HomeMy WebLinkAboutRacing Facility; newspaper article (Jan. 23, 1969)JANUARY 26, 1969 INIIY-STYLE RACING FACILITY TO EE ~ BUILT SOLITN OF COLLEGE STATION The Texas Internation- mayor; D. A. (Andy) An- venture; "I'm very al Speedway, a $b million derson, College Station pleased to see a new in- auto racing facility, which mayor; Ridley Briggs, dustry located in this will rival the Indianapo- Bryan-College Station community. There is no lie Speedway, will be built Chamber of Commerce question but what it will south of College Station, president; Pat Mann, be of value to A&M and Dennig Goehring, presi- chamber executive vice both communities." dent of Bank of A&M, an- president; Joe Buser, re- The rriulti-million dol- nounced today. presenting A&M; Thomas lar track will be among The Texas Internation- F, Vetters, publisher of the finest in the nation, al Speedway, will be part The Bryan Daily Eagle; according [o the owners of the championship race and Lloyd andEnidSmith, who .will be announced at car circuit that includes local realtors who work- the Tuesday meeting. Indianapolis, Milwaukee, ed with the Bank of A&M The track will be built Phoenix, Birmingham and to procure the land. by a Michigan syndicate ;Daytona. A, J. Foyt, along with headed by Detroit de- Cpnstruction of a two- other top racing drivers, veloper Lawrence Lo- mile oval track, which will also be present for Patin. The group recently->, will be located three the announcement. ' opened a track in Michi- '~ miles south of College t begin to say "I can an and controls others in , Station, will begin short- what this will mean to ~anada and Georgia. ly, Bryan-College ~~Station The facilities will be A detailed announce- and Texas A~~vi, Goeh- suitable for Indianapolis- ent of the plan will be ring said. "The total in- type cars, stock cars and' ade Tuesday in Dallas. vestment will be between sports cars. Attending the meeting $5-b million, It will be The site -was chosen for along with Goehring will a tremendous asset to the its central location to the be Bill France, president area, major population centers of NASCAR; Henry Banks, "The Bank of A&M put in Texas. The owners.. director of racing for the United States Auto Club; a tremendous amount of time and effort into mak ~ hope to draw attendance from Dallas, Fort Worth, James Kaser, director of int the plans a reality, San Antonio, Austin, professional activities Goehring added. Waco and Houston. for the Sports Car Ciub of Goehring said that, '.n Goehring said the Tues= America; and J, H. Pas- addition to the track, a day announcement would -ino, special vehicles nager for Ford Motor grandstand will be built with an approximate seat- include specific details as to the size of the plant, capacity of 30,000 in and number facilities h ,roup of business g with accommodations for t , e and dates of races. --epresenting B- ~ at the meet- ` 10,000 persons along the th of the track, n l . g e O `°d to include Earl Rudder, president ~nlee, Bryan of Texas A&M, said of the ~_ _` ~; 1