HomeMy WebLinkAboutPage 04 PAG.E 4 SECTION ONE THE PICTORIAL PRESS OF BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION THURSDAY;SEPTEMBER 24.1~70 Dr John W. Rouse Appointed Dr. John W. Rouse. ,Jr.. associate professor of electr ical engineering and director of the Remote Sen- sing Center at Texas A&M has been appointed to the administrati ve committee of the geoscience elec- tronics group of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. M.E. WIVES CLUB The Mechanical Engi- neering Wives Club will have their second meeting Sept, 22 at 7:30 r.m. There will be a business meeting in Room 109 of F irmier Hall Following this meeting a tour of the M. E. Shops will be conducted by Dr. C. M. Simmang, head of the Me- chanical Engineering De- partment. All M. E. Wives are urged to attend and are reminded dues are payable I 'at the next twO meetings. For any additional infor- mation call 846- 7203. From 1964 to 1968 House was a research coordina- tor at the Remote Sensing Laborator and an instruc- tor at the University of Kansas while earning his M. S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering. He came to Texas A&M in 1968. Rouse has published widely in the fields of microwave systems, radar scattering. and geo- sciences applications of remote sensors and is a member of a number of professional societies. $331,000 Grant NASA's Manned Space- craft Center has awarded Texas A&M a $331,000 grant for "Phase II" re- serach in design of a space shuttle craft for flights be- tween earth and orbital la boratories, announced Gen. A. R. Luedecke. The acting Texas A&M President said a major portion of the new funds will be used to develop and test a flexible model of the proposed shuttle craft. Texas A&M designed, built and tested a rigid mo- del during "Phase I" re- search. 30 Awarded Scholarships from the address on the constitution by Gen. West- moreland in which he said that anyone reading the Constitution of the U. S. would see that it is a frame work for resolution, rat- her than revolution. This is Constitution Week. Mr. Sharp made a very forceful speech, very inspiring to each of us. A social hour followed. Thirty President's Scho- lar alternates have been designated in the Texas A&M program and award- ed scholarships for use at the university. They ranked among the top 50 of 670 President's Scholar nominees. Though awarded $300- a-year Opportunity Award Scholarships, the alter- nates may become Presi- dent's Scholars if addition- al awards become avail- able or any of the 20 Pre- sident's Scholars forego the award. Designed to keep the state's most promising scholars in Texas for uni- versity studies, the pro- gram was inaugurated at Texas A&M in 1967 through efforts by the late Presi- dent Earl Rudder. Wm. Scott Chapter of DAR The Wm. Scott Chapter of the DAR, met in regular session on Sept. 17 in the hospitality room of the City National Bank. Mrs. Jeff Reagan, pre- sided at the opening meet- ing of the year. After regular business had been taken car e of the leader, Mrs. R. E. Callendar introduced the speaker, Mr. Sharp. Mrs. Callendar gave excerpts FOUR SPECIAL VISITORS AT A&M Four coastal and ocean engineering authorities from Japan and Thailand will visit Texas A&M this week. Dr. John B. Herbich, head of the Coastal and Ocean Engineering Di vi- sion of the university's Ci- vii Engineering Depart- ment, said the visitors will present a series of semi- nars while on campus. The delegation will in- clude Prof. Yoshio T- suchiya of the Disaster Prevention Research In- stitute, Kyoto University, SPACE OCEANOGRAPHY PROJECT MERGED The space oceanography project conducted by Texas A&M's College of Geo- sciences is being merged into the institution's new Remote Sensing Center. Dr. John W. Rouse Jr., Remote Sensing Center Di- rector, said Dr. George L. Huebner, meteorology pro- fessor with the space oceanography project, will oe associate director of the combined facility. The Remote Sensing Center is a joint program of Texas A&M's Colleges of Agriculture, Engi- neering, Geosciences and science. It is Ilomini stered throuj2;h the university's Texas Engineering Exper- Underwriter Meeting Held The Central Texas As- sociation of Life Under- writers held its monthly meeting Friday noon at the Wyatt's Cafeteria. Mr. Flop Colson, agent for the United Fidelity Life Insur- ance Company, was the speaker. His topiC of discussion was the impor- tance of the life insurance agents supporting the life Underwriters political Ac- tion Committee. During the meeting the following life insurance men were pre- sented certificates for successfully completing the required examinations after pursuing the pre- scribed twO year course of study offered by the Life Underwriter Training Council: Kennard Finke, American National; Sam- my LaBarbera, American National; Dwight Schultz, Lutheran Brothers; Ronnie Ingle, Reserve Life; Joe Smith, Texas Life; Roy Gunnels, Texas Life; Bryan Browning, State Farm; John Ferguson, Fidelity U- nion; and Steve Pursley, Great American Reserve. Mr. F lop Colson was a- warded a special citation designating him as a Se- nior Instructor for the LUTC for completing five years of instructing. ...'I'.R NOW FO.... · CEIAMIC.PURSES . 