HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/07/2022 - Special Agenda - BCS Metropolitan Planning Organization
Special Policy Board Meeting Agenda
Monday, March 7, 2022 10:15 A.M.
Brazos County Commissioner’s Courtroom
200 South Texas Avenue
Bryan, TX 77803
1) Welcome and Open Meeting
-Pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags and Invocation.
2) Public Comments Regarding Items Not on the Agenda
-Individuals who wish to address the Policy Board must fill out a Public Comment Card describing
the topic(s) they wish to address. Public Comment Cards may be obtained from Lisa Lyon of the
MPO staff prior to the start of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three minutes per topic.
3) Pavement Condition Targets
-In 2018, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) developed two performance targets
for pavement condition, the percentage of National Highway System (NHS) pavement in good
condition and the percentage of NHS pavement in poor condition. The TAC recommended that
the Policy Board adopt the state targets. In 2021, TxDOT adopted new targets for pavement
conditions on the NHS. As required by federal law, MPOs must update their targets and either
readopt their own targets or adopt the new state targets. The TAC has recommended that the
Policy Board adopt the state targets. Action Required. (See attachment.)
4) Bridge Deck Condition Targets
-In 2018, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) developed two performance targets
for bridge deck condition, the percentage of bridge decks in good condition and the percentage of
bridge decks in poor condition. The TAC recommended that the Policy Board adopt the state
target for percentage of bridge decks in poor condition and developed a more stringent target for
bridge decks in good condition. In 2021, TxDOT adopted a new target for bridge decks in p oor
condition but not for bridge decks in good condition. As required by federal law, MPOs must
update their target and either readopt their own target or adopt the new state target. The TAC
has recommended that the Policy Board to adopt the state target for bridge decks in poor
condition. Action Required. (See attachment.)
5) Non-Interstate Travel Time Reliability Target
-In 2018, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) developed a performance target for
non-interstate travel time reliability. The TAC recommended that the Policy Board adopt a more
stringent target then the state target. In 2021, TxDOT adopted a new target for non-interstate
Policy Board Agenda
Monday, March 7, 2022 at 10:15 A.M.
Page 2
travel time reliability that was significantly better than the previous target but not as s tringent as
the MPOs target. As required by federal law, MPOs must update their target and either readopt
their own target or adopt the new state target. Since the state target is much closer to the MPO
target, staff is recommending the TAC advise the Policy Board to adopt the state target. Action
Required. (See attachment.)
6) Adjourn