HomeMy WebLinkAboutCS Street Rules 020905 ~' , k~.'~:~ I. '.. Safety, Better Traffic Flow GOllIs Of' CS t t t ' .F- If, -i.... t ;~. " J .\ '~ " . .~ ~ . Street Rules Eagle s.~ Writer "Street widths' are based on a street intersection and must ~ By PAT LESTER 11-foot wide moving traffic be constructed at a right-angle J I Street regulations and a lanes and 8-foot wide parallel to the street. .(. : 'master plan. of principal streets 'parking lanes," Wells explained. Driveway approaches are ~ for the future. growth and The regulations retain the restricted to .the following ! development of . College Station current policy for property maximum widths: residential ., haye been approved by the City owners' petitions in street driveways, 12 feet; other en- : Council. construction. Priority will be trances, 18 feet; and combined: : "This is'son'rething every city given petitions submitted hy the entrances and exits, 24 feet. ~ I should do because if you don't property owners who represent Well s said the width t Iyou end up wi.th random jogs at least 60 per cent of the front restrictions on driveways are ..; that slow down traffic and footage on both sides of > the "the recommended national : ~~~~,..~~~i?Well~:~~ir~~ s~~ tOa~eiso~~~ct~~ street st~~~ar~u~~ u~~~~gIa~~~f.:' is ~. of . the PlaMing.and. Zoning construction has been \ r'ais~d restricted to 20-25 feet at street ~ I '. COIrussion, said.. "per front foot. jntersections and to the distance t . "Urban'" planners "call this Sidewalks are req\lired on between the street curb and the , .bro~d brp~h pliutning,'~ ~e ~;tid art e r i ~ I streets, parkways, ou!side. sidewalk line for.S of the' masteJ'plan of pl'JJlClpal streets. SIdewalks must be four drIveway approaches., ~ streets. 'feet wide, except along, COiTI-. Before building, driveway 1: "The ,developer wiQ have mercial streets. Sidewalks along approaches, a property owner ". some leeway to develop a comrpercial streets must be at mus~ obtain a opilcting permit ~ usable 'buHding lot.. We are least four feet,wide. . from ..the cit~'engineer or . ; trying to project certain artehal Petitions for sidewalk. COl.1- buiJding' supeHliSot.,~ stree,tS, 91" ~ajor' streets, 'to struction must be signed b~ 100. The street regulations ?r- ~ carIt' flllffic from tl!e'home to per cent of the property ~wnet:s,; c.!i!lIl!1ce ,ewpowers . the CIty 1 'j'thi!'PI3C. e" s, people want to ,go," Pro~,.',r.t y owners WIll b, e eng. me, ~,t t,Q gv.a,nt variances and.. h~'sa!<!J\. , . '. '. a.sse,~qed $1 per ~ront fO,ot fq~ ~e~eepti?i1~ -to the restri7tions in : ,', -In ".r,esIdential sectIons, th.~onstr)Jction. '.' Jtie,ordmance. '~. regul' ,..'. " , e~jo' n. not 'i "Th~ . ~rf\in'1lnce , will Q' to, l '" ",t ;;" .; . '<;ait-"o.not ..be tI1Ol'e . ~t .long tenpiniltbjg a turnal'ou!t!i with cat leas:! , I a 50 foot radius. ., , I . con e c tor streets ser.\ing r I re,side.nlia I are, as will not be les. s 'than 8 feet wide. 0 J , R.4 goh,! - 0 f"w a y width for ~ I ,. resliientiill tstteets must be at I tleast 44 'leet~'alJd; right-of-way f I, wid th for collector ' streets must f be at least ,6 feet.. r: Arteria.} and commercial ~. I~ stree,ts must have a righi-.of.way"', . width of at teast 70 feet and I" ' a 'pavement width .ofat . least ' . 46 f~t.. , . . "Right-of-Way Width', of park-,I,' ~ way s and boulevards is : restricted to a mininium of 80 ~ feet and pavement width, is l restricted to a minimum of 56/1 I feet. .' t " 1 Parking is permitted on' t r e s,.i-d e n t i a'1. collector and l commercial 'streets, Parking on , , parkways and. boulevards is ! permitted when extra ~pavement , width. is provit1ed and 'where traffic' conditions permit. --J. " " / \--~~, 'I } ~- ,/ / C' ,. , \ . . .,." .~ ";' ~,,' ..', ""-, -;~, '. J" )