HomeMy WebLinkAboutDavis & Hall: Meet Your Candidates; newspaper articles (1960s)
, Meet Your Candidate i
,Davis Lists
Dan R. Davis, professor of a retail trade center for the SUr-
Sociology at Texas J\&1\{ Univ~r- rounding counties. Collegl'l Sta-
sity, 'is a candidate for College t10n can, Soon boast of high~rise
Station City Councillllan, Place buildings within its city limits
5, in the election to be held Sat- allll progress will be accelerat_
urday. He is opposed by Dr. ed by development of the Mil1i-
Charles F. Hall. can and Navasota No. 2 dams
Lfstany experience you have and reservoirs.
had in city government, malt- In what areas is the City lack.
agement, or adminJstration Jug? , .
which you leel has helped you It is estimated thi!t within
to Understand ,the n~eds 01 the eight years the student popula-
community" tion alone at Texas A&M 'will
My. residence in the City of have reached 20;000. The citi-
College Station for 40 years and zens of College Station are lag.
service on many Committees at ging in providing adequat~,hous_
a major state educational insti- ing. The deficiency in housing is
tution over a period of 33 years especially true for lower-med.
gives an abundance of exper- ium incollles groups, and this in-
ience in sensitivity to situations, clUdes many stUdents at the Uni-
evaluations, and jUdgment es- versity. The City needs adequate
sential to understanding a.nd street ma-intenanc~ and a con tin-
dealing with the needs of the uing, clean-up and beautifica_
community, In addition, the de- tion program. ,
sign and execution of research What is your opinion on COD-
projects With the Agricultural soUdatJon 01 Bryan and CoUfge
Experiment Station, Engineer_ ~tatJon? ,
ing Experiment Statton, an(i the 'Each c;ity is very capable of
Texas 'lJ'a~sP9rt~UQn !nstitu~e maintaiping its own identity and
ga,:e ,expene~ce ~ pOlicy a.niJ1iJr :Jo,giQalrea~qns, ~ c ~,
"D '~_.e~~~
. IS, r cr'y e P'loy ','
' ~ ~ona.J Jl,\I~' , ldren l!ed~' Salary raises for city ~Ill-
[eration, presl~ent of t~e Brazos ployes should be in relaUQn 'to
(>>unty C9lmCil ,of SocmI ~. rimng and In!Iatiooary ""~ 9(
~~s, .chaU'man .Of the or~g'plii1, living, and adequate tq attraQt A\ 11(
JOInt-board of' dIrectors far ~e and hold competent personnel., aJ I:'lnu
~Brazos County Youth Prol1ation -, JJ? qllnoJI{l
"Se,..;"" and the Braws eo"'y Do you Ioe_.. your po "I"lea,umu
Counseling SerVice, and presi- an expansion o~ the pollce and W lUasaJd
dent of the AAUP were valuable lire department. i aI{l pue
experiences. Ciyic service o!l The rapid population growth OZ se q:ms
u boord' 0' comou."" for 'he ro. as weU a, resldeotia1 aud busl.", suaznl"
"wants Club, Buy 8coU/s, Crest. UOSS developmeo' uf the elly w!II.l1i '''''Uod
. ~ew Home, and, si~ar agen- eventUally reflect justifiableb ~~::lTTn':\
c!e,s added .expenence In the de- needs for an expansion of the po-
CISIOn making process. lice and fire departments.
,', Tl'a,lnJng.., the field of ad_ "'huse ......... "uUld '" ....
IS~r~tion qualifIed ~.e for an ~d- sid 'j! red first when a zoning
'muustrator's CertifIcate as 15- ha is ted? I
ESU~d ..Qy,...the Te~as Edue1ition c nge..;".c req~~ .-;.;.) I
lAgenc.Y. This and the POssession . The overall Intere~ts In seCUj
'Of'a. Permanent Teacher's Certi- ~Ity, health, prosperIty, conv~~1
' ficate indicate a knowledge and Ience, 9nd welfare f~r the Clbj
'insight into one of the most im- zens of C~lle~e StatIOn ~ho~l~
portant institutions in any city, take top prIOrIty over specIal,lDj
I its 'public schools. My research terest groups when zonmg
rand, writings in community de- changes are requested. I
velop'ment, gradUate teaching in I"" , . _
Urban Relations, and research,
inVOlving the affects of transpor_ f
ta:ti6n on land values and urban
d~velopment likewise ~aye in-
sight on the tasks of a city coun-
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projects which you think should
ba started or completed by the
,City Council in the next two
i 1. The development of a future
plant that will provide adequate
streets and thoroughfares and
an evaluation 'of the present
\street needs so as to put them in
good <;ondition, without delay. 1
2, Study of, and action upon, I
[>lans to provide help in the ar- '
,ea of housing for people whq are .
