HomeMy WebLinkAboutFrom Mayor Anderson 0218051202 Foster Avenue. College Station, Texas. March 26,1968 Dear Fellow Citizens, I write you on behalf of my candidacy for the office of Mayor, City of College Station, an office I have been privileged to hold as you representative for the past two years. Since I am personally underwriting the cost of mailing this letter, it will not be sent to all citizens, but rather to a representative cross-section of the public at random, with the hopes that you will communicate my stand on issues to others. During my tenure of office as Mayor I have tried, earnestly, to serve all people of our community, attempting to fulfill pledges I made when I first became a candidate for the office. How well the council and I succeded you can best judge by accomplishments in the various areas. You hve seen the inauguration of an annual report to the citizens on the stewardship of the council:more involvement of citizens on city committees;enactment of ordinances so important to the orderly growth of our community, as adoption of an updated plumbing code and Southern building code. Through your support,steps were taken to improve the water situation;to esablish a new city hall, fire station, police headquarters and roads;and to revise the city charter to provide for more representative government. We have achieved improvements in the police department; developmet of underpass and Jersey Street construction; a compromise agreement with Bryan on extraterritorial jurisdiction between the two cities;establishment of a Justice of the Peace position for our city;mecurement of a sub-postoffice to better serve the needs of our community;revision of electrical rate structure to provide more equity for all----especially the homeowner;initiation of progress on park development in terms of tree planting and play equipment;action on East and West by-passes; and a revised telephone franchise in favor of the city--to name but some items. However, this is pasy history. Of importance to you, I know, is my present stand on various matters. May I present the following for your consider- ation: 1. A firm belief in the principle that government is established to serve all people. 2. Progressive, orderly development of our city in keeping with our ability to pay. I an not unmindful of the admonition given in Luke 14:28, 3. the need to establish short and long range priority goals to guide the orderly development of the city,. An earlier attempt on my part on this matter net with defeat by a 4.3 margin in the council. I an opposed to. the philosophy of "oiling the wheel when it squeaks ". We need planning so that available menthes will be spent on priority items first. 4.. Cooperation with the city of Bryan, A & M Consolidated school„ Texas A&M University and Brazos County is matters of actual interest that will benefit you,the citizens of College Station. 5. Representatives of citizens, of all interests, in making appointments to city committees; for the involvment of citizens in city government, 6. The activation of a program for city beautification through the establishment of a coanittee of interested citizens, 7, Maintenance and further development of city parks, To this end we have made a nominal start on tree planting and acquisition of sone playground equipment. 8. Continuation of annual report to the citizens on the stewardship of the council, as a means of keeping citizens informed. 9. expediting the completion of the water improvement program, city hall, fire station, police headquarters, and roads as approved by ye% the citizens. 10. A council policy that will provide for the proper maintenance of and development of streets within the city, 11, Strengthening and supporting of law enforcement and fire prevention, 12, Necessary updating of zoning ordinance that will protect homeowners provide business and industrial opportunities, and encourage desirable businesses to locate in our community. 13. Implementing street lighting policy of the city. 14 City participation in indigent care, with city of Bryan and Brazes County. The present council defeated this measure by a 4•3 vote, such to the discredit of our city. 15. Support of Easterwood Airpot financing on the part of the county, recognizing the present anf future value of the airport to the groth and development of our community. 16. expansion of the sewage disposal system to meet anticipated needs of our city. 17. For the benefit of the public, strengthening of city ordinances pertaining to soliciting and peddlins, weed and brush control, taxis and limousines, electrical wiriting, and meat standards, among others. 18. Cooperation of city with developers and others to encourage needed housing in our city. 19. A workable Program for community improvement. 20. Help to citizens in low income areas, in terms of housing and other needs, in whatever way possible. 21. Through the Board of Equalization, or otherwise, strive for equali- zation of ad valorum taxes where inequities may exist. 22. At appropriate time, extend city boundaries, as needed, to the East and West by-passes to control the proper and orderly development of city for the benefit of all citizens. 23. Continuation of the City of College Station as seperate unity of government. 24. Upgrading standards of performance for all city employes, payment of salaries commensurate with other similar employment, and provision of hospitalization insurance. With respect to the latter, we are one of the few cities that do not provide much. 25. Establishment of "communications" with leadership of the youth of our community and with Texas A & M University student body. There are of course, other matters of importance to our city, but the above cited represents major items. While they are terse, I believe they are self-explanatory. If, However, you desire clarification on any point, please advide. As a candidate for the office of Mayor I feel you should judge me not only on past accomplishments, but also on my present stand. This should be expected of any candidate. I would like to make one point clear. As you representative at the council table I will act on behalf and in the interest of all citizens. I do not have now, nor will I habe, any obligation to any individual citizen or group of citizens. Further, I do not stand to gain directly or indirectly from any action of the city council. I have no "axes to grind" that will benefit me personally. Is this not what should be expected of your representatives? For the record I would ilke to add that I have given ten years of continuous service to our City. I served six years as city councilman, two eyars on the Planning and Zoning Comission, and the past two years as Mayor. In closing, I pledge to you that , if elected, I will continue to work diligently on behalf of all the people in our community. And, I do solicit your vote, and above all, you active support in my behalf. With kindest regards. Sincerely, D. A. Anderson