HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/25/2022 - Agenda Packet - Design Review BoardCollege Station, TX Meeting Agenda Design Review Board 1101 Texas Ave, College Station, TX 77840 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/83318575945 Phone: 888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 833 1857 5945 The City Council may or may not attend this meeting. March 25, 2022 11:00 AM City Hall Heart of Aggieland Multipurpose Room North College Station, TX Page 1 This meeting will offer both in-person and remote participation following both the City’s Guidelines for in-person, virtual attendance, and the speaker protocol in the agenda. The city uses a third-party vendor to help host the meeting and if the call-in number is not functioning access will be through the internet link only. 1.Call meeting to order and consider absence requests. 2.Hear Visitors. Speaker Protocol: An individual who wishes to address the Design Review Board regarding any item on the Regular Agenda, shall register with the Board Secretary prior to 9 a.m. on the day of the meeting. To register, the individual must provide a name and phone number by calling 979.764.3743 or emailing tromero@cstx.gov prior to 9 a.m. To submit written comments to the Board, email tromero@cstx.gov and they will be distributed to the Board. Upon being called to speak, an individual must state their name and city of residence, including the state of residence if the city is located out of state. Speakers are encouraged to identify their College Station neighborhood or geographic location. Each speaker's remarks are limited to three (3) minutes. Any speaker addressing the Board through the use of a translator may speak for six (6) minutes. At the (3) minute mark, the Board Secretary will announce that the speaker must conclude their remarks. 3.Agenda Items 3.1.Consideration, discussion and possible action to approve meeting minutes. Attachments:1.December 3, 2021 3.2.Presentation, discussion, and possible action to consider a parking waiver to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.3 "Off-Street Parking Standards" for First Street Student Housing located at 401 First Street, which is zoned NG-1 Core Northgate. Case #ALTP2021- 000001 Sponsors:Derrick Williams Attachments:1.Staff Report 2.Application 3.Bike Storage Proposal 4.Parking Study 5.Site Plan 4.Discussion and possible action on future agenda items. Page 1 of 18 Design Review Board Page 2 March 25, 2022 A member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. 5.Adjourn. Adjournment into Executive Session may occur in order to consider any item listed on the agenda if a matter is raised that is appropriate for Executive Session discussion. I certify that the above Notice of Meeting was posted on the website and at College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas, on March 18, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. City Secretary This building is wheelchair accessible. Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need accommodations, auxiliary aids, or services such as interpreters, readers, or large print are asked to contact the City Secretary’s Office at (979) 764-3541, TDD at 1-800-735-2989, or email adaassistance@cstx.gov at least two business days prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made. If the City does not receive notification at least two business days prior to the meeting, the City will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. Penal Code § 30.07. Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun. "Pursuant to Section 30.07, Penal Code (Trespass by License Holder with an Openly Carried Handgun) A Person Licensed under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code (Handgun Licensing Law), may not enter this Property with a Handgun that is Carried Openly." Codigo Penal § 30.07. Traspasar Portando Armas de Mano al Aire Libre con Licencia. “Conforme a la Seccion 30.07 del codigo penal (traspasar portando armas de mano al aire libre con licencia), personas con licencia bajo del Sub-Capitulo H, Capitulo 411, Codigo de Gobierno (Ley de licencias de arma de mano), no deben entrar a esta propiedad portando arma de mano al aire libre.” Page 2 of 18 Minutes Design Review Board December 3, 2021 11:00 AM Phone: 888 475 4499 and Webinar ID: 854 1989 0897 Internet: https://zoom.us/j/85419890897 Board Members Present: Jeremy Osborne, William McKinney, Luke Marvel, David Hebert, and Susan McGrail Board Members Absent: Ray Holiday Staff Present: Assistant Director Molly Hitchcock, Staff Planner Jesse Dimeolo, Administrative Support Specialist Kristen Hejny, and Staff Assistant Tiffany Romero AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to order. Chairperson Osborne called the meeting to order at 11:00 a.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear Visitors No visitors spoke. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.1: Consideration, discussion, and possible action to approve meeting minutes. • September 24, 2021 Board Member Marvel motioned to approve the minutes. Board Member McKinney seconded the motion, which passed (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 3.2: Presentation, discussion, and possible action to consider Alternative Compliance to the Unified Development Ordinance Section 7.10 Non-Residential Architectural Standards for Kraken's Revenge Mini Golf located at 508 Earl Rudder Freeway South. Case #NRA2021-000030 Staff Planner Dimeolo presented the item to the Board and recommended approval of the request. Board Member Marvel had questions about the structures that were asking for the relief, specifically the club rental, concessions, and restrooms. There was general discussion amongst the Board. Board Member Hebert asked for clarification on what the relief was that was being requested from the applicant. Page 3 of 18 Staff Planner Dimeolo clarified that the applicant was requesting relief for the structures that are enclosed. Applicant, Mr. Biddinger with Tiny town Studios, presented to the Board, and was available for questions. There was general discussion amongst the Board about the structures. Board Member McKinney motioned to approve the request as proposed. Board Member Hebert second the motion, motion passed (4-1) Chairperson Osborne opposed. AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Possible action and discussion on future agenda items – A Design Review Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. There were no items presented. AGENDA ITEM NO. 5: Adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 a.m. APPROVED: _________________________________ Chairperson, Jeremy Osborne ATTEST: _________________________________ Tiffany Romero, Staff Assistant Page 4 of 18 Design Review Board March 25, 2022 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD Northgate Parking Requirement Waiver for First Street Student Housing ALTP2021-000001 REQUEST:A waiver to parking standards in UDO Section 5.8 to reduce the required number of vehicular parking spaces by providing an equal amount of additional bicycle parking spaces for a new multifamily development. SCALE:26 Spaces LOCATION:401 First Street ZONING DISTRICT:NG-1 Core Northgate APPLICANT:Veronica Morgan, Mitchell & Morgan, LPP PROJECT MANAGER: Derrick Williams, Staff Planner dwilliams@cstx.gov RECOMMENDATION:Staff recommends denial of the request. Page 5 of 18 Design Review Board March 25, 2022 Page 6 of 18 Design Review Board March 25, 2022 ITEM SUMMARY: A new mixed-use development has been proposed in Northgate, encompassing the block surrounded by Wellborn Rd, Maple Ave, First St, and Louise Ave. The building is anticipated to have commercial space and parking