.of various income levels and in
need of housing. ' \
I 3. The fullest cooperation with
:A&M Consolidated School, Tex-
lis A&M University, and the bus-
iness interests of the city. ,
I 4. Improving communications i
between the city administration i
and ALL groups and segments ·
of the local population.
I 5, The enforcement of city or-
ilinances, development of parks,
and practice of economy in gov-
I In what areas do you feel the .
City of College Station excels? ·
I CopegeJ~Uiti9l\ is a proud city.
it is one of a' very. few cities of
kimilar size in the nation that
can boast of containmg a great
educational institution within its
perimeter. College Station,
I,'Home of the Texas Aggies,"
pioneered in this geographic 'ar-
ea in establishing a United
Chest, a lunch program in tile.
public schools, and similar acts
for pr:ogress.
. r The city is beginni!lg an ex<;it-
ing new phase of rapid change,
adjustment and prosperous
growth. In addition to population
growth and iesidential develop-
ment, this city is destined to be-
come increasingly_imnm.:tant.as
~(, ,I,..
r .
.', ~
po.. I Bryan. Colfege Station, Texa. TH E DR
Meet Your Candidate
Hall ,Seeks
Council Post
Dr. Charles F. Hall, professor We need a broader tax base,
of Veterinary Microbiology at which in turn, is dependent.,.upon
Texas A&M University, is a can- the attraction of desirable re-
didate for College Station City search oriented industry.
Councilman, Place 5, in the elec- What is your opinion on con.
tion to be held Saturday. He is solldation of Bryan and College
opposed by Dan R. Dale. Station?
List any experience you have At the present time, merger of
had In city government, man- the two cities is politically 1m-
agement, or administration possible.
wJtlch you feel has helped you to Do you recommend a salary
understand the needs of the raise for city employes?
community. College Station is a communi-
I h~ve had no direct experi- ty of salaried individuals, all of
ence in city government. I was whom look forward to periodic
"defeatd by one vote in. the race merit and cost of living raises:
for Councilman. of Ward III Salaries of city, employes should
when I ran three years ago. As a be upgraded and periodic merit
board member of the College and cost of living raises should
Station United Chest and as .a be given when it can be accqm~
- past president of the College pUshed within the eā¬Onomic re-
Station Lions Club, I feel that I sources of the communtty.
have a basic awareness of the Do you Include iu your pltUc-y
needs of the community. an expansion of the. pollee. lYId
In order of priority, list five fire department? :._
projeets whtch you think slJould y~. As it relates to tile fire
be startef,l' Qr @ompletetl by the department, dOOicated as. it Jl)ay
City Council In the next two be, a fire dep.'al1tment which j~
~ years: primarily v~u.l1teer canlloJPl~et
, I thint that tile p:r;esent mayor the future neeEls,.,of CQtleg~ Sta,~
: ~~ and coullciI ltave don~ .anoex~b .ti9Jk , 0 ~'"'.;...,,: .~~
-~~ lent -job Qf::ijefining-Ri'~ble~al"..j ""'WtiOS~ttl~hounrue~!:O.IF
eas. I feel that it would 00 lP~ ~ch J~ re(jllested'!
sumptu.ous ef llJe to. suggest etht ~J, ' -~hallges lU'e re-
ef projects unijlT,am.more fa,m- que, , .. . the
.dliar with the overall city opera, owners of i
., ~ tion. Certainly tnose,things such the area sho'
""'as upgrading the fire depart- first, provideq this:'
ment, upgradingpQ.lice protect ruct with the long'
,.(iltion, upgrading the phM!lic~l and needs of tne .
· - plants which base: Qity 9pe~- The interests of the'
/. -. (iqt1~" up~ading the s.tre~~.~n4- tleveJ,.qper should be
~ ~ewt:~s, ,alld",,~p.grading p-~rk$ . - ,
will feceive 'continued attentIOn,
Iu what, areas 0 do YQU feel the
CJty of CoJJege Station excels? I ;\r; I'~
',. . ~:~~~~~g:h~~~~~:~~~J'
citizens in commission activitY'1
such as zoning, recreation, etc".
and the manner in which the"
present mayor attempts to com-
municate with the electorate
through open meetings and an.
nual reports. I
Iu whflt areas Is the City lack.
. The city is lacking pr,imatily
in those an:las. whl<<;h; relate to
<-the heed, fOf iner.eas.. ',re\renue.
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