too loud in one area." (1) "Not enough lap lanes." "Temperature of water is hot!" (5) "Showers --too hot!" "Ants!" "We need more shade at Thomas. The fire ants have been a problem, too. The soap dispensers need to be filled. Hot water in showers." "I would suggest longer summer hours. Day light lasting as long as it does it would be nice to swim later." "Frequently there is no hot water in the showers and the water fountain is broken." Price "It would be nice to have a price break for large families." "Too expensive --should stay at $1.00" "The pool entrance price for 3 years old is in my opinion too high." "Price is getting high." "The discount pass and family pass should be a better deal." Positive Comments: Staff "Lifeguards seem very competent and careful." "Lifeguards seem very professional." "The lifeguards are very professional --they are constantly scanning and aware of what is happening --I feel my kids are safe." "Lifeguard skills have improved dramatically." Facili "Lack of crowd"(8 "Not too big for little kids." "Cleanliness." (1) "Fewer swimmers." "Safe" (1) "All of my family and friends love this pool because it is very nice and -there isn't very many people." 11 "Like the landscape (flowers)." "Kickboards" "Convenient to home, number of lifeguards, sunbathing terrace and cleanliness." "Overall College Station has one of the best set of swimming facilities." Price "Low price" "I think the price is appropriate for the facilities and experienced lifeguards." Improvements: More shade area (12) Slide (11) Basketball goal Shade trees in parking area (1) Private dressing rooms Year round hours Sale goggles Open the little pool again (2) Later hours More toilets and showers (2) Access to phone Aerator (3) Lockers Softer chairs (1) More lounge chairs Concession stand "Please build a shade structure adjacent to the shallow end. The gazebo is too far away for parents of small children. It is very discouraging to see all the improvements made at Bee Creek and none at Thomas." College Station Junior High Negative Comments: "Poor air conditioning." (10) "Echoing makes it noisy." (1) "The water was too cold." (5) "Too deep to take young children." "Water clarity." "Need cleaner floors." "Need more light." (1) "Get rid of natural gas smell." Positive Comments: "Cleaness" (3) "Good in winter." "It's indoor and wider." "Locker rooms." (1) "Heated during winter." (1) "It's nice to have an indoor facility that is affordable." "Water is cooler." "Had flippers." "Seems like it had less chlorine, water was a pretty color."