garage on the first floor, with residential units and parking garage above the floor level. Vehicular parking is not required for commercial developments in Northgate—it is only required for residential uses, and that rate is set at 75% or the minimum required in other zoning districts. All uses in Northgate are required to provide bicycle parking. The project intends to provide a mix of 1 to 5-bedroom units (a total of 372 bedrooms) that require 620 vehicular and 20 bicycle parking spaces. The applicant has requested a waiver from the Design Review Board to reduce the number of required vehicular parking spaces by 26 spaces, or 4.2%. The applicant proposes to mitigate the impacts of that reduction by providing bicycle parking in excess of what can be required of a development in Northgate. REGULATION: Off-street parking facilities for residential uses in NG-1 Core Northgate shall meet seventy-five (75) percent of the number of specified parking space requirements of the Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces required for residential uses in all other areas of the city outside of Northgate. A minimum of one (1) bicycle space per dwelling unit shall be required and shall not exceed twenty (20) bicycle parking spaces per business or residential building. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITY: As stated in the Unified Development Ordinance Section 5.8.B Northgate Districts (NG), the Northgate area is intended to be a unique, pedestrian-friendly, dense urban environment that allows citizens of College Station and students of Texas A&M to eat, work, live, and recreate in an area within close proximity to the University. Specifically, the NG-1 Core Northgate zoning district is a mixed-use area: containing a diversity of pedestrian-oriented retail, dining/restaurant, housing, and entertainment businesses that are in close proximity to on- and off-campus dormitories. Regulations are designed to aid structural rehabilitation and redevelopment while promoting new high density, mixed use, pedestrian-oriented infill development with an urban character. The Unified Development Ordinance grants the Design Review Board (DRB) the authority to hear and decide waivers to the Northgate district standards. Specifically, Section 2.5.D.3 states: The Design Review Board shall hear and decide requests to vary from the standards in the Northgate Districts (NG) subsection of the Design Districts Section of Article 5 of this UDO as limited to the possible Waivers authorized by that subsection. UDO Section 7.3.H.8 of the UDO states that, “The Design Review Board may waive parking space requirements in the Northgate and Wolf Pen Creek districts if the development meets the goals of the master plan for the respective district.” Based on these criteria, the Design Review Board can act upon the proposed request as follows: 1) Approve the request as proposed; 2) Approve the request with conditions; or 3) Deny the request. Page 7 of 18 Design Review Board March 25, 2022 REVIEW CRITERIA: The Unified Development Ordinance provides the Design Review Board the following parameters when considering decreasing parking requirements for residential uses in Northgate: Waiver: A decrease in parking requirements for residential uses provided that the applicant submits a parking study that supports the decrease based on reasonable assumptions of parking availability. Unless shared or off-site parking is provided as allowed in the Alternative Parking Plans section of the General Development Standards article of this UDO, in no case shall the DRB permit a reduction in the number of required spaces: 1. To less than the number of recommended within the parking study, or 2. To more than a fifty (50) percent reduction in the amount of parking required for residential uses by the Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required