HomeMy WebLinkAboutBCS Knights 021705By MIKE PLAKE Eagle Staff Writer Members of the Community Knights tag themselves "a com- munity action organization." Last weekend they lent credibility to this statement; they acted. Knights joined efforts with T e x a s A &M architecture students to begin renovation of the Lincoln Community Center at the old Lincoln School site Saturday. However, activity wasn't isolated to students or Knights. 9 Architecture professors worked, too. College Station City Councilman Joe McGraw was there with his daughter, splattering paint and singing about its color: "White is beautiful," he said. "Now let's don't bring race into this," laughed Lorenzo Wilborn, the Negro president of the Knights. Arthur Dunn, superintendent of the College Station parks and recreation department helped plan and work from the (See KNIGHTS, Page 4) Knights (Continued from Page 1) beginning Saturday morning. "Be sure and give Arthur a plug," grinned the perspiring, painted city councilman. "We're trying to get him a raise." The cars which carried the olunteer workers were parked opsidely along the rutted road eside the center. They were all makes, from Volkswagens to Wildcats, and in- between. The work was divided into teams, which dissolved as members moved on to work better suited to their talents or tastes. Wilborn, an intense, slim young man, said the Knights co- sponsored the center, with the city. "We have about 40 members ow from Bryan and College tation," he said. "We've been rganized about a year and a alf." Money to renovate the center ame from contributions and he community organizations. he said. Plans call for the center to be used by many community groups. A library will be added, and classroom furniture and facilities will fill some of its empty rooms. In the summer, there are plans for arts and crafts classes at the center. Sessions would alternate between the center and the A &M architecture building. People from all communities will be invited to participate in the summer programs, Wilborn said. The plans have not been finalized. Wilborn said the Knights hope is to spread the spirit displayed In cleaning up the center — the spirit of community par- ticipation -- to the Negro families around it. "Another project which we, - hope to do is to paint and fix up some of these houses," Wilborn said. "But it's not going to be easy." "We'll probably have more work than we can handle," Thomas Hall, a member of the Knights, noted.