HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/14/2004 - Report: - Wolf Pen Creek Oversight CommitteeAUGUST WilsonJones Quick Reference Index System m 1991 Wilson Jones Company WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE 2004 James Massey 3305 Mildonhall Ct College Station, TX 77845 (H) 693-1072 (W) 845-8661 (F) 458-2069 e-mail: james-massey@tamu.edu (W) jmassey@cstx.gov John Nichols (Parks & Recreation Board) 1317 Angelina Court College Station, TX 77840 (H) 693-2517 (W) 845-8491 e-mail: jpn@tamu.edu Sharon Colson (Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board N Chair) 1116 Neal Pickett College Station, TX 77840 (H) 696-6050 (W) 845-5611 (F) 696-6050-call ist e-mail: sharon@kamugate.tamu.edu Scott Shafer (Planning & Zoning/DRB N Chair) 117 Pershing Avenue College Station, TX 77840 (H) 696-6379 (W) 845-3037 e-mail: sshafer@rpts.tamu.edu Glenn Schroeder (Parks & Recreation Board) 1304 Autumnwood Drive College Station, TX 77845 (H) 693-9937 (W) 846-5717 e-mail: gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org Phil Trapani (Planning & Zoning N Alternate) 5012 Augusta Circle College Station, TX 77845 (H) 690-8771 (W) 696-0191 e-mail: trapani717@aol.com Marsha Sanford (Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board N Alternate) 4603 Shoal Creek College Station, TX 77845 (H) 690-6894 (W) 846-2894 (Cell) 777-2556 (F) 690-3189 e-mail: marshas@tca.net auvv_Goh-:tit e O: \ parks \ projects \wpc\oversite\members \addresses. d oc STAFF PROJECT COMMITTEE Steve Beachy, Director of Parks & Recreation 764-3414 (F) 764-3737 e-mail: sbeaChVCtstx.gov Mark Smith, Director of Public Works 764-3692 (F) 764-3489 e-mail: MsmithCstx.gov Kim Foutz, Director of Economic Development 764-3753 e-mail: kfoutz@ stx.gov Glenn Brown, Assistant City Manager 764-3510 (F) 764-3481 e-mail: gbrown@cstx.gov Tom Brymer, City Manager 764-3510 (F) 764-3481 e-mail: tbrymer©cstx.gov Charles Cryan, Director of Fiscal Services 764-6364 e-mail: ccryan@cstx.gov 0: \parks\projects \wpc\oversite\members\add resses. doc WPC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING ATTENDANCE FOR 2003-2004 2004 June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2003 None Held None Held None Held None Held RECEIVES HARD COPY OF ALL. PAPERWORK: James Massey City Council John Nichols (Parks Board - Co -Chair) Glenn Schroeder (Parks Board - Alternate) Scott Shafer (Planning & Zoning/DRB Chair) Phil Trapani (Planning & Zoning - Alternate) Sharon Colson (Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board) Marsha Sanford (WPC TIF Board - Alternate) Steve Beachy Director of Parks & Recreation Mark Smith Director of Public Works Kim Foutz Director, Economic Development Glenn Brown Assistant City Manager Tom Brymer City Manager Charles Cryan Director Fiscal Services JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY E-MAIL AGENDA & MINUTES: Celia Hernandez City Manager's Office Susan Chmelar WPC TIF Secr' E-MAIL MINUTES ONLY: Nikki Borden Vonn Casares Cit Secretar 's Office E-MAIL AGENDA ONLY: Becky Nugent Public Communications/Marketing Nikki Borden cc: Connie Hooks Vonn Casares Cit Secretar 's Office FAX AGENDA : Media Group Call to Order Adjourn TO DO: CALL HR FOR TRAINING ROOM RESERVATION: LUNCH ORDERED: o: \projects\wpc\oversite\members\attend.doc\3/30/2007 WPC OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING ATTENDANCE FOR 2004 RECEIVES HARD COPY OF ALL PAPERWORK: James Massey City Council John Nichols Parks Board - Chair ) Glenn Schroeder Parks Board - Alternate Scott Shafer Planning & Zoning/DRB - Chair Phil Trapani (Planning & Zoning) Ben White Planning & Zoning - Alternate Sharon Colson Wolf Pen Creek TIF Board Marsha Sanford ( WPC TIF Board - Alternate Steve Beachy Mark Smith Kim Foutz Glenn Brown Jeff Kersten ) une une lathe; 200 X X X X ✓ X July Sep ct lov ec WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Monday, June, 14th, 2004 NOON CITY HALL ADMINISTRATION CONFERENCE ROOM 1101 TEXAS AVENUE Agenda 1. Call to Order. 2. Discussion of committee membership and establishment of a quorum. 3. Approval of Minutes from December 2, 2002 Meeting. 4. Report, discussion and possible action regarding current capital improvement projects. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding gateways and signage for the Wolf Pen Creek District: • WPC sign design for the Dartmouth/Holleman intersection and at the Colgate entrance to the amphitheater. • WPC "gateway" sign design for the trail head at Rudder Freeway. • WPC "banner" design for permanent banners to be located on the light poles along Holleman. • Gateways and entrances to the District 6. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding potential water feature for the Wolf Pen Creek District. 7. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding project ranking for unfunded projects in the WPC Master Plan. 8. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding budget recommendation. 9. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas posted on Internet Website http://www.cstx.qov and Cable Access Channel 19. WOLF PEN CREEK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING NooN, JUNE 14, 2004 COLLEGE STATION CITY HALL ADMINISTRATIVE CONFERENCE Room Members Present: James Massey - City Council; Sharon Colson - WPC TIF Board; Ben White - Planning & Zoning. Members Absent: Scott Shafer — Planning & Zoning and Design Review Board; Phil Trapani - Planning & Zoning; Marsha Sanford — WPC TIF Board; John Nichols and Glenn Schroeder — Parks & Recreation Board Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Parks and Recreation; Mark Smith, Public Works; Kim Foutz, Economic Development; Jeff Kersten, Budget; Ann Marie Hazlett, Committee Secretary 1. Call To Order: James Massey called the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee (WPC) meeting to order at 12:05 p.m., with a quorum present. 2. Discussion of committee membership and establishment of a quorum: Since it had been approximately 18 months since the last committee meeting, James Massey took this time to explain the purpose of this committee. The WPC Oversight Committee was put together in order to become an advocate for the activities at Wolf Pen Creek. The committee is designed of representatives from Council, Parks Board, WPC TIF Board, Design Review Board and Planning & Zoning. Currently the chairman of the Planning & Zoning Board is also the chairman of the Design Review Board. With three of the five boards represented, the Oversight committee did have a quorum present. A question was raised regarding how projects are funded in this area. It was replied that a considerable amount comes from a tax increment finance district, which is governed by the WPC TIF Board. Other financing sources include the general fund, hotel/motel fund, and park land dedication funds. James stated that this is a unique district that people normally refer to as a park. It has certain park like features, however the goal for the district is to be a place that you want to go, like a park, but also have some retail/development that would be part of the experience. This was an informational item only and no motion was made. 3. Approval of Minutes from December 2002 Meeting: Sharon Colson moved to approve the minutes from the December meeting. Ben White seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 4. Report, discussion and possible action regarding current capital improvement projects: Mark Smith reported that Phase I of the lower trails is complete. The next WPC Oversight Committee N June 2004 Minutes Page 2 project will be the upper trails and a parking lot. Phase I of the upper trails design is complete. However, the city is waiting to resolve some land dedication issues. Mark would like to proceed with the project. The city has all the land needed to move forward with the bid for a parking lot and part of the upper trails from George Bush, along the back side of the various restaurants on Holleman, tie into the trail that connects up behind Johnny Carinos and come down and make a loop. The major trails will be 12 ft. wide and the minor trails will be 8 ft. wide. The big trees will remain unaffected, however small low Tying brush needs to be cleared. Currently on the plans, there is a Bell Tower located on the corner of George Bush and Holleman. In order for the tower to be located there, a small piece of property would need to be obtained. The committee agreed that moving the Bell Tower to the center (Darmouth area) would help bring people into the district more so than having it on the perimeter. With placing the tower in the middle, all patrons in the district would be able to enjoy it. Mark believes that construction could start, and in the meantime, have the Bell Tower bid out as a separate contract. That way, while construction is underway, foundation studies could be done for the placement of the bell tower in the new location. James moved that the committee accept the recommendation of moving on with construction of the trails and to re -bid the Bell Tower as a separate item. Sharon seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 5. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding gateways and signage for the Wolf Pen Creek District: ❖ WPC sign design for the Dartmouth/Holleman intersection and at the Colgate entrance to the amphitheater: Steve reported that trail head markers are in place at the entrance to the trails. District markers are also in place at Dartmouth, Holleman, Highway 30 and George Bush Dr. They are made with a synthetic material that is very durable, and the design with the paw print matches structures that exist in the district. The next step is to replace the wooden sign at the intersection of Dartmouth and Holleman by the amphitheater. It will be made with the same material and same type style as the existing signs and will be approximately 8'x4'. It is estimated to be around $5,000, and he is asking approval for the design. Also, a smaller 6'x4' sign will be placed at the Colgate entrance to the amphitheater to replace that existing wooden sign ❖ WPC "gateway" sign design for the trail head at Rudder Freeway: Steve reported that Bob Ruth designed an illuminated sign to be placed at the eastern end of the trail off of Earl Rudder Freeway. ❖ WPC "banner" design for permanent banners to be located on the light poles along Holleman: It is proposed that a 4'x6' metal panel be placed on each of the 15 light poles on either side of Holleman which would have cutouts to represent different aspects of the district (for example, a wolf head, musical instrument, ice skates, food, etc.). Sharon added that she would like to see some kind of verbiage that would stress the characteristics of this district. Possible verbiage could be "WPC an Arts, Parks and Commerce District". ❖ Gateways and entrances to the District: There was no proposal for this item; however Steve wanted to bring this to the committee to see if they would be interested in inserting some gateway structures similar to those at Northgate. WPC Oversight Committee — June 2004 Minutes Page 3 James made a motion to direct staff to continue the implementation of the smaller signs and approve the design of the larger anchor sign and look forward to, once the budget is approved, considering the banner design. Ben seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding potential water feature for the Wolf Pen Creek District: There are some ideas of fountains and other water features with sculptures intermixed in it to provide an attraction to the district. Kim Foutz reported that $1.2 million is budgeted for this project and had a designer design to that particular specification. What they came up with is a canal type feature with intermittent dancing water that kids can play in. It also would include a large boulder with a geyser type feature with water shooting up approximately 30 ft. in the air. In addition, portions of the fountain would have sculptures of wolves with water spitting into a pool area. Furthermore it would include an area with "biops" of water shooting up in sequential order. There is no specific location for this fountain because the WPC TIF board wanted to make sure that if this type of project was to be funded there would be development that went along with it. So the approach the city would like to take is to do an RFP and solicit proposals from the private sector as to what they would be willing to do to cluster around a feature similar to the one described above. This was an informational item only and no motion was made. 7. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding project ranking for unfunded projects in the WPC Master Plan (see attachment #1): Kim had some concerns regarding the ranking of the fountain. When speaking with the TIF Board, she assumed that they were favorable of the water feature; however it was not ranked very high on the project listing. Steve suggested that if a business was interested in submitting a proposal to bring some commerce into the area, and it comes back favorable, then it could raise the priority of the project. Sharon also added that the ranking also reflects the need for improvements on items that are already in the district. For example, the amphitheater meeting/dressing rooms and related parking because the city is limiting itself on what can be offered there due to the space limitations of that venue. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 8. Discussion, consideration and possible action regarding budget recommendation (see attachment #2): Jeff Kersten reported that there is approximately $1.8 - $1.9 million worth of available resources that have not been allocated to specific projects in WPC. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 9. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m. Average 1.8 3.6 3.8 5.2 5.4 6.4 6.4 6.8 7.4 9.0 10.0 Wolf Pen Creek Tax Increment Financing District Board Ranking of Projects Project Description Amphitheater meeting/dressing rooms and related parking Parking areas along Colgate Festival area as shown between the amphitheater and the Arts Center. Upper Trails Phase II: system loop on Monroe Property (between Dartmouth to Geo. Bush) Upper Trails Phase III: system loop north of George Bush (Connection to Harvey and Wolf Pen Plaza Parking area next to the Sears Service Center Fountain plaza/water feature development Upper Trails Phase IV: system loop by Ozona's and crossing Woodbrook Condos (Between Dartmouth to Geo Bush) Lower Trails Phase II: along south side of the creek from Earl Rudder Fwy to the amphitheater Additional Creek Improvements Bus stop on Dartmouth CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WOLF PEN CREEK TIF FUND SUMMARY "\ % CHANGE FY 04 FY 04 FY 05 FY 05 IN BUDGET FY03 REVISED YEAR-END BASE PROPOSED FROM FY 04 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET BUDGET TO FY 05 BEGINNING BALANCE $ 3,224,962 $ 2,411,615 $ 2,411,615 $ 1,697,690 $ 1,697,690 REVENUES AD VALOREM TAXES COCS $ 145,491 $ 185,987 $ 185,987 $ 198,100 $ 198,100 6.51% AD VALOREM TAXES CSISD 258,998 353,000 353,000 362,450 362,450 2.68% AD VALOREM TAXES BRAZOS CO 113,269 154,000 154,000 170,800 170,800 10.91% INVESTMENT EARNINGS 63,321 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 0.00% OTHER 2,472 0 0 0 0 TRANSFERS 0 0 0 0 0 PROCEEDS FROM LONG-TERM DEBT 0 0 0 0 0 N/A TOTAL REVENUES $ 583,551 $ 732,987 $ 732,987 $ 771,350 $ 771,350 5.23% TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE $ 3,808,513 $ 3,144,602 $ 3,144,602 $ 2,469,040 $ 2,469,040 (21.48%) EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS CAPITAL PROJECTS $ 904,159 $ 1,924,000 $ 957,109 $ 1,022,500 $ 1,022,500 (46.86%) ENGINEERING (1) 0 150,000 10,000 0 0 (100.00%) TRANSFERS (BRIDGE) 0 0 0 0 0 N/A DEBT SERVICE 492,500 479,103 479,103 436,525 436,525 OTHER 239 700 700 700 700 0.00% TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES AND TRANSFERS INCREASE (DECREASE) IN FUND BALANCE ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 1,396,898 $ 2,553,803 $ 1,446,912 $ 1,459,725 $ 1,459,725 (42.84%) $ (813,347) $ (1,820,816) $ (713,925) $ (688,375) $ (688,375) $ 2,411,615 $ 590,799 $ 1,697,690 $ 1,009,315 $ 1,009,315 Notes: 1) Use $150,000 for design of projects during FY 04 and prograrn balance of dollars available for projects in FY 05 Estimated total un allocated resource: $ 1,860,000 Projects: Parking $ 300,000 Water Features $ 1,200,000 Dressing Area ??????? WPC PROJECTS CURRENT PROJECTS LOWER TRAILS PhASE 1 UPPER TRAILS PHASE 1 PARKING LOT TOTAL CURRENT PROJECTS TOTAL PROJECT $ 1,450,000 1,948,000 70,000 $ 3,468,000 ✓�- �PC 01/&"s/yf 6rnim;47tee Visitors r_'ress Pao\ ) s y/A1A7//vE' 1 rU wv� Goes c cS coc9 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION WPC Oversight Committee Absence Request Form For Elected and Appointed Officers Name rlaeshcL Request Submitted on (date) I will not be in attendance at the meeting of for the reason(s) specified: 44-011 Gu-t o4- 190-540- e5-5 Signature This request shall be submitted to Ann Marie Hazlett, Committee Secretary prior to the meeting date. You may call in your request to Ann Marie at 764-3486, or you can fax a request to 764-3737 attn: Ann Marie. o:/84/cemeterycommi ttee/absenteeform.doc Steve Beachy - Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Meeting Page 1 I From: Celia Hernandez To: Administrative Conference Room; Charles Cryan; Glenn Brown; Kim Foutz; Mark Smith; Steve Beachy; Tom Brymer; Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Date: 6/14/2004 Time: 12:OOPM - 1:30PM Subject: Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Meeting Place: Administrative Conference Room Lunch will be provided - agenda to be sent at a later date. Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee - the following will be attending James Massey - confirmed Glenn Schroeder - confirmed Ben White - confirmed (attending as Vice Chair for Scott Schafer/Phil Trapani -alternate whom are not able to attend) Sharon Colson - confirmed Not attending: John Nichols - not attending Scott Schafer - not attending Phil Trapani - not attending 3o CC: benshirley@cox-internet.com; Jeff Kersten ;,Ann Hazlett - Re: Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Meeting Page 1 From: "John Nichols" <jpn@ag.tamu.edu> To: <Ahazlett@cstx.gov> Date: 6/8/2004 12:33:41 PM Subject: Re: Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee Meeting Ann, Per earlier e-mail from Celia Hernandez, I responded that I will be out of town on business that day. Please submit a request for pardon from this meeting for me. 1 understand that Glen Schroder will be there to represent the Parks Board. Thanks for handling this for me. John Nichols »> "Ann Hazlett" <Ahazlett@cstx.gov> 06/08/2004 12:02:41 PM »> The Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee will be meeting at Noon at the City Hall Administration Conference Room on Monday, June 14, 2004. Attached is the agenda along with the minutes from the last meeting which was held on December 2, 2002. If you have any questions or changes to the minutes from the previous meeting please contact me at 764-6271 prior to the meeting so that changes can be made and passed out for approval during the meeting. Also, please let me know as soon as possible if you will not be able to attend the meeting. Thank you and hope to see you there. Ann Marie Hazlett Secretary City of College Station Parks & Recreation 979-764-6271 979-764-3737 (fax) ahazlett@cstx.gov College Station. Embracing the past, Exploring the future.