section of this UDO The applicant is requesting the Board waive the required number of parking spaces by 26, or 4.2%, and offering to provide an additional 26 bike parking spaces. The applicant is presently site planning a mixed-use development with a proposed total of 372 housing units which requires 620 total parking spaces. Specifically, the UDO requires: 1.5 spaces per 1 bedroom unit and 1 space per bedroom for 2+ bedrooms units. The breakdown of the current units proposed is as follows- Total Number of Housing Units: 372 No. of 1 Bedroom Units: 174 No. of 2 Bedroom Units: 84 No. of 3 Bedroom Units: 72 No. of 4 Bedroom Units: 27 No. of 5 Bedroom Units: 15 Total No. of Bedrooms: 740 Development in Northgate and existing parking counts: When the parking requirement for Northgate was originally implemented, the thought was that students living in close proximity to campus would not need to bring vehicles to the area. Even with with transportation alternative options now available such as Uber, Lyft, and various ride sharing options, this has not proven to be the case as vehicular parking in Northgate has remained in high demand. On-street parking has slowly been removed in Northgate for construction purposes and as new development has become taller and emergency vehicles have required a wider berth for access. An entire block of parking has been removed along the 300 block of Louise Avenue and there is minimal on-street parking on First Street due to Prohibited Parking and the driveways that exist. The Northgate parking garage is a public garage that currently houses 719 parking spaces. Of the 719 spaces, 425 are set aside or limited to 24-hour contracts at one time. The garage also serves as parking for businesses that are located in the area. Surrounding the garage is a surface parking lot that is able to hold 98 spaces with several spaces at certain times of the week serving as loading and unloading which in turn eliminates roughly 20 parking spots. Several Page 8 of 18 Design Review Board March 25, 2022 streets also provide in and around the garage, single metered parking. The City offers parking garage contracts which are currently maxed out. Bicycle parking in Northgate is also in high demand as evidenced by bicycle racks at capacity and overflow parking encroaching into open spaces and sidewalks. Any development that provides bicycle parking in excess of the maximum that can be required is helping to meet a need in the district. Protected parking such as the parking proposed by the applicant can be a valuable amenity for those with access to it. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Because of on-going demands for parking in Northgate, particularly in this instance demands for residential parking, and the lack of available contract space in the City’s garage, Staff recommends denial of the request. If the Design Review Board wishes to approve the request, it is recommended that it be approved at a minimum with the condition that the additional bicycle parking be provided as proposed. SUPPORTING MATERIALS: 1. Application 2. Bike Storage Proposal 3. Parking Study 4. Site Plan Page 9 of 18 Project Type: Alternative Parking Plan Short Description: First Street Student Housing Application Information: • Parking Type: Bicycle Parking • Parking Type Other: N/A • Existing Zoning: NG-1 • Proposed Zoning: NG-1 • Rationale for Plan: See attached letter. • Additional Properties: 144500-0013-0131, 144500-0013-0120, 144500-0013-0110, 144500-0013- 0100, 144500-0013-0090, 144500-0013-0080, 144500-0013-0070, 144500-0013-0060, 144500- 0013-0050, 144500-0013-0040, 144500-0013-0030, 144500-0013-0020, 144500-0013-0010 • Date of PAC Meeting: 9/29/2021 • Owner Identification: Yes – I acknowledge the Alternative Parking Plan Agreement is required and attached. • Shared Parking Study: N/A – The Shared Parking