HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIS Construction; newspaper flyer (Jan. 30, 1969)Your Tbs Community Service t l,lrkt~t: Illh Bkl_lt~ ~ ~~ ~ F1 I I~h LNE SIIV' Newspaper ~ voulMF 4 VI1M[iEN 9 7U11k5DA1'. I A~'U.1R1•' TEXAS INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY CONSTRUCTION TO START SOON The TEXAS IIVTERNATIONAL SI'EEllWAY WILL SOON BE A REALITY. The formtl announcement of the proposed S(i m/liton auto racing facU[ry [o be bu[It S miles Southeast ut Cuuege Station adJolning Hlghray 6, w¢s mtde In Dallas Tuesday Dennle Gurhring, president of Bank of A 6 M, was instrumental In bringing the multi-million dollar racing complex to the Bryan College station area. Cons[rucllon la scheduled to start almost lmmc- dlately on 2tA0 acres of land which han already been purchased by Texas International Speedway according to Lawrence }1. 1.oPatin, President and i)etrott financier. A November wmpleaon date Is planned. The fleet race set (or Ihcember 7, t')09 could decide the NASGAR ORANU NA~(!UNAL CHAMPION for 1969. Dill Prance, pccstdrnt o! the National Asap>claUon for Scock Car Racfng, said Tuc>dsy the ftrat race scheduled on the two-mile banked oval wlll be a %Yt-m.lr rv,•nt tur `AtiCAR Grand Natlonal Stock Car,. The new racing faculty vr111 contain a 2 mile banked oval high-speed track capable of hnndling the [asceae cars In the world. A 2.75 mile Grand Prix road radcrg course, an inside course to be used [or InternaUunal Ractt[g School, snd oUicrauto- motive [earing (aculUes. The grand stands wul accomodate 75,OW apectuora wirh guarameed visl- blllty of the entire oval track aml unuml[ed apace for spectators on the Itdleld and perimeter, On-site faclltaea will include a modern preasiwx on top of [!Ie main grandstand, controLLed parking areas arountl [he perimeter of the oval end road circuits, acorebutttda providing up-w-thr-minute standings, times and other track mt~rniufun. Constructlun wW be undor the dlrrc:cion of LPaUe Share, vice prrsldi~nt and gimertl marutger u( the plant, Spencer J, Buchanan k A.aoclatrs, (nc, of Bryan wul be the engineers Cur the protect. Charles Moneypenny d Unyrona, Florlda,wellknovm automopve racy fulltry dealgn,:r wUi design B-C.S. newest industry,