'AINTING · DECOUPAGE CLASI.SI iment Station. Remote sensing, Rouse explained, is a means for studying the earth from spacecraft or aircraft, using sophisticated sen- using sophisticated sen- sors, such as multispectral photography, ultraviolet and infrared scanning de- vices, microwave and ot- her detectors. Dip and Da6 SHOP 206 S. GORDON, BRY AN LARGE ASSORTMENT DECORATIVE ART PLASTER ST ATIJ.ARY AND WALL PLAQUES FOR , HOME, OFFICE, GIFTS, CHRISTMAS PIECES a..UDE NATIVITY SANTAS ~VES,TREES,CANDLE HOLDERS, SNOWMEN, OT- HERS. WE HAVE AGGIE STATUES AND SHIELDS. HOURS: 6-9 p.m. Mon- Thurs. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. SatlD'day Kyoto, Japan; Prof. Ri- chard Silvester, Asian In- stitute of Technology, Ban- kok, Thailand; Prof. Ki- yoshi Horikawa, Universi- ty of Tokyo; and Dr. K. Shuto, Chuo University, Tokyo. Earlier this year, Dr. Herbich attended the World Dredging Conference in Singapore and toured the Japanese Facilities re- presented by the visitors. WANT ADS 823-0088 lADIES t~..:f.l.,^~-AV lI~lIM-b~M" LOSE A DRESS SIZE IN JUST 2 WEEKS "TAKES OFF INCHES" "EXERCISES THE WHOLE BODY" ''World's Easiest Method of Active Exercise" The "mazing RELAXAWAY SLIM GYM ."es .he we.~h' ..llhe bndy itsclf for leverage to make activl' t.:\cfl..-ise Si~llpk' and \..'asy ~ Thus. the blldy works for you as a liVing. vibrallt l...ln:I..' 111\I\:;IU 01 as a dead weight working ag~llllst yutl. It IS tillS 111lh-tlll' h.:wragc prmciple that makes the "SLIM l~Y~t" su\.:h a slmpll' .11It.! C;JS) way lO exercise. FREE ~~AER SUPERVISED HOME EXERCISE COURSE With purchase of a "SLIM GYM" HOME DEMONSTRA nONI 846-0222 HUNTERS SPECIAL ..;.... .;::::/:)/)',., Men's Re- Tanned Wellington 822 Payless Price .10.97 Mrs. George Bush Mrs. George Bush will cut a ribbon Friday after- noon at 4 0' clock to offi- cially open the George Bush-Paul Eggers cam- paign headquarters. A coffee will follow the ceremony at the headquar- ters at 7000 N. Avenue at the corner of Texas Ave. The public is invited. Mrs. Bush is the wife of Congressman George Bush, Republican senator- ial candidate. Earlier, she will appear on F ern Ham mond' s Town Talk program on KBTX- TV. Mrs. Bush, the mother of five children, is active in the Congressional Wives Club and the Washington Committee for the Ameri- can Field Service, which works with foreign ex- change students in the U- nited States. WOOLWORTH REPORTS New York, September 3, 1970, F. W. Woolworth Company reported that consolidated sales for the four weeks ended August 29 totaled $183,977,466, an increase of 8.04 per cent over sales of $170,289,433, for the comparable period last year. For the 35 weeks ended August 29, sales increased 13.00 per cent, for a record total of $1,480,226,497, compared to $1,309,937,446 in that period last year. "These are record sales for the Company although pre-school purchasing during August was affected somewhat by the late La- bor Day holiday and back- to-school schedules in some parts of the country," said Lester A. Burcham, Chairman, and John S. Roberts, President. RONALD E. HALE ATTENDS MEETING Ronald E. Hale, Senior Vice President and Direc- tor of MarketiQg at City National Bank, will attend the Bank Marketing AssO- ciation Convention in Las Vegas next week, and will participate on the conven- tion program. His presen- tation on bank marketing for small banks will be on "Communicating with your Market:' Hale is a graduate of the Bank Marketing Asso- ciation School and is ac- ti ve in Bank Marketing As- sociation activities on both state and national levels. THE BOOK CENTER Center of Good Books FOR THE HOME, SCHOOL & CHURCH BIBLES and CHURCH SUPPLIES Headquarters New COMPTON'S ENCYCLOPEDIA - 24 Vol. - None Better PROMPT MAIL ORDER SERVICE 1104 S COULTER DRIVE 822-5912 -- ~\~:,,;;;;<~~~, V .~../- .u~ ~;.g.; ~ - .~"..S: O~T' '''} ~ .,~: - .:"','" 13 1" $50 ~~'" ,. -::...~<... ~ e 1011\0>)(\( '\:'; ~ ,\ ,(\ \b \<.,(\!; 0 . . " , a &et"'~\ ,\~ ~a~ ,,"- \ tol1\ ;,.,'" , \ 0\ 'a a '0",,, .. \be lec':\\"\ 'tie te~\:.\. -n'- \'\(\&' , &&e~ ~\ ~'O .\ ~ ~e(\ .~'" , ac\r.(\O~~~b ,(\\eol~-{r\S t. ,~o. l~a\ual\e~. ',,;I ~ . ot\~' hel ~\ ~,18 . & \01 >)IWe &el1\r 1. ,." t\~u. \0&<<:\ c' c"i\'.\~ e'eel1\e ~ col1\t'" Ol\,el Ie , \b'S ....,.'M s.~, >)11\. 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