Study is not applicable. • Submittal Checklist: Yes – I acknowledge the checklist is required and attached. • Applicant Certification: Yes – I acknowledge that this application is true and correct. Applicant Information: Name: Mitchell & Morgan, LLP C/O Veronica Morgan Address: 3204 Earl Rudder Freeway South City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845-6457 Phone: 979-260-6963 Email Address: v@mitchellandmorgan.com Owner Information: Name: Parallel Acquisitions, LLC (Future Owner) Address: 506 W. 7th Street, Suite 1 City: Austin State: Texas Zip Code: 78701 Phone: 512-265-1130 Email Address: alewis@parallel-co.com Contact Primary Information: Name: Mitchell & Morgan, LLP C/O Kerry Pillow Address: 3204 Earl Rudder Freeway South City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845-6457 Phone: 979-260-6963 Email Address: kerry@mitchellandmorgan.com Page 10 of 18 Contact Secondary Information: Name: Mitchell & Morgan, LLP C/O Veronica Morgan Address: 3204 Earl Rudder Freeway South City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845-6457 Phone: 979-260-6963 Email Address: v@mitchellandmorgan.com Contact Tertiary Information: Name: Mitchell & Morgan, LLP C/O Tina Weido Address: 3204 Earl Rudder Freeway South City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845-6457 Phone: 979-260-6963 Email Address: tina@mitchellandmorgan.com Engineer Information: Name: Mitchell & Morgan, LLP C/O Veronica Morgan Address: 3204 Earl Rudder Freeway South City: College Station State: Texas Zip Code: 77845-6457 Phone: 979-260-6963 Email Address: v@mitchellandmorgan.com Future Owner Information: Name: Parallel Acquisitions, LLC Address: 506 W. 7th Street, Suite 1 City: Austin State: Texas Zip Code: 78701 Phone: 512-265-1130 Email Address: alewis@parallel-co.com Page 11 of 18 12/8/2021COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS First Street Student Housing –Bike Storage John E. Orfield Reg. No. 11164 Page 12 of 18 12/8/20212ellborn Rd20920 2First Street Student Housing 1’-0” = 1/4”BIKE STORAGE BIKE PARKING Non Res. Use 4 per 2,000 sf + 1 per add. 1,000 sf 10,892 11 Spaces Units 1 per unit, max of 20 required 20 Spaces REQUIRED 31 Spaces Additional for PS reduction 26 Spaces TOTAL REQUIRED 57 Spaces PROVIDED 58 Spaces OFFSET VERTICAL BIKE PARKING RESIDENT BIKE PUMP RESIDENT BIKE WORK STAND AND TOOLS Page 13 of 18 12/8/20212ellborn Rd20920 3First Street Student Housing BIKE RACK AND PUMP Page 14 of 18 12/8/20212ellborn Rd20920 4First Street Student Housing BIKE REPAIR Page 15 of 18 20 January 2022 Derrick Williams Staff Planner City of College Station Planning & Development Services P.O. Box 9960 College Station, Texas 77842 PARKING STUDY AT OTHER SIMILAR PROPERTIES 401 FIRST STREET, COLLEGE, STATION, TEXAS Dear Derrick: We are writing to provide some further information on the parking demands we have experienced in similar project types and locations for consideration of our request to provide additional bike parking in lieu of parking spaces. Over the past five years, we continue to see a downward trend in our residents bringing cars due to additional opportunities for biking, car sharing, and Uber/Lyft options across all the university markets. Additionally, the walkability to campus has provided students the opportunity to forgo bringing cars and save the cost of auto insurance, parking, etc. Below is some information on two projects we have built in similar markets and the demand and allowable parking reductions that the municipalities granted: • Lumen Railroad Park – Lumen Railroad Park (www.lumenbirmingham.com) located in downtown Birmingham, Alabama and servicing the University of Alabama-Birmingham campus has 207 units, 474 beds and 330 parking spaces which is a 70% parking to bed ratio. The City of Birmingham requires 1 space for all one bedrooms and 2 spaces for all units above one bedrooms. The project opened in Fall 2021 and is 95% occupied and parking is approximately 90% full with no waitlist for parking. • Lumen on Ninth Avenue – Lumen on 9th is located in Columbus, Ohio and will service Ohio State University. The project is 143 units and 351 beds with 144 parking spaces. The City typically requires 1.5 spaces per unit however the project received a parking variance for one space per unit based on the project’s proximity to campus and the project providing dedicated bike parking in a bike room. Total parking ratio is 41%. These two projects are similar in nature to the 401 First Street project due to their distance to campus and the market type. With all of our projects we are not seeing a deterrent to leasing with the parking averaging between 40% to 70% parking to bed percentage as students who want parking know they need to lease first and the others will find other accommodations or leave their Page 16 of 18 car at home thus reducing traffic in the market. We encourage Ubers and other modes of transportation for residents and parents prefer this option to keep costs down. Our market research indicates a need for a secure bike storage room with bike repair which we intend to provide on this project as an amenity for our residents and request that consideration be given to reduce the parking requirement based on that amenity. We are happy to provide any further information on these projects or any other questions as you review our project’s parking request. Sincerely, KRISTEN PENROD Principal Parallel 506 W 7th Street, Suite 1 Austin, TX 78701 m: 214. 708. 0027 o: 512. 265. 1130 www.parallel-co.com Page 17 of 18 UPUPDNSTORMTRASHFIREPUMPELEC.ROOMDETENTIONAREAUPUPDNSDLSDLFRCSFCSFSDL FRG MStd. 18 x18 Gr ate In let Std. 18x18 Gra te Inl etStd. 18 x18 G rate In let Std. J .Box for 4 2 " RCPMWate r Me te r E FO E E SDLVZMONITORWELL4 STORIESGARAGE/RESIDENTIAL +6 STORIES RESIDENTIALBUILDING630,757 S.F. (GROSS)FF: 345.00FF: 343.75FF: 342.50FF: 345.90FF: 345.00FF: 342.50FF: 342.50PROP. UTILITIESBY OTHERS10'TREE GRATE (TYP)8'5'5'5'EX. 6" WLEX. STORM INLETEX. JUNCTION BOXEX. 18"RCPSTORMDRAINEX. 18"RCPSTORMDRAINEX. 10"SAN.SEWEREX.GASLINEEX 16"WATERLINEEX. LIGHTFIXTURE16'8'R26'R20'R30'R10'EX 16"WATERLINEEX 18"WATERLINE8'8'8'TREEGRATE(TYP)PROP. SANSEWERMANHOLEPROP. 10" SANSEWER SERVICEROW LINEROW LINEEX. SAN.SEWERMANHOLEEX. SAN.SEWERMANHOLEEX. 8" SAN.SEWER LINEEX. 8" SAN.SEWER LINEEX.ELECTRICALMANHOLEEX.JUNCTIONBOXEX. 18" RCPSTORMDRAINEX. STORM INLETEX. 6" WLEX.24"x36"BOXCULVERTPROP. 8"WATERLINEPROP. 10' WIDE SIDEWALKPROP. 10' WIDE SIDEWALKPROP. 8' WIDESIDEWALK PROP. 8' WIDESIDEWALKPROP. 8' WIDESIDEWALKPROP. ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER(BY OTHERS)NEW 8'x4' PULLBOXBY OTHERS)EX. 12"WATERLINEEX. 12"WATERLINEEXISTINGUNDERGROUNDCOCS FIBEROPTIC LINEEXISTINGSTORMDRAIN LINEEX. UNDERGROUNDELECTRICALLINEEXISTING 6"SANITARYSEWERSERVICE LINEPROPOSEDSANITARYSEWERMANHOLE(BY OTHERS)EXISTINGPOWER/UTILITYPOLEPROPOSEDUNDEGROUNDCOCS FIBEROPTICCONDUIT(BY OTHERS)PROP.TREEGRATES(TYP)PROP. 6"SANITARYSEWER LINE(BY OTHERS)EXISTINGELECTRICALTRANSFORMEREXISTINGELECTRICALCONDUITEXISTINGSUDDENLINKPULLBOXEXISTINGELECTRICALSWITCH GEAREXISTINGFRONTIERPULLBOXEXISTINGSUDDENLINKCONDUITEXISTINGFRONTIERCONDUITEXISTINGGAS LINEEX.STORMINLETEX. SAN.SEWERMANHOLEEX. STORMINLET18"FL=338.05PROP.ELECTRICALSECONDARYCABINETS(BY OTHERS)EX. 27" RCPSTORM DRAINEX. STORMDRAINJUNCTIONBOXEX.STORMINLET27"FL=338.03PROP. BENCH(TYP)ROW LINE5.5'5.5'R=43.62'ARC=74.56'D=97°55'40"CHL=65.81'CHBRG=N89°15'37"WR=57.39'ARC=82.17'D=82°01'51"CHL=75.33'CHBRG=S0°45'38"WR=48.81'ARC=83.47'D=97°58'50"CHL=73.66'CHBRG=S89°14'42"ER=64.16'ARC=91.90'D=82°03'40"CHL=84.24'CHBRG=N0°44'03"EPROP. 18" STORMPIPE OUTFALLPROP. 10"SANSEWERSERVICESYNTHETICTURFDOG PARKR30.5'FDC8" FIRE LINE3" DOMESTICWATER METERPROP. SANSEWERMANHOLEPROP. SANSEWERMANHOLEBOYETT, BLOCK 15,LOT 1Owner: OMIINVESTMENTS LLCZoning: NG-1BOYETT, BLOCK 15 LOT 20Owner: OMIINVESTMENTS LLCZoning: NG-1BOYETT, BLOCK 14, LOT 7Owner: COLEMAN JOHN &NATHAN LANGZoning: NG-3BOYETT, BLOCK 14, LOT 6Owner: BOYETT GEORGE HZoning: NG-3BOYETT, BLOCK 14, LOT 5Owner: BOYETT GEORGE HZoning: NG-3BOYETT, BLOCK 14, LOT 4Owner: BOYETT GEORGE HZoning: NG-3BOYETT, BLOCK 14, LOT 3Owner: BOYETT GEORGE HZoning: NG-3BOYETT, BLOCK 14, LOT 2Owner: BRADFORD JAMES& JUDITH TRUSTZoning: NG-3BOYETT, BLOCK 14, LOT 1Owner: BRADFORD JAMES& JUDITH TRUSTZoning: NG-3BOYETT, BLOCK 11,LOT 1-22Owner: S2S DOMAINNORTHGATE ASSOCIATES LLCZoning: NG-32" IRRIGATIONWATER METEREX. FIREHYDRANTEX. FIREHYDRANTEX. FIREHYDRANTEX. FIREHYDRANTCENTER LINE PROP. DRIVEWAYCENTER LINEEX. DRIVEWAY16.5'107.31'172.85'(ADJACENT/OPPOSITE LEFT)(ADJACENT/OPPOSITE RIGHT)37.57'9'9'EX 16"WATERLINE23'LOOP BIKERACK (TYP)LOOP BIKERACK (TYP)6'C1.01SITE PLANC o l l e g e S t a t i o n C i t y L im i t L i n e B r y a n C i t y L im i t L i n eCITY OF BRYANUNIVERSITYWELLBORN RD NU N I V E R S I T Y D RSITEN.T.S.These documents are issued for pricing onlyand are not for regulatory approval,permitting or construction.dateproject numbertitleThe drawings and written material herein constitute original work of thearchitect, and as intellectual property and instruments of service, aresubject to copyright and may not be reproduced, distributed, publishedor used in any way without the express written consent of the architect.plotted:revisionssheetoriginal issueprojectSTRUCTURALRLG INC.12001 N. CENTRAL EXPY. SUITE 300DALLAS, TX 75243DAVID CUMMING : 214-739-8100MEPV3 CONSULTING ENGINEERS9125 LOMA VISTA DRIVEDALLAS, TX 75243STRIDER STEELE : 971-643-8814LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURESMR LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, INC.1708 NORTH GRIFFIN ST.DALLAS, TX 75202BRIAN ADAMS : 214-871-0082CIVILMITCHELL AND MORGAN. LLP3204 EARL RUDDER FWY. S.COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845VERONICA MORGAN : 979-260-6963architectureinteriorsplanninggraphics8070 Park Lane, Ste. 300Dallas, Texas 75231Tel 972.701.9000Fax 972.991.3008www.bokapowell.comCLIENTPARALLEL506 W. 7TH ST, SUITE 1AUSTIN, TX 78701DAVID PIERCE : 512-265-1130401 1ST STREETSTUDENT HOUSING11/4/2021 12:33:08 PM 2104801/21/2022(10"X3" STAMPING AREA)www.mitchellandmorgan.comPLAN & DESIGN SPECIALISTS INCIVIL ENGINEERING HYDRAULICS****HYDROLOGY UTILITIES STREETSSITE PLANS SUBDIVISIONS3204 EARL RUDDER FWY. S.COLLEGE STATION, TX 77845TX. FIRM # F-1443PRELIMINARY DESIGNNOT FOR CONSTRUCTIONScale:1 inch = 20 feetGENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES: 1. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify the exact location of ALL existing underground utilities. Furthermore, theContractor shall contact all utility company representatives a minimum of 48 hours in advance of any excavation. a. Contact Dig Tess @ 1-800-344-8377 b. Contact Korey Lemond @ ATMOS 888-286-6700 c. Contact Dan Augsburger @ Suddenlink 846-2229 d. Contact David Hering @ BTU 821-5770 e. Contact Mitchell Gas @ 779-4460 f. Contact Union Pacific Resources @ 778-8525 g. Contact Doug Thorton @ Frontier 821-4582 h. Contact Weldon Davis @ CSU (Electrical) 764-5027 i. Contact Stephen Maldanado Jr. @ CSU (Water/Wastewater) 764-3433 2. All construction shall be in accordance with the current City of College Station (C.S.) Standard Specifications for StreetConstruction, B/CS Unified Technical Specifications, Water and Sewer and Generals, 2020, and BCS Unified Design Details. Allinspection shall be performed by the staff of the City Engineer of C.S. All construction shall be coordinated with the City of C.S. CityEngineer. 3. In lieu of using the construction materials indicated in these plans, the Contractor shall obtain written approval from the Engineerfor any substitution prior to Construction. Requests for changes should include product information and an engineers seal whereapplicable. The contractor shall be financially responsible for the engineer's time spent reviewing changes and redesigning based oncontractors requests. 4. Trench Safety Requirements shall be in accordance with O.S.H.A. Standard 29 CFR Part 1926 Subpart P and all federal, state andlocal regulations. 5. TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING: All trenching and backfilling shall conform to the specifications set out herein. Testing shall beprovided by a certified laboratory, at the Owner's expense, to verify these standards. Any retesting due to substandard work shall beat the expense of the Contractor. Structural areas shall include all sidewalks and shall extend 5' beyond the curb lines of all streets,alleys and parking areas. 6. It is the responsibility of the contractor to comply with all State and Federal Regulations regarding construction activities nearenergized overhead power lines. Additionally, the contractor shall coordinate all proposed work and procedures with the City of C.S.Electrical Division. 7. All materials & labor not identified as a Separate Bid Item shall be considered subsidiary to the item in which it is used. Allmaterials and equipment shall be both furnished and installed unless otherwise noted. 8. The Contractor must provide construction staking from the information provide on these plans. 9. All soil exposed by construction shall receive hydromulch or sod in accordance with the landscape plan.10. Trenches may not be left open overnight.11. Adjustment of Water Meters, Valves, Manholes, Irrigation Systems, and any other Public or Private Utility, etc. are not separatepay items. The Price of the adjustment shall be subsidiary to the construction of Sewer Line, Force Main, etc.12. The contractor shall coordinate with Atmos, Suddenlink Communications, BTU, CSU, and Frontier to adjust the location ofexisting facilities.13. Temporary spoil areas will be identified on site by owner.14. Maintenance of all roadway pavement, sidewalk, dumpster enclosures, storm drains in private drainage easements andamenities area shall be the responsibility of the property owners association.15. All Backflow devices must be installed and tested upon installation as per City Ordinance 239416. Irrigation system must be protected by a Pressure Vacuum Breaker, a Reduced Pressure Principle Back Flow Device, or aDouble-Check Back Flow Device, and installed as per City Ordinance 2394.17. All signage will be permitted separately.18. 100% coverage of groundcover, decorative paving, decorative rock (not loose), or a perennial grass is required in parking lotislands, swales and drainage areas, the parking lot setback, ROW's, and adjacent property disturbed during construction.SITE PLAN NOTES:1. Name of Project: First Street Student Housing2. Legal Description: Boyett Subdivision Lots 1-14, Block 133. Address of property: 401 First Street College Station, Texas 778404. Owner: Parallel Acquisitions, LLC 506 W. 7th Street, Suite 1, Austin, Texas 78701 (512) 265-11305. Engineer: Mitchell & Morgan, L.L.P. 3204 Earl Rudder Fwy. S. College Station, Texas 77845 (979) 260-69636. Zoning: NG-1 Core Northgate7. Water Demands: Min: 0 gpm Average: 51.41 gpm Peak: 205.65 gpm8. Sewer Demands: Average: 74,035 gpd Peak: 296,138 gpd9. Existing Use: Urban Center Proposed Use: Redevelopment10. Setbacks: Per City of College Station11. Site Area: 2.128 acres12. A TIA is not required in the Northgate District per City's UDO.13. This site does NOT lie within the 100-year floodplain boundary per FEMA's Flood Insurance Rate Map panels 48041C0305FEffective Date: April 02, 2014.STANDARD CONCRETE PAVEMENT DETAIL#4 Bars @ 18" O.C.E.W.6" Chemically Stabilized Subgrade *6"6"1'7"NTS3500 PSI Concrete* Refer to Geotech Report for stabilizationPage 18 of 18